#pokemon ranger inspired game
rocketsimp · 27 days
Oh yeah. It's multi-kill system time.
You now get your little text-based dopamine hit for getting a triple kill sew.
The only thing I don't like about this feature is the naming convention. Double, triple and quad sew sound fine and are easy to grasp. But anything past ×4 like 'penta-sew' sounds lame when it sits next to the funny spree counter.
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gabbertrapmix · 9 months
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Head Ranger of the Unova Nature Preserve, reporting for duty!
Used a different brush than usual, can't decide if I like it or not :V
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wild-saber1337 · 8 months
THE DRAMA CONTINUES XD (artist: drawmandude)
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Ok the drama with pokemon and palworld is ridiculous, in my opinion palworld is a great game that is legally distinct from Pokemon and yes some pals look like certain pokemon but that's the point they are poking fun at Pokemon by not copying them but the pals are inspired by them, it's the same argument you can make about Voltron and power rangers they have multiple robot animals that combined into a bigger robot so dose that mean power rangers ripped off Voltron no it doesn't.
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dogaquarium · 6 days
Talking about my b/w experience below the cut :^) there is also a poll you can vote on at the very bottom!
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Still working on the post-game and catching a couple legendaries, but here's the final team I winded up finishing black with!! Stompy was such a tank <3 it was super surreal actually managing to finish a mainline game for once; I've never actually done so myself before (I've seen plenty of finished playthroughs, just nothing myself) since I would either get too burnt out and restart after a while or it was just a result of me being a kid that was too stupid to figure how how to progress. I'm very sentimental about the whole ordeal now.... and very excited to continue properly playing and finishing other games in the mainline series :^)
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Funny story about cobalion btw. Somehow I managed to catch it with my level 18 musharna who I'm SHOCKED did not die
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I think the moment that gave me the biggest shock was seeing reshiram's awakening. I had gotten a couple 3D dual screen cutscenes before which already wowed me, but this was something else entirely. Admittedly part of the reason I'm so sentimental. The inspiration I got from the art of it alone was insurmountable. I don't know what it is.... there's something so...... haunting, almost..... about dual screen cutscenes on the ds. Unsure if that's just a me thing. But I've always been captivated by this sort of stuff. The space between the screens occluding parts of the image creates the effect of it bleeding out into the real world almost; it's really cool. Audibly gasped at the eye close up
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There's a lot more I can say about it, including things relating to how much my experience contributed to me being able to properly flesh out my b/w trainersona. But I'll leave it at this for now :^) it was a great experience, truly
As I've said, I still have a bit of post-game to play before totally moving on. HOWEVER! I'm currently trying to pick which game I should play next! Originally I had planned to move straight into shadows of almia (as it's my personal favorite pokemon game, one which I've beaten many times), but now I'm considering platinum, as that was my first ever childhood pokemon game (one which I also never beat). I'd like to list soul silver as well considering it was my second ever game...... but my only physical copy of that was on a pirated cartridge I got at a thrift shop that's since stopped working T_T and I'd rather play a physical copy than an emulator, so it'll have to wait
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torchickentacos · 6 months
This April 1st, I'm going to be normal about pokeani <3
Can we talk about the characters of the day from AG014. What the fuck. Why are they so weird. They're twins. Forrest and Forrester, surname Franklin. They both go by Franklin for some ungodly reason. They look identical with only a minor difference in their outfits. Forrest is a ranger. Of the park variety and not a pokemon ranger. Forrester, his twin, is not a ranger afaik, I think he's just kind of there???? They were both born right outside of Rustboro, but both brothers only have Johto bug type pokemon, and we know that Forrest has never been to Johto because his whole episode arc is May inspiring him to travel on his own, because he's too scared to. He admires her strength and independence or whatever, but we're on AG014, May's only been doing this traveling gig for like a week and she is comically terrible at it for the entire first season and a half. She’s incompetent, said with utmost love and respect. She's only got a torchic and a wurmple right now. Forrest admiring her traveling abilities is like admiring a microwave's ability to be an industrial kitchen. They also give him some pseudo-romance plot with her, because pokeani May was out here captivating multiple people with her dumbass swag. Drew, Forrest, and Sid being the canon ones I remember off the top of my head, but also probably Dawn tbh, and I’m like 85 percent sure she accidentally homewrecked Pacifidlog Joshua even if he didn’t actually like her but I last saw that episode when I was maybe eight years old, so grain of salt. What the fuck. Anyways, Forrest’s all "Oh, seeing you all independent makes me want to travel with you guys! :)" and between that and the weird crush subplot, you'd think they were setting him up to be this important next traveling companion. He's set up as this important guy who's going to stick around. Nope. We never see this guy or his brother ever again. Never again. He shows up in one episode, doesn't elaborate on literally anything, and then leaves. Let's go back to the fact that he has an identical twin, their names are Forrest Franklin and Forrester Franklin, AND THEY BOTH INTRODUCE THEMSELVES AS FRANKLIN? YOUR FIRST NAMES ARE ALREADY BASICALLY THE SAME THING ANYWAYS. WHAT FRESH HELL. 
More random facts. He looks vaguely like Kenny to me. He made his way into one of those pinterest edits. He shares a name with one of Brock's little brothers. His ship name with May is Bugshipping. You know. Because of the bugs. He's voiced by ANDREW RANNELLS. READ THAT AGAIN. He shares a VA with Harley. I’m just at a loss. Pokeani voice acting is its own rabbithole that leads you places like knowing that the following characters share a voice actor: Drew, Brock, Scott, that Magnemite from Journeys, Ghetsis, and King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule. Also the red and yellow M&M in the 2008 M&M wii game. There were four voice acting credits for that game. He was three of them. The only character he didn’t voice seems to be the green M&M, which is actually hilarious given the whole Drew and Ghetsis thing. Anyways.
I'm sure I could go on. Pokeani has so many COTDs that are like this (weird). I could talk about the watermelon farmer. I could talk about Samurai. There's Max (no, not that one). I could talk about fucking. sigh. TOMMY/TOMO/WHATEVER HIS NAME IS. WHATEVER THAT EPISODE WAS. Lord knows I could talk about Brianna (girl... /judgmental). There's essays to be written about Mikey and his weird brothers. I could talk about the dead guy that May and Meowth saved and created a new timeline for, because this dude knocked up his wife and then died in a snow-induced train crash before his wife could tell him about their child, and their grandchild looks weirdly like Brianna. But the dead guy is fine. Don’t worry. May and Meowth saved him with the help of a magical locket. Unclear how or why or literally anything. Just not worrying about it. And there’s the whole split timeline thing. Thanks pokeani. Back to other characters. I need to study Roderick and his little bellsprout and wynaut army and the fact that Paul’s his grandson (allegedly) under a microscope. Solidad might as well be a COTD, but lord knows now isn’t the time for The Solidad Rant. Then there's this next guy with a fucked up family situation. Timmy Grimm. He sounds like a Wizard 101 necromancer. Nobody in pokeani gets a last name but for some reason TIMMY GRIMM did. There's Damian and Seymour and Bill and honestly every single person who showed up in OS tbh. Then there's like. Marble. Old Man Swamp. STEVELAND AND HALVERSON. WHAT KIND OF NAMES EVEN ARE THOSE. S T E V E L A N D  AND  H A L V E R S O N . Steveland……………
You guys wanna know the worst part. Not a single damn thing I said here was an April Fool’s joke. None of it. Everything here is true. I have the world’s most fucked up citations list to prove it. Here. Have it. I don’t even care. It’s in MLA 8 format, but probably wrong because I always lose points for messing up on citations on every paper I write. I’m posting this post and then calling it a day. I’m going to go make some coffee. No in text citations because I can't actually be bothered to put that much effort into this tbh, so. Here. World's worst citations list. I don't even care.
Works Cited
Behindthevoiceactors.com. “Bill Rogers (visual voices guide).” Behind The Voice Actors, https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Bill-Rogers/. Accessed 1 April 2024.
Behindthevoiceactors.com. “M&M's Adventure (2008 Video Game).” Behind The Voice Actors, https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/video-games/MMs-Adventure/. Accessed 1 April 2024.
Bulbapedia. “Forrest Franklin - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.” Bulbapedia, https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Forrest_Franklin. Accessed 1 April 2024.
Bulbapedia. “Joshua (Coordinator) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.” Bulbapedia, https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Joshua_(Coordinator). Accessed 1 April 2024.
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vespers-pkmn-rescue · 15 days
Hello hello!
My name is Vesper, and I’m a former Pokémon Ranger, but more importantly, I’m the founder of the Unova Pokémon Rescue! My pronouns are She/They, and I’m originally from Orre, though I’ve also lived in Almia (where I was a Ranger) and Unova, and I spend plenty of time traveling to other regions! 
I’m currently in the process of creating an online guide to Pokémon care, and I’ve raised and cared for tons of Pokémon over the years. If you have any questions about Pokémon care, feel free to ask!
What’s the Unova Pokémon Rescue?
It’s an organization I founded years back. After a pretty nasty injury during my Ranger days, I retired from my job as a Ranger and founded the Pokémon Rescue shortly after moving to Unova! I came across a Deino that had been neglected and abandoned, who I helped raise into a happy and healthy Hydreigon. Inspired by that little guy, I opened the rescue to help rehabilitate abandoned, abused, or neglected Pokémon in need of help. I work with tons of organizations across the globe, and we help Pokémon either recover enough to return to the wild, or, for Pokémon unfit for the wild, help them find loving Trainers! 
Vesper's Online Guide to Pokemon Care - Where I post about different Pokémon and how to properly care for their biological needs!
My Team:
Nibbles: Hydreigon, male. The little guy that started it all, this is the Deino I rescued who inspired me to open the Rescue! Destroyer of many a chew toy, but an absolute sweetheart. Still bites me (affectionately). Second biggest troublemaker of my Pokémon, mainly because he’s spoiled rotten.
Dust Devil (Dusty): Garchomp, male. My first Pokémon, I’ve had this guy since he was a Gible! He was my partner Pokémon during my Ranger days, and now that I’ve retired, he’s my partner around the rescue! He has a nasty scar on his leg from the same incident that made me have to retire, but is still as lively as ever. He’s very protective. 
Zipzap (Zippy): Galvantula, male. Formerly a Pokémon I was looking after as a foster when we rescued him. We found him as a Joltik in the Driftveil Cold Storage, with no clue how he ended up there. Deemed unfit to survive in the wild due to poor immune system and frequent illness, so I ended up keeping him! Climbs on everything in my apartment. Biggest troublemaker of the bunch.
Duchess Wisteria Stringbean (Duchess/Stringbean): Serperior, female. Rescued from an illegal breeding operation in Sinnoh. Sassy, stubborn, and full of herself– but a genuine sweetie if you give her attention. Very helpful with the younger Pokémon at the rescue.
Marshmallow: Tyranitar, female. Does lots of the heavy lifting around the rescue. I rescued her after she was abandoned by a Trainer who very clearly wasn’t prepared for how difficult Tyranitars are to care for once they evolve. Likes to act tough but is actually a big softie. 
Lysander (Sometimes called “Beeps”): Decidueye, male. A rescue Pokémon that we took in from a sister organization in Alola. Was horribly mistreated by his previous Trainer, and as such is rather jumpy and wary of strangers. Also easily startled by basically any loud noises. Likes to stare at me from across the Rescue and watch me work. Makes “beep” noises sometimes to get my attention.
Also be sure to check out one of our volunteers: @dustytodusty-pkmn !
Hi! I’m Ceja, aka @visceralVoid, and this is a little pokemon irl side blog of mine! Vesper’s guide to Pokémon care is planned to be a small YouTube series one day, but until then, I’ve decided to just do a tumblr blog for now! Info stuff:
Based on the game canon, little to no regard for the anime.
Predominantly an askblog.
Expect occasional headcanon!
Sapient Pokémon and other similar stuff aren’t really a thing in Vesper’s world, but I’m generally willing to interact with that stuff for the most part. There may be times where I disregard it if it clashes too much with Vesper's canon.
Pelipper mail is ON but will be accepted at my discretion. No Musharna mail, though.
I’m an adult, and so is Vesper. Keep that in mind. There won’t be any NSFW here, though.
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infinite-xerath · 7 months
People I'd like to get to know better.
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alias / name: Gold Light, or Gold for short
birthday:  October 30
zodiac sign: Scorpio, I think
height: Not important
hobbies: Writing, roleplaying, gaming, reading, making videos
favorite color: Gold (big surprise)
favorite book: I'd have to say the Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan.
last song: One Way Dream by Nathan Sharp.
last film / show: Pokemon Horizons.
recent reads: Medusa by Clive Cussler. Though if we're counting web content, I guess the Erma series by Tapas Comics would also count?
inspiration: Rick Riordan is probably the one who got me interested in writing, though I confess that the late, great Monty Oum also inspired me to create my own fictional worlds and settings.
story behind url: I mean, what is there to say? Xerath is my muse and has nigh-unlimited power at his disposal. Pretty straightforward.
fun fact about me: Well, I am a published author, albeit not a super successful one. Currently working on my second book.
Hope this was interesting for you!
Tagged by: @shimmerbeasts
Tagging: Anyone who feels like sharing, I guess. I know a decent chunk of the RP community already, I think!))
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sunshinestardrop · 8 months
Idk If I posted about this before but a pokemon based daydream Ive had ongoing for years now:
So like, MC is a normal person isakaied into the pokemon Game world- Pokemon Yellow. they're a young teen, generally around the same age as the Player character (Red) they took over. They're super excited because they're a kid and in a game world they loved and are losing their minds. They go through the game as Red, generally knowing the whole plot because they played through it. Its a general set up for world building and shit, This world building includes:
(For some reason bullet points arnt a thing anymore??? so I changed the color
nvmd figured it out...)
The whole after war theory that goes around about Kanto being confirmed, LT. Surge being implied to have been part of it.
implied that the legendaries that were not introduced in the first gen are still there and work from the shadows- would be foreshadowing.
a lot of info about pokemon destroyed during the war library of alexandria style- would be foreshadowing.
Older, higher level trainers chilling around places they dont need to be so that the younger trainers just starting out are being watched over- implied to be the start of what inspired rangers.
A war torn world that is trying to build itself back up, generally is a hopeful note as people and pokemon work side by side to help eachother.
The elite four being a little disjointed, as theyre working on a system.
Crime is easier to commit because of the devastation of the war and all that- this is why the villains of the games get... softer as the games go on. the seriously dangerous teams are removed and whats left are people that arent really a threat or people in positions of power that use it to do bad,
Mewtwo and Player having their first meeting- its not a nice one as Mewtwo is very weary/scared/violent and just coming out of used by team rocket. Player is taught that some pokemon really do want to kill them.
and then once everythings said and done, player goes to the top of the mountain to fight mewtwo...
and they lose. They black out, the last thing they see is mewtwos figure descending upon them as they begin to cry. they think this might be the end.
but its not.
they wake up
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Dawn of a New Year- 2024
Getting a bit of a later start on this one than last year's, which went out day of. But, there's a few days yet before the fresh shiny coating falls off this new year completely. Plenty of time to do some reflection on the last one and looking forward to this one. So, with that said...
It's been another year that passed for certain. Again, it's been pretty devoid of watershed moments or drastic living situation shifts for me. When I made this post this time last year, I said that I knew a change would happen, but it hadn't happened then and it didn't look as though it would anytime soon. In that, at least, the projection didn't change. And this is good! Like it was last year, it says a lot that I'm in a comfortable and secure environment on nobody's timetable to change but my own. That's a blessing of a sort that I wouldn't take for granted.
But, if there's anything that does differ from last year to this, I get the impress I'm closer to that change. Literally, in the broad sense that time is constantly moving me closer to every future point. But, it's also in a more specific sense- the things that I know are going to change haven't changed yet, but I feel like they're closer to it than they were last time this post rolled by. If nothing else, this year I'll have to get my own health insurance, so that's the first sign that the times of change are rolling in. That's why I intend to look into that over the coming months, and in the process, potentially look into other things too. It's finally time for part of that uncertain change to come at me for certain, so I'd better meet it head on.
But, before we get there, that's not to say I did nothing this year at all. It was another good year of time spent with friends, in online communities familiar and new- being in tabletop sessions, sitting in voice calls, chilling in plenty of livestreams, and much more. I'm lucky again to be part of so many communities of people from all over the world, and I'm lucky to be finding more such communities to join all the time. It means the world to me whenever a friend or mutual decides I'd be a good addition to an undiscovered circle of theirs.
I posted all my swordtember art to Tumblr this year, realizing that I had as much audience here as any other site, and I intend to keep that going as long as I'm around. I could resolve to try and draw more things outside of that month, but conjuring creative inspiration on command remains a difficult prospect. That said, I think it would be wonderful if the year ahead had a big project in store that I could really get the gears turning with. I'm optimistic about the possibility.
I already made my post about the games that I enjoyed in 2023, and I'm delighted here at the end of the year to report that here at the end of the year I'm within sight of the endings to a few more backlog titles (Just to name one, in between now and then I've beaten the main story of Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia and I'm working on the postgame). Along with these, this year had me flipping out when The Owl House's final episodes aired, and the wry, informative humor of Well There's Your Problem began accompanying my work commute. For 2024, I don't know if there's any particular media I'm anticipating (most of my home franchises chose this past year for their new entry) but even so I'm certain I'll find something new to check out. Perhaps it'll be a good year to get into one or more of the series my friends have long raved about...
As I write all this up, I would like to give a special shoutout to one of the aforementioned new friends/friend circles that I came into in 2023: @skysometric. Aside from being funny, a great friend, and just a general boon to know, something I really have enjoyed about coming into her space is seeing how intentional her online presence is. From her custom website to her commentary posts on her projects to the way she uses her blog as, of all things, a blog in the original and traditional sense, she puts herself out there very visibly, creating and urging others to create by example. And I've come to really appreciate that.
That's the thing about existing online: you have to be speaking up for your presence to be felt. Being around is one thing, but if you never say a word, it can be easy to just be one username of many. And as someone who trends towards simply lurking and being around myself, there's nothing wrong with that. But, for as much as I enjoy seeing the things my friends get up to, I think I could be a little more visible in talking about my own activities- give them more of a chance to enjoy seeing what I'm up to. I want to be present in other people's lives as much as they are in mine.
I said it last year, but it bears repeating: I don't get to know how long someone's in my life for. Websites can close, friend groups can drift apart, people can leave this life for the next. Perhaps I think too much about the fact that someday that change will come. But since I don't get to know that and can't do anything about that, the only thing I really can do is cherish others now, and let the future be its own concern. And I intend to.
Thank you, all of my dear friends and beloved mutuals. I hope I can keep sharing this online space with you for a long time to come. You brighten my days with your presence. I hope 2024 has good things in store for you, be that strength, love, reassurance, a much-needed sea change, or whatever you've been needing in your life. Once again, the best year I can wish for is one where every day is better than the last, and every evening we all go to bed just a little more improved than the evening before.
Happy 2024.
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xamaxenta · 2 years
Tell us a bit about the Whitebeard commanders. What do they do for a living?
Wowoo lets go !! I love the wbp so much
Jozu: owns a trading company with Haruta who’s more of the salesperson than anything he just does all the transportation and stuff, his pokemon are Tauros and Two Machamp
Thatch: owner of a small bakery company that got so popular he had to open several branches across the Grandline to meet the growing demand, he often swings through all of them to ensure they’re meeting his standards n stuff, his main shop is in Sphinx tho, bc he can’t leave Pops without fresh croissants!! His Pokémon are Fidough (ee new pokemon!) and Dartrix
Vista: fashion designer, usually has his brothers and sisters model the clothes he designs, well decorated in the field for providing unique and flattering bespoke fashion for all body types, his pokemon are Gardevoir, Gallade and Kirlia (yeah. Haha) he’s absolutely enamoured with Ace’s proportions though and Ace really does not want to be alone in a room with vista just because he won’t be able to say no to him asking for a moment of his time to model some things (last time he said yes he was occupied for a whole weekend LMAO sorry Ace, Vista got INSPIRED hard)
Blamenco: physics professor, specifically interested in the Ultra Beasts phenomenon and worme hole pocket dimesions, has published several papers on the subject and his prized Pokemon is indeed an ultra beast, the highly dangerous Guzzlord, as such he’s under strict monitoring to ensure he doesn’t let it go on a rampage, his other pokemon are: Granbull, Mr Mime and Goliscopod, he lovingly calls these three his Guzzlord insurance policy haha (because theyre all super effective type countersagainst Guzzlord)
Rakuyo: game show host and popular radio host of an opinion based channel that talks about news and reacts to it etc ( the reason Izo keeps getting invites to do tv appearances ZBDBD) his pokemon are Elekid and Braixen (theyre both game show pokemon mascots!)
Namur: handyman, jack of all trades he’s always on the move and can’t settle down, Marco’s a little worried about Namur because every time he calls/chats with him, Namurs gone and got fired or has a new job but it doesn’t seem to bother him because he says all of it is experience gained anyway, his pokemon: Whiscash, Quagsire and Wobbuffet
Blenheim: pokemon police force, originally was part of his home island’s military but then he left and instead drafted into law enforcement, his pokemon are Arcanine and Golbat
Curiel: pokemon ranger, he’s always wanted to be one since he was a kid, because he was rescued by one when he got separated from his parents (later confirmed deceased F curiel…) in a national park that had flash floods, his pokemon are Swampert, Pidgeot and Golem
Kingdew: prowrestler, famous just like Izo and often has to comment on Izo’s latest contest win and vice versa and Kingdew shrugs like you’re asking the wrong guy, Izo’s pretty but is he gorgeous like me? No, we are not the same (he means it in a joking way haha Izo indulges him like oh Kingdew? He’s too fabulous for little old me and all the press are like ???????? Huh???), his pokemon are Hariyama, Incineroar and Hawlucha
Haruta: co-owner of a trading company with Jozu, the sales and spokesperson, they mostly deal in mineral goods, his pokemon are Bisharp and Sir fetche’d
Atmos: currently unemployed, he stays with Pops to keep him company, but has recently found out he’s got quite the green thumb, and is apparently really good at trimming hedges into decorative art pieces, he’s looking to take gardening gigs soon, his pokemon are Bellossom, Sunflora and Shroomish
Speed Jiru: a bodyguard, currently employed by Izo who hired his brother due to two things: Jiru won’t judge him for his reasoning to hire a bodyguard and because Izo prefers if it was family anyway, his pokemon are Aggron, Ferrothorn, Drapion, Stuntank and Sharpedo, he’s one of the only WBP siblings to have as many Pokémon as Marco, he’s second in battling prowress to him and should Marco ever resign his elite four seat, the next in line would be Jiru unless he declines
Fossa: fisherman, it started as a hobby and now its a real thing for him, he’s good at rearing water pokemon and currently farms Chinchou, Magikarp, Goldeen and Clampearls, he has a Poppilo friend that visits (begs for scraps) his only Pokemon is a Volbeat
Izo: fashion blogger, popular pokemon coordinator, well known for his beauty tips and how to train your Pokémon to become top tier beauty contestants, often appears on game shows for local celebrities, his Pokémon are Oricorico (blue one) and Froslass (aesthetic matches his)
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professor-glasses · 1 year
questionable quality summary of svern
heehee silly guy with problems
almost every mannerism he expresses is fabricated
his emotional experience is severely stunted and if he's not faking expression then he mostly just. doesn't express anything at All
the latter is an inbuilt feature, the former is a mechanism he developed to Fit In & Mask (which he does very well)
people still think he is a weirdo because he likes to act in ways that go against common sense, but now it's intentional so he enjoys it
absurdly smart and naturally gifted. bsders understand what I mean by this, normal people underestimate my intended scope
severely stunted emotional experience + very smart and good at things which he mostly doesn't value + people finding him strange & offputting, him finding people strange & stupid
= bored always, quickly achieves disillusionment and cynicism and struggles generally to find any value in life. therefore, nihilism
his paternal grandfather has the same issues as him and encouraged him to a) learn to act to deceive ppl (he didn't see why he should bother at first, because Why Should He Have To. seems like a them problem) and b) fake it til you make it (follow even the smallest impulse or thought no matter whether it's "real" in order to make life tolerable. search out whatever gives you some kind of feeling, real or fabricated, no matter how fleeting or temporary
besides being generally alienated and aware that people thought he was weird and creepy, which was annoying but mostly meh, babey svern was also bullied by an older cousin who is tentatively named luke but who I mostly just call The Asshole Cousin. this was not a single motivating factor for anything but did contribute as you expect and provided a source of ongoing drama growing up
for the next parts to make sense, I need to explain that he is (originally) a POKEMON OC, particularly with influence and inspiration from POKEMON RANGER SHADOWS OF ALMIA
not-so-babey svern (preteens and up) started taking advantage of the fact that he owned a ditto which could shapeshift into a copy of him and started running off looking for Excitement while his ditto covered for him. he hated his home life bc even after he started acting "normal" and people were less overtly weird about him he was resentful about the fact this was necessary :) and also he thought most of the people he was around were stupid anyways
girl your emotional walls are high and impenetrable and you trust nobody
also forgot to mention that he was a rich kid. this is kind of important for the general idea of his child/home environment oops
another very random pointless detail he really likes bugs
anyway fast forward to when he's a young adult and he goes to a certain region to study and because he's still bored as fuck he joins the local criminal organisation for funsies. under a fake identity ofc.
if you didn't realise already, "svern" is also not his legal name nor is his usual appearance how he looks as his """"real""""" identity
oh yeah he's also really good at parkour and he likes playing around with dressing in different clothes and dressing up and trying different hair and all kinds of things. wait what was I talking about
um. he joined this criminal organisation and ended up coming into contact with a Weird Fucking Rock that tldr is basically formed by a huge amount of accumulated negative emotions and which for some reason canonically has made a guy so obsessed with it that he dedicated his teenage son to it and changed his son's name in honour of it and spoke. very reverentially about it
The Rock is Weird and Causes Problems. the whole story of the game happens mostly because this rock is Weird and Causes Problems and has Effects on ppl. its name is the Shadow Crystal
anyway svern met the shadow crystal and also got obsessed with it because of the way the thing works. I've written complex lore on this on his blog which is too long and difficult to replicate here rn. tldr it interacts with emotions and desires and bypasses sense so it just. made him inexplicably fascinated. and he was like Fuck Yes finally something in this wretched world worth living for
svern then dedicated Himself to the shadow crystal :-)
this will. definitely not have Consequences
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rocketsimp · 9 days
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Fabric Cacti for the Bullet Hole West desert. I really wanted stripey cacti that looked stitched together with quills that are tiny pins, but the pins would of been too much detiail I think. Could make a sign that says no hugging next to them.
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yami-no-kurama · 1 year
Way to the Dawn
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"What have I gotten myself into again...?”
That's what Kellyn had been wondering for a while.
Between the transition to adolescence, a crush with whom he didn’t know how to react, and a criminal group whose intelligence was only a joke... He was getting quite dizzy!!
But everything is fine! He should make it out without too much damage!
I want to thank Charowak and their “OneDay” fic for giving me the inspiration to make this one!
So this fic is going to sum up the ENTIRE Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia game, so obvious SPOILERS! If you're reading it I assume you've finished the game, seen a let's play/playthrough, or you don't care because you just want to read a fic to pass the time.
Anyway, what else…Ah yes: couples (M/M, F/F...), cheesy moments here and there, the idiocy of the Dim-Ah…If I tell you everything, it wouldn't be funny right?
I hope you’ll like it! Enjoy!~
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48549967
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innocide · 2 years
Pokemon needs it’s own OGL
I have said this before and will say it again here. Pokemon should absolutely release itself to the public domain. or have it's own OGL. not the messy one that WOTC is trying to push. One like the original D&D OGL. it's literally as big and thorough as something like D&D and the developers could maintain extreme popularity by letting fans do what they want with the characters. we've seen what fan games can do. Imagine what they could do if they had the legal ability to hire a large team and advertise their game and add things to the series that's been long needed or beloved. If it was public access 5 years ago, we’d have official nuzlocke support in every game (including the official ones) more creative ideas, items, and flashy transformations. Maybe digimon would finally meet pokemon! Maybe competitive would finally be balanced. Maybe Scarlet and Violet would already be long out, and with less bugs. Maybe we’d see a comeback of old cult classic spinoffs like new Mystery Dungeons or Rangers or another Legends game. Maybe we’d get the rest of the eeveelutions. Maybe there’d be a game that’s just nintendogs but with your pokemon, like a full-game version of Pokemon Amie in gen 6. Pokemon Unite would absolutely have been released years earlier. We’d have roguelikes, auto-battlers, tower defenses, 3d platformer collectathons where you hotswap between different pokemon and utilize their abilities in unique ways. you know, the stuff fans have been doing in secret for so long? the stuff that, if they didn’t have to stay low-key they’d have made earlier and better? Imagine the gen 4 remakes but done by fans who actually know what they’re doing? Imagine coliseum remakes! GF could legitimately hire skilled fans that are passionate about the series and can make significant contributions. They’d be able to spend their time experimenting with new games, genres, and IPs, and just let fans make the games they want when they want. no more hearing fans complain that gen 5 was the peak of the series, or the lack of a national dex, or for each remake. just let the fans do it. spend your time doing truely original stuff, or adding things to the franchise in an official manner, for all fans to then continue to pull on for inspiration.
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✨ +🧠 for the ask game ? :D
"What inspired your character?"
Ranger Mackenzie is inspired by my experiences of working in the wilderness! I've met several people who had nothing but serotonin pumping through their body, but always felt odd. Not bad by any means, but kind of like the liminal space of people!
Mackenzie is also inspired by that one time I dressed up as a plague doctor and wandered through a forest. It was 2020, and I thought about getting mileage out of a Halloween costume! I could see people indoors looking at me as if I was an odd creature, I guess I wanted a character that embodied that^^
"Share a headcanon about your pokeworld"
Roald dahl has a pokemon counterpart, his works include the Big Friendly Crustle, The Meowths, Charlie and the milcery factory and James and the giant applin!
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trumpkara · 2 months
Chapter Two: To Those Few
The decision to run for president was made in the quiet of his studio, a promise to himself alone. But Linkara knew that announcing it to the world would be anything but. He spent the next few weeks in a whirlwind of preparation, reaching out to friends, family, his Nana, and trusted advisors. He needed a plan, a platform, and a team that believed in his vision. Believe in the great Linkara. This wasn't a whim or another flight of fancy - this would happen. He was certain.
Linkara's first call was to Harvey Finevoice, a longtime friend and occasional collaborator on his show. Harvey had a knack for public relations and a suave demeanor that contrasted sharply with Linkara’s earnestness, but there was no one he trusted more.
"Are you out of your mind kid?" Harvey screamed into the receiver "You’re a comic book reviewer, not a ding darn politician!"
"Exactly," Linkara replied, leaning forward earnestly. "I'm not a politician. I'm a regular guy. A guy who loves DC, Power Rangers, apple pie, the LGBT, and, most of all, this country. I believe it can be better. I think people are ready for someone different, someone who understands them."
Harvey sighed, rubbing his temples. "Okay kid, let's say I believe you. What’s your platform? What do you stand for?"
Linkara smirked his infamous smirk. He had spent sleepless nights thinking about that very question. "I stand for honesty, integrity, and the belief that everyone’s story matters. I stand for standing up for the little guy. I stand for making sure Frank Miller never gets work again. I want to promote creativity and the arts because they teach us empathy and critical thinking. And I want to ensure that everyone, no matter their background, has a chance to succeed."
Harvey took a swig of whiskey, weighing the sincerity in his words. "Alright kid," he finally said, "I’m in. But we need to do this right. We’ll need a campaign manager, a speechwriter, and a strategy."
Over the next few days, Harvey assembled a small but dedicated team. 90s Kid, an old friend with a background in political science and marketing, agreed to be his campaign manager. He was over the top but passionate, qualities Linkara desperately needed. Linkara also reached out to Alison Pregger and Phelous, other internet reviewers and a trusted allies.
With his team in place, Linkara scheduled the announcement. He had fat chance of getting on CNN or even the smallest of news sites. So he did what he always did, he talked to his fans. They decided on a live stream, a medium where he was comfortable and where his fans could interact directly for a small fee. The announcement would be held in his studio immediately after a Pokemon Red stream.
As the countdown to the live stream began, Linkara took a deep breath and looked around at the familiar faces of his friends and colleagues. They believed in him, and that gave him strength. He stepped in front of the camera, the bright lights illuminating his determined expression.
The Pokemon Red stream went to shit. He couldn't beat brock and he accidently released his starter.
"Oops, butterfingers" He laughed, after all, how could he possibly focus on a game right now?
"For years, I’ve reviewed comics, movies, and television shows, sharing my thoughts and opinions with all of you. I’ve always believed in the power of stories, in their ability to inspire, teach, and bring us together. Today, I’m here to share a new chapter in my story."
He paused, letting his words sink in. The live chat was already buzzing with speculation and excitement.
"I’ve watched the state of our country with growing concern," he continued. "I see division, fear, and a lack of understanding. I believe it’s time for a change, for a new voice to step forward. That’s why I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States."
The chat exploded with reactions, ranging from disbelief to enthusiastic support. Linkara raised his hand to calm the flurry of comments and they naturally obeyed.
"I know this sounds unconventional," he said with a smile. "But I’ve always been an unconventional guy. Just look at my robots! But I’m not a politician. I’m one of you. And together, we can make this country a place where every story is heard and respected."
He laid out his platform, speaking from the heart about his vision for education, the arts, and equal opportunities for all. He spoke of the need for honesty in leadership and the power of community. And most of all he directly addressed Trump.
"You've had your time in the spotlight Drumpf" he said with a smirk "Now, it's Linkara's turn"
As he concluded, Linkara looked directly into the camera, his expression resolute. "This campaign is not just about me. It’s about all of us. It’s about believing that we can be better, that we can do better. Join me in this journey, and let’s write the next chapter of America’s story together. Because I am a man... and together we will be MEN."
The stream ended, and the room erupted in applause. 90's kid slapped him on the back and knocked the wind out of him. Harvey Finevoice raised a glass in toast and tried to wink, accidentally blinking instead. Linkara felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He had taken the first step, and there was no turning back. The journey ahead would be challenging, but he was ready. For the first time in a long while, he felt a sense of purpose beyond the confines of his studio, the four walls that had contained him so long.
He was ready to take on the world.
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