#poor struggles
chibelial · 5 months
You’re obligated to send my aid links to anybody you know that’s got money, by the way.
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ladyof1000masks · 5 months
I need to make a quick 100 bucks
No, I'm not going to sell nudes. No titty pic or pussy portraits (unless you're talking about my cats). I tried to sell my PS4 and all the games with it in town but the Tech Peddler is never open. Mfer is always in Boston. This is like the 20th time this year.
The nearest pawn shop just closed so I'm shit out of luck. Stingy bastards wouldn't give me what I need anyway. I need cat food and gas money damn it. WTF am I going to do. I don't even know how to set up donations. I'm low this month because we had to register our car (our only means of transportation in a rural area) and that bitch cost A LOT to register. Holy shit.
I can't draw as well as any of the awesome artists I'm following.
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abracadaze · 2 years
i feel so bad for nikola tesla like imagine spending years beefing with a guy who has conned the public into believing he's some sort of supergenius when in reality it's his overworked employees developing all of his world-changing inventions and you end up dying broke and starving and alone and then 100 years later another guy cons the public into believing he's some sort of supergenius when in reality it's his overworked employees developing all of his world-changing inventions and he's doing it all IN YOUR NAME. he must be rolling in his grave like a fucking rotisserie chicken
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yay water
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time to drink water woo hoo yay
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Do any of you ever wonder if Camp Half-Blood accidentally brought in a demigod of a different pantheon before?
This would be especially hilarious if it happens sometime after The Last Olympian/Heroes of Olympus, where the gods are required to claim their kids quickly.
A whole day passes, and the new demigod needs to sleep in the Hermes Cabin and Percy is furious. Meanwhile, the Greek Gods are pointing at each other and shouting, contacting the most obscure of mini gods. Chaos erupts on Olympus as every deity in Greek Mythology is called upon and interrogated. Hermes hasn't run around so much in centuries.
Hecate sits in silence, fully aware of what's happening, but enjoying the show too much to intervene.
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realstrap · 1 month
Please help us cover bills/meds!!!
We've been really struggling with money bc my hours were cut, we still have our internet bill due tomorrow and my gf has gone without their meds in favor of not starving and other necessities
My gf has been suffering without their medication and we need the internet so they can take their online classes, I do not get paid until next week and my gf needs relief and they cannot fall behind!!
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$150 needed!!!
CA: $lezsalt or $sleepyhen
Vm: wildwotko
Dm 4 ppl
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xx-sketchy-xx · 1 year
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Poor poppy, a three tiered cake is simply not big enough!
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traumasurvivors · 2 months
If you have trauma as a result of dealing with delusions and/or psychosis, your trauma is valid.
Trauma is largely about how you feel and how something impacts you. And even if you know something isn’t “real”, it doesn’t mean your feelings aren’t real. And it doesn’t change how real it feels to you.
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julijbee · 4 days
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sometimes i boot up morrowind just to walk down the foyada.
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benevolenterrancy · 9 days
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redraw of that ds9 scene
LBH doesn't understand what's going on but wants to impress shizun; MBJ understands it even less but is optimistic about any sport involving a solid wooden bludgeon at least
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chibelial · 1 year
Seriously need some cash by tomorrow, I’m trying to sell some old collectibles off but that’s a bit slow. Does anybody wanna see me doodle somethin for them, or feel like donating a spare dollar?
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Sorry for these posts I’ll delete later, thanks for any reblogs or donos♥️
Blog donations are also fine
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ropes3amthoughts · 3 months
I’m gonna be sick 😭
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Ok maybe I'm obsessing a little bit I just noticed something else interesting.
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When Cooper is watching his old film at the SD Mart, lost in his reminiscing, he imitates his character in the infamous scene he struggled with so much due to the sheriff killing for the first time. And when he does this he uses "finger guns"....except....
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...Lucy took his trigger finger. And if you look closely you see the moment he realizes and snaps out of his daze to regard it thoughtfully. Just for a fraction of a second. You'd almost miss it, especially with the gloves on. But he VERY deliberately folds the empty gloved digit in half, emphasizing its absence further.
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What do you think he is thinking in that moment?
Personally, I can't ignore the potential symbolism behind the juxtaposition of these two pivotal moments in his life. The way he watches his former, *human* self in the very scene that transitions him from the lawful sheriff to a darker character (one who kills), foreshadowing the loss/reshaping of his moral compass. Yet simultaneously becomes distracted by the loss of the very thing that represented that spiral: his trigger finger.
When he loses Barb he loses faith in the goodness of both himself and others. His world literally falls apart and everything boils down to the bottom line of the wasteland: kill or be killed. You can't trust anyone. It's becomes an inevitably etched in the stone of his heart.
But now he's met Lucy and she's surprised him. Made him question things. This woman for all her naivety and sheltered way of life did not react as he assumed she would. Instead, she proved strong enough to survive while managing to hold on to a part of herself she deemed important.
And maybe, just maybe the loss of one thing could gain him another in the future? Perhaps Lucy will help reshape his outlook once more. Restore his faith in a faithless world.
Does losing that vital piece of himself and quite literally having Lucy fill its absence portend things to come?
What do you think?
I don't know about you but I'm here to drink up every last drop of the dark romanticism being served up in their pairing, whatever the future holds for them.
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cynsbasement · 4 months
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This ones kinda old lmfao
set the girl free ple
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realstrap · 6 months
‼️needed TODAY‼️
Hey yall, my partner needs their medication, without it they're susceptible to seizures, nausea bouts of chronic pain that leave them unable to function
I recently got employed as of last week (yay) but they pay bi weekly so I'm not getting anything until the 23rd, hopefully I won't have to keep doing this for much longer but they can't go another week with no relief, anything helps!!
$150 needed
CA: $lezsalt or $sleepyhen
VM: wildwotko
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panthermouthh · 7 months
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“Oh, Frankenstein! Generous and self-devoted being! What does it avail that I now ask thee to pardon me? I, who irretrievably destroyed thee by destroying all thou lovedst. Alas! he is cold, he cannot answer me.”
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