#plus i believe that man is too socially awkward to flirt
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dakogutin · 11 months ago
the way i see them handle jealousy is very particular. remus doesnt strike me as someone who will respond with fire(slut era).he will take it bad. his pisces ass will immediately receive it as an attack on his self-esteem. he is a victim here. how dare sirius black not see how much flirting/dating other people is hurting him? but then he will think ofc sirius wont notice. remus has crippling self-esteem already, he will think he deserves this treatment. hes going to silently cry and be emo and not do anything about it until sirius notices how sad he is.
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a-little-ray-of-fantasy · 1 year ago
CherriSnake, as a couple, most likely wasn't in the plans, if you only saw the pilot, but honestly, I personally really enjoyed their dynamic in the show, regardless.
There's a reason why people shipped Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious all these years: rivals to lovers is always a win. Plus, the confident, spunky powerhouse and the battle oriented, dorky edgelord? It really made sense!
So let's talk about them in the series proper!
Cherri Bomb was never against the idea of dating Sir Pentious. Maybe unimpressed by his awkward attempts, but never really rebuffed them.
If anything she kinda pokes fun at him for trying so hard with her: you say you're my arch nemesis, but then you try to flirt with me?
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What, YOU want to make sex with me? Care to explain why?
They've been rivals for years by now, Cherri KNOWS Pentious tends to put up a front to impress, and most likely would've given him a chance if he had the confidence to be true about his intentions.
Sadly, this is Sir Pentious we're talking about: a very insecure man who struggles with socializing and pleasing others. So he blunders his own attempts at flirting to avoid being rejected by buying everyone drinks or wanting to have sex with everyone.
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Speaking of that, Sir Pentious, of all people, wanting to have sex? It's really not him, it's not something he'd do under normal circumstances, but he's drunk, all his previous attempts have failed, so he might as well be bold. But even then you can tell by the way he says "Do a sex with me." that he has NO idea what he's talking about.
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And she's quick to call him out. Again, not with annoyance but with humor.
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Sir Pentious was completely out of his element here, and, being the insecure man he is, instead of going with his strengths (which we're going to talk about in a minute), he went for what HE believed Cherri wanted, and he payed the price: she wasn't impressed, he lost his chance.
Also, I totally believe that the reason behind his struggles to come to terms with his crush is also linked to the fact that... he's a man of science, war and machines! He just can't get a crush, it doesn't work like that! So of course he'd try to mask it!
Of course he engages with Cherri Bomb: she's his arch nemesis! Nothing more! He would never buy drinks for her specifically! ...except nobody will ever buy his lie, and he wouldn't notice how obvious he is.
Next time, we see Pentious trying, and fail once again, to confess to Cherri, but something has changed. He talked to Charlie about it. And while we don't see WHAT they've said to each other, we know for a fact that Charlie totally encouraged him to be himself and confess his feelings.
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Heck, if you watch closely, Vaggie even puts a hand on Pentious' own as if to wish him good luck! She's really come to trust him, aw!
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And this time, while Sir Pentious still is too nervous to fully confess his feelings, he still goes about it by actually sticking to his strengths, the reason why he fell for Cherri in the first place.
Sir Pentious is an inventor, a warrior, he works with machines. He has engaged in turf wars against Cherri for years and by now he knows her: she's destructive, unpredictable, and unstoppable. She most likely often beat him too, but both gave their all in the battle. And Sir Pentious definitely was impressed by that.
He's not blind, of course he finds Cherri pretty (and let's face it, she is!). But that's the reason he fell for her, something on his league he could recognize and actively engage in: her prowess in battle, her creativity with her explosives, and her determination. And he fully told her that, with clear admiration in his voice.
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And this time, Cherri, while still a bit confused on how he's still being awkward about it, this time shows a positive response: she thanks him, she smiles, she genuinely appreciates his compliments.
Reminder that Cherri is much more upfront about, uhm, going out with people. She has slept around, did quick things, and if lore is still the same for her, her love life wasn't a happy one. She's used to have people wanting her for her body, or having surface level attraction to her.
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But this is her long time rival, the one man she often faced in turf wars, the edgelord who always put up a front of a grandiose villain when he really was an awkward nerd from the Victorian times that was easy to rattle. And maybe she didn't develop feelings for him the same way he did for her, but it's clear she never held animosity against him. She does care for this lovable loser, deep down, so his compliments are genuinely appreciated.
So when the battle begins, and Adam has started showing the big guns, Sir Pentious gives a quick glance at his blimp, knowing what has to be done, and with the feeling there's a high chance he won't make it.
And so he does the one thing he's always been afraid to do. It's now or never: if he has to go down, he shall do it with no regrets. To heck with fears and insecurities: he loves Cherri, and this time he will show it the way he knows how.
An awkward but completely sweet kiss in the middle of the battle, as her bomb goes off in the background. A gesture that REALLY represents their bond.
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Sadly it's short lived. Sir Pentious finally declares his love and runs away to save the day, but still emotional about what happened: the only request he has for her before the deed is simply to remember him.
And I'm positive Cherri will definitely remember this. Him, the kiss, the battle. Everything.
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alister312 · 2 years ago
gregstophe for the shipping meme!
hi!! i. went a bit overboard for this.
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buckle up for long ass explanations
First: the levels!
I think Gregory is normal levels of horny. Like, he can certainly get into it and he hints and flirts from time to time, but he’s not insane about it. Christophe, on the other hand, seems like he hates flirting and sex talk most of the time but the moment he stops repressing himself (hurray religion trauma)... he is SO horny it’s insane. That man fucks and he makes sure Gregory is VERY aware of that.
The two of them aren’t really awkward at all. So much of what makes them good is how incredibly comfortable they are with one another. Christophe is a bit more awkward because he can get too in his own head, holding himself back, but Gregory is one of, if not the only person he can relax around.
Lastly, jealousy. I think Christophe can get sort of jealous but he’s watched Gregory get hit on and date people from the sidelines for so long that he’s grown a bit numb to it. He will still snap at people who try to get too close. Gregory, on the other hand, is very unused to Christophe interacting much with anyone else. So if Christophe ever acts a little flirty (or someone else acts like that to Christophe and he doesn’t shut them down), it throws Gregory for a loop and he gets huffy about it.
Spooning: I really like the headcanon of Christophe not much liking being touched (whether mercenary work physical PTSD or upbringing trauma making him believe he doesn’t deserve loving touch). So he will not allow himself to be little spooned, but he does love doing the touching. Christophe growing up with a giraffe plushie is such a good soft headcanon I also love, and now he has Gregory. Gregory is his new giraffe plushie. Plus, he can make sure that Gregory is close and he can keep him safe. Gregory doesn’t care one way or the other in general but he does love that Christophe loves nuzzling him. He likes to be pampered.
Clothes: Gregory would never ever lend out his clothes to Christophe. That is a guaranteed way to have his clothes stretched and sullied, and that sounds like a nightmare to him. Christophe can’t be trusted with nice clothes. However, Christophe doesn’t often buy new clothes so everything he has is very soft and well worn-in. They don’t fit Gregory but he still wears them from time to time. Christophe doesn’t lend the clothes to Gregory, he just will notice Gregory is wearing a shirt of his to sleep and not stop him.
Pet Names: I’ve spoken before on my thoughts of them and pet names, but to sum it up, Gregory usually uses nothing but pet names with Christophe (love, darling, dear, Mole). They’re not affectionate though-- it’s his way of keeping his distance. Using Christophe’s real name (outside of official business introductions) is such a meaningful thing for him, which is why in Just Business, Gregory only ever calls Christophe “Mole” to his face (until he falls in love with him, then he switches). I think Christophe only has one pet name for Gregory (mon cher/chéri) and he uses it pretty often! Only when they’re alone though.
Introvert/Extrovert: Gregory loves people-- talking to them, learning from them, teaching them, anything really. Christophe’s people-tolerance usually ranges from 2 to 0. It’s fine, as long as Christophe comes across as quiet and reserved instead of extremely annoyed with everything and everyone whenever Gregory drags him somewhere. He does not often drag him places though, he gets that his partner doesn’t have the same high class social butterfly upbringing he did.
Affection/Confession: Combining these two. They are BOTH such the type to have “Acts of Service” as their number one love language. It makes for a lot of miscommunication because what is an act of service to one might not always be perceived as such by the other. This is why they both take forever to confess. Neither is very great at saying things outright and out loud. They keep trying to do things and hope the other just simply gets it someday. If anyone cracks first in actually speaking their mind, though, it’s Gregory. Christophe could quietly pine for lifetimes. Gregory can’t last that long.
Bugs: They both are more of an act first kind of vibe when it comes to bugs. Gregory might hesitate, especially if he’s wearing nice shoes or, God forbid, barefoot when he sees the bug. Christophe just kills the damn thing with whatever’s handiest. No need to over-complicate a situation.
Driving: Gregory is a very good and precise driver. He’s mostly only ever had nice cars, so he learned to be very cautious. He doesn’t drive below the speed limit or anything like that, but he’s very aware of the road and his surroundings. Very good at keeping alert and having a level head, minimal road rage. I imagine he’s the main driver for their cross-country mercenary jobs. Christophe takes SO many risks. He will drive into oncoming traffic if he deems the person in front of him too slow. The car tips when he turns because he does it so suddenly and fast. Yellow light means “speed up” to him. This means he could be a good get away driver but Gregory has a heart attack every time he rides with Christophe.
Cooking: I think Gregory really likes the idea of cooking and he does love good food, but he’s a rich kid and British. He cannot be trusted in a kitchen except with basic stuff. Christophe, on the other hand, taught himself all sorts of things so he could be independent from his mother as soon as possible. He’s a wonderful chef, though he often takes a very long time to make anything. They tend to eat out a lot because of this.
PDA: Honestly I think neither is very into the idea of PDA, however they both LOVE to tease the other using it. Gregory cooing at Christophe to get a rise out of him and show his aggression off, Christophe slapping Gregory’s ass during a mission and embarrass him in front of a hostage... they operate on “Would it be funny right now if I did something to him” and decide from there on whether or not they want to do PDA.
Protective: Going with the idea of them being mercenaries, most of their waking hours are spent actively protecting each other or making sure the other is alright. I think Gregory trusts that Christophe can handle himself very well and so is more likely to stand back (but he always has a med kit at the ready). Christophe has no idea what he’d do with himself if he lost Gregory, though, and so would do anything to keep him safe. Their both suffer from being goddamn martyrs about everything, especially each other.
Relationships: Gregory had a lot of small flings throughout his life. Up until Christophe, he didn’t put much weight into dating. Sure, he genuinely liked every one of his partners, but he was the type to date for fun, not for forever. People would ask him out and if Gregory enjoyed their company, he would say yes and see where things led. If it was only a month, oh well. If it was longer, fantastic. He just liked having an excuse to dote and go to events that required couples. Christophe never had actual dating experience, but he had various hookups and some FWBs (maybe 1 or 2) throughout his life. Didn’t really like letting anyone get much closer. Also I think he starting pining for Gregory rather early in life and so never wanted to put anyone much before him.
And since I’ve already got you readying this far, I’d just like to briefly say that I did a ship meme at another point for them and had a slightly different birthday for Christophe. However, I’ve changed it, because I know he’s an Earth sign, which my mind defaulted to Taurus. After giving it more thought, I’ve decided that actually he’s more of a Capricorn. I did a full astro birthchart for both him and Gregory over on cafeastrology. If you’d like to read them, what I entered for Gregory was the birthday of August 8, 1998 at 1am in London, England. For Christophe, it’s a birthday of December 31, 1999 at 11am in Cannes, Frances. This makes Gregory a Leo sun, Gemini rising, and Aquarius moon. Christophe is a Capricorn sun, Pisces rising, and Scorpio moon. It’s not exactly exactly what I want it to be for both of them but most of it is pretty damn close. Also I knew I wanted Gregory to be older so I chose a birthday for Christophe in 1999 since that’s when the movie came out. As for birth locations, those are my headcanon hometowns for them.
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chemicalpink · 4 years ago
If it’s alright with you could you do an astrology post about how bts would flirt with a person they were attracted to?
So.. god I really hate disclaimers because I like to believe that we are all reasoning people, plus there’s a general disclaimer on my page BUT I know for a fact that people don’t read that (those same people won’t read this one anyway).
Disclaimer: This analysis/reading is based on my experience and knowledge of astrology, it is not meant to be the absolute truth, as BTS are real people, and astrology can only capture so much about multidimensional humans that have had past experiences and cultural approaches amongst other things, it does not have to resonate with you since this is in no way related to anyone reading it (unless you are a member of BTS in which case, get out of here lol ) This is just for entertainment purposes.
OKAY NOW THAT THAT’S OVER by default, Venus and Mars could give us an insight into their love styles, but I’ve already got reading about those here, here, and here 
We are going to use those BUT I’ll focus on their EROS (if you want me to do actual research and post a full love life analysis for each member, let me know in my ask)
Kim Seokjin ʕっ˘ڡ˘ςʔ
I feel like a dad joke to tune into the other person’s humor is his way to go.
His Eros in Scorpio points to someone blunt in his approach, so something along the lines of overly flirting pick-up lines.
His Cancer Mars points to his overall romantic self so if Kim Seokjin is flirting with you prepare to live a drama scene where you feel like the only person in the world.
His Capricorn Venus reinforces the fact that this man is straightforward when flirting, and is very VERY selective as to who they approach.
So all in all, these three placements tell me that Kim Seokjin is a man that loves the fact that people are so multidimensional and he is here for it! he wants to know everything about the person he decided to approach because this man’s standards are over the top and he knows it. 
There's a lot of talking involved while getting to know each other, although he drops facts about himself here and there along with some funny storytimes, he will make it all about you.
A gentleman at his finest, drop you by your house, make sure you’re not cold, that you’re enjoying your food, that you’re comfortable.
This man’s way into your heart is ultimately his actions + his humor.
Min Yoongi  /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
He’s... silent. Kinda shy, okay very shy, unless you gave off a great vibe, you’re not getting past awkward introductions and anxious small talk.
If you make it past introductions(because let’s be real, this man’s standards? impossible to fulfill), you’re in for a ride.
His Eros in Capricorn makes him crave to connect in a physical sense, even if it’s just hand-holding during dates, funny enough, this placement is the hardest one to make him open up so.. he’s not talking much about himself.
EVEN FUNNIER his Aries Venus points to someone bold and confident, which I can totally see him doing, the first move if he sees someone that plays into his idea of perfection.
Idk why it just strikes me as he knows what he wants from people, he’s not afraid of a challenge and chase, and his boldness as well as need for physical touch, makes him a great candidate for a fun short term, especially since his Eros signals that he pretty much values work more than love life.
Yoongi is... very much handled by his ego self, so he might be aloof at times, it has to do with his terrible high standards, a somewhat fear of intimacy and love for his work that keeps him from any type of social life (because he values work too much), but this man is also very romantic, and a great listener, as it is told by his Cancer Mars.
It’s all a matter of getting through his hard skin to get to the mushy Yoongi he doesn’t let many people experience.
Jung Hoseok ʕ♡˙ᴥ˙♡ʔ
This man loves a challenge, the thrill of the chase, not very healthy if you ask me but hey, you do you.
Playing hard to get will most certainly interest him. As well as letting him help you so he can “save the day”. This is all according to his Aries Eros. 
True to his Eros, his Aquarius Mars makes him be the biggest fan of flirting, and he obviously succeeds, thanks to his huge charisma and wittiness. 
LISTEN- THIS MAN as oblivious to affection as he is, can flirt with a whole group of people at once.
Free-spirited and quick-witted people are his cup of tea since it makes it easier for him to keep the flirting flow going.
I know I’ve said it many times before in this post, ISN’T IT FUNNY his Pisces Venus points to him being shy and awkward but cute, which I think pretty much describes Hobi, minus the shy.
So all in all, Hoseok flirting magnet, he is all smiles and will fill your heart with cute stuff and funny things, also, KING of not giving off mixed signals, he doesn’t even have to say a word, he flirts with his whole body.
KIM NAMJOON “φʕ•ᴥ•oʔ
THIS MAN BEING AN EROS IN LIBRA MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. He has a more traditional sophisticated way of flirting, kinda like courting.
It also makes him very giving, up until the relationship is off-balanced, then things end, so yeah, he likes to give, but he also likes to receive just as much. 
Also, very much into intelligent refined people. 
Just like Yoongi and Jin, he has a Cancer Mars, which only heightens his leaning towards traditional love and courting.
He will be devoted even when flirting, wanting to know everything about the other person, even on the first date, just- very very soft Joonie.
Lowkey, as poised as he is, his Scorpio Venus will give everyone a run for their money on terms of flirting. This man knows whats he's doing and how much he affects the person he is flirting with.
He’s just- so used to flirting and connecting with people that he doesn’t have an outcome in mind, just finds flirting fun and exciting.
Basically, Namjoon is a man that knows what he wants and how to get it, but flirting stages are just so common to him, he does it out of boredness, not that he doesn’t want to connect with people, quite the contrary, he finds people so amazing, it’s just- flirting doesn’t have an endgame for him.
Might I dare to go as far as to say, Kim Namjoon might end up in a relationship by accident just because he didn’t know when to end his constant flirting. 
PARK JIMIN  •᷄ɞ•᷅ 
His Eros in Pisces makes him one of the more emotionally passionate of the bunch, to an unhealthy state, in which he may manipulate himself in order to satisfy the other person. 
There’s a lot of thought going into dates, small gifts “because they reminded me of you” and a lot of cute stuff. Very Very passionate.
He has a Scorpio Mars, so as much as he is passion-driven and very much into cute stuff, and believing that he should 100% merge with the other person, he knows what he’s doing when he flirts.
Different from Namjoon, Jimin doesn’t just flirt for funsies, he entertains the idea of love when flirting, future plans, meeting the parents, he can just see it all.
AND he also has a Scorpio Venus so he is definitely aware of all his flirting and how he affects the other person, especially since there’s a lot of sex appeal going into it.
Not so much a mystery himself, but he tries to be the perfect fit for all. Which might ultimately hide behind this perfect partner facade. 
This man doesn’t just end up in a relationship by accident, this man falls in love on accident.
We’ve got another one in love with the thrill of the chase.
Tae also has Eros in Aries, so there’s a lot of playfulness involved in flirting, from banter to playfully shoving the other person aside.
Might also be into dates where he can compete with you, like arcade, or something that he disguises as competition but he knows beforehand he’ll win.
Someone tell him it’s not healthy to crave impossible relationships, anyway, he’d love to be the shinning armor in his love story.
He has Capricorn Mars, which makes him have an honest, practical, and straightforward style of flirting.
The vibe check is real, so unless you pass it with flying colors, do not expect to be flirted with.
Although, his whole aura screams social and flirty due to his Aquarius Venus, which involves a lot of charisma and a great sense of humor. 
Just like Hobi, Tae can flirt with a bunch of people at once without even trying.
JEON JUNGKOOK  ₍ᐢ ̥ ̞ ̥ᐢ₎ ♥
Flirting for Jungkook is more of a mental game than an emotional one, according to his Eros in Gemini. 
Now listen, the nerdier, the better. But you would have to approach him first, as much as he enjoys the idea of talking to people, he doesn’t really do it that well.
Just like Jimin, he has Scorpio Mars, so in line with flirting being a mental game, he knows his game plan, his moves, he knows how people will react to them, he knows what he wants, and more importantly, how to get it.
He very obviously knows about his sex appeal and uses it as an advantage, even though at first he’s kinda awkward about it.
Much like Namjoon, he enjoys flirting so much that he doesn’t even need to have an endgame in mind. He likes to hear people talking about their passions and loves it even more if he learns a thing or to about it in the way, but his awkwardness comes through when he doesn’t really measure that most of the time when you flirt its because you’re interested in pursuing a romantic relationship.
His Libra Venus also plays the part, since it signals him being flirty and witty without even trying, just a man, his beauty, his charm, and his charisma. 
He’ll do anything possible to make you feel like you matter, even going as far as daring to hold your hand just because (which is a great pointer t know if he is really interested or just flirting bc he can)
Ultimately, his flirtation serves as a means to cheer themselves and other people up.
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auroracalisto · 4 years ago
Hi there! Love your writing and wanted to send in a quick request for a Bucky x Plus Size Reader fic. Reader is shy and socially awkward while her friend, Dottie, is seen as more attractive and social. As a result, most men notice HER rather than Reader. That is until Bucky comes along. Cue Dottie trying to flirt with him, much to reader's frustration. Would love to see a Reader, Dottie, Bucky love triangle, maybe some jealousy and pining that leads to smut?
hi!  a couple of things.  this didn’t really lead to smut but there are a couple sexual jokes/innuendos, and it might not entirely follow your request perfectly. there are also some negative comments about weight (all coming from dottie tho).  however, if you’d like me to redo it, just let me know!  sorry for taking so long, love.
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It was always something like this.  You would be left alone, much to your dismay, as Dottie goes off with yet another man.  You couldn’t stay mad at her—she was your best friend, and she meant everything to you.  And yet, it still rubbed you the wrong way when she would just leave you without a second thought.  
Sometimes, after work, the two of you were supposed to meet by the elevators, so you could go out to eat.  Days like today.  Only today, Dottie was nowhere to be seen.  
You looked around the Avengers tower, sighing.  You were just a secretary.  You weren’t allowed above the floor in which you were stationed—if you were ever promoted, that would be a different story.  So you stood, waiting by the elevators.  Pulling out your phone, you tried calling Dottie, but to no avail.  She didn’t answer. 
You groaned softly and stuffed your phone back in your pocket, crossing your arms over your chest.  
The elevator doors opened up behind you, and you moved just slightly closer to the wall to avoid getting in anyone’s way.  You looked towards the elevator, locking eyes with Steve Rogers.  He was always nice—he also always greeted you with a smile when he came in.  But standing beside him was his best friend; Bucky Barnes.  When you turned your attention to him, you couldn’t help but try to keep your cheeks from burning.  He was looking right at you.  At least, you thought he was.  The slap on your arm drew you out of your mind.  
“[Your name],” Dot said, crossing her arms over her chest.  She was gorgeous.  He had to have been staring at her.  “Come on.  We’re going to be late because of you,” she rolled her eyes.  
You wanted to counteract.  But you stayed quiet, just nodding.  
As the two of you passed by Steve and Bucky, Bucky kept his eyes on you.
Steve waited until you both were gone before he looked at his friend.  “She’s really sweet, Buck.  Go for it.”
He rolled his eyes.  “Leave me alone.”
You saw Bucky more often, and you had even started talking to him on a daily basis.  However, you also started seeing Dottie more often as well.  She was always there when Bucky was around.  You thought it was odd, seeing as Dottie worked towards one of the back rooms and Bucky was an Avenger.  You never understood why he hung around your little nook until Dot blatantly flirted with him one day.  Right in front of you. 
“You know, I’m sure that hand of yours could do wonders,” Dottie said, leaning against the counter of your station, grinning in Bucky’s direction as he handed you a coffee.  
You hadn’t even asked for it, and yet, he got one for you from the breakroom.  
You diverted your attention from the kind man to your friend, your eyes wide.  “Dot, what the hell—”
Dot rolled her eyes again.  She had been doing that a lot, lately.  She just smiled, batting her eyelashes in Bucky’s direction.  “I’ve got a pretty nice place.  You could come by, we could watch a couple—”
“—no thank you,” Bucky smiled softly.  It took everything in him not to admit that he didn’t like her in that way.  No, he liked someone else.  But he didn’t have the guts to tell her that.  Not yet, anyway.  
“What?” Dottie stared him down, keeping her smile plastered to her face.  “Why not?  Am I not skinny enough for you?  I can work on that, cutie.  It’s not a big deal.”
Oh, you thought, she’s doing this on purpose.  
It was no secret that you were a bigger girl.  And while most days, you were perfectly fine with your body, snide comments like that always made you insecure.  And Dottie did that a lot.  You wondered if that was one of the reasons you weren’t surprised she said it.  
“I promise, doll, it has nothing to do with that,” Bucky said, staring right back at her.  He was appalled that she would even think that.  It didn’t even occur to him why she would say something like that until he looked at you.  He could see how uncomfortable you were and he clenched his jaw before making eye contact with Dot again.  “You know what?”
Dottie began to smile.  “What?”
“I don’t think we’re ‘meant to be,’” he softly scoffed.  “You’re pretty, but I don’t like you like that.”
“Oh, come on,” she groaned, leaning against the counter again.  She kept her arms under her breasts, pushing them up as she talked to Bucky.  “You’ve got to be kidding.  We’d be perfect together.”
“Dot, just give it a break,” you said, getting to your feet.  “He said he doesn’t like you.”
Dottie broke her trance on Bucky, turning her full attention to you.  “I’m sorry, were you under the impression that I was talking to you?” she asked, letting out a curt laugh.  “I don’t know where you got that impression, but sweetheart, Bucky wouldn’t go for someone like you.”
“Like me?” you asked, tears stinging your eyes.  What a good friend she was. 
“Who the fuck said you know what I like?” Bucky huffed through his nose.  “Dot, leave.  Before I call security.  Hell, I’ll just take you out myself.  Don’t you ever,” he said, walking over to her, pushing her off the counter, “talk to [Your name] that.”
“What are you gonna do?” Dot leaned forward, close enough to his face that he could feel her breath on his lips.  
Bucky took a step back, glaring at the woman.  “Just go.”
Dottie stamped her heeled foot to the ground like a child before she looked right at you, once more.  You could feel the coldness radiating off her glare.  “You’re such a fucking fatass.  I was only ever friends with you because you made me look ten times hotter than I already was, bitch.”
She didn’t dare to look at Bucky, quickly rushing off before he could react.  
You bit your lip, holding back any more tears that you had.  
The man standing in front of your desk turned to face you, his anger washing into concern when he saw your tears.  
He walked around to where you were standing and he pulled you into a hug.  You welcomed it.  You couldn't believe that Dottie acted that way.  You never thought she would say something like that, but you supposed there was always a side of people that you would never see until they didn’t get what they really wanted.  
“She’s not even pretty,” Bucky said, in an attempt to comfort you.
You laughed and pulled back.  “She is, Buck.  She is.  But… but her personality is shit, isn’t it?” you asked, looking up at him. 
Bucky smiled.  “Yeah.  Shit.”
You sniffled softly and wiped your tears away.  
“You don’t have to stick around here anymore,” you softly said, moving to sit back down in your seat.
Bucky took your hand rather quickly, stopping you.  “I only ever came to talk to you.  Dot was just a… roadblock.”
You narrowed your eyes for a moment.  “A roadblock?”  While you most definitely might have had another phrase in mind, you couldn’t help but melt at the smile he gave you. 
“I only ever wanted to talk to you.  I was too… chicken to actually tell you, but I really like you, [Your name].”
“I wouldn’t lie about something like that,” he grinned, leaning forward to kiss your cheek.  
You welcomed the physical contact, looking up at him with wide eyes.  “Well… well, uh, maybe let’s not talk about that here, while we’re at work—”
“—then let’s go talk about it somewhere else,” Bucky smiled.  “I… have a bike.”
“A bike?”
Your cheeks burned again.  “I, uh, think I’d rather walk if we were to go anywhere.”
Bucky smiled even more.  “You’ll be fine.  And if anyone says anything, I’ll get you out of trouble.”
“That’s not what I’m concerned about—”
Bucky knew what you were referencing.  He just chuckled, taking both of your hands in his.  “Trust me.  It’ll be okay.”
Dottie was a total bitch—she made you cry in front of the guy you liked.  However, it led to not only you getting out of work early that afternoon, but it gave you an opportunity to really get to know Bucky.  As much as you hated to say that, you kind of owed your relationship with Bucky to Dottie—without her, the two of you would have probably longed after each other for years before someone slipped up and said something.  
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plus-size-reader · 4 years ago
House Party pt.2
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FP Jones x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1082 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Reader has FP in her room, because apparently the party downstairs no longer interests him.
Part 1
There was a new, stiff air in your room as you turned back toward your bed with FP in tow.
What was normally your only comfort zone, now felt like a strange new land, not even the air felt the same. Though it was possible that had something to do with the tightness in your chest.
FP made you so nervous, even under such casual circumstances.
You felt like you were in a dream, like you could wake up any moment, and you’d be all alone. However, when you shook yourself from thought to find him still sitting there, you decided to rule that out.
He was definitely here, but he also probably thought that you were crazy.
“Sorry, I just usually don’t have company” you explained, somehow hoping that would make you sound like less of a loser. It wasn’t working, or at least, from where you were sitting.
You figured it was just a matter of time before he got up and walked out. However, all FP did was laugh, a deep sexy sort of laugh.
To him, there was something refreshing about how real you were and the small shrug you gave after sold him even more.
You were adorable.
“That must make me pretty special, huh?” he teased, sitting down beside you on your bed, a small smirk on his lips. It really wasn’t fair. As you sat here looking at him, you found it hard to believe that he was so good looking.
If Julie could see you right now, you’d never live it down. You were way out of your depth with him here.
...And that wasn’t lost on you either.
You couldn’t have seen this coming when you woke up this morning, that was for sure.
“Yeah, I guess so” you shrugged again, heat flooding your skin. If visitors to your bedroom needed to be ranked, he’d certainly be the most exciting.
“And what about this guy? He seems pretty special too” FP laughed, reaching out to the other side of your bed to fetch your favorite teddy bear.
As if this wasn’t embarrassing enough.
“Oh God, you must think I’m so lame” you huffed, burying your face in your pillow. You could not believe this, this just could not be happening.
You refused to believe it.
“No, it’s cute” he replied, his voice a little quieter this time. For some reason, his confidence wavered just a little when it came to admitting that.
It was just something that he felt like he had to do with you. There was just something about you that knocked FP off his game.
In the best way.
You were cute.
It was far from what you’d expected but rather than bring attention to that and die of embarrassment, you decided to move onThankfully, FP didn’t seem to mind.
“What are we watching?” he wondered, shifting in the bed again to rest up against your headboard. The action surprised you, though it probably shouldn’t have by now, as FP wasn’t the sort of man to understand boundaries.
However, what got you the most was how he referred to the two of you as ‘we’
You knew that you were reading into this too much and that he was only hanging out because he was bored. It wasn’t like he actually liked you, that was something you didn’t want to forget.
You would just get hurt if you did.
Still, you grabbed the remote from your nightstand and unpaused the movie.
Julie hated that you watched these kinds of movies, she thought they were a waste of time. They freaked her out, but that didn’t seem to be the case with FP.
“Oh, I love this movie” he hummed, opening a can of soda for himself and then one for you. It had been a while since FP had seen the Exorcist but it was something he really enjoyed.
He just didn’t get a chance to do it often.
In fact, when he stopped to think about it, he rarely had a chance to relax or do the things he wanted to at all. If it wasn’t about the gang, he didn’t do it at home.
That was just the way it was.
That being said, it was really nice to just sit here with you.
“You do?” you asked, doing your best to not sound too surprised. You just didn’t think of him liking that kind of stuff.
For you, it made sense. You were a little bit odd to begin with and always had been. It made sense that horror movies were up your alley.
...But FP was cool.
He was popular and hot, with a literal gang no less. It just hadn’t occurred to you before now that maybe you had anything in common.
“You sound surprised” he commented, only slightly watching Reagan spit up split-pea soup on the priest. Most of his energy was focused on looking at you from the corner of his eye.
Neither of you really knew anything about the other but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t be worth it to learn.
You seemed pretty cool so far.
“I don’t know. I guess I just figured you wouldn’t like it because you’re you” you shrugged, feeling more and more awkward as the moments ticked by.
Fp nodded, briefly giving your words some thought. It didn’t make a ton of sense to him, at least not in the way it did for you.
“Me?” he repeated, giving up on the moving, turning his body fully to look at you now.
Really, it was hard not to be kind of offended by that. Clearly, you seemed to think there was some huge difference between the two of you.
FP just didn’t get it.
“Yeah, y’know, you’re all hot and stuff. I didn’t think you’d be into the Exorcist” you sighed, truly just going for broke. If he hadn’t walked out before, he certainly would now.
You were sure of it.
“You’re not so bad yourself” FP shrugged, that sly smirk returning to his face. Rather than focus on the clear difficulty you were having with your social standing, he decided to focus on the part he liked.
The part where you called him hot.
You were pretty sure that in the moment, you couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t decide if he had really said it, or if you’d made it up but there was no real way to misconstrue it.
FP was definitely flirting with you.
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ridiculousn3sswrites · 3 years ago
*Bucky Barnes x Reader, former Pietro Maximoff x Reader
*Summary: Bucky and Reader keep getting dragged to the same barbecues by mutual friends. 
*Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, mild sex jokes, Pietro and Reader used to date and keep joking about that. Let me know if I missed anything!
*A/N: I’m alive, just been dealing with school and studying for the LSAT.
Tip Jar
Something you didn’t expect from reaching your mid-20’s was all the damn barbecues you were being invited to during the summers. Your friends were all starting to settle down, get houses, and for some reason, barbecues were now the cornerstone of social gatherings instead of clubs. Maybe this was what you deserved for having a friend group that was mostly older than you.
You started learning the ins-and-outs of this new social scene: if Sam was hosting, food was going to be amazing; plate flipped upside down in the trash if you were going to Tony’s; Wanda would have a flask of something hidden away if you weren’t at her house, if you were, you knew where the good alcohol was. Things didn’t start to get interesting until you noticed a new face around the barbecues, one that you hadn’t seen during college. He was always there, kind of withdrawn from most of the friend group, but you could tell he was very comfortable with Steve, Sam, and Peggy.
He always wore the same thing: a black shirt tight enough to rival Steve’s, dark jeans, work boots, and sunglasses he would sometimes push to rest on the top of his head. His hair would be half up in this messy little bun type thing, and you were really into it. There was no denying he was attractive, and because of that you had no idea how to approach him. Wanda and Pietro were the first ones to notice your staring at this mystery man, and they never failed to tease you for it. “Why don’t you just go talk to him? It’s not like he bites.”
“Maybe she wants him to, she’s into that,” Pietro jumped in before you could answer his sister.
“You’re disgusting and I have no idea why we ever dated,” you said, completely deadpan. Pietro put a hand over his chest in mock hurt, but he knew you were only joking.
“I don’t need to know what you two did!” Wanda replied louder, hoping to drown out you and her brother. She turned her back on her brother, completely facing you. Pietro put his hands up, actually offended this time. “Anyways, do you want me to introduce you?”
“Wait, you know him?”
“Of course, that’s Steve’s friend. He comes around the office sometimes,” Wanda explained. You mentally reprimanded yourself - of course Wanda would know him, she works for Steve and the guy always hung around Steve and his friends.
“I don’t even know his name-”
“It’s Bucky. Come on, let’s go,” Wanda said, dragging you away and towards the man.
“What? You are just going to leave me here?” Pietro whined loudly as the two of you walked away. He apparently didn’t mind too much as he immediately went to talk to Vision when the two of you were gone. Bucky was talking to Sam as the two of you got closer, and you could feel your nerves growing. You’d never talked to the guy before, and here you were, about to interrupt his conversation with his friend? How rude could you be? Before you could tug back on Wanda and stop her, Sam noticed you.
“Hey, (y/n)! Have you met this dude yet? Biggest pain in my ass,” Sam called out to you, making you laugh as the man in question rolled his eyes.
“You know, you could tell people something else when you introduce me,” Bucky said. Wanda finished dragging you the last few feet, jolting you to a stop right in front of the man. You stumbled somewhat, and you could see Bucky’s little smile. “Hey, Wanda, how’re you doing?”
“I’m doing fine,” Wanda said with a smile. “This is (Y/n), my roommate from college. (Y/n), this is Bucky.”
“Hey, nice to meet you,” he told you, immediately taking your breath away with his small little smile.
“Yeah, nice to meet you too. So, uh, how do you know these guys?” You asked, nodding towards the rest of the barbecue.
“I grew up with Steve. Don’t know what I did to be the biggest pain in Sam’s ass, though.” You laughed at his little joke, Sam’s expression making it that much better.
“You know exactly what you did!”
“Do I?”
“You know you do!”
“I’m gonna go back with Vis. Sam, come so Piet has someone to talk to,” Wanda practically ordered. You could see what she was doing, and you didn’t like it one bit. You barely managed to get out that one little sentence without fumbling through it; there was no way you’d be able to last however long it took until everyone was called together to eat.
“What about us?”
“You guys talk to each other,” Wanda told you, not even giving you a second glance as she turned and started walking away. At least Sam gave you a little shrug as he followed her, leaving you and Bucky alone for the moment. There was the moment of awkwardness where the two of you didn’t really know how to bring the conversation back up without your mutual friends there, but luckily Bucky seemed to have just the right idea.
“Hey, uh, you need a refill?” He asked, pointing at the drink in your hand.
“Yeah, that’d be nice.” Bucky nodded his head towards the coolers, and the two of you made your way over there. That opened up a conversation about your beverages of choice - making jokes about one being better than the other - and then conversation was just easier from there. You shared stories about your friends, talked about things going on in your lives, the small talk making you both more comfortable with one another. Even though you didn’t exchange numbers that first time, Bucky left you with a little see you next time. 
“There’s no way you used to date him,” Bucky said, shaking his head at you and Pietro. Another weekend, another barbecue - this time at Steve and Peggy’s place. Piet had wandered over to you, claiming he wasn’t getting enough attention elsewhere. He made a joke about how you were so willing to give him attention when you were together, and you quickly shot back about how there’s another reason why you aren’t anymore. Bucky just stood there in disbelief, not knowing just how close you were to Wanda and her twin.
“She did, for over a year,” Pietro confirmed. Bucky ignored him, eyes focused on you. You looked away, slightly uncomfortable with just how intense his gaze was.
“Well, yeah, we did,” you confirmed. Bucky accepted this one, turning to Pietro again. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, just glad to have that look off of you. You weren’t used to that level of intensity from Bucky.
“How the hell did you manage that?”
“Why is it so unbelievable we dated?!” Pietro demanded. “I’ll have you know she’s the one that asked me out.”
“Now don’t lie on my name like that, it’s not polite.” You took a sip from your bottle, glaring at Pietro. He just grinned at you, obviously not caring about how damaging that would be. If it goes around that I asked him out, I’m gonna kick his ass.
“Okay, fine, you didn’t, but you still dated me for a year,” Pietro said. “What did you expect when suddenly my sister gets an attractive friend?”
“Yeah, it was literally because he kept just coming in to hang out with me and Wanda,” you finally explained to Bucky, who was just watching the entire interaction with a little amused smile. “Dude couldn’t find his own friends on campus and I guess he caught my eye.”
“You guess?” This time, you could hear the slight hurt in Pietro’s voice.
“Alright, I guess that makes sense,” Bucky said, ignoring Pietro yet again. You put your hand on Pietro’s arm to comfort him, and from the small smile he gave you, you knew it worked. 
“What about you? You date anyone around here?” You asked Bucky. Sam seemed to appear out of nowhere the second you asked the question, throwing his arm around Bucky’s shoulders.
“He was flirting with my sister! I shut that down real quick,” Sam said. Bucky immediately turned red, shoving Sam’s arm off of him. “Nah, you don’t get to play like you didn’t!”
“Alright, yeah, I flirted with Sarah like twice,” Bucky admitted, taking a drink to try to hide his face.
“And you dated Natasha for a bit,” Sam added.
“I was gonna say that.”
“No you weren’t.”
“Eventually I was, plus it was only for a few months, that barely counts!”
“You guys were flirting for like a year before making it official, that counts,” Sam argued back. You and Pietro shared a look, kind of uncomfortable. You wondered if you’d be able to slip away without them noticing, but then you saw Wanda waving you over and giving you an out.
“Oh, hey, Wanda’s calling for us. I’ll talk to you guys later. Piet, let’s go,” you said, grabbing Pietro’s hand without thinking and dragging him towards his sister. “Thanks, Wanda.”
“Oof, what was going on there? You looked like you were forced to be there,” Wanda asked, glancing back at Bucky and Sam.
“Yeah, so Bucky didn’t believe us when we said we used to date, and then he got quiet when I asked if he dated anyone in the group and Sam started airing out his dirty laundry,” you quickly explained, finally dropping Pietro’s hand.
“And it looks like Bucky just shoved Sam,” Vis chimed in.
“Well, obviously. It doesn’t help to look like a flirt in front of someone you’re flirting with,” Pietro said. “Does that make sense? I feel like it did but didn’t.”
“It makes sense, don’t worry,” Wanda reassured him.
“No it doesn’t because there’s no way he’s flirting with me,” you argued. Immediately, all three of them looked at you. “What? He’s nice and very attractive, but also very out of my league.”
“Well, so was I-” Pietro was cut off by Wanda immediately smacking his arm.
“Shut up, Piet. But also, (y/n), honey, are you blind?”
“Well, my eyesight-”
“Stop deflecting. At the past three barbecues, you’ve been talking almost exclusively to Bucky. There’s no question that he’s into you,” Wanda spelled out very clearly for you. “Watch this. Piet, put your arm around her shoulders.”
Pietro followed his sister’s orders. You all knew better than to question her when she got into moods like this. Wanda nodded, looking past you and nudging Vis. “Vis, do you see what I see?”
“Yes, Bucky’s glaring at Pietro right now,” Vis reported. “It would appear he might be jealous, but doesn’t want to come over here.”
“See, even Vis can see it,” Wanda said, as though that proved her point. Which, you had to admit, it did make a very strong case here.
“Nah,” you said instead, not wanting to admit she might be right. You honestly had no idea what you’d do with that knowledge; knowing yourself, you were way too much of a coward to ask him out on the slight chance your information was wrong. What were you supposed to do if you were wrong? Just stop showing up to these barbecues and lose the only form of social interaction you had on a regular basis? Nah, you’d rather just try to get over this little infatuation you found yourself in.
And as always, Sam and Pietro found themselves to be the banes of your existence. Another barbecue - this time at Wanda and Piet’s - and you were talking to Bucky yet again. Sam had attached himself to the conversation - which you didn’t mind, Sam was a hilarious guy - but it was once Piet joined that trouble started. As always, Piet got a little too comfortable, and once he got going, Sam got going even more. Which is how you got here, Piet’s arm thrown casually around your shoulders, tipping his drink towards Bucky. “When are you going to ask her out? The puppy dog eyes are starting to get annoying.”
“Dude!” You tried pushing Piet off of you, eyes wide as embarrassment began to take over. 
“That’s what I’ve been saying! Do you know how annoying it is to hear this guy talk about her every single time we’re together? ‘Oh, I wonder what (y/n)’s up to,’” Sam mocked Bucky’s voice. “Like, man, just ask for her damn number already!”
“Hey, c’mon, man.” Bucky’s response was a lot more calm than yours, but you could see the pink starting to tint his cheeks. 
“What? You know that’s how you sound. Hey, (y/n), give the dude your number,” Sam said, turning to you.
“She doesn’t have to,” Bucky told Sam before turning to you. “You don’t have to… but if you wanted to, I wouldn’t be against it.”
“I… I, uh, I think Wanda’s calling me,” you said, finally ducking under Pietro’s arm and rushing inside the house.
“Wanda’s out here!” Pietro called out after you, but you ignored him. You immediately made a beeline for the kitchen, the cabinet right above the refrigerator. Normally, you’d ask Wanda for permission, but considering the circumstances, you didn’t think she’d mind you taking a shot. Or two. Maybe three.
As you were pouring some of the liquor into your cup, you heard someone join you. You figured it was Wanda checking in on you, or maybe Piet realizing he was an ass, but you jumped when they finally talked. “You know, I would’ve been fine if you just said no.”
There he was. Bucky stood on the other side of the island, watching as you put down the bottle. 
“Sorry… I just… like got overwhelmed, you know?” You tried explaining, not knowing how else to put it. “And I’m sorry that Piet put you on the spot like that, I didn’t think he’d be enough of an ass to say something like that.”
“I get it. And I should be apologizing for Sam,” Bucky said. “But, uh, he wasn’t exactly wrong. I do talk about you a lot, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“Enough that even Steve asked if I was planning on asking you out,” he admitted. “That’s not weird, is it? I mean, I’d love to take you out sometime, but if you don’t want to then I’m completely fine with that too-”
He cut off his rambling when he saw you down the shot(s?) you’d poured in your cup. “So Wanda was right.”
“She said it was obvious you’re into me, but I thought you were way out of my league,” you admitted with a slight laugh. It all just seemed so ridiculous now. “So, uh, yeah, I’d like to go out with out sometime, if this entire thing didn’t like put you off of that.”
“I literally just asked you out, it didn’t freak me out too bad. I mean, have you met Steve? I’ve had to put up with some weird stuff because of that punk,” Bucky joked, rewarded by your little amused smile. “There we go, doll. You still overwhelmed?”
“I mean, kinda. I know Piet’s gonna be on my ass trying to apologize. He always gets so guilty when he makes me upset.”
“Alright then, you wanna stay here for a bit longer? We could plan our date a bit, maybe I could get your number finally?”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you told him. He walked around the island, joining you with only a few inches separating you. You could feel your face heat up from the closeness, but it was nice. This whole thing was nice. And if you were too busy focusing on the man beside you to notice your best friend watching the two of you from the doorway with a smug little smile on her face, well, you could deal with that later. 
Permanent Tag List: @treatallwithkindness, @laic2299, @delaber
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princesscyr-fn · 4 years ago
Brothers x Autistic! MC Tidbits/Headcanons
I figured I’d do one as I’m autistic and I wanna be included in things. At the same time however, autism is a spectrum and each of us experience different behaviors and such. As such, each MC for each brother is different so everyone feels included! These are meant to be platonic but you can interpret this however you want. I’m asexual so writing actual romantic stuff makes me very uncomfortable lol.
|Masterlist is here|
MC is gender neutral, yall
Available on Ao3, Wattpad
♡ Clashing with one another from the get go. ♡ Lucifer tends to criticize you, and its mostly unintentional. He’s just looking out for you, though his pride prevents him from admitting that he cares about you. ♡ One day though, the usual comment that falls from his lips about you ends up making you snap. As a result, you are calling him every name under the blocked sun in the Devildom. (Satan LOVES this.) This is when Lucifer realizes he made a fucky wucky. (Thanks @error-code-606 lmao) ♡ Lucifer gets a super harsh reality check from Satan, reminding him that you are autistic and that constant put-downs is bad for a persons self-esteem/image issues. For once, pride feels guilt bubbling in his gut. ♡ From then on, Lucifer is more mindful of how he words his issues with you. (Still staying blunt, which you appreciate.) All the while he praises you from time to time for all the good stuff you’ve done thus far. ♡ Lucifer would keep mental notes of all your stims and triggers. ♡ Entertains stim toys and isn’t bothered by such as he tries to work. ♡ Lucifer would play soothing music for you, mostly classical or easy listening. Something to tingle your sensory. ♡ He stops your meltdowns before you could fully lose control of yourself. ♡ Soft hands are your weakness and Lucifer’s hands don’t disappoint. He’ll let you hold his hands anytime you desire. ♡ Lucifer's office is the best spot for you to have quiet time. ♡ You can talk his ear off and he would love every second of it, deep down.
♡ He was quick to pick up on your behaviors before you could push him away. ♡ He is able to joke with you, both of you laughing like hyenas all the way. ♡ Mammon would never make fun of your stutter or mispronunciation of words. He’s patient and tries his best to help you. He absolutely hates when the other demons (not his brothers) make fun of you for something you have no control over. ♡ Both of you would find comfort in each other. ♡ You would absolutely adore his hair. Being a fan of bright colors and his hair being as white as angel wings. Bless his heart, he will allow you to play with it while denying how much he likes it. ♡ He knows the sound of coins is one of your favorite sounds sensory wise. He always makes sure to have some coins on him. ♡ Mammon would remember all of your fixations and then try to shower you in gifts relevant to your current likes. ♡ He loves music and will sing with you no matter how goofy you both sound. ♡ Late night Hell’s Kitchen runs are mandatory. ♡ You are the only person he would try so hard not to steal from. (He’d fail miserably and just keep your stuff instead of selling it.) ♡ Class would be hilarious with him, he’s a class clown. ♡ While he may be a class clown, I think he would somewhat try a bit harder on his work because you encourage him to do his best every single day.
♡ Things between the two of you are tense at first as both of you are socially awkward and standoffish. ♡ Though once you’re both comfortable, you will talk each others ears off about anime, video games, and everything under the blocked sun of the Devildom. ♡ You two will develop a secret language that the other brothers won’t understand. Imagine all that shit talk. ♡ You’re both stimmers! While Levi has physical and vocal stims, yours are mostly vocal with the occasional twitch and thigh slap. ♡ You both are major plushie enthusiasts. Prove me wrong. (You can’t.) ♡ Eye contact is difficult to maintain between the two of you, with both of you either yelping, blushing, and looking away while sputtering nonsense. ♡ Mention your love or interest in aquatic life or the sea and watch him fall in love with you, (he’s a sea monster, duh) though he will deny it smh. ♡ You both share a love for slime and will buy a lo of it on your trips to the human world. (When you two feel like doing things like that.) ♡ Levi will most certainly dress as a cat maid so long as you do it too. ♡ Stim games are 100% your favorite games to play with him. (Minecraft, Terraria, Fortnite, No Mans Sky...) ♡ Levi figures out that the sound of the ocean soothes you, and will imitate the sounds in his fish tanks to help you relax. ♡ You two make the best cosplay duo. No question about it.
♡ He is more understanding than you were led to believe. (Shame on you, Lucifer.) You avoided him at first until you found yourself in a heated debate with him regarding human world fauna kingdom. This conversation, though heated, gave you the chance to actually talk to him. It was then the realization hit that Lucifer intentionally kept you two apart. ♡ You two end up becoming close friends. ♡ You hate reading alone as its not engaging and gets boring quickly. So you tell Satan that you would like for him to read to you, which he’d accept without a second thought. ♡ He would remember your likes and dislikes. He would always encourage you to talk about your latest obsession. He’s always interested in hearing about what you have to say. ♡ Jingle cat ears. No explanation needed. (Might dress up as a cat maid with you and Levi, tho.) ♡ He would learn all your stims and triggers so he can help you when you need it. ♡ If you’re the artsy type, you bet he will learn all the crafts for you. ♡ The sound of turning pages satisfies your sound sensory. ♡ Nature walks, lots of them. Quiet moments together means the world to the two of you. ♡ Occasionally you fall asleep next to him as he reads to you. His voice is soothing enough to lull you to sleep. ♡ You two are so close in fact, he rubs it in Lucifer's face. ♡ Satan always finds himself holding your hand whenever you two go out to crowded public places.
♡ Physical contact wasn’t your thing until you met the avatar of lust. ♡ He took it personally at first when you would stand awkwardly whenever he hugged you or how you would pull your hand away when he would try to hold it. ♡ Once you explain that you are autistic and physical contact was a weird subject for you, he is quick to understand. After all, he is all about consent and wanted to make sure you were comfortable. ♡ Friendship blossoms between the two of you quickly and smoothly. ♡ Asmo would help you with being more extroverted by inviting you to parties. ♡ He would make note of your stims and to satisfy your sensory, he would buy lotions and perfumes. ♡ Getting your nails done is fun and Asmo is perfect for that task. ♡ You have a best friend who will listen to you intently and give you good advice. ♡ Going shopping is less nerve wracking with him. Plus he would give you fashion tips so you can look and feel your best. ♡ The first time you gave him a hug on your own, he wept tears of joy. ♡ Spa days are mandatory. ♡ There is a love between the two of you that does not require a relationship to be valid.
♡ Beel warmed up to you quickly, especially when he witnesses your appetite at dinner. ♡ He is always curious and asking you questions to better understand you. ♡ You are quick to share your food with him and vice versa. ♡ Eating competitions, though you would lose to him always, unless if he was going easy on you. (Good luck, chief) ♡ Playful and friendly flirting/banter. ♡ Beel would be interested in whatever you obsess with that week. ♡ He is patient with you and doesn’t judge you for things you have no control over. ♡ Includes you in all family activities because hes all about family first. ♡ You two will gush to each other about any and everything. ♡ Hell’s Kitchen dates? Fuck yeah. Those are mandatory. ♡ Though you are picky in terms of texture, Beel would gladly eat whatever food you won’t. ♡ You aren’t a very active person, but that will change with Beel. Eat first, then run it off, human.
♡ Warmed up to you quickly despite killing you, mainly because you forgave him and still treated him with kindness despite the fact. (Simp *cough* *cough*) ♡ He is very understanding in regards to your sensory, stims, and meltdowns. ♡ Loves laying in silence with you (and vice versa) ♡ Belphie would show you constellations with his magic to help you sleep. ♡ Slime? You bet Belphie would be as entertained as you are on that subject. Cloud slime would be one of his favorites. ♡ You two communicate with each other better in silence. ♡ He would share his cow pillow with you. ♡ Your sensory craves anything that is soft. Belphie would be surprised at first when you mindlessly play with his hair as you lay together. ♡ Your troubling dreams became a little more peaceful with Belphie at your side. ♡ Both of you are big plushie enthusiasts and have a plushie club hangout spot with Levi. ♡ Belphies voice does satisfy your sensory. ♡ Tea time is a fun activity between the two of you. It leads to good naps as well.
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Dating the Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
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-You met when one day you were called to the Hargreeve residence
- Your mother was a friend of Reginald and she had asked you to deliver a letter to him.
- On arriving you noticed how empty the place was
- So as Reginald took the letter from you, he told you to come back in ten minuets when he had written the reply
- Thinking he lived alone now, you just wondered about the house, until you bumped into Luther
- After stating your business, he seemed to warm up to you a lot more, even if he was a tad awkward
- You realised that he was just really lonely
- So you invited him for coffee
- He was so shocked all he could do was nod
- The coffee date went well the next day
- It was all going swimmingly, the two of you were good friends but right as you both were realising your feelings were more than just friends
- His dad sent him to the moon
- Pogo let you message him three times a day
- But you still missed him
- You didn’t understand why he couldn’t disobey orders
- But you respected his choice and waited
- For years
-When he finally came back he was slightly more clingy than he was usually and you two quickly became an item
- He was a broken soul who just needed some love
- And attention
- And to believe he didn’t waste four years of his life
- When you two started dating he was basically your own personal teddy bear
- he’s so warm so if you’re cold he would let you cuddle up to him
- he’d be so gentle because he doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you
- You would constantly be there to remind him to be nice to his siblings
- going stargazing together 
- or moon gazing the guy has an obsession
- You would steal his coat and make brilliant impressions of him, much to the joy of Diego and Klaus
-You are defiantly the smart one so Luther would always go to you for advice
- he’s so protective and will glare at any man who looks your way
- which can get a bit annoying but it’s nothing to bad.
- He’s really insecure so you would constantly assure him that he was beautiful the way he was
- Helping Luther see that dear old Dad was not the nicest guy
- Your best friend is 100% Diego though
- Which Luther hates because if you're mad at him, he’s doomed on all fronts
- He buys you chocolate though so you keep him around
- He has a good heart really
Diego Hargreeves
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-You're both vigilantes of sorts
- You're more like a private investigator plus baddass crime stopper
- Police pay you to solve crimes, and then the government pay you even more money to take out pesky people
- It was kinda fun
- You meet Diego when Patch brings him in
- He overhears what job you’re doing and asks why you’re getting paid doing the same thing he’s getting arrested for
- Patch laughs and tells him that you are more of a private investigator
- You smile, thinking that would shut him up 
- But no. He starts calling you Sherlock
- Wearing that stupid smirk as he says it
- Your meetings become more frequent and he always teases you about your job but its nothing more than that
- Until one day he realises you don’t actually have a house, you live in a car
- Because even though your job pays well, you move around a lot and most of you money goes to your sister so she can afford a house, and living with her may but her life at risk
- So he offered the spare bedroom in his apartment 
- He assures you he can take care of himself
- So you agree
- And slowly you adjust your life to be with him
- You take turns cooking at first and then it turns into a you cook whilst he cleans because he cannot cook
- And then he takes you on a date
- He’s a shy stuttering mess when he asks you on a date, nothing like the mischievous confident man you'd known
- It was adorable so you said yes
- Things went really well so you guys decided to date
- He is such a cuddler
- Secretly likes being the little spoon, or sleeping on your stomach because it makes him feel safe
- But also likes being the big spoon because he likes to feel like he’s protecting you
- You’re probably the cook as he can only make eggs
- And even tho “They’re great eggs Y/N,” they’re “Not a balanced diet Diego,”
- Patching him up when he’s on his nightly hero duty things
- If you have work in the morning you will leave cute notes around the house for him to wake up to, and he does the same for you when he works
- When he grows his hair out he secretly lets you braid it as long as you tell no one.
- Until Klaus find’s out and gets you to braid his hair too
- He cannot say no to you, so gets through the day of relentless teasing by his siblings when you painted his nails 
- It was worth it to see you smile
- Full on shouting at Reginald at the dinner table when he upset Diego because HOW DARE HE make your boyfriend stutter like that
- The other siblings looking at you in shock because you were the calm and reasonable one 
- He wouldn’t really get jealous because he trusted you, but can’t resist showing off the fact you’re his girlfriend when someone starts to flirt with you
- Okay maybe he is jealous
Allison Hargreeves 
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- For some reason you are immune to her power
- You found this out when Reginald tried to forcefully recruit you to the academy when you were fifteen, using her power and you just responded “I don’t know where you heard that sunshine.”  before merrily skipping off.
- She was shook
- The two of you started meeting at Griddy’s donuts
- At first she wanted to know how you managed to get away
- But eventually she started to like you
- You were sassy and smart and didn’t put up with her shit
- This is probably why Five adored you so much - you two became best friends
- She always held your hand and often kissed it softly if you were deep in thought
- You taught her how to get people to do what you say without using her power
- Which meant you guys left with a lot of free stuff
- She always loved to show you off, PDA was something she had no problem with
- Much to the disgust of some of the siblings
- Being in the 60′s as a lesbian couple was difficult
- So you pretended to be cousins
- which was weird for both of you
- She would constantly buy extravagant gifts for you, especially when she had the money
- Despite the fact that in public you seem like the one in charge, she is 100% the big spoon
- She likes the feeling of feeling truly needed
Klaus Hargreeves
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- You meet in the war, you’re the bar tender that introduced him to Dave
- The talk he had with you was very brief but he remembered your face
- So years later, when he went back to that same Bar once he got back from the past he was shocked to see you serving people having not aged a day
- At first he thought you just has really good genes you had passed on but you were identical to the way he remembered you
- The he thought he was seeing your ghost but he saw that you were interacting with others
- So he called you over
- You didn't seem shocked to see him but pleasantly surprised
- You explained that you had gotten in a bit of a pickle as you were picking up a suitcase from the commission so you could retire but Five blew the place up causing the suitcase to malfunction
- So you were stuck in a warzone until you figured out how to fix the case
- You also told Klaus to give his brother a slap when he next saw him
- He did, but Five was very pleased to see you as you were a good friend to him and knew how to help
- Anyways after a couple of soft drinks you and Klaus got to know each other better
- And after a while the two of you became an item and life just got better
Helping him remain sober
- Cuddles all the time because he is needy
- you guys shared clothes because neither if you give a fuck
- You show him other ways to get high without damaging his body
- like taking him skydiving or to a theme park
- you always listen to him
- And will shout at the siblings when they undermine Klaus
- You keep the ghosts at bay, and will often hold him when he sleeps so stop any nightmares
- However neither of you can cook
- which leads to you waltzing off to Allison’s house at three in the morning because she can cook
- She doesn’t mind though because she’s never seen her brother this happy when hes sober
- You are best friends with Ben, and can also see and hear him so like to talk shit about Klaus when he’s in the room
- He is a pro at forehead kisses
- He’ll wrap you in his arms and just lightly kiss your forehead
- Because you make him feel safe, so he returns the favour
Five Hargreeves
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- You worked with the commission as an assassin and after a few weeks of Five being there, he was told that you would be his partner
- He was a little annoyed because that would mean he wouldn’t be able to work on the apocalypse on the job in case you told on him
- Then he met you and you were nothing like he expected
- He’d seen you train, seen you kill five men whilst barely moving and go after the most dangerous of people
- So why were you so nice?
-You were like a little ball of sunshine and he was Mr grumpy
- When you were informed that he had been alone for 45 years, Five thought you’d run away from him, scared that you were friends with a madman
- But instead you walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist
- At first he didn’t know how to respond but then he hugged you back
- And then you two became inseparable
- He wasn’t much into PDA especially when you got back to the Hargreaves siblings
- He didn’t want to be bullied
-But you loved affection
-So he compromised and the two of you would subtly lock pinkies
-But that was it
-Until you were alone
-Oh boy
- He needed coaxing at first because he’s socially awkward
- But he loves to be cuddled. He loves laying on your stomach, or holding you against his chest or wrapping his arms around your waist
- He’s a sucker for when you run your hands through his hair
- It makes him w e a k 
-When he’s working you’ll sit on his lap
- Because you want attention and he overworks himself
- You constantly look after him, making sure he drinks water and shit
- Because you cannot run on coffee alone
- The siblings become suspicious when they catch Five staring at you
- So they decided to spy on him
- And whilst they spied, they saw their mardy little brother dancing (Rather gracefully) around the Kitchen with you, both laughing as if there was no one else there
- Which tbf they didn’t think there was
- “They could just be working a case?” suggested Luther
- But that was quickly brushed aside when Five kissed you
- “Turns out the Hargreaves are capable of Love,” was all Klaus said although they were secretly thrilled at the fact you and Five were together.
Ben Hargreeves
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- You were just a small town waitress 
- Working another long shift at your work, you saw two men come in, one rather skinny and hippie looking, and the other dressed in all black
- You’re a naturally sweet person so serving them with a smile wasn’t a problem
- But when you asked Ben what he wanted he just froze in shock
- After some explaining you decided to let the two guys stay at your apartment for a while, as they were lost anyway
- You all became super super close
- You helped Klaus become sober again
- And then you realised that not only could you see Ben, but you could make him physically there just by touching him
- You learnt this when you accidentally ran into him nearly knocking yourself out
- The Klaus was no longer the clingy one
-Ben was always touching you, not in a weird way just always brushing hands or wrapping himself around you
- He loved cuddles, just feeling warm for once
- He’d cuddle you no matter what, and if you had a tiring day at work he would be there to sweep you off your feet
- you made him feel alive again
- When he was touching you others could see him too
- which meant you automatically became the family favourite, after you helped Klaus, and then Ben
- Ben loves it when you read to him, it just calms him down
- His favourite thing to do is to sit in the park with you sat between his legs, lent against his chest listening to you read
- He wears the flower crowns you make with pride
- It takes ages to figure out why you can see him and make him real as you were actually a couple months younger than him
- Turns out you had died as a baby for exactly 108 seconds and that had left you with ties to both the physical world and the afterlife - and it was Mr Reginald Hargreeves who had saved you
- You were convinced he was an alien but the others disagreed
- You helped Ben not fear his power
- The guy is king of nose kisses. He just finds it really cute when you scrunch your nose, either in disgust or frustration or confusion
- You always kiss jawline, as if you’re snuggled together it’s often the only place you can reach
- Vanya is your best friend, you always invite her because she understands what it’s like to not know the extent of your own power
- Klaus is scared at first because he doesn’t want Ben to leave him although he would never admit it
- But then he realised he hadn’t lost a constant companion, he’d just gained another
- Ben loves to surprise you with cute simple things, like setting up a movie and hot chocolate, or picking out flowers he found at some point for you
- Dancing round the kitchen would be a daily thing
- You even got Five to join in 
- You make the best waffles so every morning all the siblings come to your house just to eat the waffles you make
- It’s like they are a family again, but this time they have you
Vanya Hargreeves
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- She’s a bit iffy with personal contact
- It makes her a little nervous
- But you’re okay with that, she shows her love in other ways
- Like she’ll always make you tea in the mornings, or make sure you’re under the blanket before she sleeps because she knows you get cold
- You meet for the first time when you’re kids. The other siblings are saving everybody and ask you to stand with the others, because to them you’re just a civilian
- But when things start to go sideways, it’s you who helps them, using your powers of mental manipulation to make the bad guys visualise their worst fear
- Sir Hargreeves takes you in immediately, adopting you as Number Eight.
-The other kids felt bad for you when Reginald left you on your own, and it was Klaus who spoke
-”He’s not a good parent, he isn’t really here at all so I’m sorry if this wasn't what you were expecting,” but you were happy
“My real dad gave me this scar when he tried to stab me,” you replied with a little laugh “Ill take yours any day,”
-After that you and Vanya bonded over the fact you were both the black sheep of the family
- You always made sure she was included, and felt a bit bad that you weren’t a sibling but were often invited to more places than her
- During your teenage years you and Vanya clearly had something going on, so Reginald sent you away to France to study your powers
- It wasn’t until his death did you two see each other again
- It felt like you had never really left and things kicked off again
- But the Harold came along and told Vanya you were just as bad as the rest
- So she abandoned you
- You meet  for the third time in the 60′s, you’re staying with a married couple and their disabled son
- Vanya recognises you but she doesn’t know where from which breaks your heart slightly but it’s okay
- Because the more she spends time with you the more she falls in love with you
- She finally asks you to be her girlfriend
- Which you say yes
- Although she’s not big on affection, she loves it when you lay in her lap, it makes her feel trusted
- She loves to play the violin for you
- When she starts to grow used to affection, she loves it when you sleep all curled up beside her like a cat
- Or when you play with her hair
- Or kiss her cheek
- You make her feel like she’s valid and that’s all she ever wanted
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thatwritingnerd · 4 years ago
12 for sebastian/abigail? @gendercraft
Idiot - Sebastian/Abigail
Summary: Sebastian believes he’s hopelessly pining for Abigail whilst Abigail thinks Sebastian is an idiot for missing her hints and flirting until she has to spell it out for him. Turns out they’re both idiots.
For the prompt: We were pretending to be lovers but I’m not pretending anymore and I have to know if you feel the same way
Warnings/tags: fake dating relationship, pining, first kiss, love confessions
Word count: 1.7k
It was a thing. Not a thing thing. But a known thing. That is Abigail and Sebastian’s relationship. Something gentle and easy, from growing up together to friends to now dancing together at the Flower Dance. It was as casual as it gets, frequent hang outs (albeit with Sam as a third oblivious wheel most of the time), common interests, being two rather odd folk in town – their quirky, standoffish natures. It was perfect, almost too perfect.
That is, of course it was.
Too perfect, too planned, a ruse, a fake.
Growing up their friendship was natural, Abigail as a more outspoken, loud quirky type, already with bright purple hair at the age of thirteen, and Sebastian as the softer, quieter weird type, who, also at thirteen, wore nothing but black. But Abigail’s smile and weird enthusiasm over videogames drew him in, hooked him into a weird friendship, into years of shouting over videogames, laughing over Solarian Chronicles, teasing over pool at the bar.
Little changed between them over the years, yet everything did.
They grew up, school became college and work, playdates became nights at the saloon and city trips, and their innocent childhood friendship became town gossip of something more. After all, there had to be. Right? They were almost inseparable, always hung out around town – well, with Sam but he had his own things, with Penny, and Vince, plus the whole thing with his dad. It didn’t help that all of the town’s singletons were seemingly paired off and trying to be set up by the older residents, well, mostly the gossips and the shifty mayor.
So, why wouldn’t they play along? Keep their parents off their backs from the ‘when are you going to find that special someone?’ type of questions muddled together with other life questions. It became easier to play along that to go against the force.
He’d leave, say he’s going to Abby’s, and actually go. Her door forced half open just to be sure nothing was going on for her parents’ sake, not that there would. Abby would do his nails, some shitty true crime documentary on in the background, and they’d dye each other’s hair. It was then, hair matted to his forehead in ink black dye, Abby’s soft hands in his hair, looking at her in the mirror watching her laugh and giggle over their stupid shitty jokes, that he realised maybe, maybe there was something more there, something a little less platonic.
Sebastian would never say anything, ruining their friendship would be the last thing he wanted to do, but he couldn’t help noticing things that he hadn’t bothered to before. The soft crinkles at the corners of her eyes when she genuinely smiles, the way her bright hair curls and kinks in the rain, her rough and brash nature becoming more intriguing than pure appreciation.
Then it’s not quite pretending anymore, is it? At least, not on his part. Soft, sideways glances when she’s not looking, the gentle smile on his lips whenever she does something stupid. Sebastian realises, in the dead of night, that, yeah, he’s a little in love with Abigail now. And he’s in too deep to stop this pretending, to break it off would arise questions and, well, it would break his heart to not get to see Abby so much on this personal level. But tell her and break her heart in another way? He could never.
So, he kept it inside, as much as he could.
Except Sebastian is a complete and utter dumbass. Abigail has known for years now, her friend can miss hints like bricks to the face, invites to her house when she’s home alone, time just the two of them out and about – “Like a date?” “Sure”. But how dense can one man really be? A man who is so smart, intelligent, and clever, yet a complete social idiot that it kind of makes Abby want to punch him in his pretty face.
She’s tried and tried for years, from her silly schoolgirl crush to her awkward hormonal teenage fascination, now to this softer love for this boy she has watched become a man, always by her side no matter what. Yet, she has to resort to what always gets her way – brute force and honesty.
She waits for him one evening near the lake beside his house which isn’t unusual, her flute abandoned in her lap serving only to occupy her nervous hands. She had to tell him, she cannot keep it a secret inside of her for much longer, it will drive her insane, but would it not be more vexing to tell him and not only receive rejection but to lose him altogether. Abby knows, logically, she won’t lose him, not completely, but ruining their current relationship, their movie and makeover nights, their late night cemetery walks, their ventures alone into the surface of the mines, she might miss that more than anything else she has to gain from telling him the truth.
It’s too late though, the door to the carpenter’s closes loudly into the silent night, the faint click of a lighter letting her know it’s Sebastian.
“Finally,” she breathes out, faux exasperation clear in her voice, “you must have better places to be than with me.”
He laughs, soft and gentle, genuine, under his breath in a way she’s become accustomed to.
“You know that’s not true, you’re like one of my only friends, and we know Sam’s scared of the dark,” he says, sitting similarly crossed legged next to her, face light up by the soft glow of his cigarette, “but don’t tell him I said that.”
The word friend hit her confidence a little, knowing just what is at stake. Yet, she’s come this far to ask him here, no questions asked, in the dead of night, the least she can do is be honest, right?
“You’re real stupid, you know that?” she starts, lips quirked up at the edges.
He glances at her out of the side of his eye, one eyebrow raised before he rolls his eyes, he huffs, “and here I thought you were going to tell me something important and unknown.”
Any other time Abby might have laughed – might have, she doesn’t want to give him the idea that he’s hilarious after all, it might go to his head – but this time she doesn’t, instead she watches him watching the slow ripples in the mostly still lake. A breath out of smoke every so often and that really shouldn’t be so distracting for her, she’s spent many a night wondering about his oral fascinations in more ways than one.
She pushes some of her hair out of her face only for the slight wind to push it back across her field of vision which, honestly, is kind of rude when she’s trying to have a moment here.
“Hush you, it’s important in the unknown conversation,” she continues, trying to play it off cool but something in her voice faulters and Sebastian looks at her, properly looks at her, and realises this might be serious enough to turn his body to face her but not serious enough to put his cig out.
“You’re stupid and a dumbass and so socially inept that it seems impossible to even try to get you to notice what I want you to, and I really hope I’m making sense and not just making a fool of myself because that would be real stupid too, but you miss it all, all my hints and flirting, well, maybe my flirting isn’t that good but I fucking put on a dress and danced for you, with you, Jesus, Seb did you really think I was just inviting you round mine late at night when my parents weren’t in for videogames? I mean, don’t get me wrong I like that, and I wouldn’t change our friendship for anything but… but maybe I want something more and maybe it’s stupid of me to think that but… I like you, Sebastian, I really, really like you.”
She finishes her speech with a loud breath out, a pink flush on her cheeks that has nothing to do with the weather, and her eyes downcast, more interested in the grass that her best friend whose eyes pierce into her very soul.
“Ok, so maybe I’m stupid,” Sebastian finally says after what seems like an eon, “but maybe I didn’t want to ruin this either, you know, us, I think I’d rather have pined for you for life than lose you as my super kickass best friend. I thought if I kept it inside, I could keep you forever, even if it wasn’t how I wanted and, well, maybe I thought it was wishful thinking and then, unsurprisingly, overthinking that made it all seem one sided. But I, uh, I really like you too.”
Abby lets out a breath she doesn’t realise she was holding, finally looking back at him. He looks, for lack of better words, stunning. Cig stubbed out against the bottom of his shoe at some point, dark hair having fallen over his face casting a shadow over his skin which is brightly pale in the moonlight, his cheeks tinged pink and lips wet no doubt from nervous licking. And she has never wanted to kiss him more now than ever before.
“So, we’re both idiots then?” she asks, laughing more out of nerves than anything else.
“Yeah,” he says, softly, “guess we’re both idiots, though I don’t think I’ll ever hear you say that ever again.”
“What that I really like you?” she says, nothing but faux innocence.
So, he does as he always does; sighs and then rolls his eyes. Then, he does as he never has before; he leans in, and down, and captures her lips with his own, tenderly and warmly. And she could definitely get used to this, cool fingers on her cheek, and the smirk she feels against her lips.
Sebastian pulls back, his smile gentle and eyes unworried in a way she hasn’t quite seen in a while, “no, that you’re also an idiot.”
She snorts, eyebrows furrowing and nose twitching, and she shoves him away a little too hard to be completely playful and he lands back with a winded sound but he laughs.
Remember to reblog if you enjoyed!
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kylo-hen · 4 years ago
The Milk Man
A/N Hello I wrote this while I was in a Sackler mood yesterday at like 4 am and its the first actual smut I’ve written so bare with me! There is quite a bit of build up because for some reason I love establishing characters. It’s also vaguely  plus sized!reader but not strictly! Anyways, hope you enjoy & my inbox is always open for requests/feedback.
Adam Sackler x Reader
Summary: You run into an intense man in the dairy section in the dairy isle one Saturday Morning, and by Saturday Night he’s in your bed.
Warnings: SMUT! Spanking, name calling, Oral (F receiving), hair pulling, longer build up, and oat milk.
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    Living in New York has its odd challenges here and there. There aren’t dishwashers in unit, rent is the price of one’s soul, people were colder, and grocery shopping was a drag. This Saturday morning was supposed to be relaxing, no work, no designs, no awkward booty calls from dudes I met in the club a moth ago looking for some action. It was all looking up until I looked in my fridge and remembered the Wednesday ritual was pushed back because of a meeting.
     With a groan I resigned myself to the reality that I would have to do some chores before I could allow myself the relaxing pamper day I deserved. Once I was out of my apartment, down a couple blocks, and at the grocery store I was relieved to know that on a Saturday morning it was pretty empty. Only a couple people that really just ignored each other as they passed in the cereal isle or the small produce section.
     It was an overall normal trip until I made it to the dairy section. There in front of the large selection of milk stood, what I could only describe as, a smoldering giant hunched over a comedically small phone.
    Usually in this kind of situation I would let them be, but he just happened to be in front of the only brand of Oat Milk I actually like, so it seemed like I would have to wait it out. This dude, however, was not one to mind social cues. After what felt like five minutes of awkwardly waiting off to the side for this dude to get the message and move on from the last bit of the store I needed before I could get on with my day, I decided he wouldn’t move without a nudge.
     “Ehm,” I cleared my throat softly, hoping that would alert him to my presence, “Excuse me.” The man barely grunted, acknowledging I was there but continuing to frustratedly channel into whatever he was doing on his phone. “Excuse me?” I said louder, hoping to get a civil response.
    “What the fuck do you want?” He finally snapped at me, actually turning to look at me. That was also the first time I was able to see him fully. The man was hot, I’ll give him that much. His tall frame matched by solid muscle, a tasteful amount of facial hair that suited the intense features, and now a scowl. A scowl that was presently pointed in my direction while I ogled at him. “What the fuck do you want?” he demanded again; this time much harsher. I took a step back, not really expecting this full-bodied giant to be yelling at me on a Saturday morning in the grocery.
    “Fuck,” I muttered to myself trying to dip into some of my confidence I gained in the years living here and finding it much harder to let his anger flow off my skin as it usually does. “I’m- fuck- I just need some of the oat milk and you-“ I rambled on but stopped at the sound of a deep sigh from the man in front of me. “I’m sorry, I’ll just-“ I abruptly turned, figuring the milk wasn’t even worth it anymore. The experience spoiled any hopes for a peaceful day, and the faster I made it back to my apartment the faster I could wallow in the new mood crashing over me.
     “Wait, shit!” I heard from behind me before I felt two large hands brace my shoulders. One thing the man didn’t expect was for my self defense lessons to kick in the second he grabbed me. I swung my elbow into his stomach, well because of his height it ended up being more of an elbow to the man’s balls. As I turned and backed away from him, I noticed in his hands he had the milk I was looking at earlier. Shit fuck fucking shit fuck! He was trying to give me the fucking milk!
    “Oh my god, I’m so sorry fuck, shit!” I moved to help him stand up, his face beet red a twisted up as he processed the pain, I unintentionally put him in.
    “Fuuuck,” he groaned out while he took some deep breathes, “I, fuck you’re a good shot… I just wanted to give you the fuckin’ milk.” He muttered out, still mostly bent over. Guilt washed over me in waves. I just attacked the poor guy trying to give me milk, even if he yelled at me earlier. Fuck, I can’t believe I just did that. My body heated up in shame, burning from the inside out, hoping that I could just melt within my own skin. The day only getting worse by the minute, I prayed that I would get to my apartment in peace so I wouldn’t cause any more damage.
    “I’m so fucking sorry,” I said again, not being able to emphasize it enough, as he began to recover more and more, and stand taller but not his full height, “Thank you for the milk.” I said still feeling the dark pungent shame in my chest. As he stood up more and more, he handed me the milk.
    “Don’t-“ he breathed sharply, still regaining his footing after being in pain, “Don’t apologize kid.” He muttered the name out at me and I wondered how old he was suddenly, or how young I looked trembling in the middle of the grocery store. “I was a dick.” He breathed and straightened fully, towering over me.
    “No, no, “ I denied his apology, shocked that he wasn’t pissed anymore, “I shouldn’t just go around attacking people, you didn’t deserve that.” I took the milk that I realized he was trying to give me still.
    “Nah, don’t sweat it kid,” again with the fucking nickname, oddly enough it lit a fire in me somewhere I hadn’t felt in years. “I should’ve known better than to just grab a lady.” He smiled at me, chuckling at his own joke and I smiled with him. His moods sending me for a bit of a loop, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle myself.
    “I still feel bad,” I admitted to him, he tilted his head curiously, “could I get you a cup of coffee or something?” I offered, hoping that he wouldn’t be too offended by the offer. Something about this man was drawing me in, his effect leaving me wanting more and more. What the hell is going on with me today?
   “Oh, I don’t drink coffee.” He stated, rejecting me bluntly and with that statement. The shame bubbled hire a fire burning in my cheeks whether he can see it or not I was embarrassed. Another time I put myself out there, thinking I read a situation one way, and it going very differently. My eyes suddenly very interested at the floor rather than the attractive man before me. “Shit,” he muttered to himself, “Not, I don’t drink coffee but maybe we could get lunch or some shit?” he offered with a cocky smile.
    My eyes snapped up to meet his, a warm feeling that for once wasn’t shame flooded my veins, I smiled at him in return, “Yeah we can get lunch and shit.” I replied easily, proud of myself for regaining some of that confidence I usually held. But then I remembered where we were, and that I had a cart full of groceries I needed to get home, it seemed he was coming down in the same way. “Actually…” I trailed off, not knowing his name.
    “Adam.” He answered and shook the milk carton playfully in lou of my hand, “Adam Sackler.” His crooked teeth poking out through his smile making my heart pound faster in my chest.
    “Adam,” I hummed, testing out the way his name felt on my lips. It felt like they were always meant to say his name. “Since you don’t drink coffee, which seems sac religious to me,” I allowed myself to flirt with him, testing the water, “And I’ve got a shit ton of groceries to put away, what about dinner tonight?” I asked.
     He laughed, unabashedly checking me out, my chest tightened hoping he liked what he saw, “Fuck yeah, dinner sounds great.” He replied confidently, boosting my confidence.
    “Alright Sackler, it’s a date.”
    After exchanging numbers, into his comically outdated flip phone, we decided to meet at the grocery store before dinner. I rushed home to clean my apartment, a girl can be hopeful, and get ready for any outcome of the date. It had been months since any person had given me any romantic indication, dating apps had long since run dry and I was tired of having to explain my size to people before they met me. Rarely after meeting someone, in real life, had they shown as much interest that Adam has shown me in the last hour. That meant I was hopeful and hope was a dangerous game for a girl like me.
    By the time it came to meet up with Adam I was a nervous wreck. My brain kept trying to convince me of the worst-case scenarios as I made the walk to meet up with him. All of those thoughts seemed to fade to black when I saw him. He was dressed casually, as I was as well, in a pair of dark wash jeans and a white t-shirt. He smiled when he saw me approaching, he perked up from where he was leaning and met me halfway.
    “Sorry if I’m late, there was a man trying to save the turtles outside my apartment and I’ve already out run him twice so he’s out for blood.” I joked when he was finally close enough to me. He laughed at my ice breaker, and I thanked all the powers at play that he had a sense of humor, he was shaping up to be quite a catch as long as his mood stayed up.
   “Don’t sweat it kid, I got here early anyways. Fuckin’ in my bones at this point with acting and shit.” He grumbled the last bit as he flailed his arms about. An actor? I’d never actually been on a date with an actor before, I mean with there being globs of them in the city for Broadway and whatnot. I always assumed they were stuck up about looks, and if anyone could be Adam was definitely a hot enough actor to be picky.
    “You’re an actor?” I asked coyly, hopefully digging deeper into the mysterious moody man.     “Yeah, also do some other shit.” He answered vaguely which only drew me in deeper to the mystery of this man. Who the fuck is he? And why the fuck is he so hot? “I know this diner just a couple blocks that way, does that sound good?” He asked considerately, and in that moment, I swear I could marry him.
    “Fuck yeah, I know exactly what you’re talking about, Lou’s is a fucking gem.” He responded with a grin, wide and unabashed, that made my heart flutter. But even when I made my way that direction, he kept his gaze on me, not in a creepy way but in a refreshing way. He acted like if he didn’t take all of me in now, that I would disappear forever, or that I would have been a figment of his mind. When I looked back at him a moment of sadness crossed his features, maybe it wasn’t sadness, maybe it was fear. He looked so young for just a split second, and I saw him, I really saw him.
    So instead of saying anything I simply reached out and offered my hand, and he grabbed it. With that we began walking back in the direction of my apartment on the way to the diner, and throughout the walk we talked about meaningless things like the mean lady that lives in his building to his morning run routine. I kept it light, trying to stay away from sticky topics before we sat down, but I also wanted to actually know who I was going out with.
    Once we were seated, the games began. Adam and I ordered before we got into a grittier subject matter but instead of just asking, Adam wanted to make it more fun. So, like middle school girls at a sleepover, Adam suggested we play truth or dare.
    “Truth.” I stated with no hesitation, what could he even dare me to do right now? It’s not like anything juicy could happen while we were in public.
    “Oh, come on, you scared of what I could dare you to do?” He taunted at me, still flashing his signature crooked grin.
     “I’m giving you an opportunity to ask me whatever you want Sackler, use it wisely.” I goaded him testing his waters, watching his reaction to see if he was game. His eyes trailed down to my shirt. Bingo, he’s interested.
    “Alright Kid, when was the last time you got laid?” He went straight out of the gate with a sexual question. The longer I spend with him the more apparent it becomes that Sackler might be a little sexually deviant, that thought only escalated the fire burning in my belly.
    “It’s been about six months since I got laid,” I started, “But about a year since I actually, let’s say, enjoyed getting laid.” I clarified, feeding into the building sexual tension.
    “Hmm, that’s a crime,” he responded, trailing his eyes over every part of me visible across the booth, “They should be punished for leaving a woman like you unsatisfied.” He murmured, leaning forward tracing a finger along one of my hands placed on the table. Every light touch, even if it looked innocent, felt dirty and drenched in the want I had for this man.
    “Truth or dare Sackler?” I angled my torso to him so he could see down my shirt, I could see his reaction, his eyes start to glaze over, his mouth open, ready. I had never been with a man so openly affected by me and at every move I took the opportunity to tease him.
     “Fuck, Truth.” He said, not really paying attention to what he responded with but more paying attention to the parts of myself I was revealing to him.
    “What do you think of me Adam?” I asked softly, some could even say sensually, as I retracted my hand and my body, ripping away the points of contact that he was latching to physically and visually. He suddenly retreated his stance as well, looking me in the eyes to see a knowing smile already dancing across my features.  He groaned playfully, knowing he played right into my hands.
      “Fuck, kid, what do I think of you?” He asked redundantly, “For starters I think you’re the biggest fucking tease and if we weren’t in public right now, I’d put you over my knee and punish you.” He began, speaking in a low threatening tone. Every word, every syllable, every fucking letter sent a shockwave to my core, shaking my resolve and tumbling every other instinct down. I let a soft delicate whimper, only loud enough for him to hear, pass my lips as I closed my eyes and leaned my head back to take in what else he was saying. “You’re a tease, but you’re also fuckin’ gorgeous.” I snapped my head open, not expecting a real genuine compliment from the sexual haze we were in.
    “What?” it slipped out of my lips before I could really do anything about it.
    “Kid,” he began, by putting his hand on top of mine and staring so far into my soul I felt like I was naked in front of him, “You’re so fucking beautiful, like I- I saw you this morning and fuck I think you might actually be perfect and fuck! Like even if you’re not, you’re better than that.” He said and I couldn’t remember the last time I had ever felt like this, maybe never. He was so different, and intense, but funny, and God I want to sleep with this man, but I also want to cook dinner with him and see how he likes his eggs, or what his favorite book is, and who hurt him. I want him, and he wants me.
    “Thank you,” I began, getting a bit shyer under the smoldering chestnut eyes, “I don’t think anyone has ever called me gorgeous before, or if they have, I can’t remember.” I explained, trying to brush it off as a joke, but he doubled down.
    “They must be blind kid, or stupid.” He chuckled to himself, “Probably fuckin’ both.” He smiled, and I smiled back, bursting at the seams, but before I could respond our waitress came with our food.
    The spell we were under before we got food was somewhat broken when we were eating, returning to the more casual atmosphere, talking about our jobs and whatnot. He was really interested in knowing more about my job which made me feel almost as special as before the food came, but I kept it to surface details for now. Adam had a lot of weird habits from what I could tell, he cursed like a sailor, and he got super intense then switched back to normal out of nowhere. Yet, despite all the odd facts this man drew me in every time he opened his mouth, he had me on the edge of my seat constantly. Throughout the meal I couldn’t help but wonder, what’s going to happen next?
    When we both finished our meals the tension from before began to seep back into the conversation in doses. By the time the waitress returned with the check it was pretty clear Adam was ready to get out of there, and I wasn’t much farther behind. While Adam went to fish for his wallet, I threw enough cash out on the table to cover both meals, not wanting to linger for change. Adam looked like he was going to protest, but I just offered my hand out to him.
    “I asked you out,” I explained, leading him out of the restaurant and back on the sidewalk. “Its only polite I pay since I invited you out.” I turned to him and realized he was much closer to me than expected. He took a step closer to me and his long shaggy hair began to cover his face.
    “I guess I’ll just get it next them then kid.” He offered with a smile and I looked away, feeling an excitement bubble through me for more. “We never did finish our game.” He said not teasing anymore, I looked at him and pondered for a moment before answering his unspoken question.
     “Dare.” I said confidently this time, leaving him to smirk down at me in pride. He puffed up his chest and moved even closer. He leaned in like he was going to kiss me but just before he allowed our lips to finally meet, he stopped.
    “I dare you to kiss me.” His gruff tone sending my nerves haywire, a chill running down my spin at the command. His eyes darker than I had seen them, only balanced by the smirk on his lips daring me, goading me to follow through. The final straw was the sensation of his hands settling heavily on my waist, keeping me steady and sure as I surged forward and planted my lips on his.
    From there he wasted no time gaining access to my mouth and invading each of my senses one by one.
    Touch; the feeling of his tongue languidly pushing against mine, fighting a war for dominance and winning without hesitation. His hands finding themselves roaming over every point of my body, and mine deeply nestled in his hair.
    Sight; the possibilities of what comes next floating by in my head in vivid detail. The sheer number of ways this encounter could finish, all unbelievably tempting.  
     Sound; the deep velvet groan from his dulcet tones when I tugged on his chestnut locks, the whimper that snuck out of my mouth when his hands made home on my backside.
    Smell; the dark woodsy pine notes of his cologne mixed the sweet vanilla of my perfume creating an intoxicating scent.
    Taste; nothing I’ve had in my life could compare to the taste of Adam on my tongue, the feeling of wholeness only grew. My wanting grew with it, wondering if Adam tastes good now, what other perverse acts would taste even better.
     Eventually the heated kiss broke, and the depths of Adam’s eyes told me everything I needed to know in that moment. “My apartment is just a block that way.” I spoke breathlessly, pointing behind us in the direction the night would take place. He threw his head back with a groan, a sight that sent shockwaves of anticipation through my body and to my center. He nodded his head furiously.
    “Fuck yeah kid, lets go.” He spoke, pulling me along with my hand to head in the direction of my apartment. By the time we made outside my apartment and pulled out my keys Adam sprung into action, pulling my back to meet his front allowing me to feel the full effect I’ve had on him throughout the night. His errection dug itself into the curve of my behind and suddenly I realized just what I would be dealing with for the night. Adam Sackler is fucking hung.
    His kisses trailed up my neck, his hips grinding into my body and the noises he was making were borderline pornographic. The task of opening my door was lost as I allowed myself to lean back into the pleasure, he was giving me. His hand trailed down my arm slowly as he sucked on a particular spot behind my ear that made my knee buckle in bliss. His hand wrapped around mine, that was still holding the keys, and raised it to the door.
    “If you don’t unlock that door now, I’ll fuck you in the hallway.” He threatened, no doubt in my mind he would follow through with the threat. I quickly refocused on getting my key in the door and getting this man inside.
     As soon as the door was shut, he had me pressed against it, mouth pushing against my own once again, but now his hand travelled under my shirt kneading my breasts in his large sturdy hands. I reached, clawing at his shirt to come off as he unclasped my bra from the back, which only succeeded in turning me on. Once his shirt was removed, he made quick work of mine, stopping only to marvel at the sight of my topless body. He stared for just a moment too long, doubt flooded my veins and my throat tightened at another failed encounter where someone didn’t like what they saw.
     Just as I resigned myself to my own fate, reaching down for my shirt, Adam took both of my wrists and pinned them above my head. Once again pushing me against the door and pinning me from any other means of movement.
    “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he demanded with a dark grit in his voice I had not heard before, his fire like anger only lighting the fire of hope in my belly once more.
    “I thought,” I started and as soon as I began to speak, he ground his erection into my core, effectively beginning my decent into madness. “Fuck, Adam that feels good!” I cried out rather than explain myself.
    “Come on little girl,” He teased breathlessly into my ear, obviously enjoying the act as much as I did, “Explain yourself to me.” He spit out all that came out of my mouth in return was a needy whimper and shuttered breath. It set my body on fire, turned my bones to jelly as he shifted to hold my weight for me.
    “I- fuck- I thought you didn’t like it.” I said softly, simply as the pleasure built with every thrust of his hips against mine. My back arched as he slowed to a stop, my eyes shooting open to see him looking down at me with furrowed brows.
    “You thought I didn’t like your pretty little tits huh?” he looked down at me, and I nodded softly, shyly up at him and his eyes softened slightly. He made the move to prop me up against the wall and move his body down. He kissed his way from my jaw down to my chest, finally settling with both his hands caressing my breasts. “You have,” He punctuated it with a small suck on my chest leaving a hickey a few centimeters above the nipple, “The most,” He took his sweet time worshiping every square inch of my chest, “Glorious tits I’ve ever fucking seen.” Finishing it off with an intense attachment to my nipple that sent earthshattering shockwaves throughout my body from the first real contacted pleasure Adam had given me all night.
    “Please, baby girl,” he murmured against my tits as he moved further down my body, “Let me eat your sweet little pussy.” He spoke, the dirty message matched only by the lewd and carnal tone he spoke with. Before he could anywhere with my pants, I took his hands and began leading them to my bedroom, which wasn’t too far away.
    He followed like a lost puppy trailing its owner, looking at me with wide and hungry eyes, taking in every movement my body made. As soon as I laid back in the bed, he made quick work of my pants, pulling them off with my underwear in one swoop. I let him handle me however he wanted and he moved with swift expertise that had my core drenched by the time he was done.
     With his hands stabilizing my hips, keeping them pinned to the bed, he sat between my legs admiring the sight laid out before him. He smirked at my disheveled appearance, trying desperately to hold on to my sanity and he hasn’t even laid his hands on me. Suddenly his tongue was on me, taking one long stride of my core before focusing on my clit.
    “Fuck yes!” I shuttered out when he brushed his tongue in a zig-zag on my clit before detaching with a sadistic chuckle. He explored every part of me, places no man had ever considered now have me careening towards the pit of bliss at lightning speeds. He took his time prodding at my hole while swiping his nose at my clit and in that moment, I swore no one was better at this than Adam fucking Sackler. My hands twirled themselves into his hair tugging harshly, making him pause for his own pleasure. Only then did I notice his gyrations on the mattress himself, which sent my mind into an overdrive of pride and arousal.
     “Your pussy tastes so sweet for me baby girl.” He hummed smugly into my pussy, the vibrations bringing me that much closer to the edge. He looked up at me, watching me fall apart as he brought his hand to my entrance working in a finger, beginning to stretch me out for him. “Your pussy’s tight, that for me?” He spoke, knowing I was way too close to orgasm for me to respond with anything but whimpers of his name mixed with any expletive that comes to mind.
    “Adam,” I called out, tightening my hands in his hair, trying to signal him for more. “Please!” I cried out, his pace slowing to a teasing momentum before he added another finger without warning. My head tilted back, losing all sense but the sense he was feeding me through his ministrations. I was teetering a dangerous ledge and with every thrust of his fingers he brought me to the edge. He took one last thrust of his fingers hitting the deepest part of me, paired with his tongue swiping my clit and the damn burst within me.
    Euphoria was flooding my system; I was floating in orgasmic bliss surrounded by nothing by the feeling of Adam bringing me through my haze and the smell of sex mixed with his cologne. After what felt like a lifetime of bliss, I felt him begin to kiss his way back up my body, taking special care of my stomach, sucking hickeys along the way.
    “You’re so good at that.” I murmured, still coming down from my high. He chuckled into my neck before coming up to my face and planting a big kiss on my lips. I immediately responded, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and bringing him flush to my own body. I could taste myself on his lips, his facial hair still coated in a layer of my cum, which only added to the kiss. “Adam, I need you to fuck me.” I said as I broke the kiss. His eyes lighting up again like in the living room, he moved away from me to finally take off his pants.
    “Condom?” He asked as he stood in his boxers, outlining his prominent erection pulsating in need. I only shook my head, moving to the edge of the bed where he stood to palm him over his boxers.
    “I’m on the pill.” I whispered seductively in his ear, he nearly doubled over in pleasure once the statement registered in his brain. He wasted no time taking my hips and twisting me around so I was on all fours before him. A deep feeling of butterflies reverberated in my stomach as I arched back into the hands he planted on my ass. He let himself groan at the sight of me before him once again, this time he had his hand moving over his thick cock.
    He rubbed the head of his dick over my pussy before catching it at my hole and pushing forward. The sting of him stretching me was not lost on him as he braced himself around me, caging me into his dick. He hissed as I clenched around him, trying to accommodate the difference. “Fuck your pussy’s so fucking tight you’re gonna squeeze me out.” He gritted out through clenched teeth, waiting for my signal to go ahead. His dirty comment only helped relax me, sending me spiraling in euphoria.
    “Adam, I need you to move.” I whined out, desperate for the friction he was made to bring me. He pushed farther and farther in until he was buried at the hilt. Both of us shuddered out, he filled me to the brim, his body made for mine in ways I had never felt before. Suddenly he pulled back and slammed back in with a deliberate force, landing perfectly on my G-spot. I cried out his name, the only thing I could remember at this point.
    “Yeah, yeah that’s it,” He praised my squeals of pleasure, “Say my name you fucking whore.” He spit out making my pussy clench around him in absolute pleasure. The way his hips slammed against mine, the way his hands groped at the cheeks of my ass, mixed with the things coming out of his mouth sent me into another dimension. “You like that you little slut? You like when I call you dirty little names?” He prompted me, adding a harsh slap to my ass to punctuate his thrusts.
    “Yes!” I cried out, burying my head into the sheets, letting Adam have his way with me exactly how he wanted. “Yes, I love being your little slut! Fuck!” He landed another spank, jolting me forwards on his cock. He retaliated by taking charge with my hips once more, grunting out insults mixed with praise.
    “Are you gonna cum? You gonna cum on my fucking cock you whore?” He stopped his thrusts, teasing me and my climax fading. “If you want to cum on my cock, fuck yourself on it.” He demanded, his hands kneading and soothing the damage he caused my backside already. I began rocking back on his dick, creating a similar rhythm to before. The harsh slaps echoed around the room and the lewd situation escalated my frenzy. “That’s its little slut, you’re fucking yourself so well.” He lost himself in the pleasure of it all, meeting my thrusts halfway.
    “Adam,” I moaned out, feeling the same euphoric anticipation building in my gut, I escalated the force trying to push myself to the place of bliss. “Adam, I’m going to cum!” I announced feeling the cliffs edge building and building. His hands trailing up my back and grabbing a fist full of my hair and pulling me flush against his chest, changing the angle so he was pushing deeper inside me.
    “Cum for me little slut.” He commanded, another hand wrapping around me to rub my clit in time with his thrusts. The bubble built higher and higher until I felt myself release for the second time that night. His thrusts continued, faltering as my body spasmed in absolute satisfaction, his grunts of pleasure travelling into my ear as he chases his own high.
    As his hips begin to falter their rhythm, he pushed into me for one last time before he let go and painted my insides with the ropes of his cum, marking me from the inside out. He wrapped his arms around me, collapsing us both on the bed, his cock still inside me, beginning to soften as he spoons me from behind. Our highs collectively lower and he is left trailing small kisses on the back of my neck and shoulder.
     “Where have you been all my life?” I joked once the atmosphere was returning to normal. He chuckled out, squeezing me into his chest even if I didn’t necessarily fit, and shifted his hips away from mine for the first time slipping out of me.
     He moved to look at me properly before saying, “Brooklyn.”
A/N: Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought, my inbox is always open!
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saharamae21 · 5 years ago
Never Ran Smooth (Part 5)
Hey guys, let me know if you want to be tagged when I update! I’d be more than happy to start a taglist! | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Six | Part Seven |
I know a bank where the wild thyme blows.
I watched my friends enjoy themselves for the next few hours, trying to have a good time. However, the thought of Rafe lingered in the back of my head. Why would my mom agree to that without even asking me?
“Hey, earth to Sav,” JJ said, waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times then turned to look at him. Hearing him call me Sav made my heart flutter. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, I’m okay!” I said back, trying to be chipper. I looked at Kie and said, “Wanna help me grab some drinks?”
We walked inside and Kie instantly bumps me with her shoulder.
“You and JJ?” she asks, wiggling her eyebrows. I smile when she says that, but dismisses her quickly. “C’mon, we all see it! You guys are totally hitting it off.” I thought about his golden blonde hair that he always pushed back and his beautiful blue eyes. I was definitely falling for this boy.
“JJ isn’t into me like that,” I said confidently.
“Do you seriously believe that Sav? I’ve seen JJ flirt with girls all the time, but I’ve never seen him act the way he does when he’s around you.” Kie asked me. I could feel my heart fluttering, ready to beat out of my chest. Did JJ really like me? “By the way, why are you so out of it tonight? Is it JJ?”
“No,” I said with a sigh. “Even though he probably would’ve said no, I’ve been thinking of asking JJ to escort me to midsummers.”
“That’s a great idea, Sav!” Kie cheered.
“But, my mom told Rose that Rafe could escort me. When we got home Rafe was waiting in the living room…” I groaned at the idea. Kie watched as my face completely sunk and pulled me into a hug.
“That blows,” she said. “Rafe of all people…”
We grabbed more drinks for everyone and as we were walking out I could hear the guys talking about me. Kie grabbed my arm and pulled me behind the door, obviously wanting to eavesdrop.
“C’mon guys. I don’t like Savannah like that,” JJ said. I could feel my heart sink in my chest. “She’s a nice friend and all but me dating a Kook will never happen. Plus I’m just not into her like that.”
That’s right. I’m a Kook. I’m everything JJ couldn’t stand. He would never be into me like that. Kie looked at me apologetic, but I just gave her a cheerful smile. I wanted her to think I was alright. I tightened my grip on the snacks and refreshments and made my way back to my chair.
“Speaking of Midsummers, do you have a dress yet?” Kie asked me. I know she was just trying to make small talk, but it was the last thing I wanted to talk about. I didn’t want to think about being a Kook. More importantly, I didn’t want to think about Rafe.
“I think my mom picked something out,” I said with a shrug. I ignored the boys as I politely asked Kie about her plans. “Are you going with anyone?”
“Nope, I’m flying solo,” she said proudly. I sat down and felt someone poke my shoulder.
“Give me some of that,” JJ said, grabbing the bag of chips from my hands. I smacked his arm and immediately took it back. “So are you going with anyone? To Midsummers?”
I sensed a bit of awkwardness in his voice. He seemed uncomfortable talking about this and was just asking to be polite. “Yeah. My mom told Rafe Cameron I’d escort him.”
“You’re going with Rafe Cameron?” JJ started to raise his voice. I watched as he stood up from his chair, obviously annoyed with his newly acquired information. “Oh my god. How suiting, Princess.”
My heart sank a little more as he began to treat me differently. I watched as the boy before me rolled his eyes.
“So you are one of them?” he asked me. “Rafe is one of the worst ones and you’re going as his date?” “JJ,” Kie started.
“No Kiara! She’s trying to get us to believe that she’s not a Kook because she’s bored,” he said. “I thought she was different, but she’s just like all the other rich kids. I’m not here to be a social experiment. We have treasure to find because our lives depend on it and little miss princess is here just to kill some time.”
“That’s not true. I thought we were frie-” I started to say.
“I’m not friends with anyone who hangs out with Rafe Cameron,” JJ said and stomped out of my yard. Pope got up immediately after JJ and called after him. John B quickly apologized and ran after him too, leaving Kie and I.
“I’m sorry Sav,” she said. “He just doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions and lashes out sometimes.”
I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I leaned back in my chair. Just like that, I felt alone again.
As I got into the van, my stomach sank with regret. Why did I yell at her like that? I mentally replayed the moment and couldn’t get her sad expression out of my mind. God I’m an idiot.
“What the hell, man?” Pope asked, climbing in after me. “What was that?”
“I dunno,” I said, mentally beating myself up on the inside. “When she said Rafe’s name, I just got so upset and I snapped. I didn’t mean to lash out.”
I pushed my hair back and stared at the ground. Why do I feel this way?
“It’s because you like her JJ. You lashed out because you’re jealous,” Pope said.
“It must be really bad if Pope noticed it before you,” John B added with a chuckle. “Think about it bro. You care about her. You constantly ask her if she’s okay. You tease her all the time. You blush around her. Plus don’t get me started with that piggyback shit. Any other girl you would’ve made them walk.”
“Plus you’re here regretting your actions,” Pope said. “Any other situation you wouldn’t feel bad for at least two days.”
“You guys are crazy. Where Kie? I want to get out of here,” I said, ready to go.
“Kie said she’d meet us back at my place. Let’s go.”
We drove the few miles it was back to the Chateau, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Savannah. She looked so sad as I yelled at her. I laid out in the hammock as the other two boys went inside. Kie would know what to do. Maybe I was jealous. Rafe could make her happier than I could. He has money and could provide for her. They could do fun things together, things I could never give her. She wouldn’t ever be happy with someone like me.
“Hey dumbass,” I heard Kie say as she walked up to me. I thought she was going to get in the hammock, but instead she grabbed the edge and flipped it over, causing me to fall hard against the floor.
“Ow! God damn it Kie!” I yelled.
“You are so stupid that it hurts!” she yelled at me. “You know as well as I do that Savannah doesn’t have Kook friends! She isn’t like the others! She wanted to ask you to Midsummers, but her mom agreed to Rose!”
That was the dagger. Those words sunk into me and pierced straight through my heart. My guilt that I felt the whole ride home was now amplified times a hundred.
“Also we heard you tell the boys that you’d never date a Kook,” she added. “Good luck digging your way out of this one, idiot.”
The days passed and I decided it would be best to give the Pogues a break from me. Maybe it was a break for me from them. Maybe it was that I couldn’t look JJ in the eye. The sad thing was that even though JJ blew up at me, that was still the best day of my life…
I worked hard at the hotel, getting everything planned for Midsummers. My dad put me in charge of decorations and it was a handful. I was so anxious, that I didn’t even know when Kie had stopped by to visit me.
“Hey stranger,” she said. I turned around and smiled.
“Hey Kie,” I said. “I’m sorry, I’ve just been too busy making sure Midsummers looks perfect.”
“So, take a break tonight,” she said and held out a flyer for a movie in the park. “Come with me.”
“I don’t know,” I said. I would normally jump at the idea, but I haven’t seen JJ since he declared that we weren’t friends.
“Sav, JJ feels really bad,” she said as if reading my mind. “He’s staked out the hotel like everyday, but doesn’t know what to say to you. He’s not good with the emotional stuff. Just come okay?”
Over my better judgement, I found myself at the park after work. I dressed up nicely and waited around. I smiled as Kie waved at me and ran up. Pope and JJ were behind her. I made eye contact with JJ and looked down, feeling self conscious. Is he going to leave because I’m here? I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me into an embrace. My entire body relaxed as I picked up the faint scent of weed and mint. JJ. My JJ.
“I’m so sorry, Princess,” he whispered. My heart felt as if it was going to explode. This was the first time he called me princess without a snarky or teasing undertone. It felt like a term of endearment and that was messing with my heart. I could hear guilt in his voice and I quickly wrapped my arms around him.
“JJ…” I whispered and hugged him back tightly. I finally let go of him and smiled. He ruffled my hair and smiled back. It felt awkward to just look at each other like this. I could feel myself blushing as I twirled a strand of hair around my finger. “C’mon, I think Kie and Pope found a spot.”
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one-leaf-grimoire · 5 years ago
Catfish (1/3)
So uhhh I’ve had this idea bouncing in my brain for like a month and I need to get rid of it so now you guys are subjected to it. Oops? It’s pretty self indulgent but hey what’s new? Anyway enjoy!
Also I was struggling to write this in 2nd person because I kept switching to 1st person. If you notice that in there please just ignore lol.
Warning: Finral’s shenanigans, alcohol use, catfishing (uh oh)
Even after 3 years of being part of the Black Bull’s squad, one thing remained constant: Finral never, NEVER stopped flirting.
“Ah!!~ You look so lovely today, why don’t the two of us go on a date sometime?” Finral appeared out of nowhere as you minded your own business, extending a gaudy bouquet of flowers towards you. You almost screamed in terror as he popped up, but managed to contain it.
“Er, thanks? Finral, you don’t have to keep giving me these, and anyway-” You laughed nervously. “I told you this before... you’re cool and everything, I just think it could be weird to date someone on the same squad, you know?” It’s true, in-squad dating could potentially lead to some very awkward situations. You had explained this reasoning to Finral time and time again, but he never seemed to quite get it.
“Aw... wait, you’ve told me that before, haven’t you?
“Yes, several times.”
“Well...” Finral’s eyes suddenly light up. “Since we’re both two lonely souls, and you want to meet someone from outside the squad, why don’t you come to the mixer with me next week?”
You’re not exactly sure what he’s talking about, but it sounds sketchy. “Mixer?”
Finral’s eyes widen. “Yeah, a mixer! It’s where young single people come to mingle and meet one another. You get paired with people for dinner.”
“Oh, so like a blind date?” The thought of going on a “date” with someone you don’t even know is sort of intimidating, but Finral keeps insisting that it’s fun. You do want to find a boyfriend at some point, just because it’s starting to get lonely. Being a magic knight is fun and all, but it takes up a lot of time, and relationships need time to build. Maybe this would be a good way to meet some people from other squads after all. “Alright... I’ll go with you.”
“Wonderful! We can be each other’s wingmen!”
“I don’t know about that...”
(one week later)
Two minutes after arriving in the town of Nean, you’re already regretting this decision. Finral dragged you into some loud, crowded inn. Most of the other girls there were dressed to impress, frilly gowns and ribbons in their hair. But you were still wearing your work clothes and cloak. That's what Finral was wearing, anyway! "You could have at least warned me about the dress code," you whispered to him angrily.
"Huh? Oh, don't worry about that!" Finral assured you. "Lots of girls like it if you're wearing your squad cloak! It attracts them like crazy!"
That's all well and good, but what about the men? Most of the men here seem to be making beelines for the girls in the pretty dresses, paying no mind to the girl with the squad cloak. "Well, what now?"
"We need to find a place to sit- Look! Over there!" Finral pointed at a table where a boy was already sitting, with two girls right across from them. He grabbed your hand and dragged you over. "Hey guys! Looks like you need another lady, huh?"
The guy blinked, sizing the two of you up. "...alright." The way he saw it, Finral wouldn't be a big threat, causing him to smile. "Have a seat!"
"Thanks!" Finral sits down across from one of the girls, then points at the empty seat with no one across from it. "Go on! Now we just need another guy..." He frowned as he realized you weren't moving. "What's wrong?"
You tried to string together some words. Already, you can tell that this guy isn't going to be very interested in you, and you doubt the last one will be either. So, what's the point? "Finral... I-I just remembered I have something to do-" You said quickly. "So, ah, I gotta-"
"WOW!" You were cut off by a loud gasp behind you. "A magic knight? No, TWO magic knights... Jackpot!"
You turned around to see the source to the exclamation: a young man with curly brown hair and the thickest glasses you had ever seen. He looks like a stereotypical librarian, was your very first thought. "Er- I was just-"
"Can I sit here with you guys? Please?" He's basically vibrating with excitement at the mere thought. It's a little creepy.
The other guy at the table chuckles to himself. "Go ahead, we need one more."
Oh god. Now you were trapped.
“Hello everyone! Now, we should all introduce ourselves to get warmed up!” Finral immediately takes charge of the dinner, which I’m grateful for. If nothing else, he’s good at riling people up, one way or another. “I’ll start! My name is Finral Roulacase, I’m 21, and I am a member of the Black Bulls! One interesting thing about me is that my Captain basically depends on me for everything. Without me, the squad would go under!”
“Whoa, really?” Mr. Spectacles blinks slowly as he looks at Finral in awe for some reason.
“Well, sort of.” Finral laughs nervously. “Next!”
The guy who was here originally flashes the girls a smile. “Good evening. I’m Emile, I’m 23, and I help my father run his merchant business.” The girls’s eyes immediately light up at this information. Having money is probably a plus. “And an interesting thing about me... I’m a great kisser.” Emile winks over at them.
Shit, he’s good! Finral thinks to himself.
I mean, he is pretty handsome, you thought to yourself, eyeing Emile up. But... I don’t know. He rubs me the wrong way already. Maybe Finral is the best option here-
The last guy stands up, wringing his hands together nervously as he squints over at us through his glasses. “Hello!!! I guess it’s my turn, ahah! Thanks for letting me sit with you, once again!” He giggles to himself nervously. “My name is, uh.... James! And I’m... uh... 21 as well! I work in the... uh- the Royal Library! I know that’s probably not where you expect a fellow young-person to work, but I do! And, an interesting fact about me... well, I’m not just going to tell you, you’ll have to ask me to find out.”
None of us know what to think about James. Finral stares at him for a moment before shrugging and turning back to the girls. “Now, what about you lovely ladies?”
The two girls recite their information, but their gazes are only directed on Emile and James. Mostly Emile, though... even though James works in the Royal Library and probably has connections, they don’t seem to care much for his manner... or something. James doesn’t seem to mind, though, he just keeps looking around the inn like a child in a candy store. 
Finally, it’s your turn to tell everyone your name, and you do, a little nervously. “I’m 21 too, I’m on the Black Bulls, and, uh...” You were blanking on a fun fact so you decided to piggyback off of James. “Ask me for an interesting fact later. Hehe.”
A waitress comes by and drops off some beer (THANK GOD). You quickly start drinking in the hopes that it will calm your nerves, but get distracted when Emile calls your name. “So, you and Finral are the same age? You must have taken the exam together then. What was that like?”
“Oh, well, you see-” Your hands were shaking now that this very handsome guy was staring at you with interest. “I-I didn’t take the exam. Our captain ran into me at a bad time in my life and thought my powers would be a good match for the team-”
“A bad time in your life? What happened?”
You gulp nervously. “My... parents died. About three years ago?”
Emile’s eyes widen. “You’re an orphan, then?”
“Er, technically-”
“Let’s change the subject!” Finral interjects before I can get any more uncomfortable. The conversation moves on and any interest Emile had in you is gone. You supposed that a girl with no parents wouldn’t be much of a profit... no dowry. Well, if a guy wants to date me just for the money, then he isn’t worth it! you think, but still feel a bit disappointed. 
“Your captain took you in? He must be a nice guy.” You looked up to see James speaking to you with a little smile on his face. He’s calmed down by now as well. “I’m sure you make a good member of the team.”
Well... at least he’s nice! I should at least make an effort to get to know him. He seemed a little eccentric but honestly who wasn’t? “So, er, James,” you started, not sure what to ask. “Have you been to a mixer before?”
“Nope! This is my first one.”
“Oh, me too!” For some reason, the answer put you at ease. Everyone else here seemed to be comfortable. James reached up and took his glasses off to clean them briefly, and for the first time, you got a good look at his eyes.
... they were beautiful, a shade of purple you had never seen before.
“... what are you looking to get out of this mixer?”
The question was a bit bold, and you weren’t exactly sure why you asked it. Something possessed you in that moment, because there was something strange about James, something you didn’t notice until he took off his glasses. 
“Hmm?” James looked back up at you as he put his glasses back on. “Oh, I don’t get out much! My job is pretty hard, believe it or not.” He giggled to himself as if it were an inside joke. “I thought this would be a good way to meet new people and see new things!”
... that’s all? For some reason, the answer was a bit disappointing. Maybe he wasn’t looking for a date, maybe he really did just want to socialize.
But I can’t give up... I don’t know why, but I feel a strange need to succeed. And I will!
“What about you?” James asks obliviously.
You clear your throat and summon every ounce of courage within you.
“I’m looking for a boyfriend, of course.”
You winked, internally screaming as James’s eyes widened a little. Ahh! Hopefully that doesn’t scare him off-
After the moment of clarity, James breaks into another adorable smile, but he can’t hide the blush on his cheeks. “Oh... see any good options yet?”
Got him! “Maybe... we’ll see.”
After that the food comes, and your nerves melt as determination takes hold. It’s been a long time since you actively flirted with anyone, but you think you’re doing pretty well here. You have James basically all to yourself since both of the other girls seem to be only interested in the more charismatic Emile. Most of my comments go over James’s head, but you know when one connects because his ears turn bright red and his voice wavers. Most of the time, though, he’s bombarding you and Finral with questions about being magic knights. “
But, eventually the event devolves. Emile gets a little tipsy and challenges both of the other guys to a drinking contest. “Whoever wins gets all three of the girls to themselves!” he states cockily. You don’t really like the way he just lumped you all into this like you were objects.
“Now, now, that doesn’t sound healthy!” Finral objects quickly, but yelps when Emile grabs him by the front of the shirt. “AH! I mean, may the best man win!”
James just laughs and picks up his mug. “I’m ready!”
Five drinks in, and Finral falls forward onto the table, passed out. Emile, who is belligerently drunk by now, roars and grabs him by the front of the shirt. “You can’t just fall asleep on me! Keep fighting! Do you want to make me look like a fool!? Get- Get-” He lets go of Finral and staggers back. “Ouch...”
You avert your eyes, feeling very embarrassed. Emile was making everyone at this table look stupid. Luckily, Emile sat down heavily in his chair and ended up passed out in the same position as Finral 2 seconds later. 
“Well... looks like I won!” To everyone’s surprise, the nerdy, slight James is the only one still standing. “Haha, so, ladies?”
“I’m out.”
“Me too.”
Both of the girls unceremoniously stand up and walk off, not sparing either of you a passing glance as they disappear. And just like that... You and James are alone.
“... that was rude how they just left. I think you’re pretty nice,” you said, wringing your hands together under the table.
“Really? That’s nice of you,” James says cheerfully. “I didn’t really know what to expect from tonight, but it’s fun! I’m sorry you had to get stuck with me at the end, though.”
“Huh? No, don’t be sorry! Emile really isn’t my type and Finral’s just a friend... plus, I told you,” you brought yourself to look in his eyes again. “I think you’re pretty nice...”
James just chuckles a little at that, his blush still visible but lessened. He must have gotten used to it by now. “Wanna go outside?”
You make sure that Finral is comfortable in his sleep before walking outside after James, your eyes fixed on the back of his curly brown hair. He’s a weird guy. Sometimes he seems so hyper, but other times he’s mellow. I wonder if he’s putting on an act?
“Look, there’s still a lot of people down in the square.” James gestures down at the street over the railing of the walkway the two of you are on. “I love people-watching... sometimes you can tell what kind of magic they have just from the way they move! Like him-” He points at a guy walking with his hands in his pockets. “What do you think he does?”
“Hmm...” You lean on the railing next to him, not sure why he was so interested in this. “I don’t know. Probably something boring.”
James lets out a short laugh, shaking his head. “No one is boring... everyone in the kingdom has an exciting story to tell, you know? I’m sure you do...”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” you reply, looking up to see him staring at you with that little smile once again.
“... I think you’re interesting.”
For the first time in a long time, your heart skipped a beat.
“... fire magic.”
“That guy, he has fire magic.”
“Oh!” James looks down at the guy once again. “What makes you say that?”
You point at the man before he walks out of sight. “The way he saunters around, like he owns this whole town. That’s how a lot of fire-magic users are. They think they’re hot shit or something...”
Your voice trails off, then you both burst into laughter. “Hey! That wasn’t even a good pun, stop laughing!”
“Oh? Make me.”
... uh oh.
You stopped laughing as James continued to chuckle. For some reason, all parts of his face faded from your vision... all but his lips.
But you didn’t take the chance, and he settled down. “I bet you’re right, though. You have a fire-magic user on your squad, don’t you?”
“Yeah, Magna... hey-” You frowned. “How did you know that?”
James stuck out his tongue teasingly with a wink. “No reason. Anyway-” His eyes suddenly twinkled violently as he rapidly changed the subject. “Right now! Tell me your top five types of magic!”
Top five types of magic?! What is that supposed to mean?! You gulped, stuttering as you tried to think of something. “Uh... well...” You started counting off on your fingers. “I like Finral’s spatial magic... and light magic! Only the King has that but it’s cool. And then Vanessa’s thread magic, I’ve never seen anything like it. Lord Nozel’s mercury magic is neat, and then number one is Captain Yami’s dark magic.”
“What about you?”
“Hmmm...” He hums for a long time before breaking into what’s obviously a well-rehearsed list. “Memory Magic, Tree Magic, Fire Magic, Dark Magic, Time Magic, and... hmm...” He hums again before looking down at you. “What kind of magic do you have, by the way?”
The question caught you off guard, especially when James was about to finish his list. “oh... it’s gem magic...”
“Gem magic?”
“Basically I can conjure them and shoot them at people. They can also refract other magic and send it in a different direction.” James doesn’t say anything right away, but when I look back up at him he’s vibrating with excitement. “That’s.. so cool! I’ve never seen that in action before! So, I guess...” He winks. “Gem Magic is my favorite magic.”
... oh my god. That was smooth. James?!?! WHo are you?!!?
“I’ve never seen it in action before, though... you should demonstrate it for me next time!”
“Oh, sure- wait, next time-”
“Great!” James laughs warmly, adjusting his glasses. “I have a day off next week! I’ll write you a letter!”
You stared at him for a moment, stunned. Did he just ask me on a second date? Or am I overthinking it... no, he definitely just did!
“Well, I’ll see you next week. Goodnight!” Before you get over your shock, James swoops down and grabs your hand, presses a kiss to the back, then walks off behind you. You blink, finally coming to your senses. Jeez, it was like he put you in a trance or something! “James! Wait-”
You turn around, and he’s gone.
You had some time to sit and think after that while Finral recovered enough to transport you home. James had first struck you as a nerdy, eccentric, yet ordinary guy at first, but now... you were right, there was just something off about him. Part of you wanted to go on the date with him to get to the bottom of the mystery... but then the other part of you wanted it for a different reason.
Either way... something strange was going on here. Stranger than you could possibly imagine.
Yay you made it to the end of the first chapter! Congrats... maybe it is obvious to you who “James” is but our dear Reader has a real surprise waiting for her. Feel free to send me your input, I always love reading your reactions to these short fics.
See you in chapter 2~
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elexica · 4 years ago
Summary: Kaiba gets drunk at Mokuba's fraternity initiation party and does the cute orientation leader's calculus homework. He's bad at flirting, but he's good at math.
Rating: Teen for Drinking
Pairing: Kaiba/Joey; Puppyshipping/Violetshipping Word Count:1568
(exactly what the summary says; read under the cut!)
“You are the glass half empty, sippin my ocean dry , emotionally spin me so that our planets cannot align, but I guess I can stand you one more night. . . I like us better when we’re wasted.”
– “Wasted,” by Tiesto.
“An’ over here is the cafeteria!  It’s all you can eat while ya live in the dorms!”  Joey smiled brightly as he waved an arm towards the cafeteria dorm.  “But if yer not in the dorms, you gotta pay.” He shook his head in exaggerated sadness.  “Unless you can get some Frosh to swipe ya in!”
Seto nodded serenely.  They continued to walk around campus, heading back to the student union.  Joey was the best orientation leader on campus—known for making everyone feel welcome and comfortable.  This was why they were always giving him the most difficult transfer students, he was sure.  He was also the only transfer student who worked for the orientation office as part of his financial aid work-study plan.
“So uh… yer clearly a little older than the freshies here… are you a transfer student or something?”  Joey rubbed the back of his neck nervously.  “Not that I’m judging or anythin’! I’m a transfer student too! Saves a lotta money and you get the same degree anyway!”
Seto did not look at Joey, as if he was wholly preoccupied by observing the various bicyclists streaming past them.
“It was time for my brother to start as a freshman, and I determined that I might as well secure a diploma simultaneously.”
Joey laughed, not because Seto had said anything funny, but because he was trying to lighten the mood.  His partner didn’t offer anything else, and it was painfully awkward.  Joey looked down at the information the admissions office had given him.
“So ehhh, looks like you’re a computer science student.” Joey offered.
“That’s correct.” Seto said.
“Which means…  you any good at calculus?”
“I am excellent.”  Seto rolled his eyes.
“So uh, if you got the time… you think you could help me?  It’s a pre-req for a biology class I gotta take for my Child Development minor and…”
“A minor in Child Development? Are you studying to be a teacher?”  Seto’s voice was harsh with derision.
“Close—social worker!” Joey beamed a little extra.
Seto rolled his eyes, his ice finally freezing any further pleasantries.
. . .
Seto Kaiba hated Fireball whiskey.  He was a man of taste, and had no problem sipping quality whiskey with the best of them.  But four shots of fireball in at his brother’s initiation Frat Party left him entirely nauseated.
Cinnamon-tinted bile worked its way up his throat as he balanced against the sticky wall of the party.  Portraits of the last 50 Fraternity Presidents glared at him, and he had half a mind to projectile vomit on them.
The world was spinning, but if he put down the red solo cup of what Mokuba had affectionately called “Jungle Juice” he would be forced to interact with another living soul in the building, so he choked down the fireball with some of the alcoholic fruit punch.
That was a mistake.  If the world had been slightly off-balance before, the combined effect was really hitting, and the whole world was clearly spinning.  He didn’t dare dislodge himself from his spot on the wall.
“Kaiba?”  Joey approached.  Kaiba wanted to bite out some witty line about the profit margin on social work, but he didn’t totally trust himself to open his mouth.  “You ok?”
With a thick swallow, Kaiba looked over and bit out, “Fine.  How do you remember me from…”
“Yeah uh, I don’t give a lotta tours to CEO-billionaire transfer students, ya stuck out.”  Joey leaned in, clearly concerned.  “You don’t look so hot, you wanna sit down?  Have some water?”
Kaiba stepped away from the wall to get out of the situation, and maybe start walking back to his apartment.  Within two steps he stumbled.  His spatial reasoning was totally shot.
And so was all his good sense, melting into the strong arms that caught him.
“Yeah, let’s get ya some water, alright?  Man, you do not look like yer having a good time.”
“Still want me to tutor you in calculus?” Seto managed to say, leaning embarrassingly into his counterpart’s chest.
“Honestly, if you still understand it, in yer condition, then yeah, that’d be great.”
“Ha! It would be easy.”
“Look, I’m gay, okay, I can’t do math!” Joey laughed at his own joke.
“Pathetic! I am also gay, and I am the best at math.” Seto slurred, but sounded devastatingly serious.  Joey leaned the belligerent drunk into a chair in the dining room of the frat house.  “You don’t believe me?”
Joey raised his hands defensively, “I believe you!”
“No, you don’t.  I’ll prove it.  Bring me your homework.”
Joey wandered away.  At some point, he must have told his fraternity bros that Kaiba was going to do his calculus homework drunk, because Mokuba and a group came over.
Mokuba was wearing a Delta Mu shirt from their charity event last week—some sort of poker night—and his hair was even wilder than normal.  “Seto! This is so like you.  Did you really have to steal the spotlight at my initiation party?”
Seto looked up from a solo cup of water that Joey must have left behind.  “I am not here for any spotlight.  I’m going to prove a point.”
And with that, Joey reappeared with his old laptop wide open.  “The worksheet is open.  The software calculates your grade immediately after you press enter.”
“I know how the interface works, dumbass.”  Kaiba rolled his eyes and stretched his fingers in front of him.
“Ahh yer a mean drunk.  You might need a graphing calculator, by the way.”
“Then bring me a graphing calculator.”  Joey flipped him off, but left the room to get one.
The pledge-master, Tristan, stepped in.  “I dunno if this guy’s actually drunk, or just faking.”
“What incentive do I have to—”
“Moki-Moki, he’s your bro.  What do you think?  What would he never do if he was sober?” Tristan said.
“Talk about his feelings,” Mokuba said instantly, rolling his eyes and taking another sip to hide his smirk.
“Ok.  Well?”
Kaiba opened and shut his mouth a few times, before he announced, “I’m about to puke on this fool’s laptop.”
“Sounds like Seto.” Mokuba’s smirk blossomed into a smile at getting to make fun of his brother for once.
“FINE!”  The cold fire behind Seto’s eyes lit up.  “I am thissss close to making out with the hot blond dumb ass, but instead I’m going to do his homework.  Happy?”
Mokuba’s smile vanished, and he wasn’t in any state to hide his shock.  “Checks out.  I’m … well I was… the only person who knew that Seto liked boys.”
Seto leaned into the computer.  “Great.  Bring me that graphing calculator and tequila shots for everyone.  I’m going to raise that guy’s grade 15%, and this is supposed to be a party.”
Joey reappeared with the calculator, and was shocked to see Seto actually making some headway on the problem set.  There were about fifteen problems.  Tristan put a neon plastic shot glass on the edge of the laptop, and without looking away from the screen, Seto slammed the shot.  If it burned his throat, he didn’t show it.
The gathered crowd looked at each other, holding matching neon shots awkwardly.  Tristan had clearly expected that Seto would have followed proper shots conduct and waited for the announcement.
Mokuba had years of experience with covering Seto’s faux pas.  “You saw the man! SHOTS!”  Everyone else downed them in tandom.
After a few minutes the group was chatting about other things and several of the brothers had entirely lost interest in watching Kaiba do calculus.  A smaller group of hold outs was extremely entertained, and Seto was going shockingly fast.
Within fifteen minutes the homework was complete.
“Done!” Seto shouted, pushing the graphic calculator across the table and was handed another tiny neon green shot glass, which he quickly downed.
Joey inspected the website.  It looked right enough.  “I dunno if I should submit this…” Joey waffled.
“Fool! Then we won’t know if I was right.” Seto looked unbearably offended.  
“But the academic honor code?”  Joey was actually nervous about this.
Seto leaned all the way back, and threaded his hands through his long hair.  “Screw the academic honor code.  I have money.”
“C’mon, don’t you wanna know if he’s the genius he’s supposed to be? Plus, no one else is going to know!” Tristan prodded.
Joey pressed enter.
The whole room paused while the site processed his answers.
“PERFECT SCORE!” Joey shouted, throwing his hands up!
The group had grown again and cheered, and Mokuba called for another round of celebratory shots, which served to drive the group back into the kitchen.
Joey and Seto were left alone.  Seto rested his head against the table and looked up at Joey.
“So… uh… ya wanna make out with me?” Joey blushed a little.
“I am literally going to puke, right now. Step aside.”  Seto shifted to get up.  He looked determined to make it to his feet, but it was not promising.
Joey leaned over to help.  “I can’t believe that you can do calculus, but ya can barely stand.  Yer ridiculous.”
“Still want me to tutor you?”
“So much.”
The end.
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zeetasposts · 5 years ago
An ikemen sengoku match perhaps? I’m open and honest, socially awkward and a personal cheerleader for my friends. However much I cheer them on though, I’m a very low energy person and kind of introverted. I wear my heart on my sleeve and try to be optimistic and a ball of sunshine for my friends. I ramble, like a lot, I sometimes hum or mumble when I do things. I love to read and write as well as act, it’s really easy to fluster me, and my ears go bright red. Thanks so much, have a great day!!
Hi hi, love! Thank you so much for the request! Sorry for making ya wait sooo long! I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you have a good day!
So I match you with................. Hideyoshi
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The first time you interacted with someone in the castle, it was with the cute hedgehog with all his all spikes out. He called you out for being weak and naïve and told you that you wouldn’t last a week in the past. Before you could even reply he storms off. You were left standing alone in the hallway, you had always worn your heart on your sleeve so its no surprise that Mamayoshi catches a glimpse of your upset expression painted across your face. He gave you a gentle smile and patted your head lightly, “Don’t take what he says too seriously, he has a tendency to say the opposite of what he means.” You gave Hideyoshi a small nod and shy smile, although it still did bother you that the porcupine didn’t even give you a chance to speak and that his first impression of you was clearly horrible. 
After seeing your genuinely concerned expression Hideyoshi could help but drop all suspicions you of being a spy or assassin, beside you were way to smol and cute, so instead his MOTHER MODE was activated. He looked at you concern clear in his eyes and scratched the back of his neck trying to come up with a way to cheer you up, that’s when an idea popped into his head, and he asked you if you would like to go out to tea with him. Hideyoshi found it cute how introverted and awkward you were. He couldn’t help but smile at the way you fidgeted with your sleeve as he ordered the two of you some tea and snacks. The two of you enjoyed a nice warm cup of tea and a few sticky sweet buns. Of course, during this little outing, Hideyoshi had done most of the talking cause you still felt a little shy.
The next day Hideyoshi came to your room to show you the ropes. As castle chatelaine you needed to know all the ins and outs and workings of the castle, Hideyoshi was patient, and kindly took his time explaining everything to you, even handing you a few notes he that had prepared for you the night before, to help you in better remember everything. As the day progressed, you found yourself opening up to him more and more. He really enjoyed spending time with you and found your open honesty to be refreshing, a trait that not many in this time posses. As the two of you sat together in the garden, taking a break and sipping on some tea, he asked you about your life. You had told him all about your family and friends, and well.. the fact that you were from the future. He was shook, but something in him, told him he could trust and believe you, plus it explained your naivety and pure innocence.
You worked hard for the castle, and its people and everyone loved you, you were like a big ball of sunshine, bringing so much light into the lives of the people around you. One, in particular, took a big liking to you and that would be Hideyoshi. He loved your positive, upbeat attitude and your ability to find the bright side in every seemingly dire situation. In fact, it seemed like your sunshine smile was infectious, as the warlords would often comment that when the mother hen was around you, he would never be wearing less than a bright, brilliant smile. The two of you spent an endless amount of time together, visiting teahouses or sitting in silence together, each writing their own reports of the day for Nobunaga to review.
Although the true test of your optimism was soon to be tested. As Oda force lucky charm you were basically forced to go to war with them, a terrifying experience, might I add. You helped the prickly porcupine in the medical tent during the day and the one-eyed dragon in the cooking tent in the evenings. Everything was going well until you had been kidnapped, one night while you were out helping Ieyasu collect some herbs. News had reached Nobunaga and Hideyoshi of your disappearance, and Hideyoshi was in a tizz. He couldn’t think straight, all he wanted to do was rush into the enemy lines and get you back. An unknown pain and sting in his chest burned with rage at the thought of someone hurting you. Nobunaga smiled a knowing smile, almost all the Oda warlords had realised that the monkey had long ago fallen head over heels for you.
You were held in a dark hut, you strained your ears slightly to hear what the men outside were talking about. Things were looking grim for you as one of them spoke of killing you before Nobunagas eyes, as they had heard that you were his favourite. You rolled your eyes and sighed, yes, you and Nobunaga had spent some time together, but you saw him more like a brother, the real one your heart belonged to was Hideyoshi. 
A chill went down your spine at that moment when you thought that you might not live to see another day and confess your feelings to the castle mother. Just as all hope seemed to be lost the very person you longed to see, burst through the door, guns blazing. He was heavily outnumbered, against a better judgement from his lord, the stupid monkey rushed through the woods alone to come to your aid. He fought hard when finally, the rest of the warlords managed to catch up to him. Before the two of you could celebrate the victory, one of the enemy monks emerged from the shadows and held a sword high above your head. He brought it down intending to kill you before the eyes of the Oda forces, but the blow never came. You opened your eyes to see Hideyoshi had blocked the sword with his body. He toppled to the ground and grunted in pain, Mitsuhide had without a second thought shot and killed the monk. Nobunaga cut you free from the bonds holding you in place, and you wasted no time rushing to Hideyoshi’s side, tears streaming down your face.
Honeyed eyes looked up at you, “Please don’t cry, love.” Those were the last words that left Hideyoshis lips before he passed out. Ieyasu brought him back to camp and worked on him through the night, he was in critical condition, and you were told not to get your hopes up. The next few weeks passed by in a blur, Hideyoshi was healing quickly thanks to his own personal cheerleader, cheering him on and making sure he doesn’t overexert himself. You were tasked with looking after the Mother hen while he healed from his injury, a job which you gladly accepted. The two of you had grown even closer during this time. The moment Hideyoshi had opened his eyes for the first time, after being unconscious for days, you confessed you loved and kissed him. You were so happy that he was alive, even more so when he returned your feeling.
You would often let Hideyoshi rest in your lap while you read your newest piece of writing to him. He loved the stories you would write, he would get lost in the world you would create with the endless words written on the pages. He loved it even more when you would soothingly pull your fingers through his hair as you would read him your stories.
He loved the way you would hum and mumble as you cleaned. He would often lean against the doorway and close his eyes, just listening to the sound of your pleasant hum echoing off the walls. He loved you so much from your low energy vibe to your cheerleading optimism. He loved to dote and spoil you rotten as well. Often he would see you overworking yourself and lead you by the hand to your favourite teahouse, where the rest of the day would then spend walking with him, hand in hand through the markets where he would insist on buying you a small gift.
What does this Mamabear love the most you may ask well that’s easy, he loves how easily flustered you get, for you see even though Hideyoshi is a kind man he is also quite the charmer. He will send you teasing comments all through lunch just to see your face flare-up in the most adorable blush. He can’t help but chuckle at the cute way even the tips of your ears get coloured in the light pink shade from his teaing flirts. 
Often the two of you can be found spending a quiet evening together in Hideyoshi’s manor. He will pull you into his arms and snake his arms around your waist while he rests his chin on your shoulder. He loves to listen to you ramble off about your day, telling him everything that had happened and spilling all the tea. 
Hideyoshi will definitely be the type to drop a kiss or two on your forehead or cheek when he catches you in the hallway. He loves to see that bright sunny smile on your face and secretly hopes to catch a glimpse of it whenever he moves between meetings, as it just renews his energy and gives him the strength and patience he needs to sit through the next boring war council. Not to mention the fact that catching you by surprise like that, always leaves you flustered and red to the tips of your ears, which this man absolutely adores 
Other potential matches...........Ieyasu 
I hope you enjoyed it, dear! ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿ And I hope you gave a really good day! 
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surveys-at-your-service · 4 years ago
Survey #334
"i dreamed i was missing  /  you were so scared  /  but no one would listen,  ‘cuz no one else cared”
Sunrise or sunset? Sunset has prettier colors, imo, but I enjoy the pastel nature of sunrises, too. Are you mentally ill? Oh brother. Are you physically ill? I don't have any serious physical health issues, no. Introvert or extrovert? I'm a very strong introvert. What do you think when you look at your body? That it's fucking disgusting. What have others said when they look at your body? When I was healthy, I was complimented every now and again. With the body I have now? I'm glad people keep their months shut. Do you have a particular song that you feel deeply? There's a good 'ole handful or two. Talk about a time in your life where you have felt most alive? It's weird, I'm not a city person at all, but possibly when I was walking the streets of Chicago with Sara and her dad one evening. There was just so much life, so many new sights, that it was impossible not to. Plus, I was at a very happy point in my life, so. I just enjoyed a lot. Are you confident wearing a bikini? FUCK NO. Have you ever been hurt physically or mentally by a family member? Mentally, obviously. Everyone has at some point. I've never been seriously physically hurt by family, but Mom did spank my sisters and me as kids if we did something wrong. Biggest lie you have told? I don't really know. I get really uncomfortable telling even minor lies, so making a big one would be excruciating. I'm not saying I've never said a biggie, I'm sure in 25 years of life I said something stupid at one point, I just don't remember it. Do you believe in the Illuminati? Nah; there's some compelling evidence, but I just think it's way too big of a secret to keep. Regrets in your life? Blaming the breakup entirely on Jason and saying just plain cruel things to him afterwards. Also sending an appallingly hateful letter to Dad to vent after the divorce. Flirting with my then-best friend's boyfriend at the time behind her back. Dating Tyler (it's a small one, but still a regret). There are others, those are just the only ones coming to me right now. Achievements in your life? Lots of academic success and awards (before college, anyway...), artistic accomplishments like having my work put in a museum, surviving a traumatic breakup, (mostly) recovering from massive depression... What did people say about you in school? Nothing, really. I was a quiet student who just did her work and tried hard. Is there something you have never told anyone? Yes. If you had two days to spend one million dollars how would you spend it? First, I'm paying off college debt. Then Mom gets a new car, followed by me getting new glasses and renewing my permit. I'm getting a good terrarium setup for Venus. Then, it's tattoo time, baby, haha. I can't really do the mental math on how much this all would cost, but those are the high-priority things I can think of. Describe your first kiss? Was it how you imagined? Jason and I were playfighting in bed, and he had me pinned. Our faces were close, and I decided to kiss him. It was a fairy tale moment, in my eyes. He looked so bashful for once (he's far from shy) but also really happy, and I was too. Growing up were you in a wealthy, average, or low income household? Low, I think. Or maybe average, when Dad was still around. Have you been raised by a solo parent? When I was around 17, my parents split, so kinda-sorta. Do you know both your parents? Thankfully, yes. Have you abused drugs or alcohol? No. Are you comfortable accepting compliments? Ehhhh, I really appreciate them and they can make my whole day, but I'm very awkward about it. I get shy. Are you comfortable giving compliments? Oh yes. I honestly love giving compliments; I know how happy they can make me, so why not share that with others? Is any mental illness hindering your life? Guess. (: Is any physical illness hindering your life? Well, it's not an "illness," but the muscles in my legs have severely atrophied from leading such a horribly sedentary lifestyle, and that has greatly affected my ability to work without the risk of just collapsing. Walking at all is painful. Are you preparing for an apocalypse? No. I'm not really one to worry about "prepping." If it happens, it happens, man. I'm not spending loads of money on a "maybe." Are you interested in cults? Not really, no. Are your parents good cooks? Mom is fine, but it's hard to really judge Dad's cooking since he barely ever did it, plus I haven't had his cooking in many, many years. I remember he was great at making breakfast, though. That was like a rare treat, him deciding to make breakfast for everyone. Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Did you like it? No. Do you know anyone who is an actor? No. Have your wisdom teeth come through yet? They never did. Have you ever used a public pay phone? No. Have you ever made an item of clothing? No. Have you taken someone's virginity? No. Is confidence cute? "Confidence, yes. But cockiness and arrogance, no. That’s a whole different area that’s definitely not cute." <<<< Nailed it. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Doubt it. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? No; rather, I drink too much of it. I'm trying really hard to lay off of it, and I drink nowhere near as much as I used to (when oddly enough, I was healthy and fit), but I'm still not comfortable drinking a can and a half a day. Listening to? "Castle of Glass" by Linkin Park. Kinda obsessed. Ever used a bow and arrow? No, but archery is cool. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? I don't think this has happened since my senior shot in HS. Take a vitamin daily? Daily, no, but I really should. I take a Vitamin D capsule every Sunday, though. Favorite Taylor Swift song? I only really like "Love Story" and "Picture to Burn." Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yeah. Which are better: black or green olives? I don't like olives period, but I guess black. What’s your 3rd favourite animal? Huh, never thought of #3, just #1 and #2: meerkats and opossums. Maybe snakes? Do you like mushrooms? NO. NO NO NO. What dream do you remember most vividly? One I don't talk about. A childhood nickname? Mom called me "Twinkie" and still sometimes does. ;-; Does anyone in "real life" know that you take surveys? Would you be embarrassed if they found your blog? Just Sara. And yes, regarding some people. Who was the last person you blocked on social media? Did you have an argument that lead to that happening? I'm unsure, but probably. I don't tend to just like... randomly block people. What was the first social media account you remember signing up for? Are you still a member of that particular website, if it even still exists? Of course it was MySpace. It's still floating around somewhere in cyberspace. What website from your childhood/teen years do you wish still existed? I get nostalgic over the Animal Planet forums sometimes. Have you ever met up with anyone in real life that you first met via the internet? Did you get on as well as you thought you would? Yes, Sara. I felt like it would go just fine, but it went even better than I expected - I was oddly very comfortable around her and her family. Have you ever tried any of those meal replacement shakes? Are you a fan of things like that in general? Yeah; I tried many brands until I settled for Equate, surprisingly. Cheap does not equate to bad quality, my friends. We always have the chocolate ones in the house, and they're really not bad at all. Are you the kind of person to enjoy taking naps? I love me my daily nap, man. What's your favourite kind of cheese to have on a pizza? Idk, whatever cheese is normally used, lol. What's a hobby you loved when you were younger but no longer enjoy for whatever reason? I guess video editing. I can't say I'd no longer enjoy it at all, but now the idea sounds far more like a chore than fun. Is there a popular food/drink that you can't stand? What is it and why don't you like it? I could name five dozen, but here's just a few: coffee, pie, tea, fried chicken (or is that just a Southern thing to be obsessed with?), and... of course now that I'm asked this question, I'm blanking on the huge number I know exist. As for "why," that varies, but it's either just simply a taste or even a texture thing. How would your wedding boquet look like? I want a gothic-themed wedding, so imagine a mix of black and maroon roses... whew-wee. You’re at a bar, and you witness a man drugging some girl's drink. What do you do? No hesitation, I'm decking the motherfucker. Fuck my fear of men, he's getting knocked out, and I'm immediately alerting the staff, as well as of course the girl. Kids? How many? Why? Names? Boy or girl? Y'know, loads and loads of scaly and hairy ones. Got plenty of name ideas depending on what they are and how they look. The only baby whose gender matters to me is the tarantula because females live waaaay longer. Fuck them human babies, not for me. Are you an organ donor? Absolutely. I sure as hell ain't usin' 'em once I'm dead, so consider it my last act of selflessness. Whats the most you’ve ever lost gambling? I don't gamble. What is something you can never give up (that's not love or family)? My pebble from my "graduation" from my first partial hospitalization program. It's meant to symbolize how great pain and trials can file you into something beautiful. It was passed around group, everyone holding it in their hands as they wished me well and spoke their piece about me. I'm honestly just fighting back tears remembering it. Have you ever waited in line overnight for something? No, I'm way too impatient for that shit.. Do you think having an expensive phone is a good investment? Hm. I guess it depends on what you use it for. Have you ever witnessed a birth in person? A human birth, no fucking thank you. I've only ever seen pet cats give birth. Does anyone in your family smoke? My dad does, big time. He quit drinking, but never quite managed to stay away from cigarettes. Have you ever had a pet escape and run away? Seeing as I grew up with outdoor cats that we couldn't afford to fix, pretty much all of our tomcats left for roving once they came of a certain age. Do any of your exes know each other? Juan and Jason know each other, Jason and Girt know one another as well, and Sara and Girt have met. What’s an opinion you find impossible to take seriously? I simply cannot fathom the belief that "dinosaurs never existed." Explain the fucking fossils, like come the fuck on. It's absolute denial in the name of religion. What was the very first election you voted in? This one that just passed, actually. What is one random fact about you? I want like 20 tarantulas but Mom says no. :( Do you spend a lot of time outdoors in the summer? Fuck no, I will do anything to stay inside in summer. Do you wear band tees? if yes, which one is your favorite? I love band tees, yeah. My Ninja Sex Party shirt is the most comfortable, but comfort aside, it's hard to pick a favorite. Possibly my Otep one, 'cuz the design is dope. Do you ever re-arrange your room? No. What season do you want to get married in? Fall. What is the highest name-brand thing you own? Oh god, I don't own expensive brand stuff. I guess the only exclusion would be my Cloak shirt, but even that's not like, mad pricey. What color GameBoy did you have as a kid? Red. What was your favorite GameBoy game? Maybe that Catz game? Even though the music was the most fucking obnoxious meowing ever lmao. What was the last compliment you remember someone gave to you? Who was it? It was this guy in my PHP group; my therapist surprised the fuck out of me by sharing with everyone my most recent poem (I trust him a lot, and he urges me to send him my art, so I've done that twice), and I nearly fucking died from cardiac arrest. However, this Nick guy, who's a poetry major, told me it was better than stuff he reads in his Master's program. I almost cried. Have you ever personally been friends with a stripper or prostitute? No, not that I'm opposed though or anything. If you have tattoos, which one that you have was the most painful? The one on my inner forearm. Have you ever actually met and talked to someone who’s famous? No. When was the last time you got a parking ticket for anything at all? I never have. Do you have any pets who will bite anyone else out there, besides you? No; Roman won't even come close enough to a stranger TO bite, haha. It's funny, he's so goofy and you'd guess outgoing, but instead, he's terrified of people he doesn't recognize. What’s your favorite type of sushi? I don't eat sushi. What’s your favorite patriotic song? Don't have one. Have you ever read a book about a character in a psych ward? No, and I'd really prefer not to because it would just drag me back to dark times. Have you ever been in a mental hospital as a patient? ^ Have you ever had an ulcer? No. Do you like soy sauce? omfg no What’s your favorite store to browse around? Morph Market. @_@ It's a hub for reptiles for sale, and I have my days where I just browse the ball python morphs for like an hour or so, haha. What’s the name of the most recent baby a friend had? Christ, half my friends on Facebook are having babies, idr. I don't know who was the most recent. Do people normally say you’re a fast typer, or are you rather slow? I'm very fast. Have you ever been considered the "smartest person in school?" No; that was my friend Hannia. I'm pretty certain she would qualify as a genius. Her GPA was fucking incredible. Were you named after anyone famous or anyone on television? No.
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