#popeye jones
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texasthrillbilly · 2 years ago
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Tintin meeting other adventure icons.
By Adam Murphy
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johnny-dynamo · 9 months ago
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Tin Tin Meets... by Adam Murphy
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browsethestacks · 1 year ago
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Art by...
1) Zombie Goon
2) E.C. Segar And "Son"
3) E.C. Segar
4) Kelley Jones
5) Otto Schmidt
6) Roger Langridge
7) Marcus Williams
8) Tom Fowler
9) Chris Wahl
10) Steve Mannion
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whowouldwininafite · 1 year ago
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impider · 2 years ago
⇀ ⋯ a heartbreaking text ( from ezra ) to lorelai / @spidersiren
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EZRA : you left without saying a word . EZRA : even when i asked you to stay . EZRA : you don't own me anything , i know that . EZRA : but i can't help but wonder if it ever crossed your mind that i care so much ? EZRA : i'm not here to use you . i don't want anything but you . EZRA : i just want to know . . . did you ever stop to think about how i feel ? EZRA : does it even matter ? EZRA : you probably need space , but i can't just leave without knowing we're okay . EZRA : i'll be waiting here for you , no matter how long you're gone .
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cdchyld · 3 months ago
Just added to Etsy!
~ "Mediascene Prevue: The Magazine of Tomorrows Entertainment" Robin Williams, Shelley Duvall (1980)
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evidenceof · 12 days ago
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Band of Brothers -> BTS Footage (Easy Company Tent): EP 8 The Last Patrol Feat. Characters: Babe Heffron, Popeye Wynn, Moe Alley, Lt. Henry Jones, Shifty Powers, and Joseph Ramirez
hi boys. (that is in fact, babe heffron flipping you off)
(Source: Darrell Alden)
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rockpaperscissuhs · 5 months ago
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Band of Brothers Birthdays
1 John S. Zielinski Jr. (b. 1925)
21 Richard D. “Dick” Winters (b. 1918)
26 Herbert M. Sobel (b. 1912)
30 Clifford Carwood "Lip" Lipton (b. 1920)
31 Warren H. “Skip” Muck (b. 1922) & Robert B. Brewer (b. 1924)
8 Clarence R. Hester (b. 1916)
18 Thomas A. Peacock (b. 1920)
23 Lester A. “Les” Hashey (b. 1925)
1 Charles E. “Chuck” Grant (b. 1922)
2 Colonel Robert L. “Bob” Strayer (b. 1910)
4 Wayne “Skinny” Sisk (b. 1922)
10 Frank J. Perconte (b. 1917)
13 Darrell C. “Shifty” Powers (b. 1923)
14 Joseph J. “Joe” Toye (b. 1919)
24 John D. “Cowboy” Halls (b. 1922)
26 George Lavenson (b. 1917) & George H. Smith Jr. (1922)
27 Gerald J. Loraine (b. 1913)
3 Colonel Robert F. “Bob” Sink (b. 1905) & Patrick S. “Patty” O’Keefe (b. 1926)
5 John T. “Johnny” Julian (b. 1924)
10 Renée B. E. Lemaire (b. 1914)
11 James W. Miller (b. 1924)
15 Walter S. “Smokey” Gordon Jr. (b. 1920)
20 Ronald C. “Sparky” Speirs (b. 1920)
23 Alton M. More (b. 1920)
27 Earl E. “One Lung” McClung (b. 1923) & Henry S. “Hank” Jones Jr. (b. 1924)
28 William J. “Wild Bill” Guarnere (b. 1923)
12 John W. “Johnny” Martin (b. 1922)
16 Edward J. “Babe” Heffron (b. 1923)
17 Joseph D. “Joe” Liebgott (b. 1915)
19 Norman S. Dike Jr. (b. 1918) & Cleveland O. Petty (b. 1924)
25 Albert L. "Al" Mampre (b. 1922)
2 David K. "Web" Webster (b. 1922)
6 Augusta M. Chiwy ("Anna") (b. 1921)
13 Edward D. Shames (b. 1922)
17 George Luz (b. 1921)
18 Roy W. Cobb (b. 1914)
23 Frederick T. “Moose” Heyliger (b. 1916)
25 Albert Blithe (b. 1923)
28 Donald B. "Hoob" Hoobler (b. 1922)
2 Gen. Anthony C. "Nuts" McAuliffe (b. 1898)
7 Francis J. “Frank” Mellet (b. 1920)
8 Thomas Meehan III (b. 1921)
9 John A. Janovec (b. 1925)
10 Robert E. “Popeye” Wynn (b. 1921)
16 William S. Evans (b. 1910)
20 James H. “Moe” Alley Jr. (b. 1922)
23 Burton P. “Pat” Christenson (b. 1922)
29 Eugene E. Jackson (b. 1922)
31 Donald G. "Don" Malarkey (b. 1921)
3 Edward J. “Ed” Tipper (b. 1921)
10 Allen E. Vest (b. 1924)
15 Kenneth J. Webb (b. 1920)
18 Jack E. Foley (b. 1922)
26 Floyd M. “Tab” Talbert (b. 1923) & General Maxwell D. Taylor (b. 1901)
29 Joseph A. Lesniewski (b. 1920)
31 Alex M. Penkala Jr. (b. 1924)
3 William H. Dukeman Jr. (b. 1921)
11 Harold D. Webb (b. 1925)
12 Major Oliver M. Horton (b. 1912)
27 Harry F. Welsh (b. 1918)
30 Lewis “Nix” Nixon III (b. 1918)
5 Joseph “Joe” Ramirez (b. 1921) & Ralph F. “Doc” Spina (b. 1919) & Terrence C. "Salty" Harris (b. 1920)
6 Leo D. Boyle (b. 1913)
10 William F. “Bill” Kiehn (b. 1921)
15 Antonio C. “Tony” Garcia (b. 1924)
17 Eugene G. "Doc" Roe (b. 1922)
21 Lt. Cl. David T. Dobie (b. 1912)
28 Herbert J. Suerth Jr. (b. 1924)
31 Robert "Bob" van Klinken (b. 1919)
11 Myron N. “Mike” Ranney (b. 1922)
20 Denver “Bull” Randleman (b. 1920)
12 John “Jack” McGrath (b. 1919)
31 Lynn D. “Buck” Compton (b. 1921)
Unknown Date
Joseph P. Domingus
Richard J. Hughes (b. 1925)
Maj. Louis Kent
Father John Mahoney
George C. Rice
Military History Fandom Wiki
Band of Brothers Fandom Wiki
Traces of War
Find a Grave
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enlightenedrobot · 1 year ago
Other Characters you can legally use for your Mickey Mouse project
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Mickey Mouse is in the public domain, as is Minnie Mouse and Peg-leg Pete. There's some caveats to that, and I talk about that more in this other post, but for now, let's talk about other characters who you can also use to fill out the cast.
These characters should all be in the public domain, though some characters still have treademarks. I'll get into how to use them safely as we go. Anyways, let's start.
Other Disney Characters
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Disney obvciously doesn't advertise this, but there's actually quite a few Disney originals who've actually been in the public domain for a while.
The Mad Doctor never had it's copyright renewed, and so it's very technically the first Mickey Mouse cartoon to enter the public domain. Keep in mind, the version of Pluto featured in the short isn't in the domain just yet, but the Doctor himself is free to use.
What's funny is that Disney would later use a version of Doctor for Epic Mickey. Obviously don't use that version of the character.
Aside from the Mad Doctor, we also have Oswald and Ortensia
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Yeah, as it turns out, Oswald's been in the public domain for quite a while, but he's still trademarked by Disney. Easy recommendation... use the original "fat" design of the character and have him go by Lucky.
But before Oswald, we have the Alice Comedies
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Everything about the Alice Comedies is Public Domain for a long time, and the Disney corporation very rarely acknowlege these characters existence. Which is a shame because These shorts were some of the first shorts Walt ever produced, and they have the unique gimmick of featuring a live action girl in an animated world.
Everybody already knows about Oswald, but nobody talks about Oswald and Mickey's older brother from these shorts, Julius the Cat
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Like... yeah no, it didn't all start with a mouse. Or a rabbit. It started with a cat.
Foxy and Milton Mouse
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Both Foxy (top) and Milton (bottom, pictured with his girlfriend Rita Mouse) were characters created by Warner Brothers and Van Beuren respectively to cash in on Mickey's success, and both characters are also in the public domain.
In fact, all Van Beuren cartoons are apparently in the public domain, and I encourage you to find their cartoons and use them as you please.
Fleischer Characters
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Betty Boop is probably in the Public Domain, but there's a few caveats with this. From what I can tell, the name Betty Boop is trademarked, but the character herself isn't. Most of the old Betty Cartoons are free to use, but newer incarnations, including the versions used in 1985's The Romance of Betty Boop and 1989's The Betty Boop Movie Mystery are still very much under copyright.
To avoid any legal trouble, I have two big recommendations. Although everybody remembers Betty as having Black hair, in one of the few early instances of Betty being shown in color, she's actually depicted as Redhead.
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This is Betty Boop in 1934's Poor Cinderella, and her hair color is pretty clearly red.
The other option is to just make her black.
Though there's been some debate as to whether Betty Boop was intentionally modeled after Esther Lee Jones or not, there's still no denying the influence of Jazz on the character. Betty Boop is a Jazz singer and is often depicted dancing to Cab Calloway. Hell, the Betty Boop musical features Jasmine Amy Rogers as the titular character.
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Betty Boop aside, there's an entire world of defunct Betty Boop characters who are definately public domain, including Bimbo and Koko the Clown.
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Next year, Popeye's also gonna enter the Domain. So keep an eye out for him too.
Anyways, these are my picks, but obviously this list isn't meant to be comprehensive. There's a ton of old cartoon characters out there who can be freely reinterpreted into newer works. Feel free to add your own favorite public domain cartoon to the list.
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oatflatwhite · 9 months ago
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A completely serious presentation by @pegasusdrawnchariots and oatflatwhite
written version under the cut!
♈️Patrick O’Keefe [April 3 1926] ♈️Robert Sink [April 3 1905] ♈️John Julian [5 April 1924] ♈️Renée Lemaire [10 April 1914] ♈️James Miller [11 April 1924] ♈️Walter “Smokey” Gordon [April 15 1920] ♉️~Ronald Speirs [April 20 1920] ♉️Alton More [April 22 1920] ♉️Henry Jones [27 April 1924] ♉️Edward “Babe” Heffron [May 16 1923] ♉️John Martin [May 12 1922] ♉️Joseph Liebgott [May 17 1915] ♉️Norman Dike [May 19 1918] ♉️William Guarnere [April 28 1923] ♊️David Webster [June 2 1922] ♊️George Luz [June 17 1921] ♊️Roy Cobb [June 18 1914] ♋️Frederick “Moose” Heyliger [June 23 1916] ♋️Albert Blithe [June 25 1923] ♋️Donald Hoobler [28 June 1922] ♋️Thomas Meehan [8 July 1921] ♋️John Janovec [9 July 1925] ♋️Robert “Popeye” Wynn [July 10 1921] ♋️James "Moe" Alley [July 20 1922] ♌️~Burton “Pat” Christenson [July 23 1922] ♌️Eugene Jackson [29 July 1922] ♌️Donald Malarkey [July 31 1921] ♌️Edward Tipper [3 August 1921] ♍️Floyd Talbert [August 26 1923] ♍️Alex Penkala [August 30 1922] ♍️William Dukeman [3 September 1921] ♎️Eugene Roe [October 17 1922] ♎️Harry Welsh [September 27 1918] ♎️Lewis Nixon [September 30 1918] ♎️Ralph Spina [October 5 1919] ♎️Thomas Peacock [October 9 1923] ♏️Denver “Bull” Randleman [November 20 1920] ♑️Lynn “Buck” Compton [December 31 1921] ♑️Antonio Garcia [January 17 1925] ♒️Richard "Dick" Winters [January 21 1918] ♒️Herbert Sobel [January 26 1912] ♒️Carwood Lipton [January 30 1920] ♒️Warren “Skip” Muck [January 31 1922] ♓️Lester Hashey [23 February 1925] ♓️Charles “Chuck” Grant [1 March 1922] ♓️Robert Strayer [March 2 1912] ♓️Wayne “Skinny” Sisk [March 4 1922] ♓️Frank Perconte [March 10 1917] ♓️Darrell “Shifty” Powers [March 13 1923] ♓️Joseph Toye [March 14 1919]
6 Aries 🥉 8 Taurus 🥇 3 Gemini 7 Cancer 🥈 4 Leo 3 Virgo 5 Libra 1 Scorpio 0 Sagittarius 🥄 2 Capricorn 4 Aquarius 7 Pisces 🥈
10 🔥 13 🪨 12 💨 15 💧
20 cardinal 17 fixed 13 mutable
22 masculine 28 feminine
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oftlunarialmoon · 9 months ago
Cats Don't Dance
The Borrowers
Osmosis Jones
Bratz Live Action Movie
Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer
Ugly Dolls
Old/B Horror Movies (scary warning)
Maya the Bee Movie
Sailor Moon S the Movie
Sailor Moon SuperS the Movie
Alpha & Omega: Journey to Bear Kingdom
Snow White
A Stork's Journey
The Ant Bully
Uncle P
I Am T-Rex
The Clique
Dan Vs. - The Wolf-Man
The Breadwinner
Just My Luck
Twilight Zone: The Movie
Daisies (1966) (one of my favourite art films from Czechoslovakia in the pre-soviet era)
Into the Woods (2014)
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Sailor Moon (Original Japanese)
The Carol Burnett Show
Popeye Cartoon
Naruto (English Subtitled) (Subbed)
H2O: Just Add Water
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Hunter x Hunter (Subbed) (Subbed)
The Neverending Story
It Takes Two
Peanuts: Race for Your Life Charlie Brown
Thunder And The House Of Magic
Quest for Camelot
Adventures Of Shark Boy And Lava Girl
Arthur's Missing Pal
Ghost Hunters International
The Big Comfy Couch
Me, Eloise!
Kitchen Nightmares
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy
Death Note (Subbed) (Subbed)
Candid Camera
Flash Gordon
Street Fighter - The Animated Series
Hell's Kitchen
Captain Simian & the Space Monkeys
Hello Kitty
The Storyteller
The Weird Al Show
Treehouse Masters
Inuyasha (Subbed) (Subbed)
Care Bears: Grizzle-ly Adventures
Wow, I Never Knew That!
Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader
Bruno & The Banana Bunch
Care Bears: Welcome to Care-A-Lot
Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction
Patchwork Pals
Storm Chasers
Little Rascals Shorts
The Lone Ranger
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Baby Einstein Classics
Baby Einstein: The Sandbox
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smilesession · 4 months ago
Hey man I've been watching some Wicked and Dune recently, what kind of movies do you like?
Nice I like The Heart of the World, Basket Case, Threads, Altered States, Der Himmel über Berlin, Das Weisse Band, Сталкер, Psychedelic Glue-Sniffin' Hillbillies, Julien Donkey-Boy, Badlands, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, Guyana Tragedy: the Story of Jim Jones, Streets of Fire, Bicycle Thieves, Koyaanisqatsi, Possession, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, The Saddest Music in the World, Fehérlófia, Gothic, The Dark Backward, No No Nooky T.V., Tetsuo the Iron Man, Janet Planet, Dead Man, Septien, They Eat Scum, Possibly in Michigan, Face Like a Frog, Multiple Maniacs, Slacker, Caché, Melancholia, Down by Law, Black Christmas, The Florida Project, The Deer Hunter, Soylent Green, Bar-B-Que Movie, Sweetie, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Paris Texas, Night on Earth, mother!, Brain Damage, Иди и смотри, Asteroid City, Barnyard, Shredder Orpheus, Reality 86'd, Carnival of Souls, Tales from the Quadead Zone, Old, We're All Going to the World's Fair, Scorpio Rising, Gummo, Waiting for Guffman, Grey Gardens, American Movie, The Devil and Daniel Johnston, The Maestro: King of the Cowboy Artists, Trash Humpers, Turtle Dreams, Perfect Lives, Begotten, À ma sœur!, The Beaver Trilogy, Stranger than Paradise, The Holy Mountain, The Eyes of My Mother, I'm Thinking of Ending Things, Kinds of Kindness, The Piano, The Lighthouse, House, Frailty, Hated, Phantom of the Paradise, Cry-Baby, Popeye, Jeanne Dielman 23 quai du Commerce 1080 Bruxelles, Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, Cruel Story of Youth, Hiroshima mon Amour, Last Year at Marienbad, Memorias del subdesarrollo, Easy Rider, Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans, Pink Flamingos, Κυνόδοντας, Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas, Me and You and Everyone We Know, Hands on a Hard Body, PlayTime, Female Trouble, The Lovely Bones, My Dinner with Andre, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, π, Scanners,
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fuskida · 3 months ago
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Comme des Garçons Homme Plus - Autumn/Winter 2007-2008 (c) POPEYE August, 2007. Photography: Rrosemary Styling: Keisube Baba Hair & Make-up: Tomita Sato Model: Danny Milliner: Stephen Jones
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thislovintime · 3 months ago
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Photo (from 1997) by Marilyn Ingram, via LAAC.
“Tork took time out from a round of TV appearances to give the keynote speech at a recognition awards and joint holiday breakfast for two Bay Area Employment of People with Disabilities groups. […] ‘I’ve never talked before about my intimate life,’ he told the audience in the ballroom of the Sunnyvale Hilton. Tork then plunged into a deep, wide-ranging explanation of why he originally thought he drank and what changed that reasoning and helped him maintain sobriety. ‘I’m worried you’ll think I’m off my rocker,’ he said. ‘You probably didn’t come here to hear something like this. You want to hear about Davy Jones. Well, he comes up to here on me, speaks with an English accent and sometimes is a pain in the ass.’ That got a laugh. But most of Tork’s words were as sober as he says he’s been for more than 16 years. Although his audience was filled with suits and dress ensembles on both men and women, Tork wore jeans, cowboy boots, a vividly embroidered vest, a bright blue print shirt and slung over his chair a leather jacket with Popeyes cartoon characters cavorting on the back. Tork said he argued continually with his cold, unemotional father, came from a dysfunctional family and drank to drown his sorrow, loneliness and feelings of being left out and different. ‘I realize now everybody has those feelings. Who hasn’t suffered? It’s universal. Buddha says all people suffer, not just the disabled. I’ve come to the conclusion that life stunts your growth. We all get scars. No one gets out of life unscathed.’ When he didn’t drink, Tork said, all the people who knew him didn’t like him. So he drank and found that once he started, he couldn’t stop. He finally surrendered to the idea he couldn’t do it himself and looked to a higher power for help. Tork worried out loud that his talk about God might offend atheists in the audience. ‘I can’t put it into words and don’t want to use the wrong terms,’ he said. ‘But you can’t nail it down. I know the answer for me is to be part of something larger, whatever it is. Bob Dylan wrote a song that had the line “You’re gonna have to serve someone.” Life demands that we rely on other people. It’s a curse to believe you’re too independent.’ Finally, Tork summed up his philosophy: ‘It’s no official doctrine we’re speaking about. We’re just talking about community.’” - Ventura County Star, December 13, 1996
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goshdangronpa · 6 months ago
I've been made aware of something called Fave Character Bingo! This took me three hours to come up with T_T
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Ibuki Mioda (Super Danganronpa 2)
Eddy (Ed, Edd n Eddy)
HAL 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey)
Benoit Blanc (Knives Out/Glass Onion)
Nicole (Class of 09)
A Square (Flatland (the 2007 film))
Eve (The Bible (don't @ me))
Slender Man (uh, the internet)
Ray Smuckles (Achewood)
Don Quixote (Don Quixote)
Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho (the 2000 film))
Hamlet (Hamlet)
Jeanne (Belladonna of Sadness)
George Costanza (Seinfeld)
Yzma (The Emperor's New Groove)
Squidward Tentacles (Spongebob Squarepants)
Dr. Henry Jones, Sr. (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)
Popeye the Sailor Man (The Fleischer Studios Popeye cartoons)
Nausicaä (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)
Waluigi (Brawl in the Family)
Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket)
Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi)
Miu Iruma (Danganronpa V3)
I tried to stick to one DR character and couldn't lmao
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clarktooncrossing · 2 months ago
Y'know what's funny? All last year peeps kept liking my 'Didn't Wanna Feel Old' journal from 2023. One commenter said I should make a new one for 2024. Jee, ya' don't say? Guess you missed how that was already a thing. Was nobody interested in seeing what all reached a major milestone back in 2024? Ghostbusters, Ninja Turtles, Transformers, they all celebrated their 40th Anniversary, Lion King had its 30th, a lot of cool stuff got that much older. Shame nobody seemed to notice. Ah well, maybe 2025 will be better. Especially when a certain someone is celebrating his own major milestone this year. When, exactly? Read to find out!
Video Game
Theme Park ride
Date of Debut
Anything from 1975 turns 50 this year, including...
"Low Rider" by War
Space Mountain (Magic Kingdom) - January 15th
The Jeffersons - January 18th
"Shining Star" by Earth, Wind, & Fire - January 21st
Barney Miller - January 23rd
"Mamma Mia" by ABBA - March 12th
Terror of Mechagodzilla - March 15th
"Sister Golden Hair" by America - March 19th
Disney Springs - March 22nd
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - April 3rd
Microsoft - April 4th
Super Sentai - April 5th
Aerosmith's Toys in the Attic - April 8th
Bronze Tiger (DC Comics) - May
"Rhinestone Cowboy" by Glen Campbell - May 26th
"Fame" by David Bowie - June 2nd
Chicago - June 3rd
"One of Those Nights" by Eagles - June 10th
"That's the Way (I Like It)" by KC and the Sunshine Band - June 10th
"Why Can't We Be Friends?" by War - June 16th
Jaws - June 20th
The Apple Dumpling Gang - July 1st
Moon Knight (MARVEL) - August
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - August 15th
The Great Grape Ape Show - September 6th
The New Tom & Jerry Show - September 6th
Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here - September 12th
Ben Reily (MARVEL) - October
Saturday Night Live - October 11th
The Wiz - October 21st
"Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen - October 31st
NBC's Wonder Woman - November 7th
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - November 19th
Lady Shiva (DC Comics) - December
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Anything from 1980 turns 45 this year, including...
X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga / Emma Frost / Kitty Pryde (MARVEL) - January
Dazzler (MARVEL) - February
Hobgoblin (MARVEL) - March
"Funkytown" by Lipps Inc. - March 11th
Game & Watch - April 28th
Taskmaster (MARVEL) - May
Friday the 13th - May 9th
"It's Still Rock and Roll to Me" by Billy Joel - May 12th
The Empire Strikes Back - May 21st
The Blues Brothers - June 20th
Herbie Goes Bananas - June 27th
Missile Command - July
PAC-MAN - July
Airplane! - July 2nd
Cheech and Chong's Next Movie - July 18th
Caddyshack - July 25th
Xanadu - August 8th
"Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen - August 22nd
The New Teen Titans (DC Comics) - October
The Creature Commandos (DC Comics) - November
The Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo - November 8th
Alligator - November 14th
Flash Gordon - December 5th
Magnum, P.I. - December 11th
Popeye - December 12th
9 to 5 - December 19th
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Anything from 1985 turns 40 this year, including...
Ice Climber - January 30th
Brazil - February 20th
"Crazy for You" by Madonna - March 2nd
Moonlighting - March 3rd
"We Are the World" by USA for Africa - March 7th
"Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears - March 15th
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning - March 22nd
The Care Bears Movie - March 29th
Casey Jones (TMNT) - April
Crisis on Infinite Earths (DC Comics) - April
Web of Spider-Man (MARVEL) - April
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? - April 23rd
Commando - May
Mogo (DC Comics) - May
Rambo: First Blood Part II - May 22nd
John Constantine (DC Comics) - June
Silver Sable (MARVEL) - June
The Goonies - June 7th
"The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and the News - June 17th
Return to Oz - June 21st
"Money for Nothing" by Dire Straits - June 28th
St. Elmo's Fire - June 28th
Secret Wars II (MARVEL) - July
Back to the Future - July 3rd
Red Sonja - July 3rd
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome - July 10th
Ghosts 'n Goblins - July 17th
Day of the Dead - July 19th
The Black Cauldron - July 24th
National Lampoon's European Vacation - July 26th
R.O.B. - July 26th
Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird - August 2nd
Weird Science - August 2nd
Pee-wee's Big Adventure - August 9th
Teen Wolf - August 23rd
"We Built This City" by Starship - August 26th
The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo - September 7th
Ewoks - September 7th
Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO - September 7th
ThunderCats - September 9th
Super Mario Bros. - September 13th
Adventures of the Gummi Bears - September 14th
Care Bears - September 14th
Golden Girls - September 14th
Little Muppet Monsters - September 14th
The Wuzzles - September 14th
Spider-Man: The Death of Jean DeWolff (MARVEL) - October
Commando - October 4th
Gauntlet - October 15th
Re-Animator - October 18th
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge - November 1st
Rocky IV - November 27th
Santa Claus: The Movie - November 27th
Young Sherlock Holmes - December 4th
The Color Purple - December 18th
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Anything from 1990 turns 35 this year, including...
Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III - January 12th
The Hunt for Red October - March 2nd
"Vogue" by Madonna - March 20th
Pretty Woman - March 23rd
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (film) - March 30th
Snake's Revenge: Metal Gear 2 - April
Ernest Goes to Jail - April 6th
Twin Peaks - April 8th
In Living Color - April 15th
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light - April 20th
Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue - April 21st
Barney & the Backyard Gang: Waiting for Santa - April 30th
The Muppets at Walt Disney World - May 6th
Back to the Future Part III - May 25th
The Witches - May 25th
Barney & the Backyard Gang: Campfire Sing-Along - May 30th
Total Recall - June 1st
Universal Orlando - June 7th
Dick Tracy / Rollercoaster Rabbit - June 15th
RoboCop 2 - June 22nd
Gremlins 2: The New Batch - June 15th
Gambit (MARVEL) - July
Die Hard 2 - July 4th
Jetsons: The Movie - July 6th
Ghost - July 13th
Arachnophobia - July 18th
"Blaze of Glory" by Jon Bon Jovi - July 21st
Dr. Mario - July 27th
Pit-Fighter - August
DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp - August 3rd
Barney & the Backyard Gang: Barney Goes to School - August 15th
Darkman - August 24th
Jim Henson's Mother Goose Stories - August 25th
The New Adventures of He-Man - September 1st
TaleSpin - September 7th
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (TV show) - September 8th
Tom & Jerry Kids - September 8th
The Disney Afternoon - September 10th
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - September 10th
"Thunderstruck" by AC/DC - September 10th
Law & Order - September 13th
Captain Planet and the Planeteers - September 15th
Goodfellas - September 19th
Wing Commander - September 26th
Mega Man 3 - September 28th
The Secret of Monkey Island - October
Beverly Hills, 90210 - October 4th
Sega Game Gear - October 6th
Troll 2 - October 12th
Night of the Living Dead - October 19th
"Freedom! '90" by George Michael - October 30th
Child's Play 2 - November 9th
Home Alone - November 16th
The Rescuers Down Under / The Prince & the Pauper - November 16th
Rocky V - November 16th
"Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)" by C+C Music Factory - November 18th
It - November 18th
The Nutcracker Prince - November 21st
Predator 2 - November 21st
Super Mario World - November 21st
Edward Scissorhands - December 7th
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: Movie Set Adventure (Disney's Hollywood Studios) - December 17th
Kindergarten Cop - December 21st
The Godfather Part III - December 25th
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Anything from 1995 turns 30 this year, including...
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse (MARVEL)
Tales from the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight - January 12th
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - January 16th
Star Trek: Voyager - January 16th
Circle of Life: An Environmental Fable (EPCOT) - January 21st
The O.J. Simpson Trial - January 24th
"This Is How We Do It" by Montell Jordan - February 6th
The Brady Bunch Movie - February 17th
blink182's Cheshire Cat - February 17th
What a Cartoon! - February 20th
Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye (Disneyland) - March 4th
Star Wars: Dark Forces - March 8th
Chrono Trigger - March 11th
Discworld - March 17th
Major Payne - March 24th
Mega Man 7 - March 24th
Tommy Boy - March 31st
Mortal Kombat 3 - April
Disney's Blizzard Beach - April 1st
Bad Boys - April 7th
A Goofy Movie - April 7th
The Pebble and the Penguin - April 12th
Super Bomberman 3 - April 28th
"Mr. Boombastic" by Shaggy - May
Die Hard with a Vengeance - May 19th
Braveheart - May 24th
Tales from the Hood - May 24th
Casper - May 26th
Congo - June 9th
Batman Forever - June 16th
Pocahontas (nobody's favorite Disney movie) - June 23rd
Apollo 13 - June 30th
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie - June 30th
Comix Zone - July
A Day in the Park with Barney (Universal Orlando) - July 11th
The Indian in the Cupboard - July 14th
Castlevania: Dracula X - July 21st
Waterworld - July 28th
Tekken 2 - August
"Gangsta's Paradise" by Coolio - August 1st
Babe - August 4th
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - August 5th
"You Are Not Alone" by Michael Jackson - August 15th
Mortal Kombat (film) - August 18th
Phantasmagoria - August 24th
Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest - September
Rayman - September 1st
Xena: Warrior Princess - September 4th
The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa - September 8th
Earthworm Jim (TV series) - September 9th
Freakazoid! - September 9th
Pinky and the Brain - September 9th
The Mark Walberg Show - September 11th
The Drew Carey Show - September 13th
Seven - September 22nd
Showgirls - September 22nd
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers - September 29th
Little Bear - October 7th
Street Fighter: The Animated Series - October 21st
Goosebumps (TV series) - October 27th
Leaving Las Vegas - October 27th
Dumb and Dumber: The Animated Series - October 28th
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream - October 31st
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls - November 10th
Twisted Metal - November 10th
Me - November 13th
GoldenEye - November 17th
Worms - November 17th
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest - November 21st
Toy Story - November 22nd
Mega Man X3 - December 1st
Warcraft II - December 5th
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - The Animated Series - December 13th
Jumanji - December 15th
Dracula: Dead and Loving It - December 22nd
Final Fight 3 - December 22nd
Tom & Huck - December 22nd
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Anything from 2000 turns 25 this year, including...
Malcolm in the Middle - January 9th
"Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down - January 18th
Jack of All Trades - January 22nd
Scream 3 - February 4th
The Sims - February 4th
The Tigger Movie - February 11th
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue - February 12th
Reindeer Games - February 25th
Disney's The Weekenders - February 26th
An Extremely Goofy Movie - February 29th
PlayStation 2 - March 4th
Whispers: An Elephant's Tale - March 10th
Final Destination - March 17th
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes - March 23rd
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - March 24th
Leprechaun in the Hood - March 28th
The Road to El Dorado - March 31st
Between the Lions - April 3rd
American Psycho - April 14th
"With Arms Wide Open" by Creed - April 18th
Mega Man Legends 2 - April 20th
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - April 27th
The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas - April 28th
Excitebike 64 - May 2nd
Gladiator - May 5th
Battlefield Earth - May 12th
"It's Gonna Be Me" by N*SYNC - May 16th
DINOSAUR - May 19th
Perfect Dark - May 22nd
Shanghai Noon - May 26th
Clerks: The Animated Series - May 31st
Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption - June 7th
Gone in 60 Seconds - June 9th
Titan A.E. - June 16th
Even Stevens - June 17th
Chicken Run - June 23rd
Deus Ex - June 23rd
Me, Myself & Irene - June 23rd
Diablo II - June 28th
Mortal Kombat: Special Forces - June 29th
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle - June 30th
Final Fantasy IX - July 7th
Scary Movie - July 7th
X-Men - July 14th
Thomas and the Magic Railroad - July 14th
Mario Tennis - July 21st
Nutty Professor II: The Klumps - July 28th
Paper Mario - August 11th
Dora the Explorer - August 14th
Come on Over to Barney's House - August 15th
Maggie and the Ferocious Beast - August 26th
Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet the Wolfman - August 29th
Spider-Man - August 30th
Clifford the Big Red Dog (TV series) - September 4th
Pooh's Hunny Hunt (Tokyo Disneyland) - September 5th
Jackie Chan Adventures - September 9th
Teacher's Pet - September 9th
MTV Cribs - September 12th
O Brother, Where Art Thou? - September 15th
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea (yuk) - September 19th
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 - September 19th
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn - September 21st
Remember the Titans - September 29th
Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers - October
Jackass - October 1st
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command - October 2nd
Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders - October 3rd
Meet the Parents - October 6th
Spyro: Year of the Dragon - October 10th
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 - October 27th
Charlie's Angels - November 3rd
X-Men: Evolution - November 4th
Half-Life: Counter-Strike - November 9th
The Grinch - November 10th
Little Nicky - November 10th
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas - November 17th
Rugrats in Paris: The Movie - November 17th
Tomb Raider: Chronicles - November 17th
Hitman: Codename 47 - November 19th
Banjo-Tooie - November 20th
102 Dalmatians - November 22nd
Unbreakable - November 22nd
Grinchmas at Universal Orlando - December
Evil Dead: Hail to the King - December 5th
Dungeons & Dragons (film) - December 8th
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker - December 12th
Dude, Where's My Car? - December 15th
The Emperor's New Groove - December 15th
Cast Away - December 22nd
Be My Valentine Love, Barney - December 26th
Aqua Teen Hunger Force - December 30th
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law - December 30th
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Anything from 2005 turns 20 this year, including...
The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson - January 3rd
Zoey 101 - January 9th
Resident Evil 4 - January 11th
Elektra - January 14th
Racing Stripes - January 14th
American Dragon: Jake Long - January 21st
Are We There Yet? - January 21st
Playboy: The Mansion - January 25th
Power Rangers S.P.D. - February 5th
Aloha, Scooby-Doo! - February 8th
Pooh's Heffalump Movie - February 11th
YouTube - February 14th
Constantine - February 18th
Son of the Mask - February 18th
Robot Chicken - February 20th
Avatar: The Last Airbender - February 21st
Star Wars: Republic Commando - March 1st
Robots - March 11th
"We Belong Together" by Mariah Carey - March 15th
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody - March 18th
God of War - March 22nd
"Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani - March 22nd
The Office (US version) - March 24th
Krypto the Superdog - March 25th
Doctor Who, Revival Era - March 26th
Grey's Anatomy - March 27th
"Beverly Hills" by Weezer - March 28th
Lego Star Wars: The Video Game - March 29th
Sin City - April 1st
Kim Possible Movie: So the Drama - April 8th
Deadliest Catch - April 12th
Popeye: Rush for Spinach - April 19th
Psychonauts - April 19th
The Muppets Wizard of Oz - April 27th
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith - May 19th
Madagascar - May 27th
Hell's Kitchen - May 30th
House of M (MARVEL) - June
Cinderella Man - June 3rd
Mr. & Mrs. Smith - June 10th
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D - June 10th
Tarzan II - June 14th
Batman Begins - June 15th
The Buzz on Maggie - June 17th
Breakfast with Bear - June 20th
Battlefield 2 - June 21st
Destroy All Humans! - June 21st
Herbie: Fully Loaded - June 22nd
Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds - June 29th
Fantastic Four - July 8th
Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix - July 14th
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - July 15th
So You Think You Can Dance - July 20th
Mario Superstar Baseball - July 21st
Sky High - July 29th
Worms 4: Mayhem - July 29th
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - August 4th
"Photograph" by Nickelback - August 8th
Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch - August 30th
Go, Diego, Go! - September 6th
The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King - September 8th
Hong Kong Disneyland - September 12th
Evil Dead: Regeneration - September 13th
Supernatural - September 13th
Johnny Test - September 17th
Loonatics Unleashed - September 17th
How I Met Your Mother - September 19th
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks - September 19th
Tak: The Great Juju Challenge - September 19th
"My Humps" by Black Eyed Peas - September 20th
Everybody Hates Chris - September 22nd
Ultimate Spider-Man - September 22nd
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit - October 14th
The Batman vs. Dracula - October 18th
Quake 4 - October 18th
Shadow of the Colossus - October 18th
Call of Duty 2 - October 25th
Nicktoons Unite! - October 26th
The Legend of Zorro - October 28th
Star Wars: Battlefront II - October 28th
Saw II - October 28th
Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures - November 1st
Chicken Little - November 4th
Guitar Hero - November 8th
Zathura: A Space Adventure - November 11th
Shadow the Hedgehog - November 15th
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie - November 17th
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - November 18th
Super Mario Strikers - November 18th
Rent - November 23rd
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - December 8th
Brokeback Mountain - December 9th
The Phantom of the Opera - December 10th
Kronk's New Groove - December 13th
Peter Jackson's King Kong (aka the best version) - December 13th
The Producers - December 16th
Kingdom Hearts II - December 22nd
Ben 10 - December 27th
Mulan II - December 28th
Smash Mouth's The Gift of Rock
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Anything from 2010 turns 15 this year, including...
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - January 9th
Mass Effect 2 - January 26th
Star Trek Online - February 2nd
Dante's Inferno - February 4th
BioShock 2 - February 9th
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief - February 12th
The Wolfman - February 12th
Aliens vs. Predator - February 16th
Heavy Rain - February 18th
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing - February 23rd
Mega Man 10 - March 10th
Alice in Wonderland - March 5th
Pink Panther and Pals - March 7th
God of War III - March 16th
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - March 19th
Just Cause 2 - March 23rd
Hot Tub Time Machine - March 26th
How to Train Your Dragon - March 26th
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse - April 2nd
Adventure Time - April 5th
Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated - April 5th
"Teach Me How to Dougie" by Cali Swag District - April 12th
Fruit Ninja - April 21st
Generator Rex - April 23rd
A Nightmare on Elm Street - April 30th
Kick-Ass - March 26th
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands - May
"I Like It" by Enrique Iglesias - May 3rd
"California Gurls" by Katy Perry (and Snoop Dogg) - May 7th
Iron Man 2 - May 7th
Red Dead Redemption - May 18th
Shrek Forever After - May 21st
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - May 23rd
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - May 28th
"Dynamite" by Taio Cruz - May 30th
Marmaduke - June 4th
The A-Team - June 11th
The Karate Kid - June 11th
World of Color (Disney's California Adventure) - June 11th
Toy Story 3: The Video Game - June 15th
Inception - June 16th
Jonah Hex - June 18th
Toy Story 3 - June 18th
Transformers: War for Cybertron - June 22nd
Grown Ups - June 25th
Lego Harry Potter: Years 1–4 - June 25th
The Last Airbender (ew) - July 1st
Despicable Me - July 9th
Predators - July 9th
The Sorcerer's Apprentice - July 14th
"Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars - July 20th
Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry - July 23rd
Limbo - July 21st
MasterChef - July 27th
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty - July 27th
Phineas and Ferb Summer Belongs to You - August 2nd
The Expendables - August 13th
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - August 13th
Metroid: Other M - August 31st
MAD (TV series) - September 6th
Regular Show - September 6th
The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! - September 6th
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions - September 7th
Amnesia: The Dark Descent - September 8th
Halo: Reach - September 14th
Alpha and Omega - September 17th
Easy A - September 17th
FЯED: THE MOVIE - September 18th
Pokémon Black and White - September 18th
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - September 22nd
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole - September 24th
The Social Network - October 1st
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - October 4th
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - October 10th
Just Dance 2 - October 12th
Fallout: New Vegas - October 19th
"Firework" by Katy Perry - October 26th
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II - October 26th
Megamind - November 5th
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - November 16th
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX - November 17th
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 - November 19th
Donkey Kong Country Returns - November 21st
The Nutcracker: The Untold Story - November 24th
Tangled - November 24th
Epic Mickey - November 25th
Tron: Evolution - November 25th
Transformers: Prime - November 29th
Black Swan - December 3rd
Doritos Crash Course - December 8th
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - December 9th
Tron: Legacy - December 17th
Yogi Bear - December 17th
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Anything from 2015 turns 10 this year, including...
Strange Magic - January 23rd
Grim Fandango: Remastered - January 27th
Life is Strange - January 20th
The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water - February 6th
The Lego Movie Videogame - February 7th
Evolve - February 10th
Fifty Shades of Grey - February 13th
The Order: 1886 - February 20th
Five Nights at Freddy's 3 - March 2nd
Helldivers - March 3rd
Critical Role - March 12th
Mario Party 10 - March 12th
Cinderella / Frozen Fever - March 13th
Transformers: Robots in Disguise - March 14th
The Late Late Show with James Corden - March 23rd
Bloodborne - March 24th
Star vs. the Forces of Evil - March 30th
Archie vs. Predator - April
I Am Bread - April 9th
Marvel's Daredevil - April 10th
Mortal Kombat X - April 14th
Monkey Kingdom - April 17th
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 - April 17th
Secret Wars (MARVEL) - May
Avengers: Age of Ultron - May 1st
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - May 5th
Mad Max: Fury Road - May 14th
Pitch Perfect 2 - May 15th
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - May 19th
Tomorrowland - May 22nd
Splatoon - May 28th
Jurassic World - June 12th
Lego Jurassic World - June 12th
Inside Out - June 19th
Batman: Arkham Knight - June 23rd
Terminator Genisys - July 1st
Magic Mike XXL - July 1st
Minions - July 10th
Ant-Man - July 17th
Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! - Jully 22nd
Five Nights at Freddy's 4 - July 23rd
Pixels - July 24th
Angry Birds 2 - July 30th
Descendants - July 31st
"Hotline Bling" by Drake - July 31st
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation - July 31st
Fant4stic - August 4th
Fear the Walking Dead - August 23rd
Until Dawn - August 25th
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - September 8th
Super Mario Maker - September 10th
Undertale - September 15th
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Friendship Games - September 17th
Skylanders: SuperChargers - September 20th
The Muppets - September 22nd
Lego Dimensions - September 27th
Hotel Transylvania 2 - September 25th
The Martian - September 30th
Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! - October 5th
Goosebumps - October 16th
Assassin's Creed Syndicate - October 23rd
Jem and the Holograms - October 23rd
Spectre - October 26th
Supergirl - October 26th
Halo 5: Guardians - October 27th
Ash vs Evil Dead - October 31st
The Peanuts Movie - November 6th
Fallout 4 - November 10th
Marvel's Jessica Jones - November 20th
The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar - November 22nd
The Good Dinosaur - November 25th
Krampus - December 4th
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip - December 18th
Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens - December 18th
The Hateful Eight - December 25th
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Other Interesting Milestones
The Band Concert, the Mickey Mouse cartoon that inspired me to become a cartoonist, turns 80 on February 23rd
Pinocchio and Fantasia turn 85 on November 13th
Disneyland Resort turns 70 on July 17th
Popeye, Tintin, several more Mickey Mouse shorts, and the song "Singing in the Rain" falls into the Public Domain
Did seeing anything on this list make you feel old? Was there something I forgot to mention? Feel free to let me know in the comments. And what are your resolutions for 2025? Here are mine:
Finish what I start.
Beat Epic Mickey at long last!
Draw 2-3 DUDELZ of the Damned every month.
Post something new (mostly) everyday.
Bring back the 12 Days of Clarktoons this December.
Make money off my artwork somehow.
Get in shape and cut back on the soda.
Run a Dungeons and Dragons campaign based on Wizard of Oz!
Have an awesome year before turning 30!
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