#plz someone help this poor lady
heartsouls · 1 year
no plz tell me all your thoughts about the gregory hate so I can reblog it💀
OHHH boy this is gonna be a long one buckle up
Ever since Gregory was first announced I believe most of the fandom have interpreted him as this frail child who was always on the verge of tears and needed G.Freddy’s protection (think C.C 2.0), but once the game came out most ppl were shocked to see this kid actually has a lot of bite to him and kicked ass (ppl’s first reactions to him destroying the animatronics still make me laugh).
This was MY first introduction to him, so I wasn’t completely taken aback but still pleasantly surprised. Most if not all his actions made sense or at least made sense for a 10yr boy to think/act. Giant robots coming after me with the intention to kill (and insulting me for no damn reason)? Yeah I’d probably add an extra kick in there for good measure. Then came the first repair scene, when Vanessa revealed the high possibility of Gregory being an homeless orphan everything just clicked into place for me.
OF COURSE that’s why Gregory was so aggressive, he had to learn how to fight on his own to survive he’d probably had to face even worse than this! He wasn’t going to let that all go to waste bc some weird murderous rabbit lady wanted to drag him into her plans. It explains why he brushed off G.Freddy’s worries about him bc he’s used to have to just keep moving and bare thru pain, especially in an environment where that’s really the ONLY thing you can do. It’s why he’s so blunt and can come off as rude bc he was most likely never taught how to behave “correctly” bc really who has the time?
He was just using all the knowledge he learned on how to survive from a cruel and harsh environment for another. But this time he has an ally for once, an adult (father) figure who actually cares about his wellbeing, it’s no wonder why he became so attached (but struggles to show it bc he’s not used to it). And through all that easily irritable aggression, there are moments to remind us he’s still a kid.
A useless fridge magnet? Yeah that is pretty lame man.
Now imagine my shock when I see others hating on him and calling him a villain. “How could he KILL the poor animatronics? He was so mean, he’s the true monster!” Wh- DID WE WATCH THE SAME GAME? You mean the same animatronics that says he doesn’t have anyone to care about him? Yeah real sweethearts they are. Gregory isn’t a damn monster, he’s a survivor! He’s doing what he only knows best, IT’S TO SURVIVE!
“How could he be so mean to G.Freddy??? Those are his friends! He made Freddy feel bad!” Trust me when I say that Gregory cares about G.Freddy ALOT, did you see his reactions whenever G.Freddy got hurt??? That’s his father thank you very much!
“How could he have killed Vanny in that one ending?! He’s the real villain!” …Do I even need to explain this one?
And ohhhhhh don’t get me started on the awful “bratty gremlin devil” Gregory HCs. Now this isn’t to say that Gregory can’t be a gremlin or whatever. He can be, he is a bit cheeky, but then some started to intensify it and made it his entire personality. No, Gregory wasn’t just itching to rip Roxy’s eyes out or do the next batshit insane thing, he noticed the other upgrades and put two and two together (It gets more weird and slightly disrespectful when they add in the homeless thing as if that automatically makes someone act “feral”….tiktok.)
And then we have the complete opposite where some portray him as what I mentioned in the first paragraph. The poor helpless child who cant handle anything by himself…even though that’s complete bullshit (he’s also usually portrayed to be obnoxiously sweet for some reason). I don’t think many ppl realize how often were not in G.Freddy during SB, and Gregory is described to be quick on his feet and wits (plus his tools) and he doing damn well by himself! [Obviously this isnt to say that he didnt need G.Freddy’s help and protection, ofc he did, he just didnt need to RELY on it like some ppl make it seem he did].
(I know we went a bit off-topic for the last two paragraphs, trust me it connects)
All of this comes down to simply that some just can’t accept the fact that Gregory isn’t their perfect victim. He doesn’t crumble to the floor and beg for G.Freddy to help him up like they want him too. He’s not shy and sheepishly asking for help like they think he’s supposed to. And when they realize that part they try to push him into the other far end where he’s crazy, cold, and cruel. But he’s not. He cares, and he cares deeply. He’s still a little boy, he cried and tried to cover his face when he saw Vanny die. He should be leaping in victory, he killed his killer after all right? But he didn’t, bc despite everything she was still a human being, and he was so scared.
He has complex trauma (duh), he’s not this way or that way, and I get it. It’s hard to write or draw that kind of trauma for Gregory, especially when SB didn’t really give us much. But the way ppl act as if that’s what he actually is is soooooo frustrating. In my opinion the fact that his trauma is so complex and the fact he’s not your typical written victim is what makes him so interesting! And I feel like a lot ppl were slowly getting around to it…
Until GGY and Ruin happened and the hate came back so much worse, Welcome to the real Freddy Hell.
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darkfire359 · 10 months
Thoughts on e6-e7 of The Terror
Continuing my first watch of The Terror, I just have to say... holy shit, that carnival!
I could tell something was going to go horribly wrong with how generically spooky it was, and I'd heard some vague spoilers of Dr. Stanley being a bad guy with respect to it. But he just straight-up arsoned the whole place in the most horrifically premeditated way possible. Possibly the most terrifying thing I've seen so far in the show, because while the Tunbaaq isn't real, overcrowded events with poor escape routes definitely are.
Also shocking was the fact that the guy Hickey stabbed there was an accident! I saw a second of that scene in an AMV pre-watching and I assumed that it was Hickey murdering things up Hannibal style. But actually Hickey was frantically trying to save the lives of everyone there and actively warning people that he was cutting through the tent. I cannot believe how much context completely 180'ed the meaning of that shot.
TBH if I hadn't watched e7 immediately afterwards I'd have wondered if the whole "Hickey is the show's villain" thing was an elaborate trick the Internet had agreed upon to prank new watchers. Even with e7 (when Hickey kills Irving and Farr) it seems hard for him to surpass Stanley's villainy? Maybe I'll be surprised.
The fact that the writers chose to have Hickey be the one coincidentally outside the tent, trying to save people, is... interesting. It's not that Hickey did anything particularly impressive or selfless what with moving the crates out of the way and cutting the tent open. But it's definitely a choice to make him more sympathetic (it could have been anyone outside the tent, in theory). I feel like I actually believe Hickey when he said that he found the dog with a broken leg (if he were lying, would he have admitted to killing the dog at all?) Relatedly, I'm glad we haven't heard anything more about the ship's cat—the dead dog and monkey were sad enough that I'm glad to be able to pretend that (somehow) the cat is happy and safe.
Also someone called me a Jopzier truther after my response to e1, and I was like "IDK, I don't even know these guys," but yes I 100% do ship Jopzier now. Jopson was so sweet taking care of Crozier when he wasn't feeling well! Plus Jopson was like "🥺🥺🥺 You didn't let me shave you or help you put on your underwear? 🥺🥺🥺 Plz dom me, sir, I can't function otherwise." and Crozier literally responded by promoting him. I feel like that might not have been what Jopson was aiming for, but still, sweet! (I started searching for Jopson content and immediately found Jopson/Hickey art, which I apparently also ship now despite first liking Jopson for the Jopzier angle.)
Speaking of shipping, I'm increasingly appreciating Goodsir/Lady Silence. You go girl, be the big spoon to your scared little man! I'm sure you two aren't doomed by the narrative at all...
I'm also disappointed that for all the fan content I've seen about Fitzjames's gender feels, he apparently doesn't even WEAR the dress? He just holds it up in front of himself??? Tragic. It looked like there were people in dresses at the carnival too, so he totally could have gotten away with it though only metaphorically; he literally might not have been able to escape the fire otherwise.
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ditzydisaster13 · 7 months
Royalty Mayhem.
read downwards.
Everyone knows this classic fairy tail. One that Disney added magic to, and also took away many horrors. The Sleeping Beauty.
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And I have never forgotten how so very similar her appearance and dress, Name! everything, looks like Voltron: Defender of the Universe Allura.
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But as many here know me for. The Voltron Legendary Defender version is how I know Voltron and its characters. It’s somwhat similar plot lines. All. And Allura.
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Seriously though! I barely just started watching Vox Machina. I found it ages ago, and believe it could help me in some of my Voltron related story ideas. And then I meet Lady Allura Vysoren!!
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A freaking goddess with blonde hair like our older classics above, but the same diplomatic charm and nobility as well as a blue dress so very much like VLD Allura…
Someone plz help me and my poor confused brain.
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
Military husband angst/hurt comfort
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It was never easy for suna don’t get me wrong he’s happily married and has a lovely daughter but married life for him isn’t as easy as you expect it to be. how is being married to a wife who was always away.I do not just simply mean like on business trips and then she will be back again No she is away somewhere, where well that info is classified why because she’s in the military first Lieutenant delta squad
So you can see why suna is always on edge and why married life isn’t easy for him he is always wondering when he will receive that one call he never wants to hear and it was that said call he was going to receive what scares him most was how he was going to tell his little girl
Like seriously how do you tell a 4 year old when she asks when mommy is coming home sorry sweetie mommy won’t come back what do you tell her she’s gone to grandma to play with the angels how do you expect a four-year-old to understand their mommy is dead she was K.I.A (Killed in action)
You can’t because that is something you can’t expect a four year old to understand but this is it the moment he had been dreading where he is going to have that talk and he is not even remotely prepared for it how does he know he is getting a call something in him told him his sunshine is no longer shining and as if on cue the phone rang And suna picked up 
Manor Kells 📞Hello is this Mr Suna 
Suna:📞it is
Major Kells:📞i am major shino kells of your wifes regiment calling to tell you Suna Shoya was K.I.A  we are very sorry sir 
Suna:📞Somehow I had a feeling I was gonna get this call today now i have to figure  out how to tell our four year old mommy ain’t coming home
Major Kells:📞again very sorry sir would you like our family Grief counsellor to come and help you tell your little girl it might be a weight off your mind as well and they can stay with you as long as you need them 
Suna:📞it more shiloh i am worried about how someone so young is going to handle this it’s her first death and it’s her mommy 
Major Kells:📞 then we will send that grief counsellor around as soon as possible have a good day sir and our condolences once again
They sent the grief cousellor to the suna residence
Suna opens the door
 helena:Mr suna i am the Greif Counsellor my name is Helena
Suna:Hello coming please 
Shiloh:Daddy whose this?
Suna:She worked with mommy princess
Shiloh:🤩really where is mommy?
Helena:Oh sweetie mommy is with some angels now she got badly hurt and we are sorry we couldn’t help her anymore than we did the Injuries were too severe
Shiloh:Mommy is with Ganny?
Suna:Yes sweetie and she can give granny a big hug from you
Sho’s spirt:But i am always with you my little Shi ♥️
Shiloh: But she is safe with ganny no more going to bad places?
Helena:Thats right hun
Shiloh:But mommy promised she will always be with me 
Suna:And she is princess in here 
Suna points to shiloh’s heart 
Helena:And i will stick around as long as you need me tell you stories of how brave you mommy was she is consider hero you know
Shiloh:🥺🤩mommy is a hero plz tell me bout mommy 
Helena:Sure sweetie do you want to sit on my lap
Suna:Thanks for this Helena 
Helena:Its my job Mr suna what about yourself how are you coping 
Suna:I have shi she keeps me going she is the only thing i have left of Sho now 
Helena:Fair enough right young lady you want that story of mommy 
Sho:Thanks Helena you’re a real friend please keep my Little Shi smiling 
Helena:So you want to know how your mommy is a hero right 
Helena:Well then ite because she called someone away from a landmine Field
Shiloh:Whats that?
Suna:They’re explosives honey
Shiloh:And mommy save someone
Helena:Yep she was only 18 youngest member of her sqaud the poor girl stepped on the mine lucky for us your mommy Knew how to diffuse it without the whole Lot of the land mines exploding all at the same time and she suggested finding a different route 
Suna:That sounds like my sho 
Spirit of sho:Couldn’t let youngest member of my squad die she was a daughter sister teen mom sorry honey if i seemed selfish
Shiloh:Mom is awesome
Helena:She was hunny and I have a feeling you’re gonna be just like her
Helena says as she boops Shiloh’s nose 
Shiloh:Daddy i’m hungy 
Suna:Sweetie you just ate
Shiloh:I’m hungy
Helena:To be fair to her mr Suna it is getting near lunch Should I prepare something for us.
Shiloh:Miss helena do you have more stories of mommy
Helena:Sure do honey but lets eat first
Suna:Its Okay sweetie mom would be correcting you
Shiloh:My bad
Suna:Its I’m bad sweetie
Helena:You have got your mommy’s sas
Suna:Tell me bout Actually don’t
They finished eating their lunch
Shiloh:Can you tell another story now Miss Helena
Helena:I don’t see why not would you like to know a story of your mommy helping to heal an injured horse
Suna:Sounds like her
Helena:Not only was your mommy a good soldier she did veterinary because we needed a vet and your mom volunteered
Helena:I take that as a yes
Shiloh nods
Helena:Okay well while everyone was fighting the bad guys your mommy came a crossed a horse that the bad guys injured now the trap was set by the bad guys and it was  Set up to hurt one of your mommy’s squad but the horse got it, it broke its leg so when your mommy freed it she make sure her squad was busy distracting the bad guys and brought the horse over to our side to heal it and make it better
Shiloh:Poor horsie it's otay right?
Helena:Yes she is fine in doing what she did we would of never found out the horse was expecting a baby 
Shiloh:Awww a pony
Helena:Yes shi so in doing what she did she saved mom and foal
Shiloh:Mommy really is a hero
Suna:Yes sweetie to humans and animals 
Shiloh:And me 
Helena:Right miss nap time me and your daddy need to talk
Shiloh:Aww i want more stories 
Helena:Maybe later nap
Suna put shiloh to bed
Suna:Thanks for that she Seems more accepting of the news than me but I think it’s because of the stories you’re telling her
Helena:They are all true Mr Suna 
Spirt of sho:This is why your the number one grief counsellor
Helena:But i must say Mr Suna you really need to maybe book time with me don’t get me wrong I love spending time with Shiloh but I’ve seen the way you are coping with the death of sho I must admit I do not like your coping methods they are not healthy
Suna:I figured as long as I don’t do around my daughter like a good parent I can get away with it and it mellows me out
Helena:Mr Suna you in the first stage of grief or you are at least coming up to the first stage of grief Which is denial
Suna:Yeah I will admit I want to deny the fact my wife is dead there have been times i would get because i wanted to see her I wanted to head her voice and at the moment I want to say all this is a horrible dream and she’s right next to me in bed and we are cuddling our daughter
Helena:Go through the stages of grief that is a natural process it’s the way you’re going about it that is what is unhealthy I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to call you out on getting high just so you can see and hear sho
Spirit of sho:But i am right here i can hear you my love and i must say i agree with Helena
Suna:But like i said its not me i am worried about its shiloh
Helena:You said it yourself she is coping better than you but please don’t bottle up your emotions 
Shiloh:Mommy mommy the monster coming monster coming 
Suna:Honey honey there is no monster 
Shiloh:You promise 
Suna:Promise punkin
Shiloh:Can miss helena tell another story
Helena:Sure sweetie so oh here’s a cute one story your mommy delievered a baby of one of her sqaud members 
Suna:wait she did?
Suna asked as he sat down actually wanting to list to this story 
Helena:Yes she did and she delieved a beautiful baby boy in the middle of a battle feild
Shiloh:Daddy you crying
Suna:No i’m okay 
Helena:You can cry Mr suna
Suna:Not infront of my daughter
Shiloh hugged her dad and said 
Shiloh:Its okay daddy you can cry mommy would want you to please daddy i can see you are hurting 
Suna:Princess when did you become so smart
She had Always been smart while helena watched them waiting to continue the story Shiloh carried on hugging her dad and he just let his tears flow 
Spirit of sho:Thats my girl you did well my little sunflower take care of daddy for me
Shiloh: Always mommy 
Spirit of sho:👋🏻😇
Shiloh:Bye mommy
Shiloh:Just talking to mommy she wanted me to look after you 
Suna:Sounds like your mother
Time skip and helena is now gone 
Suna is dating again and shiloh actually likes him but they made sure to not forget about shoya
Osamu:Pincess time for school
Shiloh:Okay dad
Suna:Are you driving Shi today Samu 
Osamu:Yes love 
Shiloh:Dad daddy can we go to mommy’s grave after school
Osamu:Of course sweetheart
Suna:Sure sweetie 
Osamu:Love you need to finish you Grief Couselling 
Suna:I know love i will 
Shiloh:Please daddy dad is  right you need to see miss helena then...oh shoot dad we need to go i will be late 
Osamu:Okay lets go princess
They both kissed Rin and ran to the car
Sorry another time skip rin finished his Greif counselling Shilioh is on a date with her boyfriend much to her dad’s disapproval #overprotectiveperents and they as in her and her dads went to her moms grave checking in say how much they miss her and rin saying he still loved her then went home and carried on their day with Shiloh asking for help on her project 
Osamu:I’ll help you princess
 Shiloh: Thanks dad 
Osamu:Oh course sweetie
Rin watched his family lovingly
Shiloh:Daddy can i ask a question 
Suna:Sure sweetie 
Shiloh:Can i have a baby brother
Suna spat out his drink
Suna:I mean what do you think love 
Osamu:I don’t see why not 
They went to an ophenage and shiloh ran straight to a little boy
Shiloh:Hey whats you name?
Shoyo:my name Shoyo
Shiloh:Would you like a big sister Sho
Shiloh:Come on then i am now your big sister
Shoyo:Okay Nee san
Shiloh:Dad daddy i found my brother 
Shi came out with a boy
Suna:Hey what’s your name
Shoyo:Shoyo am i going home with you and Nee san
Osamu:If you want to bud 
Suna:Then sunshine yes shi come here
Shiloh:Yes daddy?!
Suna:Did you pick him because he looked like mommy 
Suna:Shi you sly little  fox
Shoyo went home with His new family and now suna somehow felt like his family was complete and he found his missing peice and the peice was miss maybe his wife but he got a mini version of her in shoyo
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numbepilepticlife · 6 years
Do your parents and family ever brush off your medical concerns?
Like my legs and arms are feeling increasingly numb, I can’t walk right and I’m using a wheelchair, but yes grandma, I’m sure all I need is a bit of sunshine and definitely not to see a doctor.
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dr4cking · 3 years
Hello lovely - Could plz you do draco smut on the hogwarts express with breeding kink? but they keep going after he finishes 😶‍🌫️🤪
Hogwarts Express.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | anon requested.
a/n : hii bby thank you for requesting, this one is wild i admit and was kinda hard to write but i like it nonetheless 😩💞
the 9 3/4 platform are full of wizards and witches coming back from their home, hagrid already waiting and calling them to come inside the train, but he still waited as he saw the blonde haired guy still standing outside.
“malfoy, you gonna miss the train if you keep standing there!” hagrid shouted at him getting impatient by the time.
“a minute hagrid. i’m waiting for my girlfriend!” hagrid rolled his eyes at him taking a seat on the nearest bench while the train already honking at them.
finally, draco spotted his girlfriend running to him with her belongings, he quickly wrapped the girl in his arms.
“hey my love, how’s your summer?” draco asked taking her stuff in his hand helping her as both of them now entering the train.
“it was good i had so much fun with my parents! what about you?”
“it was nice i guess but it would be better if you were there with me..” y/n chuckles at her boyfriend.
“next time i promise, pinky promise!” he laughs as he opened the empty cabin and motioning y/n to go inside.
“why dont we sit with our friends, dray?” y/n asked him in confusion while draco placing her stuff in the trunk.
“i miss you too much to sit with them today, love” draco sits beside her, cupping her face in his hands as he finally gets the taste of her after being separated from summer break, y/n kissed him right back until they broke the kiss.
draco and y/n talked about how their break, random things for hours as the train still on its way to hogwarts, y/n is currently eating her snacks that she bought from the trolley lady but she stops when she watched draco swished his wand and the window covered instantly. she widen her eyes as one of draco’s hands squeezed her thigh under her skirt and rubbing small circles on it, she looks up at him who now held a lustful gaze in his eyes.
“draco.. not here.” y/n warned him but its only made his hand trailed higher, draco gives her a cheeky smirk.
“cant blame me.. you’re too hot to resist and i cant wait until we get to hogwarts i miss you too much..” draco leans into her face biting and licking her earlobe then kissing her jaw making the girl letting out soft whimpers.
“b-but what if someone comes in, draco? its too risky.”
“and thats what it made this more fun, right?” draco chuckles lowly as he took out his wand from his pocket and casted a locking and silencing spell at the door.
“you’re unbelievable” y/n laughs, her hand removing his blazer and unbuttoning his black shirt and draco does the same to her.
“i can tell you that you wanted this too. i bet you’re thinking of me while touching yourself in your room, wishing it was my fingers instead, hmm?” y/n moaned at his dirty words she hated to admit but it was true.
“use your words and answer me.” draco slapped her thighs making her gasped.
“y-yes” she stutters as he starts to rubbing her from her panties.
“yes what?”
“yes draco.. p-please touch me” y/n begged desperately at him getting more aroused at his touch.
“i’m touching you.”
“no.. you know what i mean, dray..” y/n leaned back to her seat and widen her legs for draco making him chuckles deeply.
“you’re just a needy slut, aren’t you?” y/n nodded eagerly at him, running her hands around his bare chest and abs causing him to rolled his eyes back at her simple touch.
“yes i am, please i need you” draco pulled down her panties throwing it to her side, y/n’s breath got stuck in her throat as his thumb made a contact with her clit.
a moan left her lips as he thrusted his fingers into her, she quickly put her hand over her mouth to muffle her moans making draco stop.
“dumb slut, be as loud as you can i’ve casted a muffliato.” draco put her hand off of her mouth and replacing it with his lips instead, he kissed her roughly, their tongue dances together fighting for dominance. draco won of course as y/n moan into the kisses when he inserts his fingers back into her and starts to pumping faster.
y/n’s hand going down to his clothed boner rubbing it causing draco to let out a hiss but he quickly slap her hand away.
“you dont get to touch me. dont be a bad girl or you wont get to cum” draco curls his fingers inside her and thrusting faster hitting her spot making y/n squirmed in her seat.
“draco please i’m so close..” and with that draco pulled out his fingers making y/n whining in frustration.
“not yet little slut” he pulled y/n from her seat and stood her up against the window.
draco quickly unbuckled his belt and and letting his trousers falls onto the floor, he pushed her skirt up to her waist and hooking one of her legs to his waist as he lining his cock up and down her slit.
“beg for it, slut.”
“please dray please please fuck me fill me up with y- ah- yes- oh my god!” y/n screaming out loud instantly as draco gave her no warning and pushed his cock all the way inside of her, he gives her no time to adjust as he starts to rocking his hips against her.
“fuck you’re so tight- wrapping my cock so tight.. such a good girl-” draco pounding into her harder and faster making both of them feeling heavenly. one of his hands squeezing her breast, twirling and pinching her hard nipple making y/n dug her nails deeper on his back.
draco’s thrust getting sloppier as he feels the knot tighten in his stomach, he forced his cock deeper inside her nearly brushing her cervix making y/n screaming louder.
“i’m gonna cum.. please let me cum!” y/n pleaded at him cant hold her high anymore as draco doubled up her pleasure by rubbing her clit with his fingers.
“shit- cum baby, now.” y/n came instantly with loud moan left her lips after he said that, her legs began to shake, her walls clenching and pulsing around him making his cock throbbing inside her.
“thats it- ‘m gonna fill you up baby, stuffing you full with all my hot cum, fucking hell-” draco came to a full stop as he shoots all of his cum into her, spraying his cum inside her filling her up like he promised, he ride out their high.
fuck, he was still hard.
draco made no move to pull out, he captured y/n’s lips back on his as he still rocked in and out of her snapping his hips against her making the girl moaned again.
“im not done yet with you baby, now bend over the seat” y/n obeyed getting into the position, getting all fours, draco gives her a few spanks on her ass making them printed with his hand print.
“safeword?” draco said as he lining his cock back on her cunt, their juices making it slippery and made his tip slipped into her causing y/n to winced.
“no need draco, please just fuck me again.” and with that draco slammed his entire length into her, granting her wishes, profanities left their lips.
“such a greedy girl, only for me”
“yes yes only for you, harder please” draco was surprised that y/n hasnt sensitive yet, he thrusted harder and sped up his pace at inhumanly pace, clapping sounds and moans filling the cabin.
“fuck draco!” y/n couldnt contain her scream anymore she only wanted to screaming his name while she came undone around his cock.
“holyshit- y/n!” draco grabbed her neck pulling her up to his chest as he shoots his cum for the second time inside her, y/n moaned feeling so full. draco lazily ride out their highs and pulling out as he softening. their mixed cums dripped out of her and he quickly pushed it back inside. he reached for her panties and pulling it up.
“keep it there, wanna see you walking around with my cum inside you” y/n blushes madly at his order.
they quickly redressing themselves, their bodies feels so sticky. and to their luck the train has stopped at the same time. they quickly bring their stuff before opening the door.
“merlin it smells like sex in here” theodore nott said as he passed through their cabin.
“thats because we just had sex” draco replied without hesitation making the poor guy scrunched his face in disgust.
“you guys are so gross i dont ever wanna sit there again!”
tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @malfoysbiitch @f4iryluvy @arzfia @slut4dracoo @alexthealexthealex
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foilfreak · 3 years
Beauty and Her Beast: Chapter 5
WARNING PLZ READ BEFORE CONTINUING: This fic is rated NSFW and contains graphic depictions of things some people may find disturbing or alarming, including, but not limited to: violence, gore, unhealthy family relationships, Oedipus complexes, gratuitous amount of pornographic literature, ableist language, physical, mental, and emotional abuse, etc. If you are someone who does not enjoy fiction with these elements in them, then I suggest you refrain from reading this, because this fic will have all that, and probably a lot more. So, this is your first and final warning to turn around and go somewhere else if stuff like this just isn't your vibe, because from this point forward, your emotional wellbeing is in your own hands, and I will not be accepting blame if you disregarded my warnings and ended up reading something you didn't like. Idk why I feel compelled to write one of these despite this being Resident Evil fanfic, but I figured I'd cover my ass just in case.
(AO3 Link below)
This was a bad idea... no, actually, scratch that. This wasn’t just a bad idea...
‘THIS WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA’ Salvatore thought to himself, as he frantically hid beneath a large blue tarp covering a couple of old, rotting shipping crates, his body trembling uncontrollably and his shoulders heaving from the terrified and panicked state Salvatore had managed to work himself into.
Now, for those of you who may be wondering why Salvatore was currently hiding behind a bunch of crates like prey hiding from the hunter, despite being in the safety of his own reservoir-
-that would be why.
Yes, the 2 days that Salvatore had been given to prepare for his gift’s arrival had come and gone faster than the disfigured man could have ever imagined. And while he’d done a marvelous job of cleaning up the reservoir to make it suitable for the beautiful young lady who’d now be calling this place ‘home’, what he hadn’t anticipated having to deal with was the full blown panic attack he got the second the villagers arrived to release her into his custody. Thankfully, his anxiety grew more manageable when one of the villagers explained that, due to Nadine’s tendency toward violent behavior, combined with her superhuman strength, Mother Miranda had gone ahead and given the young woman a nice heavy dose of sedative to keep her asleep throughout the journey to the reservoir, as well as for a couple of hours afterwards, too.
You know… just in case.
After the villagers finally left, Salvatore closed and locked the gate behind them before turning his attention to the large wooden coffin that, according to the men who’d carried it here, contained his long awaited gift from Mother Miranda.
Taking a few tentative steps forward, Salvatore takes the metal key the villagers had given him and slowly, but eagerly, unlocked and opened the wooden vessel, gasping in shock and awe as the sight of Nadine’s perfectly angelic face finally came into the light. He wasn’t sure how this was possible, but somehow the young woman looked even more perfect than the first time he saw her, the soft glow of the early morning sun reflecting off her blue scaly skin in a way that gives her a gorgeous, almost iridescent shine.
The continued nudeness of Nadine’s body, while mesmerizing to look at, did unfortunately make the act of keeping his hands to himself rather difficult, and Salvatore quickly found himself grappling with his inner demons as he contemplated reaching in and taking a quick feel, just a quick one, if only for the sake of finally figuring out what on earth her skin was made out of.
Was it smooth and silky to allow for rapid aquatic maneuverability, like that of an eel, or did her soft, feminine exterior hide a rougher, more textured sort of skin, like that of a shark or a whale?
Oh how Salvatore longed, with every fiber of his disgusting, twisted being, to reach inside that wooden carrier and run his hands over the mutant woman’s perfect little body, every atom in him aching to touch, hold, kiss, lick, bite, and devour every square millimeter of this gorgeous specimen, blurring and melting the lines of reality that once separated them until you couldn’t tell where beast ended and where beauty began.
But he refrained.
As much as Salvatore desperately wanted to give in to the primal desires of his still-human mind and mostly-human body, he instead decided to give the young woman some time to wake up first, guessing that she probably wouldn’t want some random stranger, much less one that looks like him, touching her without her permission. So with a deep breath, and a strong swallowing of his raging libido, Salvatore stepped away from the crate Nadine was sleeping in, pocketing the key in case Mother wanted it back later, before turning around and beginning to hobble back toward the lake to complete the few minor tasks he hadn’t managed to get to before the villagers arrived earlier.
It would be well into the afternoon, nearly evening by this point, before Salvatore heard so much as a peep from Nadine. Mother Miranda must not have been kidding when she said she’d given the young woman enough sedative to knock her out for hours. If it weren’t for the fact that she was still breathing, Salvatore might have thought her dead after this amount of time.
Unfortunately for Salvatore, it would appear as though Nadine taking ages to awaken from her drug induced slumber would be the least of the deformed man’s concerns, quickly overrun and forgotten about in the blind panic Salvatore went into once the young woman’s voice, soft and slightly high pitched, though a bit scratchy from lack of use, calls out from, presumably, the spot where Salvatore had left her by the front gate.
The heavenly tone bounces and echoes off the wood and water of the surrounding area, filling the reservoir with a song-like magic that made Salvatore’s knees buckle weakly in reverence, and his stomach want to turn itself inside out from complete and utter terror. Hit with the sudden realization that Salvatore was going to have to actually look at AND speak to Nadine now that she’d awoken, and at the same time no less, immediately sends the mutant man tumbling into a full blown panic, resulting in Salvatore locating the nearest solid structure, the tarp and crates in this case, and throwing himself underneath it, hoping and praying that if he remained quiet for long enough, Nadine would lose interest and go somewhere else-
“Hello? Is anyone here?”
-Unfortunately Salvatore wasn’t a man who had his hopes and prayers answered terribly often, and today seemed to be no different than usual.
Despite being given extra security due to the rapid approach of nightfall, Salvatore didn’t even dare breathe as the sound of footsteps passed by his hiding spot, his heart pounding uncontrollably in his chest as Nadine came within just inches of finding him. This is it, the jig is up, there was absolutely no doubt in Salvatore’s mind that Nadine was mere seconds away from pulling the tarp back to reveal his horrible and disgusting self, scrunched up into the tightest little ball between the narrow spaces of the crates.
Closing his teary eyes and accepting his fate, Salvatore merely sat and waited for the inevitable moment of shocked silence after the tarp had been lifted, followed by the sound of Nadine’s smooth and rich voice bursting his eardrums with a piercingly shrill and terrified shriek, as well the heavy booming of feet against wood as she ran away from him, disgusted, horrified, and appalled by so much as having to look at the monster that Salvatore was, much less do anything else.
“Ah man, I could have sworn I saw someone around here, earlier,” the low but feminine voice of Nadine said aloud, sounding quite dejected as she leaned against the blue tarp covering Salvatore’s hiding spot.
“Maybe they just went out to look for food, and will be back later?” Nadine says to herself, sounding more optimistic than before, though her hopefulness fades as quickly as it arrived when she continues with, “Then again… maybe the poor bastard caught a glimpse of me as I stumbled around and took off in terror at the sight of me. I suppose I can't really blame him… not with the way I look now, at least.”
Nadine pauses, trailing off for a moment as Salvatore remains rooted in his spot, hands clamped firmly over his mouth and nose to prevent any noise from escaping, despite the increasing burning sensation from his human lungs, which, despite their somewhat shaky ability to do their prescribed role ever since the cadou mutations screwed him up, still very much needed air going in and out of them if Salvatore wanted them to continue functioning at all.
The young woman remained in that spot leaning against the tarp-covered crates for a few more moments, not saying or doing anything as far as Salvatore could tell, before the sound of shuffling and more footsteps, softer and less hurried than the ones he’d heard earlier, caught his attention.
Silence persists for another moment, causing Salvatore to grow curious the longer he waits. And so, despite his earlier reservations, Salvatore can’t help but shift his position slightly so that he could peek through a narrow space between the wall of crates, just enough to give him a solid view of Nadine, who currently stood with her back to him just a few feet away from where the mutated man was hiding. Her gaze seemed transfixed on the lake’s surface, or perhaps it was less the water that held her gaze, but the reflection staring back at her from the mirror-like surface.
Even without seeing her face, Salvatore could tell that the young woman was afraid and in pain, and his heart wrenched agonizingly as he watched her beautiful form shrink in on itself. Her arms curled around her body defensively, as if trying to hide herself shamefully from any potential onlookers, while her torso slumped limply forward, shoulders shaking heavily as she sobbed quietly to herself in the ever growing darkness of evening time.
“Whatever, it’s not like it matters anyways,” the young woman sobs dejectedly after a while, pointlessly rubbing the tears from her face away, only for them to be quickly replaced as new ones fell. “Even if somebody did actually live here, it’s not like anyone would even want to help a disgusting abomination like me... much less have anything else to do with me.”
The sound of Nadine jumping off the dock and into the cold lake water below pales in comparison to the sound of Salvatore’s whole world turning itself upside down from beneath the large blue tarp under which he was hidden.
Disgusting abomination?
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!
Of all the things Salvatore has ever heard in his entire life, this one has to be the most ridiculous thing by far.
Salvatore was a disgusting abomination, that much he was more than aware of and had long since accepted, as painful as it still was to admit from time to time. But Nadine… Why Nadine was quite easily the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on, save for perhaps Mother Miranda herself maybe, which was certainly a very high standard to be compared to in Salvatore’s book. While the young woman did indeed have several mutations that would make going back to her previous life almost impossible, that didn’t mean she was disgusting, or an abomination.
Not to Salvatore she wasn’t, at least.
The fact that the poor young woman thought this of herself sent a sharp, stabbing pain directly into his heart, practically tearing him apart from the inside out as he frantically thought of something, anything he could do to make the tiny woman feel better.
Thinking back to when he’d watched her just moments ago, he remembers the way in which her arms and hands curled around herself as she sobbed, looking like they were attempting to cover as much exposed skin as physically possible. How Nadine could call herself an abomination when she looked like the picture perfect definition of beauty, Salvatore didn’t know, but what he did know was that women, at least the women he was used to, always enjoyed receiving pretty things with which they could cover and decorate themselves, like dresses and jewelry.
And luckily for Salvatore, he just so happens to know of a few places where he might be able to acquire both of those things.
With a quick peek from beneath the tarp before taking off, Salvatore quickly makes his way toward the exit gate, barely managing to close the gate behind him and pull his cloak over himself before sprinting, as much as his mangled body would allow anyways, down the snowy path that would lead him to the estates of the only two people Salvatore can think of to help him in this messy situation.
Hopefully Alcina and Donna won’t be terribly upset with him for stopping by unannounced.
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bangtanlalaland · 4 years
more than enough | knj (m.)
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synopsis ⇣ your unfortunate divorce has left you questioning life and your entire existence. that is, until, your counselor demonstrates just how much you’re worth.
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— marriage counselor!au
⇢pairing: marriage counselor!kim namjoon x divorcee!female reader
⇢genre: angst, smut, pwp
⇢word count: 5.4k
⇢contents ⨯ warnings: someone plz stop me from writing these porn-filled, no plot having fics, i think i need help, dom joon makes an appearance (who doesn’t love this man? uwu), lots of filthy filthiness, swearing, oral sex (f + m receiving), drunk bathroom oral sex actually (oops), did i mention jungkook makes an appearance? (he’s that blonde babe from the bathroom scene) 😏, masturbation, unprotected sex (always stay safe!), rough sex, breathplay, dumbification, hair-pulling, spanking, slapping, choking, creampie, impreg kink (ugh my fave), over-stimulation, voyeurism (oof), multiple orgasms, name-calling (being called a slut), jungkook’s tongue is magical, namjoon’s dick is huge (don’t @ me), premature ejaculation (oops)
a/n: I’ve had this also in my wips for awhile 💜 including like 10+ wips with joon because he’s my bby & I love him so much ugh!
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Your fingertips awkwardly fiddle with themselves, a slight tension in your shoulders that you’re sure is visible. With legs crossed, you take a deep breath and contemplate your next guilty pleasure meal of the day. Everything around you seems black and white; since your divorce, you’d become null and void — not understanding why life itself got you to this point. You’d often question your purpose in life.
Why me? What did I do wrong? Am I not enough?
But here you are, reminiscing when everything seemed smooth, lovely, and peaceful. When things weren’t always about arguing over finances, hectic work schedules, a decrease in the amount of quality time spent together, or most importantly: pleading for just the smallest ounce of attention.
The sudden sound of your counselor’s throat clearing startles you, “Mrs. ____?” His notepad and pen in hand, his eyebrows raising up at you, slightly. Not having realized you’d zoned out, your fingers stop moving on their own accord. Your back straightens up just a tad more.
“Sorry, I-”
He cracks a smile, his hand raising up in reply, “Don’t be. Take your time,” You take a deep breath, and silently woosah yourself. Some part of you is curious as to why people like your counselor work these kinds of jobs. You couldn’t imagine having a career where you’re required to keen in on people’s problems everyday and offer advice, when you have problems of your own and can’t get your shit together.
Ugh, life.
“I’m hanging in there. I guess?” He cocks his head to the side, eyeing your expression.
“Can you tell me one good thing that happened to you this week?” You take a deep breath, followed by a coy smirk.
It had been a long time since you stepped out and especially in risqué attire. Your roudy friend and co-worker, Candice, insisted that you needed to spend the night out to celebrate your now freedom — post divorce. A slight sentiment of anxiety takes a toll on you, that is until she orders you both a couple shots of tequila to rile you up.
“Here’s to being young, wild, and free baby!” She exclaims, clinking her glass against yours. The both of you tilt your heads back, inducing more alcohol — hissing due to the slight burn in the back of your throat. Candice taps your shoulder, and hell were you feeling the aftermath of the liquor. You’re all giggles and feeling loopy.
Next thing you know, you’re locking lips with a cutie in the bathroom. Teeth and tongues clashing against each other, the thrill of getting it on with someone you don’t know was exhilarating — courtesy of the liquor in your system. Your mind hadn’t registered the lingering aroma of his cologne, until he pressed you up against the wall and stooped down on his knees, reaching under your dress to pull your panties to the side. Your lady lips revealed to him, and it’s as if he’s as horny as you are in this moment, if not more. The blonde-haired babe glares up at you with those pouty lips and dives head first. His nose brushes up against your clit as he licks a long strip along your folds, stopping to circling his tongue around the bud. His lips encase around your clit, and his muffled moans vibrate against your core, making you throb relentlessly with much arousal. He lifts your leg up and over his shoulder, while your back rests against the wall — an attempt to keep some leverage while having him in between your legs like this.
“Mmmm,” was all you could hear from him as he licks up and down your pussy lips, coating them with his saliva.
Your mind couldn’t even process the last time you’d been eaten out like this; uncontrollable moans slipping out of you, and it feels oh so damn good. Your hips grind against his tongue, helping to bring on your orgasm at a much quicker pace. His soft fingers grip your thighs to keep you in place. He pulls away with a pop and stares at you with those gorgeous, doe-like eyes. Your chest rises up and down, panting to gain your breath back. His fingers find purchase on your lips, and with a light tap you open up sucking them in your mouth. A low groan slips from him, you bob your head back and forth making sure to coat his digits and suddenly he pulls away. With furrowed brows, you hadn’t even processed that his fingers rammed into your pussy, your walls now warm and wet, inviting them in. Your fingers grasp onto his hair, pulling and tugging once his thumb swipes your clit intently. You’re so close and just need a slight push.
“Damn babe, how can you be this wet?” He giggles in your ear. You can smell whatever it is he doused himself in from the bar. You can’t quite pinpoint what exactly, but it is there.
“Just fuck me already, please” You plead with his fingers still inside you, he rubs your clit just right and repeatedly thrusts his fingers in and out. The obvious squelching sound of your pussy can be heard, and you pray to God nobody else suddenly walks in. You guys did lock the door right?
And then he stops, removing his digits from you. You frown instantly.
“Need you in my mouth,” He adds, returning to his previous position from before, His lips wrap around your folds, sucking and tugging them with hunger. Like he’s having the most delicious meal in his last day on Earth. He continues to make obscene sounds with his slurping noises, his fingers press and rub onto your clit in a rapid motion. Your thighs give out, and it’s a clear indication to you that you’re going to cum. Has it really been this long? Have you really forgotten what it’s like to have an orgasm? That feeling deep within where the bottom of your tummy and core meet, feels tight as a knot. He lashes his tongue out to glide along your folds and sticks himself inside of you, tongue fucking you while rubbing your clit.
“I’m going to cum!” You cry with a labored breath. He uses your cry as a sign to lift your leg over his shoulder while he grips your waist, his hands land on your ass — gripping your cheeks firmly. His tongue lands flat to paint his saliva all over your cunt, his hands aid in gliding his tongue up and down your pussy at a rapid pace. He shakes his head back and forth, his tongue brushing across your throbbing, aching clit as a result. He continues at his relentless pace and suddenly that feeling inside snaps.
“Fuck!” Your thighs tremble violently and your core contracts continuously. Your back arches off the wall, but the stranger doesn’t stop his motions, his tongue continues on its own accord, not letting up. You even feel his fingernails digging into your cheeks slightly. Your fingers grasp onto his strands, tugging with an necessary amount of force — mimicking his motions. His low moans suddenly drawing out more than you expected, adding an extra touch to your orgasm, — your clit feeling used having been stimulated for a moment too long. The trembling of your body subsides, your legs attempting to hold on for a little longer as you fight to push him from you.
“O-okay. Okay, that’s- E-enough. Fuck!” To your luck he pulls off with a swipe of his hand across his mouth, panting and out of breath. You assume that’s the only reason he gave up, until you notice he continues to moan, his face contorted into an expression you suppose is from a feeling of ecstasy. And then his gaze drops down to his clothed crotch; his wide eyes roam upwards to your form, with lips parted. Your trembling figure gradually regaining composure.
“Oops,” He slips, letting out a contagious laugh. You follow where his gaze was before and shake your head.
“I-it’s okay, I understand.” His eyes crinkle up in a crescent-moon shape, and you somehow notice the rosy tint of his cheeks, streaming to his ears. Poor thing. He’s probably embarrassed.
Your counselor listens with open ears, taking in everything you’re describing to him, while jotting down what you think are a few notes. But to your unknown avail, he has written:
Client lacks in sex life, due to divorce Stranger gives oral sex; client reaches orgasm
Namjoon clears his throat before proceeding, “And what is it that makes this-” He pauses to gather the correct words, attempting to wash away the imagination of you spreading your legs out, pussy on display, on his leather sofa.
“Experience a good one for you? Is it the thrill from having an orgasm? Maybe the act of having a stranger perform oral sex on you? Or is it because he orgasmed in his pants by performing oral sex on you?”
You contemplate for a moment, thinking deeply about his speculation. You admit it; he’s great at his job. Well, at least better than you would probably be in his line of work. With legs still crossed, you playfully dangle your ankle up and down, your leg now having fallen asleep but you’re somewhat in an awkward state — speaking to a male about your recent sexcapade.
It’s times like these that you wished you were referred a female counselor. And it doesn’t help with how attractive Mr. Kim is, which is definitely a deal breaker for you. You take in his lavender streaks that paint the strands of his hair, paired with highlights of platinum blonde.
Although, you can’t help but ponder what he thinks of all this? Seeing it as you’re a divorced woman, having developed a dry spell, and can’t seem to even orgasm from her previous husband — the person you’d committed your life to, to what you assumed would have been able to please you in the bedroom but unfortunately he failed. It’s embarrassing, to say the least.
Mr. Kim had been there through it all, the good and bad, the ups and downs, twists and turns. It wasn’t that he failed his job, no. He was perfect at it; but, your marriage simply failed. You wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Kim confessed that he knew what the outcome would be, because it was that obvious. But your ex-husband had to hire a professional simply because he was too prideful to admit his wrongdoings and actually “man up” to fix his problems.
Part of you hated that you’d stuck around after the divorce, and you’re surprised Mr. Kim hadn’t suggested you no longer needed of his services. But, you suppose he was just being kind, offering the best of his services — while another part of you assumed he understood that you do need someone to vent to. Being as that, doing so helps to ease the mind. You’re sure he’s aware that everyone needs to talk to someone, even if it’s a stranger.
Except in this case, Mr. Kim isn’t a stranger — quite the opposite actually and some part of you felt vulnerable to him. The fact he knew your story; any personal thing you could think of that’s ever happened to you — you had spilled it all to him. You contemplate: Who does he confide in, despite his career being that he helps those in desperate times of need? Does he ever vent to anyone? And if so, does it help him to stay sane?
You shake your head at the thought of it all, wanting to piece the entire process altogether. You’d almost forgotten he was still here in this very room with you, awaiting a response to slip. And damn, is he patient. You curse yourself for having zoned out that much, and with a clearing of his throat you are gracefully brought back to reality. The atmosphere suddenly parching your form, an odd sensation of heat pooling over you — paired with a sheen of cold sweat approaching.
He stares into your gaze, as if studying you for a moment.
“Mrs. ____?” His eyes still glued onto you, searching for any sign that you will open your mouth for once. But, you can’t seem to say anything else but one word.
“Control.” His eyebrows flick in response and he slowly nods — having scribbled something into his notes:
“Control?” He questions, giving you the spotlight to elaborate on whatever it is you’re implying. Your foot stops dangling, having now closed both of your legs entirely, squeezing them together. The visual of that stranger’s mouth lapping at your cunt flashes through your mind.
You take a deep breath, “Yes, control.” Namjoon’s eyebrows quirk upward, as if signaling for you to continue already.
“I-I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” You blurt out while grabbing your belongings, in a hurry to leave. Namjoon seethes. He’d endured months, perhaps a year of therapy with you. He refused to let you walk out without being satisfied. And he knows exactly what you need. He had the date written down, when you came to him for one of your sessions and confessed how long it had been since you had sex. It’s a memory he’d never forget, because although he’s a licensed counselor and shouldn’t personally involve himself with his clients — with you it was different. He despised the way your ex-husband treated you. It was wrong, and he couldn’t take the pain of seeing you stressed beyond your limits.
“ ____,” His deep voice now dipped in a stern tone, one you’d never heard before, and he never calls you by your first name. Like ever. With your back turned, you can feel his presence directly behind you. So close, you could practically drown in the warmth radiating from his body. He reaches past you, his fingers finding placement over the lock of the door.
“Sit down,” he commands. You shudder under his rigid voice, finding yourself to obey as he instructs, somewhat afraid of what he’d do if you didn’t comply. His towering figure follows back to his seat prior to your attempt of departing. His legs now spread wide and back slightly slumped in his chair. Your shoulders naturally tense themselves, a result of the heat wave washing over you.
Namjoon glares at you with an unreadable expression, as if he’s peering into your soul, a sudden churn resides in your tummy. You absentmindedly pull your dress down just a tad, the material now clinging to your skin due to the sweat that built up under Namjoon’s gaze.
He strokes his chin, and you thank the Heavens for that sight because it definitely gets you going. His slender fingers grazing amongst his skin, veins popping while doing so. You can only imagine what they would feel like inside your-
“Off the record, I know what you want.” He blurts out, stilling his motions. You question him with a rise of your eyebrows. The coy smirk that appears on his lips has you boiling on the inside, your thighs rubbing together pathetically — to ease the ache within your core. What the hell is this man doing to you?
“Should it be too much for you, the safe word is velvet.”
He removes his glass and places them down on the coffee table separating you both. He proceeds to make his way toward you, eyeing you down as if you’re his prey. He unbuckles his belt and slips, “You’ll do as I say when I say it and not give any back talk. Understand?” Your mouth flies agape at his sudden change in demeanor — only adding fire to the fuel in your heat.
He tilts your chin up with his finger, “Don’t make me ask you twice.”
“Yes- Yes, Namjoon.” He slaps your face, at first in a gentle manner, your kitty throbs in response at the sudden action.
“It’s Sir to you.” You nod in reply, “Yes, S-sir.”
Namjoon sits in his favorite spot, unbuttoning his slacks. His hands snake behind the garment, running along his shaft under his briefs.
“Open your legs and play with yourself,” He demands. Before your brain could process what he requested, your body moved instead. You pry open your legs and Namjoon is instantly met with your aching cunt.
“You little slut,” He mulls with a followed growl, his cock twitching under his grip. “You came all the way here with no fucking panties?”
You nod at his question, bringing your fingers to your wet folds.
“So fucking filthy.” Namjoon pumps himself at the sight of you grazing along your clit. “I should fuck you until you can’t think anymore.”
“Please,” you whine, grinding your hips. You lick the pads of your fingers and rub your clit instinctively, a moan falling from your lips.
“Is that what you want?” He coos, precum seeping from the slit on the head of his cock. “You want me to fuck you silly? Make you cream all over my cock like the good, little bitch you are?”
Wanton moans now become uncontrollable for you, and you lose yourself in Namjoon’s sexy voice laced with lust, “Yes, Sir. P-please, fuck me. I need your cock.”
A low rumble emits from his chest, he runs his fingers through his strands that were glued to his forehead. He pushes his trousers and briefs down to his knees.
“Come here. Now.” He motions with his index finger, and you find yourself at his beck and call. Namjoon slides himself down further in his seat and gestures you over him.
“Sit on my face,” You do exactly as he says and hover over his face. He doesn’t hesitate to grip your hips and lodge his tongue inside of your hot heat. His nose nuzzles your clit in the process, soaking in the fragrance of your womanhood. He graciously fucks your hole with his tongue, then slithers along your inner folds. He sucks and tugs onto them between his plump lips, groaning into your cunt. You naturally grind your hips, following his motions.
“Oh, fuck.” You slip, while grazing your fingers within his strands. Namjoon’s fingers dig deeper onto your hips. He lays his tongue flat down to glide against your clit, your folds having been coated in his saliva. He peers up at you with those wide, sexy eyes, and the sudden shock of his palm smacking your ass jolts you forward — your grip landing on the leather seat. His moans continue to reverberate within your core, emitting a cry of euphoria from you. He wraps his plush lips around your nub and sucks feverishly. His nails graze along the flesh of your ass cheeks and…
“Mmmm, Sir!” He shakes his head back and forth, and sucks your clit again — sending you into your second orgasm in the past week. Your thighs tremble and back arches slightly, your nails claw the leather of the seat and your hips grind along his tongue — an attempt to ride out your high. Namjoon lands another harsh smack onto your bottom, and you scream maybe just a little too loud for your liking, yet it’s music to his ears.
But, he doesn’t stop.
He continues his ministrations, and just as you try to break away from his steady pace, he constrains your hips with his large hands, locking you in place. He doesn’t let up on your now sensitive clit, and instead continues to slide his tongue all around and onto your bud. You shake your head in reply, the stimulation being too much but somehow there’s this burning ache that re-approaches, and you know there’s yet another orgasm approaching.
You push his head away, desperately wanting him to get his mouth off your aching pussy.
“P-please, Please.” You plead. But he grips onto you harder and shakes his head in a “no” gesture, his tongue gliding along your clit while doing so. His lips encase around your nub again and eagerly sucks the life out of you. Your legs shiver.
Namjoon mumbles within you, “Cum on my face, again.” His hand slaps your ass cheek again and again, sending you into your second orgasm that seems more powerful than the first. Your entire body convulses, eyes roll back, and you let out a screeching cry. He gently rubs the area he’d smacked before, and peels his mouth from you finally. He slaps your cheek again and demands, “On the couch. Now.”
You’re barely able to recover from your orgasm, and with shaky legs you set on your two feet to make your way over to the leather sofa. Joon follows behind and drops his trousers and briefs down to his ankles, kicking the garments to the side. Your met with the sight of his length, and you audibly gasp. He’s so thick, and your kitty clenches just by looking at him. His dick springs up, and you note the precum now dripping from his slit and down into a thin line.
“Come here,” He says while pushing your head onto his length. He stuffs his cock into your mouth, fucking your throat relentlessly. You grab onto his thick, juicy thighs to keep some leverage. The lewd noises of your throat being fucked can be heard through the office space. Namjoon’s breath hitches at the view of you stuffed with him entirely, his dick literally choking the life out of you. He lets out a grimacing chuckle, “Finally you can keep your mouth shut, huh? Let someone else take control, hm?” He bucks his hips forward, the veins in his arm protruding as his grip on your hair tightens, thrusting himself back and forth into your mouth.
His head falls back in ecstasy. Your nails graze along his bare thighs, begging for a release of air. And you assume that inspires him to torture you even more because before you could process what’s happening. He pinches your nose shut, to keep you from breathing, and holds himself at the back of your throat. You pound his thighs as a result.
“Look at me.” He commands, and with tears streaming down your cheeks, your gaze follows up to his hooded lids as you eagerly pound your fists onto his thighs and scratch the flesh. You’re convinced you are on the verge of passing out until he lets out the sexiest moan you’d ever heard in your life and that’s when his thighs tense up in your touch, his lower abdomen contracts, and bursts of warm cum shoot down your throat. You shut your eyes to focus on not passing out, but somehow with his added jizz, it doesn’t help. You continue to smack his thighs to signal you’re on your way to Heaven if he doesn’t let up. You feel his cock gradually easing out, and then he says…
“Fucking swallow.”
And so you do, managing to swallow every drop of him and finally he releases his throbbing member from your mouth. As soon as you are let free to breathe in some kind of air, you suck in a huge breath — followed by some coughs to gain your breathing back, and then an odd sensation within your head subsides. Once again, you can’t recover. Namjoon pulls you by your hair and shoves you toward the leather sofa.
“Bend down.” And you do exactly as you’re told, obeying him as if you’re a puppy and he’s your owner. Namjoon pumps himself and slaps your ass once you bend completely over, arching your back to push your bottom out more profoundly.
“Such a good slut.” He slaps your ass and you whimper at his harsh demeanor. Somehow you manage to wiggle your goods at him, wanting to know what that monster between his legs feel like, and your craving doesn’t go unnoticed. Namjoon tugs your hair, making you arch your back whilst he forces your entire form against his chest. His stiff length is pressed against your ass, and you find yourself grinding against him for just any type of friction to ease the level of horny that’s overcome your being.
“Look at you all needy for my cock. I don’t think you’re fucking ready for me, hm?” His hold on you grows tighter, and the sharp pain of him pulling your strands, mixed with his cock rutting against your behind, strangely makes your core twitch — a dire need of attention.
“Oh, but Sir! I am ready. Plea-” With that, Namjoon shoves you forward back into doggystyle. And when your back isn’t arched enough to his liking, he takes a big blow to your ass, prompting you to adjust your posture. You’re sure by the end of this so called “session” you’ll slip from his establishment sore and bruised. The tip of his cock nudges at your entrance, he runs himself along your dripping labia, making sure to smother himself in your wet. The rising heat in the pit of your core makes you anxious. You can’t remember the last time it had been when you’d had sex, and you supposed Namjoon knows this. You’re not even sure what all this means. How could you both look at each other the same after this is all done? Will he let you go after this? Maybe refer a different counselor? Or will this continue to be what his “sessions” are about? Or is this just a one time thing, and after today, everything will go back to normal? But how could that be possible?
Your on-going thoughts are put on a hold when a slight stretching-like burn approaches so sudden, and you’re left with a wide-opened mouth. Your nails scrape the material of the couch you have left to hold onto. Namjoon feels like nothing you’d ever felt before. He’s big, you know that. But holy hell does he feel different than he looks; it’s something you can’t explain. With toes curling, you call out his name as if he’s the only person left on the plant. What did you do to deserve this kind of dick? Your walls clamp eagerly around his shaft, sucking him in entirely — like a vacuum.
“Shit! It’s been that long, huh?” He admits, gritting his teeth at the sentiment of how tight you are. “He- Let this go?” He adds, while bottoming out completely. Pulling almost all the way out to slam right back into you — your body jerking forward in the process. “S-so fucking stupid. How- Mmmm.” Namjoon can’t contain himself; he pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts, trying beyond his limits to not blow his load into you so quickly.
“How could he let this go?” He pulls out and slams back into you again, this time with a harsh punch. He reaches for your hair, balling his fist into the strands, because for this time, he can’t just take it easy on you.
“More for me, then.” And that’s when you scream as if you’re being murdered — more like your vagina is. Namjoon begins a brutal pace, ramming into you and having no second thoughts about it.
“Oh! Unfgh, S-sir!” Your eyes shut instantly and face scrunches up in pleasure; you’d honestly never felt so high in your entire life. If you could be fucked like this at least once a week, you’d truly die happy.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been wanting to fuck you dumb?” He shoots with a hint of hostility. “I was relieved-” He punctuates with a harsh thrust, “To find out you both divorced… Wanted to fuck the shit out of you ever since you stepped foot into my office… Told me every fucked up thing he ever did to you.” You’re not even sure why but his confession has you smothering him in your juices. The fact he had a desire for you was hot, and you would be lying if you said you wouldn’t have fucked him the first time you had a session with him — that is, without your now ex-husband. Maybe Namjoon is right, maybe you are a slut. But who cares?
Namjoon releases his pull on your hair and pushes your head forward, you languidly fall onto the cushion and bury your face within it while he continues to bang out places in you that you never knew could be reached — his animalistic mannerisms are beyond your comprehension.
“Oh, yes!” You cry out, your figure shifting upwards from his vigorous pace. You nearly topple over at how hard he’s fucking you, and at this moment, you can’t fully think straight with him fucking you senselessly. The only sound you’re aware of is the slapping of his balls against your ass and his grunting here and there. You mumble a few incoherent words, and then a few slapping sounds follows. Your ass cheeks now burning with a hot passion.
“Look at you-” Namjoon grunts as he stills himself inside of you and twists your body around, leaving you to rest on your side. “Can’t even speak properly with my dick inside of you.”
“Should clog this little pussy of yours up with my children.”
“Fucking come here,” He hauls you toward him to bring you closer, his cock sheathing itself fully inside of you. Not able to form proper words, your nails drag across his thigh and you wrap your leg around his waist, the heel of your foot digging into his bottom cheek. And just as you blinked, he wraps his hand around your throat and begins plunging his cock in and out of you repeatedly. You’re so close to cumming again, that you find some strength to ease your way between your legs and mindlessly rub your clit. Namjoon notes your actions and squeezes your throat harder.
“Yes! F-fuck!” You attempt to choke out; then Namjoon rams into that certain spot within you that has you seeing stars, and your orgasm floods your entire self that you’re shaking underneath him.
“Fuck yeah,” He coos while releasing your throat and slapping your face left and right. “He was so stupid, hm?” Your walls contracting around him has his cock twitching in a way that he knows is a warning of his impending orgasm. You clench so tightly around him, almost locking him in place, whilst creaming all over his shaft.
“Say it.” You whimper in reply, and he grips your face in place to keep you from squirming. “I want you to say how stupid your ex-husband was for leaving you. Say it now.” Your body continues to tremble and grow limp, yet you force the words from your mouth that even you surprised your own self.
“M-my ex-husband was stupid for leaving me, ahh!” Namjoon jams into you again, his thrusts now a much sloppier pace while his thumb reaches for your clit again, rubbing relentlessly. You wiggle around to somewhat ease your now sensitive, aching clit. But he doesn’t let you. He slaps your face again and pins your arms above your head, his body landing fully on top of yours. He licks the pads of his fingers to find your clit again, and you don’t think it’s possible to cum for the fourth time today, but you’re convinced Namjoon would prove otherwise.
“I want you to cum on my cock again.” He states, with a much softer tone this time, added with, “And tell me how much you’re worth having.” Another wave washes over you, granting his wish. Your chest heaves up and down in an attempt to fully gain your normal breathing pattern back. Your writhing body sends a shock of pleasure straight to his groin, and the need to cum is slowly advancing.
You cling onto Namjoon, and slip “I- am worth it. I-I’m worth having,” It’s as if your simple doing of following his command pushes him over the edge. But your added comment fuels him on even more.
“Cum inside of me, please. Make me full of your children.” With that, Namjoon shudders above you. His member pulses inside of you, streams of his cum color your insides. His lavender-stained strands glue themselves to his forehead, and it isn’t until now that you realize how wet your skin is, courtesy of the leather material below you.
Within the silence that subsides afterwards, aside from the melody of the both of you panting, Namjoon breaks the ice.
“You’re more than enough.”
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thatgrumpybxtch · 3 years
Hello! I absolutely love ur hc's&match-ups! So I thought I'd like to do one if that's okay! 💞💕
I'd prefer to be matched up in these fandoms only plz: Bnha, FNAF, Undertale, and any Disney movie. Thank you sm!! 💕
Physical Appearance:
• Chubby
• Dark brown hair(Wavey)
• Green eyes
• Scars on left knee
• Surgery scar on right side of neck
• Kinda dealing with ache problems on and off. Lol.
• Omnivert
• Leo
• 18
• Cis Female
• Straight/Asexual
• Soft Green Witch
• Artist
• Friendly Christian(Meaning I respect everyone's opinions and beliefs).
• Writer(Sorta)
• Planning to be a Physical Therapist.
• Animals💕💞.
• Plants and minerals.
• Sweets.
• Soda(Mainly Dr.Pepper).
• Sometimes craves the oddest things(Ex: Ketchup).
• Minecraft, Animal Crossing, and older Nintendo games.
• Drawing traditionally.
• Painting.
• Halloween, and Christmas.
• Star Gazing💕
And honestly, that's all I can think of. Thanks again for doing my match-up!! I can't wait to see who I get!!
I’m glad you like my page, I hope you enjoy your matchup! ❤️
For Bnha, I match you with… Izuku Midoriya!
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Finds the fact that you’re a green witch interesting! Don’t be surprised when he questions you on what exactly being a witch means to you and what spells/practices you preform.
He wants to know everything he can about you! And he loves learning new things too
Loves to see you draw, paint, etc.
Will become a blushing mess if you draw/paint him
Respects your beliefs as well! Plus I personally headcanon him growing up Christian.
Can and will make you goodie bags packed with sweets, dr. Pepper plus whatever you’ve been craving lately
Couple costumes during Halloween is an absolute must
Purpose hangs mistletoe around in your dorm hoping to get kisses from you <3
For Fnaf, I match you with… Bonnie The Bunny!
Thought you were joking when you told him you were a Green Witch.
But that’s partly because when someone says witch he incisions an old grumpy lady who literally rides brooms, so please do explain your practices to this poor boy bunny
Will join you when you draw and paint, and he is actually surprisingly good at drawing
Cherishes anything you draw/paint
He also loves animals! He has a soft spot for cars tho
Pls sneak a kitten into the pizzeria for him 🥺
He definitely convinces you to steal sweets and snacks from Chica with him
Loves gaming with you, I feel he’d favor the older Nintendo games too
For Undertale, I match you with… Papyrus!
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He quite confused, thought I’d also intrigued! Could you also posses magic like monsters do?!
Will have you draw out puzzles with him (and help him with Junior jumble).
Encourages you to draw and paint because he wants to hang it on the fridge for everyone to see
Will actually cry tears of joy if you draw/paint/ or write about him
The line of work you want to peruse is interesting to him! You’d get to work with so many humans and even some monsters, and that’s just so utterly amazing to him
Everything you do is amazing in his eyes though
He is iffy about some animals, mainly dogs and other canines but other animals are so adorable and cute to him!
Gifts you plants and minerals he finds, especially ones from the underground
Try’s his best restrict you from eating too many sweets and drinking Dr Pepper, it’s not good for you! Try his delicious spaghetti instead
He is a big fan of Christmas! Expect to helping him decorate every inch of the house during the holidays
He really loves star gazing. He never saw real stats in the underground but being able to see real stars with you is all he could hope for!
Overall this goofball is so utterly in love with you, it’s almost sickening
For Disney, I match you with… Tarzan!
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Being a green witch is such an unheard of thing for him, it might take him awhile to even begin to understand it but he’s supportive nonetheless!
Is fascinated by the way you can draw and paint with easy, he tries to copy you and you’re drawing but.. it definitely needs some work
He has no since of religion whatsoever but is happy as long as your happy!
Will introduce you to his friends and family, as well as other animals in the jungle
He loves seeing the amazement in your eyes when seeing all these beautiful creatures
Not to mention how many different beautiful plants and minerals there are for you to find!
Tarzan definitely brings you pretty rocks and flowers he finds :)
Doesn’t think much of your odd cravings, man grew up in the jungle eating all kinds of crazy things, so he doesn’t judge one bit!
Knows the best views for stargazing, takes you to the perfect spot onto of the trees just so you can get a view of every single star
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Band of Brothers-
Cute/charming things they say when they walk into a room and see you/you walk into a room and they see you:
“oh SHIIIIIT! There’s my BABY! Do you see her, fellas? GodDAMN, I’m a lucky sonofabitch!” 
(you blush so hard and are just like Babe, we’re at work stahp it but he dgaf).
It’s embarrassing and always makes Martin glare so imploringly at you that you’ll go over to Babe just to make him be quiet. Because, you know, YOU’RE AT WORK. 
This bitch is shameless when it comes to loving on you, having once come to stand next to you when Sink was giving an important announcement and straight-up PINCHED. YOUR. ASS. 
how you didn’t yelp is a miracle, and how no one else seemed to notice was equally astounding 
(oh, the boys noticed. They kinda shipped it tho, so it was more a matter of hiding their joy). 
Needless to say, it only happened the once, something you made Babe swear after you pulled him aside and punched him in the arm. 
Don’t worry, you kissed it better.
bb boy doesn’t say anything at first, 
the smile he saves just for you is playing at his lips as you walk up to meet him, tho.
The moment you’re close enough that he can smell the  sweet mint of your gum, he’ll whisper something sweet like “hey you” or “mon amor”, or maybe just your name 
(bc let’s be honest, his accent is 10 out of 10 and he could read me the dictionary and I’d still rock an ugly giggle/snort combo). 
If it’s a more serious situation, like if you’re hurt oh lordy
he will literally shout your name until either you shout back or someone tells him where you are. 
I could see him being a face holder, in the sense that he does it to reassure himself that you’re okay and make sure he has your undivided attention. 
Since getting injured in Carentan, you hadn’t been as close to the frontlines as you had been, so when you were needed you are REALLY NEEDED, 
and even if he didn’t like it Gene knew you were the best at what you did. 
Gene also feels better if he knows where you are.
 Even when you eventually return to Easy, he will feel better knowing which Foxhole you’re in, and knowing he’s seen to it your first aid kit was fully stocked.
THAT FUCKER’S SMIRKING AT YOU SO OPENLY that whoever he had been talking to instantly goes 
*sigh* y/n’s just came in, didn’t she? 
And he won’t even ANSWER because he’s already shoving past them to walk up and eye you with obvious satisfaction. 
“Bout time you showed up,” he’d say casually, hands finding your hips giving them a quick squeeze. 
“Sooner we get briefed, sooner we can get outta here.” 
(You’re not fully sure what ‘getting outta here’ entails, but if the way he looked at you was any indication, you had a feeling it didn’t involve anything less than PG-13 sexy times.)
“Hey, little lady.”
He’ll say it no matter how tall or short you are, how wide or how narrow.
He will always say it to you that when you first see each other in the morning 
(sometimes, you wake up to Hey, little lady being kissed into the soft skin behind your ear.) 
(Once while on a 48 hour pass, he’d woken you up that way in a REAL bed and the two of you had nearly gotten him sent up Curahee for being late coming back because you’d ended up spending more time in that bed than either of you anticipated Whoops)
(Even if he had been late, he definitely wouldnt have minded, tbh. He fully considered going AWOL if it mean neither of you had to leave the bed)
but throughout the day he’s more concerned about getting his hands on some part of you whenever the two of you had been apart- 
even if it was for like five minutes. 
Nothing over the top- holding his arm up and out so you can step into his side, a press of his lips to your temple. 
Idk guys i just feel like he’d just love you so much that everyone would be able to see, which they do and they all think it’s fucking cute
He doesn’t always call out when he sees you, mostly because your eyes always seem to find his. 
The two of you could be across a field from one another with a thousand angry Germans between you, guns blazing, and the two of you would always spot each other like two honing beacons. 
If its downtime and you guys don’t have to be on your guard he’ll ABSOLUTELY wolf whistle in at you, 
You’ll see a stupid grin lighting up his face as he nods in your direction. 
“Take a look, boys. I think we’ve got ourselves a…” 
and he always waits until you’re close enough that he can wrap a quick arm around your waist and pat your hip. 
“Certified babe-asaurus!” 
(in a foxhole somewhere, a wild Babe’s head pokes up in confusion). 
You groan and boo him, and whoever he was with inevitably ends up booing him too.
But he doesn’t care because seeing you smile makes him so happy you guys.
If you’re in public, he will quietly step up beside you and place his hand gently between your shoulder blades.
He’s not super into PDA, which you didn’t mind because what he didn’t show in physical touch he more than made up for in open admiration. 
He is in awe of you 
sometimes he worries you forget how highly he thinks of you, how highly everybody thinks of you 
(you don’t forget, but he’s just one of those people who will get intrusive thoughts like that and sometimes has a hard time shaking them so plz just let him say it ok?)
so he always whispers some praise with his greeting 
(Hey, beautiful...Doin’ okay, love?...What’re you thinking, brilliant girl?). 
It’d probably seem like overkill if anyone else did it but Carwood is just so goddamn sincere that you can’t help but duck a quick kiss to his shoulder. 
If you two kids are alone….
He is handsy, coming up and caging you with his arms, 
probably pulling you close quickly so you lose your balance and he can hold you a lil bit.
(He likes to sweep you off your feet im so sorry)
 That’s when his praises are hushed and sighed between long slow kisses. 
Like Liebgott, he’s a snarky motherfucker who will get the most self-satisfied grin on his face the moment he sees you, instantly turning on the famous Lewis Nixon charm ( something he’d long since decided belonged to you and you alone.)
“Uh oh,” he’d say, looking you up and down before raising an eyebrow.
(bc your hot but also he doesn’t want to get all flirty if you’re hurt or sick or something’s up bc ur not just something to flirt with- YOU ARE A BADASS WITH BADASS RESPONSIBILITIES AND THAT WAS SOMETHING HE very often and sometimes FOUND SO HOT THAT IT MADE HIM THINK HE MAY HAVE AN AUTHORITY FETISH this has been a PSA) 
“Here comes trouble.”
you roll your eyes, the behavior you once found cocky and arrogant having becoming endearing somewhere between Toccoa and England. 
He has absolutely no qualms about PDA (verbal or physical), so it’s up to you to reign him in 
(especially if he’s a lil tipsy, poor Luz didn’t need to hear Lewis’s sloppy and shameless plea for you to let him eat you out on top of piano he’d found in the attic of the billet he’d been assigned. You weren’t able to look at George for a week without wanting to die of embarrassment and Lewis Nixon didn’t get any for two weeks. He was sure to never make such a mistake ever again) 
And Dick had probably grown blind to how Lewis liked to pull you his lap and run his hands up and down your thighs while you played with his hair. 
Also, like Lipton, he probably saves the more explicit acts of PDA for when the company has scheduled downtime 
(but only bc you told him he needed to keep it in his pants any other time he tried to get cute with you)
but you can bet your ass his hand will always try to tap it (your ass, that is.)at least once
a day when he isn’t supposed to.
That’s when you get to punish him whoopsies
since the day you were introduced to Dick in Georgia, the boy always made sure to stand when you entered a room and will call you “ma’am”,
(you know, LIKE HE DOES ONLY BECAUSE HE HAS TO FOR SOBEL BC RANKS. I feel like he has a “we salute the woman, not the rank” speech queued up for anyone who tried to give him shit for it BUT THAT’s JUST ME)
but he has a knowing look in his eye that makes the term ‘ma’am’ feel anything but impersonal.
It confused the shit out of replacements, who would automatically stand because their superior officer (that would be Big Dick Winters) did- only to see you standing there in your fatigues with a coffee in each hand with a look of mutual confusion on your face. 
(bc while they like you, but they’re confused still bc while you’re a boss ass bitch,  you didn’t outrank him...or at least they theink you dont?) 
Babe had been the one to ask you about the longing looks and lingering glances, and when you didn’t know how to answer him you’d gone to Nixon, 
He’d burst into tearful laughter and was unable to get it together enough to explain anything.
Dick had been the one to bring it up the next time they were alone, weirdly enough, as she proofread his report for errors that didn’t exist. 
Because you warrant it, he’d said when pressed for a reason why he greeted her like a ranking officer, looking down at his boots as they both blushed like teenagers at a school dance. 
After that, he still stood wherever you walked in
but now he made a point to brush his fingers against yours at some point during the time you were together. 
He’s the definition of a slow burn friends-to-lovers story, and boi can get spicy LEMME TELL YOU.
(this is my first writing thing ever plz let a sister know if there are any glaring typos. Also i’m roughly 97 years late to fandom but I brought y’all some starbucks so plz let me in thank you)
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Baaabbeeeeee. Plz hit me with some soft Geralt asks for a lullaby goodness 💖
See? This is why I always come to you begging for prompts. You give me that good shit every time, boo. So glad I could be there to witness you witnessing Man of Steel for the first time.
Also this is “Tam Lin” by Fairport Convention, one of my favs.
Geralt knelt atop his bedroll, his eyes closed and his mind uncomfortably tumultuous. He wanted to meditate. He needed to meditate. There was an ache in his shoulders and lower back that couldn’t be healed without intense focus...
But he couldn’t stop thinking. 
He kept tracing and retracing the movements of his earlier fight with a drowner. Every awkward step. Every missed swing of his silver sword. Every quick little sneak attack from the corner of his eye that he might not have avoided in time. Every face that his bard would have made, coming upon his mangled corpse at the edge of a dirty lake...
He couldn’t stop thinking about dying. About dying and leaving Jaskier alone and unprotected and... and...
“Jaskier,” Geralt grunted, opening his eyes and locking gazes with the bard from across the flames of the dying fire. “I need you to sing.”
“I need you to sing. Something...soft.”
“Oh, uhm. Alright. Like a lullaby?”
“Hmm.” Geralt nodded. “Or a love song. A ballad.”
He watched his companion pick up the elf-made lute, a lute that symbolized all the many years of their friendship, and began to pluck at the strings. A tune formed quickly and Jaskier began to sing:
“I forbid you maidens all, that wear gold in your hair, To travel to Carterhaugh for young Tam Lin is there. “None that go by Carterhaugh but they leave him a pledge, Either their mantles of green or else their maidenhead. “Janet tied her kirtle green a bit above her knee, And she's gone to Carterhaugh as fast as go can she.”
Geralt felt himself calming down. His mind started to clear. Jaskier’s beautiful voice and the sweet, soft words of the lyrics pushed away at his fear and panic. The bard wove a story so clear and lovely that Geralt couldn’t help but picture it as Jaskier continued:
“She'd not pulled a double rose, a rose but only two, When up then came young Tam Lin, says ‘Lady, pull no more!’ "’And why come you to Carterhaugh without command from me?’ ‘I'll come and go,’ young Janet said, ‘And ask no leave of thee!’ “Janet tied her kirtle green a bit above her knee, And she's gone to her father as fast as go can she.”
The Witcher was slipping back into his meditative state by the third verse, his eyes closing again and his mind full to the brim with visions of Jaski- Janet meeting a mysterious knight in the woods. He pictured his bard, roses in his hair, blue eyes sparkling up from where he lay in the tall, softly waving grass...
“Well, up then spoke her father dear and he spoke meek and mild: ‘Oh, and alas, Janet,’ he said, ‘I think you go with child.’ “‘Well, if that be so,’ Janet said, ‘Myself shall bear the blame; There's not a knight in all your hall shall get the baby's name!’ “For if my love were an earthly knight as he is an elfin grey, I'd not change my own true love for any knight you have!”
Geralt wished there was a way for Jaskier to play the lute and braid his hair at the same time. His eyes blinked open again, just for a moment, but it was long enough to catch the fond look on his companion’s face. The bard had stopped singing, now just strumming the refrain in gentle repetitions. 
“The rest of the song is about the Fae and I know how you feel about them,” he winked. “But don’t worry, Tam Lin is rescued by the brave and daring Janet and the Fairy Queen bemoans the fact that she did not turn him into a tree instead.”
“Hmm. Poor Tam Lin.”
“He has a happy ending. He isn’t sacrificed to Hell, Janet rescues him and takes him away from Fairy Land, and they have a baby together.”
“You sound sad, even though you’re telling me about a happy ending.”
Jaskier shook his head and smiled; it wasn’t his usual sunny smile and the panicked, desperate thoughts from earlier began to crowd back into Geralt’s newly calmed mind again. 
“Why are you sad, Jaskier?”
“I know how Janet feels,” he shrugged. “To know you love someone and to know they’re under another’s thrall.”
“Hmm. I’m sorry. She must be very beautiful to have caught your attention; is she married?”
“Ger-” the bard shook his head and laughed humorlessly. “Nevermind. I’ll sing you Rosenrot and that should put you well enough to sleep.”
Geralt stood from his kneeling position and stepped around the fire. He sat down cross-legged at Jaskier’s side and rested his head against the bard’s shoulder. “Finish Tam Lin. I want to know what happens to him and Janet.”
“Alright,” Jaskier agreed, risking a gentle peck to the top of his Witcher’s silvery hair. “Just for you.”
“Just for me.”
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gosh valves, a whole openbox month? you're too nice to us! i feel bad adding anything to the pile of overflow your inbox may be getting right now, plz skip this if you're swamped! if not tho, i've really been craving some Elita-lovin on her lil human gf? i think she'd be reeeeeaaaalllly good in the flustering and tease department, and i would really appreciate your (n) or sfw HCs!
I AM swamped, but you guys clearly like my stuff enough to do so, so it’s something I gotta do. Thank you for being concerned about my work load though, it really helps me get through this. Last one for the day though, I need a nap. Having said that, enjoy!
Elita was well respected amongst her team. Strong, demanding, fierce. Having said that, she had one big weakness; you. You were a puny little human, but you were so cute and adorable, she couldn’t help but love and adore you. Of course, you weren’t exactly immune to her either. A giant robot lady alien for a girlfriend? You bagged yourself a keeper. Speaking of keeper, here she was, right on time to pick you up. You had your own car, but why wouldn’t you wanna be seen in a ride as FINE as this? You grinned as you opened the back seat, placing your stuff in the back. You got into the driver’s seat, and buckled in.
“Hey you! How’ve you been?”
“Well enough, thank you. Finally had someone competent to cover for me back at base. How was shopping?”
“Good, good, I got us some stuff!”
You tried not to sound so excited as she pulled out. You hadn’t seen her in a couple of days, and when she said out of nowhere that she could pick you up, you were like a little puppy; nearly bouncing in joy. She chuckled, most likely noting your joy.
“Oh? What’d you get?”
“Oh some cute clothes! I gotta look good for you, don’t i?”
“Hmph. Remind me not to leave you for so long, next time.”
You cocked your head to the side, before she chuckled mischievously , sending a shiver down your spine.
“You keep rubbing your legs together. You’re REALLY excited to see me.”
You held onto your knees, trying to stop their movements. It didn’t help that you were wearing a dress, with JUST a pair of panties. Her favorite pair, not that she recalled. You gave a light smack to her dashboard, trying not to be flustered to all hell.
“Stop that! You’re such a pervert!”
“Says the one with the soaked panties.”
You scoffed, as if you were offended. Granted she was right, but still. She pulled off to the left, and in the middle of your flustered thoughts, you almost didn’t notice that she was going the wrong way.
“Hey, that’s not the say home!”
“I know. But you’re being SO much of a needy thing, I figured I’d...take the long route.”
She turned another corner, before turning down an unfamiliar road. That was when the car started to shake, as the road was bumpy and uneven. It made the entire car tremble, and you couldn’t help but stiffen up. You really should've worn pants. The seat shaking underneath you felt so goddamn good on your poor pussy, and your fingers dug into the seat. She chuckled as she turned around, ready to do it again.
“I can feel you making a mess on my seat. Take off your panties.”
You hiked your dress down, humilated that your girlfriend was trying to get you off inside of her.
“Elita, c-come on, I can’t-”
“Come on. Don’t you wanna be a good girl for me?”
You could never refuse her when her voice was like that. Despite your nerves, you slipped off your panties, letting them fall to the floor. You pressed your wetness against the leather seats, and you swore you heard her moan under her breath. She went down the road again, and again, and again, and you couldn’t silence yourself. Especially not when she kept saying how pretty you were, not when she kept saying to hump her seat. 
“Only three times and you’re ready to cum, aren’t you?”
You nodded your head furiously, still grinding against her seat. You were so ready to cum, so ready to get your mess on the floor, when she suddenly turned away from the road, heading into the direction of your house.
“H-hey! I didn’t finish!”
“I know. I want to wait till I get my hands on you. I’m gonna show you just how much I missed my special girl~”
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the-black-birb · 5 years
Pins and Needles [Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Reader]
Prompt: From @thedeepestdaydream 's prompt "Hey I'm your soulmate which means I can feel your pain and I also really hate needles but you keep getting tattos so could you please maybe stop?"
Summary: In which Tanaka finds his soulmate, and they are not happy with him.
Pairing: Tanaka Ryuunosukd x Reader
A/N: happy belated birthday to Tanaka!! Season 4 really made him so pretty!! This is the second time I'm trying to post this so tumblr plz dont eat it
You swore when you found your soulmate, you'd tell them off for all they put you through.
Most people were happy enough just to have a soulmate. It wasn't a guarantee, and most people went their whole life without finding them.
But you were positively furious.
You'd always lived close to your soulmate. For as long as you could remember, you'd get ghost pains at random times. Usually never too bad, so you didn't mind.
Come middle school, it got much worse. There'd always be pain in your forearms and on your palms. When the pain continued every day after school and well into highschool, you realized they must've played a sport. And they were awfully serious about it, too.
The pains were unbearable in highschool. Your soulmate worked hard, you were sure, but sometimes the exhaustion was just too much. Occasionally they got slapped and you'd simply laugh. They probably deserved it.
Come college, the familiar pain in your palm dissapeared. Sometimes you missed it, wondering if your soulmate gave up something they loved. You could understand, you dropped plenty of hobbies once you got to college. But you hoped they were happy.
That is, until the new pain started.
You'd never been particularly squeamish. You could handle ghost stories or bugs. You weren't scared. But needles made your skin crawl. The sensation of the pin point prick against your skin put all your hair on edge.
The first time your soulmate got a tattoo, you almost passed out.
Fortunately, you were simply in your dorm with your roommate. You mentally forgave your soulmate, understanding that everyone goes a little off the rails once they hit college. You had been through your fair share of poor decisions. And then, they continued.
It had been months since the first tattoo. You swore they got a new one every week. But never at the same time, no, you couldn't prepare yourself.
Finally, you had it. You were taking your final exam for a class when pain burned through you wrist. Some of their tattoos were small and quick, so you thought perhaps you could sit and bear it. How wrong you were.
The pain only got worse. You thought you reached sweet relief when the outline finished, only to feel the needle start to fill in with color.
Soulmate or not, all you saw was red.
You got up from your seat, essentially voiding your exam. You could care less. Mumbling a quick explanation to your professor and hoping you could make it up, you sprinted away from the building.
Careful with your tender skin, you traced the outline of the tattoo as best you remembered. When you were finished, your forearm a large crow wrapped around your forearm.
It was a beautiful tattoo, you thought, although your skin continued to burn from the needle on your skin. Your chest tightened, and your breathing became ragged but you managed to deal with the sensation. This wasn't their first tattoo, after all.
As the pinprick of the needle faded, you prepared to find your soulmate. It's said the closer you are to your soulmate, the easier it is for you to feel their pain. You were sure you'd lived in the same town as your soulmate your whole life, since there wasn't a time you couldn't remember ghost pains.
So you'd found all the tattoo parlors in Miyagi. There weren't many, and the pain in your forearm meant you could likely narrow it down to the ones closest to you. And now, you were ready to track down your soulmate.
You thought you'd seen all corners of Miyagi, but you weren't all too familiar with this area. The streets seemed a bit colder, and the shops more empty. The pace of your steps picked up.
Relief flooded your chest as you realized you were just a block away from the tattoo parlor you were headed towards. You rounded the corner, wondering if you were truly about to meet your soulmate. Where you ready? Your head dropped to look at the ground. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe you weren't ready. They were your soulmate, so you were bound to meet them eventually. You didn't need to rush it, right?
"Hey cutie, what's a pretty lady like you doing here?"
You stopped in your tracks, still staring at your feet. If someone could sound greasy, he did. You stared at the shoes of your approacher. He was in sweats, wearing beat up sneakers. You snickered. He's probably bald and ugly.
"Minding my own business," you retorted, walking past him. "You should do the same."
You brushed past him quickly, trying not to cause a scene. The tattoo parlor was just a few steps away. Surely, someone in there could help you.
"Hey!" He grabbed your wrist, pulling at you. "C'mon what's with the sour face? Why dontcha smile?"
His grip on your wrist was unwavering.
You swallowed hard. A bell chimed behind you, signalling a door opening. A silent prayer left your lips, hoping whoever entered would be generous enough to intervene.
You pulled your wrist away, but his hand was like a vice. "Let go of me!"
He pulled you closer. "C'mon that's no f-"
And then there was a fist in his face, and a burning in your knuckles.
You didn't really process what happened, but suddenly there was a man in a beanie staring down at your assaulter.
"She doesn't want to be bothered," he demanded. As if possessed, the man who grabbed you walked away, wearing a mix of shame and disdain on his face. If you'd been more aware of yourself, you would've spit on his dumb shoes.
But your attention was taken by you savior, instead, and the tattoo sticking out his jacket arm.
"Can I see your forearm?" You asked. He looked at you surprised, but started to take his jacket off nonetheless.
"Uh, sure? You okay?"
You nodded. You were here for a reason, afterall.
"It's a little tender, still. You see I just got a tattoo and..." he trailed off as his eyes traced up your arm and the crow you outlined on it.
You looked at his crow, shining and beautiful, as well as the tattoos adorning other parts of his arms, and had no doubt in your mind. You remembered those sensations, too.
"Hi I'm [S/N] [Y/N] and I'm deathly afraid of needles. Of all your tattoos, that one really hurt like a bitch."
He laughed at you, and put out his hand to shake.
"Tanaka Ryuunoske, but you can call me Ryu. Would you want to get coffee sometime?"
You took his hand in a firm shake. His hand was larger than yours, and worn, too. Callous painted the tips of his fingers, no doubt from years of practice. But his hands felt safe, like home.
"That sounds nice."
You walked into the cafe Ryu told you about, looking for a familiar face. You found it behind a black cup of coffee and an black sweatshirt. And no hoodie.
You laughed.
"Got a problem?" He teased.
"I didn't know bald men could look handsome."
It would be a long date.
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splendidshinobi · 4 years
almost halfway done lads how we feelin'
episode 21: the red glow
ah yes barry
"i'm alphonse elric!!!!!" yes u r baby!!!
who just popped over the wall
scar im assuming
"i kill therefore i am".....barry spouting descartes rn
it was scar haha
hi greed
thought i saw you earlier
ope he found the chimera crew...
jerry jewell's evil laugh gets me every time lmao he's so great
ed has deep philosophical talks bro
also ed is chaotic but his personal morals are unshakeable
who are these prison guards gonna release
oh hey kimblee
oh hey squad
ed take out ur pokeball
um wth is that
bro of all the things i was not expecting him
oof ishval flashbacks
young scar why is your hair brown
why is it white now
whos her
lust 1.0 im assuming
ew omg tucker is literally so fuckin nasty lookin idk
idk why but he's worse than rod reiss titan for me
wait a damn minute
wait a damn fucking minute
what is GOIN ON
i need tucker to stop whispering he sounds like fucking voldemort on the back of quirrells head
episode 22: created human
hughes' pajamas look like armin's futon from aot junior high
the bad place???? was that greed's prison gluttony was lookin at?
im still shook af over tucker and tbh its been like 24 hours since i watched episode 21
driving me up a wall
my poor son looks so tired :(
those moral principles at it again
ewww the way tucker walks STOP
hi envy!!!!!
so all of those prisoner guys gonna get flattened by some alchemy
hey kimblee!!!
so did greed escape with the homies???? cause i feel like he would have made his presence known already....
i feel like im missing a lot because im a ding dong
musty prison kimblee is kinda...hot....physically speaking..oops..personality wise obviously there's MUCH to work on
so envy knows hohenheim
he won't do it
oh no alphonse
oh god memory implants
al's identity crisis CONTINUES
they wanna become humans??? huh....doesnt really make sense for their characters...(maybe envy but more on that at 11)
is ed gonna kill these guys for al
some1!!!!!! hold!!!!! me!!!! im so stressed
is he pretending to do it and he's got another plan up his sleeve!!!!????
honestly he's so depressed i cant even tell
those unshakable moral principles at work again i see
the red water can turn ed into a god???? wtf ed doesnt want to be a god he wants to punch god
oh theres the greed squad! i found them!!! is kimblee joining up with them
maria girly!!!!!!!
who's the lady. i need 2 know.
episode 23: fullmetal heart
alphonse is destroyed again
poor kid
"edward sir" brosh pls!!!
oh excuse me--- ***Bloch
The Ross Slap™
winry <3
pinako takes no prisoners
ed didnt you JUST tell brosh and ross they might be right that you needed to trust adults with more shit and now youre blowing off hughes
ed's DRAWINGS im-
hi sig hi izumi!!!
al is so sad over there in that corner
poor baby son
sometimes i feel like hughes and mustang are ed and al's divorced dads
the little arakawa avatar cows in the back im CRYING!!!!!!!
snappy al
omg hughes plz
elicia is precious though we love her
"dad's friend the bookworm" omg sheska
awwww gracia made edward a cake!!!!!!!
god catch me cryin in the club
"whatever" al im crying he's so sad
"you goof"
yes winry you are correct boy is a goof
sir you are being so dramatic
give that baby a hug
"so called brother"
so we all know that was a knife through the heart for ed
al just jumped off a FUCKING ROOF and ED TRIED TO FOLLOW
so im crying
episode 24: bonding memories
guess we're gonna play w my emotions again
sometimes like....one bit characters talk...like villager b ya know? and im like who are you i know that voice
so the nasty military has come to ruin some lives again
and barry for some reason
aww poor al
youre real you are!!!!!!
i just feel like people would know people that wear sunglasses in the rain would be ishvalan
but what do i know
obviously they dont have the white hair thing in this version
poor ed is so sad
these boys need a hug 
let me just *pulls out adoption papers*
well if scar doesnt have queen mei to adopt in 03, he’s got this little toothless boy
dont lie al you do care
ew i dont like her
the drama of this boy
so the nasty military has come to ruin some lives again part 2
apparently they are *mercenaries??? excuse me
i have some questions regarding this kid’s mom
well you know i can see why this kid feels this way about his mom
it does look like she ran off...
al and scar dream team up
bout time
yall gonna have this talk now????
brotherhood barry is the true king there i said it
damn scar you baddie
barry like....you already knew him
someone save this boy!!!!
oh good his mom “saved” him
ah damn thats pretty tragic
she didnt know they were right in front of her
well my questions were answered
so she attacks with grape fanta. thats one way to do it
ed looks like such an angry gremlin right now this is a heartwarming moment sir please
why are ed and scar being so civil right now this is so weird
bye scar
we’ll see him again
see you later scar
episode 25: words of farewell
maes who let you buy that awful pink suit 
gracia please it better not have been you
mustang ew please
dont open the door lookin like that
what the hell are you doing in here 
so hughes WASNT in ishval here?
i think that takes a lot away from his character but anyway
bradley hangs around like a creep at every possible instant
why would bradley care about ishvalan refugees like hughes cmon
juliet douglas is this lady’s name
only took me 1000 episodes to figure that out
ED AND AL??? NOT DEALING WITH DANGEROUS THINGS??????? dont make me laugh assholes theyre lying thru their teeth
izumi time lets go
wow we’re still going to rush valley? wasnt really expecting that tbh
elicia i LOVE you!!!!!
ew kimblee “hi”
how did he lightning himself like that
if i were ishvalan i would not go to the south....yet ANOTHER war torn region of amestris but ok
an amestrian desert biker gang rolled up to wreak havoc
tbh i wouldnt want to tell roy anything either stupid bitch
um why do i feel like its hughes’ death episode
he would not be shown tucking elicia in to bed otherwise 
please im not ready to be hurt again
oh no
yeah he just learned something about our girl juliet
ive been waiting for this information 
he’s gonna die before we learn anything helpful
hey lust figured you’d show up sooner or later
i too wish i could look that sexy pulling a kunai out of my forehead
did girly just say SLOTH
i- nothing about her seems particularly slothy but ok
u know what!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha famous last words
oof it hurts every time
not the FUNERAL scene no!
time for me to go 
peace out homies im dead inside
yes my brigadier general 
hughes is sneezing six feet under
was ed supposed to be looking at hughes’ ghost
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anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 12/14 NXT 12/16 NXT UK 12/17 Smackdown 12/18 TLC 12/20 + Main Event 12/17
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“This Sunday at tlc, it’s gonna be you and me against Nia and Shayna,” Lana says to Asuka, as a quiet ‘woo’ can be heard in the distance.
Lana facing her fears and fighting Nia Jax makes her the bravest person Asuka knows. Rolling. Fucking Asuka. ASUKA. wwe, stop.
Why isn’t Asuka accompanying Lana to the ring?
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I like Lana’s gear.
Joe just compared Lana to a mosquito, goodbye.
Oh snap look how fast Lana did that headscissors takedown. We’re witnessing her progression, ladies and gents.
You know, I knew Lana would win this match, I knew exactly how she would win this match, but jfc what a treat watching it myself. 
Nia’s face lmfao.
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Shayna wrecking Asuka so she can’t save Lana from her inevitable fate. Still curious on whether or not this beatdown injured her, if she was injured going into the match, or if it was all really just a storyline.
Yikes this is sad.
Man that leg drop onto Lana’s ankle actually looked kinda wicked, ngl.
*distant woo intensifies*
Wow we got real tears from Lana. Points.
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Becky and Charlotte have been gone, Alexa hasn’t been on tv, the Raw women’s championship has become a meaningless prop... what a dead period for this roster.
Hi why is this match happening?
I will never not be impressed by Dana’s entrance.
Is Mandy actually hurt? Why did they take her off tv for so long? Is Shayna the resident kayfabe shelver? “Hey this girl is actually injured, have her written off by Shayna” ?? Cuz I know they’re not splitting Dana and Mandy up, and Dana has been on tv every week since Mandy left. Must be genuine.
These 2 are running roughshod over the entire division at this point.
Lmfao the babyfaces are fucking done with Nia and Shayna. Honestly that’s great, I love it when babyfaces band together to stand up to dominant duos. This has been going on long enough. They took out Mandy, took out Lana, were about to take out Dana. Totally fair.
Highlight: Lana getting a clean win over Nia & being taken out so my queen can return
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It’s a funny thing with Toni and Rhea. Toni says she’s the reason Rhea came to nxt, but she’s also the reason I became such a huge fan of Rhea’s. Heard they were having some big TakeOver match and everyone was always praising Toni. So I checked into Blackpool solely to see what the Toni Storm fuss was about, and I left that ppv solely impressed by Rhea Ripley. Then I took particular notice of Rhea in the Royal Rumble a few weeks later, and I’ve been watching NXT UK for her ever since (til she moved). To see her growth has been tremendous, and she’s so young. Such a bright future.
The music to this is great.
Toni says she isn’t scared of Rhea, as if Rhea’s mere theme music didn’t scare the absolute shit out of Toni the week prior lol.
Toni’s not even a terrible promo, but the timing of her blinks could not be worse. Yes, it matters.
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I can’t stop laughing at how fucking intensely Shotzi started this interview.
She does pissed off interviews well. I can feel her annoyance.
Really don’t want to see a Candice/Shotzi feud tbh but okay, I’ll try.
aaand there’s the howl. Awful.
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Lmfao Rhea called Toni a piece of trash. This is gonna be interesting to see with the alignments reversed.
I don’t remember who won this match, but I’m betting it was Toni. Which is fair tbh. Rhea is probably on the “put some peeps over before moving up to the main roster” path that everyone in the women’s division walks on. They always eat at least one monumental, or a couple meaningful, loss(es).
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Oh man that is fucked up. To not only be forced to continue punching/kicking a human (fun fact: the person on the offense takes quite the damage doing so) but to have the defenseless victim bleed out and beg for you to stop. That’s rough.
This was shot really well. That music holy shit, I’m creeped out. It’s like a horror movie.
I see the point. Numbs him to pain and breaks his will, while numbing her to mercy. Ruthless stuff.
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Oh are we finally done with Indi’s neck brace? Cool.
I can’t believe wwe invested in this upgraded tank. I still don’t think it’d work on the MR, but points to the boss for shelling out the cash.
Wtf was that stumble and “fall” by Indi lmao.
If Candice was a real bully, she’d distract Shotzi by fucking with her tank at ringside.
Indi does need a mentor, she’s a hell of a lot greener than my mutuals have made it sound. oof.
Shotzi looks like she has no idea how to work with Indi, and Indi looks gassed, confused, and slow as hell.
All Indi knows it going from spot to spot while Shotzi waits around for her to get there.
Lol Indi failed at getting a dirty win. I don’t really care if this is a part of her The Way storyline, what a mess.
The only redeeming part of this piss poor segment was Theory shaking the troll’s head at Shotzi.
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I’ll give wwe an extra $9.99 if they let this match have a clean ending.
“[Rhea] was at one point the biggest superstar in the world,” that isn’t even close to being true because Becky Lynch exists, but I’ll let it slide and pretend you said “in nxt”.
Their paths will be so similar to Becky and Charlotte in the future.
Wow what a sequence. That would’ve received an applause on the MR. Traded headlocks for restholds, threw around their strength, then went into a battle of pinfall reversals. Instead of following that with some stalemate, they didn’t take a breath and proceeded to dance with each other and showcase some chemistry before rolling back into a battle of pinfall reversals. The sequence started with a kick by Toni to Rhea’s midsection, and it ends with a kick by Rhea to Toni’s midsection. Peep that match production, good stuff.
My, my, those slaps to Toni’s back. Whew.
Yeah actually it’s really fucking cool that these 2 get to main event nxt together, come to think of it.
They sell well for each other.
Rhea has the best dropkicks, lesbireal.
Holy shit Toni’s headbutts make my own head hurt. God I wish she wouldn’t. Most people put their hands between the heads so no contact can be made, but Toni’s just like “lol fuck it”
This is a great match. This duo works a lot better with these specific alignments. Watching face Toni try to chop down Rhea is not as good as heel Toni being impossibly hard for Rhea to put away.
Women’s matches and never having a clean ending. Name a more iconic duo. Winter of overbooked women’s matches continues.
Like I had guessed Toni was gonna win anyway, but fucking come on.
*Bonus* online exclusive: Toni says playing by the rules got her diddly and squat, but like... she was a champion lol. “It ain’t even Toni time right now, it’s party time.” Alright.
Highlight: Rhea vs Toni minus the ending
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I don’t know why we’re getting Isla Dawn vs KLR but anytime I get to see KLR fight, I’m here for it.
Hell even Isla’s song never kicks it out of first gear. Song has so much potential but it never goes to the next level.
Ahhhh my Scottish queen is here.
No, don’t compare Sasha’s basement meteora to the double knees Isla did. That was pitiful.
Anyway, KLR vs any of the 4hw would be fantastic, take my money. Sasha, Bayley, Charlotte, or the woman KLR wanted to face at TO Dublin, Dublin native Becky Lynch.
That back body drop is horrendous as a finisher. It’s like when Becky won her debut match the exploder suplex. Awful lmao. Imagine if KLR lost to a back body drop ffs.
You don’t get to be this frustrated for not being able to beat the champion when you’ve only been fighting for like 3 mins.
Isla’s pisspoor speed going in the corner, and her pisspoor roll off of KLR’s tornado ddt. Shame.
Such a clean transition from a failed pinfall attempt into a submission by KLR, whew.
This whole match was just a flex by KLR lmao.
There was a time where we had Becky Lynch, Bayley, Rhea Ripley and KLR as our champions. Wow, take me back plz.
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The background music of this stupid recording is so unnecessarily dramatic, wow.
All for the delivery of a chair. Of a fucking chair. Piper... shut up and handle your shit.
For someone so much larger than the little man, Piper is insanely unintimidating.
Highlight: I got to see KLR wrestle
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Bayley does run her mouth a lot. She’s kind of the EST at saying dumb shit that gets her into trouble lmao.
Bianca is so friggin good at interviews and in backstage segments. She hasn’t received much of a chance to do promos in the ring, let alone obviously to a live crowd, but I hope she shines there, too.
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Has Liv reverted back to being a dumb blonde, or is it drugs? Stop letting her speak.
Love Riott Squad’s everchanging gear. Wonder who makes it for them.
Billie Kay claims that she’s a ‘seasoned’ ring announcer, and somehow that would not surprise me.
Tamina “get the fuck out of my face until I get a nap and a vat of coffee” Snuka, everyone.
Lmfaooo Tamina fucking chucked Liv across the damn ring. What a good job by Liv.
Ruby is exceptional at running the ropes. She gets a good spring off of it.
Tamina’s hair is always so beautiful, she gets points there.
Dropkick into a faceplant. Billie Kay gets pinned rofl. She’s so bad at wrestling and yet here I am ridiculously entertained.
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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Carmella’s current persona, but man I wish she’d come out in a cut off tank top, camo pants, high tops and a printed hat.
I mean people are at home cuz covid, but go off.
Aye putting over Sasha. Good heel Mella.
Sasha has held the title for like a whopping 2 months and we’re already marking calendars. Sad.
In kf, Sasha is kind of mentally weak, so I’ll give Mella that. I’m not sure what it’s gonna take to shake that perception, either.
“Who is Sasha Banks if she’s not the Boss? Who is Sasha Banks if she’s not the best? It’s sad because that’s a question that not even Sasha Banks knows the answer too.” So I get that wwe are trying to help Sasha develop and fight off her past demons, but man these women are ripping her a new one. Sasha’s only 29 so she can grow and develop however she wants, but jeeze. Salt, meet the dagger Bayley stuck in Sasha’s back.
I like Mella cuz she knows how to hype her opponent’s accolades and strengths while cutting an immaculate heel promo where she hits them RIGHT where it hurts. She’s a pro. Heels should take notes.
This music is like the Jazz Vibes playlist I always listen to.
She just called Sasha cheap and frantic lmaoooo
Oh damn Sasha be out here looking like MONEY. That girl has style, even if it doesn’t always hit with me, she got style.
oof the crack of that slap to Reggie.
OOF the crack of the bottle shattering over Sasha’s poor back. rip.
Match at TLC should’ve been a champagne match. That entails whatever your mind comes up with; pouring alcohol on your opponent, dumping their head in a bucket of ice, breaking bottles over spines. It don’t matter.
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“You don���t see me going around here bragging about how damn good I am,” lmao WHAT. Bayley is equal parts delusional and obnoxiously annoying.
One size heel does not fit all, but I think her version suits her beautifully.
If I were her I’d pick your brain too, but I’d also want a match, cuz people leave matches with you looking as good as humanly possible. Equal parts selfless as well.
She didn’t lie, this was absolutely her putting Bianca on the map on the main roster.
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wwe: wants to strap a rocket to Bianca and make her a star. Also fucking wwe: “lol no we’re not gonna show you her full entrance, cry more scrub.” 
Bayley still looks weird without a title.
Bayley mocks Bianca’s entrance and then gets swept onto the apron lmao. Idiot.
Bianca is a lot of flash and showboating, which is great from an entertainment standpoint, but she needs to do a little... less.
Fantastic snap of the hand against the led board. Bayley wrecking Bianca’s arm gonna hinder the flips.
“I’m the ER. I’m BET-TER. haha.” lmao Bayley is such a fucking dork. Got sent into the ring steps for her bravado. Love that there’s always immediate repercussions for Bayley’s arrogance.
Bayley turned midway going down onto Bianca’s knee for that backbreaker, there. Hope she doesn’t have a massive bruise. Looked like it’d leave a massive bruise.
3 things I’ll apparently never get to see again: Bianca’s hair whip, Bianca’s full entrance, and Bianca’s 450 splash. I’m tired.
These stupid fucking squats while Bianca is dangling off the top rope rofl I swear Bayley is something else. Girl knows how to entertain. “Bayley got a bit cute and Bianca made her pay,” story of Bayley’s life.
Beautiful spinebuster by Bianca. At least SOMEONE in the women’s division will use it.
Bit of a miscommunication there it seems. Bayley goes for a B2B, Bianca tries to block it, Bayley drops down to dodge and go for a cradle. She rolls Bianca all the way back, stands up and hesitates before running at Bianca with an elbow - even though Bianca is not in position to receive it - which Bianca counters by rolling Bayley up, but it was super obvious Bianca was just scouting the next spot. Bianca goes to pick her up for a powerbomb but Bayley has to kick out twice to prevent herself from being pinned while Bianca tries to lift her. That entire sequence was super messy.
Then Bianca nearly drops her lifting her all the way up lol. Yikes. Gotta be pretty fluent to pull that off. Not to plug my fav (but I’m totally gonna plug my fav); it’s a move Charlotte does in almost every match against Asuka or Becky, and you gotta be not only built to pull it off, but you need to have impeccable timing to make the transition look smooth. Extra points if you lift them off the mat RIGHT before a 3 (which Charlotte usually does)
Anyway, good match with a messy last 2 sequences. Bayley did what Bayley does best.
Highlight: Bayley vs Bianca
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They really took Eva Marie and Sasha Banks’ characters and meshed them together while keeping Carmella’s obsession for animal print lol.
Really don’t like that gear. That’s a miss, Mikaze.
Beautiful arm drag. Sasha taking the idea of wrestling like a Lucha more seriously? Cuz she should, ain’t nobody else in the MR doing it.
Commentators say the trash talk is continuing, I say Sasha is quietly leading this match with a grimace. Peeped that “hit me”.
Carmella goes to suicide dive through the ropes just for Reggie to catch her, cept she got caught up and started turning in midair. Would’ve hit her neck and shoulder HARD had he not been there. Great catch indeed.
Sasha “rip my back” Banks.
Not to be douchey, but if you have to adjust your gear in the middle of a match and it’s not just to fill time or be used as character work, then you need to redesign your gear.
Sasha’s a great babyface once that bell rings man. I wish she could carry that energy everywhere.
Holy fuck that facebuster. SPIKED her head, oh my god. I have never seen anyone make a facebuster look so impactful. Points if intentional.
Oh the timing of Sasha blocking that superkick from legit connecting. God she’s good.
You know how I know this is a good match? I’m watching some of these near pinfalls and submissions knowing damn well Sasha’s gonna win, yet my anxiety is still spiking thinking Carmella might walk out with the title. I KNOW she doesn’t though lmao. Good sequences, believable offense, great near pinfalls. They work well together (I’m not surprised, Mella and Sasha both work well with almost anyone)
What a fantastic transition into the bank statement. Points.
That match should’ve ended by dq the second Reggie pulled Mella out. 
Sasha could’ve sold that double superkick pinfall attempt a little bit more.
Carmella having a breakdown. What does that mean? That means she’s about to lose this match lmao. There it is, not even 10 seconds later hahaha.
Sasha sells pain so damn well. Good for her. Good defense of her title. Points to Sasha, she’s phenomenal every time she has an actual match. Post-match and she’s already annoyed me though lol. Ugh. Maybe she’ll get it soon enough.
Nice “replay” wwe. Billion dollar company btw.
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Billie, drawing a horizontal line is not how you write ‘clairvoyant’. 
“proficient in Japanese” aw Asuka was so excited for a split second lmao.
Oh no, she made a mask to match Asuka’s with a paper plate. Oh no no no. Travesty. 
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Ugh I’m so excited. I’ve already seen this and yet I’m excited. Here we are, the whole damn reason I started catching up on everything I basically refused to watch since June 22.
SHE LOOKS LIKE MONEY, WHEW. The queen IS back. She’s so fucking beautiful man.
Love how annoyed Nia looks. This is your comeuppance tbh. Could’ve just faced a measly Lana, but no, you had to play too much.
Really Charlotte shouldn’t be in the tag division, and really she shouldn’t give half of a fuck about Asuka, but we’ll get to that more in the future since this is already nearly 2 months old.
Nia’s doing a great job selling Charlotte’s return, and she’s not even active in the match rn. She does good work.
Bad camera angle on Asuka hitting the ring post.
Asuka getting wrecked lol.
I really despise that the Raw women’s championship was tied up in all of these storylines that have nothing to do with the Raw women’s championship. The Lana crap, the Charlotte crap, the tag teaming in general crap.
In hindsight, I now find it curious that Ric Flair was in the back for this match. Very curious. I swear, if the past 2 real time months weren’t a part of some master plan the Flairs came up with together, I will be SHOCKED.
Charlotte’s fucking crazy for doing those moonsaults to the outside though, for real. I know she was a gymnast and an exceptional cheerleader, but MAN you could not pay me to do fucking blind back flips that high up. Crazy.
She should’ve given us a spear in this match. I wanna go rewatch her work just to see some spears.
Good match. They needed to not focus on destroying Asuka for as long as they did, pacing was off for a little bit there.
Love how Charlotte sticks her tongue out when she bridges up into the figure 8. She’s such an asshole lmao.
If I could’ve changed one thing about that finish, I would’ve had Charlotte bounce off the ropes before hitting Natural Selection. Other than that, it was great.
Charlotte looks good with a title, idk *shrug*
The way Charlotte looked over at Asuka though. I really don’t trust her in hindsight lol.
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Like how this Firefly Funhouse is setting the spotlight on Alexa before Bray takes his leave of absence, only wish she hadn’t missed 2-3 wks of tv.
What a fun way of running a video package.
Inferno matches are insane and I’m not sure why anyone would participate in such.
Think it’s smart they’re both leaving their jackets on tbh.
Alright that was cool. The way Fiend called up the flames was fucking cool. It looks amazing aesthetically. They could’ve never done the set quite like this if there had been fans.
WE HAVE STRAPS?! IS FIRE NOT ENOUGH?!? Man. Randy is a fucking trooper.
Guys. Guys excuse me, that strap is on fire, can... can we not, please??
Man is swinging a god damn pick axe at Randy Orton, I--
I hope that wasn’t actually flammable liquid cuz otherwise Randy is now soaked in it, and that’s insanely dangerous. Oh that’s great editing. So it was flammable, but Randy was out of the chair before the fire rushed at him. Also covered the chair in blood. That was cool.
Orton just pull the damn string out of the jacket real quick lol.
Caught Orton’s attempt at an rko with a mandable claw. Points.
Can someone... put him out? Editing trick? Were the flames real? Am I real??
Shouldn’t the bell ring? Match is over, right??
The dummy was kind of obvious ngl. Not to sound like an asshole, but they should’ve made it a bit thicker and more solid lol. Doesn’t really take me out of it though, cuz even though I’m sure it was a stunt double that got lit on fire by the ramp, someone was on fucking fire, and that’s intimidating in itself.
Also the dummy is melting. I’d say they should’ve used pig meat, but I’m sure vegans and animal rights activists would’ve had a field day writing to Snickers about that.
Was a good match, for what it was. I was entertained.
Main Event:
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“Nasty Nikki” lol okay.
“The only reason people even know you exist is because you were Alexa Bliss’ best friend,” ouch. Truth is pain.
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Ahahahah Lacey has hand sanitizer again. 
Love that submission Lacey jumped into through the ropes, plus an eye rake. Fantastic.
That’s curious. Lacey and Peyton are arguing over the hand sanitizer as Lacey wants to squirt it on Nikki, while Peyton is claiming it’ll get her DQd. Now I’m on Peyton’s side in the sense that it should absolutely be illegal, but Lacey’s done it in a match against Nikki before, sooo ???
I like how Nikki fell trying to get back into the ring before the 10 count. Adds credibility.
Haha Nikki gets the pinfall over Lacey because Peyton was being a nuisance on the outside. Lacey big mad. That’s great.
*Smackdown easily shined the brightest in what was a great week of wrestling. Utilized 8 women in 3 different storylines, couldn’t possibly complain about that.
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crazybagelbitch · 4 years
Idek but we need to know how this ends Eleanor. Part 4 plz
When you use “Eleanor” I know you’re serious so here.
He feels the impact, than the rolling before the pain sets in. The shock delays it by a few seconds, but my god, does it hurt.
One of his ankles is definitely broken, his right wrist is either severely sprained or broken, too, he’s probably made his preexisting concussion worse by jumping out of a moving car, and maybe some his rib cage is also shattered.
Still, he thinks he’ll live (thank you again, paramedic brain)-- as long as someone either pulls over or calls 9-1-1, that is.
Thankfully, witnessing someone jumping out of a moving vehicle is generally enough to get someone to do both of those things.
There’s a very nice woman trying to comfort him, seeming like she wants to touch him but is afraid of making his injuries worse, while a man, presumably her husband, is on the phone with 9-1-1. He’s glad Maddie is off work this night so he knows she won’t be the one who has take the call.
Maddie. He wonders if she’s even home, has even realized something is wrong. It’s entirely possibly that she’s still at Athena’s house and no one has suspected a single thing while he was kidnapped and trapped in a crazy lady’s car.
“M-Maddie,” he whimpers, leaning into the very nice civilian who stopped to help him with his (relatively) good side.
“Maddie? Who’s Maddie?” she asks kindly, tentatively bringing a hand to his hair, frowning when she finds that it’s matted with blood, “is that the person who--”
“No, n-not the woman who took me. Her name is Christine. M-Maddie is my girlfriend. Pregnant.”
“I’m sure they’ll call her once you get to the hospital. She’ll probably be proud of you for jumping out of a moving car to save yourself. That was awfully brave of you.”
“She’s pregnant,” he repeats, panting, “h-had to get home to her and o-our daughter.”
“You’re having a girl? Do you have a name picked out?” she asks kindly, and again, Chimney has been a paramedic long enough to know that the 9-1-1 operator must have conveyed to the couple to keep him talking.
“Mmm. Ruth. Due i-in a month.”
“Ruth, that’s a pretty name. Oh, I hear sirens. Going to get you to the hospital and you’re going to be just fine, going to be reunited with your Maddie.”
It’s more than a little embarrassing, he thinks, that he knows one of the paramedics attending to him. He knows a lot of the LAFD, so he really shouldn’t be surprised, but Hen is about the only person in the world he wouldn’t be embarrassed to have tending to him given the circumstances.
“Uh, do I even want to know why you had to jump out of a car?” he asks.
Chim just lifts up his hands, showing the restraints tied around him, and his poor buddy just sighs and nods, very nicely cutting him loose.
“That wrist is broken.”
“So’s m-my ankle,” he whines, sticking his arm out for the painkiller injection, and his acquaintance paramedic friend whose name he can’t remember can’t help but laugh and oblige, “not t-too much though, gonna n-need to answer questions.”
He thinks, when the police cars pull up as they’re getting him onto the stretcher, that of course, of course Athena is one of him. Maybe Maddie had gotten home, realized something was wrong, and tipped her off.
“You’re a fucking idiot for not telling your girlfriend, or Bobby, or anyone for that matter,” she growls, getting in the ambulance to ride with him, “but jumping out of a moving car to save yourself... I gotta admit, I’m a little impressed. Had no idea you had that in you, Chimney.”
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