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Weather the Storm (Rain Ghoul x fem!reader)
Summary: Y/n loves Papa and his ghouls. They were like family despite her not knowing them long. She is so used to making sure everyone was happy and had what they needed that when she gets caught up in a bad storm that causes her to panic she's surprised that there is someone there to catch her after all and calm her down.
Fandom: Ghost Band (Swedish band)
Pairings: Rain Ghoul x Fem!reader
Auth. Note: The portrayal of Ghouls and Papa is from a fandom base and imagination alone; the personas of the band do not have anything to do with the real people behind the masks. I am a fan of their music and respect their privacy so their stage persona is separate from the real-life individuals in my works.
Triggers: Anxiety, panic attacks, angst, comfort, and fluff
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It's always a great morning when you wake up to the scent of freshly brewed coffee - a bonus when the hint of sugary sweetness of the donuts and pastries lining in boxes along the kitchen countertops but it was Y/n's pleasure to be able to spoil her boys especially after they just got back from tour. She knew no matter how much relief they all felt to be back at the Abbey and their own rooms she knew that it would not slap a balm over the temperaments that were always generally so high-strung from stress and overall exhaustion of the tour. Y/n always knew what to do to make things easier; it was after all part of her job. To make sure all the ghouls were taken care of and Copia had everything he needed before tour and during the tour - to allow some breather room for them was a key part of touring with them; something she'd found out real quick during her first tour with them.
Siblings of Sin were growing each day with new faces and Y/n hadn't been here more than a year just yet but because of her superb organization skills, calm disposition, and being practically the sunshine of everyone's morning kept her at a close positioning with Papa and his ghouls. She'd like to think she started a firm bond with them all during her time with them on tour and was a quick study when it came to picking up their habits and personalities.
So when a pair of arms snaked around her waist while she was busy on her ever-presence tablet in her hands confirming the day's schedule a tail snaking up her slacks-covered leg to gain her attention Y/n was not surprised and merely pulled a smile from her face as she reached over to grab a random pastry out of a box and lift it up to the figure behind her who was busy nuzzling against her neck with a low purr of sleepy content.
"How do you always smell so fucking good?" Dew's voice grumbled as he took a little nip of her neck
"Oi there, gremlin. Take a bite out of something else; I need my throat." Y/n grinned despite her chiding remark as she pulled her neck from the fire ghoul's reach and shoved the edge of the flaky pastry into his slightly parted mouth.
Dew couldn't even find the strength to be mad when the sweetness of the sugary dessert hit his taste buds and he chittered happily while taking a seat at the kitchen island to munch on his treat.
"Is anyone else up yet? I have fresh coffee and pastries for everyone." she turned to lean her back against the edge of the counter and peer across the space at the fire ghoul
Dew looked so disheveled with his long pale brown hair a slight mess and sleep still crusting to the corner of his eyes that were only half-lidded as he licked the sugary goodness from his fingertips. Despite her having seen the ghouls without their human disguises before she came to find that they enjoyed their human appearances even being so bold as to hold partial glamor and allow certain parts of their ghoulish features lose like tails, horns, and fangs even in the confinements of their own ghoul's apartments; the only time she'd ever seen them fully dressed up in their formal ghoul attire was either when they were in public, out of their quarters with other siblings, or performing. She was content and a little smug to know she was one of those very very few outsiders who had the privilege to see them as they were - not a lot of people had that opportunity but when you are Y/n with her positioning within the clergy it came with its perks.
"Hmm, Aether and Swiss are in Aether's nest" Dew shrugged and reached towards the counter for another pastry with his hand while his finger wiggled in his pointed ear to dislodge the cotton feeling of sleep he felt there. "Mountain is always up before any of us so he's probably in the greenhouse. I haven't heard from Rain though. He might either be sleeping or out with Mountain?"
Y/n pouted tapping at her tablet thoughtfully without looking back at him and gave a few thoughtful nods. "Hmm okay. That's fine, you guys actually have a free schedule for the next few days - Sister Imperator insisted you guys take an extra day for decompression. Something about Copia having a bit of a fuss over what happened during the last show on tour." the young woman hummed mildly before her gaze lifted just in time to see Dew grab a third pastry and her hand swatted at his playfully but didn't stop him from grabbing one.
"Save those for the others Dew." she chided lightly but a smile played at the edge of her lips
"Why? You got something sweeter for me?" he shot her a toothy grin that looked too far feral and Y/n briefly wondered if their ruts were coming; casting a quick glance at her calendar she was inwardly relieved to find that she had at least 2 weeks til that happened.
"You're starting to sound like Swiss. That's his pickup line. Don't steal his swag, little fire ghoul. It doesn't suit you." she smirked playfully
"Tch." Dew slumped back into his seat and Y/n smiled at him warmly before tipping her head towards the door to the kitchen.
"Why don't you go join Aether and Swiss? Relax and be lazy for once, you have no practices or anything of that sort for a few days. I'll go check up on Mountain and Rain to make sure they're okay before checking in with Papa. Satanas knows that man will need all the comfort he can get."
"Just get him a few siblings. They'll fuck the stress out of him." Dew followed behind her as the pair headed for the door and she swatted at his arm with a slight scowl.
"You know it's true." he shot her a cheeky little grin but Y/n just gave a shudder.
"I love Papa but I rather not be thinking of what kind of destressing he gets up to," she replied before chuckling under her breath and heading down the hall towards Mountain and Rain's rooms while Dew headed in the opposite direction to join his pack mates in a ghoul snuggle pile.
When neither ghoul answered to her knocks she found a slight frown tugging at her lips. It wasn't as if they particularly needed her to check up on them now that they were back home; they had more range of the abbey than most clergy members so it wasn't unusual if they were out of their rooms but for her own peace of mind and probably a little bit out of habit Y/n couldn't help herself but twinge with worry when she got no responses.
She did not allow their lack of presence to dislodge her focus though. She did in fact have work to do; pish posh if she was told to take a day for resting after they returned from the tour - Papa insisted on it that she deserved a break as much as any of them since she holstered more work than most on the tours second to the band mates themselves but Y/n was a creature of habit and maybe a bit of an overachiever. So she'd picked up the work that was supposed to be looked at the next day and got a head start on it.
Hidden away in Copia's office as she worked in her corner assigned for her personally by Papa she didn't realize how much time had passed. Hidden away in the nook that smelled of his cologne, incense, and ink from books. While the church was very modern when it came to technology for the most part Y/n enjoyed the fact that Copia kept himself a little less modern with books and ink wells as much as a laptop tucked away. She loved the older ways of doing things too; switching between answering emails needed and writing down some paperwork by the hand she was in her happy place.
Until her stomach growled and she was forced to take her wary eyes from her work to look at the clock on the wall and frowned in surprise when her eyes read that it was nearly dinnertime already. Dinner time huh? She'd skipped breakfast to make sure her ghouls were settling in fine and she'd worked through lunch as time got away from her. She didn't know just how bad her hunger was until her stomach damn near cramped in on itself and she swore it was almost as bad as period cramps. Sighing she carefully went through her routine of shutting things down, saving and tabbing things she was working on, and piling things neatly into drawers or her organizers.
Happily, she stretched her body hearing the crackling and pops of her bones as she unfolded herself carefully from her hair making her internally joke to herself that she was old as she headed for the doors. But that happy buzz left with the presence of what was behind the door. Rain. No, not her precious and shy ghoul. But actual rain from the sky. It was pouring down in torrents making a thunderous sound come as it pelted the roof making her flinch involuntarily. It wasn't that she hated it when it rained...she was just not overly fond of the lightning and thunder that came with rainstorms. A bad memory of when she was accidentally locked in a closet during a storm when she was young caused more trauma then people would give credit.
Y/n breathed in deeply the scent of fresh rain and wet earth before she was closing and locked Papa's office door with her copy of the key before making her way down the stone hallways. In the daylight on any normal day, the place had a nice vibe; almost nostalgic even during the nights on the rare occasion she'd walk those halls past sundown. But during storms like tonight, the place was eery; scary even, and made the hair on her arms rise on end. The halls were empty and her footsteps were drowned out by the thundering of the rain on the roof. Still, she had to press on and headed for the eating hall. But as she began to walk down the isolated halls a flash of lightening illuminated the dim area that was only lit by a few violently flickering candles on the walls and she whipped her head around when she felt herself being watched. Surely not, there was nothing to be worried about here at the Abbey. The only demons that lurked in these halls were the ghouls and she was friendly with most of them; well civil at best unless they were Papa's ghouls. Sister Imperators were...well they often enjoyed creeping her out whether intentionally or not.
She wasn't expecting to see anything when she looked over her shoulder but her heart leaped up into her throat when she saw a black-clad figure at the end of the hall; the lights flickering on the silver mask and the lightening that slashed across the sky briefly made the figure look utterly terrifying. Despite her knowledge of the halls and those who walked it both human and ghoul, it did nothing to qualm the utter animalistic fear that suddenly leaped through her as she turned and bolted down the hallway; her feet slapping loudly but being lost in the sound of the rain as she panted each breath through trembling lips. Was the figure following her? Why was she running? Was she in danger? Yes...no! no of course she wasn't! Was she?
She slammed open a pair of wide doors that opened to a vast room beyond and she was surprised to find that she'd made it to the mass hall where the sermons were usually held. The large space looked foreboding but empty even as lightning flashed and thunder rolled. Her mind fogged over with fear and her chest felt tight as she stumbled through the pews before collapsing in the corner by the stage as if trying to hide from something or someone within the room. But she was alone right? She shouldn't be running; it was stupid - just a silly panic attack about a stupid storm. But then the lights illuminated the room again and there stood that same figure just a few feet away from her and she screamed.
A pair of cold hands gripped her shoulders and she flailed trying to dislodge them only for a few pinpricks of pain to dig into the skin beneath her silk shirt and causing her mind to stutter to a stop when her big eyes lifted to meet the familiar silver masked face of a ghoul looming over her. Except it wasn't so scary anymore when dark brown eyes flashed through the eyes of it on another flash and she realized with a stupid amount of relief as she recognized them instinctively despite not knowing the face behind it.
"Satanas Y/n," the voice was soft as the figure knelt down in front of her and she threw her arms around their necks ignoring the way the mask dug into her shoulder and head as she squeezed tightly
"Hey, it's okay...." cold but reassuring hands crept up her back to hold her to them.
Rain held her tightly to him before realizing that he was soaked to the bone from the thunderstorm beyond and pulled away. "Hey, I'm getting you wet. Hold on Y/n-"
"I don't care! Shit, just..." she swallowed as her shaking fingers gripped the wet fabric of his back shirt as if afraid to let him go.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, baby girl. We were worried when we couldn't find you or get a hold of you. I was out looking for you when I saw you in the hall running...satan below I've never seen you that scared before. Are you okay?" he reached up to wipe at the tear stains from her face.
Y/n let out a teary laugh and shook her head. "I-I'm sorry. You caught me off guard...I was in Papa's office doing some work and lost track of time. I didn't know we were going to have a storm. You just surprised me...I-I'm not overly fond of what comes during a storm." her smile was a bit wary as she looked out the window and let her hands drop to her lap as she slowly calmed down breathing in the familiar scent of Rain - like the fresh and crisp air after a storm, something like a lakeside trip during summer, and his natural Ghoul scent cologne that was indescribable.
"You're afraid of storms?" Rain tilted his head slightly to the side and Y/n couldn't help the flush that crept up her neck and face.
"It's silly. I know. It's just..." She looked down at her fingers as she played with them. "When I was little, I was playing hide and go seek with my siblings. I found myself locked in a closet on accident and they couldn't find me all day - lucky me that it started a thunderstorm during that time too." she shuddered at the memory.
The water ghoul gave a little chittering sound of comfort as he curled his tail around her leg and rested the side of his mask against her leg to look up at her; he reminded her of a puppy or kitten begging for attention. The sight made her smile despite her ebbing fear.
"It's not silly." his hand squeezes her calf and his eyes soften before he sits up. "Can I help you?"
"Hmm?" she frowns confused before flinching when another crash of thunder above them catches her off guard.
Rain is right there to pull her up to her feet. Keeping his hands on her at all times to give her a sense of comfort he begins to lead her back towards the doors and she is more confused than ever.
"Rain! What are you doing?" Y/n hoped he was just taking her back to the dorms to dry off and watch a movie or something but instead he pulls her out towards the open hallway where beyond the safety of the roof lay the torrent of rain falling.
"Rain-" she tugged on his hand but his grip was firm as he turned to her. His eyes were right behind his mask as he tilted his head at her.
"If you don't face your fear, pretty girl. You'll never learn to get over it. Come on, I got you I promise. Do you trust me?" he held out a hand to her and she just stared at him as if he was crazy.
"I don't think that's a good way to-" she began but the slight ghoul was already reaching up to tug his mask off his face.
no matter how many times she sees him without one she's struck with how utterly beautiful he is with his ashen skin, strong nose, piercing dark eyes, and thick waves of hair that nearly reached his shoulders. He placed the mask down before taking a few steps out into the rain. Not caring that within seconds he was soaked and dripping with the hair in his face that he swept away with his long strong fingers to give her a toothy grin that flashed white with the spark of lightning.
"Come on Y/n. rain won't hurt you." Y/n's lips curled up slightly as she stared at his outstretched hand.
"This rain or that rain?" she tipped her chin between him and the water rushing to the ground above them.
"Neither." the ghoul smiled a little softer as he watched her debate.
Before she could stop herself and think more clearly she reached out and took his hand. Allowing the other to pull her into the downpour and soak into her clothes in an instant. She shuddered and closed her eyes trying to imagine herself in a shower instead of a thunderstorm but it did little. As if feeling her unease and panic rising Rain's body pressed to her back and his arms wrapped around her waist to hold her tightly whether for comfort or to keep her from running she didn't know but she tried to focus on his warmth at her back instead of the water getting into her eyes.
"R-Rain I don't think it's working." the girl jerked back into him at a crack of lightning but the water ghoul was right there with her.
His mouth pressed to her ear and she felt the prickle of his stubble against the soft shell as he murmured; a voice calm and collected but deep as if coaxing her muscles to relax with the sound of his voice alone. "It's just water, baby. It's not going to hurt you. Feel it hitting your skin. Listen to the way it hits the ground - get lost in its voice. The thunder isn't something to be afraid of, think of it as a friend - the lightning as a smile as the storm speaks to you." he was slowly rocking them side to side as he spoke.
"You've dealt with so much more noise than this. Come on honey." he crooned as he pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.
"Rain I-" Y/n swallowed and she turned her face to look at him. He looked utterly beautiful under the spray of water that rushed them. He wasn't even cold or shivering from it like she was.
He flashed her a smile before nuzzling his nose against her neck. "How about this...think of a storm as one of your ghouls."
"M-My ghouls?"
"Oh, you didn't know? Copia's adopted you so in reality you're like our holder as much as he is." Rain chirped between placing soft kisses to her neck.
"A-and how is that supposed to help?"
The water ghoul pulled his head away and instead ran his hands up her sides to her shoulders and squeezed. "Picture this." his voice was so low she had to tilt her head back so that she could hear it better over the rain.
"The thunder is the sound of Mountain as he beats at his drumset. The sharp strike of lightning is as violent but beautiful as Dew's sharp tongue. The darkened clouds remind you of Swiss and his presence is so powerful and striking you can't ignore it. The howling wind that whips the trees is Aether with his carefree and wild spirit."
Y/n's eyes had slid closed at the lull of his voice as she sagged against him but they opened to stare into the darkened eyes of the water ghoul. "And you?"
A slow quirk of his mouth teased at the edge of her own. "I'm the rain that falls at your feet; washing away all your worries."
Y/n's lips parted slightly as if to say something but instead, she found herself nodding slowly. "I-I think I might like storms after all, then," she mumbled breathlessly
"Good." a growl vibrated through her back as he pressed closer to capture her wet lips and she arched up into him only to be spun around to be pressed to a pillar.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back; fumbling slightly with the intensity of his kisses. When they needed breath they parted and Rain rested his forehead against hers breathing her in as she panted in his arms. He reached up a hand to brush away the wet strands of her hair from her face and wipe at the raindrops on her lashes with a small smile.
"Rain! Y/n!" a voice shouted through the storm and they looked over to find the other pack members rushing down the pathway toward them.
"You found her! We were worried!" Aether sighed in relief as they reached the pair. "Satanas, you're going to catch a cold. What are you doing Rain? Let's get her inside before she gets sick!" ever the mother hen the quintessence ghoul pulled off his jacket to drape it around the girl.
Y/n laughed a bit and flushed as she squeezed Rain's hand when he entwined their fingers. "I'm okay...just...being reminded again why nature is such a beautiful thing." she gave a secretive smile to the water ghoul who smirked back at her.
Dew and Swiss followed behind with the forgotten mask in Dews hands while Mountain forged ahead of them leading the way back towards the dorms rumbling almost as deep as the thunder above their heads.
"Let's get you dry and warm, blossom. I'll make you some hot cocoa and we can watch a movie."
"Actually...I was wondering if perhaps we could grab something to eat first? I-I kind of forgot about food today...too caught up in work." Y/n flushed when a few disapproving eyes landed on her and suddenly she was hauled up into another ghoul's arms.
"Brat, when are you going to learn rest days apply to you too." Swiss sighed as he carried her bridal style down the hallway.
Y/n smiled and rested her head against his shoulder. "Food....I want food and then a snuggle pile."
Rain chirped happily in reply as he wrapped his tail around her ankle as he walked beside the pair and gave a grin. "Sounds like a plan."
"And no more playing in a thunderstorm for satanas sake! We have to deal with Rain doing that enough times but he's a water ghoul it's in his nature. you get sick far too easily as a human." Aether added pointing an accusing finger at her.
"I dunno guys...I think I actually love storms." Y/n replied thoughtfully as she closed her eyes with a slight smile listening to Swiss' purr rumble his chest.
"Why's that Blossom?" Mountain piped up curiously.
"Someone special told me storms are like friends if you know where to look." she replied peeking an eye open to peer at Rain who gave her a fond smile.
The rest made noises of approval and appreciation but said nothing. They weren't stupid; they could read the signs but they said nothing as they took their precious human back to their den for some proper rest.
#ghost fanfiction#The band ghost#ghost band#Rain ghoul#rain ghoul x reader#poly!ghouls#ghost oneshot#Rain#tags are open
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My prompt list is full of Ghost right now oopsie
I’ve got quite a few Ghost fics in the works. I just don’t know which one to focus on. Anyone wanna help me out?
I have so many thoughts in my head and no idea how to work them, so feel free to vote 🫶
#ghost#ghost x reader#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#the band ghost x reader#nameless ghouls x reader#papa emeritus 4#papa emeritus the fourth#papa emeritus iv x reader#papa emeritus iv#papa copia x reader#popia x reader#popia#dewdrop x reader#rain ghoul x reader#swiss ghoul x reader#Aether ghoul x reader#poly!ghouls#mountain ghoul x reader#sodo ghoul#Sodo ghoul x reader#phantom ghoul#aurora ghoulette#cirrus ghoulette#cumulus ghoulette#sunshine ghoulette
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Earlier than promised but I just uploaded the nsft post for december! Copia having fun with his ghouls as an unofficial continuation to this post���. Sorry this is the only remotely acceptable part of this I can post as a preview!
[copia/aether/sodo/mountain btw🤘🏻😎😎😎😎 ]
#the band ghost#ghost bc#cardinal copia#papa emeritus iv#nameless ghouls#ghost band#frater imperator#aether ghoul#sodo ghoul#dewdrop ghoul#mountain ghoul#poly ghouls#ghumblr#ghartist
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the softness in his eyes...all i have to say is
#poly ghouls#polyghouls are life#the band ghost#ghost#ghost bc#ghost band#ghumblr#nameless ghouls#copia#papa emeritus iv#cardinal copia#papa copia#cirrus ghoul#cirrus ghoulette#cirrus ghost#ghost phantom#phantom ghoul#phantom ghost
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Headcanon that when Mountain ventures out to the woods that surrounds the ministry, sometimes he ends up getting so lost in his element he stands so perfectly still, birds mistake him for an actual tree.
The big guy is, in truth, completely asleep standing up. So while he's taking his snooze, a couple birds sit and rest on his antlers, there's two snails slowly scaling up his left leg, a contented squirrel nestled in the crook of his neck and even a small butterfly resting her wings on his glasses.
Dew finds him later on, still standing and even snoring now. With all his little (unexpected) friends still using him as a penthouse. They get spooked away though and in the struggle of all of the critters scattering off Mountain-- the earth ghoul wakes with a jolt and sputters out a "wha-- oh! Hey Dew.."
#ghost bc#the nameless ghouls#the band ghost#poly ghouls#dewdrop ghoul#ghoul headcanons#mountain ghoul#mountain x dewdrop
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The potential for Ghoulcy to be canon may be more likely than y'all think...
Honestly, if it were any other IP I would say there's no way, but this is Fallout we're talking about. A franchise which prides itself on indulging in the ridiculous and absurd scenarios it can come up with.
They've already done it in the games. Hancock is a romance candidate for your character in Fallout 4 and he's a ghoul, so like, the idea of pairing a human with a ghoul is not a new idea in the franchise.
Plus, I feel like there has been some potential actual foreshadowing for it in the show. Not just Norms husband talk in the beginning, but the fact that Lucy is a very frisky lady and not squeamish in the slightest both lend itself to the possibility. Now, that could all just be for the funny, but they do seem like very oddly specific choices on the writers part.
As for Max, I think the line the doctor says, "Will you still want the same things when you've become a whole other animal all together?" is gonna be pretty relevant here. Lucy thought she was gonna find her dad, then go back to her vault and live happily ever after with her LITERAL knight in shining armor. But now that she knows the truth... that probably doesn't seem as appealing as it used to be anymore.
So yeah... probably still unlikely BUT I don't think it's at all out of the realm of possibility. I can definitely see the creators going in that direction just to be funny and shock people, but maybe even more so if they find out there are fans who are actually into it... 😅 I mean who knows? I can dream...
But yes, I know. Maybe this is just all wishful thinking, but I don't care. I'm gonna ride this train til it crashes and burns!! Ghoulcy forever, baby!!
EDIT: I just wanted to quickly add that Walton Goggins also talked about how he and the creators deliberately set out to try and make the Ghoul "kind of hot" (which they obviously succeeded at, because here we are lol). And while, sure, that may have just been for freaky fans like us, there could be another reason if their intention from the beginning was to have a romantic arc with The Ghoul. Gonna give us that whole Beauty and the Beast trope, Fallout edition y'all haha 😃
#only time i've ever thought a ship of mine could actually happen so#i'm excited to see where this goes#also nothing against lucy x max shippers i just don't think its meant to be#or maybe they'll just go all poly on our asses and really shock everyone 😆#i wouldn't complain tbh#lolololol#fallout#ghoulcy#cooper howard#lucy maclean#the ghoul#walton goggins#fallout prime#fallout tv series#fallout series#fallout show#lucy x the ghoul#lucy x cooper#cooper howard x lucy maclean#my posts#ghouly-boi
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Kind of obsessed with the idea that the ghouls are super handsy with Phantom. They just touch him to move him around…
They’re getting in position for practice and Dew pats his thigh to get him to shift over a few feet.
He’s helping Aether in the kitchen and the big ghoul puts his hands around his waist and picks him up to get him out of the way of the hot oven.
They can’t quite reach a book in the library and before they can look for a stool, Mountain is hoisting them up on his shoulders so they can get it.
Everyone is hanging out and cuddling in the living room and Cumulus wants to include him in the pile, so she gently pulls him over and squeezes him in between her and Aether.
Swiss has been waiting all of Mass to kiss him and he thinks he’s been very good and deserves a reward, so he yanks on Phantom’s arm as he exits the chapel and drags him into a deep kiss.
Aurora is always taking their hand and leading them around or showing them things; she touches him to share her excitement because she knows he can feel things deeper through his quintessence if he’s touching someone.
#phantom ghoul#nameless ghoul headcanons#nameless ghouls#this is super meaningful to me because I feel like Phantom was very touch averse when he was summoned#headcanon#the band ghost#ghost the band#ghost#ghost bc#ghoulposting#poly ghouls#they love their baby bat#love bug#!!!!!#wait that works so well
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Chapter 2: Alive
Fem Ghoul!Reader x Monster!141
Warnings: Cannibalism, flashbacks to torture, blood (lmk if I missed any)
A/n: i will be using the template below for all the chapters I write, please use this as a guide for certain physical traits I mention. (Like her white hair)
The light that shown down on me was nauseating, my eyes blinking rapidly as they adjusted. I tried to sit, pain spreading throughout my body, wincing, I laid back down. I looked around me at what I assumed was a hospital room with one nightstand beside me and two chairs across from the bed. My brows furrowed as I looked down at my attire, I was dressed in a scratchy hospital gown with nothing underneath. I sat up again, this time prepared for the pain that came with. I looked out a window to my right and my memories came back to me. I rubbed my wrists, eyeing the faint bruises around them. With a shaky exhale I looked down at my feet, noting the white gauze wrapped around them.
A nurse bust through the door to my room, a man—-or dragon—- right behind her, the scent on human blood filled my nostrils. “Oh for Christ’s Sake! I can’t tell you her personal information! Its—“ The nurse stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening at the sight of me, awake. The dragon had the same reaction, I took this time to look at him, deep blue eyes, chocolate hair, older, muscular, and he was missing a wing on his back.
I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted by the nurse ushering the dragon man out. She hurried by my side once the door was shut. Outside, I could see him peeking in. The nurse grabbed some water off the nightstand, offering the glass to me. “How are you? Are you in any pain?” I hesitated, before grabbing the water, chugging it as if I’d been dehydrated for weeks. Normally, ghouls don’t care to drink water, but since I have no other source of hydration, I drank it. I wiped my mouth once the glass had been emptied, handing it back to the nurse. My voice came out scratchy and unfamiliar, like my ears weren’t used to the sound. “Who are you?” I asked her, suddenly feeling cautious, “Where am I?”
The nurse chuckled slightly, “I’m nurse Baker, you’ve been out for a few days since Task Force 141 found you. Currently, we are in the military base’s hospital.” This time when she spoke I could hear the clear British accent. “Task Force 141?” I muttered. The nurse smiled, “Yes, they are the ones who rescued you… Now if you’re up for it I have a few questions as well as them regarding your situation.” My situation? I thought, but another thing I seemed to notice was the lack of ghouls here. Then it became all to clear what they wanted from me.
I stood up quickly, preparing to run, but stumbled right back on my ass. The aching in my feet still hasn’t fading, it’s like I can feel the torture happening all over again. The nurse ran to my side, “Please don’t do that again, Miss! Your still healing, I’m aware your a hybrid, but your body is traumatized.” She placed a hand on my shoulder, I looked up at her, rage plastered on my face. “I’m not weak,” I gritted out, slapping her hand off me before getting up and back onto the bed. She huffed, “They will be in and talk with you shortly.” And with that she left, a lock clicking in place.
I sighed as I waited for whoever “They” were, staring out the window. It was clear that this was a military base, no people were outside or cars vrooming past. Just trees and grass and the occasional gust of wind.
The door opened and I heard a knock, my head whipped around, hands gripping the bed as I locked eyes with the dragon man from before. I peered behind him and saw three other men as well, all uniquely different. His deep voice cut through my mind, down straight to my heart. “How ya’ feelin’ love? Can we come in?” I nodded, not trusting my voice with how my heart pounded, almost like I was human again. The dragon enter my room, sitting in one of the plastic chairs that was clearly not meant to hold a man of his size. Behind him entered an excited wolf hybrid, brown tail swishing behind him. He too had blue eyes and chocolate hair. Next was a beautiful crow hybrid with black feathered wings and talons and feathers scattered across his arms and shins. And the last man looked like death himself, a balaclava covered his face, only revealing auburn eyes and blonde lashes. From the way his skin shifted from pale to black around his forearms told me he was a wraith hybrid.
The wolf hybrid sat down beside the dragon as the other two men stood beside them. I turn towards them, cross-legged on the bed. I bite the inside of my cheek, their stares heavy on me, suddenly feeling conscious of my attire. “Wot’s ya’ name?” The dragon questioned. I swallowed before answering, “Didn’t the nurse tell you?” I said quietly. The dragon chuckled slightly, a hand coming up to rub at the back of his neck, “Actually, she was keen on not telling me anythin’” He gave me a small smile, “Names John, this ‘ere is Johnny,” he said ruffle the wolf’s hair beside him. Johnnys tail was now thumping against the chair, a smirk of his face, “Nice ta meet ya, lass.” He said, flashing sharp canines. The dragon huffed then gestured to the crow hybrid, “Tha’s Kyle,” Kyle gave me a pretty smile, nodding his head in greeting. “And Simon.” John looked at the wraith, but his eyes were locked in mine. Simon. My lips parted as I returned my gaze back to the dragon, introducing myself.
John’s face got serious, “Let’s talk ‘bout you, eh? What kind of hybrid are you?” I glanced away from him before responding, “Ghoul. I’m a Ghoul.” Confusion took over John’s serious expression, “Ghoul? Never heard of tha’ type before. Tell me ‘bout it.” I looked down at my gown, keeping my face as stoic as possible. “Well, I can’t say much because I haven’t been a Ghoul for my whole life. There are different kinds, One-Eyed Ghouls and Pure Blood Ghouls. One-Eyed Ghouls are usually turned humans and Pure Bloods are normally born from Ghoul parents. I’m a One-Eyed Ghoul, I was turned a couple months ago and since then everything has changed….” I looked up at the hybrids, a sympathetic look on all of their faces but one. My jaw clenched, “I don’t need your pity,” I spat out, “What else do you want to know?” I said a bit too angrily. John cleared his throat, “Who.. turned you?” I bite my lip so hard blood almost started to pool out. “It was an accident, Ghouls usually don’t turn humans. It’s dangerous and stupid. The man who turned me was going to kill me and then his blood mixed with mine, and, well, here I am.” The wolf leaned closer in his chair, “What happened to ‘im?” He asked, eyes full of violence.
“I ate him before he ate me.”
A/n: I finally made a chapter two I can’t believe I did it!!! Hope you guys liked this!
#୨��� emi’s dairy !#141 x reader#cod#monster 141 x reader#fem reader#poly 141 x reader#kyle gaz garrick#simon riley x reader#tokyo ghoul
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Antonblast boss 3D models
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More fall/winter domestic Ghoul thoughts because my brain won’t stop:
Aether being the first to take care of anyone when they get the flu because they trust him the most.
Mountain making his nest comfortable enough for all his mates needs incase they want to join him while he hibernates.
Dew pulling them to himself once they get back to the abbey either after outside duties or being in town and cranking up his element so he can warm them up.
Rain making sure they’re all wearing their jackets and coats before they head out and buttoning them for those who need help.
Ifirit lighting the large fireplace in the Ghouls den and gathering everyone from the pile being especially careful with Zephyr when helping them in.
Aurora making everyone coffee,tea or hot chocolate depending on their preference and always making sure she’s mindful of everyone’s dietary needs and allergies.
….ill add more later but yeah
#aether ghoul#mountain ghoul#dewdrop ghoul#rain ghoul#ifrit ghoul#zephyr ghoul#aurora ghoulette#the band ghost#ghoul headcanons#more domestic ghouls because I’ve got brain rot.#poly ghouls#I mean if your into it#Add on in the tags because I’m an Omega is alive truther: Omega is the ghoul everyone comes to when seasonal depression hits#he understands their pain and is willing to listen#130 notes that’s insane un holy shit thank you all for this. I appreciate it. These were just my silly little thoughts.#Angel talks (to) Ghost 👻#Angel’s speical interest ✨#141 likes OOH UNHOLY FUCK YALL ARE WONDERFUL THANK YOU T-T
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Not Like Them
Pairing: (Implied) poly ghouls x gn!reader
Words: 2.5k
Summary: You are a new ghoul summoned for the clergy, but it doesn't go as planned.
Rating: G (with like a smidge of angst)
Author: Mod Mouse
Author's Note: This fic was also inspired by the July prompt list from @thepromptfoundry specifically #23 becoming disabled. Thank you again for the great prompts! Also I might end up making more fics with this character cause I actually really like writing them.
Everything had gone wrong. You were just living your life in your level of hell only to be ripped from your home in the most painful way. Now you laid there in the middle of the summoning circle clutching the stump that was your hand. You were dazed and frantically searching for a source of the summoning.
Several people surrounded you but you could hear two of them whispering frantically to each other in what you thought was Italian. One was a middle aged man with a damaged eye wearing a black cassock and the other was an older woman with blonde hair dressed in a nice green suit. The woman kept rubbing her temples, clearly irritated at the situation though not at the man.
Separate from the pair was something more familiar. You could smell the characteristic scent of three other ghouls. One smelled of a rich forest, another smelled of a fresh summer breeze, and the other smelled of magic coursing with electricity. The tell tale signs of ghouls were on full display. Mouths full of pointy teeth, tails in various states of motion, and horns poking through their hair. You let out a small whimper which caught the attention of the ghouls.
The one who smelled of magic slowly approached you, hands held out in a non-threatening manner. He kept his distance from you and slowly crouched down so he could be eye level with you. “Hey there little one.”
You look up at him, your tail frantically swishing back and forth, very wary of the situation. Although the comfort of a fellow quintessence ghoul did help a little.
“I promise you're safe,” He reassured you.
“W-Why am I here?” You asked softly.
The man from the pair turned at your words. “Ah yes about that. I um… we have summoned you to be an additional bassist in our band. You shall help the Clergy on our tours.” He answered in a very heavy accent.
You scoffed and gestured with your stump. “Hard to play the guitar when you only have one hand.” You tried to joke it off but tears started to fall down your cheek.
“I’m sorry caro, I promise Sister and I are looking into what happened.” He promised with the most sincere smile. “Now ghouls please look after our newest member while we discuss with Omega about what happened” He gave his head a little bow and followed the woman out of the room.
There was a moment of silence as you once again took in your surroundings. You searched the room for the other two ghouls. Your eyes landed on the pair standing off to the side. The taller of the two had short straight brown hair. That must have been the earth ghoul. Which then meant the smaller ghoul, no wait ghoulette, was an air element.
“I’m Aether,” the quintessence ghoul introduced himself gently. He gestured to the other ghouls. “That one is Mountain,” He pointed to the taller ghoul who just nodded, “and the other one is Cumulus.” The ghoulette gave a small wave. You didn’t respond, but your wary tail stopped its nervous swaying. Now that you had realized you weren’t in immediate danger, you became aware of how chilly you were, and your body started to shiver.
“Here let's get you to your room,” Aether cooed softly and you let yourself be helped up by him. You kept your hurt hand to your chest and the other one wrapped around your stomach.
Aether led the group down the hallway with Mountain and Cumulus on either side of you creating a safety bubble around you. You didn’t realize but your tail instinctively reached out and wrapped around Cumulus’ tail searching for comfort you didn’t know you needed. Cumulus looked down at you. She smiled at your touch and chirped soothingly. You looked up at her slightly, but quickly looked away, still feeling a bit weary.
They led you down the corridors of the ministry, passing different members of the Siblings of Sin. The Siblings must have been used to seeing ghouls on a daily basis since most didn’t take notice, but a few glanced your way taking in your form. You drew your arm in closer trying to hide it more from view.
After what seemed like miles of walking, you finally entered an area of the Ministry with dark black marble and more engravings fit for the ghoul types. Down the hallway lined several doors on each side. Each door had an engraving of a different ghoul type. Those must be the types of ghouls who live here, you thought to yourself. The further you walked down the hallway, that familiar scent of ghouls filled your nose and you relaxed even more.
Finally the group approached a large dark wood door, and Aether stopped in front of it. “This will be your room during your time in the Ministry. We all have our own spaces, but we always tend to gather as a pack in the common room. Now you aren’t required to become part of our pack, but if you ever want to join us we will be happy to accommodate you.”
“T-Thank you,” You said softly. You turned towards the door and you saw your own quintessence symbol carved into the dark wood. The little touches of this place was making you less weary.
Aether smiled softly and opened the door for you. “Dinner is in a few hours. Mountain is making a delicious stew, but if you aren’t ready for social time then we’ll set aside a bowl for you in the fridge. We usually eat in the dining room just a few rooms down from here.”
You blushed at their kindness. “That’s very kind of you,” You smiled softly and turned back to your room. “Oh wow.” Your room was stunning. A nice big bed was in the center of the dark room. It was covered with soft materials perfect for any ghouls' nest. There was a dark wood dresser on the opposite wall of the wall. The walls were mostly bare with a few small paintings as an accent. Additionally there was a bathroom attached to the bedroom offering you the comfort of privacy when showering. You chirp in contentment and turn back to the group.
They all gave you soft smiles. “Seems like you approve?” Aether smiled at your increased ease around them.
“It’s really nice actually,” You replied gently sitting down on the bed. It was soft and suddenly you felt so tired.
“We’ll let you settle in, and hope to see you later,” Aether said before reaching for the door knob. He pulled the door shut and you saw Cumulus giving you a small wave.
You sighed and laid down on your back. You lifted your right arm and examined the lack of a hand. “How the hell is this going to work?” You asked yourself before setting it back against the covers. The weight of the day started to way on you, and before you knew it you fell into a deep sleep.
It was hours before you woke up from your much needed rest. It took you a few moments to realize you weren’t in Hell anymore. You gently rubbed the sleep from your eyes and sat up. A rumble came from your stomach and you sighed. Seems like you were hungry after all, though seeing the other ghouls made you weary. Maybe a shower would help you calm down. You stood up and walked over to the closet full of dark clothing. Inside was a variety of clothes in different styles and sizes. After searching through the hangers you decided on a soft black hoodie with matching shorts. Carefully you draped the clothes over your right arm.
You took them to the joined bathroom and set them on the counter. The bathroom was fully stocked with everything a ghoul would need to care for themselves. Horn polish, skin care products and so on. You would definitely be using those later. After today you deserved some self-care. After some effort with your flimsy Hellish clothes, you strip your worn clothes off and toss them into the trash can. You wouldn’t need them anymore considering the plethora of new clothes you had now. You turned your attention to the big shower and twisted the knob. Several jets flowed warm water out of them and you sighed when the water hit your skin. You let the water flow over you, taking the grim and dirt from the summoning off of you. You looked down at your lost hand. Whatever cause this made sure that the wound was sealed by the time you had serviced which you were grateful at least.
You sighed and tried to shower as quickly as you could though it didn’t quite go as planned. You struggled quite a bit with just the simple tasks like opening the shampoo bottle, but eventually you figured out how to balance the bottles to get what you wanted. The water took the tiredness with it as it washed down the drain.
After letting the water flow over you for a few more minutes, you finally turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Luckily there was a big fluffy towel waiting for you on the racks. You purred as you felt the soft texture against your skin. Quickly you dried yourself and changed. You still weren’t used to the lack of a hand, but you were slowly getting better.
Finally you were ready to grab your dinner. You opened the door and headed in the direction Aether told you earlier. Sure enough when you opened the door was the kitchen and dining room. The scent of dinner was still in the air and it made your stomach growl. You quickly grabbed the food from the fridge and heated it up. (tk if i want to add inner thoughts)
You were carrying the bowl back to your room when you heard the Aether’s voice. The large door at the end of the hallway was cracked a bit and you could see light streaming from it. You approached the door unsure and peaked inside. You saw Aether with a smaller ghoul on his lap in the middle of a large couch. That ghoul was arguing with a much bigger ghoul on the floor with dark brown curls. Whatever the argument was didn’t seem too serious because after the next remark he playfully pushed the other ghouls leg. Leaning one side of Aether was another smaller ghoul. You could tell that it was another quintessence ghoul. On the other side of Aether was another ghoul cuddling with Mountain. This one seemed shyer than the other pair of ghouls since he seemed to stay cuddle to the larger ghoul. Off on another couch Cumulus cuddled with another two ghoulettes. The trio seemed to be deep in their own conversation.
The pack looked so comfortable and your own inner ghoul was crying for the attention of other ghouls, but you weren’t like them. You couldn’t fulfill the only job you were meant to do, and you just knew that they would see you as different.
You let out a subconscious whine and the conversation paused. “What was that?” said a male voice.
“Sounded like another ghoul?” A ghoulette noted.
“But we’re all here?” Another ghoul added.
“Here I got it,” A different ghoulette said. There was a rustle and a few muffled curses before the door opened. Cumulus stepped through the crack and smiled when she saw you. You instinctively stepped back from the door.
“Hey,” She smiled and her tail began to swish happily back and forth.
You chirped softly feeling safe but you shook your head. “I’m sorry I just wanted some food. I didn’t mean to bother your pack time.” You apologized.
She giggled “Understandable, Mountain makes the best food.”
“I’ll make sure to savor it.” You smiled softly.
Cumulus nodded and after a moment turned to look back at the pack. “You know,” she started and turned back to you. “They really want to meet you.” She added softly.
You looked down, not meeting her eyes. Tears pulled in your eyes. “I-I don’t…” You paused to take a deep breath getting your emotions under control. “I’m not like you guys.”
The ghoulette tilted her head in confusion. “What do you mean? You have horns and tails like the rest of us. And I know you smell just like Aether and Phantom.”
You sighed. “Yes but you all play in the band and well I can’t now.”
“We’ll figure out a way for you to play, but that doesn’t stop the fact that you are now a part of the group.” Cumulus said offering a soft smile
You looked between the door and the ghoulette. The pull of your instincts was becoming greater than your need to self isolate. Your eyes landed back on the ghoulette. “T-They won’t hate this?” You asked, gesturing to your right arm.
“I promise they will love you.” She reassured you gently.
You paused and nodded “Okay then.”
Cumulus smiled softly and turned back to the door. She pushed it open further and the ghouls turned to see what the commotion was about. “Everyone, this is the new ghoul at the Ministry.” She stands to the side as you nervously walk past her. You felt anxious under everyone's gaze, but when you looked to Cumulus for support, she gave you an encouraging head nod.
“H-Hi there” You introduce softly.
“Damn Aether you didn’t say they were hot,” The ghoul on the floor stated, earning a smack on the head from the smaller ghoul he was arguing with earlier.
“Satan Swiss learn to be subtle,” The smaller ghoul scoffed.
You watched their interaction with both amusement and uncertainty. Cumulus leaned over as the pair started arguing again. “Don’t worry. This is how they flirt.”
You chuckled and whispered back. “Sounds like a pair I knew in Hell”
The other quintessence joined the pair and grabbed your right arm. You panicked when the ghoul didn’t feel a hand, but he smiled and slowly dragged you over to the group. “It’s rare we have so many quintessence ghouls in one place. It was just me and Aether until you were summoned. I’m Phantom by the way. Now no one can call me the baby of the group.”
Aether chuckled as Phantom pulled you over to the other ghoulettes. “Phantom, you will never stop being baby.”
“There's nothing wrong with being baby,” You add as you settle beside Phantom. Cumulus settled back with the other ghoulettes who created a comfortable place for both you and Phantom.
“Oh goodness I forgot to introduce everyone else,” Cumulus sat up. She started to point out all the other ghouls and you followed her hand. “You already know Aether. Swiss is sitting on the floor. Dewdrop is in Aether’s lap. Then it's Rain, you know Mountain and Phantom. And the other ghoulettes are Cirrus and Aurora.”
“You have quite the pack here,” You said after Cumulus finished.
Aether chuckled. “We really do, and we would love to have you as a part of it whenever you are ready.”
You smiled and blushed, “I think I would very much like that.”
Cumulus smiled and cuddled closer to you. That was the future, but for now you enjoyed your dinner surrounded by your new found family.
#crow and mouse writings#mod mouse writing#the band ghost#ghost bc#ghost#nameless ghouls#nameless ghouls x reader#nameless ghouls x gn!reader#poly#poly ghouls#polyghouls#aether ghoul#cumulus ghoulette#mountain ghoul#papa emeritus iv#papa copia
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Sonic Blog | Apron Strings Blog | Patreon
#baital#vampire#ghoul#revenant#blender#ps1 aesthetic#low poly#ps1#creature#3d model#3d animation#3d#ps1 graphics#indie project#indie animation#indie game#indie#yagamimi#luigi yagami#creature design
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I just wanted to know if I'm alone in this, but do you ever wish the COD fandom was a little less ghost centric? No hate to anyone who writes about or loves ghost, I like reading fics about him, it just feels a little boring sometimes when 80% of all fics, fan art and cosplays are of him. No hate at all, I love your work, I'm just curious.
Oh no I agree it's very Ghost centric, and I say that as part of the problem. That's my boy, I love that mess of a man. I think the reason behind it is really simple though, and it's TikTok.
I think a lot of people(especially young people) were exposed to MW2 through TikTok because someone on their feed was gushing about the masked men in it. I have serious doubts as to how much of the fandom has actually played the games, and while sure there's always one character every fandom latches onto, I would've thought it would be Soap because he's one of the playable characters, or even Graves for the same reason! (Unfortunately there's too much racism in fandom for Gaz to become the one everyone latches onto, but he should've been, he's so charming and pretty everyone should've gone crazy over him.)
Another part of the issue is how Activision treats Ghost. He's constantly getting new skins and merchandise, and while this could be because he was the darling of the original MW2 franchise('09 Ghost my love) it's also probably a response to fandom engagement.
I agree, it does get boring when he's all that's out there. And again when there's so much of the fandom that's never played the game, sometimes it can be hard to sift through and find actual accurate characterization of him. There's so much flanderized Ghost in fandom and it kinda grinds my gears. Not because I think my interpretation is perfect or anything, just because some of it is so far from Canon that it's painfully clear the writer is a fan of Ghost cosplayers and not Ghost the character.
So I think a lot of folks would agree with you. That's why I see such a push towards Gaz/Soap/Price as the main love interest in fics. There's just so much Simon Riley to wade through...
#ghoul speaks#dont even get me started on König or poly 141 fics#hey also i hope no one thinks im targeting anyone#because this is mainly me talking about the slop i see people trying to put on tiktok#and like maybe 2 bad fics ive read#not about any writer in particular
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Preview for patreon…set will probably be up by the end of this week? Maybe Saturday (this is my yule offering to you i guess…)
I woke up in a cold sweat and decided I had to draw Aether/Sodo/Copia/Mountain 😀😀😀😀😀😀😩😩😩😩😩
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Some Things Lost
Rain Ghoul Centric Amnesia Fic
Featuring Poly Ghouls Omega, Aether, Dewdrop, Mountain, and Rain
Before Phantom era
Small warnings for medical talk + amnesia + GAYYY + mentions an IV like . Once lmao
It's eyes opened in a flash, pupils dilating to accommodate the blinding white of the walls surrounding it. It - .. no, he couldn't stop a hiss of pain from slipping through his teeth, arms weak and shaking as they struggle to support his weight as he sits up. Cerulean eyes squeeze shut, trying to block out the light and the mounting headache seemingly caused by them.
"No- no- hey, slow down there. You're going to hurt yourself more." A soothing voice to his right said. The eyes opened again, body relaxing once they took in the space that's now dimly lit. He looked over to who was speaking, a tall and built quintessence ghoul, worriedly looking at him as if he would fade away in a moments notice. The being tilted his head, not sure what's quite going on. Unintelligently, he mumbles a small pained, "ow.."
The quint tries to fight down a chuckle but ultimately fails, a small but genuine smile gracing his features. It thinks the ghoul's smile is pretty. It suits him. He blinks, focusing back in as the bigger ghoul... Is he a ghoul too? Is he even a he? .. They blink . Again . Eyes focusing once again on the quint. "Rain, come on... That's it, there you go. Stay present. Stay here with me, okay?"
It lets out a small sound of confusion, head tilting. "Rain? It's raining? .. I like the rain I think ... But I'm definitely not moving. My head hurts." They mumble, hand moving to try and touch their head. The ghoul looks more worried than before, gently catching his hand and moving it away from his head. "No- no Rain, you can't touch that. Your bandages need to stay on for at least another day... Do you know who I am?"
'Rain' takes the moment to really study the other's features. A strong and large build, but not particularly muscular. Something tells him the other is very comfortable to lay on and is a great source of warmth, but when he tries to chase the train of thought, he winces in pain as his headache stabs back in defiance. A name draws blank in his mind, nothing familiar.
It slowly shakes it's head no, looking down in shame. It's eyes widen at the sight of plain white sheets and something sticking out of its arm. The smell of chemical is more distinct and it can identify the annoying insistent beeping of some machine. They look at there arm, seeing it connected through an IV to some sort of fluid.
The IV starts to feel itchy, so they try and pull it out only for the quintessence ghoul to stop them with a panicked noise. "Okay ... I think you have some sort of amnesia... But it's hard to tell what kind at this very moment, so I .." He frowns, sighing with an emotional shake in his voice. "We're going to take care of you Rain. We will help you relearn and hopefully get your memories back. You ... You were in a bad accident, but you're going to be okay. It's.. it's going to be okay."
They feel bad, a hesitant and remorseful expression on their face as if they want to ask a question. The other ghoul fights back their own emotions, trying to appear put together. "What do you want to ask?" It feels something on their head lower in embarrassment and they meekly ask, "Am.. I Rain?"
If it thought things couldn't feel worse, it was just proven wrong. The heart shattering expression on the other's face made it backpedal on its words. "Oh- I uhm. I was just joking! I ..." They fumbled over their words, trying to figure out how to make it better. The quint just took their hands in his, shaking his head silently to request them to stop speaking. "No, it's okay. You don't need to lie. If anything, I need you to tell the truth. .. Let's do quick introductions then, how about that?"
It nodded, hoping this ghoul could explain more about what's happening and why they're in the infirmary wing instead of their room. They hiss, trying to grip at their head as a stabbing pain starts up again. How did they know this was an infirmary and not a hospital? They have a room here? The quintessence ghoul quickly moves their hand away from their head, making gentle shushing sounds and soothing coos.
"Shh.. hey... It's okay.. it's okay... Don't try and force yourself to remember... It'll make it worse.." The other says apologetically. It makes their head hurt more. Why is he sorry? "Alright, I'll go first. My name is Aether, and I'm a quintessence ghoul. We are in a band together, which I play rhythm guitar for. I like the colour purple and astronomy. Your turn, if you're comfortable?" The ghoul nods slightly, 'Aether's' encouraging and hopeful tone spurring them on.
"My name is .. Rain ... And I . I'm in a band. I like the colour azure.. and ... My favourite song is Con Clavi?" Rain says with hesitation. Aether's proud and happy smile makes his tail wag, glad to know that he made the other happy. "Yes! Good job, Rain! You're also a water ghoul and you also play bass! Does that sound familiar?" The bigger ghoul's tail wags a bit as well, the basic memory inclining that it's not all memories, just sporadically missing pieces.
Rain shrugs with a small nod. "I guess? I don't know.." He mumbles self consciously, hands finding their way to the thin white sheets and rubbing them between his fingers anxiously. Aether's eyes soften when he catches the movement, tone gentler than before when he speaks. "It's alright. We will help you. It's going to be alright."
The whole situation feels like reliving a memory for Aether, having been the main one to guide Rain through the confusing life on Earth after his initial summoning. He sees himself and his role in the pack as a protector and a caretaker, happy to be that for his fellow ghouls that he loves and cares for so much. Right now, he sees that timid but oh so fierce water ghoul that once stood trembling but claws readied in middle of the summoning circle.
He struggles to see the confident but subdued personality he's come to grow used to as Rain got more comfortable being in this strange moral realm. Still, Aether manages a smile. "I'll leave you to rest then, but I'll be nearby. Call me, or press that button if you need anything, alright?" Rain looks thoughtful before nodding, honestly just thankful to have a moment to himself to try and process everything he's just been told.
As Aether goes to move away he hesitates before pushing a stray hair from Rain's bangs out of his face, kissing him lightly on the temple before stepping away with a longing and sorrowful expression. He exits the room, closing the door and pausing there before his breathing hitches and the first wave of tears roll down his cheeks.
The quintessence ghoul wipes them away with his arm angrily, upset at himself for mourning someone who can still be saved. Rain's not... Gone.. He's just... ... Aether's breathing stutters and he lets his weight rest against the door, slowly sliding to the floor with silent sobs. His water ghoul is still there, he just has to help him remember... But it's so.. painful watching someone revert to a husk of their former self.
Omega, one of the older quintessence ghouls in the ministry, was doing his rounds in the infirmary. He had heard about the situation with Rain and his injuries but hadn't learned the full extent. He went to check up on the newest water ghoul, eyes widening in alarm upon finding the crying quint. He rushes over, dropping to his knees next to Aether, quickly wrapping the smaller ghoul in a hug.
The position was awkward and definitely not super comfortable, but it was comforting and that's enough. Aether's silent cries became ugly sobs, crying into his mentor's chest while Omega tried to calm him down, running his fingers through his hair and lacing his touch with quintessence.
The ex-guitarist's mind raced with probabilities and statistics. The damage couldn't have been so severe as to kill Rain, could it? But the normally put-together quint in his arms suggested otherwise. "What's going on, nova?" He asked softly, knowing he needed the space to vent. Aether finally seemed to catch his breath, sniffling and using the heel of his palm to wipe the tears from his eyes.
New ones grew back in the old one's place, but he didn't seem to care. "Not... Not here." He whispered, voice breaking with the flood of emotions. Omega just nodded gently, helping the other to his feet. The rhythm ghouls make their way to the small office tucked away in the corner of the infirmary wing.
Aether lets himself fall into the chair, fighting back the tears again so he can explain to Omega what's going on. He takes a deep breath and steels himself, preparing to elaborate. "As you may know, better than anyone, some people in the clergy weren't so happy with Copia becoming Papa..." Omega winces, lips twitching into a frown as he remembers the gruesome dethroning of his Papa.
Aether brushes his tail against Omega's leg apologetically, a silent understanding lingering between them for a few moments. "There was a ... A trap. Set up for Copia. But Rain..." Aether closes his eyes and lets his head fall back against the chair, hands gripping the arm rests as he tries to think of his next words. "Rain took the hit instead." He lets out a breath, a small whine slipping out alongside it. "No one knows if it was on purpose or not. He's, thankfully, going to be okay but.. his memory is all messed up and now there's a whole investigation going on, trying to figure out who's trying to hurt Papa and-"
Omega cuts him off with a hug, one that Aether easily leans into. His shoulders shake with the weight of his cries as he lets Omega comfort him again in such a short amount of time. "I'm sorry-" The older quint cuts him off quickly.
"Don't be. You have nothing to apologize for. Grieving for what you've lost does not make you weak, as long as you remember to cherish what you currently have. Dead flowers cause the moon to weep, but it's the new rain mixed with the compost that allows the new flora to flourish, in turn feeding the fauna. Everything will work out just fine, starlight."
Aether can't fight a smile from forming on his face, a wet laugh leaving him. "Where did all that just come from?" Omega stammers for a moment, flustered a bit but laughin along with him. "I thought it was a good metaphor! I thought I did great!" He says defensively, but his tone is so light and the large smile tells Aether he wasn't actually offended.
"It was. You did great, Megs." Aether says genuinely, vulnerability slipping into his tone as the laughter subsides. Aether gently holds Omega's face in his hands, gently pulling him closer for a quick kiss. "Thank you... I needed to hear that I think." Omega flushes, always shy under affection. "Uh.. yeah... No problem..."
The shy behaviour from his mentor is enough to lift the rhythm guitarist's spirits again. "I could use a second opinion, if you have a moment? I'm suspecting some retrograde amnesia, but I haven't tested if he remembers our conversation from earlier. He had difficulties remembering things about himself and me. He even said his favourite song was Con Clavi Con Dio! Can you believe it?" He said with a slight edge of hysteria in his voice.
Omega can't help the small chuckle at Aether's exasperation at the favourite song choice, but is mentally revising all the medical knowledge he has aqquired. While the exasperation is mostly for show, it was worrying to hear since anyone who had been around the bassist long enough knew that his favourite song was by far Prime Mover.
On one of his very few interactions alone with the quiet ghoul, he had been witness to a long winded explanation on why the bass line in particular was one of his favourites to play and how the drum track lined up in such a way that it was fun to perform as well. It's one of his favourite memories he has of the water ghoul, having thoroughly enjoyed that conversation.
"Well, let me see the patient." Omega says in his best professional voice, cracking a smile when Aether laughs at him. The closer they get to Rain's room, the more Aether's tail lowers with anxiety. Omega intertwines his tail with Aether's, pressing a kiss to his cheek in what he hopes is a reassuring gesture. When they're outside the door, they can hear voices from inside. Aether's eyebrows furrow as he opens the door, eyes wide in surprise as he sees Mountain speaking to a clearly confused and distraught Rain.
"And you're so stupid for that. I mean, honestly! Taking a hit like that? You're lucky I wasn't there or that sibling of sin would've been dead five times over, and then some. Papa should have body guards anyways! Why did you take the hit? Or, did they sneak up on you? How! You're a ghoul! A damn smart one too! You're luck you're so pretty or else I'd ... I'm not sure, but stop worrying me so much I-" Aether clears his throat, hand resting on the taller ghoul's shoulder.
Mountain growls at Aether before it dies off in his throat as he sees the serious look on the normally joyful quint. The guitarist moves away from Mountain, heading over to the bed where Rain still sits, looking confused and slightly scared. "Hey, Rain. Remember me?" The bassist nods, a small but nervous smile on his face. "Y. Yeah... Uhm.. Whats going on?" He says sheepishly, eyeing the tall drummer with caution.
The Earth ghoul has the right to look offended, going to retort playfully as he normally would, but Omega shakes his head discouragingly at him, mouthing for him to keep quiet for now. Aether sits on the chair next to the bed, humming as he thinks of where to start. "Well.. this is Mountain, say hello Mountain." The drummer looks on in quiet confusion before saying a quiet greeting.
Aether smiles encouragingly at that, chuckling slightly at Rain's shy wave. "And my name is Omega." The older quint introduces, nodding in a respectful way as a greeting. Rain nods at that. "I know." Aether blinks in surprise. "You remember Omega?" Rain looks at Aether in confusion. "Of course! He taught Dew bass, remember? Then Dew taught me." He said confidently, as if Aether was the one misremembering things.
While it's true that Omega taught Dewdrop and then Dew taught Rain, it didn't make sense why he would remember Dew and Omega but not Mountain and Aether. Mountain's eyes widen as he realizes the situation. "He.. Can't remember everything?" Omega nods solemnly, moving to hold the Earth ghoul's hand comfortingly. "Not quite. But we're trying to fix it... Though that doesn't explain why he knows me but not you two."
Rain looks between the ghouls, staring at their joined hands. He feels a sting of emotion, something akin to anger or... Jealousy? He grips his head, hissing as his headache flares. Aether gently soothes him into laying down again, trying to ease the pain with traces of his element. "It's alright, like I said, don't push yourself too hard. We don't want you to permanently damage your brain."
The water ghoul's eyes widen. "I can do that?" He asks softly, voice laced with real fear. Aether curses under his breath, quickly shaking his head. "No! No, you can't. I just.. I was trying to get you to calm down." He says rushedly. Rain relaxes marginally at that, but still bites at his lip anxiously. "Now to figure out what's going on with your memory patterns.."
"I might have an idea." Mountain suggests. Aether looks at the drummer with a look of confusion. The quint has way more medical knowledge than the other, there's no way he could figure it out but Rather couldn't. "Well... Go on then." Omega encourages, intrigued.
"He doesn't remember me or Aether, but he remembers you and Dew, right?" The other ghouls nod in agreement, not sure where this is leading. "But he can form new memories and is just struggling with the past.." He continues. Aether's gets impatient, anxiety mounting. "Please just get to the point."
Mountain puts his hand up defensively, the other still laced with Omega's. "Okay, okay.." He takes a breath. "I could be wrong, but he might only remember the older era ghouls." Aether looks at him with a deadpan expression. Mountain is quick to elaborate. "He said he remembers Dew, but that doesn't mean he knows him after the element change... Do you see where I'm going with this?"
Omega's eyes widen as he processes the new information, running over the idea in his mind. "He knows Dew but only as a water ghoul, when me and him were in the band together. That's why he mentioned learning bass from him, because the water element is linked to the instrument!" Mountain nods in agreement. "We could call for Dew and test that theory-" "No."
Mountain looks over at Aether in confusion. "Wha-" "I said no." Aether's fist clenches as he takes a breath to calm down. "I love Dew, but we remember how he was to Rain after the change." Omega frowns, speaking up on his own thoughts. "Aren't they close now?" Rain looks on, lost as he tried to follow the conversation about him as if he's not right there. "Yes but.. what if Rain just remembers him when he was an asshole? I can't subject him to that right now! He's much too fragile in this state and-"
Rain clears his throat, the sound quieter than he wished for it to be, but he supposes it's fine since it made the quint pause. "I'm able to think for myself, you know. I don't know how you know me but if Dew is there, I'd like to talk to him. He was the best teacher I could ever ask for- ... No offence, Megalodon." He says sheepishly, using the old nickname for Omega in hopes it wouldn't upset the other rhythm guitarist.
Omega frowns slightly at the meek behaviour, not used to the shy Rain. He tries a placating smile, hoping to ease Rain's anxiety. "None taken." He says truthfully, not minding in the slightest.
The way Rain talks about Omega and Dew makes Aether believe his memories must be somewhere right before the element change, since Dew was still a water ghoul when teaching Rain bass. It was only after the change where Dew felt aggression towards the newer summon, redirecting the pain to anger.
Aether sighs, resting his head in his hands and closing his eyes to steady his thoughts. Would it be better to try and jog his memory or try and avoid it? The rhythm guitarist hasn't dealt with any amnesia or brain trauma patients, the territory unfamiliar and terrifying. Especially since it's someone so close to him.
However, Rain did have a point. Even if Aether wanted to keep Dew away, Rain is still in charge of his own life and his physical health doesn't seem to be at risk by allowing him to see the ex-bassist. With a reluctant frown, he texts Dew that Rain is awake and wants to see him. The quint makes sure to specifically warn Dew that the injured water ghoul may not have any recent memories of him, and may not even be aware of the element transition.
The read receipt pops up, showing that the fire ghoul is either reading the text or has already read it. The typing bubbles pop up for a few moments before disappearing and reappearing again. Aether's grip on the phone is tight and nervous, Omega coming over to gently run his fingers through the smaller quint's hair reassuringly.
Rain looks to Mountain with a pleading expression. "So.. I can see him?" The earth ghoul nods, moving over to the side of the bed and nudging Aether's foot with his to silently make him move so Mountain can have the chair next to the bed. "Yeah. We're just waiting on him to text back and let us know when he'll be here-" The door is slammed open and Dew pants lightly as if he just ran here. "... Well, I guess he's here now." Mountain says with amusement.
Aether looks at his phone, making sure he didn't miss a text. The typing bubbles never turned into words, making the quint look at Dew in confusion. The fire ghoul waves him off, pushing past him and Omega to get to the bed. He hops onto the end of the mattress, looking at the water ghoul with what seems to be a nonchalant expression, but Omega can see that he's heavily scanning the bassist for injuries and signs of distress
"So, you made it out alive, huh?" Dew says teasingly, trying to guage how Rain is doing based on the response. A flicker of recognition sparks in those cerulean eyes, a real and genuine smile on his face for the first time since Mountain has visited. "Of course I did. I can't die that easily. This is the skin of a killer, Bella!" He says with fake seriousness, a laugh bubbling from his throat before he can stop it.
Mountain's tail wags a little at hearing the cute little squeaks in his packmate's laugh, happy to hear he's feeling better. Even if Rain has no memory of Mountain, the Earth ghoul would rather have the bassist happy and content over anything else in the whole world. Nothing is more important to Mountain than his pack's wellbeing.
Omega looks between Dew and Rain with a confused expression, blinking incredulously. "You.. remember watching Twilight, but not Aether." Rain goes to retort but pauses, brows furrowing in confusion and concentration. "I .. I don't know? It just felt natural.." He mumbles, his joyful demeanor diminishing almost instantly.
Mountain frowns, trying to think of a way to cheer him up again. Dew beats him to it. "Maybe your half of a brain will start working once you get some food in you. Have you eaten yet? I mean, I know I call you fish stick for a reason but you seriously need some meat on your bones or something." Rain huffs and clicks at him with indignation. "Coming from you? That's rich! ... But uhm. Yeah, I'm starving." He says shyly at the end.
Omega grabs Aether's hand and guides him to the door. "I'll get some food started for you guys then, okay? Rain, you should be all clear to go. Just make sure you're with someone so if something happens you have help.. Come on, supernova." He says gently, guiding the emotionally drained quint out of the room with him. Rain makes a displeased cringing face at Omega's words, hissing out what seems to be a mocking impression under his breath. He's clearly displeased about how fragile everyone is treating him.
Dew chuckles and stretches dramatically, resting on top of the water ghoul. "Relax. They just care about you, that's all. They're stupid idiots who don't understand your strength, sure, but they're also incredibly worried about you... Or somethin, I dunno." He says genuinely for a moment before throwing back on his causal persona. Mountain rolls his eyes, watching as the fire ghoul slowly applies more pressure by laying on top of the now squirming water ghoul who pushes weakly at him with laughter.
The drummer scruffs the back of Dew's shirt, hauling him off the giggling bassist. "Thanks, M!" He chirps out happily, tail wagging as he taunts the restrained guitarist. "Watch yourself, Rain. I'm planning my revenge." Dewdrop growls out, but his tail wags playfully just as much. He squirms more until Mountain puts him down. "Behave." The taller ghoul says with a teasing tone.
Mountain's eyes dart over to Rain as the bassist tries to move off the bed. He gently moves Dew out of the way, helping the injured ghoul to his feet and carefully removing the IV for him. He double checks that Rain is alright and can stand on his own, before taking a step back. .. he then steps forward again and triple checks, his worry for his packmate overtaking his logic. "Dude, he's fine. See?" The fire ghoul throws a pillow at Rain, watching as the bassist blinks in shock for a moment before trying to lunge at the other.
The Earth ghoul sighs, but it's just for show. He smiles as he quietly asks Rain if he can carry him, the water ghoul looking at him hesitantly before nodding and wrapping his arms around the drummer's neck as he's picked up. Dew takes the time to be a little nuisance, poking at Rain until Mountain glares at him with enough of a threat to make him back off with a self satisfied smirk.
"Don't worry, dragonfly. No one will hurt you when I'm here."
Ch.2 :
#the band ghost#ghost the band#rain ghoul#rain ghost#angst comfort#angst with a happy ending#aether ghost#aether ghoul#omega ghoul#omega ghost#mountain ghoul#mountain ghost#poly ghouls#polyghouls#dewdrop ghost#dewdrop ghoul#sodo ghost#sodo ghoul#ghost bc#ghost bc fanfic#Syndicate Amnesia Fics
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Dew and Swiss cuddling when its cold
Dew and Swiss tangled tails while they cuddle
Swiss being big spoon
Do you see my vision?
#ghost bc#the nameless ghouls#sfw#dewdrop ghoul#poly ghouls#ghoul headcanons#the band ghost#swiss ghoul#swiss x dewdrop
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