#plus my schedule is all messed up and I have a lot to do this month soo 🙃
heartshattering ¡ 3 months
I think a lot about how much I love my puppy and how I want him to live forever even though he is so young and healthy and I've only had him for less than a year...
When I'm holding him I just start crying because I can't imagine how I'll cope without him even if it ends up being something I don't have to face for another 14 - 16 years if I'm lucky. Hell, he is most likely going to outlive my parents tbh. He might be all I have left by then and I'll end up losing him too. God I really do wish there was a way he could live forever and never leave me. I treasure him so dearly and it's genuinely making me sob right now even if it might sound silly but I can't help it...
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fashion-runways ¡ 11 months
okay it's been over a year and i keep saying i'm going to make a new post and it's too exhausting to even think about the whole thing so i keep pushing it-- here's the link to the old post if you want a more detailed thing i wrote back then.
anyway, a year ago, out of the blue, our apartment got raided by the police, they broke our front door, they broke a bunch of shit inside, they took a bunch of our stuff, they barely gave us answers or an explanation, they took my dad and made it seem like he would have to sign some stuff and answer some questions and come back, but it's been over a year (since june 2022) and he hasn't come back, and his case is still up in the air. they're barely working on it. they didn't pay for all the shit they broke, they haven't returned all the shit they took, we had to spend a lot of money on that, i had to take a loan to buy a new computer so i could keep working and studying, on top of spending even more money on basic needs for my dad in jail and lawyers, plus blood pressure and anxiety medications, plus he's old and he was scheduled an eye surgery that he obviously couldn't go to so he's like, practically blind in one eye now, also new clothes for him to wear there (there's a bunch of rules for that), honestly i already lost track of how many things we had to pay for. it's been incredibly stressful and it still is even now that we've gotten used to it. he's been detained for a year for something that they still don't even know if he did and the case is barely moving, i don't know if they're like... i don't know, waiting for the man to die in there since he's already old so they don't have to admit they don't have enough proof for all the mess they made? i don't know. like i said back then, please don't ask me for details on the case or show up in my inbox trying to play tiktok true crime and guess what he did/didn't do. it happened a few times and it's extremely triggering, please don't. please.
this blog is basically my job. it's my primary source of income, i don't have anything else, no matter how many interviews i go to, in the country/city i live and in the state our economy is, if you don't have contacts it's impossible to get a job. i'm always signing up to free programs to learn new things while i don't have a job, try to make my cv bigger, but it doesn't matter. if you don't have someone saying “please hire my friend/family member” or you don't have 500 years of experience, they won't. so like i said, donations people make to this blog are how me and my mom (and my pets) stay afloat. it's what we use to pay for food, general groceries, transportation, electricity, wifi, water, gas, health insurance, stuff for my dad in jail, meds for my mom who has diabetes, food and meds for my pets. i don't go out much, i haven't gotten a haircut in a year, i barely spend money in anything that makes me happy except once in a blue moon when i stop feeling guilty lmao i had a redbubble account also that helped a little too, but last week it got suspended without an explanation as i was uploading new designs, so i don't even have that now. i made a new account on teepublic, but all my designs in high quality are locked behind redbubble and i can't even log into because of the suspension. it's... complicated, and it's a lot, but it is what it is.
i'm always keeping an eye out on new collections, new designers, new cool things. like i said, i love fashion, i studied fashion, and i know a lot of you use this blog as inspiration whether it's for yourselves or for your art, so i don't want to post all similar stuff all the time, i want to post all kinds of styles and brands as much as i can. which is why when i say if you like this blog, if you want to support me, sending even the smallest amount of money helps me keep going. living in latin america, the exchange rate is kind of insane, so truly any amount of money donated helps. unfortunately, i never stop needing money to survive and help keep my family afloat, but in the past year more than ever.
as usual, my kofi link is this one: https://ko-fi.com/fashionrunways and my (new) teepublic link is this one: https://www.teepublic.com/user/dinah-lance. if my redbubble account gets reinstated, i'll add that link eventually too. and as always, thanks for loving this blog and for loving fashion like i love fashion, even when i post crazy looking stuff, and thanks for helping. you have no idea how much your support helps, but it really does, i don't even know if i'd be alive right now if it wasn't for this blog.
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baby-yongbok ¡ 9 months
Boyfriend!Hwang Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
⇝ Genre: Angst then Smut then angst again. Dirty Drama.
⇝ Summary: We all have that one toxic person that we can’t let go of.
⇝ Warnings: Cheating , Arguing/Yelling, Dry Humping, Crying, Hyunjin is toxic - the manipulative type. (I think that's all, let me know if I missed anything!)
⇝ Word Count: 2.9k
⇝ A/N: I'm sorry in advance. I live for the drama, I'm so so sorry. My depresso has been prompting me to write angst and this is what I came up with today. It might be intense? I don't know honestly. All I know is that writing angst makes me happy lol + reader is depicted as chubby/plus size and is a POC ♡ I hope that you enjoy! Please don't hate me 💕
✧ Part II ✧ Masterlist ✧
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It started with him forgetting coffee dates. The small chunks of time that the two of you carved out of your day to spend with each other quickly turned into bottled Starbucks drinks and ignored texts while you made your way to work. He said that it was because of his schedule and Hyunjin would never lie to you. 
Next were your nightly video calls. The two hours that you’d spend talking about your days and making future plans morphed into double and triple texting him until he replies with a lackluster night time send off and a declaration of love that you have no choice but to imagine leaving his lips. You haven’t heard from him in forever but it’s okay, you can fix this. 
You’re an artist, a digital artist for a living but a painter as a hobby. This trait is one of the many things that you and Hyunjin bonded over so when you proposed that the two of you do Paint and Sip dates on Friday nights he was all in. Everything was fine for a couple of weeks, you’d pick the picture and you’d both get to painting while you listen to your shared Spotify playlist. You’d talk and laugh while sipping whatever wine he brought with him, everything was finally feeling normal again but there was one thing that kept bothering you. 
His phone.
 It kept blowing up, vibrating, dinging and lighting up throughout the night. You’ve always understood that Hyunjin is a busy guy and his friends may need to reach him at odd hours of the night but there was something more to what you saw. He would ignore a message or two from Jeongin or even decline Chan’s calls from time to time but whenever his phone lit up with that damned flower icon he’d drop his brush like his life depended on it. 
You figured that as long as he’s here with you everything is fine. You never liked to micro manage and you're not the jealous type so snooping around wasn’t something that you were very into, until he canceled on you. Again. This is the third week that he’s said that something has come up and that he’ll be over at your place late. When you read his text you were already staring at his laptop wondering if it was really necessary to snoop through his cloud and read his texts. Surely he had a reasonable explanation for this right? Hyunjin would never lie to you. Right? You wanted to be right so badly and when you opened the computer, put in his password and clicked on the cloud you found out that you couldn’t be more wrong.
“What are you still doing up?” Hyunjin asked as he tiptoed into your bedroom. You were sitting at your desk with your phone in your hand, staring at your screen.
“How was your night?” You ask as you swipe on your phone, your eyes never leave the screen but Hyunjin doesn’t seem to notice.
“It was fine, got a lot done.” He turns towards your closet door but stops when he processes the mess around him. “Are these my clothes?”
“Yeah, you’re going to pack all of that along with whatever else you have around here and you’re going to leave.” He stares at you with pinched brows and then he takes in his scattered belongings again.
“You’re going to pack your shit.” You stand from your chair, glaring at him with narrow eyes. “And you’re going to go stay with her.”
You can practically hear him choke on his inhale once your words hit his ear. “Who are you talking about?”
“I can always make time for you just give me the date and the place.” You read from the screenshots illuminating your screen as you stalk towards him. “I hate when you ignore me, you know how much your attention means to me.”
“Stop it.” He turns to face you completely, watching you with worried eyes glazed with guilt.
“It doesn’t matter who I’m seeing, you know that you come first.” You project your voice so that it echoes off of every surface, he doesn’t get to avoid this. “Call me, I need to hear my baby.”
“How did you find those, you -” He sighs as you cut him off, practically yelling the next message.
“You left too many hickies to cover this time, I’ll return the favor on Friday.” 
“Enough of that, enough.” His tone tries to match yours but it fails, falling off into a pitiful whisper at the end. “You went through my computer?” 
He looks over at you with a cocktail of disbelief and disgust smeared over his features but you’re more than sure that the look on your face has got him beat. “ You’re fucking your ex.”
“It’s not like that, it's -” You cut him off, taking a wide step towards him.
“It’s not like that? You’re begging her for her time. You’re texting her every minute of every day. You’re fucking her and then coming here and fucking me, Hyunjin.”
“I know, okay I get that you’re mad, I’m sorry I just can’t let her go yet. It’s like there’s a piece of me that only she has possession of and no matter how much I try to ignore it I just can’t.” He runs his hands through his hair, his eyes taking in the way that your gaze cuts into him. 
“It’s been a year. I’ve been with you for an entire year. When did you have time to start this? How long have you been fucking her?” He shakes his head, turning towards the bedroom door to escape the situation in front of him. You follow hot on his trail, repeating your question. “How long?” You ask over and over until he finally snaps, yelling his answer in the middle of the living room.
“A couple of months, I don’t know five or six? Maybe even seven I don’t fucking know.” You scoff as rage floods through your veins and you pick up the nearest object and chuck it at him with all of the force you can muster. He dodges it easily but he doesn’t have as much luck with the remote that follows the path of the last item. “ Yara, stop it.”
The hiss in his voice turns into a loud gasp once he realizes his mistake. “Excuse me?” He called you by her name. His ex's name. 
“Fuck, I- I didn’t mean to call you that, angel, I swear it’s because we’re talking about her. That’s all. You’re not her, you’re so much better I swear. Let’s just - just talk about this okay?”
“There’s nothing to talk about. I want you out of my house, now. I’m done, Hyunjin. I’ve been begging for your attention for months and you’re off giving it to someone who’s using you for sex and attention. I did so much, I’ve done everything, but clearly you love fucking so much that you fucked me over. Are you proud of that shit? Are you happy?” He takes a couple of slow steps over to you as you stand there, chest heaving and heart heavy with the sadness that has allowed your burning anger to be the star of the show until now. Maybe if he shows you that he wants you, maybe if he says that you two can fix this you’ll consider believing him.
We all have that one toxic person that we can’t let go of. He’s not at fault for being bound to her so tightly, even if he broke your heart in the process. 
“Listen, angel, I love you so much. I want to be with you, I really do, no one else has fought for me and my time like you have. I don’t want to lose that, please let’s just talk about this. I’ll do anything for you, I swear.” Your glare softens, call it wishful thinking or maybe you’re blinded by the desperate burn of love in your chest but you believe him. You believe him just enough to let him splay his long fingers over the curve of your hip and pull you closer to him.
“Why do you need me if you have her?” You stare at the middle of his chest, watching it rise and fall.
“Because you love me in a way that she never could and never will.” He leans down, pressing a kiss to your temple as he brings his other hand to your waist. “She doesn’t see me like you do.”
He kisses over the shell of your ear, making his way down your neck. Your body is pressed against his as his hand kneads at the swell of your ass and he runs his tongue over the sensitive skin of your neck. You exhale heavily, bringing your hands up to rest on his biceps. You want to push him away, you want to get to the bottom of this and talk to him, so why are you pulling him closer? Why are you allowing small moans to leave your lips as he hypnotizes you into forgetting what he’s been doing to you.
“Hyunjin, stop it.” Your voice falters on the last word, giving way to the whimper fighting to escape your throat. 
“Push me away.” He whispers into your ear, his soft lips brushing against the shell of it and setting your nerves on fire. “If you mean it then push me away.” 
He stops everything, he doesn’t kiss you or squeeze you, you can hear the soft sound of his breathing and feel the gentle beating of his heart as his chest is pressed against your own. You can’t do this, you shouldn’t do this, your brain is screaming at you. You know better than to fall for this, push him away, now. Do it. 
“Don’t stop.” Your eyes flutter shut when he squeezes your ass again, pressing your hips into his so that the bulge in his pants pokes your belly button as it twitches in anticipation. 
“Say it again.” He plants a whisper of a kiss over your temple. “Say it again, angel, say my name.”
“Don’t stop, Hyunjin, please.” His kisses get sloppier as he gets closer to your lips, he plants a sloppy kiss to the corner of your mouth before catching your lips with his plump ones. You sigh into him, your hands fisting his shirt as your tongue tangles with his. He moans into your mouth, his hands tracing your hips as he takes some steps back, leading you both to the couch. 
“Tell me that you forgive me, baby.” He sits once the frame of the couch hits the back of his legs, dragging you down with him so that you're straddling his hips. His bulge pressed firmly into your dripping heat and you can’t help but to grind against him. Before you can settle into a steady rhythm Hyunjin grips your hips, holding you still against him. “Tell me.”
“I forgive you.” You mumble, the words sound just fine when they roll off of your tongue. They taste sweet as you lick your lips, staring into your lover's eyes defeatedly. You’re too deep into the brain fog, too desperate to feel the love that you’ve been chasing for months. You’d say anything just to feel Hyunjin touch you. You’d do anything to keep him here. 
“I knew you would.” He smiles up at you, starting to guide your hips against him. You throw your head back, your face contorting into a mask of pleasure. Hyunjin's fingers trace your jawline, sending chills down your spine. You close your eyes, allowing him access to any part of you he desires. “You need me too. Just like I need you, don’t you?”
You nod your head, picking up the rhythm of your hips as he starts to roll into you, matching your pace flawlessly. “I do, oh my god, I missed you.” You babble into the hot air as your hands find purchase on his shoulders. You can feel the night scarf covering your hair slip over the crown of your head and fall to the floor, your unruly hair frames your face and Hyunjin can’t help but to moan at the sight. 
“I missed my pretty baby too.” He grunts, eyebrows pinching together as he watches where your clothed cores press into each other. “Oh, fuck, I missed you so much.”
His hands are all over you as you move against him like he’s trying to memorize the pattern of your skin. He’s reintroducing himself with every pulse point that he can reach, lighting every inch of your skin aflame with desire. “Tell me your mine. Tell me you love me, please, please say it.”
“I’m all yours, angel. All fucking yours.” His hips buck up into you as your movements become more sloppy, your climax is dangling right in front of your face. It’s burning in the pit of your stomach, a strangled moan drags from your lips as you get closer to it.
“Again p-please, please, so close ‘s so close Jinnie, again.” Your nails dig into his shoulder, whimpers following your fucked out sentence as your eyes watch Hyunjin. You watch how he bites the tip of his tongue as he gets lost in this bubble of pleasure with you. Your own perfect shield of hot desire. 
“I love you.” He moans, throwing his head back against the couch, his grip on your hip tightens. The strength of his grasp is brushing yet delicious. “I’m yours. I’m all -” 
The melodic sound of Hyunjin’s phone ringing cut him off before he could finish his sentence. His head snaps up as his eyes widen and he stops moving against you. “Get off.”
You whimper, confused eyes staring down at him through your fucked out fog. “Angel, move.” He pushes you to the side much rougher than he intended and you watch him as he stands quickly, pulling his phone out of his back pocket and swiping the green button immediately. 
“Hey.” He clears his throat trying his best to not sound like he was seconds away from coming in his pants. “Yeah I can do that, just give me like twenty minutes, okay?” 
You listen, coming out of your haze just enough to process the situation. That ringtone sounded familiar, it’s the one that he always answers… It's her.
“Hyunjin.” You reach forward, grabbing his wrist but he pulls away, glancing back at you for just a second before turning his attention back to the phone call. 
“Nothing, that’s no one, I’m on my way.” You scoff, watching as he ends the call and starts to frantically fix his clothes. “I have to go something um - something came up.”
“You’re fucking kidding me.” Hyunjin ignores you, making his way over to your bedroom with you following close behind, a mirror image of what happened minutes ago. “You’re going to her? 
“She said that she needs me and I don’t -” 
“You just told me that you were mine. You just said that, Hyunjin.” You grab his wrist, prompting him to turn to you. He stares down at you with furrowed brows and glassy eyes like he’s in a fog, like he’s been hypnotized to follow a specific instruction. 
“And you said that you forgive me.” He reaches up to cup your cheek and your body melts into his touch before you can even fully process it. “I’ll be back tomorrow, angel. I’ll be yours tomorrow.”
His touch is gone just as fast as it came, leaving you with an empty ache in your chest as you watch him grab his bag and jacket. You stay rooted in place, feeling like your heart has been ripped out of your chest. “Hyunjin.” 
There’s a tremble in your voice as you say his name but he doesn’t seem to mind, it’s like he didn’t even hear you. “I love you.” He leans in to kiss your temple but misses completely, planting a half hearted peck against your hair as he rushes towards the door. You watch as he leaves, quiet and stunned. There are a million thoughts going through your head but you still feel unable to process what had just happened. The sound of the front door closing is what draws you out of your thoughts. 
The silence surrounding you allows room for the reality of the situation to echo around you, bouncing off of the walls and drowning you in this painfully unfamiliar feeling in your chest. You take a sharp inhale as tears start to prick at the back of your eyes. What was supposed to be a stable step towards your bed leaves sinking against its frame. You find yourself grasping one of Hyunjin’s shirts on the floor beneath you, your eyes trail from that garment to the next frantically. He’s everywhere. You can smell him, the soft cotton of the shirt makes you feel like you can feel the beating of his heart beneath it. Tears blur your vision as you sob into the fabric, clutching onto it like it’s all that you have left of him. Maybe it is. You gasp, a choked sob struggling past your lips as the true weight of the moment finally settles on your shoulders.
We all have that one toxic person that we can’t let go of.
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vscabarca ¡ 5 months
Heyy could i request a fermin fluff fic where the reader is overworking herself with college stuff and not really taking care of herself. Fermin noticed it and helps her relax. Thank you:)
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summary: fermín helps you relax after you‘ve overworked yourself with schoolwork.
genre: fluff
a/n: thank you anon for your patience🫶🏼 hope you like it!
Biology books scattered around the coffee table, notes laying around your desk and various folders laid splattered around the bed. Your whole apartment was a mess as you haven’t tidied it up in days, if not even weeks. The upcoming exams in biology, maths and chemistry had been stressing you now for quite some weeks now, making you neglect everything else around you. Even though you started early with studying, it still didn’t satisfy you at all. Being a perfectionist was a blessing and curse at the same time. You didn’t even realize how your friends and family started to worry. They knew you weren’t the best in handling stressful situations, you never have. But you didn’t even realize how bad you were doing, you just kept going until you hit the breaking point.
Fermín, your boyfriend of two years, knew how you were doing during those phases and did not like it at all. He hated hearing you cry from overworking yourself, he hated how you didn’t look after you. Even more difficult was that he had a stressful schedule himself. University and football prevented him from coming over more and spend more time with his girl. Fermín mostly came over at night, sleeping at your place and heading to practice again early in the morning. You two tried to savor this time as much as you could, but right now it was very hard. The last time he came over was weeks ago and the worst part was, you didn’t even realize. You were too deep in schoolwork to notice anything.
Fermín grew more than concerned over the past days as you weren’t picking up calls and only vaguely replied to his texts. The cherry on top was a call from your mother, asking him how you’ve been. The next afternoon he stood in front of your door, a bag with your favorite snacks and small bouquet of flowers in his hands.
You looked up from your notes confused, asking yourself who would be at your door at three in the afternoon. You stirred downstairs, hairs falling from your bun and wearing clothes you haven’t changed in days. You peeked your head outside and immediately smiled when you saw Fermín standing there.
„What are you doing here?!“ You squealed, throwing your arms around his neck.
„Seeing how you’re doing!“ He replied with a laugh and gently led you inside. After setting down his bag and gifting you the flowers, he embraced you in a long hug and just relished the feeling of having his girl back in his arms. His eyes quickly wandered around your flat, eyes widening as he saw the mess of notes laying around everywhere. Dishes were piling up in the kitchen and just overall did it look like a bomb exploded.
FermĂ­n then heard you sobbing quietly and only then did he realize you started to cry.
„Hey, hey, don’t cry. Everything‘s alright.“ He whispered and rocked you slowly from side to side. Just all the emotions caught up on you and you couldn’t help but tear up when thinking about it.
„I‘m just exhausted. Plus I realized I‘ve neglected you, my family and my friends. Now I feel bad.“ You weren’t crying much, just some individual tears rolling down your cheeks.
„Don’t feel bad. They already knew you had a lot going on. We‘re all here for you. We already knew you were overworking yourself, your mamá even called me.“ He chuckled and wiped away your tears. You giggled lightly, feeling much better already.
„C‘mon, why don’t you take a shower while I prepare something for us to eat. I bet you haven’t cooked something properly for yourself.“ You shook your head but liked the idea of a shower and feeling fresh afterwards.
„Why don’t you join me?“ You mused, trying to seduce him with your idea. After all you haven’t seen him for quite a while.
He snickered at your words but shook his head softly. „Trust me, I wouldn’t want anything more, but you need to relax. Ask me again tomorrow.“ Fermín winked and shushed you towards the bathroom. You took a steaming hot shower while he, unbeknownst to you, tidied up your whole apartment and laid out fresh clothes for you. Your heart swelled when you realized and gave him a sweet, tender kiss to thank him.
„Thank you.“
„Nothing to thank me. I just need you to look better after yourself amor.“
Dinner was served quickly after and after you two were done, he hushed you to the living room while he did the dishes. FermĂ­n prepared a cozy movie night but as soon as he had you snuggled up close to him under the fuzzy blanket, you fell fast asleep in his arms.
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verilly ¡ 4 months
On my knees for some post-Mithrun fluff rn.
POST MITHRUN FLUFF? I gotchu 😎 it’s going to be bullet points b t dubs, just so I can catch the right mind set… THANKSYU 4 THE REQUEST ILY <3
Mithrun x Reader
Right. So after canon he heads back to Melini (with you, of course) to scout out monsters and demons with his side hustle of making noodles! So as a noble yourself, you follow him to help achieve his dreams!
However, Mithrun is still ticked off at the part where reviving isn’t a plausible option after death, so he’s extremely careful with you. So much so that after a month or so with you trailing with him on his search for monsters, he tosses you in the noodle shop (with the land he had claimed with his noble blood).
At this point, he’s been so surrounded in his want for monster/demon blood that he hasn’t exactly made any progress with the noodle making… and well, neither have you. So there you sat, alone in a big restaurant, with no customers at all, no one to keep you company or to keep you entertained!
So that’s when you decide to try to cook noodles on your own!
You grabbed as many how to guide’s you could from books all over your country, which included recipes from the western territories all the way to the eastern islands! You even scrounged up some old tattered papers from the ex-canaries, Senshi, and the trash.
Collecting herbs, grains, and whatever monster-like ingredients Laios sent to you through the mail.
You decided to keep most of your habits a secret from Mithrun, or at least as you can from him because you wanted to be the one to teach him when the day comes he wanted to pursue his other desire. You always schedule your time practicing for when he's away, and Mithrun being the man that he is always has a set pattern on doing things. Meaning he always came back home almost at the exact same time everyday.
The only other times he'd come home at a later time is when he gets lost, for he has the time of his life navigating the city streets. (This is rare because he likes using his teleportation magic a lot more than actually walking.)
So on this very special day, once you've decided your skills are up to the test, you served him home made noodles. Not only were they home made, so was the sauce/broth. You were quite proud of making such a delicious meal, now it was time to share your talent with your lover.
"Mithrun, wake up, I have a very special breakfast to share with you!" You say, pushing him back and forth from his sleeping state. You'd waken up hours earlier to prepare for this momentous occasion.
No response.
Maybe you should have planned the scheduling better? This was earlier than usual for the ex-captain to wake up... No! You were his partner, he should wake up for you!
"Mithrun wake up!!!" You groan loudly, stopping all your movements before shoving your face into his blanketed stomach, "Please please please please!"
With no words to utter, Mithrun begrudgingly arose from the bed, sitting right up to face you. You beamed with excitement as he looked to face you.
"Why don't you join me down at the resturaunt floor? I have set up something quite amazing down there." You put a finger to your chin and smile, "Plus I think you'll like it a lot!!"
Down the steps the two of you went, where in arrival was the bowl of noodles you had prepared only minutes before. They were served with scallions, mushrooms, a pantry load of seasonings, and whatever meat you had bought fresh from the market a day before.
"What is this?"
"It's noodles! That I made.. for you... 'cause you said you wanted to make them yourself and.... I can see where I messed up a little, but I did it so that I can help you in the future! When you wish to fufill your desire of noodle making!!!" You sheepishly say, a much smaller smile creeping up on your lips.
"I never said you messed up." He said smoothly, teleporting away from you and into the seat in front of the food. You follow closely behind him, sitting at the seat next to him.
"Go on, take a bite! It'll be all for nothing if we run out of time and you need to go out monster hunting." You tilt your head to the right, clasping your hands together.
He looks down at the meal in front of him, and his good eye flickers up and down between you and the noodles. After a few seconds past he picked up the nice utensils you placed next to the bowl and took his first bite.
"So how does it taste? Do you like it??!"
"I don't feel anything in particular for it." He murmurs calmly.
"Ah." Your world view shatters for a moment, before sucking in your pride, "So what makes you feel that way? I thought it was really good, but our tastes are quite different from each other..."
"It's a little too flavorful for me, but I'm... grateful that you spent so much time perfecting this for me. How long was it? A few months?"
"What!!? How did you know that I was..."
"You can't hide things from me, [name]. You'll never be able to succeed."
You stare at him for a second before collapsing on the table before you, "Arghh! I totally thought everything was going to go great, but as it turns out... Mithrun is just too good for me." You pull the bowl towards you, taking the utensils from Mithrun's hand, "And if you don't like it then you don't need to eat it."
"It's not my taste, but I don't mind. Please, I'd rather not leave any left overs, especially if it's a meal from you." His face seemed to soften as he said those few words, and your face reddened in response, letting out an "oh" as you correct your posture.
"Well then if you have time off anytime soon, you could stay here and I could teach you how to make your own noodles that suit your own taste. Then we could actually open the resturaunt to the people." You say sweetly, looking down at the food, watching it dissapear by each passing minute, "I'm sure every being here in Melini would love to eat food made by the hands of a noble. Maybe even the Canaries can home, I'm sure they'd enjoy a meal made by their captain."
"Mm... I'll stay here for today. My desire's growing after eating this d- uhm. Delicious meal you made for me." He states simply, putting the empty bowl and utensils to the side.
"Alright then." You get up from the seat next to him and take his hand, "I'll teach you everything I know." Another smile perks up on your lips as you pull him to the kitchen.
Mithrun in a kitchen. Who could've guessed?!
He's not very skilled at cutting, buthis use of magic fills in the void quite perfectly.
You help him a lot, which includes taking his hands in yours when he begrudgingly uses the knife.
He likes your touches but not the “weapon” in his hands.
You also teach him to pound the noodles, which you usually put lots of energy into, but for him not so much. You have to fill in for him most of the time.
There will come a day where Mithrun won’t go out on expeditions and instead stays with you in the restaurant, for a long time.
And to him, he wouldn’t want to spend his last few (hundreds of) years any differently.
I tried to make it flufffy I don’t know if this is fluff
I hope you liked it :3 pls keep sending me stuff it’ll take like a day - ish for me to fill it out but I def will!!!!!!!
My masterlist is on profile :3
Lots of love, Yours truly.
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dead-boys-club ¡ 2 months
†  my idol : hawks.
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❥ scenario: hawks and his idol s/o. ❥ no triggers; not rated. ❥ i don't have any beta readers - you get what you get. ❥ requested!
❥ be thankful i don't write nsfw c: + idk if someone's gonna get all offended over this, so i'll say now, there's a lot of fan slander in this lol talking about crazy fans, stalker fans, etc.
✧*̥˚ hc type things *̥˚✧
can i just start with this would actually be one of the cutest pairings for him?
let me start off with saying that he is absolutely going to be your number one fan. he's going to be so proud of your achievements as an idol. his schedule as a hero would make it difficult but he'd do his best to attend events and concerts, anything he could squeeze through. he'd be offering quite a good amount of public praise, making sure you knew he supported you along every step of the way. at no point would he be embarrassed or ashamed - he's doing everything he can not to be in the air with his lightstick, let's be real.
there is one thing he may have trouble navigating and helping you to navigate: balance. keigo is used to an overly busy life but the moment he sees your schedule, he's realizing it's never actually been that bad. he's immediately going to be asking if you're even taking care of yourself - if you know anything about kpop idol lifestyles, you'll know the concern is very much warranted - but he's going to be worried. however, he would respect it and your choice to pursue such a lifestyle, doing his best to help with making sure you're okay, helping with the pressures of fame and whatnot. his biggest concern, outside of your health, is going to be the privacy of your relationship. with both of you being so well known, the last thing he wants is your personal life to be put on a chopping block and make things even more difficult.
keigo often makes the comments of 'if i can' or 'possibly' when you ask if he'll be at an event but he does his best to show up and surprise you. even if he can't stay, he's there long enough to bring flowers or a small gift, reminding you that even if he's not there, he's still cheering you on. amidst busy schedules, he would do his best - even if it just meant sending a feather your way.
if anything, keigo is considerably patient. he can't exactly get mad at your busy schedule when his own isn't all that empty. you would both have to work with accommodations. and he'd totally have some silly, flirty comment about sneaking around. you'd have a moderate amount of quality time together, even if it meant him dragging you out of a window in the early hours. willingly, ofc.
he would be very, very protective when it comes to your privacy and personal space. fame attracts unwanted attention and he knows that; he doesn't want you to face something because of it. and, if i'm honest, i don't think many people would be too stupid to mess with you - the last thing they'd want to face is him being pissed off. he would definitely use his influence to aid in the overwhelming media and fans that don't know boundaries.
✧*̥˚ little things *̥˚✧
❥ spiderman kisses: not exactly the same but it's something he does when he's in a hurry and you're not supposed to be out. the first time he did it, he almost hit his head on the balcony railing. he honestly didn't expect kissing someone upside down to be so challenging.
❥ voicemails: god, you both have so many voicemails saved from each other. you've sent plenty to him of song snippets and sitting in the corner of the recording studio. he generally sends little rambles while flying, telling about his day and random things he's thought of. plus, always asking how you are, checking in on you.
❥ feathers: it's a cliche in writing for hawks but, i can't deny it's fitting. he's going to have a feather on you when you're within range for it to matter. it's how he makes sure you're doing okay.
❥ little notes: hawks likes to leave little notes for you when you part. hidden within your bag, between your clothes, etc. he generally knows your schedule but his own can be unpredictable. so, when you'll be away for a little while, he likes to leave you things you can read and have with you.
❥ keepsake boxes: about a year into being together, while out on a little break, you came across a section of little wooden boxes at a shop. it was a date night that you both sat and decorated them together, keeping all the notes, trinkets, stubs, etc in.
✧*̥˚ small scenario *̥˚✧
keigo landed at the venues back entrance the moment the door opened, his wings fluttering a bit when his feet touched the ground. the moment you popped out and smiled brightly, he couldn't help but pull you into his arms, squeezing softly before you could even speak.
'hey, pretty bird,' you greeted, voice full of excitement.
'hey, superstar.' keigo cooed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 'ready for a much needed break from the spotlight?'
all it took was a nod for him to scoop you up into his and lift up into the night sky. you were used to it, just holding onto him and closing your eyes, letting your mind rest from the rush of performing, just wanting to be normal for a while.
the flight didn't last too long and soon enough, you were carefully being set down on a secluded rooftop. out of habit, you left his side to approach the edge, looking over the city with bright eyes, sparkling even more in the moonlight.
taking a deep breath, you stretched your arms up. 'this is so amazing, it's so pretty up here,' you sighed, turning on your heel to look towards him. 'you know.. does it make me sound bad to say i like that i can gloat about private stargazing sessions with the number two hero?'
keigo let out a soft laugh as he spread out the plush blanket, shrugging. 'would it make me sound bad to say the same thing about you?' he asked, gesturing you over. 'thought it'd be a nice change from the usual post show routines. less people.'
as both of you settled on the blanket, lying side by side, you enjoyed the distant, dulled hum of the city. it was a nice change from being crammed into a van or just going home to rest, both of you needed something nice every now and then.
the blond spoke first, head turning to look at you. 'how was the show? anything memorable happen?'
you shrugged, not taking your gaze away from the stars. 'just the usual. overzealous fans wanting attention, the offhanded comment during the meet.. i'm pretty sure one of them is convinced we're going to get married? which, i can't complain.. i used to sit and think that about heroes and idols and stuff when i'm was younger but still.'
laughing, his eyes lit up with amusement. 'sounds like you're handling fame pretty well. i've dealt with my fair share of -- is it wrong to call fans 'crazies'? mine just usually come with the whole 'save me from the villain' request when there's.. no real villain.'
'nah, i don't consider the ones who act like that real fans.. i think real fans respect boundaries, don't you think?' you responded, a hand raising up to reach for the sky, fingers wiggling. 'i'm sure dealing with supervillains is a lot more fun than dealing with autograph requests. i wouldn't trade you though, i enjoy what i do.'
'fair, yeah.' keigo sighed, reaching up to collect your hand. 'we both have our ways of brightening people's days. even if it means dealing with a couple of weirdos.'
silence fell over the rooftop for a moment, enjoying each other's company under the beauty of the night sky.
'i was thinking,' he began, gingerly playing with your fingers, 'we should do this more often. escape the chaos, find quiet moments like this.'
finally, you turned your head to look at him, leaning close enough to bump your noses together. 'that would be nice.. sounds like a dream to relax and spend time together without a million eyes on us.'
'so, what do you say? more rooftop dates?'
you smiled, squeezing his hand. 'as long as you keep flying us up to spots like this, i'm one hundred percent in.'
with that, you closed your eyes and he looked back towards the sky, just enjoying the time before you were putting on the news as missing and he was unavailable. the conversation drifted around from playful jokes and confessions, little flirty comments and sweet thoughts. it didn't last forever but anything was better than nothing.
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nctnanajaemin ¡ 3 months
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"my brother's bestfriend" pairing:lee jeno x na!sister reader word count: 1.4k chapter four
MINORS DNI warnings: smut, unprotected sex (reader is on birth control), fingering, cursing, use of pet names (baby)
it's almost nine and you're craving a coffee from the shop down the road but don't want to go alone so you decide to text jeno.
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you grab your wallet and walk outside to his car.
"so what made you want coffee at this hour?" he asks, putting his hand on your head rest and looking over his shoulder to back out of the driveway.
"was craving it i guess. plus i won't be sleeping anytime soon, so the caffeine won't effect me."
"and why aren't you going to sleep anytime soon."
"my sleep schedule has been messed up since i got back."
"you weren't sleeping very much when you were at school either, though."
"yeah. but that was because I was stressing over assignments. now it's different. i just can't fall asleep."
he stops at a red light and looks over at you. "that's not healthy. you should go to the doctor."
"it's not that serious. why are you so worried anyway?"
he sighs. "because i care about you, but you love to act like you don't know that."
"care about me or care about what i can do for you." your voice came off more condescending than you intended, and you could immediately tell you struck a nerve by the irritated expression on his face.
he pulls over into an empty parking lot and turns towards you. "why do you always have to say shit like that?"
you bite your lip. "it's the truth, isn't it? you said earlier you didn't care and then asked me to suck you off."
he's quiet for a second and runs his hands over his face, letting out a frustrated sigh. "i do care about you. i always have. we were friends before we started this whole thing started, y/n. do you have any idea what it's like to watch you run yourself into the ground? to see you not sleeping, not eating right, not taking care of yourself? and then to hear you say that all i care about is what you can do for me?"
you open your mouth to respond, but he cuts you off. "i've been there for you through everything. through all the stress, all the sleepless nights. and yeah, maybe i asked for things i shouldn't have. maybe i crossed lines. but it's not because i don't care."
"then why do you feel the need to act like you don't?"
"because it's easier. if i act like i don't care, it's easier to pretend that i don't have feelings for you."
you never once thought the feelings would be reciprocated.
he grabs your hand, holding it between his firmly. "i don't want to pretend anymore."
your stomach ties itself in knots. "then stop pretending."
he lets go of your hand and moves his to your face. "i'm sorry for the way i've been acting. for making you think you were just a body to me."
you let out a shaky breath, wrapping your arms around his neck. "i'm sorry for thinking you don't care about me." you tell him softly, your noses almost touching.
his eyes wander to your lips. "can i kiss you?"
you nod, and he wastes no time in bringing his lips to yours, moving slowly but firmly. he grabs your waist and pulls you onto his lap.
his tongue slides across your bottom lip, and you part your lips for him. his grip on your waist tightens, fingers digging into your skin as the two of you make out.
you grind against him, and he pulls away to start kissing down your neck. "jeno," you breathe out. his kisses turn into sucking and you fight back a moan. "no marks above the hoodie."
he hums against your neck, kissing a path down to the collar of your hoodie before pulling away. "can we go in the backseat?"
you nod and the both of you quickly move to the backseat.
you pull your hoodie off, and as soon as you get settled, he is pinning you down against the seat and is covering your chest in hickeys. "no shirt or bra?" he asks as he grinds his hips against yours.
"you should know by now that i don't ever wear anything under hoodies."
jeno laughs, his breath hot against your skin. "right, how could i forget?"
his hands roam down your sides, making their way to your waistband.
you lift your hips slightly to help him slide your pants and underwear off. he tosses them aside and returns his attention to you. "you're so beautiful."
you reach up and cup his face, pulling him in for another kiss. he presses himself against you, grinding his hips again. this time in a slow, tantalizing rhythm.
"tell me what you want."
"i-i want you."
"you have me." he runs a finger in between your folds and groans at how wet you are. "you're soaked," he mutters, inserting the finger into you and immediately adding another, thrusting them at a rapid pace.
your moans fill the car, and you clutch at his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin. "jeno, please," you beg, your voice desperate and needy.
"patience, baby." he tells you, curling his fingers upwards inside you.
his fingers continue to work their magic and get you to the brink of climax.
"come on, let me see that pretty face you make when you're about to come…" he coaxes.
just when you are about to come he pulls his fingers out. you let out a small whine from the loss of contact and he brings his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean with a satisfied hum.
you undo the string on his sweats and he pushes them along with his boxers down just enough to free himself before putting your legs over his shoulders.
"ready?" he asks, looking down at you as he positions himself at your entrance.
he slowly enters you, giving you time to adjust before starting to move.
"you feel so good," he groans, his thrusts becoming more urgent.
you pull him closer, your lips finding his again. this time, the kiss is messy and desperate, mirroring the way your bodies are moving together.
the windows fog up, and the sounds of both of your pleasures fill the small space.
you feel the tension in your stomach return and grip his biceps. "i'm gonna-"
"me too," he grunts, his movements becoming more erratic. "come with me, baby."
with one final thrust, you both tumble over the edge, your bodies trembling with the force of your orgasms.
he moves your legs off his shoulders and collapses on top of you.
you both lay there for a moment, catching your breath and basking in the afterglow.
"you okay?" he asks as he nuzzles his face into your neck, pressing soft kisses to your skin.
you smile, running your fingers through his hair. "yeah."
"i meant what i said earlier, you know. i don't want to pretend anymore. i don't care who gets pissed off. i want you."
you brush your thumb over his cheek. "me either," you say softly. "i want you too."
he smiles against your neck and leans back to press a gentle kiss to your lips.
after a couple minutes, you get dressed and settle back into the front seats.
"you still want coffee, weirdo?" jeno asks, starting the car.
"yeah. i'm just going to get a small though."
"probably a smart choice. put some music on." he tells you, driving towards the coffee shop.
you grab your phone from the cupholder as he rests his hand on your thigh.
you flip your phone over and there's a message from jisung on your lockscreen.
"what?" jeno asks, looking over at you.
"jisung texted me and told me not to get mad."
you quickly put music on and text him back.
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"so… jisung knows now."
"they all are going to know eventually. it doesn't matter." he glances over at you with a smirk on his face. "you wrote about me in your diary though?"
"oh, shut up."
chapter three | chapter five
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veltana ¡ 1 year
Mutual Satisfaction - Avengers!Bucky x Avengers!Reader
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✦ Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader
✦ Word count: ~3k
✦ Rating: Explicit
✦ Warnings: One shot, pwp, A LOT of dirty talk, dom/sub dynamics, dom!Bucky, sub!reader, manhandling, piv, slight dumbification, pet names (angel/master), safe sex, condoms, cum shot, aftercare, fluff (because I neeeeed it!)
✦ Summary: "Was it because of what I said," he leans forward to whisper into your ear. The warmth of his body pressing against yours even though he's not touching you. "Did your tiny little brain think of all the ways I could fuck you until you're a mess?"
✦ Note: This is nothing but pure self-indulgent smut, that's heavily dialogue-based. Let me know if you like it! (It's also posted on AO3)
Masterlist | AO3
The chime from your phone makes you look away from the TV screen.
"Sorry, one sec."
You find it buried under some pillows but the excitement you initially felt quickly turns sour when you see the response. With a sigh of disappointment, you drop it and return to choosing a movie together with Bucky.
"Bad news?" he asks as he flips through the list.
"Yup," you conclude.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"It's honestly nothing, just scheduling issues."
"With your boyfriend?" He wiggles his eyebrows.
"He's not my boyfriend. We just sleep together," you point out.
"I'm sure you can find someone else, you're an avenger now. Bet they're lining up to get a chance with you," Bucky shrugs.
You scrunch your nose. "I'm tired of being disappointed. I'd rather wait and have my needs met, even if it's frustrating."
"That long huh?"
"Between all the missions and not being free at the same time, it's been months."
"Yeah, same." Bucky murmurs and stops on a movie. "What about this one?"
"Yeah, sure."
You settle down against the numerous pillows you have been bringing to Bucky's room since you started having these movie nights a couple of months ago. His TV is bigger and his couch is much softer than yours. Plus the two of you fit comfortably on this one, with enough room for both to stretch out.
"So why won't just a regular guy do it for you?" Bucky asks and takes a fist of popcorn, stuffing it in his mouth.
Shrugging you say "I need someone I can trust, with my body and my mind. Takes a lot of talking in the beginning, but now it's almost as good as therapy for getting out of my head."
"Don't like thinking?"
"Not during sex. I just need someone else to make decisions for me, use me however they like. Not ask me what I want, just flip me over, make me come until I can't see straight, and fuck me until they're satisfied. If I pick someone up at a bar, all they do is slap my ass and finish a minute later."
Both of you are silent and watch the movie before you ask.
"What about you?"
"Look at me," he chuckles. "The metal arm scares the majority and the ones that are left usually can't handle what I want."
"And what do you want?"
"Control, over something, someone. Watching as they go dumber and dumber the more orgasms I can force from them. Until they can't speak. Just owning their warm body for a moment, taking as long as I need because they don't want to be anywhere else than on my cock," Bucky laughs.
The laugh gets stuck in your throat because there is no denying Bucky's words have an impact on you. Hopefully, he doesn't notice and you refuse to move and rub your thighs together. Then you both continue to watch the movie, but it's hard to concentrate. All you imagine is Bucky using your body and finally getting the release that you've been longing for. How much would it fuck up the team dynamic if you started sleeping together? You force yourself to watch the movie and not entertain those thoughts anymore.
Two hours later, after the table has been cleaned off, you're heading for the door, mind already back in your own room and the toys you'll undoubtedly need to take care of yourself to be able to sleep. Then you feel a hand on your wrist, and in a flash, you’re pinned with your back against the door, Bucky's hand securely holding both your arms above your head. You're not sure if the breath that leaves your lungs is because the force pushes it out of you or because you're instantly so turned on. Either way, there is no denying the impact his closeness has.
"So, are you going to tell me what you've been thinking about the whole movie?" There is a knowing smirk on his lips.
"What? Nothing? I was watching it."
"Don't play dumb with me, you were far off somewhere else for most of the time."
You swallow hard, opening and closing your mouth a few times. It's embarrassing that you've been on his couch, thinking lewd thoughts about him when you're not even that close—something between coworkers and friends.
"Was it because of what I said," he leans forward to whisper into your ear. The warmth of his body pressing against yours even though he's not touching you. "Did your tiny little brain think of all the ways I could fuck you until you're a mess?"
A whine crawls up your throat unbidden and you turn your head to the side, shame making your ears warm.
"All you have to do is ask," he prompts. "Or tell me to let you go and we can pretend this never happened."
The last thing is out of the question. You just need to work up enough courage to tell him what you need. Everything about him pierces your senses, making you high of his smell, touch, and sound.
In the end, all you can come up with is, "Bucky please." And bucking your hips up in the hope of finding some friction for your throbbing core.
But he just makes an unimpressed sound.
"No, you have to do better than that." Then he pauses and uses his free hand to turn your head until you're looking into his blue eyes.
"We'll go over everything properly before next time," his voice is calm and to the point. Making it clear he expects you to listen. "But right now I think we need each other. We'll use traffic lights or you'll tell me if it's too rough or too much. Understand?"
"Yes Bucky," you answer.
He releases your face and your arms, placing his hands on either side of your head instead. With a smile that makes you wetter than you already are, he says, "Good girl. Now do a better job at begging."
He is effectively displaying his whole body for you and in seconds you have your palms on his chest, caressing carefully up and down, feeling his corded muscles beneath the fabric of his t-shirt.
"Bucky please," you beg in a delicate voice. "I need you to touch me. I want to feel you everywhere. Please help me come, it hurts so bad."
His pupils dilate, almost eclipsing the blue in his eyes. Then he presses his knee up between your legs, lifting you off the ground enough that only the tip of your toes reaches the floor.
"Here, use my leg and hump it. We'll see what you deserve after that."
Oh, he's got a mean streak, you realize, and you're all for it. Wiggling on his thigh to get a better position you grab a hold of his shoulders to steady yourself and try to move. It's difficult and not nearly enough to get you where you wish but you're absolutely enjoying the way he's playing with you and speaking to you.
"Look at the innocent little angel using my leg. What else can I make you do to get off huh?"
With a whine you work faster, chasing something barely there.
"Something you'll learn very quickly, little angel, is that I don't share, but I do like showing off my property. Let everyone see but not let anyone touch."
"Yes!" you moan. "I'll be anything you need, just help me, please Bucky!"
"I'll hold you to that," he promises. Suddenly his knee is gone but instead, his body is pressed hard against yours and his lips descend. The kiss is filthy and needy, your hands grab onto his head, trying to get more of him even though he's already as close as he can come. You suck on his tongue and lips and he does the same to you, before mouthing his way over your jaw and down your neck, nipping and sucking. His beard pricks you but it's a mild discomfort to the one between your legs.
A string of needy noises tumble out of your mouth and you're about to start begging again but right then he lifts you and turns around, heading over to his large bed. As your body touches the sheets his hands start pulling at your clothes and you do the same to him. Moments later both of your are naked on the bed, making out like horny teenagers, rutting mindlessly against each other. His fingers find your hard clit, gently circling it a few times before dipping into the wetness at your opening. You mewl into his mouth in delight, thinking he's going to start filling you with his fingers, but instead, he spreads the slick back up to your clit and starts flicking it slowly.
Throwing your head back you moan his name loudly, no thoughts if you can be heard through the walls, everything is focused on the way he's touching you. His mouth finds your nipple and you get impossibly hotter and wetter. The months-long dry spell quickly catches up to you. Bucky fingers are expertly playing with you, never too hard or too light, hurling you towards the climax.
"Can I cum Bucky? Please can I cum?!"
His laugh tickles your skin, his fingers slow and he looks up at you.
"Yes, you can this time, just because you asked so nicely."
His fingers gather more of your wetness before picking up speed again. The band in your stomach quickly snaps and you scream out your release, blabbering "Thank you-thank you-thank you!"
Without getting a second to breathe you're flipped onto your stomach, then his hands lift your hips and you fold your knees in under you.
"Grab me a condom in the drawer angel," he directs and with unsteady hands and a complaining whine you open the drawer and rummage around until you find a square package.
"Don't whine when I'm trying to do the right thing," he growls and smacks your ass. "I know a little slut like you wants to be pumped full of cum until you're dripping." He leans down over you until his mouth is next to your ear, his raw dick rubbing against your sensitive cunt. Plucking the condom from your fingers he whispers, "You'll have to earn my cum, angel."
A jolt of pleasure-filled electricity shoots through you, just imagining yourself on your knees in front of him, doing anything he asks.
"I'll do anything, master," the name slips out by pure habit. "I'll be good, let you use me in any way you like, any hole. Anything to earn your cum, please, master."
A groan can be heard from behind together with the sound of the foil being torn open. Impatiently you wiggle your ass, arching your back even more, presenting yourself. In reward you get several more slaps, making you cry out as the pain shoots straight to your cunt.
"Oh, angel, keep talking sweet like that and you'll earn yourself another orgasm."
His dick notches at your opening and you still obediently. Both of you moan in unison as he presses inside. He's clearly on the bigger side but there is hardly any resistance since you're dripping with slick. In moments you're fuller than you've been in months, clawing at the sheets in front of you.
"Good girl, taking me so fucking well," his hands spread your cheeks. "I wish you could see how your greedy little pussy is swallowing me."
"Wa-want it, master, want it so much, feels so good!"
A wail leaves you as he starts pistoning his hips into you. If it weren't for the fact that he also pulls your hips back towards him every time, you'd end up with your head in the wall.
"Give me your hands," he instructs and you put them behind your back quickly, folding them and gripping your underarms. His vibranium hand closes around both your wrists while the other grabs your hair, pulling your head back.
You love his harsh grip on you, how he does what he wants with your body while he fucks you. All you can do is moan and whine and cry as he thrusts without any sign of slowing down any time soon. Usually around this time your FWB is about to come, and even though you're always satisfied in the end, sometimes you wish for more. The serum in his veins must give him superhuman stamina when it comes to everything.
Without warning he releases your hair and pulls hard on your arms, raising your body from the bed, his free hand coming round to grab your neck.
"Color?" He grunts, never missing a beat with his hips.
"Green! Bucky it's fucking green. Please! More!"
"You dirty little slut! Can't get enough of my cock huh?"
"No, master, want it always!" You cry.
"That's fucking right, god you feel so good. Next time I'm going to fuck you raw and watch the cum pour out of your pussy. How about right before Tony's big party? Put you in a short little dress with no panties so everyone can see my cum running down your legs."
The image of yourself, flustered and embarrassed while Bucky parades you around makes you keen, pushing back against him. You are nothing but his toy, he can do whatever he wants and you would gladly say 'Yes, master.'
The incessant need to come makes your legs weak, trembling from being held up and fucked within an inch of your life.
"Master, can I come? Your dick feels so good, can I please come on it?"
Releasing your wrists, his vibranium arm comes around your waist, pulling you flush with his chest before traveling down to your aching clit.
"This what you need, angel?"
The unrelenting metal against the softest part of your flesh pulls more desperate sounds from you as you try to rock against it, the pleasure eating you up from the inside, erasing every trace of cognitive thought. When you don’t answer he chuckles next to your ear, "I think my cock has made you dumb, angel. No thoughts left in that tiny little head of yours."
Your hands land on his arm, needing something to hold onto. He hasn’t permitted you yet, the orgasm is shimmering right underneath your skin, threatening to break through any second. The only thing you know is that you don’t want to disappoint him.
"My angel is doing so good, go ahead and come for me, make sure you scream my name when you do. Let everyone hear that this cunt belongs to me."
Instead of continuing with his fingers, his whole palm lands on your clit, a few slaps that don’t hurt in the slightest, only enhancing your pleasure, before the heel of his hand presses against your clit.
"Come on, show me how you look when you let go. Be a good little angel for me, come on my cock."
In a blinding light of pleasure, you scream his name, just like he wants, bending your head until it rests against his shoulder, shuddering and shaking from the release.
"Looking beautiful my little angel, so fucking pretty, strangling my cock." He hugs you tightly towards him for a second before pushing you forward. Your arms only cushion the fall lightly, there is no strength left in your body. Looking over your shoulder you see his eyes, blazing with lust, his mouth slightly open. Then he pulls out and you watch him tear the condom off, jerking himself, and with a loud groan of your name he finishes on your ass and back. As the spurts of cum hit your skin you close your eyes and sigh in contentment. Owned. Used. Satisfied for the first time in months.
With a giggle you fall to the side, uncaring if you're messing up his sheets. He lands on his back in front of you a moment later, chest still heaving.
"That was…" he begins, turning his head towards you with a small smile. Before continuing he rolls over on his side, reaching and pulling you in towards his naked chest, tilting your head up, and placing a small chaste kiss on your lips.
"Amazing? Wonderful? Mind-blowing?" you suggest with a smile to finish his sentence.
"All of the above angel."
For a couple of minutes, you lie there, just content with what just happened, before Bucky says,
"Come on, we need to clean you up."
He stands from the bed and picks you up with no effort, carrying you to the small bathroom and turning on the shower. Carefully he places you down on the tile and the warm spray is a harsh contrast to the cold sweat that has dried on your skin.
"How do you feel?"
Your only response is a happy humming noise that makes him smile, before he reaches for a bottle of shower gel. He makes you turn around, leaning your arms against the wall as he begins to clean you. His touch is firm as he washes your back and ass, giving you a light massage before he moves on to the rest of your body. Then you help him, even if what you do is mostly smear suds over his pecs. When he's done the both of you stand under the warm spray.
"Any immediate soreness?" He asks.
"No," you sigh happily. "Might feel something tomorrow, but we'll see then."
He finds you a clean towel afterward and dries you off, before handing you a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers. Without questioning you put them on.
Fortunately, the sheets have minimal staining and both of you are too exhausted to care about changing them. Suddenly you realize you've just fucked Bucky and now you're staying in his bed for the night, with your head resting on his chest.
"What is this Bucky?" you mumble, even as sleep is dragging you down.
"Whatever you want it to be, angel, we'll work out the details in the morning," he assures you.
And if the other people at the compound heard you the night before, or notice that you're wearing one of Bucky's t-shirts to breakfast the next day, nobody says a word.
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ladykailitha ¡ 2 years
Can Anybody See Me? Part 2
Holy shit, guys. I have never had such a response to a story before. Thank you guys so much.
Tag list of 50 has now been filled. Any other requests for tagging will be denied. I’m sorry.
Edit: Also if you saw the title as something else? No, no you didn’t. And any reblogs you see with anyone instead of anybody are a figment of your imagination. (*thuds head on laptop* I have the title right on here...in my file *wails*)
Part 1
The next morning Eddie got up for school excited for the first time. He had a mystery to solve and his name was Steven Harrington. Probably the third or whatever shit rich people got to with naming their kids. He rummaged through his closet looking for his favorite band tee. But he stopped when he found an old shoe box down at the bottom.
Eddie frowned and pulled it out. It was a bunch of pictures of Eddie when he first came to live with his uncle, Wayne. He looked at the shaved head and bruised face.
His dad had taken one look at Eddie that morning and decided his hair was too long. He had grabbed Eddie by the hair and dragged him into the bathroom and shaved his head. The bruises to the face were from Eddie trying to escape.
Eddie had suffered a concussion and it was then the state had taken notice. They had packed up his stuff while he was in the hospital in a big black garbage bag and told him he would be going home to his Uncle Wayne. In Indiana. So far from the life he knew. But it meant being safe from his dad and that was a plus in Eddie’s book.
It’s how he knew what Steve was going through. Maybe not exactly the same. But he knew concussions and knew they were a bad business.
He put the pictures back in the box and tucked it under his bed. Maybe he didn’t need to know why Steve was hurting. Maybe it was enough to understand. He pulled on his second favorite band tee and his jacket. He grabbed his bag and hurried out the door.
Eddie bit his lip. He didn’t have any classes with Steve today and wasn’t able to check up on him. He was tempted to break into the office and pull Steve’s schedule. But that would get him detention and he was still trying to keep his promise to his uncle.
How was he going to do this?
And then the answer literally dropped in his lap. A book was thrown at him by someone. He picked it up and looked at the cover. It was some old homework journal was about to throw it away when a piece of paper fluttered to the ground.
Frowning he picked it up. By some miracle it was Steve’s schedule. He looked up to see if he could see who threw it at him. But it could have been anyone. A lot of people were avoiding his eye, but that could be for any number of reasons. They bought from him and now they can’t look him in the eye because he knows. They want to buy weed and don’t know how to broach it. They think he’s a freak. They have a crush on him. You know, the possibilities were endless.
But at least he knew things he didn’t before. Like holy hell, the kid did a lot of sports. He looked at baseball and swimming and basketball with his mind whirling around in his head. How did he keep all the rules straight?
Math third period Eddie knew. History was Steve’s first period. Which was probably how his messed up brain managed to spew that information at Eddie yesterday. Baseball was seventh. Basketball his eighth. Swimming was second. English fourth. Art was sixth. Art, huh? That was intriguing. Probably thought it was an easy elective. And chemistry was fifth. So it looked something like this.
Odd 1-History 3- Math 5- Chemistry lunch 7- Baseball
Even 2-Swimming 4-English 6-Art lunch 8-Basketball
Huh. Eddie never noticed, but Steve was always in his lunch period. That was certainly interesting. He wondered what Mrs Hall, the guidance counselor would do about all his sports now that he couldn’t play anymore. He supposed swimming was still fine, nothing to hit you in that. But baseball and basketball were definitely out.
Eddie chewed on his lip. The sports weren’t going to get Eddie closer to finding out what happened to Steve. They would close ranks so fast. At least Steve and him had lunch together so that would at least make it easier befriend the guy.
Art, though. He tapped his lip thoughtfully. He had art in his fifth period. He could doing some snooping there. After all art is where true expression lies. And if there was anything going on it would show in his art.
The start of a plan was forming in the back of his mind. Yeah. This could work.
At lunch, Eddie slid in next to Steve as soon as he sat down.
“What’s on the menu today, Harrington?” he asked grinning.
Steve looked up at him in shock again. “Um...applesauce and plain toast, with a can of ginger ale.”
Eddie winced. “Still feeling the nausea?”
Steve nodded. “I’m starting to wonder if it’s ever going away.”
“It’ll stick around for about a week,” Eddie said softly.
Steve frowned. “How would you know that?”
“How don’t you know that?” Eddie fired back. “This is your second concussion.”
“Didn’t go to the doctor either time,” Steve mumbled.
“You want to run that past me again, Harrington?” Eddie asked.
“Doctors mean having to call my parents,” Steve explained, “calling my parents means that they’ll have to come back from their trip, coming back from their trip means I get into trouble, getting into trouble is not good for a concussion, so I don’t.”
“Why would you get into trouble for having a concussion?” Eddie asked, furrowing his brow.
Steve started counting it out on his fingers. “Getting into a fight. Hanging out with black people and by extension, siding with said black person. Having to drop out of sports. Watching my grades plummet. Not speaking to Tommy and Carol. I can keep going if you’d like...”
Eddie shook his head. “Holy shit, dude. I didn’t think I’d see a shittier dad then my own, but yours and your mom take the cake.”
Steve looked down at his applesauce mournfully. “It’s not that bad. At least my dad doesn’t hit me like Tommy’s dad does.”
Eddie’s eyebrows went up. “Are all rich dads douchebags?”
Steve shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Look, I’ve got to eat my own lunch,” Eddie said slapping the table and standing up, “but if you need anything come find me.”
Steve nodded, but Eddie didn’t think he would take him up on it.
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Part 18  Part 19  Part 20 Part 21
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites
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0-n-1-x ¡ 2 months
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Nishinoya Yuu x Cheerleader!reader link to my masterlist <33
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You and Nishinoya probably met during a school event, maybe a basketball match where you were cheering on your team. He was obviously drawn to your energy and enthusiasm, which matched his own. Noya is your biggest fan. He’s always front and center during your performances, cheering louder than anyone else. He even learns some of the cheers so he can do them with you. You cannot tell me that when he calls you to keep him company at the gym, you’ll practice your routines while Noya practices his skills and receives. You both are really competitive (being athletes), trying to outdo each other in stamina and precision. It’s a fun way to bond, and you both end up laughing, even if one of you wipes out.
If you do gymnastic type cheer, he definitely tries to copy some of your moves and flips (he folds the second he sees one of your tumble routines). Think you have the best routines in the world and will fight any judge that thinks otherwise, no matter how many times you tell him that you actually did mess up. Noya would totally want to help with your stunts, insisting he could be a base. While he might not be tall, his strength and determination make up for it, and you trust him completely
if you do stomp and shake cheer or call-and-response type cheer, he will dedicate hours to learn all of your lyrics and the moves that go with them, he also definitely does the trendy ones with you when they go viral on TikTok. And to be completely honest he got scared of your cheer voice in the beginning, but he grew to really like your ability to switch up on- and off the court, even if it surprises him (he's still a little scared to come up to you after you win a game).
you guy's sports use similar muscle group so expect a LOT of peer-conditioning dates (followed up by a meal for 10)
if any tries to tell you that 'you aren't a real athlete' or 'cheer isn't a sport' best believe that Noya is right next to you defending. Even if you tell him it's not worth it, and it's also a personal headcanon of mine that he is insanely good at roasts so this person's whole bloodline is cooked.
Noya loves surprising you with little things, like bringing you more water during practice or leaving encouraging notes with doodles in your cheer bag. He’s always thinking of ways to make you smile, just as you do for him. If your seasons don't match up, he is coming to the games that you cheer for, who cares if he doesn't understand basketball? his girl is out there. Plus, he begs you to make cheer just for him. It might start as a joke, but you’d end up putting real effort into it, and he’d beam with pride every time you perform it during a game. Even teaching some of your teammates for a surprise in your student section
If your seasons do match, that's the time when you see eachother the least, at first there was tension on you guys, but after a year or so you both get used to it and understand that you're both student-athletes with buys schedules.
Before big events, you might sneak into the boys’ locker room after most of them leave to give him a quick pep talk, because we all know he struggles with mental health. It becomes a tradition, with some of the team playfully teasing him but none of them know what you're saying and how encouraging it is <33
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to the anon that requested this thank you so much!! (I unfortunately couldn't find your ask so I'm so sorry </3) this is definitely a favorite trope of mine because I have experience in sports and cheerleading, so I probably over yapped ngl
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wonijinjin ¡ 10 months
all nighter with seventeen’s 96 line
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synopsis: what the title says
word count: 0.9k | genre: fluff | pairings: 96 line x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of food
“seriously, are you gonna stay up? because i doubt that you can make it.” jun raised an eyebrow, not liking how you want to ruin your sleep cycle. “look junnie i need to see the final of this show! it is not my fault it comes out at like 3am!” you shouted in excitement, pouting a bit at him. he put his hands on his ears jokingly, indicating how loud you were even though it was like 10pm already; you were usually very tired at this point of the night, but not tonight. “well, if a show is more important to you then your health…” he said, trying to make you feel guilty, trailing off. “jun don’t worry, you don’t have to stay up with me if you don’t want to. don’t risk your already not so bright sleep schedule.” you giggled while he started shaking his head, walking closer to you. “no! i wouldn’t let my baby stay up alone, plus we could cuddle until it comes out!” he kissed your forehead, pulling you close.
- worries about your health so much, afraid that you will get used to not sleeping enough and will get sick eventually
- loves your passion though; he will let it slide because you just look so cute when excited for watching the movies
- makes you stay up all day to contain your sleep cycle, preventing you from messing it up completely
“oh my god this is gonna be so fun!” hoshi squeeled while looking kind of like a maniac. you burst out laughing, finding him so cute. “ahw you are adorable my tiger. you were really waiting for me! and you really have a lot of energy in you, huh?” you said while squeezing his cheeks, giving him a chaste kiss. he just nodded while smiling, bouncing up and down just like he always does when he is excited. “let’s prepare some food for the night. when we have all the nutrients for the whole night you can drag me to the practice room to make the new choreo.” you advised, already going to the kitchen to start cooking some warm food. “alright baby tiger, understood! it is gonna be so exciting, having you with me!” he grinned, picking you up and spinning you around.
- hyper tiger, he is thrilled to have you with him and have some company as he is often lonely in the early hours of sunrise since the members usually leave after midnight
- will make the two of you take breaks though; getting silly and dancing and jumping for fun (and to keep you awake)
- very grateful that you pulled the night off for him, definitely would finish the choreo a lot faster since you are there
“are you sure you won’t fall asleep? i know you don’t really like this game that much.” wonwoo questioned as you sat down next to his gaming chair, head on his shoulder, ready to watch your boyfriend pull a gaming night till sunrise. “i am more than confident that i can do it sweetie.” you mocked him in a silly tone to which he giggled. “alright, alright. are you comfortable?” he wondered while looking down at you attentively. “yes, very much, thank you.” you replied as you snuggled into him, his focus already back to the computer screen. “are we gonna play together during the night though? like sims? or animal crossing?” you peeked up at him curiously. “of course sweetheart, whatever you want. just let me finish this game first.” he said while patting your head.
- he is very soft for you, and would love to teach you how to play some new games (if you want to of course)
- you would doze off for a bit at 2am though; he would look at you with so much adoration before nudging you to wake up and telling you how you promised yourself you could do it
- would stop to make you ramen in the middle of the night and have a deep conversation about life
“you know it is not healthy to drink that much coke, right?” you stared at woozi who was opening another can of the beverage. he stopped and gave you a confused look. “but i need it to stay awake. plus, it is better than energy drinks and you know that. you’d rather i drank those?” you sighed in defeat. “this will be your last one. not only will you stay up tonight but for the next three days with that much sugar.” you laughed. he put down the can and pulled you close to him, leaning close to your ear. “don’t worry about me babe. i will not break your stupid rules.” he smirked, his statement earning a smack on the arm from you. “okay, enough. get back to work or you will never sleep! i will be chilling here on the couch.” you shushed him. “thank you for staying.” he said while pecking your cheek.
- pretends to be annoyed but in reality really appreciates your gesture of not letting him work alone all night (again)
- shows you his process and tells you how you inspired the lyrics of one of the songs, you would instantly melt upon hearing it since it was so beautiful
- would let you baby him when he is at the turning point, barely holding on (denies it the next day and calls it a moment of weakness)
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Piece of Paper (S.R.)
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Summary: Spencer and Reader discuss Autism evaluations.
Request: reader tells spencer "i think im autistic" and he’s like "wait you've never been evaluated/diagnosed??" and he helps her advocate for an evaluation or some other kind of support? A/N: I’m sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted, Anon, but this is the experience I would like to share as a person who was diagnosed as a toddler 🫶 Couple: Spencer Reid/GN!Reader Category: Comfort/Fluff Content Warning: Autism assessment/Anti-Autistic mentions, implied abuse/gaslighting, minor self-hatred, internalized ableism Word Count: 1k
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The bullpen was as quiet as it ever was. The bustling crowds had passed through and returned to the comfort of their home. All that remained were those with deadlines, no date life, or neurodivergent tendencies.
You peeked across the desk to notice how Spencer’s hyper-focus had finally faded, leaving him now spinning in his chair while he stared at the ceiling.
“Hey, Spencer?” you called, “Can I ask you a kind of personal question?”
His chair came to a halt.
“Sure, but I’m not sure if I’ll have a satisfying answer,” he chuckled.
You floundered for a moment, struggling to come up with an appropriate way to ask your question. Yet, when you did finally speak, you were anything but eloquent.
“What was it like when you were diagnosed with Autism?”
“Oh!” he said excitedly, “I’ve actually never been assessed.”
Immediately, your face began to burn, and your stomach churned with the realization you’d just made a number of possibly rude assumptions.
“Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry—“
“I’m not offended,” he reassured you with a smile, “I agree with your assessment.”
You smiled at the wordplay, but the intensity of his gaze drove your eyes back to the mess of paperwork on your desk.
“Can I ask why?” you asked.
Spencer didn’t seem to mind at all that you stared at the desk instead of him. He offered his explanation with his normal enthusiasm.
“My mom wasn’t exactly the biggest fan of psychiatrists.”
Understandable. Neither were you.
“Plus,” he trailed off. You turned to find him staring at the ceiling again. He rocked the chair back and forth as he said somewhat solemnly, “the world isn’t particularly fond of Autistic people.”
The words felt like a blow to your chest. Like your heart had turned to stone or something unbearably cold.
“Ah,” you sigh. You brought a hand to your face to try to hide the disappointment.
Spencer, still looking above you both, didn’t even notice the shift in tone.
“Why do you ask?”
“Nothing,” you replied, “It’s nothing, it’s stupid.”
Even he couldn’t miss the sadness in your voice, though. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, you heard the realization hit him with a gasp.
“Were you planning on scheduling an assessment?”
“I was considering it, but… I don’t know if I should.”
There were a lot of reasons why that was the case — self doubt, fear of the unknown, chronic gaslighting — but you didn’t want to go into all of that. Instead, you chose to sympathize with the plight he’d already shared with you.
“Because you’re right, other people are… not very receptive to the diagnosis.”
Some more than the rest.
Spencer paused for a second, even though you knew he wanted to say something. For a moment, he wrestled with the right words and the right tone to prevent his anger from projecting onto the wrong person.
“Would you be doing it for them?” he asked, “The other people?”
It seemed like a silly question… one you’d never really stopped to ask yourself.
“What do you mean?”
That time, when Spencer started speaking, you couldn’t find it in you to stop him. You stayed silent because you knew he was offering you his unfiltered thoughts on something personal to him. 
“I mean… why do you want someone else to tell you? I don’t want to talk you out of something that would bring you peace of mind, but I would encourage you to ask yourself if that’s really the reason you’re doing it, because that piece of paper can make a lot of things much harder for you. Immigration, medical decision making, adoption, child rearing, hell, even your job… that target on your back will impact aspects of your life that you’ve probably never even considered it would.”
You sat there, soaking in the hopelessness of the moment. You begged your heart to slow down, but it continued racing along with your thoughts.
Ultimately, there was nothing left to be said but, “Yeah, you’re right.”
“Did I upset you?”
There was a subtle regret in his voice, but you knew it had needed to be said. That bluntness, that unfiltered honesty had been exactly why you’d asked him.
So, you managed a smile as you thanked him the best way you knew how; by telling him the truth. 
“No, I appreciate your honesty.”
He responded with his own.
“Okay. I’m still sorry, though.”
“Thanks,” you said, although you’d meant ‘Me too.’ 
Spencer didn’t respond. Instead, he turned and scrambled to find a blank sheet among his notebooks. At first, you thought nothing of it. But once you heard him scribble something onto a piece of paper that was immediately ripped from its place, you turned to him.
His eyes remained fixed on the note he’d just written while he spoke.
“At the end of the day, no matter how badly we want to believe things will change… the people who don’t believe you now… they won’t believe a piece of paper, either,” he said.
Then, standing from his chair, Spencer closed the space between you, note in hand. He clutched it tightly between his fingers that were held against his chest.
“But if it helps, I believe you.”
Tears sprung from your eyes so quickly that you weren’t sure what to do with them. You decided to let them sit there, to soak in the saltwater reminder that you were not nearly as inhuman as the others made you seem. And when Spencer held out his hand to offer you the lifeline on lined paper, you took it.
He smiled.
“A doctor’s note, in case you ever need it.”
Spencer returned to his desk without another word. You set the piece of paper down and decided that, when you were ready, you would see what he’d had to say.
Then, when you were ready, you would find the handwritten message: 
“You are the only expert of your life. You already know the answer.”
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Looking for more fics with an Autistic!Reader? Check out my Rec List here!
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a-998h ¡ 7 months
Aska nd ye shall receive!!!!!
SAGau idea!
Reader almost always plays on co-op since they unlocked it alongside their three friends at scheduled intervals when they all have the time.
Said reader can also code, and to make up for the fact that not all their friends can buy or pirate (cuz of lack of cash or storage) games they have, they make mods they add in, then add out, alongside lots of solo beta testing.
(if this isn't possible IRL, suspend your disbelief)
Also theres no NSFW in this ask or being requested it's just jokes a la "3AM challenge gone wrong! Gone sexual"
also there's one implication of catholic trauma
plus capital letters
Sorry if anything makes no sense
The Backrooms
*insert law & order audio*
Reader, playing Aether. "I added the Backrooms."
The Kaeya Main "Oh God."
The Childe Main "You added the what??"
"Same." ÂŤ== they're playing and want to adopt Ferminent
"The Backrooms, this fictional idea that even an infant hitting their elbow wrong has the .000001% chance of—this is not mathematically accurate—teleporting you to this uncanny infinite realm, and the only way out is to somehow repeat what got you in there. And I don't think doing either on purpose is humanly feasibly."
"I understood none of that but okay." The four laughing ensued.
"okay but" wheezing "how— how are we gonna get in if you can't do it on purpose??"
"yeah that sounded like a little bit like an oversight."
"a LiTtLe BiT"
"literally just click that button that wasn't on the screen before."
"oh "
"oooh god. I'm getting catholic flashbacks!"
"oh shit you okay? Do you need a break or—"
"no. No I'm good"
"oh good"
"Any monsters to worry about?"
"yes." They all start laughing "Unless it's bugged in co-op because I only play tested this on single player!"
"backrooms gone wrong! We died! Gone sexual!"
"cops called!" "sixty nine hospitalized!"
"no!" Laughing continues and as it dies down: "we're escaping the backrooms, and I'm using the version with clues to reaching the next levels so we're not stuck here all day."
"so are you gonna help us oooorrrr . . . "
"you're alone, I'm gonna be following you around as you screw around!" The dying laugher peaks again
"you put us in this mess!" "you allowed me too!!!"
And then the loudest inhumane scream ensued, alongside theirs as they scattered.
"Kane pixels monster is real! Is this the Kane pixel backrooms? Oh good we're all fucked!!"
"and the wikidot!" Now only reader was laughing
"are you speaking a different DIALECT?!"
"pretty much" gasp "it's chasing meee!!"
"you deserve it! Daaance deluded puppeteer daaance!!" And then the reader ran in their direction from behind "you used me as a meat shield!"
"to demonstrate we all get four lives! If we die a fifth time, we start at the first level again, repeat!"
"yeah that reassures me" they say sarcastically, now controlling Zhongli "wait first level—?"
"there's arrows on the walls" "tell me where, I'm gonna carry this team"
"What the heeellll, I can't even see any damage on the monsters" "you can't kill what cannot be killed"
"oh crap." Dies. Xiao takes Zhongli's place
"disorder? In MY backrooms??"
"it's more likely thank you think!"
"Since when did you change from Kaeya to Ayato?"
"since when did you die all the way back to Freminet?"
"I didn't I got gooood!!" Spinning circled around them "Aahh!! Friendly fire! Friendly fire!"
Freminet is replaced with Gaming "I literally hate you"
"I love you too <3 AAAAAA—"
"guys help! I clipped into the walls!"
"you reap what you soooowww, fucker!" A sword strikes them "AAHHH!!"
"I think this is what the abyss feels like"
"I think that's an insult" "you've never been in there"
===many deaths & respawns later===
"you're a monster you know that right"
Giggling, "yes yes yes!!"
"we should do that again" "as the one with arthritis from carrying you idiots, I veto it."
"veto denied :D"
The Wither Storm
Playing Kokomi "what is it this time"
"Wither Storm :)" Reader, playing Fischl looks up at them
Playing Xinyan "uh oh"
Eula "on a scale of one to backrooms, how difficult will this one be?" "Collateral damage"
"and that's ignoring the proximity voice chat!"
Fast paced breathing "oh thank God that wasn't a thing in the Backrooms, we were just using discord"
"yeah it's a shaaaame"
"wait, we couldn't lay a finger in the Backrooms"
"you can kill the wither storm and still engage in friendly fire"
"thank goodness!!"
"so what's in store?"
"I'm gonna teleport us to another plane—because we don't want Teyvat harmed in the process—and we're gonna summon the wither storm and kill it."
"let's do it blind."
"did we not learn from the backrooms???"
"no we did not!"
"blind it is! Let's go!"
The Wither Storm is summoned! And like a standard wither simple shoots out skulls that destroys where it hits and inflicts withering on any living being.
"guys get building materials—!" Xinyan is replaced with Lisa who is far, far away from where the death was "And I withered away. And I'm away from everyone
"wow, I can't hear anyone!"
Beamed up by the Wither Storm: "guys help"
"one I barely heard you, scream next time, two it's already to late for you." Eula is them eaten in one piece by one of the storm's mouths
"oh my fucking god it has a halo . . . It has like four of them" Looking up, far away from the group with Yae Miko, running away after a head faces their way
Far far away, Kaeya takes Eula's place in the plane
(Google image "crackers wither storm" to get what I mean in the last paragraph)
"bestie!!" Reader controlling Hu Tao walks up a small hill
"Oh my God! Bestie!" Another Hu Tao looks in their ideection, they run towards each other "regroup! Regroup! We gotta regroup cuz the next phase is gonna begin!"
"we did all that work and never even got a nether star" Sitting down with Heizou
"says who?" Back with Fischl ":O"
"the inventory . . . " They habitually jump with Kazuha
"oh, what's this I see?" sticking to Hu Tao after the Wither Storm
"who wants to read the description?" By now everyone opened their inventory to find a fourth of a white, purple tinted four-pointed star
"As testament to your suffering, a piece of the Nether Star joins you growing treasury!! A Devastation reduced to a mere chapter in your life"
"look, I get that after we're done you just remove the mod forever and leave it to gather dust, but at least, at least let us keep this even after removing the Wither Storm mod."
"and let us make a beacon while your at it!"
"sure why the hell not!"
"what the hell is a beacon and will I want in?"
"you all will!!"
"yes we do!"
"you don't even know what it does!x
"and neither do you!"
Personally I imagine that Teyvat is a bit split on this.
On one hand, their Grace is far too happy with their friends who Teyvat deems as fellow Creators they play around with and they're playing around with their divine powers.
On the other hand, making mods and bug testing is time consuming and both of these take attention their Grace could be giving them instead.
They've heard plenty times the Creator complain about their world's spaghetti code, the Reader has cursed the creator—"who the hell made this?"—many times and Teyvatians interpret this as either the Creator having lost their memories or an act of self-hatred or a blend of both.
It doesn't help how Reader curses themselves whenever they find an error in their own code
Though I wonder the thoughts of Vessels from four worlds being used for four gods to meet in scheduled meetings either during normal gameplay or modded gameplay.
No but imagine some vessels doing things their code supposedly shouldn't allowed but it gets brushed off as a mod glitch 😭 lmao, like say, Kaeya muttering "Cataclysm . . ." To himself during the Wither Storm and only barely not being noticed
That's all I have in me today
feel free, not but pressured, to add your own ideas, add onto my ideas, etcetera, etcetera as you please, you got my absolute blessing
take your time as needed
Hope your having a good day!!
Thank you for sending me this.
This is awesome on its own and it must be shared.
But seriously, you're right. Teyvat wants you to be happy, but only with them. So they come up with a plan.
They're going to not work and basically annoy your friends off the game. They know I'll make you sad, but you have them to make you feel better.
If you friends are extra stubborn, then more extreme measures are but in place. Like bugging out, not ascending but taking the materials, and stuff like that.
Eventually when your friends quit the game, you go back to solo mode. Now you spend your time with them. While it makes them sad to see you upset about being able to play with your friends anymore, they'll be your new friends and be the best characters they can for you.
After, you'll be with them soon.
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weixuldo ¡ 1 year
Linecook Anakin HCs pt 2
pt one
HELLO once again i am back with more ani hcs… i have a multitude of ideas like a never ending flow so if u all want more lmk :)
warnings: cursing, ani is a typical horny young adult, smoking; weed, cut?
Sometimes he wears a black bandana to hold his hair back and…. Fuck, its hot
Wears a black hat sometimes too
One time he forgot to bring something to pull his hair back so he embarrassingly had to use someone’s neon scrunchie- he was not thrilled
The type of guy to douse himself in cologne before shift so he smells “good” for longer (plus he thinks you'll like it)
He definitely looks on the schedule app to see what day’s you’re working
Happily surprised when he sees you walk into the kitchen when he knew you weren’t scheduled. 
Walks up to you when you’re clocking in; tosses his rag over his shoulder and leans up against the wall beside you.
“Hey beautiful, I didn’t think you were scheduled”
“Nah, I picked up Hera’s shift, wanted some extra money”
He clicked his tongue and smiled, “Ahh, I think you just missed me, you could have just texted me princess”
“In your dreams Skywalker”
Lots of “fuck’s” and “goddamn’s” when he accidently burns himself on the grill or oven. 
When he cuts himself while preparing the meat or veggies, make sure to clean it out and put a brightly colored bandaid (he keeps them in his pockets) on it… mostly because he wants you to notice he injured himself. 
“What happened Anakin?”
“Oh, nothing- I just was cutting too quick- it kinda hurts tho…wanna kiss it better for me?” he comments with a smirk
“Ughhh, I guess” you roll your eyes and indulge him. 
He gets pissy when the other waitresses aren't running the food in the window because it backs up his workspace and he cant put out new orders
“Hands to the front!” he yells, as he checks the screen for the incoming orders
No one answers, he looks around and sees the waitress doing side work and getting drinks, but not running his food. what the fuck?!
A part of him is frustrated that you aren’t backing him up, but then he realizes you're not even in the kitchen. 
You walk in and see the window is still full; “Guys! Can I get some hands to the window?! I can’t run all of your food plus mine and serve my tables all at the same time” you say loudly. 
You stand by the window handing the plates to the new line of waitresses who are now ready to work so they don’t get yelled at later
“Alright, let's get these out quick! I know its rush but Anakin cant put up the new orders if these don't go out” 
He smiled to himself, you’re not only helping him out, but you also care about him being able to do his work too. 
Once everything is out and things have calmed down he thanks you
“I appreciate it, princess”
“No worries, I was just sick of running everyone’s shit by myself” you sigh
“You’re doin great” he smiles
One time you were on vacation for two weeks and he thought he would die
He flirted with other waitresses but it wasn't the same
The day you came back to work he was surprised to see you- he had forgotten to check who was working
“Hey y/n!” 
His ears perk up at your co-worker’s sing-songy voice.
“Hey Rose” you reply.
You walk into the kitchen; your skin has a noticeable beach tan and he can see a small hit of your bikini line by your collarbone (and ofc that goes straight to his dick- good thing he’s wearing an apron)
“Hey Ani” you say, walking past the kitchen to put your purse in the back. 
“Hey beautiful” 
Throughout the shift he can't help but watch you breeze through the kitchen like you never left. 
Your radiant smile enchants him, making it hard for him to concentrate on the orders coming in.
Definitely curses out new cooks when they mess up too much during rush
Anakin hates when the manager assigns him trainees- he doesn’t wanna come to work and have some idiot mess up his flow by following him all over creation
He gets this new guy and already doesn’t like him because he’s way too talkative
When the new guy finally starts on his own, he starts trying to get the know the waitresses: He talks about this TV show with Hera, exchanges jokes with Rose, banters with Ahsoka, but he doesn’t really talk to you; not that you care, work is for work- you don’t need to make friends with everyone. 
Deep down Anakin is kind of glad he doesn’t try to talk to you (he gets a weird vibe from the new guy)
On 4/20 he brought a bong and all of the cooks and him hit it in the back before shift. 
Everyone thought it was gonna be a disaster, but surprisingly all the cooks were more on top of orders than usual; half of them got really focused on getting stuff right, others just relaxed, and then there was the few who thought everything was hilarious
The restroom is in the front house where the guests sit, so when the cooks need a break they have to walk through the restaurant. 
Sometimes you’ll see anakin come from the back; apron off, messy hair, and his cleaning rag looped on his belt.
But what you also see is a multitude of customers watching hungrily as he walks by.
For some reason that stirs something in you… annoyance? Or maybe it's jealousy?
He really is too hot to be working in the back of a restaurant- his face alone would make much more doing something more appearance based. 
But what you don’t know is that he thinks the same exact thing about you. 
Anakin walks back in from a smoke break and hears the “new” guy talking about a certain waitress he seems to like. 
“Yea, y/n? she’s bangin’, like fine af. Y’all don’t understand how hard imma hit that when I get the chance” 
Anakin’s eye twitches at the disrespectful description of your body and who tf did this guy think he was? There’s no way you’d even entertain him. 
He’s two steps away from taking this guy out back and kicking his ass. 
“Woah, woah man. That might not be the best idea” Rex, another cook, says. 
“Yea, dude. Y/n is basically Skywalker’s girl… and I wouldn’t wanna mess with him when it comes to her” Cody offers. 
Anakin saunters from around the corner, acting like he wasn't listening and the conversation subsides. 
Later walks up to the new guy and grips his shoulder uncomfortably hard; “Yea, the guys are right- I would advise you stay away from y/n and I swear- If I ever hear you making crude comments about her again- you’ll be meeting me out back”
Anakin pats his back and continues on- safe to say he never talks about you again
Scrolls on dating apps that he never actually utilizes when he gets home from a closing shift and finds you- he sits up and focus on all of his attention on your profile
Suddenly bro’s a super spy because he’s analyzing everything- your bio, your likes, what you're looking for, your preferences, your music taste. 
He taps through your pics and his eyes widen as he sees you in clothes other than just work ones… and maker- you are gorgeous. 
His sweatpants feel a little tighter as he scans over a pic of you from your beach vacation- he recognizes the bikini by the tan he saw in you earlier in the month. 
His hands tremble just a little as he decides if he should swipe right or just let it go. 
In a moment of bravery he swipes right- now he’ll show up in your feed to judge-
The screen flashes pink and the words “match” are plastered across the top 
That means that you saw his profile first and swiped right… what does this mean for work tmr??
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raenizza ¡ 1 year
Sypnosis: Jey pulls up to the house after his long workout with his brothers. He originally planned to be home at an earlier time to help the Reader prepare dinner, but it has been over two hours since. In order to make up for it, he bought her flowers and her favorite candy to sweeten her up for his lateness while also laying down another surprise for her.
Characters/ Pairings: Jey Uso x Reader, Jey Uso x Black Reader, Jey Uso x OC, Jey Uso x Black OC, Jey Uso x Y/N
Word Count: 2,688
Warnings: Cursing, WAP, a little bump and grind, creamy glizzy, and some good ole luvin’
Author’s Note: Hello my loves! It has been a while since I’ve written something so I decided to surprise yall with something short and sweet to read over the weekend. Enjoy 😊
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“Aight y’all, I gotta hit the road” Jey says to his brothers after placing down the weights and moving towards the lockers to get his gym bag. 
“Already? Bro we just started” Jimmy chuckles. 
The boys planned to do a quick 3-hour session in, but then 3 hours quickly turned into 5, due to their competitive nature. Jimmy and Solo stopped their routine and stood up from their machines as they watched their brother gather his things. 
“Uce it's just 30 more minutes. It won’t take long” Solo spoke out. 
“Nah man, I gotta go. I promised y/n that I’d be home like 2 hours ago.” Jey responded to them heading in their direction.
“Maaan she goin be aight, we just got finish up this one last set-”
“Listen, yall can get it done without me, aight, I really gotta go. Plus I promised her” 
Jey said to his brothers as hugged them goodbye and sprinted tothe front of the gym.
“Uggggh, fine. But you owe us!” Jimmy said.
“I know, I’ll see y’all later, Love u!” he shouted as he opened the gym’s door.
“Love you too!” They both shouted back.
Jey realized how late it was getting and knew that he was going to have to make up for it big time. As he drove out of the gym's parking lot and headed down the main road, he pulled out his phone to give you quick call.
“Hey baby,” he said with such softness.
“Well Well, look who finally called. I was wondering when I was gonna get my husband back” you giggled on the other line.
“Look baby, I am on my way home now, aight. Imma be there in about 15-20 minutes tops.” He responded. 
“Mmhmm you said that, lemme check. about 3 whole hours ago.”
“I know I know I know things just got outta hand at the gym, you know competitive me and my brothers are plus we-” He stopped for a moment as he sat at the stoplight staring at the Target sign that lit up just a few miles down the road. 
“You know what baby, on second thought, make it 30 minutes.”
“ Don’t worry, I gotta surprise for you okay, just be ready when I get home.” 
You let out a deep negro sigh.
“Okay, just please come home safe, love” you ended the call. 
You wondered why he was so hesitant to end the call. Hoping that it was an actual surprise and that nothing actually happened to him on his commute home. You got up from the couch and entered the kitchen, looking at the mess you made from the meal you prepared. A small wave of sadness flooded you as you set aside his plate of food. The food looked amazing and came out great, hell it would’ve been perfect if he was here to enjoy it. You and Jey agreed that after his workout session, he’d come straight home and help make dinner, together. Like you always do with him, but sometimes things don’t work out as planned. And that’s okay, but when becomes a frequent occurrence, things start to change.
It’s not that you don’t mind your husband working and getting the things that need to be done, it’s just that some days you want him all to yourself. You want to feel his presence, his love, and warmth but due to the change in his schedule things have been quite difficult. You started to miss your man more often and try to spend every second with him as much as possible. 
After washing the dishes and putting dinner away, you swept up the kitchen making it as clean as possible. As you headed towards the staircase, you heard the machine for the garage door, open, indicating that your man has finally reached home. Excited as you are, you rushed towards the garage eager to grab the doorknob. But it sprung open before you could even get the chance. Jey’s beautiful face pierced out from the doorway. 
“IM HOMEEE!!” Jey said with his arms lifted in the air and the biggest smile on his face. Showing his bottom grills. He hugged and then picked you up all at the same time, flooding you with kisses and nibbles all over your face and neck.
“Ahhh!” you yelped out once he started to playfully bite your cheeks. You pushed him back, looking at the object in his hands.
“Are these for me?” You grabbed the large bouquet of flowers in his right hand.
“They most certainly are. They didn’t have any Roses, so I got these.” You looked at the beautiful bright pink carnation flowers and smiled at the kind gesture. Jey proceeded to go down on one knee, holding the flowers, and looking up to you. 
“Baby, I would like to apologize for my lateness, tonight. It won’t happen again, I promise you.” He handed the flowers to you. “Oh and one more thing.” Held in his other hand were three of your favorite candies. 
“I know you’ve been craving these for a minute now.” He said with a chuckle.  You laughed, grabbed the bouquet and kissed him deeply. 
“Thank you so much, baby. Your apology is accepted and I sure have” Trying to open up one of the candy bars. For a brief moment, the both of you stood there in each other's embrace, his cologne was so strong that even a few hours of the gym couldn’t stand a chance. All you could think of at that moment was how much you missed him. 
“I have one more surprise for you.” He said in a deep tone. Jey lifted you up, bridesmaid style and carried you up the stairs and into the master bedroom. He grabbed the bouquet and your candy from your hands and placed it on the dressing table. He placed you gently on the bed and started to undress you pulling off your sweatpants and t-shirt (his t-shirt to be exact) and worked his way from your beautiful brown thighs all the way up to your gorgeous face covering you with kisses, love bites, and massages. Before he reached your neck, he stripped himself of his clothes, leaving him with just his bright red briefs. You stopped him quickly.
“Wait, hold on baby. You’re not tired from the gym?” you asked with a concerned look.
“I got one more session in me.” He responded, going right back down to you. He finally reached your lips and started to kiss you slowly and intimately. The tip of his tongue swirls against yours as he exchanges saliva with you. You moaned in his mouth with every kiss, feeling him press his body against yours. You felt his dick harden in his undergarments as it grazed perfectly on your entrance. Jey slowly started to grind himself into you, without even stripping you down to your full nude. Kissing you still he grabbed his left hand and slid inside your damp panties, rubbing your already wet folds.
“Mmhmm baby, look at you. Already wet for me,” he said in between kisses. You couldn't help but only moaned as he spoke to you. It’s been a hot minute since you’ve felt like this, his heat mixing in with yours. He continued to rub your entrance, teasing you as his fingers would slide over your clit. You wanted him to pick up the pace just a bit more, and within a second he did. You grind your hips against his thick large fingers. ‘Fuck this feels so fucking good’ you thought. His breath was on your lips as he tempted to slide just one finger in, but he backed down instantly. He pulled his hand out from you and sucked your juices off his fingers. 
“Mmm you taste so good, baby girl,”  he says to you looking at your full lips. “Come taste it” as he kisses you again crashing his tongue once more into your mouth. It felt so good to have him in your face again. You closed your legs and started to shift your position a bit so you can kiss him even deeper. You feel yourself getting warm and hot as he slid his hand underneath grabbing your ass.
“I wanna cum so bad” you whispered on his lips.
“Mhmm, you wanna cum? Mmmmm” he moaned out
“We haven’t done anything yet baby, just kissing makes you wanna cum huh” he moans in your ear. You nodded your head in agreement. 
He pulled away and got up. Positioning himself right in front of you, Jey went straight to taking your panties off to unclasping your bra with the swiftness. He pulled his member out and began smacking it against your pussy lips.  As he slides the tip in, he let his spit fall directly on his shaft before fully entering and then making direct eye contact with you. Growling as your walls start to expand on his girth.
Jey started with slow and steady strokes, making you feel every inch of his dick, watching you moan in pleasure. 
“Oh you taking it baby, you taking that shit.” He says passionately on your lips. You felt him pump in and out of you slowly, making sure you adjust to his size just right. “Mmmm you feel so good.” you moaned out to him, as you dig your nails deeper into his tatted skin. Your eyes began to roll back as his strokes quickened. Moving at a much faster rate, you feel him holding your waist down as he fucks deep into you. You glance at the ceiling for a moment and then look back up to him in awe.  His gold Cuban link dangling over your face. 
“Mhmm mhmm, how that shit feel bae,” he said breathlessly in your ear.
“It. feels. So- mmmmhm.” You replied biting down on your lips and in between his strokes. Him pounding your shit felt so good you couldn’t even get any words out.
Jey slowed down a bit so he can reach his hand down to your pussy to rub your clit. He gently wrapped his free hand around your throat. This sent you over the edge, him pleasuring in ways only you could only imagine. Your pussy felt so good wrapped around his dick, taking him in. He watches you tense up at his strokes and as you moan in ecstasy. 
 “FUCK!.” he groaned to seeing your juices covering his dick, the room filled with wet noises coming from his deep strokes and his thighs slapping against you.
Jey then pulled you closer to him and decided to slow down for a bit, he lowered his head in the vape of your neck kissing it. He pulled back looking at you. 
“Look at my eyes.” You divert your attention from watching his waist and movement to his beautiful face, avoiding eye contact.
“You see how good you make me feel. Just look in my eyes. Can you see my desire for you?” he said in a breathy and lustful tone. You stared at the grills in his mouth, still not looking directly at him like wants you to.
“You see how bad I wanna fuck you. LOOK. AT. ME.” He grabbed your face instantly, forcing contact. You finally looked into his eyes. His beautiful dark chocolate brown eyes. He fucked you even deeper now that he made you look, his pelvis making a deep connection to yours. 
“That’s right baby, Look at me.” He says to you. You sensed your body feeling warm again, as you felt yourself coming close. Jey sensed this too and immediately stopped. “No baby don’t stop please don’t, keep goin.” You begged. 
“Mhmm, baby you gotta put in some work too,” he said as he slid out and laid on his back next to you. 
“C’mere. Come ride me.” He patted his lap signaling you to come. You quickly took position facing him. 
“Uhn Uhn turn around.” Shocked by this you turned yourself around, ass facing him. You arched a bit, so you can grab his tip gently placing it at the front of your entrance.
“Look at that. Look at that,” he says in between slaps on your ass, adoring every inch of you. He grabs your waist pulling you down onto him making it easier for the both of you. You started off slow, moving up and down at a good pace. 
“That’s it, baby. Keep going.” Jey started to grunt and moan. 
“Fuckkk” he whispered under his breath, watching your ass bounce on his dick made felt so fucking good. You felt his dick pulsate inside you, you started to pick up the pace.
“Mmmm yes, Daddy.” You breathed out to him, gripping your hips tiger, keeping that rhythm flowing. Riding him was always a favorite position of his and yours as well. You loved the satisfaction it gave you, his grunts and moans as you bounce on his dick, turns you on the most.
“Mmmhm That ass taking this dick. Gimme that ass baby” Jey growls under you. You proceeded to follow his request, giving him what he wants. Hell he deserves it. 
“ Ooouuu fuckkkk, that ass sounds so good on my dick baby! Shit!” He moaned out, this time slamming himself into you, fucking you right back, deeper and harder. 
From the sounds of your ass clapping echoes in the room, turning you on even more. Then on to the sounds from his Cuban link, heaving on his chest as he watches your ass shake all in his face.
His balls slapping against your clit made you cream so hard that it kept slipping out.
“Get it back in. Get. It. Back. In” he said through gritted teeth. You placed his dick right back at your entrance sliding it in. “Mmmmmm” you moaned out
Jey continued his pace from before but then quickly change positions. Instead of laying on his back, he got up and began hitting you from the back.
“Ouuuu Jey please-” you bawled out as your face is mushed in the mattress. Jey pounded himself into you, ignoring your cries. 
“Baby pleaseeee, please” You shifted your head forward looking at the full-length mirror on the wall in front of the bed. 
You watched your man focused on fucking you from behind. You started to feel yourself reach your climax. He glanced up at you through the mirror.
You try to pull back just for a quick second because of how close you are. 
“You tryna push me away huh.” He says feeling your pussy grip on his dick. He knows you are close.
“Don’t run, cum on this dick baby.” He spoke to you through the mirror.
“Fuccckkkk.” you looked at him
“Cum on it baby, that’s it.” He says grunting. “Ouuu shittttt!!!” you screamed out, closing your eyes and gripping the sheets. You came at the exact moment, as he started to fuck you even harder, reaching his own climax.
“That’s it, baby bust your fucking nut. Let that shit out.” He said fiercely. Jey felt himself reach his breaking point after watching you cum all over him. 
“Fuck I’m close as shit. Damn!” He looks down at the creamy substance covering his dick.
 You realized how much work he was putting in, and wanted to help him out a bit. So you fucked him right back, with the same steady pace. You turned your head around to face him, now locking eyes.
Jey bent down and gave you a quick sloppy kiss. 
“I'm bout to nut! Im bout to fucking- uhhhnnn uhhnn FUCK!!” he whined out grabbing your hips and putting you to a stop.
 “Fuck!” Jey pulled himself out and collapsed right next to you, taking a minute to catch his breath. You follow suit, laying on his tatted chest. Both of you panting on the bed, staring at the ceiling. 
You looked up at him giving him soft kisses on his face. He held you in his arms, kissing you right back. You both stopped and gazed at each other for an instant, embracing each other’s love.
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i-write-boop-spoops ¡ 1 year
Living with Leon headcanons
ya girl is back with some galar-champ goodness! i gotta say, the living-with hcs have to be some of my favourite to write, i love the cute domesticity of it all. i wrote over 1k words of this to prove it! and i still probs have more to say
features gn! reader, a suggestive reference or two, and a wee bit of angst.
nsfw part 2 here
You jumped at the chance to move in with Lee
It meant you could spend way more time together
With his busy schedule, you could go a long time without seeing him in person
Five weeks at one point :(
Facetime just couldn’t cut it…
Your heart simply couldn't take it anymore!
Even just to see him briefly in the morning or at night
Share a quick kiss
Curl up against him in bed
You’d take any small, but precious, moments with your champion!
Truth be told, Leon's Wyndon penthouse wasn't much of a home before you moved in
It was picked out by Chairman Rose, paid for by him actually
Despite having lived there for YEARS
It never felt like home to Leon
Just a place to sleep, eat and workout
He never had the time (or motivation) to really just make it his own
With the exception of Hop's bedroom, which the two of them lovingly decorated together
He really wanted his brother to feel loved and comfortable whenever he stayed over
He wants you to feel that way too!
Lee lets you go as crazy as you want when it comes to redecorating
It's YOUR home now, and you'll be spending way more time in it
Even if it's not his taste, he still enjoys seeing your personal touch shine through the dĂŠcor
Places you were not allowed mess with were Hop's room (duh), the gym and the master bathroom
Those last two are his sanctuaries! 
His gym isn't big by any means, but it has all his usual workout machines and free weights
A mat and bag for him to practice the fighting skills he learned from Mustard
Some stuff for his Pokemon to train too!
He likes to exercise in the mornings
At 5am eek
He invites you to join, though you usually just decline because that's VERY early and your bed is too big and cosy and warm and lovely
Sometimes though, you haul the covers into the gym and watch him work out all bundled up
Thoroughly enjoying yourself at the sight of his flexing muscles
While he thoroughly enjoys your shameless admiration
The one thing you do tend to join in as part of his work-out routine is the shower afterward ;)
Speaking of
The bathroom… omg the bathroom
There's a giant tub with jets
And he's got all the essentials
Bubble bath, bath bombs, Epson salts for when your muscles are cranky
He even has dried expensive seaweed from Hoenn if you want a seaweed bath that makes your skin so utterly soft
You swfinitely try and have a bath together once a week, it's the perfect way to de-stress, but also pamper yourselves!
His shower is also HUGE
And has jets too
Plus a waterfall option that makes it feel like you're in a sexy shampoo commercial
You have spent literally HOURS in there, it's so luxurious
And he can’t even complain because there’s plenty space for the two of you!
The drain gets clogged so easily from all his hair rip
Leon definitely takes care of appearance
His skincare routine is just perfection
His beard doesn't happen like that naturally either, he shaves quite regularly to keep the style neat
When you can, you love brushing Leon’s hair
He loves it too!
It’s so comforting for him, makes him feel all fuzzy
He likes when you style it too, even if it ends up a lil’ wonky
Like a lot of things about Leon his house, his TV is huge
He has a switch too!
Naturally, he gets competitive when you’re racing against each other in Mario Kart (but in a good-natured way!)
Cuddling on the couch while watching a movie is mandatory
If you EVER secretly watch the next episode of a show you’re supposed to watch together he will never speak to you again
His skill in the kitchen is not equal to his skill in battle, but he’s still pretty good
His meals tend to be on the healthier side, but he uses a lot of spices and seasonings to make them tastier
He makes a LOT of protein shakes be warned
Sometimes he even makes you breakfast in bed <3
He definitely has a secret stash of goodies for emergencies/when he doesn’t have to keep as lean during off-season
Of course, you do get curries from your local takeaway now and again!
Like every Galarian household, tea is sacred in your home
Both of you know exactly how the other likes theirs, and you both make sure it’s made to perfection each time
However you do butt heads on what biscuit to pair with your tea (and even the dreaded dunking debate :o )
By nature of the Pokemon League being such a phenomenon in Galar
Sponsorships are a huge deal
Meaning you often end up with a ton of free stuff
Leon lets you go through the goodies and take what you like
Most of the stuff is battle/sport related
You also end up with a lot of those rich people kitchen gadgets that are so much worse than what you already have
Why is dpes the blender need to be connected to the wifi?
You are secretly trying to get him to get a squishmellows sponsorships haha
When he's had a rough day, coming home to you is simply heaven
He'll climb into your arms and bury his face in his chest
Holding you so tight in the security of your shared space
While you play with his hair
In here, with you, there are no fans, no executives, no great big titles, no legacy to defend within an inch of his life
It’s just two lovers, taking care of each other
While he likes the apartment well enough (especially now with you in it)
He certainly does not plan to stay there forever
After he loses the champion title, he moves you into a beautifully vintage townhouse near the Battle Tower
It's definitely cosier and more lowkey
With room for a (sizable) family if that's your plan
And ofc a home gym and fancy bathroom
Plus a garden too, which you didn't have before!
He indulges himself a little and gets a cottage in Postwick for you to escape to when the hustle and bustle of the city gets a bit too much
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