#poet blos
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pinnesasong · 1 month ago
what does your username mean or represent?
OOC: Hey! Mod here! I felt like it'd be better if I answered this. Basically, it's a combination of two Swedish words: 'pinne' meaning 'stick/s', and 'sasong' which means 'season'. I might've been listening to 'Stick Season' by Noah Kahan during the time that I was making this blog lmaoooo
Stick (Sterling) had a pilot name: 'Stefan', and I first conceptualized him as 'half-Swedish', which explains why the preliminary postcard asks I sent on my fellow blogs on here depict scenes from Stockholm. I saw a post that headcanoned him as 'half-British', though, and I thought that'd be more fun to depict personally so I went with that now. :DD His full name is now Mr. Sterling H. Spick!
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shhraey · 2 years ago
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adk-almanack-mirror · 11 months ago
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nadiasindi · 1 year ago
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sidomira · 4 years ago
Wordlist and phrases of Elder Speech
In Poland we have a wikia, where someone completed all words and phrases od elven language from the books. I wasn't able to find them in English, so I did it by maself, with help of bab.la, context reverso and google translate, together with my own (little) knowledge.
To all my friends and readers from Poland - please, If I missed some meaning, or did something wrong, correct me. And I ask the ones from Poland, because polish was the origin language
(deleted from ao3, cause they don’t accept anything that isn’t fiction)
A'báeth – kiss
Abb – a place where something ends to bond with something bigger (example: the place where river is connecting with sea)
Addan/Adan – to dance, dance, dancer
Adhart – ahead
Aedd – crumb
Aefder – later
Aecáemm – to follow
Aen – from, to, on
Aen'drean – to enter
Aenye – fire, firely
Aenyell'hael – baptism of fire
Aenyeweddien – Child od Fire, commonly Spark
Aep – from (in meaning of be from some place or family), son, descentand
Aep – to them
Aesledde – sledding
Aespar – to shot
Aëte – summer
Aevon – river
Aine – light
An – small, smaller, indefinite kind
An'givare – spy, informator
Arainne – sparrowhawk
Ard (lat. aardus) – high, the highest, mountain, peak
Arse – ass
A'taeghane – today
Ayd – no
Beag – a few
B'eanshie – phantom, banshee
Beanna (irl. bean) – woman
Belean'graec – important (this), important (a lot of things), expected, expectansy,
Belleteyn – blooming
Birke – vernal equinox
Blathan – garland, flowers (genitive: „blathanna”)
Bleidd – wolf
Bloed – blood
Bloede – bloody, damn, fucking
Broggha, Breoga – frog, froggie
Brokiloéne – from Brokilon
Bynnen – elven bread
Caed – forest, grove
Cáelm – calm, calmly, quiet, slowly, silently, calmly, to calm
Cáemm – go, come
Cáen – can (do)
Caer – fortress, stronghold (in Skellige’s dialekt, it was wrongly: „Kaer”; this form became common among humans)
Cáerme – fate, destiny
Carn – barrow, hole, holes
Carraigh – rock (huge one)
Ceadmil – Welcome (to someone)
Cerbin (lat. corvus) – raven
Cinerea – żyrytwa (complicated thing, I can’t translate it, because it is too deep into culture)
Col – pass (in mountains)
Coram – lion
Corrason – heart
Creasa –necessarily, duty, inevitably, obligatory
Crevan – Fox
Daerienn – sorceress (she-wizard), she-magician
Daetre – back (like, go back)
Dana – girl/miss (a lady before marriage)
Darganfod – discovery
Darl'len – read
Dearg – red
Dearme – Steep (you, go to Steep), to sleep, good night
Deireadh – end, who end smth
Deith – flame
Deithwen – white flame
Dh'oine – human
Dhu – black, dark
Dice (z łac. dicere) – to speak
Divedde – stand(to fight)
Dol – valley, Valley (between mountains), dimple
D'yaebl – Devie
Eatewedd – summer-alike child, summer’s child
Eimyr – hedgehog
Elaine – beautiful
Elle – alder tree
En – idefinite article
Enid – daisy
Ess – be
Esse – to be (future simple)
Essea – I am
Esseath – you are
Evall – horse
Evelienn – etery (about people), everyone
Feain – The Sun
Feainnewedd – Sun’s Child (figuratively about Sunflower)
Fen – swamp, wetland/swampland
Foilé – insane
Folie – rage
Gaeth – potral, gate
Gar'ean – attention/warning, watch out
Geas – swear-curse, curse, howl
Gláeddyv (irl. cleddyf) – sword
Glean – Lower, low, short
Gleanna (irl. gleann) – valley
Glossae – to look
Glyswen – White river
Gwendeith – white fire
Gwenllech – white cliffs
Gwinoedd – elven whine
Gwyn (z irl. gwyn) – white
Gwynbleidd – White Wolf
Gvaedyn – prud-brave, (difficult to translate)
Gvalch'ca (lat. falco) – Falka, she-falcon
Gynvael – ice
Hael –
greeting, health
Haela – medicine
Hanse – hanza, pack of friends
Hav'caaren – "intranslatable word, which is associated with greed/avarice; havekars
Hen – old, older
Hoel – hole, commonly: ass
Ichaer – blood
Imbaelk – germination/sprouting
Inis (wel. ynys) – island
Invaerne – Winter
Lammas – maturation
Lara – seagull
Lionors – lionesse
Llamas – matured, aging,
Loa'then – hatred
Loc (z łac. lac) – lake
Loc'lah – Lady of The Lake
Luned – girl, daughter
Me – I, my, mine, me
Méadbh (propably comes from: ang. meadow, eld-english mædwe) – meadow-alike
Mear'ya – Maria
Meáth – to meet
Mid – middle
Midaëte – summer solstice
Midinváerne – winter solstice
Milva – kania ruda (Bird specie) (from latin „Milvus milvus”)
Minne – love
Mire – to look at
Mistle (z ang. mistletoe) – waxwing, paszkot (bird specie)
Modron – mother (Crach an Craite called Calanthe like this but she wasn't his mother)
Morc – book, book (like book 1 of serię)
Morvudd – enemy
Muire – sea
Naev'de – nine
Neén – no
Pavienn – monkey
Pest – disease, plague, Bad charm/spell
Pherian – Niziołek
Que (z łac. que) – what
Raenn – to run
Rhena (z łac. regina) – queen
Rhenawedd – Child of the queen
Roethainne – redanian
Ruadhri – readers
Salah – (you) pray
Saov – spirit, ghost, soul
Savaed – elven month, 1/8 of year
Scoia'tael (it. scoiattolo) – squirrels
Seidhe – hill
Shaent – to sing
Skrekk – rat
Sledd – sled
Sor'ca – Sister ( diminutive of „sister” in fact.)
Spar – to shot
Spar'le – shot (you, shot (this))
Squaess – to be sorry to someone, to forgive
Squaess'me – I'm sorry , forgive me
Straede – way, path
Táedh – bard, poet
Tearth – fear, to be feared
Tedd – time, age, time (at day, like morning)
Thaess – keep silent (order), keep silent (also order :D)
Thaesse - shut you up
Tirth – boar
Tor (z fr. tour) – tower
Torc'h – alszaband
Treise – strenght, vigor, energy
Tvedeane – 12, dozen
Tuathe – whisper
Twe – two, two (of them)
Uniade – connection(In some meaning: relationship), reunion (with someone)
Va – to go
Va'en – trip, journey
Vaer'trouv – zawierzyć (impossible to translate, something like "to give trust to someone" but not at all), to trust (somebody)
Va faill – farewell
Va vort – go (forever), go away
Vara – merchandise
Varh'he – whore, prostitute
Vatt'ghern – witcher
Velen – autumnal equinox
Veloë – fast/quick, quickly
Voe'rle – to stop (doing) , to stop (someone)
Vort – far (away), dalej, still, yet, precz
Vrihedd – freedom
Wedd – child
Weddin – child (zdrobnienie od „wedd”)
Wen – white (simplified form of „gwyn” usually occuring as  głównie jako suffix)
Woed, Woéd, Woedd – forest, Wood
Xin'trea – Cintra
Yeá – so (so as)
Yghern – skolopendromorf
Yn – on, through, przedimek określony
Ys – down (direction)
Ysgarthiad – shit, cholera
Zireael – swallow
Zvaere – to promise
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zeetasposts · 5 years ago
iT'S YA BOI !! i read your foreign mc headcanons and i stan 💕💓 which had me thinking, how would warlords ( mitsuhide, nobunaga, and whoever else you'd like ? ) react to their s/o being kind of homesick and singing some soft songs in their native language? ( me being me i don't have that good of a voice so maybe mc isn't the best singer out there, but the songs are soft, slow, about love, about heartbreak, etc etc ) gotta love them ballads. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK! you posts make my mornings.
Hi, there dear! Thank you so much for the request, is always much appreciated! <3 You are so freaked sweet thanx for ya kind words! I hope ya like it! And I hope you are staying safe and well! So these are probs the songs that you would find me singing if I were stuck in the past lol! 🔥🦊❤
HEADCANON: MC Singing in her native language
feat; Nobunaga, Mitsuhide and Kenshin  
One night you and Nobunaga were relaxing in your shared room
Nobunaga had, had a long week and now had dark rings under his eyes
You had dragged him away from the important document to rest his head on your lap. You soothingly caressed his hence and hair, trying to coax him to sleep.
He looked up at you with pleading eyes
“Entertain me, fireball.”
He had heard you singing softly a few days ago. You were hanging out the washing and wind seemed to carry your voice to his room, giving him a renewed sense of energy for the day
“I am entertaining you, or would you rather I tickle your ears.”
Nobunaga’s eyes went wide, and he cupped his ear, narrowing his eyes at you. He had a cute little pout on his face
“Careful fireball, if you tickle me, it will be seen as a declaration of war.”
You smiled challenging at him, Nobunaga didn’t want to take any chances with you. He uncovered his ears and took your hands in his. He then intertwined his fingers with yours. He smiled triumphantly
“Okay, okay I accept defeat, how do you want me to entertain you.”
Ruby eyes stared excitingly up at yours, he gave you his signature smirk, and he asked you to sing for him
“Fine then, but it’s not going to be any good,” you rolled your eyes and started singing
“Ek sal jou nooit los nie en ek sal jou nooit vergeet
Waarvandaan ek kom en al's wat ek nou weet
In 'n wêreld vol bakleiery het jou vrede my nou beet
Want jy gee vir my 'n rede, 'n rede om te glo”
He looked into your eyes as you sang, he could tell it was some sort of a love song, he smiled up at you and closed his eyes to savor every soft sound of your beautiful voice
He had often forgotten that you had come from a completely different place and that your customs and languages were so different from his.
You would often sing these songs in your native language when you were feeling homesick
And every time you did, he would envelop you in his warm and ask you about your life, childhood, and favorite memories. Sometimes there would be a few tears, but Nobunaga would always be there to kiss them away.
He loved to hear about your life before; he would shower you with love and kisses, he knew that you had sacrificed so much to stay with him
He loved to listen to you sing, and you were only to sing to him and no one else.
He loves to rest in your lap as you softly sing. Sometimes If you are feeling particularly homesick, the roles would be revered, and Nobunaga would now be the one gently playing with your hair and singing some of his native songs to you, to ease your homesickness a bit 
You were busy cleaning up your and Mitsuhide’s shared room
Little knew how sentimental the sneaky snek was; he kept a box in his cupboard filled with precious trinkets for his past
In the box was a small trinket that Nobunaga had gifted him the first time, they met. You looked at it and was flooded with memories from your past and stories your parents and grandparents used to tell you
You parents were also sentimental creatures and kept a similar box in their cupboard and as a child, you would also always open it up and gaze in wonder at the contents inside
You remembered a particular item that was hidden in the box that you stole for yourself.
It was your dad’s army jacket embroidered with your family’s surname.
You used to wear that jacket everywhere you went. You remembered how you would even wear it when you and your brother would play war games. You smiled at the memory and couldn’t help but remember your dad’s favorite song, well, to be honest, it’s one of those songs that every Afrikaans person knows
“Op 'n berg in die nag
Lê ons in donker en wag
In die modder en bloed lê ek koud,
Streepsak en reën kleef teen my
En my huis en my plaas tot kole verbrand
Sodat hulle ons kan vang,
Maar daai vlamme en vuur
Brand nou diep, diep binne my”
Mitsuhide smiled as he walked into the room hearing his sweet mouse singing what sounded like a very passionate song in her soft voice
Once the song was done, he snuck up behind you and frightened you. He sat down, pecked you on the cheek, and looked over your shoulder to see what you were up to.
He could see you were feeling a bit homesick. He asked if you would sing him another song from your homeland.
You beamed up at him; you were feeling a little shy. “only if you don’t tease my terrible singing voice.”
“But my love, I love it when you sing so out of tune.”
You rolled your eyes and hit his chest
You softly started to sing another song from your homeland
“Well honey you're the reason
For the poet-inspired love affair
Honey this is treason
The king is gone, Rapunzel let down your hair.”
You smiled as this one was more of a love song to help lighten the mood a little
You spent the afternoon singing to Mitsuhide and reminiscing about the past
He would just sit and listen to your beautiful singing, occasionally giving you a flurry of kisses while gently stroking your soft, smooth hair.
He loved hearing stories of your childhood and family
Every so often, you would get a little homesick, but Mitsuhide would always be there listening to your stories and singing. He would hold you in his arms and remind you just how much he loves you. 
TBH he has heard you sing a few songs so many times that he will join in on softly singing with you.
You were playing with the bunnies in the garden
The rabbit you were now petting in your lap was white with black ears and legs. The cutie reminded you of the bunnies you used to have back at home
You suddenly started thinking about home and your sweet buns
You used to sing to them all the time because they were an energetic bunch and would only come to you for a cuddle if you sang to them
Your family would often joke about how spoilt your bunnies were back at home
Feeling a bit nostalgic you decided to sing, to the bunny on your lap, hoping that the wind would somehow carry your voice to the ears of your bunnies back home (even if they were 500 years away)
“We leave to their goodbyes
I've come to depend on the look in their eyes
My blood's sweet for pain
The wind and the rain bring back words of a song
And they say wave goodbye….”
You softly sang a song heavy with sentimental memories
Kenshin walked in the garden hearing the wind carrying a soft whisper of a voice singing
He instantly recognized your voice
He stood and listened for a minute, not realizing a tear managed to escape and was now rolling down his cheek
He could hear the song sung carried so much emotion; he softly walked over to you
Plonked himself behind you and rested his chin on your shoulder while wrapping his arms around your waist
Kenshin wasn’t the only crowed you manage to attract with your singing as it seemed like the full army of fur balls was now at your feet, nudging your legs as if to say “don’t stop now, keep singing.”
You felt a little bashful; you had only ever really sung to your sweet bunnies, and with your mom in the car
Kenshin was now nudging your neck with his nose, like the rabbits.
You couldn’t help but smile, Kenshin is the bunny lord, after all, so singing to him would be like singing to your rabbits.
You continued to sing the whole afternoon, Kenshin love the sound of your soft voice
Since that day, Kenshin would often try and convince you to sing to him when his head rested on your lap. He would usually hum along to the tune of the songs
And every time you sang to him, the army of bunnies would gather and listen to your sweet singing while nuzzling you lovingly. It's hard to feel homesick when your new home is filled with so much love 
I hope you enjoyed it dear! and once again thanx for the request friend❤!
Hehe so the songs in here are: 
Bok van Blerk - De la Rey
Parlotones - Colourful
a-ha - Manhattan Skyline  (hehe so this one is actually a Norwegian band, but omw they are so good and they are legit my mom and I favorite band! We have lots of memories attached to these songs so I felt like I just had to add it)
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violentwavesofemotion · 5 years ago
Is there a blog like Artemis's blog?
Her blog will always be irreplicable when you consider the sheer number of lives impacted in myriad inconspicuous ways throughout the world all these years. I wonder whether even a poet laureate gets to affect so many lives, or to goad people towards unapologetically cultivating their own tastes and build an abiding interest for literature during her tenure. If by ‘like’, you just mean other literary, film, music and art blogs, certainly they do exist. Here are a few recommendations on and outside Tumblr: Read A Little Poetry(immensely popular with poetry lovers) flowerville(a lit-blog straddling across the spectrum) sgtr(a long-defunct cine-blog) The Untranslated(a defunct blog for literature in translation) dhrupad(the definitive blog for Indian cinema; also inactive) liinza(a cine-blog) Her Head in Films(a cine-blog; she also has a podcast) heteroglossia(a lit-blog, defunct since last April) biblioklept(quite a popular lit-blog) Graveyard Masonry(a lit-blog covering literature from the earlier periods)
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mongoreto-blog · 6 years ago
Half Orange
The expression "half orange" is a theme to refer to that ideal of love. It has its origin in a myth narrated by the Greek comedian poet Aristophanes in the work of Plato called "The Banquet".
Personally I do not think the couple completes us, hey, I am whole! and I celebrate that we are all different. That's why I re-versioned this idea of ​​half oranges.
Because what matters is that love is LOVE
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15 cm [6”]
 Tools & Materials:
Cotton yarn 8/6 (medium)
-6 colors of your choice
3,0 mm (US: C/2, UK: 12)
Tapestry needle
A pair of black safety eyes 8mm
 Stitches & Abbreviations
Ch: chain
Sc: single crochet
Hdc: half doublé crochet
Dc: doublé crochet
Mr: Magic ring
sl st: slip stitch
Dec: decrease
Inc: increase
Rnd: round
rep: repeat
St: Stitch/stitches
BLO: Back loops only
( ) work or repeat all the instructions in the parenteses as directed
[ ] total number of stitches
{ } crochet in one color
Start in White yarn.
Rnd 1. Start 6 sc in a magic ring [6]
In next round we’ll add the colors. Change color after { }
Rnd 2. Add color 1; inc in next st {1}
Add color 2; inc in next st {2}
Add color 3; inc in next st {3}
Add color 4; inc in next st {4}
Add color 5; inc in next st {5}
Add color 6; inc in next st {6} [12]
Rnd 3. (sc in next st, inc in next st){1}, (sc in next st, inc in next st){2}, (sc in next st, inc in next st){3}, (sc in next st, inc in next st){4}, (sc in next st, inc in next st){5}, (sc in next st, inc in next st){6} [18]
Rnd 4. inc in next 3 st {1}, inc in next 3 st {2}, inc in next 3 st {3}, inc in next 3 st {4}, inc in next 3 st {5}, inc in next 3 st {6} [36]
Rnd 5. sc 6 {1}, sc 6 {2}, sc 6 {3}, sc 6 {4}, sc 6 {5}, sc 6 {1} [36]
Rnd 6. (sc in next 2 st, inc in next st) rep 2 times {1}, (sc in next 2 st, inc in next st) rep 2 times {2}, (sc in next 2 st, inc in next st) rep 2 times {3}, (sc in next 2 st, inc in next st) rep 2 times {4}, (sc in next 2 st, inc in next st) rep 2 times {5}, (sc in next 2 st, inc in next st) rep 2 times {6} [48]
The next round is the last one of colors. Patience, we’ll unravel... Sometimes love is complicated…
Rnd 7. sc 8 {1}, sc 8 {2}, sc 8 {3}, sc 8 {4}, sc 8 {5}, sc 8 {1} [48]
Change to White yarn
Rnd 8. (sc in next 3 st, inc in next st) rep 12 times [60]
Change to orange yarn.
Rnd 9. sc in all 60 st [60]
Rnd 10. BLO sc in all 60 st [60]
Rnd 11 – 14. sc in all 60 st [60]
Insert the safety eye between rounds 5 and 6. Embroider the other eye and the mouth.
Rnd 15. (sc in next 8 st, dec) rep 6 times [54]
Rnd 16. (sc in next 7 st, dec) rep 6 times [48]
Rnd 17. (sc in next 6 st, dec) rep 6 times [42]
Rnd 18. (sc in next 5 st, dec) rep 6 times [36]
Rnd 19. (sc in next 4 st, dec) rep 6 times [30]
Rnd 20. (sc in next 3 st, dec) rep 6 times [24]
Rnd 21. (sc in next 2 st, dec) rep 6 times [18]
Fill firmly with fiberfill.
Rnd 22. (sc in next st, dec) rep 6 times [12]
Rnd 23. 6 dec [6]
Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing. Using a tapestry needle, weave the yarn tail through the front loop of each remaining st and pull tight to close.
Using green yarn
Ch 9 (this is the foundation chain)
Rnd 1. Starting from second chain from hook, sc 2, hdc, dc 2, hdc, sc 2 in back loops of foundation chain. Turn and sc 2, hdc, dc 2, hdc, sc 2 in front loops of the foundation chain. [We are making an oval by crocheting around the chain][16]
Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.
 LEGS & ARMS: (make 4)
Using black yarn.
Rnd 1. start 6 sc in a magic ring [6]
Rnd 2 – 11. sc in all 6 st [6]
Do not fill. Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.
Original pattern by Mariela Dal Maso (@Mongoreto). This pattern is for personal use only and it is free! Enjoy it!
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marcolikestowatch · 4 years ago
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Hendrik Tollens (24 September 1780 – 21 October 1856) was a Rotterdam poet and playwriter best known for Wien Neêrlands Bloed, the national anthem of the Netherlands between 1815 and 1932. (at Het Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQgBhjblfxk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ironico-blog · 4 years ago
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@rebeldesolitario​ @biiscoitu-blog​ @hamessk-blog​ @marcelo07996799800-blog​ @thebestplace19​ @lohranaa​ @monzeflores​ @sahh155-blog​ @nielly132-blog​ @chcambota​ @vallzeporto​ @lovebrunnavieiraus​ @cemvida​ @leuzera​ @lucasluks​ @annejapa-blog1​ @soolostintheworld​ @untitled64531-blog​ @cukii321-blog​ @rafaelcolffer-blog​ @mydinosaurpanda-97df8cdb-blog​ @alcibiades0​ @rashh1234-blog​ @paattys19​ @renatynhallopes​ @life--of--honey​ @we-baixinha-love​ @flybighot​ @sonhadora3999​ @rackelroll-blog1​ @ramossthais-blog​ @ooh-my-sunshine​ @estefany-ferreira-ss-blog​ @ponydeagua​ @batyin-blog​ @dolaribeck-blog​ @poxa-gabiiee-blog​ @henriquepedro-blog1​ @wellington-russo-blog​ @giih20-blog1​ @lucasdias21-blog​ @whatever-wanna-be-yours​ @welltasca-blog​ @mauricio823​ @sancristobalbm​ @clarapelegrines​ @umaleticiadiferente​ @i-was-born-poet-blog​ @gabbiliz​ @somagem​ @shebetterdo​ @cviniski​ @hallana123456789-blog​ @ultra-perfectprincessdinosaur​ @gfernandabm-blog​ @irani38-blog​ @icouldnotresist​ @umfodidoae​ @thiagogrd​ @mortallypuppy​ @beliver0l​ @merisson14lima​ @feehsouza56-blog​ @izhaaverissimo​ @millamelzinha-blog​ @jfpedrazag-blog​ @the-more-than-words​ @narcisistaa​ @ultra-silence-love-blog-blo-blog​ @laismeneze​ @minadejah​ @beluudanis​ @fellipesouzarezende-blog​ @pelamordoluanrafael-blog​ @sapalesbic​ @arcangelo-barone​ @suspeitando-da-vida​ @sovimsalvarfotos​ @fwdghdzkjb​ @samillesantana15-blog​ @francisjunio​ @maizavinhort​ @anderson-tiago​ @larissamartoli​ @onenewage​ @kimalexkim​ @vih-katolinne​ @kaslucas-blog​ @iscandysweet-blog​ @niallchotal4rga​ @lifelovegt​ @aprim0randa​ @jaiigus​ @gerrylaraa​ @morenalinda69​ @darkparadise189​ @injured-girls-blog​ @anothermjsuckers​ @umapandaironica-blog​ @coloredwaterfall​ @themaycon25-blog​ @bob-maley​ @and-dont-cry​ @manthrax08​ @hewertonalves12​ @garotodirectioner1d-blog​ @desculpamaseunaoligo​ @b4tm4n1​ @euelaeleagente​ @vitorialimapd​ @pedroallves123-blog1​ @laris-saribas​ @chiudi-gli-occhi-e-sogna​ @luluzinhac​ @czarinahv03​ @franlucas​ @bittercolors​
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brooklynwildlife · 5 years ago
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LINK IN BIO.. Enjoy a night of singer songwriters, emcees, poets and more as a celebration and fundraiser for Black Land Ownership - a group of folks that are working to increase the amount of land owned by people of African descent in America in an effort to combat the history of racist government policies, private practices and systematic dispossession. 90% of the ticket sales will go to the cause, 10% to the house. Tix here: https://artery.is/showcases/fundraiser-blo PERFORMING Young Toussaint EUSH Brett Gleason Nebula and the Velvet Queen SPT Teena May Christoph Carr MC stove *The Quincy Atom is a sustainability focused venue. Please do not take plastic bags with your deli purchases! Also, you can mention the Quincy Atom at the corner deli for $1 off sandwiches and six packs.* #blacklandownership #liveperformance #Hiphop #soul #acoustic #brooklyn #nyc #fundraiser https://www.instagram.com/p/B4qI1_yFlAU/?igshid=1c9pifclcoc8p
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writernotwaiting · 8 years ago
The Book of Phillip Sparrow
BY JOHN SKELTON -- [side note: John Skelton wrote in the early 1500s before a bunch of high falutin’ snooty university boys decided what English verse was “supposed” to look like, so he wrote the way he wanted -- meaning, he wrote in a sing-songy rhyming tetrameter that makes fun of everything that smacks of authority, including the church, even though he was a priest himself. His verse is playful and silly and serious all at the same time -- everything that I think makes for good poetry. In the poem below, he writes a lament for a dead pet sparrow.]
Pla ce bo, Who is there, who? Di le xi, Dame Margery; Fa, re, my, my, Wherfore and why, why? For the sowle of Philip Sparowe, That was late slayn at Carowe, Among the Nones Blake, For that swete soules sake, And for all sparowes soules, Set in our bederolles, Pater noster qui, With an Ave Mari, And with the corner of a Crede, The more shalbe your mede.
Whan I remembre agayn How mi Philyp was slayn, Never halfe the payne Was betwene you twayne, Pyramus and Thesbe, As than befell to me: I wept and I wayled, The tearys downe hayled; But nothinge it avayled To call Phylyp agayne, Whom Gyb our cat hath slayne.
Gib, I saye, our cat, Worrowyd her on that Which I loved best: It can not be exprest My sorowfull hevynesse, But all without redresse; For within that stounde, Halfe slumbrynge, in a swounde I fell downe to the grounde.
Unneth I kest myne eyes Towarde the cloudy skyes: But whan I dyd beholde My sparow dead and colde, No creatuer but that wolde Have rewed upon me, To behold and se What hevynesse dyd me pange; Wherewith my handes I wrange, That my senaws cracked, As though I had ben racked, So payned and so strayned, That no lyfe wellnye remayned.
I syghed and I sobbed, For that I was robbed Of my sparowes lyfe. O mayden, wydow, and wyfe, Of what estate ye be, Of hye or lowe degre, Great sorowe than ye myght se, And lerne to wepe at me! Such paynes dyd me frete, That myne hert dyd bete, My vysage pale and dead, Wanne, and blewe as lead; The panges of hatefull death Wellnye had stopped my breath. Heu, heu, me, That I am wo for the! Ad Dominum, cum tribularer, clamavi: Of God nothynge els crave I But Phyllypes soule to kepe From the marees deepe Of Acherontes well, That is a flode of hell; And from the great Pluto, The prynce of endles wo; And from foule Alecto, With vysage blacke and blo; And from Medusa, that mare, That lyke a fende doth stare; And from Megeras edders, For rufflynge of Phillips fethers, And from her fyry sparklynges, For burnynge of his wynges; And from the smokes sowre Of Proserpinas bowre; And from the dennes darke, Wher Cerberus doth barke, Whom Theseus dyd afraye, Whom Hercules dyd outraye, As famous poetes say; From that hell-hounde, That lyeth in cheynes bounde, With gastly hedes thre, To Jupyter pray we That Phyllyp preserved may be! Amen, say ye with me!
Do mi nus, Helpe nowe, swete Jesus! Levavi oculos meos in montes: Wolde God I had Zenophontes, Or Socrates the wyse To shew me their devyse, Moderatly to take This sorrow that I make For Phylyp Sparowes sake! So fervently I shake, I fele my body quake; So urgently I am brought Into carefull thought. Like Andromach, Hectors wyfe, Was wery of her lyfe, Whan she had lost her joye, Noble Hector of Troye; In lyke maner also Encreaseth my dedly wo, For my sparowe is go.
It was so prety a fole, It wold syt on a stole, And lerned after my scole For to kepe his cut, With, "Phyllyp, kepe your cut!"
It had a velvet cap, And wold syt upon my lap, And seke after small wormes, And somtyme white bred crommes; And many tymes and ofte Betwene my brestes softe It wolde lye and rest; It was propre and prest.
Somtyme he wolde gaspe Whan he sawe a waspe; A fly or a gnat, He wolde flye at that; And prytely he wold pant Whan he saw an ant; Lord, how he wolde pry After the butterfly! Lorde, how he wolde hop After the gressop! And whan I sayd, "Phyp! Phyp!" Than he wold lepe and skyp, And take me by the lyp. Alas, it wyll me slo, That Phillyp is gone me fro!
@philosopherking1887 -- I lik the bred!
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prolazimulicomtvojom · 7 years ago
Ljubinka Bobić
Ljubinka Bobić (Kruševac, 2 nd of January 1897 – Belgrade, 3 rd of December 1987) was an actress in the theatre and a drama writer.
She was born in Kruševac in a poor family with five children. Her brother Miroljub Bobić, a teacher, is one of 1300 corporals and a holder of Alban memorial. Her father, Vladislav, a cobbler, was from Srem (Sremski Golubinci), and her mother Jelisaveta was from Macedonia (Struga). They moved to Topčider hill where Ljubinka grew up. Theatre attracted her and with her persistence she becomes a member of National theatre and dedicates her life to acting.. “…she didn’t acknowledge old age, so she often lied about her actual age. She didn’t care about being acknowledged, not even for big ones she received. She captivated everyone with her charisma, pleasant figure and, if needed, pleasant diction, and she scared everyone with her sharp tongue and the fact she could bring someone down to earth without any qualms. She often swore, and while this was true, her friends often admitted that swear words uttered by her sound charming. Like a true boem, she was a drinker and a smoker. She refused to allow her life be made into a book, because she claimed it would be “a biography to laugh and cry at, so it would appear more as an anti-biography”. She never got married. She had affairs with the director of “Politika” Vlada Ribnikar, a writer Miloš Crnjanski and a poet Rade Drainić. She was buried in the Alley of deserving citizens on the New Graveyard in Belgrade. A stamp with her silhouette was published in 2003. “Ljubinka Bobić” award was established in 2006.
Theatrical career
Her talent was discovered by Branislav Nušić while she was casting wistful looks in the direction of the theatre during the Big war in 1915 in Skoplje where she was sent by her family to live with her relatives. Thanks to him, she started out as an intern in National theatre of Skoplje. When her relatives informed her parents of this, her parents returned her to Belgrade where she continues the attendance of Women’s worker school. Fate made her cross paths with Nušić again, from whom she asks a recommendation for Zagreb theatre. Still, she chooses the National threatre in Belgrade, a member of which she becomes in 1920 and remains a member until she retires. She didn’t act only during Second world war because she refused to make the audience laugh while her country was occupied. In the beginning, she acted as sentimental girls and mischievous boys. Her first big achievement was the role of Puck in “Midsummer Night’s Dream”, followed by role of Fema in “Pokondirena tikva”, Mrs. Mica in “Authority”, Marica in “Suspicious person”, son Raka of lady Minister, who was interpreted by Žanka Stokić. Except in comedies, she interpreted the characters of Kata in “Koštana”, Hedviga in Ibsen’s “Wild duck”, Madlen Petrovna in Krleža’s drama “In agony” and others. Along with Žanka Stokić, she made a phenomenal interpretation of Živka in “Minister lady” written by Branislav Nušić, which she acted out 265 times during her career – first time in 1964 when she was 67 and was retired, and last time when she was 81 on the 8 th of November in 1978, less than a month before her death.
1951. Major Boggart (Nikola Popović) as Grandmother 1954. Anika’s times (Vladimir Pogačić) as Jelenka 1957. Priest Ćira and priest Spira (Soja Jovanović) as Sida 1960. Zeppelin of dreams (Soja Jovanović) as Sara Padavicki 1961. First citizen of little city, drama (Mladomir “Puriša” Đorđević) as a magician 1962. Dr. (Soja Jovanović) as Mrs. Draga 1964. National representative, movie (Stole Janković) as Spirinica 1966. Protege (Vladan Slijepčević), as owner 1969. Cross Country (Mladomir “Puriša” Đorđević), as grandmother 1971. My all, mini ТV show (producer – Sava Mrmak, script – Novak Novak) 1972. Laughter from scene: National theatre, документарни филм, as Živka Popović
1973. Accident, ТV movie (Vladan Slijepčević) 1975. Pavle Pavlović, drama (Mladomir “Puriša” Đorđević), as disco hourse director 1975. Devil’s ladder, ТV show (Vladan Slijepčević), as old woman
Literary work
When she got bored of acting as typical characters of conceited “classy” fashionable ladies, she wrote a few popular humoristic – satirical pieces.
1935. Our manners : comedy in three acts 1936. Classy society : innocuous comedy in three acts (5 images) 1940. Blo family : comedy in three acts
All of them appeared on the scene and had a big success. She also wrote two pieces for children “Rista Robinson” and “Rista the sportsman”, which premiered in children’s theatre “Roda”. It consisted of five images with ballet and singing. Adaptation of this play was the comic book of the same name, for which Ljubinka together with Mića Dimitrijević wrote the text and Momčilo Moma Marković made the illustrations. The first continuation of this comic was published on 28 th of February in 1939 in the first number of “Politikin zabavnik” and the last in the 17 th number on 25 th of April in 1939.
Golden arena in 1957 for the best female role in the movie “Priest Ćira and priest Spira“ 7 th of July award of SR Serbia Golden turkey Award for life’s work in 1961
Ljubinka Bobić street is located in the New Belgrade in Bežanija city. There are two more streets with the same name in Jakovo and in Lazarice near Kruševac.
Stojković S.B. (1983). Great people in Serbian theatre. Belgrade: Serbian literary cooperatives – Valjevo: Milić Rakić. Dimitrijević К. (2011). Three of the greatest Serbian actors behind the scene: Milivoje Živanović, Raša Plaović, Ljubinka Bobić. Belgrade: Prosveta. Dimitrijević К. (1994). Anti-biography Ljubinka Bobić. Theatron, 18, 85-107.
Outside links
http://www.novosti.rs/dodatni_sadrzaj/feljtoni.120.html?item_id=543 https://zaboravljenizvuci.wordpress.com/muzej-ljubinke- bobic/ http://www.novosti.rs/vesti/zivot_+.303.html:561764-Ljubinka- Bobic-- -mazna- dama-britkog- jezika https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAPaZPWk9J8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUYocG8JuC8 http://www.medias.rs/ljubinka-bobic- glumacka-legenda- vragolastog-oka
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wolferienblog · 8 years ago
de Mondhygiënepraktijk van Brenda
de Mondhygiënepraktijk van Brenda
foto: De Mondhygiënepraktijk Sinds de zwangerschap van Boaz heb ik last van bloedend tandvlees. Telkens als ik poets zie ik een sliertje rood in de roze tandpasta. Als ik in een appel eet zie ik soms ook een klein beetje bloed in het stukje appel waar ik zojuist een hapje uit heb gegeten.  Ik heb er verder geen last van en daarom liet ik het zo. Jaar in, jaar uit. Al bijna zes jaar. De angst om…
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marcolikestowatch · 5 years ago
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Hendrik Tollens (24 September 1780 – 21 October 1856) was a Dutch poet best known for Wien Neêrlands Bloed, the national anthem of the Netherlands between 1815 and 1932. The Tollens Prize is named after him. (at Het Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDidAxIlkFI/?igshid=2fr51bfgxewk
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brooklynwildlife · 5 years ago
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Enjoy a night of singer songwriters, emcees, poets and more as a celebration and fundraiser for Black Land Ownership - a group of folks that are working to increase the amount of land owned by people of African descent in America in an effort to combat the history of racist government policies, private practices and systematic dispossession. 90% of the ticket sales will go to the cause, 10% to the house. Tix here: https://artery.is/showcases/fundraiser-blo PERFORMING Young Toussaint EUSH Brett Gleason Nebula and the Velvet Queen SPT Teena May Christoph Carr MC stove *The Quincy Atom is a sustainability focused venue. Please do not take plastic bags with your deli purchases! Also, you can mention the Quincy Atom at the corner deli for $1 off sandwiches and six packs.* #blacklandownership #liveperformance #Hiphop #soul #acoustic #brooklyn #nyc #fundraiser https://www.instagram.com/p/B4lh8C7lqBo/?igshid=c0j4bi8jg7dg
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