#ponz translates
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xiakeponz · 1 year ago
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I just wanted to translate a lil' bit of this book I was reading, because I didn't realise just how many poems (in the case of this book, Tang dynasty poems) have been lost to the ravages of time, and what a miracle it is that we even have a 唐诗三百首 today. Short note from me about translation approach is at the end under the cut.
王晓磊 (六神磊磊) 著
ISBN: 978-7-5302-2250-8
The Cambrian Age of Tang Poems by Author Wang Xiaolei (ISBN: 978-7-5302-2250-8)
Chapter 1 
Do you know how fortunate you are to be able to read Tang poems today? 
我志在删述,垂辉映千春。- 李白
My ambition is as grand as when Confucius compiled The Book of Poems, so that the radiance of my poems may shine a thousand springs from now. 
At a time 400 years ago from the present day, during the Tianqi Era (1621-1628) of the Ming Dynasty, when Eunuch Wei Zhongxian’s (魏忠贤)authority could eclipse the heavens- 
In the Haiyan district of the Zhejiang Province, there was an old man who silently shed his official’s robes, and folded them neatly. This was a set of blue robes embroidered with white pheasants, signifying that he was a fifth-rank court official. 
Outside, someone yelled, “Official Hu, why haven’t you come out yet! We’re waiting to escort you to De Zhou so you can take up your post there!”
“Take up my post?” The old gentleman gave a small smile, then muttered to himself, “Goodbye,  court politics! I have long grown weary of you. I’m going back to my hometown, and spending the rest of my years completing a very important matter- to compile the most complete set of Tang poems, so that there will no longer be any left out, so that no longer will there be any lost to the ages, so that our descendents can read them all!”
Let us remember the name of this old gentleman: Hu Zhenheng (胡震亨). 
Perhaps it is very difficult for people of the present day to understand - wasn’t he just wanting to make a compilation of poems, was that really so difficult? Did he need to really go this hard? Actually, yes. Back in that time period, it really was that difficult.  During that time, there were no publishing companies, printing factories, libraries, or convenient search engines. If you wanted to look up a poem, you’d have to pore through countless scrolls, you may even need to  trek over mountains and cross rivers just to be able to make a copy - and even after all that, you may not even have been able to make that copy. 
If Ol’ Hu slacked off, and didn’t make this Tang poetry compilation, what would have happened? The answer to that is, that the consequences would have been very dire.
At that time, Tang poetry was already starting to go extinct just like how our flora and fauna species are going into mass extinction today. According to Hu Zhenheng’s estimations, at least half of all Tang poetry had already been lost. 
Perhaps you are thinking, how the hell does poetry just go missing? As long as the poet is good enough, as long as the poem is good enough, then wouldn’t such works just be passed down through the ages, and be able to endure, that way? 
It really doesn’t work like that. 
Let me ask you a very broad question: out of all of the Tang poems, which one is the best? Perhaps many people will respond, off the top of their heads, “A night of moonlit blossoms on the river in spring” (春江花月夜“). This poem is lauded as the “a singular page eclipses the entire Tang dynasty” poem of poems, after all. Well then, who is the author of this fine poem? Many of you readers can answer, Zhang Ruoxu(张若虚). 
This Mister Zhang has written such a great work, and has made such a great contribution to Tang Poetry. Well then, how many of his poems remain today? A hundred poems? Eighty? The answer will shock you - merely two of his poems remain today. 
The only reason “A night of moonlit blossoms on the river in spring” was able to be passed down to the present day, is really nothing more than a giant fluke. It was thanks to a very accidental opportunity, that when people in the Song dynasty were compiling a book of songs and ballads for their music bureau, they recorded this very poem by Zhang Ruoxu into the compilation, and enabled it to be passed down through the ages. 
Apart from two poems, all the other works created by Zhang Ruoxu in his lifetime, do not exist today. 
Now let me ask you another similar question: out of the pentasyllabic quatrain poems (五言绝句)in the Tang dynasty , which one is the best? Many will immediately respond, “Climbing White Stork Tower” (登鹳雀楼). Yes, the one which everyone recited as a child - the sun sets against the mountains, the yellow river flows into the sea” (白日依山尽,黄河入海流). Its author is recognised by most people as Wang Zhihuan (王之涣). 
So then, how many poems has the great poet Wang Zhihuan left behind? The answer will again flabbergast you as you read it: there are only six poems left behind, the rest are all gone. 
Within a thousand years, we do not know how many lines like “the sun sets against the mountains (白日依山尽)”, and “the tides of the ocean and the moon rise in tandem (海上明月���潮生)” have been lost to the ages forever. 
The misfortunes of our friends Wang Zhihuan and Zhang Ruoxu, were not mere happenstance. 
How many poems of Li Bai (李白)have lived on to see the light of today? The most pessimistic takes say that, about one-tenth of all his poems exist today. 
This great genius has been writing poetry all his life, so estimates of his total poem count sits at around five thousand to ten thousand poems. For every ten of his poems, we may never ever be able to read eight or nine of them. 
Before passing away, Li Bai had sorted out all of the drafts and writings he had made in his lifetime, and solemnly entrusted it all to his uncle (族叔), Li Yangbing (李阳冰), and asked that he compile them into volumes, so that it can be passed down through generations. Li Yangbing did not fail Li Bai’s wishes, and poured his heart into compiling the Thatched Cottage Anthologies (草堂集)of which there were ten scrolls … which then subsequently got lost to the ages in the Song Dynasty. 
Now let’s talk about Du Fu (杜甫)。Essentially all the poems written by this similarly great poet before the age of forty, have been lost to the ages. How long did Du Fu live? Until age fifty-eight. That is to say, that all the poems he wrote for most of his life, were all for nothing. 
Another big shot, Wang Wei, (王维)fared no better. During the Kaiyuan era alone (713-741) he wrote hundreds if not thousands of poems. By the end, less than one-tenth of the total remained. 
There are countless other examples. The early Tang poet, Song Zhiwen(宋之问)was big-name poet who established the foundations of regulated verse poetry. He had poetry volumes circulating during the Tang Dynasty, however the circulation still ended during the Jiajing era of the Ming dynasty, and was finally lost during the Wanli era. All twenty volumes of the writings of gifted female scholar-official, Shangguan Wan’er (上官婉儿), were entirely lost in the Song dynasty, and we only have thirty-two of her poems remaining today. 
The poetry volumes written by one of the “Elite Fours” of the early Tang dynasty, Wang Bo (王勃),the genius who famously wrote “the hues of twilight fall in line with the solitary flight of a wild mallard (落霞与孤鹜齐飞)”, were arduously able to survive for a few hundred years, however, come the Ming dynasty, they were all completely lost all the same. 
This is like saying that the complete works of Jing Yong (金庸)were all lost to the ages, and you would only be able to glean snippets and excerpts of his original writings from the column writings of Liushen Leilei (六神磊磊)to get your hit. Just the thought of it makes me want to cry. 
The great Meng Haoran (孟浩然) can be counted as lucky. Shortly after he passed away, there were already people making compilations of his poems. Even so, many of his creations have still been lost. There is also the great Li Shangyin (李商隐), who wrote “the silkworm spins silk even ‘til death (春蚕到死丝方尽)” and “our hearts are connected through a singular nexus (心有灵犀一点通)” , who personally compiled forty-odd scrolls of his writings, however, those have all been lost, and not a single volume remains. His poems have all been scrabbled together piece-by-piece, by those after his time. 
So, do you still think that those poems which have been lost to time, were lost purely because they were shoddy poems, of little worth, so no one wanted to remember them? Not at all. Even if they made a mark in their heyday, poems that are handed down will eventually be lost to time, all the same. 
People in the Tang dynasty have recorded, that of Li Bai’s CiFu (辞赋)poetry, the poems Dapeng Fu (大鹏赋)and Hongyou Fu (鸿猷赋)were incredibly marvelous, so much so that they even surpassed the calibre of writings of the big guardians of CiFu poetry from the previous generation, Sima Xiangru (司马相如) and Yang Xiong (杨雄). Fortunately, we can read Dapeng Fu today, but … where is Hongyou Fu? Sorry, it’s gone, lost forever to the ravages of time. 
Translator’s note:
There are many ways to do a translation, and this one is more for the vibes than for the “literal” translation - that is not to say it is inaccurate, but as someone who has translated for years from Japanese to English, or from time to time, Chinese to English (when I feel like it lol) I thought I’d state the purpose of this translation so you can get a sense of my choices here.  I am translating this very casually and more for speed / for fun, it is a very pulling-words-off-the-top-of-my-head translation than the other kind of translation I do where I sit there for hours milling over a singular word. A partial reason for why I can do this style of translation is because the prose of the book itself is very conversational and casual (I will tangentially note, this writing style is kind of controversial with the Author’s other works that discuss poetry, as some readers view it as “low-brow”, but for me, I like it. I think it makes the content very digestible and accessible to readers who are new to poetry). This translation is for my buddies in the poetry club, who are mainly diaspora and/or can read Chinese to any extent anyway (in particular, I want to thank the funny and great @fwoopersongs, for always being here to chat poem stuff and making me interested in the lives of the poets and the context surrounding the poetry rather than just the poems themselves).  As such, I will try to remember to include the Chinese characters for people’s names, so you can read it with the correct tones. I bought this book and started reading, and thought wow, this is cool, I want to share it. A lot of the Chinese terms here I’ve only thought about and experienced in Chinese, I don’t watch Mandarin-language shows with any subtitles, and I don’t typically experience other Chinese Media in English so I am not sure what the “standard” (if any) terms in English would be - it’s for the vibes, especially the parts where I am translating literal poetry. For example, the author pulls verses from poetry here to set the tone for the start of a chapter, so the goal of my translation here to make a translation that it conveys to the reader a reason why that verse was chosen, rather than the “perfect” way 千秋, 碧落,独倚 or a word like that is translated (or, for example, everyone let’s agree on a translation of the poem title 《春江花月夜》 - pain - lol). I do not think I can do any of these poetry translations justice, as poetry translations in any language is more like a feeling of the soul that you try to fit within the available confines of another language, hoping that the reader on the other side can experience something in their own individual way through your shared humanity rather than language alone. Also, I do have a lot of commentary and notes that I wanted to make but I might do that in a different place (maybe as footnotes) at another time, I don’t want to interrupt the flow of the reader by sticking my own comments everywhere.
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echoesofblue · 5 years ago
“Dochira ga Yugamu?” by Shiso-P / Translation
ドチラガ歪ム? / Dochira ga Yugamu? / Which One's Distorted?
Music, Lyrics, Arrangement: Ponz (Shiso-P) Vocals: KAITO
意地悪な手探りには成功したけど 互いが互いに映るだけでシナプスは笑う
I’ve managed to succeed at our mean-spirited fumbles But my synapses laugh just seeing us reflected in each other
灯台の照らす先ばかりが可愛くて 地面で二足歩行できたかも怪しい
I’m charmed only by the place that the lighthouse illuminates I don’t even know if I’ve managed to walk on the ground with two feet
五感を制した気分でいて 順番に人質にかけちゃって 折角用意した物差しも無駄だし
I’ve been feeling like I mastered all five senses One by one, I've been offering them up as hostages Even the standards I’ve prepared so carefully are useless, you know
最初で最後のボクの手のひらは キミの優しさで壊れて 掠めるたび擬似的背徳 呼吸が負ける
The only palms I’ve got Crumble at the tenderness of yours With every brush of our hands, it feels like mock immorality And my breath surrenders
追い詰めた角で覆い被さって 真偽の程を探る目に 何故か君は口元緩める ドチラガ歪ム?
Chasing you into corners, I loom over you And at the look in my eyes asking for the truth, You crack a smile, for some reason Which one’s distorted?
隠すものも与えられる何かも無くて 凹凸の無い全てにいつしか辟易していく
With nothing to hide and nothing to receive, I continue to get fed up with all that is smooth and even
舞台の幕はもう降りていて 無理矢理こじ開けようとしちゃって パズルを終えたキミが残した真実
The curtain’s already fallen on the stage And we’ve tried to lift it up by force You’ve left behind the truth after finishing the puzzle
最初で最期のボクの指先は キミの強さにへし折れて 撫で合うたび散らばる感覚 歯と歯が軋む
The only fingertips that I’ve got Break under the strength of yours Every time we caress each other, sensations scatter And teeth grate against teeth
最低を滲ますボクを許して 超えない声にウンザリ ボクのキミはすぐ虚像になる ドチラガ歪ム?
Forgive me for showing you my worst I’m fed up of this voice that won’t get through The you belonging to me quickly becomes a false image Which one of us is distorted?
体温は嘘に慣れちゃって ただ流れる液を貪って 焦がれた心はどちらなんだい? Distortion
With a body temperature used to lies, We’re lapping up the liquid that’s just flowing Whose heart is it that has burned? Distortion
最初で最後のボクの手のひらは キミの優しさで壊れて 掠めるたび擬似的背徳 呼吸が負ける
The only palms that I’ve got Crumble at the tenderness of yours At every brush of our hands, I feel a mock immorality And my breath surrenders
追い詰めた角で覆い被さって 真偽の程を探る目に 何故か君は口元緩める ドチラガ歪ム?
Chasing you into corners, I loom over you And at the look in my eyes asking for the truth, You crack a smile, for some reason Which one’s distorted?
Translator's Notes: This was an incredibly difficult translation because of how vague the lyrics are, both in terms of lyrical content and linguistic structure. There are barely any pronouns in the verses other than the choruses, so my choice of pronouns in the translation could be entirely wrong, for all I know. And as to what these lyrics actually mean...who knows! I doubt Shiso-P is interested in explaining things...because this feels like a song that isn't meant to be explained. It's just a gorgeous song with brilliant instrumentation, fantastic vocals and some mysterious lyrics. And that’s enough for me!
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keepersofeorzea · 5 years ago
LFRP - MAIN - Raylin Nadia
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Name: Raylin Nadia Alias: Stray, Ray, etc. Age: Early to mid 20's Birthday: 4th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon Race: Keeper of the Moon - Miqo'te Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Identity: Female (concept of self is fluid but they are not knowledgeable in that subject) Sexuality: Demi-sexual/Pan-romantic/Polyamourous
Weight: 150 ponze Height: 5 fulm 4 ilm Hair: Black with white/silver undertones, usually cut short and plain. Eye color: Heterochromia (Green/Blue) Common accessories or markings: Has a kink in her tail. Facial scars on cheek and near eye, has a few tattoos from her tribe. Usually wears masks or eye coverings. Her clothing style varies depending on location/what she’s currently doing - she adjusts to her surroundings.
Personality: To those that aren't familiar to Raylin, she may seem curious although reserved, though the closer and more trust they gain, she becomes more sardonic and easy-going. She's mischievous and knowledge-thirsty, easily tossing self preservation to the side if she finds something worthy of risk. Profession: Although her roots have been an adventurer and healer for hire, she's more of a dabbler of trades. Still an adventurer at heart, she mainly deals with her inn and apothecary, though is known to take a break to go back to her roots or work on something new. She's always looking in underground markets for knowledge in the form of books and recipes, even secrets or anything else that could be made of value, unbeknownst to her normal clients and comrades. Hobbies: She dabbles in crafts and in various forums of combat, unfortunately due to constantly keeping busy she doesn't seem to get much sleep and seems to be perpetually tired underneath her masks. Her main passion is forbidden magics and long lost alchemy and knowledge. Faith: Worshiper of Menphina, Sophia, Dawn and Dusk dreadwryms, Nymeia, and Nophica. She's a shroud-borne Meracydian thus her beliefs are a mixture of both, especially after being taken in by a Gridianian Wildwood Elzen in her youth. Languages: Meracydian, Eorzean, bastardized Draconian. She's proficient in Allag, Nymian, and other old languages but she's no expert.
RP Hooks:
Seeker of Forbidden: Known in unseedy places as Stray, her lust for forbidden tomes and rare things like soul-stones or old recipes for potions and poisons and even cursed items is well known. Perhaps you have knowledge of such items or perhaps you have items for trade? She’s also always on the lookout for translators that are client confidential, and maybe you’re the one with those skills! Healer/Apothecarian: Known in the Shroud and in Adventuring Guilds, she's known to help most if not everyone regardless of their standing or lack thereof. Especially helping those turned away from official Hearers of Gridania. Inn Keeper/FC Leader: As Raylin, she's also known to run an inn from the base of her Free Company’s (Knights of Meracydia) home base. From an outsider's perspective it seems like an East meets West Bathhouse and Inn, though in underground groups is known as a good place to conduct business without much suspicion due to the nature of the Inn. Partially gimmicky, the Yellowjackets pay little mind to the clientele, but members of the rogue's guild know its also a good place to gather information due to the various clientele. Though as ever, it also serves as a good home looking for a place to call their own. Adventurer: Being an adventurer has always resonated with Raylin, thus no matter how busy she keeps, she is always on the look out for a 'break' to return to her roots.
OOC Info:
Character location: Adamantoise, Aether Server! Availability: On discord Raylin Nadia#1191, Tumblr (shades-of-tedium), and in game. Due to having chronic pain and a job, sometimes I get on later but am always contactable via discord or Tumblr. Usually on later on in the day or afternoons PST time zone. RP Style: I am OK with lore bending! But try not to lore break ^^ so am pretty open to most things. I am more into the connections and character development part of roleplay. So please do not expect me to be down for ERP, as it's rarely my cup of tea. I dont care if that’s what people are looking for, it’s not what I am looking for, thanks in advance for understanding! I’m fond of adventure, dramatic, and even dark and morbid subjects but am even down for slice of life! As long as rivalries, friendships, and other connections are made, I’m down for the story that comes along the way! Im also always down to OOC contact first before any rp as well to get plotting before hand. I’m also very anxious so have difficulties asking people to RP first ;v; so please know I dont bite and am also trying my best to make friends so any help will be appreciated!
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starrysnowdrop · 5 years ago
Character Survey • Yume Aino
((Revised as of Endwalker 6.0 - 12/25/21))
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FULL NAME: Yume Aino
AGE: 24 in ARR, 30 in EW
BIRTHDAY: 13th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (May 13th)
LANGUAGE/S: Modern Hingan, Ancient Hingan, Old Auri Tongue, Eorzean Common Tongue
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual/Demisexual
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Engaged to G’raha Tia since end of 6.0, but has been in a Long-term Relationship since 5.1
HOME TOWN / AREA: Kugane, Hingashi
CURRENT HOME: Revenants Toll, Mor Dhona
PROFESSION: Ronin/Adventurer/Scion of the Seventh Dawn
HAIR: Jet Black in color with straight bangs and pulled back into a high ponytail most of the time; Medium-long length.
EYES: Large, wide set eyes; Royal Blue in color with lighter blue limbal rings surrounding the iris.
FACE: Heart-shaped, with ivory colored scales on cheeks and bridge of nose.
LIPS: Full, plump lips
SCARS: One large scar on the right side of her abdomen.
TATTOOS: One large tattoo of a Phoenix covering her back in all red ink.
HEIGHT: 5 fulms 2 ilms (Tallest Height for female Au Ra)
WEIGHT: 120 ponze
BUILD: Petite and slim build with a large chest.
FEATURES: Horns are slightly curled and sloping backwards away from her face; tail is short and smooth with a few small spikes near the base. Scales adorn her body and face with a small speckling of scales above the bridge of her nose.
USUAL HAIR STYLE: Pulled up into a high ponytail with straight bangs.
USUAL FACE LOOK: Light makeup, usually a light reddish-pink eyeshadow and neutral colored lip gloss.
USUAL CLOTHING: Black leather, black colored robes, black or dark colored kimonos, black dresses, and some dark red and dark blue accessories. Basically, Yume asks, “Does this come in black?”
VOICE CLAIM: Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi in any language. See the Voice post HERE.
FEAR/S: Living a life without making her own choices, having regrets, and the death of her loved ones, though not afraid of dying herself.
ASPIRATION/S: To live a life that she has chosen for herself and not forced upon her by someone else, to help others and use her powers for good, and to one day settle have children.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Friendly, polite, respectful, reserved, courageous, brave, kind, compassionate, empathetic, open minded, optimistic, intuitive, loyal, faithful.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Tempermental, angry, aggressive, cynical, possessive, distant, shy, insecure, reckless.
SOUL TYPE/S: The Warrior
ANIMALS: Birds of all kind (Phoenix is her favorite)
VICE HABIT/S: Eating too much junk food, bottling up emotions until she explodes, shutting out others when feeling depressed, feeling insecure about herself outside of being a Warrior of Light.
FAITH: Believes in the concept of Karma and that everything happens for a reason, but does not believe in the Kami or any other kind of god.
GHOSTS?: Yes (Ardbert anyone??)
AFTERLIFE?: Absolutely!
REINCARNATION?: Yes, of course.
ALIENS?: Well yes, I mean, the dragons, Omega, and the Nier androids are alien beings already.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Always on the side of what is best for the people.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Home schooled by private tutors in Hingashi, and she is particularly knowledgeable in history, cultures, and languages.
FATHER: Lord Masanori Aino (48)
MOTHER: Lady Michiko Aino (45)
SIBLINGS: 2 younger brothers, Daichi (8) and Kentaro (6)
EXTENDED FAMILY: Large extended family, but her best friend is her first cousin Rei Tokugawa, (25).
NAME MEANING/S: Yume = “Dream”, Aino = “Of Love”, both of Hingan (Japanese) origin.
HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: Not sure what exactly this is asking for, but I took TONS of inspiration from reading about Feudal Japan and the history of the Samurai in college.
BOOK: Chūshingura, translated as The Treasury of Loyal Retainers, commonly known as The 47 Ronin.
DEITY: None (In game, I chose Azeyma, the Warden for her.)
HOLIDAY: Valentione’s Day
MONTH: 2nd Umbral Moon
SEASON: Spring and Autumn
PLACE: Any quiet space for meditation.
WEATHER: A warm day with a light breeze and fair skies.
SOUND / S: The wind, chimes, Taiko drumming, birds chirping, the rain, Raha’s singing voice.
SCENT / S: Cherry blossoms, tea brewing, incense, winter spices.
TASTE / S: Strawberries, cream, matcha green tea, coffee, chocolate.
FEEL / S: Leather, flower petals, snow, Hingan silk, Raha’s fluffy ears and tail.
ANIMAL / S: Birds of all kind (Phoenix is her favorite)
COLORS: Jet Black, Wine Red, Dalamud Red, and Royal Blue
TALENTS: Kenjutsu, Marksmanship, Martial Arts, Poetry, Calligraphy, Dancing, and Cooking
BAD AT: Eorzean Swordplay (she gets better at it later), Singing, White Magic, Public Speaking, and Controlling her emotions at times
TURN ONS: Loyalty, Compassion, Kindness, Confidence, Bravery, Integrity, Intelligence, Humor, Charm, Unique eyes, A beautiful smile, A muscular physique
TURN OFFS: Cowardice, Dishonesty, Disloyalty, Deceitfulness, Cruelty, Superficiality
HOBBIES: Writing poetry, travelling, learning about other cultures, learning history, reading, and shopping
TROPES: The Chosen One, Lady of War, Aloof Dark-haired Girl, Dark and Troubled Past, Samurai, Ronin, Warrior Poet, Honor Before Reason, Seppuku
QUOTES : “The past and the future do not exist. There is only the present moment, only here and now.”
Q1: If you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?
A1: It would probably be called something like “The Ronin of Eorzea”, and it would be something akin to the Chinese Martial Arts films, or perhaps like the Live-action Mulan.
Q2: What would their soundtrack/score sound like?
A2: Close to the Memoirs of a Geisha soundtrack or the video game Jade Empire soundtrack. Just very epic, East Asian in tone.
Q3: Why did you start writing this character?
A3: Because I had wanted to create a fully fleshed out WoL OC, despite having played FFXIV for years now, I never written about an OC in the fandom before. I got inspired from watching Memoirs of a Geisha, the TV Series Shogun, and replaying Jade Empire.
Q4: What first attracted you to this character?
A4: Well, I have always wanted to create a Samurai type character for a long time. I also have studied Japanese History and Asian cultures, so I am in love with Kugane and all of the Far Eastern lore, hence why I had Yume originate from there.
Q5: Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5: The one big thing I dislike is despite how confident she is in herself on the battlefield, she is very insecure in herself when she’s not a warrior. It is hard for her to open up to others outside of battle, as in just making friends. She’s just a soft bean underneath and she needs to build her confidence!
Q6: What do you have in common with your muse?
A6: I would say that some aspects of my personality, especially the temper, is in common with Yume. Other than that, we are quite different really.
Q7: How does your muse feel about you?
A7: Uhhhh I guess she likes me cuz I have treated her well after her attempted suicide and exile? Maybe? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Q8: What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?
A8: The most interesting interactions? Well, Yume is quite protective of Alphinaud and Alisaie like they are her own siblings, and I’ve always been meaning to write something with Yume and the Twins. But what can I say? The most interesting interactions will have to be with Cid and Raha. Cid because she always feels so vulnerable around him, but at the same time, she feels safe with him as well. With Raha, it starts out as annoyance but she quickly sees that he is way more than what he seems on the surface, which eventually she ends up falling in love with him, and complicating her relationship with Cid in the process.
Q9: What gives you inspiration to write your muse?
A9: Playing FFXIV and while I play, I come up with new scenarios and scenes that I’d love to write about. Also, coming in here to Tumblr and seeing all my amazing mutuals and their wonderful muses also greatly inspires me to improve myself in my own writing.
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?
A10 : Way too damn long... like a little bit at a time for a week? Yeah, if you want to fill this out, just be prepared. I had to do some research for some of these questions.
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ayyymeric · 5 years ago
Never-Ending Survey: Endo no Asura
Rules: Repost, do not reblog Tagged by: @lightdevoid​ Tagging: @ballade-du-mage​ , @josephisbestjojo​ , @trashcatte​
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FULL NAME: Endo no Asura
NICKNAME: Stinky (ala Jayley), that bastard, other various things
AGE:  ????
BIRTHDAY: Presumed 6th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
ETHNIC GROUP: Oni/Presented Midlander Hyur
LANGUAGE/S: Hingan, Commons, little bit of Xaela
HOME TOWN / AREA: ????, Yanxia
CURRENT HOME:  Bounces from place to place
PROFESSION: Sellsword? 
HAIR: Black
EYES: A bright gold, seemingly no pupils.
FACE: Angular features, a smooth complexion.
LIPS: Both bottom and top lips are full, giving a bit of a pout
SCARS:  Strangely no scarring anywhere despite his lifestyle.
TATTOOS: From the neck down to his fingertips and toes his entire body is covered in strange archaic looking runes and lines.
HEIGHT: 5 fulms and 7 ilms
WEIGHT: 130 ponz
BUILD: Lithe and slender, some muscle but not horribly much.
FEATURES: Pointed ears, and if actually shown twin horns sprouting out of his head colored blue-black. If questioned he usually offers mock offense and says he’s half Xaela. Will go out of his way to dodge anyone touching them.
USUAL HAIR STYLE: If he brushes it for once, tends to part it more towards the left and feathers outward. Otherwise can look like a bit of a bedhead. 
USUAL FACE LOOK:   At most times he has a bit of an aloof look on his face but if you strike enough interest in him he flips entirely. Will gain a grin, albeit one that would make an individual slightly wary.
USUAL CLOTHING: Various Hingan fashions. Prefers more the form fitting type for fighting.
FEAR/S: ????
ASPIRATION/S: To find something that won’t bore him.
POSITIVE TRAITS: He’s crazy good with a spear? 
NEGATIVE TRAITS:  Sarcastic, violent at the drop of a hat, will walk away from someone in the middle of a conversation if he isn’t entertained enough. 
ANIMALS: A black Hayate.
VICE HABIT/S: Booze, men and sex/can and will doze off on anything anywhere.
FAITH: Nothing. 
EDUCATION LEVEL: He can read, at least, and write messily. 
FATHER : ???
MOTHER : ???
NAME MEANING/S: Asura doesn’t talk much about his name, but to those familiar with Hingan/Yanxian lore know that his name more or less translates to “antigod”. He also seems to write “Endo” 遠 藤 with the latter character as “fuji” or “wisteria”, seemingly a mockery to the fact that legend tells that the flower is poisonous to demons or alluding to a former powerful family. 
BOOK: None.
DEITY: ???
HOLIDAY: None, but he did love to mingle in many a matsuri back home.
MONTH: July.
SEASON: Summer.
PLACE: The plume grove hidden deep in the Yanxian mountains. 
WEATHER:  Warmth, a time for chilled watermelons. 
SOUND / S: Wildlife in the mountains.
SCENT / S: Wisteria flowers, all types of food.
TASTE / S: Spice, meat.
FEEL / S: ???
ANIMAL / S: Shiba.
COLORS: Black, gold, red.
TALENTS: Skilled in various weapons, flexible, can jump really high, probably steal a boyfriend or husband or two, good climber, can ████ a ████ while ████
BAD AT: Conversations, paying attention.
TURN ONS: Good fighter, taller than him (but does enjoy someone shorter if they’re worth a damn), rugged. 
TURN OFFS: Clingy.
HOBBIES: Sleeping, eating and wandering around, general mischief. 
TROPES: Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work, Beauty is Bad, Horns of Villainy, The Imp.
QUOTES: “ I'm that bad type Make your mama sad type Make your girlfriend mad tight Might seduce your dad type I'm the bad guy, duh ” (i’m sorry)
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?      
A1 :  Fuck if I know.
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 : Fast, lot of cliche rock I guess idk that either.
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?        
A3 : He came to me in a maladaptive daydream 
Q4 : What first attracted you to this character?        
A4 : Sharp teeth, horn good
Q5 : Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 :  He gets too bored too quick.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :  We like dudes and dislike everything at once.
Q7 :  How does your muse feel about you?        
A7 :  I.. idk?
Q8 : What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?
A8 : I haven’t rp’d him yet.
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse?    
A9 :  ?? he just demands attention.
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?  
A10 : too long.
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voidsentprinces · 5 years ago
Never-Ending Survey: Lust
Tagged by: @eorzean-capitalist​
Tagging: @placesyoucallhome​ @esoaxice​ @lightofthecrystal​ @ventrue-antitribu​ @the-gunsmith-cat​ @natsukashii-eorzea​ @arabeka-ffxiv​ @kyrie-silverwings @sugar-smash and anyone else.
Rules: Repost, do not reblog, tag 10 blogs!  
FULL NAME: Luxuria Asmodeus Sang
AGE:  Appears 35 (currently)
BIRTHDAY: 16th Sun of the First Umbral Moon
ETHNIC GROUP: Viera, Rava (Previously, Miqo’te, Seeker of the Sun)
NATIONALITY: Void, Tatarian (Previously)
LANGUAGE/S: Common, Garlean, Dravanian, Hingan, Eldritch, Voidspeech, Dalmascan
HOME TOWN / AREA: Tindress
PROFESSION: Quartermaster
HAIR: Ashen grey with streaks of charcoal white streaking through it
EYES: Passion Red
FACE: Squared
SCARS:  Over his right eye
TATTOOS: Tattoo on his tongue of reading: A S M O D E U S
HEIGHT: 6′6.8 fulms
WEIGHT: 240 ponzes
BUILD: Toned, athletic
FEATURES: Seventeen Bell Shadow that doesn’t seem to grow
USUAL HAIR STYLE:  Well kept, shaggy mane with bangs
USUAL FACE LOOK :  Calm and observant
USUAL CLOTHING: Open chest coat, dress pants, duelest boots, a sigiled collar and braclets with fine leather gloves
FEAR/S: After his previous experiences, Lust holds no particular fear. But, it nonetheless cautious.
ASPIRATION/S: He is seeking someone, he can only vaguely recall. From a time, long since past.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Hospitable, relaxed, and sometimes flirty
NEGATIVE TRAITS:  Complacent, closely guarded, and a voidsent
TEMPERAMENT: Polite, servicable and always ready to aid his allies. Flirty when he desires but, otherwise a quiet observationalist of calm.
ANIMALS: Ram and Bull
FAITH: Doesn’t adhere to any faiths
EDUCATION LEVEL: Enough to get by
FATHER : Unknown
MOTHER : Unknown
SIBLINGS : Forgotten Sister
NAME MEANING/S: Luxuria, the latin word for Lust or lechery. Asmodeus, a varient of the Avestan language from the title of Ashema Deva meaning Wrath Demon, spelled in a variety of manners including: Asmodai, Asmodee, Osmodeus, Osmodai, Hashmedai, Hammadai, Shamdon and Shidonai. As well as the Hebrew, Ashmedai.
Sang, French word for Blood.
BOOK: No particular favorite
HOLIDAY: Valentione’s Day
MONTH:  February (First Umbral Moon)
SEASON: Winter
PLACE:  The Willow’s Meet
WEATHER:  Cloudy
SOUND / S: Crackling of fire, the pouring of beverage, and the sound of rain
SCENT / S: Scent of a coming storm, fire place
TASTE / S: Savory, Sweet
FEEL / S: Devil-May-Care
ANIMAL / S: Ram, Bull
COLORS: Red, Vermillion, Crimson
TALENTS: Fencing, tracking, interrogating, brewing, cooking, dancing
BAD AT: Emotional Connection
TURN OFFS: Arrogance, Vanity
HOBBIES: Namazu Destruction
TROPES: The Rogue
QUOTES : “Everyone mistakes Lust for the pleasure of the flesh, but having become the personification of it. One would find that definition far too limiting. Wanderlust, the want of traveling to and fro. Lust is passion, the passion for a hobby, for a drink, for a way of life. It burns inside every mortal heart and even the most sanctimonous of the chaste fall under its sway.”
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?       A1 :  Slowly writing him into a book series, not saying more than that
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?           A2 : Ranges from obvious to the blantant
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?         A3 : It began in late 2010, when I became obsessed with mythological groups of character affixed with numbers. The Seven Deadly Sins, the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. As an asexual, I began to look at the sins particularly Lust and began to slowly form them over the next nine years into as they are today.
Starting with their names being composed of the Latin version of the Cardinal Sin, their middle name being the Demon that represented them in Catholicism, and a name associated with a language I felt most connected to them. For Lust, French is often stereotyped as the language of Love there before. I gave Lust the last name of Sang which is the word for Blood. Adhering to his job as an inquisitor and torturer.
For others like Gluttony has the last name of Kuroyuki, literally Black Snow in Japanese. Referring to a passage of Dante’s Inferno in one of the myriad translations that referred to the Circle of Gluttony being drenched in black slush.
For others the last name was to be their opposite. For Greed it was the Spanish word meaning “To Waste” for Pride it was the Germiac Word for “Shame”.
Q4 :  What first attracted you to this character?         A4 : Initially, I was just trying to get on the roleplay map but then a post told me to make characters for myself and not others. So I just translated the Sins into semi-lore friendly FFXIV. Which as time goes on they become less and less. Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse. A5 : I am asexual, I have no fucking idea what I am doing with Lust. I don’t know how I convinced myself I could roleplay the literal personification if it. Its like I got the concept but my execution is hit or miss. Plus everyone has their own opinion on what Lust is. So you know. Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?           A6 :   We both like coats. And neither of our beards grow long. Q7 :   How does your muse feel about you?         A7 : Give or Take as per usual Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?       A8 :  Anyone he feels interested in. Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse?     A9 :  See above Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?   A10 : Thirty minutes.
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years ago
Heidi Androl asks if Ponz trained with anybody who had the length and sizeo f Neil Magny and I think his striking coach seemed perplexed by the idea. Coudld’ve been a rough translation/crossed signal there.
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xiakeponz · 10 months ago
When they get back to Xing Zhi's residence, the camera pans to him painting a plain umbrella, and I thought, man, this is why I don't really get western standards for men bro probably knows his 琴棋书画 (i think i grew up watching too much 铁齿铜牙纪晓岚 and it shows) he is a distinguished educated boy with a lotta free time! HAHA
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This whole time, he can hear everything Shen Li is raging/malding about lol and that she is like ben wang this ben wang that (what did this get translated to in the english subtitles, can someone let me know?)
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Girl is still having ptsd about being captured by that butcher.
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Period dramas these days do really lovely framing shots like this through circular furniture, it's so nice.
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She caught his attention at the market, and looks on the brink of death - so he brings her back home where he has his healing array thing going, to help her recover. From this point on, he's always seen her at pretty much her worst, and looking after her. She's too proud to accept help but hey it doesn't bother Xing Zhi haha.
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Here it is, the first "gegeda" nickname being called (like... in English I'd go with squawky or something hehe) She's too caught up on the fact her voice sounds different to pay any mind to it ...
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Xing Zhi has been sitting in the yard with her until she wakes up, to which he says "oh, you're awake. I thought you were going to die. Squawky, time to eat." Literally the first thing he really says to her is to tell her to eat a meal 😭
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Man tries to offer mantou ... are they sweet (southern) or plain (northern) ... Hmm
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Lol I like LGX's expressions here where he is deeply amused at Shen Li, he can hear everything she is saying and it doesn't bother him haha why yes he is playing with her as he would a domestic fowl what about it.
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When she falls over after all her grandstanding he's just like ... haha you don't need to be so overzealous about it, there's heaps more (mantou) lmao ok fine you don't want to eat it, that's ok, let's get you in the bath. So I think he has a pretty good idea of what she's like at this point, but she's still very ??? about him, for good reason. Hah.
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xiakeponz · 2 years ago
你howdy i'm Ponz, mostly hanging about various discords as Ponz (I don't have consistent handles anywhere let's do our best to remember what I go by, I don't remember a lot of the time.)
Not sure what I am doing here yet actually, maybe a bit (a lot) of cdrama, but also 诗club poetry things, translations when the fancy strikes etc. Some stuff from me below:
- ���兰诀 chapter 1 translation (that time I felt like tl'ing LBFAD)
- 唐诗寒武纪 book excerpt translation (about how poetry was lost)
- TV shows watched by Diaspora in the 90's (community ref post)
- I've been subtitling Liu Yuning live streams here and there @liuyuningfansubs - SOKP Lawyer AU (lmao) with @ renewedmotionforjudgment (we are just two lawyers messing around with a law au 💀)
((@wrecklwj and I also spun up a cheeky chinese poetry discord where we meme and learn chinese poetry weekly, the more the merrier so if you are interested give me or Jing a DM!))
Currently catching up on some Zhang Linghe dramas 🐄 入坑了。
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echoesofblue · 5 years ago
Could you translate ドチラガ歪ム? by Ponz? Thanks!
Ooh, this is the second request I’ve received for this song! THANK YOU. I’M SO GLAD. THIS SONG DESERVES ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD. 
...And I’m already working on it. :)
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