#pondering this. thank you anon
freezethebeez · 2 years
bit weird, but how are funeral practices different in the catalyst world? Because I feel like there’s an untapped angst potential in vampires turning their dead loved ones into soup. What’s more of an expression of grief than lettting your beloved’s dying cells become your cells, to convert a part of them to you and let them live on in all the parts of you forever? To one last time feel the warmth and flesh of your dead friend or lover before their bones are buried?
dead dove: do not eat? more like dead partner: turn him into soup but specifically the soup that your mother made and the one that he liked the most and have the most insane mental breakdown of all time while you eat it ^_^
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 8 months
What was I thinking?
"Who's your daddy?" Who says things like that?
I need to get it together and focus on my investments.
The BUSSY controls my every waking thought.
And I have lost my path.
Forgive me, Lord.
And allow me passage back to The Grindset.
End Transcription
Audio source
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bunnyjesters · 9 months
It has been shown in the pilot and intros that pain doesn’t actually seem to exist for the characters. Like Ragatha had a cleaver to her face and nothing happened and she just laughed it off. Gangle’s mask breaks but it doesn’t hurt. Just makes her sad. The only thing that hurts is abstraction…BUT an exception to that is Jax. Jax actually seems to react to physical stuff like being choked or being hit by that one Gloink. It’s almost like he actually feels pain.
What’s your take on it? And how would Pomni (your Pomni) react to this knowledge?
ackshually ☝️🤓
goose did confirm that all of the characters can feel pain, the intro video where that happens to rags i feel is more of a pilot of a pilot episode and not really canon to the actual show. i think it’s not exactly the same pain we might feel in the real world but definitely some sort of simulated experience, the same way that eating and sleeping keep them “sane” despite them being digital avatars and it not being entirely essential.
that being said, i think pomni reacting to jax in pain depends on where their relationship is at. obviously she’d be upset by it but if he’s being pretty actively mean to her she probably could justify it as karma or something — if this is post corn comic — which i find absolutely fucking hilarious that i can use that as part of my fanon timeline, i think it might cause her a little bit more distressing + would proactively try to find a solution
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wolveria · 2 months
I think it’s unbelievable how our Reid hadn’t rode scp035 yet and I’m not talking about scp035 with a body but just ✨the mask✨ it has a rideable face 🤭
Listen... listen....
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And speaking of rideable faces...
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kateis-cakeis · 8 months
Maybe since Arthur was born of magic, then he inherited just a little bit of magic, maybe because he was born of love, just a little bit of soulmate magic to ensure his loved one (read: Merlin) will find him somehow someday and that's why Merlin is immortal. Thoughts?
Hiii, Anon :D (sorry for taking a few daysss)
I just love this ^.^ I especially love the 'maybe because he was born of love', that's such a lovely way to put it. I know the real situation is so much more complex (since it is heavily suggested Ygraine did not know) but Arthur was born of love🥺? let me live in ignorance for a bit :P
But these are very interesting thoughts.
Maybe the just a little bit of magic he inherited was the whole - the only times he really looked like he was gonna die is when the rules of magic said nothing would survive its touch (Questing Beast, sword fordged in a dragon's breath) (maybe a lil of his own immortality wink wink)
Anyhow the thought that 1) there is soulmate magic (which I guess there must in at least a fate and prophecy way because of Merlin and Arthur) and 2) that Merlin is immortal because he had to find Arthur regardless like
Because, Anon, like imagine a situation where prophecy got fucked, and Arthur died, and Merlin never met him. And then a thousand years pass, and Arthur comes back, and Merlin finally meets him. Like that's what I automatically thought upon reading your ask!
Imagine a fic with that concept where maybe like Merlin is a few days late to arriving in Camelot, and Arthur dies to Mary Collins. And then Kilgharrah calls for him like man, you've fucked up bro. And tells him of this new destiny, his new eternal wait. Man, now that's something I'd wanna read.
I like this, Anon. Especially working this thought into canon with like Merlin had to find Arthur because yes destiny, but more so because soulmate. Now that's so !!!!! Also extends maybe that's why Arthur returns, because Merlin being immortal can't be without his soulmate forever ;)
Love this, truly!
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butchcarmy · 6 months
you know what im thinking about rn what made Carmy stop drawing in the first place like yeah he did it for the menu but only coz his little perfectionist ass needs that visual aid to show stuff (he def deals with dyslexia and dyscalculia)
I just looked up what dyscalculia is and I burst out laughing. I’m thinking of the scene in s2 ep1 where he’s budgeting for The Bear on the cardboard pizza (?) box and just does an awful job. You are so right
Interesting thinking about him with dyslexia though… he has so many books in his house that I never considered that, but obvs ppl with dyslexia can still love reading! Would love to hear more thoughts on that. It would make sense since he struggled so much in public schooling actually…….. maybe he didn’t realize he was dyslexic until much later in life?
But YEAH I think he’s way more of a visual and hands on learner. Once he does something once or watches someone do it, it just clicks. I bet that rly showed in his art.
I LOVE carmy’s art, and as an artist when his drawings dropped in s2…. Oh I was absolutely giddy. His talent! He’s an artist through and through!! I can totally see him doodling on the edges of his school work.
But ANYWAY like you were saying abt him drawing for the menu—he has a hard time with words, so of course he can most efficiently express his thoughts through art (and food). It helps him if he has pictures to explain it with.
…So what I’m hearing is that carmy needs to get into making PowerPoints? Yeah? Anyone?
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almostaknight · 3 months
The wench looked as ugly and awkward as ever, he decided when Tyrell left them.
- Jamie IX ASOS
I haven't seen anyone talk about this line! It's the "he decided" part that caught my eye. It suggests that his perception of her has subconsciously changed in some way that had made him reevaluate her. If he still thought of her as he did at the start, he'd have just said "she was as ugly and awkward as ever" and left it there. But no, he decided it, which means he was questioning it in the first place. There's a part of him that both sees her looks differently and sees past her looks and admires/is attracted to both. As he considers this seeming difference in her (which is actually a difference in HIM), he denies his budding feelings because she's conventionally unattractive so he *decides* she's the same as she ever was. But he doesn't *feel* that way.
Am I delusional 😭 maybe. But they make me so unwell.
Dear anon, you‘re not delusional at all and I share your unwellness when it comes to these two fictional characters!
May I direct you to this excellent meta by @pretty-thief that compliments your observations re: Jaime and his perception of Brienne’s attractiveness in speech and inner monologue:
Imo, “wench” is a barrier in Jaime’s mind and after the bathtime confession and the bear pit, he’s reframing the way he thinks about Brienne without realizing that he’s doing it. “Wench” is used to other her, to needle her. By the end of ASOS it softens. Initially, he uses it like a line in the sand or a weapon to to use against her while he can’t use his actual weapon. By the end of ASOS, it’s more of a firm hand on the shoulder. It’s Jaime losing his resolve to keep her on the “other” side of his line in the sand.
I think this applies pretty neatly to your thoughts. Jaime just had a devastating conversation with Cersei, he‘s sure he lost “a sister and a lover”, and he’s in emotional turmoil. What does Jaime do in times of stress and uncertainty? He throws up shields in his mind which make him an extremely unreliable narrator. The whole text passage is actually a minefield of contradicting behavior:
The wench looked as ugly and awkward as ever, he decided when Tyrell left them. Someone had dressed her in woman’s clothes again, but this dress fit much better than that hideous pink rag the goat had made her wear. “Blue is a good color on you, my lady,” Jaime observed. “It goes well with your eyes.” She does have astonishing eyes."
He decides she is still ugly and awkward as an emotional barrier because he‘s not ready to deal with the fact that 1. he was the one who had the dress made and fitted for her 2. in the color that matches her eyes which he finds astonishing (= beautiful in Jaime-language which skirts the edges of outright admitting attraction just so).
Jaime will bend himself into a bretzel before having one (1) coherent, straightforward thought, that’s why he’s so much fun to read about. Also personally I find it speaks to his character that he‘s slow to admit genuine attraction to another person while he‘s still in the break-up state of mind with his first lover.
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ardentpoop · 1 month
im really curious on how you'd rank the season main villains. like. the main Big Bads of a season. or just major villains in general your choice.. if you haven't done something like that already
azazel 🥰✨
ruby (I’m counting her though others might not)
gadreel (I’m counting him though others might not)
dick roman
doctor hess (s12 BMOL arc - I would not have remembered her name without the wiki)
to be clear though dean frightens me significantly more than any character on this list he is the big bad of my heart
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anto-pops · 1 year
I've been thinking for a long time about what Mc's and Seb's boggarts could be.
I think or my Mc's boggart is herself. Only evil and power-obsessed. With her old magic she inflicts pain on others and enjoys it. Boggart-MC taunts MC that she is weak and not enough, that she is to blame for Fig's death (and that she couldn't save Sebastian in time fom getting lost in the dark arts.)
Seb's boggart might be Anne, MC (and Ominis), writhing on the floor and screaming in pain while he can't do anything.
Oh and Omini's boggart is probably how he hurts others like he was forced to do as a kid :(
What do you think about it? That would really interest me. I wouldn't mind if you wrote a fic about it either. (but you don't have to.)
THIS IS AN EXCELLENT TAKE, I LOVE IT ! I halfway brainstormed something a little similar a while back and never wound up writing anything for it, but you might have convinced me to with this
I had a similar thought in regards to my MC since she ended up taking the power from the Repository. I like to imagine it corrupts her to some degree and the new version of herself scares the hell out of her. Mix that together with literally everything you've included and yeah, I agree MC would be seeing herself as her boggart, much to her horror.
Sebastian and Ominis' boggarts make perfect sense as well; Sebastian only ever wanted to protect the people he loves, so to be forced to sit back and watch them in agony is his own personal hell. I also read a super interesting and frankly kinda dark take on Soloman potentially being Sebastian's boggart. There was a lot of animosity between them leading up to his death, so I wonder what their home life was like or if Soloman was ever a particularly nice guardian to him at any point (I'm watering down my thoughts heavily with this)
Then I feel like there's a lot to think about in regards to Ominis. Like how would he experience his boggart when it came down to it? Would everyone else see a small, 8 or 9 year old version of Ominis casting the Cruciatus curse ? Would Ominis hear the screams of the Muggle he'd been forced to torture ringing in his ears ? Or maybe it wouldn't even be him- maybe it would be his father commanding him to use the curse, or the animated corpse of his Aunt Noctua whispering that he failed her and let her die alone.
So so many possibilities, I love the unbridled angst it brings with it. I think I'll explore this prompt a little more, you got the gears in my brain turning now. I need a cork board to connect all these ideas brewing jfc
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grapecaseschoices · 8 months
I've been playing for a while and I don't think Wyll gets any special dialogue with a cleric of tiamat. At least for acts 1 and 2 in my playthrough 😭
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i feel like if they dont after the reveal of wyll being a warlock or wyll telling you the entire story after they save [REDACTED], then they probably won't ever.
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theloveinc · 1 year
caitie plz i need the angst need to hear the backstory of shinso putting work before you and the baby…id like to think he didn’t outright say it and somehow that even hurt more to think he couldn’t admit it to himself
(pt.i here!)
Yessss I think that's exactly what happens, too!
Like, to him specifically, it never actually emotionally feels like he's choosing work over you, you know, he's not in the sense that he does love you both more than ANYTHING. But at the same time, he's also unable to actually stop himself from putting way too much into the job, even when you go from asking to literally begging him to.
Honestly, I think part of him doesn't realize he's doing it. Every second he's at work, he's thinking about you... it doesn't matter TO HIM that it's the third night (or day) in a row he's spent sleeping at the agency, it doesn't matter to him that he hasn't been there for any mealtimes or bedtimes or bath times with his daughter, or anything else... since he's keeping you in his heart, he believes it's not so bad as, for example, real abandonment.
Except it lowkey is.
(For such a smart guy, he's super, SUPER dumb about it—the very few times in a week he's home to see you, he's getting annoyed when you try to bring up him cutting his hours back: not even for your sake but for your daughter's... and then getting angsty when you get annoyed. He can't remember exactly when you start getting really mad.)
But then you hit him with separation papers and the topic of divorce and the whole world comes crashing down on him. I don't want to say you have one of those cliche moments when you literally ask him to choose between family or work as he's walking out the door................ but absolutely that is what I want to say, at least in the sense that I think:
You're talking about trying to make things work, finally, FINALLY, he took a few days off to sort things out with you and commit to being a father... and just when things are starting to seem like they'll be okay in the end (AKA: he was actually able to get you to smile and accept a gentle kiss), in the middle of the night, one of the first he's actually been back in your bed, he's getting a phone call about needing to come into the agency and...
You're sitting up in the dark as he's walking to the bedroom door, and you just know what's happening, and he's turning to look at you and no words are even needed to get across that if he leaves, you won't let him back in.
(And then that's really when he starts to sleep under his desk, eat literally nothing and go out on patrol for HOURS ON END, and actually process the extent of what's happened; that it was just as bad as leaving you all together in the first place, especially with a baby in the picture... and the fact that it was a decision he literally, consciously made.
(It took lecture upon lecture from Aizawa, Denki, Deku, fuck, Monoma, before he was able to get himself a half-decent apartment and actually reach out and to figure out a co-parenting schedule w/ you. Lord knows he'd never ask you to bend over backwards for him ever fucking again.)
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violinist-rachel · 1 year
Dear Rachel? What is your outlook on life? What do you value most in your own life?
"My outlook on life?"
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"Hmm...." "I suppose I believe in karma. I think all of our actions will eventually have consequences that'll one day catch up to us, no matter how hard we try to run away."
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"Now, I'm not perfect by any means. Far from it. But during my time in this world, it's important to me that I try to do more good than harm in my life."
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shaywrites-ifs · 8 months
not all monsterfuckers are furries. i mean i'm a monsterfucker but i don't have a mascot/fursona
I mean I never really considered having a fursona a requirement for a furry. just thought you had to enjoy anthro animals? am I wrong y'all?
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What if kit wanted to be a part of the Tails Polycule?
Hmmmm so
My short answer regarding the Prime Polycule au is that...Kit wouldn't end up trying to join
My slightly longer answer is that for the sake of this au, the events of idw sonic do occur and Kit (as well as Surge) do exist, meaning that this au version of Kit is fairly close to canon Kit. Although I love different versions of Kittails myself, with the way I see Kit's character in canon at this point, he would be indifferent to Tails and other versions of them at best, and the universe itself would have to force Kit to be interested in getting to know the variants. Being happy with Surge kind of trumps all
So, yeah. Sorry about that anon😅
This au doesn't have Kit wanting to pursue any polycule members either out of genuine attraction or wish to mess with them, but if you'd like me to come up with a different au situation involving Kit catching feelings for one or more of Tails/the variants I sure can!
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perelka-l · 10 months
Do you think Archer is ever confronted with the realization that he is probably going to outlive Giovanni (just based on age alone, plus Gio's smoking habits)? I feel like it dawned on him when Giovanni ditched Rocket, had a breakdown and then just decided that he is going to off himself if/when that happens
Tbh Archer doesn't strike me as a type that would ponder on such things. Like, in general, and that not even considering that Giovanni in his eyes is pretty much idealised to hell and back. Acknowledging that Gio could just as well be gone one day would not be something Archer could consider, I think. Like, he is aware of Giovanni's weaknesses and failings, but those he just acknowledges without a second thought.
And that could be why Giovanni's disappearance hit him as hard as it did. I imagine that Archer wouldn't even consider the world without Giovanni in it as a possibility. But when Giovanni went and left, Archer had to face that wall. Of course, it's different when he's gone but just nowhere to be found, with Archer basically spearheading whatever the fuck he was in attempt to explicitly go against Gio's wishes just to have him back.
Death though... It's hard to say. I think Archer would also see Giovanni's well-being as his own responsibility, so maybe he could consider such as his own failing. I'm unsure if Archer would be suicidal though, not actively so at least. Giovanni means a lot for him, so he would struggle to find his own place again. He is dedicated to Team Rocket, obviously, but he can't imagine it without Giovanni leading it anyway, so what would be the point of continuing that?
Unless... *eyes Silver*
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cascadiums · 2 years
starting to think that mr hawkins was encouraging mina on marrying jonathan (i guess she could propose if it was a leap year?) in hungary asap because he could tell he was going to die soon and it sounded like jonathan is terminally ill too, so she could inherit his fortune through being his wife, in case they both die
yeah this is Incredibly Plausible to me. Mr Hawkins went all out to take care of them and ensure both Jonathan and Mina were in a stable position. We know Mrs Westenra was doing the same thing in adjusting her will for Arthur (although her approach was questionable), so it wouldn't be the only time in the novel that a dying parent put their affairs in order with the fiance in mind. Poor health could also explain why he sent Jonathan out to Romania on his behalf in the first place, despite his inexperience, so I can believe that he was giving them a nudge while he could still take care of them. And then Jonathan's state would definitely spur that along.
It's just occured to me typing this that it's so very mortal and human and loving. It's something the Count could never do. He's going nowhere, he has no need to ensure his family will be okay without him. There's no passing down, there's no worry for a future that he won't be present for. Dracula's nature doesn't allow for that kind of generosity, or for that expression of love for family. On a biological level, he's incapable of that perspective. Without mortality, there's no need. Being undead kinda functions as an aspect of his selfishness.
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