saramackenzie1982 · 1 year
Haven't made a video in a bit. Chronic illness is kicking me badly. But I'm excited about Chronically Writing in Wet Sand. Trinity-On-Main in under two weeks!
#TrinityOnMain #StandWithLocal #NewBritain #IndieAuthor #BookWriter #BookSeries #EpicFantasy #ActionAdventure #WifeAndMom #ChronicalIllness #ChronicallyWriting #MeToYou #LoveMom
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katandhercgbojac · 6 years
When your chronic illness is acting up and literally every bone in your body hurts and you’re throwing up from the pain but no one believes you or cares so you’re stuck somewhere you don’t want to be for hours. I’m in so much pain right now. I’m sorry for complaining but you guys are the only ones who listen when I say stuff like this.
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numbepilepticlife · 6 years
Do your parents and family ever brush off your medical concerns?
Like my legs and arms are feeling increasingly numb, I can’t walk right and I’m using a wheelchair, but yes grandma, I’m sure all I need is a bit of sunshine and definitely not to see a doctor.
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herbstlichtfee · 5 years
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Genervtheit. Wut. #kenntihrdas? Ihr redet euch jahrelang den Mund fusselig und versucht immer und immer wieder etwas zu erklären. Und nach all diesen Jahren haben es immer noch nicht alle, denen du das vorgebetet und gefühlt 1000x erklärt hast, kapiert. So geht's mir mit der Fatigue. Ich hab einfach keinen Bock mehr. Wieso können Menschen es nicht einfach mal akzeptieren und darauf vertrauen, dass ich ehrlich bin? Jeder, der mich gut kennt, weiß, dass ich es niemals aus Ausrede nutzen würde, dass ich mich NICHT selbst bemitleide, dass es KEINE NORMALE MÜDIGKEIT ist, dass ich nicht lügen kann? Wenn ich verdammt nochmal EINMAL "normal müde" bin wie ich es früher war, bin ich doch froh drum!! Aber oft ist es halt extreme Ausgelaugtheit. Ich hab mir das doch nicht ausgesucht. Und das kommt auch, wenn ich mich nicht überforderte, auch wenn ich NICHT "zu viel" mache. Man muss einfach damit leben, man kann es verdammt nochmal nicht ändern oder wegzaubern. Mir wäre es doch auch endlos viel lieber, wenn ich nicht so eine Scheiße hätte, die mir ständig einen Strich durch die Rechnung macht. Die mich ständig ausbremst. Wieso muss ich mich immer und immer wieder für dieselbe Scheiße rechtfertigen? Ich hab keinen Bock mehr. Hört auf. Hört einfach auf damit. Hört bitte auf. #ms #fatigue #gedanken #alltag #msfighter #müde #fatiguesymptom #chronicalillness #multiplesklerose #chronicalfatiguesyndrome #genervtheit #wut #nervenschäden #keinenbockmehr https://www.instagram.com/p/B47fP0yqtHC/?igshid=6p60fyjrkli4
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Me and my favourite nurse who looks after weekly ❤️
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wolobak · 7 years
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OK !! I don't look sick ... . . . . . . . . . . #chronicallyill #chronicalillness #hypopara #hypoparabh #hypoparathyroidism #hypopara2017 #moodaf #shittymood
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virtuallyinsane · 3 years
Having fun = consequences.
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queenbeeofibd · 6 years
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Regrann from @lifeocharlotte - The joys of back problems! I have done my back out a few times now before surgery and have always used a corset as support. It's a bikers corset and always feels amazing. This week I did my back out for the first time since surgery and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to use my beloved corset due to Stevie the Stoma as the corset sits tight and hard around that a full area, but I couldn't work without it so I just had to try it and hope for the best. And guess what, it worked! I am so grateful that I could use my corset despite my ostomy. Thanks to being able to wear it I have been able to work but also get better! 💪💪💪 ~ #lifeocharlotte #ulcerousecolitis #invisibleillness #nocolonstillrollin #ileostomy #ibdfighter #stoma #ostomy #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #fighter #ostomates #ostomatelife #chronicalillness #strongwomen #ostomate #corset #badback #backproblems #ostomyawareness #bagwhatbag #whatbag #workingwoman #ibdsuperheroes #ibdwarrior #girlswithstomas #girlswithoutguts #foundry #hardwork #ostomyproblems — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/2d2a95a3567c5a3f03f81d9a516dae78/5C34168B/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/41598147_477103729457014_3154050637916282826_n.jpg
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cystic5roses · 11 years
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numbepilepticlife · 6 years
Stop focusing on your seizures
Stop focusing on your seizures and stop complaining- live a little!
The well meaning and ever frustrating words of a stranger. Fuck you Karen I’m not in the mood and here’s why.
Currently my seizures are my life. Almost as if a major medical condition would somehow impact your life and consume it. I am not some preppy bitch who looks on the non-existant bright side of life- I seize the majority of my day, it’s scary, it’s dangerous, and I worry.
I don’t have time to ‘live a little’ because I’m living with constant worry that I might have a seizure right now. I’m stacking pillows and cushions around sharp corners, I’m constantly being watched by my exhausted mother, I’m going to doctors and arguing with them and I’m trying to not break down and cry with the realisation that this may kill me one day.
It screws with my head and consumes my thoughts. I doubt myself and think I’m just making it up because doctors didn’t believe me. Then I’m brought out of my spiraling thoughts to a bleeding head and my crying mother, to realise that who the fuck would smash their head if they had a choice.
I focus on it because it’s my life now. I think about how my friends are at uni or getting full time jobs, and I’m at home drooling on my bed while I can’t breathe because I’m seizing.
I wish I didn’t think about it all the time, but if I’m not seizing I feel the last one I had on my skull and bones.
Fuck you Karen, this is how I live.
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wolobak · 7 years
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That’s so lovely to know that some people really care about your chronical illness and try to help you *-*  I've been diagnosticated with Hypopara since two years ago , and i have also many other chronical illness tho , i’m doing my best to act strong and positive , but it’s not easy at all to deal with all those symptoms alone , it’s really so difficults trust me it’s not easy to handle it !!! #ShareYourStoryWithMe Tag me !!! I wana all those who still supporting especially Ben i'm in bad mood , when i start saying shitty things 💖 . . . . . . . . #worldhypoparaday #hypoparathyroidism #hypopara_symptoms #hypoparathyroidie #hypoparabh #hypoparathyroidism_treatment #pills #pillspillspills #chronicillness #chronicfatigue #chronicallysick #maladie_chronique #chronicallyill #chronicalillness #disability #healthcare #spoonie #bipolar #hypoparaday2017
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herbstlichtfee · 3 years
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I always wanted to be a fairy. Until I recognised, I am a fairy. 🧚🏻‍♂️ . . . . #fairy #notfromthisworld #fairysoul #fairylightsphotography #fairyphotography #fairyphotoshoot #selfie #oldbutgold #lovely #kind #hsp #highsensitive #highsensitiveperson #autumnfairy #winterfairy #goldenhair #special #thoughtsoftheday #breathing #ill #chronicalillness #mentalhealth #pureheart #givingafuck #darksoul #deepsoul #deepshit #honestly #idontcare https://www.instagram.com/p/CWX7Mh9s0m4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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queenbeeofibd · 6 years
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Good morning from this sleepy head over here! 3 days back at work and my body feels like I've done the ironman race! Yesterday I went to bed at the amazing time of 8.30 (after struggling to stay up this late) and slept for 10 hours (ish, the standard 3 wakes ups)! I could just keep sleeping it feels like but maybe I'm a bit too loyal and I've got up so I can go to work. As you can maybe see, I'm wearing a different bag, that's because halfway through the night I woke up because my bag was itching like mad, it was itching so bad that it was itching in my dream! 😂 so nice little midnight bag change into a Salts Aloe vera, I also put some Aloe vera gel on my skin and let that soak in before putting the bag on, and guess what, I've woken up and it isn't itching! Yay! I love little tricks like that when they actually help! Right, I best try to get myself partly functioning so I can go to work...have a great day everyone! 😙 ~ Regrann from @lifeocharlotte #lifeocharlotte #ulcerousecolitis #invisibleillness #nocolonstillrollin #ileostomy #ibdfighter #stoma #ostomy #ostomates #ostomatelife #ostamate #stomabag #ostomyawareness #ostomybag #ostomylife #ibdsuperheroes #ibdwarrior #girlswithstomas #girlswithoutguts #girlswithguts #getyourbellyout #strongwomen #chronicalillness #exhausted #goodmorning #pjs #ulcerousecolitis #colitis — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/c54b9612b2e8c66fc877068334a7a248/5C2990CA/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/40937063_592638124485070_5649212796353186356_n.jpg
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