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HI WHAT HAPPENED?? i thought another blog just vanished without a notice??? i actually forgot your @ so i went to ur pokemon blog😭😭😭
HIIII hiii 🥹🥹 my blog got # sniped by tumblr </3 which is so painful bc i lost soooo much fanfic like arghggaghh 🫨😭
i also don’t have access to pokemagines anymore but :^) it’s still up so u can read !!! but yeah welcome welcome i’m glad u found me :3 <3
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It's a good thing almost none of my fics are ao3 exclusive? There's really only one and that's an old rewrite from Wattpad and that's my least viewed from what I can remember. So go me?
All of the Owlboy ones are also posted here, and the Pokemon insert collection is reposted from my self-insert blog(@pokemagine if you're coming from ao3).
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Just realized I’ve been on rotomblr for over a year and never made an intro post.
So hi! I’m Athene. I go by she/her and I was born in Unova. I moved to Hoenn with my sandshrew Bean around 12 years ago after Team Plasma froze over Opelucid City because screw that.
And I adopted(?) a wild numel I named Photon that has a partial shiny gene from the looks of it about a year ago after he followed me home and just refused to leave.
[a picture of a sandshrew and a numel with a blue-green patch on top of its back.]
Mun time 😏
So this is Dino, mun of the blog. My main is @worldwidedino so expect follows from there. I also run the Pokemon reader insert/imagines blog @pokemagine. I also go by she/her.
I kinda forget about this blog from time to time. The year long silence as an example. This originally started as a self insert blog, but I decided to change it after I already made the blog so ehh.
There is blog lore I want to share eventually, but more so as it’s brought up. I am going to share it here for transparency though.
Blog lore spoilers:
Athene was actually a grunt for Team (Neo) Plasma before moving to Hoenn. Ghetsis’ treatment of his pokemon started to dissolution her a bit. But the nail that broke the camarupt’s back, so to say, was the freezing of Opelucid City. That’s when all the bad things that Plasma did hit her like a tanker. Some of the more dedicated/brainwashed members of Team Plasma still contact from her from time to time to get her to return to Unova, but she isn’t having any of it.
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New Family
A/n: okay so,,, I love the baby summoner idea a lot and I wanted to do... an interesting take. @pokemagines hope you enjoy!!! Baby Summoner is gonna be a young girl and will just have a made up name I choose, but if you choose to see them as smth else, that’s cool too!!! This is just to make it easier for me, and there is slight... Alfonse x reader??? Or Sharena x Reader, if you want it. ~Spoilers for FEH~ also, this is like a... part one? Of sorts?
Alfonse, Sharena, and the Summoner were patrolling once more. They walked in a clearing that edged between a large forest, making sure no enemies were taking refuge there.
A small rustle came from some nearby bushes and the group stopped. Alfonse drew his sword as the Summoner slowly pulled out Briedablik. The others followed suit and waited with bated breath as the rustling grew louder and closer.
Alfonse stepped forward, leaning his head over to see what was causing the noise, when a small squeak made him jolt back. A small figure jumped out the bushes before they screamed loudly.
“Get away! Get away!” They yelled, falling backwards as they sobbed in terror. Alfonse and Sharena dropped their weapons hurriedly as they went to comfort the young child.
“Hey, hey, don’t worry. We won’t hurt you!” Sharena reassuringly smiled. “Are you alright?”
The young girl sniffled before she nodded. Alfonse crouched down and did his best to smile.
“I’m Alfonse. Prince of Askr. This is my sister, Sharena, and that’s our Summoner, (Y/n).” Alfonse pointed to every person, and looked back at the child. “What’s your name?”
The child shook its head.
“Lif said I shouldn’t talk to strangers.” They quietly mumbled.
“L-Lif?” The three gasped. The child nodded before their eyes watered again.
“I-I... I went off without him and got lost. I don’t know what to do anymore. H-He’s probably very mad at me now.” The child hiccuped and did their best to rub their eyes.
You frowned as you knelt down in front of the child and held their hand gently.
“I don’t think he is. Here, come with us. We’ll keep you safe, okay? You shouldn’t be out here alone.” You knew exactly how it felt to be so lost in a strange new world. The child clung onto you and you squeezed their hand as a sign that you would protect them. They seemed to relax with you.
Alfonse and Sharena got up and looked at the young child again. With what they could see... strangely, they looked similar to you. As if they were a smaller version of you. But something felt off about them, almost familiar, that differentiated the child from you.
It wasn’t the time to think of that, as your patrolling session was coming to a close, and you wanted to make sure your new friend was safe. Sure, they may have been affiliated with Lif, but given his recent disclosure on his real identity, you knew there must be more to this. If he really was the future Alfonse, the one who carried your weapon so long even after he lost you, the one who thought of Sharena almost every waking hour, then surely, he made sure to care for this child for a reason. They didn’t even seem fearful when they talked about Lif, so you could only assume they cared as much for the undead warrior as he seemed to care for them.
The young girl beamed at a bushel of multi-colored flowers and tugged herself away from your hands and ran to them.
“So pretty!” She gasped, she reached out a hand to pick one out but she flung her arm back to her side. “S-sorry... I don’t wanna kill them... Lif said that if I pick flowers I’ll kill whatever life it had. I don’t want to do that.”
You three looked at each other in slight confusion and shock, before Sharena stepped forward. She picked a rose from the bushel and placed it in the girl’s hair.
“You’re fine. Really. These flowers are grown for everyone. Besides, we can always just plant more!” She smiled. The girl opened her mouth before she grinned and nodded.
“Thank you Miss Sharena!”
“Just Sharena is fine.”
“Okay Miss- I mean... just Sharena.” Alfonse couldn’t help but chuckle at the conversation, and he looked at you.
“Hah, it’s almost strange but... she kind of reminds me of Sharena when she was young.”
“Is that so?” You responded. “I think I see it though. She looks so happy no matter what.”
You two looked as Sharena and your new friend were happily babbling about flowers, and the previous tension faded away.
“-and this castle is for the Order of Heroes!” Sharena pointed, and the girl gawked.
“Really? There’s an Order of Heroes? Can I be a hero?” She asked, her doe eyes glimmering hopefully.
“Of course you can.” Alfonse answered.
“Yay! Lif should join too! He’s so nice! Besides, he’s so shy and needs new friends. I think he’d love these flowers!” The girl clapped her hands together.
The awkward silence that ensued went unnoticed by her. You three looked at each other once again, unsure of what to say. Despite his reasons, Lif was perhaps anything but a hero. But in a small part of your heart, perhaps even everyone else’s, the tiny, inkling feeling about how he once was, maybe even still, Alfonse.
“D-do you want to meet other heroes?” You asked, trying to break the silence. The girl held your hand and cheerfully exclaimed for you to take her.
As you two stepped into the castle, Anna came marching in, a tight frown on her face.
“Where were you guys? You had us worried half to death! Time is money and-who... who’s this?” She pointed at the young girl in confusion, and you three awkwardly laughed.
“She was a young lost girl. We can’t have her outside all alone! Especially now with...” Sharena rose her eyebrows and motioned her hands wildly.
“Alright but... what’s her name?” Anna asked.
“Uh...we don’t know...” Alfonse looked off to the side.
“You two...” Anna sighed before she looked at the child. “Sweetie, what’s your name?”
The girl hid behind the crown prince and princess, and Alfonse stroked her head lightly.
“Don’t worry. You can trust Anna, she’s our friend.”
“I-If you say so...” the girl stepped forward. “My name is Henriette.”
You all gasped, and the two siblings froze.
“S-sorry. Repeat that?” Anna asked.
“Henriette. Is my name ugly?” The girl’s lips began to quiver. “B-but... Lif said my name was special...”
“Oh uh... no it’s great it’s just... sorry for scaring you. The Queen is named Henriette too. She’s our mother!” Sharena tried to comfort Henriette.
“Really?! She’s a queen?!” Henriette exclaimed. “I wanna be a Queen too!”
“You will be. Anna, come on, I wanna show her around. I think lots of the heroes would love to meet her.” Sharena explained. Anna seemed to think about something before she shrugged and agreed, the two walking off.
You looked at Alfonse, who seemed troubled as he furrowed his brows.
“Alfonse? Are you alright?” You asked.
“Yes its just... Henriette...”
“What about her? You don’t think she’s a spy or planning something bad do you?”
“While I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility, I’m more curious about her... family...”
“Huh? Family?” You rose an eyebrow.
“Well... she just looks um...” his cheeks turned pink and he seemed embarrassed to speak.
“What? Alfonse what are you trying to say?”
“I think she might be...our future child. I-I mean not you and me specifically! But like... maybe? But also, possibly Sharena?” He waved his hands in front of him as his cheeks flared red. You cocked your head.
“What? What in God’s name gave you that idea?” Now that he mentioned that, you could almost piece together a somewhat coherent idea. Alfonse was always good at reading into things like this.
“I mean... she looks almost like you. But similar to us too. She acts just like Sharena. Lif has been watching over her, and he’s...” he couldn’t finish that part. “And her name is Henriette. The coincidences are too big.”
You understood now.
“But... what do we do now? Should we ask her or...?”
“I think it’s still too early to tell. We might need to get it out of her slowly. But this is just my hypothesis. I think it’s best we protect her and let her relax. If she’s been with Lif then... there’s no telling what she may have had to deal with.” He trailed off.
“I understand. I think maybe we should just... let them be? I don’t think they’ve had the chance to be a kid. But we should probably go find her before Anna tries to teach her about swindling people out of money.” You chuckled. You were about to walk away when Alfonse grabbed your hand.
“Um... (Y/n)... I know this is a lot to take in but don’t tell this to anyone else. I don’t want to make things awkward or give them hope about something that may or may not be true. I don’t think it’s fair to Sharena to tell her that Henriette may be her daughter or niece.” You nodded.
“Your secret is safe with me.” His face softened.
“Thank you, (Y/n).” He said your name breathlessly and smiled, “I know I can trust you with this.”
You two walked around the castle trying to find Sharena and Henriette, and after about an hour of searching and asking around, you found the two in the kitchen. Sharena was gushing about vanilla cakes while Henriette munched on some cookies, engrossed in every word the Princess was saying. Feh was on Henriette’s lap, the bird being stroked by the young girl.
“There you two are!” Sharena waved you over. “Come on, I want your opinion about my cakes.” She stabbed a fork into her creation and placed it to your mouth, eagerly awaiting for you to try it. You opened your mouth and ate the cake, sighing euphorically as you tasted it.
“That’s so good, Sharena. You always make the best desserts.” She blushed at your compliments and waved her hand dismissively.
“Oh you’re just exaggerating!”
“But I’m not! Seriously!” You exclaimed.
Henriette looked curiously at you two, and you looked back at her.
“Henriette? What’s up?” She pointed at the window, meekly raising her index.
“W-who is he?” She asked, pointing to a young green haired archer.
“Oh? Do you mean Rolf?” Sharena asked. Henriette nodded. “Oh I see! Do you want to be his friend? I’m sure he’d love to have someone his age as his friend!”
Henriette stood up, causing Feh to flap her wings erratically from the sudden jump.
You held out your hand and Henriette skipped over to you.
“I’m going to have a friend! That’s going to be so fun! What do I say? What do I do?” She nervously asked.
“Hey, don’t be afraid. Just act natural. Rolf is very nice, so he won’t hurt you.” You assured.
You two walked outside and you waved your arm in the air while shouting for the young boy.
“Rolf! Hey, Rolf!” You called. The archer looked up at you curiously and ran over to you.
“Summoner! Hey!” He greeted.
“Rolf, I want you to meet Henriette! She’s a new friend who’s going to be staying with us for a bit.” You placed your hands on Henriette’s shoulders as she bit her thumb.
“Really? Hi, Henriette!” Rolf extended his hand. “I’m Rolf!”
“Hi, Rolf!” She bit her lip before she gripped his hand back and shook it.
“She’s new here and since you’re about her age, I thought it’d be nice if you two got to know each other.”
“Will do, Summoner! Henriette, what do you like to do?” Rolf asked.
“Um... I don’t know? Usually I read or play hide and seek.” Henriette responsed.
“Oh okay! Do you know anything about archery?” He asked. She shook her head. “Alright! Then I’ll show ya!” He extended his hand for her to grip, and she did so without a second thought. Rolf grinned as he began to run, Henriette giggling as she ran with him.
You watched as their figures became smaller and smaller. It was a cute sight to see.
But the happiness was short-lived as you thought of what Alfonse said.
This was possibly my child.
It haunted you, honestly. It was just such a sudden notion, and one you didn’t know how to process. In a future where all hope was destroyed, you had a child... with Sharena or Alfonse. Or, this child wasn’t even yours at all. It was tough to think about. You pushed it in the back of your mind. It wasn’t something you should think of now. Besides, maybe Alfonse was wrong. Maybe Henriette really had nothing to do with any of you, and you were just overthinking.
It’s still too early to tell...
#fire emblem x reader#fire emblem imagines#fire emblem#feh#alfonse#lif#baby summoner#pokemagines#long post
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My Hel!Summoner, Ragna, for @pokemagines. Ragna is quite shy and is a bit of a pushover. When she tries to summon heroes, she constantly gets the evil or crazy ones. It’s extremely rare for her to get a hero that is even slightly normal in nature. Her current team of evil crazies are Valter, Possessed!Takumi, Male Grima, and Henry (she considers Henry a breath of fresh air compared to the others).
#pokemagines#fire emblem heroes#hel! summoner#summoner#hel#valter fire emblem#male grima#fe grima#henry fire emblem#takumi fire emblem
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LMAO HIIII i’m kinda back im just having fun here i forgot how much i loved this blog lol !!!
i am still writing @sierrascribbles so feel free to follow me there! nonetheless i appreciate ur support so much y’all mean so much to me mwah!!!
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Mercedes could call Hubert something like "Boo-bert", something ghost related like that as a pet name

As adorable as this nickname is....I can't help but feel like this is related to another blog entirely...
On the chance this isn't related though, it is an adorable nickname! Just imagine Mercie even making a little motion whenever she says the "Boo!" In the nickname...Hubert would be trying to fight down the amount of warmth flooding his being at that (even if his face is clearly tinged pink).
#floops speaks#askbox headcanons#hucedes#merbert#coffeebaker#i spent WAY too long trying to remember that djhdjd#but yeah this is like...suspiciouspy close to that 'boobert' thing from pokemagines djdhdjbd#maybe im overthinking it and it is just a cute nicknamw#but i have seen things on that blog i can never unsee XD
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so… gf/bf tiers huh..?
#talkingtime#btw if anyone wants the links to the tiermaker check the lovely @pokemagines#of course saias gets to sit at the top of the male character tier like the king he is 😤😤
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YOOO I'm so happy I was able to find you again I loved your writing and followed you on your old blogs sierrascribbles and hoeshido and pokemagines I got a heart attack when I went back to try and find you and saw your blogs we're gone 😭 It's a good thing you didn't actually leave but sucks that all your writing got deleted cause of Tumblr anyway just wanted to say hi and hope you continue writing I will be excited to see what you have in store
awawawawawaw WELCOME BACK :D <3 i’m so glad to have u here . 🥰

#it means a lot that ppl care enough to go and search for me again ehehehe thank u thank u <3#peony speaks
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Worldwidedino into/pinned post
Carrd: I’ll make a personal one eventually
Linktree: linktr.ee/Worldwidedino
Deal with me I’m bad at introducing myself
So hi, you guys can call me Dino(she/her) I’m 21. Also I’m autistic so be prepared for stuff like posting for about a certain thing for a while and then never talking about it again, completely missing the point, etc.
Speaking of which, prepare for multiple fandoms and no schedule because this is for screaming into the void on stuff.
Here’s my (main) sideblogs:
Pokemagine: pokemon reader inserts n stuff can and does contain nsfw content
Hoenn-trainer: pokemon irl/pokeblogging unreality warning b/c blog acts as if pokemon are real
Tag guide:
Dino talks: obligatory talking tag
Reblog tag: obligatory reblog tag
Writing tag: obligatory writing tag
Reblog game: those “reblog with…” or “reblog if…” posts
Dino watches[insert show]: talking/live reactions about shows I’m watching
Real world stuffs: anything about real life events
Tumblr shenanigans: anything related to Tumblr specific things(Tumblr discourse, staff, posts related to the internal workings of the site, etc)
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This isn't related to a request or anything but how would I go about like... Starting an imagines tumblr of my own?
Honestly, I say just follow your gut and post what you want. Lol that’s what I did! But it also helps to get promos from other blogs as well!
That being said, I will give promos if y’all want, I’m all for supporting content creators!
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✧・゚: *✧・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
since the fmk game is not appropriate for all ages and some of you may not want to see it i'm going to tag it #spicy along with everything else nsfw in the future
✧・゚: *✧・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Nifl + Muspell+ Hel Sumemer
A/n: @pokemagines I’m sorry I keep doing this, and I even added a little bonus Sumemer to the mix!!!
They have NO clue how they got there, and they were out for blood SOOOOOO quick.
Nifl Sumemer is rather hot-headed (heh) and takes no crap from anyone
Until they see Gunnthra and with her sheer disappointed mother glare, they submitted.
Gunnthra is PLEASED
Because of the timeline, Nifl Sumemer never actually met Hrid. They just hear stories of how wonderful their brother is, but they have no idea of how he looks like. They know the siblings are worried about him, and it actually makes them kinda sad (not that they’d admit it) and they get angry they can’t do much
As is tradition for every Sumemer, they fall in love with the oldest child.
Nifl Sumemer is no different and quickly falls for Gunnthra, who stayed patient with them while getting accustomed to Nifl.
Gunnthra is very caring of the Nifl Sumemer, but they tend to feel jealous of the Askr Sumemer since she made a ‘connection’ with them. They get angry that no matter what they do, she will consider their Askran counterpart more important.
They act really cold to them when they first meet, and Askr sumemer cries about it
They are a protective older sibling to the two youngest girls, and they absolutely LOVE to play with them
Fjorm has wonderful discussions with them and even trained them to use a weapon.
I’d go out on a limb here and say that Nifl Sumemer is the most competent sumemer when it comes to weapons and could actually fight with them
Take that Askran Sumemer!
Ylgr has been adopted by the Nifl Sumemer and is basically Helbindi lite.
They really get kinda nervous of caring for someone, because they don’t think they deserve to be treated nicely.
They make sure Ylgr eats right, and Ylgr always thanks them for cooking
“What? I don’t cook.” (LIES)
Ylgr likes to play with Nifl Sumemer’s hair and tie cute bows in it or something. She even does this when they’re sleeping because Fjorm dared her to.
After Gunnthra...did the thing...the sumemer was DESTROYED. It was bad enough feeling like they didn’t do much for her alive, but then when that happened, they blamed themselves for her death.
Fjorm and Ylgr were grieving, but also knew how much the sumemer loved Gunnthra. They tried to get them to cheer up.
They all huddled one day together and sobbed.
When Ylgr was kidnapped too they got incredibly cold and protective of Fjorm. They didn’t want her to lose another one of her siblings.
When they meet Hrid the first thing they do is slap him. He gets incredibly caught off-guard but then the sumemer hugs them and sobs how they are so sorry. They failed the princesses and they beg him to stay close with Fjorm.
He grows quite close with them and understands how awful losing Gunnthra must have felt.
Although, after Hrid started becoming friendly with the Askran sumemer, they got a bit pissed off again.
Despite being one of the most volatile, Nifl Sumemer is quite good at their job. They tend to make pretty okay plans, but they sometimes throw them away in order to protect the royal siblings.
Hrid had to order them to stop trying to jump in front of them because he was afraid of them getting hurt.
Nifl Sumemer doesn’t care and thinks that if they do that, it’ll make up for them being a bad person when the siblings were there.
After Surtr is defeated, they are so lost. The emotions they felt were all about killing Surtr, but now that he was gone, they didn’t know what to do.
Hrid offered them a spot on the council, to be his prime tactician, and Fjorm and Ylgr smiled and said they could be their ‘babysitter’ or something.
They cried for a long time and thanked them for existing.
Don’t even get started on what happens when they summon Gunnthra or NY!Gunnthra. All they do is cry and cry, and they wish they could love them like they did with their Gunnthra, but the problem is, they’re from different timelines.
They are the Gunnthra they knew, and it kills them slowly.
The Gunnthra’s do try to comfort them and encourage them to find new love and explore themselves.
Overall, they are extremely protective of the royal siblings, and while quick to react, they are a kind person deep inside. They just need to understand that they are valuable too, and that they are loved.
Muspell! Sumemer
Muspell Sumemer is very chill and laid-back, almost like the ‘bro’ pal.
They are always calm and have a stupid grin on their face, even in the worst situations.
Unlike the other Sumemers, who couldn’t be smooth to save their life (the Askran version PALES in comparison), Muspell Sumemer is quite suave and has a way with words.
Especially to Laegjarn, who they kinda-sorta have a crush on.
When Laegjarn is feeling stressed, they go up to her and like to show a ‘magic trick’. She is like ‘but we have magic’ and Sumemer is like ‘no no no! you’ve not seen THIS magic!!’
It usually involves her getting a penny or a small flower at the end of it. She gets insanely happy and sentimental looking at them, and keeps her ‘lucky penny’ by her when she’s off to battle.
Laevatein doesn’t know why, but she’s also drawn to the Sumemer’s behavior. She muses to Laegjarn about how they don’t tell her to fight and even cooked some treats she might enjoy.
Laegjarn gets a heart attack because she could’ve sworn she saw Laevatein smile.
They hate Surtr. They make fun of him behind his back and mock him with Laegjarn (and she can’t help but laugh but also feels kinda guilty because like...it is her dad). They hate him a lot though and have made him the most STUPIDEST plans so that way he can get hurt.
He doesn’t and they try to work even harder to MAKE HIM GET HIS OLD MAN KNEECAPS KICKED.
They like Helbindi even though Helbindi pretends to hate them.
“YO! Helbindi what’s poppin?”
“Don’t freakin talk to me didn’t I tell you that last time?
They are both secret bros who hold infinite respect for each other.
A lot of people really like them because they’re so friendly and calm, and they instantly feel safe with them. They usually get tons of compliments and gifts from Muspellians who think they’re just so good and easy to talk to.
They still don’t know what they’re doing though??? They just.... exist?
A lot of people underestimate Muspell Sumemer though. When they first hear they’re from Muspell, a bad image forms in their head. They also can sound/act kinda dumb, but are really perceptive and will come up with answers to complex problems, things no one has ever thought of.
They tend to underestimate them and think they’re some ‘fire-brained idiot’ who just likes fighting. False, they actually hate it. But because they were brought into Muspell, Surtr didn’t want them to be ‘weak and defenseless’ so he ordered Laegjarn to teach them how to fight.
They’re the best at fighting besides the Nifl Sumemer.
Hardly will ever use those skills, but they keep a dagger and lance in case it’s ever needed.
They once nearly cut Askran sumemer because they jumped out of nowhere and screamed at them.
Despite being lax and carefree, they can get deadly serious when the time calls for it. Muspell sumemer is full of many facets and surprises.
Laegjarn was an important figure in their life, mostly because it seemed she was one of the few sane people who didn’t want senseless fighting. Her kindness was one of the few things helping Muspell Sumemer, and when they saw that Laevatein wasn’t really mean, just unsure of how to go about feelings, they grew closer to both of them.
They really love Laegjarn a lot and were hoping to end the war so they can treat her to a real relationship where she isn’t pressured. And because they basically adopted Laevatein as their younger sister, they also wanted to give her a childhood she never got.
When Laegjarn sacrificed herself, they were beyond furious with Surtr for making her come to that. She didn’t need to die! She was his daughter for god’s sake!
They didn’t show it, but they were heartbroken. When Laevatein attempted to do the same, they were one of the few who could get her to stop. They didn’t want to lose her too.
After Surtr’s death, Muspell Sumemer stuck around to take care of Laevatein. She knew how they felt about Laegjarn and was really grateful they were helping her, even if she was not used to free-will and choice.
She learns magic tricks to surprise them, but what makes it funnier is that she’s very stiff and monotone about it, so she’s like “is this your card...” and stares back at them, and even though it isn’t they nod.
Muspell Sumemer is very calm after everything, and they visit a Laegjarn’s grave sometimes and just fill her in. When they summon her, they realize this wasn’t the one they knew, but it was still nice to see her smiling, in any timeline. They’re grateful to have known her.
Hel Sumemer
Hel Sumemer isn’t exactly the classic definition of a ‘sumemer’ tbh. They were a previous Askran summoner, who Hel decided to keep around for her army.
Being in the void made them forget their previous traits, and sometimes they even forget who they were before. All they remember was strategizing and....a man named Lif.
Being brought up in the battlefield once more is exceptionally tiring for the poor summoner, and they feel something...weird...Like they shouldn’t be doing this? Why does this place look so familiar anyhow? And why does the prince look similar to that man?
If they are summoned by the Askran sumemer, they are a bit more free and out of Hel’s control. They can remember bits and pieces of their past and some of their personality comes back as well.
Alfonse is very important to them, since they served the prince when they were summoned, and the fact that he looks like a near splitting image of Lif doesn’t help.
After being in Askr for a while, they definitely become a lot more of a joker. Not as much as the Askran sumemer, but a good amount. Askran sumemer thinks of them like a role model, and has complimented them on their use of black and THAT EYELINER GAME THO!!
Askran sumemer kinda wishes they had their outfit but you didn’t hear that from me
Alfonse likes to ask questions about the past, and what Hel Sumemer can remember, they tell him.
He also gets curious if they are his ancestor, but they admit that as much as they loved Lif, they did not end up with him. They can’t remember if they even married someone afterwards, and Alfonse gets a bit sad.
Sharena tries to get them to see the future, showing them different styles of clothing and new foods that they might like to try. They have a blast with her.
Their dedication to Lif still hasn’t waned, since they were summoned to help him, but they also realize how dire the situation is in Askr and wants to help. That being said, if they had to fight Lif, they wouldn’t. They’d surrender almost immediately.
Lif cannot remember them, so he doesn’t really think of them as something worth befriending or getting close to. In a strange turn of events though, he can feel a sort of pang in his cold, dead, chest that tells him to not hurt you. But it’s rare for him to actually listen to that.
If Hel Sumemer has stayed in Askr for a long time, they become back to their old self. They still wear the edgy armor because, like Askran Sumemer, they are WEAK to black clothes, but overall, they’ve become a lot happier and more goofy.
Their strategies though, can range from god-tier to drunk messes. No one knows what they’re gonna get that day, but as long as they don’t have to fight against Hel with nothing but a three star Odin, they’re fine.
One of the coolest old people you’ll ever meet. They still look young, but since they were from generations back, they know a lot of cool things. How to make an owl speak ancient Askran (NO ONE KNOWS HOW THEY DO IT) and how to cook a feast using nothing but three bones and some mushrooms (also questionable but very useful)
A/n: tbh I know these weren’t exactly like ‘funny’ and it was kinda angsty but I just feel like they’d have a much harder time dealing than say Askran or Emblian sumemer. That’s just my opinion tho and I’m so sorry for making it angsty
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This is so cute, Im--

hi could i get some hcs of kabu with a daughter who really wants to follow in her fathers footsteps as a fire type trainer, but has trouble dealing with defeat? thank u 🥺👉👈
oh i like this idea!
Kabu With A Daughter Who Has Trouble With Defeat
She probably got a vulpix from his gym as her starter.
She trains to her best ability, and has built her team up to have Ninetails, an Arcanine, a Salazzle, and a Torkoal.
Kabu supports her as much as he can and talks abt how proud he is of her at any chance he gets.
When she starts training in his gym, preparing to take over when Kabu is older, she starts to have some issues when it came to facing defeat.
Kabu notices that she becomes really closed off whenever a challenger won against her, and after a few weeks of this, he sits her down and talks it out with her.
He’s very calm and gentle about it, letting her talk about how she feels like her hard work to become a good trainer isn’t working, about how she just feels even more like that whenever she faces defeat in any of her battles.
He comforts her and reassures her that defeat will help her grow, and that she’s already becoming an excellent trainer, and that with time, she’ll only get better at her battles.
I hope you enjoyed this!! I really tried to write it well and stuff, thanks for requesting this!!
#i didnt request this or anything#but i saw this blog#on pokemagines#decided to see whatsup#this is precious#kabu is one husband#that i need#nsnsns
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Can you recommend any good and active blogs like yours?
i kept trying to look up the post to link this to and kept getting distracted by @pokemagines really good posts so like if you also like fire emblem AND pokes go there first bc they’re a real one who never goes on unannounced hiatus UNLIKE SOMEONE (ME)
there is a master post of still active and Good Blogs that pokemagines put together and it even lists which ones are multifandom, some of which are nsfw though so keep that in mind : XXX
#also i have another tumblr tab open which is just playing that setheverman video of him playing africa by toto on different keyboard setting#mod hau#I LOVE POKEMAGINES BTW#I LOVE FIRE EMBLEM AND POKE AND THEIR WRITING IS SO GOOD I CAN ONLY ASPIRE TO B THAT GOOD EVER#Anonymous
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The Moon’s Kiss [Alfonse x F!Summoner; FEH fluff]
So I always tend to get inspired when I read anything Lif or Alfonse related by @pokemagines because they portray the beans so well, and I wanted a little bit of a break from Pokemon, so take it. Alfonse can have my entire life and I’d be okay with that.
The castle was always eerily quiet at night. With so many heroes wandering about, talking, sparring, sometimes yelling, the quiet seemed out of place. It was always a culture shock to Alfonse, but in a way he preferred it. There was no one here to see him when he was crestfallen or pondering.
His room was a good place to go, yes, but one can only do so much thinking in the confines of their own prison. So the night air wafting through the halls was always a much needed relief when he found that he couldn’t sleep. He could smell the scent of the various flowers drifting through the air, and the night brought just enough chill to counteract the growing summer heat. Without his armor, he found himself moving about the halls silently; a habit he had picked up from sneaking about from kitchen to room.
He smiled. Sharena was doubtless to remember those nights, what with him snagging some bread for them to share on the quiet hills near the castle. Sneaking back was more of an issue than getting there, but getting caught didn’t do much for a deterrent. There was more punishment for him since he was older, but the smile and happy giggles from his sister always counteracted those.
Alfonse made his way towards one of the many balconies around the castle, more towards his room. The night air felt silky smooth, and he wondered if he was allowed to sleep in the grass tonight. As he rounded the corner, he found that tonight he wouldn’t be alone in his night adventure.
He had seen you without your cloak multiple times, but something about you tonight was just... striking. His summoner, in her nightgown and leaning over the ledge of the balcony, the moon kissing her skin and the wind through her hair. You were never one to express too much; your smile now said otherwise. Eyes drifting lazily over the countryside, your cheek resting on your arm... you looked like you belonged in a painting. Somehow, Alfonse didn’t feel like he deserved to see you in such a light.
He didn’t realize that he was staring at you, leaning against a pillar next to the balconies. Nor did he realize the small smile he had on his face. Alfonse always found himself becoming more casual around you. Him leaning against a pillar with his arms crossed was not something he would have done in the presence of others. His navy blue night shirt and brown trousers shifted slightly in the breeze. That breeze wafted your hair, and when you went to fix it, you saw him out of the corner of your eye.
“Oh! Alfonse! I didn’t see you there!” Damn it, there was that smile again. Alfonse had studied you on countless different occasions, how you interacted with everyone. And he realized that this big smile of yours when you saw him was reserved for him only. You popped up on the balcony, straightening your posture and giving him a big grin. Alfonse thought he could see a slight blush, but he disregarded it as a play of the light.
“I apologize, I didn’t mean to scare you.” His smile didn’t leave. It never really left around you to begin with.
“Oh no, I was just surprised is all. Usually you’re so loud!”
“It’s the armor.”
You rolled your eyes. “Wow, I could have never guessed.”
Alfonse chucked, ignoring his fast heart beat and moving to the balcony next to you. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “Aren’t you usually studying during this hour?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” you retorted. You sighed, leaning once more. “I figured that when I was about ready to claw my eyes out that it was probably a good time to take a break. And lucky me, I picked the perfect time.” You looked over at him and winked. While he, externally, just chuckled, inside he was screaming very loudly. “What are you doing up?”
Alfonse shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Insomnia again?”
He nodded with a sigh. “Yeah, it makes it worse that I can’t stop thinking.”
“About what?”
About you, he wanted to say, but he held that side of him back. “About our recent events. How crazy things have been, and how none of it seems to really stop. Kind of like how my brain just... doesn’t stop.”
He felt a hand on top of his head, and he looked over to see you patting the top of it. He couldn’t help but laugh at your goofy grin. “You don’t have to go through this alone, you know that right?”
There you go again, he thought. Somehow, you always did the silliest actions when you gave the most needed advice. “I know. I’m getting better at it.”
“I can see that. I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself now. It’s not fun to see you in pain.” You pulled your hand away, and Alfonse could clearly see the scars on your arms. The sight of him made his heart hurt. All those times you ended up getting hurt in battle. It was just a reminder that those were all times that he couldn’t protect you.
“It’s not fun seeing you in pain either.” He allowed himself a small touch to your arm, the back of his fingers tracing over a fairly gnarly scar. If he remembered correctly, that was from a jagged and rusted hand axe some enemy militia has picked up. The scar was rough and weathered; while it had healed as best as it could, there was still an obvious dip in your skin where the flesh has been cut from. “Perhaps you could do me a favor and let me protect you more in battle?”
He didn’t think it came off as a very loving statement, but the hitch in your breath and the blush on your cheeks said otherwise. You looked away from his eyes, your grin turning bashful. His stomach erupted into thousands of butterflies. He’d never seen this side of you before, and he wanted to see more of it.
“M-Maybe... You still need to lead a bunch of people though, right? How are you going to lead them if you’re protecting me all the time?”
“I can easily lead by your side.” What kind of Hel infested demon was taking over his brain? Alfonse didn’t even know he could have this side of him. It was weird, but to be honest, he dug it.
You wouldn’t meet his eyes now, your face as red as a cherry. Alfonse couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him, his fingers still brushing your skin. “You look like you’re about to pop.”
You reached peak cuteness when you hid your face in your hands. Alfonse laughed, pulling away as to not make you overly uncomfortable. “I apologize. I didn’t mean to be so callous.”
You shook your head, dropping your hands but still not looking him in the eye. Alfonse, now that he had learned that other summoners existed, vowed to let all the worlds know that he had the cutest one. You took a deep breath, but your little bashful smile was still there. “I-It’s okay! I’m just... not used to that yet.”
“Maybe I could help change that?” Alfonse bit the inside of his lip, internally cursing for the shameless flirting that his brain insisted he continue. But you looked up at him, finally, the twinkle in your eyes against the light of the moon luring him into a trance once more. Now, it was your turn to retort. Alfonse gulped heavily as you walked up to him, centimeters away from his face. You were a slight bit shorter than he was, but that didn’t mean your presence was any less mesmerizing. You always smelt like freshly baked goods, and being this close to you made him wish that he could hold you every night.
“Maybe... I’d be okay with that. Especially if I get more nights like this.”
Alfonse found his hand running up and down your arm, the smoothness counteracted by the rough scars. He smiled, taking in the light of your eyes. “I’d agree, my dear. But I believe we’d need to keep it quiet for a little bit.” He could feel your breath on his skin, and he just wished he could connect. Your hand rested on his chest, and Alfonse pulled you in closer. He couldn’t resist you anymore. Your body rose when he kissed your lips, and with nothing but the wind and the humming of crickets to watch, he found himself melting.
How long had he wanted this? This embrace with you? Far too long. Months? Years? The silence was intoxicating, the rushing of his heartbeat ringing through to your hand on his chest. He didn’t want to break the kiss, as simple as it was. Nothing extravagant in it, just a loving connection. His eyes fluttered open when you two parted. You pulling away was the worst thing in the world for him; he wanted nothing more than to steal you away to his room. In a way, he felt so naive and small. Kissing someone like this was very new to him, and slightly terrifying in a way. You played with a his hair for a little bit, the strands that had started to meet his neck.
“Good night, Alfonse. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
He nodded. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
You laughed, giving him one big hug before you practically skipped off to your room. There was something that Lif had said that Alfonse was reminded of in that moment. A King and his summoner shall always be bound. Alfonse didn’t think that he meant in this way, but as he wandered off to his room, he found himself fairly giddy at the prospect of what that meant. Alfonse finally got the first good night sleep he had gotten in a while, and it was all worth it to see the immediate blush on your face in the morning.
#fire emblem#fire emblem heroes#fire emblem heroes alfonse#alfonse#alfonse feh#feh alfonse#feh#fire emblem alfonse#summoner#feh summoner#fire emblem heroes summoner#female summoner feh#f!summoner feh#f!summoner#fluff#fluff fic#kai writes#alfonse fluff#alfonse fire emblem#tooth rotting fluff#writers on tumblr#fire emblem imagines#alfonse x reader#alfonse x summoner#alfonse x f!kiran#alfonse x f!summoner#alfonse/summoner#alfonse/reader#alfonse x f!reader
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