oftincturedwords · 1 year
Just dropping by to say you have a beautiful cat fewjd please give her a little scratch behind the ears for me (if she likes that)🥹
in reference to [ x ]
thank you ! <3 she is a dilute tortoiseshell , her mother is a tortoiseshell so i always joke that baby was born when the printer was low on ink xD agskdlflg
&& baby appreciates the compliment & the scratch behind the ears ( that is her favourite spot to be petted so yes she loves it ! ) she came up further on my bed as i was petting her , very happy with her ear scratches ^^ she would say thank you for the additional affection if she could <3
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acetonitril · 10 months
For the wip game "(and it hurts) when the beauty is lost in the speed" because it says a lot and I really want to know what's about 👀
Oh that's a good one! It's the next part of my free use series and thus pretty much only porn. Basically, Bradley ties Jake to the bed and does with him whatever he wants. I'll put a snippet under the cut!
For a while, Jake was happy, very very happy where he was. 
That was, until Bradley said, “Don’t come before my cock is inside you,” shoved three fingers past Jake’s rim, and leaned down to suck at the head of Jake’s cock. 
Normally, Jake prides himself in being good, in doing Bradley every favor he can possibly ask for. But mornings are hard. Mornings are for cuddling, for lazy rutting against each other, for Jake letting Bradley use his body however he wants, while Jake can doze and be vulnerable. Because even after a cold shower and a cup of coffee, Jake might be awake, he might be alert, but he isn’t yet in full control of all of his reactions. 
Bradley, that bastard, knows this. Bradley also knows how to methodically take Jake apart, his fingers only brushing Jake’s prostate teasingly until he’s managed to swallow down the entire length of Jake’s cock. With his nose in Jake’s pubic hair, his throat constricting around the head of Jake’s cock, and the three fingers finally finding Jake’s prostate with an accuracy only brought on by familiarity to press down hard, Jake can’t do anything to keep himself from spurting come down Bradley’s throat. 
Which left Bradley unhappy and Jake tied up.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 2 years
This is a tumblr hug, or a tumblr high five, or a tumblr sitting in the same room together, pass it on to your ten favorite followers or mutuals ❤️🫂
Thank you! I'm not one for chain mail but I do appreciate it
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callsignmav · 6 months
Pete wrapped his arm around Tom while gently playing with his hair.
“Hey, Mav?”
He could only looked at his husband and encouraged him to continue. Pete had no strength to talk without breaking.
“Will you still be my wingman in the our next life?” Ice said weakly.
Pete nodded with tears, “Forever and ever, babe.”
He felt Tom moved closer towards his embrace and released a slow, painful breath.
The flatline tone was the only sound Pete could hear.
— for @pollyna
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topguncommentbingo · 6 months
[icemav] holding hands
written for @pollyna by @pushthequorumbutton (fnd it on ao3 here!)
“What the hell are you doing,” Mav hissed, trying to disengage as discreetly as possible. Ice only sidled closer.
“What does it look like I’m doing,” he murmured. Instead of letting go, he entangled their fingers so their hands were clasped palm to palm. “Relax. We can’t be discharged over this anymore.”
Mav darted furtive glances around the room. True, nobody really seemed to be looking at them, although Polo from the 123rd caught his eye and gave a silent toast. Mav nodded back.
“Yeah.” Mav relaxed the tension in his shoulders. “Okay.”
Ice squeezed his hand. Mav squeezed back.
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festivetopgun2024 · 3 months
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lightning + sand = glass hearts by pinetreegreen (@evergreenpineneedle)
for pollyna (@pollyna)
Ship: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Rating: E
Word Count: 22,095
Hangman's got a crush. When he rescues Bradshaw from a perv, they have to fall into a fake relationship. It's just for a few weeks, right?
[See previous Fake Dating Fic.]
[Top Gun 🌞Secret 🎅Fake Dating Fic Exchange Collection]
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wildbornsiren · 11 months
Sweat || Ron 'Slider' Kerner/Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw.
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Summary: It's hot and Slider isn't helping.
1,099 words Ron "Slider" Kerner/Nick "Goose" Bradshaw.
Warnings: Sweat, Grinding.
Notes: I really should stop fighting the muses. Thank you so much @writercole for the beta.  I love comments and reblogs, likes make me happy. Thank you so very much for reading. It’s so appreciated and means the most. 
Cross posted to @wbslibrary​ follow there for more fic
(tagging in a few: @lorecraft @green-socks @semperhuggs @antiquitea @skiddit @pollyna @sliderkerner @icemankazansky  )
The air shimmers, heat waves rising off the blacktop. The sun beats down mercilessly, reflecting off the jets. The radio in the corner of the hangar chirps about the heat wave continuing for another four days, at least. Goose is thoroughly convinced that he no longer has a corporeal form but is melting. He’s draped himself over a couple of wooden crates, staring up at the ceiling at the fans that do nothing but move hot, stale air around. Mav’s sitting against one of the crates, and he can feel the vibrations coming from the other man.
 It’s too fuckin’ hot.
 The air boss and command are bickering if training should continue, or end for the day and have an altered schedule until the heat breaks. Which left the rest of the class to find some respite from the hellscape while plans were made. The buildings multiply the heat, packed with other personnel and even shittier fans that do nothing to provide any sort of comfort.
 There’s a tap on his leg, and Nick manages to open an eye. Ron is standing entirely too close, he points to one of Nick’s legs, and he lets it drop from the crate. The other RIO sits down heavily. “Runway is registering 120*” he says.
 “I really don’t want to hear that.” Nick groans, sitting up. There was space between them, but it was still too close. Their flight suits were heavy and hot, in addition to the gear they wore and carried. “I’m about ten minutes from walking into the ocean.”
Mav’s on his feet, pacing back and forth. He’s chewing on his thumb, and if it weren’t so fucking hot, Nick would have told him to calm down. “I’m going to go see if there’s any updates.”
“Yeah, yeah, go find Ice.” Nick snorts. “Arguing with him should help you burn off some energy.”
“Thanks man,” Mav glares at him, “you are so helpful, as always.” He winks over his shoulder as he heads for the main building.
 Ron chuckles, and it’s a nice sound. It draws Nick’s attention, and he continues to watch the other man. His eyes follow the path of a droplet of sweat that runs down Ron’s neck, disappearing under the collar of his flight suit. There’s a sheer sheen on his tanned skin, and Nick shoves his hands into his pockets. The urge to reach out and touch, taste, lick the salt from heated skin is getting to be overwhelming. He swallows hard and looks away.
 “Something wrong Goose?” Ron leans closer. Nick can smell his cologne, the warmth of the day, and under it all something that is distinctly Ron.
 “S’hot.” Nick says, wiping his forehead with his sleeve. “Tired of it.” It’s just the two of them in the hangar, and if anyone chews his ass about not being in uniform, Nick decides he’ll just take it. He unzips the flight suit, twisting out of most of his gear, letting the heavy canvas hang around his hips. It’s only marginally cooler in a sweat stained white t-shirt, but at least now he can breathe.
 Ron does the same, only he’s sitting on the crate shirtless, a crumpled t-shirt next to him. “At least it’ll dry.”
 This, this is far worse, Nick thinks. Sweat rolls down Ron’s neck, between his pecs, his gaze following it onto Ron’s belly. “If you spread it out, maybe.” His voice is thick, words heavy on his tongue. He can’t look away, beads of moisture gathering on Ron’s shoulders, the swell of his bicep, tracing the cording of his muscular arm.
 It's hotter than fuck in the hangar and it’s not just because of the giant flaming murder ball in the sky.
 He blinks, drawn out of the most delicious of thoughts when Ron says his name. The other man is standing in front of him, peering owlishly into his face. “You with me?”
 “Yeah, yeah.” Nick says. It’s been too long since they’ve been alone together, too long to be this close and in the open. Classes and training had taken up everything, and they barely managed to sneak hurried kisses, let alone get into what they really wanted. Nick reaches out, fingers tangling in Ron’s damp hair, pulling him in for a kiss. It’s a messy, needful thing, all teeth and tongue, Ron’s calloused hands gripping the slim sliver of skin that peeks out at Nick’s hips. Nick’s other hands glide over heated skin, blunt nails skimming over Ron’s back.
 “I’m worried about you.” Ron rasps, lips brushing Nick’s. “You spaced out for a few minutes.”
 “You’re so goddamn hot.” Nick murmurs, mouth smearing against Ron’s jaw.
 “Everything’s hot, baby.” Ron replies, his head tipping slightly.
 “No, I mean you’re hot. I want to…” Nick exhales, licking a path along Ron’s neck. He’s warm and feels so fucking good under his tongue.
 “Tell me.”
 “Shove you in a cold shower and fuck you until we’re warm again.” His hands settle on Ron’s hips, pulling him closer. Nick leans back on the crate, taking some of Ron’s weight.
 “The one on the third floor?” Ron groans softly, hips rolling as he grinds against Nick. He swipes at his face, wiping his hands on his pants. “Sorry baby don’t mean to drip on you.”
 Nick licks along Ron’s jaw. “You taste so good.” He moans softly. “Yeah, midnight? We should be back in time for 0300 bed check.” They’re both sticky and wet, bodies gliding together. Nick has lost his shirt, and Ron laps at his collarbones. Ron’s hands are hot, too hot, and Nick moves under them like silk. He’s craved this for so long, and he barely registers that they’re in the open, touching, kissing. He grunts when Ron grabs his thigh, wrapping it around his waist, pushing him down onto the crate. He grabs Ron’s dog tags, pulling the warm metal into his mouth, tongue tracing the letters of the name he loves so much.
 “Midnight.” Ron rasps. “I’ll get Mav and Ice riled, so we won’t be followed.” Teeth graze Nick’s throat, his chest, a love bite sinking into his side.  
 The loudspeaker crackles to life, and they jump apart. “All flights, trainings and flight exercises have been canceled for the next 72 hours. Personnel will report to receive alternate duty.” There’s a metallic whine before it falls silent.
 “I’ll be there.” Nick says, grabbing his shirt, pulling it back on. “I promise.”
 Ron yanks him in, forehead pressed to Nick’s. “I’ll see you soon, asshole.”
 “I love you too, darling.” Nick grins.
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
The Sun and The Moon
Literally just Stiles as Daenerys and Derek as Drogo
Note: Consent is sexy!
@axelwolf8109 @epickiya722 @thebejeweledwatercat @pollyna @taechnology777 @greek-freak101 @jackiequick
Moodboard once again done by the extremely talented @ravenclaw-seeker
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"What if he doesn't like me?" Stiles whispered to his friend and guardian Scott. "I believe that he's at the least interested enough to agree to a marriage" Scott smiled gently.
Stiles closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Will he let me take you with?" Scott thought about that. "Potentially"
Stiles didn't know whether to be absolutely terrified or happy that the Khal, named Derek, seemed to approve. His aunt Kate was overjoyed to the point of madness, as if Stiles' suffering was nothing if it meant she would get close to the throne.
The Khal's personal guard Jackson got Stiles ready for their wedding. "You're nervous"
"Of course I am" Stiles whined. "All I can suggest is that you follow his every move exact" The young man nodded and stood up
Derek didn't even send one look towards his new husband, which made Stiles' anxiety grow. Scott and Jackson sat near the two, watching the many gifts grow in a pile.
Two identical young men walked up carrying a box. Kate stared on in jealousy. Stiles was too busy watching two Dothraki fight over a woman, until eventually one had his throat slashed and the winner grabbed another woman.
"A Dothraki wedding without at least two deaths is considered dull" Jackson said with a smirk.
Scott got up and opened the chest. "These are dragons eggs Stiles, they are fossilized now but still a beautiful reminder of your lineage"
"Oh Scott, thank you" Stiles held a blue egg to his chest. Derek stood up, the noise ending immediately, Stiles placed the egg back and followed after a small nod from Jackson.
Derek led a beautiful white horse and handed the reigns to Stiles. "She's beautiful" He gasped. Jackson relayed that in the Dothraki language and the Khal had a small smile in his eyes.
He hopped onto his black horse and Stiles had to helped onto his. "Do please him nephew" Kate whispered, Derek glared at her before riding off.
The sunset was so beautiful, Stiles almost forgot about his predicament. Derek walked up behind him. "No?" He muttered.
"What?" Stiles choked. "No?" Derek repeated, gently running a hand on his chest.
"Is that the only word you know?" "No?" Stiles wanted to throw up. What did it say about his husband that the only word he appeared to actually know was "No"
Derek led him to a tent and laid him down. "No?" Stiles realized with a gasp that Derek was asking for his consent.
The Khal kissed Stiles so gently it didn't match his expression and appearance at all.
"Yes" Stiles whispered. "Yes"
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pollyna · 1 year
hey pollyna. i just had a sad thought as i was listening to a song and i have to share it with you. imagine mav listening to ‘still’ by noah kahan and think about ice. my heart is breaking
Oh. I think Mav would listen it once and then never again because it's so closely personal and real it would let him deaf to anything else. Like imagine if the song passes on the radio, maybe a station Bradley chose the last time they were working together in the hangar and Mav doesn't change it because some tunes are really catchy and mostly because the radio is on the other side of where he is in that moment 'nd the song passes while he isn't really paying attention so he finds himself singing softly along until he realises what he's singing and that he's crying.
So he stops, in the middle of the hangar, with the end of the song playing in the background, tears running down his cheeks and the ghost of a laugh in his ear he thinks he used to sound like that, but he isn't sure anymore because it's been so long since the last time he heard it.
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adevotedreader · 23 days
WIP Title Game
I was tagged by @eighteaseven
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I actually have so many WIPs I'm kind of ashamed. All are Top Gun related.
It's All Okay (It's Not Okay)
ABO Fake Pregnancy
Graveyard 1
Guardian Angel
Intricate Rituals
Keep Me In Your Heart Awhile
Unk Slicemav
Weed Guy
DADT Airport
Dirty Garage
Never Been Mine
Mav Is Cat?
Here are some non-obligatory tags though not the full list: @babygirllinds, @torchflies, @blazingstar29, @polar-equinoxx, @fuddlewuddle, @pollyna, @ziggy-scardust
And if you're like man, I want to play, here is a blanket tag. If you want in on the game, come on in.
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oftincturedwords · 1 year
For the "an ask game ft niche questions i don’t see v often": the 9th doctor or Missy (or both!)
ASK GAME ( accepting ! )
thank you for taking the time to send in a character <3 i appreciate it ! two characters at that , thank you ^^ i will do both !
send me a character and i’ll tell you…
a song that reminds me of them : it's ridiculously difficult to not think of tainted love or toxic firsthand when thinking of nine because of that one episode xD but after that , 'walk through the fire' - zayde wolf & ruelle , & 'shotgun' - george ezra.
what they smell like : he certainly looks like he would smell of leather & sandalwood , but honestly i rather think he would carry the scent of patchouli , faintly of mint & vanilla with an undercurrent of leather possibly. depends on if that coat of his is real or not.
an otp : i adore nine / rose <3
a notp : i don't think i have a notp for him ?? hmm ...
favourite platonic/familial relationships : nine & rose & jack & mickey , i wish we got to see more of them as a group , more development & such adventures.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with : i am not certain if i know of any popular headcanons that i disagree with , i am sorry
the position they sleep in : soldier or perhaps curled on his side , not exactly foetal position but near enough
a crossover au i’d love to see them in : would have loved to see him have more adventures with rose as an au as well as him to have met river song & come to know the fate of gallifrey in the future , but for a crossover , erm i cannot think of any at the moment ... i mainly think of aus for nine rather than crossovers
my favourite outfit they’ve ever worn : love his usual attire !
a song that reminds me of them : one way or another - blondie
what they smell like : bergamot with an undercurrent of jasmine & hints of cinnamon
an otp : i don't think i have an otp per se , but i mean she & the doctor already act married more often than not so
a notp : missy / clara oswald , i just don't see it romantically ???
favourite platonic/familial relationships : missy & twelfth doctor , they have been friends / rivals / enemies for so long , the history & dynamics , loved the chemistry between those two in those regenerations
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with : hmmm , again i don't know of any popular headcanons that i disagree with , if i find one i will come back & fill this in
the position they sleep in : starfish xD missy seems as if she would proudly take up as much room in the bed , steal the blankets or kick them off at her will , an absolute wildcard when sleeping agdkflglg
a crossover au i’d love to see them in : i would have loved to see missy interact with river song agdkflglg , but for a different fandom crossover hmmm would love to see her interact with q from star trek , i bet they would have a grand time causing absolute mischief & mayhem
my favourite outfit they’ve ever worn : absolutely love her in purple !! especially her outfits in dark water / death in heaven & the witch's familiar
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topgun-ace-week · 1 year
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Are you a fanwork creator? Are you interested in Top Gun (1986) or Top Gun: Maverick (2022)? Are you A-spec, A-spec ally, or simply interested in making A-spec-related fanwork?
Then this event is for you!
Along with this year's Ace Awareness Week (22-29 October 2023), we're hoping to bring anything related to asexuality and Top Gun to one place and time. There'll be eight days, seven with its own themes and one free space day to quench the thirst for anything that didn't fit in said themes. The event is open for fics, art, edits, podfics, and anything else that can be posted either on Tumblr or AO3 in the Top Gun Ace Week Collection.
Any ships/characters are welcome as long as they're Top Gun-related! All works are to be related to asexuality - and the chosen day's theme — with additional prompts available.
Check out Rules for more.
Each day will have a general theme and secondary non-obligatory prompts. Take a look below for proposed options and tell us what you think in the interest form before we revise the event!
You might also take a peek at the event's Google Doc here.
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(Day - Compulsory Theme - additional, non-obligatory prompts)
Day 1 - Micro Labels - Not A Naval Aviator AU - humor
Day 2 - Flirting - Coffee Shop AU - angst
Day 3 - Sex-Indifferent - Sports AU - hurt/comfort
Day 4 - Aromantic Ace - Different First Meeting AU - smut
Day 5 - Coming Out - Crossover/Different Settings AU - fluff
Day 6 - Sex-Repulsed - Soulmates AU - fluff
Day 7 - Queerplatonic - College AU - romance
Day 8 - Free Ace Week Day - Anything you want related to asexuality goes here!
More in our Prompts tab!
Tagging you here as promised @pollyna!
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bearsinpotatosacks · 2 years
Freeze! You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful! 💖
Thank you, I am too tired to share but I really appreciate it
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topguncommentbingo · 6 months
[slice] platonic cuddling
written for @pollyna by @paulmezcal (find it on ao3 here!)
It’s been days, Ice hasn’t said a word, so Slider doesn’t ask permission when he enters Ice’s room and climbs into bed with him. The bunks are too small for a grown man, let alone two, but Slider doesn’t care. If it weren’t for Ice’s huffing as they clumsily rearrange their limbs, it’d almost be like Ice didn’t even notice Slider’s presence.
As it is, Slider gets them to lay, chest to back. He slides an arm around Ice’s middle and nuzzles those frosted tips, feeling Ice relax against him.
“Thank you,” Ice murmurs. Slider squeezes his stomach.
“Anytime, brother.”
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festivetopgun2024 · 2 months
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Heaven Written by pollyna (@pollyna)
for WinterLadyy (@spacewinter)
Ship: Nick "Goose" Bradshaw/Ron "Slider" Kerner
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,721
Five people, and five different occasions, who realise Goose and Slider are in love + one time they finally realise it for themselves (mostly).
[See previous Fake Dating Fic.]
[Top Gun 🌞Secret 🎅Fake Dating Fic Exchange Collection]
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He always thought he’d prefer a silver ring. But Ice ended up with a golden band around his left ring finger. Gold standing out against his skin while Mav whispered into his chest that silver was just a bit too on brand for the Iceman. 
“I may have fallen in love with Iceman but now I love you Tom. Every part of you.”
Only Mav would have come up with a sappy excuse to just admit that he’d forgotten that Ice prefered silver over gold jewerly. Ice didn’t mind in the end, it was his golden wedding ring from Mav.
For @pollyna , hope you enjoy!
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