dreamdropsystem · 2 months
art trade with a friend with Pokémon ghost type Miku by Shane/Theo/Bug/Angel/Locket
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enuicooks · 1 year
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Yet another poke bowl. Avocado, mango, edamame, purple and orange carrot, salmon marinated with ponzu, on a bed of black rice. Sriracha mayo and sesame seeds on top.
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proudtobechubby · 1 year
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Lunch at work | Poke Sun-Rice | Rome
Pokè con riso bianco, salmone, avocado, alghe wakame ed edamame.
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calopepe · 1 year
Pokè, di Cefalo e Colatura di Alici di Cetara
Pokè, di Cefalo e Colatura di Alici di Cetara Pokè, di Cefalo e Colatura di Alici di Cetara Pokè, si pronuncia Poh-kay lett. “tagliare a pezzi” in hawaiano è un piatto statunitense a base di pesce crudo, servito come antipasto o come portata principale. È uno dei piatti principali della cucina nativa hawaiana. Per San valentino ho deciso di realizzarne due versioni, “Mediterranee” una versione…
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alolanrain · 10 months
For the poke beast au: How do the newly caught pokemon adjust into the team?_
So how majority of Pokémon kind of see Ash like one of them in a way.
The majority of them were hurt and angered about something. They see and experience how twisted Ash’s path is with the gods they may worship or not. They all curse at the same enemy, human or god, it creates such a protective bond. They’d do anything to keep Ash safe because they know he would do the same for them.
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the-evil-pizza · 11 months
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oh this one is custom for sursies, love that it's an axoltl
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psychonautsii · 1 year
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i like scarlet
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veggiechannel · 2 years
Tutti lo vogliono e ormai tutti ne abbiamo sentito parlare. Il pokè bowl è diventato uno dei piatti del momento, una combinazione perfetta di gusto, nutrimento e praticità. Scopriamo da vicino un pokè bowl, che cos’è e come prepararlo.
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nightbunnysong · 2 months
Today's Menu
barley coffee
yogurt with homemade jam
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pokè bowl
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homemade broth with miso
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[photos from Pinterest]
PS: tomorrow I need to drink more water!!!
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atlaculture · 2 years
Building Up: Northern Water Tribe Cuisine - Meats
Since the Northern Water Tribe (NWT) takes inspiration from the Russian Far East (Siberia)--- in addition to the Inuit and other indigenous influences--- I thought I’d bring attention to some lesser-known northern dishes. For NWT food, I’ll mainly be drawing from the arctic cuisine of the Sakha and Chukchi people.
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Stroganina (строганина), meaning “shavings” in Russian, is a dish popular in northern Siberia. It consists of thin slices of frozen and raw fish, foal, or reindeer meat. The flavor and texture is described as savory and melt-in-your-mouth.
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Vilmulimul is a Chukchi black pudding. The dish is comprised of reindeer stomach casing, reindeer blood, reindeer meat, sorrel, and arctic berries. It reminds me of haggis.
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Khaan is a Sakha blood-milk sausage. It is traditionally made from horse or cow blood. The blood is left to stand overnight, allowing the white blood cells/plasma to rise to the top (”white” blood or subai in Sakha) and the red blood cells to settle at the bottom (”black” blood). This allows the blood to be made into two types of sausage: white and black. Both sausages types are a mixture of blood and milk; which is then boiled inside the intestinal casing of the animal. Thanks to the milk, the “white” sausage is a cream color, while the “black” sausage is pink from the white milk and red blood mixing together.
Those who have tried the “white” sausage describe it as having a delicate and light flavor, with a fluffy texture comparable to an omelette. The “black” sausage is described as being richer and more metallic in flavor, closer to a typical blood sausage.
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Indigirka is a Sakha salad composed of diced, semi-frozen fish and onion. A similar dish called suguday exists in Chukchi cuisine. It’s like an arctic pokè! ^_^
Ikiilgin (Muktuk)
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Ikiilgin is the Chukchi word for muktuk (whale skin/blubber sashimi). As I’ve described muktuk before elsewhere, I’ll just leave a link here.
Due to the harsh conditions of the tundra, arctic cuisine generally focuses on the different types of meats available in the area, the different methods of preserving them (drying, smoking, fermenting, etc), and the different ways of serving them (fresh, frozen, boiled, etc). There’s less emphasis on combinations of ingredients and spices (recipes), due to vegetation and spices being scarce in that environment.
Like what I’m doing? Tips always appreciated, never expected. ^_^
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evansdoodles · 1 year
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The gays on the post it doodle wall from my local Pokè shop
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enuicooks · 1 year
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Poke bowl (well, lunchbox): black rice, red cabbage, edamame, mango, avocado, tuna marinated in ponzu sauce (sesame oil, soy sauce, half a lime), sesame seeds, sriracha mayo drizzle.
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Chocolate ricotta cake. Gluten free. Doesn't look like much but it was delicious.
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proudtobechubby · 7 months
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Dinner date | Ami pokè | Rome
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nyatem · 10 months
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Yami and some precious pokès
Ermm these r very rushed and goofy looking *posts anyways*
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alolanrain · 10 months
For poke beast au. What about Ash’s released mons like Butterfree? Does he still go with his mate or Ash caught his mate so his Buttfree doesn’t leave? Also do Squirtle and Primeape still leave for training?
I feel like their the ones he was forced to give up since they were so protective of him that they were more outwardly violent towards others, even the own team at times which pissed Pikachu off since Butterfree picked most fights with him.
Squirtle and primeape’s Pokè balls are still registered to Ash, this just at behavioral school. Butterfree’s destiny is a bit different. Much like his fellow team mates he gets sent to behavioral school designed specifically for spicy flying types. His ‘class’ consist of second evolved flying types and a few newly third evolved Pokémon. Funnily enough he can and will body them.
Pikachu also gets a little sick enjoyment that’s he’s the worst out of them but has such strong control over his emotions that he’s forever cemented first place by Ash’s side.
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stranomavero-o · 5 months
Ciao amici, oggi vi lascio la ricetta della pokè fatta in casa con salmone cotto nella friggitrice ad aria.
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Prima di tutto questo è il risultato finale e la salsa segreta che vi consiglio di aggiungere.
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Prendete i filettini di salmone della findus (costano di più ma sono più buoni, sorry). Ancora congelato lo fate a tocchetti e lo mettete a marinare con salsina di soia+miele. Non serve lasciarlo 3 ore anche solo 20 minuti va benissimo.
Poi prendete la friggitrice, mettete un po’ di carta alluminio nel cestello e ci mettete il salmone, lo cospargete di salsina e fate andare circa 15 minuti a 180 gradi. “Gne gne ma la friggitrice ad aria è solo un forno in miniatura” sì Giancazzo grazie del tuo contributo, è un forno ad aria che si scalda in fretta e consuma poco e quindi posso cucinare 6 pezzi di salmone senza spendere un gazzilione di elettricità.
Torniamo a noi, mentre il salmone cuoce fate cucinare anche il riso basmati (cercate le istruzioni su Internet per la cottura ottimale), tagliate l’avocado, e poi preparate questi:
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Li mettete in una ciotola coperti d’acqua e li cacciate in microonde 3 minuti, oppure ci versate sopra acqua bollente e li lasciate 3 minuti a mollo. Scolateli e poi aggiungete alla vostra pokè.
La salsina della marinatura potete versarla un po’ su riso ed edamame per insaporire il tutto. Se li avete anche qualche semino di sesamo ci sta benissimo.
Buon appetito!
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