#pokemon aim to be a master
scraftyisthebest · 4 months
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As one story ends, another begins, yet the unique essence of a Pokemon protagonist lives on, even from old to new.
Through Liko, the essence of Ash's journey and character live on, as Liko too aims to be one who understands, befriends, and connects with Pokemon around the world, even if the path she takes to get there may differ, the aim is the same: to know the world, to connect with Pokemon, seeing them as friends and partners.
The essence of a Pokemon protagonist, the essence of a Pokemon Master. A Trainer who aims to understand Pokemon, and strives for connection. Ash is one who trained to understand Pokemon, which proved to be his greatest strength, and Liko too is on her way to becoming the kind of Trainer who can connect with the Pokemon she meets.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
Pokémon: 11 Things Ash's final series should do
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So after two mini-specials, we will embark on the final 11 episodes of Ash Ketchum.
Some will think this is about time, simply because he's been a main character for over 2 decades, others like myself feel like this was engineered to be rushed out and Ash could've gone on for much longer. But we cannot change what's happened, so here's 11 things I think should happen within the final 11 episodes.
Note that this is my personal opinion so it's subjective
11 - Ash turns 11 I think it's high time we did this, I mean Burnet went through an entire pregnancy, has a toddler-sized kid and yet Ash is still 10. Given how it's daft as balls anyway that Ash achieves his dream in less than a canonical year, I think for the final 11 episodes we can at least start or end the final series with Ash getting a birthday cake.
10 - Use all of the Pokémon The poster for the series presented all of Ash's caught Pokémon, including the likes of Primeape, Greninja, Goodra, Naganadel, Pidgeot, Ambipom and Lapras - which have been released or are not in Ash's command - so if you're gonna show them it'd help more to actually use them as well. I know 11 episodes is not a lot of time, but you could still fit them in somehow, and we can even extend their use; Primeape for instance could evolve into Annihilape, Pidgeot could Mega Evolve, Lapras could Gigantamax, we can also involve some new captures, I've always wanted to see Misty approach a capture of a Water/Bug Pokémon, and some more Paldean Pokémon. In addition it wouldn't be a loss to show all of Brock and Misty's prior Pokémon too, I know we had Ash and Butterfree's reunion but what about Misty and Togetic's reunion?
9 - Don't rush to everyone's dreams coming true One of the major criticisms I would have with Journeys is the rushed intent to finalize things. Goh's Project Mew saga lasted 9 episodes, and yet on that 9th he managed to meet and befriend the most elusive Pokémon in the world, so elusive that they went into ruins to find a fossilized eyelash of it just to clone into Mewtwo. Given that Misty is yet to be recognized as the strongest water trainer in the world, and other prior companions have yet to achieve their dream, I think it's best not to try and close out their characters by simply 'letting the wookie win' and handing them their dreams without earning it. Not everyone's dreams can be fulfilled in a year.
8 - Have an overarching narrative A problem common in Pokémon has been a lack of a stricter narrative, partly due to the 130-140+ episode count but also a lack of focus and desire to do so. Because I don't quite trust the writers, I do worry that these 11 episodes could just be a fanservicey nostalgia trip without any real direction, which is ill-fitting for concluding the Ash saga. Episode 1 should identify a point A where they're at and a point B where they will need to get by episode 10 or 11, then the episodes in between should all be in service of pushing the group into that direction in a believable and not-rushed way.
7 - But don't forget the battles To keep things energetic though, we must not forget how battling is a core element of Pokémon, and the animation budget should really re-enter XY series level with DP level strategy. Too long have we had Ash plot armour his way to hollow wins, it'd be nice for once to see Ash earn it without legendary interference, sudden magic abilities or forms not even part of their pokedex entry, a hoodie being able to save you from your shadow being shackled to the ground, moves working different to how they should or their opponent acting like a moron. In addition I need Pokémon to stop pulling the duality of Ash's Pokémon being pain sponges while his opponent's Pokémon being able to be KO'd in 4 clean hits or less - Pikachu absorbed 750 base damage minimum against Leon's Pokémon while Charizard lost to 2 Iron Tails, a Quick Attack and the friendship headbutt, three of which on a reduced attack stat from Max Wyrmwind, that cannot fly.
6 - Giovanni needs to be the main villain Over these last 25 years, Ash has only canonically encountered Giovanni once, in the BW series when he was wearing weird ass goggles and swatted him and Pikachu away to get to Meloetta. It's time for this swivel-chair manipulating maniac to finally step up and be the Thanos threat to the show. Given how Ash is now 'champion rank' and thus his Pokémon are now a higher commodity, it would certainly be something he could find himself getting more hands-on with, if anything has been long overdue it's seeing Ash vs Giovanni properly done.
5 - But Team Rocket should redeem themselves Team Rocket have been pushed to the backburner a lot especially in Journeys, and while Ash's saga is set to end it'll likely mean that Team Rocket will need to call off their pursuit of Pikachu. We all know though that these goofballs have the capacity for good, and they are in their own way fond of the twerp. So it would be pretty cool for them to finally give themselves some agency and work towards bringing down their neglectful boss, and hopefully not ending up going separate ways like they did to Bob and Cassidy.
4 - Resolve the Ash's Father mystery Perhaps the biggest mystery left in Pokémon is the identity of Ash's father. We have been teased on it for decades too being told that Ash would likely see him when he 'matured'. Given how the final saga doesn't want to let Ash reach that requirement, this is the last chance to get some closure on the matter. I hope if we do go for it though we don't have it be Giovanni because it's too lazy a writing choice, even if he is a deadbeat it's probably something fandom will want to know.
3 - Bring back some familiar faces I'm not saying we need an Avengers Endgame kinda moment with every cast member, but it wouldn't go amiss to give some older characters some shine again; Ritchie and Tracey may've had cameos in Journeys but it'd be nice to have them a bit more involved, we can guess that Gary will come back in some manner and Ho-oh will likely show up, but what about Movie 1 Mewtwo (I know they were in Journeys but Ash and Goh were mindwiped again)? What about Domino for Team Rocket? What about Pokémon Ash and co took care of like Brock's Vulpix, Sabrina's Haunter, Bewear, Jigglypuff, Snubbull, Arbok and Weezing, Larvitar, the Kangaskhan Pikachu grew up with (though do not release Pikachu I beg of you), there are certainly other Pokémon and characters that would be nice to see again.
2 - Do NOT confirm a ship This might be a weird pick for me because those who know me know that I am a AshxMisty shipper, and believe me if this series did confirm Pokéshipping I would spend hours giddily bouncing off of walls, however if they confirmed another Ash-ship I would spend equal amount of hours raging and cursing the show's very name on the floor. Shipping is a dangerous territory and we have reached a part where between the wastelands of flame wars passed we've established a somewhat peaceful existence where why try to be civil to one another, so throwing a ratchet into that would be a dangerous play. Overall, it is perhaps best not to confirm any ship when it comes to our trio (though I doubt many would be too mad if Jessie and James went the way Electric Tale of Pikachu did) and let fans take it into their own hands, it's the safer and less spiteful option, besides they're still 10 year olds they shouldn't really be caring about romance anyway.
1 - Ash's story ends open-ended on a new direction A worry I do have with Ash's saga ending is that if the new series screws up, Pokémon will be enticed to bring Ash back for viewership and the nostalgia play. But if you make that bed I say you better lie in it, because bringing Ash back could easily undermine the act of ending his story anyway. Ash's end shouldn't be rigidly final of course, but it should end in a way where people will be content to - as I mentioned in point 2 - make their own story for the future. That means no final timeskip of adult Ash and no treading on Ash's name in the new series, instead the best course of action is for these final episodes to push Ash towards a newer dream, one that is in-character with his adventurous, Pokémon-loving, but competitive personality. Even though I don't think he earned the mantle of 'the very best like no one ever was' (and could still pursue that in this series and beyond), seeing Ash mature into a new dream - such as becoming a Professor or an explorer - and set off with Pikachu towards that into the sunset would be a fitting conclusion, but if Ash's story is going to end, it must end there...and maybe some end credits of the main iconic theme wouldn't go too badly.
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ashxketchum · 17 days
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"We should find a place to have a nice lunch..."
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thena0315 · 2 years
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April 1, 1997 → March 24, 2023
The End of an Era (And My Childhood)
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ratwithhands · 3 months
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I have overloaded my brain (11 epsiodes and 109 manga chapters). Anyways while I wait for more Kaiju No. 8 content to drop, time for another ✨submas AU✨
I currently only have Emmet designed but essentially the idea is that following the big fight with no. 9, the JAKDF manages to get in connection with the US to get some assistance with rebuilding and supporting their forces as everything get repaired. This is based off this panel from the manga:
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Essentially a couple of soldiers and a lot of materials are sent to Japan to help get everything settled. Among the people sent over are the twins, along with their weapons. Until the next Kaiju comes in (and they're cleared to join in the battle), they're mostly getting to know the other captains and having fun talking about the tactic differences between the Defense Forces.
Here's some bonus doodles and Emmet's drill.
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The auger is meant to be put into the spine or skull of the Kaiju. The pins stab into the body to keep it in place (Emmet usually also helps hold it down), at which point the auger starts drilling into the muscle and bone. This will not kill it, but it will distract/impair it enough for the rest of his team to take it down. Cores are usually too deep for him to use it for a killing blow, but in instances where the core is exposed long enough for him to set the drill in place, it will tear through and bring the Kaiju down.
Hope you guys enjoy the concept, let me know if you guys want to see more/see specific interactions. See ya!
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jadeazora · 2 years
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It wasn't even abandoned on purpose. It just got lost during a move...
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chaoticdazefire-new · 2 years
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Thank you for the memories
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seecarrun · 3 months
“Cerulean City Gym, Misty speaking.”
“Hey, what do you think the difference is between ‘beef with country vegetables’ and ‘old fashioned vegetable beef?’”
Misty snorted and tossed another scoop of pokemon food into the tank. “Hello to you too, Ash. What, exactly, are we talking about?” she asked.
Ash sighed like Misty was the one wasting his time here, which was not even remotely fair as he was the one who called her, and answered, “Soup.”
“Oh Ash. You are so lucky you don’t travel alone much,” Misty said with a chuckle, shaking her head, embarrassingly fond. “Shouldn’t you call Brock or Mallow about this?”
“Ugh, no. They’d judge me for not knowing. You’re just as clueless about cooking as I am.”
Misty rolled her eyes, but she supposed she couldn’t argue with that, so she chose to ignore that particular dig. “I don’t know if heating up a can of soup over a campfire really counts as cooking, Ash.”
“Mistyyyy,” he whined.
She smirked, but gave in. Just like always when it came to him. “Is there anything else helpful on the can or anything?”
Ash hummed, and she could picture him turning the cans over in his hands, eyebrows furrowed. “They both say fifteen grams of protein.”
“The pictures are…kinda different? I guess. They both have the same vegetables, but one shows two chunks of beef and the other only shows one.”
“Oh well, there’s your answer,” Misty said, as seriously as she could make herself sound without laughing, climbing down from her ladder, the RotomPhone pressed between her ear and shoulder. “Go with the two beef for sure.”
Ash snorted briefly, and she faintly heard the can plink into a basket. “Done. Thanks, Mist! Pikachu says hi! Please don’t tell Brock about this! Miss you! Bye!”
Misty laughed, wishing he and Pikachu well, and hanging up the phone, immediately opened a search engine and typed into the search bar: ‘Difference between beef with country vegetables and old fashioned vegetable beef soup’
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lemonsyourdem0n · 2 years
they are so silly
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rexshadaoart · 2 years
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さよならバイバイ! Farewell, Satoshi and Pikachu!
Thank you, Rica Matsumoto! Thank you, Ikue Otani!
Thank you, Veronica Taylor! Thank you, Sarah Natochenny!
Aim to be a Pokémon Master!
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rfurny · 2 years
How Ash and Misty really feel. 💕
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shigerussato · 2 years
– anipoke spoilers ! 🤍
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the inspiration is real 🤍
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princessbutler1316 · 2 years
Me: no image can make me emotional
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Me: *crying a damn river*
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ashxketchum · 2 years
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1997 | 2023
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thena0315 · 5 months
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ratwithhands · 6 months
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Hi Hello apparently I didn't empty my tank yet.
So fun general headcanon: Emmet likes to cook. He makes most of the meals in the house and often brings homemade food to special events as a way to show his appreciation of whoever he has over. It's how he relieves stress, shows affection, tries new things, it's one of his key interests beyond battling.
This has slightly different connotations in Battle Addict. See Emmet studies the physical properties of pokemon, how they tick and how to make them stop ticking. A key part of his studies is sketching pokemon and outlining their internal structures, but there's no teacher like experience. His favourite way to improve his knowledge is dealing with the subject hands on, and cooking is a very good way to do that. He specifically practices butchery, breaking pokemon down section by section, noting the musculature, skeletal structure, and organs inside. This information helps him to find weakness in an opponent's pokemon while knowing how to cover his own.
This also serves as bonding time for him and Ingo because Ingo gets to be sous chef while Emmet turns a monster into mincemeat. He hands him the different tools he needs and they converse while Emmet slices and picks apart the carcass. Emmet also gets to explain the inner workings of the pokemon, which both of them enjoy analyzing and discussing.
The book Emmet is holding is his "butchery book", which is really just a collection of different biology textbooks he uses as guides to best break down carcasses. They always end up getting messy and after a certain point, he just stops caring and uses it, dirty as it may be. They have to be stored in a sealed container away from their other study materials, and are only ever brought out for processing. Emmet is probably the only person who can stand to be next to the stench of the concentrated dried blood throughout the pages, Ingo usually wears some kind of face cover when Emmet is working.
And for those who want to see the real mess of the work:
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Washing up is half the labour of studying through butchery.
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