#politician animal lover
scotianostra · 9 months
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Thomas, Lord Erskine was born January 10th 1750. During his lifetime he became Britain's foremost advocate, through his defence of people accused of treason and corruption.
His defence of Thomas Paine, accused of high treason for his work, The Rights of Man, cost him his position as Attorney General to the Prince of Wales. Later, Erskine totally alienated George IV by defending Queen Caroline against the king's attempt to deprive her of her rights and title.
Rather go into all the boring education, career stuff I will focus more on the man, the character, for I think Lord Erskine was a bit of a character, he had a favourite dog with him at all his consultations in Chambers a favourite a large Newfoundland dog called "Toss". He taught it to sit upon a chair in chambers with his paws placed before him on the table. Erskine would put an open book before him, a wig upon his head and one of his advocate's bands around his neck. What his clients thought of this exhibition we do not know, but it is unlikely that they would have forsaken him for another counsel.
He was obviously an animal lover a dog he kept by him was one he had rescued from some boys in the street when they were about to kill it. Later, on March 2, 1811, he sent a bitch to a fellow peer with a note to say that, "her name is Lucky and may all good luck attend your Lordship".
He also had a pet goose which followed him about in his grounds, a macaw and a great many other dumb friends. He even had two special leeches which he believed had saved his life when he was ill and which he called his "bottle conjurors". These he kept in a glass and, he said, he gave them fresh water every day and had formed a friendship with them. He would often argue the likely result of a case on how they swam or crawled.
Erskine said he was sure they both knew him and were grateful to him. They were called "Home" and "Cline" after two celebrated surgeons with quite different dispositions. He amassed the company at a party given at his villa in Hampstead, near "The Spaniard's Inn", by talking about his regard for animals and, in particular, those to whom he was attached. He then produced the leeches in their glass which he placed upon the table. It was impossible, however, wrote Samuel Romilly who was present, "without the vivacity, the tones, the details, and the gestures of Lord Erskine, to give an adequate idea of this singular scene".
He introduced into the Lords a Bill for the prevention of malicious and wanton cruelty to animals, saying that it was a subject very near to his heart. Disgusting outrages, which he said
"were too painful to describe, were being perpetrated upon animals whilst the law did nothing. This was because animals were considered only as property. They were entirely without protection from cruelty and they had no rights. Yet man's dominion over them was not given by God for their torture but as a moral trust.
Nature had provided the same organs and feelings for enjoyment and happiness to animals as to man -- seeing, hearing, feeling, thinking, the sensations of pain and pleasure, love, anger and sensibility to kindness. Such creatures might have been created for man's use but not for his abuse. Towards them, as in all other things, men's duties and interests were inseparable. Extending humanity to animals would have a most powerful effect on men's moral sense and upon their feelings and sympathies for each other."
When the speech was published as a pamphlet, its editor suggested in the Preface that it should be introduced to families and schools and deserved to be circulated "among the lower classes of society by the clergy, and by all moral and pious persons'.
When the Bill was in its Committee stage, Erskine pointed out that during his 30 years of Parliamentary life he had never before proposed any alteration in the law. He still had no wish, he said, to link a statute with his name; he had a better motive. If the Bill were enacted, it would not only be an honour to the country but would mark an era in the history of the world. In the event, the House of Commons proved not to be ready for animal rights and the Bill was defeated but eventually went through in 1809.
Lastly and briefly, perhaps our Lord Erskine was also a wee bit of a romantic, he survived his first wife, Frances, she passed away in 1805 after 35 years of marriage, on October 12, 1818 he married Sarah Buck in Gretna Green, he was 20 years her senior.
It is said he never missed a day in court and led a very healthy life but in 1823 Erskine set out by sea on a visit to Scotland with one of his sons, hoping to see his brother the Earl of Buchan. But he became ill with a chest infection on the journey and was put ashore at Scarborough.
He managed to travel to the home of his brother Henry's widow in Almondell in West Lothian, where they were joined by the earl. He died at Almondell on 17 November 1823 and was buried in the family burial-place at Uphall in present day West Lothian.
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mapsontheweb · 4 months
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Do South American presidents have a dog?
by geo.facts_
Well, you might’ve never really thought about this, but are the South American presidents dog lovers ? It appears most of them are! Out of the 14 presidents in the continent, 11 presidents have a#dog .
This post shows some of the dogs owned by these politicians.
Argentina’s 🇦🇷 president, Javier Milei , owns four cloned dogs, they are exact genetical copies of his late dog named Conan. Milei has already publicly said that Conan helps him with some decisions of his life, he talks to him through a medium.
Brazil’s 🇧🇷 president, Lula , adopted two dogs named Resistência and Paris. Resistência (Resistance in Portuguese) was actually adopted by his wife when he was arrest€d for allegedly political cr!mes, he was later acquitted and became Brazil’s president.
The Chilean 🇨🇱 president, Boric , owns a dog named brownie that has his own instagram page! The account has more than 450K followers.
Bolivia’s 🇧🇴 president, Arce , owns a dog named Boyacá that was actually a gift from Venezuela’s 🇻🇪 president, Nicolas Maduro. The dog was gifted as a celebration due to both countries good relationships!
The Ecuadorian🇪🇨 president, Noboa ,has multiple dogs and actively talks about animals rights. The French 🇫🇷 president, Macron , owns a dog named Nemo, that is internet famous after a clip of him peeing during a presidential meeting circulated the whole internet. Macron recently adopted two more dogs!
Venezuela’s🇻🇪, Uruguay’s 🇺🇾 and Colombia’s 🇨🇴 Presidents also own dogs!
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overcatic · 2 months
random (vedic) astro observations cause im bored
1. ashleshas love braiding & twisting their hair (brided/twisted hair resembles the body of a serpent and braiding one’s hair is associated with storing and protecting one’s energy, which is a major theme with ashlesha (protecting one’s family, privacy, wealth, life force, etc.) — ex. young thug.)
2. i can easily spot aries lagna through their alien head shape (big forehead & broad temples with a narrow chin.)
3. sun in rohini can make a woman known for her beautiful voice and/or feminine appeal (softness, sensitivity, motherly nature.)
4. the 7th aspect of saturn is where most of your effort and hard work is directed.
5. aries is the celestial horse, that is why they look and walk like that. most likely to have horse-like physique, physiognomy & hair.
6. rahu in the 1st gives serpent-like beauty and charm. their eyes have the power to hypnotize people.
7. sun conj. ketu (if positively placed and aspected) can make someone free of ego. most likely to have a jesus christ type of mentality. very naturally seductive. great dancers, especially if the sun rules the 3rd or 5th house. early awakening of kuṇḍalinī can be seen here.
8. saturn in the 1st house is one placement i’ve repeatedly seen in the charts of narcissists. charismatic, controlling, cruel, and really good at weakening people’s self-esteem. they can quite literally steal people’s life force (sun).
9. sidereal gemini is the sign of soul union. geminis, in this reincarnation, are meant to meet and be with their soulmates. this is especially seen in punarvasu, the star of return/reunion.
10. the house 2nd from venus can accurately indicate the type of partners you attract. 6th house: doctors, surgeons, politicians, lawyers, healers, etc. 8th house: bankers, journalists, astrologers, psychologists, etc. 12th house: creatives, activists, authors, musicians, animal lovers, etc.
11. swatis have a special affinity with spiders. (spiders = saturn. swati is the exaltation of saturn.)
12. atmakaraka falling in the 8th house of navamsa indicates that the soul reincarnated to serve, heal, and help; because the 1st house (purpose) is the 6th from the 8th. and if there’s a planet in the 1st, the person/people represented by it are the ones who the soul seeks to serve and heal.
“ that’s it for today! namaste xx
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plumdale · 2 months
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cringe dude whose social media bio probably says “lover boy”
gen 3 here we go!!! his traits are:
party animal
rolls are:
marital status: couple w useless help
children: 1
career: politician
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Which character/operator's dynamics with the doctor you enjoyed the most??
Kal'tsit and Doctor. No one else comes close to how incredibly funny Kal'tsit's antagonistic relationship with the Doctor is once you get a good idea of who these two actually are.
Once you read through a Walk in the Dust and Vigilo you realize these two have such a strong antagonistic relationship their attitudes actually change when in the presence of each other.
Kal'tsit everywhere is the immortal, wandering doctor. She is in the background of every major event in the history of the continent, unparalleled in her experience and unshakeable in her composure. You could flip the truck she's riding in with a bomb in order to hijack her convoy and she doesn't look surprised. She goes to dinner parties dressed in a tuxedo and then engages a demonic supersoldier in mortal combat and rips a chunk out of their throat before going back inside and telling the guests some wild animals had entered the gardens. You could tell her you wish to commit suicide by murdering the two politicians who killed your lover and when she sees she can't dissuade you she helps you assassinate one of them with poison. She's seen the rise and fall of entire civilizations, there's nothing that isn't just another Tuesday for her.
But then you put her near Doctor and the petty bitchiness hidden for millennia comes right the fuck out. She will criticize their actions. She will criticize their clothes. She will criticize their eating habits. When there's bad news to tell Amiya she makes Doctor tell her instead of doing it herself, and god help them if Doctor's newest shenanigans costs astounding company property damage.
Meanwhile Doctor's normally this unhinged, tactical genius that slightly unnerves everyone but everyone relies on to save the day. They eat originium slugs, they pour boiling water into their mouth to cook noodles with, every god or monster of incredible power is entrusted to Doctor to handle because their unhinged, almost alien ways allow them to foster good relationships with the stranger beings aboard their landship.
But also when they have to do anything that eventually will be reviewed by Kal'tsit, the perfect walking disaster in them comes out. They go to Achuahalla and the plane gets shot down by a rocket, then they bring the domestic terrorist with them back as a new employee. They go to Columbia to ink a business deal with Papa John's, then get thrown into jail for allegations of running an illegal drug ring that Papa John's is the distributor for (Doctor's excuse is that "they learned it from you", the perfect reply to piss off Kal'tsit). They return to the ancient sacrophagus that Kal'tsit originally sealed Doctor in, only for Doctor to have a flashback of a completely different woman doing it instead. They go to Siesta for a beach vacation and then leave it having interfered in the sovereignty of a city-state and also got into concert brawls. They go to Kjerag for a ski vacation and leave it having sparked a civil war that resulted in all power being coalesced into the Saintess, because the scion of the Silverash family really, really likes them and wanted to force them into helping him seize power.
Kal'tsit and Doctor are supposed to be these two impossibly ancient beings that operate beyond the boundaries of humanity. They're alien almost, in both their strange bodies (does anyone remember that Doctor's blood can be used to heal wounds) and their ways.
But when they actually interact they're the most ridiculously human pair: a long-winded nag and a disastrous buffoon, attempting to raise a teenage girl that's had to be mature enough for all three of them.
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shegatsby · 6 months
Love Thy Enemy
Summary; Y/N Atreides had always been a stranger to the entire galaxy, her bed wasn’t her bed, her home wasn’t her home due to the fact that she was sent to accompany and be sisters with Irulan. She had limited access to her actual family and over the years they grew distant. She thought she would be like Reverend Mother, alone, yet powerful, and soon she would realize that there was no need of being alone when a wild creature had his eyes on her for a long time.
A/N; Hi my little doves, I've missed you, I'm in love with my work lol I really enjoy writing this series so don't forget to share your thoughts with me. Don't worry, there will be SMUT in the future chapters. Sorry for any typos English isn't my first language.
TAG LIST IS OPEN! (Text me if i forgot to tag you little doves 🕊️ ♥️)
Warnings; Violence. Angst. Enemies to lovers. Female Bene Gesserit Reader x Feyd-Rautha,reader is reffered to as she/her.
Words; 2.232K
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Chapter Four- ‘’Misery Begins’’
Giedi Prime, House Harkonenn
The air felt heavy in her lungs, the planet was orbiting a black sun, thus, everything outside looked black and white, no wonder these people were raised like animals, planet’s harsh conditions shaped their characteristics. The second she stepped out of the ship she hated every single thing but kept a firm stance.
Now she was settling in the guest quarters, the wedding was to be in 7 days and thankfully Harkonnen traditions says that they, under any circumstance, cannot stay in the same room.
Y/N had few of her personal maids and the rest was Harkonnen servants, all dressed in black with bald heads and pale, thin figures. Y/N noticed the looks she got from them, an outsider…
Inside the fortress one could see colors yet Harkonenns choose to keep it simple, her chambers consisted of a bedroom,  a small living room, and bathroom. Without a word she moved to the velvet armchair which was facing outside, she didn’t want to engage in any conversation with anyone, ‘’Prepare my bath.’’ She ordered without looking at any of them and then moved to the desk in her bedroom to write a letter to her family saying that she landed on the planet safely and everything was fine of course she knew that every letter she would sent was going to be read by Feyd-Rautha’s most trusted politicians, maybe even by himself so she kept the letter short. ‘’Send this to my family.’’ She gave the metal, thin device which was the letter to a servant, ‘’Yes my Lady.’’
After her bath which consisted of warm water and bath oils she brought from home, she smelled fresh and felt better. She was on her desk reading when her door was knocked, ‘’Yes?’’
A servant girl entered, she looked sickly pale and thin, her eyes on the floor, her hands interlaced on her thin stomach, ‘’Na-Baron wishes to dine with you my Lady.’’ It wasn’t a wish, it was an order. ‘’The trip have made me exhausted, please tell Na-Baron that I desire to rest.’’
She noticed the girl’s change of body language, her eyes rose to look at her ladyship pleadingly.  Y/N kindly smiled at the girl, oblivious to what was going to happen, she dismissed the servant girl.
The black sun of Giedi Prime shone bright just like the day before, Y/N decided to do some reading, learn more about the planet’s ecosystem. She had a light breakfast, the air still stingy in her lungs, she didn’t have much appetite.
Y/N Atreides was on her desk, taking notes and reading and her door knocked, ‘’Come in.’’ she was focused on the old books, ‘’My Lady.’’
‘’Yes?’’ she turned to face a man, he was a guard in his dark uniform. ‘’Na-Baron has a gift for you. He insists that you should open it after I am dismissed.’’ A strange request but what wasn’t strange about him anyways?!
Y/N couldn’t read the guard’s expression, his face was a blank slate, however he look more pale than usual skin color, was he ill? ‘’Thank you, place the box on the floor and you may be dismissed.’’ He did what he was told. She stood up and approached to the metal box, there was a strong smell of iron coming from it, it appeared there was no lock, no writings. Just in case, she placed the portable force field on her hand, activated it and tested it, working just fine.
Her hand went to open the metal box and her first reaction was to scream in terror, and her second reaction was to run to her bathroom and throw up her breakfast, shaking uncontrollably, on her knees like a wild animal.
Y/N Atreides didn’t know how many minutes or decades she had spent in that position, finally one of her old maids came for her rescue. ‘’My Lady…’’ she was an old woman with white hair and motherly touch, ‘’It’s okay now..’’ she was rubbing Y/N’s back gently and whispering kind words.  ‘’Is it-‘’ she sobbed, ‘’is it gone?’’
‘’I took care of it my Lady.’’ She helped Y/N stand up and leave the bathroom. The metal box which had the servant girl’s head was gone and yet she could feel her eyes watching her every move. She threw the shield on her hand and marched out of her chambers. There was a solider guarding her chambers, ‘’Where is Na-Baron?’’ she asked trying to control her tone. ‘’He has a meeting with Baron Vladimir and Glossu Rabban.’’
‘’Take me to him.’’ She said, could feel the anger on her chest, so hefty. ‘’But my Lady-‘’
‘’Take me to him.’’ She used the voice on him, the guard, without a word started to guide her to the meeting room. The corridors of the fortress were mostly black, some grey and white here and there, there were guards on watch duties, servants cleaning or carrying stuff. It was so different than the environment she grew up in, in Caladan or Emperor’s planet was vivid and thriving, here it was just… lifeless. She cursed her fate.
There were two guards on the doors of the meeting room, ‘’Open.’’ She used the voice again and the doors were opened slowly, Baron Vladimir was sitting on a metal chair which was placed on marble steps, towering over Glossu Rabban and Feyd-Rautha who were standing and looking up at him, listening to him as if their lives depend on it.. well.. they weren’t wrong. Baron was surprised to see her. ‘’Lady Y/N!’’ he announced which made the boys look at her direction but she refused to look at them, her focus was on Baron. ‘’What a lovely surprise, I hope you quarters to your liking.’’ Y/N bowed in courtesy, ‘’Thank you my Baron, you are the most generous.’’ She had to control her anger and she was doing a good job, keeping things formal. She had to be respectful to the family otherwise her position let alone her life would be at stake, she remembered Feyd’s words; ‘’Try to humiliate me again and see what happens, little dove.’’ The room was barren with only a long marble table and chairs, the curtains were closed and white glowglobes lighting the room, no carpets, no ornaments. ‘’What do we owe the pleasure of your visit?’’ he asked, she could see he was trying to understand her moves. ‘’I must speak with Na-Baron. It is urgent.’’ Finally she turned to face him, even though he was standing far away she could see his body reacting to her words, he was alert and an animalistic shine on his eyes. ‘’Feyd, please escort your wife-to-be to a more secluded area and discuss.’’ His uncle said and Feyd bowed to him quickly, ‘’Yes uncle.’’ And then he turned to her, marching like a soldier, he held her arm and escorted her out of the room, his grip was tight, he made her follow him. Since there were guards and servants everywhere she didn’t dare to utter a word.
Y/N had no idea where they were going, the fortress was a maze and every corridor looked similar. They reached a door, Feyd dismissed the guards and opened the heavy black door. Quite frankly he threw her inside, before she got a chance to look around she spit her venom. ‘’What is wrong with you?!’’ Feyd looked puzzled, ‘’Did you really beheaded that girl just because I refused to dine with you?!’’ she could feel her whole body shake in anger, being in his presence disturbed her equilibrium. ‘’Oh, that.’’ He remembered, his behavior made it worse for her. ‘’Yes, that!’’ He didn’t close the space between them, his hands behind his back. ‘’Did I upset you, little dove?’’ was he mocking her? ‘’Upset?!’’ Y/N couldn’t believe her ears, what happened to that sweet boy she met years ago?
He started to move towards her like a predator, he was much taller than her, towering above her she had to look up to meet his icy blue orbits. Years had turned him into a killing machine, what a shame. She hoped to see remorse in those beautiful eyes but found nothing. Back of his hand found her heated cheek, touching ever so gently, it made one wonder how could he behead an innocent girl and then touch his wife-to-be like a tender lover. ‘’This is what happens when you reject my orders.’’ His voice calm and collective. ‘’I hate you!’’ and she pushed his chest but had no impact so she moved away from his aura. That’s when she noticed that they were in his quarters of the fortress, she remembered the fact that he dismissed the guards, no one to help her if things were to took a turn. ‘’You hate me?’’ he asked, still calm. ‘’What else… do you also fear me?’’
‘’No.’’ she simply answered. His none existent eyebrows rose, his pupils dilated ever so slightly, she noticed how still he was, like a statue. His nostrils flared with a passion she could not placed.
‘’No? So you don’t fear me.’’ He repeated back, folding his arms, he wasn’t angry, only curious. ‘’Not at all?’’
‘’You aren’t allowed to hurt me.’’ Her voice higher than his.
‘’Not allowed?’’ he tilted his head, his voice low and husky, ‘’and how can you be so certain of such?’’ a slight smile pulled at his plump lips, ‘’What makes you so confident in that?’’ he knew his own intentions but he was curios of what went on within her pretty head. There was a certain aura about Y/N that intrigued Feyd, he was watching, listening and studying her.
‘’Let me go back to my home.’’ She whispered, even she didn’t believe herself but that was her intention, to go back and ride her horse, walk in the lush gardens, laugh with her other Bene Gesserit friends. ‘’You assume you have the final word where you go.’’ He chuckled, his voice lower than before. ‘’I decide where you go.’’ His gaze grew sharp like an animal, ‘’I decide what you do. And what I decide..’’ Feyd laughed again, ‘’You’re going to obey.’’
‘’I had a life before you took me, I had a family and friends and, and..’’ she could feel her eyes getting blurry, ‘’And?’’ he insisted, ‘’I had a partner, a lover, and you scared him away!’’ she was practically yelling at this point, female rage taking over her body. ‘’A lover? Don’t make me laugh little girl. If he was so in love with you-‘’ he opened his arms looking around, ‘’where is he? Why isn’t he here defending your honor and saving you from me?!’’ with the mention of Y/N’a former partner Pyramus, Feyd-Rautha wasn’t so calm anymore, he could feel rage rising in his body.  
‘’Because of you! You scared him and he ran! Otherwise he would be here-‘’
‘’Don’t be that stupid Y/N! He wasn’t so scared when I offered him a deal.’’
And with that Y/N was confused, ‘’What deal?’’
Feyd-Rautha was pacing in the room in anger, he couldn’t believe she was still ‘’in love’’ with that low life, waste of space. ‘’I offered him a supply of spice which will outlive him and his children and his children’s children. A generation wealth so to speak.’’
Y/N was shaking her head in rejection, her gaze focused on the floor, ‘’No, no,’’ she whispered, not believing what Feyd was suggesting. ‘’Yes Y/N! Your lover didn’t hesitate a second and took the deal.’’
‘’Then why did he try to escape with me?!’’ she yelled in pain, her heart was torn into pieces, ‘’I wanted you to see how pathetic he was and I staged it.’’ Feyd’s chest heaving with anger and he was so passionate to prove her he was right, he turned to go to the next room and brought back a metal device, he opened it, ‘’Here, he signed the deal.’’ She took it and saw the spice deal written on it, millions of gallons.. and Pyramus’ signature at the bottom…
Feyd grabbed the metal device and threw it on the couch near him, ‘’Not going to lie, you weren’t cheap.’’ And she slapped him.
Feyd-Rautha was slapped by a woman for the first time in his life, he froze for a second, shocked to see how bold she could be. He was even turned on a bit. With both of his hands he grabbed her delicate shoulders tightly, he was much stronger than her. ‘’LET GO OF ME-‘’
Feyd-Rautha didn’t care what she wanted, ‘’I might hurt you physically Y/N, but I would never do that to you. I would never sell what’s mine for something else. Do you hear me?!’’ his voice was rough and irritated her ears, her body was in shock and her shoulders hurting her. ‘’I would never leave what’s mine behind and walk away, I am a man, see me as a man not that little boy you met years ago!’’
Was that a love confession, no it couldn’t be.. someone like Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen couldn’t possibly feel something so pure and innocent, or was it just being possessive and showing her that her life was in his hands till death do them apart. The stress overcame her body, her vision was getting darker and the last thing she saw was Feyd’s pretty eyes.
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vicocaaisha · 6 months
Seo Doah x Reader Fic.
Synopsis: Frustrated from being disqualified multiple times from your competitions, you decided to confront your rival to end her sabotage for good.
Warnings: SMUT, switch!reader, switch!Doah, fingering, mature scenes in general, rival trope, enemies to lovers!
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“What’s this?!” You slammed down the disqualification notice that you received from the science competition you were trying to compete in.
“You're disqualified, obviously." Harin replied. She seemed amused.
You were beyond furious. It says on your disqualification paper that you no longer can compete because you’ve been skipping school. Really? You’ve never even missed a class before!
“What’s your fucking problem? I don't even talk to you, then suddenly you decided to make me disqualified?!” You were almost shouting out of anger you were feeling.
You knew Harin was the one who caused you to be disqualified, she has connections everywhere and can pull strings easily.
“Ask Doah.” Harin smiled at you.
“Whatever.” You said as you crumpled the paper then threw it somewhere in Harin's lavish office or her mother’s, you don’t really care anymore.
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Doah has been your rival ever since you’ve transferred to this school. You’ve never had a problem with her before because you never even batted your eyes at her. She became your rival because your classmates had the habit of comparing you two of whom is smarter. You never give a damn about it.
You and Doah are always competing outside school, you two were the representatives of the school. The both of you don’t compete in the same competitions, it changed recently though.
The school signed the two of you to the same competitions. It was fine at first because you were still dominating the competitions,
but lately, you kept losing because of her.
You’re trying to collect as many awards as you can for your dream university, but she’s destroying that plan of yours.
You were furious.
You don’t know how to handle your anger, though. You just wanted to ignore her again. It’s not in your nature to take your anger out on someone or even talk about it. You just wanted to avoid it.
That’s what you did, not until…
Doah smiled at you when you entered the room.
She smiled at you?
She never smiled at anyone, you even think that she doesn’t even have an emotion.
Is she mocking you now?
You slammed down your books on your table, which caused your classmates to look at you with confusion in their eyes.
You will definitely have a talk with her later.
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Lunch came. You didn’t see Doah in the cafeteria, then she must be at the library.
You slammed the library door open, you know that no one is in the library except Doah. As if she owns this place herself.
“Can you please be careful with the door?” Doah carefully asked you.
“Oh yeah? How about you tell me what the fuck is your problem!” You almost shouted.
She looked at you as if she’s seen some bewildered animal. You know what? This is the stupidest idea you’ve ever had. Do you really think Doah will have a conversation with you? She doesn’t even say a word even if she’s with her friends.
You were clenching your teeth so hard, it’s just the thought of you failing really hurts your ego. Especially that your family is known for being the smartest politicians in South Korea.
“Just don’t get in my way! This is my final warning.” was all you said before stomping away from the library room.
Doah is left sad and confused.
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While doing your extra homework in the classroom before the class starts, you can’t focus anymore.
You were so stressed. You don’t know how to tell your parents that you got disqualified; disqualified from FIVE competitions. It’s like a prank! God, your parents are going to be so mad about this.
You didn’t even notice that Doah is staring at you, wondering what you’re so stressed about.
You were going to get your sandwich from your bag, but then a gift fell. You picked it up, and it also has a letter attached to it.
Now you have a secret admirer. You don’t even need this and it feels like your problems are piling up. After being disqualified from your beloved competitions, someone is annoying you now with gifts.
You don’t even prioritize or have the thought of being in a relationship, you just know that it will distract you from your studies.
The letter says:
“Don’t be angry, please. It doesn’t suit your pretty face ♡”
The fuck is this nonsense?
When you look up, you see Doah looking at you and then she quickly turns the other way. What? Is she plotting now on your downfall?
You didn’t even bother opening the gift. You just threw it to Dayeon, who was laughing with her friends, that caused a scene.
“What’s your problem?” Dayeon asked you.
You weren’t afraid of her, especially that your parents are her dad’s boss. Even if you're one grade lower than her, you're basically untouchable against her.
“I don’t want to be in your sick games. So stop annoying me!” You told her that left her dumbfounded. Because of your frustrations lately, you were like a ticking bomb.
Dayeon only took the gift and just sat down on her seat, she doesn’t want to get in trouble because of you.
When you look at Doah, she exits the room. She seemed sad, you don’t know why and you don’t want to know why.
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Days had passed after that incident, you calmed down already and decided that you’re just wasting your time being angry.
You still kept receiving gifts. You figured out it wasn’t Dayeon just pranking you because what you’re receiving are expensive hard bound books. How does this person even know that you really like the books that you received?
All of those thoughts vanished when…
Another yet again, a disqualification paper you received from your homeroom teacher.
You swear on your life that you were going to kick Harin. You’re so confused that the school is getting you signed up for competitions then allowing you to get disqualified. It made you feel like you were going to cry.
You waited till the class was over for the day to have a sincere talk with Doah.
When the last bell rang for dismissal of the class for the day, you quickly hurried to Doah's lair. The library.
You locked the doors when you got inside of the library room. Doah just stared at your actions. It seems like she was nervous.
“Yes, Y/N?” This is the first time in a while you heard her say your name. You felt soft hearing your name from her heavenly voice, no, wait, you were angry about her destroying your reputation.
You dropped down your bag then walked towards her, “If you have a problem with me kicking your ass in competitions then you have to study hard! Not disqualifying me! Play a fair game!” you said as you threw to her face the disqualification paper you have.
Doah uncrumpled the paper, she read the contents of it. She looked at you as if she was shocked by what you received.
“I don’t know what this is.” was all she said.
You didn’t know what you felt that time, she was acting as if it wasn't a big deal. You want to release your anger at her.
Without thinking, you practically jumped at her. She was sitting on a spacious couch, you grabbed her wrist and made her back fall against the couch.
You were on top of her.
She looked like as if she was blushing from this encounter.
You wanted to smack her face so hard and you lifted your other hand to do it, until…
She quickly got a hold of your hand that was lifted and she made you fall down against the couch. She’s on top of you and is in control now. She was holding you really hard and you were struggling against it. You didn’t know that Doah is this strong enough to hold you down.
“Let go o–f me!” you said flustered because of the current position you two are in.
“Y/N, calm down.” Doah said as she was scrutinizing your face.
You were struggling so hard, you were trying to kick her but she’s seated on your waist. You’re just trying so hard to get away against her hold.
Out of nowhere, she joined your arms together above your head and she held it in with her one hand. Wow, she is really strong.
“Ah!” You accidentally made a sound that sounded like a moan… You were so embarrassed.
Not gonna lie this position somehow made you a bit horny, but anger still resides in you.
“Y/N, stop. I don’t want to do this.” Doah looked at you, with lust? What?
“H–huh?” You said getting weaker as you still struggle against her hold.
Doah suddenly held your face so it was stable enough for her to kiss you.
She leaned it, centimeters away from your lips, she hesitated.
You were astonished; can’t even comprehend what’s happening. Your feeling of angriness felt like it was gone now. You didn’t even think about it and you leaned in to continue what she was going to do.
She’s kissing you. What are the odds of someone kissing their rival?
It felt like the two of you were kissing for hours. She was using her tongue while the both of you were kissing, you didn’t even know how to kiss.
She suddenly removed her other hand from your wrists and that freed your arms. Her now free arm goes straight to cupping your boobs.
She stopped kissing you and started to open your school blouse.
“We shouldn’t be doing this, D–oah! You suddenly yelped when she attacked with kisses your boobs.
“I’ve liked you for so long, Y/N. I don’t know what you’re so angry about.” Doah whispered to your ear as she cupped your clothed pussy.
“A–ah!” you reacted to her touch because you’re so sensitive.
Before you could protest, Doah quickly removed your panties and dived into your pussy.
“You taste so good, Y/N.” Doah murmured under her breath. She lazily played with your clit as she licks and sucks.
“D–oah, hhnng!” you struggled against her hold on your waist as she ate you out. All you could do is to hold onto her hair. Doah is very skilled, you don’t even know how she learned this. You thought she’s just a little innocent girl. Behind those glasses, she definitely did hide something. You try your best to ignore the feeling of pain in your heart when you realize that she practiced a lot.
As time goes by, she gets rougher and rougher. All you could do is to wrap your hands through her hair and push her farther to your core.
“Mm-mmh! I’m c–close!” you tried to shush yourself but were unable to do it because of the overwhelming pleasure you were feeling.
“Let go for me then.” Her vibrations through your core is what sent you to your earth-shuttering orgasm you’ve ever had.
As you rode out your high, she still ate you out. When you felt you’re overstimulated, you stopped her.
You laid in exhaustion. Doah looked at your features; red puffy face, swollen lips from the kiss, and your chest heaving from the orgasm you received from her. She felt proud and contented that her long time crush rival, is fucked out because of her.
“What was that?” you asked her, breathless. She only smiled at you, that smile again.
“Are you okay?” she asked as she was reaching for your panties when an idea suddenly popped out of your head.
You practically jumped onto her, again. This time though, she didn’t fight back anymore and only smiled at you. She must have known this is coming because you, her rival, wouldn’t take a loss.
As you unbutton her blouse, she smirked at your actions, “Are you sure you know how to do this?” she asked you that caught you off guard. You in fact have not topped anyone before.
“Of course, I know!” you said; pride faltering.
“If you say so–Ow!” You bit her neck as you were groping her boobs. That would shut her smart ass mouth, you thought to yourself.
Your heart beats faster as you go lower and lower and lower to her body. You haven’t eaten out or fingered a person before. You are definitely regretting not lowering your pride over this.
“Are you sure you have done this before?” Doah asked you with a concerned look from her eyes. You didn’t realize that you’re just staring at her skirt.
“I h–haven’t actually…” You awkwardly answered.
“I’ll teach you then, don’t worry. Continue what you’re doing.” Doah answered you with a warm smile.
You breathe shakily as you remove her panty. When you look at her pussy, you realized that she’s wet, like really wet. You were proud that you turned her on so much.
“Y–you’re wet.” You told her out of excitement that you felt.
“Of course, it’s because I have been dreaming of this for the longest time. Now, please do it.” Doah asked you as if she was annoyed. Wait, she has been dreaming of this? What?
Your thoughts cut short when she shoved you to her core. You started to lick her from up and down, not knowing what to do. You remembered from one of the videos that you watched a long time ago to suck and that’s what you did, which earned a loud moan from Doah.
She moaned because of you!
“Li–ke that! Continue that, baby– Oh!” Doah whimpered. Oh, that sounded like heaven for you. You have to please her like that again.
You detached your lips from her pussy, which earned a whine from her. You then kissed her with lust intent on your mind.
“Insert it, babe.” Doah whispered when you pulled out from the kiss and saw you hesitating on what to do next.
“I’ll guide you.” Doah said as she guided your fingers to insert it to her pussy. For the first few minutes, she controlled your hand. When you got the hang of it, she removed her hand and proceeded to intertwine her hand with your hair.
“S–so good, babe. You sure you haven’t done this before?” She teased you as she was struggling to say it out loud because of the pleasure you’re giving her.
“Shut up, smart ass.” You told her to make it look like you’re dominating her. She let out a tsk. How stubborn you were in her eyes.
“Close, baby!” Doah moaned more loudly this time, indicating that she is feeling really good and so close to climaxing. You just enjoyed the moment that you were really topping her, who knows that the both of you end up like this.
You continued doing what she had taught you and you started kissing her boobs again, leaving marks.
With a last long, loud moan of your name, you figured she finished and let her ride out her high. You noticed that her arms go limped after doing it with her, which had you concerned.
“Are you okay?” you asked her, you felt your heart flutter when you saw her fucked out face. You have completely forgotten why you were here in the first place and instead you were wondering to yourself if Doah really likes you?
“Yes. Thank you, love.” She’s kept using endearments that made your stomach go wild over it. Instinctively, you rolled your eyes when you heard her say it.
“One more?” she said as she was sitting up, ready to top you again.
Used to be fighting who’s on the top of the competitions. Now, competing who’s going to be on top between the two of you. If you know what I mean.
“Are you out of your mind? It’s late. We should head out or else they’ll be suspicious of what we’re doing.” You said with your bitchy attitude again.
“Right, let’s eat out then?” Doah asked you, with her puppy eyes. She’s so adorable that you can’t deny it anymore, plus she wore you out so this could compensate for the tiredness you were feeling.
“Alright, your treat.” You said as you were starting to dress the clothes she disregarded earlier.
“So, are you the one who’s giving me books?” you asked her to mask out the silence.
“Oh, yeah. I hope you liked it.” Doah smiled at you and stared at your face.
“How do you know that I read those kinds of books?” You asked her genuinely.
“Well, I might have looked at your wishlist.” Doah answered you shyly.
“Stalker.” You retorted, which earned a giggle from her.
You were ready to walk out of the door when she said something out of nowhere.
“So, I guess I proved that you’re not that smart?” Doah asked you. It made you confused.
“Huh? What?” Is she making a joke? You thought to yourself. Doah delivered that joke so dry that you can’t understand if she’s joking or serious.
“You didn’t know how to top before.” Doah told you with a smile, gosh. Why is she always smiling around you? She’s so cute!
“Whatever! At least I topped you.” You said as you rolled your eyes at her.
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You were walking out of the school building hand in hand because Doah asked you to and can’t bring yourself to reject it.
“Had fun?” Harin suddenly popped out of nowhere, making you flustered and surprised.
“What do you want?” You answered, getting protective over Doah.
“You should thank me, I’m the one who set this all up.” Harin replied, making you speechless. So, was this her plan all along? Making you disqualified and making it look like it was Doah’s fault so that you’ll confront her?
Wait, Harin knows Doah likes you?
“I’ll go home now, and Y/N…” Harin suddenly got serious and closed in the space between the both of you, it made you nervous.
“If you hurt Doah, I’ll make you regret it.” Harin said before walking out and leaving the two of you alone.
“Y/N, let’s go. Don’t worry about her, she’s just concerned because we’re close friends.” Doah reassured you.
She held your hand again as she led you to her personal car to go to a ramen shop.
So, Harin was the one who's sabotaging you, so you would confront Doah about it. It was all planned. You're not complaining, though!
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Haven't posted for a while! I hope you enjoy it, guys! Send request^^
I'm currently writing a love triangle between Suji & Harin. Wait for it guys!
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spiderwarden · 5 days
when I say 'her life in menzobarranzan ' I don't want you to JUST picture the graceful tactful politician and rebel hunter that she was.
i want you to imagine Minthara as the playboy she also was, the stereotypical child of mommy's riches who spends their days partying and having sex with men and women, and being up to her EARS in cunt and cock. Coming down to the family breakfast table, hungover, naked under a robe, and lighting a canon equivalent to a cigarette and she reaches for the toast. In some cases covered in blood if her lover from the previous night tried to kill her. Known every bit as the pleasure party lover, party animal she was. Eyes scrunching and rubbing her temples because mom is giving her hell again for not focusing on anything else BESIDES cock and cunt.
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ratsoh-writes · 23 days
Are there any particularly prominent/prestigious schools/colleges In Ebott? If so, what are they like?
Dhdhdhhdhd that sounds like a wonderful worldbuilding post!!!
Ok ok, it’s time I started making up some colleges
So ebott still mostly follows a trade/apprenticeship system. Skilled monsters will choose a number of apprentices, and after a set amount of time and a test from three other skilled monsters in the same field, they receive their own certificate. However this isn’t feasible in every field. It’s perfect for hands on jobs like wielders, construction workers, farmers and chefs. But for jobs like doctors, teachers, and historians where it’s research heavy, they need to go to school!
Dreeemur department of education: the main college in ebott and the biggest for sure, this college is only a few blocks away from the gold building (state building). It is the most prestigious school in ebott, training up monsters in all forms of magic based research. It creates ebott’s best inventors, politicians, teachers and scientists!
Ferngully school of agriculture and medicine: a passion project of doctors from all AUs, this school is where all prospective healers go. And it’s also the first to host classes purely about humans for those wanting to practice medicine for the humans of ebott. (All human doctors before immigrated in). Some more prominent farmers were recruited to also provide more opportunities for prospective plant and animals lovers. Farm work is busy and it’s hard to find a master of the craft willing to take apprentices outside of family in the agriculture field.
Waterways art college: located in new ebott, this college is purely for the arts and is a stunning place! It’s a passion project by the dancetale royals Venice and swan. The two wanted an official place and after fighting dutchess and zeus for nearly three years over the budget, the college was born.
Temple outskirts: the name is a bit misleading, but the tiny village below the temple of ebott is actually a college! Ebotts historians all want to go here. They offer all kinds of classes and degrees but specialize in teaching, law, history and philosophy.
There are other smaller universities scattered around, but are limited in what they can offer. These four are definitely the largest and most prestigious in the country.
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clownprincehoeshi · 2 months
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Synopsis: Betrayal and manipulation were always a constant in your life. Leading your family’s legacy as a mafia boss is not an easy task and most of the times can lead to losing the ones you love most. You’ve always kept away from love, but even in this dark and unforgiving world it finds you. But it also breaks you.
Pairing: mafia boss Mingyu x mafia boss reader
doctor Seungcheol x mafia boss reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers, mafia au, angst, fluff, smut
Warnings: mafia scenarios, death, gun mentions, blood, cheating, sex scenes, nudity… will post others along the way if needed
Don’t forget to support the writers by rebloging their work! Thank you!
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Lee Rua
• Mafia boss for the Lee clan
• Known for being stunning and deadly, with a sharp mind
• Her father died a few years back, getting killed by a mysterious assassin
• She was chosen as the leader of the clan, even though Jin is her older brother and a man
• She stays away from the public and the spotlights
• Her biggest enemy is Kim Mingyu. There were rumours that he was involved in her father’s death
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• Rua’s older brother
• The public doesn’t know they are related, since Jin changed his family name to Kim and lived in the States for half of his life, away from family affairs
• He just wants a normal life, working at a hospital as a doctor
• He is married and has two kids
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• The right hand on Rua and her best friend
• He met Rua when they were in 5th grade where he saved her from a gang of bullies and are besties since
• Would do anything for Rua, has been in love with her for years
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• Best assassin in Korea
• His dad used to be best friend with Rua’s dad, who was always there for the Xu family
• He’s the best when it comes to weapons, fighting, planning and finding information
• He always wears a mask when he’s out of the house and nobody except Rua and her men know how he looks like
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• He’s working at Jin’s hospital as a doctor
• Starts a romance with Rua after he saves her
• He keeps his life a mystery
• Hao doesn’t like him one bit
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Kim Mingyu
• Mafia boss of the Kim clan
• Him and Rua used to be friends when they were kids, their clans were united when their parents were alive
• He hates Rua now, since the rumours that the Lee clan was involved in his parent’s death
• He’s known for his good looks and for being the most wanted bachelor
• He loves the spotlight, loves to see his face in articles
• He’s bribing a lot of people in power to be on his side
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• One of the best men of Mingyu’s
• He’s pretty quiet and reserved
• Incredibly intelligent and competitive
• He’s called The Man in the Shadows, because that’s his MO. Waits in the shadows and strikes like lightning
• Used to train with Minghao but they lost touch when they started working for the mafia
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• One of the best men of Mingyu’s
• Him and Jeonghan are called the Deadly Twins and are best friends
• He’s an extroverted guy, always attending events and parties
• Involved with Yoongi’s sister, Jenny
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• Friend of Mingyu, politician. A corrupted one
• He’s a pain in the ass for the other clans
• Smart but arrogant, always making inappropriate jokes with Rua
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Min Yoongi
• Mafia boss of the Min clan
• He has a soft cat like face, but a heart of ice
• Would do anything to get his way
• He’s been trying to plant a mole inside Lee clan for years, but it never worked
• Always trying to stir shit up and create chaos
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• Yoongi’s little brother
• Pretty chaotic and immature
• Gets his brother into trouble all the time
• Party animal, always seen with a new girl on his arm every other day
• Him and Taehyung are besties
• Sometimes he does the dirty work for the clan
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• Yoongi’s little sister
• Spoiled little princess
• She is crazy about Joshua and she’s certain Tae is trying to steal him from her
• She hates Rua with a passion
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• Yoongi’s right hand
• One word that would describe him: crazy
• He is a cold, calculated asshole
• He likes to attend events and be the center of attention
• He got his eyes on Joshua, finding him kinda cute
• Always gets into arguments with Jenny about Joshua
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ugh-yoongi · 2 years
the dogs of war | ksj
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pairing: seokjin x reader
genre: politician au, lite enemies to lovers; crack, fluff
warnings: use of US political positions & terms, swearing, bickering, alcohol, a lot of bad jokes, unedited because i think i've kept these requests waiting long enough. if there's anything glaringly bad, though, lmk.
wordcount: 2.3k
had a few seokjin requests in my inbox from the valentine's day drabbles, so i decided to combine them into one fic:
bare — as they get undressed, the sender gently places a soft, tender kiss against the receiver’s bare shoulder.
"i really don't know if this is a yes."
"you need to stop doing that." / "do what?" / "that little eye thing you do when i walk into the room."
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You’re not even sure what this gala is for.
The hospital? No, the last one (two?) had been for the hospital. Needed pretty, important people to dress up in pretty, expensive clothes to raise money for their new wing (board members’ salaries). You know it’s not for the police union, because you wouldn’t be caught dead at one of those, and you’re almost certain the gala for the animal shelter was the one you’d shown up late to last week.
So, yeah—you’re stumped.
Not that it really matters. You’ve fulfilled the requirements and paid the ticket price. Poured yourself into a dress that is, admittedly, a size too small; a dress you will probably have to cut yourself out of later on. Got your hair and makeup and nails done real nice. Rented jewelry three times your annual salary. There isn’t a person in this place that has taken dress pretty, look prettier more seriously than you.
Well, until.
“You need to stop doing that.”
You roll your eyes. Pluck a flute of champagne off a passing waiter’s tray and down it in one go. “Stop doing what?”
“That little eye thing you do when I walk into the room,” Seokjin answers, crooked fingers moving to work at his stupid bowtie. “You can’t possibly expect to be the best-looking person in every room, especially when we’re forced to attend the same events.”
You huff. Privately, because you’d be better off dying than letting Seokjin know he’s successful at getting under your skin. “I can and I do.”
“Well, we all have a tragic flaw.”
“What’s yours, then?”
“Let me rephrase: most of us have a tragic flaw. Not me, though.”
There’s still forty minutes until dinner. Forty minutes until you will once again be forced to sit next to Seokjin and watch as he effortlessly charms the entire table. Watch as people foolishly trip over themselves to get on his good side, laughing at his stupid jokes, complimenting his perfectly-styled hair and his flawless skin and his suits that cost far too much money for a person who claims to be a socialist.
“I’m voting no on your most recent proposal, by the way. Figured I’d get that out of the way early.”
Seokjin sputters, chokes on a hors d'oeuvre someone had probably bent over backwards to hand-deliver to him on a little plate. “What? Why? I specifically wrote in all those stupid provisions you requested.”
“I’ve changed my mind.”
“Fuck you,” he whispers, “I spent months—”
“That’s politics, baby.”
“You’re gonna be the only one,” he accuses, borderline seething, as if you don’t already know this. “Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok are finally on board, so you’re gonna be the lone dissenter. Might be really embarrassing for you.”
“It won’t be,” you assure him. You might be petty and spiteful (you are in politics, after all) but you’re not an idiot (you are in politics, after all, so maybe that’s not true). “Section nine, subsection twelve. That’s my get out of jail free card.”
“That’s the proposed redistricting map. The one you wanted.”
You offer up a smile, pinch at Seokjin’s cheek. “Exactly, and you spelled one of my town’s names wrong. Therefore, I cannot, in good conscience, vote for it. What would my constituents say?”
“You’re tanking this entire thing over a typo? I’ll call Namjoon right now and have him fix it.”
“The Namjoon that’s currently at the open bar going shot-for-shot with Jimin? Looks a little green? Good luck. At least I hired a Chief of Staff who can hold their liquor.”
Steam practically pours out of his ears. He certainly looks to be on the verge of a mental break, what with the angry flush that’s taken over his entire upper body. “Have you forgotten we’re on the same side here? What happened to party loyalty?”
“Oh, Seokjinnie,” you intone, “there’s no loyalty in gerrymandering.”
He scoffs. Grabs so forcefully at his own flute of champagne that he knocks the poor waiter completely off-center. Now he has no flutes of champagne and the floor has ten.
If looks could kill, this would be your funeral instead of whatever this gala is for.
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As luck would have it, you do get seated next to Seokjin.
He’s usually the life of the party. Is usually cracking jokes left and right, wrapping every laterally-important person around his finger. He’s always the first person everyone looks to for a reaction—if he laughs, it’s all good; if his jaw clenches, everyone treads lightly. Either his phone or his checkbook is always out, but tonight there’s nothing more than the proverbial storm cloud over his head.
“I worked on that for months,” he tells you for the fifth time in the span of an hour. “I cannot believe you.”
You take a delicate bite of your dinner. Smile for the camera that leaves stars behind your eyes when the flash goes off. “Uh-huh.”
“This is just so typical,” he continues, seemingly uncaring who can hear him. “I bend over backwards to give you whatever you want, and you stab me in the back the first chance you get. You’re no better than the Roman senate.”
“You want me to start calling you Seok-julius? I’ll be honest, it sounds pretty bad, but if that’s what you’re into...”
“Fuck you,” he says again. “You’re a traitor of the highest degree.”
Jimin shoots you a concerned look. You respond with a roll of your eyes and mime throwing back a drink. Jimin responds with an eye-roll of his own, jerking his head in Namjoon’s direction, then he nods. Him, too, he mouths, then promptly turns his attention back to the older woman beside him whose husband is the head of some important committee. Thank god Jimin’s here to do all your schmoozing for you (and that he can hold his liquor).
“You’re the worst.”
“Okay, Seokjin.”
“I’m getting another drink. Do you want anything?” You stare at him in disbelief, blinking slowly. “I don’t know if that’s a yes.”
“It definitely isn’t. Haven’t you drank enough?”
“No,” comes his immediate response. “My current level of inebriation is disproportionate to the amount of suffering you have bestowed upon me this evening.”
“I don’t know if that’s true. Your eyes are all glassy and your face is really red. I’ve certainly retaken the lead in the best-looking contest—”
“You are insufferable.” Then, because the alcohol has loosened his lips and he can’t seem to help himself, he says, “You are always the best-looking person in any room. Fuck, I need another drink. Namjoonie, get me another drink, please. I regret to inform you I am, in fact, too drunk to leave this table.”
Inexplicably, Namjoon looks at you. Looks like a deer in headlights, but turns to you nonetheless, and you feel your jaw drop. “No,” you tell him, “I’m not dealing with him. He’s your chief.”
“But it’s your fault he’s this drunk,” Namjoon argues, because he’s a shithead who majored in pre-law in undergrad. “He won’t make it to the big speech, at this rate.”
“What are you, five? Then take him home,” you hiss. This is rapidly spiraling out of control. Seokjin, at Level Zero Inebriation, would never compliment you, so he must be very far gone to concede the best-looking title to you.
It makes your stomach hurt.
Jimin’s still busy charming the pants off the committee wife. Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok are deep in conversation and only loyal to one another, so they’ll be no help. You could probably wrestle Seokjin’s phone out of his hands to call one of his lesser staff members, perhaps his driver, but he’d almost certainly cause a scene. Start squawking at you in that tone of his that’s liable to break sound barriers, and that’s the last thing you need.
So, with all the decorum you can muster, you shove the last forkful of risotto in your mouth and fire off a text to your own driver.
Ten minutes, comes the response.
You show the text to Jimin, who merely nods and tells you good luck. You hate that you’re going to need it.
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You don’t know how much Seokjin weighs, but you’re certain eighty-percent of it is in his shoulders.
Thankfully Jungkook, your driver, is much more buff and far less considerate than you are, because he’d just thrown Seokjin over his shoulder and deposited him on your couch, uncaring of his protests and warnings of impending vomit.
“Not my house, not my problem,” was his response.
“Wow, rude,” was yours.
Before anything else, you fetch a bucket and a sleeve of crackers. “Eat up,” you tell Seokjin, who unsurprisingly gives you the finger in turn. “Very mature. Don’t forget you’re only here as the result of your own actions.”
Seokjin mimics you under his breath, and you have half a mind to dump a glass of water on him. But he looks so… helpless. Simultaneously green in the face and pale, looking far from the man with the million-dollar skincare routine; suit rumpled, jacket thrown carelessly over the arm of the couch, shoes untied but still on his feet. You don’t have any pets because you’re never home and are woefully inept of taking care of anything, but something about Seokjin in this moment kicks some long-forgotten nurturing gene into high gear.
So you fetch some water and a blanket. Busy yourself making coffee, because it’s not even nine p.m. and you’re usually never home before midnight, let alone tucked into bed. And those stupid gala entrees are small, so you rummage through your kitchen for something to snack on.
“Did you make enough coffee for two?” you hear from the living room.
“Yeah,” you call back. “How do you take it?”
“Preferably not from my sworn enemy’s kitchen, but I suppose I’ll have to make an exception.”
“I’m gonna spit in it,” you tell him. An overexaggerated gag comes from his direction.
“Never mind. Can I take a shower?”
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If you thought getting him out of the car and in the front door had been difficult, it’s nothing compared to helping him into the shower.
Which you shouldn’t even be doing, considering he’s insistent on not showering in his briefs but also isn’t capable of undressing himself, so it all feels clandestine. Now the two of you are crammed in the bathroom attached to the guest room—the one with the bog standard shampoo and conditioner and body wash, because you don’t trust Seokjin not to pour all your expensive stuff down the drain out of spite.
“Help me help you,” you beg, righting him for the nth time. It’s those goddamn shoulders of his. He’s too top-heavy; makes him susceptible to tipping over sideways into the wall.
“Can’t,” he responds. Barely manages to pop the button on his suit pants before he tips into the wall again.
A frustrated groan escapes you. You’ll never get him into the shower at this rate, and you really want to eat that snack. Not to mention the coffee’s going to get all bitter and gross if you leave it in the carafe too long. “You’re really inconveniencing me, you know that?”
You huff, turn him forcefully so he’s facing you. Start working at the buttons of his dress shirt. Tom Ford. Black silk. Probably cost a fortune, because it’s also been perfectly tailored to accentuate his waist, which is… not great for your mental well-being. Doesn’t help that his heady cologne is still stubbornly clinging onto the fabric.
“Did you mean what you said earlier?”
“You’re gonna have to be more specific,” he answers. “I say a lot of things. Don’t usually mean most of them, no.”
“Definitely a politician, then.”
He sighs. Tips his head back, puts that horrible neck on full display. You cover your whimper with a cough. “I thought it best not to fight the inevitable,” he says. “I’m charming. People want to give me things. Might as well use my powers for good.”
“Yeah, sure,” you reply distractedly. Only three buttons left. Thank god he’s wearing an undershirt. “Makes sense.”
“Well, I try to. Hard to do that when someone votes against the proposals I’ve spent months drafting.”
“Uh-huh. Hey, turn around, I think your shirt’s caught on something in the back.”
Seokjin obliges. Blocks your view of your bathroom with his giant shoulders. You’re so glad he can’t see the look on your face, because it’s already pretty pathetic, but then he says, “I did mean what I said, though. About you.” He clears his throat, the flush creeping up his neck again. “Being pretty.”
Your hands tremble as you get his shirt unstuck. As you untuck it from his pants and push it off his shoulders. As you fold it carefully and place it on the counter. As you see a scar on his shoulder and trace your fingers over it. “What’s this from?”
“Assassination attempt,” Seokjin deadpans.
“Can’t imagine why anyone would want to murder you.”
“Me neither.” Then, quieter: “Got it when I fell out of a tree.”
“How old were you?”
You snort your laughter, feeling a little brave with Seokjin’s back to you. “You really think I’m pretty?” you ask, and when he nods again, you throw caution to the wind entirely.
Press onto the tips of your toes. Press a soft kiss to the scar on Seokjin’s shoulder. Smile again at the soft gasp that escapes him, the way he tips over again and expects to bang into the wall, except you’ve turned him all around so there’s nothing to catch him. He tries grabbing onto the shower curtain but it’s hopeless, so he goes toppling into the tub.
“You’re really falling for me, huh?” you ask, extending your hand to help him up. He’s groaning in pain, but he takes it anyway, pulling you in with him. Can’t say you didn’t expect it. Seokjin’s a shithead before he’s anything else.
His arms snake around your waist immediately. “If I say yes, will you change your vote on my proposal?”
“I guess we’ll see.”
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geminipixels · 2 months
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2010's Billboard Top “Songs” Family Legacy Challenge
1 decade of music hit's + 10 top charting songs + 10 generations = Musical legacy for the Sims 3.
Welcome to my first Legacy challenge rules made for the Sims 3. Even though the game is 15 years old, it still has an active community that loves a good challenge. This legacy challenge was inspired by how I typically play my own generational gameplay and, of course, Music. Since music is a very broad theme, however, I chose a decade to really base the legacy around that I was well familiar with: the 2010's. And thus this legacy challenge was made in a span of a week, with hours of researching billboard charts, listening to songs, interpreting song lyrics and translating it into the Sims 3. So whether you're looking for a new challenge to play, a music lover or just wanna spice up your gameplay, feel free to play this challenge I created.
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Generalized Rules:
This is written as a 10 Generation Legacy Challenge. However, don't feel obligated to play it strictly as it was written. I based the generations based off the decade and chronologically ordered by the year. You are welcome to play only 3 generations, 5 generations. Mix and match generations. Play from Gen 1 to 5 or 5 to 10. It's your game, so play the way that make's it the most fun for YOU!
Each generation is tied to a specific song and artist. I decided to pick the song that charted the most weeks on the billboard for every year, as multiple songs charted as hits or made it to #1 spot, and even came close to 2nd as the Hit song for that year. So if you don't like a specific artist or song, feel free to skip said generation.
This was not made with Base Game compatible (Sorry.) When making the challenge, I tried to use traits and make rules that closely resembled the meaning behind the song. So if you don't have a certain pack or feature, it's okay to skip it or find a way to replace it.
I highly encourage the usage of Mods that enhance and optimized gameplay.
Cheat with Moderation. The aim of this challenge is to ultimately have fun and enjoy gameplay. Cheating is permissible if it correlated with the story. Cheating for a house at the start of each generation is fine, or for Twins during a pregnancy is 100% allowed. But avoid excessive money cheating or cheating skills.
Try to use at least 3 of the recommended traits. Completing every Goal isn't required, but mainly there as a guideline for story-telling. And Optional goals are 100% optional and for added challenges or gameplay.
Most importantly: Have fun and take creative freedoms with this challenge. I wrote it to be as open-ended as possible in terms of heirs and lovers. If some generations seem similar in your opinion, feel free to tweak the story to spice it up more or mellow it down.
Feedback is always welcomed. And if you do play this challenge, feel free to "@" me or post it under "2010's Billboard Family Legacy Challenge".
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Generation 1: Tik Tok by Kesha
“Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up. Tonight, I'ma fight un'til we see the sunlight.”
You were always the life of the party and natural social butterfly. Your family always judged you for being too “Free-sprinted” or “Outspoken”, but you were unapologetically yourself. You stood out from the crowd, were always confident, carefree and had no shame in having a good time. Despite what your family says, your friends all love you, and you're a natural inspiration to those you meet. Even with waking up with a hangover every morning or with unfamiliar faces, you're a natural leader and the creator of your destiny. Traits: Party-Animal, Charismatic, Social Butterfly, Friendly and Rebellious
Have a bad relationship with any family/ Move to a new town away from relatives
Have at least 2 best friends and 5 good friends throughout your whole life.
Have a career that involves leading or being around people (Education, Military, Business, Politician…) or be self-employed and become your own boss-babe.
Must hook up with your future lover or spouse before officially dating them.
Spontaneously get a Tattoo and dye your hair halfway through YA. And again in Adulthood.
Go clubbing with your best friends every weekend.
Master the Charisma Skill and at least 3 skill challenges.
Optional Goals:
Throw a party at least once a week.
Master Mixology or Nectar Making skills as a side hobby.
Buy at least one club in town and rename it after yourself.
Name all your children after your favorite club drinks.
Generation 2: Rolling in the Deep by Adele
“We could have had it all… Rolling in the deep. You had my heart inside of your hands… And you played it to the beat.”
You were always the sweetheart of the family. Good-spirited, nurturing and very giving. You were always there for everyone and supported everyone around you, putting others before yourself. But you’d never expected for your Kindness to be taken advantage of by the one you loved most. Before you knew it, your perfect fantasy of a perfect family and happy marriage was taken before your eyes. After the Betrayal, you vowed to never be taken advantage of again and took matters into your hand. Traits: Nurturing, Perfectionist, Hopeless Romantic, Good, Shy
Have a high relationship with Parents and Siblings.
Aim to be the perfect child of the family; Making Honor Roll, be Valedictorian, Joining after school activities
As a teenager, get into a relationship very early with a sim from a wealthy family.
As a YA, move in with a lover and get engaged quickly. 
Before wedding, find out lover is cheating on you with another sim. Immediately break off relationship.
Uh-Oh, there was an unexpected pregnancy. You keep the baby but raise them without then knowing their other parent.
After your tragic heartbreak, you decide to ruin your exes' life as revenge.(Up to player’s interpretation).
Be a strong example for your child. Reach the top Level of your desired Career and Master 3 Skills.
Optional Goals:
After the breakup with your high school sweetheart, you have a villainous era: Change two traits any of the following: Unflirty, Workaholic, Grumpy or Mean-spirited.
You give love another chance later in Adulthood and get into a relationship once you reach level 8 of your career.
You always wanted a perfect family but never got the chance: Adopt/foster 2 additional children.
Generation 3: Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye
“But you didn't have to cut me off. Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing.”
Your whole life has felt like a mystery. As if you were cursed almost and nothing felt real. You never knew your other parent, your friends always seemed to disappear and occasionally, you even questioned if you knew yourself. Maybe it’s all in your head. Or Perhaps life enjoys playing a cruel joke on you. Are you the problem? Traits: Perceptive, Genius, Erratic/Insane, Unstable, Brooding
Have a close relationship with your single parent.
As a child, make a best friend you always hang out with and visit, then never see them again after aging up until a Teen.
Never have a relationship with your other biological parent until teenage hood.(Or find out the truth of what happened between your parents.)
Master the Logic and Writing Skills.
Master a job in Law enforcement ( Private Investigator, International Super Spy or Forensic Scientist)
Have 3 failed relationships throughout your life. One of which results in a happy little accident.
Your Friends are always seeming to disappear; never maintain multiple friendships.
As a YA reunite with your long-lost best friend. Rekindle your relationship and get married. (Can have more children)
Sometime in your early Adulthood, your spouse mysteriously abandons the family at night and never is seen again.
Optional Goals:
Turns out your best friend from childhood was an occult (Marry an Occult sim)
Write only Mystery Novels based upon your life as a side income.
Just because your life was a mess doesn’t mean you’ll repeat the cycle for your child/children. Spoil and raise your kids to be the very best.
Generation 4: Get Lucky by Daft Punk ft Pharrell Williams
“We've come too far to forget who we are, So let's raise the bar, and our cups, to the stars.”
Well, you certainly have an interesting family history of heartbreak and mysterious tragedy? Grandparent had a heartbroken betrayal. Then one of your parents mysteriously left overnight, leaving the other heartbroken and confused.  It seems like your family forgot how to enjoy the little things in life and have fun? It’s a good thing you're around to lighten up your family legacy and “attempt” to break this angsty story. Traits: Lucky, Virtuoso, Natural-Born Performer, Flirty and Good Sense of Humor.
Master the xylophone as a toddler and reach level 5 of one instrument before aging up into a Young Adult.
Always have at least 2 romantic interests at the same time when a Teenager.
Work in a musical job, profession, or start a Band with your close friends.
Perform in a club or play for tips every weekend.
Become a 3-star celebrity.
Idolized your future spouse. Date and eventually marry another celebrity/entertainer.
Master at least 2 skills in an Instrument, and reach level 5 in any additional instrument skills.
Optional goals:
Sometime being flirty and lucky leads to questionable choices: Woo-hoo with 5 sims through your whole life.
Travel to Paris at least once in your life. It’s the city of love, after all.
Who said getting lucky was always easy? Be rejected or fail twice with future spouse before finally dating them.
Make a family of prodigies - Every one of your kids must reach level 3 in some instrumental skill before becoming YA.
Generation 5: Happy by Pharrell Williams
“It might seem crazy what I'm about to say. Sunshine, she's here, you can take a break.”
You're a natural ray of sunshine. Always happy, cheerful and positive. Almost as if no-one could bring you down. Your positive outlook on life is infectious, sometimes obnoxiously so. Some people may call you a bimbo or himbo, telling you to get your head out of the clouds and be realistic. But all the negativity makes you smile and spread your positivity more. Whether they like it or not, nobody can put your light out. Traits:Schmoozer, Brave, Loves the Heat, Excitable, and Absent-minded or Easily Impressed
As a child, your parents adopted you a furry friend. Become best friends forever with either a Golden Retriever or Orange Cat.
Join any social after school club during your school years. 
Upon aging up into a teen, make a new friend every sim week and maintain at least friend status or old friends.
Travel to Vacation world one summer with your family, and make 3 friends.
Work in a career that involves making people happy or protecting people (Firefighter, Singer, Acrobat, Magician, Lifeguard...)
Marry a sim that shares at least 3 of the same traits as you.
Spoil yourself and your lover at least once a week.
Optional Goals:
Live by the beach or beach inspired world
Collect everything from the summer festival
Master the Athletic Skill and Charisma Skill
Have a Honeymoon in Favorite Vacation world with your lover.
Have a total of 15 friends before you die.
Generation 6: Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars.
“Stylin', whilen, livin' it up in the city Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent Got kiss myself, I'm so pretty”
Everywhere you go, all eyes fall on you. You have a natural aura that screams, ��You own the place” or “Look at me”. And the best part is you know it. Not to toot your horn or sound arrogant, but you know the truth-people want to be like you or be with you, you're the model sim after all. And if they don’t like you, you couldn't care less about irrelevant sims. You're not ashamed to live the high life because at the end of the day, you're the best and above everyone else. Traits: Irresistible, Star-quality, Snob, Dramatic, Mean spirited or Evil
Have a strained relationship with all your siblings: They were always jealous they couldn’t be on your level.
Be best friends with parents. You were always their favorite child anyway.
Be a trend setter. Work in a career that you're the face of the company or runs the place. / Make money through owning properties or resorts and name them after yourself.
Live in a luxurious home or apartment.
Become a 5-star celebrity. Everyone has to know your name, one way or another.
Own 2 cars worth over $30,000 dollars. You have to show off your wealth around town.
Only date celebrities 3 stars or higher… You can’t be seen with just anybody, with paparazzi lurking.
Have a secret love child behind your lover’s back.
Be Hardly around for your kids. You don’t have time to raise them when you need to keep up appearances and make others love you.
Optional Goals:
Not everyone can handle your arrogance and natural aura - Have 5 “Haters”/Enemies.
Why leave your influence for just now? You're so great that you need to leave your impression in the future as well. Travel into the future and make a Utopia or befriend 3 sims.
People can’t seem to resist you, and you can’t blame them. Have 3 affairs throughout your life and never get caught.
Live in a city world (Or world with city life) and go to the hottest clubs in town every Saturday.
You're a Trendsetter. And you need to spread your influence as much as possible. Master the Charisma and Social Networking skills.
Generation 7: Starboy by the Weeknd ft Daft Punk
“ You talking money, need a hearing aid. You talking 'bout me, I don't see the shade. Switch up my style, I take any lane. I switch up my cup, I kill any pain.”
Your whole life has been filled with stardom, whether you like it or not. You come from a family with an impactful legacy of being influential or in the spotlight. Your parents themselves were high class, wealthy celebrities, leaving you and your siblings to inherit their spotlight while growing up. But growing up in the spotlight wasn’t as glamorous as your parents made it look. Stardom is filled with people praying for your downfall, fake friends, infidelities, no privacy and greed. It’s enough to make any person turn bitter and spiteful. You tried your hardest to reject it, but inevitably you learned to accept your celebrity status. But that doesn’t mean you won’t work hard to expose it, either. You are the Mf**ing Star-sim, anyway. Traits: Grumpy, Ambitious, Hot-Headed, No sense of Humor and Loner or Socially Awkward.
Have a negative relationship with both your parents. They weren’t as great as they made the media believe.
As a child, don’t make any friends outside siblings or pets. You don't need fake friends, they only disappoint you.
Spend most of your time as a teenager away from home, either working or in after school activities.
Reach the top level of the Journalism career. Hollywood isn't gonna be exposed by itself.
Try to ruin your reputation twice but fail. People are so shallow and forgive too easily for some reason.
Always maintain a minimum of 2 celebrity stars. It's difficult to erase your family's influence.
Only get into a relationship when reached level 4 of your career. You're not really a people person, but finding love won't hurt?
Have only twins close to end of YA/ Once reached Adult life stage.
Optional Goals:
Expose your parents. Write a best-selling book about your parents' secrets and affairs.
It's difficult to find genuine people in the spotlight who aren't about clout or money. Marry a poor sim with the Good and Loner traits.
Reach level 5 in photography skills and level 6 of Social networking skills.
Have a secret celebrity expose blog that reaches 3 stars.
Generation 8: Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran
This Generation has 2 storylines to pick from
Storyline 1: "I'm in love with the shape of you. We push and pull like a magnet do. Although my heart is falling too. I'm in love with your body."
Growing in a small and tight-knit household, Your parents always allowed you and your siblings to pursue your interests. And from a young age, you wanted to be the very best, just like your grandparents. You had a competitive drive and always stayed motivated. You never understood how other’s could be so content with the bare minimum, like your twin. Furthermore, you two were complete opposites, but you didn’t let your twin hold you back. You strived for greatness and made a few rivals along the way. But it didn’t matter, as you weren’t letting anyone hold you back. Traits: Discipline, Athletic, Daredevil, Adventurous, Loves the Outdoors.
Become better than your twin. Become an A student first, Join clubs first, make friends first…
Reach level 4 in Athletic skill before becoming a YA.
Make 3 rivals/enemies as a child and teen. You can’t help it if other people are sore losers.
Go to university with your Twin, and pursue a degree in Physical Education.
Meet future spouse at a college party, who's also pursuing Physical education and have a negative relationship with one another and start a rivalry with them.
Spend time at University trying to be better than your future lover.
Before graduating, you realized you and your rival aren’t that different. Retire the petty rivalry and hookup with them.
After graduating, your former rival and you become a power couple. Join the same career (Athletic, Military, Law enforcement, firefighter) and dominate the ranks together.
Optional Goals:
Get into a fight with your university rival once a week. Rivals to Lovers style.
Get max influence in Jock social group.
Try to get a perfect GPA in University and continue to outdo your twin.
Travel to China and learn the Martial arts. Master the Martial arts and Athletic skill.
Greatness only produces greatness after all. All of your children achieve Honor roll in their child and teen years.
Storyline 2: "Girl, you know I want your love. Your love was handmade for somebody like me. Well, come on now, follow my lead. I may be crazy, don't mind me."
Growing up, you always admired your parents' bravery and talent in journalism and writing. While your twin was constantly trying to be the best, you were the daydreamer. Preferring to stay inside reading books and daydreaming, about finding your soulmate. You didn’t care too much about school nor making as many friends possible, as you were too busy in your imagination painting your ideal life or dating a supernatural. While your twin was too busy being competitive and trying to be on top, you like taking life one day at a time. Why be like your twin a rush everything, when you can go with the flow and have things come to you? Traits: Clumsy, Artistic, Bookworm, Shy, Hopeless Romantic or Supernatural Fan.
Have your best friend be your imaginary friend growing up. They were always more likeable than your twin anyway.
Join the book club as a child. Reading eventually inspired you to write your first novel as a teenager.
Reach level 4 of the writing skill before becoming YA. Master the Painting and Writing skills.
Go to university with your Twin, and pursue a degree in Communications.
Fall in love with a student in Rebel social group /Supernatural sim. Something about this sim seems to help you get out of your comfort zone and shell, and eventually becomes your soulmate you always dream of.
Spend the rest of University pinning after the sim and writing small novels based around them in spare time. Before graduating, finally confess your attraction.
After University, join a career similar to your parent in journalism or becoming a self-employed writer or become a film director.
Write only Romantic, Fantasy, and Drama novels based on your Romance with your lover.
Optional Goal:
Name your all your children after your favorite book characters.
Learn and master the Alchemy skill to impress your supernatural lover.
Have a dark academia inspired wedding and home with your Spouse.
Turn your imaginary friend doll into a real-sim.
Reach the max influence of the Nerd Social group.
Generation 9: God's Plan by Drake
"God's plan, God's plan. I hold back, sometimes I won't, yeah. I feel good, sometimes I don't (Ayy, don't)."
Despite having a great upbringing and supportive parents, growing up you always felt like the underdog compared to everyone else. You tried your hardest, and sometimes things failed to go your way. Kids used to bully you in elementary school, in high school you were rejected and left out. But if you learned a thing or two from your family, it’s to never give up. Your parent’s always did say you would reach your potential later in life. Traits: Unlucky, Loser, Overemotional, Eccentric, Commitment issues.
Have no friends as child sim, with exception to siblings.
Switch part-time jobs and after school activities frequently. You can never find your true niche.
Have 3 failed relationships as teenager. Everyone seems to never want to give you a chance.
Change something about your appearance every week. (Ex: haircut/color, outfit, etc.). Maybe fitting in will help with being an outcast?
As a YA, move to an entirely new town or go to University. Maybe a fresh start is what you need?
Reach level 3 in logic skill and Level 4 in Athletic skill. This leads you to have a spiritual awaking and tap into your true potential. Change 3 traits to: Lucky and Charismatic and Irresistible.
Reach level 5 in 4 different careers.
Only befriend sims with compatible zodiac signs to yourself.
After your glow up, sims began to treat you differently but you never forgot your past. Become a heartbreaker and break 5 sims hearts.
Adopt or have a max of 2 kids.
Optional Goals:
Turn into a supernatural sim.
Master Inventing skill and invent 3 sim bots. You weren’t perfect but you can aim to make perfection overnight.
Being a heartbreaker is fun. Break a total of 10 hearts or ruin 3 sim relationships.
Never have less that $20k in your household funds.
Generation 10: Old Town Road by Lil Nas X
"Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road. I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more."
Your whole family legacy has been filled with highs and lows. Everyone wanting to make a name for themselves, but getting caught up in greed or power and even lust. But you always enjoyed the quiet and simplicity of life. Who cares about being famous or flashy luxury items? You won’t knock your family accomplishments, and you admire their hardships. But your enjoyment in life came from the purest form of being connected to the land and nature. After all, the most fulfillment in life comes from being connected to your roots right? It’s about high time you leave the city life behind… Traits: Animal lover, Equestrian, Eco-Friendly, Loves the Outdoors, Green Thumb or Technophobe(Extra challenge)
Join the scouts as a kid and start a mini collection of bugs, fish, rocks etc…
Your siblings always asked for cars or the newest laptop, but you wanted an animal companion. Have parents adopt a horse for teenage birthday.
Move to the countryside or country inspired world as YA, away from family. You love them to bits, but you need a breath of fresh air.
Make a living by being a Farmer, Equestrian, Angler, or Gather. Complete related aspiration as well.
Always have a Horse and a cat/dog in the household. You just love yourself some furry friends.
Marry a fellow Animal lover and Green-thumb sim. Birds of a same feather do flock together.
Compete in the Horse races at least once a week.
Master the Horse Riding Skill.
Have 5 children. You always wanted a big family filled with happy children and animal companions.
Optional Goals:
Master Fishing and Gardening Skill.
Have all pets master pet related skills before death.
Live off the grid. Don’t have any electronic-based entertainment objects in your home. Rots the brain.
Name your kid’s nature-related names.
Embrace the traditional lifestyle. Grow all your produce for meals on your farm (With exception to meats/Winter time)
Build your own ranch or cottage from the ground up.
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detectivecarisi-1 · 1 year
The Senator’s Daughter Chapter 2 (Bodyguard! Dave York x Female Reader
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AN: Lol I am alive. Honestly, I am even surprised this took as long as it did, but I transferred from my old job teaching at a middle school (after a student threatened to stab me lol) and moved to a high school, so I had to completely restart my curriculum, which, if you’ve been following me, is why I’ve been having a bit of a mental breakdown as of lately. But being at the high school has been so much better for me, so I am finally back to writing! I appreciate you all for your patience, and if you’re reading this, thank you for coming back :) I am currently figuring out how to make a masterlist, so hopefully that gets up soon. I have alot of oneshots in mind for Din Djarin (my beloved) and Joel Miller… But we’ll see if I ever have the time to write those. I know there’s a ton of new people to the Pedro Pascal fandom so... that makes me a little nervous. But, stay tuned! Thank you again! - Megan 
Rating: M for language, and discussions of drugs and alcohol. Future chapters will be explicit, so 18+ ONLY!!! MINORS DNI\
Word Count: 2.5k 
Warnings: A lot of language (sorry, I have the mouth of a sailor, it’s hard to write without it), Eventual Smut (18+ FOR THE WHOLE SERIES), AFAB! Reader, HUGE divergence from canon, MeanDom!Dave York, Dom/Sub undertones, Brattysub!Reader, legal age gap relationship, Enemies to lovers, Mentions of drug/alcohol abuse, self-destructive behaviors, corrupt cops (probably only in this chapter), Politics lol, Minor violence (probably?), eventual mentions of parental abuse. 
Tags: @fatimaisabelpascal
If you’d like to be tagged in future chapters, feel free to dm me! 
“Sir, yes, sir” she says before slipping into the connected bathroom to shower. Dave starts to turn away, to give her some form of privacy, but Senator Leland grabs him by the arm before they could leave. Dave watches, as the strict father act Leland was putting on earlier melts away, as he slumps against the wall near the bathroom door.
“I just… I wanna make sure she gets in okay.” Just like his daughter, Senator Leland looks completely different than how the news channels show him. Where she looks younger, and softer than the washed-up party girl TMZ shows, Till Leland looks more exhausted, and unsure of himself, compared to the confident, perfectly styled politician he saw on MSNBC. Dave, after years of service in the CIA, has a certain skill for reading people, and Dave doesn’t see Mr. Leland as a slimy, sure of himself politician, he just sees a tired father. His shirt is wrinkled, and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, he looks exhausted, like he has been up all night. Mr. Leland stands, close to his daughter private bathroom, waiting for the sound of the shower to turn on, with one of his hands pinching the bridge of his nose.
Dave takes his time to look around the girl’s room. Just like the girl herself, her room is nowhere near what Dave would’ve expected. Despite the shoes in her bed, and the mascara stains on a pristine white pillowcase, her room is perfectly kept. She has a makeup desk, with a few photos of her smiling next to a small white dog. On a shelf above her bed, she has a collection of stuffed animals, each one seems to be placed carefully, with the smaller ones in the front and center, while the larger ones are arranged in a neat row behind them. He spots a bookshelf in the corner, with a few cookbooks, The Great Gatsby, and War and Peace, Dave raises his eyebrows, genuinely impressed when he spots a tasseled bookmark, sticking out of the book, she’s almost finished with it. Dave had expected her room to be a complete mess, with dirtied clothes, bottles of pills and alcohol, and the trash overflowing, but this is the room of a normal girl. She continues to defy his expectations.
Finally, the shower starts, and Dave watches the senator’s entire body relax with relief. Senator Leland turns to Dave, “You have kids, Dave?” Dave nods, “two girls.” The senator nods… “so you… understand what I’m trying to do. I just want to make sure she’s okay… I don’t know what else to do.”
Dave doesn’t respond. Dave would stop at nothing to ensure their safety and their health. Dave has killed for much less, but for his daughters? He would make anyone, anyone who even looks his daughter’s direction with a sense of malice, suffer until they are begging for him to kill them.
He looks at the senator, he sees a distraught father, desperate to save his little girl from her own self-destruction. Dave thinks… If this was his child, he would burn down every nightclub in the state and nail her door shut. Perhaps Till Leland’s plan is just a little more level-headed. Dave has never been the best at controlling his temper, so a he understands the Senator, sure, however, he still questions how things could’ve gotten this bad with the girl.
Dave simply sets his jaw, and nods.
The senator runs a hand through his hair, sniffs and turns to Dave, shifting back into the smooth-talking senator Dave met earlier that morning. “Let me show you around the house. I can show you where you’ll be staying.”
They leave the girl’s room, and Senator Leland leads Dave to a room, only across the hall from the girl’s room. Leland opens the door, revealing a simple, but still beautiful bedroom. There it’s painted a soft gray, with dark wood floors, clearly original with the house, Dave can tell they’re aged, even though they had clearly recently been polished. There is an oak desk along the front wall, and a queen-sized bed with a white comforter on the opposite wall, with a simple nightstand beside it. Senator Leland breaks the silence “It’s not much, I know. Before my dad passed he stayed here full time.” Leland opens a door in the back corner, “You have your own restroom, shower, bath, anything you need. Dave don’t hesitate to ask for anything else. I know this job isn’t the same as a simple celebrity escort. I want to make sure you are well taken care of, so you can take the best care of my daughter.”  
You step out of the shower, confused, and more hungover than you’ve been in your life. You look in the mirror, and oh great you look just as fucked up as you feel. Incredible. Thinking back to the mysterious “Mr.York”  in your room, you feel the heat of embarrassment warming the back of your neck… 
No big deal, just saw the hottest man I’ve ever seen, and what a great first impression, vomiting in a trashcan… things could be worse… hopefully.
 You look in the mirror, trying to piece together the night before, attempting to shake the weight of shame, and embarrassment that’s currently making you want to melt into the cool tile of the bathroom floor. It only worsens when you remember the look on your father’s face, he hasn’t looked that disappointed since… well ever. Some shit went down last night and its driving you crazy that you can’t remember a thing.
“Whatever… can’t get worse than this.”
You throw on some clean pajamas and stumble downstairs.
As you enter the dining room, you spot Mr. York and your father, facing the stairwell, looking like something out of a sitcom’s “intervention” episode. If you weren’t so nervous, (and not insane) you would consider looking for a camera.
You get your first, clear-headed look at Mr. York, and, somehow, he's even more attractive when you’re (mostly) sober. You feel a little insecure, seeing him so perfectly put together and unaffected, and here you are, with your knees turning to jell-o.
Despite your distraction with Mr. York, you can still feel the tension in the air.
You walk up to your father and wrap him in a hug, that he doesn’t return, “Morning, old man. What’s the deal? Polling numbers down?” Your dad chuckles dryly “yeah, well, they’re about to be at least.”
His voice is raspy, he sounds exhausted. You hate that he feels like this, and, although you’re not exactly a genius, you know it’s somehow because of you.
You raise an eyebrow, and plop down on the seat across from your father… You pretend to think deeply for a moment, before gasping, “Oh, shit, they found out you did acid at a Nirvana concert in 91’?” you ask, trying desperately to lighten the mood.
“It was the Smashing Pumpkins, sweetheart, you know this. But no, that secret is locked away.” He smiles, and for a moment, he seems like it's just a normal morning, and that everything, deep down, is okay. But his face falls again, and he reaches across the table to grab your hand. “Honey… I love you very much, you know?”
Oh shit. This is bad, this is really bad.
You feel the color drain from your face, and your blood turns cold. You don’t trust your own voice to come out without squeaking, so you just give your dad a nervous smile.
 “You… you got arrested last night. You were found passed out in front of a nightclub, and when the cops came to help you up… you dropped a small bag of pills.” He refuses to meet your eyes, he’s chewing his lip, and takes a deep breath before he continues, “If it weren’t for the fact that Office Benson was on the scene, you would’ve been charged. Benson owes me a favor so, he confiscated the pills and let you off the hook, but honey… you had Percocet on you. Where did you even get them?”
Your head is swimming. This makes no sense, you would never, ever, get hooked on meds like that. Alcohol? You admit you tend to overindulge, but opioids? No. No way, never in a million years. You’re trying to make sense of this situation in your head, trying to figure out how to explain to your dad that you would never, you could never do that to yourself, or him. You’re shaking your head, and tears you refuse to let fall start to burn your eyes… All is made a little worse when you look up at Mr. York, who is staring at you with the coldest eyes you’ve ever seen on a man. He’s judging your every move, he looks disgusted by you. You make eye contact, hoping he’ll soften up, but no, he just stares you down until you nervously look away.
You turn to your father, hoping that he starts laughing and this is just some sick tactic to make you straighten up, but he instead looks at you with red eyes, and “Honey, I’m just so worried about you… I can’t lose you.”
Fuck… you need a drink.
Everything, from the very moment you woke up, has just been too much. You want to leave, go to some shitty bar downtown, take a couple shots, numb these feelings that are currently making that sour taste at the back of your throat return, and maybe then you can have a civil conversation.
But it's 9am and your dad would probably die of a broken heart in front of you.
Or worse, Mr. York looks like he could kill you himself.
Instead, you resort to trying to talk, your voice warbled the tears you apparently can no longer hold back, “but… I don’t do drugs, dad, you gotta believe me I… I don’t do drugs.” Maybe if you weren’t so overwhelmed, things may have been a little more eloquent, but all things considered, you’re pretty proud of yourself for getting through that in one piece. Considering how much you feel. You feel like a child, you’re embarrassed, and scared, and… you can’t even begin to figure out how to process this. 
Your dad straightens up a little, and he clears his throat a little.
“I know, honey, I know. They did a drug test, last night at the station, you’re cleanBut someone gave these to you, and you took them. You’re losing yourself, honey, you may not see it now, but I have to watch you slowly destroy yourself, I can’t do it anymore.” He stops for a second and presses the heels of his hands into his eyes, takes a deep breath, and like he’s presenting a new bill to the Senate floor he says, “honey, you have now made it clear to me that you cannot control yourself. This is no longer a simple rebellious phase.You may not see it, but I know are going to end up killing yourself and dragging me down with you if you keep going like this. You have shown me that I cannot trust you to stop, and that you will push things further and further with no regard for yourself or others. So, this is Dave York, he’s going to be your bodyguard until after the election.”
Okay, so maybe you could have handled your response better. But fuck this. Fuck Percocet, mega-fuck the person who gave them to you, and seriously fuck Mr. York.
After your dad broke the news that Mr. York was essentially going to be following you around, no privacy at all, to make sure you’re in, what your dad calls, “in a better place mentally and physically”, it’s all a blur of you screaming, “fuck that”, “absolutely not”, “I’m not a fucking child”, and “I’ll do what I fucking want”. Your dad, during your (admitted) tantrum, argued back trying to reason with you, but even more infuriating, Mr. York just sat, watching you with those cold, judging eyes. His lack of response only makes you angier, you want to affect him, you want to see him get up, and tell you to get over yourself, or explain why him being your bodyguard is great, hell, even if he just laughs and agrees with you, that would’ve been better than him sitting, completely still, while you have a complete breakdown in front of him.
After your dad yelled “I won’t let you kill yourself this way, you hear me?” you just… gave up. Stormed upstairs, where you are currently screaming into your pillow.
You fuck up one time, and all of the sudden you lose all your privacy?
Okay, sure, maybe this isn’t the “one time” you fucked up. But you’re 21 years old living in Virginia Beach, where there’s literally nothing else to do except go out and drink till you blackout, but, who even cares?
You’re losing your mind. You’re shaking, and crying, and, screaming in the pillow did nothing to help the very apparent emotional break you’re currently experiencing.
Nah, fuck this.
You walk over to your dresser and pull out the flask you take with you to clubs sometimes, you’re not even sure what this is filled with anymore, and honestly?  You don’t even care. You need to calm your nerves, and you’d take a shot of fucking rubbing alcohol right now if it was offered to you.
You’re about to take a sip, about to let whatever this mystery liquor is burn down your throat, to soothe your nerves…
“I’m going to need you to put that down.”
That’s… definitely not your father’s voice. And of course, as if he appeared torment you further, you see Mr. York casually standing in the entrance of your room, shutting the door quietly behind him.
How did he even get in here so quietly?
“Fuck off, Mr. York.” You roll your eyes, “I’m in my own room, I’m not hurting anyone, get off my back.”
He doesn’t respond, just stands and watches you, like he knows that enough to make you break.
He’s right.
“Jesus Christ! I don’t need this! I don’t need a ‘bodyguard’! I don’t need you! What I need is to just… fucking calm down I can’t think straight, and I’d be a hell of a lot better if it weren’t for you standing here like a fucking serial killer. Get out!” You’re screaming at him, of course having your second temper tantrum of the morning.
And just like always, he just stands there, his arms crossed, not the slightest bit moved by your outburst.
“Are you all done?”
You laugh bitterly, “fuck you. Mr. York.” You look up at him, challenging him to say something back to you, to finally acknowledge your frustration.
He shrugs, “the little temper tantrum you put on downstairs not enough for you? Had to do it again? Are you so pissed off that you didn’t get your way? You think you can just scream your way out if it? Keep trying, maybe eventually it’ll work.” He’s leaning against your bedroom door, and he said that all like he was just reading the forecast for the week. He doesn’t even sound mad, just annoyed, as if the very fact he has to speak to you is an inconvenience to him.
Okay… so maybe him just standing there is better than him being affected by you, when he just stood there, it was a lot less embarrassing, hurt a little less. He’s staring at you, with his hand held out, waiting for you to pass over the flask, “you gonna hand that over to me or do I need to take it from you.”
You hand him the flask and get back in bed.
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of-mutts-and-men · 2 years
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Well, I can give you a public breeding. (That sounded better in my head...) There's a variation on that scenario in my head that goes like this:
The human this time is not a slave but a criminal - a political one, so they're actually the good one there - and the ruler/their political opponent wants not to just execute or imprison them - they want to publicly humiliate them, so that the humiliation is what sticks in public memory, instead of their actual political ideas.
So, the human is drenched in monster pheromones and pushed into an arena almost naked. Out of the opposing gates a monster is let out. The monster is a seasoned gladiator and not being given any weapons or armour is just a little concerning for them - they've fought like that before. No instructions also isn't something new - their master treats them practically like an animal and doesn't deem them worthy of any communication. What is surprising is seeing a tiny defenceless barely clothed human and feeling that odd sweet pull in the pit of their stomach that they haven't felt for quite a while - living in a cell alone - or ever at all - being raised in captivity.
The monster approaches the human slowly and the human does their best not to cower. They lock eyes and the human attempts a desperate attempt at negotiation - they start talking. And the monster understands. They both agree that the crowd wants a spectacle - and the guards at the sides of the arena are already getting a little agitated - and not providing one will only lead to more trouble for both. So they decide to take care of that growing need that the monster feels - the human quietly gives instructions, the monster is very very gentle - afraid of hurting the small delicate creature.
The crowd gets a show, even if maybe not the one they were hoping for and the end the monster just picks the human up and clearly intends to bring them back with them to their cell/pen. The guards make a move to interfere but they're stopped from the state box - the monster's owner and the human's unjust judge have been watching from there the hole time. They were counting on a different outcome - the monster tearing the human apart, or at least there being not much conscious left of them at the end - but they eventually decided that the monster taking a liking to them is amusing enough (mostly the monster's owner persuaded the human's opponent). You can't do politics while being stretched around a monster's cock under a gladiator arena, right?
Wrong. I bet they'd start a monster/slave/gladiator uprising akin to Spartacus.
If I was a politician I just might fold if I was presented with monster cock. Sorry to anyone who was hoping for change. Though after a few years with my monster lover I'd probably have a whole army of offspring that could lead a revolution lol. Thank u for the addition🙏
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lmao @ your most recent post. Made me wonder what the bunch's political values would be tbh (bc of "tax evader" and "Communist"). Marlon deffo is the most politically involved, he probably also cares a lot about climate change n stuff. I could see jojo being very environmentally conscious as well, it's the animal lover in him. all the german letterboxd reviews for the first dwk movie call leon a fascist (he is WORSE in the movies) which feels pretty harsh, but he honestly seems like somebody who doesn't vote. He hates cops tho n might be one of those leftists who is a bit too focused on the idea of a violent revolution. he also believes in conspiracy theories. Markus and deniz are super rich so there's that. Herr von Theumer is a fiscally conservative right winger for sure. vanessa has to grow out of her girl hating phase to be a proper feminist. raban is just vibing, but i could see him being pretty educated on and interested in the political machinery so to speak.
Yooo very interesting points !! Also agreed, Marlon and Jojo definitely care for the environment and Herr Von Theumer is looking at his sons friends like “of course you’re a soccer player and have pronouns”. Raban is well educated, Vanessa has her feminist awakening and Leon is convinced the government is out there to get him. I see that.
I also honestly really like to think that the bunch all grew to really dislike both capitalism and the government because of the events in season 2. You know with the whole capitalism and corrupted politicians being the main villains. Anarchy for the win. Then again, like you said, Markus and Deniz came from very rich backgrounds so maybe they’re a bit more ignorant about certain things
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jalwyn21 · 7 months
Seeing previous anon talking about cats, makes me suddenly want to talk about TS' cats.
Apparently a lot of people didn't know that she BOUGHT all three of her cats from BREEDERS while going around saying she ADOPTED them. The terms "adopt" are actually coined by breeders to mask animal trade that they're doing. Since a lot of people have been campaigning to adopt animals instead of shopping for them. It's kind of disheartening for someone claiming themselves to be hardcore cat-lover to BUY cat breed that has been proven to suffer due to their genetic mutations and inbreeding instead of adopting from the local shelters which will certainly help boost adoption rate for the neglected animals.
Also, one thing that I've noticed throughout being a former Swiftie, is that she never actually sends donation to animal shelters as far as I know. All of the donations were raised in her name only by the shelter itself or by the fans. Like during her last birthday, a lot of animal shelters asked for donations in her name in order to celebrate her birthday. Like the project itself is great I think but can't the billionaire perhaps send the donation first so her fans can follow her example? It will certainly gain more traction to the cause.
My point is that, TS and her fans seems to be doing a lot of things like this isn't she? Acting like she's doing something special or virtuous while the truth is she's not doing much for the cause? Her fans like to argue that she shouldn't be expected to raise awareness bcs she's not a politician but wasn't TS the one who claimed herself to be an activist or some sort? Of course people are now expecting her to act the part of what she claimed herself to be.
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Yeah, but that was back in her Joe era …… this is now.
I said this before, but when a couple splits they each take back what they brought to the relationship. Sorry, babe, Joe took all the "activism" and all the "caring about others" with him when he left. 🤷‍♀️
Also, I'm afraid Joe took back all the classiness, the integrity, the honor, the self deprecating humor, the humbleness and most of the haircare products 😹😹😹
She keeps all the houses, the jets, the paps and the billions. Unfortunately she kept Benji too 😭
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