#poc april
iridessence · 3 years
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April as a pastel pink dream
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scorpiusgurl · 2 years
Very weird and specifically niché take on the humanization of the TMNT boys. Buuut I always thought it was weird that they were humanized as white. Like I'm not bashing anyone that does it but whenever I seen fan art, I would just think that doesn’t fit their characters at all. Like maybe that's just me. But with ROTTMNT humanized most fan art I have seen on the boys have been either black/blasian, and it gets me thinking like I wasn't the only that thought this???
Like there are other people also see Rise!Tmnt are POC coded and not just me?
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nibeul · 3 years
I know I bully white gingers but poc w red hair/brown hair w red undertones >>>>>
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nugothrhythms · 2 years
“Wet Sounds” off of 2022 album (released today, April 22) American Gothicc by Providence, Rhode Island-based, self-declared “apocalyptic daydream doom pop” and “based goth” duo Trigger Discipline. Their lyrics touch on issues relating to racism, antifascism, and veganism, among other things.
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Holy shit finally watching rottmnt this is fire
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cannibalgh0st · 2 years
Wow...I legit in the nicest manner corrected a non-poc about being a POC.... and they legit took off their comment? But they did comment on something of mine so...
I was being so nice too lol! I didn't say anything mean but I just corrected them.
I didn't mean to embarrass anyone 😶💧they took off their comment so fast too...
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dvarapala · 2 years
first of all, we’re starting with positives; i’m glad ally a is back. she never should have died in the first place.
but man, fuck that trailer for not even fucking mentioning kira. like, the amount of (continued) disrespect, it makes me so mad. how are you gonna rehash the nogitsune storyline and not have kira, who has ties to the nogitsune, there?! second of all: the kid scott saves in the trailer - that little girl - had better be a tiny little kitsune sent to him by kira or something like that. let them have a khalida-esque figure in their midst too. just this cute tiny kid who is way older than people assume or realize and talks like it too. and third of fucking all: scira endgame or bust.
for all i wanted indian characters and proper indian lore written into this world, i’m now glad that they’ve not done any of that (or so i assume). also: what the hell did they do to mason?! they couldn’t have made him the new emissary instead?!
(not to be nitpicking but i feel like they could have done so much more with so many characters. and i know it’s only the trailer, but i doubt that they’re gonna go in depth with the already established lore the way they could.)
also also: the tw twitter account was like “besties what do we think?” and i almost responded with:  i (one of the many aforementioned besties) think that you're missing an integral character. perhaps you've heard of her: she goes by the name of kira yukimura.
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fmd-art · 4 years
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Bi Turtle Queen
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girlhelpicf · 3 years
honestly its so funny watching u poc pjo lovers scramble to find proof that they’re not white. ALMOST EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER IN PJO IS WHITE, GET OVER IT!!!!!
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dear-fuckin-diary · 3 years
Oh how I hate April 1st.
On my 18th birthday I was gifted the boot.
This was the 2nd time they've kicked me out but who's counting...
Mother & stepfather gave me 30 days to be out of the house, no car, no money, no place to go, no plan ahead. April 1st ended up being the day I had to leave. Now every time April 1st comes around I get bombarded with anger , sadness, pain & resentment.
10 long years have passed
#fuck April 1st bruh
#fuck those parents who abandon their children
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imseriousirius · 4 years
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Item: Rose Liquid Balm
Designer: April Girl
"A girl's must-have with nourishing and smoothing benefits. Especially popular in the wild Wasteland!"
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reniadeb · 4 years
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the tough fluff club 😤
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Giving Up the Ghost Chapter 1 (Rise TMNT) (Donnie x Black&Female! Reader)
“Holy shit they’re turtle demons.”
You hadn’t believed April when she said that the demons and ghosts you were obsessed with lived in her tiny apartment. Every time you’d gone over in the last year and a half there hadn’t been that sort of itchy energy that you associated with demons, or the more groggy and cold one that came with ghosts. In fact, she didn’t live in a building considered a hot haunting zone online, her entire block was ghost free, and even the little sub place she was working at didn’t have a lick of phantom energy.  
April O’Neil was as normal as could be.
However, there wasn’t anything you could say to refute the very clear evidence in front of you. Four gigantic turtles with weapons were crowded in your friend’s living room, yellow paint splattered on them, April, and the walls.
April scratched her head and ended up smearing hazard yellow paint through her cherry red curls. “Heeeey. What’re you doing here?”
“Me? Can we start talking about them?”
“Them? Psht! They’re just-“
A turtle in blue set a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, April. Talking about secret hobbies is embarrassing, but coming clean will do the body good. Like milk.”
“The truth is that we’re… cosplaying.”
You rolled your eyes at that. “Seriously? That’s the best thing you can come up with? Even without my token I can practically see the energy coming from you.”
“Human girl say what?”
“She probably means the trace bits of mutagen from the oozsquitos in our blood.” A purple one muttered. “Which, I mean, is fair and accurate. Better question is how she can see anything since looking at her she’s obviously a normal everyday human.”
“WHOOOA!” You leaned back as an orange clad turtle got eye level with your chest. You weren’t sure when he got there, and that part concerned you more than a little. “What’s that!”
“What’s… Oh.” You plucked up the gem that had a perfect hole in the middle of it. “It’s the token. It lets me see ghosts, demons, but not 5’3 turtles dressed in neon orange.”
“It’s a great color. Is that violet or lavender?”
“I dunno? What are you?”
“Well I’m a warm shade of green with-“
The largest turtle plucked the smaller orange one up with one hand, and easily set him with all the others. “We’re mutants that are turtles… And ninjas. So don’t say a thing or we’ll make you disappear.”
“Isn’t that Hypno’s thing?” The one in blue wondered.
“Leo I’m trying to keep her from spilling our secret, annnd she’s fainting.”
You were in fact fainting into a pile of pure excitement and worry onto April’s paint splattered floor. The last thing you saw was April’s baseball bat, and four flinching turtles trying to get out her glitter encrusted door…
You ended up waking up on your front porch with a bottle of vodka tucked under your arm. You weren’t sure if it was April’s way to say sorry, or if it was to give your landlord and other passerby the idea that you passed out drunk. Either way the booze was welcome as you made your way out of the muggy summer heat and into the ice cold of your apartment. Your roommate’s cat, Xena, meowed at your return and followed you about as you took off your boots at the door. You went to the counter and pushed aside empty Chinese takeout boxes and mail to make room for the vodka.
With that task completed you quickly stripped, and tossed out the paint encrusted clothes in the trash, before cramming yourself in the shower and scrubbing hard. “How was I not robbed and murdered?”
Probably because you looked crazy. A Ouija board shirt and some booze was enough to make a handful of people back away from you; a wonderful lesson that college parties and your small town had taught you. The wet paint was probably another great deterrent. Whatever the case you were thankful enough not to get mad at the splotches that wouldn’t scrub off your dark skin. You quickly hopped out and towel dried before pulling on some comfy clothes and going back into the kitchen.
You paused beside a large tank sitting on top of some stacked books. With a groan you popped down on your knees and peered inside, a soft smile curling on your lips as you watched the turtle sitting on a pastel rock. “Hey Venus. Comfy?”
“Awe, are you talking to your turtle?” Your skin jumped and you quickly stood rod straight. “Hey don’t get jumpy on me now. Just me.”
“I mean it’s normal to get jumpy when around a walking talking garbage disposal.”
“I’d be offended if it wasn’t true.”
You rolled your eyes and grabbed the bottle of vodka. “What are you even doing here, Ricky? Jessie won’t be back for another week.”
“Forgot my phone charger here last night.” He waved the blue device around. “Oh, by the way, there was another haunting out at my Ma’s. Said she saw the pots moving. Think you could take a look?”
Ghosts… Wait, that was why you went to go see April. You’d seen some new ghost documentary on a streaming service, and you’d made plans with her to see it. When you got there…
Well, the red one said they were also ninja. That sounded utterly ridiculous, but you weren’t inclined to argue with demons or ghosts. Not that you had met that many, four in total including the ones today, but you’d read enough materials to know that it would be stupid to do so! Old ladies out in China Town though…
“Sorry Ricky, but I’ve got my plate full. Can you tell her I’ll try to make it some other time?”
“No prob. Pretty sure she’s just lonely and making up stuff to get some visitors. Should really go out there and scrapbook with her again now that I think about it.” He slicked back his blue hair. “Anyway, I’m heading out. If Jessie calls tell them I want some nudes”
“How about ‘I love you’.”
You waited until you heard the soft click of the door and snap of the lock before you went over to the cabinet and popped open a soda. You took a good swig before adding a splash of the vodka, and going back to the living room. Xena decided to take over your legs, but you couldn’t complain as you grabbed your laptop and began to do what you did best. Blogs were examined, newspaper articles scanned, and plenty of folklore was cracked open between sips of your boozy treat.
There were plenty of things for ninja that would come up for New York City. Everything from comic-cons, movie sets, and even a few historical events for museums. You were getting something similar for turtles as well. A new friend donated to the zoo, a fundraiser for conservation, and plenty of art meant to beautify the city.
However, when you entered the terms for humanoid turtles that’s when things were getting sketchy. Strange photos out outlines in a fish and ladder market, far more convincing ones during the hippo turtle meme a few years back, and a shaky video of black blobs ziplining down to a rooftop pool.
The more that you saw them the less you were convinced these things were demons or ghosts. Some type of cryptid maybe? Aliens? However, the term ninja made you lean more towards monsters, to be more specific kappa. Turtles that would drown their victims, rip orbs out of asses, and had a strange love for cucumber. You ended up falling asleep with Xena asleep on your keyboard and the new knowledge armed in your brain.
That was why you found yourself standing outside April’s, now non glittery, door the next morning. You had a basket hanging off your arm, and your cellphone fisted in your free hand. You kicked at the door, and only moments later it was ripped open by a still yellow streaked April.
“Oh it’s you…”
“Don’t get all excited to see me.”
The two of you stood in silence for a long moment, nervous smiles on both your faces and the air thick with tension. You took a deep breath and held out the basket full of sake and kappa.
“What is it?”
You looked away, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip until it stung. “Well, you had kappa in your house, and I wanted to give that as a peace offering. I dunno how you managed to meet kappa of all things in NYC, but I’m not gonna judge… Or tell. Especially that last one.”
April stared at the basket for a long moment, before looking at you with an equally bewildered look. She held up a single finger, before pulling her phone out of her pocket and tapped something out on it. “Wha-? You think they’re monsters from Japanese folklore? Girl, you really went all out with that vodka, huh?”
“I dunno what they were. One minute I was in your house, and the next it’s a mess and you have huge ass turtles in there. Isn’t that just the most interesting thing to ever happen!”
“Ahhhh not really?”
“Well, I guess you’re used to it. That’s fair.”
April gave a soft sigh before opening her door up all the way, and gesturing for you to come inside. “Look, I think the two of us are gonna have to have a long talk. Want some coffee?”
“Only if you’ve got whipped creamer.”
“Don’t you know it.”
You followed her into the apartment and your nervousness melted away. "So how'd you meet them?" "Well it all started when I was a kid thanks to a sad sad trolling attempt..."
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corvidii · 3 years
yall i do not get the hype around clockwork angel its very mediocore
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rottmntrulesall · 4 years
I was talking to an acquaintance of mine about RISE. He asked if it was the version where April was black. I confirmed it and then he spewed out and I quote,
 “Yeah. Fuck that show, watched 5 minutes of it, saw that, stopped. I’m tired of red heads being replaced by black people. Make a new character. To change a character’s race, sex, or sexual orientation is annoying af. IDC how you do it. Degeneracy writing.”
WHAT shows have you seen that have done that??? Why are people so hung up on April being black? JFC.
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