#plus i dont wanna assume like oh hey
infoglitch · 6 months
i beg of thee... please... more blackguard stuff. am dyin over here...
It appears the sinners have demanded my attention.
Very well, it's time
Back bone.
Jaune found himself sitting in his dorm gaming with ruby and surprisingly Weiss was with them, watching as the two were playing "street clash revolve" with jaune winning 3 matches as it was a best of six. With ruby winning 4 matches.
Jaune: Oop! Oop! Here it comes ruby!
Ruby: oh you think?! Aight bring it vomit boy!
Jaune proceed to tap a chain of buttons.
Up forward and then B as jaune shouted with enthusiasm.
On the TV screen the letters K. O. plastered the screen as Ruby groaned but also laughed as her and jaune fist bump. With Weiss watching in awe.
Ruby: GG jaune, GG.
Jaune: what you mean GG? We only got two rounds left before one of us wins.
Ruby: unfortunately I gotta get ready.me and yang will be heading to our dad's cabin for our break, and I gotta grab my bags and get ready, me and her will leave in an hour.
Jaune: awe, well I understand
Weiss: you sure you two and your father couldn't reschedule?
Jaune and Ruby had to do a double take as they looked at Weiss who they completely forgot was there.
Weiss:... Look I'm on the edge of my seat and I want to see who wins!
Jaune and Ruby look at eachother.
Jaune: are you sure we aren't sharing a dream?
Ruby: definitely. But regardless sorry Weiss but I gotta go, if don't who knows when me and yang will be able to go again.
Weiss sighed and nodded.
Weiss: very well, I do hope you and Yang enjoy your time back with your father.
Ruby:.. thanks weiss
Ruby walked out as jaune and Weiss sat on the formers bed with Jaune just looking at Weiss.
Jaune: hey um.. real talk, but why have you been so interested in what me and ruby do lately.
Weiss: oh just curiosity, plus I figured it do me some good to get to hang out with my leader and her friend.
Jaune looked at her as he put his controller away and fully turned to her.
Jaune: it's Bleiss isn't it?
Weiss just sat there before groaning.
Weiss: i don't know why but whenever I try to be Alone she constantly pops up and bugs me over and over again, its getting frustrating and since i cant be alone any more-
Jaune: you started hanging out with me and ruby?
Weiss nodded and looked away somewhat ashamed.
Jaune: so I assume you dont actually find what we do to hang out interesting?
Weiss: at first yes but just being around you two, there's this energy you give off that is just.. nice to be around, your like air purifiers... That was a bad analogy I'm sorry.
Jaune just chuckled but waved his hand.
Jaune: I think I understand. But outside of that.. Weiss this is your sister we are talking about. And neither of you have seen eachother for...
Weiss:... 5 years.
Jaune: 5 years, and from what i can tell, she wants to atleast catch up.
Weiss: it's not like I don't know that! Its just- why can't she just be-
Jaune: normal? Weiss your normal is based around fancy balls and gala's. How Bleiss is acting is normal. Shes being herself. Shes being&
Weiss: loud, foul mouthed, and is flirting with basically every man here?
Jaune: yeah that. All I'm gonna say is this, siblings may come from the same family, but they don't always have the same lessons as us... I can't believe I actually used the advice saph gave me.
Weiss chuckled as she just looked at the knight. The two hadn't completely become friends but jaune hoped they were getting there, and so far from he could tell.. they were.
Then footsteps are heard as one Belamere "bleiss" noir givrése. Weiss Schnee's twin sister. Her attire still the same biker aesthetic as ever with her looking around the room, before seeing jaune.
Bleiss: ah you jaune I wanna talk to you for a second.
To both Jaune and Weiss's her tone was less rude and more... polite.
Weiss: where the hell was this?!
Jaune: uh sure just give me a second.
Bleiss: take your time but this is rather important.
Jaune adjusted himself as he followed Bleiss outside the room only to be pinned to the wall as he yelped before being hushed by the twin of his snow angel.
Bleiss: I need your help arc, my dear sister and I have obviously not gotten along. So I need you to help me out here since you, Weiss, and that ruby girl, are buddy-buddy now. Got it?
Jaune simply nodded as Bleiss smiled.
Bleiss: good. And If you do well enough who knows.. I may give you a taste of people out of your leag-
Jaune removed her hand from his mouth rather calmly as he spoke.
Jaune: don't even think about it, I'm doing this because Weiss is my friend, and I prefer her not having to deal with any problem that can be solved. I don't care what you give in exchange.
Bleiss:.. that's surprisingly noble. Here I was thinking he was just a loser going for women out of his league.
Jaune: are we done now?
Bleiss: hm? Oh yes, I'll be going now, till then, noble knight~
Jaune raised an eyebrow at the nickname as Bleiss walked away with a smirk.
Bleiss: perhaps this place is nothing like vacoue, and if that's the case this will be lovely~
And that end this installment of the growing story between Bleiss and Jaune.
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embodyingchaos · 1 year
I was wondering is you could do a Rodrick Heffley x reader with female pronouns where she is a singer and maybe they meet at the battle of the bands or something and fall for each other
pleas and thank you , your amazing 🫶💗
❥ hi there, sweetie! of course i can!! hope you like this!
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potential pairing: rodrick heffley x fem!reader genre: fluff, strangers to lovers warnings: rodrick is a goofball, y/n's band is named velvet ecstasy(dont ask), the band plays garbage truck from scott pilgrim vs the world mUAHAHH word count: 1.3k
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tapping her foot on the pavement, her patience was running thin. y/n was waiting for the rest of her band to arrive, they were late and they had less than ten minutes to check in. “when i get my hands on those fuckers, they’re so dead.” she whispered under her breath, talking to nobody but herself.
“well, i wouldn’t wanna be one of those fuckers.” a voice from beside her says, “you look like you can punch.” she looked next to her and saw a boy that was about the same age as her. he was cute with his shaggy hair and m-1965 field jacket, especially with his black, emo eyeliner. “i’m rodrick.” he introduced himself, trying to lean on the wall before missing it and hitting his face on the surface. he recovered pretty quickly, leading y/n to assume that this wasn’t the first time he’d done that.
she eyed him up and down before smirking, “y/n.” she said her name, making rodrick’s heart beat faster. “you performing or watching?” rodrick flipped his hair away from his face, “performing. i’m a drummer.” he said, “i’m, uh, pretty good too. pretty bomb.” the boy boasted before turning away for a moment and questioning himself on why he just said ‘bomb’. y/n grinned at that. 
“sure you are, bub.” she giggled and rodrick could feel himself ascending to heaven. “hey, y/n!” a voice called out and they turned to the road. a cherry red car had just pulled up with four other people in it; y/n’s band. “took you guys long enough! i aged like five years waiting for you bozos!” she yelled, half-jokingly. y/n turned back to rodrick, “i’ll see you inside, rodrick. can’t wait to see your ‘bomb’ drumming skills.” she gave him a charming smile before heading towards her band members, giving each of them a slap to the back of their head.
rodrick stared at her until she entered the building, admiring her face, her smile, her laugh. “rod!” ben was waving his hand in front of rodrick’s face, “we gotta go! they’re already starting to perform!” he urged him but rodrick only sighed dreamily as he thought of her, “right.” he simply said, not listening to his friend. ben let out an ‘ugh’ before dragging the boy into the building and backstage.
“marty, what are you doing?” y/n asked the boy as he tied up his dreads, “tying up my hair?” “no- i know that! where’s your guitar?!” she asked frantically, marty looked at her weirdly. “next to you?” he pointed beside her and there was his sleek, black electric guitar in its stand. a pink tint coloured y/n’s cheeks, “oh.” she said sheepishly, a nervous laugh coming out of her mouth. their drummer, jules, wrapped an arm around the girl. “you gotta chill, girlie. we’re all prepared and ready, and we weren’t even that late.” jules assured, rubbing y/n’s shoulder as she sighed. “plus, you weren’t alone when we got here. seemed like somebody had company.” jules said in a teasing-sing-songy way, y/n shoved her lightly.
“shut up, he was just one of the drummers from another band-” “gasp! fraternising with the enemy?! how could you, n/n?!” jules joked, an offended expression on her face. y/n giggled before pushing her away, “shut up!” she exclaimed, their bassist, pearl, placed her hand on jules. “stop it, babe. you’ll make her cry or something.” she told her girlfriend who began laughing even harder. 
y/n puffed up her cheeks, “that was one time!” she yelled while they cackled away, “are we talking about that one time y/n started crying when we teased her so much about her crush on that substitute teacher?” their keyboardist, george, asked out of nowhere, y/n glared at him as marty only smiled.
“god, i can’t get one break with you people.” the girl huffed, crossing her arms and walking away towards the side so she could watch the next band perform. “now, everybody get ready!” the mc announced as rodrick’s band got up on stage. “get ready to be blown away by- löded diper?” the mc seemed confused on how to pronounce it, “it’s- it’s löded diper (loaded diaper)!” rodrick shouted at him, “whatever!” yeah, the mc did not care.
when they started playing, y/n couldn’t take her eyes of rodrick. he wasn’t the best drummer, but he had the right attitude and enthusiasm for it. he looked like he was having the time of his life.
“that your new boyfriend?” george joked from behind her, “can you not?” y/n hissed, snapping at him. george held his hands up and chuckled, “alright.” he said, smiling. “you should ask him out, you guys looked good together just now.” she tilted her head to the side, “maybe i will.” she muttered, staring at the boy who was going ham on the drum set.
after their performance, rodrick exited the stage using  the side that y/n was at. “impressed?” he asked slyly, she smiled. “yeah. pretty ‘bomb’.” the girl joked and rodrick’s face turned red out of embarrassment. just as he was about to say something, pearl approached them. “i’m sorry to interrupt this adorable exchange but we’re going on now, n/n.” she told her band member, “right.” y/n nodded as the rest of the band got ready on stage, “wish me luck, pretty boy.” she poked his shoulder before making her way to her band.
“this is a band that’s entirely new! it’s their first time performing so be gentle, give it up for velvet ecstasy!” the crowd cheered as y/n walked up to the center of the stage, “are you ready?!” she asked only to receive loud and encouraging replies from the audience. y/n turned around to jules to give her the signal. “we are velvet ecstasy! one, two, three, four!” jules shouted before starting off their song with her drums as pearl and marty accompanied with their strings.
when y/n started to sing, rodrick could not believe his ears or eyes. she wasn’t the best singer, but her charisma and tiny little moves were something you could not take your eyes off of. “i’ll take you for a ride, on my garbage truck.” she held onto the mic and the stand as she sang, tapping her foot and swaying her hips, tossing her hair. rodrick was mesmerised to say the least. “they’re way too good.” ben commented, worried about whether they’re going to win or not. rodrick did not care.
as their performance came to an end, the crowd was more than hyped up. “god, that was exhilarating!” pearl exclaimed, “wow, i have never seen her this excited before. says a lot.” marty commented as he watched her punch the air, “let’s fucking go!” jules screamed, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend and spinning her around. george and y/n laughed as they watched, feeling high off of performing.
“hey.” rodrick called out and the entire band turned around. “ooo! y-” “no.” pearl cut jules off, dragging her away. “we’ll see you later, n/n!” “don’t go making out somewhere.” the boys joked, receiving a glare from the girl.
“hi, there.” she greeted rodrick back, suddenly feeling shy. “you were amazing out there.” he gushed, “i could say the same thing about you and your band.” she softly chuckled, looking down at the ground. rodrick didn’t say anything, which cause her to look back up at him. it was very silent. “would you want to go out some time?” “would you want to go out some time?” they asked in unison and their eyes widened before they burst out laughing.
when they calmed down, y/n smirked. “alright, then. let me give you my number.” rodrick scrambled to get out his flip phone and hand it to her. when y/n finished typing out her number, she returned his phone to him. “call me.” she simply said before giving him a kiss on the cheek, walking away to find her friends.
rodrick could not believe what just happened. when he looked down at his phone and saw that her contact was named ‘potential girlfriend’, he squealed so hard. it was easy to say, he was definitely, already infatuated.
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deadghosy · 2 years
Age: 7
(Kushina!enby reader)
*you are kinda like kushina and you are not related to naruto!*
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You usually don't go out on sunny days since it was always too hot for you to go. Plus you didn't like being sweaty all day and walking around. Trying to find someone to play with you. People were always scared of you because you remind them of someone.
But you didn't expect a sunny day to make you meet someone that will always be on your side
As you were walking towards the playground to make another Sandcastle, you see a couple of big kids picking on a boy that had dirty blonde hair, mostly yellow. Kicking him and punching him. You can even tell that boy is trying to fight back, but can't.
So, what did you do? You fucked them up.
"OI, OI OI OIIII!" You yelled at the kids they were mostly likely boys that were picking on a smaller boy. They turn around and they start laughing at how you look so small and weak.
(oh, and did I forget that you don't have a specific gender? Well you can change the pronouns if you want.)
Immediately they stopped laughing at you and got mad, forgetting about the boy with the yellow hair
you got cut off by the leader of the bullies picking you by your hair.
"Watch who you talking to girl"
"EEEHHH, 'GIRL'?! WHO IN THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU TALKIN TO YOU BIG DOPE?!" Immediately you gave the leader a nice hard high-kick to the chin making him drop you as your hair floated in anger.
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Immediately the bullies were scared straight to hell as every step you took, the ground broke.
Naruto hid behind a tree as you started pummeling the bullies by punching them in the stomach and punching them in the head. Even grab the bigger bully and started swinging like he was a ragdoll, as if he weighs nothing to you.
Naruto was afraid if you saw him you would hurt him to, so that's why he hid behind a tree. But as he watched you beat them up, he slowly came out of his hiding spot, and he started mimicking your attacks.
"Hiya! Woosh, punch punch, KICK!" As he watched with stars in his eyes at how cool you looked.
Naruto jumped as he heard a big thump by the tree, he looked and was shocked at what he saw.
Naruto then turned to look at you to see your hair floating in a beautiful way.
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One bully was stuck in the sandpit. One was tied up by the swing on the swings set.
༻꫞꯭ TIME SKIP ꫞꯭༺
Naruto ran towards you and started questioning how strong you were, as you hair had flattened back to it original look
each question he asked he got closer to your face and he was really freaking you out as you started getting flustered at the closeness.
"H-Hey, CALM DOWN BUD." You said as you gently pushed his face away. Naruto had to realize how small you were, and that even peaked his  interest at how strong you were.
"AWAHH YOU ARE SO CUTE!" He yelled hugging you and rubbing one of his face sides on the top of your head. "HEY LET GO OF ME YOU IDIOT!"you said in surprise as you waved your arms around
Naruto lets go of you cause of how people insulted him. "Oh....sorry.." "it's okay, but are you OK?." You said, as you were checking for wounds or bruises on his body. It was like if you were a mother checking her kid that fell on the floor.
Naruto was flustered that you were checking for wounds, and that you were caring for him, since no one would even get close to him because they all saw him as a different kind of human. But as naruto looked at you more closely, he saw you as an angel, and his savior
"W...what's your name!?" Naruto asked. You look up at him and smiled brightly as you made a superhero pose while having your thumb pointed at you.
"IM [L/N] [Y/N]! AND IM GOIN TO BE THE GREATEST SHINOBI EVER BORN, YA HEAR!?" Naruto had a boost of confidence to talk to you after your introduction.
"Hey....wanna be friends?" Naruto asked as in his eyes you were the greatest person he ever saw and meet.
'Love...love?...LOVE!?' Naruto blushed at how you said that you will be by his side.
"Eh, naru you okay?" You questioned as you walked closer to him and stood on your tippy toes to get a closer look. Naruto felt like he was in heaven as you gave him a nickname. "YE-YEAH IM OKAY [Y/N]-CHAN!"
Suddenly Naruto had an idea. "HEY [N/N]-CHAN, LET GET RAMEN!"  Naruto suggested as he want to set a good first impression of having a friend, a first best friend.
You and Naruto both were holding each other shoulders talking about each other and laughing while walking into the town.
★[A/N] : hopefully you like this chapter of meeting naruto! CAUSE NEXT IS SAKURA HARUNO!★
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s0lar-ch3ri · 8 months
hey new draft making
i keep putting this off, but it today arrives! a ramble about ryan selucreh to fill tghe tag for once
so who even is ryan selucreh? well, hes a football jock and a big oaf, the stereotypical strong dumb athlete kid. however, theres more to ryan that we're diving into, years after the oneshot ended!
one thing to note on ryan is how his powers were gotten in a mix of ways aster and connor did. aster was born with them (assumed cause goddess mother), connor got them from a book (recieved from searching, wasnt born with it), ryan got his powers from squats. silly, sure, but like i said, its like the inbetween of the two. he has the power himself and doesnt need a book for them or anything, but he wasnt born with them either. i also wanna note how asters powers are like life (plants and the sun, both can symbolize life) and connors powers are like death (decay and disintegrating, both are related back to death), but ryans powers cant be "like" anything. its not something super showy, hes just super strong (strong enough to rip a mountainin half im pretty sure was confirmed).
lwts get into those comments ryan made, and how its reflected across the 3 episodes. yeah, the comments on faking his personality around people and how he doesnt know who he is anymore.
first showing of this is with the j crew. charlie gave a good idea (he was nicknamed jyan), but condi says he told them that. granted, it was probably to be funny, but theres other options to that. ryan missaid his name out of nervousness, the j crew misheard him, he wrote his name really wrong, so many different options that also are pretty comedic. yet, ryan told them he was jyan to join their team.
on the floatball jersey he wears, they didnt even have a 10 for him, simply a jersey with a 1 and a "poorly painted 0". did someone else use the 10? why didnt they have one? another way ryan changed for people symbolically, wearing one number but being another.
ryan joins in with the omnious curse speech despite it not being planned. an attempt to keep fitting in with his group there.
hell, ryan even was an ass to connor before when he was with the j crew, yet wasnt when he was with connor and aster alone.
he even goes out of his way to try and save asters dad, an act of carrying for her and her father. hes such a friendly and caring dude that hes trying to fit in with them all to keep up their friendships.
thats what makes the whole "i dont have a real personality" line mean so much. because he really doesnt. all that can be seen as his personality is simply to appeal to another person.
HELL IM FUCKING CONNECTING IN THE FACT THAR RYAN WAS A HISTORY MAJOR TO THIS! WHO EXPECTS THE JOCK TO LIKE HISTORY? NOT ME, I THOUGHT THAT WAS CONNOR, AND THATS WHY ITS SO INTERESTING, CAUSS NOTHING LEADS YOU TO BELIEVE RYANS INTERESTED IN THAT SHIT!!! ryan barely talks about his past or anything, minus the memory (but that was only to save professor aeliana), BUT HE DIDNT FUCKING BRING IT UP. kinda ironic, the character whos past is pretty unknown is in classes learning about our past.
oh yeah did i ever mention his parents are dead? cause they are (confirmed by condi a while back)
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maybe thats why he tries to be so appealing to everyone, to make up for that missing link. i mean, its not like that event wouldnt have some impact on you (also no jrwi pc has gone to therapy from what i know so safe to assume he has no coping skills PLUS ITS A CONDI PC YPU THINK HES MENTALLY STABLE??).
another thing i learned: ryans last name is a backwards hercules. fun call back to the name, yeah, but the actual story may have some weight here...
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the screenshot doesnt give the full story, of course, so i will. the picture leaves out how the reason he went through hardships was because he was driven to madness. according to research, hera was mad at hercules being born (for he was the product of zeus and a mortal woman), so she made him go crazy and slaughter his family. to make up for it, he was given 12 impossible tasks to do.
am i saying the full story applys? hell fucking no! i dont think ryan killed his parents or anything, but i think the jist can apply. a man trying to be forgiven by people for wrongdoings that wouldnt have happened if said people didnt make those wrongdoings happen. ryan trying to get the validation of his friends and acquaintances by pretending to be someone hes not, which wouldnt be needed if he could see friends accept people as themselves. given impossible missions (be someone else) to appease those who he looks to (whether its to the side or up to).
another thing to note is theres no episode cover with only ryan on it. cover 1 has all 3, cover 2 has background faceless frat members and connor, and cover 3 has only aster.
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it could be from how there was only 3 episodes of mythborne, yet this could be solved by having all 3 in a cover at once. while it would have been a lot, they had all 3 in the first and a total of 4 characyers in thr second cover. this of course was a purposeful choice, and it shows in a way who the focus is meant to be on in that ep (all of them, connor, aster).
so why coupdnt ryan have been focused on in episode 1? yeah he was directly related to the chaos (j crew being first vicitms and shit), yet that clearly had a more general showing. its because ryan isnt a character who can be focused on. he crutches to his friends like a team relys to eachother, thats how he has purpose, thats how hes even a person.
i woulsnt even doubt the stupid bit being an act! to play in a sport, you actually do need good grades (in my school experience, above a C+ in all classes), and ryans been on this team since he started college (infered from dialoge with j crew member), probably since kindergarten even (has known j cre since kindergarten). he learnt it from them, and found it to be a possibly appealing trait of himself to others, everyone likes the lovable idiot! sure, what he does to play an act can be extreme, but if this is really thr coping mechanism i think it is, its not too much for him (also wanna note how of all characters ryan is the biggest stereotype caharacyer).
the 3rd episode btw seemed a lot from the cover and namr and all like the whole world was a fake (for me atleast), and isnt it fitting that ryan was the first to fall off the stage? the man, who had an identity crisis outloud for once after it seemed like one friendgroupd was about to learn his secrets, the first to exit stage down (stage direction jokes). hes been playong a play himself for what feels like his whole life by now, he doesnt need a script.
i came in here to talk about ryan, put him under a microscope, see who he is. really, ryans a shell of a person, a muscle soulless being pretending to be a person someone can love and care about. maybe he too thinks about how connor had changed inside to save him. whatever it is, i think ive not learnt from this who ryan selucreh is, and maybe if he gets aomething like this, he can learn himself who ryan selucreh is.
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
Asmodeus Dating Headcanons
Request: Relationship headcanons for Asmodeus having a chubby bf?
A/N: I hope you like this. I didn’t want to assume that you’re insecure about your weight so I tried to not add that
Asmodeus makes a wonderful partner- attentive, caring, always making sure that you are in the spotlight with him and if needed, will provide you a new wardrobe to match with his. While the outfits won’t scream “the typical couple outfits”, it’ll be clear that you two are together with each matching shades or patterns. A relationship with him is something that he treasures for however long it is maintained because at that moment, you are part of his world and how could he ever let you down.
Devildom is home to demons and others alike, beings that come in all sorts of styles. The Avatar of Lust is not picky when it comes to what size or shape his partners should be, preferring for a connection rather than trying to fit into some sort of profile for others. When the two of you begin your relationship, he’s extremely loving towards you- always affectionate and letting his hands sink in your plump arms and thighs, while his nose brushes against the side of your chin. He calls you all sorts of sweet things, love on the tip of his tongue and intertwined with his words. You’re so soft compared to him, your body warm as with soft hands you hold his and he just loves how rounded your fingers are, how he can kiss each tip of the finger and then some.
While he may not want you to change for him- the demon is fond of your own personality and tastes- he would like to occasionally match with you and find outfits that can help accentuate your features- you’re shoulders, waist, the way that you stand tall, the soft curves of your body and whatnot. As long as you’re with him, you’re going to find a style that fits you and makes you feel more you. He’s your everything- your hype man, your stylist, and partner. No matter what you wear, he’ll give his honest opinion, or touch up on the clothing by adding an accessory or removing something.
If you two are going to shop together, it becomes a bit more than just matching outfits. He’d also like for the two of you to have matching nails and will either do them himself or take you to a salon and get a manicure done with you. While he is no professional by any means, he does often prefer for himself to do your nails. Just a simple buffing and applying a nice coat of nail polish. He isn’t sure if he wants your hands to exactly match his or if he’s like a bit of an inverse compared to his. If you rather have a different color, there isn’t much he can do about it. he will playfully whine about it, but it’s all in good fun, nodding along as he applies a different color.
As mentioned previously, Devildom is home to demons and alike with different shapes and sizes so it is easy to find things suited for you. There are all sorts of patterns and outfits to try on- colors that pop against your skin and fabric that doesn’t rise or feel too scratchy. There are patterns that make you feel like a confident partner, walking around in statement shirts and if you find yourself comfortable in something then the outfit is already being rung up at the register. He wants you to feel good about yourself and he understands that a wardrobe holds so much power over that and having an expensive article of clothing and feeling comfortable in it is the way to expand and grow on your confidence.
More often than not, there are times where Asmodeus will completely zone out of whatever is going on in front of him. To the dismay of his eldest brother, it’s usually during meetings. He can’t find himself lingering with attention too long, and subconsciously his hand will reach beside him, his hand clasping around yours as he doodles little drawings over his notebook. His hand will hold yours, and he’ll memorize each small wrinkle of your hand, your nail beds, and the way that your fingers slightly curve. He loves the pillowy feel of it, how he can simply sink his fingers into your palm when he holds your hand. Because of this, he grows brazen, leaning into your touch, letting his hands brush against yours, or his biceps pressed against yours. He’ll hold your hand and ease you to lay on his lap, his attention on the television as his hand knits through your hair. He finds himself unable to pull away, completely enamored with how you feel against him.
The three realms all view body and size differently. Each is loved and cared for, something soft and beautiful but as the years continue and the human realm ticks onward, views do change. The demon is more than understanding when it comes to the human trends and fashions, so he knows that anything edging towards plus size is something rather watched with unblinking eyes. It takes a bit of time for him to find comforting words that actually meet something and he’s patient if you would rather work your way up to more tight fitting clothing or something alike. Emotional and lovely, is what he does best and he wants you to know that he has your back.
Due to the different views in the three realms, there are times where you will hear the demon reminiscence of how the Celestial Realm treated bodies. There’s a bittersweet smile that graces his features as he speaks how each body is meant for love, that the bread is warm to feast on and not to deny. Devildom is no different, bodies of demons and others coming in various sizes that the only difference something makes in attraction would be the class of a demon. He’ll turn to you and he’s excited to hear your views, to nod along and roll his eyes when something distasteful comes up.
Feeding each other is something that the egotistical brother craves. He enjoys the intimacy of it, the way that you trust a demon to be so close to your hand, fangs glistening under the pale moonlight as he bites off a piece of macaroon. He likes the sweet kisses that erupt from it, honey still on his tongue and something fruity and slightly bitter on yours as you press your lips against his. It’s no surprise that he would also take photos for Devilgram of either him feeding you or arms linked with one another, desert on the end of each hand poised at the lips, a moment captured and uploaded for all to be envious of.
It’s no surprise that the Avatar of Lust loves to kiss, but rather than having ones that are passionate and make you lose your breath, he prefers the quick, peppered types. The short kisses that press all over your face and slightly ruffle each other’s hair; the type where you giggle under his feathery touch and call his name in a lovely song. Asmodeus wants nothing more than to just touch you and nuzzle into the soft curve of your neck, to close his eyes and feel your pulse beat against him. He loves to let his kisses press against you in a quick flurry, one where you don’t have time to react and can only laugh as he ends each kiss and begins a new one with the same breath.
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Pairings: Eddie munson x Plus Size!Fem!reader
Summary: when you think no one would ever like you, it surprises you to find out that your brothers best friend is in love you
Warnings: mention of SH! Insecure!reader, Swearing, bullying, Knife like weapon
Note: if you feel uncomfortable reading this or if it triggers you, feel free to skip. I felt like there needed to be more plus size readers! Reader is a Henderson!
I want you to k own that if you struggle with any of these topics, that you are not alone, I am basing this off my own experience and have done and gone through most of these things and no way whatsoever am I trying to romanticize this. It is a serious matter and if you want to talk, my Dms are always open.
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What was wrong with you?
Were you made from a broken mold?
Why you?
Why do you have to be like this? Look like this?
All these questions flooded your mind as you stared at yourself in your full body mirror.
You hated to the way you looked.
Your stomach was practically bulging out of your jeans and the top that covered your large chest looked so tight and stretched on you.
You had no thigh gap like the rest of the girls, you didn't have a the perfect button nose, your chest wasn't flat like the other girls, the complete opposite of small. And not only that but you had to stick your tongue on the roof of your mouth to hide the double chin of yours. You looked nothing like any if the girls at school or in Hawkins. You looked hideous in your eyes
You are at yourself while tears slipped from your eyes, making your face red.
You face was covered in make up because your friend once said to you that you needed it and that you needed to make up for your body in some way. But the make up did you no justice
"Y/n! Come on, hurry up. What's taking so long" your brother yelled out to you.
"Coming" you wiped a tear away. You slipped on a big hoodie and grabbed your bag, running out of your room and getting your keys. Meeting Dustin in front of your car.
"Finally" he sighed.
"Sorry" you muttered
"Oh, hey Y/n" one of your friends noticed you from afar.
"Hey guys" you smiled at them sweetly
"We were just talking about going to the local pool tomorrow after school, you wanna come?" One of them asked. You thought about it for a second, but then realised you didn't own a bathing suit, you had thrown that all out because they were too small for you
"No thanks" you shook you head
"Oh, alright" they said and went back to talking
"Y/n!" You heard you name being called out from the other side of the hall
"Yeah?" You saw your curly headed brother running up to you
"Eddie's coming over to ours tonight, since mum is out" he announced at went off to his class
You didn't really like Eddie, but he wasn't the worst of guys in your school, he never bullied you like every other guys, but then again, he never really looked at you, I mean sure, he would see you coming and just walk the other way. You just assumed he didn't like you
"Eddie? Eddie munson?" You friend asked
"I dont know, probably" you shrugged. Acting dumb, you didn't want another reason to be bullied, you didn't want people to tease you because the towns freak was in your home
"I would never be caught dead in the same house as him" she rolled her eyes
You always felt the need to hide your stomach in front of large groups, whether it was putting your hand on your belly or sucking in.
So when you were going to your table after getting your food, you usually go past all the cheerleaders and jocks but you didn't want to have to do that right now, so you went the long way, circling around the cafeteria, past the hellfire club.
"Hey, Y/n!" Dustin beamed at you as he saw you. You looked at him quickly, noticing all the other guys attention going to you, you felt their stares and felt weak, judged and anxious. You smiled awkwardly and quickly rushed past them, going to the girls
"Hi guys" you sat down eagerly and put your bad down at your feet.
"Hey, Y/n"
You took one of the fries off your tray and stuck it in your mouth.
U didn't have a problem eating in front of people, it was more of how much you were eating.
So when you ate half of your food on the tray, which was an apple, fries and really soggy coleslaw which made you lose most of your appetite
"Are you going to eat all of that?" One of them asked.
And you suddenly just stopped chewing on your food, looking up at them all staring at your in some sort of disgust
"Its not that much" you swallowed your fries and removed your hands from the table, putting them to your lap and subconsciously fiddling with your fingers
"Yeah but, I would never eat that much, especially if I was you, not to be rude or anything but, you know" she scrunched her nose, looking down at the food that was left on your tray
"Right, yeah. I should probably stop, I'm full anyway" you pushed the tray away from you, fighting the urge to leave the table and go somewhere else
You had that problem a lot. They would say something so rude to you and you would just put up with it, never leaving or standing up to yourself, you just took it out on yourself later.
"Have you ever worked out? There's a gym at the mall, you should try it" she suggested
You had tried, nothing ever worked. You tried everything, not eating, working out, eating less, starvation, which led to a iron deficiency.
"Yeah? I'll try" you smiled tightly
"Mhm, you should, and until then you can't sit with us" the 'leader' of the group announced
"Y/n, in order for us to be popular, you have to be gone, no offense but your not like us, and you're ruining our chances. And not to mention, your make up makes you look like a whore" she admitted
You nodded your head slowly, taking in what she had said, no one of the others disagreed, they all looked at you agreeing with her. And you nodded your head faster, realizing you weren't wanted by them, by anyone.
"Sorry" you muttered and quickly stumbled out of your seat, grabbing your bag and almost tripping as you sped out of the cafeteria.
You had locked yourself in the bathroom for the rest of the day, not turning up to your classes, no one would notice anyway. You weren't wanted so who would notice you weren't there?
So when the bell went, you were the first out the door, and in your car, driving off without waiting for Dusty.
You had just drove with tears blurring your vision, making you lose focus on the road.
Once you had gotten home, you face planted into your bed, covering your face in your soft white pillow, making it dirty with the load of make up that was now smudged and ruined.
You looked over at your desk tiredly, noticing the little black box next to your jewelry box. You got up and opened it, noticing the small little razor. taking it in your hands, you looked down at your wrists.
You stay there crying, looking at the new scars that we spread out on your arms in lines. You hated yourself for doing it, but in your mind, you thought it was helping you.
You knew Dustin would've found a way home and would probably be here soon, and might've been with Eddie, so you quickly pulled your sleeves down and walked out the back door, just in case you ran into them, and wondered to the forest a few minutes away from your house.
You had taken your makeup off once you did the harmful act and just felt so exhausted and embarrassed
How could you let this happen?
You got home at 9 at night. Eddie didn't seem to be there anymore so you walked in without a problem. The house was quiet, all the lights were off and the only light was the moon, shining through the window of the living room, but you managed to get to your room without making a sound.
Fridays. The day you usually look forward to is now something you despise. Who were you going to sit with? Hang out with?
Don't get me wrong, you could sit in the library, but that's pretty sad, and the bathroom isn't that sanitary, not that you were going to sit there anyway, but that would be your last option.
You didn't have makeup on, it was all natural, if it made you look like a whore than why bother?
It was a slow day. It's only 2nd period and you can't bare it anymore, not to mention the growing feeling of being stared at, you had felt someone's eyes on you for ages, ever since you got to school and you didn't want to have to deal with it today.
"Mr munson, pay attention" the teacher tells out to him, it's a miracle he's even in the class right now, he's usually ditching his classes and never shows up.
He muttered a small apology and looks down at his desk, nothing in front him, no book, no pen, just a vandalized desk with gum stuck to the bottom.
It shouldn't be a problem. You didn't really have money for food because you didn't want any and you didn't bother to bring some. So you walked to the corner of the room and got your Walkman out. Playing your Beatles 'Abbey Road'. And just sad down. Pulling out a book as 'here comes the sun' came on.
But your peace was then ruined as a handful of chips were thrown at you, some hitting your face, some at your chest, falling onto your lap. You looked up and saw Jason laughing,
You ignored him and went back to your book but that didn't last long either as a milkshake was thrown at you, ruining the book that your teacher had given out for her class, more specific, to study for her class. The light pink of the milkshake covering your body, covering one of your eyes and half of your hair as it spilled down your body. Your Walkman stopped playing the music and went to static noises before going silent.
He broke them.
You got up and walked out. Trying your best to block out the stares and laughing throughout the whole crowd in the room.
You threw your Walkman to the floor, it wasn't worth keeping it if it was broken, so you just left in on the floor as you rushed to the bathroom, wiping the pink liquid off you the best you should with only your hands, which wasn't really doing that well, and with your luck, while, turning a corner, you had bumped into someone, making their shirt dirty with the milkshake
"I'm sorry" you sobbed, getting out of their way and walking past them
"Hey, wait" they grabbed your wrist, making you hiss in pain of the contact of the marks and their fingers
"Y/n" you didn't recognize the voice that much so your only option was to wipe the shake out of your eyes and face, still blurry but you could make out who it was
"Leave me alone" you shrugged his hand away from yours and tried walking away
"Hey, it's ok, it's gonna be ok" he tried comforting you, but you didn't want it
"Go away, Dustin" you said and choked up on your words
"Where were you last night?" He questioned
"It doesn't matter Dustin"
"Eddie was asking about you, he was wanting to talk and see you" he told you and had a pleasing look on his face
"I don't want to talk to him" you sniffled and tried walking away again
"Why not?" He asked
"Because" you turned around to look at your younger brother and he just looked at you silently, nodding his head before walking away
You sighed and turned back around, stumbling into someone else, this time a taller figure.
He wrapped his arms around you, securing you in his arms, pulling you as close as he could
"Go away" you tried pushing him away, but he was a pretty strong fella so he didn't go anywhere.
"Why do you hate me so much?" He quizzed pleadingly
"Why do you care?" you grumbled, more tears flowing out of your eyes and down your face, you hated the way you were sensitive, in both mental and physical sense.
"Because I care about you" he admitted
"No you don't, you never have, no one ever has" you yelled, trying your best to out of his grip, he told you to stop trying for get away from him
"That's not true" he shook his head
"Yes it is! I'm always left out, always last to everybody, because look at me, I'm not like Chrissy, or Megan, or lily, no one ever cared, I mean look at me! I have no friends, because they left me! They didn't want me! So why would you!?" You yelled at him
"Well I don't give a fuck about your 'friends', I'm right here, and yes, look around, I'm the only one who hasn't walked out on you" he yells back at you,
"You did walk out, you left me when I gained weight, you didn't like me cause I'm fat, that's what everybody says, everybody, even my friends" you managed to get out of his grip, going away from him
"I dont give a fuck about them. I'm right here, you walked out on me! I wouldn't be right here if I didn't like you!" He shouted at you from afar
You did leave him, you just convinced yourself it was the other way around, 2 years prior, when you got bigger, you felt like you weren't enough for him, to be his friend, so, when you usually sat with them, you didn't, you never did again, and when he had the chance, Eddie asked you why and you told him you didn't want to be friends with him and he took that as you calling him a freak, but it was worse, because not only were you his friend, but he was in love with you. He didn't care about your body, you cared about you
"I did it before you would" you walked back over to him
"What does that mean? I was never going to leave you, you're none of those things you think you are, or the things they say you are, your beautiful, amazing, talented and I- you're really cool" he pulls at his hair in frustration. You could barely feel your face anymore, and your hands had become sticky from the milkshake and sweat.
"And why would you think that?"
"Because I'm In love with you. You need to stop playing pretend for your judgemental friends who ain't really your friends at all, I don't get why you're trying to fit in here because these people don't appreciate what's real and beautiful, it's like I don't even know you anymore, where is she? Because I want her, you've been swept by the tide that doesn't even like you. So if you've got a moment to spare I got something to say" he rambled
You couldn't speak, you had a lump in your throat and couldn't care to swallow it down, you've been choked up
"Stop lying, it's not funny anymore and I'm sick of everybody acting like they like me, so just leave me alone" you pushed him away and walked out of the school. He didn't bother catching or calling you. He just left you to walk away from him, but you didn't care.
I'm sorry if any of this has ever happened to you, I can tell you you're not alone, I've gone through a lot of this myself and if you want to talk again. My dms are open
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transias · 3 years
Hello!! I saw your taking requests and I was wondering if you could write a johnny x reader where the reader is related to kreese maybe he's their uncle or godfather anyways one day kreese has the reader there with him to show them off and johnny connect's dots that there related , Its okay if you dont wanna write it I love your writing btw💕
An Unexpected Surprise.
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Pairings: Johnny Lawrence x Godchild Kreese!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death
A/N: Thank you so much, y'all are so sweet oml! will always be more than happy to write for all of you, so don't even worry about it <3
My parents had died about two weeks ago. Everything happened so quickly, I barely had time to process it.
It wasn't like I could put my life on pause for a moment. If my parents were here I know they would probably say something like, "(Y/n), keep going. You got this, life goes on no matter what happens. What matters is that you're brave enough to fight back and continue."
And that's what I was planning to do.
"(Y/n)?" A voice called out, pulling me away from my thoughts.
I look up and smile softly, "Kreese, it's so nice to see you!"
"Hey kiddo." He greets, "I haven't seen you in forever, you've grown up so much!" Kreese ruffles my hair, "I'm so sorry about your parents, how are you feeling?"
I shrug, "I don't know. I'm still processing it but i'm fine, it'll all be okay. Right?"
He nods, a smile curling onto his lips, "It will. Now come on, we have a drive ahead of us." He places his hand on my back, guiding me out to the car.
Kreese and I talked about settling into California, what I liked to do, and his job as a Karate Sensei.
"You know, (y/n). We could use someone as strong and wise like you in Cobra kai." He says.
I furrow my eyebrows, "You really think so?"
Kreese nods, "Yes. My students are all brawn but no brain, well maybe except one of them." He chuckles, "He's my best student, I think you'll get along with him."
I think about it for a moment. Me? Karate? A minute of silence goes by before I sigh, "Alright, i'll join you."
Kreese smiles widely before ruffling my hair, "'Attakid."
The next morning we went out for breakfast, got enrolled at a nearby school, bought a couple of things I needed, and basically helping me settle into California.
It was not a little late in the afternoon and I sigh, looking out the window. "How would you describe the kids here?"
Kreese looks up from the television then back to me, "Annoying."
I scoff a little, "Well that's helpful."
"I don't know, (y/n). I'm old! It's not like I can roll up to the skate park and just say, "how do you do, fellow kids?"" Kreese replies.
I chuckle and shake my head, "Fair enough. Plus you're a Sensei so i'm sure being in charge of a bunch of kids and teenagers isn't so much fun."
He nods before looking at the time, "You know what? There's this place that all my students go to hang out in. Golf n' Stuff, I think it's called? Anyways, why don't you go over there and try and get acquainted with some of the kids?"
"Yeah! That'd be awesome!" I stand up, grabbing my jacket and a bit of money I had saved up.
"You need me to give you a ride there?" Kreese asks. I shake my head, "I'll take my bike so I can also try and get familiar with the streets." I smile at him.
"Alright, just make sure to be back home by 10:30!" He added. I nod, "Got it, see ya!"
I lock down my bicycle at the racks, taking a deep breath before walking into the place.
Loud noises from chattering and machines filled my ear, I was somewhat regretting this already but screw it, I had nothing to lose.
Grabbing some tokens for a few of the arcade machines, I step up to the Donkey Kong machine. I quickly start tapping on the controls and avoiding the barrels he'd throw at my character.
"Shit!" I mumble, losing the game. I turn around and see a boy with blonde hair, staring at me along with two of his friends.
I furrow my eyebrows before making my way off to another game, I can still feel their eyes staring at me and before I knew it, the blonde boy was next to me, a smirk on his lips.
"Hey i've never seen you around here before, are you new?" He asks, leaning on the wall. I nod, "Yeah, I just moved here yesterday to live with my Godfather." I reply, "The name's (y/n) (y/l/n). Nice to meet you...?"
"Oh, i'm Johnny Lawrence!" He replies, "(Y/n), that's a lovely name for a lovely person like you."
I chuckle and I can feel my cheeks warm up, "Is that something you say to all of the people you flirt with?"
Johnny shakes his head, "Nope, only with majestic people such as yourself."
"You flatter me, Lawrence."
"Well, I assume you're here alone. Would you like to hang out with me?" He offers. I nod, "Yes, please! That would be lovely."
The entire night is incredible, Johnny and I played on the arcade games, mini golf, and he even tried winning me a stuffed animal from the crane machine but unfortunately fails.
"Let me try!" I step up onto the machine.
"I don't know, babe. It's a little difficult."
I aim for a giraffe stuffed animal and successfully winning the animal, I lean down to reach for my prize and look over at Johnny who looks amazed.
"Here, a little prize as a thank you for being so kind to me, tonight." I hand it over to him.
He chuckles softly and shakes his head, "You're incredible."
I look over at the time and it's 10:21, my eyes widen and I quickly walk outside with Johnny.
I begin to unlock my bike, "I'm so sorry! I have to be home in nine minutes! But thank you for tonight, it was so lovely."
"Wait!" Johnny exclaims, placing a kiss on my cheek, "I hope to see you again, (y/n)."
There goes that not so familiar yet wonderful feeling fluttering in my stomach. "See you around, Lawrence!" I wave goodbye at him, quickly biking back home and making it a minute before my curfew.
Monday rolls around and so does school and my first lesson at Cobra Kai.
I'm grabbing my books out of the locker when all of a sudden I feel a pair of hands on my shoulder, "Nice to see you again, stranger." A familiar voice rings.
I turn around and see a smiley Johnny, "Johnny, hey! I didn't know you also went here." I smile at him.
"It's a small world, isn't it?" He raises his eyebrow, "So, I realized that I never got your number! This weekend was a little torturing since you were on my mind the entire time but I couldn't call and hear you sweet voice."
I chuckle, "Smooth, Lawrence. And fine, you can have my number." I pull out a piece of paper and write my number on it, handing it to him.
The bell rings and soon everyone is leaving, "I'll call you, see you later!" He waves, I wave goodbye before trying to find my first class.
Later on, I grab my bike and make my way to Cobra Kai earlier than most of the students.
I push the door and see Kreese, practicing a few moves before I clear my throat and catch his attention. "(Y/n), welcome to Cobra Kai! I have something for you."
I remove my shoes before walking onto the mat and closer to him, he pulls out something white and I gently take it from his hands, "This is my uniform, right?" I ask. "It's called a Gi. You will wear this during class so make sure you always bring it, got it?" He crosses his arms.
I nod, "Yes!"
"Yes what?"
"Sir?" I furrow my eyebrows.
"It's Sensei, not sir, not Kreese. Sensei."
"Yes Sensei!"
I change into the Gi and walk outside to see a group of teenagers gathered around the mat.
A familiar face catches my attention and I wave over at him, "Johnny, hey!" I smile.
He excuses himself from his friends and walks over to me, "Hey! What are you doing here?" He asks.
"Oh, my Godfather asked me to join Cobra Kai. I'm not looking forward to getting my ass kicked though." I chuckle.
Johnny nods, "Don't worry, i'll help you out."
"Lawrence! I see you've met my Godchild." Kreese exclaims, walking over to us.
Johnny furrows his eyebrows before finally realizing, "Oh- yes, Sensei, I did!"
A nervous look forms on Johnny's face and Kreese walks closer to us, "Everything okay?"
Johnny gulps, "Yeah! This is just an unexpected surprise. That's it."
"Everyone! This is my Godchild, (y/n). They will start training with us and I expect you to treat them as one of your own. Is that clear?" Kreese announces.
"Yes Sensei!" The class replies.
"So, that was quite unexpected." I hear Johnny state.
I nod, "Yeah, i'm guessing you're that 'best student' he mentioned to me."
"Oh jeez, this complicates things a little. Do you think Sensei will kill me if I ask you out on a date?"
I pause and look over at him, "You were gonna ask me out?"
Johnny nods, "I'm still planning on it." He smirks and walks closer to me, "I think you're worth the risk."
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Kanato Sakamaki- I’m Sadistic For You
For Kanato from DL ( I haven’t seen much done for him and it makes me sad because he’s a favorite ). (: I could Lowkey do some more if you’re not super bogged down I had another idea BUT I ALREADY SUBMITED ANOTHER BEFORE THIS SO IM NOT GONNA OVERWHELM YOU LOL but- anyway Fee free to be as nsfw with my prompts (if you do them) as you want. I dont have any triggers so- writing them super accurate and sadistic won’t bother me :3
Bruh....Jesus is my helmet...but NOT TODAY let’s fucking go! Okay readers, you heard, they aint got no triggers. So if you do...move it along.
52- “You can’t call me cute!”
80- “Shut up! I’m not blushing!”
31-“You need to be taught a lesson…”
81- “You look so...inviting all tied up.”
84- “What’s the word I’m looking for?....Pet!”
Also in this you and Yui are BFFs because she isn’t some cold hearted bitch (homegirl trips over oxygen, plus I love her lol)
I was legit about to have him spit in your mouth....I’m so shameful...maybe next time.
I’m turning into a Yandere account and I am totally okay with that.
“You know living here isn’t that bad.” you mused to Yui. “When no one is talking.”
Your friend laughed as she cut up some carrots. Yui turned to look at you as she prepare to peel some potatoes. “So living here is terrible every day other than right now?” she replied.
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing. She wasn’t wrong. 
You and Yui were making dinner for the house. After a ambush that landed everyone injured except you and her (thankfully). You had offered to make soup and stew for everyone. They were all in their respective rooms healing while you had prepared everything.
“They really fought hard today, I thought Kanato was about to rip that vampires jaw off. He’s really protective of you, Y/N.” she winked. “I think he likes you more than he lets on.” 
Kanato and you had a very strange relationship. He hated you, but he didn’t HATE you. No one could lay a finger on you, no one could even look at you, even if he said he didn’t care. Reiji tried to and Kanato almost murdered him.
“He then told me that Teddy said I was ugly.” you reminded her flatly. “Yeah he so cares.” you snorted.
“Maybe he has trouble telling you his feelings”
“I wish everyone was as optimistic as you.” you shook your head. “Looks like the soup is finished.” 
“I’m just saying Y/N, just think about it.”
You only had one bowl of soup left to deliver, to Kanato’s room. You grumbled as you stood outside the door. 
“Kanato? It’s me.” you knocked on the door. “I’m coming in okay?” 
Before you could wait for an answer you opened the door and walked in with the cart. 
Kanato was laying on his bed when you entered, groaning in what you assumed was boredom.
“Teddy, tell Y/N that I don’t want whatever she made.” Kanato turned away from you. The scars he had suffered on his back said it all. All for you...
Your recalled the terror in your voice as you had screamed for help as the rogue vampire wrapped his claws around your leg. Kanato’s name was the first to escape your lips as you had tried to crawl away to Yui. You remembered reaching out to Kanato with your strongest hand, begging him to save you.
The look in his eyes was feral as he screamed your name too, grabbing you hand and pulling you to him. You were sobbing into his chest, clutching onto him for dear life for a good ten seconds before Yui replaced him, hugging you tightly in her small arms too. Before you knew it, the rogue’s head had been thrown through a window...
“Y/N, Look at me! You’re safe now...you’re safe with me...”
“Teddy, could you please tell Kanato that while his pouting is very adorable, it won’t get him out of this?”
“Don’t call me cute! You can’t do that.” Kanato glared at you through hooded eyes. “If I wasn’t so weak I’d-”
“Well let me take care of you.” you cut him off, taking the bowl to him. “For me?”
Kanato paused, his glare softening. 
“You must be in love with me if you’re so insistent on me getting better.” he grumbled, sitting up. “Y/N is in love with me Teddy!”
“Kanato.” you felt your face heat up violently. “Don’t say things like that.” you groaned.
“It’s blushing teddy, how cute!”
Kanato’s use of the word ‘it’ wasn’t new to you. In fact when he wasn’t calling you names, chasing you around with forks pretending to stab you, or worse, it was denoting you to objects.
“H-hey! I am not blushing!” you pouted. “My face just looks that way.” you lied. “S-shut up.” you grumbled.
“And what if I don’t feel like it?” he challenged, knowing you wouldn’t say a word back. You were kind of like Yui. You wouldn’t dare challenge any of the Sakamaki brothers. It was a death sentence in every sense of the word.
“Kanato, I just want you to feel better.” you looked down at your feet. 
“There’s one thing you can do.” Kanato used his strength to stand to his feet. Despite his looks, he was tall, and under that cute exterior was a mean and feral beast. He staggered over to you, a sick smile on his face. That couldn’t be good, not by a long shot. 
“And what exactly would that be?” you asked. You couldn’t look at him. You didn’t wanna know what he was planning. You were positive that it wasn’t gonna end well either. 
“Get on your knees.”
“My knees?” you repeated. “Why do you want me to-”
“Now Y/N.” he spoke over you. You felt his hand on your shoulder. “I don’t like repeating myself.” his nails dug into your skin, causing your knees to wobble under the pain. “On. Your. Knees!”
Your feet gave out, practically sending you crashing down to the floor. You looked like a dog, on your hands and knees. You appeared weak and pathetic.
You found it in yourself to look up at Kanato. Teddy was perched on the bed, ‘watching’ you two. You felt his fingertips creep under your chin. 
“Aww...” he smiled. “You’re like a little...What’s the word I’m looking for...PET!. It’s cute.” He caressed the side of your face. “Too bad I kill all my pets...they can’t handle me...can you handle me, Pet?”
“Yes, Kanato.” you found yourself saying. You felt like you didn’t have a choice...
and you loved every second of it.
“Bullying you has made me regain my strength! Isn’t this wonderful?” he wrapped one of his hands around your neck. “You’re so fun to torment” he laughed.
“K-kanato.” you coughed.
“Is it hard to breath. Y/N?” he asked sinisterly, that crazed smile gracing his lips. His words were terrifying although his actions said otherwise. He loosened his grip on your throat, allowing air to flow more freely. It was those small things that made you think he didn’t hate you as much as he loved to preach.
“Y/N...when that vampire came...I thought I was gonna lose you for good this time” he said sadly, allowing his arm to return to his side. “I thought I had-...that you were gonna die.” 
“You saved me though.” you replied. Kanato knelt down to your level, still slightly above you. 
“Yeah...because if anyone is gonna break you, it’s gonna be me.”
“I care about you a lot, Kanato.” you finally said it. “I like you too much.” you exposed yourself. “I want you stay by your side.” you said pathetically. “Even if you hate me.”
Before you could say another word, Kanato claimed your lips in a kiss. He held the sides of your face in his hands. It was the first time he had ever kissed you. He hummed thoughtfully, pushing you down to the floor so you were laying on your back. He crawled over you, not breaking the kiss. 
“K-kanato.” you whimpered.
“You need to be taught a lesson. If your gonna be my girlfri- I mean pet, you’ll have to learn.” he kissed down your neck.
Suddenly, Kanato ripped the seam of your jeans all the way up your left leg, leaving it completely exposed to the air.
“Oh look, your clothes are messed up, guess we’ll have to take them off.” he smirked. In another swift motion, your pants were torn to shreds. The fabric fell in a circle around you both.
“Teddy look! Y/N is wearing such cute panties.” he cackled maniacally. “Her naughty place is leaking.”
You trembled, waiting for him to do whatever it was he was planning.
“I heard blood tastes better when it’s from your naughty place.” he ran his tongue along the top row of his teeth. “Y/N” he moaned, running his index finger along your clothed heat. “You smelled so much better here...I just want to- ungh.”
He suddenly drove his fangs into your right thigh. You gasped, arching your back. He violently grabbed your legs, holding them down. His tongue lashed against your freshly made wound. 
You could hear him whimpering, cursing under his breath. 
Kanato would deny it with his life, but everything about you was like a drug to you. Tasting your blood was even sweeter than every dessert he’s ever tasted. Feeling you whimper and plea for him did things to him that would make a sailor blush. 
Forget Yui, forget his brothers, forget it all.
“Fuh-” Kanato couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t stop himself from ripping off your panties and driving his tongue into your most sensitive parts. Hearing you moan for him, cry for him. 
The rumors were right, vampires were godly lovers. It was like Kanato knew what you wanted and where. He lashed his tongue against your heat, grabbing your legs. 
“Wrap your legs around my head,” he demanded. “Not like it’s gonna kill me.” he laughed manically. “
Knock knock
“Y/N, are you in there?” Yui’s small voice caused you to panic a little. As you tried to get up, Kanato pushed you right back down, growling into your pussy,
“FUCK!” you whined, making it very obvious what you two were up to. “Kanato, I can’t-”
“Then don’t.” he grunted, not ceasing his movements. “Cum, cum for me.”
“K-KAANAAA!” you cried as you came. You thrashed and writhed under his touch, but he didn’t stop. His tongue never stopped moving. “fuh- fuck! Kanato, t-too much!”
“I said cum for me, I didn’t say I’d stop.” he thrust his fingers into you to add insult to injury. “You’re so fun to fuck with!” he spat.
“Kanato!” you sobbed. You couldn’t stop moving, you couldn’t stop thrashing. Th epleasure had gotten to you so much, you were drooling.
He finally withdrew his mouth from you, smiling evilly at the mess he left.
Kanato had grabbed one of his ties that had left on the floor and bound your wrists together.
“You look so inviting tied up for me...” he shuddered as he bit his lip. He licked his fingers clean of your blood and juices. “Good thing the night is young...because I’m not done with you.”
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transfemlogan · 2 years
hey hey. what do you think would be the worst possible plot thing Thomas could do with the series. like what would make you unironically stop watching it would be so stupid. I love hate <3
Dude what hes doing RN is making me wanna stop NSHDKFNFN
I have so many fucking things ... he has this weird thing w/ logan having alcoholism but its supposed 2 b "funny" or whatever. I think if he were 2 treat that Seriously & like have an episode where he talked abt alcoholism id stop watching. Bcuz thats fucking weird & i do not trust him 2 do it correctly.
Also maybe if he dealt w/ logans arc bad. Like.. it has a lot 2 do w/ how 2 healthily deal w/ ur anger & boundaries & not being listened 2 & etc but theres so many ways it could go so wrong. Bcuz its wrong 2 assume that logan is completely in the right w/ his actions, bcuz he isnt. He gets angry & guilt trips the other sides & yells at them hes an asshole.
BUT its also wrong 2 assume that logan is WRONG w/ his actions. Bcuz the sides treat logan like shit & constantly ignore him or talk over him & like... he HAS tried 2 b upfront abt his feelings & express himself & every single time they shut him down. So of COURSE logans angry & yelling & guilt trippy bcuz he cannot just "talk it out". PLUS they r not humans so i feel like... applying human morals & ethics 2 them is the wrong move.
Maybe adding another side after the next 1 bcuz we dont need anymore. Please stop adding characters. Or making the orange side & logan siblings. We dont need another set of siblings. OR MAKING LOGAN THE ORANGE SIDE IF THAT HAPPENS IM KILLING THOMAS SANDERS (/j /nsrs)
I would say adding unneccessary conflicts bcuz he doesn't know how 2 resolve them, but thomas is already doing that & I havent stopped watching so...
If he gave virgil valid rzns 2 dislike thr "dark" sides bcuz i feel like that 100% pushes the "all the dark sides r evil" concept that the entire series is supposed 2 b pushing AWAY from. There's still ppl that think janus & remus r the "antagonists" of the story when i would argue there isnt one because its a story abt a Single person & his Personal struggles. Its a story abt learning 2 accept ur flaws & 2 learn new things abt urself. Why would there be an antagonist.
OH IF HE INCLUDED THE ORANGE SIDE IN LOGAN'S ARC. Im just worried 4 logans arc im so scared that hes either going 2 do it b4 romans or do it completely WRONG
If he gave virgil anymore arcs please he doesnt NEED ANYMORE. The entire story is already so virgil centric when hes THE LEAST INTERESTING CHARACTER IN THE STORY can we have ANYONE ELSE . PLEASE!
ON THE FENCE ABT THIS 1 but maybe if he gave nico & c!thomas a healthy relationship? Like on one hand i hope they have a healthy relationship but on the other hand RN c!thomas is not in the right mindset 2 have a relationship PLUS. ITS ANOTHER STUPID PLOT LINE WHEN HE HASNT EVEN FINISHED ANY OF THE OTHER ONES. He has a million plot lines that will never get resolved bcuz he doesnt know How To Do That. & they all tangle in with each other & its SO BAD. Nico just shouldnt have been in the series i dont know why he's even here. What does he add 2 the series. ??
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matsur1 · 2 years
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A Kokonoi fanfiction penned by Matsur1
Warnings: A tiny bit of swearing
Word Count: 1.3k
A/n: Not proofread yet so some things may sound stupid, I don't have the time to proof read this yet but I will one day (hopefully) [Edit: this was posted mins ago but I alr proofread it bc I dont wanna embarrass myself- ASDHHSJSS sorry to the early people who read this and read dumb shit teehee pls read it again if you saw the post without this edit:')]
There was this guy at work that you found attractive. His name was Kokonoi. Kokonoi Hajime. He was very kind despite the rumors spreading around the company you both worked in. He was very generous, caring, and funny. Not the “thirsty for money” guy everyone talked about. 
When you were still new, you weren’t yet aware of these rumors about him. He first approached you at lunch break at the very first day of working. “Hey rookie!,” he shouted in the whole office. You flinched, looking at the direction where the shout came from. It was an attractive guy waving his hands at you asking for you to wait for him. He ran towards you and spoke, “Come with me, I’ll treat you lunch just for today.” He lightly smiled.
The whole walk on your way to the cafeteria was silent and awkward but when you both reached the cafeteria and ordered food, he started his introductions and you both started to get to know each other.
After your first day at work, you felt more at ease since you made a friend at work on the very first day. You only had hoped your friendship would last even if it’s just until tomorrow. 
The next day, he again treated you at lunch. He kept insisting and bugging you so, how could you say no? And so, he did that again the next day, the next, the next, and honestly, he did that every single day. But it wasn’t just to you, he also treated rookies on their first days at work. Not every day like you though. You heard tons of whispering about him but you paid it no mind because in your point of view, he was so much more different than what the rumors say. You found it strange but at the same time, you felt a bit of “special treatment. You weren’t complaining though. I mean, who wouldn’t want a lifetime of free lunch, am I right? 
But after a few weeks, you finally had the courage to ask why he was only treating you every single workday to lunch. You both went to a coffee shop near the building you both work in. After he grabbed your coffee from the counter, he walked towards your table and passed your coffee to you. “Thanks,” you told him as he hummed in response. “Koko, would you mind telling me why you treat me lunch every day?” you politely asked. He looked at you in a way as if he’s telling you, ‘Are you seriously asking this?’ and he lightly laughed resting his coffee down on the table. “It’s ‘cause I like you, dummy. Ain’t that obvious?” he grabbed his coffee and drank while you. You paused and blushed. He glanced at you and understood what that face of yours that you were making meant. He laughed so loud it brought you back to earth. “Not in that way, idiot. I platonically like you, that’s why. Besides, you’re the only one sticking by my side even after you heard those rumors about me. And plus, I like someone else” He told you. In embarrassment of assuming it was something else, you avoided that part and focused on the last thing he said. “Oh? Who is this lucky person that Mr. Koko fancies,” you teased him, smirking. “She’s in the hospital,” his tone suddenly lowered down a bit. “Oh,” you had no words to say, nervous that you may have touched a sensitive topic. “But it’s alright, she’s been getting better nowadays,” he continued, bringing back his normal tone. “I see. That’s good to hear.” You smiled in relief. “Sooo, did you already give her your first kiss?” you once again teased him. “Bitch no,” he laughed. “What about you? You already gave it to someone?” he asked you. “No, a first kiss should be saved for someone you truly love… I believe.” You hesitantly spoke, afraid that he’ll laugh at your words. But he just gave you a hum.
After that day, you felt a bit of spark disappear. Perhaps you were a bit… jealous? Disappointed? But that’s not what matters right now. Right now, you have tons of work due 10 pm. 
Months passed by, you and Koko ended up getting more closer each month. You were very happy to have a friend like him. Yeah, just friends though. He would often talk about the girl ever since you touched that topic. You discovered her name was Akane.
“Their house got caught on fire. I rushed in to save her, ended up saving her brother instead. It’s all because that asshole looks like her.” He laughed it off. “Soon, she was brought to the hospital after rescues came. She looked like roasted bread got into coma. But like I said, she’s been getting better nowadays, so the doctor says.” He explained. “I’m so sorry you went through that. You must love her so much. I mean waiting for years, damn, you’re one of a kind.” You complimented him. “Yeah? I promised myself I wouldn’t ever fall in love again unless it was her.” He spoke with such confidence. And talks about Akane happened for many many days. You couldn’t even count the amount of times Koko has brought Akane into a conversation. You had no problems with it though, it’s just, you kinda wished it was you he was talking about that way. But it was no use, he was so in love. Everyone could see it easily once he starts talking about Akane. Plus, you didn’t wanna act so selfish towards a person you knew you absolutely had no chance with. What a lucky girl Akane was. She has a loyal man waiting for her once she wakes up. 
For about a year later, you received news. Kokonoi asked you if he could talk to you after work. You were confused but you thought of it as nothing. Hours passed by and it was finally time to go home. You stretched as soon as you got up from your seat but then you remembered that Koko wanted to talk to you. You both decided to talk at the front of the building. And when you arrived, Koko looked anxious.
“So, what’s up?” you paused, You look anxious, what’s wrong?” you continue. “Well uhm, good news, bad news. Good news coming first.” He spoke. “Drop it now then,” you responded. “Akane woke up a week ago-“ you cut him off and spoke happily, “Oh really??? I’m happy for you! Did you tell her ab-“ he cut you off this time, “Y/N, let me finish please.” He spoke in a tone of... guilt? You quickly changed into your poker face, letting him continue. “Yes, me and Akane talked now. And we decided it was better if I quit this job and start building our life.” He put so much pressure on the word “our” that for a millisecond, you felt sad but you remembered you had to feel happy for them. I mean, a week of talking and they're already talking about building their life? Oh how much trust they have in each other. Your trust was nothing compared to theirs.
“Yeah?? That’s really great!!! I’m seriously happy for you. You both better invite me at your wedding.” You playfully hit him using your elbow and kept on a smile. “Y/N… you don’t have to filter your words you know,” he held your shoulders, making you look at him in the eye. “What do you mean? I’m seriously happy for you. You don’t think I’m that kind of person, do you?” you lightly laughed.  “But-“ you shushed him, “no buts, so is she in your car? You probably shouldn't keep her waiting, Mr. Gentleman.” You grinned. “Yeah,” he took a deep sigh of relief. You gave a wave at the car, in case she was watching you two. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow. But I’ll probably be too busy packing my stuff.” 
“Mhm, I’ll see ya.” You watched as he went off to go to Akane in the car. Taking one last look at you, giving you a smile. Perhaps the last smile he'll ever offer to you. You turned to look away. Suddenly rain started to pour heavily. Did the news say it was going to be rainy today? No. It was really an unfortunate day for you. And that’s when it hit you. Tears started to flood on your cheeks. 
I guess in the midst of your friendship with Koko, he was just trying to find Akane’s shadow in you.
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© Matsuri
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trashcanfills · 2 years
When u somehow get Zhongli with no pity even though u have complained abt him out loud while playing his quests :^)
Ok as much as I shittalk abt him, I do find a good amount of stuff that he says very interesting (when he isn’t that absent-minded of course). Sometimes I wanna pick at the information and opinions he shares with us. I esp love intellectual stimulation.
Like that discussion whereby he and some archaeologists talk the origins of the first Mora in Zhongli’s first side story quest was fascinating. One of the archaeologists was adamant that the first Mora was used to create/refine a powerful sword and shield due to Mora doubling as a catalyst and his assumption that Rex Lapis had prior knowledge of Mora being a catalyst. In his eyes, Rex Lapis was a powerful and very knowledgeable god, so how would he not know that Mora had such a capability?
Zhongli however said that rather than anything spectacular, the first Mora was just an ordinary coin used for trade, as a way for Rex Lapis to measure value within established contracts. He also adds that it is highly likely that the same coin is somewhere still being exchanged in the lines of commerce.
It was funny when the archaeologist (who is an uppity little fuck imo) was like excuse me what kind of argument is that and then Zhongli replied with oh no Im not arguing any point Im stating facts lmao ok ceo of geo technically you are correct since you WERE literally the fucking geo archon and YOU LIVED THROUGH the damn shit but look these people dont fucking know that and of course won’t believe u even if you know its a fact like cmon bruh
But yea to be fair I would have sided with Zhongli on that the first Mora being an ordinary coin used to pay for shit as it has done hundreds of years later. Heck I even have a good supporting argument for this thanks to history/logic of sorts. Often we assume that the first existence for a particular invention would be a grand and spectacular affair. More often than not, it’s not the case.
When you look at first inventions, of the first plane, the first motorised engine, the first wheel, it always starts off with a “hey what if I create sth like this to help me and others with this problem?”, along with some trials and errors to make it work, usually in a makeshift laboratory, or out in open space, or just anywhere in the spur of the moment. There is never a grand affair, simply because not many would think abt much it until much later in the course of history where such inventions have inspired greater and grander ones to come abt. It’s an assumption that being the first in something would be celebrated, which is only possible if it is expected or anticipated like being the first in a race or sth.
Except creating a first novel invention is practically impossible to anticipate because the high risk of failure, and even then such a new creation may not necessarily create huge impacts later in the future. How the conception of the first novel inventions came abt is only realised way later in hindsight when ppl decide to trace down the origins of successful ideas or inventions. Plus, it is often that the simplest and most boring explanations are most likely to be true.
Plus, Rex Lapis, even as a “god”, is not that all-knowing or powerful even if he does have a great amt of knowledge and power. (Pls skip the rest of this paragraph if u dont want to be bored by my explanation of why I dont think he is that way) He was unable to cure his dear friend Azhdaha from the erosion, ending up having to seal him to stop him from rampaging the lands. If he knew how to save his friend, yet chose not to do so, it would paint him as someone malicious to withhold aid or someone who was not powerful enough to do so or someone who did not have the knowledge to help. We know that Rex Lapis himself has a benevolent nature since many actions of his helped the people of Liyue, and he himself did grant Azhdaha the gift of sight to witness the beauty of the land on his own, so we can safely say that he is not truly malicious, and conclude that he is not all-powerful and/or knowledgeable as a supposed perfect God.
Why in the absolute fuck did I write that entire paragraph to say that The Geo Archon isn’t actually all mighty stronk and/or smort? Its so I can say that even if regular humans see his incredibly feats as godly, it’s highly likely that the archon wasn’t really as godly as Liyue portray him to be, but rather a person just with great power and knowledge compared to humans. A person who is flawed and capable of making mistakes or not knowing certain things. Hence not knowing the impact he would have when establishing contracts and creating the first Mora coins to represent a ubiquitous form of value.
Of course if I were to say all that in front of all the archaeologists I would get kicked out of the table and even the boat lmao for saying the geo archon isnt that amazing.
But hey I made my stand and explained it the best I can even with some holes in the explanations that I could prob address but it would just make this wayyy longer and look this post is long enough and Im sure not many of u have bothered to reach up to here anyway so.
In the very least I like to think Zhongli would have been very amused, entertained and intrigued by my ramblings. We would have be great conversationalists if we ever met and talked and I would poke fun at him being a bit dum and being shit with Mora on that occasion. We would be good friends.
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angie-likes-to-art · 3 years
Girl’s Night Out
Pairing: Bartender!Bucky x Reader Summary: What was supposed to girls night to support Pietro’s band becomes sidetracked when Natasha failed to mention the new bartender Clint hired Word Count: 1194 Warnings: Some sexual language, mentions of alcohol A/N: I really meant this to just be a bucky fic but i got carried away with steve, maybe him and the reader have a past together i dont knowwww, i quickly proofread this, so im sorry if there are any mistakes, feel free to let me know
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        “Can you guys hurry up?” Wanda shouts from half a block in front of you and Natasha, “Pietro’s band is starting soon, I promised I’d be there for his first gig.” She stops and huffs like a child when Nat chuckles.
        “Clint said they don’t start until nine, it's not even 8:45 yet” Nat points out rolling her eyes sarcastically. 
        “But I wanna get there early, he’s probably super nervous.” She admits, playing with a strand of her hair. Nat and you share a look and both let out another laugh.
        “Hun, I think you're the nervous one, he's been pumped for this ever since Clint suggested booking a band,” You put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, “Plus we’re three blocks away.” You added, pointing ahead the three of you to the bright neon sign spelling ‘Barton’s’ in cursive, that you were all too familiar with. You’d been going there every Friday since college when you finally convinced Wanda to come out one night with you, it's where you met Nat, who was working as a bartender at the time while her boyfriend and owner of the bar was working on hiring more staff. It's where you found your first real college boyfriend, who ended up cheating and breaking your heart, but that's not the point. And where you met Steve and Sam, you'd met them through Clint who was playfully yelling at them to stop flirting with Nat. Both you and Wanda quickly joined the friend group and were nearly attached to the hip with Nat from that point on.
        Clint intentionally booked Pietro’s band on a slower night, as a trial run, to see if the regulars enjoyed them and everything went smoothly, Pietro wasn't completely on board with this idea. He wanted his first gig to be on a busy night, with everyone dancing and yelling for his band, but eventually gave in and accepted the offer he got. The bar was fairly popular, a few dozen regulars milling about grabbing drinks, sitting at booths, or watching the band set up. Wanda immediately ran to her twin brother, congratulating him and his band mates with a bright smile on her face. Nat and you walked over to the bar to get your first drinks of the evening, expecting to see Clint cleaning a glass or making a complicated drink, like usual. Instead, behind the bar, stood a man you'd never seen before, chatting happily to Steve and Sam who were sitting on the stools in front of him. He wore a tight black t-shirt his biceps were one flex away from busting out of and a smirk that would make your panties drop if he asked nicely. 
        “Ow, what the hell, Y/N?” Nat yelped when your elbow collided with her rips.
        “Why didn't you tell me Clint hired a hot new bartender?” You questioned through clenched teeth, tilting your head towards him.
        “Oh, Bucky?” she smirked as well, “He’s an old friend of Steve's.” She explained, casually walking to the staff room, you assumed Clint was in. Leaving you abandoned in the middle of the bar, before you have the chance to turn and join Wanda, you hear a familiar deep voice call you over. 
        “Y/N! Hey, have you met Buck yet?” Steve shouted over the sound of Pietro’s band doing a sound check, he offered you a friendly smile you couldn't help but return as you strided over. You glance behind him to see the hot bartender now giving you a smirk and watching you move, you feel a blush creeping up your neck and to your cheeks.
        “Hey Stevie, Sammy!” Giving them both hugs avoiding the eyeline of the man behind the bar, Steve looked at you expectantly, “Oh, uh, no, I haven’t yet.” You answered, still keeping your eyes on Steve.
        “Great! Then Y/N meet Bucky,” He looked so happy to introduce his friend to each other that you couldn't help but loosen up, “Bucky meet Y/N” He looked in between you both, “She's friends with Tasha and Wanda,” He pointed to Wanda who was still watching her brother happily.
        “Hey,” You lied earlier, he didn't need to ask nicely to make your panties drop, all you needed was that one word. He leaned over the bar to get a closer look at you and to offer his right hand. You were too caught up in his ocean blue eyes to notice, you could stare into them all day and still find new shades. Steve’s hand on your lower back knocked you out of your trace, you looked at him and back to Bucky, then down to his hand. You quickly let out a breathy apology, then pressed your hand into his, his entirely engulfing your smaller one. He gave your hand a quick squeeze before pulling back and standing up straight. "Can I get you something to drink?”
        “Just a beer,” you squeaked, he let out a chuckle before stepping away, you clenched your eyes and turned to your friends, embarrassed they had to witness that.
        “God, I haven't seen you like that since you talked to that college guy, like five years ago.” Sam laughs before taking a swig of his beer.
        “Oh fuck off Sam, do I have to remind you how you talk to Nat when you get too drunk to remember she dating Clint?” You threaten, Sam rolls his eyes dramatically. You press your index fingers together and put on a baby voice, “Pwease Natasha, will you go on a date wiff me?”
        “I don't do that,” he defends, swatting your hands apart as you giggle and Steve pretends not to be entertained. Bucky returns with your beer and some refills for the guys. You try to put out of your mind how ridiculously hot he his, with his soft waves pushed up and away from his face, you wonder what it'd feel like to run your hands through it and down his cheekbones to his dark stubble. You hear Steve telling a story about when they were kids but you couldn't make yourself listen, usually you would drop everything to pay attention to Steve, you’d kill to see him smile just one time but Bucky had you in a daze. Until you felt Steve’s hand on you again, you looked into his eyes, his have more green than Bucky’s, you've gotten lost in these ones too.
        “Wands calling for you,” It comes out hardly above a whisper, raspy like the alcohol is starting to take effect, you nod at his words but make no effort to move away.
        “Y/N!” You hear Wanda shout from across the room this time, you look over to see her bouncing excitedly next to the makeshift stage for the band, she waves you over. You see Nat and Clint are already over there waiting for the first song, you grab your beer from the bar top and head over, pushing away the thoughts of Bucky, Steve, and even Same making fun of you, so you can have a fun night with your girls. Just like you intended to.
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circus4apsycho8 · 3 years
Hey chobleb! SO GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU! Of course you can <333 Ilyt!! You're cool as well :DDDD
I decided to write this in second person so it can be applicable to everyone. Plus I feel like I’m bad at other POVs haha. This is your pretty generic uwu-sans-asks-you-out-on-date-in-the-underground oneshot but I still hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Sans x Reader
Warnings: mild cussing maybe i dont really remember
It’s not even time to leave and today is already a disaster.
Clothes are strewn about your room, Undyne is trying to calm you down, Alphys is going through your wardrobe and you’re in the midst of a breakdown.
“I can’t do this,” you say, clutching your chest. “I-I-“
“You can, nerd!” she says. “Just take a deep breath. It’s just Sans, and you’re only going out for lunch. That’s all.”
You exhale shakily, butterflies swirling in your tummy. “I’m so nervous, though…”
“That’s just b-because you’re overthinking th-things,” Alphys chimes in as she pulls something out from your closet.
“Exactly. Once you get there, you’ll realize how chill it’ll be,” Undyne says, patting you on the back a few times. “Looks like Alph found an outfit for you. Go try it on.”
You sigh, standing from the side of your bed. Alphys smiles softly as she hands you a dress. It’s an older one – one that Mettaton had designed for you a while back. It was too fancy for most occasions, but not for a date at the MTT Resort. You take it and enter your bathroom before changing into it.
Huh. It…actually looks kind of decent. Well, you expect it would – after all, it was tailored to fit your specific figure. The colors compliment your skin and bring out the color of your eyes. It’s flattering, but not too showy.
You step out of the bathroom, and are met by quiet gasps from your friends.
Undyne says your name softly. “That. That is the one.”
“It’s p-p-perfect! You look so pretty!”
“Thanks,” you mutter, too embarrassed to say anything else.
“Now, wear these shoes…and bam! You look great!” Undyne declares. Alphys nods in approval before she comes up behind you and pushes you out the door of your room.
“N-Now go wait downstairs! Sans will be here any s-second now!”
You roll your eyes as Undyne ushers you down near the front door. You’re too nervous to sit, so you walk around while fidgeting. Mind racing, you notice just how fast your heart is beating.
It’s then you hear a knock emanating from your front door. You suck in a deep breath before gathering you shattered nerves and opening the door.
There stands Sans, one hand hidden behind his back. He’s dressed in a light blue button-up and dark dress pants.
“hey,” he greets, a faint blue staining his zygomatic arches. He smiles, using his free hand to rub the back of his cervical vertebrae. “wow…you look so pretty…”
Your eyes widen as the blush returns at full force. “Oh…thank you. You look handsome,” you compliment, offering him a small smile.
He chuckles in response. “thanks. oh…these are for you.” He pulls his hidden arm out from his back, revealing a bouquet of flowers that must have come from Asgore’s garden.
You gasp in delight. “Sans! You didn’t have to…” You take the bouquet, staring at it in fascination. Such lovely flowers! “Thank you! I’ll go put them in a vase quickly.”
You quickly go to set the bouquet somewhere safe before you hurry back to the doorway. Sans offers a hand to you as you shut the door.
“may i?”
A giggle escapes you as you take his hand. “You may.”
“good, ‘cause i know a shortcut.”
“Yes, your teleportation. We know this.”
He winks. “let’s go. don't wanna be late to our reservation.”
With that, you feel the world fading beneath your feet as he whisks you through the void. Your head begins to spin as you feel the world rematerializing once more.
“Whew,” you say, your head spinning. Sans slips an arm around your waist to keep you upright.
“you okay?” he asks.
You take a moment to gather your bearings, not yet noticing his arm. “Yeah, I’m good now.”
“good,” he says softly, releasing his grip on you. You smile, noticing that the butterflies in your stomach have settled. Undyne was right – it’s just Sans, and you’re comfy with him.
Sans gently loops his phalanges through your fingers, and you don’t pull away.
Dinner was – well, it was fantastic. It was a teeny bit awkward at first, but soon enough the two of you were laughing and just overall having a nice time. The food was good, and Sans insisted on paying much to your dismay.
“hey, there’s one more spot i wanna take you to,” Sans says, tugging you out of the restaurant. You giggle, following him.
“Where are we going?”
“it’s a surprise. close your eyes?”
You obey, closing your eyes as he teleports the two of you through the void once more.
“keep your eyes closed. i'll guide you to the spot.”
“Okay. I trust you!”
With that, Sans loops his arm around your waist and guides you through the area. You try to figure out where you are by using your other senses. Judging by the sound of rushing water, and lack of a freezing cold temperature, you can assume you’re in Waterfall. But where is Sans taking you?
“k, you can open them now.”
You open your eyes, and gasp. Sans has taken you to a dark cavern filled with echo flowers, a small stream, and gems embedded in the walls and ceiling. The only illumination here is provided by the echo flowers.
“I don’t think I’ve been here before,” you note, smiling. You turn to Sans, studying how his bones are cast in the soft blue light of the flowers.
“it’s a secret hideout my bro and i have. i don’t think anyone else comes here.”
“That’s crazy,” you note, lifting the skirt of your dress a bit so you can kneel in front of an echo flower. You smile as Sans settles next to you.
“These flowers are so cool,” you note, gently touching one of the flower’s petals. It softly echoes back what you just said. “I wonder how they work? I mean, I understand it’s, well, magic, but still. It’s so incredible…”
You trail off, studying the flower for a moment later before you glance at Sans once more. He’s gazing at you with soft eyelights.
“you’re so beautiful,” he mumbles, tone soft as raises his right hand to cup your cheek.
Your blush returns tenfold as you melt into his touch. You press his hand against your skin and smile.
“Thank you,” you reply, holding his gaze and scooting closer to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. “You know, you look so cute all dressed up.”
He chuckles lightly, brushing your cheek with his other hand. “thanks.”
Now, you’re so close that your nose is lightly pressed against his nasal bone. You still haven’t dropped your stare, and soon enough, Sans leans forward, pressing his teeth against your lips.
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ur-jinji · 4 years
ps. have a lovely night (: and dont put preasure on yourself. u are great!
thank you very much anon!!! have a lovely night yourself <3 ur greater :)
someone to spend time with
levi ackerman x gn!reader college au
summary: in which two lonely people share an unlikely friendship and some confused feelings for one another
word count: 2.2k
song: someone to spend time with // los retros
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“i got you boba,” you announced as you approached a small, square table in the library where your classmate, levi, resided.
“what the fuck is that.” he asked.
“say less.”
you handed him the drink and sat down across from him, watching him slurp away. his attention quickly moved back to the book in front of him.
“how’d you find me?” levi questioned, his steel eyes glancing up at you for a quick second.
“you’re always here,” you replied, shrugging. “plus, i need help with our reading assignment.”
“you always need help.” he sighed and closed his book.
you and levi shared a shakespearean literature course and somewhat became friends by default because your assigned seats were directly next to each other. he was very reserved in class, but your boredom got the best of you, so you’d talk his ear off. he wasn’t very amused initially, as he took his schoolwork and class time very seriously, but he eventually warmed up to you. after forcing levi to help you once, you just kept coming back. you enjoyed his quiet company, and he appeared to be just as alone as you were. except his was by choice, you assumed.
“i just can’t keep up with all of macbeth’s drama,” you joked. “i figured i’d pay you with tea and my presence to help me for the millionth time.”
“yeah, your presence was starting to not be enough,” levi said monotonously, yet a small smile forming on his lips.
“you must like my company a little if my presence was enough of a payment before now,” you replied as you leant your elbow on the tea, resting your chin in your palm.
“i guess you’re okay,” he said simply. “what do you need help with.”
“listen, i tried to read act 2, but i was at a loss,” you stated. “oh, and i forgot my book.”
“you’re an idiot,” levi mumbled, shaking his head. “c’mere.” your eyes widened, but you complied, getting up from your seat across from him. as you made your way around the table, he grabbed the back of the chair next to his and pulled it out for you. you thanked him and took a seat, in which he replied with a simple “mm-hm.”
“take some notes. i don’t want you calling me tonight saying you’re confused,” he told you. you nodded and grabbed your pencil and notebook from across the table. levi started summarizing the text for you, and explaining the shakespearean language that constantly left you feeling perplexed. you silently listened, jotting down notes for a while before getting bored and doodling on the sides of the paper. he quickly took notice in your drawings. he glanced down, seeing an outline of an angry face, along with an arrow pointing to levi. his eyebrows furrowed when he saw the word “stinky” accompanying the face and arrow. he swiftly picked up his own pen and drew an x through your doodles, then scribbling “brat” down on the paper. you giggled and nudged his knee with yours.
“tch. you should be paying attention. we’re being quizzed on this,” levi commented, causing you to groan. you folded your arms and let your face fall forward into them.
“i didn’t even hear the professor say anything about a quiz,” you grumbled, your voice muffling against your skin.
“you didn’t hear because you’re always talking my ear off. she said there’ll be an essay, too,” he added, only making you groan once again. you relaxed slightly when you felt his hand pat the back of your head. his head pats were his quiet way of trying to comfort you. they always felt nice.
you suddenly perked up, his hand falling off your hair, in which he moved to rest it on the back of chair.
“okay, okay. let’s get serious,” you said, nodding towards his textbook.
“i’ve been serious,” levi replied blankly. he continued his little lecture, and you wondered if he realized his fingers had started toying with the ends of your hair. his touch sent chills down your spine. you started to take note in your mind of how he sometimes did those little things. those little gestures and touches. you liked them a little more than you should have. maybe you were just touch starved, or maybe they just felt good coming from him. levi wasn’t an easy guy to read, so you normally brushed those kinds of moments off. but as he droned on about some witchs’ prophecies, all you could think about was how the tips of his fingers were getting closer to the skin on your nape.
“you’re not taking notes,” levi stated the obvious, sighing and turning his head to you. “like i said, i don’t want you calling m-“
“what if i called you anyway?” you asked gingerly. his eyebrows furrowed, and the hand behind you disappeared. “like, what if I called you, but not to talk about macbeth?”
“what else is there to talk about.”
ouch. okay. now this is fucking awkward. should’ve just kept my mouth shut and let the kid keep playing with my stupid hair.
“hah, nevermind. i was just kidding. keep going,” you managed to get out, despite the feeling of an invisible hand around your neck to keep you from continuing to make an ass of yourself. you shifted your attention forward, your gaze falling down to your notebook.
“um, yeah. you can call me,” levi spoke, his normally uninterested tone sounding off. there was the tiniest hint of....desperation? tenseness? it went unnoticed by you.
“no, it’s okay. i don’t wanna bother you more than I have,” you replied. i need to get out of here. “i actually gotta go. i told my, um, roommate i’d help them with something.” you swiftly stood up, reaching out to gather your things, when levi’s hand was suddenly grasping your wrist.
“i...want you to call me,” he said, his volume low and his gaze shifting around, appearing to be quite nervous. you froze, and his grip on your wrist began to loosen before letting it drop. you nod slowly, pushing your head downwards to hide the embarassing blush creeping on your cheeks.
later that night, you were left alone, as your roommate was out with their friends or participating in a study group almost every night. you were sat at your desk, drumming a pencil and fidgeting around nervously, wondering if you should call levi. the phone works two ways, and you always seemed to be the one making the effort to hang out or talk to him.
what if he thinks i’m desperate?
you sighed and swallowed your pride. you pulled out the headphones from your ears that were playing loud music and found yourself staring at his contact in your phone.
knock knock. knock.
your head snapped in the direction of the noise coming from outside your door.
“hey, brat. let me in.”
you froze, your mouth dropping. you sat there for a few moments, debating whether or not you should pretend you went to bed.
knock. knock.
you took a deep breath and stood, making your way to the door and cracking it open. you saw levi with his usual stoic expression. before you could even say a word, he raised his hand, pushing the door open and walking past you. he stopped in the middle of the room, his gray eyes scanning the area.
“i’m assuming this is your side,” levi said simply, pointing to your side of the room. you felt embarrassed when you realized your bed was unmade and a plushy was propped up against your pillow.
“hah. uh, yeah,” you replied. the nerves in your voice and laugh were evident. you crept to your desk, wanting to hide anymore embarrassing evidence. you quickly found a cringey picture frame of you and a friend from your hometown, your hand grasping it and gently placing it facedown.
“what brings you to my dorm?” you wondered, taking a seat in the desk chair to hide your shaking legs. unfortunately for you, your shifty actions only grabbed his attention, and your question went ignored. levi strolled to your desk and pressed his hand on the wooden top, leaning nonchalantly. he reached out for the picture frame you were desperate to hide, and picked it up. you looked up at him as he observed it with a small smirk.
“tch. cute,” he commented before propping the frame back on the desk. you hurriedly slammed it facedown again, mumbling a sheepish ‘thanks.’ you continued to stare up at him as his eyes looked over your desk. his attention turned to you, his eyes falling onto your pink-tinted features.
“want some tea?” you offered.
some time later, you and levi found yourselves lounging on opposite sides of your bed, both sitting with legs criss crossed. he held a large tea cup, sipping quietly at his second drink as you let him in on some gossip about your roommate’s friend’s cousin. you don’t even know how you got to this point, but after offering him a drink and busying yourself, your nerves simmered. it felt a lot more comfortable after that.
“and then they said that she said that he got caught sexting not one, not two... but twelve other girls. then his girlfriend tried to burn his house down. and now she’s in prison for attempted arson,” you finished. levi lowered his cup after taking a long sip, and continued to stare with a blank expression. but despite his bored appearance, he was rather invested in this story.
“that’s rough,” he commented.
“i know right?” you replied as you picked up your phone. you clicked to see the time. “jeez, it’s already midnight.”
“tch, is that your way of kicking me out?” levi asked, smiling ever so lightly.
“unfortunately, yeah. i have an 8am class tomorrow,” you said, putting a little pout on your lip. “we should do this again, though. feels nice to just hang out with someone.”
“isn’t that what we’ve been doing in the library?” he questioned.
“i don’t count me making you help me with shakespeare as hanging out,” you explained.
“that’s fair.” he shrugged.
“also, this is the first time you initiated being around me,” you boasted, feeling pretty satisfied with yourself. “that means you think i’m fun.”
“i never said that.”
“well, you being here says otherwise. sooo...”
“whatever, brat.”
levi stood from his spot on the end of your bed, handing you his empty cup. you stood as well, following him to the door.
“i guess you’re okay,” he offered. “this was okay.”
“that translates to, omg y/n is the best, they’re sooo much fun,” you teased, nudging your elbow against his. “anyways, i guess i’ll see you in class on wednesday.”
“i guess you will,” he replied plainly, raising his hand to touch a strand of your hair, putting you in a state of shock. your mouth gaped slightly as you studied him curiously. after a few moments of silence, levi abruptly started leaning forward, your eyes widening. before you could react, his lips were against yours.
is this actually happening? you wondered. oh, my god it’s actually happening. this is real.
it took you no time to respond to the kiss, your eyes quickly fluttering shut. you hadnt been kissed a long time, and you remembered first kisses always being a little awkward as you both had to adjust to the way the other’s lips moved. but there was no awkwardness. there was no needing to adjust; it was perfect.
his movements were surprisingly fast and needy, his hands moving to hold your jaw as both of your quiet, desperate noises were swallowed. your hands came up to grip his neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. you could feel little tingles everywhere he touched you, and a knot starting to form low in your stomach. you felt his tongue slip into your mouth as he moved his hands down to hold your waist, arching your back slightly. levi started to redirect you, pushing your back against the door, causing a loud thud against the wood.
“y/n? what was that?” a voice from the other side of the door called. your eyes flew open, seeing his steel eyes already looking back at you.
“shit!” you hissed. “my roommate.” you pulled your face away and took a deep breath, your hands still holding levi’s neck, and his still gripping your waist. you gazed at him for a moment, admiring his features. you hurriedly leaned in again, giving him one final, quick kiss.
“sorry! hold on!” you finally responded to your roommate as they started turning the doorknob. the two of you let one another go, quietly stepping away from the door that started to open.
“you won’t believe the night i-“ your roommate started, but freezing once they saw levi. their mouth dropped open and they glanced at you, shocked.
“sorry, he was just leaving,” you said, rushing to push levi through the open door. you followed him out, closing the door behind you. you sighed loudly.
“i’m sorry about that,” you told him quietly. he shrugged and slid his hands into his pockets. “i knew you liked me.”
“you’re okay,” levi replied, his eyes holding a warmth you had never seen from him before. “i’ll see you on wednesday.”
“yeah, yeah, see you wednesday,” you said, grinning as he turned around, making his way down the hallway.
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Distance Makes the Heart Grow
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Mafia Boss!Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: (Y/n) lives a normal life. But that’s the issue, it’s normal, it’s plain, and it’s growing boring. Everyday she wishes for something, anything to spice up her life. But, when her old school friend (and crush) shows up at her bakery with a new look (and what looks like a new life), what will it bring for her? Will their puppy love grow? Will his big secret lead to the end of them or will it spark a new beginning?
Warnings: None for this chapter!
A/N: Nothing major happens in this chapter, this is sorta just like the beginning stages.
(Y/n) let out a load groan, hand searching aimlessly for the alarm clock on her side table. “Where is it?!” she continued to slap her hand around on her table, many objects falling to the floor before her hand finally landed on the right one, the rooster noises ceasing as her hand collided with the big snooze button. She rolled over, sighing as she stared at her speckled ceiling. “Perhaps I really should take the time to learn how to use the alarm on my phone.” it wasn’t that she was bad with technology persay. It’s just if it was produced after the year of 2008 you could forget it. Could you really blame her though? During all her years at Hogwarts, she had never made the switch her fellow classmates made with modern technology. Sure she had a smart phone but the only thing she could manage to do with it is call, text, and make notes in the notes app (something she had just recently learned as well).
Unwillingly, she crawled out of bed, stretching as she let out a large yawn, bones snapping and cracking like a New Year’s firework. She made her way to the bathroom, looking into the same mirror she always did, watching the light in the center flicker the same way as always. Life for (Y/n) was seemingly unchanging. Day after day, month after month, was spent exactly the same. She’d wake up, get ready for work, and then travel a few blocks down the street to open the bakery. Her bakery.
It wasn’t that (Y/n) didn’t enjoy what she did. She happened to enjoy her job very much. All her friends at Hogwart’s had encouraged her, giving her the push she need to travel the journey of opening her own business. It was something she had always wanted to do but her parents begged her not to. In their words they didn’t want ‘an over zealous and unrealistic’ daughter on ther hands. However, their rude words simply were fuel to the fire. During her 5th year, she began to busk tables at various shops in Hogsmeade. It was hard work, balancing long shifts at 3 different shops and still maintaining decent scores in each class. But, she knew if she couldn’t handle that then there was no way she’d be able to handle running a bakery. So day in and day out she’d work, and work, and work and by the end of her 7th year she had a decent amount of money saved up! 
The first issue had been finding a place in a good area that would gain traction and attention while the second one was finding someone willing to sell to someone fresh out of school with no prior business experience. She’d spoken to many people in various different places, some good, and some bad before she finally had been blessed with the chance of meeting Mary and her wife Denise. It was a miracle really. (Y/n) was short on the money, exponentially so however, Mary had sold to her anyways. She said she saw a passion in the girl that she hadn’t seen for a very long time and that it was something she wanted to help foster considering she had had her time to live her dreams and explore passions of her own. So with that, a handshape was exchanged for a beat up envolope filled with the entirety of the girl’s life savings. She had invested every nickel and dime she had ever earned into the place and she prayed it wouldn’t blow up in her face.
Which brought her to where she was today: a proud owner of a highly successful business. And of course, with great business comes a nice chunk of money which caught her parents’ attention. They had began to call her everyday but when that they didn’t work, they showed up at her shop unannounced. At first, she had felt warm inside. Her usual cold and distant parents had come to visit her! However, when they started crunching out numbers and percentages, that short lived happiness was replaced by irritation in which she quickly kicked them out, placing a charm on the building that when they’d attempt to enter (if they really, truly, had the balls to come back), their bodies would be flung right back onto the sidewalk into the heaping piles of trash on the city side walks. Now, (Y/n) was by no means wealthy, but she made a nice amount of money to be engaging in something she enjoyed so heavily, which is why she was confused where they had gotten the idea she had money to share with the main two people who were the cause of her insecurities. Plus, every extra dollar she had she put right back into the shop. Paying her workers, building maintenance, ingredients. She wasn’t a fan of having too much money, her family had shown her what that could cause (and how easily you could lose it all). 
Yet still sometimes she found herself wishing she could live the lavish lifestyle her parents once did. She mainly dreamed more so of the more engaging parts instead of the status and power that came with it. As she frosted various different cakes with thick buttercream, her mind would wonder to vivid imagery of beautiful hotel rooms, with breath taking views. Michelin five star meals, coated in delicious cream sauces. Endless adventure waiting to be discovered.
And yet here she was, sitting at a table as she stuffed her face with a raspberry marzipan cupcake. It was a Wednesday, first one of the month and as per usual, her and Twyla were set together, sampling cakes, chocolates, and other treats for the upcoming days. Wednesday had been the official day  they had chosen due to the slowed flow of people that would come in. (Y/n) liked to have a different theme each day of the week. The customers lived for it and she had massed a group of frequenters who came each day, wondering what the theme would be that day.
“You know boss, I’ve gotta say it. Working here and sampling all these cakes with you is giving me quite the ass!” Twyla said, turning around as she wiggled her ass in the girl’s face for emphasis. (Y/n) giggled, rolling her eyes as she swatted at the girl, missing as she jumped away from her last minute. “Hey! You gotta take me out to dinner first for that.”
“Just because we’re sampling cakes doesn’t mean that the store is closed! Anyone could walk in at any moment and would you really want that to be their first experience here?” she asked, eyes scanning the silver platter in front of them. She decided on the new dessert flavored chocolates she had been working on. Popping it into her mouth, she let out a moan of approval.
“I mean, I dont’ see why not! We’d definitely make a lot more money with a cake like mine!” the blue haired girl said, sitting down as she grabbed a chocolate as well. “Besides, I don’t think those little noises you’re making would help the scene.” she stated, snickering as the girl across from her tensed up.
“It-it’s not like that! The chocolate- it just- I just- ugh!” she stuttered out, huffing as she crossed her arms over her chest, pouting at the girl. “If you’re gonna keep being mean we can end this process. Just tell me what you think of the blueberry pie chocolate so I can know if we’re adding it to tomorrow’s spread.”
“Oh come on (Y/n) it’s good! Every first Wednesday we sit here, you overly critique yourself, then me and Tiana end up picking out our favorites for the next day!” Twyla was right, even their patterns for trying new things remained the same. (Y/n) wiped her messy hand on her aprons, sighing as she stood up to go back to her position behind the counter. Her employee followed, grabbing the platter to put back into the kitchen before joining her boss behind the counter.
“You’re right. I swear everyday is beginning to feel the same.” She opened her notepad, beginning to take inventory of the sweets they had in the display counter. “I’m grateful for everything I have, I really am. But sometimes I just wish I could have something, anything….”
“New?” the green eyed girl added, catching the (h/c) haired girl’s attention. She nodded, looking at the girl who had snuck a cookie out of the glass case. “I feel ya, girl. Everyday feels the same. Sometimes even when new people come in, I can already tell how they’re going to be. How they’ll act, what they’ll order, what method of payment they’ll use.” (Y/n) eyed the girl up, raising a brow.
“Are you sure you’re not just using legilimens?” she questioned, watching as the girl shifted on her feet, scratching the back of her neck.
“Okay so maybe I do sometimes. But a lot of the times I don’t! Like the other day this weird guy came in and- woah. (Y/n) I don’t wanna freak you out but I have a feeling those hotties in suits across the street are going to be walking in here soon.” Twyla said, in an uncharacteristically quiet tone. The shorter girl followed her friend’s gaze, looking out the glass doors across the street. Three unfamiliar men were crossing over, all in suits that she could only assume cost as much as four months of rent. However, the one in the middle really caught her eye.
Before she knew it, the bell chimed and the three of them made their way in. They looked very out of place in the brightly decorated shop. The one in the middle looked the most important, towering over the other two men. He had dark slicked back hair, an eyebrow piercing, and tattoos that were visible on his neck and hands (which had a few beautiful looking rings on them (none of which were a wedding band…)), yet his hazel eyes held a soft look to them. To his left was a redhead boy, freckles danced all along his face. His eyes were bloodshot from god knows what. He had tattoos as well (not as many as the middle man) and a few unique ear piercings. The guy to the hot tall guy’s right was attractive too but not nearly as serious looking as the other two. In fact, he was humming a song under his breath, a smile causing the tattoo on the right side of his face to crease. 
As she went to open her mouth to greet them, the man in the middle eye’s grew wide, his mouth gaping as he stared at her. He walked closer, examining her face closely which caused her to grow confused.
“I’m...I’m sorry. Do I know you?” she asked.
“(Y/n)?” she gasped at the sound of the familiar voice, her notepad and pen dropping from her hands. She made her way around the counter, staring up at the tall man.
TAGSLIST: @vayeya11 @pink-hufflepuff @clancyscookies @beewitchedlou @nevillelongbottomsgirlfriend @redpanda-poetry @vibingaesthetically
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Part 3!! Of rereading Lore Olympus. Episodes 21-30
⚠️Content Warning! This review contains the episode arc of Wolf in the Hen house, an arc ahout SA⚠️
So it seems to be better to post 10 at a time so that's what I'm gonna do, I'll try to post em daily since I usually read like 20 at a time but who knows.
Ep 21
Hermes lets gooo
Look naked persephone just in case you forgot that shes gorgeous
“Demeter sends her a lot of letters” didnt they not live near each other if not together what
Why does apollo introduce himself like that- oh i know bc rachel cant organically make someone bad shes gotta kinda force it /lh
Apollo is being a dick just let her talk like interrupting is a dick move and what he said obv
“Let me help you” “no thanks” yeah i mean she doesnt need help
Plus youre being a dick like
Ep 22
“Hes my brother” i dont care shes uncomfortable
Quick apollo make a comment about your sisters body so we know how much of a dick you are
Also why does she slip with the knife we dont see her and then ope she has a cut i feel like it couldve been done better
“Alot of blood” did you stab yourself wtf
I know they are gods but shes also the goddess of the hunt she should have stuff lying around for her or maybe animals
See the thing with apollo is he doesnt ask to do anything he just assumes its fine which is one thing but it feels like rachel hammers home the point so violently
“ let me help you!” use ur words king
“I dont have great control of my moods” get a therapist bestie
Also he has no reason to be overprotective he just met her what is it with men and becoming immediately attached to persephone
Cause shes so gorgeous and sweet and naive or whatever
which i think we should discuss the portrayal of her being naive and how it is a part of p*dophilic culture
Ep 23
Haha! I know you dont like this man so i will joke about it
Why is one eye golden bc he used his powers or
Stop grabbing her she just forgave you
Ur so uncomfortable around this man so none of us will pay any attention to you guys together
Are they watching carrie
Why. honestly just why
Ep 24
Hey uh just tw for sexual assault bc its that epsiode
“What time is it” “i came to see you” thats not an answer
Once again the he doesnt ask he just does
“Youve been flirting with me all day” has? She?
Like its gross and apollo is in the wrong but can we ask why we needed to see it, even part of it. Thats so intense
And also, how does it help the story. Genuinely. Did Rachel just do this bc persephone needed to explore her darker side i find it uncomfortable
She handles the topic fine but why was it necessary, i know its smth that happens but it feels so. forced into the story
I guess to get her out of the maidenhood thing but wouldnt it have been so nice to watch her make the decision on her own as a form of growth
Im glad we stop having to see it
I know why the pictures are used later but right now, why does he take pictures
Also its so weird that hes like “keep it between you and me” there isnt any reason for that other than like. Hes bad
Ep 25
Why did his name change for Aidoneus to Hades i dont know the stories that well
The shiny rocks are nice i wish we got to see his connections to gems more
I wish the titans looked more diff than the gods i know they are related but it would be cool
Why did Gaia say that he would destroy them
Vore :/
Glad hades has a therapist
Ep 26
i do like the fact that this episode is a call its nice
Omg they said the title
“Im the king of the underworld” ok and?? Anyone could tell shes crying
I like the small talk i know it doesnt move the story but its realistic
Hades hears her crying and is like. Im gonna bully you for it
Yeah its teasing and its cute if she wasnt already sad yknow
“Persephone why did you stop talking? I just completely called you out while you are upset”
Ep 27
Why was he in the mortal realm with minthe im curious
“It was different” rachel then retcons that and says it was a one time thing
It does sound like hes making fun of her
Her face and hermes proportions in that one panel oml
“I dont like talking about it” is a valid response persephone hades doesnt make you speak you just are very vocal
“The balance of power should always be in my favor” thank you rachel for showing why it is an unhealthy relationship
“I owe you question” never. Brought up again
Ep 28
“You dont get personal boundaries do you?” neither do you tf
Why do demeter and hades not like each other other than plot
“Working with someone doesnt mean youre compatible” works with minthe(and later works with persephone)
Why was demeter so intense to make her join maidenhood i know to protect her but like if she kept her with her she could be protected too right
Aw they fell asleep on the phone together
How did their phones not die tho
Ep 29
Oh wait look we see one dog that isnt the main three lets go
And hes wearing glasses its actually nice to be wrong
Artemis’ bangs are not long enough to pull into a bun oml
Ill say it: i hate how rachel portrayed zeus and heras marriage. Like they love each other and there couldve been a better way to do this then them arguing all the time
I know ive said it plenty of times but the lack of color consistency is annoying same goes for body types
So if he commands someone they have to do it or
Shes right tho he does whatever he wants
Hebe is cute
I do like how hera dresses
Ep 30
Hebe is so smart but like why let her be 8
Also let me see the other kids who is her sister that she is getting out of bed
“How about a test!” thats a terrible idea
New outfit!
“Persephone has big boobs” we know shes like supposed to be perfect or whatever
Imagine stopping aging at 19 gross also how does their aging work
“ i think ur depressed bc u arent challenged” hera. Stfu up
Also you cant say job and then have her be an intern
Also i know its just so they can be close to each other but god its so dumb
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