#plus the asks I received recently were fun
sol-consort · 2 months
Ahhh! You're back!!! I'm so happy!!! I'm your biggest fan!!! 💕💕💕
thank you! you're so nice <3
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There Are Limits
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x F!Reader
Summary: Maverick's new female friend brings out your spiteful nature. And seeing you with a new man is harder on Maverick than he'd like to admit.
CW: age gap, student/instructor dynamic, swearing, drinking, and did someone say bring on the angst?? Because you know I can deliver..
WC: 4000+
This is Part 5 in the There Are Rules universe.
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Maverick looks up when you step into his office. He’s sitting on the edge of his desk and there’s a woman standing between his legs, so close, she might as well be in his lap. When you enter, she steps away half-heartedly, looking slightly annoyed that her conversation with Maverick has been cut short.
Maverick’s cheeky grin falters when he sees you, and he clears his throat as he hops off his desk.
“Lieutenant,” he says. “How can I help you?”
You stare at him in shock, not sure how to react. The last several weeks haven’t been easy; in fact, you and Maverick have barely spoken since your mutual decision to terminate your romantic relationship. But seeing him with another woman is a whole new level of difficult.
“Lieutenant?” he says, lifting his eyebrows worriedly. He doesn’t bother to introduce his companion, with whom he is obviously very familiar.
You swallow around the lump in your throat and exhale slowly. Maverick isn’t the only expert in self-regulation. It’s a skill that’s proven quite useful, if not invaluable, during your tenure in the navy. And, although it’s always come naturally to you, recent events have seen that you receive plenty of practice. “Sir,” you say promptly, saluting Maverick in an entirely professional manner, as if you’ve never even had his tongue down your throat. “It’s about next week’s squadron dinner,” you say.
It's true that you meant to speak about the dinner – about how you were planning on skipping it to avoid an ever vigilant Cyclone who's been watching both you and Maverick like a hawk. Moreover, the less you see of Maverick these days, the better.
But the scene before you has severely shifted the trajectory of your plans. And the next thing that comes out of your mouth is hideously unrehearsed. “I was wondering if we were allowed a plus one,” you blurt out, your eyes darting pointedly between Maverick and his female friend.
Maverick stares at you mutely, as though it’s taking him a minute to process your request. “You want to bring a date?” he then asks, his eyes widening and subsequently narrowing in a matter of milliseconds.
You feel like you might sweat right through your uniform with the way he’s staring you down, but you stand your ground defiantly. “If I may,” you respond unemotionally; the way you’d address any other superior.
Maverick nods slowly, glancing at the woman who’s currently rifling through some papers on his desk. You ignore how comfortable she seems in his office, like she’s been here plenty of times before. “I don’t see that being a problem,” he says. “Who’s the lucky…?” His voice trails off and he lets out a nervous laugh. “Should be fun,” he finishes, giving you a wide, artificial-looking grin.
You smile back at him. “I agree.”
“Boyfriend,” Maverick says, his eyebrows shooting upward for a moment before he checks himself and pulls at the collar of his jacket as if it’s suddenly an uncomfortable fit.
You try not to acknowledge his reaction and instead introduce your date to some of your squadron mates. You’re not sure why Sam has decided to put a label on your relationship at this exact moment, but you’re not going to argue semantics in front of the one person you wouldn’t mind buying into this spectacle.
“It’s new,” you hear Sam blurt out, presumably cowering under the scrutiny of Maverick’s gaze.
You make a point not to look Maverick in the eye because you’re still upset about walking in on him last week when he was clearly otherwise engaged. But when Sam walks ahead, busy conversing with the other aviators, you feel a finger brush gently over the back of your hand. You pull both hands behind your back and square your shoulders to face your instructor.
Maverick is watching you solemnly. “This is good,” he whispers, although the tilt of his eyebrows says otherwise.
You can’t express how much it hurts to hear him referring to this situation as good, and yet, you nod, grinning rigidly. “It is,” you say, pausing to give him an opportunity to come clean about his own blossoming relationship.
But Maverick does nothing of the sort. Maverick is as unreadable as ever.
You’re about to walk away when the woman you’d seen in Maverick’s office appears from behind him. She nudges him on the shoulder to get his attention and shoots him a brilliant smile.
Maverick gives her a polite nod before turning back to you. “Lieutenant,” he says. “I’d like to introduce you to an old friend of mine.”
The woman beams at you and holds out her hand. “I’m Charlie,” she says.
You shake her hand and return her smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Charlie,” you say. “Are you an instructor at Top Gun as well?”
She chuckles, throwing Maverick a flirty glance. “Not for a while,” she responds, looking back at you. “Not since this one made me rethink that particular career choice.”
Maverick drops his head with a laugh. “Sorry about that, by the way,” he says.
Charlie shakes her head. “Don’t be,” she replies. “It all worked out.”
Maverick nods, looking at her affectionately. “Charlie went on to bigger and better things. And by bigger, I mean she went on to design rockets.”
“Wow,” you say, both impressed and jealous of the woman who seems to hold a special place in Maverick’s heart.
“And look at how far you’ve come,” Charlie says to Maverick.
Maverick grimaces. “I’m right back where I started,” he remarks. “Full circle.”
“You’re right back where you’re meant to be,” she says earnestly. “And I’m proud of you.”
Maverick shifts his weight uncomfortably, hooking his thumbs through the belt loops of his jeans. “We better grab a seat before Cyclone has an aneurysm,” he says.
You turn to see Cyclone watching the three of you with an irked expression from the table reserved for your group at the restaurant. He shakes his head ominously as you make your way toward the others. When the three of you arrive at the table, he mutters, “How gracious of you to join us.”
Maverick glances at him with a slight smirk but doesn’t say a word while Charlie lets out a small chuckle, taking her place beside Maverick at the table.
You lower yourself into the seat next to Sam, right across from Maverick and Charlie. Cyclone is sitting to Maverick’s right, aggressively perusing the menu.
“I hear the fish tacos are good here,” Maverick notes when Cyclone lays his menu down on the table in frustration.
Cyclone gives him a sour look. “Not a fish person,” he responds tartly.
You stifle a laugh, exchanging glances with Charlie, who is also snickering.
“There are non-fish tacos as well,” Maverick points out.
Cyclone nods grumpily. “Yes, I saw the entire section devoted to the various tacos they serve. I can read.”
Maverick bites the side of his lip to contain a grin. “Enchiladas,” he continues quietly, as if to himself. “Quesadillas, chiles rellenos…”
“I want a burger,” Cyclone declares, flipping through the menu anew.
Maverick shoots you an amused glance. “Let’s start with drinks,” he suggests, sliding a draft beer menu in front of his superior.
“Good idea.” Cyclone sighs theatrically, rolling his shoulders to loosen some tension.
“Hey, d’you want to share a couple of dishes?” Sam offers, tapping you on the arm to get your attention.
You glance over at him quickly, having almost forgotten he was there. “Sure.” You nod enthusiastically, even though it’s the last thing you would ever think to do.
Once all the drinks and food arrive, and you and Sam awkwardly try to allocate your respective shares of the dinner, Charlie pipes in. “How long have you two been together?” she asks, gesturing at you and Sam.
“It’s new,” Sam, the self-proclaimed boyfriend who has yet to work up the nerve to even kiss you, reiterates quickly while you chew on a quesadilla.
You wipe your mouth with a napkin before confirming, “Not long.”
Maverick’s eyes rest on you for a split second before he returns his attention to the ceviche in his bowl.
Meanwhile, Cyclone regards you with a dubious expression. “Where did you meet?” he asks gruffly.
“Through some friends,” Sam responds excitedly, as though it’s the most fascinating fact of the evening.
You take another bite of quesadilla and avoid looking directly at any of the three people sitting before you.
But Maverick cuts the silence short. “Is it serious?” he asks, and both you and Cyclone shoot him threatening glances. Charlie looks up from her plate, trying to interpret yours and Cyclone’s abrupt reactions.
Sam, meanwhile, is smiling blissfully to himself as he pokes at the contents of his fajita before rolling it up. “I’d say it has some potential of getting there,” he says.
You nearly choke on a pepper upon seeing Maverick’s expression transform from mild amusement to unequivocal displeasure. His jaw muscles contract as he forcefully stabs at his dinner with a fork.
Sam clears his throat nervously and speaks in a noticeably higher pitch, “Of course, I can’t predict the future.”
You roll your eyes and put a hand on Sam’s shoulder. “It’s none of his business, anyway,” you say.
To Maverick’s left, you see Charlie’s jaw drop slightly in her shock at your informal – bordering on impolite – addition to the conversation with your superior officer.
Cyclone chuckles quietly, finally appeased by your interaction with Maverick. “At last, something we can all agree on.”
Maverick smiles politely. “I was just making small talk,” he says, laying his fork down without finishing his meal.
Cyclone gives him a flat look and leans forward to address his friend. “Charlie, how long are you in town?”
While Charlie and Cyclone engage in conversation, Maverick catches your gaze inquisitively, as if he’s trying to figure you out. His eyes are so penetrating, you feel like he can see right through you. He must know that your relationship with Sam isn’t even close to being serious. He must know that you’re probably going to break it off that very evening. He must know you only brought him because you were hurt and you wanted to hurt him back. Because Maverick has reconnected with someone of significance and is involved in something meaningful.
You tear your gaze away from him irritably. You’re about done letting Maverick stir up your emotions without so much as saying a word. You’re about done caring for a man who’s done nothing but cause you pain.
You rise from your seat and excuse yourself, heading for the bathroom near the back of the restaurant. No sooner do you break through the door, than you collapse onto the nearest sink and break down. You don’t even care that your mascara is leaving streaks down your cheeks, or that the tears are clouding your vision. You don’t even care that your hands are gripping the basin so tightly that your fingers are cramping.
You glance up at your reflection in the mirror; pathetic. How did you let yourself fall this far? This hard? This fast? You run the tap and dab some cool water on your skin, patting at the trails of makeup that your crying spell has left behind.
You take a deep breath, staring at your glistening face with a scowl, preparing yourself for the remainder of the evening. But just as you make your way for the door, it opens, and Maverick enters.
You jerk back in surprise, despite his history of showing up in places he isn’t supposed to be.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
You panic. He knows. He knows that you ran away to cry. And this makes you furious. “I’m fine,” you respond curtly. “You shouldn’t be in here,” you add, gesturing to the door behind him.
He pulls his eyebrows together like he isn’t quite convinced. “You’re not okay,” he says.
You grit your teeth in anger. He can’t just ignore you for weeks and then try to comfort you like he gives a shit about your feelings. “Why are you here, Maverick?”
Maverick presses his lips into a thin line and breathes out steadily. “I was worried about you.”
You scoff resentfully. “Don’t be.”
Maverick sighs and lowers his head. “I can’t help it.”
You attempt to keep your voice even despite all the shaking your body is doing. “You better go, Captain,” you say spitefully. “Before Cyclone finds us. Or Charlie.”
He watches you soberly. “You asked me to stay,” he reminds you.
You stare wistfully into his eyes. He’s right, of course. You’re the reason he’s still here. Your relationship with him has been strained but civil since the incident on the carrier. There has been a mutual effort to avoid unnecessary encounters, and an unspoken understanding that, while romance is out of the question, it will take some time for both of you to move on completely. Obviously, you did not expect him to move on by moving in on someone new. Or old, in the case of Charlie, because the two of them go way back, apparently.
You struggle to remember why you’d wanted this – wanted him to stay despite knowing that nothing would ever come of it. In the moment, you were desperate not to lose him. But watching him carry on as though nothing ever happened between the two of you is absolute torture. You’d rather not witness just how little you actually meant to him.
You shrug. “Error in judgement, I guess,” you respond coldly, echoing his words from the night Cyclone had caught the two of you in the parking lot of the Hard Deck.
Maverick nods. “Been there,” he says pensively before turning to walk out. Just before he does, however, he glances back at you and adds, “I’ll wait out here until you’re ready.”
“Don’t,” you say.
Maverick meets your gaze with a weary look. “I’m not leaving.”
“What’s Cyclone going to think when the two of us come back together from the bathroom?”
Maverick shrugs. “I have no control over what Cyclone thinks.”
“What’s Charlie going to think?”
Maverick pauses in the doorway. “What’s Sam going to think?”
You roll your eyes. “He won’t even notice.”
Maverick watches you quietly for a moment, then says. “I doubt that very much.”
You lick your lips as a fresh round of tears threatens to obscure your eyesight. The fact that Sam isn’t here to check on you but Maverick is has not escaped you. “Go, please,” you whisper.
Maverick wavers slightly on the spot and, after a brief interval, holds his hand out to you. You glance down at it hesitantly as your stomach flips violently at the though of touching him again. Clearly, you’re angry with him, but the part of you that loves him always wins.
Slowly, you step forward and place your hand in his. He pulls you in the moment you make contact, wrapping his arms around you as he releases the door to the bathroom. He lets his face drop, pressing his mouth to the top of your head.
After a prolonged – mostly silent – embrace, you detach yourself from his arms and give him a nod. “I’m ready,” you say.
Maverick nods back without a word and then opens the door for you.
It’s past midnight when you hear the knocking, followed by some irregular footsteps and a string of quiet – but still audible – curse words. After a moment of hesitation, you unlock the door.
Maverick is standing in the corridor before you, although calling it ‘standing’ might be a bit of a stretch. He’s not exactly stable on his feet.
You glance up and down the hallway to make sure that no one has seen him. “What are you doing here?”
Maverick is watching you with a squared jaw, as though he means to keep the purpose of his visit to himself. He breathes his frustration out through his nose before veering right into the doorframe.
“Sir!” you exclaim, grabbing a hold of his arm like you might have any chance of keeping him upright were he to topple over.
“Sir?” he murmurs, and you could smell the liquor on his breath. He catches your gaze now that you’re closer and, in another moment, his eyes begin to slip down your face before they finally close. “I told you,” he says, his mouth twitching as he grimaces. He pushes past you into the room.
You quickly close the door behind him, hoping nobody heard the commotion. Praying he’ll have the sense to keep his voice down.
But Maverick, it seems, isn’t nearly as concerned as you are about disturbing your neighbors. He rounds on you with a resentful expression and shakes his head. “I knew this would happen.”
You blink at him in confusion. “What?” you say. “What happened?”
“You happened,” Maverick says defeatedly. He takes a step toward you, his eyes flitting between yours as if he’s checking to see if you can relate.
But it’s a weekday and you had just drifted off to sleep when he’d started drumming on your door, so you’re not exactly following. You furrow your eyebrows. “I happened to what?” you ask.
Maverick watches you miserably, taking a step back now, as though he can’t decide which is worse: being closer or farther away from the source of all his troubles. “You two make a fine pair,” he manages to say, but not without a break in his voice.
You purse your lips, looking away from him. You’re not going to comfort a man who’s standing in his own way. After all, it was his decision not to be with you. Besides, Maverick brought his own date to the dinner, so you aren’t feeling overly sympathetic.
Maverick tears his gaze away from you and smacks a hand over his face. “What am I doing here, Lieutenant?”
It’s a fair question, to be sure; one you wouldn’t mind knowing the answer to, yourself. But you’re more immediately concerned about the consequences of Maverick’s unsanctioned visit to your quarters than the reasons behind it. “Maverick, it’s the middle of the night,” you say, shocked at how firm you sound despite the tremor travelling through you.
Maverick’s eyebrows converge and he shifts his jaw as his eyes well up with tears. “Yeah,” he whispers, nodding slowly.
“And you’re drunk,” you add when he takes a step toward you again.
“I am,” he admits, still in a whisper.
You ignore the stutter of your heart as he nears. “You can’t be here,” you warn.
He watches you wretchedly, giving his head a subtle shake. “I can’t,” he agrees.
You can hardly breathe when he finally stops before you, his soft eyes trailing down your face. His hand is coasting up the side of your neck before you even know what’s happening, and by the time his fingertips are hovering at the nape of your neck, you’re so lost in his gaze, it’s a miracle you’re still standing. Unsurprisingly, you aren’t in the state of mind to respond.
“I lied,” he says with a slight rasp despite the effort he’s exerting to steady his voice. “I think he’s terrible for you.”
You blink at him, taken aback. “Excuse me?”
“Sam,” he says. “He’s not the one.”
You pride yourself on your patience and understanding, even in trying circumstances; you’re not an unreasonable person by any means. But even you have limits. And, tonight, Maverick is testing every last one. “Are you the one?”
Maverick stares at you, his eyes swimming. Slowly, he shakes his head. “No, I’m not.”
You breathe out forcefully, astonished at his audacity. There is only so much you can let this man get away with. “Then, respectfully, shut the fuck up,” you hiss, pushing past him aggressively. You whip around sharply and point at the door. “Get out.”
The following afternoon in the briefing room, Maverick reviews the morning's flight footage with barely a look in your direction. He doesn’t even comment on the impulsive maneuver you pulled that left your partner confused and resulted in an uncoordinated hustle to regain momentum, costing your team valuable seconds that could have ended in tragedy were it a real dogfight.
Once the briefing is finished and the room begins to clear out, Maverick approaches your desk. “Can I have a minute, Lieutenant?” he asks in a subdued sort of tone.
You glance up at him grudgingly but don’t respond until the last of the pilots have left the room. “Is it about the Cobra Climb?” you ask monotonously.
“What?” He quirks his head in confusion before briefly closing his eyes and shaking his head. “No,” he says, and then adds, more emphatically, “No.” He lets out a heavy sigh and lifts a leg over the chair in front of your desk, sitting on it backwards to face you. “I want to apologize to you.”
You groan. “Not again.”
Maverick steals a glance at the door, ensuring that the two of you are still alone, and then he lays a hand over yours on the desk. “I’m sorry about last night. Showing up at your place – less than sober.” Maverick lowers his gaze with a disappointed frown. “I – I had no right. I have no right,” he says, looking back up at you. His eyes flit between yours imploringly, burdened with all the guilt he carries.
“Stop,” you say assertively, pulling your hand out from under his grasp. You can’t listen to another word. This entire relationship has been a series of failures in self-control, each one a ‘mistake’ in Maverick’s eyes for which he subsequently has taken full responsibility. You rise from your seat and gather your things mutely.
“Y/N,” he says hoarsely, standing up after you.
You shake your head. “I don’t need another apology, sir,” you say bitterly. “I just need some space.”
Maverick nods. “Of course,” he says. “And I’ve been denying you that – and I apologize –”
“I said, stop!” you exclaim, shooting him a threatening look.
Maverick trails you as you make your way to the door – the exact opposite of your request. You rush out of the briefing room, and he follows, not far behind. Thankfully, there’s no one in the hallway because he’s behaving irrationally, to say the least. He reaches for your arm and pulls you around to face him.
You gulp, staggering the moment you meet his gaze, the aching in his eyes undermining your determination.
“Let me finish,” he pleads in a whisper.
You exhale sharply. “Finish, then.”
Maverick slowly lets his hand fall away from your arm now that you’re no longer a flight risk and, this alone, hurts, because you want him to hold you forever. Even when you’re fuming, even when you’re yelling, even when you hate him.
“Seeing you,” he says slowly, evenly, as though he’s trying to compose himself as he’s talking. He takes a breath and tries again. “With another man –”
“Come on.” You scoff, even though your heart is already buzzing at the thrill of making Maverick jealous. “You can’t expect me to not date –”
“I don’t expect that,” he says. “Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.”
You think about the way you felt seeing him with Charlie and you’re instantly sorry for causing him that much pain, regardless of whether it was intentional or not.
“I was angry,” he says quietly. “At myself, mostly…” he trails off, moving his head to the side and lowering his gaze. “But also at you. And I blamed you for the way you make me feel.” He pulls his bottom lip under his teeth and grimaces. “But that’s not your fault,” he whispers shakily. “That’s on me.”
You bite into your lip to keep it steady. You wish you could look away because the devastation on his face is undoing you, but you aren’t strong enough. You take a step back and take a shuddering breath. “Please don’t look at me like that,” you say, your voice unsteady. You can barely get a grasp on his words because you’re too absorbed in his eyes.
Maverick’s eyebrows lift inward, as if your request has him concerned – or confused. “Like what?”
You roll your eyes – as if he doesn’t know like what. “Like that!” you respond as he takes a step toward you in alarm. “Just stop!” You sigh in frustration, unable to articulate your thoughts because his eyes are still commanding all of your attention.
“Where am I supposed to look?” he asks, agitated.
“It’s the way you’re looking at me,” you explain angrily.
“Are you listening to what I’m saying?” he asks urgently. “I need you to hear me.”
You shut your eyes and shake your head. “Enough, Maverick!” you exclaim.
Maverick stills immediately, watching you uneasily.
“You’ve been tiptoeing around me, treating me like I’m injured or in need of assistance –”
“I’m not –”
“You are and I’m tired of it. Why didn’t you call me out on the Cobra Climb?”
Maverick stares at you like you’re unhinged. “You want me to reprimand you?”
You let out a heavy sigh. “If you’re going to be my instructor – just my instructor – then instruct me. It was an idiot move and I shouldn’t have done it.”
“You were distracted –”
“You’re making excuses for me! Why?”
“Don’t question my teaching methods,” Maverick says in a low voice.
You scoff, shaking your head. “You’re afraid of confrontation so you’ve been avoiding me. You didn’t even think to give me a heads up about Charlie!”
Maverick narrows his eyes. “What about Charlie?”
“Whatever,” you grumble. “Just don’t stand here and proclaim that my bringing a date to the squadron dinner somehow threw you for a loop.”
Maverick studies you silently so you boldly meet his gaze. His jaw is set but there’s a tenderness in his eyes that nearly draws you in.
“Stop coddling me,” you say firmly.
You watch his Adam’s apple rise then fall as he gulps down whatever retort he decides to keep to himself. His jaw muscles contract once more as his eyes settle over your face.
You tear your gaze away. “And quit looking at me like you…” You sigh, unsure how to describe the inimitable combination of exasperation and affection you see in his eyes.
“Like what?” he asks, his voice rising in volume. You can tell that he’s becoming increasingly defensive as your blows continue.
You’re annoyed that he’s annoyed and you blurt the words out before you can stop yourself. “Like you’re in love with me or –”
You freeze. Stunned by the volume of his voice. Stunned by the emphatic delivery. Stunned at his words.
He turns away in a huff, placing one hand on his hip while the other is balled up into a fist at his mouth.
“This was your idea,” you say quietly as he slowly turns back to look at you. You aren’t the one who refuses to even try, and he needs to acknowledge that.
“I know,” he whispers, his eyes brimming with tears.
You clench your teeth to keep your mouth from trembling. “Then stop,” you implore.
He shakes his head, pulling his lips into a rigid line. “I don’t know how.”
Tag List:
The rest of the list will be the comments. Hope I got everyone, let me know if I missed you! As always, let me know if you no longer wish to be tagged in my works XOXO
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devoutekuna · 4 months
Bring your child to work
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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Sukuna doesn't have a job, you don't even know how he gets money. So he brings her to a village he recently raided, he sometimes raided them for resources or just for fun. Once he raided one just because he wasn't willing to pay for your pregnancy cravings. "Dad, this village is all burnt!" complaining at the sight of ash everywhere, kicking her foot through the charred grass blades. "Be quiet" glaring at his daughter as he walked away from her. He was trying to look for atleast a child to keep his daughter company. "Don't leave me!" Running up to him, he didn't understand how she could be scared when her father was the king of curses, plus it was broad daylight and no curse would dare get close to him.
"Let me come with you dad!" All dressed up in her father's clothes, frantically trying to tuck in the shirt, into her skirt. Stood Infront of the bathroom door, she had been awaiting her father to come out, walking out with a bottle of shaving foam in his hand. "You can't sweetheart" crouching down to say it, patting her head as a way to comfort her. She had gotten all dressed up by stealing her father's shirt and tie only to be rejected, even putting in his reading glasses to make her seem more professional. He knew for a fact that she wouldn't be coming with him to work, especially since he was on a mission today. Grabbing her by her shoulders as he dragged her out of the way. "Why not?" Begging for a chance. "Cause I said so" walking towards you.
Sat inside the office reading a book, he purposely didn't take any missions today so that his daughter thought that his job was boring and wouldn't ask again. "Dad, your work is boring!" Sat on the armchair beside him, she had nothing to do but wait for the 9 hours to pass. "I told you that" letting her sit through her actions.
Geto has his daughter stand behind the curtains whilst he talks to his followers, not wanting her to hear anything he has to say, especially what would come after he gets mad. He has a personal servant bring her noise cancelling headphones when he starts to get annoyed. Crouching beside her as they played a game, she was so clueless to what her beloved father was doing. Murdering the so-called 'monkeys' of society. "When is my daddy done?" Pats on the head, despite having the headphones on she could recognise that from anywhere. "Right here princess" retracting his hand as he picked her up. Taking the headphones off, dropping them into the servant's hand as he walked off. "Hi daddy!"
When Gojo isn't busy, he's either at home with you or teaching his students, unfortunately for them, they were on a mission already. So he was just laying around in his office. "Dad I'm bored" sat on the sofa opposite him. "So am I" slouching in his chair, there was nothing to do. Even his second year students were on a mission. "Let's go see Nanamin" dragging his son out of his office, searching around the campus just to find the blond. Sat in one of the many lounge rooms. A sigh depleting from his mouth as he heard the voice of the strongest. "What is it now?" Refusing to look up from the book. "Nanamin!" Your son knew who Nanami was due to the many times that Gojo dropped him off on the campus when he went on missions. Despite his many times to stop Gojo's son from calling him 'nanamin' it never worked out since he was so much like his father. "We've come to see you!" Sitting down opposite him. "Are you sure you haven't come to drop your son off?" Receiving the snarky comment was like a bullet to the chest, but he was wrong this time.
Toji wasn't officially employed, he was basically unemployed but he always acted like he was employed since he brought in good amounts of money. "Papa I want to help" kicking her little legs as she sat playing with one of the weapons. Her father was currently discussing the new target he had, redacting any words that she may pick up on. "No" Shiu carried on rambling on about the prices he would get if it was under a specific time. "Why not!?" Slapping the poor man with the weapon, fortunately it was blunt, just like playful cloud. "Cause you'll get in my way" ripping the weapon from her hands, putting it back inside the worm. Scrunching up her face as soon as she heard the harsh reality, "Mr Shiu would let me come!" Trying to prove her point even more. "No I wouldn't" he should be smoking right now but didn't for the courtesy of your kid, patting the girl's head as they walked out. Toji following behind him, chuckles could be heard as they left.
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lust4life01 · 6 months
literally anything with donnie is fine! just wanted to tell you how much i love your writing too!! :)
Awe thank you sm qt!! I whole heartedly appreciate that, it means so much to me💘 This is a little rushed <3
Baby, Sit.
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(Not my image!!). 18+
Warnings!!- Enemies to Lovers, Jealousy, dom x sub, smut, oral (m receiving), fingering, slight chocking, possession and teasing.
Dom Donnie x f/reader
(Donnie and reader are both 18!) Disclaimer/ this is purely fantasy, if somebody is cruel to you irl it does not mean they like you, they’re scum :)
Summary: You were hired by Rose and Eddie Darko to baby sit for their youngest child Samantha, little did you know you would be sitting for some else.
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Being an eighteen year old student, you were painfully broke, so when your mother had referred you to her friend to baby sit, you immediately accepted.
When your mother had told you the name of the woman who’s child you would be looking after you felt a wave of anxiety rush through you.
Rose Darko. As in the parent of Donnie Darko.
You and Donnie had been in the same school, you were the same age. And unfortunately you couldn’t stand him and vice versa. There was something about the pair of you that didn’t work. He was always so uptight and had to be right about everything, it was infuriating. There was one main factor that contributed to the continuous clash between the two of you, which was the fact you dated his best friend up until pretty recently. You hadn’t seen Donnie since then considering you had no reason to be around each other anymore but the thought of seeing him again made you want to scream into a pillow.
Whenever you two would be in the same vicinity he would just straight up ignore your presence or when he did acknowledge you he would be blunt and snappy. You had no idea why but this lead to a lot of animosity between the two of you.
So when your mother had told you you would be babysitting for Samantha Darko you immediately wanted to call up Rose and tell her you wouldn’t be able to do it. However you were pretty broke and you assured yourself you probably wouldn’t see Donnie, not if there was no one to baby sit his younger sister. Plus what was you supposed to tell her? Sorry I can’t watch your child that I’ve already agreed to watch because your son hates me? Yeah no.
“Hey (y,n) yeah we’ll be gone for a couple hours but we left some money for pizza.” Mrs Darko told you as you stood in their kitchen.
You already knew Samantha from when she would bug Donnie at school and run up to the friend group. She was a sweet kid and she liked you well enough so that definitely eased your nerves.
“Okay great, does Samantha need to be in bed by a specific time.” You asked sweetly, knowing full well you’d probably let her stay up regardless.
“Um nope just not too late and by the time we get home. Oh and she has homework to do.”
Rose sterling looked at Samatha as a warning.
“Boringgg.” Samantha protested whilst stood directly by your side.
“Okay well we’ll see you later, have fun” Eddie spoke as they made their way out of the door.
Rose returned and popped her head into the door before leaving .
“Oh (y,n) I’m sure Donnie will be glad to see you again.” She smiled and quickly left before you could even form a response.
Your mind paced. Was Donnie supposed to be here? Why did they need a babysitter then? Did they know you two used to be in the same friendship group? Had he mentioned you? Was it negative? Did he express how much he hated you? Would you actually see him again?
“Can you paint my nails?” Samantha snapped you from your spiral of anxious thoughts.
You turned to her and smiled. “Of course”
You had painted her nails, watched her dance rehearsals and told her how good she was, ordered pizza and now you were helping her with her homework.
She had to write about the character of Pony boy Curtis from ‘The Outsider’ by S.E Hinton.
You had loved studying this book when you was her age and literature in general. So it was absolutely no bother helping her complete her assignment.
“Well, he’s obviously very different and unique to the other characters which can be inferred through-“
You were cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing.
“Pizza, thank God!” Samantha cried out holding her hands together.
Laughing at her childhood silliness you walked over and opened the front door with cash in your hand, your stomach very exited to finally eat.
However, you were not laughing when you opened the door to someone that was not the pizza delivery man. In fact you no longer felt hunger but complete nausea. Instead a tallish guy with dark hair and piercing blue eyes stood on the other side. Donnie.
You didn’t say anything, just moved to the side to let him through. He didn’t say anything either. Simply walked past as if you weren’t there, the smell of cigarettes trailing behind him.
“Ugh it’s just my stupid brother, not pizza” Samantha whined.
Donnie pulled a face at her as he made his way through the house.
“Hey Sam, when she goes home tonight, Freddie Kruger is gonna craw out from under your bed.” He teased through a creeping voice, obviously trying to upset her.
Samantha in her upset state, Freddie Kruger clearly being a touchy subject, yelled out whist nearly in tears
He then made his way over to her homework and scoffed, picking up her copy of The Outsiders and mumbled “mediocre.”
He then proceeded upstairs, leaving the minute he’d managed to make someone else feel bad. Typical.
You rolled your eyes at his cruelty. Of course she wouldn’t be reading fucking Dostoevsky at her age.
Remembered what it was like being in an English class with Donnie gave you a headache. He had great ideas but god forbidden you had an opposing idea. He would scoff and roll his eyes. It drove you crazy. He wasn’t always like that thought, at one point he used to encourage your ideas and even swap notes with you.
You were cut from your thoughts once again when the door bell went again, fortunately this time the pizza man was the one on the other side.
Sam ate some pizza, you no longer felt hungry but you did eventually managed to calm Sam down. The pair of you just chatted about whatever she wanted. She was telling you about some childish drama in her friendship group and you nodded your head pretending like it wasn’t the funniest shit you’d ever heard. Childhood drama is always hilarious when you’re no longer a child.
Despite being distracted by Sam, you kept thinking about the boy upstairs. “Do you think your brothers eaten?”
Sam shrugged her shoulders “who cares?” annoyance laced in her voice at the mention of her older brother.
You said nothing and proceeded with her homework.
Once she had finally finished she was ready to sleep. Her expression exhausted and she yawned after almost every word of her sentence.
“I’m- not even like- that- tired.”
You giggled at her before telling her she should probably head up to bed but you did promise to braid her hair first.
“Thanks for keeping me company (y,n), you were always my favourite out of Donnie’s friends” she smiled and hugged you at the bottom of the staircase.
The word ‘friend’ lingered for a while in your head. It was true, you were friendly at a time. It sucked because he felt good to be around for a time.
You stayed downstairs as she marched off to bed, whispered a sweet “goodnight” as she made her way to bed.
There was still around an hour and a half until Eddie and Rose were supposed to be home and you hadn’t seen anything of Donnie since he had come home. It was weird, you felt like you hated him but you also wanted to be around him. You especially wanted to know why he hated you. A part of you hoped that maybe he’d go back to his old self but instead you pushed him into the back of your mind and stared to clean up a little.
Once you had cleared up you sat onto the couch and grabbed a book from your bag and stared to read. You only had a few chapters left so decided to try and finish them tonight.
You were so drawn into the book that you didn’t realise a familiar figure loomed behind you. Donnie stood behind the couch reading over your shoulder. After a couple second of you not noticing his presence, he leaned down to your ear.
“Good choice.”
You jumped and your head snapped round to Donnie, almost slapping him out of instinct as a small yelp slipped past your lips.
“What the fuck Donnie. I could have woken up your sister. What’s wrong with you?”
His face was close to yours, and a small smile crept onto his face as he watched your second of distress. “Hello to you too (y,n)”
“Why are you being so friendly? Thought you couldn’t stand me?” You asked with your brows furrowed and your tone daring. You weren’t even with his stupid friend anymore so you had no clue why he was still such a dick.
“I’ve never said that.”
His answer was short and blunt but he had that smug grin on his face. Not one that radiated happiness or flirtation but something else. Power maybe? Like a wolf who had corned a bunny and laughed hysterically as it tried to escape.
You didn’t try to escape from him though. You kept your eyes locked onto his, not daring to dart your eyes away as a sign of weakness.
“You didn’t have to.”
He however did not have any snarky remarks in response. Instead he made his way round to the spot on the couch next to you and snatched the book from your hands.
“Ah 1984. George Orwell. You know when I tried to explain to your small minded boyfriend. Oh no. Ex-boyfriend, the concept of this book it was exhausting.” He rolled his eyes dramatically with that mean playful look on his face.
Why on earth was he doing this? Mentioning your ex boyfriend, calling his own friend small minded, even speaking to you. You racked your brain on why he was doing this. Sure you had known he hated you but that usually manifested itself through his lack of interest in engaging with you or his need to argue with everything you ever said. Now it was like he was taunting you by giving you this almost flirtatious, slightly sadistic attention. It was so odd but so hypnotising.
“But then again, I never did understand why he was with someone like you.”
You couldn’t tell if that was a compliment or an insult. Someone like you? What exactly did that entail.
“What are doing Donnie?”
Your brows were furrowed slightly and your eyes a little sad, completely fed up of trying to work out his cruel ways, or even justify them to yourself.
You and Donnie had been somewhat friends before you started dating his best friend, but as soon as you did he became a new person. When you’d occasionally chat in the library about whatever book you were studying he’d always smile or when you’d catch each other on the way home and he’d be a little awkward but totally engaged with whatever you were saying, it was nice. That all came to a stop when his friend had started to pay you attention. You thought maybe Donnie felt as though you’d stolen his best friend and for that you did truly feel sorry.
You were now face to face in the dimly light room. Just a lamp illuminated the two faces.
“What were you doing (y,n)?”
He was no longer smug but he had caught and attitude with you. There something underlying in this anger in his voice. A deep irritation sat on his tongue.
“What do you want me to say Donnie? Sorry I didn’t live up to the expectation of being your friends dream girl, or sorry that you felt abandoned by him?
He shook his head and let out a hysterical laugh. As if your words were a pathetic joke.
“Ugh (y,n) I honestly thought you were smarter than this. I didn’t give a fuck about losing ‘crucial friend time’” He mocked.
“It frustrated me that someone as smart as you would even consider giving someone like that your time of day. Someone who you couldn’t converse with about anything slightly philosophical or opinions on a new book or poetry, because ‘books are useless, or ‘metaphors are stupid’. Mimicking his best friends voice as he spoke.
You said nothing. You were speechless and your brain hurt from trying to work him out. You just thought to yourself after his little outburst. Then it hit you. Was this jealousy?
“Why do you care so much Donnie? It’s not like I could talk about poetry or a new fucking book with you. You wouldn’t even talk to me.”
You snapped back, testing him. Was he truly jealous of not you, but your ex?
You were both still face to face. Inches away from each other.
“Only after you climbed into bed with someone who didn’t deserve you.” His voice was assertive and filled with envy yet his voice was low.
The realisation on how close you two had gotten finally hit the both of you. You were staring at him with your lips slightly parted and a slight confusion brushed your features. Why did you find this hot? God, you told yourself this was wrong but the sound of jealousy in his voice made your chest heave with excitement.
The sound of your heart beat was loud, it felt as though your heart had been placed to your ear. His lips were so close to yours. But you were upset, with another overwhelming feeling aching in your chest. Lust?
His eyes were still fixed on yours. “It should have been my bed you were climbing in.”
He brought his fingers up to your jaw possessively.
The two big black holes that had replaced his usual pupils drew you in. His eyes trailed down to your slightly parted lips. There was a part of you that wanted to cry and shout at him for being such a dick, but you couldn’t. It was like you had been hypnotised. Or maybe you’d just awoken from the trance you’d been under. This complete and utter blindness towards Donnie’s feeling towards you, or yours for him.
Amongst your silence he crashed his lips to yours. The kiss was hard and desperate. He pushed his tongue past your lips and you let a small moan slip. His hands cupped either side of your jaw as his teeth sank into your bottom lip.
A small hiss left your lips at the sharp pain that send a shock through your body. Donnie’s hand trailed down from your jaw to neck and his hand slowly snaked it’s way around to your throat. He added a little pressure, not enough to hurt you but just enough to make you feel everything more intensely whilst his other hand brought some hair behind your ear.
He pulled away from the kiss, keeping his hand exactly as they were and just admired the mess of emotions plastered along your face. Anger, confusion, fear and lust. To him you looked like a beautiful oil painting, so many different things happening at once and he got to be the observer. The artist even, controlling what you felt next.
“Donnie” You whispered.
“Shh baby. I’ve got you now.” There was an element of comfort in his voice but mainly possession. A wider grin played on his face as he said those words, violently bringing his lips to yours once again.
The feeling of his long fingers inching closer up skirt and thighs made you want to cry out and tell him exactly where to touch you. But you didn’t.
The slight pressure from his veiny hand wrapped around your neck and the near brushes to your clit through your underwear, were getting you so worked up.
“Donnie, please.” you whispered against his lips, your voice quiet and needy.
He practically growled in response “Oh now you want me? Such a slut.”
As you whimpered underneath his tough he chucked into your ear. “Bet he couldn’t make you feel this good.”
You came quickly under his palm, your head was a mess. There was so many emotions running through, it was like ecstasy. He was a drug.
“Mhm, good girl. If only you hadn’t been so stupid, could have had this ages ago.”
He pulled his fingers out of you and brought them to your lips.
Taking them into your mouth and swirling your tongue around his fingers while he starred at you intently, made him throb hard.
Snatching his fingers from your lips he grabbed your jaw harshly.
“Now be a good girl and sit.” He motioned to the spot on the floor between his legs. “Cmon baby, sit.”
You obligated, desperate to hear him feel good. Desperate to win his approval by being the cause of his pleasure.
Sat on your knees in between his thighs, he sat on the couch and wiped the mess from the corners of your mouth with his hand. The same hand in which his fingers had been inside you.
Reaching for his zipper, his hand caught your wrist tightly as he peered down at you.
“Did I say you can touch me?” From your angle he looked so much bigger than he was.
You huffed out a small whine, “Please can I touch you Donnie. Please?” You looked up at him with doe eyes, it used to work on him when you wanted him to do something for you. Usually homework. And it did.
He now brought his lips in between his teeth, admiring how pretty you looked on your knees.
He nodded his head and you quickly undid his zipper and brought his jeans down to his ankles.
The hard erection confined to his underwear made your mouth melt. You kissed him over his tight underwear and he groaned quietly.
Staring up at him innocently, he nodded his head, giving you permission to take off his underwear. Immediately you pulled down his underwear and grab him by his base.
You licked him from his hard base to his red tip and started to kitten lick around the top of his cock.
Donnie breathed heavily and grabbed your hair into a make shift pony tail roughly.
“Stop teasing (y,n) or I swear-“
The warning was enough for you to cut him off by taking him into your mouth suddenly. You bobbed your head and licked his veins as his grip on your hair got tighter.
“Fuck. Gonna cum soon. Look at me.”
He pushed you onto his dick deeper, it violently hitting the back of your throat as your eyes watered.
The sight sent him over the edge, shooting his cum down your throat as you swallowed submissively.
He let go of your hair and offered his hands to help you up, once again wiping away the mess he’d made from your lips with his finger.
“It was nice to see you again (y,n).”
(Not proof read) 🙏
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binniesbooks · 2 months
hi my fayebae~ since u said u loved the car clip of soobin, here’s one for u to write ur heart away!! (U can of course choose whether u wanna do it or not no pressure!! Im just sending since its at the top of my mind rn, ahh n im sorry for so many request i usually dont send anyt in but🥹i didnt think it would be this fun to see my request coming to life uk but i digress)
idk whether u would like this but:
bf!soobin x gf!brat!reader
they got into an argument and stuff but soobin who still loves his gf comes n picks her up after (cheerleading?prac of some sorts)
Otw home… reader gives the cold shoulder to soob, not talking thru out the entire journey? So soob decides to take a detour n drives to somewhere that doesnt have many ppl looking in the night.
They start talking n tried to resolve whatever their fighting abt, one thing led to another, well reader is giving him a bj!!(the rest of the smut is up to u!!)
inspired by that soob clip of course~ have fun love💗
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SB 000 .F23 2024
wc 3.7k
pairings bf!Soobin x bratgf!reader
warnings oral sex, semi-public, unprotected sex, slight brat taming, being almost caught, pet names (+ anything that I missed)
faye's note this clip was on my mind 24/7. And after receiving it I got excited making this one out but I'm not sure if it turned out good because my mind was kinda occupied with thesis shit. Omfg. Anyways, I hope it isn't dry tho 😔
Conflict is an inevitable part of any relationship, be it familial, platonic, or romantic. Arguments can arise from misunderstandings, unmet expectations, or simply the simple things from daily life. Recently, you found yourself in a heated disagreement with Soobin, your boyfriend.
The sun hung low one afternoon, casting golden lights through the window. You were sprawled on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through your phone. Soobin on the other hand, who had just come home from a busy day at university, was busy, again, in the kitchen, occasional noises of clicks and clangs of utensils on pots and pans plus the opening and closing of the faucet can be heard.
You overheard him murmur "Yeah, dinner for two," as he clicked his tongue. You felt a strange pang of irritation swell within you. It wasn't about him or the meal he was preparing, it was you. You actually promised him you would help out, maybe even cook together, but here you were, scrolling on your phone.
You stood up as you trudged to the kitchen, arms crossed as you leaned on the sink. "You didn't have to do all this," you stood feigning nonchalance as you bit your cheek to not show the guilt you were feeling. "You could have asked me for help."
"Oh?" He looked at you with disappointment, "I thought you were busy checking social media," his blunt reply and harsh tone made your ears hot out of irritation. "I didn't want to interrupt your 'important' scrolling."
The sarcasm was too emphasized and it stung more than you expected. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Your eyebrows furrowed as you met with his gaze. "Nothing! I just thought maybe you'd care enough to have some initiative or something. We both agreed to share the chores. I was tired the whole day only to come back home without even eating a single thing." His voice raised with frustration as he threw down the spatula.
"I was going to help!" Your voice was quite high as you tried to cover how you abandoned your promise. "Oh yeah? I was out all day to finish my projects. And there you were scrolling through your phone." He said as he crumpled the apron he was wearing and threw it also on the table.
"You know what, Soobin? Maybe I don't always want to help! Maybe I want a day off too!" You felt the tension suffocating the air around you. Your heart raced but you're too afraid you're wrong.
"That's fucking selfish!" His voice rose, echoing in the confines of the kitchen. "You can't just say you want a break when we agreed to support each other!" He even added. "Fine! I guess we don't need any support then!" You turned on your heel as if fleeing away would help erase the hurtful things that had been said.
"Hey, y/n! Where are you going!" He called but you did not even take a glance. He called you multiple times but his voice just faded out as you were stomping your way to the bedroom.
That night, you didn't come out for dinner. Your mind was in a whirlwind of regret and stubborn pride. Soobin had a point, you were just lazing around that time, however, you don't want to accept that it was your fault. That same night, he didn't come into the room. Your shared bed feels so empty, but you can't just bring yourself to ask for an apology.
Later that morning, you tiptoed your way out. Still too early that your boyfriend was still sleeping, uncomfortably by the way, on the couch. You just grabbed bread and water and went out.
You two always ride his car to go to school. But this time you were determined not to ask for a simple apology and went out by yourself instead. And yes, you were planning to walk to school for your practice. However, some guy passed by and let you ride their car. Since you know the one who offered you a ride, you accepted the offer. It was Kai anyway, aside from being in Soobin's circle of friends, he was part of your cheerleading team.
"Why are you walking so early in the morning? Where's Soobin?" He asked out of curiosity.
"I don't know, maybe somewhere." You answered as you rolled your eyes, still being stubborn. "Are you two fighting?" Kai chuckled as he watched your actions while the traffic light was still red.
"We broke up." You nonchalantly remarked. Well, that was supposed to be a joke, and you never thought that Kai would actually believe those words.
"Woah shit! You what?" He was really startled at what you said as he covered his mouth while keeping the other on the wheel. You just laughed at him as you took the last bite of the bread.
Your whole Saturday went on like the usual cheerleading practice days. But since your mind is still in a whirlwind of pride, you couldn't focus. Causing you to crash multiple times while practicing. You were even scolded by your coach and instructors telling you that you looked like your mind flying or some sort. You just rolled your eyes at them whenever they turn their backs to you.
For that reason, you got hurt, earning yourself a few scratches here and there. You didn't even bother at all. Kai on the other hand, took the chance to treat your scratches. You're still not aware that he actually took your words this morning to heart and mind.
"It's just a scratch, Kai. No need to create a big fuss." You chuckled as he handed you a few bandages.
"Still, scratches can cause infection." He defended himself.
"Fine fine, you win." You sighed in defeat.
You two shared each other's company during lunch that day. You could even tell that many eyes are watching you -- no, most probably judging you at this point. Nonetheless, you just shrugged it off and enjoyed Kai's company instead. Not knowing that this could fuel some bigger fire. Fire that Kai holds, and fire that your boyfriend holds.
Since Soobin was not on the campus that day, he just stayed at home. He can't even contact you since you purposely left your phone. He was just cleaning all day. Just decluttering everything at home. He knows you're practicing today anyway. The only difference is that he usually accompanies you to school and waits for you until practice is done and brings you home, but now, he's just at home busying himself with the chores. He just planned to fetch you later this afternoon and treat you to some restaurant to make it up to you since he feels sorry about raising his voice at you.
"Let's wrap up here today." Your coach shouts as he reminds the assigned cleaners to clean the gymnasium before going home.
"Ugh! Cleaning this whole gymnasium sucks!" You complained, picking up the materials your team has used.
"Anyway, why are you still here? You're not on the list to clean today, right?" You were pertaining to the young boy tailing you. He smiled as he scratched the back of his head, "I want to offer you a ride home." His voice was barely above a whisper.
"Don't you have like, any other things to do?" You asked, counting the pompoms before storing them in the box.
"Don't have any." Kai shook his hand as he took the box from your hand and headed to the facility room.
As soon as you and the other were done cleaning, you immediately headed out, Kai insisted on carrying your cheerleading bag. Once again, eyes were gawking at the two of you. You can hear a few of them mumbling but you still ignored it.
Kai opened his car door to let you in. But before you could even step foot inside, someone spoke which made you stop in your tracks. "Where are you headed to?" You turn around to see Soobin as he brings his window down.
"O-oh Soobin hyung." Soobin nods at the younger boy to notice his existence, his elbow hanging at the open window.
You quickly retreat as you grab your bag from Kai. "I-i thought..." Kai stammered as he looked at you. "I was just messing with you Kai, it's not real." You sighed. "What did she say?" Soobin interrupted as he turned to you. You're just a millisecond late to cover Kai's mouth as the words slip out. "She said that you two broke up." Soobin snapped his head towards the younger, a smirk forming on his lips. "Did she?" Kai just nods, still clueless. "Get in," Soobin commanded over you. "I'll take her home, be safe, Kai," Soobin says as he closes the window, whistling.
The whole drive is deafening in silence. You can't hear anything except the faint music playing on the car radio.
"Wow, did we actually break up?" Soobin states with unbelief as he taps his fingers on the wheels.
You were still saying nothing. "Y/n, seriously, are you still mad at me? You didn't even eat last night." He sighed as he continuously threw you glances. Both of your hands were properly curled up in a ball above your thighs clutching your short skirt as you stared outside the window. Looking at whatever unpleasant view outside that seems interesting to you.
The once bright clouds turned darker. "Is it gonna rain? I thought I checked the weather news before I went out." Soobin whispers, changing the stations to listen to the news.
The raindrops started to fall on the car window, drizzling softly as it made the glass cold. "Grab my jacket in the backseat." Soobin talks to you again, but you're not even giving him a single glance.
Soobin messages his temple, "I wanted to take you to a restaurant tonight to make it up to you, but it looks like it's pouring really hard. I'm sorry y/n, just please talk to me." He's totally losing his patience at this point as if he's gonna burst again but tried his very best not to go over the top. He regretted raising his voice yesterday so much.
The once-familiar view of the road becomes foreign to your eyes. You turned to Soobin, looking at his unusual demeanor. If he'd been talking so much earlier, his lips were totally shut now. You wanted to speak and ask him where he was bringing you or what was wrong but you stopped yourself. Whatever will be, will be, you thought to yourself.
The rain started pouring harder, and the once busy road you were on looked empty now. Thunder clasps from far away making a rumbling sound. You try to rub your shoulder to create friction to keep your body warm. You're starting to feel cold and Soobin hasn't thrown you a glance nor commented anything at you.
He suddenly pulled up on the roadside, and the light from the lamp post dimly flickered inside the car.
"Not gonna lie, I felt like a dumb ass talking to a wall earlier." His eyes met yours for a while before you averted your gaze. He grabs his jacket and hands it to you, "Wear this, you must be cold. I just realized, your skirt is too short, and your tank top is too thin, at that." He eyes you up and down as you wear his jacket.
"This is fucking crazy." He mumbled as he pulled his hair.
"Y/n, baby, look, I'm really sorry for raising my voice at you, hm? I was just really tired last night." He gently placed his hand above yours on your thighs.
Your eyes were following a few cars passing by as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. You felt Soobin hold your face gently. "Baby, please look at me. I'm not used to this. You know me." Soobin's eyes were practically begging. He couldn't stand you giving him the cold shoulder.
The truth is you were just afraid. You're afraid to admit you had acted selfishly. Afraid of facing him after a petty argument over something so trivial.
"I just want you to talk to me," he caresses your cheeks, words so gentle and comforting, "I can't fix this if you won't talk to me."
Soobin pulls you in for a hug, warming up your heart. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, surrendering to him and putting down your stubborn pride. You mumbled a soft sorry as he gently rubbed your back. You let your arms move freely, as you return the hug to Soobin.
"Please don't do this again to me." He kissed your forehead. "I'm sorry for raising my voice, baby. I'm sorry for making you feel upset at me." Soobin's probably the sweetest guy you could ever ask for. He can make you feel loved and appreciated, but of course, you're just stubborn and bratty at times, which makes him wanna lose his temper.
Soobin pulls away, showering your face with a hundreds of kisses. You can't help but giggle at his actions."I didn't mean to shut you out." You mumbled with a pout. "You don't look sincere." Soobin commented which made you pout more. He chuckled as he pulled you in for a kiss.
The kiss felt soft and gentle. That's why you had no idea, why he was shoving his tongue inside your mouth. He bit your lip with a little harshness making you push him away. "Oww! What was that!" You complained. Soobin simply smirked at you. "I'm asking for an apology and forgiving you for one, but not the other issue." His smirk turns to a frown. "Soobin I can explain that..." Your heart began to race, thumping so hard you could feel it in your throat.
"Why don't we use that pretty little mouth of yours on something else good, yeah? Instead of giving people an opening to pounce on you." His eyes scream anger and lust at the same time.
"What do you mean?" You asked clueless. "What do I mean? You really want to hear the exact words?" Soobin taunted. "I don't get what you are saying." You shook your head. "I'm telling you that you just made an opening to let Kai pounce on you. Are you that dense, that you don't even know he likes you?" You were shocked at what Soobin just revealed to you. You opened your mouth to answer only for him to cut you off.
"Or don't tell me you wanted it all along?" He scoffs. "Soobin don't talk like that --" "Don't talk like what, doll? Aren't you the one who told him we're over?"
That's it, those words pushed you over the edge, switching your bratty side once more. "Okay, so what? What if I wanted it all along?" Your voice raised once more. "Kai is a good guy, plus he knows how to take care of someone he likes." You pushed Soobin's chest away from you. Soobin scoffed again, brushing his tongue inside his cheek.
"And I can tell --"
"Backseat. Or else --"
"Or else what? Huh? Are you gonna order me around again? Raise your voice over me again?" You taunt.
"I said backseat, you brat." He fixed his gaze on you and held your wrist.
His words are firm and strong which makes the hair on your neck stand up. He unbuckled his seatbelt and shifted the gear to park, leaving the car idle and the headlights on. You have no choice. You crawled your way to the backseat. you squeezed yourself to fit and pass by the center console. Soobin followed quickly, making his way through the front and back doors. As soon as he settled in the backseat, he ruffled his hair to whisk away some water from the rain.
Your eyes waver as you avert your gaze from him. His hand squeezed both your cheeks, "My patience is running low from your actions, doll. You're making it worse."
Soobin pulled you on his lap. You were almost covering him with how big his jacket you were wearing. His surname is written in big fonts.
He hiked up your skirt only to find out you had nothing underneath other than thin panties. Soobin scoffs, "Don't tell me you were gonna ride Kai's car with just this?" You bit your lip as you placed your hands on his shoulder when he started to rub you with your panties still on.
Soobin clearly knows how to make your knees weak. With just a simple touch and you're back to square one from being a brat. He pulled your panties off slowly without breaking the eye contact. His brows are still furrowed and you can still feel his anger.
"Let's see if you'd still want to ride his car after getting out of mine." He clicked his tongue and licked his finger, pushing two at the same time. Your mouth hung open as you squirm. "S-soob..." You can't talk straight, no, you don't wanna talk actually, but he has his ways to make you open your mouth. "How is it? Still wanna ride his car?" A sly smirk tugging on his lips. In which you replied with just a shake of your head.
"I'm close..." You whispered, biting your lips, watching how his fingers disappears and appears in your cunt. You shudder with the sensation, your high coming to you. But Soobin pulled his fingers out. You whined, hiding your face on his neck as you grind yourself above him.
Soobin's too focused on making you say the word sorry for the said issue. He did not even expect you'll act bratty once again after just apologizing for what happened yesterday.
He gripped your waist. "Stop moving or you'll not gonna cum for 1 week." Hearing this, you whine once more. You can't stand that punishment at least. But instead of getting the words out of your mouth, Soobin wasn't prepared for your action of apology.
You unzip his pants and slowly stroke him. Your face is still hidden in the crook of his neck. Planting soft kisses on his shoulder blade to his neck.
"Doll." His voice is warning yet you didn't budge, with only a small "please let me" coming out of your mouth.
His hand rubbed your back up and down, slipping them inside your top. Your skin is burning to his palm.
"What's with you, huh?" He asked, but he clearly knows you'd rather act like his little slut than let the five-letter word out of your pretty mouth.
You pulled back, squeezing your body once again on the small space between his legs. "Fuck-- just stop giving him signs -- ohh shit!" Soobin clearly shows his frustration at how he grips on the door. You gave him a few kitten licks and swirled your tongue on the tip of his cock making him jolt.
He looks down at you, meeting your eyes, "Fuck, is the word too much for you to say?" You took him whole the moment he spit those words making him thrust up a bit and lean back his head on the headrest.
"Ahh!" His breathy moans filled the car, making the glass foggy despite the rain and cold atmosphere outside. His hands tangled in your hair as you bobbed your head slowly.
You whimpered at how his cock pulsated on your tongue and how his tip kissed your throat. He gently caresses your cheeks as he holds them. You automatically leaned on his hand as you let him fuck your mouth.
His eyes were tightly closed. Lower lip trapped between his teeth. One hand on your cheek to hold you and the other firmly gripping the door to keep himself grounded.
"Baby fuck!" With one last thrust, he's cumming in your mouth. Draining himself on your wet and hot lips.
His heavy pants were the only thing that could be heard inside the car. Not until you hear a knock on the window. You quickly scrambled up your way to the seat as you sat properly, Soobin shoving his shirt down to cover his exposed length.
He opened the window slowly. "Is everything fine? You're hazard is switched on." A police officer said with an umbrella in hand, roaming his eyes inside the car. He even added that he was just passing by and noticed the car had switched on the hazard.
"I'm sure I didn't put the car on hazard though., must be when I got out.." Soobin mumbles, "But everything is fine, we just need to talk something out."
"Take care then, it's pouring hard." The officer apologized before going back to his car.
You looked at Soobin, fear evident on your face. You were doing things in a semi-public place but here you are, totally scared of getting caught. Soobin chuckled at you.
"Can you turn off the hazard light?" He appealed. You propped yourself on top of the center console to reach for the hazard button. But seems like some other button is getting pressed instead, as your hands retreat back to cover your mouth.
Soobin's tongue is licking your exposed cunt. Eating you out while you're still on the center console.
"S-soob, wait.." you tried your best to appeal to him but he did not budge. He continued shoving his tongue inside you. He then gently pulled you back to his lap, slowly sinking you down on his cock.
One of his hands lightly squeezes your neck, the other one pulling one of your hands back. He stopped you from covering your mouth as he continuously thrusts upward.
"Tight.. so tight..." He mumbles at your nape. "Pussy so good for me."
"M-more please." You quietly pleaded as you tried moving your hips. "Someone's eager to be filled." He commented back. "W-wanna be full of you, Soobin." You're feeling lightheaded at how he's squeezing your neck. He can't help but leave hickeys on your shoulder as he thrusts harder.
"I'm gonna get you pregnant at this point," he huffed. "D-don't care, w-want you," your words are slurred as you lean back on his chest.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" No other words just curses, was coming out of his mouth as he felt his cum being released.
You were totally breathless, your body slumped on him, his cock still twitching and pulsating inside your cunt. Soobin is totally worn out, dipping his head down on your shoulder.
"Let's stay like this for five minutes then we'll go home." He mumbled.
@binniesbooks 2024
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zoldsick · 1 month
A Dare
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First kiss HC! - Zoro is confused about his feelings toward you and a silly dare shakes him out of his uncertainty. *edit* Full Story Here
-You had recently joined the Strawhats and Zoro had been nothing but cold to you
-You couldn't tell if it was distrust or hate, but he was always glaring at you
-Zoro was up in the bird nest sulking Ussop had tried to get him to come down and play with the rest of the crew, but he was too busy nursing his bottle and keeping an eye on the horizon. 
-But he is distracted by the sound of your silly dares and games, even his drinking couldn't tune you out
-In other words, he was utterly confused and in denial about his feelings that were brewing for you
-He cursed at himself when he heard you laughing
-He really wanted to make your voice in particular stop
-Suddenly there is an uproar in the middle of the deck, so discretely, he listens in
-It was just a silly drinking game
-You had been the one to introduce the game to the Strawhats
-It was always fun, there's drinking, challenges, and punishments. What more can you ask for? 
-You had lost the most recent drinking game and it was Nami who was dealing out your punishment 
-Nami had quite the dare: As the newest member of the crew, you had to show your gratitude by giving one of the Strawhats a kiss
-"I'll even be nice and let you choose who. Though I think the answer is easy enough" - Nami batted her eyelashes at you
-You immediately become uncomfortable and blush, you don't like the idea
- “I don't know if I’m comfortable with a… kiss”
-You tried to object but the crew pushed on, It's just a little kiss! It's a game! It's Fun! 
-Reluctantly you are forced to admit to the crew that you are not exactly experienced in that department
-Robin outright asked, with little tact, "Have you ever kissed anyone?" 
-Your blush was all they needed to see
-The Strawhats dissolve into disarray 
-each member trying to prove why they deserve to receive your kiss, besides Luffy and Chopper who sat back and laughed at their antics. 
-Sanji was in hysterics, nose bleeding, begging to be the one to bestow a first kiss
-Nami claimed since she was the one who instated the dare, it should be her. 
-Robin and Franky argued their life experience makes them most suitable for the job
-Ussop claimed to be the best kisser in all of Syrup Village. 
-The crew, screaming on top of each other while you stand back in utter embarrassment
-"What the hell is goin' on here?"
-You jumped slightly, you didn't notice Zoro arriving, he swayed slightly, you eye the drink in his hand
-You can barely bring yourself to admit what was happening before you two. 
-Your face burned hot as he stared at you
-"I-uh. It's my turn for a punishment. And uh.." 
-Zoro stared, he had never seen you this flustered, cheeks red, eyes looking anywhere but him, 
-He had some thoughts about it. Certain feelings. 
"Well, long story short, now everyone's fighting over who will get my... first kiss... I guess." 
-you barely get the words out, you are so humiliated, 
-His demeanor slightly shifted 
-"They're what?" 
-You huffed and tried explaining yourself, you knew if you didn't pull through with this dare Nami would be bleeding your pockets dry. "Plus, it's just a kiss, it's not a big deal" 
-You were trying to convince yourself. 
-Zoro took in the scene around him
-the crew members fighting hysterically, Sanji was on the floor trying to control his nosebleed. 
-He clenched his jaw. 
-"First kiss, how stupid."
-There was a crash as Zoro's bottle hit the ground
-and suddenly Zoro's hands were gripping your face, and before you could process it, his lips were crashing into yours. 
-It was nothing like you imagined your first kiss would be.
-He tasted like booze
-It was clumsy
-It was desperate 
- One of his callused hands gripped your jaw and the other tangled in your hair. 
-You could barely keep up with his pace, your hands gripped his shirt to help ground yourself. 
-One by one the Strawhats realized what was happening and were in a stunned shock. 
-Finally, Zoro pulls away and leaves you panting
-Through his hooded lids he sees your beet-red face
-If steam could pour out of a person's head, it would be happening to you. 
-Realizing what he has done, he struggles to maintain his composure, stepping back and avoiding your eyes, "Well... it's done."
-The crew jumps Zoro, whacking, slapping, and kicking him, specifically Ussop, Nami, Chopper, Franky, and Brooke.
-Luffy sits back and laughs 
-Sanji is catatonic, sobbing on the floor
-Zoro dodged hits, "What's the big deal! It was going to be one of us anyway. It doesn't matter, what's the big deal about a first kiss anyway? I've never kissed anyone!
-The crew halts and looks between you and Zoro, there is silence
-Robin, unaware she was about to rub salt in wounds, spoke up, "So, then you are each other's first kiss?" 
-You and Zoro make eye contact for the first time since you broke apart. 
-And this time both of you blushed up to your ears
-You ran off to the bunks, you couldn't handle what was happening 
-The crew continue their beating on Zoro, though it's half-hearted
-Zoro covered his face with his elbow
-How could he let that happen? 
- And why did he want more?
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wordsinhaled · 2 months
hi there! I started following you after seeing your essay-long answers to DBD things in tags, and it made me very happy to see someone as deeply analytical as me about this show.
I wanted to ask you: if you were given the final say, how would you want the show to confirm both Charles' bisexuality and his romantic feelings towards Edwin (as both can be done at different points)?
Personally, I can't get the idea out of my head that it will be done with some kind of tragic goodbye, somehow Charles and Edwin have to separate, and Charles either verbally confirms it or kisses Edwin goodbye. Not saying that's what I want, but it's what I expect the writers to do.
Hope you're having a good day.
btw, would love to hear you talk more about timerogue (Fifteen/Rogue), I need more essay-long analysis about those two.
Hi there! <3 I am so happy you have enjoyed my tag rambles! And thank you so much for asking this great question, I had a lot of fun thinking through it!
I have many thoughts on this! Sticking them under a cut eventually because it is a long post!
Re: Charles' bisexuality: So the thing is I think that the DBDA universe generally seems to eschew labels in favor of showing rather than telling the audience what the characters' identities are. For example Jenny is interested in dating women, which is clear from her dialogue, and she goes on a date with Maxine, but she's never labeled anything. Edwin is never labeled anything by anyone in the narrative, either, but the narrative shows us that his only love interests and his desires and romantic feelings are for other boys. I would argue that we have been shown textually that Charles is bi, already, the same way the show shows-not-tells us other things. Charles by the end of the first season feels bi enough to me in a way that just feels like someone... living a bi life, and not yet realizing they might in fact be in love back with their best friend. I don't know how else to put it but I hope that makes sense. (My alternate, slightly sappier version of canon is that Charles fell for Edwin the first night, but has shoved it down for the duration of their friendship, but the former feels more likely as the direction I think we see on screen.) We are being told Charles is bi:
In the way Charles himself draws parallels between why he likes Crystal (his romantic love interest) and Edwin, pointing out they share the exact same traits
In the way he gives Crystal and Edwin the same genre of deep, loving gaze
In the way he thinks Crystal is fit, and he checks Edwin out, on multiple occasions, but only flirts with Edwin overtly in episode 8 ("My smile is pretty convincing," plus more than the usual amount of physical touch/proximity and less plausible deniability) once he can be assured by Edwin's recent confession that doing so will not be poorly received
In the different kinds of softness and masculinity he displays around both Crystal and Edwin
In the way that, despite not knowing the ending, he draws a parallel between himself and Edwin & a pair of lovers from classical mythology as though it is the most natural thing in the world to bring up the story of Orpheus & Eurydice, making overt the romantic potential of his relationship with Edwin
In the way he is so quick to write off that the two jocks were "just best mates" the way a person does when they are recognizing their own queerness in themselves and have to keep themselves safe from it, because of the environment that they are in (Charles being the Sports Lad, needing to fit in with other sports lads, and needing to avoid the censure/violence of his father)
And coming off the above, in the way that Charles navigates along the toughness-sensitivity spectrum within the social constructs of being "the brawn"
In the entire sparring scene in episode 1, tbh. The rituals are very intricate /drops mic
I understand the importance that's been placed by fandom spaces on "confirmed canon" queerness that is spelled out in so many words, given a label that can be pointed to to say "This character is definitely this!" but I think (and this is just my personal opinion) it can be reductive sometimes, and I don't really want Charles to label himself in that kind of way, just as much as I don't think the other characters needed the labels to "confirm" the queerness of their relationships or indeed of the show; having him be the one to do it for being bi would set him apart. I also think taking into account the time period that he grew up in, Charles would care more about living by the truth of how he feels and how he can use those feelings to connect with the one he loves, than what to call it. I just don't think we're gonna get like a "Hello my name is Charles Rowland and I am a verified bisexual"-type scene in season 2, and I think that's okay, and I don't really think that's the way for the show to 'confirm' it. Mind you I would love to see Charles talk about how it makes him feel to realize his feelings, and how his feelings for Edwin are different compared to how other people make him feel, because god, I love Charles so much and I just know such a scene would both destroy and heal me. FEEL YOUR FEELINGS, CHARLES <3
I think it says something really important that many, many, many people took one look at Charles Rowland and said: "Oh, he's bi." Not like... he has bi energy, or could plausibly be bi, or whatever; for so many people he just resonated as being bi, in a very organic way. (I know there are people who do read Charles as being straight/having rejected Edwin in s1, and I respect that, but they probably will not like my ideas about Charles very much, then, tbh.)
For what it's worth, though, Jayden's acting choices playing Charles, and the way Jayden (and George) have addressed the 'straight best friend Charles' line of questioning during interviews, both make it seem to me that Jayden is intentionally playing Charles as bi and we are already supposed to understand this for what it is, based on Charles' actions—just as we understand similar things about other characters inner worlds we are shown. Whether Charles is consciously aware of it yet is more the up-for-debate part to me, personally. It's like he is dancing right on the edge of the revelation, or something, but his actions (and his EYES) are speaking for him pretty loudly already.
As for how he confirms it more obviously? Hmm. Well, I'll admit i think a kiss between them would be lovely, if only because I think it would quite possibly be the Most Kiss a kiss could be, with all of Charles' tenderness and adoration for Edwin poured into it. I also think it would be in-character, given Charles canonically misses kissing, and wants to do it with people he's interested in romantically (see Crystal).
Charles struggles with being able to admit romantic feelings out loud because he is scared of his own capacity to hurt Edwin; after all the only example of "romantic" love he has seen was his parents' marriage. Charles is a person who acts first, thinks later, but in this process of understanding what he feels for Edwin he's taking his time and being the opposite of impulsive. This shows how important his relationship to Edwin is to him and his commitment to Getting It Right. Even with that deliberateness, though, I think it would still be easier for him to express himself through a tangible action like a kiss than through words—at least at first.
It reminds me of this scene from the first draft of Maurice between Maurice and Alec. Alec is struggling to verbalize his feelings for Maurice, although he does know he feels them. He can say other things, but naming love for what it is is the challenge; and in the end they use a shared memory of a time Alec showed his love through actions (running through the rosebushes just to see Maurice's face) to communicate and mutually understand their love for each other. Similarly, Charles finds it difficult to admit a deep romantic love aloud, but his actions speak louder, in his determination to retrieve Edwin from hell ("There's no one else—no one else—I would go to hell for") and he can allude to the romantic implications of the act, by referencing the Orpheus & Eurydice myth. It similarly becomes, I may not be able to say the words, but you and I both know the lengths i would go to for you.
Maurice : "I love you, sir be damned." Alec: "Maurice"—never before had the word been spoken—"you're an angel." Maurice: "I don't want to hear that." Alec: "Maurice, Maurice" his voice failed also; he had once said the rest to a woman. "Maurice - what you've said I feel. Understand?" M: "I think so, but I want to be sure. Remember those rose bushes in the other rain? - Look at me hard - That's right. That'll do. It's settled."
As far as the catalyst for Charles revealing his feelings... a tragic goodbye—gosh, as heartbreakingly compelling as I know seeing George and Jayden act that out would be (I know they would crush it), I really hope the writers don't do that to them! The thing about Payneland that is so refreshing to me is how they manage to subvert trope expectations and break out of the tragic narratives they are placed in, and I think they would ultimately defy any attempt at separation. As Edwin says, "I will make sure that doesn't happen," about them ever being split up. I am rooting for a happily ever after for them, because they have both been through enough, and have fought tooth and nail to stay together.
Steve Yockey has mentioned potentially having Desire of the Endless cameo on the show and I also think having them and Charles interact would be a fascinating way to bring to light some of the deep-rooted stuff Charles struggles with around love (and would nicely parallel Edwin's experience with the Cat King which catalyzed his Charles-feelings realization). I also like the idea of the team maybe meeting a couple during a case who parallel Edwin and Charles and are romantically involved. Seeing that would allow Charles to externalize the way he feels for Edwin by seeing it reflected back to him by other people; sometimes things are easier to pick up on in others than in ourselves. I think that would be a fun way to get him to see what's been there under the surface for some time :)
Oh my god this got so long asfhlgkjhg SORRY
(I'm sure the Doccy Who fixation will come back in time for the Christmas special! :D)
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silencesscreams · 1 year
be my mistake
steve harrington x f!reader (smut)
“steve, how could i avoid you? it’s impossible, you’re everywhere i look!“
a/n: also i slipped in a little amy march reference in the discussion part, its my steve fic, sorry in advance if you dont like it and its shitty!! english isn’t my first language so sorry about any grammar mistakes
warnings: angsty-ish, best friends w the scoops troop (i love them so muchhh), afab reader, crying, swearing, kissing, praise, oral (f receiving), begging, a bit of degradation, penetration, unprotected (do not do this pls.),
you could say that working at the local family video had its perks.
specially when your two closest friends worked with you but, of course, none of them knew about your recently resurfaced crush on one of them.
steve was not the same guy he was when you met him, sure, he flirted with a lot of girls, and with you, but he was nicer. he was sweet to customers, he even occasionally 'babysit' (that was how robin called hanging out with the kids he was friends with).
recently, steve had become more touchy towards you, he was constantly giving you hugs, he even held your hand at the movies once! sure, you and steve had become best friends, but did he know the effect he had over you? he must know. you blushed whenever he barely touched you, and you felt like your feelings were pretty obvious, you never knew how to hide them properly. he must know, right?
something else, which robin had noticed and commented on with you, was that steve hadn't flirted with any girls in a while now. sure it was weird, because thats basically the thing he did the most, but you didnt really bother, it actually made you a bit less insecure.
you, steve and robin started to watch movies every late monday, since you had less customers on those days, so you'd usually 'work late' and get some takeout and watch some shitty movie you'd probably talk through and make very bad jokes about later.
“ladies! im going on a second date tonight!” he said, barging in with a smile on his face. you could feel your heart fall to the ground, you didn’t even know he had a first date with someone recently.
“what? with who?” robin asked confused.
“her names camila, she goes to state college, i think”
“hm, and did you tell her you have no dreams for the future and work at a family video?” robin teased him.
“oh please, i have a lot of dreams!” he complained, putting on his vest.
“sure you do, stevie” you commented, rolling your eyes playfully. why were you feeling so stupid?
you could feel your stomach fall to the ground, god, that hurt.
it was not like you ever even kissed him. so that meant he was just flirting with you for the fun, then, god, that hurt even more.
and plus, it was steve harrington.
you wouldn’t want to ruin your friendship ever, specially not because of some crush you had, if you could even call it that.
it lasted so long it was probably a free fall at this point.
and so steve went on the date.
and with that, steve had a new girlfriend.
and you hated every single cell in her body.
camila was mean, evil, sick, twisted, a bitch, disgusting and she had this god awful breath. her perfume left you with headaches. and did i say she was mean? because she really was.
but you couldn’t help to not be at least a bit angry at him, and so you found yourself avoiding him at all costs. mostly because he was always with camila and you found her insufferable, but it was also because, yes, you were hurt.
then steve and camila broke up.
so you found out, you had no excuse not to hang out with him anymore. you had no excuse to skip movie sessions, outings, or anything else.
and so whenever a hang out would come up, you suddenly had a sore throat, a headache, a fever. and you don’t know why, but robin wasn’t judging you for it.
you told her about your crush and told her that was the reason you weren’t hanging out with them outside of work, and she understood. she didn’t even question it, and that made you feel worse about it.
“okay, whenever you’re ready to hang out again, feel free to come over, alright?” that was all she said. and it hurt deeply, because you missed your best friends.
but being around steve was unbearable.
and you still, gave it a shot.
monday came around, and robin invited you to hang out at steve’s and watch friday the 13th. for the first time in 2 months, you said yes.
punctually, you were at steve’s, it was 7pm and that was half an hour later to what robin scheduled with you, but her car wasn’t on the driveway. that definitely made you nervous. one thing was hanging out with steve AND robin, the other was hanging out with steve.
took a while for steve to answer the door, once he did, he was standing there in all his glory, wearing grey sweatpants and shirtless. you could feel all your dignity (which was very little) leave your body. you were feeling your body get hotter by the second and the butterflies in your stomach were going crazy.
“hey, come in” he smiled awkwardly, looking around his house nervously.
“sorry i didn’t answer the door earlier, my family’s out of town and i forgot and assumed someone else would answer it.” you smiled at him.
“no problem” you said, trying so hard not to look at him.
“hm, i’m gonna put something on, sorry about that. feel free to sit on the couch, eat, whatever you want to do is fine”
“okay” you smiled, heading over to his living room. there was popcorn on the coffee table, the vhs tape on the table and there was a half filled dr pepper bottle on the floor. you thought it was sweet steve put this together, why aren’t you that mad at him anymore?
when he came back, he was wearing a old t shirt, stained with something that looked like ketchup. he was smelling good. had he put on perfume? god, you missed his smell.
“you wanna start now?” he asked, putting the tape in the vcr.
“maybe we should wait for robin, right?” you asked, fiddling with the hem of your skirt.
“she’s not coming. didn’t she tell you? she got caught up with something at work.”
“oh, right.” she didn’t tell you, and you were sure that was written all over your face.
“y/n?” he called.
“yeah?” you looked at him, your ears flushed.
“have you been avoiding me?” oh shit.
“what do you mean?” you decided to lie shamelessly was just the way to go.
“you know what i mean. you never go out with us anymore, and now i’ve just mentioned robin isnt coming, i realize its because of me.” oh shit.
“what?” you laugh anxiously. “no, i just wanna see the movie, its not like that.”
“stop it. you havent been able to look at me for weeks now and i dont get it. goddamn it! im your best friend!” he sighed, rubbing his eyes the way he did when he was nervous.
“steve, how could i possibly avoid you? you’re everywhere i look!” you blurt out, he was looking at you now. “you’re at my job, you’re near my house, you give me a ride home, you’re in my fucking friend group!”
“i just wanna know what i did, because i never meant to hurt you-“
“steve, stop it, you’re being mean.” you were looking at his hairline, not actually being able to see his eyes in that moment, you were about to do it. “you know how i feel about you and you always have.”
that was probably it, that was the death of the friendship.
“what?” he lowered his head, trying to get something out.
“you dont get to do this to me, okay? you don’t. not when you desperately flirted with me for months just to get a girlfriend. not when you tricked me into thinking that maybe, just maybe, you felt the same. not when i’ve been in love with you since middle school.” you felt like you just had a knife shoved into your stomach because of the way he looked at you. brows furrowed, eyes empathetic, but not looking at you directly.
“im going home.” you managed to get that out, with eyes watery and cheeks flushed. you got up, trying so hard not to look back at him, counting your steps to the door.
you felt a hand gripping your shoulder.
“stay.” he whispered.
“what?” you turned around, looking up at his hazel colored eyes.
“stay.” his hands were on your waist.
“okay.” you answer, looking directly into his dark pupils and that was probably it for you. someday this man might just kill you, your heart was beating faster than ever and you could feel your stomach knotting and knotting and knotting, it was so silly. you felt so incredibly silly.
until he pulled you in. until he was just a few centimeters away from your lips.
it all happened way too fast.
his lips were touching yours, his hands all over you. you ran your hands through his hair, your mouth parted as his tongue slides into your mouth, licking over yours. his hands on your waist.
your hand goes under his shirt and he felt so warm, until he pulls away. you look up at him, doe eyed and he smiles at you.
he doesn’t even have to say anything, and neither do you.
he takes you up to his room, his hand pressed against your lower back, leading you upstairs with the biggest smile on his face.
he opens the door for you, as you head in you notice he’s just looking at you, blushing and shifting from foot to foot. he gives you a look you had never seen before and it makes your heart pound faster than ever. you can’t bear to hide a smirk.
he stood still in the doorway, but he quickly steps forward once you go up to him and peck his lips, giving him a perfect view of your bra.
holy fucking shit.
then, like it didn’t drive you insane, you pull away, grinning at how he went forward with you.
you were sat at the edge of the, bed legs crossed and eyes observant as he locked his door.
with a speed that drives you crazy, steve lifts you and pulls you into his lap, so you’re straddling him. he does that so quickly, it makes you yelp once you land comfortably, instinctively grinding your hips down, making him groan, the low tone of his voice making heat shoot between your thighs.
“such a tease.” he was toying with the hem of your skirt. “this is hot.” he whispered, voice thick as he lays his left hand on your overexposed thigh.
you go over to kiss him again but stop in the middle of the way, liking the way he looked at you. you lift his hand, from the fabric of your skirt up to your mouth, kissing his knuckles. the action feels so intimate and sweet it makes him smile a bit (he also gets a bit hard but that’s not the point).
you look down at him from where your sat, eyelashes batting as you stop kissing his knuckles when he pulls his hand from you, slipping his fingers between yours and gripping your thigh with the spare hand. you kiss down his neck and he can’t stop thinking of how pretty you looked, really.
that shirt, that bralette he knew was under it.
its not fair you looked like that. he just couldn’t help himself at the sight of you.
his hands coast up your bare sides under the shirt, that made you shudder and rock a little in his lap, the relief of the friction ended suddenly as he grabd your hips and pins you down firmly onto him, so you can’t move.
it was useless to try to roll your hips, specially with his hold pinning you down.
he hums, hand sliding further up your top and squeezing just below your tit.
you can’t help but moan a little as he palms your skin, his voice low and thick as honey,
“you look like…” your head tips back at the feeling of his hands on you and he takes that as an opportunity to trail soft kisses along your neck “like you’re mine.” you mewl weakly as his hand cups your breast, his touch clouding up your brain.
“you’re mine, right?” you nod eagerly, pushing up against the hand tucked under your shirt. he clicks his tongue and rolls your sensitive bud between his fingers, “not an answer, hun.”
he had barely touched you and you’re already shaking, breathing heavily and face flushed.
he started kissing your neck, nipping at it.
“answer or you’re not cumming tonight.” the timbre of his voice was incredibly low once he said that, it made your eyes round and your hips buck into air.
“steve, yes, i’m yours. i’ll be so good, please.” you whined.
he squeezes your breast in approval, humming at the way your eyes shut when he touches you.
“good girl.” he lifts you up, manhandling you as you’re being laid down on the bed, his hand leaving you and making you whine. you can feel him moving downwards, trailing kisses down your neck, stomach, before arriving between your legs.
he chuckles ad you whines, trailing soft kisses down your body.
“don’t be greedy.” he looked up at you from where he’s kissing, the waistband of your skirt, eyes wide as he takes in your already fucked out and needy expression.
“my greedy girl” you nod at that, head tilted up as your back arches up a bit, his mouth still pressing messy kisses to the inside of your thighs, “practically begging for me, huh?”
he’s mocking you, nipping at your inner thighs, marking up anywhere except where you need him. his hands are gripping and rubbing soft circles into your thighs, feeling you go lax and needy under him.
“steveee” you say, blushing at how desperate you sound, “please.”
you feel him smile against your inner thigh, looking up at you, “what it is it, princess? can’t even speak and i’ve barely done anything to you, huh, so needy.” his head drops down as he sucks another hickey into you hip, “use you words.” you grind upwards and he pins your hips down, tutting. he looks at you expecting something and you know he wont give you shit until you beg for it.
“steve, please,” your voice tapers into broken whines as your hips move on their own accord, missing his mouth. “need you in me, please, i’ll be so good for you. need you so bad, please.”
“that’s all you had to say, baby.” with that, his fingers push the fabric of your skirt up, showing your lace panties. he groans at the sight.
“shit, you’re so pretty.” he presses a kiss to your clothed core, making you moan, “gonna fuck you with these on, okay?” you nod lazily, the feeling of steve mouthing over your panties makes speaking very difficult. he grins,
“so fucked out.” he flattens his tongue over you, pushing your panties aside as he swipes his tongue over to your wet heat, lapping from your slit to your swollen clit, “haven’t even fucked you yet and you’re practically soaking.”
your hand has gone to his hair, your grip tightens. he knows that your pouting at that, even if he’s not looking.
steve pushes your legs farther apart, pushing your thigh up slightly as he lapped messily at your pussy.
your hands are tugging on his hair, stirring him on as he flicks over your clit in quick strokes that leave your legs shaking around his head. he looks up at you, your head thrown back slightly, shirt hitched up showing your bralette. he reaches up with one hand, helping you take of the shirt.
once its off, he sees your lacy bralette fully, straps falling down as your back arches. it’s probably the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
he lifts your hips slightly, pressing two digits to your slick entrance, watching how you try and push against them, hips pinned down as you buck down mindlessly,
“steve!” you mewl, voice wrecked. he hums, flicking over your clit with his togue. “aw, doll, is that all you can say?” he gently fucks his fingers into your tight heat, feeling the way you clench around him as you let out another mewling main, legs thrown over his shoulders as he crooks his fingers upwards, pushing up against the sweet spot inside of you. your legs tighten on either side of his head, fingers fucking faster into you, “so fucked out, its cute.”
you blush red, eyes shut and lips parted in soft whines of his name. he liked the way you said it.
his fingers curl against your g-spot, fucking into you in tune with the quick movements of his tongue.
“fuck, steve, ju-just like that, please” he’s placing sloppy kisses over your clit, his fingers thrusting into you, picking up their pace as you clench around him, dripping over his hand.
“fuck, so pretty for me, baby” he groans as he kisses your clit, “such a pretty pussy, can’t wait to fuck you, gonna be so good for me, aren’t you?” he watches how you nod weakly between your choked moans of ‘yesyessteve’. you clench around him, his fingers fucking rapidly in and out of your cunt. you were just about to scream once he leaned forward, taking you clit in his mouth, lips latching the sensitive bud and sucking hard, fingers still curling up against your overworked spot as you grind upwards into his mouth and hand, his palm grinding against your entrance.
his fingers fuck into you fast and rough, his free hand reaching up to palm your breast through the fabric of your bra, rolling your bud between his thumb and forefinger, bringing you closer to your climax.
“i’m gonna cum, oh my god, i’m gonna cum don’t stop please-“ you moaned as your words turned into mostly incoherent nonsense. your thighs were clenching around his head, your hands curling in his hair as he lapped at you clit, his fingers hooking against your heat, watching how you fell apart at his touch, hips bucking as you chased your high.
“steve- fuck- you’re so fucking good” you can barely finish a sentence, grinding against his mouth desperately.
he loves you like this, whimpering and so needy, talking through broken little whines. the way you’re begging has him working over you faster.
he groans, feeling the was you clench around him, your slick walls contracting around his digits,
“fuck, you like that, don’t you? being mine? only good for me, huh?” any coherent answers get lost in your pleas of yes, please. he chuckles, fucking his fingers harder into you.
“ohmygodsteve” you’re a moaning mess, legs spread wide and shaking, his tongue circling your clit after his hand dropped, gripping your hip to lift you up slightly, fingers fucking into you slightly deeper. you’re praising him breath;essay, making his fingers move faster, sucking harder on your clit. he looks up at you through his eyelashes, the sight of you making him impossibly hard as he ground his hips into the mattress, taking in the way your head was tipped back, how your mouth was parted in soft moans of his name, how your fingers are gripped at his hair, grinding into his mouth and hand.
“aw, are you gonna cum already?” you nod as best as you can, his fingers are moving roughly in you, pulling you towards your finish. you try to hold off when he murmurs, flicking your clit with his tongue.
“cum for me, let me feel you squeeze my fingers with that thigh pussy.” you cum hard on his tongue, his digits still fucking into you, drawing you out of it. your climax crashes over you in waves, the feeling of being fucked open when you came making you whine.
you’re whimpering as he pulls his fingers out of you. steve reaches up and pins your legs up to your chest, kissing you hard and rough. he nips ate your lips and murmurs,
“still need me, baby?” he’s rubbing your cheeks and you can’t help but push against his touch. your voice is broken and whinny,
“yes, please, need you so bad.” he kisses you again and you can feel his hair brushing over your face,
“good fucking girl.” you practically preen from his praise, as he sits up, taking off his shirt and lowering his sweatpants, he takes a moment to dip his hand below his waistband to palm himself through his boxers,
“fuck, need you so bad,” you whine in response, as he pushes is boxers down, his erection hitting up against his stomach. you moan then, seeing him stroke his cock at the sight of you, he chuckles, running his hand down his shaft at the way you’re whining for him.
“needy little slut, aren’t you?” you feel the blunt head of his cock nudge against your slick entrance as he lines himself up to you.
“your needy little slut” you say, grinding against his tip, your slick coating him. he looks down at you with hooded eyes, his voice low as he presses himself closer to you, stretching your cunt around him.
“of course you are” he’s spreading your legs and kissing you. he rocks his hips forward, not fucking you, but enough to make you moan, “tell me if you want to stop, okay?” with that, he pushes into you.
pushing his thick length into you in one stroke, the sudden stretch making you moan breathlessly. he groans into the crook of your neck, biting down on that soft spot,
“still so tight” he wastes no time starting to ove, shallowly rolling his hips up to you. “fuck, feels so fucking good” he kisses your neck, cooing at you. “pretty girl, look at you, taking it like such a good little slut.” he’s pulling your bra down, the flimsy lace pushed back. he fucks you harder, your tits bouncing with each hard thrust into you. you’re moaning lewdly as he thrusted forward, his cock stretching you open. it feels so good, the feeling of him filling you up. you cried out and gripped at his arms, each hard thrust fucking you into the mattress.
“fuck, steve, harder” he cocks an eyebrow, then pulls out to the tip, you whine at the lost.
“you asked for it, doll” he thrusts forward roughly, filling you up with his cock, you feel him even deeper this time, the press of him against your walls making you whine louder as he thrusted harder. “can you take this?” he fucks into you rapidly, mocking you, pushing you against the headboard. “you said you wanted it harder, didn’t you?”
your cheeks burn at the way he degrades your his relentless thrusts making the heat in your abdomen start to build. you’re moaning soft chants of ‘yes, please and steve’, babbling nonsensically through your moans. his thrusts are hard and deep, pushing against your walls, filling you in perfectly.
the rapid slap of skins fills the room as his hips pick up pace, slamming against yours with each thrust, the base of his cock grinding at your clit, the friction making you moan.
“fuck, taking me so well” he’s kissing your neck and playing with your tits, “you were made for me” he groans.
“oh my god” you moan as his cock pushes into you faster, the brutal snap of his hips making you cry out, you start babbling again, chasing your high. he feels so good inside of you, the roll of his hips bringing you closer to the edge.
he can tell you’re close, from the way your hips have started bucking upwards excitedly, grinding on his cock, the way your hands are gripping the nape of his neck. you yelp as he throws your legs over his shoulders, fucking you deeper as he angles his dick perfectly against your g-spot, ramming against it with every thrust.
“please, need it so bad” you beg, steve hums, his pace unflattering as he pounds into you,
“need what, baby?”
“need to cum” your voice sounds destroyed, “please-! please, need you to make me cum, steve” he grins, grabs your hips and lifts you up, fucking into you faster than before.
“only i can do this, huh?”
“you! only you, steve!” you moan out, trying desperately to press yourself against his his harsh hursts. you clamped around him as you felt your high building again. he must’ve felt it, reaching down between you two and pinching your clit, thrusts getting faster as you cried out.
“i want you to cum” he says, fucking you onto his cock, “cum on my cock like the good girl you are.”
his thumb rubs your clit faster, moving in time with his rapid thrusts, hips pistoling into you, fucking you hard as you came with a loud cry of his name, this one harder than the last. walls clenched hard around him as you gripped the back of his neck. seeing you, head thrown back in ecstasy, face screwed up in pleasure as you cry out his name, has him groaning. head dropped into the crook of your neck as his thrusts get faster and sharper, the overstimulation drawing out high keening noises from your throat, his cock nudging against your cervix as he spills inside of you.
“fuck, so good for me, honey” he kisses your shoulder. “such a good girl” he murmurs. he pulls out slowly and takes you in his arms, laying you down.
he starts getting up and you tug gently at his wrist. he kisses your forehead smiling.
“don’t worry, i’m just gonna get some things in the bathroom”
when he gets back, he throws you an old shirt, which you quickly put on.
“i can go, if you want to.” you mutter, looking down at your hands.
“what? no, are you crazy? stay. come on, lets watch that movie” he smiles at you, opening the tissue case.
“okay, i will then.” you couldn’t help but smile.
“hey, about that thing you said earlier” he looked into your eyes. “i love you too.”
tag: @nix-rose
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heartfeltcierra · 2 years
Donquixote Doflamingo X Female Reader NSFW "Daydreams of Dressrosa"
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Anon-I noticed you have a request box. I just wanted to say your writing is 🤌🏻 *chefs kiss*. I wanted to request something angsty and maybe even smutty with Doflamingo. I’ll let you decided if it end fluffy or not. I knows he is problematic and controversial as hell (I can fix him) But if you don’t write for him I completely understand! Thank you and have a amazing day my beloved heartfelt!
AN-So I totally took this and ran with it lmao. I just recently finished the Dressrosa Arc and I find Doflamingo to be a interesting character. This was a welcomed challenge for me. I've never written for a villian before and It's been a hot take since I've written smut. With that being said it's also the dirtiest thing I've ever written. I ran laps around my house just writing this. But thank you for reading my work and I hope you enjoy this my beloved anon :)
Side note- As always this story is plus sized reader friendly!
Word Count- 7.5k
*Any thing in italics is readers thoughts or a flashback. *
!Trigger warning! The relationship between Reader and Doflamingo is extremely toxic with emotionally abusive undertones, please never let anyone treat you like this.
~NSFW Warnings/Content~ Dom Doffy/Sub reader, PWP, Pre established situationship, A tiny speck of pet play, Doffy misuses his devil fruit powers (Spoiler alert he makes a clone.) Humiliation, Name calling (Slut, whore etc) , Reader is slapped once, Spanking, Degradation, Oral Sex (Fem giving and receiving) Fingering, Implied squirting and use of reward system. I tried to stay true to Doflamingo's character, but he may be OOC in some parts!
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   From the moment you woke up to a quiet and peaceful palace, you immediately knew something was up. You asked one of the guards where everyone was and much to your surprise Doflamingo and the top executives have gone out to a meeting. And according to him,  they won’t be back until dark. It’s very rare for all of them to be gone at the same time, but you're thankful. It’s been a long time since you've had any alone time, so you were going to make every moment count. 
  You’re currently in the courtyard pool floating around on the huge blow up flamingo Doffy bought a while back. No one ever uses it considering most of the family have devil fruit abilities and aren’t willing to risk falling into the water. So you’ve laid claim to the giant pink float. You’ve even given it the nickname “Mini Master.” 
 “Now let’s get down to the real fun.” You smirk before pulling out a book from your favorite romance series called “Daydreams of Dressrosa: a collection of love stories from the kingdom of passion”. You read them in secrecy. The only other person who knows is Baby 5, her being the one who sneaks them to you. You knew if Doffy found out about them, he’d probably be pissed, saying something to the extent of “What can a book offer you that I can’t?” And the answer to that was simple. Romance and love. The two things he would never be able to offer you. It’s sad, but nonetheless true. 
 You open the book and turn to where you left off on story #17 titled “Carnivals and Carnations”. The couple in the story are going to a carnival as a first date. The story was super cheesy, but you're living for it. You squeal when the guy puts his jacket around the girl's shoulders because she is cold. It’s funny how something so simple causes your heart to swoon.  But your favorite part so far was him winning her a stuffed bear from one of the game stalls. You can’t help but think of Doffy doing something like that for you, no doubt you’d walk away with every stuffed animal and trinket you wanted. But how Doffy would win them is the part you find funny. He’d probably use his devil fruit ability to ‘Win’ (Cheat)  or he’d scare the person running the stall until they gave up everything. It brought a bittersweet smile to your face. The poor hopeless romantic in you still hasn’t accepted her fate. Once you got stringed in with Doflamingo, any chance of you experiencing sweet and innocent love was thrown to the wind. 
 You can’t help but be jealous of the girl in the story. When you were a teenager you dreamed about finding a man who would love you and treat you like a princess. Now here you are as an adult and plaything to a criminal. You knew he was bad, you knew he had done horrible things. But something about him lured you in. Tears trickle down your face and onto the pages below. You yearn for the impossible from him. But it’s Doffy, and he will do whatever he wants, when he wants and without even thinking about anyone else. You know this better than anyone. 
 “Doffy, can I ask you a question?” You pulled your sore and sweaty body from the bed. Doflamingo was in the middle of putting his shirt back on,but stopped when he heard your hoarse voice call out.
 “Well would you look at that.” Doffy seemed to be amused, smirking at your trembling form. “My little girl didn’t pass out after all. I was almost certain you would, considering how hard I was on you.” You were on the brink of passing out from his rough treatment, but you clung to consciousness. “For that I’ll answer your question. Go on.” 
 “Well I guess it may be more of a favor, but.” Your mind and heart raced even more than it did earlier. All because of what you're about to ask him. “Do you want to shower with me and maybe we can cuddle together for a while after? I know you're busy and I won’t take up much of your time, just a few minutes I promise!” You watched Doffy’s smirk disappear, replaced by one of  his more disapproving looks, causing your heart to drop.
 “You want me to shower with you and stick around for “cuddles”?” You muster the strength to  nod at the man. His lips curled into a wicked smile before he laughed in your face.  “What a joke. Do you think I have time for something so stupid? Never ask for something like that again. Got it?” You couldn’t stop the tears that flowed down your face at his cruel words. His large hand reached out and grabbed your face, giving you no choice but to look at him. “Speak girl.”
 “Yes. I- I’m sorry Doffy.” Your cringe at how your words struggled to come out through the small sobs. Times like that reminded you how cruel Doflamingo was. Your heart shattered into a million pieces. 
 “Good.” He released your face and without another word, walked out of the room as if nothing happened. To him it probably was nothing. Your body fell against the bed as a few remaining tears slid down your face. Your hands snaked around one of the spare pillows on the bed, in search of the comfort you so desperately needed that night.
~Flashback end~
 It had been weeks since that night and not once has Doffy come to your room for a “session”. The more you think about it, the more uneasy you become. It’s unlike him to go that long without sex. Maybe he’s getting bored with you or maybe he’s getting it from someone else. Both of those thoughts stung. At the end of the day, you're just another woman at his disposal.
 You look into the sky and see the colors changing with the sunset. You didn’t have much time left before the family would return. A small sigh leaves your lips as you open your book again. Now where was I? The couple were now riding on a ferris wheel.  The man wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders, causing her to scooch closer to him. The ferris wheel came to a halt, leaving them at the very top. They admired all the lights and the way the sun was barely peeking over the horizon. Their eyes locked onto each other. You can’t help but giggle knowing what’s about to happen. The man gently cupped her cheek as he slowly moved his lips towards her. Her eyes closed as his lips barely ghosted over hers. A small tug on the float causes you to close your book. Before you had a chance to investigate the cause, the float was pulled out from under you. Your body tumbles into the cold water alongside your book.
 “Fufufu~.” You hear Doffy’s muffled laugh as you swim back up to the surface. You cough up a little water you inhaled as Doffy continued to laugh. Judging from the way his fingers were bent, he was the one who knocked the float over. “Did the mouse have fun while the cat was away?” Your eyes roll at his snarky comment. You want to splash water on the cocky warlord, but you also want to live long enough to finish your book. Wait, the book! You frantically swim around the pool until you notice it sitting at the bottom of the pool. You take a deep breath in before diving to get it. You emerge once again holding the soaked book.
 “Well the “mouse” was having a fine day, until you destroyed its book.” You hold the book up and watch as the pool water drips from the pages. “And I was getting to the good part too.” You mumble the last part. 
 “Good part?” A wild smirk forms on Doffy’s face. With a flick of his left index finger the book was snatched from your hands and right into his. “What page was this “good part on”?” You watch as he skims through the book. 
 “112.” You swim over the edge of the pool and watch him read the page. For a man like Doflamingo, the scene will be underwhelming and quite boring. For a moment you think he was getting interested in the words, but it was short lived.  With a wet smack he closes the book and tosses it to the ground. You frown knowing the book will be unreadable by time the water sets in and blurs the words. I guess I’ll never know how it ends….
 “So that’s your definition of a good part?” You gave the man who was now towering over you a small nod. “When did my little slut become so vanilla?” Heat rises to your cheeks despite the cold temperature of the water around you.
 “I just thought it was cute. That’s all.” You let your body sink into the water in an attempt to avoid his gaze but your body stills. 
 “Trying to run away are we? Do I need to put you in your place Y/N?” You feel his strings loop underneath your arms. His left and right index fingers lift up causing your body to come out of the water in one motion. A shocked gasp leaves your lips as you fly out of the pool water and into the cold evening air. You sometimes forget that no matter how big you are, Doffy can and will treat you like a rag doll. You land rather ungracefully in front of the Blonde. Goosebumps rise onto your wet skin, but you're unsure if it’s from the cold air on your wet body or from the aura radiating off the man above you. 
 You peer into Doffy’s sunglasses and see your shivering body looking back. Your arms cross in front of your body in a sad attempt to warm up. You expect to see a sadistic smirk on his face, but you're met with an expression you’ve never seen on him. It makes you a little anxious not knowing what he’s thinking about or feeling. It dawns on you that he knows you read romance novels now, meaning he was most likely not very happy with you at the moment. 
 “I’m sorry If I upset you, Doffy. I promise I won’t read books like that anymore.” You try to diffuse the situation but it’s too late. His hand raises into the air. A sense of fear washes over you, causing your body to tremble even more. You feel a rush of wind in front of your face causing your eyes to slam shut. You tensed up preparing for the impact.. But it never came, instead the smell of his expensive cologne invades your nostrils as warmth engulfs your body. You let your eyes flutter open to see that he placed his pink feather jacket around your frame. It takes a while for your brain to process it. The cold, unloving and emotionally unavailable Donquixote         Doflamingo did something…. nice?   
 “Thank you young master.” He never lets anyone wear his jacket, NEVER. You wrap the jacket around your body more to enjoy its warmth. 
 “I was getting annoyed watching you shake like a pathetic little leaf.” He retorted with a scowl. “Now. Why don't I show you what a 'good part’ is supposed to be like.”  He points a finger at your neck, causing a string to connect to your flesh like a leash. He gives the string a firm tug, sending you to the ground on your knees in front of him. “Spread.” His commanding voice sends excitement through your veins.
 “Yes sir.” You move your knees apart as far as you can. The course ground below dug into your knees, but you didn’t care. As bad as you hate to admit to yourself, you’ve missed this and you’ve missed him. 
 “Good, now look at me.” You crane your head back in order to look up at him. Your body feels like it is shrinking as the10 ft tall man looms over you. Your mind goes blank when you feel the pointed tip of his shoe moving up and down your swimsuit covered pussy. “I’m going to cut you a deal so listen up.” His shoe puts extra pressure on your clit, causing a moan to escape your lips. “If you can be a good girl and do everything I say without question, I will give you a reward.” His foot retracts much to your dismay. But the mention of a reward entices you.
 “I will, I promise sir!” And just like that, you submit yourself to him. 
 “You will or else.” Doffy began to walk away leaving you to crawl behind him. You're thankful the steps he took were a lot smaller than normal, otherwise you’d have a hard time keeping up. It dawned on you how embarrassing the situation was. Here you are crawling around on all fours with Doffy’s jacket on. I probably look like a poodle. 
  You got lucky and didn’t run into any family members while Doffy paraded you around like the loyal lap dog you are. A couple of guards saw you, but they didn’t dare to say a word knowing Doflamingo would kill them on the spot. The door to your room was finally on site, but he walked past it. Your bedroom is the only place he agreed to do the deed in. It gave him the freedom to come and go as he pleased. You know better than to question him, but you're still curious as to where he’s taking you.
 “You’ll find out soon enough.” Doffy answers as if he read your mind. Much to your surprise you find yourself in front of the door to his room. In the time you’ve been with him, not once have you seen the inside of his bedroom. “Stand up.” The string on your neck beckons you to your feet. You wince as you stand up, knees throbbing due to all the crawling you’ve done.
 Doffy slings the door open and leads you in. The door clicks shut and the sound of the lock being turned echoes in the bedroom. His room was so big it made yours look like a mere closet. Your eyes land on the double king bed in the middle of the room. As you look at it, the only word that comes to mind is sin.  A blood red canopy surrounded the dark oak frame. The mattress itself was covered with a plush black duvet and luxury pillows. It was most definitely fit for a fallen angel like Doflamingo. 
 The string around your neck comes loose, leaving a ring of irritated skin in its absence. Doflamingo walks over to a red armchair that sat adjacent from his bed. He sat down and spread his long legs, giving you a perfect view of the hardening erection in his pants. With a devilish smile on his face, he beckons you over with a motion of his finger. Your body tingles with nervousness as you get closer and closer to him. You were only a few feet away from him when his hand came into the air, letting you know to stop. The same hand pointed a finger in the air and swirled in a circle. You nod and turn around to face the bed. A rush of air sends shivers down your body as the pink feather jacket was taken from your body, leaving you in your damp swimsuit. You turn your head and watch as the jacket drapes around the armchair Doffy sat in. 
 “Did I give you permission to turn around Y/N?” You whip your head back around to face the bed, causing Doffy to chuckle at your speed.
 “No sir, I’m sorry.” You hope your action didn’t piss him off enough to take your reward. 
 “I didn’t give you permission to speak either little whore.” Your body trembles at his condescending tone. “You're very lucky I’m in a good mood, otherwise you could have kissed that reward goodbye.” A wave of relief washes over you knowing it was still on the table. “Now strip and do not turn around for any reason.”  
 Your hands come up to the straps of your bathing suit. Slowly you pull them down your arms until your breasts popped out of the top. Your wet nipples harden immediately when they hit the cool air. Your hands come to your back to untie the knot, you struggle for a moment before it comes loose. With a wet ‘plop’ the garment hits the floor. You could feel your heart racing in your chest. You wanted this, you needed this. You take a shaky breath in and slide your hands down your curves until you reach the band of your swim bottoms. You curl your fingers around the fabric and bring it down until they fall around your ankles. You step out of the bottoms and kick them next to your top. You're now completely exposed to the heavenly demon.
 “Good girl.” Your body heats up at his praise. “Now bend over the bed.” You take a few steps forward and let your upper body fall onto the bed. You scooch back a little and spread your legs apart. “Spread yourself more.” You know exactly what he’s wanting you to do, and you're going to deliver. You slide your hands down your body until they reach the globes of your ass. Your fingers pull them apart, exposing your wet pussy even more. You wiggle your hips from side to side, showing him how needy you are for him.
 “What a dirty little girl, what will I ever do with you?” Your body tenses up when you feel something attach to your clit. A string? “Now I’m sure you're wondering why we came here instead of your room.” A moan leaves your throat when you feel the string moving your clit in small circles. You were so sensitive from being celibate for weeks, it took no time for your orgasm to start building. You hear Doflamingo let out an amused hum. “I can tell by the way your legs are shaking you're about to cum.” You have to hold back a scream as the string picks up the pace even more. 
 You dig your nails into the flesh of your ass in an attempt to ground yourself, but you are too far gone. Your hips start desperately swirling with the strings movement. Fuck it feel so good. But right before you could get your release the string retacts. Your head falls flat on the bed as tears of frustration form in your eyes due to the loss of your high. 
 “Can’t have that now, can we?” You don’t have to see Doffy’s face to know he’s wearing a shit eating grin. You should have known better than to think he’d let you cum this early. You hear him get up from the armchair. His loud footsteps reverberate in the room. You feel the bed dip as he hoovers above you. “Now as I was saying, the reason I brought you here is quite simple. Your bed is a little bit too small.” You feel his hot breath next to your right ear as he speaks. You wonder what changed? The size of your bed has never stopped him before. You tense up when you feel the bed dip on the other side of your body. Is there someone else here? “Too small for the both of us that is.” Your heart stops when you hear Doffy’s voice fill your left ear. It made no sense, how can he be on both sides of you at once? You try to lift yourself up, but a large hand keeps your face shoved into the mattress. 
 “Do you understand what’s happening now?” His voice fills your right ear again. You feel one of his hands wrap around your hair, pulling it back to leave your neck exposed. “I’ll give you a little hint.” Now it was back in your left ear. You feel hot breath on both sides of your neck before tongues lick up the sides in perfect unison. Rough hands grab your sides and with one quick motion your body was turned so your back was now on the mattress. 
 Your eyes nearly pop out of your skull when you see what’s above you. Your eyes land on not one, but two very shirtless Donquixote Doflamingo’s. They both wore the same lust filled expression. 
 “Two Doffy’s? How?” You mutter out in shock. Your nerves are on edge, one Doffy was enough to fuck you into a week long coma. But two of them? That would surely send you to an early grave. As Lao G would say “You’re a goner with a capital G!”   
 “While you were busy getting off on my string, I made a clone of myself.” The Doflamingo on your right spoke, meaning he must be the real one. “It talks like me, it can even use strings like me, but most importantly” Doffy pulls you up from the bed until your face is inches from his. “ It can fuck like me.” His tongue licks a wet stripe up your face. “But a slut like you should be able to handle us, right?.” You hesitate for a second, but nod your head in agreement.
 “Now let’s have a little fun.” Doffy’s clone spoke up, licking its lips. 
 “Sounds good. Hold the little slut up for me.” The clone nods and moves on the bed until it is behind you. Its strong arms hook under your thighs and brings you up until your back rests on its abs. 
 “It's almost pathetic how wet you are.” The real Doffy stole your breath by rubbing his fingers up and down your exposed slit. Your head slams back on the clone's hard chest when Doffy shoves two fingers deep into your cunt. The long digits rubbed along the top of your walls, paying attention to your sweet spots.  
 “Of course I’m wet. Don’t you remember making me fall into the pool sir?” You smile at Doffy innocently, but your bratty tone was anything but that. 
 “Is that it?” The dark tone in Doffy’s voice made you regret it instantly. And then you see the vein in his forehead pop out, you know you're in for it now. 
 “What a dumb whore you are.” The clone spoke before biting the side of your neck harshly, causing you to cry out in pain. “You are so fucked.”
 “Tell me you foolish girl, does this taste like pool water to you?” Doffy pulls his fingers from your dripping hole and shoves them in your mouth. You could taste your arousal as he shoves his fingers even further down your throat.
 “Aren’t you going to answer him?” The clone taunted before licking the bite wound it left. “I guess it’s hard to, considering your mouth is so full huh?” Your vision blurs with tears as you gag around Doffy’s fingers.
 “I’m going to take my fingers out. I suggest you apologize and beg for my forgiveness.” The fingers slowly begin to slide out. “Afterall, you want that reward, don’t you?” His fingers leave with a trail of your saliva. Coughs erupt from your throat as you catch your breath. Your mind has been so clouded over you forgot about the promised reward. 
 “I am very sorry sir. Please forgive me!” Your voice rasps out. 
 “That's all you got? What a lackluster performance.” Doffy grabs your cheeks and smooshes them together. “I’ll give you one last chance. Use it well, my patience with you is running very thin at the moment.” His hand releases your cheeks. 
 “Sir, please forgive me for being such a dumb brat. I’ll be a good and obedient cocksleeve the rest of the night for the both of you! So please use me until I deserve your forgiveness.” Tears are flowing down your face as you desperately beg him. “I’ll do whatever you want. Just please don’t take my reward from me..” You're unsure why you want the reward so desperately when you don’t even know what it is. 
 “That’s more like it. But I still think you need to learn your lesson.” Doffy's hand reared back before smacking you across the face. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but hard enough to make it sting. “Now are you ready to be a good girl?” 
 “Yes sir.” You feel a few more tears fall down your face. Doffy’s hand reaches back out. You prepare yourself for another smack, but instead he wipes the tears away with his hand. 
 “Good.” You watch Doflamingo unzip his pants, freeing his hard cock. “Drop her.” The clone releases you so you fall, landing all fours. You feel the bed move underneath you as Doffy leans his body against the headboard. “Come over here and put that stupid mouth of yours to good use.” 
 You waste no time crawling in between his legs. You stick your ass up in the air and start licking him up and down. His cock twitches under your tongue as you lick the sensitive spot under his tip. You hear him grunt meaning he wants more. You give one last lick before wrapping your lips around him. His huge size stretches your mouth until it's borderline unbearable. One of his large hands thread through your hair before he slams into you. You do your best not to gag around him as he sets a rough pace. 
 “Her pussy is so wet, like it's crying for our attention.” The clone lands a harsh smack on your ass, causing you to yelp around Doffy’s dick. “See.” You feel its fingers run up and down your pussy before bringing its hand to show Doflamingo your glistening arousal. You feel a hard twitch in your mouth as Doffy grunts. He’s getting close. 
 “I’m going to cum and I expect you to swallow every last drop.” With a few more rough thrusts he fills your mouth full of his thick cum. You swallow every bit of it and stick your tongue out to prove it.
 “Where are your manners?” The clone grabs your hair and yanks your head back. “What do you say when your master gives you his cum?” The clone releases your hair so you can look back at Doffy. 
 “Thank you master.” You smile at him through lidded eyes. He let out a satisfied hum in response.  Although you're not able to see his eyes thanks to his sunglasses, you're certain they would have a glint of satisfaction in them.
 “Get her prepared for me. She’s going to need it.” The clone got to work right away by flipping you onto your back. It hooked your legs over its shoulders before licking a long stripe up your slit. 
 “A-AH~” Your hips arch off the bed as the clone starts to eat you out. Its tongue would swirl around your clit before diving deep into your cunt. You could feel pressure building in your lower abdomen already. “ F-fuck it feels so… good~ Your tongue is the best!” You feel the Clone smirk against you.
 “The best huh? So even better than the real one?” The clone gives your clit a harsh suck before looking up at you. “I’m flattered.” It landed a playful smack on your thigh before continuing its assault on your swollen clit. You throw your head back and notice the furious look Doflamingo was giving his clone.
 “Doffy wait I didn’t mean it like tha-” You cut yourself off as a wanton moan escapes your lips. The clone's tongue started stroking that spot deep within you that had your toes curling. “Right there please~ I’m gonna cum~”
 “I’ve had enough of this.” You feel Doffy’s body move from behind you. You whine when the Clones tongue leaves you right as you are about to peak. You bring your head up to see Doflamingo had joined his clone in between your legs. They were both gripping one of your thighs while giving each other a dangerous glare. Was he getting jealous…. of his own clone?
 “Well I haven’t, so back off.” The clone had no plans of backing down as it gripped your thigh tighter. 
 “Do you actually believe you're better than me? Have you forgotten that you're a damn clone?” Doffy clenches his teeth and grabs the clone around the neck. “I can make you go away with a snap of my fingers.” You hold in a laugh as you watch the two bickering. 
 “Well how about we settle this?” You watch as the clone pulls Doffy’s hand off. “Let’s see who can make her cum first.” An evil grin etches itself on Doflamingo’s face at his Clones proposal. 
 “Fine by me.” Doffy agrees as they both turn to look at you. You felt like conquerors' haki was being used on you the way your body froze to the bed. 
 They both start leaving kisses and bite marks down your legs. Slowly but surely they inched closer to the place you wanted them the most. Finally you feel their hot breath ghosting over your sensitive flesh. 
 “Doffy.” You call out to the man himself, gaining his attention. “Please make me cum, only you can~” He smirks at you before his expert tongue starts lapping at your folds. It's very rare that Doffy eats you out, but when he does you're always left speechless. You wish you could thank the clone for pressing his buttons.
 “Don’t forget about me.” You feel the clone's tongue join Doffy’s. The two tongues fight for dominance as they lick every inch of your needy pussy. Your body vibrates from the sheer ecstasy you're experiencing. 
 One of Doffy’s hands snakes up your body to wrap firmly around your neck. You had no trouble figuring out which tongue was the real Doffy’s. Everytime he flicks your clit, he squeezes your neck as if to remind you who your pussy belongs to. 
 “I’m gonna cum~” Your hand grabs onto Doffy’s blonde hair as your body twitches.
"Your not needed anymore." Doflamingo pulls the clone away you before shoving two fingers deep into you. Your legs begin to shake as he syncs the pace of his fingers and tongue together. The perfect harmony of pleasure was driving you even closer to the edge.
 “That’s not fair.” The clone attempts to reclaim his spot between your legs, but was quickly shut down.
 “Have we ever been known to be fair?” With a snap of Doffy's fingers, the sound of string unwinding mixes with your moans. The clone had a scowl on its face before it disappeared. His fingers pick up the pace causing you to grip his hair tighter. “Be a good little girl and cum for me.”
 “Fuck~” Your body quivers as your overdue orgasm crashes over you. Doffy’s tongue detaches from your clit, but his fingers begin to rock up and down harder. You try to fight the urge to let go, knowing what would happen if you do. “Stop Doffy, I’m going to make a mess!”  Your warning came too late as your second orgasm washes over you, causing clear liquid to gush out of you. 
 “I win. Now to claim my prize.” Doffy places his fingers in his mouth and sucks your juices off them. It's hard to lose when you get rid of your competition. “Get on your hands and knees, now.” 
 You miraculously get yourself into the position he wants. Your hands shake trying to hold your worn out body up. Stay focused Y/N, don’t pass out. You hear the familiar sound of a condom being opened as the bed dips. One of his hands ghost up your back, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its path. The same hand wraps tightly around your hair as he bottoms out in one motion. He stays pressed up against your cervix for a few minutes, letting your walls stretch and relax around him. You move up and down his length, letting him know your ready.
 The pace he sets is rapid and ruthless. His cock effortlessly hits all of your sweet spots with every thrust. The blinding pleasure was starting to build up all over again. Your hands shook violently on the bed, you know they are going to give out any moment now. 
 “Are you struggling?” Doflamingo deep voice whispers in your ear. “Want your master to help you?” You weakly nod your head. Doffy’s free arm hooked under you, bringing you off the bed until your back was flush against his chest. He bottoms out again and continues his relentless thrusts. The new position gave him full control over your body, leaving you completely at his mercy. 
 The hand that was in your hair moved down until it stopped at one of your neglected nipples. He rolls the bud between his thumb and index finger before pinching it hard. You cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain. He then moves to the other nipple and gives it the same treatment. 
 “It feels so good.~” Your hand goes down to play with your clit but Doffy stops you.
 “Not so fast little girl.” He switches the position to where he is laying on the bed with you on top. “You're being so selfish, making me do all of the work.” His thumb starts circling your clit causing you grind down on him. “As a matter of fact you’ve not only selfish. You’ve been disobedient, bratty and you even went as far to say that stupids clone tongue was better than mine. You don’t deserve that reward, not even in the slightest.” His cold tone causes you to halt your movements. Something about it struck a chord deep within you. 
 “I’m sorry Doffy.” It hurt knowing he was so disappointed in you. You feel your mood declining. All the dopamine and adrenaline that coursed through your body had finally run out, leaving you emotionally vulnerable.  
 “I’m not finished talking yet, so stop crying and listen.” You were unaware of your tears until he mentioned it. You watch as his hand comes up to his sunglasses. He inhales a deep breath and pulls the glasses off. You bring your hands up to cover your eyes. No one has ever seen his eyes, not even Trebol has. “Look at me Y/N.” Slowly, you drop your hands. Your eyes connect with his. His right eye was ruby red, while his left eye was white and foggy. 
 “Doffy.....Your eyes are beautiful. But why? Why did you show me?” You look at him in awe. 
 “I can’t even answer that myself.” He sighs and runs a hand through his blonde locks. “It doesn't matter anyways. You still want that reward?” 
 “Yes, I do.” You were starting to think him showing you his eyes was the reward. 
 “Make me cum and it’s yours.” He crosses his arms behind his back. Out of everything you and him have done tonight, this was by far the most intimate.
 You slowly start going up and down his length. Every fiber in your body was screaming at you to stop, but the desire to please the man below you was louder. The lewd sounds of your body's connecting fill the room once more. You pick up the pace as you chase your high. Doffy’s hands reach out and grab onto your plush hips. His grip was getting tighter and tighter, causing your hips to roll and grind on him.
 “Fuck.” Doffy curses. One of his hands leaves your hip and moves to wrap around your neck. “Tell me, who does this pussy belong to?” 
 “My master.” You cry out as the grip around your neck tightness.
 “And who is your fucking master.” He brings your head down so your eyes meet his. 
 “You!” Tears of pleasure rolled down your face. “Donquixote Doflamingo!” You cling onto consciousness as you meet your final orgasm. Doffy follows you as he slams against your cervix. You stay still until his cock softens inside you. Slowly you lift yourself off him. Your body collapses on top of him the moment he is fully out of you. You know he is not a fan of skin to skin contact after sex, but you were too weak to hold yourself up.
 “Doffy.” You muster enough energy to lift your head. “Did I do a good job? Are you going to give me the reward?” Your vision was starting  to go in and out. 
 “Yes, I suppose you did.” A weak smile forms on your lips at his words. 
 “Good.” Your head falls back down on his chest. ”That makes me so happy.” Your eyes close and despite your efforts no to, you black completely out.
~While you were knocked out~
 “How amusing.” Doflamingo snickers at your worn out body splayed on his. “You put all that effort in for a silly reward, just to pass out before you're able to indulge in it.” He lifts your body off of his and lays you gently on the bed. He puts his sunglasses back on and calls a maid in.
 “How can I help you young master?” The maid was blushing ear to ear seeing the state you and him were in.
 “Go get something for Y/N to sleep in from her room and change the sheets. I do apologize, it’s my fault they got a little wet.” The maid's cheeks got even darker at his declaration. Doflamingo picks your limp body from the bed and makes his way over to the bathroom. “And if you tell anyone about this, I will cut your head off and send it to your family. You may go now.” 
 “Yes young master.” Her voice wavers with fear. With a bow she leaves the room.
 Doffy turns his shower on, letting steam fill the room. He sat you down on the shower bench so he could clean himself. After giving his body a good scrub down, he picks your body up and places you under the warm water. He leans your body against his and begins to massage shampoo into your hair. After rinsing the suds out of your hair, he poured shower gel into a washcloth and started to lather it into your skin.
 “You're missing out young lady. I’m even using my expensive soap on you~” No response. Doffy rolls his eyes and continues to rinse your body off. He turns the shower off after he deems you squeaky clean. He sat you back down on the bench so he could dry himself off. He threw on a pair of silky pink boxers and then got to work drying you off. 
 He picks you up and takes you back into the bedroom. The maid had laid your clothes out on the freshly made bed. Doffy grabs the night gown and places it over your body. He never in a million years would have thought about pampering a woman like this. But yet here he is.
 “I normally only take these off of a woman, but I guess I’ll make an exception just this once.” He grabs your panties and rolls them up your legs. He admires the small pink flamingo that decorates them. “I’ll have to buy you more of these.”
 He pulls the duvet down and places you under it. After turning the lamp off he joined you in the bed.
 “Baby 5……” You mumble in your unconscious state. “If you go out, get me the latest copy of “Daydreams of Dressrosa”. And don’t let Doffy find out.” 
 “I’m not Baby 5 and I already know you read those silly books you insufferable woman.” Doffy whispers in your ear and as he expected you don’t respond. 
 Doflamingo has never been one to fall asleep easily, normally he reads a book or ponders his next heinous act. But tonight he finds himself watching your sleeping form. The moonlight that peeks through the curtains casts an ethereal glow on your face. “Do you want to shower with me and maybe we can cuddle together for a while after?” He recalls your request from that night. You have technically already showered together, even though you weren't awake for any of it. Which was of course your (Doffy’s) fault. Now it was time to fulfill the last part of your request.  His arm hooks around your midsection and pulls you so your head rests on his chest.
 His arm wraps around your back keeping you snug against him. He’d never openly admit it to you, but he was enjoying this. From the way you snuggled closer to him, to the way your body molds perfectly with his. Like you were made for him. Because you were made for him. He has never been one to keep the same woman around for long. He viewed women how children viewed toys. They are fun for a little while, until something more fun comes along. But not you. You're different from the others who threw themselves at him. He of course finds you very attractive, but there was something else that allured him more. 
  You are truly like his loyal lap dog. No matter how much he neglects you and no matter how many times he metaphorically “kicks you”, the moment he sticks his hand out you come running to him with that dopey smile plastered on your face. You're so hopelessly devoted to him and he loves it. You can’t live without him, he knows that. But a small part of him feels the same way towards you.
 “I think I’ll keep you around. For now at least.” 
 Your body stirs awake when you feel something tickling your ear. You search for the cause only to hear light snores coming from above you. Slowly you raise yourself from the bed to see the source of the snores was coming from none other than Doflamingo. You bite down on your lip in order not to laugh. It was so funny to watch a man so powerful and scary snoring.  He was still human after all. One particularly loud snore causes a giggle to escape your lips. You slam a hand over your mouth and pray he didn’t hear. 
 “Mind telling me what’s so funny?” It was too late, the beast was already lifting up from the bed.
 “It’s nothing Doffy, you were just snoring.” You press your hands against his chest urging him to lay back down. “I’m sure I’ve overstayed my welcome, I apologize. Sleep well young master.” You scooch yourself off the bed only to be pulled back by a strong arm. He brought you back down to his tone chest and wrapped his arm back around you, caging you to his side. Butterflies erupt in your stomach from the gesture. You lips form into a wide smile as you enjoy the warmth he provided.
 “I don’t snore. And you're fine right where you are. This is your reward after all.” You feel his hand draw soothing shapes into your back. I must be dreaming.
 “If that’s the case, I really like my reward. Thank you.” Your eyes travel up to meet his. You were on cloud 9 and the huge smile on your face proved that. He rolls his eyes at you before slamming your head back down. “Can I request one more thing?” You muffle out into his pecs.
 “Well, aren't you a greedy girl? What is this request of yours?” You feel your heartbeat pick up. You hope this doesn't go south like last time. 
 “Will you please kiss me? I’m grateful for everything you’ve given me and I-.” Your cutoff when his lips connect with your. It catches you off guard, but you slowly melt into it. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire as he slips his tongue into your mouth. Thankfully he pulls away before it gets too heated, you doubt your worn out body could go another round.
 “Satisfied?” You meekly nod before laying back down on him. “Good, now go back to sleep.”
 “One more thing.” You hear him groan out in response. “Now that I’ve seen your eyes, are you going to kill me?” The room fell silent before he started laughing.
 “Perhaps.” You don’t know what worse, the fact he’s laughing about it or not knowing if that perhaps was a joke or not. “Now go back to sleep or I may actually off you.” That time you could sense he was kidding. He was kidding right?
 “Yes sir.” And with that you fell back asleep in his protective hold.
 ~The morning after~
 You woke up alone in Doflamingo’s ginormous bed. You rub the sleep out of your eyes and roll off of the plush mattress. Judging from the amount of sunshine that filled the room, it was very late in the morning. You stretch your arms over your head and let out a satisfied hum.
  Your eyes scan the room and stop on a large tray of sweets sitting on a table. After last night activities, you've worked up a appetite. You walk up to investigate the confections and notice a couple books stacked neatly beside it. You jump up and down when you realize the books are the latest volumes of “Daydreams of Dressrosa”. And they were all signed copies! There was even a copy of the book that was destroyed in the pool yesterday.
 “What page was I on again?” You open the book and skim through the pages until you find a pink feather marking page 112.
 Unknown to you, a certain warlord watched you with a rare, but rather pleasant smile on his face.
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ziseviolet · 1 year
Qipao/Cheongsam Taobao Shop Recs
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A while ago I received a direct message asking for recs on where to buy qipao/cheongsam, and I figured I’d make a post for others who’d also be interested. 
First of all - I think qipao should be tried on and bought in-person if at all possible, since having the right fit is important - especially if it’s for a formal occasion like a wedding. However, since that’s often not possible, I’ve compiled a list of online shop recs, mainly for more casual occasions.
Since English-language online qipao shops are plentiful and easy to find, I’ll be focusing this list on Taobao shops only. Please note that these are my personal recs, based on my own aesthetic preferences. Thus most of the recs are for shops focused on retro-inspired, minguo-style qipao made using the traditional 平裁/pingcai (flat tailoring) method. Also, I have not actually purchased qipao from any of these shops (all my qipao were bought in person) - this is based mainly on how appealing I find the designs.
1. 嬉姷/Xi You - Elegant qipao modelled closely on historical designs, mainly from the Republican era/minguo. Careful attention paid to historical details. My favorite qipao shop to browse for fun:
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2. 海上芳时/Shanghai Fancy - Specializes in chic minguo-style designs of the 1920s-1940s. Recently came out with a neat art deco-inspired collection:
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3. 唐之语/Tang Zhi Yu - Retro-style qipao in a variety of bold prints, with a focus on the form-fitting designs of the 1950s-1960s, including those from the film “In the Mood for Love”:
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4. 繁莳/Fancy Dream - Dreamy, delicate retro-inspired qipao and modified qipao. Also has a nice selection of winter majia (vests):
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5. Top Ulara - A large selection of classic, retro-style qipao with a hint of glamour. Offers lots of long/thick/layered qipao suitable for colder weather:
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6. 梦回故里/Menghui Guli - Nostalgic, conservative retro-style qipao for all seasons. Old-fashioned in a good way:
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7. 晴山制衣/Qingshan Zhiyi - Retro-style qipao in fresh, vivid colors and an interesting variety of designs and patterns:
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8. 限时赏味/Xianshi Shangwei - Streamlined, retro-style qipao in subtle colors and prints that exemplify understated elegance: 
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9. 茉茉/Momo - Tons of options for simple, cute, and casual retro-style qipao suitable for daily wear. Designs tend towards monochromes and all-over prints. Another review/rec here:
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10. 如及/Yu Gallery - Simple yet elegant retro-style and contemporary qipao. I love the shop’s use of sheer fabrics & layering in its designs:
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11. 向南飞FLY - Offers a selection of casually stylish retro-style qipao and modified qipao for daily chic:
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12. 川黛/Chuan Dai - Soft, feminine, pastel-infused qipao & modified qipao in retro-inspired and contemporary styles:
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13. 四斤自制/Sijin Studio - Creative, avant-garde takes on (modified) qipao & qipao-inspired outfits:
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14. 密扇/Mukzin - Colorful, playful, and irreverent modified qipao and qipao-inspired outfits. There’s also an English website here:
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If you like the above qipao but still want an English website, there are several Taobao resellers that carry similar designs - for example, Beth and Brian Qipao. The hanfu shop Nuwa Hanfu also offers a carefully curated array of qipao, including plus-size qipao.
Finally, when it comes to in-person shops, I want to highlight Xiangjiang Silk Co., a relatively new boutique in New York City specializing in actual vintage 1950s-1960s qipao. There’s an article here on the boutique and its founder Heather Guo (who was featured in Vogue). Store visits are appointment-only, so you’ll have to reach out to Heather via her social media if you want to drop by.
If anyone has reviews of the above shops and/or more qipao shop recs, please share! ^^
Bonus: I also have online shop recs for hanfu (1, 2), modified hanfu/hanyuansu (1, 2), hanfu accessories, weimao, and hair accessories. 
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Bragging Rights (M)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader x Jungkook
Genre: Smut
Word count: ~9k 
Summary: Jimin and Jungkook are your best friends, which means they trust you to judge all of their stupid little contests. It just so happens that their contest this time is to see who is better at sex. And you’re the neutral party.
Warnings: Pwp, Threesome (No Jimin x Jk), oral (m & f receiving), fingering, dirty talk, slight dom!Jk and dom!Jimin, unprotected sex (reader is on birth control), penetrative sex, creampie, sloppy seconds, I’m going to hell
(A/N): Jungkook has been fucking everyone up recently so I wanted to do something with him in it. I left the ending open ended so you get to choose who won in the end (though I personally think Jungkook won) so I hope you all have fun reading! Enjoy~
You have always been able to expect the antics of your best friends. Though you can never predict what they’ll do next, it’s never a surprise as everything is just par for the course at this point. Except for this.
Your jaw lay strewn about the floor alongside the last of their brain cells apparently, your sanity shattering with one question.
“Would you be willing to fuck both of us?“ the question came from a shameless Jungkook, who is known for saying out of pocket shit without context. But this goes beyond anything you’ve experienced before. He says this like it’s the most natural thing in the world, as if he were asking to borrow your phone charger or if you wanted to play video games with them. Jimin chimes in to explain and you hope it’s to say that they were just joking. 
“We need someone to judge who’s better at sex and you’re the only neutral party we know.” He also says this candidly, though he has the sense to look at least a little sheepish about it, and you can only stare blankly at the two men, looking between them both with your mouth open. You’re still waiting for someone to laugh.
“You serious?” You finally speak up when the silence becomes too dense, your voice hoarse with disbelief. They nod. It’s not that you wouldn’t fuck them— they were both strikingly attractive— but they’re your best friends. You’re sure this would break every rule about friendship with the opposite sex that there’s ever been. How would you ever be able to hang out with them normally again after knowing what their dicks look like, what they taste like, how it feels to have their hands all over you? 
But there’s a large part of you that’s tempted to say yes. 
“You can always say no, there’s no pressure,” Jungkook chirps, “but it would really help us settle this argument.” You don’t even want to ask how this started. “Plus! It’ll be good for you too because you haven’t gotten dick in a while. You get your needs met and we get to settle our argument, it’s a win-win!” 
“The fuck? Who says I haven’t gotten dick in a while?!” You defend, mouth hanging open for a different reason now.
“You!” Both men respond in unison, forcing you to slouch back into the sofa. 
“We can tell you’ve been horny by the way you’ve been eye fucking every man that walks by, don’t try to deny it. You should know we know you better than that by now.” Crossing his arms, Jimin calls you out and you can’t even say anything because he’s right. Dammit, they do know you well.
“It’s not my fault Baekhyun is out of town for the month.” You mutter under your breath, referencing your friend with benefits that they hear about often. “Fine, you caught me. I’m horny as fuck-“
“Great, so it’s settled! You’ll fuck us?” Jungkook cuts in.
“I never said that. I’m horny as fuck but I’m not that horny to throw away our friendship over a stupid argument between you idiots.” It sounds like you want to say more so they wait, but when nothing follows Jimin speaks up.
“Well can you at least think about it? It won’t change anything on our end, we promise.”
“Sure I’ll think about it, but don’t be surprised if the answer is still no.” They both nod, accepting that answer for now, and you call them over to the couch to play Mario Kart to take your mind off things.
A few hours later, however, you find out just how weak you are. 
You were absolutely wrong. You are that horny. You’ve been wet ever since they proposed the idea to you and it’s only getting worse. They sandwich you between their bodies on your small loveseat, their body heat engulfing you in flames that you can’t escape no matter how much you shift around. They don’t try to persuade you any more than their initial proposition, at least not intentionally. You keep catching glimpses of them shifting their legs, the gray and black sweatpants Jungkook and Jimin sport, respectively, not helping your situation as you keep seeing the outlines of their dicks through the thin material. Everywhere they touch you is burning hot, your elbows, your thighs, your shoulders, and you begin breaking into a sweat. The grunts and sighs that come from Jungkook when he makes a mistake or falls behind in the game make your heart skip, your brain going into overdrive imagining the sounds he would make for you if he were to have his way with you. Jimin isn’t much better, letting his hand drape across your thigh when you throw a leg over his to try to cool down a bit. He’s not doing anything that he wouldn’t usually do, this is common for the three of you, but now you can’t stop thinking about how it would feel if he moved his hand just a bit higher, slipping them under your shorts…
“Yes!!” You shout as you manage to win the last race by some miracle. You come in second overall, an NPC getting the first slot, but you’re better than both of them at Mario Cart and that’s all that matters. Jungkook comes third and has a pout on his lips, upset that he had been winning the entire time but was caught by 3 shells in the last race which took his ranking down below yours. You hop up from the couch, fidgety and flustered, claiming that you need to go to the bathroom, and when you return, you find both men manspreading on the coach looking down at their phones. Your eyes immediately shoot to their crotches, nearly drooling at the ache that forms in your core.
“Need something?” Jimin asks, catching you redhanded with a smirk. He’s so fucking cocky you want to scream, but more prominent is the urge to get down on your knees in front of him and choke yourself on his cock like this view is choking you now. You can hardly breathe, let alone come up with a response. 
“I- I-“
“Take your time.” He goads, getting the proper reaction from you as you feel your skin start to prick with heat and annoyance. Jungkook joins in by spreading his legs just a little wider, a shit eating grin on his lips as well.
“You guys are the worst,” Finally you spit out a sentence and plop down between them, head in hands. “So why am I seriously considering this?” You mumble out, voice muffled by your hands but they hear it all the same. 
“Really?!” They perk up at this, dark brown hair atop their heads flopping over their eyes, and when Jungkook shakes his head to flip it off of his forehead you nearly wet yourself. Jimin chooses to brush his hair away with his fingers and that snaps the last of your reservations. 
You decide to ask one more time for good measure, though you couldn’t care less at this point. “Are you sure this won’t change anything between us?” 
The two men think for a moment, looking at each other for certainty before reassuring you that it wouldn’t. 
“Plus, we already know you basically sold your pussy to Baekhyun by now, we don’t have a chance in hell to do this again once he gets back.” You know what Jungkook means, but he makes you sound like a prostitute when he says it like that.  
“Ew don’t say it like that! And he doesn’t own me, I can do whatever and whoever I want.” Crossing your arms in defiance, you try your hardest to make it seem convincing, but they clearly don’t believe you. Although, Baekhyun’s spot might be threatened once you go through with this. 
“Yeah right.” Jimin quips, rolling his eyes, and Jungkook chuckles at that. Then the two of them close in on you.
“So are we doing this?” The younger one asks, imploring with innocently wide eyes as if he were asking for a cup of juice and not a threesome with his best friends. You turn away from his stare out of embarrassment, only to be met with Jimin’s equally innocent eyes, so you divert your own gaze to the floor to keep the remnants of your sanity intact. 
“I guess we are,” you mutter out, but that isn’t good enough for them.
“Nuh uh, we need a clear ‘yes’ from you if you want this.” A hand reaches out to grab your chin, and you’re suddenly faced with Jimin again, his dark eyes no longer innocent. It steals the breath from your lungs and you have to swallow the nervous lump in your throat to get your answer out.
“Y-yes, I want this.” You say this as loudly as your voice would allow (which isn’t very loud) and a satisfied grin plasters itself on your best friend’s angelic face. 
Without replying, Jimin leans forward and kisses your cheek, measuring your reaction with eyes that search your face for any sign of discomfort. But instead he finds that you are more than willing to go through with this, your eyes begging for his lips, so he happily obliges. Claiming your mouth as his own, Jimin kisses you senseless, taking the lead by sucking your bottom lip between his own, and you moan at the action. It’s sloppy and passionate in a way that makes it feel like he’s been waiting to kiss you like this forever, and you find yourself losing your breath rapidly. Hands find your midsection and you suddenly remember Jungkook on the other side of you, leaning forward to leave a trail of kisses on your upper back and shoulders, pulling at the spaghetti straps of your tank top.
Jimin finally pulls back to breathe, allowing you to turn to face the younger man, and immediately you can see the urgency in his eyes once you’re facing him. His hands are creeping up your shirt, exploring your soft abdomen, and the ticklish feeling has you smiling a goofy smile. He smiles back, taking the material of your shirt into his hands and lifting, and your shirt hits the floor in no time flat. That’s when both boys realize that 1. you’ve forgone a bra and 2. You have the most beautiful breasts they have ever seen. The cool air of your living room causes your nipples to harden and you shiver, not only from the cold but from their hungry stares as they devour you with their eyes.
“Holy shit,” Jungkook whispers, hand already reaching to hold one of your breasts in his tattooed hand.
“You have the prettiest tits ever.” Jimin compliments, taking the other in his hand as well. The men adjust themselves to get a better view of you as they push you further back into your seat, nodding once to each other before diving in to leave kisses and bruises all over your chest. Jimin goes for your nipple immediately, licking over the bud with a gentle tongue before using his teeth to scrap over the sensitive skin, the contrast making you moan out loud in honest for the first time. He does it again, then again, adding in bites and sucks until your core is throbbing with anticipation for what he’ll do once he gets between your legs.
Jungkook focuses on every area around your nipple, avoiding the area entirely with his mouth and making you ache to feel him on the bud. He sucks loudly on your skin, marking you with teeth and tongue, making slobbery trails of saliva that cool and send goosebumps in their wake once he pulls back. He uses the tip of his tongue to trace circles around your areola, the heat of his breath around your nipple making your eyes squeeze shut in hopes that he’ll take mercy on you and close his lips around the bundle of nerves, giving it the same treatment that Jimin is showing you on the other side. Mind hazy and pussy fluttering, you’re startled when Jimin pulls back to remind you what they’re doing this for.
“Remember (Y/n), you’re supposed to be judging us on who does a better job.” He chides, noticing you lost in pleasure and not thinking about a single thing. 
“Oh, sorry, let me just stop enjoying myself and take notes on a notepad instead.” You quip back at him, irritated that he’s stopped his ministrations on your chest. Jungkook snorts at this, still teasing you. There’s absolutely no way for you to be clinical about this, that much is apparent by how good it feels to have two men attending to you at the same time, your mind already blank and they haven’t even moved past your tits yet. 
“I’m just saying, keep that in mind.” Jimin snickers, licking a path from nipple to collarbone to neck, ending with a mind numbing suckle to your pulse point, and just when you thought it couldn’t get much better, Jungkook finally closes his mouth on your nipple, sucking in varying intensities all while flicking his tongue around the bead. You gasp, unsure of who is doing the better job, and you feel like you’re about to explode. But all too soon, as if they can sense you enjoying yourself a bit too much, the men pull away and leave you cold and shaking, topless and exposed on your own couch.
“So, who gets the first point?” Kookie asks, smirking as if he’s already won. 
“Point? I didn’t know we were doing a points system?” Gathering your thoughts, you clear your throat and try to bring yourself back to reality. They wanted you to score them? This was going to be tough.
“Yeah, how else would we figure out who’s better? The one with the most points at the end wins and gets bragging rights.” Jimin explains smartly, making you roll your eyes at the sassiness you sense from him. 
“So?” They say in unison, looking at you intently. Your hands reach up to cup your chest in response to the coolness they left there as you frown in thought.
“Umm, I really liked Jimin’s technique, but Jungkook wins this round.” You state after some thought, resolving not to think about it too hard so they would hurry up and continue pleasuring you. “I liked how he teased me, it made me want him to touch me so badly that when it actually happened, I nearly creamed my shorts.” He smiles triumphantly at your praise, Jimin nodding his head in acceptance while mentally noting that you like to be teased. Then it’s on to the next round.
The next round takes place in the bedroom, Jimin having announced this loudly while Jungkook swooped down to throw you over his shoulder like a rag doll and carried you to your bed. Now you lay in the center of your queen sized mattress, shorts and panties missing from your body while both men stand with raging erections as they examine you from the foot of the bed. Licking his lips, Jungkook asks who gets to eat you out first and you feel your clit throb. Wordlessly, they both look at each other before each putting out a fist and playing Rock Paper Scissors without hesitation.
“Be so fucking serious right now.” You say in disbelief, unable to believe how you were convinced to have sex with these two dorks. You must have been really horny because looking at them now you’re broken out of the haze of lust and can see that they’re still your goofy best friends, the only people you know who would play Rock Paper Scissors in front of a girl they were about to fuck while she literally lay naked and waiting for them. Jungkook wins the game and does a little dance at his victory, hopping onto the bed suddenly and pushing your legs open. You let out a bit of a yelp at his quick movements, Jimin being much more graceful on his way to take a seat next to your head, moving you so that your head rests on his muscular thigh. 
Unlike how he treated your nipple, Jungkook wastes no time attacking your core, using his entire tongue to spread you open, parting your folds and drinking down your leaking essence. He groans at the taste, dipping back down for more, and you shudder at the sensation of his wet muscle circling your entrance. Though the young man is good at everything, you aren’t incredibly impressed by his performance, unfortunately. The whole time he spent down there was wasted on him licking your folds, sucking at your lips and completely missing your clit. The time he did spend on your clit was rushed even though you reacted dramatically when his tongue did brush the bud, and in the end you had to tell him to do what he did on your nipple to your clit for him to catch on that that’s what you wanted. When he did get to what you wanted, however, your legs shook from how good it felt. Jungkook has a very dexterous tongue you’ve discovered, very impressed with its flicking and circling speeds as he finally paid special attention to your most sensitive areas. He adds a finger, then two, pumping them in a out quickly in pace with his tongue, and you let out a loud moan when he gives you a nice suck to your clit, the finale to his show. He pulls back with a sigh, face wet and red and you are left craving, wanting more than he gave you. From the looks of it, he enjoyed the experience marginally more than you did, the large protrusion and wet spot in the front of his sweats giving you the idea that he wanted to eat you out more for his sake than yours. Then Jimin swoops in to the rescue.
He must have seen the slightly annoyed look on your face because when he moves to change spots with Jungkook he gives you a quick peck on the cheek to smooth your frown and chuckles in a way that tells you not to worry. You’re excited this time, looking up at the older man with pleading eyes that are swimming with lust. You lock eyes and the look he gives you is a promise that not only will he make you feel good, but that you’ll cum. You raise an eyebrow as a challenge and he just smirks down at you in response.
“You think you can beat that?” Kookie asks in cocky fashion, clearly feeling good about himself despite his very average performance. Jimin begins his descent down your body, kissing every plane and crevice from your neck down.
“I know I can do better.” He mumbles against your skin, looking incredibly focused on making you feel good.
“I doubt you can make her shake the way I just did, but I’d like to see you try.” Since winning the first round clearly has gone to his head, Jimin resolves to knock him down a peg and let him see what true skill looks like. It’s been over a full minute and he’s still kissing around your thighs, biting on sensitive skin so close to your lips and soothing it with his tongue, kissing the edge of your outer lips and blowing air on your core in a way that makes your thighs tremble around his head. Jimin looks up at his friend when you shake for him as if checking to see if he were watching, using his eyes to say that he made you shake without even touching you. “Whatever,” the younger male says with a roll of his eyes. “She’s only shaking because I got her wound up.”
“Kookie, shut the fuck up.” Your last word comes out as a groan as Jimin finally gives you what you wanted, taking your clit into his mouth and licking around it in a torturously slow oval. The way you moan has both men humming, Jimin grinding his bulge into the edge of the bed. Beside you, Jungkook has his hands down his pants, presumably gripping the now painful erection he sports with his lip locked between his teeth as he watches you get eaten out by his best friend. 
Returning your attention to Jimin, you look down to see him watching you, drawing more circles around your bud just to watch you tremble, your hips grinding into him when he refuses to speed up. Occasionally his tongue dips down to taste you, dragging your wetness up from your entrance to your bud, just for it to drip back down again and slide between your ass onto the sheets below. He uses his lips alongside his tongue, dragging the plush pillows against your nub, kissing and sucking between long strokes of his tongue. Then, two of his fingers enter you and you see stars. He curls the fingers expertly into the spongy spot a couple inches into your opening, rubbing against the area repeatedly in time with his mouth and you feel your toes flex and curl. Your voice breaks and you let out another surprisingly loud moan, eyes rolling in your head and Jimin speeds up against your clit. When you continue to moan, he comes up with an idea. 
“Kook, can you quiet her down a little?” He asks, and you would be offended by the phrasing if it didn’t feel so good to have him rubbing right into that spot inside you. You’re cursing now, legs lifted higher than before to give Jimin more access, not paying attention to the man beside you who inches closer and raises to his knees. Something hard and fleshy taps you on your cheek, and you open your closed eyes to see Jungkook has slipped his pants down and is kneeling with his cock just inches from your face. Your eyes focus in on his member, both thick and long, and you’re sure Jimin can feel how you clench around his fingers at the sight. His balls are tight and pink, just begging to be sucked, and you find your mouth watering at the prospect. 
“Open.” Jungkook instructs, gruff voice prompting you to action. You open your mouth and immediately he slips inside, salty and musky taste invading your tongue in he best way possible. Jimin picks up speed with his fingers, pumping in and out while hooked on that one spot and you can’t help but moan around Jungkook’s cock, barely sucking because of how good Jimin is making you feel. His mouth is relentless and you try to match his pace by bobbing your head to his rhythm, earning a groan from Jungkook. His dick twitches in your mouth when you go deeper, sucking in your cheeks on your way up, and fuck you’ve never felt this good before. Not only is Jimin’s consistent attack on your clit building you up to a great orgasm, but Jungkook is making those wonderful sounds you thought of hearing earlier and it’s music to your ears. “God, your mouth feels so good.” He praises, a hand on the back of your head to guide you when you start to fall out of rhythm as your praise kink kicks into overdrive.
Pushing yourself to your limits, you try deep throating his dick, pressing your face into his pubic bone until his head slips past your gag reflex and he lets out a moan that rivals your own in volume, just as Jimin suctions his lips around your clit. You choke, Jungkook pulling back to allow you to breathe, and he can see the way your eyelids flutter and cross as Jimin works you with his fingers and mouth, no longer pumping in and out but now curling back and forth against that spongy area as he flicks as fast as he can against your bud. The stimulation is close to what your vibrator feels like and suddenly your breaths become labored, panting and moaning, squeezing around his fingers as he builds you up higher and higher. You’re riding his face now at this point, grinding into him messily until you can’t take it anymore.
You hold your breath for the climax and it comes crashing into you.
Hot waves of lava seem to flow through your veins as your orgasm seizes your body, taking control and making you shake and squirm in their hold. Jungkook’s hands roam your upper body, fingertips spreading the fire along your skin with every touch. Jimin stills his fingers to give you broad licks, savoring the way that each stroke causes your legs to jerk and twitch. Fingers find your nipples and give them a gentle twist and you aren’t sure whose hands they are but the way they massage the pebbles has your walls clenching in another wave of pleasure. Taking a few deep breaths, you try to compose yourself, eyes closed and watering, skin hot to the touch. When you open your eyes, you find both men staring at you.
“That was so fucking hot.” Jungkook gapes. You close your eyes again and place a hand on your chest, trying to slow your breathing. 
“She’s such a good girl, isn’t she? Cumming for us like that.” Jimin teases, kissing up your thighs and hips. You clench at his praise, the fingers still inside you feeling the contractions. “Oh- I felt that.” Devilish smirk slithering its way onto his lips, Jimin retracts his fingers from you to climb his way up your body. “Does our sweet baby girl have a praise kink?”
“M-Maybe,” you mumble, averting your eyes. Jimin presents his cum soaked fingers to you and places them on your lips, pulling your attention back to him as you open your mouth to suck in the digits. 
“I swear you get hotter by the second,” Kookie chimes, looking at you with twinkling eyes.
As soon as his fingers are clean, Jimin pops them out of your mouth and swoops down for a kiss, shoving his tongue against yours to taste the cream you’ve accumulated there, and you feel yourself drip even more down your ass. When he pulls back you watch him lick his lips, savoring the taste.
“So,” Jimin starts, already sporting a shit eating grin. “Care to tell us who won the second round?”
“You.” You say without hesitation. “You did. Fuck, you made me cum so hard.” You whine, rubbing your thighs together as you sit up to be eye level with the two. They look back at you, anticipation filling their blown pupils. “Now, will somebody please fuck me?” 
“Sure, who do you want first?” Jimin asks, stripping from his sweats and shirt, and your mouth waters at the sight of him in only his boxers. You find your eyes locked on his body, anticipating the moment when his cock is revealed to you as he puts on a little strip tease, pushing down the waistband as slowly as humanly possible. But once his member pops out of its confines you let out a groan, beholding the most beautiful dick you’ve ever seen. It’s flushed a pretty peach color with the perfect mushroom head on top. The thick shaft tapers slightly toward the head and its skin looks so smooth and velvety that you’re tempted to rub him right between your folds just to feel how soft it is. 
“I’m giving Jimin a point for having a pretty dick.” You blurt, unable to tear your eyes away from him. His grin grows into a full blown smile and you hear Jungkook’s sounds of protest beside you before he’s stealing your attention back.
“Oh yeah? Well how about this?” He stands, pants pulled up to their original position you notice, and you wonder what he’s got up his sleeve. Your mouth runs dry when you see what he has planned: a full strip tease show.
Starting with his top, he raises the bottom of his shirt inch by inch so you can appreciate each and every one of his flexed ab muscles, the lines between each one making him look like a chocolate bar that you can’t wait to devour. Next to be exposed are his pecs, the hard muscles there tensing as he crosses his arms above head, pulling the shirt off fully and throwing it to the ground. His nipples stand pebbled into beads on his chest and all you can think about is taking one between your teeth just to see him squirm, knowing just how sensitive they are on him. As if to demonstrate this point, Jungkook uses his fingers to pinch at the buds, and you see the jump of his erection in the confines of his pants when he does. He rolls his neck, showing off the delicate skin there that you wish you could litter with marks but all you can do at the moment is sit there and stare while licking your lips like a hungry cat. When his hands finally skim down his washboard abs to his bulged sweatpants you’re panting like a dog, eager for him to reveal himself to you again and let you feast your eyes on him in all his glory, despite already having had him in your mouth today. But you didn’t get a chance to fully admire him at that time with Jimin’s head between your thighs, so you feel validated in wanted to see him again so badly. He runs his hands over the clear protrusion in his pants, squeezing himself to make the outline of his dick pop out to you, and you find yourself gulping like a fish out of water. Jimin fakes a gag out of the corner of your eye but you choose to ignore him. 
“Should I take these off?” Jungkook purrs in a sultry voice, causing you to gush all down your thighs at the way his baritone vibrates through your body. You can only nod.
“Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!” Jimin chants, now seated beside you to watch the show just to mock his junior, and just for the fun of it you join in, cheering like you’re at a strip club when Jungkook’s fingers finally hook in the waistband of his Calvin Klein’s. He pulls them down quickly, his bottom half exposed so fast that it causes his cock to bounce and you nearly bark at how feral the sight makes you.
“Another point to Kookie for the strip tease,” you announce, now hot and bothered from all the teasing. The scores are now tied again. “Now will somebody, anybody please stick their dick in me before I combust? A girl can only wait so long.”
“Getting desperate are we?” Chuckles Jimin, dark and mischievous. 
“Yes, I’m so wet right now that I feel like I’m going to drown if I’m not fucked within the next minute.” You pout, making your best friends laugh. 
Jungkook still stands at the foot of the bed, languidly pumping his length up and down and your eyes catch on his slick tip, leaking enough to let you know that he’s getting impatient too. A glance down at Jimin’s member reveals the same thing, a stream of precum dribbling down his twitching length that sits prettily between his thick thighs. He cranes his neck forward to kiss you on your pouted lips, and you sink into the bed, pulling him on top of you. He catches himself with his arms, staring down at your wanting figure.
“You get to fuck me first since Kookie got to eat me out first.” A groan comes from said man, his head thrown back in frustration, hand speeding up on his shaft yet intentionally avoiding the head. “Don’t complain, you’ll get your chance.” You assure him, returning your attention to Jimin to kiss him again. His tongue slips into your mouth and clashes with your own, exploring your mouth and leaving you breathless. You have no idea how long you spend kissing him, but you’ll have to remember to give him a point for being a good kisser when you can finally pull away. Before you can pull yourself away from him, however, you feel his tip at your entrance rubbing back and forth, slicking himself before pushing in slowly, his pillowy lips muffling the long moan you let out.
He breaks away to pant, “You’re still on birth control, right?” And you let out a huff.
“It’s a little late to ask, idiot.” Jungkook points out, positioned so he can get the perfect view of your pussy being stretched around Jimin’s thick cock. 
“Yeah I am, don’t worry about it.” You breathe, bucking your hips up to tell him you want him to move. He starts up a pace that has you gasping, surprised by how easily he hits your sensitive spots with his girth, and he has you moaning your pleasure in no time. You’re sure he can feel how wet you are, the sounds of wetness and slapping getting louder as he fucks the slick out of you with every harsh thrust, making his shaft so slippery that you’re sure he’s going to slip out every time he pulls back. But he stays inside, hips skillful and practiced as he drives into your tight entrance. You don’t think you’ve had anyone as thick as him before and the thought of him stretching you out around himself makes you squeeze even tighter, causing him to groan out. 
“Don’t squeeze like that, I’m already close.” Jimin’s voice comes out strained as his balls slap against your ass, his face saying that he’s telling the truth, and you hear a laugh.
“Already?! Seriously, hyung?” The youngest gapes, though you suspect he’s probably glad that his turn is coming sooner than expected. He’s stopped touching himself and his cock is now half soft, though it still jumps every now and again as he watches Jimin fuck you even harder.
“Shut up, I almost blew my load when she came on my tongue so I’m lucky we even got this far.” Jimin grunts, pounding into you. He pauses to lift one of your legs onto his shoulder, working a pillow under your hips and the new angle makes you mewl. Static electricity flows through your veins every time he pushes into you, aiming right at that spot and you feel your clit swelling with pressure from how good it feels.
“C-can I touch myself?” You ask softly, though you’re not sure exactly where that came from. But now you’ve reignited the dominant side of Jimin and he changes right before your eyes.
“Mm, aren’t you such a good girl, asking permission.” He moans, hips picking up speed. “Should I let her, Jungkook?”
The younger man shifts in his position to get a better view before answering. “Yeah, I bet she’d look so good doing it.” He groans, eyes locked on you. He’s devouring you with his gaze, taking in everything from your facial expression and your bouncing breasts to the way your slick covers Jimin’s shaft every time he pulls out. It makes you hot being watched like this and you never thought you’d enjoy it so much. Having a spectator makes you feel sexy in a way you didn’t think possible.
“You heard him, baby. Touch yourself.” Leaning back so you have access to your swollen clit, Jimin slows his pace just slightly as you reach down and touch yourself. At first contact you shiver, still sensitive from the previous orgasm you had. The first circle you press into the bud has you clenching down on him again, and this time he has to stop and grip onto your hips to keep control. Immediately you pull your hand back, not wanting him to cum so soon, but he shakes his head at you.
“I didn’t tell you to stop. Keep going.” He pants, both men now staring down at you with predatory gazes. Humming, you continue, slicking your fingers with the mess around his base and rubbing it into your clit at a satisfying speed. To be watched while you masturbate awakens a new kink of yours and you bask in the way your boys practically water at the mouth while looking at you. Jimin starts moving again and each drag of his cock sends sparks up your nerves like live wire, the movements making you that much more sensitive beneath your fingertips. Your eyes start to roll as he times his hips with your flicking. He switches to grinding motions and you moan, loving how you can feel his leaking tip massaging deep within you. “Fuck, I’m going to cum.” Jimin gasps, snapping into you with renewed vigor.
“I want you to cum inside me!” You whine, feeling him harden even more inside you. Your other leg finds its way up on his shoulder and you allow him to pound into you with all his strength, his ab muscles flexing as he works himself in and out of you.
“Yeah, you want it?” He asks, looping his arms around both of your legs. All you can do is nod before he’s fucking into you ferociously, his grunts and groans of pleasure mixing with yours until you can’t tell who is louder. Fingers leaving your core, you hold onto his muscular thighs for dear life as he delivers devastating thrust after devastating thrust, jolting your entire body up the bed at a stuttering rhythm. Then, you feel him still briefly and gasp, his balls on your ass tightening and pulsing as he shoots into you, filling you to the brim with his hot cum. His hips jerk as he soars through his orgasm, spurred on by the way you clench your walls and moan his name because you just love seeing him lost in pleasure like this. It makes you even wetter, and combined with his overflowing semen, you’re a leaking mess. 
Jimin gives you a sloppy kiss as the vestiges of his high leave him, pulling himself free from your gripping core to look down at his masterpiece. Jungkook peers over his shoulder to have a look and you take this opportunity to give them a show, bearing down on your pelvic muscles to push out the white substance Jimin so carefully planted inside you. It oozes out of you, mixing with the cream smeared around your lips and you feel it begin to drip down your ass as you continue to push. The sight nearly knocks both men off their feet, the older of the two visibly drooling at the visual of his cum leaking from your tight pussy, evidence of how good you made him feel and the amazing orgasm you gave him. It’s almost enough to get him hard again. 
The younger of the men is also enthralled by the sight, mouth agape and eyes wide, leaning in ever closer to get a better look at your drooling lips. Jungkook never thought he’d be one to take another man’s sloppy seconds, but when it’s you and Jimin he feels differently about the situation. And that feeling surprises him because in this moment he wants nothing more than to stick his dick in you and use Jimin’s sperm as lube to help you both reach your highs. So that’s exactly what he does. Nearly pushing Jimin out of the way, Jungkook flips you without warning, pressing your face into the pillows and guiding your hips up into position, manhandling you in a way that makes him even sexier. You never had a strength kink before, but when Jungkook throws you around like this you can’t help but ache between your thighs for him. You’re discovering a lot about yourself tonight. 
“Gonna fuck you so good you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.” He promises in a mumble, lining himself up with your glistening hole. The first thing he notices is how slippery it is when he pushes in, Jimin’s cum coating his cock and making it easy to slip inside your walls. He bottoms out effortlessly despite how tight you are, hips flush against your ass and fingers dimpling your skin from how hard he grips your ass. Jungkook swears he could cum right this second, but he’s too determined to fuck you into oblivion to have it end so soon so he holds off. But he has to admit, being inside you is an experience he never thought he’d get to have, so his mind is in a daze as his hips start to move. 
You’re not fairing much better, thoughts cloudy from his long cock reaching so far into you at this angle that you think you can feel him in your throat. He smacks into your cervix every time he slams into you, but the slight pain only adds to the pleasure after the first few strokes. The arch in your back gradually lessens as Jungkook fucks the living shit out of you, your ass slapping against his hips so loudly that you’re sure your neighbors will be filing a noise complaint, but you can’t bring yourself to care. Not when you feel his large palms at the small of your back, pushing down to deepen that curve and open you up for him. Ungodly nosies are coming from you as he fucks you at a relentless pace, taut muscles rippling behind you as he uses his strength to wreck you.
“Mm, look at how she’s gripping the sheets, Kookie. I think you might break her.” Jimin comments with a chuckle, spent and a relaxing on the bed next to you.
“Nah she can take it. Isn’t that right (Y/n)?” Jungkook asks, not slowing his pace a bit to give you a second to breathe. You struggle to answer, gasping and moaning as he fucks you dumb on your bed, your toes curling being your only response. When he doesn’t get a verbal answer, the man behind you lands a harsh smack to your ass then grips it in his hands, spreading your pussy lips apart with his thumbs to watch himself go in and out, in and out. “Answer me.”
“Yes, I can take it!” You squeal, stuffing your face in a pillow to contain the sounds escaping you.
“Good girl.” The growl that releases from deep in his throat has your legs shaking, your walls contracting as the vibrations from the sound travel up your insides. “I love feeling you squeeze around me. I could fuck this cunt all day long.” Moaning, he closes his eyes, throwing his head back in bliss.
The grip on your hips tightens painfully before it vanishes completely, and you only have a split second to wonder what happened before another hard slap rings out, this time both of his hands landing on your ass. Both men watch as your cheeks jiggle, still rippling with the impact of his hips, and you faintly hear them groan in unison with your high pitched squeak. After a series of several more untamed thrusts, however, Jungkook pulls out, leaving you cold and empty.
“Turn around.” He orders sharply, barely getting through the haze of your mind. “Let me see that pretty face.” 
This snaps you out of your fog and you follow his order shakily, plopping down on your back only to be snatched to the edge of the bed by your legs. You let out a short scream, surprised by the sudden display of his monstrous strength as he positions your legs how he wants, pushing them back against your chest and inserting himself in one long stroke. Your eyes roll before peering up at him, innocent and wanting, and he throbs inside of you at the image, praising you just how you deserve.
“There she is,” he smiles, languidly moving his hips in slow thrusts just so you feel every inch of him. “Look at how sexy she is, hyung. Looking at me with those beautiful eyes while she’s taking my cock. You think she deserves another orgasm?”
“I think she does.” Jimin consents, scooting closer to massage your breasts. His nimble fingers squeeze at your nipple, causing you to mewl as Jungkook picks up the pace. “Let’s see if you have what it takes to make her cum again.” The older of the two challenges, grinning when he sees the tick of Jungkook’s jaw at his doubt.
“Watch and fucking learn, hyung.” Is all he has to say before the competitive man is ramming into you again, fucking you up the bed. He looks down at the mess between your thighs, a frothy mixture of your wetness, Jimin’s cum, and his precum, and just seeing you all sloppy for him has his balls tightening. That mess is the perfect lube, keeping you slick even though he’s practically rubbing you raw with how fast he’s going, the wetness saving your battered pussy from harm. 
You already look fucked out. You’re sure your hair is a mess and the little bit of eyeliner you had on is smeared down your face with the tears that collect and fall from your tightly shut eyes. But Jungkook only continues to praise you, going on and on about how pretty you are and how well you take his cock. Your eyes remain shut so you don’t see him reach down to rub his thumb in fast circles around your clit, the stimulation shocking you into opening your eyes to look right at him as he fucks you even harder.
“That’s right, look at me.” He grunts, a look of concentration taking over his handsome face as he focuses on moving his thumb and hips in time with each other. You’ve only seen this look on his face when he’s playing video games and you have to admit seeing him make that face in this context is extremely sexy. It’s like he’s using every cheat code he knows to push all your buttons the right way to win this stupid little game with Jimin, and it’s working. Everything he does pushes you closer to that edge and your mind is going blank with pleasure,
“Did Jimin fuck you this well?” He asks out of the blue, his competitive edge coming out.
“N-no.” You admit sheepishly, breaking eye contact with him to skim your gaze down his body. He looks like a piece of artwork, a living statue of a Greek god with his muscles and veins on full display, highlighted by the sweat that now drips down his skin. He’s definitely racking up bonus points for looking this good, despite you already giving him an extra point for his strip tease earlier. But how can you not be enamored when he looks this damn good. And when he acts so fucking cocky.
“Does Baekhyun fuck you like this?” Comes his next question, hips snapping into you with just a little more finesse. He adds a bit of rotation and you gasp, legs vibrating now from the circles both inside you and on your clit.
“No! No one fucks me like you do—“ you hiccup, clinging to the sheets for dear life. 
Hot. That’s all you can think about and feel. It feels like you’re in an oven set to 1000 degrees and your skin is on fire. Sweat pours from every crevice of your body: behind your knees, the folds of your tummy, your elbows, everywhere is damp and dripping. Above you Jungkook isn’t fairing much better, dripping onto you from his chin, but it’s hot when he does it. Warmth spreads throughout your body like a virus.
“God, Kook I’m gonna cum!”
“Yeah?” He asks, out of breath and absolutely shining with arrogance. His thumb presses down on your clit just a tiny bit harder and the added pressure is enough to have you teetering on the edge. “Cum for me. Cum all over this cock, (Y/n). Let me see how good I make you feel.” 
As he growls this, Jimin, who has been twirling your nipples, bends down to capture one of the buds in his mouth to tease it with his teeth and tongue. He bites down roughly on the pert peak and that’s all it takes for you to fall into the precipice of your high. It knocks the air out of your lungs, makes you gasp like a fish out of water as you quiver beneath the men, tremors of pleasure traveling up and down your body as Jungkook glares at Jimin for aiding in giving you the high that he selfishly wanted for himself. The oldest grins as you quake, nursing your sore nipple with his tongue as both men ride out your high with their hands all over your body, soothing the tingles that begin to take over from overstimulation. Having both of your boys give you an orgasm with their combined efforts has you floating on cloud nine, and as Jungkook continues to fuck you, you can’t think of anything you want more than to feel him fill you up with his cum to complete the night.
“I’m close.” You hear him whisper, biting down on his lips to stop the moans building in his throat to no avail. 
“Please give it to me. Wanna feel it.” You can barely complete your sentences, exhaustion taking over you but still flowing with residual lust. 
Jungkook thrusts faster at your words, pushing himself past the limits of fatigue to give you what you want, and one tight squeeze of your walls is what finally sends him over the edge. His fingers dig into your thighs as his hips stutter, slowing his pace but never stopping even though he nearly screams out a moan when he cums. Seeing the veins in his neck bulge as he finds his highest pleasure makes you horny all over again, but your body can’t take any more, thoroughly worn and used by your two best friends. 
“Thank him for giving you his cum, sweet girl.” Jimin mumbles against your lips, stealing a peck as Jungkook rides out the last of his orgasm. 
“T-thank you for giving me your cum.” You find yourself whining, dazed. 
“And for letting you cum.” He adds, kissing you again.
“Thank you for letting me cum, Kookie. It felt soo good.” You smile, closing your eyes as Jimin leans in to make out with you. Though, you all know that Jimin had a hand in both giving you permission to cum and helping you reach your orgasm.
“You were a good girl, you deserved it.” Kookie says as he finally stops moving, collapsing on top of you with his face in your titties. 
When Jimin finally pulls away from your lips, there’s a strange look on his face that you can’t quite put your finger on. Somewhere between anticipatory and cocky. Then he speaks and you remember why. “So. Who won?”
You had forgotten about their stupid little game entirely and now you’re going to have to use your fried brain to come up with a winner even though you truly don’t know who you enjoyed the most.
“Well first and foremost,” you begin, “I have to give out the last points.” Jungkook lifts his head to look at you as you glance between the men. “The next point goes to Jungkook.” He fucked you better than you’ve ever been fucked before, but you’d sooner eat glass than to tell him that. Though, you have a feeling he already knows. He gives you a smile and places his head back down where he was comfortable.
“So who wins overall?” Jimin presses, excited to hear the winner. It’s clear he thinks he won but it’s also clear that Jungkook thinks the same. 
“I got the most points, it’s me!” He declares, but you hold up a hand to silence him. 
“I still haven’t decided who wins the big one: the overall performance point.”
“What!? That’s just something you made up just now to fuck with me. I got the most points so I should be the winner.” Kookie pouts, removing himself from you and watching his cum splatter against your floor as it rushes out of you. You all readjust so that you’re sitting on the bed so you can continue your argument.
“If it was so obvious that you won she wouldn’t need to come up with a whole other point, now would she?” Jimin brings up like a child. “I say the last point is ‘winner takes all’ and whoever she chooses wins the game.”
“If we did that then there wouldn’t be a point to the point system. You can’t just make the points irrelevant now!” Jungkook argues back, your ears hurting from being in the middle of their bickering. You should just flip a coin to end this because it’s embarrassing how seriously they’re taking this. 
“I’d say winner takes all is a good idea.” You finally say, still not sure who you’re going to choose. “The points were just there to help me decide who wins overall. Jimin was clearly the winner at foreplay to me, but Jungkook blew my back out, which counts for a lot. That’s not to say that Jimin didn’t wreck my shit with that pretty dick of his or that Jungkook didn’t get me going with his strip tease. And you both gave me an orgasm each so… Gosh, I don’t knowww, you both did so well I can’t decide!” 
“Well then just tell us one thing and we’ll let it go,” Jungkook starts, looking over to Jimin and seemingly talking telepathically. Jimin continues the question without missing a beat, which makes you think they really do have telepathy. 
“Was fucking us better than fucking Baekhyun?”
You’re shocked by the question, then embarrassed as you realize the answer. 
“…Yes.” Both of them individually were better than your friend with benefits, and combined was just an otherworldly experience. 
“Good shit, that’s all I needed to know.” Kook says, hopping up from the bed. 
“Let’s call this one a draw.” Jimin reaches his hand out and shakes hands with his friend like they weren’t just arguing, then he too jumps from the bed, walking toward the bathroom. 
“Wait, you really don’t want to know who won?” You call after them.
“Nope, we’ve got something else to brag about.” Jungkook responds, sending you a wink from the doorway. Realizing that they intend to tell the rest of their friends and potentially Baekhyun about tonight’s escapades, you leap to your feet shakily and shuffle after them, frowning at the way they laugh at your inability to walk.
“Like hell you do! You better not mention this to anyone, you fuckers!” 
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xanticore · 3 months
Can you do a Lars ulrich fic where the reader is part of it can you do a dominant submissive relationship kinks where Lars is dominant and the girl or whoever is a submissive also the as well smut??
Back in 1984 in the hotel room???
I hope you enjoy anon! I don't like going straight into smut so yeah..it's a bit slow in the beginning but it gets juicy. promise.
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Genre: Smut
Setting: Summer of 1984 ,, New York
Warnings: Slight usage of the daddy kink (Lars gets so surprised by it) P in V, oral f receiving, pet names, and sailor mouth from Lars.
Summary: The band had finished their recording for ride the lighting. They all agreed to celebrate by hanging out at a club- getting drunk and hopefully be able to take a girl back to a hotel. Lately Lars hasn't had great experiences with the recent groupies he was with. None of them really fit his sex appeal. That all had changed when he saw a girl smoking alone.
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"You gotta be fucking with me!" I blurted out before putting the phone back on the hook. A fan that goes by 'Lola' told me I'm an asshole. Maybe she's right. Only because I couldn't take how fucking horrible she was in bed. It really wasn't that great. I felt utter boredom with that chick.
"Was that Lola?" Kirk said in a teasing tone. I just huffed and rolled my eyes. "Of course it was. apparently I wasn't making her feel good, well tough world we live in because I didn't nut myself. Now we both can't have our way." I heard the other members let out a chuckle and it only made me more ticked.
For some reason, I could never find the fun girls like the others. They always had exciting fucking stories to tell about their night. Me, sometimes I either sleep alone or try to have fun with a girl that I bring back. Nobody was into anything I was. They just laid there and took it.
Im fucking 21! and I start my sex life completely shit. It's like I'm having sex with someone's grandma. Like Gross. I want some action. More interaction at least with a girl. I just wanna have fun till I can't anymore.
"Well, We did decide to hit up a club in downtown Manhattan. Maybe you'll find your girl there~" Cliff said giving me a wink. I forgot that quick we were in New York fucking city. "Oh yeah, New Yorker girls are totally hot too. Maybe you'll find that babe you're looking for." James added on.
I was now stoked for tonight. As the youngest in the band, I wanna try and have a good time and able to tell them stories. Stories that they can possibly relate to.
After being out all day, I took a quick nap in my room so I could have some energy for the rest of the night. I wanted to at least look presentable-but then got a reality check. Its a club filled with late teenagers and early twenty year olds. I just threw on a random band shirt with some black ripped jeans and some Nikes. I sprayed some cologne observing myself in the mirror.
"Come on Lars...you got this. Totally got this. We're gonna have fun and enjoy ourselves."
I talked with myself to give me some self confidence. I was full of it. Overly optimistic. I headed down to the hotel lobby where I was the last one to arrive. We had a personal driver that drove us to the top club strip of manhattan. The city lights of the ads and neon advertisements filled the night sky. It had my eyes 'glimmering' as Kirk would say.
We decided to walk along the strip instead, thanking our driver. "We'll take a cab back~" I said reassuring the driver. I saw him nod and left the van. The night life was now and all the adults were out in their club outfits walking along the sidewalk. It really had my heart racing in anticipation on how I'll end my night. Will it be good? or bad. Find out in the next episode of Lars' questionable sex life.
"Jeez, theres so many clubs. Should we just go to a typical twenty-one plus?" Kirk asked looking carefully at the signes that were out. It was different prices of alcoholic drinks during happy hour if you joind this club or that club. "No- Lets go to The Phantom." I said pointing at the bright purple neon sign. The club had a line literally wrapped around the corner of waiting club goers to get inside.
"Uhh. do you know that the Phantom is for...big shots?" Cliff asked as if he was confused.
"Uhh?? yeah. Thats why I said we should go there. Come on, I think we're big enough of a shot to party with the top class people." I said borderline excitedly, but still kept my cool.
"Ok but, we didn't even dress the part?" Kirk and James added in unison. I just sighed.
"Who gives a shit? Like come on it's a club. its gonna be dark. No one is gonna care about what we wear. Now get your asses over there."
Surprise surprise, there were people who recognized us. We did have shows in New York but it was nothing too extravagant. We were escorted to the front, showed our IDs and were in like a blink of an eye. "I guess you're right larsy~"
I just smirked at Cliff's comment. The music was pumping through its speakers and the flashing club lights were going in random directions. Everyone, dancing; and Kirk was the first one to get dragged out onto the dance floor with a girl. Cliff and James also had a pair come up to them, making me alone.
I just chuckled awkwardly looking around for somewhere to sit. All the seats at the bar was taken so that was out the picture. I didn't really care for sitting right now but I did want a drink in hand as I danced. I ordered myself a bottle of beer, taking it with me to the dance floor. Everyone had their partners but I didn't mind dancing alone having the occasional girls come and go.
Eight songs had passed already and my beer was halfway gone. I wasn't drunk but I desperately need another one to keep me occupied when i'm alone. I pushed my way through the sweaty crowd and back to the same bar. I gestured the bartender for another bottle and gave them a five dollar bill. I scanned the room to see my band mates with girls they found. I was a bit jealous to say the least.
James had two girls on him.
Cliff sharing a smoke with some biker chick.
Kirk was full on making out with someone at a vip table.
Me...at a bar on my second beer bottle with no action. It was time to mingle. I looked around for girls but every girl I saw just reminded me of fucking Lola. All the girls were just copy paste. Just when I was about to give up an leave, I see a girl alone at one of the vip tables. She was alone smoking a cigarette and drinking her drink.
Her hair was jet black and I couldn't tell what she was wearing from where I was standing. She looked hot from a far- could she be hot upclose?
I walked up towards her table- casually passing by Kirk who was still kissing mind you. I sat my beer bottle on the table causing a reaction out of her. "May I sit here?"
I asked politely..oh and by the way- she was totally my type of girl. She gave a gesture and I got in sitting across from her. "You know VIP only right?" Fuck, her voice was deep. "Yeah. What you don't think im an important person?"
"You're from Metallica aren't you?"
"I am sweetheart."
I saw her smile when I answered. She looked so shy and I couldn't really make out what she wanted. I kinda dig it. It was something new from a girl that I just met. "Well~ are you a fan- oop...speak of the devil hmm?" I asked her and just in the nick of time, one of our songs started playing.
"I'm a huge fan actually.." She confesses; tapping the cigarette ashes in the ash tray. Just by looking at her and her body language, I could tell she wasn't a groupie. She wasn't quick to ask anything about my wealth or even anything sexual. She was a genuine fan.
She made many first moves, by that I mean questions. Given her shy and quiet nature, she asked very interesting questions about the music and what's it like being famous. I never took the time to even think to myself about these things. With every questioned asked; I answered with full potential.
Being in the vip section of the club, waiters would come and go with drinks. She would get something fruity while I only had my beer. Luckily for this spot, I didn't have to pay.
"Excuse me sweetheart, I forgot to ask you your name."
"it's (name)"
"(name)? such a pretty name you got there baby. Care to join me on the dance floor?"
I gave her a wink before getting up from the booth. I walked towards her side pulling my hand out waiting for her to grab it. Her hands are so soft and pretty. Her nails were painted in a baby blue and a mood ring on her ring finger. When stood up I was almost towered. I was able to look her up and down and oh my god, she was so beautiful. From her height, her mannerisms, her features of her face-she seemed too unreal.
I manned up and guided her towards the glowing floor. It was a different song now. When Doves Cry by Prince was playing and I could clearly see little miss was a fan of him as well. All she needed was a couple more sips of her drink and baby was good to go. I watched as she mouthed the lyrics turning her back against me. I grabbed her hips helping her keep the rhythm.
I drunk a little bit more of my beer and carelessly threw it somewhere off the floor. Both of my hands touching her. She turned back around and her face was a soft color tint. We were both slightly drunk but still was able to recognize what was going on in our surroundings. I couldn't help but lay a kiss on those pretty plump lips.
It was a real pleasure feeling her kiss back. It was expected. I let her pull away and letting her continue dancing. She was teasing me and damn it I wanted her...
So i got her
The taxi ride back to my hotel felt like it was going on for hours. I opened the door to my room, I had her back against the door. I picked her up letting her legs wrapped around my waist. Our kiss was sloppy and desperate, no order was necessary.
We struggled to get our clothes off once we made it to the bedroom. I laid her down gently before taking my shirt off and letting her take off any piece of clothing she desired. She didn't have a bra on so her chest was immediately exposed to the cold air.
My lips around her hardened nipples as my other free went along to squeeze and grope her. She hummed and I enjoyed the reaction out of her but sadly it wasn't enough to my standards. I went up to her neck licking and biting the sensitive area that didn't take me long to figure out. My hands went down to her legs opening them, helping her slide her lace panties down.
I pulled away to see her now raw, naked body. She was fucking beautiful. She even had some tattoos, and a belly peircing. Fuck. My next move was to eat her alive. I saw her exposed pussy and couldn't help but smirk how wet she was. "You're glistening babydoll" I said slowly lowering myself down. My eyes locked with hers and she was shy at the fact of how I explained how needy she was. It was so fucking cute.
I let my tongue gently rub against her clit and the moans she made was what I was looking for. I continued confidently eating her out, making sure I tasted every drop of her wetness.
Hearing her whine and her fingers getting tangled in my hair was sending me into a frenzy. My jeans getting too fucking tight to handle but I was too busy to even care. All my focuse was on her and her only. Her moans were loud and desperate. Just how I like it.
Her back arches as she pushed my head further into her and of course-i didn't mind that at all. I tongued and finger fucked her hole, letting my other fingers slowly rub against her wet folds. She tasted like sweet sugar; something I never experienced before. I could tell she was close by her breathing patterns. I stopped causing her to groan in annoyance. "I wanna have some fun too~" I cooed lifting my head up to caress her cheek.
I took off my jeans and right when I was lining up to her hole, I had no condom. Fuck, I forgot to buy some earlier. I took a deep sigh smiling at her. "You don't mind me going raw do you babydoll?"
"I don't mind~"
I grinned and slowly pushed inside her. We both let out a sigh of relief feeling each other in intimacy. "Feels good baby?"
I asked. She hummed and that was my go to-to start thrusting. I found a rhythm but didn't necessarily followed it as my pace became desperate when I started to get used to feeling her. She was a moaning mess and her whimpers only made it better. I couldn't help but go a little harder on her.
"Daddy...it feels so good-"
My heart literally did at least two somersaults. I wasn't expecting her to pull that kink card on me and fuck I liked it alot. A little too much. "Oh yeah??" I smirked. I leaned down to kiss her on her neck, biting every possible place that I haven't touched yet. I moved my hand down to rub her clit in circles wanting her to be extra stimulated.
"FUCK..Don't stop please..." She cried out. I just chuckled.
"I had no plans to darlin." I responded, reassuring her. I pulled back and had my hand around her neck choking her. She was the first girl to even let me do this. Her eyes were turning red as it was starting to water. She looked so helpless..so submissive...it turned me on so fucking much. I was nearly close.
"Im gonna...cum...."
"Me too darlin...cum for me..cum for daddy yeah?" I continued to pound into her, the room filled with the sounds of our moans and skin on skin contact. "Fuck.." I quickly pull out and start to stroke myself. I released all of my cum on her stomach just in time. I fell down right beside her as we both tried to relax after coming down from our high.
I turn over to her and saw she was already asleep. It was a perfect opportunity to clean her up and let her rest through the night with me.
The next day
I was woken up by an empty spot in the bed. I frowned but it was flipped when I saw her note on the night stand.
Thank you for last night, I had fun. Sorry I couldn't stay until you woke up though, I had to meet back up with some friends. But here's my number if you still wanna keep contact *** **** - (Name) xoxo
I couldn't believe it, she gave me her number. My heart was honestly beating against my chest hard already.
It was time to head back home and of course, the last person to arrive. The others looked pretty bummed. "Good morning everyone...why the long faces?" I asked in concern. They just sighed. "I didn't get no action, nor sleep because all I heard was you and that girl" Kirk said as he had his arms crossed.
Lars couldn't help but blush out of embarrassment at the last part, but at the same time-couldn't help but laugh. "Seems like I'm the only one that got action huh? oh boy do I have a story to tell~"
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a/n : Im still getting the hang of writing smut so please be kind!!!
dividers: cr to owners
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thebetawolfgirl · 11 months
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Bonding Time part 5
Pairing: Timmy x Reader
Warnings: Smut.
Summary: The Best friend finds out.
Bonding Time pt5
A week later and they hadn’t heard anything from either of their parents again. After Greg walked in on them in bed together the step siblings thought they would hear from y/n’s mother, but they received only radio silence.
‘Well, to be fair how do you tell your new bride you walked in on your son and her daughter fucking like rabbits?’ Y/n asked over the phone hearing Timmy sniggering on the other end.
‘I mean it’s not something you blurt out at dinner while passing the carrots is it?’
Timmy hummed from his side, ‘True. But I thought we would hear something at least. You can’t tell me he walked back into that house all fake smiles and cheery ‘hellos’ after what he just came from? Now THAT’S unnatural.’
‘Yeah.’ She held up a dress in front of her standing in front of the mirror.
‘What are you doing? You’re distracted.’
‘I’m trying to find something to wear to this stupid party tonight.’
She heard him burst into laughter on the other side of the phone, ‘What is so funny?’
‘You got roped in to going to Chloe’s party tonight. Ha ha ha.’
‘Go fuck yourself Chalamet!’
She hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed when she heard her doorbell ring, she looked at the camera footage and saw it was Sarah and Emma and let them in.
She hung up the dress she had out and went to greet them.
‘Hey guys I’m in my room.’
The two girls came into her room kicking off their heels at the door and sitting on the bed, y/n grabbed her iPhone and put it in her dressing gown pocket, one so it wouldn’t break and two so they didn’t have a nosy in case Timmy messaged her.
‘So have you decided what to wear tonight?’ Emma asked flipping through a magazine she found on the bedside table.
‘No nothing yet, how about you?’
Both girls shook their head no.
‘Chloe is just losing her mind with this party, she really wants to impress her future in laws with this. Make them think she’s sophisticated and cultured.’ Sarah waved her hands in an exaggerated manner and y/n smiled and took out a dress from her wardrobe and held it up ‘Oooh that’s nice, is that Chanel?’ Y/n nodded and smiled.
‘Yeah I decided to treat myself.’
She didn’t tell her friends Timmy had bought it for her just because.
She knew her friends were wondering where she was getting all of this nice stuff and who was buying her it, but to be honest it was none of their business. Plus they wouldn’t get it either. They were also curious about the amount of time she and Timmy were spending together.
She removed her robe to try a dress on and heard gasps behind her, she looked behind her shoulder to see her friends staring at her body in shock. ‘What?’
‘Y/n your back!’ Emma stood up and slowly walked over to her. The fact she didn’t flinch from her convinced her friend she wasn’t being abused as she touched her back lightly.
‘I’ve been taking kick-boxing classes recently. It’s really fun.’
‘And the bite marks on your shoulders?! Are your sparring partners biting you?’ Sarah asked standing up with Emma to get a closer look.
‘They don’t hurt and there’s no internal damage so it’s no big deal.’
Y/n responded trying the dress on and looking in the mirror before shaking her head, ‘No good.’ Before removing and hanging it back up.
‘Y/n! We need to talk about this. Who is doing this?’
‘No one is doing this to me. Like I said I’m taking kick-boxing classes and it’s hardcore. Now let’s just get ready for this party.’
Y/n Heard her phone Ping in her pocket and grabbed it smiling at the message
“Apparently Stacey has been invited and insisted I go with her tonight.”
“This party just got a lot more fun.”
She locked the phone and put it back in her pocket seeing her friend’s faces.
‘Who was that?’ Emma asked casually.
‘My mom, why?’ Y/n lied.
Sarah shrugged ‘Just curious. You seemed to be spending a lot of time with Timothée lately.’
Y/n rolls her eyes walking over to the dresser ‘This shit again? He’s my step brother, our parents are married, so wether we like it or not, we need to try and get along with each other. Because according to my mother she’s in this for the long haul.’
‘We’re just concerned that’s all.’ Emma said calmly.
‘About what exactly?’ Y/n asks facing her friends.
‘Timothée said you tried to make a pass at him at Georgette’s 21st and he turned you down Sarah. So I’m getting along with him, and suddenly you’re so concerned about how much time I’m spending with him.’
Sarah’s eyes widened in shock ‘y/n that’s not the case at all. My god, we were stupid kids then, I’m completely over that.’
Y/n rolled her eyes, picking her things up off the floor and threw her gown back on as Emma piped in.
‘Y/n it’s just…. Whenever we’re all out together you and Timmy sit in a corner by yourselves whispering to each other and not getting involved in any conversations-
‘Oh I’m so sorry I don’t want to listen about the wedding that’s been happening for the past fucking six years. Jesus, I was bridesmaid at my mother’s wedding before I’ve even been asked to be Chloe’s.’
Sarah was about to speak again, when y/n’s phone pinged, she picked it up and looked at the screen. It was Timmy, apparently he was in the living room and he overheard most of what her friends had said to her about him.
‘I’ll be right back. Don’t go looking through my stuff you won’t find anything.’
She walked out of her bedroom closing the door behind her and went to meet Timmy in the living room.
She found him pacing in front of the sofa annoyed when he looked up and saw her approaching and walked over to her crushing his lips against hers in a heated kiss.
She kissed him back, before breaking away breathless.
‘Shhh. They’re in the bedroom still. We need to be quiet.’
He took a deep breath through his nose closing his eyes.
‘They have no right to talk to you like that y/n.’
‘I know. I know.’ She whispers stroking her thumb across his cheek, soothing him.
‘They’re the most nosiest people in my life. And I think Sarah is a bit jealous since you turned her down at Georgette’s 21st.’
‘Oh boohoo.’ He rolled his eyes feeling more calm and lay his head against her shoulder. ‘Are you going to the party tonight?’ She asked rubbing his back.
He nodded against her shoulder.
‘Stacey was invited, I’m very confused as to why though.’
Y/n smiles against his shoulder ‘Chloe’s way of showing off her kind side to her future in laws.’
Timmy chuckles against her and lifts his head to look at her.
‘I should go, but I will see you tonight.’
She nodded smiling when she heard her bedroom door open and her friends coming out to the living room.
They both parted and Timmy headed through to the kitchen, and y/n stood glaring at him with her arms folded across her chest.
‘Go and eat food at your own apartment.’
‘Why would I do that when I can raid your fridge?’ He smirks at her.
‘Seriously? You’re such a delinquent.’
Y/n’s friends came through and he rolled his eyes ‘Oh look, it’s Gretchen Weiner and Karen Smith.’
Y/n coughs to cover up her laugh as Sarah glared at him. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’
‘Performing open heart surgery.’ He rolls his eyes eating a potato chip. ‘Mind your own business!’
‘Well this is y/n’s apartment-
‘Right, y/n’s apartment, I don’t remember seeing your names on the fucking lease.’ Timmy bit back glaring.
‘OKAY! We get it, you don’t like each other, move on.’ Y/n held up her hands becoming bored.
Timmy decided to say his goodbyes and told y/n he would see her at the party.
Later at the party, y/n was sitting with her friends when Timmy entered with Stacey and they both approached their table and sat down. Timmy remained standing offering to get in a round, ‘I’ll come up with you I need to go to the ladies room anyways.’
Y/n and Timmy walked to the bar together as Emma watched them from the table where she saw them chatting close together. It was dim lighting in the room, but she still saw how close they were standing to each other and how they were subtly touching each other.
She also noticed how when Timmy leaned in to talk in her ear she would lean forward and smile hanging onto every word then laugh.
When the music began everyone headed to the dance floor, Timmy stayed seated although Stacey asked him to come with her, he declined. Emma saw from the dance floor y/n return from the restroom and sit across from Timothée, she saw him lean in whispering something to her and she nodded.
Emma got Sarah’s attention and nodded subtly to the two at the table as Timothée played with her fingers on one hand as she pushed his hair back smiling.
Y/n noticed they were being watched and moved away from Timmy as he sighed following her lead.
‘Your friends need to get a life of their own, it’s pathetic how invested they are in yours. Especially Sarah.’
Y/n nodded running her fingers through her hair.
‘Tell me about it, you know when she saw my back today she actually came over and TOUCHED me. She didn’t even ask before she put her fingers on my body,’
Timmy clenched his jaw grinding his teeth.
‘She needs to learn some fucking boundaries that woman.’
Y/n shook her head and took his hand before standing ‘Dance with me.’
He followed her to the dance floor and took her hand in his as a slower song came on and swayed with her.
‘I think Sarah and Emma are onto us.’ Y/n whispered to him.
‘Who cares what those two think? Emma was caught getting taken from behind by her father’s nephew at her parents wedding anniversary so she has no right to judge us.’
‘And Sarah?’ She raised her eyebrow at him.
‘Sarah is a pathetic and nosy little wench who has nothing else better to do than to involve herself in things that’s nothing to do with her. If she did confront you about us she would be more devastated at the fact you didn’t tell HER rather than the fact that you’re fucking your step brother.’
Y/n chuckled against him as the song finished and they separated.
Timmy looked around and saw both women look away knowing they had been watching them and smirked.
‘We have an audience.’ Y/n looked in the direction Timmy nodded in and rolled her eyes.
‘They are unbelievable.’
Timmy pulled her into a corner and kissed her gently holding her face between his hands.
She kissed him back wrapping her arms around him before they broke apart breathing heavily.
After the party began to die down, Timmy offered to take y/n home and she immediately accepted even though Sarah had already offered to take her home.
Y/n went home with Timmy without hesitation. Both Emma and Sarah had been weirded out by both of their behaviour throughout the entire evening, even Chloe mentioned it at one point.
So Sarah decided to follow them home. Just to make sure he didn’t take advantage of her friend, because she didn’t trust Chalamet whatsoever.
Timmy and y/n were walking home talking about how decent the party turned out to be.
‘They could’ve had a better selection of beer, or any kind of beer for that matter.’ He complained as y/n chuckled finally entwining their fingers while they walked home.
‘I think she was going for sophisticated to impress the in laws so she had the finest wines and oldest ports and whiskey and scotch.’ He lifted their hands and kissed her knuckles nibbling each fingertip.
She watched him before he turned and kissed her gently before deepening it.
She kissed back and pushed him against the nearest building leaning into him as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer against him.
Sarah watched the entire thing in disgust as they broke their make out session and walked into y/n’s building together.
She walked home not believing what she had just witnessed with her own eyes and fathomed how they could do that? And why didn’t y/n tell her and what did their parents think?
Timmy shoved y/n against the wall with a thud shutting the door behind him and began kissing her neck sliding the hem of her short dress up he thighs and bit her shoulder.
Y/n gasped as he grabbed her thighs and lifting her up to wrap her legs around him and crushed his lips to hers in a rough kiss.
She ripped his shirt open letting the buttons scatter across the room as he pulled her dress off her body and carried her to the bedroom.
He dropped her onto the bed and removed his jeans and boxers in one go and crawled on top of her kissing his way up her body.
She breathed out his name as he nipped and kissed her chest as he slid into her making her gasp.
He entwined their fingers and pinned them above her head so she couldn’t flip them this time and took control as he began to move against her leaning down to capture her lips in a heated kiss.
He thrust harder and faster into her as she rocked against him panting into his neck, he freed her hands to wrap his arms under and around her waist and held her tighter against him as he slammed into her causing the full bed frame to hit the wall. She clung to his shoulders, as he rammed into her holding him against her, she grabbed his face and kissed him hungrily feeling his tongue slide in to her mouth and bit his lip causing him to slam particularly hard into her making her leap further up the pillows.
‘Timmy’ she gasped against his shoulder as he pulled her up to sit on his lap and let her ride him. She pulled him against her chest and bounced against him hard hearing him whimper and claw her back and even her waist this time as she rode him. They came together in a shaking sticky mess panting into each other’s mouths.
They fell back together landing at the bottom of the large bed tangled in the sheets damp with sweat and breathing hard.
They had no idea Sarah knew their secret now. All they knew at that moment was each other as they lay in each other’s arms kissing tiredly as Timmy drew circles on y/n’s damp skin where the sheet had tangled around her waist.
They fell asleep not knowing Sarah was in her own apartment telling Emma about what she had seen.
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✨️1K Followers Celebration Day 3: TXT bias wrecker - Kai✨️
Special delivery
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AN: Honestly, my TXT bias list is a fucking mess right now but, I think Kai tentatively holds the position of bias wrecker (though Yeonjun has been yelling in my ear lately). Also, it's completely by accident that my two most recent TXT fics are porn genre/trope related lol. However, I had a lot of fun writing this and my Soobin fic so, maybe I'll explore more tropes, clichés etc with different idols in future fics.
Synopsis: Kai hates his job, but he needs to pay rent. However, when a ridiculously pretty woman can't pay him and offers up another form of payment, maybe it isn't all bad.
Heads up: Huening Kai x Fem! Reader, Pizza delivery man! Kai, strangers to strangers who fuck, the plot is virtually nonexistent, porn logic applies here, implied power dynamics (more dominant Reader and more submissive Kai), praise kink (m. receiving), hints of a size kink, oral sex (m. receiving), Reader touches herself while sucking Kai off, unprotected piv sex, nipple play (f. receiving) and creampie.
Word count: 3199
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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Today sucks. It's been hot as hell the entire day, two customers gave him shit for their orders being wrong and he got a text from his roommate that their shower broke. Again. Kai is at his wit's end.
He slams the door of the delivery car harder than strictly necessary but, he can't bring himself to even pretend to care right now. To say his day has been terrible would be a gross understatement. Luckily, he only had an hour left of his shift, and then he would be a free man. That's the single thought that pushes him forward. He can do this. Just one more hour.
He's about to knock on the door of his current delivery address again before it swings open. His words die on his tongue when he takes in the very attractive woman mere centimetres away from him with a robe that leaves very little to his imagination.
"Hi! I'm so sorry it took me so long to answer. I just hopped out of the shower. Just give me a minute and I'll go get my purse," You're gone before he can utter anything in response. Images of what he thinks you look like in the shower flood his mind without much prompting. He needs to get it together. He's a grown man. He shouldn't be getting hard just from fantasising about a stranger taking a shower. Especially not when he's fucking working.
"Oh shoot, I don't have any cash on me. Do you accept card by any chance?" You ask once you return, your head titling in a way that Kai finds far too endearing.
"Um no, Miss. Sorry," he tries not to visibly cringe at the shakiness evident in his voice.
"Damn. I don't know how else I could pay you," you ponder loud, crossing your arms. Which makes him panic because the motion just causes your tits to be even more visible through your poor excuse for a robe.
He's not sure if he's just that obvious or, you have knack for these situations but, you notice him looking. He really doesn't mean to. He just can't help it. Who could really blame him? They were right there.
Before he can't comprehend what's happening, you're in his personal bubble. Eyes that were warm and welcoming moments ago now light up with knowing amusement. Kai swallows.
"Well, I could always pay you another way if you'd like," you trail off.
Now, Kai may not be the best at reading these kinds of situations, but it's clear as day what you're offering.
He knows this is probably incredibly unethical. He knows he shouldn't even be considering what you're so blatantly suggesting, but you are pretty. He'd be lying to himself if he thought otherwise. Plus, it's been longer than he cares to admit since he's gotten any action, and here you are, offering yourself up to him willingly.
He'd be an idiot to say no.
"Okay," he whispers, and he's caught completely off guard when you practically launch yourself at him. Eager hands winding into his hair and soft lips pressing against his. Blood rushes south so quickly that it leaves him completely disoriented. Trying his best to meet your enthusiastic kisses before he realises he's still holding your pizza like an absolute buffoon.
"Hey, s-sorry. Can I put this down somewhere?" He cringes at himself, hoping his awkward interruption hadn't completely obliterated the mood.
"Oh right, sorry. I got a little carried away there," you respond with sheepish laugh, "You can just put it on the table over there."
Once his hands are free and, to his relief, you still want to continue, he hesitantly rests them on your hips. Losing himself in your expert kisses once more and groaning against you when you experimentally tug on his hair. Blood rushing to his face when he feels you smile against his lips at that.
His brain stops functioning all together when you press yourself closer to him. Soft tits against his broad chest, your arms wrapped firmly around his neck, and your stomach flush against his quickly growing erection. He can feel so much of you all at once, and it's not helping his already delicate resolve.
"You can touch me, you know," you say once you two remember that you need to breathe. Your eyes already heavy with such blatant want that it's honestly doing fantastic things for Kai's ego.
"I did-didn't want to go too far or make you uncomfortable,"
Your giggle is like music to his ears, "Considering that I'm going to let you fuck me, I think you're fine. That's very cute, though. Thanks for thinking about my comfort."
He's not sure if his cock twitches because you so casually mentioned letting him fuck you or because you called him cute but, either way, he takes your go ahead. Large hands grabbing generous handfuls of your ass and tits, respectively. Mind already growing foggy from how soft you feel and the kisses and nips you press to his jaw.
"You're so broad," he hears you mutter softly against his neck, shudders running down his spine from the sensation. He's sure his face is flushed from your words. No one's ever called him broad in this kind of situation, and from the way his head spins, he may be learning some things about himself today.
"Th-thank you," he stutters out, not entirely sure what to say in response and still trying to make sense of this realisation as your hands greedily run along his shoulders.
"You're too fucking cute," you groan, weaving one of your hands back into his hair and tugging him down into a messy kiss. At this point, Kai is more than happy to let you do whatever you want with him. Though, he supposes, it should be the other way around given the...circumstance he finds himself in.
He gasps into your mouth, fingers biting into your skin, when you palm him over his jeans. He's already so hard, and every bit of friction you allow him makes his knees buckle.
His grip on you tightens without much thought from him when you lavish his throat with licks and open-mouthed kisses once more. Your smaller hands toying with the belt of his jeans. Not quite seriously trying to unbuckle it, but just the brushes of your fingers so close to where his aching for you makes him feel dazed.
"Please," he whines, desire and embarrassment coiling tightly in his gut.
"Please what?" You ask, a mischievous gleam in your previously warm eyes. Fingers pushing up his shirt to trace nonsensical patterns on his abdomen. Kai thinks he's either going to scream or cry.
"Plea-please touch me," he whispers, trying his utmost not to grind himself into your hand.
"Well, since you asked so nicely," before he can blink, you're on your knees in front of him. Skillfully unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his jeans.
"He-Hey, you don't ha-have to do that," he says quickly, piecing together through the fog of his mind what you're planning.
"I thought you wanted me to touch you?" You ask coyly and, fuck if the sight of you staring up at him with faux confused innocence doesn't make his cock twitch.
"I- yes, I do but, I didn't- you don't have to y'know if you don't want to,"
"What makes you think I don't want to?"
Oh. You've got a point there, he concedes.
"You should relax, cutie. I'm not doing anything I don't want to," Kai hates the way his cock jumps at the wink you have the audacity to send him while tugging down his boxers and jeans.
Relief fills him when he's finally free from the increasingly restrictive confines of his bottoms, but it's fast replaced with anxiety when you just...stare at him.
God, do you think it's ugly? Is it too small? Is it curved weird? Fuck, what if you-
"So pretty," he hears you barely whisper, lidded eyes becoming glossy as you wrap, or rather attempt to wrap, your hand around him. Between the compliment that leaves him completely blindsided and the slight pressure your hand provides, he can't help the whine that bubbles out of him and the jolt of his hips into your soft hold.
Kai feels his vision blur for a second when you take your first tentative lick of him. Pretty pink tongue curiously dragging along the underside of the head of his cock. That mischievous gleam is still present in your eye, and before his brain can catch up to what's happening, he finds himself enveloped in your warm, wet mouth.
His hands weave themselves into your hair instinctively. A broken, bordering on embarrassing, moan falling from his lips when he feels your throat constrict around him. Your hand stroking everything you can't fit in that sinful mouth of yours. He thought the feeling alone would drive him to madness, but the sounds of you gagging on him sends shudders down his spine. Hips shallowly fucking you as not to overwhelm you.
However, given how eagerly your choking on his dick, he doubts he could overwhelm you even if he tried.
He cracks his eyes open with much effort and immediately regrets the decision. Your pretty face is streaked with stray tears, and the combination of your spit and his pre-cum dribbles down your chin. If that wasn't bad enough already, he notices your unoccupied hand disappear between your thighs. His muddled mind taking longer than he cared to admit to understand what you're doing.
Holy fuck, are you touching yourself right now? Is this even real? Based on the circular motions he notices your hand making and moans that are being muffled by his dick down your throat, that pretty much confirms his suspicions.
"Wait shit fuck, st-stop," he stutters out, large hands gently tugging you off of his length before he makes a fool of himself and cums in your mouth.
"Is everything okay?" You ask, looking up at him. Fuck. He can barely look at you right now. Face smeared with tears, spit and his pre-cum. Your eyes a combination of concern and still barely restrained desire. He just hopes you don't notice his cock twitch then.
"Yeah, I just- I was close,"
Warmth floods his face when a smug grin spreads across your face.
"Oh? Why stop then? I'd gladly swallow anything you're willing to give me,"
Kai closes his eyes in an attempt to collect himself momentarily. Which turns out to be a terrible idea because his mind unhelpfully supplies images of his cum streaked across your face and your tongue. God.
"I'd rather cum somewhere else,"
He tries not to feel too proud of himself at the stunned look that crosses your pretty face. It feels good to leave you a little off kilter for once.
You laugh a little breathlessly as you make your way onto unsteady feet, "So you do know how to talk." He resents the way he flushes at your teasing.
His response dies on his tongue when you gently shove him back. He lands on your couch with a soft thud, looking up at you in question only to feel his tongue turn to lead in his mouth and his cock jump against his abdomen.
You shrug off your robe. Exposing your completely nude form to Kai and, he drinks you in. Taking in your breasts and the way they jiggle with every minute bit of movement from you, the slopes of your waist and hips until eventually he zeros in on your slick upper thighs. His blood turns molten. He can't quite see your pussy as clearly as he'd like to but, the streaks of wetness he can see on your thighs makes his head spin.
"You're staring," you tease, strutting over to him. He's not sure if the sway in your hips is just for him or not, but he couldn't care less. He's mesmerised.
"I can't help it. You're beautiful,"
You stop between his legs, and for a moment, he's terrified he went too far. Was calling you beautiful too much? God, why can he never get his foot out of his fucking mout-
He's pulled out of his anxious spiral by your smaller hands cupping his face. You smile at him and proceed to kiss him softly. Your thumb caressing his jaw as he finds himself lost in you once again.
"Thank you, cutie. You're really sweet," you mutter against his mouth, making yourself comfortable in his lap. Any line of thinking Kai had going is swiftly drop kicked out of his mind when he feels your pussy glide over his cock. Based on the way your hands fly to his broad shoulders and the little gasp that leaves you, he's not the only one affected.
He thinks he might lose his mind if you don't sink down on him immediately.
"Please," he whimpers, his hands making themselves at home on your hips.
"Since you asked so n-nicely," you respond with a devious smile. His heart rate continues to tick up when your hand grasps him and lines him up with your entrance.
Kai knows he's in trouble as soon as you begin to sink down onto him. His vision blurring slightly, and his hold on you quickly becoming bruising just from his tip being enveloped by your scorching, slick walls. The little strained whimpers and moans that slip from your lips only making it all worse.
It takes everything in him not to just shove you down onto him or snap his hips up until he's fully inside of you. However, he's not so far gone in his lust that he can't see that hints of discomfort on your pretty face. He pulls you down into a kiss in the hopes of providing some form of distraction. Long fingers reaching between your soft thighs, and he can't help that small smile that finds its way onto his face when you gasp into his mouth and clench around him.
He experiments with various speeds and patterns until he finds the one that cause you to moan into him and, more of your wetness to gush down his cock. "You're taking me so well," he mutters, half-delirious from how otherworldly you feel, and he isn't even fully inside of you yet.
He isn't prepared for you to so suddenly take him all at once. Needy hands tugging on his hair and watery cries of pleasure pressed into his mouth. Kai, for his part, his just trying not to cum from all of the unexpected sensations assaulting him at once. His fingers biting into the skin of your thighs as he fights to regain his composure. Closing his eyes and kissing you back to the best of his abilities while his cock throbs inside of your velvety walls. He's so fucked.
If anyone asks, he definitely doesn't whimper when you start to move. He definitely doesn't leave indents of his fingers on your skin from how tightly he's holding onto you. He definitely doesn't keep his eyes shut just so he doesn't cum in an instant from watching how your face contorts in pleasure for him, how your tits bounce and how your unreal pussy splits open to take him. Definitely not.
His attempt at concentration is disrupted when his ears catch a strangled cry from you, and you clamp down harshly around him. He cracks his eyes open and immediately wishes he hadn't.
The light from the setting sun hits you beautifully. Forming a halo around you as you continue to ride him. Your nimble fingers toying with your nipples and, based on the whines that fall from your devious mouth, they're pretty sensitive. He can't help the way his hips jolt up into at the vision you provide. Yeonjun had always teased him for being a bit of a romantic.
Instinct guides him. His arms coming to wrap around your waist as he fucks up into you. He wouldn't be shocked to find out his eyes had crossed from the depth this angle allows him. Eager mouth latching onto one of your tempting nipples. Groaning into your skin with every lick and suck and tug of the sensitive bud. Unadulterated lust guiding him all the way.
The symphony of skin slapping against skin and your wanton cries fill the space of your living room. Your hands are restless. Not quite sure if you want to tug on his hair or steady yourself on his broad shoulders. "So good. So de-deep," he manages to catch you whine, bordering on pathetic and that just motivates him to fuck you harder. Keeping you in place with his firm grip so you have no choice but to take all of him.
Between the way you tighten and spasm around him and the increasing pitch of your moans, Kai isn't sure how much longer he can last. Teeth nearly sinking into the flesh of your tits with how wound up he is and large hands drifting downwards to grab generous handfuls of your ass.
"I-I think I'm go-gonna cum," he moans out, "Sh-should I pu-pull out?"
Your hands move to cup his face so quickly that his foggy brain takes a few moments too long to even register it. Nails biting into his cheeks and your eyes blazing as they bore into his, "Don't you dare."
Kai couldn't have stopped himself from unravelling even if he wanted to.
He's practically crushes you to his larger frame while he remains completely sheathed inside of you. Ropes and ropes of his cum painting your walls white as he moans loudly, his chest heaving and flushed with exertion.
His disoriented eyes find your frenzied ones once he's able to crack them open. Your mouth shaped in a silent O and, it only hits him when he feels you clench harshly around his softening cock and more of your wetness gushes out of you of that you're cumming. The sting in his scalp is worth it as he takes in the way you fall to pieces on top of him. Eyes fluttering shut and your body convulsing. He tries his best to soothe you through it. Pressing gentle kisses to your neck and shoulder. Large hands rubbing your thighs gently.
He rests against your couch when you eventually sag against him. Laboured breaths hitting the skin of his neck where you've made yourself comfortable. A combination of your releases beginning to trickle out of you and, down his spent cock and balls.
The silence is more comfortable than he anticipates. Neither of you feeling the need to fill it while you gain your bearings.
A thought hits Kai, and he panics. Feeling like the biggest piece of shit on the face of the Earth.
"What's wrong?" You mutter, fingers absentmindedly toying with the ends of his hair.
"I never asked you for your name,"
Your giggle could easily be mistaken for windchimes, "Oh, is that all? It's Y/n. What's yours?"
"It-it's Kai."
"It's nice to be properly introduced to you, Kai," you respond with a dizzying smile.
Yeah, maybe today isn't all bad after all.
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Am I an asshole for making fun of someone’s name and interests but then apologizing? I (16M) recently became friends with some people in my lunch hour. They are Z (17NB), M (18NB) and K (17M). M is dating A (18FTM), who i have met twice and had maybe two brief convos with, and he seemed sweet at the time. However, A is friends with the whole group, so they all know him and talk about him. We have joked in the past about the fact that A has the same nickname as one of my other friends. For the sake of fake names, lets say the nickname is Alex. I refer to my friend as Alex and Z,M, and K all call their friend Alex too. However, one day i called my friend by his full name- again, fake name, but lets say- Alexander. M makes fun of my friends name, saying its a bad name. In retaliation I jokingly say ‘your partners name is worse!’. A’s full name is a different spelling of a rather nice name, for this lets say its Alexyus (like Alexis). I mention that i like the name alexis, just say “but who spells it with a y!”. I also add, “plus theyre literally a dsmp and homestuck fan!”. OKAY BEAR WITH ME! i will fully accept and admit that thus far i have been an asshole. It wasnt okay for M to make fun of my friends name, but it also wasnt okay for me to make fun of their partner.
Anyways- no one seemed too upset by it in the moment, but later when i got home i received messages from M, K, and A. M’s had some odd sort of long copy pasta which basically said i hope you suffer, but it felt like a joke to me so just responded withh “i aint reading all that”. K’s message was wild tho- he said “i was just hoping you would kill yourself, overdose, hang yourself, or even just cut ur wrists. what is wrong with you, you fing freak!”. which is… wow! After i read the message i saw him edit it to add a “/jay” (meaning joking) at the end, but the original message had no indication of it being a joke. However, i accepted it as a joke because…. Why would he tell me to kill myself lol…. Anyways, A’s message was polite and formal, asking to talk about something i said earlier at lunch (A isnt in our lunch, he wasnt there when i made the comment about his name, but i assume M or K told him). I respond equally politely and we had a good conversation about it, i realized that it wasnt at all my place to make thats jokes or poke fun at A in that way, and i apologized. A said it was all good and honestly i was impressed with their forgiveness and maturity. I hoped A and i could become potential friends in the future, even. I was still peeved that K literally told me to commit suicide, but whatever yknow. The next few days at lunch were awkward but my other friend, Z, and me mostly just didnt talk to M and K. At some point my other friend, who i told about this, mentioned to K kinda offhandedly like “yo it was kinda fucked up u told (me) to kill himself..” and K informed us that he actually didnt send the message, it was A on his phone. M corroborated this story and then we left, but i was honestly so shocked.
Now i dislike and feel uncomfortable around M, K and A (although not Z, who agreed that what the rest of them did was not okay), because to me it feels like they all were okay and agreement of the message. But ultimately i’m really conflicted- it was definitely wrong of me to make fun of A (even if it was not meant to be serious, i dont know A well enough to joke like that), but i feel like telling me to kms is unjustified. Maybe it all is stupid drama tho, and i should just let it go?
*** i forgot to add- if its worth noting, since A is trans, he chose his own name, and mentioned that was one of the reasons he was specifically upset. Should i have not made fun of his name because i know he chose it himself? (Idk if it matters but my friend alexander is also trans and chose his name too. Also i love him and his name to death so maybe thats why i was specifically defensive of it.) but anyways:
Am i the asshole? Are we all assholes?
What are these acronyms?
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writer-by-the-sea · 10 days
(since it's come to my attention that the ask got eaten the last time I sent this I gotta send it again >:T)
Hi! Back again with another letter showcasing the other ink sample, hope it's a fun read!
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Darling Elliott,
It delights me to find that my last letter found you in good health, and even moreso knowing how happy it made you. How have you been? I decided to show off the other ink I ordered. I believe this one is named night sky. It's a much darker blue with more shimmer than the last! I'll attach a swatch with the letter for you to have a better look. In other news, I recently stumbled upon a fun crab fact that I think will absolutely delight you! Have you heard of the Christmas Island crab? They go to cliffsides to lay their eggs. To do so, they wait until the tide washes over them, and they'll do a little dance! I'll attach a clip for you to see. Speaking of crabs and other marine life, what do you think of a little trip to the aquarium? The last time I went was unfortunately a little too crowded for my tastes. It was… really noisy. You know how kids can be. However, I managed to sketch the manta rays! …Do you think I'd be able to steal a kiss from you in front of the manta ray tank? With the room all dark, only illuminated by the light of the tank full of graceful rays, it's almost the perfect place, I think. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I hope you enjoy the crab fact and sketches! Oh, and I have a spare vial of ink if you'd like. I'll send it your way before the 5th! Love, Rae. P.s. I'm using a different pen to write this. Sorry if my handwriting looks… worse.
(the aforementioned crab gif!)
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Dear Rea,
It's always such a treat to receive yet another letter from you. And with your colorful ink and little doodles, I'm always excited to add it to my collection of letters that I feel are too special to throw away.
Your vast collection of different inks and pens always amazes me. It really suits you.
The Christmas crabs sound delightful. I too would like to perform a little dance after a successful laying of eggs. If I were to ever lay eggs that is.
Ah, a trip to the aquarium sounds lovely. I could sit there for hours and just watch as the fish swim by. I once considered becoming a marine biologist, but the schooling would have been too expensive, I'm afraid.
Plus, I'm not sure I could handle the smell of penguin feces.
As for a kiss....
Well, I suppose we'll have to go together and find out, won't we?
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