heartfulselkie · 3 months
Just for fun, what is the worst writing advice you have ever gotten?
Oh I definitely came across a few during the time I was studying creative writing at uni...
Off the top of my head these two have always annoyed me:
"Said is dead" - no, it's not. Said is a nice little word that fits into any dialogue. It's a perfect little companion. Obviously it can be overused (not every line of dialogue needs to have 'said') but it pairs nice and cleanly with adverbs to set the tone easily.
"Don't write outside of your personal experience" - where's the creativity in that? Where's the room for imagination? I'm never going to know what its like to live as a knight in a fantasy world, or to be a teen hero fighting evil. But I can imagine it! And there are things I can research. I can learn about the different kind of swords knights used, or I can learn about the structure of landmarks I've never been to.
Sure, having my own personal experience would be useful - but its not always necessary. And as long as you get enough facts to be believable then generally readers will enjoy it! They'll enjoy reading about characters interacting within the setting of Notre Dame, but they won't need to know or care how many seats Notre Dame can have or what the exact height of the ceiling is (unless its somehow very relevant to what's going on).
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k3rryberry · 6 months
If I wander to print your art out and hang it on my wall how much would that cost?
hmm i'd give blanket permission for ppl to print out my stuff themselves if they like, i didn't think to open a print store or anything like that. if there's some interest though i can look into it.
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xiueryn · 4 months
Of course you wrote another edgey story. Of course it's super long, so it will take a couple of days to read. Of course it's all one chapter, so it's going to be difficult to tell how far I read
Of course I'm going to read it all abd enjoy the hek out of it. Because your writing is epic! And I like ve you!
i appear from nowhere to slap down a huge one-shot and disappear again for months i'm so sorry
good luck!!!
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wooflyyuzen · 9 months
Ask I accidentally deleted : so frisk how are you feeling? (so sorry)
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They're doing perfectly fine
To @pomegranate29 I'm so sorry Holy shit ahhhhh please forgive me
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screwpinecaprice · 2 years
Hey i also don't like tall Connie. I don't think ist super cute and refreshing. So you you would draw it some more i would feel very owned.
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They are out for a casual stroll while munching on fries on this fine day, and you must be rightfully owned. 😤😤😤
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swordmahes · 3 years
Connie wearing Stevens T-shirt has been don a million times. Could you do it too?
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what a gal you have, mr. stephen
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universallywriting · 4 years
Okay so; no cross overs. Bur how about univers swarbs? What if Steven and connie where animal based superhero’s protecting Paris. And they whern’t supposed to know eachother’s true identity?
lol so an MLB AU? Absolutely.
Steven had read enough comics over the years to know that secret identities never stayed secret. Today was inevitable - that was why he’d been opposed to even trying to hide their identities. The glamour could only do so much, and they’d figure it out one day.
But Chat Noir had insisted that they keep it hidden, so he had. He had no idea who his companion could be, no matter how he examined her face behind the mask, or her voice, And now they were stuck in an elevator with the timers on their miraculouses running out.
“It won’t be that bad,” he said cheerfully. “We probably already know each other. Beach City’s not that big of a town.”
She stared at the wheel in her hands, shaking her head. “We can get out of this, Ladybug. if I can just figure out why my unlucky charm gave me this, you’ll be able to fix all of this with your bubble.”
“Maybe you’re supposed to drive White Swan crazy?” he suggested. She gave him a flat, unamused look, and he shrugged. “They can’t all be winners.”
“Ladybug, even if I wanted to share our identities, I’d like it to be something we choose.” She frowned, tapping the iron wheel against the palm of her hand. “And I’d like it to be on a day that isn’t Steven’s birthday.”
He choked. “What?”
“He’s just a boy who works in a bakery near here - his mom and dad own the bakeshop. We’re all throwing him a big surprise party later.” She groaned. “Unless we’re all turned into ballerinas.”
We’re throwing him a party? If they got out of here, he would know that one of the people there was Chat Noir. The glamour wouldn’t let him figure it out from her voice or her looks, but it’d narrow it down a lot. He already knew for sure she was a girl his age.
He swallowed. “I’m sure he won’t mind a ruined birthday party if it means Chat Noir swoops in to save the day.”
“You think?” she asked, looking oddly worried. Why would Chat Noir care so much about a nobody like Steven Universe?
“I’m sure of it,” he said. “Who wouldn’t want a celebrity at their party?”
“Lots of people. Someone famous shows up and takes all the attention. That’s why-” She paused, stuttering for a second before recovering, “That’s why even though Connie Maheswaran is in his class, everyone knows she really shouldn’t go to the party.”
“What? That’s stupid!” he cried. “She just wants to have a normal life like everyone else. Who cares if she’s famous?”
“Um, everyone? She’s swimming in-” Chat froze, her eyes going wide. “Swimming! The dam!”
He gawked at the charm in her hands. “That’s not a wheel. It’s a valve!”
She looked at his flashing earrings, her flashing ring, and nodded. “We should have just enough time to make it to the dam. We’ll close it up, feed our kwamis, and we’ll de-evilize Pearl before Steven’s party.”
“Guess our identities stay secret another day.”  He laughed, trying to ignore the disappointed feeling in his chest.
She looked down at the wheel, then back to him. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ve been stubborn. It’s something worth talking about. We’re all about trust, right?”
“Right,” he said, and he was about to say more, but his earrings beeped a warning, and they rushed off to save the day.
The day was soon saved with little trouble, and Steven had to fake surprise at his party. He scanned the room, trying to figure out who Chat could be, but if the pieces were all in front of him he couldn’t put them together. Maybe Chat was right that the magic was all the needed to keep their secret.
Though, for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out how Chat had thought someone like Connie would suck up all the attention. For a famous person, she couldn’t seem to hold a decent conversation - all rambling and nervousness and sudden awkward silences.
Still, he was glad someone had talked her into showing up. It was nice to have so many friends around. His mother smiled and brought him another tray of homemade cookie cats, and he was wonderfully content.
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ceiwiart · 4 years
We all love connverse. But do you have any other ships you enjoy?
Of course!
LarSadie (dont @ me)
Shep and Sadie too
I think that’s about it in SU.
Edit: I forgot Rupphire/Garnet lmao
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h-a-d-i-t-h-i · 4 years
Dreadfully sorry. What I meant to ask was: how do you feel about being called e/eir?
Feel no obligation to answer you have already established your preferred pronouns.
I am exclusively comfortable with they/them pronouns. They’re comfortably genderless and human to me, and they’re what make me happy! Maybe as culture shifts there might be pronouns that give me the same feeling, but for now, they/them exclusively. Thank you! <3
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suf-fering · 4 years
I have Bern wanting to post your art on redit for a long time so every one could know about you and your wonderful contributions to our fandom. I’m glad I am allowed now. But I don’t like that I’m allowed for a sad reason. I guess I’ll wate a week or two and see if you change your mind.
dfkljkajhkjhds NO IT’S NOT SAD I PROMISE!! please go right ahead!
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screwpinecaprice · 3 years
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Day is done, lounging down.
commissioned by @pomegranate29 !!
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universallywriting · 4 years
I am sure most of us are Hadithi fans first and Steven universe fans second. If you want to write about mature stuff I bet everyone would love it! In fact: this is a prompt now; Connie and Steven buying new furniture
you’re makin me blush!
“I think this is going pretty well,” Steven said, leaning over a plateful of Swedish meatballs and literally nothing else.
Connie stared at him across her own more reasonable plate of food. “We have been in this IKEA for three hours.”
“That’s what IKEA is,” he explained patiently. “I know you’re not into domestic stuff, but we’re actually making great time. We haven’t even had a fight about what our future looks like together.”
“The future holds IKEA,” she whispered, her hands coming up to her temples as the horror set in. “We’re never going home.”
He laughed, almost suspiciously cheerfully. “We’re never going home because our home isn’t going to be there! Because it’ll be a new home! You know, because of the new furn-alright. That’s not working.” He cleared his throat. “Listen, all we have left is picking out a couch. What are you looking for in a couch?”
“Under one hundred and fifty inches and not microfiber.”
“Great start!” he said eagerly. “How about the color?”
She stared down at her plate and whispered, “I already narrowed down size and material. I should be free.”
“Aw, come on.” His hand deliberately took hers, despite her hand being as limp and dead as her spirit to continue on. “Isn’t it fun? You know, imagining what color looks great in the decor of our home?”
She narrowed her eyes. “It’s like you don’t even know me.”
“Shh. That’s IKEA talking. It’s like a corruption song for humans.” He kissed one of her knuckles, cradling it lightly in his own. “Remember what we said before we walked in today?”
“Our love is stronger than IKEA,” she recited quietly. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the clock on her phone, and widened. “Oh my god. We spent an hour trying to pick out a kitchen table.”
“Look at me,” he insisted. “Connie, look at me.”
She forced her eyes to meet his.
“It’s a really nice table,” he said warmly. “And now that we’ve picked out the rest of the living room, the couch will be easy. What do you think about beige to match the entertainment center?”
She stared at him for a moment, then narrowed her eyes. Her arms folded, her face looking stern as she slipped into her political person. “I’ll agree to anything you want for the couch if I can have a corner desk.”
“But the corner desks all come in black or glass,” he argued. “It doesn’t fit the aesthetic. Minimalism is ugly.”
“Which do you like more - your aesthetic or my happiness?” There was an awkward pause as he thought that over, and she snapped, “Steven!”
“Right. Sorry. Obviously your desk being good for you is more important than the house looking nice. Deal.”
She looked miserably around the room, no exit in sight - all that could be seen was the elevator, holding the menacing promise of more floors to find more home goods. Connie whispered, “Our love is stronger than IKEA.”
Steven sighed, forking a meatball. “Probably.”
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universallywriting · 3 years
I just finished breath of the wild, great game. I finally understand your short stories about it. Good on you for giving link a personality. The one thing the game dorky lags.
Yeah! Link’s personality really only exists through documents, which is something I’ve always found neat. It’s a very empty, lonely kind of game. Not in a bad way. I mean, I don’t have to talk about one of the most beloved games of all time, lol.
But, yeah! It was really fun to write those little drabbles!
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universallywriting · 4 years
It’s actually very nice to know that: despite everything, this is not the darkest timeline
Small blessings! lol. Things can always be worse. Somehow.
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universallywriting · 4 years
I posted the first paragraph of one of your stories on Reddit with a link to the rest. It strikes me that I didn’t get your promision before reposting your work. I would have asked first if it was a drawing, but I didn’t even think to ask if the same rule aplies to writing. I’m sorry. would you like me to take it down?
Oh, no, you’re all good. Thanks for linking it and thanks for checking in!
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universallywriting · 4 years
Would it be very inconvenient or against your artistic Vision; to title your short? It would make them easy’er to find if I want to reread one, as I often do.
i can promise to try? lol. I’m kinda forgetful and bad about these things, but I will do my best!
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