#a little mossball in a pond
summershouto · 7 months
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Wish I was Zoro rn
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mossball-nyoo · 3 years
Mossball's Top 5 and Why! (Mobs)
[ As we Minecraft Players know, there are many mobs within the world of Minecraft! Some are great and useful, and some are just really cool! This blog will go over five of my personally ranked favorite mobs, and why! Who knows, maybe you, the reader of this post, will share a favorite mob with me! Now, lets get into it! ]
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#5 Sheep 🐑
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Starting off we have the four-legged cloud, now, this mob is simple and common but earns its spot on my list—Here’s why!
Minecraft sheep are just really cute, seriously, look at that fluffy little derp face.
So many colors! These creatures can match any build you make if you have the proper dye, they can even be rainbow! How cool is that?
Sheep are completely docile, and very useful! Sheep will never attack you, even when you shear them for their fluff! Wool has many uses, whether you’re building, or making carpet or a bed, sheep will always have what you need! Next time you bring beds along to defeat the Ender Dragon, thank the sheep that so kindly let you have its wool!
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#4  Fish (Especially Salmon) 🐟
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Now, this one might not make alot of sense, but I have my reasons!
The minecraft salmon is actually pretty cute, and they can make ideal pets, especially if you aren’t big of four-legged creatures! They are completely docile, and can be fun and relaxing to watch in lakes, rivers, or even an aquarium!
Easily transportable! If you ever find a want to have a pet salmon of your own, or need a fish for your pond, fish can easily be scooped up into a bucket, and once placed in their new home, do not despawn!
 No nametag? No problem! Once you placed your new friend in a bucket, you can name the bucket at an anvil! Once placed, your new pet fish will have a name, no nametag needed! (May vary depending on version)
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#3 Dolphin 🐬
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Want loot? Dolphins got you covered. Feed these aquatic friends some fish, and they’ll be your guide to some treasure! Dolphins know all the best places to find hidden chests, make sure to follow their lead!
Dolphins make great swimming partners! When a dolphin swims by your side, they will grant the "Dolphin's Grace" status effect that allows you to swim faster, this can be both useful and fun!
Dolphins are pretty fun to watch, just as in real life, Dolphins can be pretty entertaining. Besides making interesting noises and leaping from the water, Dolphins will also chase after your dropped items in the water, so make sure you don’t drop anything important!
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#2 Bee 🐝
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One of the cutest minecraft mobs, hands down. Since their addition to Minecraft, I have never met someone who doesn’t like Minecraft Bees. They are just so cute, and don’t even get me started on the baby bees. They are just a 10/10 on the cute scale.
Liquid Gold. Bee’s of course, besides being adorable, are very useful for their honey. Drinking honey in of course restores hunger, but can also be used to remove poison effects, which obviously can come in handy. 
A Sticky Situation. By harvesting honey from bees, you can craft Honey Blocks. These can be useful for breaking your fall if you happen to walk off a cliff while playing Pokémon Go.
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#1 Drowned ⭐
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I’m not sure why exactly, but Drowned have always been my favorite mob.
I genuinely consider Drowned my personal favorite mob, to the point where I’ve even made a pond to keep them as pets. When playing in a hardcore world they may be annoying, but I feel they deserve more attention. 
Drowned are the only means of acquiring Tridents, which to many are a very sought after item in any Minecraft World because of the unique enchantments and immense power they can have. 
Some Drowned may also spawn with another unusual and rare item, the Nautilus Shell, which will be held in their off-hand. Besides making an interesting collectible, these shells are also essential for crafting a conduit.
From being the main source of Tridents, and a means of collecting some pretty cool shells, Drowned deserve some more appreciation! Next time you see a Drowned, remember all the things that they have, that us players collect! 
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This has been my Top 5 and Why! Did you learn anything new about the mobs listed? 
Got a favorite? Tell me in the comments!
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