#poor midorima getting dragged in all this
clubakashi · 8 years
Chapter 17
a cute story of Akashi and his mini-bokushi by @active-mind-15​
Link to: Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Morning came faster than Bokushi would have like it to. As he slowly woke up, he heaved a sigh and rolled over on his side, looking at the clock on his bedside. It was 9:13, later than he usually woke up, perhaps because of how many hours he had spent the night before freaking out (well, as much as someone like Bokushi could freak out, anyway) before his body couldn’t take it anymore and shut down. Rolling out of bed and going to the bathroom, he stood in front of the sink and turned on the faucet, blocking the drain and watching the water collect in the basin. He took a moment to look at himself in the mirror. Lucky for him, he didn’t look as stressed out as he actually was, which was good, because he was trying to mask how badly this current situation had messed him up. He switched off the faucet and scooped the cold water into his hands before splashing it on his face.
Even though he had a several hours after dinner last night to think about it, and then another eight hours to sleep it off, he was still in denial that Miyoko would be staying at his house this weekend. Yes, yes, he knows that someone staying over was not that big of a deal, and if it was, it shouldn’t be. It was just that for as long as he’s been around he had kept his life with friends and his life with his family two completely different things. Not even his teammates have been to his house, both former and current. Well, part of that was due to paranoia that they might do something disastrous and his father would lose his mind, but the other was simply because he just preferred not to. He would rather keep everything separate.
This particular arrangement, however, was a different story altogether. First of all, it was weird because it was his father, not him, who invited Miyoko. The next thing is that she was staying for more than a few hours, she was staying for a few days. The third is that when his father was giving his reasoning as to why he was doing this when he had called Akashi last night, Bokushi had the feeling that his father still has some ulterior motive, some reasoning that he hasn’t told him yet. And that irked the redheaded boy to no end. Why was it? Why was he so frustrated about that? His hands paused mid-way between the sink and his face as he finally came up with the answer.
It was because he didn’t know.
Bokushi used to be able to know everything. He could look at the information on any given individual, narrow down the results and predict the outcome; that’s what he was known for. But his father… His father was a complete anomaly. It didn’t matter how much information Bokushi had on that man, he was an ever-changing variable. How ironic that the person he knows least about is his own father.
Because of that, Bokushi gets frustrated when he tries to figure out what his father might be thinking and fails. His father is too complex for a person to understand. The only one who ever managed to crack the code was his mother.
Perhaps this was why he had such an uneasy feeling about Miyoko coming over today. He didn’t know what his father was going to do, and so that caused an uneasy feeling of dread. Bokushi has never had this many instances where he hasn’t known something before, and he wasn’t sure if he was okay with that yet. At the moment, he didn’t know, and he hated not knowing.
He splashed water on his face three more times for good measure. Just shake it off, he told himself. This visit is about Miyoko, not father. He nodded to himself in assurance before picking up a small towel and drying his face. Surely if he focused on just Miyoko, he would be fine.
“Are you excited for your friend to visit, Young Master?”
Once Bokushi was dressed and ready, all that was left for him to do was wait. Apparently, from what his father had told him the night before, Miyoko was to come at four, so he was to wait until then for her arrival. He was in the library for most of the morning, trying to read something to take his mind off things, but the longer he continued to read the book he was on, the more uninteresting he became. It wasn’t because of the plot, because if the book was that bad then it wouldn’t be sitting in the library in his house, but for some reason, he just wasn’t in the mood to read. This was strange because he was always in the mood to read, but his mind just wasn’t focused enough for it. It got to a point where he was skimming the words on the pages, but nothing was actually going into his head. He had sighed and closed the book, standing up from the chair to put it back where he found it and walking out of the library to find something else to do.
After a few hours of trial and error doing various activities to keep him occupied, he ended up wandering the house. Wandering the house by himself seemed to be another thing he did more often. He didn’t really have a need to do it, but sometimes he got so bored that he had to do something. He was usually never bored since before this whole ordeal of becoming his own person, he at least had lessons or extracurricular activities to keep him busy, but now his schedule had been freed up completely, it was practically nonexistent these days. It’s not like he liked having his day piled up with endless classes and other things to do on the side, but he did prefer having a schedule to follow. Now that he didn’t have a schedule anymore, he felt purposeless, just wandering through life. Sure, it was probably way less dramatic than he made it out to be, but the same feeling still applied. So when it was half-past three in the afternoon and Bokushi flopped onto the couch in the living room, he just let himself be useless for just a little while as he waited for four o'clock, staring at the small antique clock on the mantelpiece. But, as time progressed, his nerves began to work up again, because for some reason his subconscious refused to get over the fact this was going to be too awkward for words, and Bokushi became more restless. The maids, who were making sure that the living room was clean five minutes to the hour, spotted Bokushi and sat down with him to pass the remaining time that was left. The young boy glanced off to the side, putting his hands in his lap.
“I suppose…” he trailed off, not even sure what to answer anymore. He fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to ignore how close it was to four o'clock. The two maids exchanged looks with each other, both looking at Bokushi with sympathetic smiles.
“Young Master, I’m sure everything will be fine,” the younger maid told him. “There is no need to be nervous for anything.” Bokushi took in her words and grimaced.
You naïve staff members, he thought solemnly. I’m nervous for Miyoko’s sake, not mine.
He didn’t care what Miyoko thought of his house, he didn’t care if after this she would like to come back or not, he just cared what his father was planning to say to her, the types of questions he would ask, and et cetera.
He had been theorizing all day and still, he came up with nothing. Even when he had lunch with his father earlier in the afternoon, he couldn’t make out anything from the faces his father was making, because he was always wearing that impossibly neutral expression. He just hoped that his father wouldn’t do anything, what, stupid? That wasn’t the right word. Nothing his father ever did was stupid. Embarrassing perhaps? No, that wasn’t quite right either. What was that word that he heard being used from time to time? Like in those instances where Mibuchi, despite his elegant nature would accidentally trip in the hallway, or when Hayama made an exceptionally bad joke…
Ah yes. Cringey.
The thought of his father trying to be amiable to a five-year-old little girl, behaving the way other adults behave around small children, fawning over them and such, it made Bokushi cringe. Just thinking about it at times could make him tremble all over, enough for someone to mistake him for having an epileptic fit. He knew his father would never behave like that, but Bokushi still felt like he was going to show some type of weird behavior. He wondered how correct his intuitions would be.
His thoughts were interrupted when the doorbell rang. Bokushi’s eyes widened as he perked up to the sound like a vigilant animal. Oh God, she’s already here.
Wanting to make sure that his face was the first Miyoko would see when the door is opened, Bokushi had already slid off the couch and ran out of the living room before the maids could react, adamant on answering the door himself. He didn’t know why he wanted it that way, but he put that aside when he stopped in front of the door and unlocked it, twisting the door handle and pulling it towards him. As soon as the door opened, a pair of arms had already circled around his neck and a body crashed into him full force, making him stagger back a few steps. His vision was completely blocked by green, and it took his a few seconds to register the fact that this was actually Miyoko who had just virtually tackled him. The young girl giggled happily.
“Hi, Bokushi-kun!” she greeted, releasing him from her grip. “It’s been so long since I last saw you!” Bokushi quirked a brow.
“You mean five days?” He chuckled at her excitement. “It’s nice to see you. And it seems that you’ve brought a plus one.” His eyes swiveled up to the tall bespectacled teenager behind Miyoko carrying her overnight bag in one hand and a red rosary (his lucky item) in the other. “Hello, Shintarou. I was not aware that you wanted to sleep over as well. Did you miss me that much?”
“Very funny,” Midorima huffed, folding his arms. “I am simply here to drop Miyoko off, nanodayo. I am surprised your father suggested she stay over.” Bokushi paused, looking left and right to make sure he was out of earshot before leaning a bit closer.
“Believe me, I know,” he responded in a hushed tone because finally, someone was on the same page as him with this whole ordeal. “Everyone else seems to find nothing wrong with this arrangement except me. Even Seijuro-nii sided with my father. It felt like I was talking to a brick wall.”
Bokushi was silenced when they heard a distinctive set of footsteps approach the door. By the time they had reached the area they were standing, Masaomi’s figure was standing over Bokushi, eyeing the two siblings standing at the doorway.
“It seems our guest has arrived,” he said, his deep voice smooth as always. “I am Akashi Masaomi. I welcome you to our home, Miyoko. And Midorima Shintarou, it has been a while since I have last seen you.”
Midorima immediately tensed (because that was everyone’s involuntary reaction when they see Akashi’s father) but he bowed politely all the same.
“It has truly been a while, Akashi-san. I thank you for allowing my younger sister to stay for the weekend.” He nudged Miyoko lightly and she perked up, remembering her manners.
“Um, thank you for having me, Akashi-san,” she said to the man, her speech equally as polite, imitating her brother and bowing. Masaomi gave a low hum of approval as he nodded in acknowledgment.
“Of course.”
The first and last time Midorima had seen their father was at their graduation ceremony at Teiko. He had approached his family with Akashi (who he realized was really Bokushi at the time but details) following behind as both their parents exchanged names and details and discussed many occupational topics. When Midorima had to introduce himself the first time to his father, he felt an enormous sense of pressure when he looked Masaomi in the eyes that day. While neither Akashi nor Bokushi looked that much like their father, the one thing they most definitely inherited from that man was the innate ability of intimidation. Yeah, sure, he could sometimes feel tense around Akashi or Bokushi, but their father was on a whole different level. Even now, being in the vicinity of their father and greeting him like this still made the green-haired Shooting Guard feel like he couldn’t breathe. During his first encounter with their father, Bokushi had felt the need to point out with traces of amusement in his voice that when he was speaking to his father, he left out his trademark sentence ending. If he could fear for his life that much just from exchanging a simple hello, he could only imagine what was waiting inside the house for Miyoko. The more Midorima thought about Miyoko staying in the Akashi household for the whole weekend, the more he saw it as a lamb being lead to a slaughterhouse, to which he immediately took the time to silence his thoughts because Jesus Christ this was his sister he was using in this comparison and she was not going to be slaughtered. Well, at least he hoped she wasn’t.
“Oh! I almost forgot,” Miyoko says suddenly, pulling herself up from her formal bow and unzipping the overnight bag Midorima was holding before taking out a mahogany brown box. “Please accept this, Akashi-san.” For the most part, Masaomi seemed unfazed, bending down to retrieve the box from the girl’s extended arms before carefully turning the elegantly designed package in his hands, taking note of the golden characters that spelled out the name of a high-end sweets shop in the downtown area.
“It's ichigo daifuku,” she clarifies, because she seemed excited to tell him what is was. “I picked it myself.” Midorima adjusted his glasses.
“She was adamant in bringing something.” He seemed hesitant to answer as if he wasn’t sure whether their father even wanted to hear his answer, but he took it all in stride and simply nodded in understanding.
“Is that so?” Masaomi said. “I thank you for the gift.” Miyoko smiled.
“You’re welcome!”
Bokushi looked between his father and Miyoko as they exchanged words. It was weird, seeing him mellow like this. This type of behavior is what he’d expect his father to put on for potential business partners. The fake smiles and honey-laced words were merely tools that people in the business world such as his father use to their advantage to make others follow him. They would seem nice and friendly when you first encounter them, but behind closed doors, they could be the coldest person in the world. Bokushi, in a sense, used to be like that, but now that part of him has been almost completely dulled. But for someone like his father to be like this towards a child, it felt so uncomfortable and he wasn’t sure why. Perhaps because this one time, he probably wasn’t faking it.
Masaomi finally stepped aside and gestured into the house.
“You should both come in,” he said. “It would be discourteous of me to let you stand outside for so long.” Midorima suddenly twitches, not enough for anyone to really notice, but Bokushi most definitely saw it.
“Ah, I was only here to drop Miyoko off,” he says quickly. “I couldn’t possibly intrude.”
When one is offered something, it was common courtesy to politely refuse the first time, but Bokushi was beginning to think that Midorima was refusing because he didn’t actually want to come in. He wouldn’t blame him, his father could be quite intimidating at times, even if it was unintentional. He watched as his father continued to look over at Midorima, his face unchanged as he insisted once more.
“Do come in, Midorima-kun,” he said to him. “For the trouble of bringing your younger sister here, it would only be fair to offer you tea.”
“Yeah, come inside the house, onii-chan!” Miyoko chimed, grabbing a hold of his hand and trying to pull him towards the entrance. “You could talk with Akashi-san!” Now Midorima had more visibly twitched at the notion of having a conversation with Bokushi’s father, and Bokushi was beginning to think that psychologists everywhere should start adding ‘Akashi Masaomi’ to the official list of phobias.
“W-Well…” Midorima took his glasses off and began to clean them with a cloth that he took out of his pocket. If Bokushi still knew Midorima’s quirks like he used to, then his glasses didn’t really need to be cleaned. He was cleaning them to buy time; and with that time, he would weigh out the options in his head. Slowly… Carefully… Then, he put the cloth back in his pocket and slid the glasses back on his face before answering.
“I suppose…” Midorima paused, trying to make sure he could convey his thoughts properly before continuing. “I have a bit of time before I should be home. Thank you, I will accept your invitation.” He bowed his head towards the older gentleman, looking up at him afterward to ensure he had said the correct thing. Masaomi was smiling, but not in a kind-hearted way, necessarily, but it was one of those smiles that one would make when a certain event would turn out exactly how they predicted. Midorima has seen that smile many times before when Akashi or Bokushi would beat him in a game of shogi and sit there with that smile on their face that said: ‘I knew it would turn out this way’.
How infuriating…
“Excellent,” said Masaomi. “Bokushi, please go and take Miyoko’s things up to your room. Midorima-kun, if you would please come in, we can go to the living room and talk.” Midorima took in a sharp inhale and nodded once.
“Of course, Akashi-san.”
As Masaomi began to turn around and go back into the house, Bokushi went over to Midorima and reached his hand out, taking Miyoko’s bag from him but patted the Shooting Guard on the arm as if to give his sympathies.
“It’s fine, Shintarou, he won’t bite,” he said. “Also, stop holding that rosary so tightly as if it’s going to help you. You’re not even Catholic.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, nanodayo. When faced with a situation like this, I’ll seek help from whatever god is out there,” he muttered under his breath. “Anyway, you better hurry taking her things upstairs. I refuse to be left alone here, nanodayo.”
“I make no promises. Enjoy your tea, Shintarou.” Bokushi walked ahead, joining Miyoko who had already started going up the stairs, leaving Midorima to reluctantly follow his father as a maid finally shut the front door.
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blisslilywrites · 4 years
How would GOM react if a guy was flirting with you. Thank you in advance.
A/N: basically,,,, RIP DUDE(s) WHO TRIED TO FLIRT WITH YOU AHAHAHHAHAHA.. anyway this was pretty short but i hope you still like it nonetheless/(//w//)/ - lily
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lol i pity the guy who tries to flirt with you knowing that you’re akashi’s girl</3
no one would dare we all know that
but say some douche didn’t or had the guts to try to flirt with you and say akashi saw it happen
rip douche
akashi would walk up to you all smiles and nonchalantly put an arm around your shoulder or your waist and tell you he has something urgent to discuss with you
as he’s about to lead you away he’ll stare daggers at the guy and by staring daggers i mean literal daggers
cuz yk,,, akashi has a pretty intense aura
if mr. douche still doesnt get the message and tries to flirt with you again at some other time….
akashi would probably be logical and let you handle it yourself but if you, for some reason, still haven’t realized mr. douche is flirting with you,,,,, akashi will take matters into his own hands
by ofc lightly threatening mr. douche
akashi’s light threats are definitely more than enough to scare away anybody who thinks they can flirt with his s/o
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to others,,, aomine may not seem like the best boyfriend 
some other boys might think that and try to flirt with you whether jokingly or seriously
either way tho… it makes aomine pissed af
like excuse you?? that’s HIS s/o no one else can flirt with you bUT him
or… “the only one that can flirt with y/n is me” as he might put it
yeah he’s pretty possessive but he’ll generally not rlly say anything if the flirting wasn’t that much
if it was EXCESSIVE and OBVIOUS flirting tho… well he’d prolly be upset about it:,(
depending on the person, he may get a twinge of jealousy and start an intense make out session later 
or he might get a bit pouty altho this one isn’t as likely
generally tho he’d just wrap his arm around you or call you “babe” and just make it rlly rlly obvious that you’re already taken
by none other than him ofc
and it’s usually enough,,, seeing as he’s a pretty big guy and looks pretty strong too
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kise’s normally all over you and its very much obvious to others that he’s with you,, or at least into you
but if someone were to flirt with you…
he’ll probably try to “intercept” sorry my vocab rlly bad rn the flirting and basically just talk a lot and respond to all your courter’s advances
he’ll leave no room for you or for them to talk and they’ll eventually just leave
after they do,, he’d turn to you and say smth like, “You know y/n,, I rlly dont like it when other guys flirt at you:)”
akjgkl idk just picturing it is just…. klajdlsgjlsbkO{@u5902
anywayyss he wouldn’t do anything much but just be pretty petty bout other guys flirting with you
on the other hand,, sometimes he’d just go like “AHH Y/N-CCHI IS SO ATTRACTIVE AND AMAZING OFC OTHERS WOULD TRY TO FLIRT WITH YOU~~ <333”
he’ll do this when he’s in a good mood and when he doesn’t think the flirting was smth serious or smth that threatens him in any way
he trusts you know enough not to flirt back anyway U.U
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midorima is very… awkward when it comes to others flirting with you
it happens a lot,, a lot more than he’d like
and it unsettles him that people actually have the guts to shamelessly flirt with you
but poor boy doesnt rlly know how to react
he just kinda,,,
*straightens glasses*
*tells them to stop in a direct manner*
his methods may be… unconventional
but its rlly rlly effective
(plus the fact that he’s huge and very broad scares them away pretty easily)
no one would wanna push midorima when he’s being that direct with them
it simply isnt worth the hassle
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so the other guys (minus akashi) are already pretty big and scary enough to make those feeling flirtatious around you leave
murasakibara is pretty much the same but EVEN BIGGER and EVEN SCARIER
what’s worse is he’s also pretty direct and you never know when he’s actually upset
so if he seems some guy flirting with you
or even talking to you tbh
he’ll walk up to you guys,, and trust me when he “walks up” it looks rlly menacing
and either he’ll just stand there (if he has nothing he wants you to do) 
or he’ll just drag you away to get snacks or go home or go watch him practice basketball or literally anything rlly
if he decides to just stand there and much on some food or smth.. its gonna be rlly lowkey scary
like just imagine this giant staring down at you with an unreadable expression but very much possibly an angry/upset one
yeah it can be pretty nerve-wracking for those who arent used to him
and its normally more than enough to get any guy to stop flirting with you
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bokutosbiceps · 3 years
Can I req a Aomine, Akashi, Kise, Murasakibara, Midorima with a s/o who like is always in trouble for doing something stupid along with their Male BFF? Like they always get in detention for doing something stupid?? I hope this is clear😭😭😭and pls take your time!!
awe for sure, i gotchu, friend. i’m doing this in reaction format because that is, indeed, easiest :)
akashi seijuurou would be disappointed at the fact that you keep ending up in detention. this was not the image he wanted to uphold. akashi seijuurou: boyfriend of That One Girl who’s always in detention. he would always get you out of detention but leave your friend behind, believing that he needed to be punished in order to learn his lesson. little did he know, this problem would continue. once akashi noticed this has become an issue, he would have a “friendly talk” with your guy friend. he would basically tell your friend to stop putting your future in jeopardy + to start thinking more logically if he really cared for you. he wouldn’t do this behind your back, though, you guys trust each other + you do feel just a tad bit guilty after seeing the looks of disappointment akashi gives you.
aomine daiki would be in detention with you guys !! he’s always down for the shenanigans !! he’s probably best friends with your guy friend, so you would just be a trio of idiots.he would think you are even cooler for all the reckless shit you do + he’d have so much fun doing it with you. seriously, y’all need help. he would be just slightly jealous though if you + your gif friend ever leave him out. not because he’s jealous of the guy, he’s just jealous he was left out of the shenanigans.
kise ryouta would be the scapegoat for you guys. you wouldn’t be in detention,,it’d be kise who would end up in detention because you guys are really craft + get him to do the dirty work when he joins in on the shenanigans. honestly, poor kise. someone get this bby out of jail.
midorima shintarou would be eternally pissed. he would think like — first of all, why the hell do you have to be hanging out w this dude all the time ?? second of all, what on earth could you guys possibly be doing that could get you detention ?? in the beginning of these shenanigans, like akashi, midorima would come to get you (only you, not your friend) out of detention since he’s buddy buddy with all of the teachers/administrators at school. then he’d walk you home + spend the entire time lecturing you for being an idiot. but as your shenanigans continued, he would let you stay in detention for the full amount of time, then begin his lecture as soon as you’re let go until you guys arrive at your door step. he will completely despise your guy friend at this point + encourage you to not be friends with him anymore ,,, but we all know that he’s truly just jealous 😚
murasakibara atsushi would sometimes get dragged into your shenanigans but he’d never get in detention because of his connection to the basketball team. he already doesn’t like your male best friend, but he comes to truly hate him because of how often he’ll bother atsushi to use him in pranks. atsushi hates putting in the effort for most things + it’s not any different for when your friend will ask him for favors. he’ll straight up refuse, but sometimes he’ll let himself be bribed with promises of candies/snacks/food. whenever you guys end up in detention, he’ll either just go in the room + sit down with you since he’s got nothing better to do. BUT if he’s pissed at you for being in detention AGAIN, he’ll just walk by the door and raise his eyebrows at you, as if to say “it’s what you deserve” then walk away. he’ll catch up with you later.
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aomine-ryo · 4 years
hii!! love your blog n writing so much! could i please request a scenario where gom+ kagami react to aomine w scratches on his back? you know due to obvious reasons 😏😏 sorry if this goes against any rules!
Omg I love this request 😂 This was really fun to write so I hope you like this x
Scenario: GOM + Kagami’s reactions to Aomine with scratches on his back
You and Aomine were headed to the basketball court in a nearby park because Akashi had suggested playing a few games with the rest of the Generation of Miracles and Kagami. You had spent the night over at Aomine’s house so the two of you were quite tired to be waking up so early since you had stayed up quite late having a bit of fun.
“Why didn’t you just stay back and sleep?” Aomine questioned after you let out a huge yawn. He would’ve been more than happy to stay back and sleep in with you for longer, but you had dragged him out of bed to tend to these plans.
“I like watching you guys play. Plus it’s not often that I get to see Akashi and Murasakibara since they live so far,” you replied, playfully swinging the hand that held Aomine’s.
The two of you were the last ones to get to the court. After your greetings, they decided on the teams, where you were roped into playing too since the numbers were uneven. You were good enough at basketball to be on the girls’ team at your school and though you were nowhere near their level, you happily took part in the games.
All of you played for a good hour or two before deciding to call it a day. Aomine’s shirt was drenched in sweat because he got quite carried away after Kagami started provoking him during the game. He pulled his shirt off and began to dig around his bag in search of the spare shirt he had packed, however he got distracted by the loud gasp from Kise.
“Aominecchi! What on Earth happened to your back?”
“Huh? What are you talking about?” Aomine questioned, trying to catch a glimpse of his back like an idiot.
You looked over at Aomine’s back and colour began to rise in your cheeks. Both you and Aomine had completely forgotten about the marks left from the night before.
“You have scratches all over your back, idiot,” Midorima informed Aomine, who was spinning around like a dog chasing its tail.
Aomine finally stopped and remembered where they had come from, sharing an awkward look with you as his mind recalled all the hot and heavy moments from the previous night, causing his cheeks to flush red. “Oh that, um, it was my cat,” he lied, as he quickly pulled his shirt on.
“But you don’t have a cat, Aomine-kun,” Kuroko pointed out, straight-faced as always.
“Oh yeah, um—”
“Wait didn’t Y/N-cchi stay over last night?” Kise added, and everyone began to connect the dots as Aomine let out a groan, preparing himself for what’s to come.
“Your nails aren’t even that long, how’d you do so much damage?” Midorima questioned as he picked up your hand and began to examine your fingernails.
“My god, is he really that rough, Y/N-chin?” Murasakibara questioned, turning to you whilst Kise and Kagami were doubling over in laughter.
“Poor Y/N-kun. I’m sorry you have to deal with Aomine-kun’s aggressiveness,” Kuroko said. You didn’t know how to respond to any of it, you were just frozen with embarrassment.
“Poor Y/N? I’m the one with scratches on my back!” Aomine retorted, causing even Akashi to let out a small snicker.
They all chose to ignore him and started pitying you, just to annoy Aomine. “Are you okay Y/N-cchi? If he ever hurts you just say the word, we can beat him up!” Kise said, placing a hand on your shoulder as Aomine shot him death glares. Midorima and Akashi just stood there in silence and watched things unfold. Akashi found it quite entertaining, however the green-haired boy was massaging his temples and asking himself how he managed to get involved with a group this chaotic.
“I can’t believe you’re so rough with someone so small. Pick on someone your own size,” Kagami sneered.
It took everything Aomine had not to absolutely murder everyone right then and there. “You’re about my size, are you trying to flirt with me?” Aomine shot back.
“Ew no way. You’re the last person I’d want to be with,” Kagami replied with a look of disgust, “I bet you’re awful in bed.”
“I’m not! I’m the best in bed,” Aomine yelled back, losing himself in this pointless bickering with Kagami. “I’ll have you know that Y/N very much enjoys having sex with me! You should hear how much she screams—”
“Oh my God, Daiki shut up!” You cut him off, your face as red as a tomato at this point.
“Okay, how about we stop talking about Aomine and Y/N’s sex life?” Akashi suggested, trying to save you from any more embarrassment.
The group finally simmered down and you let out a sigh of relief, glad that it was finally over. Everyone was quite hungry so you decided to grab some food at Maji Burger together. They didn’t let Aomine off the hook that easily though. Every now and then someone (especially Kagami and Kise) would slip a joke about it into the conversation, much to Aomine’s dismay.
Kagami would sometimes slap Aomine’s back playfully, just to see him wince in pain, though Aomine would immediately pounce on him in attempts to fight him, so everyone was given the difficult task of trying to break up their fights. After that day, Aomine would always think twice before he took his shirt off in front of his friends.
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shoichee · 4 years
Hello and congrats on the 100 milestone! Can you do prompt #19 for Midorima? 😁
MAN OH MAN IT’S BEEN A LONG TIME BUT I’M FINALLY BACK, TSYM for being here since the beginning, i rlly rlly appreciate it <333 so HERES SOME FLUFF
Midorima x Reader
19. “I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me”
Word Count: 3349
prompt list here
»»————— ☼ —————««
“Seriously, are you sure you’re not secretly related to Shin-chan?” Takao shoves another helping of rice into his mouth and you instantly frown at his messy eating habits.
“Takao, it doesn’t hurt to wipe the grains off your cheeks with napkins that the cafeteria always abundantly provides,” you say, not once taking your eyes off of the study guide you compiled for the class final. “And please don’t talk with your mouth open.” You can easily sense Takao groaning before slapping his eyes while leaning back in frustration, but you still carried on in skimming your notes instead.
“And that’s exactly why Shin-chan doesn’t know how to approach you,” he petulantly mumbles. You spared a glance above your packets, not catching his inaudible words.
“Never mind,” Takao sighs, settling to childishly stabbing the shrimp tempuras with his chopsticks and popping them into his mouth. “You werdn’t gert it.”
“What did I just say about your eating manners?” You roll your eyes, choosing to brush off his words as you continue to devote your attention to your papers. Takao simply opts to noisily munch on the rest of his lunch while being deep in thought, letting you study in some relative peace. He then gets up, tosses his trash away, and plops back down on his seat, and he props up his chin on his arm, watching you completely engrossed in your own world and figuring out how to exactly figure out his next best course of action.
“Y’know what? Screw this, I’m not getting paid to be a wingman for two difficult people,” he dramatically sighs, purposely trying to get your attention, and it worked. “You might wanna start paying attention to poor Shin-chan before he over thinks himself to death.” Takao does an exaggerated shrug and a shake of his head to emphasize the “seriousness” of the situation. You merely frown.
“You never cease to amaze me with your convoluted words. If you want something from me, just spit it out already.” You reluctantly let down your papers to give him your undivided attention, and Takao leans closer, dropping his voice to a hush.
“Look, I know you see him in a different light from the others,” he whispers conspiringly. “And he does too.” He makes pointer-finger motions in front of him to represent “you” and “Midorima.”
“... This again?” You pinch your nose bridge and release a harsh sigh, but you nonetheless let Takao continue.
“Come on, would it really hurt to do a confession? For someone so blunt and straightforward, you’re really dragging this out for way too long.” Takao frowns at your deadpan expression but continues his little movements with his makeshift “finger puppets.” “Once you”—he takes his left index finger—“and Shin-chan”—he brings his right index closer to his left—“do the chu”— he brings his index fingers together to imply the situation—“I can finally be free from the clutches of Shi—”
“I already told you,” you smoothly interrupt, “that we don’t see each other that way. He’s been a reliable partner in class projects and a very helpful person to share notes with. I’m very certain it’s like that on his end with me too.”
“Why do you sound so disappointed when you say it like that?” Takao slowly grows a shit-eating (yet hopeful) smirk. You scowl at his implications. Takao amusedly notes that you’re way too similar to his best friend.
“There’s no chance that we’ll ever get to that stage… ever. Okay? Satisfied now?”
“So you are disappointed at the possible outcome,” Takao gleefully says, his face showing all signs of plans being concocted in his mind. You completely widen your eyes at your simple slip-up.
“I… it’s not a possible outcome, damn it,” you vehemently insist. “It’s a guarantee.”
“Puh-lease (y/n)-chan, how do you know unless you try it?”
“Alright Takao,” you dryly reply. “Why don’t you try staring directly at the sun first before confirming that you become blind from that?”
“That’s not the same!”
“Same logic,” you huff. “Look, you know Midorima-san more than anyone, and even you know how he thinks. He finds the concept of friends and teammates to be pretty unnecessary, and frankly I can empathize with him. If he finds camaraderie to be a hassle already, dating is already beyond off the table. It takes much more to be a genuine friend to him than your average person, and if I do, by chance, confess, I’d be throwing away everything that I built up with him like an idiot… just being like this with him is more than enough for me. Besides, a relationship isn’t important right now, not when class takes up most of the time.”
“Well, normally yes, but in this specific case, there’s an excep—”
“I already came clean with this,” you say, furrowing your brows. “So can you finally let me study for this class in peace? Obviously, it’s a given for you not to open your mouth to anyone else about this.” With that, you tune out any further noise and burrow yourself into your class materials, and Takao could only sigh as he tries to wrack his brain for another way to play wingman.
“... Seriously, they’re both so stubborn.”
You turn around from looking at the bulletin to the person who just addressed you. Midorima stares down at you quite seriously before he promptly clears his throat.
“You’re blocking the way, nanodayo.”
“Ah… I apologize,” you say, immediately stepping closer to the bulletin to clear up the hallway. You turn your face to appear fixated on the bulletin board, but still sensing Midorima staring at you, you reluctantly peek at him from your peripheral vision. “... Is there something else you need, Midorima-san?” Midorima looks at the bulletin board for a moment before he turns back to your face.
“Regarding the group project we were paired to do in chemistry,” he starts, “the teacher praised our work very highly and wants to know if he can use it as an example for future lectures. I’m here to hear your answer on his behalf.”
You mentally sigh from the secretive disappointment. Of course Midorima was here for straightforward business. Nothing more, nothing less. Still, Takao’s words begin flitting through your mind now… of all times.
“Of course he can use it,” you smile. “I think it’s an honor to have our project regarded so highly like that, especially since so much effort was put into it… although… I think you’re the reason why we received such a high score, Midorima-san.” You train your gaze on Midorima, trying to gauge his reaction from the compliment, but he gives no such sign away, not any that you were aware of as far as you were concerned.
“(y/n)-san, I believe your own efforts and work ethic shouldn’t be trivialized,” Midorima replies, briefly closing his eyes and adjusting his frames. “After all, you are the one who made this project a cohesive final product, one that is also comprehensible to other peers in our presentation.”
“Ah… well…” You were definitely thrown in for a loop, not expecting Midorima to compliment you back so openly, albeit probably not for the reasons you were hoping for. “... Thank you, Midorima.” In an attempt to curb your growing flusteredness, you opted to stare at the bulletin board again, pretending to be occupied in reading the pinned papers.
“... Right.” Midorima softly clears his throat. “I’ll be taking my leave back to the faculty office. It was good talking to you.”
He swiftly turns around and walks back in the direction he came from, and when you were certain that he was walking judging from his footsteps, you turn your head to stare at his back before averting your gaze.
You frown once he exits out of your sight as you ponder about his particular diction.
“It was good talking to you”? Had Midorima ever said that to anyone before? You sigh to yourself and pinch your nose bridge to chastise yourself. Takao was right; you might’ve fallen a little too hard for the reserved individual, but even still, a relationship isn’t something you wanted to actively chase after.
Amidst your dilemma, you were completely unaware that Takao watched the entire exchange, holding back his laughter from seeing you uncharacteristically look like an absolute love-stricken fool. He got too much of a kick out of seeing the both of you trying to flirt… and an even bigger kick when he saw Midorima turning around to briefly “discreetly” stare at you while you were having your inner monologue.
“Takao, I’m having none of your bullshit today.” Midorima simply scowls as he prepares to leave the main building to the gym. Takao merely tags along while taunting him in a sing-song voice.
“Come onnn,” Takao insists, slapping Midorima’s back a little too harshly. “You said it yourself didn’t you? Favorable outcomes come to those who prepare the most. Don’t lie, I know you’ve been planning to naturally bump into our (y/n)-chan in different scenarios. Like yesterday in the hall—”
“You knew?!” Midorima jumps out of his skin to shoot an accusatory look at him, but Takao merely struggles to hold back a snicker at his reaction.
“Shin-chan, how hard is it to say three specific little words to someone else?” Takao sends a frustrated look. “You’ve always gone the extra mile to prepare your lucky items, read the Oha Asa predictions, and do little rituals not just for yourself but also for (y/n)-chan too, yet you don’t want to do a simple thing like confessing?”
“A confession isn’t that simple,” he retorts. “It can alter my fate for potentially worse if I’m not prepared.”
“Jeez, only you can take this so seriously,” Takao sighs, which only earned him a withering look from Midorima’s end. “But then again, it’s nice that you see it as something serious… but when are you actually gonna do it?” His response was only silence, as if he didn’t really give much thought about it until it was brought up now.
“That’s none of your concern.”
“Oh come on, Shin-chan!”
“To be honest,” he says, stopping in place. “The horoscope says that Cancers would be rejected by signs like of (y/n)-san’s, much less be compatible. Predictions state that such relationships between the two would be troublesome.”
“Okay, Shin-chan,” Takao says, patting Midorima’s shoulder. “I know I constantly joke about this Oha Asa and this entire thing with (y/n)-chan, but”—he stops when he sees Midorima giving him another scathing look—“even if the horoscopes state it so, it’s like you said: favorable outcomes come to those who do the most. If you did everything you could, I see no reason to be scared. Plus, you have me to help you.”
“... It’s not that. Part of this is beyond what I can do to prepare. Whatever I do will not influence (y/n)-san’s answer, and that is something out of my control.”
“You know, you could just say that you’re nervous.”
“I am not.”
“Well, if you want me to be honest,” Takao says. “I think it’s because the two of you are so eerily similar that you find it hard to approach (y/n)-san. Like, when’s the last time you’ve met someone as serious and stiff as yo—I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Please don’t raise your fist at me!”
“That being said,” he continues, “Just talk to (y/n) like you’ve talked to everyone else. I mean you both always hit it off when you talk together in class.”
“I… suppose…”
“Trust me,” Takao grins, slightly elbowing Midorima’s ribs. “I’d like to think of myself as an accurate guy in ball-passing and in detecting social cues.”
You really tried to carry yourself normally.
You really did.
But a part of you is becoming hyper-aware of everything Midorima does, and being your normally collected self is suddenly becoming a lot more difficult. Studying at your own desk is nigh impossible with both Midorima’s words and Takao’s implications running through your mind. Even Midorima, who normally minds his own business, shoots you pensive looks here and there during class, and he approaches you during break after.
“... Your sign is at one of the lowest ranks in luck today… may that be the reason why you’re not being your usual self?” He studies as you pull yourself together.
“Erm… somewhere along the lines, yeah. Most likely woke up on the wrong side of the bed today,” you mumble, rubbing your neck to ease the nervousness.
“Is that so…” he says. He pulls out a small toy that was found in the local gachapon down the street. “Ahem… I hear that your lucky item is this today.” He holds it out in front of you, silently waiting for you to take it, and you gently pluck it out of his large hands.
“Well, what about you?” you inquire. “I’m sure you got this toy for a reason, like say… for your own good luck?”
“Well,” he coughs. “I have my own. I am always prepared for such occurrences should things go awry.”
“You’re always so prepared for everything,” you quietly laugh. “Not that it’s a bad thing, though. I do wish I was more like you in that regard.”
“W-Well, I think you have your own admirable traits to be proud of, er…” Midorima slowly turns red and contemplates backtracking on his words. “I-If you excuse me, I must get going for health committee duties, nanodayo.” He heaves his bag on his shoulder as you wave at him, and he lingers there, debating on something that you aren’t sure what it is. “Might you have time afterschool today?”
“Uh… not that I think of,” you reply. “Are you already looking ahead to the next partner assignment?”
“Actually, no… it won’t take much of your time, (y/n)-san. It’s something quick. Can we meet at the vending machines near the gym? I do have practice around that time, so I hope somewhere nearby could suffice for you too.”
“That’s fine with me, because… I feel like I need to tell you something too or I won’t be able to study at this rate, but if you have practice, shouldn’t you be focused on that more?”
“It’s fine. This one takes… a higher priority.” Midorima fixes his glasses and readjusts his grip on his shoulder bag as he ponders about your own words. “If this arrangement is fine with you, I will be seeing you after school.” You only nod as you wave goodbye at him again, and you exhale a long sigh of relief and nervousness once he leaves. You really wonder if telling Midorima that you had something important to tell him was a good move on your part, considering that you can’t backtrack your words on someone as stubborn as him. Takao may or may not have seen Midorima’s attempt in being forward and silently laughed himself to oblivion in the corner of the classroom.
“Were you waiting long, Midorima-san?” You briskly jog with your heavy bag to the destined location to see Midorima thumbing through his book before he looks up.
“You are as punctual as always.” He closes his book with a thud and places it in his bag on the bench before he stands up to face you. “Which is always appreciated considering it is not as common in others.”
“I just think it’s common courtesy.”
“Not quite, considering I asked you rather suddenly to meet me here,” he says. “You aren’t obligated to even agree in meeting me, yet here you are on time, just like with our past project sessions.”
“Well… you did say it was important enough that you put practice as a second priority, and I do want to tell you something too.”
An awkward silence dominates the exchange after Midorima clears his throat and goes silent as you patiently wait in agony. You eye at his troubled expression, wondering what sort of thing he was going to tell you that got him so worked up. At the same time, you grew slightly antsier, quietly tapping a foot or rubbing your neck, and you wonder if Midorima was actually waiting for you to say something first.
“I… I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me.”
“I-I believe I may have developed feelings akin to attraction for you.”
Both of you stare at each other in unadulterated surprise.
“... You… like me?” Midorima murmurs, his eyes still full blown in shock.
“L-Likewise,” you reply, opting to stare at Midorima’s bag on the bench instead. Another awkward silence ensues as both of you take in each other’s sudden words and Midorima clears his throat again.
“... Why are you afraid of liking me?” Midorima restores his composure, staring at your flustered state with furrowed brows, thinking that he somehow made you uncomfortable at some point throughout the year.
“Wait… no! That’s not what I meant!” you say, mildly shaking your head. “Uh, let me rephrase that…” Midorima silently watches you as you continue. “Well, you weren’t the person to have romance in your mind, let alone have feelings, let alone for me, and… my friendship with you is something that I treasure, and I don’t want to hinder you with such things that can make you uncomfortable in being around me. That was why I was afraid, although I’ve been in denial about it until recently.”
“I see.”
“And um, I thought that confessing to you would end the friendship we had.”
“... Likewise.” Midorima uses your word against you with an upward curl of his lip. It almost seems like he was teasing you. You grow redder at his response, but he continued. “I suppose the lucky item I gave you provided the most favorable outcome for the day.” You only nod as you processed everything that just happened in a few moments, and both of you went quiet again.
“... I’m not sure what to do next,” Midorima frowns. “I wasn’t prepared for this particular situation, nanodayo.” You only smile at his own flusters.
“Well…” you say. “We could date, but I don’t think that’s important right now, considering that we still have to focus on school… I mean unless you want to, then we can try to make it work?”
“Ahem, while I do think these things are quite frivolous,” he says. “I suppose we can learn to balance our relationship with other aspects of our lives accordingly.”
“I would like that,” you smile, walking to approach closer to Midorima. “Could we… um, hold hands? If you’re not into that though, that’s okay.” He says nothing in response but his hand slowly reaches out for your own to gently clasp, and closes his eyes in bliss before he opens them to look at you.
“... I must go to practice soon. It’s almost time.”
“I see,” you mumble. “If that’s the case, I’ll be inside the library to cram in extra lectures.” You pull your hand away to separate, but he holds you tighter. “Midorima?”
“... I’ll walk you there, nanodayo.” He peers over your face to gauge any objections on your end, but when he finds none, he gently tugs you along as you both walk to the building next-door.
“I never knew you were into hand-holding.”
“N-Not really,” he quietly says, his ears turning red.
“Actually,” you say, bringing Midorima’s attention back to you in light of the topic change. “I need to thank Takao tomorrow… he’s the one who pushed me to confess.”
“Hmph,” he scoffs. “I do suppose that the idiot has some merits to his words.”
“I do now see what he means when he keeps insisting that we’re too alike in personality and preferences.”
“That just means we’re more compatible than what fate initially predicted, nanodayo.”
“You checked the horoscopes for relationship compatibility? Never would I have thought that such things occupied your mind, Midorima…”
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Sexy Halloween Costume You Wear That Makes Your Basketball Boy Simp Part One 🎃🏀
GOM x fem!reader
Contains mature themes: Non-explicit, 1 or 2 mentions of kinks & suggestive content.
My submission for @knb-kreations All Hallow’s Eve Event!
See the Haikyuu Version of This pt.1
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Akashi - A Sexy Tinkerbell 🧚✨
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Everyone knows Akashi has a HUGE size kink!!!!!
Considering he’s only 5’8 with BDE that he can back up,” he doesn’t like having to look up at people... so his kink makes sense
So even though he didn’t realize it, when he took you Halloween shopping and you chose to wear a Tinkerbell pixie costume?????
His size kink when WHOA 🎢
Not only did you look brilliant in green, it brought out your Y/E/C like crazy .....
not to mention that dress showed off all your curves tantalizingly....
Seijūrō’s subconscious couldn’t help but think about the cartoon Tinkerbell who was the size of what, his middle finger?
So You somehow looked even smaller to him, and it turned your bf on like crazy.
When you exited the wardrobe in his mansion to show him that you were all done up, he tilted his head, studying you
“Akashi-san, why are you staring at me like that...?”
This man
This cool, calm, and always collected man......
This dominate man.......
He was now under your command that night, completely..... due to that costume
And from then on out her gave you the cute little nickname ‘My Tinkerbell’ 🥺✨
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Murasakibara - An Edible Candy Girl 🍭 🍬
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Mura would literally try and eat you if you dressed as a candy girl for Halloween
Dont laugh !!!!!!! 😅
I’m serious.
It was actually the best day of his life
The ONLY two things this skyscraper admits to liking in this world - Snacks and YOU have conjoined!!!!!!
He wouldn’t forget this day for as long as he lived !!!!
At the Halloween festival you dragged him to, he wouldn’t let you out of his arms, just like he does with his snacks
Atsushi shamelessly left bite marks on your skin in public, while you two waited in line for rides and for carnival games, and at any other point
“Mmmm.....you taste soooo goood.....Y/N-chaaan.....” Murmured your boyfriend as he held you from behind.
You giggled every time he brushed his teeth on your skin, making you shiver
You pushed him off, but honestly—
You found the way he couldn’t keep his mouth off you extremely kinda sexy
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Midorima - Fortune Teller 🔮👁
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are you surprised!!!!!
This man is RELIGIOUS about being able to tell his future and the future of everyone around him
Actually, I don’t think anyone knows what his life would be without it
So just to see his reaction, Takao told you to get this costume and surprise your man with it so he can film Midorima’s reaction 😂
Sooo you agreed & on Halloween, After a Shūtoku team reunion dinner + drinks at a local sports bar, Takao offered to give Midorima a ride home,
against his better judgment, the green haired athlete agrees because although he had fun he just wants to be home with you laying on your lap reading a book
Midorima deadpanned harder than he ever had in his life when he realized Takao was going to drive him home on his bike and attached cart 😑
Lmaooooooo it’s been yearsss where is your whip sir!!!!
Anyway, Takao biked to your house , texting you secretly that they are almost there
Midorima the NBA player made a mental note to buy his friend a car for his birthday, lol.
When the duo gets to your driveway, you grab your crystal ball and head outside to greet your boyfriend and his best friend!!
Midorima’s 6’5 figure was in the middle of climbing out of the tiny cart when he spotted you, taking him off guard and making him fall right out of the cart.
He couldn’t believe how amazing you looked
You laughed and high fived Takao as he filmed the entire thing.
“Keeping this to play it at our next reunion, Shin-chan!” Kazunari explained, laughing as he walked over to extend a hand out to your bf
Shin-chan slapped away his hand, which made the two closest people to him laugh even harder
The look on Midorima was priceless: a pouty glare, looking like a Christmas tree what with his red cheeks and green hair. I repeat, Priceless.
“I hate you both, really.”
The poor baby 🥺
But Don’t worry, you ended up helping your boyfriend up and whispering in his ear that you looked into the crystal ball and apparently: his future has a naked you in it, and he perked up instantly.
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Kuroko - Hot Referee 👁‍🗨⚪️⚫️
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we all know that kuroko loves following the rules lmao
He gets so mad in any game where the other team is slimy enough to try & cheat the well established system that is basketball
It literally makes him rage but in a good way
He just values fairness above all else.
So when he is met with his beautiful girlfriend dressed as the ultimate rule enforcer —he is blushing like MAD
He can’t stop picturing how distracted he’d be in a game of basketball if you were on the court, running up and down alongside Seirin wearing that tight uniform
and blowing that whistle!
Tetsu blushes even more at the idea of you blowing another whistle 🤤
The entire time you two are handing out candy that night, he can’t stop sneaking glances at you with a deeper and deeper blush
You caught them all & thought he was adorable!!!!
When it was getting late and you two gave out the last of your candy, you went straight to straddling your invisible boy’s lap, smirking down at him and kissing all over his face
Tetsu hummed in delight, incredibly happy
“You going to follow my rules tonight, baby boy?” You blew softly in to his ear.
Your sweet boy nodded enthusiastically....... wanting to score more than just a basketball.
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Aomine, Kise & Kagami in part 2! (Wish I could have gotten to it this year, sorry guys) 😞
Back to my 2020 KNB Masterlist!
247 notes · View notes
⁂ Don’t Be Nervous (Yukio Kasamatsu)
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Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Romance ☁
Word Count: 2,087 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Kasamatsu ☁
World: Anime, Kuroko no Basket ☁
Your eye twitched at the hand wrapped tightly around your wrist, narrowed eyes sliding up the toned arm to the culprit. “Why do you have to involve me?”
Kagami glanced over his shoulder. “Because you’re one of the scariest people I know.”
A sweatdrop appeared on the back of your head. “I never knew you had such a way with words. I’m surprised the girls aren’t falling over themselves to hear you speak!”
He scowled at the remark but chose to keep his mouth shut.
Silence fell as you made your way to the park. For what, you had no clue.
When you finally reached the destination, your eyes landed on a few familiar faces; Kise, who looked rather chipper. Kuroko, who wore the same blank expression as always. Koganei, who looked excited and ready to go. And Kasamatsu, who looked rather nervous.
Your gaze followed Koganei’s and you raised an eyebrow at the four girls standing off to the side. They were huddled together, whispering amongst themselves and glancing at the group of boys.
You yanked your arm free of Kagami’s grasp and glared at the red-head, ready to demand an explanation when you were glomped by a blonde blur, knocking you back a few paces.
“I’m glad you could make it! Now we can go!” His grip around your body disappeared and he hurried over to the girls, ushering them along. Koga followed happily with Kuroko at his side, while Kasamatsu kept his distance.
Kagami gripped your forearm in a gentle but firm hold, leaning down so he could whisper in your ear. “Kise is trying to find Kasamatsu a girlfriend, but he’s useless when it comes to girls.”
You bit back the smart remark that begged to be released. “Okay… so what up with the group?”
“Kise needed two more guys, and when he asked Kuroko, Koganei-senpai said he would do it. He ended up having to beg Kuroko before he would agree.” He scoffed, shoving his hands into his shorts. “Kuroko threatened me with that damn dog, so I had to come along.”
“And I’m here because…?”
“They were short one girl and I wasn’t about to get set up with some chick I didn’t know.”
“Lovely. I knew I should have ignored your call.”
He sent you an annoyed glare, but you weren’t entirely sure it was meant for you. “If I have to suffer, you can too!”
“You’re such a good friend, Taiga.”
“Shut up.”
“Come now. Is that any way to speak to your elder?”
“Shut up.”
To say that the atmosphere was awkward would be the world’s greatest understatement. The only ones talking were Koga and Kise, along with their dates. Honestly, you were fine with Kagami not talking to you but the silence was a bit killer, especially with the aura Kagami and Kasamatsu were giving off.
You rested your elbow on your crossed legs and plopped your cheek into your palm, playing with your shoelace to pass the time which only seemed to drag by. God, you wish Kise would pull the plug already. His little plan obviously wasn’t working. Even when his date said something to him, all Kasamatsu would do was nod. He wouldn’t even look at her!
Your cell phone buzzed in your pocket and you shared a glance with Kagami before fishing it out and flipping it open. Why in the world was Kise texting you when you were in the SAME room?
[Why are you sitting on the floor?]
You held in a snort. [Because I refuse to sit next to some girl I don’t know.]
[Participate, please? :(]
You glanced up and caught Kise’s frown. No matter how tough you liked to believe yourself to be, that look was not something you could easily look over. You sighed before getting up off the floor, only to plop onto Kagami’s lap.
He grunted at the added weight, “What the hell are you doing?!”
“Shut up.” You muttered before forcing a smile as you addressed the girls. “So! What do you gals do for fun, hmm?”
“Shopping!” They giggled in unison.
You hung your head in disbelief, the corner of your lips twitching, ‘I can’t work with this, Kise!’
Blinking, you looked up at the girl sitting across from Kasamatsu. She was a small thing, probably Kuroko’s height, with hair as green as Midorima’s and eyes like emeralds. Thick rimmed glasses were positioned on her face, helping to hold back her bangs that had fallen from the braids’ grip. She fidgeted nervously but managed to meet my eyes with confidence in her voice.
“I-I’m on the debate team at school.”
Your eyes lit up and you leaned forward. Hope! There was hope after all! “That’s cool, right, Yukio?”
He jumped when you nudged him in the side, his face turning a bright red as his hands tightened around his slacks. “Y-Yeah…”
You twitched again. That fool had no idea what he even agreed with! Kagami sniggered, probably at your irritation, and tried to cover it up with a few coughs. A swift nudge to the ribs had him coughing for real.
“What’s taking that idiot waiter so long?” The blonde sitting across from Kise whined, crossing her legs and causing her skirt to ride up her leg. She ended up flashing Kise, but she didn’t seem to care. She wasn’t the type to care. “I’m hungry, Ryo-kun!”
“I’ll go check and see what the hold up is!” You jumped up, a little too eager, ignoring Kise’s sharp look. Seeing how miserable he looked, you figured you’d spare poor Yukio, as well. “Give me a hand?”
His blue eyes snapped up to meet yours as if to make sure you were speaking to him. You held your hand out in confirmation, figuring he might need some help un-sticking himself from between Kagami and Kuroko. He seemed to hesitate, swallowing hard before slipping his sweaty hand into your own. It proved just how nervous and uncomfortable he really was.
You pulled him up with ease, not bothering to spare the others a glance before you turned and left the room, pulling the younger boy along behind you. Only when you were a safe distance away did you release his hand.
“Sorry if you wanted to stay. Just seemed like you were pretty uncomfortable.”
“Ye-Yeah. Thank you.”
You glanced at him curiously. “You really didn’t wanna do this, did you?”
“I don’t have time for gi-girls.”
You chuckled at his response and he glared at you, unamused.
“What’s so funny about that?”
“You’re only saying that because you don’t know how to handle them. That’s why Kise was trying so hard to help you.”
He didn’t respond, instead turning his head away. Guess you pissed him off.
“Well, what do I know?” You laughed, rubbing the back of your head sheepishly. “I don’t know you well enough to say either way. I was just going by what I’ve heard from Kise.”
“It’s not my fa-fault I can’t talk to girls.” He muttered in a soft voice. You almost didn’t hear him.
“You’re talking to me, aren’t you?”
“That doesn’t count!”
“How so?” You raised a brow curiously.
“You’re different. It’s not like I’m ta-talking to a girl when I talk to you!”
Did he just call you a guy? You think he did. This kid was about as useless as Kagami… Kise wasn’t kidding!
“I-I mean…” He stumbled over his words, eyes wide and face bright red. His mouth opened and closed as he tried to form words, but none came.
You laughed again, waving him off. “Don’t worry about it. I know I’m not the girliest thing out there. I’m one of the guys, and it’s easy to forget that I’m female.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m not so easily hurt, so relax.” You hadn’t realized he had stopped walking until you glanced over and found the spot next to you vacant. Before you had the chance to turn around, arms wrapped around your body from behind, pinning your arms to your side. The embrace was awkward and you could feel just how tense his body was. It was actually pretty surprising, considering how good looking he is.
You tapped his arm curiously after a minute of silence. “What are you doing, Yukio?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like it came out. I just…”
“I said it’s fine.” You laughed, patting his arm again. You expected his grip to disappear, or at least loosen up a bit, but he tightened it instead.
“The truth is… I always get nerv-nervous around you. I never know what to say or do, and I always get jealous when I see how easy it is for Kise to ta-talk to you. I just wanna smack him!”
“You should. Holding in your anger is bad for your health, ya know.” You were dead serious, too. You love Kise, but he could get on your nerves sometimes. He needed some tough love, especially after tonight’s little escapade. “Your problem is that you think too much.”
You pried his arms off, turning around to meet his confused gaze. His cheeks were alight with red and something burned in the depths of his blue eyes, but you couldn’t make out what it was.
“You think too much about what to do and what to say, and you end up psyching yourself out. Don’t think so much. Be impulsive and just say or do whatever comes to mind. You can think about it later on.”
He looked down at the floor, seeming to think about what you told him. When he looked up again, there was a fire burning in his eyes. You didn’t move as he reached forward, grabbing your shoulders firmly and pulling you into his body. His lips crashed onto your own, his hand sliding to the back of your neck to keep you in place. Your body was thrown into shock… you couldn’t move a muscle! Was Kasamatsu Yukio really kissing you? It seemed like a dream.
After a few seconds, he pulled away enough to create a few inches between your lips. Having him so close, you realized just how good looking this boy really was. With his spiked black hair and intense blue eyes, his strong features and his well-defined brow. He was almost god-like in looks. Kind of like Kise, but more masculine and rough.
You still hadn’t moved and he took that as a bad sign because he began to pull away. It was then that you realized what needed to be done.
Your hand grabbed the back of his neck to stop him in his tracks, fingers sliding through his silky hair. His eyes widened in surprise before your lips collided again, this time with more passion and want. The grip around your waist tightened as your lips moved in perfect synch.
The kiss began to heat up as he pushed you against the wall, his muscled body making you groan in satisfaction as it molded against your own. You guess the sound snapped him out of whatever trance he had been in because he jumped away from, eyes wide like saucers and his hand covering his mouth.
You licked your lips to get another taste of him, chest heaving up and down as you attempted to slow your rapidly beating heart.
The passionate air that you had just been bathed in slowly started to fade away, making way for an air of awkwardness that you weren’t quite sure how you could break. You didn’t know how he felt, so you didn’t know what step you should take next. For all you knew, he could have been just using you for practice.
“I’m s – ”
“Don’t say it.” You scowled, rubbing the back of your head. “There’s nothing to apologize for.”
“You didn’t pull away.”
“Did you want me to?”
Surprised by the answer, your eyes met his. The shock had faded and there was determination burning in his depths. A couple steps were all it took before he was directly in front of you, his lips hovering over your own once again.
“I still feel… nervous around you.”
You grinned, throwing your arms around his neck. “Hmm, we’ll just have to keep practicing until you’re not nervous anymore.”
“What about Kise?” He breathed out.
“Who cares. He’ll find out eventually.” You muttered, capturing his soft lips.
This time, you didn’t let him get away.
📜 Read more by checking out my masterlist 📜
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MidoTaka and KagaKuro for the OTP thing please?
I’ll start with MidoTaka
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?Definitely Takao but I feel like Midorima slips in a lot of surprises since Taka always pulls him around.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?I wanna say Takao but I see Midorima being more inclined to lay his head on Taka’s lap.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?TAKAO AND MIDORIMA IS HAVING NONE OF THAT SHIT////tho he definitely enjoys it////
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?Takao is quick to scold Midorima cause Mido would stay up mad late practicing but Taka ends up staying with him, anyway
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?I don’t see either of them being able to cook so Mido would scream at Taka for the attempt and then they’d just go buy something.
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?Mido thinks it and Taka is quick to read him a bunch of ridiculous things that he, of course, has to deny.
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?Taka is always taking Midorima’s shit come on now
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”They run errands together cause Mido can’t be bothered to walk anywhere and they both end up forgetting things but Taka forgets more often.
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?I see Takao more of the one to drive cause Midorima would be too anal to let him give directions. But Taka’s driving also terrifies him so they’ll stick with the rickshaw
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?Midorima would definitely be the artist between them.
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?Mido would just have lucky item while Takao goes batshit with crazy spy moves.
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?Neither of them really like alcohol, Takao likes juice and Mido likes tea
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?Mido is a spoiled bitch because of Taka
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?Definitely Takao, he’s a such a babe
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?MIDORIMA IS A LITTLE BITCH and Takao doesn’t mind saving bugs cause he knows it gets to Mido
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?Takao just takes it, he doesn’t need to ask
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?I picture Midorima having protective family and Takao is very spontaneous so they aren’t too fond of him.
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?In my brain, I see Midorima doing it but only because Takao kinda forces it out of him. 
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?I think Takao would be a really good parent and Midorima would kinda fumble through out but Taka got his back!
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?Midorima can’t stand texting Taka cause he mainly writes in numbers, if that makes any sense 
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?Midorima was bullied, Takao kicked ass.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?Mido just hits him in the back of the head every time he tries it
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?I could see Taka trying to surprise Mido but I don’t see it turning out very well.
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?Let’s just stick with the rickshaw. Poor Taka can’t take much more
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?Well they both compete but if either if benched, you know who they’re internally cheering for.
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?Taka had a whole folding of Mido sleeping on him what are you talking about
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?Taka usually waits for Mido to be asleep and then does it without permission
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?I picture Takao liking snakes and Mido is having none of that shit.
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?Definitely Takao, he even hooks a rig to the rickshaw with one after awhile
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?I could see Takao wanting to go to Hawaii and he’d drag Mido all over and take blurry pictures of everything. 
Now time for KagaKuro!
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?I wanna say it’s about even. The tend to split most of the things they do unless it’s a special occasion.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?Kuroko is really shy about it but he actually loves falling asleep on Kagami.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?They’re both very conscious of how they are around the other, even when they’re living together. I would say Kagami is more often shirtless but Kuroko doesn’t mind unless they’re expecting company.
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?Kagami is much more frequent with staying up late and Kuroko definitely has to mother him a lot because of it.
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?Kuroko just wanted to surprise Kagami but he nearly burned the house down and Kagami never let him do it again. But he did make them some nice treats afterwards.
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?Kuroko would casually point things out just to get Kagami flustered.
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?Well there is no way Kagami is fitting Kuroko’s clothes, so it’s gotta be the other way around.
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”Kagami is super forgetful and Kuroko is constantly reminding him of things, and Kuroko is the one who does all the outside errands cause Kagami would get lost.
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?Kuroko doesn’t trust Kagami behind the wheel so he never lets him drive but he also doesn’t trust him with directions so they use a GPS and Kagami sleeps.
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?Kuroko wouldn’t tell Kagami he’s drawing him and would just take the opportunity when it arose.
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?Kagami would be really giddy and they’d probably have to abort mission cause Kuroko wouldn’t want them to get caught. 
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?Neither drink but when Kagami goes out with Aomine and he doesn’t really have an option, Kuroko always ends up having to take care of him and complaining about it afterwards.
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?Kagami is actually more prone to surprising Kuroko with gifts and Kuroko surprises Kagami more physically. ////if you know what I mean////
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?Kagami slips up from time to time, and Kuroko is pretty pleased about it.
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?Kagami freaks out much more often and Kuroko just likes getting a kick out of it.
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?Kuroko tends to ask Kagami a lot for his jacket.
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?Both their families are pretty open and don’t mind the other. Kagami’s family actually really loves Kuroko. 
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?Kagami!!!!!!!! And he’s super awkward about it, too. Right after a big win or something he just blurts it out and Kuroko is all like ‘Took you long enough.’
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?Well we know Kuroko loves kids so he would be top notch and Kagami would be like Midorima and kind of fumble a lot but he’d be a good daddy. Especially to a little girl. He’d be so into doing things like doing her hair and letting her do his make up and he’d teach her basketball ooohhhhh I could get lost in this one!
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?Kuroko just calls Kagami now because he got tired of not understanding his texts.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?Well Kuroko doesn’t really get bullied but he kinda picks fights that Kagami has to swoop in on to make sure he doesn’t get hurt.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?They both just wanna fight Izuki, okay? 
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?Well this is already a canon thing and Kagami can’t handle it enough with one so imagine if there were two.
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?Kuroko would die if he tried to lift Kagami like that.
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?They’re on the same basketball team, son. Come on now.
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?Kuroko loves to take pictures of Kagami in weird positions while he sleeps. He shares them with Takao who shows him the ones of Mido.
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?Going back to the family AU, they both let their baby girl do their make up. 
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?Son. SON. NIGOU IS CANON BRUH
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?Kagami cause he’s bigger and it’s easier.
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?I feel like Kuroko would really love to see India and so they’d  go and Kagami would be mesmerized by how energetic Kuroko was and how many pictures he took and how interested he was. It would be super cute.
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Could you write some headcannons about GOM in a Disney movie? Like, who'd be the protagonist, who'd be the frumpy sidekick, etc?
mori: LMAO THIS IS SO CUTE!!! let’s assume that the reader is a commoner protagonist and this all happens in one universe/reality. i didn’t have the heart to make any of them the enemy!! i hope this was ok…!
akashi seijuro | the prince from another village
Akashi is the prince of a neighboring kingdom that has come to steal your heart so that the two kingdoms can form an alliance
At first he assumes that you are some damsel that’s waiting to be wed to a rich prince like him, but he couldn’t be more wrong. Growing up as a commoner has taught you to be humble and independent, so you definitely didn’t need any “saving”, but it would take Akashi more than just having basic human integrity to convince him that you didn’t need to be saved
Akashi would be the type of prince to shower you in luxurious gifts that any protagonist would want for the riches or any woman that would fall for his charm. He’ll be very showy about it, making sure the whole village knows
His whole get-up is having a trusty, sassy white horse named Mayuzumi and a big velvety red cape with golden pins. He also has his family crest sewed onto all his belongings
When you somehow get some alone time with Prince Akashi (he probably tricked you into it in the garden, since everything happens in the garden), you learn that there’s more than what meets the eye. He has a persona that everyone in the village knows, but really, it’s just a front to impress his father, the King. You learn that he hates how things are run between the Kingdoms and he aims to change that, but he can’t until he gets married. You’re not sure if you want to be that person that determines it all, but you appreciate the thought, and who knows, maybe in time you will be. You’re just glad that Akashi has an ulterior motive that isn’t so superficial
aomine daiki | the thief/the adventurer
You probably don’t want to get mixed up with Aomine’s business - he’s a thief, but don’t mistake him for someone who’s dumb. In fact, he does a lot of his business face-to-face, and you’d never know he stole from you, because he has a little helper - a mischievous red panda named Kagami
He’ll either have Kagami distract the target with his cuteness while Aomine does the stealing or the other way around. The former works more than the latter, although both have very little fail rates to begin with
The only reason you know about Aomine is because, well, he’s one of your only friends! When you got your favorite toy stolen when you were little, Aomine was the one who help you get it back, while stealing some other things, too. While Aomine makes sure no one steals or takes advantage of you, you give him and Kagami meals and a place to stay if they needed it (although they always preferred to sleep under the stars - unless it was raining)
If there were stats for Disney characters, Aomine’s sneak and speech would be a solid ten, lock picking a seven (he’s broken into your house a few times), and speed a nine, with a healthy dose of hp
Whenever he hears rumors of lost treasures or pirates that have docked in town, he often drags you into the mess. You always agree because, well, what else is there to do in town? You’ve snagged some gold for yourself here and there, but there’s a price to pay for the riches. You can’t count on your two hands how many times you’ve almost died on your adventures with Aomine, although he insists you’re overreacting. Truth be told, the only real danger you’ve ever been in was almost getting turned to stone. Twice
kise ryouta | the greedy, childish king
King Kise is the powerful and youngest King of your village. His family has a long history of infamy. They have casted war between other Kingdoms, stolen from the poor so that the rich can thrive, and depleted many of the village’s resources for themselves and their extravagant parties. Kise Ryouta is no different
He is a King trying not wed any time soon because that means he’ll have to share with his Queen. Although he does want an heir, he doesn’t want one until absolutely necessary, afraid that his child will become too powerful and overthrow his title too soon
When your family wanted to save the town sorcerer, the Kises wanted to eliminate him. Only the Kise family could be the most powerful and a sorcerer meant that he was a threat to the Kise title. Ever since then, your family and the Royal family have been in a never-ending feud, but he’s aiming to break that. The minute he saw you, he pledged to himself that he would make you his wife
You try to stay away from Kise because you don’t agree with his ways, although you appreciate that he wants to end the family feud. other than that, you want nothing to do with someone so cocky and full of himself. To be honest, he’s the Gaston of the village
Whenever you reject him, he’ll stomp back to the castle and demand the impossible, like buying out all the eggs in the village. No one in the castle has the balls to keep him in line, so his advisor and right hand Kasamatsu has to keep him in his place
kuroko tetsuya | the shape-shifting sidekick
Kuroko’s favorite form is a small husky puppy that you’ve had ever since you were born. He is able to turn into almost any animal in time of need, although his most common forms other than a husky are a wolf, horse, and snake
You two are inseparable. You either leave each other’s side when you go to the bathroom or when one of you is sick. Other than that, you two eat together, sleep together, and go on adventures together. He’s saved your ass and Aomine’s ass as many times as you can count when you’ve almost died
The story of Kuroko is that the town sorcerer found him abandoned in a forest while harvesting some herbs. Because the sorcerer did not want to raise a child on his own, he enchanted Kuroko into a small puppy who wouldn’t be able to unlock his shape-shifting abilities until he was a little older. As a gift to repay some of his debt, he gave Kuroko to you so that he can grow up with you and protect you
It might sound odd, but Kuroko could not thank the sorcerer enough. If it wasn’t for him, Kuroko would have been dead, and even if he was locked in a spell, he’s forever grateful to the sorcerer that he at least spent his youth with you
At the age of 18, the spell will become undone, in which Kuroko will turn back into a human. Now that you two will no longer need each other’s protection, you are both free to live your own lives. In all honesty, Kuroko fears when this day will come, because he thinks you’ll never trust either him or the sorcerer ever again. What he also fears the most is that he might have fallen in love with you throughout your 18 years together
midorima shintarou | the diviner & the healer
Midorima’s divination abilities aren’t super strong that he goes crazy with his visions and all. It’s more of like a cloudy ability - he can predict possible outcomes but depending on how the person asking interprets the information, the outcome can change. His disclaimer before giving predictions is always that the future is never set in stone
Although he’s humble when giving his disclaimers and explaining the extent of his ability, he’s almost always right either way
Whenever you, Aomine, and Kuroko get into trouble and hurt yourselves, Midorima often scolds you both because he “saw it coming” and that he “could have told you to be more careful around that time”. You get a lot of “I told you sos” and he’s like the naggy aunt you’ve never had
There are some things that healing potions can’t fix, so that’s when Midorima comes into the picture. While potions uses a more natural approach to healing, Midorima solely uses his magic, though it comes at a cost. Every time he heals, a fraction of his life is taken away. He says that’s what the stars predicted for him, so he’s come to terms with knowing he’s going to live half as old as his comrades. He’ll try to not use his healing powers too much. He’ll work with the sorcerer to see if there are any potions that can do some of the work for him so that he doesn’t use too much magic
Has a familiar that’s a black cat named Takao
murasakibara atsushi | the sorcerer
Too lazy to do anything on his own, so he uses magic literally like all the time. He’s not afraid to hide it, either. When he was younger, the villagers had almost burned him at the stake, but when they realized he wasn’t looking to fight and that he could be of use in case of war, they let him stay. It’s amazing how he’s lived this long (100+ years) to be quite honest
As a sorcerer, he also makes potions. He’ll make all types of healing potions, poisonous potions (within reason), and strengthen potions, but never love potions. He doesn’t care how much gold he’s offered or how many threats he’ll receive, he’ll just enchant them to kill each other if they annoy him too much. He’s known to be brutal….
You’ll go to Murasakibara when you or anyone you care about is sick or if he needs the company. He doesn’t have many friends because he doesn’t really make an effort to make any and you’re the only one that doesn’t annoy him. He is also in debt to you and your family, who has saved him from being burned at the stake a few times. He thinks of you as his child some times, but don’t dare tease him about it or you might wake up vomiting hairballs
On your voyages or trips with Kuroko and/or Aomine, you always visit him to stock up on essentials. He’ll give you the extra strong stuff because it’s his way of telling you to be careful and come back safely, although he’ll never admit it
In return for all the potions and herbs, you offer him food and he gladly accepts. Even though he could probably enchant someone to do it for him, he can only enhance their skills so much, and their cooking never turns out as good as yours, anyways
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clubakashi · 7 years
Chapter 19- Happy Holidays!
a cute story of Akashi and his mini-bokushi by @active-mind-15​
Link to: Ch.1 - Ch.2 - Ch.3 - Ch.4 - Ch.5 - Ch.6 - Ch.7 - Ch.8 - Ch.9 - Ch.10 - Ch.11 - Ch.12 - Ch.13 - Ch.14 - Ch.15 - Ch.16 - Ch.17 - Ch.18
Chapter 19
Bokushi and Miyoko were officially alone with Masaomi in the mansion. Bokushi had been trying to put off this predicament for the longest of time since Miyoko arrived in the house. But now that Midorima was gone, there was no one to save him. Now, he just had to accept the situation and hope for the best.
“I’m really glad that I’m staying over,” Miyoko said as soon as the door shut. “Akashi-san, your place is so cool.”
“Is that so?” Masaomi replied. “In that case, I give you my thanks.”
God this is weird, Bokushi thought to himself. I don’t even think I can look at father right now.
“Miyoko, is there anything you would like to do?” Bokushi asked her. If anyone was going to be taking charge of this sleepover, it would be Bokushi. He can’t handle watching his father interact with children for prolonged amounts of time without feeling the need to pull a face. Miyoko hummed as she considered his question.
“Well…” she paused, folding her arms as she thought. As she was thinking, her eyes fell on the area leading out of the foyer to the outside. She pointed to where she was looking.
“What’s over there?” she asked. Bokushi looked behind him to where she was pointing and saw the door to the back garden.
“That’s where the garden is,” he answered. Miyoko seemed interested.
“The garden?” she repeated, sounding hopeful. “What’s in it?”
“Well, for starters there’s flowers,” Bokushi replied. “And there are chairs for people to sit, it’s also where we have the stables and—”
“Wait, stables?” Miyoko gasped. “Do you have horses?!” It didn’t take a genius to be able to detect Miyoko’s excitement. Anyone who claims that they have horse stables at the back of their house is bound to get a response similar to this, whether they’re an adult or a child. Bokushi nodded affirmatively.
“Yes, we do,” he said. “Would you like to see them?”
“I wanna see them!” Miyoko shouted, jumping up and down. “Let’s go see them!” Bokushi was rather amused at her excitement and decided that now, he would finally take the time to humor her requests properly. He pulled a wry grin.
“In that case, allow me to show you the horses we keep there.”
“Awesome! Will Akashi-san be taking us there?”
What? No, not him… The redheaded little boy turned to look at his father with anticipated dread, watching as the man processed her question. Was Miyoko being serious? Did she really have to bring his father into this? It was already so awkward just having him stand near them, and now suddenly he’s going to take them around the house. That just spelled a recipe for disjointed conversations and a poor attempt to make it look like they actually get along. Bokushi suddenly thought of the frequent occasions where something would come up at the office and his father would leave the house in a hurry for hours at a time, and wondered where that emergency phone call was when he needed it. Nevertheless, Masaomi seemed to take it all in stride.
“Very well,” he said. “If that is what you wish, then I shall take you to the stables. Come with me.” He began to walk towards the direction of the back of the house, Miyoko eagerly following him without another word, clearly energetic from the thought of being able to see horses. As for Bokushi, he stood around for a second, uncomfortable at the prospect of watching his father play host, especially when he has to involve himself in it. Miyoko turned around and saw Bokushi standing still and was confused.
“What are you standing around for?” she said to him. “Come on! Let’s go see the horses!”
With that, she reached out and grabbed Bokushi’s hand before he could say anything, the boy momentarily taken aback as he was dragged along behind his father. He saw his father glance behind once, very briefly, and then he went back to facing forward. As they made their way to the stable, Bokushi felt a horrible sensation creep up his body, dreading what exactly his father was going to do.
The back of the Akashi household was admittedly more interesting than the front. The beautiful gardens home to a large variety of different flowers, the grassy open landscape, the fountain under the sakura tree in the far corner, and, most importantly, the stables past a row of trees. The neighborhood was an extremely well-off area, and so homeowners usually owned an insane amount of property; so, a wealthy business tycoon such as Akashi Masaomi was no exception. Taking the two children on this pathway past the trees into a clearing finally revealed the stables where horses were kept.
Technically, the facility was open to any neighboring house in the vicinity who happened to own a horse, but because they were the only family who did, the only ones around the stables were them. It was different in the Kyoto estate, however. Since the house resided in the countryside, the stables and riding grounds they had there were all their own. Either way, public or private, riding grounds were riding grounds, and Bokushi enjoyed being outside with horses to get his mind off his usual hectic schedule. However, this would be the first time he would go feeling uncomfortable, as now his father was leading the way, and he could do nothing to stop it. Once finally getting into the clearing, Miyoko was in complete awe.
“Wow!” she exclaimed, looking at all the space there was to ride. “This is amazing! Bokushi-kun, you get to ride here all the time?”
“That I do,” said Bokushi. “It’s refreshing to take morning rides, so I can see the sunrise.”
“That sounds nice, I wish I could ride a horse during sunrise. Akashi-san, can you ride a horse?”
Masaomi looked behind him at the two just once before facing forward and continuing towards the stable entrance.
“I can,” said Masaomi. “I have been riding horses since I was a child.”
Bokushi wished that for five seconds Miyoko would stop trying to engage his father in conversation so he wouldn’t have to brace himself for an awkward response. Just listening to the man speak more than necessary was torture, and they haven’t even gotten to the main event yet. While they were talking, the three of them entered the stables where all the horses were kept. Immediately, Bokushi cut in and decided that he would take over the conversation.
“These are the stables, Miyoko,” he said to her. “The horses we own live here.”
Miyoko looked around her in awe at the rows of horse stables on either side of the long walkway, hay is strewn about here and there and the sound of horses walking around and whinnying quietly. Just being in the stables was making her happy, and Bokushi could tell from the growing smile on her face.
“I can’t believe I get to see horses today. I’ve always wanted to see one up close.”
“You’ve never seen a horse before?” Bokushi asked her. She looked off to the side.
“I have,” she replied slowly. “But it was only once, during a parade. I didn’t get to touch it, though.”
“You can get a close look at the horses here, I assure you. They’re right over there.” Bokushi pointed just a few meters ahead of him and Miyoko was very excited to find one horse already poking their head out of their stall. Eager to get closer, she ran over to the entrance to their stalls, looking up at the giant beast that eyed the girl with curiosity. The horse who had happened to stick their head out was a certain white-furred stallion with the grey mane. Miyoko stared up at it and smiled.
“Hello,” she said to the horse. “What’s your name?”
“His name is Yukimaru. It’s my…it’s Seijuro-nii’s horse,” Bokushi corrected. He had to remember him and Akashi no longer shared a body, and Akashi did know the horse for longer than he did, so Yukimaru was Akashi’s horse.
“Really? It’s his horse? How old is it?”
“It’s the same age as him.” Bokushi appeared next to her and looked up at Yukimaru as well, the white horse snorting at the familiar face. “Both Seijuro-nii and Yukimaru were born on December 20th, over sixteen years ago.”
“He’s so lucky! He gets to share a birthday with his pet. Do they share birthday parties?”
“Well…” Bokushi’s eyes just barely flickered over to his father, just for a short moment, but then he looked back over to Miyoko. He realized explaining that they don’t really have birthday parties in their house would take far more effort than to just lie about it, so he simply shrugged his shoulders and said, “Sure.”
Yukimaru’s attention was now turned towards the new face again, and Miyoko wanted nothing more than to get closer.
“I wanna pet him,” she suddenly decided. She turned to Masaomi, who had been standing there for quite some time, just watching the two. “Am I allowed to pet him, Akashi-san?” He nodded in silence.
“If that is what you would like,” he said. “Then yes, you may.”
She reached up and tried to extend her hand towards the horse’s face, but realized she was too short. Experimentally going on tiptoes didn’t help the matter either. Looking up at Yukimaru, down at the ground, then back to Masaomi, she gave a sheepish smile towards the man as she stood there.
“I can’t reach,” she said. “I think I need help.”
“Very well.”
Bokushi watched as his father walked over to Miyoko, bent down, and lifted her off the ground, holding her up just high enough for her to pet the horses. She smiled as she got closer to the horse, her legs dangling as she was lifted.
“Ah! Now I’m really close!” she exclaimed in satisfaction.
Standing there watching this whole scene unfold, Bokushi couldn’t help but feel baffled by his father’s willingness to do something such as this. He always thought this for the longest time, but his father and small children just didn’t seem to mix. Older children seemed to suit his father better, in Bokushi’s opinion. They were quieter, they were less hyperactive, they spoke less, and they were more likely to obey. Going by those ideals, Miyoko and her father were like oil and water together, maybe even worse. He just couldn’t see how his father could play along and humor a little girl like her when he knew him to be such a different person before. Just two weeks previous he almost didn’t want Bokushi to even live in the house, and the change between that Masaomi and the Masaomi that currently stood before him was astronomical.
His eyes flickered up to Miyoko, who seemed to have been calling him. It was only then that he realized that he had spaced out. He blinked himself out of his trance before answering.
“What is it, Miyoko?”
“I was just asking if Yukimaru bites.” He shook his head.
“No,” he replied. “You can just hold your hand out and pet him. He won’t hurt you.” Miyoko nodded and did as she was told.
“Yukimaru, I’m holding my hand out for you.”
She watched in fascination as Yukimaru began sniffing her hand and then lowered his head slightly, allowing her to stroke his mane. Miyoko giggled.
“I think he likes me,” she said. “Don’t you think so, Akashi-san?” The man hummed in agreement.
“I should think so,” he said back.
As Miyoko continued to pet the horse, Bokushi couldn’t help but feel strange at these interactions his father was having with her. Masaomi lifting Miyoko up to pet Yukimaru reminded him of two weeks previous when Akashi had done the same for him. Looking over at the two, Bokushi couldn’t help but wonder if, at a point in time, Masaomi did this for Akashi as well. It’s nothing he could find out on his own accord and nothing that he would know about unless he asked. But he liked to think that in a happier time, back when their mother was still around, Masaomi would have treated Akashi more like the child he was supposed to be. He could only imagine.
Once Miyoko decided that she was done petting Yukimaru, she withdrew her hand, which was enough to notify Masaomi to set her back on the ground. Bokushi noted how his father’s face was still relatively neutral, as it always was, and there was not enough indication to see if anything was different about him. The only thing he could go by was how he acted which was, unfortunately, unpredictable. Somehow, Miyoko seemed to just not detect any awkward tension in the air, and she went about her business without noticing Bokushi’s uncomfortable expression.
“Yukimaru is such a nice horse, Bokushi-kun!” she said to her currently distraught friend. “Your brother raised him well.”
“Yes, of course,” said Bokushi. “I’ll be sure to tell him. Yukimaru is very gentle. He’s very easy to ride with because of that.”
“Really?” she looked up at the horse in question, green eyes curious. “Can we ride him?”
“Well…” Bokushi knew that he wasn’t in the position to grant her request, so he regretfully turned to his father, asking in a quiet voice, “Father, is it alright if we can take Yukimaru out to ride?”
His father seemed to consider this question for a moment, before slowly moving to open the stables.
“Alright, I will let him out,” he said. “Stand over there while I open the door.”
Bokushi ushered Miyoko away from the stall door as Masaomi unlocked it. As he entered the stall, Yukimaru watched the man with pointed ears, as he reached for the saddle hanging on the wall. Bokushi could tell that even Yukimaru was somewhat unnerved by his father. Around Akashi or himself, Yukimaru was always relaxed and playful. But around his father, Yukimaru seemed to tense ever so slightly, as if he were watching a predator. That was one of the many things that frightened Bokushi, the fact that even a horse can sense his father’s tremendous presence.
As Masaomi put the saddle on Yukimaru and made a few more adjustments, he then took the reins and began to lead him out of his stall. Once he was fully out of the stall, Masaomi turned to the two and beckoned them over.
“Come so I may help you onto the horse,” he said. Miyoko came over and Bokushi stared for a second or two before realizing his father was also talking to him as well, and he began to make his way over behind Miyoko. Of course, Masaomi was true to his word and helped Miyoko on first, ensuring she was settled, and Bokushi was left standing there wondering why he still had that strange unsettling feeling about all this. That was until he realized his father was approaching him, and before he knew it, hands had snaked under his arms and Bokushi was suddenly being lifted in the air.
Bokushi immediately tensed at this sensation. His mind went blank for a moment, and he just froze as he was being lifted before it clicked that his father was lifting him onto the horse. As he was set down onto the saddle on top of the horse, Miyoko was already on a rant about how exciting this experience would be.
“I’ve never ridden a horse before,” she said. “This is gonna be fun! Right, Bokushi-kun?”
Bokushi had been sitting on the saddle for a good five seconds before he realized how stiff he was. His father had just lifted him onto the horse. As in grabbed him and lifted him onto the horse. The isolated situation in itself wasn’t something to be shocked over, but that was the first time that his father had touched him. Ever.
It just happened to be by coincidence. Had Miyoko not been here, Masaomi would not have needed to do that. But the fact that it happened, and the fact that it was without a doubt the most intimate contact that Bokushi has ever had with his father since he came into existence made him feel very strange.
It wasn’t like what he experienced with Akashi where their chemistry while being slightly awkward, was still natural. Any time Akashi put a hand on his shoulder, or ruffled his hair, or displayed any other signs of affection, it was natural. It wasn’t forced by either party and it just worked. But with his father, the sensation of being in contact with him for just those few short moments made him go stiff. Why was that? His father wasn’t being a cold-hearted tyrant like he always seemed to be. Wasn’t this what Bokushi wanted? If that was the case, why did he react so negatively?
“Can we go now, Akashi-san?”
Miyoko’s voice cut through Bokushi’s thoughts and brought him back to reality. His father was grabbing hold of the reins once again, seeming to have finished going through the final checks for everything.
“As you both are children, it would be wise to go slow. I will keep hold of the reins and make sure Yukimaru walks slowly for the both of you.” Miyoko nodded, not minding Masaomi’s decision at all.
Without any more discussion about what they were doing, Masaomi led the horse out into the fields with Bokushi and Miyoko sitting on top. As Yukimaru walked along, Miyoko was taking in the view of the grassy riding grounds all around them.
“I can’t believe that you can do this whenever you want,” Miyoko said. “I’m jealous. When I grow up, I’m gonna get my own horse.”
“If you work hard enough in your studies, you could very well be in a position to do so,” Masaomi replied. “Owning a horse requires a lot of effort.”
Bokushi was not opting to partake in this conversation, he was lost in his own world as he was before. He still couldn’t stop thinking about what just happened. How did his father not find anything weird about that? Surely the awkwardness wasn’t one-sided, was it? His father must have felt something. Perhaps he was overthinking.
But why was he overthinking? Didn’t he want his father to be nice? If so, why did he keep acting so surprised every time his father made an attempt to be nice, like asking about his day, or sitting out with him in the garden, or allowing a friend to stay the weekend? While his father didn’t outright say it, didn’t that mean he was trying?
Seeing his father put in some effort into getting to know Bokushi or humoring his requests was something he liked, but at the same time, disliked. The change between Masaomi then and Masaomi now was too overwhelming for Bokushi to handle, and so at times, he would rather just prefer his father being cold and aloof like he used to be instead of Bokushi having to deal with the second-hand embarrassment of seeing his father trying to get along with a child like him. Emotions were something that neither of them was good with, after all.
Listening to his father talk with Miyoko seemed to bother him as well, for some reason. If he ever saw his father trying to be friendly, it was so he can be able to network amongst colleagues and other business owners. But here, it seemed like he was actually trying to be genuine, and Bokushi couldn’t tell whether he wanted his father to stop, or to keep going.
As much as Bokushi wanted to slide off Yukimaru and go crawl into a corner, he couldn’t help but think of what life would be like if his father was as nice as other fathers he sees everywhere. Those ones that take their children to the park, or buy them sweets, or make jokes, or tell their children how proud they are of them. Even growing up around wealthy families, you still see fathers who enjoy being involved in their children’s lives and just enjoy being a father in general. But as for Bokushi, while he still remembers all the things his father told him that one afternoon in the garden, he wasn’t sure where their relationship stood. Something inside him always told him to just ask, but then Bokushi always silenced that thought in the fear of how his father might react.
He timidly peered over at his father who was still holding the reins and leading the horse around, surveying the grassy field with his mysterious golden eyes. Then suddenly, almost as if his father knew he was watching, he turned to glance at Bokushi, who flinched and averted eye contact, hiding his face behind Miyoko.
Why? Why do I keep doing this, he thought, mentally kicking himself for startling so easily. Father is only being a good host, as he should, yet every time he tries to interact with me I push him away. What do I really want from him?
He shook it off. It doesn’t matter, he convinced himself. He was sick and tired of feeling all these mixed emotions. From now until the end of this sleepover weekend, he would just have to deal with whatever behavior his father displays. It didn’t matter if it made him cringe, it didn’t matter if it made him uncomfortable. Whatever it was, he could handle it.
As Masaomi turned Yukimaru back in the direction of the stables after another five minutes and Miyoko continued to talk to Masaomi about whatever trivial thing popped into her mind, he tried to shut off his brain—anything to keep him from overanalyzing everything his father does. As long as he didn’t think too hard about it, he wouldn’t feel anything.
Once they were finally back in the stables, Miyoko was clapping with joy.
“That was so fun!” she exclaimed. “I loved riding around on Yukimaru, Akashi-san.” Masaomi let go of the reins once Yukimaru came to a stop.
“I am glad that you enjoyed yourself,” he said. “If you would like to ride again while you stay here this weekend, you may come and find me or one of the staff, and they will take you to the stables.”
“Really? Thank you!”
Now that the horse ride was finished, Masaomi began helping the two of the horse. First was Miyoko, and she had no problems allowing Masaomi to lift her off and then set her down on the ground. Bokushi watched as she brushed off her skirt and walked over to his father’s side, waiting for Bokushi to join her. It was then that Bokushi realized that he was next. An overwhelming sense of dread passed over him as he saw his father approaching. He bit his lip and inhaled deeply.
Just suck it up, he told himself. You are being overdramatic.
He tried to force himself to look his father in the eye, but as he came closer, Bokushi’s eyes began to waver. By the time Masaomi had reached him, he had already surrendered himself to staring down at the ground as he was carried off the horse. He couldn’t do it. No matter how hard he convinced himself that this meant nothing, there was still this weird emotion he couldn’t yet place when his father had any type of physical interaction with him. The second he was set back on the ground, he took one look at his father, then turned away. He realized this was going to take a while to get over.
“Yukimaru is a good horse,” said Miyoko. “I want a horse like him one day. Wouldn’t you, Bokushi-kun?”
“Yes, I suppose,” said Bokushi, turning his attention back to Miyoko for a change to force his brain to think about something else. “If you’re willing to put in the effort to own a horse, it’s worth it.”
“Mark my words, I’m getting a horse when I grow up.” Suddenly a rustling sound in one of the stalls caught Miyoko’s attention. It was the stall next to Yukimaru’s, and something was moving around in there. She cocked her head to the side.
“What’s in there, Akashi-san?” Miyoko asked, pointing to the stall in question. Masaomi followed her finger to the stall she was pointing at.
“Ah,” he said. “That would be my horse. It appears he has finished resting.” At the thought of another horse, Miyoko instantly perked.
“You have a horse too, Akashi-san? May I see it?”
Bokushi went a bit stiff. He knew the exact horse his father was talking about. It wasn’t that he was afraid of the horse, he could never be afraid of horses. But there was something about his father’s horse that put him on edge. His father was already bringing his horse out after Miyoko had asked, and he instinctively took a few steps back as the ginormous beast walked out of its stall.
There in all its glory, was Masaomi’s horse. Its mane and its fur were jet black, and its tail was long and flowing. You could see how well-taken care of it was from the splendid sheen of its fur, everything about this creature was perfect. The horse’s eyes were dark brown and shifty, looking at his owner holding his reins, then down to the two children standing at the side. The horse began to try and approach them, but Masaomi tugged lightly at the reins, making the horse stop its advances and stay put.
“My apologies, he is a curious one,” he explained. Miyoko was rather shocked at the appearance of this horse, and she stood in place as she stared at it with wide eyes.
“Wow,” she finally said at last. “I’ve never seen a horse like this before. Is this really yours?” Masaomi nodded.
“What’s its name?”
“Its name is Kuroshinpi,” said Bokushi. “We’ve had him for a long time as well. Unfortunately, since this horse is a bit more aggressive, for a beginner, it would be hard to ride.” Miyoko seemed a bit disappointed.
“Oh.” She thought for a moment before looking at Masaomi. “Then if it’s your horse, Akashi-san, can I see you ride it?” Masaomi furrowed his eyebrows at Miyoko’s request.
“You would like to see me ride my horse?” he asked.
“Yes, please!” Miyoko said earnestly. “Bokushi-kun, don’t you want to see him ride his horse?” Bokushi glanced off to the side.
“Well…” He had actually not seen his father ride his horse for a while. He was always too busy with work to do anything else. If his father was busy enough, there were times where Bokushi wouldn’t even see him at the dinner table, and this was not an uncommon occurrence. Bokushi couldn’t even recall the last time he had seen his father on a horse, it had to have been years. It piqued his curiosity. Coming to a decision in his head, he nodded slightly.
“Yes,” he said. “I would like to see father ride.” He too then looked up at his father, watching his face. His father most definitely thought it over for a moment before going over to get the saddle for his horse.
“It has been a while since I have ridden,” he had said more to himself. “But if you want to see, then I will show you.”
With that, once Masaomi had put the saddle on and adjusted it, he hoisted himself onto his horse with ease. His feet naturally found the stirrups and his hands took hold of the reins, leading his horse as if it were second nature. Miyoko instinctively walked behind the horse, Bokushi walking beside her, putting an arm out in front of her so she didn’t get too close to the horse’s hind legs. Once they were fully outside the stable, Bokushi guided Miyoko to one side, while Masaomi walked the horse further on for a little bit. After he was around ten or so meters away from the two, he stopped.
“What is it you would like to see me do on this horse, exactly?” Masaomi asked. Bokushi looked over to Miyoko, who just shrugged and smiled.
“Anything!” she said. “Show me how what you can do on Kuroshinpi.” When she said that, Masaomi’s golden eyes flashed with an emotion that Bokushi couldn’t decipher and the man gripped the reins a bit tighter.
“Very well.”
From there, no more words were exchanged as in the few seconds that Masaomi took to reply the girl, he had already decided what to do. Rocking the saddle forward, his horse began to walk. The horse was only walking for a few seconds until Bokushi saw his father dig his legs into the horse’s side a little and the pace increased, the horse going from a walk to a canter. Soon enough the horse is full-on galloping before their eyes and Miyoko is entranced.
Masaomi skillfully controlled the horse to the best of his abilities, making it gallop at full speed and executing skillful turns with a level of finesse that only an Akashi could obtain. Bokushi and Miyoko watched as the horse raced around with great agility, even Bokushi was speechless as he watched his father, even though he has seen him ride a horse before. Then, while it was still galloping, Masaomi guided the horse to a jump standard that was set up nearer towards Bokushi and Miyoko. The horse slowed its pace a little as it galloped towards the raised bars, and then at the right time, the horse jumped, soaring over the jumping standard as if it had wings. Miyoko’s eyes went as wide as humanly possible, mouth opening in a wide smile.
“Wow!” she squealed. “Akashi-san is so cool when he rides his horse! Don’t you think, Bokushi-kun?”
Bokushi nodded absentmindedly, his eyes also wide. Even though he’s seen his father ride a horse before, he’s never let loose on his horse like he had done today. The movements of the black horse as it turned and jumped were so precise and controlled, yet something about the horse made it seem chaotic, mischievous, and wild. Looking up at his father controlling the large creature with nothing but his reins and the movement of his legs, his eyes that usually looked so cold looked like they were sparking up with a fire that Bokushi had never seen before. Just like the horse, his father looked wild, unlike his typical stoic appearance. Masaomi suddenly pulled back on the reins, making the horse stand up on its hind legs and let out a loud neigh. That exact moment was the moment Bokushi wanted to ingrain in his mind for a long time. The image of his father sitting on a horse on its hind legs, the pose that made his father look exactly like a dark prince.
No, not a dark prince, Bokushi thought. A dark king.
Completely engrossed in his father’s little display of his horse-riding skills, Bokushi didn’t even notice when he stopped restraining himself and started smiling along with Miyoko. Standing there, watching Masaomi look so free and uncontrolled, Bokushi’s inhibitions disappeared, along with all the reluctance towards his father.
Once Masaomi had decided he had shown enough and signaled for his horse to slow down to a stop near the stable, he dismounted and then continued to lead the horse back by the reins. Miyoko and Bokushi approached him as he was walking back.
“Was that satisfying enough for you?” he asked the young girl.
“Satisfying?!” Miyoko parroted in disbelief. “That was beyond satisfying! Akashi-san, you looked so amazing riding Kuroshinpi! I’ve never seen someone ride a horse like that before. What did you think, Bokushi-kun?” All eyes were on Bokushi as Miyoko whipped her head around to look at her companion standing next to her. Bokushi didn’t even realize he was still smiling as he looked up at his father without hesitation for the very first time, his eyes glistening with admiration.
“I think it was beautiful,” he said to his father with childish awe. At that reply, Masaomi raised a brow slightly, making Bokushi falter before realizing what he just said. His face began to redden as he opened his mouth to attempt to stammer an apology (did he do anything wrong? no, but he was gonna apologize anyway), but before he could even say anything, he heard a noise from his father. It was only after a few seconds of processing that Bokushi realized his father had just chuckled.
Wait…he chuckled?
Bokushi didn’t even have enough time to look up at his father before he turned around again, attention on his horse as he took the saddle off.
“Thank you,” is the response Bokushi got from him. A light gasp unconsciously escaped Bokushi’s mouth as his father guided his horse back to the stall and Miyoko continued to rant about horses. That was the first time his father had ever said thank you to him.
Sure, Masaomi had been becoming nicer and nicer as the weeks have gone on (as nice as his personality would allow, anyway), but for his father to say thank you after Bokushi complimented him, Bokushi felt as light as a feather knowing that his father was making an effort. This whole time that Miyoko has been with them, Bokushi had been loathing his father tagging along, wishing that he would just leave the two of them in peace to do whatever. Even when Masaomi would actually try to interact with Bokushi, he still pushed the man away. But after, this, now that Bokushi saw him genuinely happy, he no longer cared about the awkwardness or the second-hand embarrassment. At long last, he realized that yes, this is what he wanted. This is what he wanted to see in his father. A change for the better.
Bokushi didn’t try to hide the small smile that slipped on his face after his father turned around as he looked down to the ground, a light pink dusted across his cheeks.
“You’re welcome.”
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imagine-knb · 7 years
Scenario with GOM and their closest teammates (if it's not too much) going to karaoke together please! Them boys and their beautiful voices lol
Kuroko + Kagami: Shocked at how well of a singer Kuroko could be, Kagami sits there dumbfounded for the first few songs they pick together. Is this really a situation where the shadow is overtaking the light? No way! Kagami isn’t going to back down without a fight, even if it was just karaoke. He picks songs he knows in English and tries to sing along with them, the operative word being ‘tries’. Somehow, he still sucks.
Kise + Kasamatsu: Of course this had been Kise’s idea, what with his pastime being karaoke, and he just had to drag Kasamatsu along for the ride. The entire time they’re there, Kise is hogging the microphone while Kasamatsu is grumbling in the corner. Every so often a song comes on that he knows and, showing just the slightest hint that he may sing along, Kise shoves the microphone into his hands to hear in senpai sing.
Aomine + Sakurai: Whose idea had it been to take these two to karaoke? Momoi’s of course. Neither Aomine or Sakurai sing for quite some time, the both of them stuck in their little corners for different reasons entirely. Aomine sees no point in going to karaoke if he can’t drink and, seeing as he’s not of age yet, that wasn’t a possibility. Sakurai, the poor kid, was just too nervous to get up and sing in front of anybody.
Midorima + Takao: If Midorima had his way, neither of them would have even set foot inside the karaoke bar, but Takao had insisted on having a little fun. Of course, Takao is having so much fun singing along with any and every song he knows while Midorima sits in the corner. Every so often the bespectacled teen would join in, though his voice is well under his breath at that point. No way was he going to let Takao know he could sing.
Murasakibara + Himuro: It was supposed to be a little trip for the two of them to wind down and relax after a week’s worth of hard work. Unfortunately, karaoke was not Murasakibara’s definition of relaxing. Especially when he was banned from bringing in any of his own snacks. Himuro had to convince him that it would all be worth it when they began singing, because that’s when all the real fun happened, but neither of them wanted to do the first song...
Akashi + Mayuzumi: This was supposed to be a team outing, so when Mayuzumi found out he was the only member aside from his captain to show up, he was a little annoyed. He denied every chance to sing in front of the room, pushing the microphone over to Akashi instead. Akashi, in turn, had no problem with singing; it was just another thing he was good at. Mayuzumi just hoped the red haired first year wouldn’t make singing an order eventually.
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jgjmk4-2 · 7 years
GOM + Kagami doing a Snow White Play
He plays Snow White. Though secretly, he wanted to play the horse.
Remembers all his lines and executes it perfectly
However, the audience were later left scratching their heads wondering if there was actually a Snow White or not in the play (They forgot him, poor boy)
“Why is the Queen so cruel??!”
He plays the tree in the background
No lines, no movement. It’s the perfect character for him.
Had lots of trouble getting into his suit because he’s too tall
“So all I have to do is stand there?”
Wanted to be Snow White so he could eat the apple but ended up as the horse. Slightly pissed that he has to have a prince ride him
He is a really slow horse.
But always remembers to neigh at the right times :) 
The Queen
Very absorbed in his acting
Some people wonder if he’s acting or really means it
“Magic mirror on the wall, who is the most absolute one of all?” *Glares at the mirror* “Say it’s me B*tch.”
The magic mirror
His pride will only allow him to play such character.
Was supposed to be the dwarfs but doesn’t have the range of emotions needed to act as them
“Yes, Akashi, because you always win, you are the most absolute of them all.”
The Dwarfs. Ended up as the dwarfs even though he really wanted to be the Prince
Really wanted to be Kuroko-cchi’s Prince to be exact.
The dwarfs is the only reasonable role for him since he has a lot of energy
“I’m Doc! And Grumpy! And Sneezy and Happy and Dopey and Sleepy and.... Bashful!”
The Prince. Only because Kuroko didn’t want Kise to be the Prince. 
Dragged into this against his will 
Reads his lines off his palm.
“Uhhh... W-what a b-beautiful lady. Umm.. I must, uh, kiss?” 
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aomine-ryo · 4 years
GoM going w their s/o to an attraction park and her wanting to ride all the highest, fastest rides OwO
I hope you like this!! xx
Headcanons: GOM going to an attraction park with their s/o
He surprisingly loves the thrill of a good, fast rollercoaster
So he’d totally be ready to join you on those
You were also looking forward to hearing some type of frightened scream, but strangely enough, he would just giggle like a baby whenever there was a huge drop
“Why were you laughing up there, you weirdo?” you asked him when you got off the ride
“I don’t know, I just found your screams really cute,” he shrugged, trying to fix the mess of hair on his head, though it was useless because it seemed to do as it pleased
Whilst he did love rollercoasters, he absolutely despised the types of rides that would spin you around or flip you in some sort of way
They just made him nauseous and dizzy
But of course, you were immediately drawn to those types of rides as well
“Y/N, I will actually throw up if I go on that ride,” he told you
“Don’t be over dramatic, you haven’t even eaten anything today,” you insisted, dragging him along with you
Unlike the giggles on the rollercoasters, Kuroko was eerily silent throughout this ride that flipped you upside down
He was gripping onto your hand for dear life
As promised, once you got off the ride, Kuroko beelined for the nearest trash can where he began to throw up
“Oh my god Tetsu! You really weren’t kidding, huh?” you said, softly chuckling as you rubbed his back
“I warned you,” he said hoarsely once he felt like he got it all out of his system
“Okay okay, I learned my lesson. Let’s just take it slow for some time alright?” You suggested, running your fingers through his hair in attempt to comfort him and simultaneously fix the mess
After about an hour of going on the slower and more tame rides, which was fun because it allowed you two to cuddle up together, you returned to the speedy rollercoasters
It was a 10/10 experience though, minus the part where Kuroko threw up (though it was kinda funny)
When you suggested a date at a theme park, Kise assumed that you wanted to relax on all the calm and slow rides
However, once you got there, you immediately pointed at the highest and biggest rollercoaster with an eager look in your eyes
“Let’s go there first!” you said excitedly, grabbing onto Kise’s hand to take him there
Kise just stared at it wide-eyed, “Y/N-cchi, that looks pretty fast. Are you sure you’re not scared?” he asked, hoping that you’d reconsider going on it
“I wanna go on it because it’s fast, dummy. Come on,” you replied, pulling him along with you
He put up a brave front whilst in line for the ride
But the moment he got into the seat, he was practically shitting himself
As the rollercoaster slowly made its way up to its highest point, Kise’s grip on your hand tightened to the point where you felt like he was gonna crush it
“Oh my god oh my god Y/N-cchi we’re gonna die,” he muttered frantically
“Ryouta we’re not gonna die,” you laughed, finding the way he clung onto you kind of cute
“No no, we will,” he said, barely able to keep his eyes open as the rollercoaster came to a halt at the top, “I just want you to know that I love you and I’m glad that I met you,” he blabbered, making you laugh even more
It seemed like he was going to say more, but then it dropped, and all you heard was his deafening screams
After a few more loops and drops where Kise hung onto you for dear life, the ride finally ended
“That wasn’t that bad,” Kise exhaled when you exited the ride
“Ryouta, you screamed so much that I think my left ear has gone deaf,” you glared at him
“I was just screaming for fun- not out of fear,” he lied
“Well, I guess you don’t mind going on more rides like that then,” you shrugged, grinning at him
He took a nervous gulp before nodding, “Yeah totally.”
The two of you ended up going on more rides after that, and Kise continued to act tough after each ride after screaming like a child in every one
“Pfft, that one wasn’t even scary.”
“Babe, you’re literally still hugging me.”
Listen, he just wants a relaxing afternoon where you two walk around, eat some overpriced food and go on a few pleasant rides
But that wasn’t gonna happen on your watch
“We’re going on all the rides!” you said excitedly as you waited in the queue to enter the park
“Even the fast ones?” Midorima asked, slightly worried
“Especially the fast ones!” you beamed
His horoscope wasn’t particularly bad that day so it didn’t take too much convincing to get him on the rides because he just put his faith in the fortune
You can’t die if your horoscope is good that day right?
He wasn’t sure if he should be glad that he was meant to be taking his glasses off or more worried
Needless to say, he gripped onto your hand as tight as he could
He was surprisingly very silent during the ride
Granted, all he could see was a blur
But turns out that his silence was a result of the fear he felt
“See, that wasn’t that bad, you didn’t even scream once,” you said cheerily when you walked out of the ride
“Well that was probably because I couldn’t see anything,” he said, not letting go of your hand for a second, even after he regained his vision
In the end, the two of you ended up going on all the rides, but only revisite the slower ones because you didn’t cause any more distress to your poor boyfriend
Besides, it was much nicer holding his hand when he wasn’t crushing all its bones
This boy would put up this tough front the entire car ride there, but you saw right through him
“I probably drive faster than those rollercoasters- I don’t see why people are so scared,” he scoffed
You just replied with a condescending hum, knowing that the second the ride starts, he’d be screaming his ass off
“Y/N, if you’re scared you can hold my hand, I’ll protect you,” he said smugly as he buckled up
“I feel like I should be the one telling you that,” you responded, getting more and more impatient for the ride to start so that you can watch him eat his words
Just like you predicted, he did not react well to the speed of the ride
But it was so much funnier than you could ever expect
The ride was slow at first as it inched towards its peak and Aomine grew more nervous the higher it went, but he didn’t show it
Well, that was until it dropped
“OH MY FUCKING GOD WE’RE GONNA DIE!!!!” he screamed, and you were sure the entire park heard him
Poor kids down below were horrified by the use of the profanities
Meanwhile, you could barely breathe because you were laughing so much
You couldn’t even see much because Aomine was clung onto you and his big head was all up in your face
Once you finally got off the ride that was Aomine’s hell on Earth, he was completely silent and you just stared at him, waiting for some sort of explanation before you began to tease him
“Hey, remember before the ride, when you said ‘I don’t see why people are so scared’?” you started, grinning wider than ever, “I’m inclined to believe that you see why now; it’s just a hunch though.”
Aomine glared at you as he groaned, “Shut up Y/N.”
You didn’t shut up
You managed to get him to go on a few more of those kinds of rides though, and he still tried to act tough every time
And he’d always end up screaming
And of course, you didn’t fail to bully him over it for the longest time after that
Whilst he might complain about the excessive walking, he loves attraction parks
Churros, rollercoasters and spending time with you? It was pretty much the ideal way to spend his day
Furthermore, he has the mind of a child so all the rides and attractions sparked this tremendous excitement within him
He definitely prefers the more relaxing rides though because it gives him a chance to unwind and cuddle up next to you
But he also likes the faster rides too, so you didn’t need to do too much convincing to get him on them
He often has to tie his hair up before he goes on them though because it always just ends up getting in his eyes
(And yes he looks extremely hot when he does so)
He’s actually really unbothered by the speed and height of most of the rides
He’s the kind of guy that would try to have a conversation with you during the ride because he’s just not fazed by it at all
“Y/N-chin, it’s quite windy today isn’t it?” he says calmly as everyone around him hollers in terror
So most of the time it was you screaming and clinging onto his arm out of fear
Which he didn’t mind at all; he found it cute
Towards the end of the day, your feet were exhausted so the two of you decided to just sit on a bench and people-watch as you munched on some crepes
And when he took the first bit of that sweet delicacy, he literally could not get any happier than he was in that very moment
Okay so, he kinda lacked a proper childhood so going to the attraction park with you would probably be his first time there
So you suggested going on the faster rides first and he didn’t seem to be opposed to it
He didn’t exactly know what to expect though
“They’re just fast moving trains, how fun could they be?”
He would hold your hand the entire time without even realising it out of the nervousness of not knowing what would happen
It was definitely strange to see Akashi Seijuro acting so vulnerable but it was still very precious
However, what was even stranger was to see him begin to holler in excitement during the ride
It took you by surprise because it was so out of character that you could barely even pay attention to the ride
Hearing Akashi’s normal firm and calm voice let out a cheery “Wooooh” was an experience
“Sounded like you really enjoyed that, Sei,” you giggled once the rollercoaster came to a halt
“Yes, it was actually extremely thrilling. Can we go on more rides like that?” he said, eyes full of a child-like excitement
“Of course we can,” you replied, feeling your heart warm up at how happy he seemed to be
And so, the two of you made sure to visit every single ride in the park so that Akashi could get the full experience
He even dragged you along to revisit some of his favourites as well
He was truly grateful that you suggested coming here because it was like he was catching up on an amazing experience he missed out on as a child
After that day, you two made it a priority to visit an attraction park at least once every few months and it became a kind of cute tradition that you always looked forward to
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delicioussshame · 7 years
Rush fic for Aomine’s birthday.
Daiki thinks August 31th is a shitty date for his birthday. It’s just after summer vacation, so you’re back in class. He’s not a kid anymore, so that shouldn’t matter much, except he’s dating a teacher. Who doesn’t live with him. Who doesn’t even live on the same continent as him. All he has right now is a team of idiot teammates that dragged him through a pub crawl and made him take way, way too many shots. That he managed to get home with some sense left is a minor miracle.
He stumbles back into his home, flubbing with the light switch. It’d be great if the house wasn’t dark when he came home. His place might look grand when it’s sunny outside, but at times like these, it just looks empty and cold.
Daiki sighs. The joys of a transpacific romance. It’s not like they didn’t know what they were getting into, but it’s still not fun. You’d want to be with the person you love on your birthday, right? No alcohol or hot chick trying to go home with him would replace that.
Oh well. Time to go to bed. It’s his birthday, he doesn’t have to take a shower or brush his teeth if he doesn’t want to. Who’ll make him?
He finds his way to his bedroom, not bothering to turn on the light and throwing his clothes on the floor. He’s suddenly too tired to do anything but slide between the cool sheets.
…The sheets are not cool. The sheets are not cool because there’s someone sleeping in his bed, what the fuck!? Daiki throws off the covers, eliciting a wordless protest from the creepy stalker that sneaked into his bed, the hell. If it’s one of the guys, he’ll punch the shit out of him.
Daiki finally finds the switch of his bedside table. “Aomine-kun, my eyes hurt. Turn the light off.”
Tetsu tries to frown at him, but his half-asleep look only makes him look cute. “Of course. Or is it normal for you to find people sleeping in your bed?”
Daiki laughs. Tetsu’s so cute when he’s acting jealous. “As if, idiot. I just wasn’t expecting you. Don’t you have work?”
Tetsu blinks, showing off those wide, innocent eyes. “I have a cold. I’m terribly weakened. I must stay in bed for a few days. Doctor’s orders. Going to work would have been impossible.”
Daiki doesn’t even have to check to know the doctor in question has to be Midorima. “And during the first week after summer vacation, too. Your poor students must be so confused without you to guide them.”
Tetsu nods. “A terrible loss for all.”
Daiki snorts. “Not for me.”
Tetsu turns toward him and pulls him down. “Happy birthday.” He seals his congratulations with a kiss.
“It’s a much better one already.”
“Wait until you get your gift.”
Daiki tries to look doubtful. “Are you in good enough health to give me something? You have to stay in bed, right?”
“I’m sure we can arrange something.”
Oh yeah. “I’m pretty sure we can.”
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Midotaka for the shipping questions please?
1. Who liked the other first?
Takao more or less annoys Midorima into liking him.
That’s Midorima’s story and he will stick to it until the inevitable heat death of the universe, as should be perfectly obvious. Because there is no other story.
None. At all.
Actually, the “other” story is that a combination of poor socialization and emotional constipation cause Midorima to crush harder than a first-grader whose case of the cooties gets overwhelmed by the fact that Bethany from the next row over smiled like cotton candy and daisies and all the other pretty things when he (begrudgingly) lent her his eraser that one time.
Except Takao is no Bethany, and the only way “pretty” is associated with his smiles is in the sentence “pretty much Satan incarnated into five foot nine of obnoxious highschool freshman.” Also, Midorima has yet to get back his eraser. It’s been three months, and a decent human being would be ashamed.
2. Where is their ‘special spot’?
They don’t really have one. As much as Midorima is a creature of habit who likes to stick to familiar places (unless it’s to search for lucky items, in which case he’d probably trek to Antarctica if he had to), Takao is a creature of ooooooh what’s over there? :D
Midorima can no longer count how many spontaneous dinner plans he got dragged into (seriously, how many Korean barbecue places can there be in one area? at least stick to one nodayo!), or how often they just had to check out a criminally predictable movie with an atrocious plot and even more atrocious acting (Megashark versus Giant Octopus? really?), or how many times they ended up in some kind of hole-in-the-wall trading card shop because sec, Shin-chan, I promised my sis I’d pick up a booster pack~~
(And of course Takao attempts to drag him into the stupid card game which by all rights Midorima should be winning because he has the superior strategic intellect and the superior math skills, but Takao, the fiend, keeps drawing absolutely ludicrously situationally specific trap cards at the last possible second every time how is this possible what utter maniac invented this broken travesty nodayo?!?!?!)
3. How do they cheer one another up?
Uh, depends on what’s wrong? Midorima is terribly awkward at providing comfort; he’s really more likely to come up and thrust a lucky item in Takao’s face (over whose selection he did not agonize for close to an hour and on which he did definitely not drop something like 30,000 yen, of course not, as should be perfectly obvious!!!).
If it’s perfectly obvious (heh) what the matter is, he’ll offer encouragement, and it’s a very good thing that Takao is both a man of saintly patience and fluent in emotionally constipated nerdspeak, or else he might mistake what Midorima is attempting to do for a dressing-down by an arrogant dickhead. 
The other way around, well… Midorima is kind of a hard person to take care of even on the best of days. When he’s upset, he tends to recluse himself until he’s either worked through whatever was bothering him or at least gets over feeling humiliated (which almost always happens because if it’s not the situation itself that’s humiliating, then it’s the resultant feelings that are). Takao mostly gives him space, but sees it as his god-given duty to blow up Midorima’s phone with on- and off-topic text messages because he knows Midorima will read each and every one over carefully before consigning them to the trash. XD
4. What is their favourite movie to watch together?
Takao is pretty easy-going when it comes to movie choices, and he has a hard time picking favorites with anything, anyway. And while Midorima will lament his poor tastes in cinematic arts, he still always sits through whatever affront to common sense and good tastes Takao insists on watching this time.
5. When did they know that they are each other’s soul mate?
*snerk* Well, as big a nerd as Midorima is, I don’t think he believes in soulmates? He does, however, very much believe in perfect compatibility achieved through the position of imaginary star clusters in the night sky, and believe me, he has researched their horoscopes right down to the second of their births and is utterly dismayed (and most definitely not inordinately pleased) at the ridiculous level of compatibility ascribed to them by pseudoscience this very accurate investigative method.
6. Where do they primarily kiss one another out in public? Examples forehead, cheek, hand etc.
Neither of them is super-touchy, though Takao absolutely does fun stuff like blow kisses because it never fails to make Midorima descend into sputtering, embarrassed outrage honestly, Takao, have you no shame???
( “…we’re at home in your room, Shin-chan.” - “This has nothing to do with it, as should be perfectly obvious!”)
7. Who goes all out for the other person’s birthday?
Neither. Midorima dislikes surprises and making a huge fuss, and Takao’s more the kind of guy who enjoys organizing his own birthday by arranging a fun get-together with friends at a bar or a restaurant. It’s all good.
8. Whose clothes are too big for the other, but they wear them anyway?
Takao would, except Shin-chan is dreadfully fashion-challenged and even he has an embarrassment threshold. (Note that this embarrassment threshold does not extend to swiping Midorima’s glasses, ever).
9. Who is the one who stays up late baking brownies and dancing in their underwear wearing a baggy shirt, and who is the one who comes down to see the other being all cute?
…How is this question not the stuff of nightmares, seriously? Actually, for Takao, it probably is the stuff of nightmares. He can have very weird dreams. He blames last night’s jalapeño pretzel dogs, even when he hasn’t had any jalapeño pretzel dogs. He just refuses to accept that his brain can concoct ideas like that on its own.
10. Would they cuddle even though it is super hot outside?
*snerk* No. No way. Not even in regular weather. They aren’t cuddly by nature. Sure, Takao drapes himself all over Midorima whenever he feels like it, but that’s more just him being himself (and/or possibly wanting to bug Shin-chan to take a break from staring at his textbooks, seriously, you’re starting to go cross-eyed) than it is any sort of attempt at physical affection.
Idk, they just move to a different tune.
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GOM + kagami + himuro dating someone thats into basketball and they go to their gfs game (and she wins) but they noticed that their favourite NBA player is there watching the game and they find out that's it's their gfs older bro?
Kuroko: His face settledinto a calm smile as he finally put one and one together. Of course. It madesense now. He felt himself begin to sink into the shadows but was pulled out byyou dragging him over to meet his idol. And with you at his side, he knew his idol would actually notice him.
Kagami: He was soembarrassed that he hadn’t been able to see the similarities between you two.He had spent hours watching you both and he was too stupid to see what wasright in front of him? Fortunately, that reality of his was soon pushed to theback of his mind by the excitement of meeting his favorite player ever.
Kise: His excitement andshock were obvious, but overshadowed by the bright smile on his face andmillion plus one questions he was asking your brother. He even had your poorbig bro sign every piece of clothing that he was wearing. Every piece.
Midorima: He was properand polite while meeting his idol, which was disappointing to you because youwere hoping the surprise would really get to him. When you were alone again, helooked at you for a moment. “You’re brother and I are more compatible,” hestated shortly.
Aomine: He tried to actcasual, but the excitement in his eyes was beyond obvious. His hand shook visiblywhen he took the one your brother offered. You rolled your eyes at his act butlet him be. He needed to feel cool, even when he was meeting his idol.
Murasakibara: It tookhim a moment to process the information. “Oh,” he mumbled to you, sounding morebored than shocked. “I was wondering why you two had the same name…” He thenproceeded to hand you his empty chip bag and asked you to get your brother tosign it for him.
Himuro: He’d met himonce before, actually, back in America. But it was an honest surprise that youtwo were siblings. He’d never let you know that though, as so he pretendedcoolly as ever that he knew about it all along.
Akashi: He already knewwho your brother was. He knew everything about you (no surprise but kind ofcreepy). So when you introduced your brother to him, he rattled off some stats,comparing the two of you. It embarrassed you to no end, but that was goal.
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