#ponyo rp
hiddenwashington · 3 months
@ofxscavengcrs said : Was that [NONOMURA KANON]? Oh no no, that was just [PONYO], an [CANON CHARACTER] from [PONYO]. They are [TWENTY-THREE] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. {hey it’s me! May I please reserve Peter Quill/ Starlord?}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. ponyo [nonomura kanon]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!  **peter quill is now reserved for cici untli 4/15 at 8:28 am est!
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untitledmemes · 8 months
Ponyo Prompts
An assortment of prompts taken from the movie Ponyo (2008), Netflix translation. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
“ Come right back! ”
“ Is it dead? ”
“ It licked my finger. It's alive! ”
“ The wind feels strange. ”
“ Did you find her? ”
“ Just as long as it's not a weed killer! ”
“ What a weird guy. But don't say that around strangers. ”
“ It'll be fine. I'll look after her. ”
“ She's really special. She can do magic! ”
“ Such filth! It's intolerable! ”
“ Wait here. I'll be back soon. ”
“ I told you. I'm busy. ”
“ You're no fun. ”
“ I must be hearing things. ”
“ Heavens, it has a face! ”
“ Don't worry, I'll protect you. ”
“ Listen, maybe it was fate. ”
“ Fine! Just leave your wife and son up a cliff! ”
“ Don't cry. I won't cry. ”
“ Okay, let's cheer up! ”
“ How often have I warned you about humans? ”
“ How could you love such disgusting creatures? ”
“ I was a human myself... once. ”
“ Go back... Go back! ”
“ Just like her mother, so strong. ”
“ I get a bad feeling every time I have to meet her. ”
“ I don't want to spend the night here. ”
“ Those idiots couldn't forecast their way out of a paper bag ”
“ Don't let the wind blow you away! ”
“ Hold on tight! ”
“ Do you know her? ”
“ No matter how strange everything seems, we have to stay calm. ”
“ It smells just like you. ”
“ All right, who wants some tea? ”
“ What shall we do now? ”
“ Is he an evil magician? ”
“ Did all the ships sink? ”
“ Close your eyes. ”
“ And... Presto! ”
“ I'll go with you too. ”
“ Our house is a lighthouse in the storm. It brings light and hope to those in the dark. ”
“ Someone has to stay here. ”
“ Lots of things are happening that I don't understand. ”
“ Just knowing you're here will help me. ”
“ Don't worry. I promise I'll be back. ”
“ What's going on? ”
“ It was her, it was the goddess! ”
“ Where did she learn that? ”
“ Hey, watch out! What are you doing? ”
“ Stop that at once! ”
“ You came, my beloved. ”
“ It's all my fault. ”
“ It's complete chaos. ”
“ That's where we all come from, dear. ”
“ This is so much fun! ”
“ Wake up! ”
“ Water's coming out of your eyes. ”
“ What were we so afraid of? ”
“ The moment of truth is at hand. ”
“ Please wait patiently. ”
“ I wonder what they're talking about. ”
“ I've been through here before. ”
“ Don't let go of my hand. ”
“ Please don't die! ”
“ Is this how you treat your father? ”
“ Don't bother, we'll walk. ”
“ Take good care of her. ”
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slimeysodaa · 1 year
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okay so you know how in the books, when Pitch wasn’t Pitch and was Kozmotis, how he had a wife named Lady Pitchiner (i heard from sources that Joyce said her name was Jane which if true is adorable) but she wasn’t descripted and no pictures of her were made either (that i could find in the books or joyce’s twitter and also don’t say “mother nature” bc that’s literally pitch’s daughter)
i took it upon myself to make her a design, i think she’s incredibly gorgeous but thats NOT WHAT THIS IMAGE IS ABOUT, i just needed to give context
when i sat back and looked at Pitch and Lady Pitchiner together, i got massive “ponyo’s mom and dad” vibes and i just had to draw them as Fujimoto and Granmamare from Ponyo. and aren’t they just the cutest?? (and yes i drew PITCH, not Koz, mainly bc i like the concept of pitch falling in love with her all over again as a different person)
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128 starters. Feel free to change words and pronouns as needed! 
“I can’t get it out.”
“That was weird.”
“It looks kind of dead.”
“It licked me! It’s alive!”
“_____, we’ll be late!”
“This wind is crazy.”
“Well, have you found my daughter?”
“What?! She was captured by a human?”
“You are alive!”
“This is bad. This is very bad.”
“Wow. That guy was a freak show.”
“We never judge others by their looks.”
“Another experiment for school?”
“Your teacher doesn’t really like Show and Tell…”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.”
“She came to me. She might be magic.”
“I saved her. She’s my responsibility now.”
“Humans are disgusting!”
“Not now, _____. I’m concentrating.”
“You’ll be safe here, _____. I’ll be back soon.”
“Hmm, I wonder if there are any cats around here.”
“Look at me! My mother made me a new dress. Isn’t it pretty?”
“Hey, _____, let’s go play.”
“You’re not busy. You’re five.”
“You are so weird.”
“There are rules about bringing things to school for a reason.”
“The rules are, look but don’t touch.”
“That was my fault.”
“There it comes again. I hear old _____’s voice.”
“So it must be only in my head.”
“Oh, that’s a relief. I haven’t lost my mind quite yet.”
“Are you ready to see my big surprise?”
“Maybe she could use some of her magic to fix my hips and back.”
“Fish with faces who come out of the sea cause tsunamis.”
“Come back here and apologize!”
“Don’t worry, _____. No matter what, I’ll protect you. I promise.”
“Listen, _____, you know, this could be for the best.”
“Do that. I think that’s a lovely thing to do for _____.”
“Come on, _____. Let’s get out of here.”
“What if _____ comes back?”
“Your wife must be pretty mad.”
“_____ says he’s very sorry.”
“B-U-G O-F-F!”
“_____ says he loves you. He says lots and lots.”
“Don’t cry, _____.”
“I know _____ breaks his promises sometimes. But he does his best for us.”
“I promised _____ I’d take care of her. Then I lost her. I wonder if she’s crying now.”
“You are so good!”
“Don’t you worry, _____. You did your best and _____ will be just fine.”
“I say we start with dessert and go backwards!”
“It’s been a backwards kind of day.”
“I want to be a human too!”
“Human? Ugh. What do you know about humans, _____?”
“Enough! You’re making a terrible mistake!”
“You can’t be human and magic at the same time, sweetheart.”
“If you could only remain innocent and pure forever.”
“I don’t have the power to hold her for very long.”
“Calm. I must remain calm.”
“When I think of meeting her again, my heart won’t stop pounding.”
“This door still doesn’t fit right.”
“If even one living creature got in here…”
“This cursed door!”
“Are you sure you don’t need my help?”
“If I were you, I’d get out of here while you still can.”
“Oh, _____, is that you? It’s so dark in here, I can barely see.”
“I bet the lights came back on because _____’s here.”
“Ah, this stupid TV. Nobody understands weather anymore. Might as well look at shadows and listen to crickets.”
“You need to go back and seek shelter there.”
“Okay, but right now, I need to get home.”
“_____, you gotta get out of here!”
“Try to hang on to something!”
“I’ve never seen the ocean like this.”
“_____, we have to go!”
“Life is mysterious and amazing.”
“It smells like you in here!”
“There, got ya’! Now let’s rub you down and dry you off.”
“Is he an evil wizard?”
“Looks like something must have gone wrong with the fuel line.”
“I can’t get any reception. That’s really weird.”
“Do you think _____ came from far, far away?”
“I’ve gotta go help them. I can get there if I take the mountain road.”
“I’d feel better if you stay up here.”
“I’m going to leave you here in charge. You’ll do the right thing. I know it.”
“Finally, we can get our bearings again.”
“We’re someplace I’ve never seen before.”
“What mountains are those? I have no idea where we are.”
“That is a huge wall of water.”
“Something’s coming this way.”
“I just saw the Goddess of Mercy!”
“So you saw her too? I thought maybe I was hallucinating…”
“That has a powerful spell on it…”
“This is serious! I’m trying to save _____!”
“It’s been a long time, my love.”
“Why isn’t _____ with you?”
“My baby likes you.”
“It’s just like a parade!”
“Looks like the whole town is here.”
“I don’t see _____. I hope she’s okay.”
“There’s water coming from your eyes…”
“The other side is nice, isn’t it?”
“You mean this is the other side?”
“Where do you think we are? Las Vegas?”
“The time has come for you to bear witness to a sacred test of love.”
“Aren’t they too young for this?”
“Remember, this is a very important moment. A crucial moment.”
“Do you think we can trust him?”
“I wish we could hear what they’re talking about.”
“Whatever happens, I’m just glad you’re all here for this.”
“I think I’ve been here before.”
“Don’t like this place…”
“Don’t let go of my hand.”
“_____! Please don’t die!”
“We’ve all been waiting for you.”
“I promise I’m not going to take _____ away from you.”
“_____, don’t listen to that wacko!”
“Did you hear me? Nobody fools me!”
“There is so little time! A choice has to be made!”
“That’s the best excuse you can come up with?”
“_____, please listen. You have to trust me.”
“Jump for it!”
“I don’t know why we’re here.”
“She needs you to accept and love her as she truly is.”
“Could you love her if she moved between two worlds?”
“I love all the _____s. It’s a big responsibility, but I really love her.”
“To become human, you must choose to abandon magic. Can you do that?”
“The balance of nature is restored. Life begins again.”
“There you are! Are you alright?”
“Try to remember me kindly, if you will.”
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swynlake-rp · 7 months
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From the depths of the sea come a wide variety of mercreatures! Some from the deep, some from the polar ice caps, and some who come not from the sea but from land, their families forced from the ocean years ago. What tales from the sea will they bring to this quaint English town?
Robaire (Robaire, Turning Red) - A sparkling scaled tail masked by a pair of human legs, the siren call of the sea, and a newly discovered love. A love for music that is. You’ve come from Quebec to get a university education, to make your professor parents proud, but what if your future lies outside of academia?
Pearl Beck (Pearl, Finding Nemo) - You were taught your entire life to hide It, It being the fact you are a merperson, which in case that wasn’t clear, is your entire identity!!! Swynlake a magick-friendly town, and yet, you sure don’t see any out merpeople here, especially not any out cecaelia. Well, then. You’re just going to have to change that and show everyone how awesome merfolk are.
Bailey Beluga (Bailey, Finding Dory) - Holy Neptune! You always wished for a chance to explore life outside of your tiny arctic merfolk pod, but talk about being careful what you wish for. Living on land now, you hope to reconnect with your pod…somehow. But your echolocation, your eyes, they failed you once. Will Swynlake hold the key to fixing your “glasses” or is the problem all in your head?
Ariel Triton (Ariel, The Little Mermaid) - Be careful, Ariel. Don’t do this, Ariel. Act like this, Ariel. You get it! You know the rules already! Will you ever get a chance to just live without your father and sisters’ watchful eyes?
Granmamare (Granmamare, Ponyo) - You come to Swynlake off the heels of a succesful forray into politics in Japan with the aim to broaden your network. Magicks and sympathetic mundus alike! The issues facing merfolk in Japan are the same issues merfolk around the world face, after all. The more allies the merrier!
Tamatoa (Tamatoa, Moana) - If all that glitters is gold, then honey, you’re gold! You emerge from the deep water of the Pacific Ocean to collect what is rightfully yours– all of the shiny, shiny treasures the surface holds. Will you find your ultimate treasure or will nothing ever be enough for Tamatoa?
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oscarsgallery · 2 months
after a shitty experience regular people get superpowers, but my amazing self would rather curl up in a blanket in the middle of summer.
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- My Fandoms ^^
Here is a full list of all the fandoms I am looking to roleplay at the moment!
⋆ Marvel / MCU (X-Men, The Avengers, shows, etc)
⋆ The Boys
⋆ Studio Ghibli movies (Howls Moving Castle, Ponyo, Spirited Away, etc)
⋆ The Walking Dead & Fear The Walking Dead
⋆ Criminal Minds (currently on season 6)
⋆ Daredevil and The Punisher (the Netflix shows)
⋆ Fruits Basket
⋆ The Outsiders
⋆ Avatar: The Last Airbender & The Legend of Korra
⋆ The Last of Us (show only, sorry I haven't gotten a chance to play the game yet or watch play-throughs)
⋆ Ouran High School Host Club
⋆ Harry Potter (only the movies)
⋆ Star Wars (nothing with the new movies as I don't really like them enough to rp, but yes to: the shows, movies 1-6, Rouge One, and some of the cartoons as I haven't watch every little detail on the cartoons)
⋆ Call of Duty Modern Warfare II
⋆ John Wick
⋆ Mystic Messenger
⋆ Shameless (currently on season 7)
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lunaroleplays · 2 years
Roleplay Information
Hello, I'm Luna! I've been roleplaying for roughly 7 years now. If you're interested in roleplaying with me, feel free to read my rules and pm me! (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
I'm a literate roleplayer; however, it's easy for me to adapt to my partner's roleplay style and keep my replies short if I want to. So even though I mostly do literate roleplays, I really enjoy semi-literate ones as well!
The Rules
Strictly no NSFW themes! (aka. no smut or anything of the sort; though blood and gore are fine)
Alternative Universes are more than welcome! (fantasy AUs have a special place in my heart)
When it comes to pairings, I'm fine with bxg, bxb & gxg ships.
I'm currently trying to focus on canon characters, so sorry, I won't be accepting roleplays with OCs for now!
Please be patient; sometimes it might take a while for me to reply! Maybe even a whole day or two, when real life just takes up too much of my free time. Don't spam me.
I like discussing the plot before RPs, even if only to get a rough idea of where the story is going, so please be willing to do that.
Please don't make the roleplay all about your character and don't control my character.
Do not expect me to muse every other character except for the one you muse please, and don't even try asking me to rp as 10 characters while you only muse 3.
I can't believe I even have to write this, but I won't be roleplaying any problematic or questionable ships (aka. those including abuse, p*dophilia, inc*st, you got the point).
Characters feeling low at certain times and there being drama in the story is totally fine, but please, if your character has any form of mental illness in the rp, let me know. Heavy topics such as depression and anxiety can take a toll on me and I'm personally not comfortable with them dominating the roleplay.
Some people forget how important it is, but make sure to use ooc marks (such as (( )), ( ), / or //) when talking out of the rp!
Anime/Manga: (the fandoms in bold are the ones I'm mainly interested in atm!)
Banana Fish
Bungou Stray Dogs
Spy x Family
Violet Evergarden
Studio Ghibli Films (whisper of the heart, ponyo, kiki's delivery service, howl's moving castle, spirited away, the wind rises, princess mononoke)
Run With the Wind
One Piece
The Promised Neverland (just the manga)
Boku no Hero Academia
Movies/TV shows:
Harry Potter
Miraculous Ladybug
Pride & Prejudice (2005)
The Queen's Gambit
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f4t4l1ty · 4 months
🍷-{ [OC Introduction] 》☆
(1st image; Ezra) (2nd image; Full body) (3rd image; Original Design)
Name: Ezra Parker Age: 15/17 depending on rp Pronouns: He/Him Closeted Pronouns: He/Rot/Ghost/Xe/It/Ey/Em + All/Any neos and Xenos Gender: Transgender Male ; Closeted Relation: Friends with Travis Birthday: 15/06 Favourite Food: Chicken Parmesean with Mashed Potatoes Favourite Drink: Ponyo Milk Drink Favourite Person: Travis Phelps Friends: Travis Phelps, Phillip Volcker Sexuality: Uranic ,, Closeted Favourite Hobby: Drawing, Running Nationality: Russian/English Crush: Travis He hides his identity from Travis and just says that he's a cishet so that he can remain friends with Travis. He's highkey a bitch, lowkey scared of everything. He throws slurs as though they're food and he's an 11 year old in a cafeteria fight. He throw hands sometimes. When Travis asks him about the fact that he looks feminine he shoots back with the old ''I have a testosterone deficiancy'' excuse. He binds unsafely with tape and bandages because he can't afford binders. His parents aren't dead, but they also aren't in the picture. He lives on his own, he provides for himself. He works at an icecream parlour in the Nockfell shopping precinct. He moved to Nockfell when he was 14 to give himself a fresh start after his parents abandoned him. His facial hair isn't actually caused by testosterone entirely. He can't grow proper facial hair so he uses mascara to draw it on. When it smudges, he laughs it off and tells Travis he ''just wanted to look cool''.
The eye colours are different because in the younger version I forgot that I gave him heterochromia, which actually annoys me a lot, because his heterochromia is apart of his lore toohe wore an eyepatch in his original design because Travis found heterochromia to be a sign of the devil corupting someone So he would wear an eyepatch over his green eye to hide his heterochromia so that Travis wouldn't label him as a sinner The last image was his original form, because at the time of creating him the picrews I use now didn't exist. I had to fully edit in the background because I wanted there to be some sort of Sally Face aspect. But he wore that eyepatch because beneath it was a green eye that he hid from Travis -- From everyone -- Because he didn't want to be seen as someone being corrupted by the devil. He wanted to stay by Travis's side as much as he could because Travis was all he had. Travis and his father was the only reason he had a reputation at all around Nockfell, so if he did anything that could potentially ruin their friendship, his entire life would be ruined. The cult would kill him. So he would do ANYTHING to keep himself on Travis's good side, even if it meant hiding everything about him
His entire life, quite literally, revolves around Travis…
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hiddenwashington · 2 years
@hiddenmumu​ said : 
Was that [PARK CHAEWON]? Oh no no, that was just [WISH BEAR], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [CARE BEARS]. They are [TWENTY ONE] years old and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. {ooc: mika, 24, gmt-5, he/they/xe}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. wish bear [park chaewon]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!
Was that [LEE TAEMIN]? Oh no no, that was just [EDWARD], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [EDWARD SCISSORHANDS]. They are [TWENTY SEVEN] years old and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. {ooc: mika, 24, gmt-5, he/they/xe}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. edward [lee taemin]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city! 
** ponyo is reserved for mika until 7/06 at 11:54 am est!​
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untitledmemes · 11 months
Howdy folks,
This is a sideblog dedicated to RP memes, prompts, dialogue ideas, musings and the likes. 18+ only please.
This sideblog is run by Cat (25+, she/her).
This sideblog is NOT a RP blog; don't send me rp memes or rp asks. Requests, suggestions and everything alike are more than welcome and you can send it to me via asks.
TW for nsfw/usfw and other triggering content. Please stay safe.
Reblogs will be highly appreciated. Please do not repost or add to my memes.
List of memes/prompts:
TV Shows/Movies/Video Games:
Nimona #1 #2
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas #1 #2
Castlevania: Nocturne #1 #2 #3
The Prince of Egypt #1 #2 #3
Narrator Outtakes (BG3)
Blue Eye Samurai #1 #2 #3
High Noon
Hazbin Hotel #1 #2 #3 #4
Dune: Part One #1 #2
The Power Hour #1
Of Monsters and Men
Pablo Neruda
The Paper Kites
Barbie the Album
Christmas Classics
Emily Dickinson
Tom Odell
Untitled Treasury #1 #2 #3
Untitled headcanon questions #1 #2
Untitled Questions for Multimuses #1 #2
Sinday Memes for Naughty Headcanons
Meet Cute Starters / Memes
Mystery Prompts: Sinday Action Edition
Halloween Transformation Meme
Untitled Mystery Item Starter
Confession Meme
4-Word Sentence Prompts #1 #2
5-Word Sentence Prompts
Untitled Christmas Prompts
Word of the Day: Growth
Word of the day: Positive
Valentine's Day Date Prompts
"What if our muses..." Prompts
Self Care Prompts
Untitled Headcanon Questions: Relationships
Send 📣 for receiver to give a shoutout to one (or a few) of their favorite RP blogs. Show some love to your fellow roleplayers!
Send ✏ (or "PENCIL") for mun to write about a muse they thought about trying to roleplay or one they are already roleplaying outside Tumblr RPC.
We love shipping in this house. 😍 Reblog if it's okay for partners to ask for a pre-established ship with your muse(s)!
Single prompts:
Send 🚗 for our muses to go on an impromptu road trip together
Send 🎉 for our muses to go out celebrating together!
Send 💌 to get a compliment from receiver's muse!
It's raining, and sender's muse forgot their umbrella. Send 🌧 for receiver's muse to find sender's muse in their predicament.
Extra, Extra! Read All About It! Send 📰 + any question for the receiver's muse to answer as if they were randomly stopped and asked it on the street by a journalist or news reporter.
Send 💐 and receiver's muse will send/give sender's muse a bouquet of their favorite flowers.
Send 🚑 to find receiver's muse in desperate need for emergency care.
Send 🗨 to match with receiver's muse on a dating app.
Send 🙏 to ask for forgiveness from receiver's muse. You may add what they want to ask forgiveness for, or let the receiver decide.
Send 🎃 for our muses to go trick or treating together!
Send 👻 for our muses to go to a Halloween party together in a couples' costume!
Send 🎬 for our muses to have a movie night together!
Tell my muse/s, anonymously or not, why you are thankful to have them in their lives and see how they react.
For every 🎄 (or "X-MAS TREE") I get in my inbox, my muse will tell you one thing they want the most for Christmas.
For every 🎇 (or "FIREWORKS") I get in my inbox, my muse will tell you one thing on their New Year's Resolution list.
Send🌹 (or "ROSE") for my muse to confess their emotions towards your muse on Valentine's Day in any way they choose (handwritten letter, a gift, a date, on the phone, etc.)
Send 🌠 (or "SHOOTING STAR") for our muses to go stargazing together.
Send 1️⃣ (or "ONE") for receiver to write a first meeting starter between their muse and sender's muse.
Send 🛌 (or "BED") for sender's muse to ask receiver's muse whether there was something they wanted to try in bed but never got to.
Send me "Got you something…" + a picture of an outfit you'd like to see my muse in, and I'll tell you how my muse reacts when putting it on.
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wealthindamouf · 6 months
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'An extra space makes for a great getaway.'
This is an origins fundy blog, ran by @qslimeriana ! Do not go farther back that the most recent posts, unless you want to find the old rp that went on here. Actually do, look at that thread. I love that thread.
Pubeverse 💪
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O!fundy isms.
☆ he/she/yip/fuzz/moun/tain/snow/fae
☆ 18 years old
☆ kitsune origin (just the reg fox one but with some pizzazz)
☆ trans, bi, and polyam.
☆ dating hbomb, who you will never see.
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#a thief's laugh - in character textposts
#don't mind if I do - in character reblogs
#the clinking of bottles - tag for asks
#echoing yips - face to face/ written threads
#keyboard warrior - tumblr interactions
#a silent den - end of thread
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Other verse members tags!
☆mijn familie☆
#my dad; but not my president - @your-royal-crowfather (philza)
#a gift; a tithe - @hauntinghallz
#little brother little man - @bigman-birdism
▪︎bondgenoten of vijanden▪︎
#a cat like my own - @serverspussy (james)
#some fucking salesman - @thefragranceman (schlatt)
#the goopysludger - @sludgeyson (charlie)
#'her royal highness' - @particle-princess (ranboo)
#stung once; wouldnt try again - @bunkerhive
#ponyo; fishy in the sea - @fishachu
#angry inch - @the-inch
#favorite victim - @smajornova
#strung up in the stars - @fallen-starbourne
#420blazeit - @youreblazing
#roadrunner - @beauvian
#Holy shit merchant pt2 - @milkvines
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humanoidtyphoons · 1 year
i kind of want to voice cast other characters in suitor armor, but i’m def. struggling.
norrix, in my head, i almost want to say he’s david bowie (a la labyrinth), but i’m more inclined to believe like... in his head, that’s what he sounds like
and so i want something a lil more dweeby or something. and my mind went to ralph fiennes (a la rameses in prince of egypt and victor quartermaine in wallace and gromit: curse of the were rabbit) bc i like the... idk. the way i want norrix lose his temper, he sounds slightly more on unhinged? and there are moments when ralph fiennes speaks where it’s like. dang, you don’t want to be near him when he’s panicking. but when he’s in his mostly normal mode, you can hear the restraint, the stuffiness, he’s colder and more aloof and grumpy because he’d rather be studying books, so there’s an impatience to his tone, always slightly on edge and tense. but then idk if the gentleness would come out, when he speaks to lucia?
like i don’t think it’s a complete fit, but when jeremy jordan sings in tangled: the series, as varian, i’m like, oh that could be norrix!!! (but then, is it just bc i like his singing voice? similar ish archtype??) but the problem is that varian is clearly younger than norrix by a decade (varian is like 12), but ohhhhh, when he had his villain arc, i looooved him. but his moments of vulnerability, is just!!! ah, i think i could hear it? if he just lowered his voice a lil more?
(ahaha, david tennant in pirates! an adventures with scientists is cute to imagine as norrix tho! slightly too reedy, but adorbs.)
this is completely miscast, i know, but reimund with a beard always makes me think of brian blessed. but brian blessed does sound regal to me!!! and i think reimund does have a bombastic voice? so something princely sounding... maybe chris pine? 
maybe hugh jackman a la missing link or kate and leopold. (he’s cute in flushed away! but not quite right) might suit reimund? bc that’s when jackman really brings out the british rp out.
dang, i haven’t thought about lucia and kirsi at all. but sometimes when lucia is drawn with the blue glow, i think of cate blancett as galadriel as she briefly holds the ring, or idk her in ponyo but i don’t feel like that’s lucia’s regular voice? i almost want to say she sounds like hawkgirl of dcau justice league (& united) or someone like marina sirtis of star trek tng era, but i’m again like. not quite right??? and i wonder if staying with kirsi would make lucia want to change her accent (if fairies do have different accents to humans)??? mia farrow of the last unicorn fame?? gina rodrieguez of carmen sandiego could have that, maybe.
kirsi. idk. i don’t think a regular princess voice suits her. i want someone who sounds like they could be sassy. maybe, like i do think she’s got a bratty side to her, but that’s largely been grown out of as she grows up. so maybe someone like keira knightly, but i’m also like... no... that’s def. not right.
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handfulxfhearts · 2 years
Every now and then the urge to RP Fujimoto from Ponyo returns and I have to try really hard not to add him to the rosta.
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swynlake-rp · 2 years
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From the depths of the sea come a wide variety of mercreature species...some from the deep, some from the polar ice caps, and some who come not from the sea but from land, their families forced from the ocean years ago. What tales from the sea will they bring to this quaint English town?
Ponyo (Ponyo, Ponyo) - Not quite at home on land or in the sea, you’ve never fully known your place. Your brilliant sorcerer parent and your beautiful mercreature parent tell you all the time that you belong to both worlds...but what kind of sorcerer can’t collect reagents? What mermaid can’t transform? What even are you? You hope these answers will come with age and experience...you can’t always feel like this. Right?
Bailey Beluga (Bailey, Finding Dory) - Holy Neptune! You always wished for a chance to explore life outside of your tiny arctic merfolk pod, but talk about being careful what you wish for. Living on land now, you hope to reconnect with your pod...somehow. But your echolocation, your eyes, they failed you once. Will Swynlake hold the key to fixing your “glasses” or is the problem all in your head?
David Kawena (David, Lilo & Stitch) - The whole “you’re half merman” thing is a tough candy to chew when you’re a whole adult when you learn it, huh? You try to understand why your father wouldn’t just tell you earlier, but parsing through that can wait. You’re here in Swynlake! A town full of magic and those who love it and know about it. There’s got to information about your mercreature heritage here. Perhaps even some merfolk willing to help!
Tamatoa (Tamatoa, Moana) - If all that glitters is gold, then honey, you’re gold! You emerge from the deep water of the Pacific Ocean to collect what is rightfully yours-- all of the shiny, shiny treasures the surface holds. Will you find your ultimate treasure or will nothing ever be enough for Tamatoa?
Pearl Beck (Pearl, Finding Nemo) - What’s the point of being a Magick if you can’t show it off!? That’s the question your parents never seem to be able to answer for you in a way that makes sense. It’s dangerous? So what! Maybe if more people saw you for what you were and were used to your kind, maybe it wouldn’t be. Are you the mercreature to make that happen?
Bernard Puff (Bloat, Finding Nemo) - You never think you’re going to be all alone, until you are. Your new home on land has got to be beautiful, you’re sure of it, but its hard to see it through your loneliness. Will you find other merfolk to form a land-pod, or will you truly have to make it on your own?
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