#elven dictionary
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Роше знает Нильфгаардский и эльфийский?
�� "Ведьмаке 2" есть момент, когда Роше не может разобрать, что говорят нильфгаардцы "на своём паскудном языке" (с), так что нильфгаардский он канонично не понимает. Моя личная практика показывает, что если ты хоть немного шаришь в Старшей Речи, то начинаешь понимать и нильфов, так что, скорее всего, и со Старшей Речью он не знаком. Правильно, зачем болтать если можно пырять?
#the witcher#witcher 2#vernon roche#Vernon sees no pleasure in the Elder Speech dictionary#but he wants to know elven curses
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The “internal disputes” link here doesn’t work anymore 😔 could you say what it was to?
Hi!! Sorry, this reply probably comes a billion years late! 😖
If I remember correctly, it was just a silly little twitter exchange between some BioWare devs where they basically made fun of how the elven language in DA uses a ridiculous amount of apostrophes. 😂 I recall Patrick Weekes joking about how the apostrophe on their keyboard was broken due to extensive use for their work on DA4. lol
Btw, it seems like Weekes has wiped their twitter account completely and, like a lot of BioWare devs, has now moved to Bluesky where they are much more active! 😁
Oh and on that topic, funnily enough, Weekes posted this on Bluesky a few weeks ago.

#something about Patrick Weekes having to record an elven dictionary all day is just so funny to me#imagine Patrick being GDL's personal elven speech coach for the last ten years now lol
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I've finished my Dragon Age elvish/elven/elvhen/el'vhen dictionary. And 99% of it is posted. I just need to clean up the primer and post that.
I have a linguistics minor and broke el'vhen down into its component parts. It started as just a list for me, but took on a life of its own.
Anyway. Hopefully, this will give us more words and tools to work with.
#dragon age#dragon age inquisition#dragonage#dragon age 2#da2#dao#dragon age origins#fan fic#fanfic#language translation#dragon age language translation#ao3fic#ao3 feed#ao3feed#ao3#ao3 fanfic#dragon age elvish#dragon age elvhen
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Haunting Me
A.N: I have been struggling to write (like usual), so I figured I would whip out a no pressure Legolas fic. ANYWAYS, I strangely loved writing this!!! Thanks for the request XOXO
Request: @goose-gremlin — “Could you maybe do a Legolas x Reader on their period?”
Pairing: Legolas X Fem!Reader
Summary: The Reader is a member of Greenwood's Guard and is struggling with menstrual/period pain. Legolas takes care of her.
Disclaimer: I don't know elvish. I use the gracious elvish dictionary. Sue me lol
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: blood, menstruation/period, pain, PMS, slight nakedness (not anything spicy you filthy fools), fluff, sweet precious elf boy
(Y/N)’s nose twitched, the pungent, musty scent of the incoming vile beasts invaded the fresh earthy tones of the Greenwood forest. Her keen ears picked up on subtle scurrying, the sound carried by the drift of the soft wind. Her jaw clenched and her fingers adjusted the grasp of her sword as she felt the aura of the trees shift—a surge of adrenaline fueling her anxiety, worsening the pain in her abdomen. Briefly locking eyes with the other elves in her sector, spread among the trees alert and ready, she knew their moment of action was imminent.
(Y/N) summoned the little energy she had through a deep inhale, praying to the Valar that these spiders wouldn't be in such a frenzied state. Because, if so, fuck that. For at the present moment in time, she really didn't have the capacity to deal with that absolute, motherfucking horseshit.
Because, truly, getting killed due to slowness from fatigue and cramps from one’s bloodmoon cycle would be rather unfortunate and deeply regrettable. However, facing expulsion from the guard and losing her reputation as one of the hand-picked defenders of the royal line because of it would be even worse.
(Y/N)’s gaze narrowed as Prince Legolas, leader of the Greenwood Guard, raised a closed fist.
Nêl (Three).
Tâd (Two).
Mîn (One).
He opened his palm, signaling the command: Kill them. Kill them all.
With a firm thud, (Y/N)'s boots landed on the soft soil as she sprung from the trees. She was quick with her blade, hunting the spiders as if they were meaningless prey. Her weapon was an extension of her form. Every movement was fluid and graceful, a testament to her mastery of combat. Despite her pain, she spun and twisted with ease, severing the arachnids' limbs effortlessly.
As she fought, she made sure to keep an eye on the Prince, knowing that if anything were to happen to Legolas under her watch, the king would surely banish her. Besides, she harbored no desire for him to meet his demise. She found him rather…admirable. Nothing more than that—of course not.
As (Y/N) advanced upon one of the vile beasts, her senses tingled with warning. Abruptly, she halted in her tracks, narrowly dodging an arrow that whizzed past her stomach. Her eyes narrowed as she wiped her head to see just who fired that arrow. A scoff escaped her lips as she locked eyes with him: Rekón.
When the battle came to an end, (Y/N) strutted towards Rekón, who was wiping the edge of his blade upon his thigh.
��What the hell was that out there?!” She snapped at him.
“What is it you speak of?”
“You nearly put an arrow in me!”
He shrugged. “Perhaps, you should have been faster, Shadowfoot.”
She scoffed at Greenwood’s nickname for her. “You're lucky I am fast. I can assume you don’t want elven blood on your hands—especially my blood.
He sheathed his blade and crossed his arms. “Don’t exaggerate, (Y/N). It’s unbecoming. Besides,” he leaned in and his voice lowered, taking on a snarky tone, “I don't care if you're handpicked by the King to be the Prince’s shadow, you're a pain in the ass.”
“Really, Otuuk Fe`Saign (warg kisser)?! I could have you and your ass in the mud faster than you could say—”
The rather tense interaction was interrupted by Legolas clearing his throat beside the pair. “What is going on over here?” he demanded.
(Y/N) huffed, not taking her eyes off the man before her. “Rekón here nearly redecorated my abdomen with a fucking arrow!”
The Prince sighed. “You know we can’t always calculate every motion on the battlefield, (Y/N). I am sure Rekón meant no harm.” He paused, turning his attention to the ellon. “Rekón, in the future, mind your arrows.”
“That’s the reprimand he gets?! Are you fu—“
Legolas looked at the elleth. “Watch your language, Shadowfoot. I expect this attitude to be gone by the time we enter my father’s halls.”
With that, Legolas walked away, calling out orders to burn the spider carcasses and move out.
As he disappeared into the mess of elves, (Y/N)’s brows pulled downward in a grumpy frown. “Princeling Ass,” she murmured to herself.
Unbeknownst to her, as she turned away, Legolas' gaze followed her, seeking out her form and lingering as she walked away.
The sun had not yet risen when the Prince’s sector of the Greenwood Guard arrived back in the Palace. The warriors dispersed into the armory, diligently stowing their weapons and armor in their designated places. (Y/N), however, did no such thing. Instead, with a persistent scowl etched on her face, she marched through the room and passed through the arched exit of the armory—presumably heading towards her chambers. Legolas's gaze tracked her suspiciously as she departed.
As the day progressed, the members of the Prince’s sector resumed their usual routines. Because it was their first day back from patrol, they were exempt from basic guard duties and standard positions. Instead, they utilized the early hours of the morning to bathe and rejuvenate themselves before gathering in the dining hall for breakfast. The remainder of the day was theirs to unwind and compile their patrol reports—the King sought to stay informed about all occurrences and perspectives during patrols, for a darkness seemed to be spreading among his trees.
At supper, Legolas moved among the tables in the dining hall, gathering last-minute reports from the warriors in his sector. As he did so, he scanned the long wooden benches, searching for the scowling gaze that had accompanied the last couple of days of patrol; however, there was no such gaze and no such person that it belonged to. Simply put, there was no sign of (Y/N).
She had missed all three meals and had failed to submit her patrol report.
Legolas cleared his throat before he addressed the elves from whom he was collecting papers. “Have you seen Shadowfoot? I need her report,” he inquired.
They shook their heads, more interested in their food than one missing shadow.
Legolas sighed, but refrained from pressing further. If anyone knew her whereabouts, they would have mentioned it.
Therefore, he made his way to her quarters.
When he arrived, he knocked softly on the door, but was met with silence.
"(Y/N)," he called out, his voice carrying through the wooden barrier.
Still, there was no response.
After a moment’s hesitation, Legolas reached for the door knob and twisted it slowly. The wood swung open quietly under his touch, exposing the darkness of the room beyond. Moonlight filtered in through the opened window, casting shadows that danced across the floor, the curtains billowing gently in the cold night air.
Legolas carefully stepped through the threshold and closed the door behind him. As he took in his surroundings further, surprise crossed his features. He didn't know what he had been expecting since he hadn't been in (Y/N)’s quarters, but it most certainly was not this.
The room was a complete mess. Clothing lay strewn about, along with various trinkets—small hand-carved boxes, beautiful natural rocks, and melted candles absent of flame. Several stacks of books were piled beside the bed, a few of them open and their pages still. Her weapons were scattered haphazardly, some resting on the floor, others on the table or atop the dresser. Legolas even noticed a few knives embedded into the wooden door—a sight that would surely displease Ada.
It was chaotic but calm in a sort of strange way. Typical for (Y/N), he supposed.
The Prince moved to walk further into the room, but was quickly halted against his will. His foot had gotten caught and, if it wasn't for his swift reflexes, he would have face-planted upon the stone flooring.
Legolas sucked in a sharp breath as he stabilized his form. Glancing down, he discovered the culprit—a crumpled tunic tangled around his boot, its fabric caught between the lacings.
He immediately sighed in dismay.
The blond-haired Prince reached down to untangle the stubborn garment. It proved to be a more challenging task than he had anticipated, requiring a few moments of quiet curses and annoyed grunts before he managed to free himself. Carefully, he folded the fabric and placed it upon a nearby chair.
Cautiously, he advanced to the large bed. At first, he could not spot the warrior within, given that the fluffy comforter and mountain of pillows were blocking his view. However, when he pulled back the blankets slightly, sure enough, she was buried deep within. The pillows were arranged around her like a protective nest and she was laying on her side. Her hair was splattered across the cushioned fabric and her expression was…one of pain. Her brows were pulled tight, her nose crinkled, and lips slightly parted.
At this, Legolas frowned, for he was now troubled deeply.
Diligently, the Prince reached out to brush some hair from her face, but just as his fingers made contact with her cheek, his action was interrupted.
(Y/N) suddenly sat up, a knife in hand. With wild eyes, she tried to slam it into his carotid artery.
He reacted quickly, Legolas intercepted her arm, preventing the blade from reaching its target. For a moment, they both froze in that tense position, the gravity of the situation sinking in as they processed what was happening.
(Y/N) was breathing quickly and she appeared very disheveled and confused. It seemed to take her a moment longer to grasp the situation fully.
"Jukkete (fuck)," she breathed out, trying to catch her breath before snapping at him. "Legolas, I almost killed you!"
The Prince still held her wrist. “(Y/N),” he began, “Are you alright?”
She huffed. "You know better than to sneak up on me like that, Princeling!" With a sharp twist, she pulled away from his grasp and settled back into the blankets. “What are you doing here?”
He raised his brows. “Princeling?” he questioned, a hint of amusement in his tone.
(Y/N) only grunted in response.
He sighed. “No one has seen you all day and—“ his sentence abruptly halted as he noticed a red stain upon the comforter. “(Y/N), you are bleeding!” He exclaimed. Without hesitation, he grasped at the blankets, in an attempt to detangle her form from them, as he continued his babbling of concern. “Why didn’t you tell me you were injured on patrol?!”
“Legolas,” she interrupted, her voice firm.
“Is it from Rekón’s arrow?! I thought you said he ‘nearly’ hit you?”
“Legolas,” she tried again.
He yanked the blanket further.” Because I swear to the Valar if it was from him, I will—“
“Legolas! Stop!” She snapped, her patience wearing thin. “I’m not injured.”
His jaw clenched in frustration. “(Y/N), I have been a warrior for all my life, I know the site of blood. That is blood. You cannot lie to me. I am your sector leader, your Prince—“
“Legolas! It’s my bloodmoon cycle!” she interrupted, sitting up to glare at him once more.
An awkward silence settled into the dark room.
“You are in pain,” he stated.
“I’m fine.”
His brows raised again. “Now, why don’t I believe you?”
“Because you're a princeling ass,” she retorted.
“No. Because for the last three days of patrol, your demeanor has been notably irritable, as you are now. You've been favoring your left side, your jaw has remained tightly clenched, and your skin a shade too pale. Not to mention, you've consistently had your hand on your hip, I'm assuming in an attempt to try and alleviate discomfort, and you even vomited behind a tree on two occasions. And, here you are, Shadowfoot, in bed, sleeping the day away in dirty clothes and not caring that you lay in blood.” He paused before finalizing his evidence. “You are in pain.”
“You have been spying on me?! I am supposed to be your shadow.”
“I have been keeping an eye on you,” he clarified.
The muscle in his jaw twitched. “Because you are a member of my sector. You are my responsibility.”
“You are my responsibility,” she corrected.
He released hot air from his nose. “I am required to keep an eye on all of my warriors, whether they were hand-picked to guard me or not.”
(Y/N) huffed, shaking her head. “Did you know Sethna took a pretty nasty hit to her leg?”
“Don’t try to change the subject,” he gruffed.
“Legolas, did you know about it or not?”
A rather long moment of silence extended into the night before the Prince reluctantly responded in a low tone. “No.”
“Then you don't watch every warrior like you watch me.”
He inhaled slowly, trying to steer the conversation away from what (Y/N) was insinuating. “Is Sethna alright?”
“Yeah, she’s fine.”
Legolas nodded slowly, before returning to the main topic. “Why didn't you tell me you were in pain while on patrol?”
She rolled her eyes before muttering his name. “Legolas.”
“Why haven't you seen a healer?” he persisted.
She exhaled slowly, knowing Legolas wasn't going to let this go. “Because the healers document everything, and those records get attached to evaluations.”
“So, I would be dismissed from the guard and relieved of my position!” she snapped.
He snorted lightly. “You would not be dismissed from the guard nor relieved of your position.”
“Others have gotten so for far less!”
Surprising her, his normally collected tone turned into a rough reply. “That doesn't mean that you would have!”
She frowned, her once loud voice now subdued. “What's that supposed to mean?”
He sent her a warning look, his eyes cautioning her against probing further.
Silence reigned for a third time that night before Legolas spoke softly. “Rest. I will draw you a bath.”
“Princeling, I do not need you to draw me a bath. I do not need a bath at all. Like I said, I am fine.”
He shook his head. “You are in pain. Let me help you.”
He cut her off. “(Y/N), do not try to argue with me on this. That is an order. Shadow or not, I am your superior and you will listen.”
With that, he stood and made his way into the bathing chambers, leaving the elleth alone with her thoughts.
She let out a slow, contemplative exhale before sinking back into the embrace of the bed once more. Lost in a haze of exhaustion, she must have drifted into a brief slumber, for it was only moments later that Legolas returned, his thumb brushing against her cheek. His voice, barely above a whisper, reached her ears. “(Y/N),” he urged softly. “Come. The water is hot. It will alleviate your pain.”
Groggily, she opened her eyes, confusion evident in the furrow of her brow.
“Come,” he repeated.
Gradually, she sat upwards, letting her legs dangle off the edge of the mattress. She squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her teeth, praying to the Valar for the pain to settle.
“If the pain is too much, I can carry you,” Legolas offered in a gentle tone.
She scoffed, her eyes opening to glare at him. “I can manage on my own.”
With that declaration, (Y/N) stood up and took a few cautious steps forward. But before she could proceed further, a sharp gasp escaped her lips as the agony surged through her body, causing her to double over.
A comforting warmth enveloped her lower back as Legolas placed a reassuring hand there. He remained silent, respecting her pace and refraining from pressing his earlier offer.
A small whimper escaped her lips, tears threatening to escape from her eyes.
Legolas’ hand began to move in soft circles. “It will pass, Shadowfoot. I am here,” he whispered.
Slowly, she resumed her movement, inching her way towards the bathroom. Upon reaching the basin's edge, she gripped onto the sides tightly. She squeezed her lids shut once more, focusing on her breath.
Standing only inches behind her, Legolas spoke softly. “(Y/N), please, will you let me assist you? I hate to see you suffer.”
She exhaled through her nose, seemingly debating his offer. After a moment of contemplation, she relented. “Fine,” she stated, “but if you breathe a word of this—”
“I will not say a thing. I swear it,” he assured.
She nodded, accepting his promise.
“Let's get you undressed and in the bath then.”
With caution, his nimble fingers found the hem of her tunic and began to lift it over her head. Ensuring her stability by placing one hand gently on her hip, he then carefully guided her trousers downward, assisting her as she stepped out of them. Shaking slightly, she lifted each foot into the tub, one at a time, as the Prince's firm hand remained securely on her waist. Slowly, she lowered herself into the water, his touch barely trailing up her back as she descended. Her eyes closed and a sigh of relief escaped her lips, settling into the soothing heat of the water.
Legolas cleared his throat awkwardly. “I will just be in the other room. Call out if you need me.”
She simply hummed in response.
The Prince swiftly left the bathing room, making his way to the door leading to the hallway. Peering out, he caught sight of a maid. He called out to her and motioned for her to approach.
“Yes, my lord?” she inquired politely.
“I need you to fetch a new set of bedding and obtain the following herbs: valerian, boswellia, and athelas,” he instructed.
She nodded in understanding.
“And please, keep it discreet. I have an injured warrior in here who wishes for the injury to remain quiet.”
The maid nodded once more before hurrying off to fulfill his requests.
Legolas returned to the room, feeling the cool breeze from the open window once more. With determined strides, he crossed the space and closed it firmly, halting the chill from entering any longer. He then took to light some of the candles, casting a warm glow within the room before moving to the empty fireplace. He quickly grabbed kindling and wood from the basket beside the silent hearth, setting to task. Before long, the flames crackled loudly among the stone, radiating a comforting warmth that dispelled the lingering chill.
It was then when the maid entered, a large basket brimming with fluffy fabric in her arms. Placing it beside the bed, she then retrieved a pouch from the top. Approaching the Prince, she bowed her head. “The herbs you asked for, my lord.”
“Thank you,” he replied, accepting them graciously.
The maid took to changing the sheets, making no mention of the blood. Legolas cleared a space upon the table in (Y/N)’s room. Placing a cast iron pot—one of which was kept in each room—over the now vibrant flames, he filled it with water from a pitcher. As the water began to boil, he used a small bowl to grind the fresh herbs into a paste with a pestle. Once sufficiently smashed, he ladled some of the boiling water over it and allowed the mixture of herbs to steep, filling the air with its earthy aroma.
The maid, having finished her task of making the bed and straightening up, bid an awkward farewell to the Prince before exiting the room.
Legolas sighed, taking a seat in the chair beside the table, his ears attuned to any sounds from (Y/N)'s direction—just in case.
Nearly 45 minutes passed before she emerged from the bathroom. She was clothed in soft trousers and a loose top that hung off her shoulder, her hand pressed lightly against her abdomen.
“How do you feel?” he inquired, breaking the quietness of the night.
She turned her head towards him. “You are still here?” Her gaze swept across the room, trailing off as she took in the sight of the lit candles, crackling fire, and fresh bedding.
Abandoning the chair, he approached her and gently put his hand upon her bicep. “How is the pain, (Y/N)?”
As if suddenly drawn from her thoughts, she registered that he was indeed beside her. “I, uh, it has lessened a bit.”
He nodded, guiding her to the bed. Pulling back the clean sheets, he motioned for her to get in. Surprisingly, she complied, settling into the comfort of the fresh lavender scent emanating from the blankets and pillows.
Legolas briefly left her side before returning with a cup of tea, mixed from the healing herbs. Sitting on the edge of the mattress, he lifted the cup to her lips, encouraging her to take a sip. “Drink this. It will help.”
The steam kissed her face as she took the cup from him. As she drank, the warm liquid flowed down her throat and into her stomach, providing instant comfort. When she finished, she passed the cup back to him. “How do you know how to make such a tonic?”
The Prince placed the cup upon the side table. “My father used to care for my mother during her bloodmoon cycle, before she passed from this world. She too had excruciating pain. He taught me the right herbs to mix, the benefits of heat, and—” he paused, his hand moving to her lower back, where he began to massage lightly. “—what points to press to alleviate pain.”
She exhaled slowly, letting her eyes flutter closed.
“He had said, ‘One day, you will have a wife who too suffers such pain. This you must learn for her.’ And I listened.”
(Y/N) did not open her eyes. “I am not your wife.”
Before he could stop himself, his lips betrayed his secrets. “You could be.”
At this, she opened one eye, as if she was trying to subtly evaluate what his words meant based on his body language. Sensing the sincerity upon his expression, her other eye opened too. She put her full attention on him. “What?”
His cheeks flushed, the tips of his elvish ears reddening, though the warm glow of the fire hid his embarrassment. He turned his head away. “Forgive me, (Y/N). I—I didn't mean to be so…so forward.” He hesitated, then looked back at her, seeing her flabbergasted expression. “I–I suppose there is no hiding it now. The reason I keep such close watch over you is because my heart won't let me do otherwise. I fear, well, I fear that you are not just a shadow following my path.” He exhaled softly. “(Y/N), you haunt me in the most beautiful way.”
She shifted from the pillows, drawing closer until her face was mere inches from Legolas’. “You–you care for me?” she whispered.
His hand tenderly cupped her cheek, his thumb moving in a soft motion. “More than I could ever put into words.”
“Legolas,” she whispered. “Your father did not assign me to your sector. I was supposed to be appointed to protect him. I—I requested to be assigned to you.”
The Prince’s gaze met hers. “Why, (Y/N)?”
“Because you too have been haunting me.”
Legolas wasted no time. He pressed his lips to (Y/N)’s in a gentle kiss and she responded eagerly. She tasted of herbal tea and hope, while he tasted of honey and peace. His hands gently cradled her face, while hers found their way to the back of his neck, fingers entwining in his hair. The scent of fresh lavender surrounded her, mingling with the aroma of pine that clung to him. In their embrace, their minds intertwined, both haunted by the other's presence—in the most beautiful way.
Slowly, they parted. Legolas pressed a kiss to (Y/N)'s forehead before speaking softly. "Lay down. Rest. I will watch over you."
She looked up at him. “Won't you lay with me? I am cold.”
He snorted, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his lips like the stem of a flower being plucked from a spring meadow. “You only want me to alleviate your pain, don't you?”
She grinned back at him. “Perhaps, Princeling. Though, I did not lie, I am cold.”
With a playful roll of his eyes, Legolas kicked off his boots and drew back the covers. He allowed his body to melt against (Y/N)’s, providing warmth as he gently began to massage away her tension.
A content sigh escaped the woman’s lips as she snuggled further into him, eagerly stealing his warmth and accepting the pain relief he offered.
“Princeling,” she murmured, “You better not breathe a word of this either.”
He chuckled lightly, “I will not say a thing, Shadowfoot. I swear it.”
Everything Tag: @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @swimming-in-stardust @elvish-sky @red-riding @hey-its-nonny @mirclealignr @laneynoir @straysugzhpe @runningfeather @finallyforgotten @kaiawrites @commanderawkward @xxbluestrifexx @slytherinambitious @desert-fern @skairipakomtrikru @genderfluid-anime-goth @sotwk @sirenofavalon @hobbitsesoftheshire @asianbutnotjapanese @mgchaser @heavenshumour @heavenshumour @clairealeehelsing @starenemy @ceruleanrainblues @casuallyeating-blog @cheari @aheadfullofsteverogers @imthebadguyyy @beehivehappy @queenmariex @newjsns01 @dontfearrr @annoyingstrawberryballoon @caffinated-and-sleepy @california-beach-babe-kay @fxckinggxd
Everything But Spice Tag: @goldfearless @Brethil13 @insert-random-blog @cauliflowertree @heranintomyknife23times @mxmia @unethicallypleistocene @amessofmultifandom @caffinated-and-sleepy
Legolas Tag: in the comments
#vayawrites#lotr#lord of the rings#the hobbit#legolas#Legolas fic#Legolas fanfic#Legolas fanfiction#Legolas x reader#legolas/reader#legolas x y/n#legolas greenleaf#legolas drabble#Legolas imagine#legolas fics
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Compilation of snippets from the DA:TV acting talent panel at SDCC (Dragon Age: Meet the Heroic Companions of Thedas) today (July 26th). DA:TV spoilers under cut.
Huge props and tysm to the users who live-tweeted and clipped this panel, you are heroes 🙏💜!!
The panel was moderated. In attendance were John Epler, creative performance director Ashley Barlow, and the actors of Lucanis, Neve, Emmrich, and Harding - Zach Mendez, Jessica Clark, Nick Boraine, and Ali Hillis respectively.
The panel ended with a Q&A session.
(BioWare have stated that a recording of the panel will be made available at a later date.)
Edit/update: I've now been through this post and tidied it up :)
Here are some pictures from the panel [source]
Here are some more pictures from the panel [source]
In this Twitter thread there are also some video clips of parts of the panel [source]
BioWare tried to avoid spoilers in the panel [source]
Key points/summary of DA:TV: hunting Solas, found family companions, stop the elven gods [source]
When auditioning the companions, BW were specifically looking for character chemistry [source]
BW used motion capture for the game [source]. Mo-cap was mentioned a lot in the panel [source]
Lucanis sees assassination as a job. His mind is as dangerous as his knives and he is also "kinda hilarious" [source]
There was mention of other Crows [source]
Zach Mendez read Tevinter Nights like three times [source]
A clip of the actors doing mo-cap was shown [source]. Photos of Zach mo-capping for other characters was shown [source]
BioWare said that Zach brought a certain darkness to Lucanis [source]
Zach is excited for the romance and is looking forward to the stats [source]
Zach mentioned that he used his own relationship with his brother in his portrayal of Lucanis [source] (surely this means ILLARIO.. ?👀)
Zach played a lot of darkspawn originally while auditioning [source]
Ali Hillis really welcomed Zach into the DA family [source]
Neve is from Minrathous. She has fun banter and is a cynical detective with a heart of gold. They want to show a rebellious side of Tevinter [source]
Jessica Clark loves Neve's loyalty, dedication, and different vision of Tevinter
Neve is fighting for the people [source]. Jessica: "She is really really fighting for those people, and she loves those people. So, yes, she's cynical, and yes she's kind of tough and brusque and all these other things, but when they say there's a heart of gold, there really, like, to have that kind of a passion and dedicate your life to something like that, I think that's definitely my favorite part about her" [source]
Jessica loves how much Neve loves Docktown and its people [source]
Neve sees a different vision for Tevinter than what has previously been depicted in the series [source]
The actors were separate from one another while recording lines but still bonded really well and organically [source]
There are several Veilguard gc [source] (groupchats?)
Ali is an angel and very supportive of the new cast [source]
Emmrich is a "stone cold silver fox" (this is a quote from the panel moderator) [source]
BioWare knew the reaction they would get about Emmrich from the fandom [source]
Nick Boraine feels like he's been preparing for Emmrich all his life. He's obsessed with death (as a comfort and not scary) and enabling people to transition into death. He is attracted to this aspect of the character [source]
"You're gonna need a dictionary for Emmrich" for all the magic spells [source]
"Interesting how this character caught fire compared to the other sexy characters" [source] (I think this was said wrt Emmrich?)
BW had a great time recording with Nick, he is a very consistent actor [source]
Nick and Matt Mercer have never met [source]
Manfred plays off of Emmrich. "I set the tone" [source]
What has Harding been doing in-between DA:I and DA:TV? She's been working closely with Varric and the Inquisition remnants. She and Neve already met in the comics [source]
Ali vividly remembers the beginning of voicing Harding, she says it's brilliant writing. She really thought of Harding's personality and traits. She's so happy to be back [source]
wrt the Covid-19 pandemic and the year 2020, BW had to pivot with working remotely and were able to push through their projects. [source]
"[Harding] chasing Solas for a decade..." "that was a great relationship that [you] developed... and now I'll stop talking now". Ali was excited [source]
John Epler talked about how companions may but heads, and won't be predictable [source]
There are thousands and thousands of lines and so many characters to meet [source]
Zach "unfortunately has been around the DA Reddit before recording as Lucanis" [source]. He feels inspired by all the fans and cannot wait for us to play it [source]
[new textblock due to character limit!]
John Epler on Emmrich: "I mean honestly, I will say, like, we expected a great reaction to Emmrich. Went beyond what we expected for sure. But it’s been fascinating to see, because again, Emmrich is this character, he’s more of the professorial, more, he brings a wisdom and kind of a calmness to the group, so even when things are at their worst, there’s that one person in the group who is kinda like, ‘okay, y’know, we've got, let's figure it out, let’s take a deep breath’. And just his journey through his character arc, and his interactions with the others, it’s been fantastic to see. Even just finding opportunities for him to bounce off the other characters, you know, the way he talks to Bellara, the way he talks to Neve, it’s all so different, but it’s also just, again, based around this core of this warm, kind-hearted, professorial necromancer. Which, again, is not something you see a lot of in media. I mean, usually, necromancers are depicted in a very specific way. But it’s been, it's awesome to see how Emmrich has grown and just, really one of the most, one of my favorite experiences has been just working with Emmrich’s writer, working with Emmrich as a character." [source]
All the actors are excited about the dialogue and narrative, and for us to explore DA:TV [source]
Ali says that we will really find ourselves in this game [source]
During the recording process, the actors all hear the previous person's recording and react or respond to it [source]
Due to Covid-related lockdown, a lot of recording was done over Zoom, and the writers besides Ashley Barlow (creative performance director) would jump in on the call to talk about the previous person’s lines [source]
A question was asked about the background factions. "Characters not causes". [source]
You can work with the Grey Wardens in the game (for example) [source]
The actors all met this weekend. They are an "un-chosen" family [source]
Zach stood in for multiple characters for mo-cap, for example he was Assan [source]
Lucanis has a heart but is stubborn and stuck in his ways. Zach is excited for fans to help his character open up as the story progresses [source]
Jessica is incredibly honored to join the DA universe. She is new to voice acting for video games. “This is play pretend. Playing Neve allowed her to step into her power.” [source]
A question was asked on what their first exposure to fantasy was, and do they implement this into the acting? John talked about Lord of the Rings and how every media you experience will seep out into your work [source]
Ashley didn't want the dialogue to sound modern [source]
Zach loves Theseus and talked about the symbolism in DA [source]
Jessica loves Greek mythology and lore [source]
Nick talked about The Hobbit and how he would dress up in big boots and a cape when his mother would read to him [source]
Ali recently went to Greece and felt like she saw DA everywhere [source]
A question was asked - "From your companion's perspective, which previous companion would you romance?" Zach kind of has a thing for The Iron Bull, saying "oh that awakened something inside of me". He also likes Dorian. Jessica was too overwhelmed to answer. Nick was also overwhelmed by the question, but thinks Solas is sexy [source] [source]
Ali fangirled over Lucanis and Emmrich [source], prefers Emmrich [source]
A question was asked - "Is DA:TV and DA:I streamlined together?" [paraphrased]. Answer: DA games are not as streamlined as Mass Effect and act almost as standalones [source]
The cast were asked about which aspect of their character is their favorite. Ali loves the little quirks about Harding. "Lucanis is a good cook!?" ** Neve is very dry and pretty closed off about it. For Emmrich, it's the "exploration of the idea of death and necromancy" [source] (** FINALLY CITATION for this? :D)
A question was asked: "How do you decide to introduce the lore in each game?" BioWare answered that it depends as they build each game. They always know the base lore, and see opportunities through game mechanics and characters. They try not to infodump [source]
A question was asked: "Any favorite party banter?" Ashley Barlow said to listen for "hand to bone combat" [source]
The game takes place approximately 10 years after the end of DA:I. You start the game hunting for Solas. The game is built on some core principles: be who you want to be in a world worth saving and with characters that matter. The companions are always at the heart of DA and they are at the heart of this game too. [source]
The moderator asked John Epler about what is bringing this party of people ("this rogues' gallery") together. John: "I mean, it's the end of the world, and each character that you bring into your party understands that the world is ending, that they need to stop that, and you're really building, what I would say is, more of a found family. These are characters who may not start off liking each other, may not even start off liking you, but over time they grow to understand the importance of what they're doing and just, how critical it is to stop the elven gods" [source]
"He is kind and has some spectacular lines. He is a natural nerdy scientist. He loves learning." [source] (Emmrich? ^^)
Ali didn't realize that Harding was such a beloved character. She thanked fans for bringing this character back [source]
Ali is super excited that the game is releasing. She said that there has been an evolution to Harding's character and that she's been chasing Solas for like a decade at this point [source]
Jessica loves the writing in the game [source]
Nick loves its narrative [source]
Ali said that this game is going to take you into a world that will blow your minds [source]
On Manfred: Nick was asked what it was like having another character to bounce off of. He said "Oh man! I mean, that is such a hard question, because Matt and I have never met, and we worked completely separately, and, I, I mean I know that the rapport is really great, but it's in the ether, I mean it is just, the magic that these guys create, telling us how to respond, how to do that, but it's, I can't wait to meet Matt" [source]
BW still said that the game's release window is Fall 2024 [source]. Nothing more specific was given [source]
There are also more snippets here in this Tumblr post, go check it out!
[source, two]
#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age the veilguard spoilers#dragon age: dreadwolf#dragon age 4#the dread wolf rises#da4#dragon age#bioware#video games#long post#longpost#solas#dragon age: tevinter nights#covid mention#mass effect#dragon age: the missing#dragon age: the missing spoilers#if any of the source links are incorrect pls lmk ^^#there is a lil bit of repetition in here sry as it's a compilation of 2 different twt threads covering the same event!#if you caught any other livetwt threads for the panel that isn't included here pls lmk ^^#Edit/update: I've now been through this post and tidied it up and collected some stray tweets :)
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Rook's notes for the team in the event of my (probably impending) death:
My swords are yours. Like yours always were mine, when I needed them.
My spicy soup recipe is inside my Rivaini dictionary.
You can have my poetry books.
I entrust you with all the elven artefacts that I’ve collected in my room. Keep anything that speaks to you, and make sure our people get the rest.
Please make sure my translation of that elvhen narrative epic is published. It was eight years of work.
Thank you for being my family.
My bow is yours. I’m sorry it’s too big for you to use, but… it took care of me. I want it to go to someone who will take care of it.
Show Emmrich more of the world, since I cannot.
My chocolate stash is in the bronze puzzle box. Good luck.
It has been such a privilege to watch you embrace who you are.
I know you’ve been coveting my halla horn charm. It’s yours, and if you find the craftsmaster of my clan, she’ll teach you how to carve them.
Pet every griffon for me. Pet them twice.
Please take care of my cat.
If you’re not too busy overthinking every little thing
We’ve been happy. I don’t understand why now
Do you think I don’t
Sorry. I understand being afraid to say what you feel. You know that I do.
I was afraid to love you too, in the beginning. I’m terrified of what it would do to me to lose you now.
I don’t regret a single thing.
As I have before, I entrust my body into your hands. Bury me in the Memorial Gardens. I love it there; it is a kind place. Raise no stone for me, but plant a tree over my body, and promise that my bones will stay below the earth. I will return to the soil. That is the Dalish way.
Anything I have not bequeathed to another is yours. As is my heart.
I hope that when your time comes, you will no longer be afraid to say that you loved me. I hope you will not be afraid at all. But if you are, know this: if any last spark of me remains beyond that final veil, it will be waiting for the last spark of you.
Yes, you can have that scarf you thought I didn’t see you trying on.
Take care of Emmrich for me.
#dragon age#da:tv#da:tv spoilers#veilguard spoilers#the final mission is nigh! I might be playing it tmrw as a christmas present to me :'D#emmrook#oc: taren aldwir#sky's writing
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BG3 Elven Names: A Watsonian Perspective
Amongst folks who like Astarion as a character, the meaning of his name is a common topic of discussion. The answer is typically that it is a variation of Astērion (Ἀστερίων), a Greek name meaning starry, which makes complete sense considering that he is likely a moon elf, but it is based in a language that does not actually exist in the Forgotten Realms. This isn’t a problem, a Doylist answer is completely valid, but I thought it would be fun to figure out what the meaning would be in Elvish (the D&D version), a Watsonian answer (1). After Astarion's, I set out to see if this could be done with Halsin and Cazador as well. I present here my results, with narrative. I have also included a TLDR at the end for those who want to skip the methodology.
(1) To any who may not be aware: Doylist means that it is what the author was thinking when writing / what their intention was. Watsonian means the in-universe perception / explanation. Example: Why did magic change so much between D&D 3.5e and D&D 4e? Doylist answer is that they wanted to simplify how magic worked to draw in new players. Watsonian answer is that Mystra was assassinated by Shar and Cyric resulting in arcane magic becoming unstable and changing its behavior.
In the Lack of Duolingo
First things first, I needed a resource for the Elven language in D&D. As with many collaborative canons, official uses of the language were spread through many mediums and over the course of decades. This makes hunting down sources difficult, but luckily a wonderful person by the name of Diane Morrison was kind enough to create ‘A Treatise on Espruar,’ which offers a complete dictionary. This is what I will be using:
A quick disclaimer that, also like with many collaborative canons, this language has inconsistencies and gaps which makes a true cannon language impossible until a complete conlang is officially released. What I present is to the best of our current resources.
Method to the Madness
I have the words, but next comes the challenge of using them. These names were not made to be interpreted in the lens I am using, so it is kind of like trying to fit a square peg in anything but a square hole. Some words can line up near perfect but have meanings that make absolutely no sense, like dragon royal world, or some words can have the right meanings but have the wrong letters. I resolved this with the following criteria:
The words used must be as close to the name as possible.
Sound shifts must be minimal and not drastic.
As few letter drops as possible.
A meaning that makes sense in context (as much as possible).
Word / part of word Meaning
Something noteworthy about Astarion’s name that I kept in mind when translating it is that it was his ‘child name’, the name that was given to him by his parents and not one he chose for himself (2). This means that the meaning wouldn’t necessarily be one that he himself liked, but rather one that a parent would like to ascribe to their child.
Searching for words, one almost seemed perfect at first: Aasterinian (meaning quicksilver). It was already so close to his name without having to Frankenstein words together, but sadly it broke nearly all of my rules. It had three letter drops and two sound shifts: er to ar and ian to ion. I also was of the opinion that while quicksilver was a fine name meaning, it wasn’t one that felt like it was meant for a child.
So, the next option was a combination of Aestar (meaning together or one heart) and -ion (meaning noble). I was hesitant of this one at first. The meaning I wanted to use for Aestar, heart, had seemed to be reserved for the context of marriage at first glance, but then I saw the name Araestar with its meaning of Goldheart. This is evidence that heart is valid for names as well.
Thus, my Watsonian idea is that Astarion’s name comes from Aestarion, which translates to noble heart. This only has one letter drop and a slight sound shift from Ae to A. I also personally think noble heart is a fitting meaning for a child’s name.
(2) Astarion’s tombstone has his name and states he was 39 when he ‘died’. Elves are typically considered adults and choose their new name when they reach the age of 100.
Halsin was a bit of a hard one, where there were tons of possibilities but near all of them just didn’t fit right. Halsin is 350 years old, he would have presumably chosen his name with a meaning that represented him as a person. He, in my opinion, wouldn’t have a name that meant something random like weak brook or red. In addition, I had to find a combination of words that fit my rules.
So, I had to write down three prefix possibilities, five word possibilities, three suffix possibilities, and mix and match until I got something that met my criteria. I won't include my rejected combinations due to their number, but here are some reasons I rejected them: ‘r to l sound shift is too drastic’, ‘the on sound is too different from in’, and ‘though m and n are close in the IPA the sound shift feels too great’. Luckily, I did find a combination I was satisfied with in the end.
My Watsonian idea is that Halsin’s name comes from Halasan which translates to one who is free and wild. The ending of Halasan would likely be pronounced like in already so it would only be a letter change instead of a sound shift. The only other change needed would be a letter drop, the a in las.
Now this name I went in thinking that it would be the true challenge, the 'z' felt distinctly non-elven to me, but much to my surprise D&D elven does have the z sound and letter. It was still hard to get a good meaning out of it, especially since it is unknown whether this would be his child name or his adult name and there was only one combination of words that worked.
The collection of words at my disposal were cas which means herald, -adar which means world, and za which means royal, of royalty. From this, I got Cazadar, which is a modification of Casadar that adds za. This would give a direct translation of herald of royalty world, which I feel would be interpreted as royal herald (to the world). It isn’t the cleanest meaning, but I feel like there is ego and world domination vibes to it, so it works.
A slight tangent, it is debatable how valid my overlapping construction is. It is possible that the shift from cas to caz would be seen as just a letter shift and not an addition of the word za. This wouldn’t be a problem, herald of the world is still a valid meaning for my purposes, despite it losing some of the ego. There is also the possibility that the za is seen but it results in the caz being interpreted as ca, a letter shift from ka which means dragon. Since there is no dor or dar in elvish, it is possible that it would be seen either as an ornamentation or a shortening of -adar, in which case the translation becomes dragon of royalty or dragon of royalty world. These meanings aren’t horrible in the case of a wrongful interpretation, but it doesn’t entirely make sense, and Kazaadar breaks the rules I imposed.
With all this being said, my Watsonian idea is that Cazador’s name comes from Cazadar, which can be translated to royal herald (to the world). This is the one name that I created that feels like a stretch, but I tried my best.
Last Names
I originally only did the first names when I decided to make this, but then I realized while typing all this that this probably wouldn’t be complete without trying the last names too... and so, I decided to give them a try. I sat down with the elven dictionary and felt the hope leave my body as soon as I wrote them down on my scrap paper. Ancunín, with a little accent on the ‘i’ and a super rare letter for D&D elvish, ‘u’; and Szarr, with two consonants (S and Z of all things) next to each other. I predicted a struggle, a struggle is what I got, and I fled the battle, unsuccessful. I was not able to find anything that met my rules… yet.
I will revisit this someday, but it will require a lot more research on Faerûn than I am able to put in right now, sadly. Here is the fun thing about last names, they are often more influenced by location as opposed to the ethnic origin of someone. Case and point: in the US a lot of folks changed their last name upon arrival to better fit in, or it was messed up enough times that they changed it for convenience sakes. Examples: Müller turning into Miller (a spelling change), Zimmermann becoming Carpenter (a direct translation), or going from Sadowski to Smith (A complete change to assimilate). They also have a different meaning convention compared to regular names to begin with, where they can be based on the location an ancestor lived, their occupation, or their nickname.
A Watsonian answer may exist for Ancunín and Szarr, but it would be rooted in where their families lived through the eras and other local languages that might have influenced the original elvish version. Like perhaps the location the Ancunín family is from has a predominant language which favors ‘u’ as a vowel. Maybe Szarr isn’t elvish at all and is an occupation name. I don’t know if I will be able to find a satisfying answer, but if I do one day I will be sure to post it.
Espruar is the alphabet of the elvish language, which looks really cool in my opinion. Before I even started looking into the Watsonian origins of the names, I thought it would be cool to see what their names looked like written in it and so vectorized all the letters. Below are the character's names and their origin names written with Espruar.
Little End Note
I want to thank everyone who read through my long explanations and tangents, I hope you enjoyed reading the thought process behind all of these ☺️. I also wanted to let you folks know that I am going to make another post soon with my vectorized Espruar alphabet so anyone can write with it should they want to.
#super long post#sorry#there's a tldr at the very end#fun elven alphabet near the end in the bonus section#I tried to describe the letters best I could in the alt text too#bg3#bg3 meta#baldur's gate 3#baldurs gate 3#astarion#halsin#cazador szarr
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Etymology: From Ancestral Faerûnian Elven, earlier álidiᵹa /ˈálidiɣa/ & later álidiia /ˈálid̪ijɐ/ From unknown.¹
Pronunciation: (Standard) IPA: /ɑːlɪˈʤɪja/
âlidïa f. (countable and uncountable, definite sg. en h’âlidïa, dl. lên h’âlidïa, pl. rhŷ h’âlidïa)
(rare) joy of living. eg. Tae! Ddôrhai sa hŷd lên h’âlidïaer. trans. Well! At least they know the joys of living.
Declension sg. dl. pl. NOMINATIVE: âlidïa âlidïaew âlidïaen ACCUSATIVE: âlidïae âlidïaeth âlidïaer ABLATIVE: âlidïaei âlidïaein âlidïaeir
[¹Thought to be from an unknown Faerûnian substrate language as cognates do not occur in Eladrin Elven, or any Gnomish languages outside of Deep Gnimble, which is attributed to a borrowing from Drow Elven rather than occurring natively.]
Proper Noun
A Faerûnian given name from the elven word âlidïa (“joy of living”) Often but not always female.
Also found in Common as Álidïa, Aulidiya, Aulijiya, Auligiya, and Aalydea.
I just accidentally misspelled "the joy of living" as ⟨alijy⟩ and tbh I like it so much I think I might adapt it into a word in this forgotten realms's specific elven conlang. It has etymological roots of a common name about it somehow.
#conlang#fanlang#forgotten realms#dungeons and dragons#okay this was fun#kinda makes me want to make a dictionary once I'm done here#even if it's just a compendium of all the names and words I end up using in the backstory and not a definitive dictionary#because in this elven language there are currently over 3000 words#even if around 1000 of those are like designated placeholders until I get to the actual phonemes and nuance of meaning#and it's not JUST one there's infernal and abyssal too#(the PC this is for speaks common elven and infernal natively but also abyssal thanks to his patron)#so were I to do this it'd be at LEAST 6 months after I've finished the langs which is a lot of time I could be working on non-FR langs
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An excerpt from my word document "fucking around with possible D&D Elvish name meanings in BG3"
(Shoutout to dndalley's The Complete Elf Name Booklet and the candlekeep elven dictionary)
I do know Astarion's surname is spelled "Ancunin," but we're getting creative with piecing bits together :p
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BG3 Drow Lore 🕷️ Minthara's ust-nor
Curious thing: in one of her lines, Minthara calls her lover ust-nor. In devnote to this line, ust-nor was translated as "my love" and labeled "drow phrase":

But after taking a closer look at it, it seems that it should be translated (or written) a bit differently... not to mention that it is not exactly a drow term.
🕷️ Word ust means "first" in drow language. It is one of canonical drowic words mentioned in Drow of the Underdark (for 2e).
🕷️ To translate "my" to drowic, it would be appropriate to use usst - "mine" or ussta - "my".
🕷️ Word nor is also curious. It does not appear in any drow language source (at least I did not find it anywhere), but it appears in Elven Dictionary by Steven Sypa. It is elven word, apparently... and it is translated as "passion" - well, close to "love", but not quite.
What a mess 😮💨
🕷️ I will leave alone the nor part, for convenience. I can even accept that it can be translated as "love" - or at least as something similar to it, since in a Lolth-sworn drow dictionary, there should be no real equivalent of the term "love".
Now, followers of Eilistraee have this awesome alurlssrin term ("unselfish, deep love"), but the majority of Lolth-sworn drow probably never heard of it.
We can assume, for example, that drow language is partially rooted in elven - and nor is an archaic word that somehow survived in drowic despite its elven origin. There, a plausible explanation.
🕷️ But with ust, things are not that simple. Seems like Minthara's ust-nor should be either translated as "first love" (...how romantic!), or written with one "s" more: usst-nor - "my love".
Whew - drow love language can be complicated at times...
For more of my drow lore ramblings, feel free to check my pinned post 🕷️
#bg3#baldur's gate 3#minthara#minthara baenre#dnd lore#drow#lolth sworn drow#drow lore#drow language#bg3 drow lore
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Some resources for Silmarillion fic writers, artists, and general enthusiasts, 2023 version
I made a new version of this post since the old one now has some dead links .
The Silmarillion, full text by chapters - the thing itself.
Laws and Customs of the Eldar, full text from The History of Middle-earth: Morgoth's Ring. This essay written by J.R.R. Tolkien, with commentary by Christopher Tolkien, includes information on the elven life cycle and marriage, roles of men and women, Noldor naming customs, the fëa and hröa, death and rebirth, and the complex matter of Finwë & Míriel & Indis. Whether you want to write ‘LaCE’-compliant fic or not, it’s interesting reading.
The Silmarillion Writers' Guild Biographies are great, comprehensive summaries of what Tolkien wrote about a particular character, complete with quotations and references, with some commentary. They’re written by many different contributors so they differ from one another but all are useful when you want to learn about a character. (Older version, characters listed alphabetically)
Henneth Annun character bios contain less commentary but there are lots of them, including for minor characters, from the Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales, The Hobbit and LotR. Bios include facts and quotes about the characters.
Heraldic devices of Silmarillion (and LotR) characters, including heraldic rules among Elves etc. Some are copied from Tolkien’s original drawings while others have been drawn based on descriptions in the books.
Timelines for the events of the Silmarillion on Tolkien Gateway which cannot possibly be accurate for all of Tolkien’s conflicting versions, but they are still a very useful resource
Arms and Armours of the Eldar is a comprehensive list of quotations from Tolkien’s works concerning all things physically offensive and defensive.
Parf Edhellen Dictionary of Tolkien’s languages gathers definitions from multiple other sites. Easy to use.
RealElvish.net Name lists are an excellent resource for finding a name for your OC.
Please note that I cannot guarantee the security or accuracy of any of these websites.
#again these are just some that I've been using#I'm sure there are many other useful resources#you can suggest more in a reply and I'll see about including them!#silmarillion#tolkien#reference#my reference posts#also idk why some links are underlined and others aren't
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I was thinking about Veilguard and the griffons and I got wondering about the names of the other griffons besides Assan, so on my second playthrough I’ve written down every name I could find, scoured the codex, and done both of Davrin’s endings to try and find names and here’s what I got.
- In total, there are 13 griffons counting Assan, so that means there are 12 unnamed/unknown griffons.
- Most of these names come from Davrin’s first quest where they’re in cages. I couldn’t get a good look at any of the griffons so I have no idea what names go to each model/color.
Here are the names I found:
1. Heidas. Heidas’s name is mentioned twice, both in Davrin’s first quest when you come across two griffons in cages before fighting the gloom howler, and again in a letter from Davrin’s Uncle Eldrin if you choose to keep the griffons in Arlathan. Eldrin uses she/her pronouns for Heidas so safe to assume she’s female. I looked through the elven dictionary for DA on the wiki and couldn’t find a translation for the word Heidas so if it’s elven it’s not a word I could find.
2. Rumptail. Rumptail is also in the first two cages with Heidas. They are the only two griffons (aside from Assan) that have their names said aloud. Rumptail is mentioned again in a letter from Evka and Antoine if you give the griffons to the Wardens, and is also described using she/her pronouns, so also female.
3. Stormwing. Stormwing is in the cages directly opposite of the area where the cutscene of the gloomhowler taking all the griffons happens. There is a plaque on the cage that if you read says Stormwing.
4. Beaktooth. Beaktooth is in the cage right next to Stormwing.
These are all the names I could find and none of Davrin’s other quests ever mention any other names. If I had known about the AMA earlier I would have asked but I didn’t so this is what we’ve got. If I missed any let me know!
#dragon age the veilguard#dragon age veilguard#da: the veilguard#very minimal spoilers#veilguard spoilers#dragon age the Veilguard spoilers#davrin#davrin dragon age#davrin datv#assan the griffon#assan dragon age#davrin and assan#gray warden#grey warden#griffons datv#griffons
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DWC Day 1: Hypnotic/Star
A year ago today, before the fall of Dalaran...
It was a matter of time before Kallarel discovered Bruce's dark, dirty secret.
At first it was easy to hide. There was so much to do-- so much furniture to craft.
Arcane was like a frost in Dalaran. The Element of Order permeated organic material, making oak stiff and unworkable. Everything had to be imported to the floating City, and it was no small secret that one wood resisted Arcane better than all others: the driftwood-like gray slabs from the Felwood Forest.
But Felwood Forest was the territory of satyrs and demons. A portal master was easy enough to befriend and bribe, but a logger proved difficult to hire.
Until he mentioned it to Kallarel, who waved a hand dismissively. Her contacts proved more exorbitant than originally anticipated-- something about a broken contract-- but a few violet crystals from storage hired the services of a Felguard for a week.
He tried not to think about the sweat-soaked basement where trusting men spilled their blood upon a scarred stone altar.
The wood was soft, so he painted it with resin until it took on a warm, reddish hue and shined it with varnish. It was easy to preserve the contours of wood for their bedframe, which he decorated with intricate filigrees and a luxurious crimson canopy, but lockboxes for the jewelry store and cabinets for their kitchen required composite.
The work was often tedious and repetitive, but satisfying and creative to assemble.
After a few months, only one project remained: the one which would reveal his darkest secret when finished.
It was far from the first bookshelf he ever made. The longest felwood pieces would become the sides of the case. A composite was suitable for the rear. Three shelves became six, divided by a vertical panel down the center, under which he placed a filler piece to act as a support and prevent sagging when it was full. When the varnish dried, it was time.
He unpacked the books from her home first, stalling for time, but then--
He checked his Thalassian dictionary three times in disbelief.
Dalore Rio’more. Translated to common: Star Lovers. A story, he gleaned, about the forbidden romance between a night elf and a high elf.The spine was well-worn. His heart thrummed.
Baal Lodan’o. Translation: Pact of My Passion. She was a purveyor of the occult, the back of the book read; he, a dastardly rogue with a warrant for his arrest.
The third novel he went to place on the shelf: a simple Thalassian translation of the Steamy Romance Novel series. Of Elven Bondage.
His dark, dirty secret withered away.
Suddenly his favorite series of smutty pirate novels seemed not so out of place in their new home.
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I was looking at your elven dictionary on ao3 and had a question. My rook is my inquisitors little brother, and during da:I my mental headcanon was that my inquisitor called him 'delohaiseris' which you have as dragonling. But looking again, I was wondering if I could combine the prefix 'da' with 'delohaise' (dragon) to make da'lohaise (little dragon is what I'm going for) as a nickname since it feels like it rolls off the tongue better as an endearment.
You can do whatever you want! My fanmade ideas are just that; ideas. If you have different ones there's no reason you can't change things.
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Adar X Gil-galad (Modern AU)
Hi everybody! I want to give a special thanks to @valar-did-me-wrong for requesting this as a dabble first. I loved the concept of this so much that I decided to make it a fic with multiple chapters! We both have been world and culture building together and this is the result! I hope you enjoy this piece.
While this chapter doesn't feature sexual content, in the future it will. So I rate this fic Explicit 18+
⬇️🖤Please Read The Warnings 🖤⬇️
Daddy Kink, Soft BDSM, Doll Kink, Police Brutality, Daddy Doll Relationship, Racial Violence, Racial Discrimination, Uruk Discrimination, Alternate Universe - BDSM, Modern AU, Modern Era, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Doll Headspace, Daddy Dom, I support Kawaii Adar, Dom/sub, Dom/sub Play, Caste System, Modern AU Caste System, Uruks Are Lowest In Caste System, Elves Highest In Caste System, Uruk Culture, Elven Culture, Heavy World Building, Culture building, Segregation, Uruk Segregation, Uruk Segregation Laws, Uruk Racism, Racism, Gay Headcanons
Title: Forbidden
Chapter: (Ch. 1) Doubt
Summary: Even in the modern world, uruks face significant challenges. In this modern AU, Adar and Gil-galad are in an illegitimate marriage and struggle daily due to strict caste laws that enforce segregation. One night, Adar is arrested for disturbing the peace, prompting his worried husband, Gil-galad, to come to his rescue. Both men seem to face a hopeless future if they continue to love each other in this dangerous environment. Their concerns extend beyond themselves; they also worry about Glug, their adopted son, and Glug's child, who are part of their illegal family. Can the state-imposed racial boundaries be broken?
Also note: I have created a discriminative racial term specifically for this fic that combines Sindarin and black speech. This word is 'Gwaur-Horngaz'. Gwaur (Sindarin) -Horngaz (Blackspeach): Direct translation is Dirty Pets or Dirty Tamed Animals. This term is used to describe ElvenXUruk couples. Society sees this sort of relationship as solely a gross sexual fantasy that's not capable of supporting real love. Uruk love outside of same-race relationships in general is considered to be kink-only relationships.
Here are the sources I used for creating this word.⬇️
Sindarin Translator
Black Speech Dictionary
#trop#trop fanfiction#trop fanfic#adar trop#Adar#Adar headcanon#Adar fanfiction#Adar fanfic#high king gil galad#gil galad#gil gadaddy#gil gadom#gil galad trop#gil galad X Adar#Adar x gil galad#gay fanfiction#gay headcanon#i support kawaii adar#Adoll
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Two observations from ‘Partings’:
- Celebrimbor referring to Eärendil as a mortal Man when he was in fact Half-Elven. It does sort of imply something about Celebrimbor’s relationship with Eärendil, namely that he was close enough to Eärendil to know that he identified far more strongly with Men than with Elves, and that he respected him enough to call him a mortal Man because of this.
- Okay, wow, the way Celebrimbor all but outright confirms he was a survivor of the Third Kinslaying by placing himself at the Havens of Sirion after Elrond and Elros were born. Like, there weren’t a whole lot of places he could be by this point in the timeline if you want to keep him in Beleriand and not say that he fled east over the Ered Luin, but that still stings.
(Also: why is a version of ‘Eärendil’ without the umlaut coming up as a correct spelling? I didn’t add that to dictionary. It’s not in the custom dictionary for me to delete it out. Does Word know how much easier it would be if I could just have it autocorrect to ‘Eärendil’ without me having to go to Insert Symbol every time?)
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