#goose x slider
pollyna · 1 year
Mav thinks Goose's other soulmate must be really something - and all positive things - considering the way Goose is always so happy and eager to talk to him over the phone and do a lot of miles to see him even if only during the weekend.
So when a guy, not taller than Goose but definitely bulkier, approces them at the O-Club, only says "Hey dickhead" before literally picking Goose up and putting him on the counter to kiss him for the next five minutes or so, Mav doesn't know if to like the guy or to punch him then and there.
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bobonboard · 1 year
Goose and slider are definitely exes
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festivetopgun2024 · 3 months
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Heaven Written by pollyna (@pollyna)
for WinterLadyy (@spacewinter)
Ship: Nick "Goose" Bradshaw/Ron "Slider" Kerner
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,721
Five people, and five different occasions, who realise Goose and Slider are in love + one time they finally realise it for themselves (mostly).
[See previous Fake Dating Fic.]
[Top Gun 🌞Secret 🎅Fake Dating Fic Exchange Collection]
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viioggvl · 4 months
Finally continuing !!1!!!1!!1!
(pt. 1^^^)
Ron huffs as his ex lover storms out the lockers. He glances at Tom, who is calmly changing into civilian clothes. Ron then looks at Maverick. Maverick glares back at Ron. Ron can’t help himself, so he grins. “You and I both know he ain’t gonna tell you the story.”
Maverick doesn’t miss the way Ron didn’t say his name. Or at least his call sign. “I’m okay with that.”
Ron shrugs. “I’ll tell you my side of the story.” And he sits down on the bench, facing Maverick with a sly grin.
“Ron,” Tom finally speaks up, glancing back to give his best friend a warning look, that was waved off.
“I liked to party.” Ron started. He glares when Maverick scoffs. “I did! Still do. I’m a laid back guy, but I can never settle down. For your buddy—“
“Nick,” Maverick glares again. “Or Goose.”
“Right. Whatever,” Ron shrugs him off. “But for your buddy, I still tried. But I couldn’t break my habits. Especially because he left me alone to deal with your pansy ass. I had Tom help me, but nothing was working. I cheated on him.”
“At least you’re man enough to admit it. But WHAT THE HELL, RON!?” Maverick yells.
“Not something I was proud of, and I drunkenly admitted I cheated on him after a fight.” Ron sighs, no longer meeting Pete’s eyes. “I was sober by the time he was already gone. I loved…him. I loved Nick, Maverick, but it was too late for anything. Yet, we tried, and crashed.”
Tom pats Ron’s shoulder, handing his clothes to him. “Goose is married now, right?”
Pete nods. “Yeah, to Carole. And they have a son. Bradley.”
“Adorable.” Tom scrunched his nose. “Ron’s girlfriend is pregnant. They want to name him Jake, and have the baby take his momma’s last name. Jake Seresin.”
“The mom’s last name is Jake Seresin? So the baby’s name is gonna be Jake Jake Seresin?” Maverick questions.
“No, you dumbass.” Ron growls. “Jake Seresin. Let’s go, Ice.”
Tom nods, following his best friend out the locker room, leaving Maverick.
Pete sighs at the memory. He’s looking at The Dagger’s files, giving quick glances at their strengths and what not before they come in. Maverick pauses, when someone’s catches his attention.
Jake Seresin. Callsign- Hangman.
It’s bad enough the name is familiar, but when he sees who the father is of this competitive flyer? It feels like Maverick is back in Top Gun. Ron ‘Slider’ Kerner is the father.
Maverick puts the files away when the daggers start filing in.
Bradley with Natasha and Bob, and Jake with Javy.
Jake accidentally bumps into Bradley, and they turn to look at each other. The grin Jake gives reminds Maverick of Slider. The headache he feels coming along.
“Bradshaw!” Jake bites his bottom lip to stop himself from saying anything more.
Bradley, however, takes a moment to look Jake up and down, frowning. “Seresin.”
Jake finally takes a seat next to Javy, whispering.
Maverick gives everyone a tired look. Fucking hell. It’s Top Gun all over again.
(I made it in Ron’s point of view, showing how he didn’t think of Maverick as anything more than Maverick, until he fully opens up. And doesn’t say Nick’s name, because it’s too hard.)
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randomtacoscry · 1 year
Icemav moments from the Top Gun book (1986) - 4/4
Lmao Mav is entranced by shirtless Ice- also, a touch of Sloose? Or Glider? (Idk what their ship name is lol)
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Pg. 96
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Pg. 97
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littleroosteruwu · 2 years
Incorrect Top Gun Quotes
Goose, introducing Carole : This is my better half.
Goose, introducing Slider : This is my bitter half.
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topgunruinedme · 2 years
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Love is Blind||o.1
Read on ao3
Synopsis: "I'm Goose by the way, Neat freak. Healthy. Non-smoker. Single".
"I'm Ice. Loner, Loser and complicated wreck".
Ice needs to get away from the wreck his love life has become, Goose needs to fall out of love. What a more perfect way then traveling half way across the word to do so.
"Are there any Men in your town?".
"When can I come?".
The Holiday Au.
Notes: This book is going to take a lot of time between chapters and with the current WIPs I have I’m not sure how infrequent the updates will be so please subscribe so you don’t miss anything.
Piano music played softly in the background as a woman smiled at the camera, the image of doting love displayed on her face as she saw her lover. Smiling widely as she ran into her lovers arms embracing him as she pulled him down into a kiss.
Trapped in a lovers embrace the camera fanned, zoomed out as the piano notes grew louder revealing a man.
He was toned with an even tan, his muscles bulged slightly under his T-shirt. His brown hair was cut short similar to a buzz cut, but had just enough hair to run your fingers through. There was a pair pf aviators hanging from the V of his shirt that pulled it down slightly due to the weight revealing some of his built up pecks.
There was a hint of a necklace peaking out from the shirt, the sun catching on the silver chain slightly.
His long fingers despite their muscles appearance danced gracefully across the piano playing as the movie played on the computer screen.
On the opposite screen it revealed him following a music sheet as the notes faded out as he leaned over twisting a knobs before righting himself playing the next line of notes.
I have found almost everything ever written about love to be true.
He looked up from his screen to show a woman smiling on the phone as she paced, she laughed gently.
Shakespeare said “Journeys end in lovers meeting”.
The man smiled as he watched her interact with the person on the phone, how she laughed, how the sunlight reflected of her hair.
Oh, what an extraordinary thought.
She looked back over to him as she ended the call folding the phone over slipping it back into her bag as she stepped back into the room walking towards him.
Personally. I have not experienced anything remotely close to that, but I’m more than willing to believe Shakespeare had.
She stopped in front of his desk as she lent over to grab his hand as he kissed her knuckles, smiling softly up at her.
I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should.
The woman laughed gently her smile lightening up the room as it spread across her face. The birds chirped softly under the loud piano notes.
I’m constantly amazed by it’s sheer power to alter and define our lives.
Her lips twitched as he stepped away from the desk giving him a small wave as she ventured up the stairs he watched her leave.
It was Shakespeare who also said, “Love is blind”.
Now without any distractions he focused back on the piano, the notes becoming more frequent and exciting as the movie shifted.
Now, that is something I know to be true.
The camera shifted to another scene revealing a blond man.
He was built like a statue, he lacked any flaws. His chin was cut sharply and his hair was spiked up, with faded tips. He had aviators on the bridge of his nose, his lips were down turned. One could mistake him as emotionless if it wasn't for the the slightly clenching of his fist on his jean covered thigh.
He didn't particularly look happy, he let out a slow controlled breath as he glanced over to the man in the drivers seat across from him.
For some, quite inexplicably, love fades.
The black haired man hair was slightly longer then the blonds. It was long enough to be swept to the side and tug on if someone wished too.
The man tapped on the steering wheel looking over at the blond sadly before looking forward again.
The screen faded as it revealed an old man using a walking stick to sit on the side of his bed, his hand reaching out to an old photo frame. It held a aged photo of a women in a wedding dress, he stroked it lovingly.
For others, love is simply lost.
The camera faded out revealing the older mans sad smile before revealing a party as a woman gently made her way through the crowd. She had blond hair that was cut just at the nap of her neck, it swayed as she turned her head.
But then, of course, love can also be found, even if just for the night.
She got stopped by another man which she holds a conversation with smiling, turning around to smile at a taller brown haired man.
And then there’s another kind of love - the cruelest kind. The one that almost kills it’s victims.
The tall man was lanky and had brown hair that didn't seam to want to stay flat, he had a bushy moustache that hung over his lip looking like it came straight from the 80’s. He wore jeans with a Hawaiian shirt over the top of a while singlet. He stood at a busy desk, files piling up everywhere as he typed.
It’s called “unrequited love”. Of that, I am an expert, most love story's are about people who fall in love with each other.
He stopped typing to shift to his right slightly to finish wrapping a Christmas present in the red wrapping paper he had brought. He held it up straightening the bow, smiling when he thought it looked nice.
But what about the rest of us? What about our stories? Those of us who fall in love alone.
His smile faded slightly as he opened a draw and dropped the present into it, looking around his office before opening the door and stepping out into the busy party.
We are the victims of the one-sided affair, we are the cursed of the loved ones. We are the unloved ones, the walking wounded.
He moved through the crowd his eyes moving around trying to spot someone.
The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space.
He paused slightly apologizing briefly to the man he had knocked into with a small smile, before his eyes caught sight of the woman he wanted.
Yes, you are looking at one such individual, and I have willingly loved that woman for over three miserable years.
He watched the blond perky energetic woman smile as those around her laughed, her red slip dress matched her lipstick and it looked amazing with her short blond hair.
The absolute worst years of my life. The worst Christmases, the worst birthdays. New Year’s Eve’s brought in tears and Valium.
He sighed softly moving to shift through the crowd keeping half an eye on her as he moved towards one of his friends.
These years that I’ve been in love have been the darkest days of my life, all because I’ve been cursed by being in love with a woman who does not and will not love me back.
Oh, God, just the sight of her! Heart pounding, throat thickening, absolutely can’t swallow. All the usual symptoms.
He took the wine glass from his friend almost knocking the cigarette from her hand, she looked slightly started as he gulped down what ever drink was in the glass, he wasn't entirely sure he could identify it if someone asked.
“Uh-oh” Diana said with a wince looking at him. Her eyes followed his gaze, her mood dropping as she caught sight of the other woman, “Oh, Carol. Don’t tell me your still-”.
Not wanting to be lectured again on the topic he swallowed the rest of the drink quickly lowering the glass protesting “No, no, no, no. That’s over. Way over”.
He frowned at Carol, who has her hand on another coworkers arm smiling brightly her soft cheerful laugh almost being drowned out in the loud room.
“What’s the story with you too, anyway?” Diana asked turning to look back at him, wrapping an arm around him as she lead him away, “You were shagging her, weren’t you?”.
“More importantly, I was in love with her, truth be known” Goose admitted to the woman.
Diana rubbed his arm, “Yes, yes, I remember, then you found out she was shagging that drip from circulation” she stopped turning back to Goose.
“Which is when I stopped shagging her” Goose said, he looked around lowering his voice.
“I don’t think we should be talking about this at the office party” he let out a nervous huff, Diane took a hit from her cigarette letting the smoke waft between then, Goose nose twitched in irritation.
“But I always see you together” Diana claimed in bewilderment “She cheated on you, but you stayed friends” she frowned.
Goose let out a sad sigh, “I was head over heals you know?”, he glanced over the woman's shoulder trying to catch a glance of Carol, “Everyone knew” he continued with an upset tone.
Diane reached out to pat his shoulder, “Oh no” she signed.
Goose looked around as his upset became more apparent, “Does it look like I’m crying right now?” he fretted turning to walk away but Diane caught up quickly following him.
“No, no, no, no ,no” Diane chased, she grabbed his shoulder turning him, “it just looks like it’s the smoke from my cigarette” she soothed.
Goose leaned over the table to grab a cup filling it with a random drink, Diana lent against the booze table.
“Did she ever actually tell you that she loved you back?” she asked gently.
Goose downed the drink quickly grimacing at the flavor, who had pineapple punch at a christmas party. He placed the cup in the in beside the table, “Yes” he answered stiffly, “Three, almost four times”. He shot her a look, “and when I reminded her of that, she said it must’ve been an answer to a question which, by the way, it was absolutely not”.
Diane closed her eyes in disappointment before opening them touching her forehead, brushing away hair careful not to set it alight with the cigarette. She pursed her lips tisking lightly in a way that could only express a lecture.
“You know Goose, When you catch your girl with another man, your not supposed to stay friends with her, you’re supposed to never talk to the prick again”.
Goose let his head fall way and focus back on the drink table to avoid her gaze.
“You’re supposed to throw things at her, scream, call her names, not do her blooming laundry”, she continued.
“I don’t do her laundry” Goose argued looking at his friend puzzled. “Did someone tell you I did her laundry?” he asked strangely offended.
Diane gave him a blank look that one could only interpret as “your an idiot”, she looked around the room letting Goose vent.
“No, no, all we do now is...we- we email” he said confidently which then faded with the next words, “Not when he’s with her, of course. Also when he’s not with her, we talk on the phone” he frowned. “Sometimes for hours. Then there's the occasional long lunch” he admitted.
Diane let out an annoyed noise, “You know, I never realised how pathetic you are”.
Goose looked at her hopelessly, “Really?” his shoulders dropping, “Oh, God, I’m so aware of it”.
Diane huffed as she leaned over lifting herself up onto the table, “They always know just how to get us, don’t they?” she asked rhetorically taking a hit from her fag.
“She knows exactly when she want to come crawling back into your life-”
“Oh, she actually has made some small comments like that recently.” Goose interrupted.
Diane looked at him raising an silent eyebrow, prompting him to continue.
“She hasn’t exactly come right and said it, but she-”
A female voice interrupted them behind him “Nick”, the man turned to look at the shorter woman.
“Did you file your story?” she asked with an unhappy frown on her face.
“Oh, no, no yet.” He looked down at his watch, “Oh, down the wire, sorry” he said sheepishly. The older woman shook her head in disapproval and disbelief walking away.
Goose hissed a breath through his teeth, “Better go” he gave Diane a weak smile, she offered him a salute of with the raise of her cigarette as he walked away.
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spacewinter · 1 year
guys I had a random goose/slider idea what has this world came to
basically goose complaining to carole about slider but also saying how he's sorta funny and handsome but no homo and have you heard about mav being stupid about ice-
and carole is like my love you spent an hour talking about this slider guy are you sure mav is the only one with a crush and that's how goose realizes he may not be straight
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bearsinpotatosacks · 1 year
Grieving the Living - a Sloose fic
After his and Carole's divorce, Goose is finding it difficult to adjust to his new life. Ron helps as much as he can.
For a prompt list, this was "What are you doing up?" "My personal heater went away"
Words: 726
Sitting up at the table, he watched the cars go past in the distance. San Diego was much different to Texas. Bustling people, even at three in the morning. Lights flickering in the background as he took a sip of his water. He could’ve had something stronger but thought against it. Even though Bradley was halfway across the country, in DC, he still thought about what would happen if he found him half drunk in the kitchen. 
Which is why he was a little confused when the floor board creaked behind him. Nick turned around to see his gentle giant rubbing his eyes and pacing toward him from the bedroom. 
“What are you doing up?” he asked.
“My personal heater went away.” Ron came up behind him as Nick turned around, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and adding. “Besides, I could ask you the same thing.”
Nick held his hand as it rested on his collarbone and kissed it. He tilted his head to rest on his arm. He thought of Carole, all those miles away raising their son, and wondered if she was feeling this shift as well. The divorce had only gone through recently and despite it being a mutual agreement, it didn’t mean this felt at all natural to be at home without her or Bradley there. 
“This all feels a little weird-” he gestured to the house and Ron. “Being here, no Bradley, no Carole, and they’ll never be again, even though we both get to do what makes us happy, and she’s not out of my life, it’s still a whole section of my life that’s over now.”
He sighed. “I guess I’m just grieving. Is that stupid?”
Ron moved away and sat on the chair next to him. Bags hung under his eyes as he smiled at him in a half distant way. There was a way in which he slumped as he sat that made Nick wonder whether they should even have this conversation now or wait until the morning, he looked as exhausted as he felt. Yet, their hands stayed together as he got settled.
“‘S not stupid, ‘s normal,” he mumbled. “One period of your life ended, ‘s gonna take time for you to process it.”
Nick nodded, Ron then added. “And you’re missing your kid too, I mean, I know that you spent a lot of time away from him before but it’s still different from this, there was a reason why you couldn’t see him before and now it’s like you could but you’re being stopped, it’s a new kind of missing him.”
He thought of his baby boy, now seven years old, was living all the way in DC. Nick wanted to carry on flying, Carole didn’t after the accident, and after trying to make do in a position there, they both agreed that they weren’t happy. But, as Bradley had already settled into his school and made friends, they thought it wrong to move him again. It didn’t mean Carole had full custody, though, Bradley was set to visit during the holidays, and they called almost every day.
“I don’t really have any other advice, it’s just something you’ve got to get used to, unfortunately,” Ron said, getting up.
“Yeah-” Nick joined him. “I’ll call him tomorrow, though.”
Ron hummed and dragged him toward the bedroom. “But bed now, please.”
He didn’t say it like a question, more of a statement, a fact. His hands held onto his wrists as he pulled him. Ron was always so secure, maybe it was because they were both RIOs and their whole job was to keep someone else safe that the people who were drawn to it were instinctively protective.
They didn’t have a very big apartment, they were renting somewhere rather than staying in Navy barracks, it meant that Ron could rough him up without worrying about being kicked out, so their bedroom wasn’t too far. Nick was also still adjusting to living in just an apartment rather than having a whole house.
Their bedsheets were ruffled and wrinkled, thrown about as they’d tossed and turned sleeping. Nick crawled back in with memories of Bradley on his mind as Ron’s arms wrapped around his waist, his cold hands touching his arms as they reached some kind of equilibrium. He hoped Bradley was sleeping well.
I'm coming to the end of this list now! Only 2 to go!
Also Carole's in DC because I'm setting up my new power throuple Charlie x Penny x Carole or Charenole. So Carole bumps into Charlie, they start dating, and Penny joins the party when her dad, stationed in DC, gets sick and she goes to care for him. So, Carole ends up happy, don't worry.
Also Ron is Goose's gentle giant and you can't convince me otherwise. Thanks for reading!
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itsmiii · 2 years
Die Hard
Rating: G
Relationship: Slider/Goose
CW/TW: None
Summary: Goose is a huge film nerd and discovers Slider has never seen Die Hard.
"Man, Slider, what you mean, you haven't seen it?" Goose asks and Slider shrugs. He takes a swig from his beer then replies, "Just never got to it, I guess."
So they meet up to watch the movie. They somehow manage to fit on Goose’s couch together, pressed side to side, so they're touching from shoulder to thigh.
They start off very stiff and tensed but over time Slider relaxes. Starts laughing and munches some of the snacks they put on the small coffee table while he comments on the movie with his hand outstretched, gesturing at something on the screen.
Goose watches him with a smile playing around his mouth.
When the movie ends Slider leans back and grins, "That was some good shit, Bradshaw. Gotta give you that."
They're so close now, with the way Slider is turned towards Goose and it makes Goose feel a little dizzy.
Slider's smile is blinding.
"Maybe I'll be a movie star someday," he continues and stretches his arms over his head, then drapes them over the back rest of the couch. "You know, do some action stuff and shit. Bet the girls would love me," he winks.
Goose laughs softly. He scoots a little closer, "They sure would."
"Yeah ?"
"Yeah," he breathes and touches Slider's arm where it's splayed over the couch, "You're hot. Girls like that."
Slider cocks his eyebrows, "You think I'm hot?"
Goose shakes his head, laughing, "I didn't say that."
Slider tilts his head. He watches goose for a moment then a lazy grin spreads over his face, "I'm pretty sure you did, Bradshaw."
He moves his hand, runs it up Goose’s arm and rests it on his neck, where he starts drawing slow circles behind Goose’s ear.
"Maybe I did. Who cares?" Goose says easily. He let's himself be pulled closer to Slider. Their lips brush.
"I don't know," Slider says, his voice quiet, "Mabye I do."
They both huff out a fond breath before their lips meet in a soft kiss.
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pollyna · 5 days
Since I discovered what an Alaskan king bed is I cannot stop thinking about young Carole taking time to visit Goose in Annapolis and dragging him around to try mattresses only to beg him to take somebody else's because they need a third opinion on which one is the better.
And so it starts a summer long adventure around Annapolis, testing every single mattress they can and quietly falling in love over which one would be the best to snuggle and which one would be the worse to sleep all together. By the time they see, and try, the first Alaskan king, the summer is almost over and Carole's kisses are as tender as Goose's arms around Slider's waist when it's just the two - or three - of them.
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bobonboard · 1 year
Not my best but I needed some glider this morning
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Blue Cornflowers On My Sleeve
By: @shwreepgod (gilliontidestrider)
For: @topgunruinedme (TopGunRuinedMe)
Pairing: Nick "Goose" BradshawRon "Slider" Kerner
Rating: G
Word count: ART!
Summary: This comic out a little messily but i’m genuinely proud of how it turned out; there’s numbers on the pages to follow if it gets confusing!
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viioggvl · 2 years
A shower thought I had was to explain more about a certain part of this post,
SO! I’m gonna elaborate the Goose telling Maverick abt him and Slider part! (Takes Place in the boys locker room!!)
“Hey, Goose?” Maverick asks while he bends over to stretch.
“Hm?” Goose hums in response while putting his flight suit in his locker.
It takes Maverick a few moments to ask his question, which makes Goose look over his shoulder and to the bench Maverick is now sitting on.
“Why do you and Slider, like, glare at each other?” Maverick looks up at Goose and slightly tilts his head to the side. It reminds Goose of a puppy.
“Well, Uh..” Goose rubs at the back of his neck for a while. He debates weather he should tell Maverick or not. “Me and him used to date.”
“WHAT!?” Maverick yells. “Before you an Carole!?” Goose nods. “Well what happened?”
“That’s a story for another time.” Goose winces. The door to the locker room opened and not to long after a laughing Slider and a smirking Iceman appear.
“Bradshaw!” Slider calls out.
“Kerner.” Goose snarls, which only makes Slider grin even more.
“What’s up?” Iceman nods his head towards Maverick’s shocked face.
“Yeah, what’s up with Shorty?” Slider puts an arm over Iceman’s shoulder, ignoring the ‘hey!’ Maverick throws his way.
“He found out we dated.” Goose shrugs, then returns to putting his flight suit away.
“Does he know why we broke up?” Goose can hear excitement in Slider’s voice.
“No.” Goose grits out. He doesn’t want to have this conversation again.
“I’ll tell him then.” Slider shrugs. Goose turns around in an instant.
“No, you won’t.”
“Well you can’t leave shorty on cliffhanger.” Slider argues.
“Yes I can! So just shut up about it, Ron!” Goose slams his locker shut and speeds out the locker room. He doesn’t want to have this conversation again. Not now, not ever again.
I love the angst, but what’s their ship name? Sligoose? Idk. Should I do a part 2? Of Ron’s Perspective? And him telling Maverick why he and Goose broke up?
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heaven is a place on earth
By: ran_chdressing | @wolfcutbf
For: pollyna | @pollyna
Pairing: Nick "Goose" Bradshaw/Ron "Slider" Kerner
Rating: G
Word count: 2,520
Summary: “It’s so hot,” Goose whines as he pushes the door to the laundromat open. The brunette sags with relief when the cool air-conditioning blasts them. “Oh, God, that’s good. My saviour, the great laundromat.” He mumbles. “God, I’m so sweaty. I feel so gross, Ron.” 
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littleroosteruwu · 2 years
Incorrect Top Gun Quotes
Carole: It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close.
Goose : Okay!
Slider : It's fucking summer…?
Carole : So you don’t want to hold my hand?
Slider, mumbling : I didn’t say that
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