#especially if the kid turns out to be a child of a norse sea god
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awesome-shoes-with-wings · 1 year ago
Do any of you ever wonder if Camp Half-Blood accidentally brought in a demigod of a different pantheon before?
This would be especially hilarious if it happens sometime after The Last Olympian/Heroes of Olympus, where the gods are required to claim their kids quickly.
A whole day passes, and the new demigod needs to sleep in the Hermes Cabin and Percy is furious. Meanwhile, the Greek Gods are pointing at each other and shouting, contacting the most obscure of mini gods. Chaos erupts on Olympus as every deity in Greek Mythology is called upon and interrogated. Hermes hasn't run around so much in centuries.
Hecate sits in silence, fully aware of what's happening, but enjoying the show too much to intervene.
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egglantine23 · 2 years ago
All right reading Percy Jackson now got through the first series now on to heroes of Olympus but I wanted to share a little bit of an idea that I thought would be cute so I know at the end of the series when Percy's all like pay your child support Poseidon does say that Percy is his only kid. However at a cute little OC idea. And it will keep this whole Poseidon thinks that Percy's is only kid. I have named her Molly she's a selkie from Ireland. Grandma is also a selfie and her Grandpa is a lighthouse keeper along with her mom. She lives with her grandma grandpa and Mom, the reason why Poseidon didn't bring her up is because at like 2 months old she technically dies and her grandma goes to the Irish sea god(can't spell his name don't want to look it up) and begs him to turn her into a selkie like her. He does and molly gets another chance at life. I kind of want the Celtic gods to be very different to the Norse and Greek gods and how we see them act especially since we know in Canon that a lot of the Celtic gods have faded. Sort of like they cling to each other quite a bit maybe they're a lot nicer to their children and actually raise them because they've lost a lot of people in their life that they thought would last forever. AKA family is very important. Maybe for one reason or another a Celtic god needs something done because they're super busy and helps the foreign demigods get to Camp Half-Blood safely in return along with some gold. But I would find funny is that maybe Percy Grover and annabeth wash up on the shores of Ireland right next to her family's lighthouse and Percy wakes up to this 10-year-old little girl with big black eyes and dark black hair wearing a white sealskin coat and bright yellow rain boots. And just freaking out when she smiles and he sees shark teeth. Now little Molly wouldn't get the same powers that her big brother has, she's a selkie and get some more minor version of a shapeshifting power like she's not good at it and really can only turn her teeth the shark teeth. She's kind of a quiet kid and she doesn't actually speak but she is also a seal so she's kind of like a little wild animal. Like when they brought her back to Camp Half-Blood one of the Hermes kids around her age decided to prank her and she played dead and it freaked them out. Her favorite food is eels for some reason and she doesn't like using silverware she'll use it but she prefers just to eat things with her mouth and hands. She's kind of a creepy child but after a while you just start to love her. She's a lot like deep sea creatures I have a feeling that Percy is more of the water itself and not be what actually is inside the ocean while she would be more like what's inside the ocean especially in the midnight zone. All right now I'm going to put it into a list of fun little head cannons about her.
So walk up to Percy at random occasions holding a muscle or a clam just eating it Percy does not know where she gets them
Percy doesn't know that she is a selkie or that she can turn into a seal for the first few months he knows her
She shows affection by biting people not too hard and never with the shark teeth just a little nibble
If she ever gets scared or back into a corner like when she first stopped her first monster she immediately goes to bite them with the shark teeth
She has tried on multiple occasions to eat Chiron
Because of this Dionysus finds her entertaining
She doesn't really make a lot of friends with the other half bloods at camp but those water ladies love her
She doesn't like capture the flag at all she finds it too loud too crazy and too scary she much prefer to sit on the sidelines and watch
To allow her to live on land and last more than a day she changes her coat into a necklace when she opens the little locket on the necklace it turns into the coat she can't speak if the coat is a necklace but even with her coat she doesn't talk much
She tends to daydream a lot so she ends up staring at a lot of people it's very creepy
One time she got Percy to give her a ride on his shoulders when they were going to dinner and she grabbed a bird out of the air
The first time she met her dad was when Percy brought her down to Poseidon's Castle or whatever to meet Tyson and there stepmom, she thought Triton was a eel and tried to eat him
Before Percy knew that she was a selkie he would visit the random seal that was sunbathing by the camp and just complain about things because the seal was a great listener and didn't speak for some reason
And she's a seal she's like a double goofball like going on her back getting random people to carry her not a lot of people know she can turn into a seal and she takes full advantage of that
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peaceisadirtyword · 4 years ago
Move On VIII (Modern!Ivar/Reader)
A/N: Hello!♥️ Two weeks later, here you go! I only have two things to say: 1. please don't hate me 2. forgive me because it's too long and it might be a bit boring bc my brain was a bit dry this week. BUT the ending is intense. I almost divided it in two different chapters but I'm ending it on chapter 10 and I already have everything planned😔 Please remember there's two chapters left and anything could happen👀 Now enjoy and thanks for reading!
Warnings: fluff, a bit of angst, Hvitty is the best, Alfred is cute, Ivar is Ivar, there's smut, mentions of alcohol, mentions of anxiety and I think that's all!
Words: 7122 (the longest chapter I've ever written sorry)
Move On Masterlist
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my three favorite boys by @therealcalicali
You had thought about your wedding day, like every single person on Earth. You imagined it being outside, maybe near the sea, or in the forest, maybe the gardens of a beautiful palace. But for some reason, you never imagined the groom's face. It was always about you, the place and the music, the dress, the flowers, the cake... Until you met Ivar.
Getting married wasn't something you wished to do soon, it could wait. It was more a future plan than a wish, because in some way getting married and having a child was something that scared you. Ivar managed to make you change your mind, suddenly you weren't that scared of having kids or the commitment that implies a wedding. It would be fine as long as he was the one waiting for you at the end of the aisle and the one holding your baby. It would be fine as long as it was him there with you.
Weddings were a celebration of love. At least that was what everyone said, two people that loved each other enough to try and make it last forever. Maybe they gave too much importance to the wedding itself and forgot the love part. Or maybe you were so bitter about anything romantic or related to love that you stopped thinking about them as a love gesture and started seeing it as a contract.
You hadn't heard about Ivar again. Not since that day that ended so badly. Hvitserk said he was still with Freydis, and soon he just stopped talking about him at all. Maybe hoping you'd get over him faster if he didn't mention him. But it wasn't really working.
At least you stopped crying. Now it was more like a sad grimace whenever you thought about it, and sometimes, Hvitserk realized you'd stop talking and looked away, biting your lip and probably thinking about him. Especially when there was something that reminded you of him.
But the problem of being so close to someone, shaping your entire life around him and sharing everything together was that there wasn't really anything that didn't remind you of him.
Alfred, Thora and Hvitserk had organized to be around you all the time. Distracting you, forcing you to go out and Hvitserk even let you do his makeup once. Sometimes it was annoying, but you couldn't be mad at them, they were just trying to make you feel better.
You tried to convince Thora and Hvitserk to go to the wedding together, but she didn't want to go to said wedding. As you promised Alfred you'd go with him, he'd be the one picking you up, and you'd see Hvitserk in there.
Of course, Ubbe and Torvi chose a beautiful forest near their own home to celebrate the wedding. A pagan wedding. You had been to a few of those with Ivar, as he and his family still worshipped the Norse gods. But this time you felt like an intruder, as you weren't even part of the family anymore, and your date was a Christian man.
The dress Hvitserk chose didn't look that good on you at home as it had looked on the changing rooms, as always, but you forced yourself to wear it with confidence. You even practiced walking with the new heels you had bought, and at that point you just wished you wouldn't fall in front of everyone.
You chose a very natural makeup, and a simple hairstyle that was within your humble means. You didn't want to draw attention and wished that the guests wouldn't recognize you. The last thing you needed was people talking about you and Ivar.
Traditions were traditions, nonetheless, and you wore red underwear to try and feel a bit sexier. Even if you had tried to get rid of the red dresses and underwear you wore to catch Ivar's attention, that red set in particular was too precious for you. It was the first one he bought you, and you still remembered the first night you wore it.
And, why am I thinking about Ivar now?
You sighed and looked at your own reflect on the mirror. You were ready, just needed to put those deadly traps on your feet and grab your purse. Alfred had called and he was on his way.
Oh yeah, because you're seeing him today. For the first time in months, you were going to see him again and with Freydis on his arm. You didn't even know how you'd react, but it had given you nightmares for days.
The doorbell rang, and you finished putting on the heels before walking to the door and opening it. Alfred looked like a prince, with his black suit and a flower on his hand. A sunflower. It made you smile more than it was socially acceptable.
"Hi" you waved at him "You look good" you winked at him, Alfred chuckled and blushed softly.
"Hello" he nodded politely "You look..." he stopped to look at you in the eye and sighed "Absolutely beautiful"
"Oh, um..." you looked down, flustered "Thank you, I... Didn't expect a compliment now"
Alfred smiled and took your hand, making you twirl and giggle.
"This is for you" he gave you the sunflower. You bit your lip and took it.
"You're always giving me flowers"
"Because you deserve them" he shrugged "Are you ready?"
You nodded. Taking the purse you left next to the door and checking you had everything.
"Okay" you sighed "Let's go"
As soon as you got out of the car someone covered your eyes. You laughed and grabbed his arms to avoid losing your balance.
"Hvitserk" you put his hands away and turned to look at him "Look at you! You look nice"
He did look nice. His dirty blonde hair was braided and the suit looked good on him, it made his green eyes stand out.
"You look very nice too" he winked at you, his flirtatious smirk made you roll your eyes "Nice dress, who chose it?"
"Someone with a very good taste, obviously" you laughed "Are we late?"
Hvitserk turned to greet Alfred. The both of them weren't exactly friends, but thanks to you they were at least civil with each other and you were more than happy with that.
"You're just on time" he sighed "The guests are starting to get in" he pointed at the small path adorned with flowers and wooden decorations that entered the forest "Ubbe is already there, he's surprisingly relaxed, considering the fact he's marrying Torvi" Hvitserk muttered the last part and you raised an eyebrow.
"I would like to say hello to Ubbe before the ceremony starts" said Alfred with a small smile. He was very close to Ubbe, and worked with him frequently. You could say Ubbe was his favorite Lothbrok, and you couldn't blame him.
Hvitserk nodded and stepped back.
"I have to look for my brother, he told me he was close" he explained "But go, I'll catch you later"
My brother, Hvitserk now only referred to Ivar as 'his brother', noticing how you sometimes flinched when you heard his name, even if it was just because the thought of him startled you.
You grabbed Alfred's arm and hoped you wouldn't fall with the heels, he seemed to think the same, because he held you tightly.
"Doesn't it bother you that this is a pagan wedding?" You asked, genuinely curious when you caught a glance of the cross that hang from his neck. It belonged to his biological father, who passed away before he was born.
Alfred seemed amused at the question.
"I'm not bothered by people believing in other Gods, Y/N" he chuckled "In fact, I find paganism very interesting, and Ubbe told me a lot about his Gods and Goddesses, it's interesting, and I don't think my own God would be mad at me for respecting other beliefs"
You nodded slowly. Alfred was very religious, but not on an obsessive way. It was one of the things you liked about him, how relaxed but loyal he was about his religion.
Ivar was also very religious, but focused on a very different religion. It was something they had in common even if they wouldn't ever recognize it, but you could see it in both of them.
"Besides, I'll confess that Norse weddings are often much more fun than the Christian weddings" he added with a smile.
"Oh, are you getting drunk tonight?" you teased with a small smile. Alfred shook his head but laughed.
"Maybe" he raised an eyebrow "But only if you drink with me"
"Obviously" you rolled your eyes "On the last wedding I went to, Hvitserk, Ivar and I stole a bottle of tequila and got drunk on the car while listening to my favorite playlist"
"Wow" he laughed again "Okay, I'll try to keep up with you then"
There was a lot of people at the clearing already. You remembered Ubbe's first wedding, the first one you attended to with Ivar. He looked more relaxed now, and happier.
"Alfred" he greeted your companion with a big smile and a bone-crushing hug. Alfred smiled widely and hugged him back "You look good, man, thanks for coming"
"Of course, Ubbe" when they separated, he touched his shoulder firmly "I'm happy for you"
"I was a bit confused when your family arrived without you" Ubbe pointed to a group of people. When you turned to look at them, they turned around to pretend they weren't looking at you, making you raise an eyebrow and Alfred frown and blush "But I see you have better company" he laughed "Hello, Y/N"
When he leant in to hug you, you sighed. Ubbe gave the best hugs ever.
"Hi" you smiled "Thank you for inviting me"
"Are you joking?" he shook his head "You're like my sister, of course we'd invite you, you look pretty" he nodded "My mother is going to be thrilled to see you" he pointed at Aslaug, who stood all alone away from the crowd "She scolded all of us during the last family dinner, saying how you were too good for this family and we didn't appreciate you enough"
You smiled softly, Aslaug always treated you like a daughter.
"I'm gonna go say hello to her" you looked back at them. Alfred nodded and watched you leave until Ubbe hit his head softly with a smirk.
Aslaug never had a good relationship with the rest of the family. Ivar told you no one truly accepted her when Ragnar divorced Lagertha, and she spent most of the time taking care of Ivar. When Ragnar left, she just ignored them.
Ubbe was right, her eyes lightened up and she gave you a big smile when you approached.
"Y/N! Oh, Gods, you look so beautiful" she hugged you tightly "How have you been? I asked Hvitserk about you but he wasn't very specific"
"Hi" you smiled back at her "I'm fine, I think, you look beautiful too"
She seemed to like that comment. She did look very pretty, with her wavy, blonde hair braided and wearing a beautiful blue dress.
"I'm so glad to see you" she sighed "I missed you, you have to come with Hvitserk some day"
You wondered if she knew about the fact that you had slept with Hvitserk. But just when you were about to reply, she looked at someone just behind you, and you tensed up. There was only one person that could make Aslaug smile like that, and you weren't too excited to see him.
When you turned around, you forgot how to breath for a moment. Ivar wore a dark grey suit, that made his deep blue eyes shine like sapphires. He leant into the crutch and walked slowly, looking around with his eyebrow raised, as if he truly believed no one was worthy of his presence. After months without seeing him, thinking you were actually making progress in moving on, you realized you were still too into him. He was just too much.
When you were able to tear your eyes off of him, you realized Freydis was with him, dressed in red and looking so effortlessly beautiful that you felt like crying again.
Hvitserk reached you first, greeting his mother with a kiss on her cheek and putting his arm around your shoulders.
"Come on, let's go, this is about to begin" he whispered. When you left, you could feel Ivar's eyes on you, nearly burning. You didn't dare to look at him.
Torvi was so beautiful on her white dress and the flower crown on top of the small braids on her hair that you couldn't help but tear up a bit. Ubbe looked at her with such an intensity, with eyes so full of love that you envied both of them for a moment. They couldn't stop looking at each other, they were so lost in themselves that barely listened to the völva that married them. To be fair, you barely listened either. It made you wish you had someone to look at like that, someone that looked at you like that. A few months earlier, you thought you had it.
Maybe you still could have it, with Alfred. He was the sweetest person you had ever met, and he treated you like a queen, always giving you space and making sure you were okay. You loved him so much you thought you'd explode if he had another sweet gesture with you, but it wasn't romantic love. You could try and maybe in some more months you could fall in love with him, but you didn't want to break his heart, he didn't deserve it.
And Hvitserk? He was your best friend, but even if you could feel attracted to him, you knew it wouldn't work. And both Alfred and Hvitserk deserved true love. But it wasn't you.
Ivar sat on the front rows, with his brothers and his parents. Freydis was sitting next to him, but they didn't touch each other. In fact, they barely talked. Then the völva talked about twin flames, about true love that always found its way through every single obstacle, and when you looked at him, he was looking right back at you.
"You're back to drinking, huh?" Hvitserk laughed while sitting next to you. You groaned and bit your lip to hold back a laugh.
"I needed it" you pouted, looking at the drink you just ordered "Alfred introduced me to his family, but I don't think they like me very much"
Hvitserk stole your drink and took a sip, making you glare at him.
"His family is very protective of him" he shrugged "And you're probably not very popular considering you're Ivar's ex"
You turned your head to look at them, standing at the other side of the room. Judith, Alfred's mother, at least had been nice, but Aethelwulf, his (adoptive) father, looked at you suspiciously. You already knew Aethelred, his brother, but even if he greeted you politely, he didn't seem too happy with you either.
You also spent some time with the newlyweds, Björn and his wife and Lagertha, but you also felt out of place. In fact, you didn't feel comfortable until you stepped away from the crowd and reached the bar.
"There's food there, Hvitserk" you snatched your drink from his hand "Leave my drink alone"
He chuckled.
"I figured you needed some company, you look a bit sad here all alone" he shrugged again "Besides, I don't really feel comfortable in there" he frowned. The guests were finishing their food and getting up to dance and talk around the room. The venue in which the feast took place belonged to a friend of Ubbe's, so they had gotten the biggest salon.
Aslaug chatted with Floki and Helga, Ragnar tried to flirt with an amused Lagertha and Sigurd and Ivar had argued at least three times during the feast, with Björn interfering to avoid a possible murder. So the atmosphere was a bit tense and awkward.
"Remind me to never celebrate a wedding with my family" Hvitserk sighed. You giggled and shook your head "I mean it, is there anything worse than a wedding with a dysfunctional family?"
"A wedding with a functional family" you raised an eyebrow "That would be boring"
Fortunately, no one paid too much attention to you. Helga greeted you excitedly, and Floki hugged you and told you Freki missed you. You teared up remembering the sweet husky they had in Iceland. Sigurd was also nicer to you now than when you were with Ivar. Blaeja smiled to you shyly. Everything was awkward and felt weird, like you shouldn't be there.
The only one you hadn't talked to was Ragnar and, of course, Ivar. After he was finished eating, he sat down with Freydis. She tried to say hello to you with a sweet smile but Alfred had interrupted her and took you away. You nearly kissed him in gratitude.
"My father asked about you" Hvitserk added when he saw you staring at Ragnar, who was now talking to Harald Finehair.
"Really?" you frowned "I didn't think he'd remember me"
Even if you had been with Ivar for years, you had only met his father a few times, during important events or festivities. Usually, he was traveling the world, working and avoiding his responsibilities as a husband and a father.
"Of course he remembers you, he always asked about you... Don't tell anyone, but you were his favorite daughter-in-law, remember that time when you managed to make Ivar apologize to Sigurd after he insulted him during Jul? He was impressed"
"And he told you that" you rolled your eyes, thinking Hvitserk was probably making it up to make you feel better.
"Yes, he did, he also called Ivar a fucking idiot when he heard he left you, it was the first time I agreed with my father in a long time"
That made you smile.
"Your family is too nice with me" you sighed "I'm gonna miss them"
That startled Hvitserk.
"What? Why? Where are you going?" he glared at you "You're not leaving"
"I don't know" you took another sip of your drink "I talked to Alfred about it, he had friends in England that could help me get a job there and..."
"England?" Hvitserk scowled "You're moving to England?"
"I'm not" his indignation amused you "Not for now, I think, it's just an idea"
"You can't leave me here" he pouted "Who is going to come with me to the pub then?"
"I'm sure you'd find someone to get drunk with pretty soon"
He shook his head, and the two of you stayed in silence for a couple of minutes.
"It's impossible to replace you, Y/N" he whispered "You're too special for that"
"Aw" you felt a lump in your throat and the urge to hug him "That's sweet, Hvitty"
"I mean it" he winked at you "You're great, I just wish you saw it too"
"Keep saying these things to me and I'll give you my drink"
He smiled, but shook his head and stood up.
"I'm going to talk to Ubbe" he announced, you saw he was now talking to Floki and Aslaug, away from Björn and Lagertha "I have something to give to him"
You nodded and watched him leave with a small smile. Once again, you should have fallen in love with him.
After three drinks, you stopped feeling intimidated by the crowd, at least a bit, and felt brave enough to get closer to it. Your eyes fixed on Ivar and Freydis, still sitting down and who seemed to be having a deep conversation. It didn't look good, but before you could even start wondering what they were talking about, someone put their arm around you, startling you.
"Hello, Y/N" you turned around to see Ragnar, already a bit drunk and with a big smile on his lips. His eyes, so similar to Ivar's, seemed to look directly into your soul "Long time no see"
"Hi" you smiled at him "How are you?"
He frowned, then grimaced and then shook his head.
"I'm... Alive" he shrugged "So, you and little Alfred?"
Ragnar Lothbrok wasn't one to beat around the bush.
"We're friends" you chuckled "He's been an amazing friend to me these past months"
"Yeah, after my... Brilliant son fucked it up" he clenched his jaw, taking a sip of his beer "Alfred is a really good kid, son of a great man"
"He's the best" you nodded "Did you know his father?"
For the first time, the smile on Ragnar's face faltered.
"Yes, I did" he cleared his throat "He was a very good friend of mine"
"He'd be proud of his son, then" you smiled, looking at Alfred who was currently talking to his brother.
"He would" Ragnar nodded "Unfortunately, I can't say the same for my own sons" he muttered, and you raised an eyebrow.
"Why?" you chuckled.
"I must admit it's my fault" he sighed "They inherited it from me, the capacity of ruining everything when they have a great woman by their side" you'd swear his eyes fixed on Lagertha and then on Aslaug for a moment "Ivar is the smartest boy I've ever seen, but he can also be stupid sometimes, you know it, because you understand him better than anyone, better than himself, even than his own mother" you bit your lip, looking away "And I know he regrets it"
"Look, I really love Ivar" you sighed "I will always love him because he was a very important part of my life for years, but he's happy with Freydis now, and I'm glad he's happy"
Ragnar chuckled, shaking his head.
"I'd argue with you on that, but Alfred is coming and I think you deserve a good time with him now rather than talking about my son" he winked "See you around, Y/N"
Before you could reply, he left, walking towards the bar as he finished his drink.
"Hello" Alfred stopped next to you, also looking at Ragnar with an eyebrow raised "Everything okay?"
You turned your head and smiled softly at him.
"Yes, I think" you giggled "It's just Ragnar being weird"
He hummed, like he understood exactly what you meant.
"I just wanted to ask you if you..." he looked around with a frown, and blushed furiously "Maybe, want to dance?"
You were surprised, thinking no one really danced at these things, but a quick look around made you realized that people were definitely dancing, or well, at least they were trying.
Ubbe and Torvi moved slowly together, with their foreheads pressed together and a small smile on their lips. Around them, some couples danced at the rhythm of a slow song.
"Oh, um..." you licked your lips, nervously "Sure, I'd love to"
Alfred looked relieved, and took your hand softly, leading you to the dance floor. Or well, the part of the salon on which people danced.
He knew how to dance, of course he did. You nearly rolled your eyes when he whispered that you should put your hand on his shoulder and started leading your movements. He was too soft, too polite and too perfect. You looked at his face intensely as he danced and you moved clumsily with him. He didn't make eye contact, too nervous and always looking down.
"Alfred" you pouted "You're one of the most amazing men I've ever met" you stopped moving to hug him "Oh my god, I wish I could..."
He hugged you back, nodding against your neck.
"I wish that too" he muttered "But I can't force you"
"I tried, I really did, and I love you so much, but..."
"Hey" he stopped hugging you, and cupped your face softly "Look at me, Y/N, you don't have to explain yourself, you feel what you feel and it's fine, I'll get over it" he giggled as you teared up, feeling the worst person in the world "We're friends, and that will never change"
You nodded.
"Thank you" you took a deep breath "For everything"
"Of course" he smiled "I think it's time you start being a bit more selfish and put yourself first, stop worrying about what the others are feeling, focus on yourself"
You hugged him again and kissed his cheek.
"I'm gonna go get some air" you took a deep breath "I'll be back, okay?"
He nodded, letting you go. You rushed to the door and left the building, only breathing again when you were out in the garden. It was a pretty entrance, with cobblestones, a lovely fountain and some flowers. At least it was peaceful and quiet. Or you thought it was, because you heard a metal noise and a groan, which made you jump and gasp before you looked to the side.
It was already dark, and the only source of light were the lovely streetlights adorned with ivy. It came from one of the benches at the side of the entrance, and you nearly cried when you saw the source of the noise.
"Ivar?" you sighed, drying your tears with your fingers "What are you doing here?"
He raised his head and glared at you with his jaw clenched, he had been focused on his braces and didn't even hear you approaching. When he didn't reply, you frowned and walked towards him, walking slowly to avoid falling down with the damned heels.
"Where's Freydis?" you asked softly, understanding something was wrong.
"She left" his voice sounded dry and empty, almost as if he had been crying.
"Because I told her to leave" he pouted. Ivar had the tendency to pout, and he hated when you said he looked cute doing it, probably thinking he looked intimidating.
You sat down on the bench, and decided not to ask because he didn't seem too inclined to talk about it.
"What's wrong with the braces?" you asked slowly.
"I don't know" he groaned, grabbing his right leg "I think I moved it and..." his lip started trembling when he started fiddling with it again.
"Stop" you tried to grab his hand, but he ignored you "Ivar, stop, you're going to hurt yourself"
"Why do you care?" he raised his voice, making you scoff "Why don't you go back there with Alfred?"
"Don't yell" you glared at him "After everything you've done, you don't get to yell at me"
He took a deep breath, rubbing his eyes with his hands and shaking his head.
"I want to go home" he sighed "I can't go back there"
"Hey, what happened?" you were starting to get worried, because that wasn't like Ivar "Should I call your brothers? Your mother?"
"No" he shrugged "They will just rant about how stupid I am for letting you go"
You looked away again.
"You did hurt me" you muttered "A lot"
Ivar didn't look at you either.
"That's the worst part" he scoffed "That they're right"
This time you did look at him, surprised and with your lips parted. For a moment, you felt the need to hug and kiss him, but you couldn't.
"If you know they're right why did you do it? And I don't mean breaking up with me, I mean being so cruel, treating me like I was nothing to you"
"I don't know, Y/N" he sighed tiredly "I was angry, you moved on"
"I didn't move on!" you scoffed "Dear God, Ivar, I couldn't move on, I spent the worst months of my life trying to but I couldn't, you're such an asshole" you groaned "You broke up with me, acted like I was nothing but a burden to you, you made me feel like I wasn't good enough, and then had the audacity of acting like I was the one that fucked everything up!"
Ivar's eyes were full of tears when he raised his head again.
"I don't feel like talking about that now"
You were about to keep ranting when you looked at his eyes for the first time, and gasped when you saw how blue they were.
"Did you take your medicines today?" you frowned when he shook his head "Why? Oh God" you groaned "Should we go to the hospital?"
He shook his head again.
"I just want to go home"
"Are you in too much pain, Ivar? Wait, I'll call a cab" you unlocked your phone and stood up.
You had never seen Ivar like that. So quiet and sad, looking at his own feet and not even reacting when you sat down next to him again.
"The cab will be here in ten minutes" you announced softly, regretting being to harsh on him a few minutes earlier "Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? Maybe we should, it might get worse, what if something happens?" you bit your lip nervously "I should go and tell your family"
"No" he grabbed your arm when you were about to stand up again "Don't tell them, it'll be fine as soon as I get home, take the pills and rest a bit"
"Okay" you sighed "But at least let me get Hvitserk so he can go with you"
Ivar's face changed again, this time he looked like a lost puppy, his pouty lips parted and his eyes fixed on yours, nearly begging.
"Aren't you coming with me?" he whispered, and you sighed.
"I shouldn't" you muttered in reply "I don't think..."
"Please" he insisted, and you noticed the two of you were too close "We need to talk"
He was so soft, so vulnerable in that moment that you nodded slowly, and let yourself lean into him slowly just before you heard someone calling your name.
Hvitserk left the building at the same time you got away from Ivar quickly turning your head to look at him. Ivar looked irritated by the interruption, but didn't say anything.
"Hey" he looked surprised to see the both of you there "Y/N, Alfred said you'd be out here" he frowned "Ivar, I was looking for you... Is everything okay?"
"Hi" you smiled softly "Ivar is not feeling good, he's in pain" you explained, standing up and approaching him "I called a cab"
Hvitserk's big brother side showed up when he walked over to Ivar, frowning.
"You didn't take the medicines?"
"I fought with Freydis, I forgot" he shrugged.
"Where is she?" Hvitserk looked around, a bit confused.
Ivar didn't reply, but they seemed to understand each other perfectly.
You gave them a few minutes together, until you approached them again. Hvitserk stood up with a sigh and shook his head.
"You can leave" he said softly, caressing your arm "I will stay with him"
You heard the cab arriving and looked at Ivar.
"I..." you took Hvitserk's hands "Maybe I should stay with him"
He took a deep breath, rubbing his eyes and shaking his head.
"It's okay" you chuckled "It's fine, Hvitserk, I'm fine"
"Are you sure?" he whispered "He is..."
"I know, and it will be okay, we... Need to talk, I think"
If Hvitserk thought you were stupid, he didn't say it.
"If you need anything, call me, okay?"
You nodded as he kissed your temple softly. You could feel Ivar's eyes on you, burning, when the cab stopped next to you and Hvitserk turned to help him.
It felt too familiar to enter their flat, to help Ivar sit on the couch before taking the medicines to him with a glass of water. You were so used to the process that for a moment you forgot everything had changed since the last time you did it.
He did look more relaxed after a few minutes, when you sat on the couch and took your heels off with a tired sigh. You could feel Ivar's eyes on you, but tried to ignore him, too exhausted to start arguing with him again. You felt the pressure on your chest again, as you always did when someone mentioned him or when you saw him, but this time it was a bit less intense, maybe because Freydis wasn't around.
"I'm going to bed" he announced after a few minutes, you supposed that the strong painkillers had already kicked it at least a bit "Today was shit"
You wanted to scream at him, every day had been shit for the last few months because of him. But you were too exhausted of yelling, arguing and crying because of him, you wanted a truce, even if it was just for a few hours.
Ivar got up, grunting and taking deep breaths as he moved slowly towards his bedroom. At first, you weren't even thinking about helping him, you had already done too much for him that night, much more than he actually deserved. But when you looked at him and saw him struggling, you couldn't help it and got up to help him. Usually, Ivar would frown and say he didn't need help, but this time he didn't say a word until you reached his bedroom.
You bit your lip, looking around the room and remembering the last time you were in there. Ivar let himself fall on the bed and sighed in relief when he got to take the braces off. You sat on the bed and looked at him sternly.
"Hvitserk said you've been skipping therapy sessions" you narrowed your eyes at him "And didn't go to doctor's appointments, this is what you get for being an idiot"
Ivar raised an eyebrow, and the ghost of a smile danced on his lips as he turned his head to you.
"You and Hvitserk talked a lot about me, didn't you?" he scoffed "Did he also mention me when you were fucking?"
You rolled your eyes, but you weren't going to play his game anymore, not that night.
"Anyway, I'm leaving" you stood up "Go to sleep and call the doctor tomorrow"
Ivar narrowed his eyes at you.
"I thought we needed to talk" he scowled "But now you want to run back to Alfred"
"Look" you sighed, crossing your arms "You're tired and on a bad mood, I'm tired and a bit drunk, talking it's probably not a good idea, so try and get some rest and we'll talk some other day"
"I saw you dancing" he ignored you completely, making you sigh again "With him"
"Yes, and what about it? You have no right to be bothered by that, because you were with your girlfriend"
"She's no longer my girlfriend" he clenched his jaw and his voice broke a bit "It's over"
Your expression softened. Even if you'd love to slap him in that moment, your heart broke a bit knowing he was hurt.
"What happened?" you asked softly "The last time you told me you loved each other and all of that"
Ivar shrugged, looking away and taking a deep breath.
"I don't know, I suppose she didn't love me that much"
You looked at him with a pout. You could feel that dull pain on your heart when you thought about him, you missed him with your entire life, the thought of your relationship hurt and you knew it will keep hurting forever. Ivar probably didn't care about you, or maybe he saw you more like a friend, because it was obvious Freydis had marked him much more than you in just a few months, you had seen him looking at her. So probably she was his Ivar, that thing that would be painful his entire life.
A part of you wanted to be happy. They broke up, he was mistaken and it didn't work out. But you couldn't do it when you looked into his eyes and saw pain. You couldn't see him in pain.
"I'm sorry" you said softly.
"Are you?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Yes" you rolled your eyes "I don't want to see you sad"
"Wouldn't you feel better yelling and insulting me?"
"Maybe" you shrugged "But I don't have the strength to do it"
Ivar nodded. He didn't have the energy to fight either. You laid down next to him, careful not to wrinkle the dress. Ivar stared at you intensely, and felt the tug on his chest again. He missed you more than he actually realized. It had been during the wedding, when he saw you looking stunning, smiling and greeting people... With Alfred next to you. He knew you'd be worried about him because he hadn't taken the medicines, that you'd make him sit down and would make everyone approach him so he wouldn't have to walk, that you'd take care of him, and if he was feeling better, would make him try to dance with you after the feast. Now you were dancing with Alfred, giggling and hugging his brother, and barely looked at him. And Freydis noticed.
When you looked at him again, he was much closer than you remembered, and it started you as you tried to move, flustered and suddenly very nervous.
"Y/N" he muttered, his hand grabbed your wrist softly and you widened your eyes "Stay, please"
You got lost into his eyes again. They had something magnetic, that attracted and locked you in.
His hand cupped your head to pull you closer, and the pressure on your chest turned into a warm feeling when his lips pressed against yours. It was like coming back after a long trip, when you realized just how much you had missed home, and everything was familiar and in its place. You closed your eyes and kissed him back slowly, too into him to even realize what was happening. Ivar broke the kiss and pecked your lips again a couple of times before deepening the kiss. His hand traveled down your back, making you tremble, until it reached your waist. You couldn't remember when was the last time Ivar kissed you like that, not even when the two of you were still together. He caressed your body over the soft fabric of the dress, and you vaguely thought about the wrinkles but realized you didn't even care.
"Ivar" you muttered against his lips "What are you doing?"
He didn't answer, but kissed you again as his fingers fumbled with the zip of your dress.
"You looked so beautiful today" he sighed "I couldn't stand to even think about someone else taking this dress off"
You were going to reply, but his lips on your neck turned what was going to be a dignified reply into a moan. Ivar had that thing, that charm that was too much for you to handle. He knew your weaknesses, your soft spots and what to do to make you melt in his arms. He knew you couldn't resist him, not even if you wanted to.
It was like going back in time, all the thoughts about the breakup, Freydis, Alfred and Hvitserk left your mind as he took the dress off, throwing it to the other side of the room and biting his lip with a smirk when he recognized the underwear. You tugged on his clothes, and the two of you broke the kiss so he could take the shirt and the tie. You sighed when you saw his tattoos again. You has missed him so much, and how his warm skin felt under your fingers, how his body tensed under your touch.
"Can I?" he asked biting your lower lip, his fingers grazed the side of your panties and you closed your eyes in anticipation before nodding.
"Yes" you moaned, moving to straddle him as you took your bra off. Ivar groaned and pushed his hips against you. Finally, his fingers found your sex, and he pressed onto your clit, and when he started rubbing it in circles you started trembling again.
You tried to touch his member, but you could barely move, until he pushed your panties aside and two of his fingers teased your entrance before entering you. The both of you moaned at the same time, and you moved your hips against his hand trying to follow his pace.
"Gods, you look so beautiful" he groaned, his free hand caressed your body and his lips captured one of your nipples. It was too much, and when he pressed his palm against your clit you gasped and your walls clenched around his fingers. But then he stopped, and your moans of pleasure turned into a bothered whine. You opened your eyes to glare at him and he chuckled, shaking his head.
"You're not going to cum until I'm inside of you" he whispered against your neck. You quickly fumbled with his pants, and when you finally freed his hard member Ivar groaned again. You would have loved to return the favor and leave him on the edge, but you couldn't wait, you needed him. You had waited enough.
"Put it in for me, kitten"
You nearly came hearing his voice on your ear, whispering the pet name he used to call you. Your hand clenched around his cock and he rolled his eyes and moaned deeply, letting you enjoy pretending you had the power for a few seconds. Until you pressed his member against your entrance and he grabbed your hips and thrusted into you.
Your mouth widened on a silent moan. It was intense, and Ivar let you adjust to the size before starting moving, but once he started, he couldn't stop. He sat down to kiss you again, and you grabbed his shoulders and his arms when your legs were too weak to support you anymore.
"Ivar" you moaned against his neck "God, Ivar"
"I missed you so much" he muttered, and it sounded like he truly meant it.
You didn't really have time to think whether he meant it or not because the warm tingle on your lower belly was becoming too much. Your walls started clenching around him and his thrust became sloppy. He breathed heavily against your skin.
"I'm not going to last" he whispered again "You're too much"
You had missed this Ivar so much.
You came around him, moaning his name and digging your nails into his back, your body shaking around him and your face hidden into his neck. Ivar came right after you, and he quickly turned his head to fix his ocean eyes into yours, with his pouty and swollen lips parted just before kissing you again, making you sigh and smile, happy for the first time in months.
Tags: @mblaqgi @alicedopey @lol-haha-joke @hallowed-heathen @naaladareia @tephi101 @captstefanbrandt @love-hate-love @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @moondustmemories @therealcalicali @blushingskywalker @awkwardfangirl02 @gruffle1 @justacripple @love-dria @heartbeats-wildly @letsrunawaytotomorrow @inforapound @sallydelys @hellogabysblog @winchesterwife27 @hecohansen31 @youbloodymadgenius @xinyourdreamsx @funmadnessandbadassvikings @eteramfools @tgrrose @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @lovessce @tootie-fruity @didiintheblog @alexhandersenx @belovedcherry @fantasydevil2002 @xceafh @astrape-the-weatherwitch @destynelseclipsa @poisonous00 @littlebear423 @justbloodlydreaming @xbellaxcarolinax @soleil-dor @geekydane-post @katarokkar11 @crackhead1-800 @momowhoo @pedrolorian @flokisdaughter @crazybunnyladysworld @anotherfan07 @heavenly1927 @jungkxxkk @satanhalsey @nanahachikyuu @cocovikings23​ @ecarroll1978 @darlingjae
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literary-spirit · 4 years ago
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Chapter 2
Bjorn stared at Bonnie as if a second head had sprouted from her neck. "So what are you implying? That the world is not flat but-,"
"Round!" Her head bobbed in a rapid series of nods. "Yes."
He watched her for a moment longer before snorting, "Impossible...ridiculous even! Surely if I were to sail too far in either direction my ship would eventually fall into oblivion."
"No, you'd just end back up in the same place you-,"
"Land!" A gruff voice growled from the head the ship.
Torn from their back and forth, she looked up and her chin almost smacked the floor of the ship. The sight of Kattegat snatched her breath and knotted her tongue. Television didn't do Ragnar's kingdom any favors compared to what the naked eye perceived in person.
"What you're feeling now is the same feelings I have each time I return. Bonnie," Bjorn whispered next to her ear, before his rough palms closed around her hands. "Swear your allegiance to me. Remain always at my side and I vow to protect you for as long as we both remain on Midgard."
Confusion wrinkled her brows. What the hell had she done to provoke such and oath from one of history's greatest names? "Why offer me this? You hardly know me."
"Because the same emotions I feel when I return to Kattegat is the same sentiment I felt when I looked upon you for the first time," he gave her hands a squeeze, "Something within speaks to me."
"Wha-," her voice went hoarse in the presence of a throat so dry she doubted even high quality h2o could quench her thirst. Taking a deep breath, she swallowed and tried again. "What does it say?"
A smile caressed his mouth as he lifted her hands to press a kiss to the back of them, "To hold you dear. For you're to be treasured."
"Will you bequeath me your vow, Mystical One?" He demanded as he imprisoned her in his electric stare.
Unable to do anything but give into the iconic Viking who was destined to carve his name across time, she nodded once. "Yes, Bjorn Ironside. You have my allegiance. My sworn word that I will never stand across from you on a battlefield and if left up to me, I vow to remain by your side for as long as we both shall live."
The words were out her mouth before they had a chance to tap dance across her mind. What the hell? Why the hell would she promise such a thing? She had to find Klaus! There was no time for her to become just another name on Bjorn Ironside's hitlist.
"Good, this pleases me," He laughed and released her hands to clap his. "Now we must seal our sacred vow." The laughter faded from his features as his facial muscles stiffened into a mask of sincerity.
Her breathing slowed while she prepared for the fuckery sure to follow. "How? Please don't say by blood."
"No, this way is the right of it," he whispered as he placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face. Slowly, he leaned down to allow his lips to graze hers. Before it fully registered what jumped off he pulled away. "Now it is done."
"Okay, so now that's out of the way," she cut her gaze to the shore as she attempted to even her breathing and calm the flipping in her stomach. "How do you plan to explain me to your wife and the rest of your family?"
Bjorn's face scrunched. "How-," she halted his question with an unflinching gaze. The smirk on her lips hinted at all-knowing. He inclined his head as a concession of sorts, "Allow me to worry over my family. I have given you my sworn oath. There is no other in Midgard who can compel me to break my vow to you."
"Alright, my protector," she glanced over the multitude of people who at present packed the harbor, "I believe you."
Bjorn helped her off the ship onto the dock. When he turned two children raced into his arms followed by a petite woman with crinkled flaxen hair. Torvi. After the kids had released him, she threw herself in his arms and kissed him so hard she damn near sucked his whole head in her mouth. Moments later he untangled himself from her hold.
"How fare your travels, husband? Did the gods smile favorably upon you, was greatness achieved?" Torvi questioned as her gaze drifted to Bonnie and lingered.
"My travels have fared better than even I anticipated. For the gods have bestowed upon me the most wondrous of gifts," Bjorn turned to cast a wide smile at her and an extended hand. Accepting the outstretched palm, she allowed him to pull her to his side, "This is Bonnie Bennett of Mystic Falls and she is under my protection."
"Is she a slave then, Bjorn?" The oldest of the two boys questioned.
"No, Guthrum," Bjorn kneeled before the child to stare him in the eyes, "She is to be a most sacred friend to our family and that is how we shall all regard her."
"But she is dressed as a slave," Guthrum insisted, waving a hand at the burlap sack dress she wore.
Bjorn tsked. "Guthrum, it is not the garments that are donned which confirms the value of one's worthiness. However, worry not. For she shall be cloaked in the finest hides, silks, and furs befitting her station soon enough."
Raw pain etched its way across Torvi's face. "So you have taken a mistress?"
"I'm not his mistress, nor will I ever be," Bjorn head snapped around to peer up at Bonnie and she gave him a look that carried the weight of her words, before her gaze swung back to meet Torvi's flared stare, "on that you have my word."
"She speaks our language," She said, her words ringing more as a statement than a question, "Fluently, it would seem. Did you teach her?"
This gave Bonnie pause. Weren't they all speaking English? There wasn't an ice-water day in hell she spoke old Norse fluently. Not even with Super Head's tongue.
Two tall lean muscled boys just beyond the dawn of manhood with eyes as transfixing as Bjorn's, cut through the crowded dock. Without any need for introductions, she knew who they were before hello crossed either one of their lips, Ubbe and Hvitserk. One after the other, they gathered Bjorn in a spine crushing hug. Each brother concluded their embrace with a pound to the back.
"How went your raid, brother?" Ubbe asked. A longing flicker which couldn't be mistaken for anything other than wanderlust sparked his unblinking azure stare, "Was the plunder worthy of the voyage?"
Hvitserk laughed and his consideration wandered from them to her. His iridescent sapphire blue irises almost leapt from their sockets. "How far south did you raid, brother?" He questioned, while running his gaze up then down her and back again.
Curious, Ubbe tracked his brother's stupefied stare back to her. When his gaze crashed landed on her, he stepped around Bjorn to invade her personal space. Once he towered over her, he rubbed the pad of his thumb over her cheek. He then lifted the digit to his face for inspection.
"I assure you, it doesn't rub off," Bonnie said, before reaching up to do the same to him. When she inspected her thumb, she frowned down at the dirt on the pad of her finger. "But I see that yours does." She lifted her finger for him to see.
Ubbe's scrutiny snapped back to her face and doubled in its intensity.
"Where will you be placing her to serve, Bjorn?" He demanded
"She's not a thrall," Guthrum corrected, "she's a sacred friend to the family."
"What?!" Ubbe and Hvitserk questioned in unison.
"Guthrum speaks the truth," Bjorn cosigned, while inserting himself between them in order to address Ubbe and Hvitserk face to face, "Bonnie is a free woman and has my sworn vow of protection. Fear not, however," He pointedly glanced back at the blonde-haired, blue-eyed slave girl who pleaded to have her thrown in the sea to please the gods. She in turn cast her gaze downward and feigned modesty. "I have secured a wealth of suitable thralls to add to the great hall, stables, and trading block." Ubbe and Hvitserk exchanged smirks. "Now come, let us make our way back to the keep. I'm in need of a meal and rest."
Bonnie glanced the one room shack. Like on television there wasn't much to the small space. There was hardly any room for Bjorn and his family. Where in the hell did he expect her to sleep? Her gaze moved to the only bed in the home. A pair of hands grasped her shoulders.
"My uncle Rollo has a keep only a few paces from here. My plans are to restore it so you may reside there," Bjorn whispered next to her ear, answering her unasked question as if he had real time Shade Room updates to her thoughts. "It should be complete before we sail for the Mediterranean."
A smile trembled across her lips. "You want me at your side when you sail for the Mediterranean?"
"Of course," Bjorn crowded her into a corner and lowered his voice, "There is a great truth I am with haste coming to realize."
"And that is?" She questioned, while noticing Torvi side-eying the hell out of them.
"There is not a moment when I do not long to have you at my side," he answered.
"And when did you have time to come to this conclusion in the three days of knowing me?" Bonnie scoffed. "Bjorn, I have yet to leave your side so how can you long for something you never had to miss." She inhaled and dropped her head to exhale. She needed a moment to mentally check herself. The angst gnawing at her chest had nothing to do with Bjorn and everything to do with the 21st century Viking she may or may not have left behind. "Look, this isn't what you think it is, trust me." She placed a hand on his chest. "You're just in the throes of a fleeting infatuation."
"You doubt my words?" He demanded stepping impossibly closer. The press of his hard body, pounding of his heart, and the unyielding steel hanging midway down his thigh spoke major fuckery about his earnestness.
"Never, I'm just skeptical about the longevity of their sincerity," she admitted, "Especially, when physical consummation isn't forthcoming. I meant what I said, Bjorn Lothbrok! I refuse to be your mistress. I won't do that to Torvi."
A knock sounded on the door, cutting off anything further he had to say. Torvi rushed over to answer it. Soon after in walked Sigurd. Aggravation provoked the muscle in Bjorn's jaw to twitch but despite his irritation he turned to greet his brother.
In three strides he crossed the room and embraced Bjorn. Sigurd eyed her over Bjorn's shoulder. "By the gods Hvitserk did speak the truth. You are in possession of a maiden who is cloaked in twilight even in the sunlight. Is she that pigmentation all over, brother?"
"I can assure you, young Sigurd, Ironside wouldn't be able to tell you one way or the other," Bonnie snapped.
Sigurd scoffed. "Young Sigurd? The brazenness of you! I'll wager you've yet to greet your sixteenth summer! You barely have the look of a girl who's one and five."
She tossed her head back and laughed at his flattery which bordered on absurdity. "You're sweet, but I haven't seen sixteen in eleven summers."
"Impossible," Sigurd spat as if he were on the verge of calling her a damn lie.
"Well you know what they say about black," She shrugged as she glanced down. Guthrum and Hali appeared to be hanging onto every syllable of her words. Introducing a set of stereotypes to a race of people who'd yet to form an opinion about her race of people wouldn't be a good look.
"No, what do they say," Sigurd demanded.
Her gaze rose to meet his. "They say nothing, and why're you so pressed to know my age anyway, Viking? Don't you know it's bad form to question a woman about the amount of summers she's seen?"
Torvi released a cough that sounded suspiciously like a chortle.
Bjorn leveled them with a not here for it expression before returning his attention back to Sigurd. "Why are you here, Sigurd?"
"My mother has prepared a great feast in your honor. She requests you bring your family and your..." his gaze moved over Bonnie as a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth, "charge for an eve of merriment." He stepped around Bjorn to loom over her, "Name yourself."
"She is Bonnie Bennett of Mystic Falls," Guthrum answered.
Bjorn turned Sigurd towards the door. "Inform your mother that my family, charge, and I shall attend. Now seek out your leave so we may be rested for whatever Aslaug has planned."
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felicismagic18873 · 5 years ago
Beyond the Blaze (7)
Summary: 4 Years old, Alyssa Potter finds her life taking a magical turn as she steps into a world of cute green giants, talking robots and misunderstood aliens. All of it is almost enough to make her forget the probable destruction of her own world.
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Loki could no longer be allowed to stay in Man of iron's tower. It was too dangerous especially now that a child was involved. Thor was not able to find out where exactly the childling had come from but it seemed clear that it had something to do with Banner and Stark. Perhaps they had decided to expand their family, adoption of a child between platonic friends was not uncommon in Asgard.
The child herself was a beautiful little girl who would probably grow to be an even more beautiful maiden. Dark hair and green eyes, just like his brother. If it wasn't for the fact that he knew his brother never visited Midgard in the decade prior to the invasion, he would have confused her for his daughter. There was something about her so similar to Loki that it made him nostalgic, reminding him of the days when his only worry was Loki stabbing him whenever he got the chance.
Oh, the good old days.
But it was time to go, Loki needed to face his trial and now that he had the abhorred scepter with him, there was no reason to stay in Midgard any longer.
So, they stood on the highest point of the tower where only a scorch mark indicated how only a few days ago a portal had been opened from this point. Thor had his arm around Loki's shoulder, he told himself it was as a precautionary measure not because he had no idea when he'd be able to hold his brother ever again.
The Avengers and Selvig sans Lady Natasha and the good captain stood by saying their goodbyes and thank yous. Thor barely heard them, he laughed at the jokes and nodded solemnly at the farewell's but his full attention was on the childling hiding behind Banner's legs.
The childling who'd apparently insisted on coming to say goodbye, according to Stark the little girl had 'Killer puppy dog eyes' though he wasn't really sure what that meant. But right now, right now the child just looked solemn, she had a seriousness that shouldn't exist on a child's face. Thor didn't really like that.
So, he passed a stern look to Loki asking him to stay put with his eyes at which Loki just rolled his eyes and went near Banner, kneeling down at one knee to come face to face with the green-eyed beauty. He held out a hand smiling when a small hand slipped into his own with hesitation, then the childing came out from her hiding spot her sea-green eyes meeting his.
"Greetings, young maiden." Thor grinned knowing he had succeeded when he managed to get a small smile from the young girl. "I am Thor Odinson, I wished to introduce myself to the youngest resident of the tower before taking my leave."
The girl uncurled her fingers from where they were gripping on Banner's trousers, Thor could feel everyone's eyes on both of them. She put a closed fist on her heart and bowed her head surprising Thor.
" I am Alyssa, Thor the Thunderer."
They stared at each other for a moment and somehow Thor knew that in this whole realm there was at least one person who felt something other than hate for his brother. The childling's eyes constantly flittered to his brother even before Thor had approached her and it was with sadness that she looked at him.
Right before Thor was about to stand up, the child stepped closer to him, her eyes asking permission. When Thor inclined his head, she slowly whispered, "Help him."
All was silent for a second, Thor knew that none of the others could hear her. If it weren't for his enhanced hearing he probably couldn't have either.
"And what if he doesn't want to be helped, Childling? What if he doesn't deserve it." Thor whispered back.
"There has to be a reason. You have to find it, because-because a trickster never tells his secrets."
She was right, Loki would never admit. He'd just chase them around in circles until they got tired and just gave him his sentence.
Thor nodded his head in acceptance, he was going to try anyway so what was the harm in telling the childling that he would, especially if it could take away the sadness in her gaze.
"You have my word."
Thor smiled when two thin arms wrapped around his neck in a hug before the child slipped behind the scientist's legs again.
Thor went by to stand by his brother's side again, he nodded at the Avengers one last time before the lights of the rainbow bridge took over his senses and when they faded,
We are home, he thought.
Tony was lowkey glaring at Thor. Bruce had to choke back a chuckle, he bit his lip running a hand over his shirt.  Bruce had always been good at reading emotions, something that he knowingly improved over the years. It was always good to know which situation he needed to get out of. But he wondered if Tony knew exactly why he was feeling sulky all of a sudden.
Thor and Alyssa were having a whispered conversation and from what little Bruce was able to make out, it was about their resident villain. Bruce had no idea why the child was so infatuated with Loki, from what he and Tony could tell from the little feed they had from 'the incident' as they called it, Alyssa had wanted to meet Loki because she knew about him. Her caretaker probably told her old Norse stories (he hoped she censored them while telling the kid), it wasn't a far stretch seeing that Alyssa did have an unusual amount of knowledge about mythology.
The kid didn't know who the current president was but she could tell you different avatars of various Greek gods. It was quite bizarre.
Anyways, Alyssa was looking at Thor with a smile and heart eyes and Tony Stark wasn't having it. How was it that the kid liked Thor more? Even if she didn't Bruce was 90 % sure that that was what was going on in Tony's head along with plans to make the kid like him more. He hoped Tony was a little laid back though. Who knows how the kid would react to his grand gestures.
"See ya later, Point Break. Stop by anytime, or maybe don't. I'm gonna have this roof repainted. No thought for my poor tower, I tell you."
And with that, the two were gone along with the tesseract and the scepter. Bruce released a breath of relief. He really didn't like the artifacts and was more than happy to see them gone even if Tony did want to run some more tests on them.
"Okay." Tony stretched his arms a little," I'm off to the lab. Your turn to look after the squirt, Merida."
Before Clint could throw something at Tony's head  (Most probably one of the broken tiles) Bruce put a hand on Alyssa's shoulder and looked down at her, she was still looking at the engravings that the Bifrost made on the ground. "I've got it, for now, me and Alyssa just finished 'Lilo and stitch' when you called us. We were going to start 'Matilda' next."
Alyssa nodded her head absently, "Matilda." she softly said. Bruce wondered what she was thinking.
"You should ask capsicle to join you, maybe he if he watched some movies he'd be less of a snooze."
That caught Alyssa's attention, Bruce noticed that she made a face hearing that. Whether it was the thought of someone intruding on their time or the intruder being Steve, Bruce couldn't say. Though he had no idea why Alyssa would dislike Steve, she hadn't even met him officially.
"He's out of town, Stark."
"Yeah yeah just like our little spider, and then they say I'm the careless one." and with that final comment, Tony walked away.
Clint clenched his jaw, Bruce felt a little sorry for him. He'd heard the news of all the people who'd been under Loki's control having to undergo a physical and mental evaluation. It probably wasn't easy going through all those therapy sessions without Natasha by his side, it was clear they were pretty close even if they tried not to show it.
"Did you hear from Natasha, Clint?"
"She's following a lead."
"A lead?"
"There was an assassination attempt."
Bruce stilled, "On whom?"  
"Fury," Cling ran a hand through his hair, he looked tired. Exhausted really. " Some people didn't like his decision to let the tesseract and the scepter go."
"Is he okay?", Bruce finally decided to ask. He didn't like many decisions of the director but it didn't mean he wanted him to be killed or worse.
"Tasha is taking care of it now that I'm not allowed on the field until I get a clearance pass." he clenched his fist so tight that Bruce was sure he was going to leave marks on his palm.
Bruce wondered for a second whether or not to say anything, but the desire to comfort won out his habit to remain as uninvolved as possible. "It's for your own good, you know that right, Clint?"
"Yeah, I know. I know." Clint sighed, unclenching his fist to run his fingers through his hair. "Doesn't mean I have to like it."
Silence remained between them for a while. Alyssa tugged a little on his shirt to show she was going, Bruce took a second to smile at her and nod before addressing Clint again, "You wanna join us?"
Alyssa probably wouldn't mind, she didn't show much of a reaction on meeting Clint. Maybe it was his aloof manner that made her keep her distance. He saw Alyssa walk into the elevator from the corner of his vision.
"Nah," Clint shook his head, "I just stayed around to make sure Loki was gone. I'm going back to the base now."
"Tony wasn't joking about the floor you know.  He made it clear several times that you're welcome here, though his actions may say otherwise sometimes," Bruce was almost sure that the offer had more to do with Tony being lonely than a security concern.
"I know but I need some time to myself. Heck, I'm surprised you're still here."
The elevator came back up, Bruce and Clint walked in silently. Bruce thought over the comment for a while. He decided not to mention the fact that he just missed having a home, and though he'd have to eventually leave it was good to pretend for a while.
"This and that, Plus I wanna make sure the kid can find her home. Tony's not that bad you know."
After the initial overwhelming introduction, Bruce had got comfortable around him, too comfortable, and now it wasn't unusual to work with his constant chatter surrounding them. Bruce didn't talk much but it was good to have someone to talk to if he wanted to.
The elevator door opened. Bruce stepped out.
"I know." The corner of Cint's lip lifted up."See you around doc." Clint held out a hand, Bruce shook it.
"Possibly. Take care till then," Bruce stared at the closed door for a while before looking around for Alyssa. She wasn't in front of the TV as he'd expected so he went upstairs instead, to the bedrooms.
Stark tower had more spare rooms than necessary and Tony had shown both of them rooms on his own bedroom floor just above the 'Party deck' as Tony called (Bruce could have had his own floor but he didn't want...it was a commitment he wasn't willing to make yet)
He knocked on the door, "Alyssa, May I come in?"
She was sitting on the bed, her knees pulled closer with her arms around them and her head resting on her knees. She looked at him from under her lashes, Bruce walked closer to sit beside her on the bed.
"Are you okay?"
She hmm-d. Bruce had traveled so much but nothing had taught him how to pry into a kids mind, especially a kid that didn't want to talk. At last, he chose to stay silent. It worked with adults to make them talk so maybe it'll work with her too.
It did.
"Thor loves his brother so much." She said after a while. Bruce nodded, even though he didn't understand it (the green-eyed man had stabbed him for goodness sake) he could see how much Thor cared for his homicidal brother.
"My cousin..." She pulled her knees closer, like trying to hide away while she talked. " He was 'upposed to  be like my brother."
"Dudley, right?" he remembered Tony saying the name.
"Uncle Vernon said I should call him brother, but I didn't" She mumbled, "He didn't love me. He didn't even like me.", She sniffed.
That was pretty common in siblings but Bruce didn't mention that because from what he knew about her family life, her family wasn't normal. There was no reason to suspect that she was exaggerating. Plus it may sound like he was being dismissive, so he just nodded.
"Everyone's family loves them accept not mine. Only Melina loves me and she's gone." A tear slipped from the corner of her eye. Bruce couldn't help it any longer and reached forward. Alyssa stilled. Bruce rubbed off the tear.
"Hey, don't-don't cry. Look I- I can't speak for your family but I can tell you that you're a very lovable child. And who said only Melina loves you? I for a fact know that the other- Hulk loves you, I care about you and even Tony ( though he might never admit it) already cares for you."
He didn't say that family doesn't have to be blood-related because no matter how much he ignored it, the fact was that there was most likely no way Alyssa could stay with them permanently (Would they even be allowed to have her?). He didn't want to give her false hope until they could be sure (He resolutely ignored what Alyssa staying with them meant for him). It was the only reason he hadn't let Tony decorate her room as he wanted.
But that didn't mean he didn't care for her. It took everything in him not to be selfish.
She sniffed, "You-he does?"
Bruce huffed as the kid bumped into his chest, hugging him tightly. He slowly placed his arms around her as well. They stayed like that for a while.
"Can-Can we watch 'Matilda' now?"
Bruce smiled," Yeah. Sure"
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dragon-overlord-yuu · 8 years ago
Wedding Headcanons
Apollon/Tsukito: *The proposal wasn't overly extravagant. Apollon asked while moon-gazing with Tsukito. Turns out Tsukito also meant to ask at the same time *The ring Apollon gives to Tsukito is gold, with designs of laurel branches engraved all around. The one Tsukito gives to Apollon is silver with the phases of the moon all around it. *Akira organizes the whole event with iron fist. *Takeru is the best man. *Akira spends the few months before kissing Tsukito's ass because he wants to be the maid of honor. Tsukito picks Yui instead. *Akira tries his damned hardest to get Tsukito into one of his expensive kimonos, but Tsukito instead settles for the traditional Japanese wedding garb. *Meanwhile, Melissa pours his heart and soul into making a dashing suit for Apollon. *Hades officiates the marriage. *They get married at the Kusanagi shrine, under the cherry blossoms. *Usamaro is the ring bearer. He has the rings attached to his collar *Apollon dead ass almost cries when he sees Tsukito walking down the aisle. *Takeru catches the bouquet. He wasn't trying to. It just landed in his hands. It doesn't help that his immediate reaction is to side-eye Hades. *Wedding cake is three tiered, with a pink to white gradient, decorated with cherry blossoms. It's probably fucking funfetti on the inside, because Apollon is an actual child. *Wedding song: All About Us by He Is We *Dionysus provides booze. Everyone gets shitfaced and let loose pretty quickly. *Loki pole dances at the reception. Everyone tries to stop him. They fail.
Hades/Takeru: *Hades had a spectacular proposal planned, with an aquarium date and everything but his misfortune said lol no and made it rain while they were on the way. He ended just giving Takeru the ring in the end. Takeru was so shocked and embarrassed, so he didn't know how to respond. He just took the ring. He gave Hades an indirect answer when he started wearing it a few days later. *Both rings are matching silver bands, Hades' is embedded with a garnet, while Takeru's has an aquamarine *They get married by the sea, under the stars. *The arch they're under is decorated with string lights to mimic stars *Thoth officiates the wedding. He didn't want to, but they talked him into it in the end. *Takeru also wears the traditional Japanese wedding outfit. Hades was dressed in his best robes and jewelry. Which felt kinda weird because everybody else was wearing suits, but oh well. *Tsukito acts as the best man and Akira escorts Takeru down the aisle. *Cerberus is the ring-bearer *Takeru is straight up sobbing during the whole ceremony. Can barely manage to say "I do" *When Takeru throws the bouquet, Loki shoves everybody out of the way to catch it because he's thirsty as hell for Balder. *Apollon plays the piano during the ceremony. He is also the DJ at the reception. *Wedding cake is two tiered. One layer has a white to blue gradient, decorated with chocolate seashells and pearls. The other is decorated to resemble a galaxy. Inside is a regular sponge cake with whipped cream filling and fresh strawberries in between. *Wedding song: Photograph by Ed Sheeran *Again, Dionysus brought his best wine as a gift. *Loki pole dances again. Hades and Takeru regret inviting him
Loki/Balder: *Loki is so fucking extra so he goes all out. First he took Balder out for Korean BBQ, then took him out to a secluded area of the park. Balder thought this was gonna be a casual date until fireworks started going off. Next thing he knew, Loki was ripping off his pants, revealing glittery gold booty shorts with "Will you marry me?" written across his ass. Cue twerking. *In that moment, Balder questions all his life choices and why he's dating this man, but ultimately says yes *The proposal goes viral on the internet. Courtesy of Anubis.   *Matching rings made of that pretty rainbow metal *Winter wedding under the northern lights *Balder wears a white tuxedo. Meanwhile, Loki's extra ass wears a neon pink suit. Honestly, who dressed this kid? *Thor officiates the wedding. It would probably be something along the lines of "Friends, we have gathered here today to FINALLY unite these two little shits." in complete and utter deadpan *Loki constantly feels the need to remind everyone that Balder is his husband now, especially to the other Norse gods that hate him. It's the biggest "fuck you" to the gods that mistreated him all his life. *The reception is a viking feast. Shit escalated really quick. *Dionysus gladly provides booze. Apollon provides music. *Their wedding cake wasn't even a cake. It was just a pile of meat made to look like a cake. *Their wedding song: If My Heart Was a House by Owl City *"I'm gonna get on the pole"   "Loki please, not at our wedding."   "Too late lol." *Everyone passes the fuck out until the next morning
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hope-di-angelo · 1 year ago
No, but, like, what do they do then? Do the other pantheon gods claim them and send an apology note and be like "Lol, sorry. They took a wrong turn"!?!?!?!?!
Do any of you ever wonder if Camp Half-Blood accidentally brought in a demigod of a different pantheon before?
This would be especially hilarious if it happens sometime after The Last Olympian/Heroes of Olympus, where the gods are required to claim their kids quickly.
A whole day passes, and the new demigod needs to sleep in the Hermes Cabin and Percy is furious. Meanwhile, the Greek Gods are pointing at each other and shouting, contacting the most obscure of mini gods. Chaos erupts on Olympus as every deity in Greek Mythology is called upon and interrogated. Hermes hasn't run around so much in centuries.
Hecate sits in silence, fully aware of what's happening, but enjoying the show too much to intervene.
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several-breathing-eyes · 1 year ago
In Heroes of Olympus they mention that some Greek demigods ended up at the Roman camp by mistake over the years so I'm sure it's possible!
Heimdall definitely knows about the Greeks though. Probably watches their lives like a soap opera.
Do any of you ever wonder if Camp Half-Blood accidentally brought in a demigod of a different pantheon before?
This would be especially hilarious if it happens sometime after The Last Olympian/Heroes of Olympus, where the gods are required to claim their kids quickly.
A whole day passes, and the new demigod needs to sleep in the Hermes Cabin and Percy is furious. Meanwhile, the Greek Gods are pointing at each other and shouting, contacting the most obscure of mini gods. Chaos erupts on Olympus as every deity in Greek Mythology is called upon and interrogated. Hermes hasn't run around so much in centuries.
Hecate sits in silence, fully aware of what's happening, but enjoying the show too much to intervene.
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fandom-madness69 · 1 year ago
Her and Hestia are sitting at the hearth, placing bets on how long it takes them to realize what happened.
Meanwhile Annabeth has completely caught on to the situation and when Percy starts to fume at dinner she nearly falls off the bench at the Athena table with laughter. He's confused. She's squealing with tears running down her cheeks because it's just so funny, he can't be this dumb. The whole camp is watching.
Do any of you ever wonder if Camp Half-Blood accidentally brought in a demigod of a different pantheon before?
This would be especially hilarious if it happens sometime after The Last Olympian/Heroes of Olympus, where the gods are required to claim their kids quickly.
A whole day passes, and the new demigod needs to sleep in the Hermes Cabin and Percy is furious. Meanwhile, the Greek Gods are pointing at each other and shouting, contacting the most obscure of mini gods. Chaos erupts on Olympus as every deity in Greek Mythology is called upon and interrogated. Hermes hasn't run around so much in centuries.
Hecate sits in silence, fully aware of what's happening, but enjoying the show too much to intervene.
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mira-nicodiangelo-grey · 1 year ago
Yes please. It’ll be full chaos on Olympus until a god from a different pantheon comes along.
Do any of you ever wonder if Camp Half-Blood accidentally brought in a demigod of a different pantheon before?
This would be especially hilarious if it happens sometime after The Last Olympian/Heroes of Olympus, where the gods are required to claim their kids quickly.
A whole day passes, and the new demigod needs to sleep in the Hermes Cabin and Percy is furious. Meanwhile, the Greek Gods are pointing at each other and shouting, contacting the most obscure of mini gods. Chaos erupts on Olympus as every deity in Greek Mythology is called upon and interrogated. Hermes hasn't run around so much in centuries.
Hecate sits in silence, fully aware of what's happening, but enjoying the show too much to intervene.
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