#pond’s wish
ponds-of-ink · 8 months
Wish Rewritten by Someone Who’s Never Actually Seen The Film (“Act” 1)
(But did do a bit of research so I got a better idea of how this could go)
Lengthy title aside, this is a concept I’m excited to work with. I might need to retool this “rough draft” later, but here’s what I’ve got so far.
Act 1 - “Introducing The Girl”
We open up with a book being set on some desk. The person setting the book down tells us about a legend that has recently been uncovered: “The Girl and The Living Star”.
Said person is our ‘opening narrator’ of sorts, giving us a fictional background of this discovery as some of the credits are displayed on the book’s first pages. The story that we’re about to see, as (s)he explains, has been adapted by these people for your enjoyment.
Soon, the camera fades into the first real page: A painted castle backlit by a sunrise. The camera moves closer to said castle, while also moving towards ground level. A regal voice booms out, being the first thing we hear from this faraway land.
That voice belongs to King Magnifico, who stands on the highest point of the castle courtyard. He welcomes the large crowd of people, practically congratulating them for attending Rosas’ annual Wish Ceremony.
(Side note: to be clear, said congratulations is not one out of geniune thrill and joy. It’s just out of duty and potential condescension… From the King, that is. His wife is a bit more thrilled, as we’ll see later.)
Regardless of his tone, travelers and citizens alike are thrilled to be here— And with good reason. Today is the day longheld wishes are to be granted.
Many a stranger eagerly rushes to Magnifico and his conjured, ball-like manifestations of wishes. However, only a few receive the spheres themselves before those too vanish— The only lingering sign being a literal glow of hope in the receiver’s eyes.
As more and more continue to try their hand, a few stay behind. Some linger because they are physically unable, others because are simply too nervous, and one girl in particular who has neither of these issues: Asha.
Asha attempts to aid those who are stuck with her. She becomes a crutch for the limping and a practical adviser for the uneasy…
But then she slips away after helping the last person. Turns out she doesn’t even have a wish to grant. She just wanted to see what the ceremony was like, since she’ll be training for it once she becomes a sorcerer-in-training.
King Magnifico does notice, but quickly brushes it off. He finishes the last few wishes, wraps up the ceremony, then joins his wife inside.
However, we don’t follow them just yet. Instead, we rejoin Asha in the main village. She goes about her day while everyone else is—to varying degrees—celebrating Wish Day. Musicians sing with some of their fellow townsfolk, the craftsmen are building their most extravagant works, and even the market sellers are greeting buyers with a genuine smile.
And, though Asha does like the morale, she is uninterested in joining the village’s big number. To her, the only thing that matters is getting through the day… As well as something that may make or break it.
A few hours later, Asha returns to the castle with items in tow. Scrolls, a satchel of trinkets, and a ribbon-laced necklace for good luck.
King Magnifico greets her at the front steps, though his tone remains as regal and stoic as ever. Queen Amaya, on the other hand, is estatic. She eagerly welcomes the puzzled girl inside, offering her all sorts of things to make her feel at home. Asha, always erring on the side of caution, refuses her offers.
The royal couple leads her to the Sorcerer’s Tower, then Amaya takes her leave. Magnifico and Asha, now alone, begin the Sorcerer’s Exam.
Asha does fairly well, though it’s clear something is holding her back. Magnifico notices, but says nothing until her exam is complete. Asha explains that it’s herself that’s holding her back (because of course it is), then proceeds to pack her things.
“These things can be remedied in time,” Magnifico retorts. “I have decided that you are my apprentice, and my word is final.”
Asha is dumbfounded, then absolutely delighted. Her? His apprentice? In this very tower?? This is the best news she’s ever gotten!
Under the condition of returning by midnight. Asha runs back home. She tells the news to her family, packs her belongings, and says goodbye to the family pet Valentino (even though he can’t talk).
Though the reality of leaving home makes her emotional, she tries to brush it off the best she can. “At least I’ll be away from all the hustle and bustle down below,” she reasons with herself as she sets out that night. “No more talking about dreams that can’t come true. No more singing about made-up things on Wish Day. Just me, my books, and the wise words of King Magnifico to help me.”
She then encounters the King and Queen talking and laughing in some distant room. Far too tired to investigate, she ascends the Sorcerer’s Tower and calls it a night.
The next month or so—represented by a few short scenes—is busy for Asha. She adjusts to the castle, both in and out of lessons. Her sleep schedule is switched from dusk ‘til dawn to dawn ‘til dusk. She has to endure the court jesters and their mischievous antics. And, arguably worst of all, King Magnifico has her do extra chores to prove that she’s learned certain spells. Needless to say, Asha is tired. And done.
It doesn’t help that King Magnifico himself is being ominous while Queen Amaya is being overbearingly chatty and friendly.
One night in particular, Asha stumbles across the royal couple dancing and singing in the ballroom as if their personalities weren’t at odds half the time. This sets off a chain of thoughts in her mind as she ascends the tower. What if it’s all a trap? What if their only goal was to get another cleaning servant? What if she had failed the exam after all, but the king had pitied her for a moment?
Out of options, she pulls out the ribbon-laced necklace and puts it on her neck. She looks to the night sky, shuts her eyes, and mutters two words: “I wish…”
…But the rest of the wish she keeps to herself.
With this act of desperation done, she prepares for the long night ahead. We the audience are left in the dark as the screen fades to black.
End of Act 1
Bonus Notes
I imagine this act a bit like a few moments of The Polar Express. This Asha is left out of the Disney-tied stuff that the other villagers seem to already have— Which is especially true in Act 1’s musical numbers (even though they’re diegetic). She just refuses to sing or participate in them.
And, by consequence, we the audience are left to think of this as semi-background music until the soundtrack gives the other perspective.
This does also mean the tone, though still Disney, is a bit more… Grimms-like? Somber and harsh on Asha’s end? Like, yes, she still has her moments of relief— Especially with her family and Queen Amaya (weirdly on her end). This doesn’t mean that the overwhelming sense of “I do not trust anything, not even my own self” is going away anytime soon. (More on that in Act 2, don’t worry)
Though, now that I’m writing these notes, I did mention in an earlier post that I imagine her to be more like Meg from Hercules. If I failed to convey that in the above synopsis.. O o p s. Hopefully, a ‘second draft’ down the line might fix that error.
Meanwhile, King Magnifico and Queen Amalya.. umm.. Let’s just say that they’re not only a loving couple, but they’re also supposed to represent different eras of something. (I want to spoil this so badly, but I gotta wait until Act 2)
And, for those wondering about Valentino, don’t worry. He’ll be back soon. :]
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verysmallcyborg · 4 months
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Primal | Famfrit | Empyreum | Ward 2, Plot 38 | FC room #010
a collaborative build between @oneiroy and i for fornax and ryss' pirate AU! made to give the impression of a cabin aboard a ship :]
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nectar-cellar · 6 months
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at the end of the date hangout chris had the wishes to become good friends with jamie 🥺 and also to kiss her 🙄 sir calm down it's only day 2.
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Companion showcase episodes are my favourite genre of Doctor Who.
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lord-save-me · 4 months
Be Jack Harkness
- man ❌
- the tardis travelled to the ends of the universe just to get rid of him ❌
- uses pretty privilege for evil ❌
- mission resulted in boyfriend's death ❌
- time defiance results in turning into big head ❌
-lame fake name stolen off soldier ❌
-family all gone ❌
Be River Song
- mother ✅
- married the Doctor (Jack Harkness wishes) ✅
- uses pretty privilege for mischief ✅
- mission resulted in saving the doctor and marrying him ✅
-time defiance results in fun journal exchanges with the doctor ✅
- cool new name given by an alien language ✅
-got to spend time with her parents and her new husband ✅
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summershouto · 7 months
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Wish I was Zoro rn
based on:
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cametotheshowinsd · 1 year
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Who would you be sad with? And who would you deal with when they were sad? Grey skies every day for months, would you still stay?
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petrichoraline · 5 months
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belt move: success WE ARE EP.4
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crystallizedgoo · 9 months
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shadyufo · 7 months
just spent the last half hour watching otters playing in the pond in my pasture!!! it is a pretty small and shallow little pond and i NEVER would have expected to see the otters come up this far from the creek. they were splashing and squealing and churning the water up like little sea monsters. watched them until it was too dark to see.
rip to all the minnows i put in there a few years ago haha
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therethatstar · 3 months
the target audience was never us y’all. it was always the phuwin tangsakyuen himself. got my man over here cutting his hair 3 times a month until he knows his one singular target audience is reached. i just think…. it must be nice to be phuwin
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elytra404 · 8 months
rose tyler 🤝 amy pond
traveling in the tardis with her boys
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csealia · 1 year
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Finished this just in time to wish LoveJoy good luck as they start their tour! Good luck y’all!! :D
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jojotichakorn · 3 months
remember there was a we are event in april and phuwin was like "let's wait a little bit cause pond isn't here yet" when he was literally standing right next to him
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cause i do and it's the funniest thing in the world to me
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guinevereslancelot · 6 months
a koi pond for your dash:
❀ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 ༄ ❀ 𓆝 𓆟 ༄ ❀ 𓆞 𓆝 ❀ ༄ ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌
#our pond thawed so i sat beside the water today and watched the fish#i wish everyone as beautiful and peaceful a moment as that today ♡#i dont have a koi pond btw judt a farm pond that a neighbor put goldish in like twenty years ago#they thrived tho and they're pretty like koi fish#im planning to add water lilies to it this year and maybe some other pretty ornamental plants around it idk#also a bench hopefully bc rn you have to sit in an uncomfy rock lol#anyway#still a nice place to hang out im just planning to make it nicer when i have the money for landscaping#im considering adding some actual koi to it bc i read they can coexist w goldfish really well bc they're both carp#but idk i assume they eat more so maybe they would outcompete the goldslfish#also they eat the baby goldfish so maybe not :(#they should crossbreed tho#i think#so maybe i'll just grt one or two koi and see what happens#anywayyy#they're so pretty and peaceful to watch 😌#my only complaint is its a bit of a hike to the pond#either like five minutes down a suuuuper steep hill or twice as long walking around the hill and back up by the road which is less steep#also you cant really see the pond from the house bc its far away and surrounded by dense brush#alas#these are good problems to have tho#and for safety reasons its good actually that the pond is far from the house and a bit annoying to get to#bc little kids could def have a terrible accident if it was just in the yard or something#bc its really deep#im not the best w these emojis but i wanted to make something cute
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 months
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #69
Dirty Laundry ep 5:
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Only Friends ep 6:
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