#police officer Bheem
belligerentmistletoe · 7 months
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Special officer Komuram Bheem
Eyeless version behind the line because @luxshine thought it looked cool ;) also adding the lineart art if anyone wanna try and color this thing cause I’m not entirely happy with the result ^^
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lakshana-ke-lakshan · 8 months
Ok y'all, imagine a modern AU for RRR. What profession suits our main characters? Idk about ram tbh, I'm not as invested in him as I'm invested in Bheem.
But Bheem
This guy
As we'll think at first glance that he'd be doing some Hard and rugged job, considering his body
Which is correct to a very good extent
Bro has a build of a bear
Like-those arms and not to mention, those ✨ thighs ✨
But what I think, he'll choose to be some kind of a doctor...or a vet all together
Cuz look, this guy(in the movie) , makes a cure, for a snake, that was said to be incurable by a member of his OWN tribe and ram? He fine-
Yes, this might seem that ram has some good GOOD healing system, I agree. But it's good doesn't mean that it'll be able to cure some incurable venom????!!!!!
Or this maybe made me realise that I'm watching a movie 🙂
And yes, lacchu might even have been lying about the- "dead within one hour" part, but looking at the sheer expression of shock and dread filling bheem's face says otherwise.
So yes,bheem whips out some good aa leaves and makes a paste, boom 💥 wound is gone
A good ass doctor.
And like- even better if he's like a pediatrician. I'm sure he gives the best hugs and kids will absolutely love and trust him for sure. And + point, he'd be also very good at consoling the family of patients yk, considering he looks like a big big empath
So ya
But imagine, ram, a detective or some kinda police officer, gets wounded and taken to the hospital where bheem takes care of him.
It's friendship at first sight y'all unfortunately
Then the usual-
"Bhaiya how the hell do you get wounded so much ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ" while tenderly caring for them wounds and ram just watched him with a smile on his face he doesn't realise is there.
Then suddenly ram realises what he's doing
Getting wounded on purpose just to meet Bheem
This is not healthy (both ways)
So ya, plot develops and 💥
So yes
Bheem= doctor
I rest my case your honor
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vijayasena · 9 months
Teri Nazron ne dil ka Kiya ho hasher Asar yeh hua...
No one's pov..
His shoulders sore, eyes almost drooping as he removed one last bandaid from his torso.. sliding his white kurta down his body like he was ready to sleep..
Sun almost setting in the horizon after having a long day..
Right now the reddish and orange tint all around the Delhi made it look so divine and peaceful, ram felt a sense of warmth yet the emotions inside his heart of hurting so many indian brothers still hadn't left his mind.
Almost everyone of them were in hospital..
Another day, another riot, another stain of so many blood spots on his uniform, and new set of bruises already increased the glory of his body..
He was so used to it now that he couldn't care any less it all stopped affecting him so long ago ...
Grabbing the Chandogya upanishad.. he was currently reading to distract himself from his own thoughts that were slowly consuming him didn't left his mind..
Everything was silent but his mind was loud with so many voices..
He opened the book, he was in middle of bhrigu valli which contained the value of cultures and rituals perfomed by priests..
Bheem had been becoming his other half slowly he never made any friend but the curly haired man with pure innocent behaviour just made him feel so happy and alive..
Right now he was not thinking about Bheem.. it was something else or someone else.. their another half.. the apple of their eyes..
He felt so guilty.. so damn torturing cause he didn't told his friends the real identity of him being a police officer and working for those white bastards..
The name crossed his mind and all the things related to her immediately crossed his mind..
Her eyes
Her wheatish complexion
Her height she was small like she wasn't too small but managed to reach his ears..
The way her hair flowed, her sharp eyes, how her mouth used to snap like fire..
How she always gave  the most sassy comments and always gave those disgusting looks to those whites and those brown people too who worked under them..
She was always that fire who always managed to give ram a sense of warmth and comfort..
He was shocked when she fought her mother about her being friends with him..
A man and woman being friends was considered as a sin in the eyes of society but the woman who was an amazing Archer didn't cared about it..
She was so good in archery that she managed to hit the target being blindfolded as well as people called her female Arjuna..
Cause she was just like Arjuna..
He knew how much she hated and cursed at those people whenever she saw them.. who was working under Britishers... He had seen her hardwork how much she was determined to get her country free.. from being the only woman to attend rebel meetings and shooting arrows to speaking English and having the audacity to stand face to face with those white officers..
Ram was also one of them, but she didn't knew about it.. ofcourse he knew she will never gonna be his friend, he knew that she will eventually gonna hate him and leave him so he was just waiting for that moment until then just enjoy being with her .. her presence used to cast a spell on him..
He didn't knew how a woman can make him feel things like this..
He was completely lost in his book by now, he didn't cared if he needed medical attention or if he was tired.. he just loved saying this to himself "just one more page"
The sound of ghungroos caught his attention.. the temple across his house.. it was navratri.. so the atmosphere was cheerful and people were just enjoying the festival..
Ram was not a religious person so he didn't bothered to even think about it ..
The melodious sounds of tablas, and the master giving instructions..
He immediately knew who was it..
Scarlet red fabric caught his attention as his eyes got fixed on his window..
There was she...
Hands and hair adored with mogra strings.. kohl decorated eyes, with ghungroos in her both feet as she moved gracefully..
He forgot to breathe
Lost his sanity just staring lost..
The sun's rays fell on her face making her looked like an apsara mistakenly fallen from Heaven..
Ram forgot everything his injuries his guilts his mind and gaze and soul were just trying to take in the moment..
She moved to and fro, her ghungroos making a rhythmic noise, he would be lying if he said she didn't looked stunning in red..
Her raven hair blow with her every move, as she danced gracefully and with full dedication..
He wasn't tired or exhausted anymore.. he wasn't feeling anything else just her filling him slowly fully..
She just used to make this amazing dance form with her beauty alot more mesmerizing..
Her enchanting beauty was beyond the world..
He knew at this moment he was falling slowly..
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Ekam: Pandu
My entry for @whumpmasinjuly Day 12: Caught, featuring people caught in different ways, both literal and metaphorical. @whumpmasinjuly-archive
Note on the Sanskrit:
Pitashree: Father (respectful)
And so we open, with fathers and sons in focus.
Note on the cast of characters
Devavrata “Bhishma” Kauraveya- Head of the family, also of the one-party government
Dhritarashtra Kauraveya- Devavrata’s first son
Duryodhan Kauraveya- Dhritarashtra’s eldest son.
Pandu Kauraveya- Devavrata’s second son and political heir
Pritha Kauraveya- Pandu’s wife
Yudhisthir Kauraveya- Pandu’s eldest son, his political heir
Bheem Kauraveya- Pandu’s second son, a police officer
Arjun “Parth” Kauraveya- Pandu’s youngest son, the darling baby of the family, an elite Airforce officer and doctor.
Krishn Varshenya- Arjun’s best friend and pilot, also his maternal cousin.
More characters to be added as necessary!
Tagging @themorguepoet @khudrang @dreamer-in-sleep and @hindumyththoughts for being my betas, ( @themorguepoet is basically my co-writer in this one!), @harinishivaa @blue-lotus333 and @justabitofwhump
Let me know via ask/comment/DM if you want to added to/removed from the taglist!
Story below the cut.
Ekam: Pandu
Pitashree’s hands tighten around my shoulders in the inescapable vice they were. “You will do your duty. The nation demands that of you. Even our beloved child…is secondary. The will of the people is supreme.” His eyes are starring into mine, forcing his will on me.
He pauses for a moment. “You must forswear…” Even he must pause, before taking the child’s name, my son’s name, in such a context. “…Arjun.” Arjun. Arjun, whose guileless, dimple-cheeked smile makes him look half a child. Whose hands held me in the last true embrace I remember. Arjun, whose sincerity echoes in his actions, whose very name is a testament to purity.
My father’s hands shake me back into bleak reality, away from treasured, cherished memories. “The implications of the videos, plastered across media, are too dire. We must act, and act now, lest it be a matter shaming our family more than it already has.”
Though I nod mutely, his voice echoes across time. “Pitashree,” it says, dulcet, lilting, “You will see, I’ll make you all proud!” Fatherly instinct drives me to deny any possibility of my son, Pritha’s son, ever bringing shame to us, and yet. The videos do show a different truth. The same child who wanted to serve his country turning his familiar smile onto enemies of the state, freely discussing with them, sharing bits of information to them…interspersed with my fond memories, bring to my mind an aspect of my son we had always thought of as innocent idealism, yet, with the stark picture painted by these videos…could it have been genuine sympathy for our enemies?
The interviewer’s voice breaks into my thoughts. “The nation grieved with your family, sir, when the initial news came out., especially with the reputation he had, of being devoted to his duty.” I force myself to nod as he pauses, the video montage flashing to one of the earlier videos.
“I cannot imagine your shock, sir,” he continues smoothly, “when his collusion with the enemy was revealed.” I swallow, sticking to the script, having essentially no other choice. One child, no matter how beloved, comes after the people, I repeat the refrain in my mind, but it is cold comfort. “Shocked, yes,” I go along with him, nodding.
It is not far from the truth. I had indeed been shocked.
Watching the same video again hardly reduces the emotion that rises, at the sight of Arjun and Krishn in that state. My son is on one knee, his wrists soaking the rope tying them red. He had, in spite of that, wrapped a rough bandage around them, hardly caring about the other wounds on him, before he had bandaged Krishn’s surface gashes gently. He had gone on to give the same gentle, considerate treatment to the militants that held him captive in our neighbour’s land.
The captors had quite a time with both of them, knocking them around, obviously enjoying hurting them. Krishn had at least defended himself to some extent, but Arjun had hardly raised a finger in his own defence.
Even bleeding, clearly in pain, he had prioritised treating them. In the records, even the militants seem shocked by his obvious care.
“Given the nature of what we see, I am with the people, sir,” the interviewer manages to sound regretful, a regret I doubt he is actually feeling. “You and your son are known to be quite close. How can we be certain that we are in safe hands, when your child can commit so gross a betrayal?”
“I am first and foremost a son of the nation,” I reply heavily.
“Thank you for saying that, Mr. Kauraveya. However, it recently came to light that your son had already had leanings towards the militants, and that the possibility of you intentionally keeping it from the public cannot be denied.”
The reminder of Duryodhan’s so-called ‘candid’ interview is enough to escalate the volume of my voice, though I could hardly deviate from the script. “Rest assured, sir, that both I and my father put the nation first.”
I pause, having to take a deep breath before I say what I must. Even so, I know my voice is far from calm and composed. “Father takes his responsibility as the leader of the nation very seriously. As his spokesperson here, I will do my part in condemning any action that can erode national prestige and harmony, even if, as seen here, said action is done by my son.”
I look directly into the camera, trying to convey sincerity I definitely do not feel. Even though Arjun had definitely done something he shouldn’t…the father I am shuddered to say the words I have to.
“The people of our country are my first priority. He who forsakes them will find himself forsaken in turn, my own son though he might have been.”
I manage to hold my face to impassivity as the reporter says the customary thanks. Father merely offers a nod as I rush out, unable to breathe, even, in the bright glare of the studio.
I flee.
The moment my feet cross the threshold of home, I am stopped in my tracks. “Arjun would never forgive me if I did to you what you deserve. And, that, Senator, is the only reason you stand unharmed within physical reach of me.”
I cast my eyes to the floor, unable to face my wife’s indignation. “Prithey…” I begin, my voice an entreaty. She pays it no mind. “Make no mistake. The single sole reason I do not forsake you as you have done to a far better man than yourself is because of him alone. Because I know my child. I know that he is innocent enough to love and respect men who barefacedly disown him.”
Stung, hurt, I retort “I did not have a choice!” Pritha merely raises an eyebrow. “We all make choices, Senator. You have made yours in full view of the world. And I make mine. I am my son’s mother, and that alone. I will not allow those who betray his trust to get close to me. Therefore, leave. Leave before I lose what little forbearance I am holding on to because you are my son’s beloved but entirely undeserving father.”
I hesitate for a moment. My hesitation drives her anger to the zenith. “Get out of my sight!” she commands, firm and clear.
I am lost for words. What could I even say in the face of a mother’s fury?
Her eyes speaking volumes beyond her incensed words, she turns and leaves without according me even a glance.
I stand there, alone, whatever cold comfort my duty had given long lost, an intruder in my own family, protected only by the child I had forsaken.
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tasavvur-e-jaana · 1 year
tw: mention of self harm
“Lacchu! Tumhe jisne qaid kar ke rakha tha woh police officer ka pata chala?”
“Nahi anna.” His eyes met unmistakably with the other man present, sitting close to Bheem, one arm around the gond warrior.
“Ram, shayad tum jaante ho iske baare mein?” The words shot up the youngest man’s throat, almost spitting out like a hiss from a spitting cobra - but he curbed them with a clenched jaw and pursed lips.
After his escape everything had been a sort of a blur for Lacchu. It was a blink of an eye and they were on their way back, with Ram rescued and Sita and Jenny and everyone else in the village, celebrating and rejoicing. All the while Lacchu had been getting to know the bond of Ram and Bheem and their story, slowly realising how much his anna had fallen for the traitor. Then came the story of Ram, of Sita, of Jenny, of Malli - the story of his own fading into nothingness. He always did have the penchant to underplay his role after all.
During the time the gond man had thought of confessing to his anna the truth, the whole truth about what had transpired with him in captivity but he didn’t. He couldn’t. His anna was finally happy. And the scars too had almost healed now, hadn’t they? He could still hate Ram under the guise of him flogging Bheem which was not entirely a lie, he had enough fuel to loathe Ram for himself and on behalf of Bheem. So he carried it all within, only him and Ram the stakeholders of the secret of his suffering.
Ram had tried to apologise and he had outright refused, making him promise not to confess the curly haired man the truth. And that had been that. They steered clear of each other as much as possible. There was no point in stretching the facts so much that they become unwarranted fiction. It was too late anyway and the demons were his to deal with. The anger which had risen in him with the thoughts fizzed away at the last line of contemplation.
As the pain bloomed in his arms, spreading like the roots of a banyan tree in the ground through his veins and the very fibre of his being, his focus shifted entirely to it. The incessant, ghoulish mullings of his mind calming down. Hiding in the nooks and corners as the small birds do when an eagle enters the vicinity. Another cut, and one more, and one more followed, calming his brain. It was like meditating. The agonising, seething torment inflicted upon himself was his only source of solace for now.
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veteran-fanperson · 2 years
Hello, here is my late entry for the Celebrrration event organized by the lovely @celebrrration. Day 3 - Jealousy.
Not beta-read.
Read on AO3 here.
Rama was furious. The moonlight coming in through Bheema’s window, the soft breeze wafting in from the forest, the hypnotic chirping of the crickets outside, all conspired to make his rage greater than ever. The village had long since gone to bed, and Bheem was nowhere to be seen. Not since he had been surrounded by a gaggle of admirers from surrounding villages, all passing through the Gond village for the district cattle fair. The village had been accommodating passing strangers and cattle for the past days, sending the local children into a tizzy. 
Ever since Bheema had returned with Malli a year ago, the Gond influence had spread. Tales of Bheema’s incredible deeds had spread, and almost weekly they were visited by eager people all intent on training, on resisting the tyranny of the officers. Rama had come bearing more arms two months ago, arms that Bheema and his men would discreetly train potential recruits with, distributing them slowly through the countryside. They were selective with the weapons, because British spies were plenty. Two weeks ago Bheema had insisted on packing all of them up and hiding them deep in some caves near the waterfall, telling Rama that they could retrieve them after the fair. It would not do for so many strangers to witness what they had hoarded. 
Today’s visitors had clearly heard of Bheema though. The children clung to him, asking him for stories about how he had defeated the English Rakshasas. Rama had been amused, listening to Bheema’s tales of Delhi and its wonders until he spotted some of the glances the young women cast at Bheema. Rama’s own deeds never came up because his status as an ex-police officer still made people nervous and hostile, so he had plenty of time to brood and seethe as a couple of Bheema’s bolder admirers sat right by him, with bright eyes and braided hair, flowers in their napes and kajal in their eyes. Bheema had looked surprised but pleased when one of them made so bold as to stroke his arm, Rama choking on the paan that Malli’s mother had handed him. 
They had insisted that Bheema help with accommodating the animals for the night safely and Bheema had agreed. An hour ago. How long did it take to tie up twelve cows? He continued to pace, watching the door like a hawk. How uncaring were these parents that they just let their unmarried girls frolic in the middle of the night unchaperoned? He wished he had never come. What Bheema and he had was special, at least Rama thought so. It was something that they could not reveal to anyone outside of their closest compatriots for fear of the English and their ridiculous laws. His steps slowed as he sat on their bed, staring at his feet. He felt ill and tired. Perhaps Bheema had begun to regret tying himself to someone like Rama? Perhaps he wanted an ordinary man’s life, one filled with home and wife and children?
A jaunty whistle broke the silence as familiar steps approached and Rama felt anger flare back to life as Bheema came bouncing along, his spear in his hand. His upper cloth was missing, water dripping from his thick hair onto his chest. This was not the time to take a bath. He gritted his teeth as Bheema picked up the marichembu to wash his feet, taking a drink at the same time. 
“Rama?” The other man called as he entered, “Why are you still awake?” 
“Where were you?” he hissed at Bheema, pushing past him and slamming the door shut. “Why are you wet?” 
“I needed to go past the river.” Bheema answered him easily. 
“At this hour?” 
“One of Sarojini’s cows, Amba, was feeling uneasy. I went to the Peddayya’s grove to retrieve a herb.”
“And did Sarojini come with you? Did you have a lovely moonlight stroll and bathe?” Rama hissed, pouncing forward and gripping Bheema’s arm very hard. 
“What? No - why would she -”
“You belong to me.” Rama spat, pulling Bheema into a hard, bruising kiss, pushing Bheema into the wall. “Not to silly little giggling girls for whom you ignored me all evening.” 
“My Rama, why on earth would you think that I -”
“Hush.” He attacked Bheema’s mouth again, pushing his tongue roughly inside, relishing the spicy taste of betel nut. Bheema mumbled into the kiss, attempting to push at Rama’s bare chest, but Rama ignored him, tearing at Bheema’s dhoti, feeling grimly satisfied when it ripped.  
“Rama,” Bheema groaned, “Rama.” Rama kissed him harder, his fingers finding Bheema’s nipples, twisting them. He felt Bheema grow and thicken rapidly between his legs, his musky scent filling the small hut. Rama bit hard at the other’s lower lip, one of his hands now in Bheema’s curly hair. The other ripped his own dhoti off, freeing him to press up against Bheema, making the other man moan. This man, this infuriating, beautiful man belonged to Rama. His very soul was part of Rama’s, there was no existence possible for Rama without Bheema. 
Bheema’s skin was cool from the river, but it did nothing to quench the fire burning under Rama’s skin. His skin tasted of camphor and khus, its scent overpowering Rama as he bit at Bheema’s neck. The younger man made a high keening sound at this, his arms engulfing Rama and squeezing even tighter, groaning as their lengths slipped against each other. He sucked at Bheema’s neck, making the other man stagger. A resounding crash made them break away slightly as the clothes horse clanged to the ground. Rama made an impatient noise as he dragged Bheema back against the wall, sucking anew at the mark he had already made on the other man’s neck.   
Bheema moved uncomplainingly, panting as Rama raked his fingers over the other man’s back, leaving deep scratches. He continued kissing and sucking down Bheema’s shoulder, lavishing special care over the latter’s tattoos. 
“Ramaaaaa,” Bheema whined, shoving his knee between the older man’s legs, pushing hard against him. Rama shoved his hand between them, a difficult task because there was barely enough space to slide a coin through. He grabbed both their lengths together, stroking them roughly. Bheema pulled hard at Rama’s hair, forcing his head up to thrust his tongue into Rama’s mouth, his other arm wound tight around the older man’s waist. Rama hissed in pain as Bheema sucked on his tongue, thrusting wildly against Bheema. He felt Bheema shudder and pulled away, wanting to watch, wanting to witness Bheema reach orgasm. He felt a wild thrill of pride as Bheema spurted into his hands, at the wide pupilled, out of control look in the other man’s eyes. He did this. He was the only one who had the right to touch the younger man, the right to watch him get undone. Rama felt his own eyes water as he followed him moments later, Bheema capturing his lips in a passionate kiss as he went over the edge. 
The cot creaked noisily as they stumbled back together, unwilling to let go of each other for even a moment. Rama hummed contentedly as he lay in the other man’s arms, the breeze cooling their skin. He sighed in pleasure as Bheema’s fingers raked through his hair, the touch gentle. 
“Mine.” He whispered again, as their heart rates returned to normal. 
Bheema laughed sweetly, lifting Rama’s fingers to his mouth for a kiss. “Yours, Rama. All yours.”
The next day Rama had the pleasure of watching the disappointed look in Sarojini’s eyes as she spotted the large bite on Bheema’s neck that the upper cloth did little to conceal. Bheema looked red, embarassed as he met his fellow villagers’ amused gaze as Rama sat innocently by with a book. He felt no real anxiety, knowing that the Gonds would never betray Bheema. There was a little further pleasure when he saw Bheema’s dark eyes smoulder with posessive heat when one of Sarojini’s friends sat by him, talking about the book in his hands. 
It was going to be another busy night.  
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ingweblu · 2 years
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Who here has seen “RRR”, the most epic Bromance of 2022, now playing on Netflix? Rakish and charismatic Raju (left, symbolized by fire) works undercover as a Delhi police officer; he’s obsessively focused on saving his village from British occupation after losing everyone he loves to them, but he has lost his own way in the process. The man who helps to save him from himself is Bheem (water) the protector of his peaceful forest tribe who is on a secret rescue mission of his own. They instantly become the best of friends after they join forces in one of the most imaginative heroic action sequences ever committed to film, but eventually find themselves at cross purposes, their friendship, futures and those of their people hang in the balance.
The genre of this movie is ALL OF THEM save for “horror” or “documentary”. The art direction, cinematography, casting and soundtrack are all top notch, leading to a lot of Oscar buzz. It’s over-the-top and downright bonkers at times, but it also has a deep sense of sincerity that is rarely found in Hollywood feature films today. Give it a chance; you’ll thank me later! ;)
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manasrout360 · 6 days
Warning :- Sex Rape blood
After scott death, his son George ( a fanmade character) want to take the revenge for his father's murderer. But after knowing his lover also with the murderer. He think about revenge
Ram was a handsome and beautiful man in all of the officer .
But there is one secret that he is intersex ( having female sexual part) and George know about it . Every officer have propose him more than 50 time including George. He didn't like any british to become his hubby. George is a Anglo indian . But he is different from his brother he like indian if they stand with them. After knowing that his father's murderer was bheem he squeeze the glass cup which cut of his hand start bleeding.
One of his servent come with clothes to clean the blood
He said "No need to clean my it , let it flow with my pain "
"What happened sir" asked the servant shaking with fear.
"FIRST THING HE TAKE MY LOVE and now he take my whole family from me ,how I can leave him ?" Said George
Who is he sir ? Said the servant
George stand hiting table shouting "BHEEM!"
In the other side
Ram and bheem starting their new life full of happiness and enjoyment. Jenny and sita are also in love.
Bheem told malli to decorate ram as a bride. Malli and her friends started decorating ram jenny and sita for their marriage .
On the marriage night bheem take ram to a alone place where the moonshine make a beautiful rainbows through the waterfall and beautiful flowers feels like dancing on the grass floor.
Ram was so amazed with beautiful landscapes that he forgot that he was with him but bheem took him near a beautiful lake. Bheem jump in the large force that the water splash at ram. Then ram tries to find bheem in water but bheem pull ram inside the water.
After coming out of water it's started rain and they found a cave full with flower grass floor and then bheem push ram to floor.
He opened his and ram clothes and kiss on ram's belly and slowly put his dick and massaging his ass. He bite on ram's ear and started fucking him so hard . The sound was spread through whole forest. After the sex ram said " I never knew that you did this much things which I never expected ".Bheem "that's why it called as surprise" . They kiss each other at moon light.
In the kingdom
George was brusting with anger . He called one of his officer named arjun who is also like ram beautiful and handsome. He also love him so he killed surya a police officer work with ram because yo take arjun away from him . He raped make him pregnant. Now he is 3 months pregnant. He tell him to find ram.
"Go find my love " said George
"I am your hubby and I am 3 months pregnant and that also with your baby but you didn't even care. You love your people but i know what have you done with me is not right at all . He will never accept you because he have a hubby " said arjun
"So, I will so do what I did with " he left saying that. Arjun sitted down and started crying because of pain of his hubby.
He went to bheem's village and ask for ram to come with him for the dinner and tour for his place. But jenny feels something fishy with his uncle. Then he took him with him to the kingdom. Ram was happy about that the people are living peace fully in their they reached the palace.
He called " darling come here see who has come"
Ram surprisely ask "Are you married "
Oh you knew that sweety I don't like woman, but you will surprise after knowing who is he" said George
He came down stairs and stand infront of him
"ARJUN!" Ram said shockingly
"Boss they are calling you" one of his worker said
"Okay, you both carry on I will be right back " said George and left them both
"What are you doi- "
"I am forced he make me pregnant and kill surya" said arjun crying so hard and hug ram tightly
"He also want to do that to you "
"What!" You means he will also bheem
Yes and make you pregnant like me I am 3 month pregnant
Then every thing became silence when he come
"So ram let's go to my room"
"I have some urgent work so can I leave "
George knew everything that arjun have told about him
Don't worry sweety I am not going to forget you after having children with ram
No I don't want children with you
Ram started running from George but George is more faster than ram. He suppressed ram on his bed. And started raping him.
What I want is this my revenge and love that I want
No... pls .... stop that ..... ah
It's paining right
It's painful I can't handle
Sorry but I'm not going to stop
After raping ram he left him on bed laying in same way.
I told you about him I can't save you
Dddon't worry I aammm ookkeay
With bheem
Sita where is ram you have told that he would have come till now
I am also worried bheem
Jenny was crying in the corner
Both of them asked jenny " what happened ? "
Ram is in danger I can't trust my brother
Don't worry jenny nothing will happen to him till I'm here I will bring him back
Take care bheem
Then bheem went to take ram ,when he reached there he killed one a soldier and wear it dress. Then some attack him.
Wait for part 2 coming soon
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novumtimes · 2 months
29 cops suspended on extortion charges in UPs Mirzapur
Uttar Pradesh Superintendent of Police (SP) Abhinandan took action against 29 police officers, who had been exploiting their positions in various police stations for years, by relieving them from duty. This action came two days after 18 people, including 16 touts and two UP Police constables, were arrested for their alleged involvement in extortion of money from truck drivers on the UP-Bihar border. The Mirzapur SP initiated this action after receiving complaints of illegal extortion and other misconduct involving these officers. SP Abhinandan stated that there were consistent complaints regarding illegal extortion and mistreatment of complainants in police stations against the suspended officers. In response to these complaints, a total of 29 officers have been suspended from duty. Among those suspended are: Head Constable Narvesh Kumar Mishra and Shubham Kumar Maurya from City Kotwali Krishna Kumar Pandey from Katra Kotwali Chandrakesh Pandey from Vindhyachal Ajay Pratap Singh from Dehat Kotwali Bheem Kumar Singh, Sushil Singh, and Ramanand Yadav from Chilh police station Bihari Singh and Jwala Singh from Padri Sadanand Tiwari from Kachhwa Nagendra Singh, Vivek Kumar Rai, and Mukesh Chauhan from Chunar Shailendra Singh, Pankaj Dubey, Gyanendra Singh, and Santosh Kharwar from Adalhat Bhanu Pratap Yadav and Chandrashekhar Singh from Jamalpur Virendra Kumar Saroj and Rajit Kumar Saroj from Lalganj Phanindra Kumar Singh from Jigna Krishna Rai and Vijendra Kumar Rai from Ahraura Vikram Vishal Singh, Ghanshyam Singh, and Mukesh Yadav from Madihan Head Constable Raj Singh Rana from Madihan. Earlier in the morning, the Ahraura police busted a diesel theft ring operating in the Baradih area, which led to the suspension of five police officers from Ahraura. Published By: Akhilesh Nagari Published On: Jul 28, 2024 Source link via The Novum Times
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fangirlshrewt97 · 2 years
Bheem: [to Ram] Okay, just because you are making me very sexually confused does not mean that you are intimidating.
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mad-who-ra · 2 years
Dagger and Arrows (14)
Dagger and Arrows 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13
Okay, so more angst. But we are moving towards the end so, a part or two more. That's it. That makes me sad
Ram x Wife!Reader
Word Count : 924
The plan was in place. It not as detailed as their previous plan because they had less time and a lot less resources and definitely less mental stability, but since the last plan did not work as decided anyway, she thought the impulsive plan might work better. She was willing to take that risk. Babai was not happy with the turn of events. But neither of them were in a place to listen to him. He understood that quickly and got on board. All he had to do was slip Bheem a blade while they were putting him in the vehicle. Ram left early in the morning to the barracks to take care of the guns and make sure none of them worked when they would fire. Y/N knew this definitely was the last time she was seeing Ram. She knew they would definitely get caught and they would be executed in no time. But neither of them were ready to deal with that and have that talk. So she preferred to stay in denial.
According to their makeshift plan, she waited for Bheem and Ram behind the trees near the river bank. It was very early in the morning. There was no way of knowing of Babai was successful in giving Bheem the blade, so she was ready for combat either way. Bheem arrived first. Her heart broke watching him like that. There were scars all over his body. His hands were tied as they carried him towards the place of execution. She could not see his face, but she knew he was tortured for days.
He stood in front of the rope. She watched his fingers work on the ropes silently and she breathed out a sigh of relief knowing he had a blade. Her heart quickened as she heard gunshots not far from them. That was not in the plan. But there was no time for her to freak out over it. Because Bheem was out of the ropes and he had gotten hold of a gun of one of the guards. He started hitting them with the back of the gun as they tried to load theirs and shoot him. This was the time for her to kick into action. So, she stepped out of her hiding place, taking out her dagger. It wasn’t much, but she worked the best with knives. The guards were panicking, first because Bheem was free and then because the guns were not working. They did not see her coming, until her blade sliced through one’s flesh. 
She punched the other one, catching him off guard before landing a clean blow of her dagger through his heart. It was chaotic to say the least. But chaos was something she loved. It gave a way out for her frustration of days. It did not seem like Bheem needed her help, anyway. This was for the peace of her own mind. The fear in their eyes before she stabbed them gave her an odd sense of satisfaction. 
By the time she killed the man trying to attack Bheem from behind, she was completely out of breath. The fatigue was catching upto her, as her fight or flight response slowed down. The gun shots that were muted till now, because of her adrenaline were clearly audible and fear started to settle in as she wondered if Ram was even alive.
“What are you doing here?” Bheem asked, as he locked a man’s hands. 
“Freeing you.” She muttered, slashing his neck.
She stared at him as almost every enemy was down. If it was some other situation, she would have hugged him and cried. She would have begged for forgiveness and apologised a thousand times. But they did not have the time. And she had no clue where to start.
“Y/N, come with me.” Bheem said, “it’s not safe.”
“Bheem, Ram-”
“He is a police officer-”
“I know.” She muttered and Bheem fell silent, surprise clear on his face.
“You don’t understand, it is more complicated than-”
“Anna!” She whirled around as she heard Malli’s voice. She saw her running towards them. Ram was right behind her. She was relieved to see him alive, but that lasted only for a second till she saw his gun raised high. Before she could look back at his target, Bheem pushed her out of the way and she fell on the ground. It took her a minute to register what Bheem must have thought. She heard a gunshot and watched Bheem jump. He hit Ram with a branch. 
“Ram!” Y/N shouted running towards them. He was on the ground. Bheem held a sharp piece of wood over him. Y/N screamed as he lowered it. Her heart shattered as she ran over to them. 
“Ram!” She exclaimed falling onto the ground beside him. The piece was standing in the ground right beside his head. He had not killed Ram even after everything. She looked up see Bheem, carrying Malli on his back. He looked at her questioningly once. She shook her head. There was no way she was going to leave Ram.
“Go.” She shouted. She saw hesitation in his eyes before he turned around and started running across the field. She heard the voices of others coming their way and she pulled out her dagger. There was no time. She looked at Ram and he nodded. He was badly injured. But they would hold everyone down until Bheem and Malli were out of site. No matter what.
@juhiiiiii @manwalaage @maraudersbitchesassemble @gauri-vishalakshi @lil-stark @rambheem-is-real @darlingletshurttonight @seherie @how-is-it-in-london @itsfookingloosah @raisemybodybacktolife​ @irisesforyoureyes @cainiyor​ @idk528​ @zaddylokiandthorsimp​ @bromance-minus-the-b​ @kafkaesquebestie @hissterical-nyaan @ramayantika @reallythoughtfulwizard @phoenix666stuff @obsessedtoafault @budugu @chaanv @kalavathiii @nerdreader @yehsahihai @hxnky-pxnky @shawty-writes-a-little @azraelcruor @rambheemisgoated @aasthuu @vidhurvrika @jeonmahi1864 @jjwolfesworld @sabi5 @adikavy @eloquentree @snigdha-14 @flyinghighinmymind-03 @bookish-alone @herefornamu @shreyalokesh @rishi-sita @filesbeorganized Did i forget someone?
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
kaise ho bhai log
I have a rrr hurt prompt for you guys, here are some points for it:
After Ram was kept in jail for weeks, his wife, y/n too, was tortured- and he didn't know about this. All the time he thought she found her fort back in her grandparent's house who were a superior government official
When Bheem rescued Ram and they were leaving Delhi, Ram believed that he is leaving his wife in security- whereas she was only being beaten and tortured more. It wasn't until Jenny told them about y/n.
So Ram and Bheem went back and rescued y/n. But unlike Ram, she wasn't a police officer driven solely by a promise, or unlike Bheem, who is a powerful leader of a tribe. The torture left a heavy impact on her mind- and she was unconscious for next five days
Skip to day sixth in care back in the village, she finally gains consciousness and overhears ram and bheem talking, how they left her in pain.
She feels that even if ram didn't know she was in the cell, at least he could have tried visiting her one last time since her husband is leaving her forever
Unless he didn't love her and was only married to get closer to Scott.
Now she wants to leave for bhopal, where she lived before Delhi. How will ram stop her and tell her that he does in fact love her?
Make it angst, sad, fill it with tears- idc. But it should be painful
Tagging everyone who I really want to do this- @adikavy @chaanv @thewinchestergirl1208 @rambheemisgoated @aasthuu @juhiiiiii @tinysmallworlld @ramayantika @bromance-minus-the-b and everyone else who wants to do this- please tag me!
Best of luck
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vijayasena · 9 months
No one's pov..
She grabbed the arrows from her back with a blink of an eye and shot in the perfect region of the other white police officer just between his heart...
She breathed heavily her hands clutching her bow too tightly that she started to feel a stinging sensation in her palm but that was nothing to compared with the rage, the fire inside her..
The fire of independence, how long she have been waiting for this moment to grace the beauty of these white bastards with their own scarlet red blood, through the medium of her arrows ..
How much she craved for this moment, how much effort she had put to reach here, how many fights with her mom, how many taunts of society, how many problems she had faced to reach here..
She shot all of them like she was doing the most casual thing in whole world,
Until a sharp pain surge through her whole body..
She grunted in pain, noticing blood soaking her white shirt completely,
Turning around she saw a soldier smirking with a gun in his hands..
That's all these white bitches ever did ..
Always attacking from the back.. cause they never got balls to have a  face to face fight  ..
"Motherufucker" she murmured angrily before taking her blade out, slitting his face as he screamed in pain, grabbing him in a headlock she snapped his head in the other direction as it made a cracking sound..
Suddenly she remembered that it's not a good time to lash her anger out on these people Bheem needed her help... And that's all she is going to do right now..
She saw him struggling with three of them so she decided to help him, they had very less time left and they needed to get his sister from here as soon as possible cause they knew more troops were on their way.. and she doesn't think it would be logical to deal with all of them..
She grabbed Bheem's hand helping him getting up from the ground as they both shared a nod..
Everything was going according to the way they planned.. but there was a guilt which was completely eating her from inside..
She lied to another just to save the other one..
She knew both of her secrets, but still couldn't tell the other one about it .
How was she supposed to choose between both of them ?..
That's the most hardest thing she ever faced..
Hiding their realities, their true intentions.. their real aim..
She knew sooner or later this will gonna destiny the most beautiful of relationship of her life..
Her friendship with the two most amazing people..
She shared her most happiest moments with both of them..
They both were her everything
Her life.
And that's when she saw him..
Dressed in something she despised, that brown colour uniform. She hated most, ..it made her feel nauseated. 
She still didn't had any idea why he was doing this, what was his purpose for doing this job..
Hurting so many feelings of his own people, his own brothers and sisters..
Just for some money?
For some tag?
For some recognition?..
She knew Ram wasn't a person to betray his own country for something this small and this cheap.. she knew there was something else he was hiding..
Cause she had seen him, the look in his eyes, the anger inside him, the way he was raged and used to be raged and moody.. almost everytime he hurted someone in some riot, ..
And she so desperately wanted to know about the real truth..
" I did nothing wrong listen to me Anna please!!!" Bheem's voice held desperation, pain, the look of betrayal in his face.. the moment he saw ram..
She was just staring at them, as ram without any word tried to tie his hands in handcuffs..
"No!! I did nothing wrong why are you doing this ? I just need my sister " he again yelled but Ram acted like his voice fell into deaf ears..
Ram stumbled back on his steps, and their eyes met ....
The look of pain, betrayal, the sorrow was perfectly portraying on her face, as she shook her head giving him a bitter look .. as her tears had already stained her cheeks..
Thats what he deserves,  hate from everyone he loved and cherished to have them in his life.. the only two people who kept him sane in his most darkest time.. now giving him the most hateful look anyone can give..
Broke and shattered him completely but he didn't let any of his emotions show on his face..
The worst thing about betrayal was that it never came from someone stranger it came from someone who you never expected..
Her scarlet red blood flow from her side of the rib, but she didn't cared,
All she saw was that friend..
Who was ready to kill his another friend..
The two most favourite person of hers ready to kill each other.. seeing them mercilessly attacking each other..
The world around her disappeared, the chaos around her invisible all she saw was the blood coming out of Ram's head, as Bheem kicked him .. "grab that brown bitch!!!" The angered voice of lady Scott echoed in the whole hall, as Meera shot another arrow on Ram..
With tears flowing from her eyes like waterfall.. she felt like her soul was ripping out of her body, just because of hurting him ..
It hurted alot, seeing him in pain, she didnt wanted to do it she didn't wanted to hurt him but he made her soo miserable..
"Bheem leave!!!" She yelled as ram stumbled upon his steps and grabbed Bheem's arm, making him fall backwards, as his eyes again fell on
Meera he took the arrow out painfully out of his side of stomach..
Bheem punched him, making him fall and this time he punched him like there was no tomorrow..
Meera tried to race down the stairs trying to save his sister who was held tightly by lady Scott ...
Oh how much she will gonna enjoy killing this woman..
Then again the short fat Soldier
That bastard robert came .
She stopped in her tracks..
And tried to find another arrow but she didn't found any.. great they were finished.. "get out of my way" she growled, as he smirked at her.. "i will gonna enjoy killing you so much " he whispered..
And the fight broke off, on the other hand ram didn't let Bheem go .. bheem tried to jump from the balcony but Ram tied the raksha sutra around his hand.. that Bheem made him wear it when he got bit by the snake..
His eyes red, his face showing not even a tiniest bit of emotion while injured.. he didn't felt any pain.. all he felt everything he felt was in his poor heart..his sudden action
Making him stuck his hand, with Bheem as he pulled him upwards ..
Bheem punched him again, as more blood came out and a drop fell inside his eyes making his tears red from blood, and a red drop of blood came out of his eye..
The longtime, unbroken dosti got destroyed in mere second.
"I was fool to consider you as my best friend, you took my everything ram" her voice barely audible, as he grabbed her hands handcuffing her, her face showed nothing, ..
What about her mother?.?how will she gonna meet her now ?..
Hell if she even be able to see her again..
She didn't even protested when Ram held her by her elbow.. dragging her to the nearby table where the handcuffs and the metal chains were .. just like waiting for her hands..
without even looking in her eyes..he tied the metal chains in her hands..
"You did a great job officer i now proudly consider you our special officer" the governor motherufucker said..
"I need these two to be whipped infront of whole delhi"..
Meera and Bheem shared a look as she looked at ram, who was already staring at both of them..
"You already gave the most deepest wound you think these things will gonna effect us ?".. her loud voice echoed..
Before she was thrown into a dirty dark cell
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rambheem-is-real · 2 years
short oneshot based on this fanart by @burningsheepcrown
“Akhtar!” Raju shouts, disembarking his flaming chariot. He sees his friend freeze, then slowly turn around. 
Oh god, Raju thinks. He’d just ran over to the palace, ignoring the guilt and anguish inside of him. But now that he’s almost face-to-face with Akhtar again... he’s not sure he can bear Akhtar hating him. 
You’re trying to arrest the man who has saved your life, his mind helpfully supplies. He ignores the voice as he slowly makes his way over to where Akhtar is standing and clutching his wounded stomach, shock still. 
“Anna?” Akhtar breathes. 
Fuck fuck fuck, Raju thinks. Even his voice hurts to hear. Get away from me, Akhtar. Run. Punch me. Hurt me. Anything but staying and talking to me.
“Why are you... in this police uniform?” 
Raju keeps staring at Akhtar’s chest; he can’t bear looking into Akhtar’s doe eyes to see the confusion slowly turning into anger and hatred. He doesn’t want to see the betrayal in the eyes that have always held innocence. But he has a mission to fulfill. It’s now or never. 
“I’m arresting you for the crimes you have committed against the British government,” Raju says as he reaches for Akhtar’s hand, who snatches it away. 
“I didn’t do anything wrong, anna, I swear on my Mother.” Akhtar continues to evade him. 
Please don’t do this, don’t make me hurt you. Surrender and I will protect you.
Akhtar cradles his face in one of his hands as he keeps the other away from the handcuffs, begging, “Anna, please look at me just for a moment, I need to know if this is really you.” In a moment of weakness, Raju looks, seeing everything he didn’t want to see in Akhtar’s face, and it’s the final straw for him. Akhtar blinks in surprise as a drop of Raju’s tears hits his hand, and more immediately follow. 
“I’m sorry, Akhtar,” Raju sobs out. “I don’t want to hurt you. Knock me out, kill me, just do something so I can’t follow you, and then complete your mission.”
Akhtar doesn’t hesitate before he brings the other hand up around Raju’s face as well, gently wiping away the tears. “Why are you with them? I don’t understand. I’ll help you with whatever it is, and we can go free Malli together, I have the key.”
Raju shakes his head, closing his eyes. “I made a promise to my baba, and to fulfill that promise I have to be promoted to special officer. Catching the Gond protector, you, was going to promote me.”
“What promise, anna? Free Malli with me and I’ll help you with anything.”
Raju opens his eyes, seeing the love and sincerity in Akhtar’s. He really means it, Raju thinks.
“That I would give guns to my entire village. If I’m promoted, I’ll have access to the armory and I can divert the guns from there.”
“Oh, is that it? Come, anna. Let’s get Malli and then head to the armory. We can do this, together.” Akhtar clasps their arms together in a way reminiscent of the first time they met, and leans his forehead onto Raju’s. “And my name, I told you, is Bheem, anna. Not Akhtar.” 
Akhtar-no, Bheem, gives him a small smile, which is returned. 
“Then my name is Ram,” Ram replies, a newfound determination rising in him. 
Why couldn’t they do it together? Why did he have to go it alone? Of course he could trust Bheem, the man that he had given his entire heart to!
“How long are we going to hunt these jackals? Let’s go for the lion itself!”
They grin at each other, and make way for the palace entrance where they know Malli will be. No matter how many people come between them, they know they are unbeatable as a team. 
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sada-siva-sanyaasi · 2 years
chandamama // part 5
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Superintendent Charles Mackwell’s funeral was a state affair, all the police of Delhi attending it and paying their respects as it commenced. Every British man attending other than the police wore black, including the Scotts, except for Y/N who attended the funeral in a white saree, her face and feet bare as she blankly stared at his casket.
Ram, as special officer was in the front, watching over the funeral processions as his eyes stayed on Y/N, trying to mask the concern and worry on his face. In a day she managed to lose every man she had loved, becoming entirely alone amongst the wolves that surrounded her, offering their fake sympathy and condolences.
She looked out of place too, being the only wearing white amongst all the black and the only one actually mourning the lost man. Lady Scott approached her, smiling as she patted her head. Y/N barely acknowledged her, eyes still on her father’s casket.
“My dear girl, you should’ve worn black like the rest of us, we are mourning-”
“He’s my father, and I’m allowed to mourn him how I wish to. Besides, wearing black is your custom, not mine. Indians mourn in white, in case you never learned of it.”
Before the lady could continue, Jenny came rushing, hugging Y/N and crying into her shoulder. “I’m so sorry, I just found out, this is terrible.” Lady Scott rolled her eyes and left to her husband as Y/N patted Jenny’s back, calming her. 
“I guess it was just time for him, you know? Anyway,” she looked up at Scott before turning back to Jenny, passing a small blade to her and lowering her voice. “Give this to Malli when no one is around, and if you can, help me meet her. I can’t give it to her because Lady Scott’s eyes are all on me.”
Jenny nodded, hugging her friend one more time before she went to stand beside her aunt and uncle. The funeral finished, everyone politely leaving as Y/N stayed, walking to her father. She pressed a soft kiss to the casket, running her fingers over it lovingly as tears finally slipped from her eyes, falling down.
“It’s my fault, it’s all my fault that you’re gone today.” She cried alone, covering her mouth to stifle her sobs as she began to step away from her father. The clouds cried along with her, rain pouring as she cried more, stopping for a second when she felt the rain stop on her. 
She turned, sniffling and crying even more when she saw Ram hold the umbrella above her head, falling to the ground. She cried for the father she loved, the man who loved her and raised her as his own and a little more for the man who succumbed because of people that weren’t his. Bheem would die too, and the thought made her shiver and curl into herself, crying harder. Ram silently stood there and watched her, before kneeling down and helping her to her feet, walking her to a place dry.
Y/N didn’t fight his touch on her, the warmth he automatically brought into her heart as he slowly brought her closer to him, resting her head on his chest to help her calm. He put the umbrella away, carefully wrapping both his arms around her and stroking her hair, hushing her gently and rocking her to the sides.
Y/N sniffled into his chest, too tired to fight the love she was desperately craving, and wrapped her arms around him as tight as she could, burying herself further in his safe embrace.
Ram sighed, finally feeling her reciprocation after so long even though the timing was off, and tightening his arms around her, bringing her as close to him as he could before he knew he would lose her forever. He was going to free Bheem and Malli which could very well cost him his life, and he smiled knowing the last memory he had of the only one he ever loved was of her in his arms.
He pushed her hair out of her face as she started pulling away, as though finally realising who she was seeking comfort in. He cradled her face softly as she gulped, her tear filled eyes unable to come to meet his as he leaned forward, closing his eyes and pressing his nose to her cheek, trying to commit her fully to memory.
“I’m sorry, officer,” she whispered, clenching her teeth to ignore the way he winced, “I will be leaving now, the rain seems to have gone down.” as she turned, he tugged her wrist back to him, looking at her.
Ram searched her face, and caressed her cheeks as her breath stuttered. “Jabilamma, oka akhari sari ninnu tanivi teera preminchaccha?*” He desperately whispered into her face as tears gathered in her eyes, making her silently nod against him. They both knew they’d never see each other again, and wanted to bask in each other’s arms for as long as they could. 
Ram softly captured her lips, pouring all his love into the kiss as she kissed him back, holding his face with infinite tenderness. They both stayed in each other’s arms, crying for what was and what could’ve been but never will be, for the last time.
Bheem held Malli close to his chest as flashes of what had happened ran through his mind, the cold air making him shiver.
Bheem’s blood boiled as Ram tried to shoot Malli, and grabbed the nearest stick to hit him across his face. Malli cried out to him and shoved a blade into his hand, panting. “Akka, akka gave this to me Anna, she came to see me and told me to run.” Malli cried as Bheem looked at the blade that he recognised as Y/N’s, before he turned to Ram.
He jumped onto him and held him down as Ram coughed out blood, looking at him and Malli. Bheem took the blade and stabbed Ram in the chest once, watching him cough out blood again, struggling to breathe. Bheem pulled the blade out and grabbed Malli while throwing the blade away, running without sparing a glance back.
Ram wanted to almost laugh at himself, the pain in his chest growing as he saw officers swarm him through bleary eyes.
Bheem looked at the sky, the clear night sky twinkling back at him as he thought of his sister still in Delhi, going through God knows what.
Y/N woke up as cold water splashed onto her face, looking up to see Governor Scott smirking down at her, his wife a few feet behind.
“Oh look, the late Superintendent's little blade is finally awake,” he taunted, grabbing her by her hair and dragging her out, ignoring her angry screams and kicks. He threw her in front of a cell, watching her pick herself up and scowl at him, looking around.
“If you’re going to put up a show of locking me up, you should’ve done it earlier when I slept through your incessant bullshit.” she spat, watching him scoff. “Oh no stupid girl, you’re here for a surprise. You see, it turns out you’re not the only bitch here who bites their master back, another dog is just like you.”
He forced her face to the cell, watching her squint and check who was inside, her eyes widening in shock and horror as the man inside woke up slowly, thrashing and yelling when he saw Scott holding her.
Jabilamma, oka akhari sari ninnu tanivi teera preminchaccha?- My moon, can I love you with my soul one last time?
@manwalaage @lil-stark @thewinchestergirl1208 @gauri-vishalakshi @rambheem-is-real @itsfookingloosah @idrinktea-darling @seherie @contemporarykafka @redirection04 @nerdreader @darlingletshurttonight @mayuriebubblie @adrakchutneyofficial @maraudersfansassemble @reallythoughtfulwizard @crystalchrysalis19 @theycallmeshri @ramayantika @how-is-it-in-london
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dumdaradumdaradum · 2 years
Oo oooooooo
"Chain her up!"
She could vaguely feel the touch on her arms, she could taste the metal in the air.
Ma. Her lips refused to move, a convoluted whimper left her. Her upper arm burned with pain, the stab wounds making it almost an unbearable sensation.
A resounding crack buckled her legs. "Where is he? Where is that bloody gond?!"
She can't. She shouldn't. She would never.
Her soul will leave her before that.
But above all she couldn't. She didn't know, and nothing pained her more.
Ram was a police officer, Bheem was the Gond leader and Ram was a revolutionary.
Nothing she knew. Ever.
Fresh tears flowed down her cheeks; Y/n tried to breathe but a sharp pain hit her ribs. Must have cracked when they had pushed her against the stone block in the cell.
She saw a shadow coming towards her and barely turned her head when a strong fist connected with the side of her neck.
Her head went back with a jerky motion. Darkness took over for a second, and then she saw Ram. He was smiling at her.
She felt her hands go lax. Her chin quivered violently and a new wave of tears broke out.
How long she kept crying for, she couldn't tell.
They said if you called out to your love with all your heart, they would hear you. So she had been calling out for him.
Her heart wailed every second of every day.
As the tears dried up, her throat became scratchy. She craved for water.
Her stomach reminded her of food.
Mahadev, please. End this.
For how long was she supposed to cry? She hadn't had  a drop of water in hours then how did her body kept producing tears. And why. What was the use?
Y/n tried to gulp again but her throat was dry from all the crying so she ended up coughing.
She looked at the cell door again, hoping someone would take pity on a woman in tattered saree. She kept looking.
She kept looking. She strained her ears in  hopes to hear footsteps.
From the corner her vision blurred once again. Her head lolled to the side, waiting.
While she waited, darkness took over again.
How long had it been? How many sunsets has she witnessed from behind the bars? Y/n had lost count after 17 or something.
Why hasn't death come to me yet?
"Because you have to live for me."
Ram. Tears welled her eyes again. He was here again, and after so so long.
Sometimes Ram visited her in the cell, each time he would tell her to live for him. It had been a few days, she presumed since he visited and she was angry. "Did you forget me?"
"No, how can you say so?" His eyes crinkled as stepped forward. He was happy to see her, he looked happy.
She was ecstatic. He was here. The force of emotions parted her lips and a shaky sigh escaped. "Why did it take so long to come back to me?"
He went out of focus and came back in but she couldn't hear him. His lips were moving, he looked animated, silly even. But he was there with her, smiling and laughing. That was what mattered.
Footsteps echoed through the hall once again, breath caught in her throat.
He looked back at her, smile gone and replaced with tears. "I have to go."
Before she could say something, the door opened and more light ushered in, almost blinding her. When Y/n opened her eyes again Ram was gone, a woman was in his place.
She set down the plate in front of Y/n and relaxed the rusted chains. Y/n looked at her, skin as bright as sun with dark hair forming a halo around her form.
She came with food.
Her stomach burned once again, as if urging her to hurry and sit. If only her legs could allow that. With great difficulty she folded her knees, "You're ma Annapurna for me," Y/n blinked furiously to keep tears at bay.
She had never thought one stale chapati and pickle could taste like heaven.
In a second the plate was empty and she downed the glass of water. Her stomach asked for more, which she knew she wouldn't get. So instead she extended the brass glass towards the woman and looked up her lashes.
Next glass of water was gone as fast as the first. So was the woman.
Y/n had half a heart to call her back, beg her to stay and tell her how she couldn't breathe. Everytime she tried to take deep breath it felt like someone stabbed her the chest.
Guards came in to chain her up again. Jerkily they took her hands and stretched them for the cuffs. The pain in her arms and legs was excruciating.
She sobbed and thrashed with whatever little energy she had gained. "Nhi! Please nhi! Please! Ma! Please!"
They didn't listen. They never did.
Were they truly so stone hearted? Did they really derive pleasure from her pain?
What had she done to deserve this?
Another guard came in with the whip. Suddenly she felt more awake.
Bheem was flogged in public and he never gave in, did he?
Then she shouldn't either. What gave her the right to be the wife of Ramaraju and be so weak?
This was a ritual for them, whip her after every meal. Take back whatever they gave her and more.
First crack burned, second felt like needles on her skin, third was awarded the first tear and by tenth she was slipping in and out of light, eleventh was her salvation.
Once again her body went limp.
Y/n was his salvation, his anchor and his hope. As he sat in the solitary, his mind went back to the day they first met.
Ram had never thought he'd marry anyone else than Sita. He wasn't even sure if would marry Sita. So when a high ranking official suggested he married Y/n, he couldn't make the start and end of what fate wanted from him.
He always thought he'd marry for affection and the bond. He ended up marrying for his job.
He ended up with who would go on to become the love of his life.
Ram remembered the day he saw her and felt his heart stutter for the first time. She was magnificent, and she was his.
Apart from the view of the palace, what kept him going was the thought of returning home to her.
To stay hidden in her arms for the next life.
All this time he felt that love hurt the most, he thought he had felt the peak of hurt when he betrayed Bheem, when he drew his blood but never did he think longing could hurt more.
To see Bheem and apologize.
To see her one more time, just once.
If he was to die in next few hours, he wanted nothing more than to see her face.
He bought his knees together, curled up and cried. He regretted nothing. He could never regret saving Bheem.
He just wanted his wife. He wanted to take her up in his arms one more time, to feel her against him. He just wanted to listen to her heartbeat, and kiss her once.
If he was to die, all he wanted was to see her before he closed his eyes forever.
Was he being childish? Absolutely.
He was also dying, so wasn't he allowed some sadness, some anxiety.
Some last moments of happiness.
Moon shone above and thrust him into another visual, he remembered her graceful gait, her shy face. He remembered the first night they spent on the roof, she came up with water and sat beside him. The plan was to stargaze but his gaze never strayed from her face, aisa roop jo chand ki chandni bhi pheeki karde.
Her smile was precious.
His precious was safe, he could die happy.
Ram was itching to run to her. They had been travellering for a few days. He couldn't wait for the journey to end and gather her in his arms.
His heart flipped at the thought of seeing her after so long. He was so sure of his end that he never pictured seeing her again. Now? Well God had given him a chance to look at her again, sweep her off her feet and take her far far away from the shadows of past few months.
"Ha bhaiya?" Bheem couldn't wait to unite his brother with Y/n either. He couldn't believe Ram had decided to sacrifice himself for him. That idiot, didn't think of his marriage.
"She, she'll-"  words got stuck. Ram couldn't think of what to say.
"I'm sure she will be there."
In a few seconds they slowed and stopped. Ram got down with the widest smile.
Sita came running to him. She looked good, he felt bad that he couldn't contact her or any other villagers and update them. She thanked Bheem.
Speaking of bheem, his people stood behind him alongside Lacchu. Ram looked at him and moved his eyes in a split second, guilt engulfed his heart.
Everyone giggled and thanked bheem, but she wasn't there. His eyes searched again and again, where was she? His heart sunk, was she mad? Y/n was never the one to be mad at him but was she? Who was he kidding, of course she was. His acts could hurt a stone.
Jenny came running on the distance, she hugged bheem.
The sun shone bright as if even he was happy for her. Poor girl had to go through so much. He was happy that they looked happy.
He only wished to get his happiness.
A few seconds later Jenny came to him, thanking him. "Where is Y/n?"
She looked behind him as if someone would step out.
Ram's heart stopped. "What?"
What do you mean? Isn't she here? Wasn't she supposed to be here? Bheem said she'd be here. What do you mean?
Why did words kept torturing him? He wanted to smack his head.
Bheem turned at alarming speed, "what do you mean? Isn't she here? Sita said she'd call her?"
"I did send her a letter, I don't why she isn't here?"
Jenny gasped and held her head, "where did you send the letter? To the jail? Do you think the British would let out the woman there're about to execute because you sent the letter?"
The word silenced Ram, the birds and the wind.
Ram felt fear rise to his throat like bile.
"Execute? Y/n? M-my y/n?"
Bheem looked at Jenny and Ram, he understood letter, british and jail. Why would they talk about this though? Werent they discussing Y/n?
Ram felt terror grip his mind, he felt like someone chained him up and cut off his air. A weak hand grabbed him, "Ram! This is not the time! Bheem! Y/n was captured and is about to be hung, go!"
Babai pushed them both in the direction they came from.
Y/n is in jail. She had been there this whole time.
The thought wouldn't leave Ram. He held onto Bheem, silently shedding tears.
Another wave of chilling cold water washed Y/n.
She gasped for air and accidently inhaled some water. The uncomfortable pain sent her in a coughing fit.
Pathetic moans and whimpers were the sounds she could make, pain flared in her chest as she coughed and breathed.
Chains that she was tied to clanked as her shoulders tremored due to cold and pain. She hated the sharp, nonresonant sound of these chains.
Y/n was aware that her death was near; she had feeling that she slipped into the dark more than she stayed awake.
The wounds littered all over her body looked disgusting. They were open with blood caked all over them, occasionally every few of them would rupture and start bleeding again.
Each day was dragging her through hell. Water burned all over. She had figured, if she stood still and made no movement then her arms wouldn't pain; they were numb.
Unfortunately her captors loved to abash her. Each movement bought her pain. Each breath felt like a blow to her will.
Maybe this was what she deserved. Maybe this was her fate. This was how she was supposed to go.
She only hoped Ram would miss her a bit.
The breeze was growing stronger and a strand of her hair got caught in the cut on her cheek. It stung like hell.
Y/n tried to move her head and use the torn blouse sleeve to remove it.
Each month she got a new saree because the constant whipping and blood spoilt it and left it as nothing but a rag.
Frustrated she let out a yelp, and stilled right after. Another wave of pain hit her back.
Please please end this.
All she could do was weep silently and curse her fate.
Why did Ram leave her behind like this?
A few days ago, she heard the British officers talking about the jailbreak of Ramaraju by the Gond leader.
They had killed Scott and his wife. They also took arms. It was just her they left behind.
Her pain wouldn't even allow her to be mad at people who laughed at the abandoned girl.
Just take me away from this, please allow me to let go of this life.
She remembered her family, they weren't good people necessarily but they never been this cruel to her. Atleast not until they married her off to the person who couldn't give a damn about her.
Y/n bit her tongue, she had no right to think of Ram this way. Her husband lived for the nation, disgust pooled in her belly. Was she truly this selfish? He had always kept her happy, he almost sacrificed himself and she couldn't find it her to be grateful.
Her heart lurched.
She had received her last ever dinner last night, it was just a matter of time till she kissed her time on this earth a goodbye.
Her closed and she remembered Ram and her's beautiful moments one last time. I wish I could see you one last time, my love.
Then she started chanting and singing a small prayer.
Time passed and she lost count of how many times she had iterated when she heard an unusual sound from behind her.
Her body froze, was it time?
Slowly she lifted her head and tried to turn her stiff neck.
Whispers had tricked her before. She still hadn't been able to turn her head and see what it was.
There it was, that whisper, again. She tried to strain her neck and turn a bit more.
Just a bit more.
Suddenly a sharp pain hit and snapped her head back with a cry.
She struggled to breathe through the pain. Once it subsdied, she tried to listen again.
Shortly after, a couple of guards came in with the whip.
The last one. She just had to endure on last time.
Dread filled her, pain in her back was especially excruciating that day. She just closed her eyes and tried to think of anything else.
It didn't really help, she saw Ram, she saw her wedding. She never thought there'd come a day when he'd smile at her. Willingly.
She felt one last hit and slipped into plain of nothingness.
The first thing she felt was the sheet beneath her and dull thumping inher head.
It felt like her body was lead- stiff and heavy.
Was it supposed to hurt in afterlife? Because there was no way she was still in jail and on a bed.
Slowly she became more aware.
Someone was doing something to her hand. Her eyes would not open but there were two people there.
"Babai, none of us knew she was captured. It's not Ram's or your fault. We really thought she was safe with her grandparents.
Her heart felt heavy. Her Ram had no idea.
"I can't believe he was gonna go with Bheem to God-knows-where after he met us."
Tears slipped out of her eyes. Her frame shook with devastation. He was planning to go away with bheem? And her? What about her?
Sita helped her sit up and engulfed her in a hug. Y/n bitter cries bought tears to her eyes as well. "Shh, it's okay. It's okay. You want water?"
Finally Y/n opened her eyes and saw the yellow painted room, the orange red hues of sky illuminated the room and gave it Sita a heavenly glow.
Y/n had felt happiness but she had never felt it surge through her being. What she felt on the sight of Sita made her cry even more. "I'm so happy to see you."
Sita's eyes welled up again, she heard the ruckus outside. Babai must have told everyone that Y/n was awake finally.
Y/n had just gulped down water when Ram burst in.
She recognized the whisper.
Before she knew she was in his strong, shaky grip. Y/n hid her face in his shoulder. "Ram!"
Love ran through her as she felt his hands tighten around her. "Ram-"
Through her tears she felt like saying something but each time she tried, she stopped.
His breath fanned her neck and his hand came up to cradle her head. She had never been held like this. She had never been his arms like this.
Behind love, sorrow emerged as she realized he'd go away from her, again.
Finally Ram released her and let Bheem, Jenny and babai see her. She lifted her head to see the bright smiles. Her throat closed up again, she'd have to go away from all of them.
With Ram not there, what would she do? So she decided to go back to Bhopal, her birth place.
Over a next few days continuous facts kept hitting her. His knees were in a pretty bad condition when he went back for her. She had been unconscious for a whole week. She was just one the precipice of death.
In a weird wishful musing she thought she should have died. That would have better than seeing him again only for you two to go separate ways.
Speaking of him, she didnt miss the way he avoided her. Everybody sat with her multiple times a day to keep her company. Not him though, he showed his face twice to call bheem for dinner, looked at her once and went away.
It had been five days since she woke up.
The hole in her heart kept growing everyday. Her head pained at the thought of traveling to Bhopal.
Her lips didn't lift up in a smile anymore. It felt as though she was destined for a forevermore pain and separation.
The next day she would pack up her bags and leave at night, she decided. The physical pain  hadn't completely subsided but it wasn't as unbearable anymore.
Slowly she stood up and walked to the door, he was sitting there with Sita, smiling and looking at her as though she picked stars for him.
Anger flared in Y/n, he wouldn't even look at her properly let alone spend time with and here he was talking to Sita like she was wife and not Y/n.
It felt like someone had put a boulder on her chest- heavy, unmoving and suffocating.
Her chest lifted to take a deep breath. For once she wanted her brain to listen to her, she didnt want to cry. What would she say, she wasn't even in pain anymore. She was just- getting sucked in a vortex of agony.
Maybe this was why her sister hated love, it hurt.
It took away your ability to breathe. It claimed the better part of thoughts and left you in a ditch of suffering.
Hot tears of rejection flowed down her face. She'd never be enough. She'd never feel the love of her beloved.
She didn't even know who was saying such things to her but they felt right. They sounded true.
Maybe she was unlovable.
She was never strong like Sita. She wasnt smart like Sita. Sita could make beautiful crochets, she was much more talented than Y/n was. Sita's beauty will always outshine her.
Just like Ram.
His love for Sita will always outshine his relation with Y/n.
Abandoning the plan to pack and leave next night, she started piling her belongings  to leave in a few hours when everyone slept.
Why did heartbreak feel this way?
She must have committed some heinous sins in her past life to go through this suffering in this one.
Truth to be told she wasn't even ready to go to her house. She had no idea what she'd tell them. The way they had married her off like a burden, would she even be welcome back there?
All strength left her body and she dropped beside her clothes. Y/n furiously wiped her tears and took deep breaths.
Why won't these tears stop?!
Clutching a saree to her bosom, she tried to stop. She tried to silence herself.
She heard laughter from the adjacent room. The sounds were distinctly Ram and Sita's.
Once again emotion reared its head and quiet sobs racked her body.
Ma! Why?
Busy lamenting her fate, she didnt hear the door open. She didn't notice a figure walk upto her.
"Why me ma?"
"What happened?" Frantic hands took hold of her face and wiped her eyes. Ram looked freaked out. His hands caressed her face, he said something  but she couldn't hear it over her pain.
"Y/n! What happened?"
It was weird. She would normally call his voice soothing but today it just sent her in another bout of misery.
He looked elsewhere and got up.
"Here drink some," Ram had no idea what had happened. He thought she was getting better. Had a wound opened? Was she in pain? But the vaidya said she was fine.
"What happened? please tell me."
"Why do you care?"
One sentence from her stilled Ram. She saw his eyes go wide, his mouth dropped in shock, maybe. She knew he hadn't expected that question.
She hadn't anticipated it either.
"What do you mean?"
"Why would you care for me? Wasn't I just a ploy to achieve your goals faster? Wasn't I expendable? Wasn't I the roadblock of your and Sita's happiness? Then why would you save me? Hadn't it been easier if you just left me to die? I was so close!"
Y/n dropped her head, dejected that was going to have to live with the one sided feelings.
She felt a hand grabbed her waist and felt a tug forward. She looked up her lashes to see Ram, looking absolutely devastated and mad.
With his other hand he cupped her face and leaned in. Her fragrance invaded his senses.
His heart stopped and slowed but also took a beat and raced.
Y/n wasn't faring any better. She had never seen him so up close. Had he always been so pretty? His lashes, she could kill for them.
She could also guarantee to kill someone if he kept looking at her like that.
Because he looked hot, and he wasn't hers.
As if he heard her, Ram quickly closed the gap between them and brushed his lips against hers.
Not quite kissing her but giving her a taste. It felt like the softest caress, and she wanted more.
Her patience was growing thin every second. He was right there, he was closer than ever and he was doing nothing.
"Are you not kissing me because you don't want to hurt Sita?"
Quietly she asked and hoped for an answer. She hoped he'd deny, profusely.
Instead the next moment he was kissing her feverishly. She felt out of breath, his beard tickled and sent sensations throughout her being.
She had never kissed before but she could imagine this was what a perfect kiss would be like.
Ram couldn't think of anything else but how warm and soft her lips felt. She was kissing him back like she had burned for this as much as he had.
His nose snug against face could feel her skin getting warmer. His eyes open half in desire as his tongue traced her sweet lips.
Her hand carded through his hair, she gave him deep kiss and they broke away to catch their breath.
"Does that answer your questions?" They hadn't moved away. His hands still held her close, her hand rested over his heart. Her legs were in his lap and he was still leaned down to her eye level.
"Not really, I mean I understand we've been together for a while and that you've felt attraction and affection  for me. But have you ever felt the deeply sacred, burning love that brands my soul, for me? I don't think so. Is this attraction even worth keeping you away from  Sita?"
He kissed her again, sweetly. Both his hand cradled her face like she was the most delicate creation ever.
Breaking away he rested his forehead against her, "I love you. I've loved you since I saw you smiling. I've loved you for an eternity, it feels. You love, have consumed me, your love is the blanket that protects me. You've never felt my heart have you? But do you feel it now? Can you feel how fast it's beating?"
"Ram.." Her eyes didn't stray from his hand that held hers.
"I promise, I've never felt more alive, I have never felt the dread; I never used to find the beauty in nature. Now? Now I worship the way sun reflect off your eyes; I devote myself to the way rain inundates your curls. I have never felt anything more divine than my love for you."
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