#plus being able to afford a lack of stress is a wonderful thing
wild-at-mind · 2 months
How do I become the right level of sexual to be loved and adored in my own community?
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 4 months
Reverting Common Body Insecurities (Will update with time):
Scars (self-inflicted or not, prominent or invisible, burn or something else, etc.): Scars are a physical mark of your endurance and bravery. They show you’ve healed or are healing. They represent dedication to recovery and self-compassion, in my opinion. Plus, they look badass!
Stretch marks: I like to call stretch marks beauty marks, because they’re the ultimate physical manifestation of growth. They show how you BLOOM. Whether you got them from pregnancy, weight changes, or something else, they’re a reminder that you endured a period of growth in your life. And isn’t that a beautiful, wonderful thing? Wouldn’t the world be so boring if we remained stagnant, and our bodies beared no signs of change?
Lower belly pouch (most commonly found in AFAB people): Let’s be real, if you are AFAB, you probably have this little “pouch” of soft, sagging skin on your lower belly. Even if you have toned abs, this pouch is completely normal! It’s there to hold in your reproductive organs; consider it a blanket or a soft layer of protection for one of your most complex organ systems! If it didn’t sag the way it does, it wouldn’t be able to do its job as well. Thank God for that!
Large bust: This is a pretty common insecurity, particularly if the girls are saggy. Guess what? Sagging is fine! Nothing, not even the girls, is resistant to gravity. I promise you don’t have to wear a push-up bra if you don’t want to. Just because anime characters defy gravity doesn’t mean you have to as well. There’s nothing wrong with your big bust; it’s really just a natural body structure that you don’t have much control over. Not to mention, breasts have an important biological function (lactation) that’s crucial for a baby’s development if you’re a parent.
Small bust: Just as those with larger bust might be insecure, people with smaller bust can, too. They’re often told they’re “too boy-ish” or “not feminine enough”, etc, which just isn’t true. If you consider yourself feminine, you’re feminine, full stop. There are plenty of very feminine women who have smaller busts, and they own it! Also, consider the perks. You can generally lay flat on your chest, you’re at a lower risk for back pain, and sometimes depending on your cup size you can be free from bras!
Thinness: Yes, skinny-shaming is just as real and problem as fat-shaming. Say it louder for the people in the back! Skinny ≠ underweight, just as plus-sized ≠ overweight. Whether you’re bony, lanky, model thin, size zero, scrawny, angular, slender, lean, slim, gangly, petite, lithe, or however you may be described. Your body isn’t the problem, you’re beautiful.
Plus-sized bodies: There’s this huge stigma surrounding “fat positivity,” with a lot of people labeling it as “misleading” and “cringe.” This is a very black and white view of such a complex thing. Fat people simply existing and showing off their HEALTHY, UNRESTRICTED diets (often known as intuitive eating) is NOT “promoting obesity.” The people who are saying being overweight and obese is okay are outliers. Not to mention, being obese doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful and it certainly doesn’t mean you can’t have influence on social media and be confident. People will often say in these videos that they “just care about your health and want you to put the junk food down.” But that in itself is a harmful assumption. It assumes that your body size is the ultimate indicator of health, and that it determines moral uprightness. But there are so many things that can lead to a higher risk obesity and overweightness that is not just overeating, including but not limited to: illness, disability, genetics, stress, physiological and environmental influences, not having access to proper nutrition often because ultra-processed food is less expensive and not a lot of people can afford unprocessed nutritious foods, sleep disorders, medications, a lack of physical activity, etc. And even then, it’s not fair to make moral judgments about people who are overweight because they overeat, either, because you are shaming people who have developed unhealthy eating habits, and shame only makes these habits worse. People over eat for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to: binge-eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, lack of bodily awareness and hunger cues (common in autistic people), coping with stress, emotional eating, etc. These are all complex, multi-faceted issues that critics MUST learn to understand before criticizing ever fat person ever.
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narrators-journal · 3 years
Step four
CW: Congratulations reader-chan! You’re expecting! Illumi also really cranks up the yandere side, nothing too bad, but he’s definitely not proving to be a stable man in this part.
Previous part: here
First part: here
Illumi found his mother in the family library, doing some research for a job she'd gotten.        "Mother, sorry for interrupting, but I have a rather pressing dilemma with my relationship." He said, and he could see the woman perk up slightly, but she only hummed and stayed focused on her research,       "Sorry dear, I can't help right now, maybe try Gotoh." She spoke casually, but he could see in her body language that she was dying to hear about her eldest son's relationship.       "I was wondering if it would be inappropriate to bring her here so soon." he added, and like that her research was forgotten and she was instead offering him a seat beside her. So, he sat in the intricately carved wooden chair and filled her in on his dilemma with the concerns for your safety after finding out Hisoka knew your name, and the concern of pushing you away unnecessarily. "I don't want to put her in danger, but my research on dating says that bringing her here is something to do later on, when we've been together for more than a month." he explained, his mother digesting the information before speaking,                "This is a rather delicate situation...but since Morrow is here, it should be safe to leave her where she is. Maybe set some butlers as constant bodyguards, but hold off on bringing her around here. At least until I can prepare! Oh I'd have to get the chefs to cook a special meal for when your father and I finally meet your partner, and the mansion will have to be meticulously cleaned, and the gardens tended to!" Illumi sighed as his mother rambled on a tangent about how this sort of conflict was always so romantic in the novels she'd read and how she'd have to make sure the family was perfect so as to leave the best possible impression on you.        "Mother, I am being serious. I have worked with Hisoka before, he's a dangerously clever man. I don't want to risk him harming my future spouse," he reminded the woman, who savored her excitement for a moment longer before regaining her composure,         "I'm sorry dear, I just get so happy when I think about my sweet baby boy finally settling down," she said somewhat wistfully, and the assassin inwardly groaned. He was the eldest of at least five, he was far from her baby anymore, but he couldn’t really remind her of that without sending her into a sobbing fit. "anyway!" she chirped, drawing him back from his blank staring and practiced way of spacing out when she took advantage of the fact she was the only Zoldyck allowed to be mushy like this, "I really do think you should leave her where she is, at least for a bit longer. Once she comes to this mountain she won't be able to leave easily, and I'd hate for your future wife to turn out to be some spy or desperate journalist." While she said it in honesty, her voice lacked any real remorse. If you did turn out to be a threat, even Kikyo wouldn't hesitate to squash you like a bug. I think out of everyone to have after (y/n), mother would be the worst. Illumi thought as he pondered his mother's words, agreeing to keep you at your home for the time being. So, for the next few weeks Illumi alternated between jobs and returning to stalking you, but until he could rein in the possessive urge to kidnap you, he kept his distance. When he couldn't watch you himself, like when he was torturing Hisoka for adding extra steps to that job, he made sure someone was still there to ensure nothing bad happened to you. Another bonus of this set up he found was that the servants he had hidden nearby to watch you were able to warn him when you started acting odd. They couldn't exactly place why you were suddenly so anxious and slightly distraught though, so the ebony-haired assassin decided to finish the job he was on quickly when he found out and return to his secondary home. About a day after he'd returned, in the late afternoon, you knocked at his door, as he was expecting.         "Hello," he hummed as he opened the door to find you standing in the slightly chilly daylight fidgeting anxiously,         "Um...I think we need to talk." You said, your words shooting an arrow of anxiety into his heart, Is she going to break up with me? Should I have brought her home sooner?  Should I just grab her now? he asked himself, his dark, empty eyes scanning over your form to glean any information he could from your body language while he wrangled in his moment of panic, No. Invite her in, if she really is about to break up with you she'd be easier to subdue where no one can be a witness. he told himself, temporarily quelling the urge to snatch you up and refuse to let you go again and instead inviting you inside to talk out of the cool late spring air. Once inside you sat on his couch, too preoccupied with your own thoughts to mind the bit of mess in the room that Illumi was swift to sweep under the couch or toss out of sight. Your tense mood drove Illumi crazy, but he skillfully hid the fact that he was growing impatient with waiting and beginning to plan out a way to sedate you and take you home, keeping his focus on the dirty clothes he was throwing behind the chair and the garbage he was shoving into his pockets. simply sitting beside you after a while, awaiting whatever bad news you might have for him. Is she really going to try and break up with me? Damn it, I should've never let my mother talk me into this whole 'dating' thing. He thought bitterly, his own sliver of anxiety adding to the tense, heavy air you had already created. However, after an excruciatingly long stretch of time, you took a deep breath,        "Illumi, I t-think I'm...pregnant." you forced out, not looking at the dead-eyed assassin as the two of you fell into another stretch of silence while Illumi processed this news. Pregnant? We've only had sex twice, is she really that fertile? He pondered, an honest smile spreading across his usually expressionless face after it set in. In a flash, he'd jumped up and scooped you up, hugging your possibly smaller body to his tightly, making you squeal,         "this is wonderful news!" he said, making you smile and turn a light pink,             "Oh, well if I'd known you'd be so happy about it, I wouldn't have stressed so much," you laughed awkwardly, letting Illumi hug you for a moment longer before he put you down again and cleared his throat, his face returning to his bland expression,          "Though, this does put a rush on putting together a wedding." he hummed, not noticing the way your eyes widened          "uh? w-wedding?" you squeaked, drawing his attention out of his thoughts and back to you. Your panicky expression was rather cute to him, you were so innocent,          "Well yes, I was originally planning to take things slow, but now I can't afford to wait. Not to worry though, I'm sure my mother will help you plan it," he assured, but judging by the increasing panic in your (e/c) eyes, it didn't work, "is something wrong, (y/n)?"          "I-I don't want to marry you?" You squeaked, and while your words did sting, he knew this might happen,          "Well, I can't let you parent this child without me, and marriage is the perfect way to ensure I stay involved as well as that you and our child are safe from harm." He explained, but you shook your head,          "Illumi, no! It's only been a-a few months since we've started dating, it's far too soon to marry!" you tried to explain, but he waved your arguments away,          "dating is already a redundancy, I've been very patient in waiting this long before moving on to marriage," he explained, getting a bit annoyed at your horrified look. It was intriguing to see you get flustered and slightly scared, but marriage was not something that deserved this sort of reaction. He sighed, I can't let this continue, the stress is not good for the baby, he reminded himself before speaking again, "Please explain to me why you are so against getting married. I don't think I'm understanding your points clearly enough." For a moment, you struggled to find words, obviously confused and shocked, but he made sure to be patient,        "I-Illumi, it's too soon for marriage, that's something for later on down the road, i-if we even make it that far." You tried to explain, but the assassin grimaced, so you spoke again "Plus, it's perfectly fine if we don't get married before the baby's born, we can still parent them together," Your words made his expression darken further. Finally, you sighed dejectedly, "or...I could always just termi-" Illumi cut you off by grabbing you by your shoulders, his grip tight, nearly painfully so he was sure, but he was not about to allow the entertaining of such ideas,         "You will NOT harm that baby, (y/n)." he said darkly, watching tears well up in your (e/c) eyes from fear and maybe pain. That made him calm down, he had to keep his temper in check before his malicious aura was the one to harm his future wife. "If you try anything to put yourself or our baby in danger, I will be forced to keep you under strict observation." he warned, his voice not holding any room for argument when he spoke, but than he tried to relax, hugging your slightly shaking form to him again.        "It'll be okay, mother will plan a good wedding and you'll be a good mother when the baby's born." he assured, running his hand through your (h/l), (h/c) hair in an attempt to calm you down and show that despite his flash of temper, the excitement of your good news still zapped through his veins. "I'll keep you safe, i promise." He could feel the shiver his words sent through you, but fear was easier to manage than defiance. After a moment though, he let you go again, "I'll have some butlers help you pack your most necessary things, tomorrow I'll take you to the estate." he decided, and when you went to argue again he gave you a cold look, "you can't say anything that will change my mind. The Zoldyck estate is the safest place for you, so go home and pack." he ordered, his tone firm enough for you to get the message. You didn't get a choice.
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zikadraws · 4 years
If the ghosts bosses got to be reincarnated, what do you think they’d look like in the modern age(I’m talking, like the twisted sisters, Clem(best rat boi), Fishhook, etc)?
Oh boy tough call !✨Sooo let's seeeee...
(*Low quality colouring, drawing and long post ahead (sorry), Click4Quality*)
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So let's start with Chambrea and Steward. They gladly took back their human form (Yeah I see Chambrea as Latino/Arabic styled, and Steward as Australian), but less gladly the fact of having to work to not get hungry. They restarted to work in services, although their experience (as for a good part of the ghosts) got them militant, and they are fighting for the service workers to get treated/respected better and better paid (between others). Chambrea (Chãlissia) is the leading type, Steward (Stuart) follows and admires her, and struggles to push their relationship to another level. They already live together.
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Then there's Chef Jacques Soulfflé. He of course oriented himself towards cooking, but understandably enough for those who witnessed his cooking, got fired several times, and refused to understand why ; so much that he actually attempted ''Hell's Kitchen'' to prove everyone wrong- and nearly caused Gordon Ramsay, who -figures- spectacularly blazed his @ss, to rage quit the emission. They actually had a private talk afterwards and Gordon decided to save cooking's honour and to give him private lessons. Never did he see a guy so bad at cooking but who genuinely absolutely loved cooking against all. Deserves an effort. Thanks to that Soulfflé got better and found a regular cook post. Yeah I got carried a bit far on this IK. X) Anyway so next-
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Morty finally managed to open the cinema class he was planning to open before his death, and he's having the time of his life with this. He takes cheap and everyone in -elementals to elderly- and he is in a 'poor-populated' city part, so he has a lot of volunteers ; as an activity as for an actual class. He loves to communicate his passion with others, is a wonderful teacher open to everyone and loves creating shorts and movies with his students. Some of them actually succeeded as actors or staff or even directors, and often credit him. Although a bit wore out, he is really happy. Plus a good portion of the former boss ghosts like to help him with and star in his productions.
Krüller thought of becoming policeman, but chickened out and went on as a mall guard. He is great with children. He even babysits sometimes. And often stars in Morty's movies, as 'the police chief'. He's satisfied by this repetitive but calm life.
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Johnny Deepend invested into an old gym and became sport coach. Between taxes and incomes, it isn't always easy but his easygoing, supportive and friendly natural attitude gets him a nice bunch of people following him and going to his gym. But on the side, he is also very engaged to ban competitions based on showing off the body, knowing way too well how destructive it is for the people, and actually even run conferences about that. He is determined.
Serpci has became a famous social media influencer and practically lives out of it (plus some beauty and fashion sideworks. She customize clothes.). Her Egyptian style, her beauty and aura and her pets snakes got her REALLY popular on any network- and leaves her targeted by many creeps of course, but her merciless way of dealing with them chicken them out (and actually is a way of outcome for her. Blackmail is powerful, but shhh.) She's militant for feminism, and against racism, cultural appropriation and above all, grave robbers (especially targeting archeologists). Remains of her pharaoh shenanigans, y'know.
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Dr. Potter searched around and was taken under the wing of an association that fights to save true seeds (seeds that naturally grows back after harvesting and not having to be replaced each time like big corporations like to sell [as] 'necessary'.) He is trusted to keep and grow in number these true seeds, and in return he is taken care of, feed, and has his own house, garden and glasshouse. He is very happy.
The Triplets had to actually go to school for the first time in their lives, and if they managed to get to be adopted together (by one of the bosses, idk for this one), they had a very cynical bad surprise. They still perform during events, to show-off or at parties.
THAT is my human interpretation of Fishook. He lacks an arm and look as what white police arbitrarily view as the embodiment of ''''potential criminal''''; and now that he's human again, he's fucking pissed. As in -he freaking means business. By that I mean, he is entirely, body and soul, engaged to the whole 'Save Marine Life' cause. He raids awareness and direct missions, participates to everything and acts everywhere. Yeah, he works for the WWF. (He is also getting a bit of trouble about his cranky comportment.)
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(Yeah, ship time. Why ? Because I can.)
Amadeus Wolfgeist and Clem turned into a couple representation of Tortured Artists ™. (I'll explain for Clem at some point in the future so it'd make sense, pinky swear.)
Amadeus Wolfgeist got his hair back (and I wasn't too sure of what colour to give it but heck it I'm satisfied), but was really pissed to learn that it's hard to make a carrier out of classical music nowadays. He yet decided to keep on it, determined as frick that he was to bring back the golden age, and became an independent compositor, freeing the stress generated from this work by private contract concerts. Despite his talent, he's struggling due to his dissuading stubbornness and is upset to not being able to afford his preferred nobile lifestyle. Clem has spawned up with an hyperactive syndrome, plus of his autistic condition, and is making the most money by having several jobs at the time. As a handyman/plumber, but also as a painter and visual artist, as he finally noticed how much interest and talent he had for that. He draws eyefooling artworks as a living, to situate. He kept his pet opossum and his emotional support duckies. Strangely enough, he hardly sleeps on his own impulse anymore.
They live together (for 'financial reasons' dixit Wolfgeist, y'knooow...) and complete and equilibrate each other. Clem is the one who -ironically- makes the most money, and deals with Amadeus's stress and irritation levels. Amadeus is Clem's impulse control, health, fashion, self-care and sleep schedule advisor.
Sometimes Clem seconds Amadeus on his banjo.
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AND THEN, TO FINISH (because I literally, between other things, have no space left) we have Macfrights who tried to get hired at 'Puy du Fou' but got humiliated and turned off, and Phantasmagloria who tried to get hired as a DJ but nuts for several reasons. They both swallowed back their pride and ended up working at fast-foods. They both try as often as possible to play in Morty's movies. Macfrights likes to play the villain.
OKAY ! And that was about it for my headcanons about this ask. Very long post, I know but hey ! Dare I believe that it was worth it...?
Alright, thank you for your ask. That was a big one and I hope you are, too, satisfied and wish you a nice day :) .
Aaand thank you to everyone else for your attention 🎵 ! 🤗 Have a nice day~♥️
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 154
Fussing over Lance, Lance sighed for the hundredth time at his boyfriend. He loved Keith. Treasured Keith. Adored Keith. Cherished him with everything he had, but surely their had to be some kind of limit to the amount on guy could fuss over another, especially seeing he’d been fussing over him since early morning. Keith had wanted to cancel their date on account of Lance’s morning sickness. Lance wasn’t having it. He was having his date with Keith and nothing was stopping him. Not nausea. Not lack of sleep. And not Keith fussing over him when he was totally fine-ish.
Keith was taking their date seriously. Lance was seriously kicking himself over the previous day, despite the fact that Keith finally working it out made him stupidly happy. Plus, Keith had enjoyed the evening, even if he had no idea what was happening at the time. His boyfriend had taken this date seriously enough that he’d spent a hefty chunk of time on his phone working out where they were going. Knowing Keith would consider his feelings, he really hoped that Keith had seen how much he wanted to do something with him that his boyfriend enjoyed. Things were better that way. That way they’d both be excited and have more to talk about than just Lance blabbing on and on about his own interests.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve got your hands on your stomach”
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes at Keith, Lance wondered where else his hands would be. The twins were moving, like they were as excited as Lance was for this date
“Keith, it’s kind of the most convenient place for them”
“You’re not in pain?”
Lance gave in to the urge to roll his eyes as he replied
“I’m fine. Like the other hundred and one times you asked. I’m fine and I’m excited, but no pain”
Other than the discomfort of having to pee, and the general achiness of his hips. He’d been anxious about the date, being pregnant and all that, but now he was in disguise... Kind of. He had his jumper on that no longer really hid his bump, but the cap on his head his hair, and the thick sunglasses took up most of his face. Coran has given them the okay to go out, as long as they were careful and Lance took things easy. Around his neck was a blue scarf, that Keith had stunk up for him, so he was as ready as he was ever going to be when it came to slipping back into the general human population.
Huffing, Keith drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, waiting for the lights to turn green. Lance clueless and loving that he was
“I’m sorry... I know you’re excited”
“I am. And you’re anxious that I’m not going to like the surprise...”
“A bit”
“Babe. It’s not going to be like super different than normal. It’s you and me, seeing something together. It’s about making memories and not stressing”
“I know. I still... want things to go well”
He would have kissed Keith if Keith wasn’t so focused on not killing them
“They will. Just concentrate on not getting us lost”
Keith shot him a scowl, deadpan with his reply
“You’re hilarious”
Another 5 minutes passed before they were pulling into the parking lot and Lance was lighting up. Being landlocked Platt didn’t have a whole lot of water around it. There was an artificial dam of sorts, where people could swim, boat and fish, and for some reason there was also this place. Platt Aquarium and Animals. Their sign boasted about the conservation work they did in the area. It’d been a long time since Lance went there. Probably sometimes around his first year back at college when he’d only just made friends with Pidge and Hunk. He’d brought Mami along, so she could meet them again, and it was one of those places he’d meant to take Keith on a date to before all the craziness had happened.
Cutting the engine, Keith seemed tense. Lance reaching out to place his hand on his boyfriend’s thigh
“This is it, right?”
“I mean... uh... if it’s not too lame”
Probably a little lame, but by Lance’s standards it was a whole lot of unlame
“It’s not lame. Did you know this place has sharks?”
“It said on the website”
“That’s the whole reason isn’t it? You want to see sharks and tell them their traitors for not having two dicks, don’t you?”
Keith’s cheeks reddened. Lance chuckling. His boyfriend was so cute when he blushed
“It’s fine. As long as you don’t get the compulsion to try punch one”
“I’m not going to punch a shark. Not unless it tries to make you lunch”
Lance raised an eyebrow, knowing full well what Keith meant
“I could support a shark making me a sandwich”
Keith groaned. His boyfriend too stressed to be able to take a joke
“Not like that. Why... How would that even work?”
The mental images shouldn’t have been as funny as they were, he couldn’t help the small giggle at the thought
“Carefully. Seriously, if you keep stressing in going to start stressing”
“But is it enough? I wanted to...”
“Babe, you’re overthinking. This is one of the places I wanted to bring you. I think the names changed, but this place is super cool. I thought you’d love taking photos of the fish”
“So... this is better than a shooting range, right?”
“Much. Let’s go already. I want to see all the fish and the animals. I think they even have bats here. You’re not going to get me confused with another bat, are you?”
“As long as you stay human”
“Well I can’t seem to turn into a bat carting around our twins, so I think we’re pretty safe in that department”
“You’ll let me know if you need a break or anything?”
“Yes, dad. Now can we go in?”
Keith paid for their tickets, Lance already losing concentration when it came to the tanks filled tiny neon fish in the reception area. Keith’s eyes had lit up the moment they’d stepped through the doors, Lance smiling at his boyfriend’s excitement that Keith was trying not to let break his cool calm “adult” demeanour. Keith had probably never got to go to an aquarium as a kid. Shiro had to have taken him, or maybe Shiro and Adam had made a family day of it. Lance hoped so. He hoped Keith wasn’t overthinking him having been there before. Having older siblings meant doing this kind of thing when Mami and Papi could afford it. When he’d been a kid there’d been this face painter at an aquarium they’d been to. Lance had his face painted with as many different fish as he could, then refused to take a shower that night because he didn’t want them to come off. Instead most of them scratched off against his pillow and he’d been devastated the following morning.
Sliding their tickets into his wallet, Keith took him by the hand as Lance moved away from the family wanting to get to the ticket counter. His boyfriend putting his wallet in his back pocket, staring at his feet as he did
“You probably know this place better than I do”
Stupid nerves. Lance wanted to kiss away all Keith’s anxieties. Sure, internally he was paranoid and just as fearful of something going wrong, but if he kept to that chain of thought then neither of them would have any fun
“If that’s your way out of us seeing everything, I’ve got news for you”
“I mean... where do we go?”
There were maps, and three different ways to the exit. Keith would know this if he wasn’t so anxious. His boyfriend had no right being so adorable
“You follow the yellow arrows on the floor until you’re past the biggest tank. That’s the one with the sharks in it”
“And is there anything I shouldn’t do?”
Other than punching sharks? And following common sense? Nope. There was only one “rule” that Lance could think of which would ease both their anxieties
“Yep. But the absolute worst thing you can do here is let go of my hand. I want to see everything here with you”
Keith ducked his head as he squeezed Lance’s hand, embarrassed as he mumbled
“I didn’t mean that”
“I know. Still, I want to hold your hand”
“You already are, dumbarse”
“Yep. I’m not letting go either. You’ll wander off and get lost if I do”
“If anything, you’re the one more likely to wander off”
“Why would I? I mean, like, the best part of the date is you, so why would I leave your side?”
Keith groaned at him, Lance bumping him with his hip
“Come on, mullet. Let’s go see some fishes... I wonder if they actually have mullets here... a photo of a mullet in front of a mullet...”
Keith stepped on his toes lightly, Lance shaking his head as he grinned. This was going to be the most awesome date ever. He was going to make sure of it.
Lance was a vampire in too deep. He couldn’t help himself and now he was lost as Keith tried to make conversation over the “colony of Nemo’s” in the tank they’d stopped to coo over. He couldn’t help but be distracted, and what was worse was that Keith had noticed his distraction. His boyfriend trying to make more of an effort, though he absolutely didn’t need to. Excusing himself to the bathroom. Lance went through the usual routine, before standing in front of the mirror. He didn’t look like he was having a good time. He didn’t look terribly healthy either. There was a major problem he was having and it was ruining his whole date.
Keith was too cute.
Trying to fix his appearance up in the bathroom, he came out to find his boyfriend sitting on the bench looking dejected. With his elbows on his thighs and his figure hunched forward as he held his head in his hands, Lance felt like a douche. He wasn’t trying not to have a good time. He just kept looking at Keith and getting caught up in the expression on his face. The wonder. The innocence. The way he scrunched his nose and put on a posh accent as he tried to pronounce species names. This date was so perfect that his stupid heart was dying from a Keith overload. They weren’t clumsy teens fawning over each other, they were supposed to be mature adults... but that went out the window each time Keith would smile and Lance would find his own smile growing wider. Keith was stressing out and his boyfriend had no clue. Despite how embarrassing it was going to be, he was going to have to tell him so Keith knew the date was anything but awful.
Sitting down beside his boyfriend, Keith sighed heavily
“I fucked this up again, didn’t I?”
Lance’s heart damn near broke
“No. No... it’s not that”
“I thought you’d be happy...”
“I am”
“So why are you... so sad?”
Resting his head against Keith’s shoulder, Lance let out a shaky breath, trying not to cry over Keith feeling so bad
“It’s me, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. But not the way you think”
Lance cringed at his own words. Zero reassurance right there. Flinching a little as Keith sat up and he was forced to move back
“I wanted this to go well”
“I... okay. This is kind of embarrassing, but I can’t take my eyes off of you”
Drawing his brow, Keith seemed ready to start yelling or internally implode trying to ask what the heck that meant without having quite the right words or brainpower to figure them out. Right. He could do this. He’d comforted Keith a hundred times before... though if that was true than his boyfriend probably should have more rights when it when it came to fussing
“I mean... You just look so happy and so cute that I keep getting distracted by you. And then I realise I’ve kind of mostly missed everything because I can’t take my eyes off you. I’m not not having a good time. I’m just being... weird... because... you’re really cute”
“What the fuck?”
Finally it was Lance’s chance to groan. What part of what he’d said wasn’t making sense
“You. Look. Cute”
“You’re watching me instead of the fish?”
“I’m watching you watching the fish...”
“I start looking at the fish then I see you and my heart goes weird. I’m having a small panic about what to do though. I like being able to talk to you about your interests, and mine, in this case. But I can’t seem to keep my eyes off you”
Keith opened and closed his mouth, before dramatically sighing and ruffling up his hair
“What am I supposed to say about that?!”
“I don’t know”
“You sound like you love me, or something?”
As if that could be doubted. He wouldn’t be having so much trouble paying attention if he didn’t
“I do. Very much. Have you taken many photos?”
“Yeah... I mean... a few”
Lance had the feeling Keith was trying to cover up that most of those photos were of him from the tightness in his boyfriend’s tone
“We should take some more. I don’t want to forget this day”
Keith dropped his head down to kiss Lance on the shoulder
“Where I made your brain go all stupid?”
“Mhmm. If you think I’m stupid now, you should see me later”
Keith cocked his head
“What do you mean?”
“You see, I have this boyfriend. He’s kind of fucking amazing... and he turns me into this massive mess when we’re in bed together. Can’t think at all about anything important other than him. Zero brain cells remaining”
Keith snorted at him, Lance managing to sound to proud and serious at the same time, ruining it by laughing at the end. Keith deserved to feel good about himself. He was wonderful and everything Lance could want. Other people had stared at Keith as they’d made their way through the complex, but Keith was oblivious to their looks
“Are you sure you had brain cells to begin with?”
“My sources say no. I’m sorry I made you worry. I know you want everything to go well, and it is. I love you”
“I love you, too. Though I do think the fish are much more interesting than I am”
“That’s because you don’t see what I see. Just like elbow me if you catch me staring or phasing out”
Lance tilted his head, leaning down to nuzzle into Keith, Keith wrapping his arms around him as he nuzzled back
“Nah. Having you watching me... it’s nice to know you can’t take your eyes off me”
None of the fish compared to Keith. Not the tiny Neon Tetras, or the rainbow of colours of the fake coral reef that the Gropers swam over. The Black Cardinals reminded him of Shiro and the clownfish of watching Finding Nemo for the first time. He didn’t know what fish suited Keith the best, but he’d buy a whole damn aquarium if he got to see Keith so excited every day of his life. Actually, he wouldn’t. His boyfriend would be sad each time a fish passed and they were both pretty clueless over how much went into running a place like that. What Lance really wished was that he could bottle the happiness he felt when he watched Keith’s eyes tracking the fish in the tanks. The way his eyes would widen, or he’d squint to find the fish in the tank, then widen when he’d found his target. They should have picked up Keith’s proper camera. Next time they’d have to come with the twins and the rest of their family. But that’d be okay because he’d gotten to see all these expressions on Keith’s face that made him fall in love all over again.
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tumblunni · 5 years
SO! IT is time for Dr Snap headcanons!
* He is autistic like me, because I find a lot of his portrayal very relateable as an autistic person. He's clearly hyperfocusing about monsters, and he gets so super passionate and infodumps about them! And he's very socially awkward and perceived as "weird and childish" by others for being so passionate about his interests and not being good at making the correct facial expressions and stuff. In the Japanese version there's actually even more of that, in English he speaks in a standard formal grandpa style but in Japanese he speaks in oddly stilted childish language and uses the unfitting pronoun "boku" that's usually only used for young kids in fiction. There's also a scene of him literally saying he gets social anxiety in crowds, which was left out in the English translation for some reason. I was surprised to hear about that from my Japanese friends, it makes him even more relateable! And of course, his whole plot is basically the fantasy version of "his only friends are animals because other humans exclude him", which is another relateable mood.
* Also I want the Darkonium Orb as a stim toy, lol! I know it's an evil artifact but a floating ball seems like it'd be super fun to swish around in circles. And I wonder if it's like a crystal or if it's like a squishy stress ball...? I'm getting distracted, lol!
* Since all we know about his backstory is that he had no friends even as a child, I headcanon that he suffered badly from bullying and isolation in his youth that permenantly impacted his ability to trust anyone but monsters. I had the idea that maybe he was also mistreated by his parental guardians for being autistic, and he often used to hear "if you misbehave, the monsters will get you!" It actually backfired and started his love of monsters! He used to dream that the monsters that take away bad kids would take him away from his suffering...
* Oh, and related to this: it's my headcanon that he was raised in an orphanage since a very young age and doesn't know anything about who his parents were. He was just found clutching his baby sister crying and shivering in an abandoned wagon in the woods, full of dead bodies that were assumed to be his family or at least whoever was taking care of him at the time. For a long time it was thought that monsters had killed the family, so that's why the cautionary tale of "monsters coming to get you" was used to discipline him at the orphanage, and why it hit so hard. But when he grew up and became a famous and successful scientist he was able to finance an investigation into his own past and discovered the culprit was actually human bandits. He still could never find out the names of his parents though, but knowing that monsters hadn't been the cause of his tragedy helped him get over his fear of them and eventually learn to love and trust them more than anyone else
* Oh yeah it's also my headcanon that despite how obsessed he is nowadays with the cuteness of monsters, he was actually very frightened of them all the way up until his 20s! The "you're a bad child for these neuroatypical symptoms you can't control, and monsters are gonna get you just like they got your family" thing actually did affect him a lot as a child. He saw it as kind of a guilty or sinful feeling that sometimes he would wish they would just take him already because even the horror of monsters can't be as bad as the horror of people, yknow? But he was still too scared of them to ever really interact with them at all, and believed whatever he was told about them cos he had no other frame of reference. He also felt rather aimless in life because he hadn't discovered this thing he would love so much, yknow? He flittered through loads of different hobbies getting temporarily obsessed but never finding anything that stuck with him. Bit of a jack of all trades!
* oh btw I headcanon his first name is Jack, lol! To fit with the playing card theming of the game. Also his younger sister is named Jacqueline and she became known as Jack Of Hearts as a famous adventurer~!
* Oh also I headcanon that he has a sister, lol. Should have mentioned that earlier! The game never tells you anything about the player's mother except that she died, so I headcanoned maybe she was Dr Snap's sister and he's your uncle literally just because I like Dr snap a lot and I want him to adopt the player and take him away from his shitty dad. Like man you know you're a shitty dad when the main villain of the damn game has more scenes of positive parental interaction with your son! (ANOTHER REASON WHY DR SNAP TURNING BAD AND DYING WAS SO SAD)
* His sister was very similar to the protagonist as a child, a punky outgoing stubborn badass who wouldnt listen to rules and wouldn't take any shit from anyone! Even though she was his younger sister, she would always be the one protecting her shy older brother from bullies! She was his dearest only friend in such a tough life...
* Sadly, she was considered "more adoptable" since she was neurotypical. Young Snap blamed himself that he was holding her back from finding a new family, because she always refused anyone who didn't want to take her brother too. He thought it would be better if at least one of them escaped the orphanage, so he eventually convinced her to leave him and go with a nice family. And then he didn't see her again for decades, and he didn't have a single other friend...
* The instigating incident that caused him to first become a monster research was because of this. He didn't have a good life after losing his sister, he eventually just aged out of the foster system without ever being adopted, and had trouble living independently and finding a job with his limited skills of Just Hyperfocusing On Random Stuff And Not Being Able To Talk Good. Nobody really valued him enough, he was just considered strange and all his attempts to research various things (I think before monsters he liked butterflies a lot) were considered creepy and useless because he was so lower class and could never afford to get a proper scientific education to actually do anything with his skills. So he ended up flitting about between jobs that he would keep failing cos of his lack of social skills, having no time to do the hobbies he cared about and being told he could never make a job out of them. And having no family or friends and living in terrible conditions. He didn't have any hope left in life...
* So one day he ended up making a sad decision to end it all, after being fired from yet another job and just not having the strength to keep trying when it seemed like this would be every day of the rest of his life. He went out into the woods to take some sleeping pills and pass away where he wouldn't be bothering anyone. But by a stroke of fate he ended up bumping into a monster!
* Because he'd already made his peace with dying, he didn't have any fear if it killed him here. But instead this titanic beast simply stumbled to the ground and desperately clutched at a pile of broken eggs. It had already been fatally wounded by a hunter, and only wanted to try and protect its children from the same fate. Dr Snap remembered his child self clutching his baby sister to protect her from the bandits, and he was so moved that he tried to save the poor creature! But his limited skills learning science only from books meant he wasn't much use. And all he even knew was how regular animals work, which could end up only hurting a monster! Plus he was in the middle of nowhere with no supplies!! He tried his best but he was completely out of his depth, and all he could do in the end was hold the poor thing and stroke its head as it passed away. And as the tears streamed down his face, they landed on the one still living egg that the monster was protecting. It hatched into twins who would be his first of many monster partners!
* So he rushed home carrying these lil newborns and desperately took care of them. He began researching monsters in order to look after them properly, and found that he was totally sfascinated by them and also it was the one thing he was truly talented at that he'd always wanted to find! Having a family to take care of was what he really needed to find a reason to live again, and he was also able to finally make a career out of his monster research and find enough success to live more comfortably. He even ended up inventing the monster scout ring and founding an entire company all about mosnter battle tournements! And this led to him finding his sister again, because she heard news of this and recognised him. They reunited as adults and rebuilt a happy relationship, and she was overjoyed to hug her new lil monster nieces and nephews!
* So yeah he has a lot of reasons to love monsters a lot and see them as the embodiment of goodness that deserves everything in the whole world. And after his sister passed away he was left alone with his monsters again, terrified of losing more family, and slipping deeper into the madness of those forbidden legends that could give his monsters eternal happiness...
* also I think he likes tea, it would be nice to have a fancy tea party with him and his monsters
* also he is a good man who didn't deserve to die
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purrincess-chat · 6 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Original CH1
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I’m finally posting that spite fic I’ve been talking about for like a week! Here are the first two chapters because I wrote them kind of at the same time!
Summary:  After her friends all abandon her for Lila, Marinette decides it's time for a fresh start and moves to a new school. How will she fare in a new environment? Will her friends even notice that she's gone, or will they fall victim to Lila's ploy to turn them all against her?
Edit 6/19/21: This story has been rewritten/remixed! This version is the original unedited version of the story which can only be read here on my tumblr. The Remix is on AO3, and you can follow the link below to read it! Otherwise, enjoy the original!
Next    Remix
Chapter 1
Marinette stood in front of the mirror smoothing her blazer, picking at loose threads, and adjusting her buns for the dozenth time as a worried crease set over her brows. Her stomach churned into a knot of nerves, but seeing as school, her new school that was, didn’t start for thirty more minutes, she was left to just wait; though waiting only ate at her more, so she fidgeted to pass the time.
She wondered if they would even notice she was gone. It was absurd of her to wonder really. Of course they would notice. She was their friend after all, or so she’d thought. Their ‘every day Ladybug’ as they’d said, but a fat lot of good that did her in the end. When push came to shove, they all turned on her in an instant, so maybe they weren’t even really her friends after all. None of it mattered now anyways. She had a new school, and she would make new friends - ones that didn’t abandon her for a liar.
“Why does your new school get to tell you what to wear?” Tikki asked, floating up from her small purse, and Marinette ripped her gaze away from the mirror, a small smile curling on her lips as they settled on her kwami.
“Because it’s a private school,” she explained, turning and pacing over to retrieve her shoes from the box on her desk. “Everyone wears the same thing
“I like your old clothes better,” Tikki remarked, watching with intrigue as Marinette slipped her feet into her plain, black boots.
“I can still wear them when I’m not at school. Besides, this isn’t so bad,” she said as if to convince herself.
Truthfully though, she agreed with Tikki. The uniform was drab and ugly, but she supposed it gave her peace of mind. After everything with Lila, she couldn’t go back to her old school. She’d almost gotten akumatized over everything, and if she ever allowed her negative emotions to overcome her then Paris would certainly fall. Letting Hawkmoth akumatize her was a luxury that Marinette couldn’t afford. She always had to be positive, so it was best for her to remove herself from stressful situations even if it meant leaving all of her friends behind. They hadn’t been very friendly to her the past few days anyway ever since Lila came back to school.
“Are you really sure about this, Marinette?” Tikki asked, placing a small hand over Marinette’s folded in her lap. “You’re leaving behind all of your friends. Alya, Nino, Adrien.”
“Well, you didn’t see the looks on their faces, Tikki. They all like Lila better than me, and I can’t really confront her without revealing that I’m Ladybug,” Marinette said, leaning against her fist glumly. “She’s too good at lying. Plus I almost got akumatized, so I think it’s for the best if I go somewhere else. Protecting Paris is more important than some other girl fooling the boy I like. Besides, he’s in love with Kagami anyway, so it never would have worked between us.”
“I’m fine.” She said with a shortness she hadn’t intended, so she took a deep breath and stood up. “Come on. We should go.”
Sabine and Tom were waiting down in the bakery, tending to customers and prepping more croissants when Marinette appeared in the back door. Tom set down his bread peel and scooped her into a tight hug, planting a kiss on her cheek, and Sabine followed suit, holding her close for a long moment.
“I know this is hard for you, sweetie, but you’re gonna make new friends. I just know you will,” she said before letting go. “Good luck.”
“Thanks, Mama, Papa,” Marinette said softly, leaning in to press a kiss to her mother’s cheek before heading out the door. “See you tonight!”
Marinette took a deep breath, nearly glancing over at the school across the street, but catching herself and turning the opposite direction. Squaring her shoulders, she swallowed down the lump in her throat and headed to the subway without looking back.
Things at Francoise-Dupont were pretty typical. Students chatted with their friends as they all shuffled off to class, and no one seemed to notice Marinette’s absence in Mlle. Bustier’s class. She often ran late, so most of her classmates didn’t bat an eye until their teacher entered the room with an unusually sad expression.
“Okay, class, settle down,” She said lacking her usual enthusiasm. “Before we get started, I have some sad news for everyone. Today we will be deciding on a new class representative because Marinette has transferred to a new school.”
The class erupted into shocked chatter, many adorned with equally horrified and confused expressions; even Chloe quirked a brow. Only one student wore a satisfied smirk at the news, and she pressed her lips together to mask her expression as the rest of the class exchanged uneasy looks.
“So she just left without saying good bye?” Alya asked aloud, shifting her gaze to her lock screen, a picture of the two of them smiling together.
“Are you sure, Mlle. Bustier?” Adrien asked, eyebrows knitted together. “That doesn’t seem very like her.”
“I received the news from Principal Damocles this morning. Her paperwork was finalized yesterday afternoon,” Mlle. Bustier said with a nod.
“But I was going to show her my latest scrapbook project,” Rose said, curling her shoulders.
“I wonder why she didn’t tell any of us,” Mylene added, and Alix shifted beside her.
“Maybe you all aren’t really her friends after all,” Lila spoke up from the back once she’d regained her composure. “If she really cared about any of you then she would have told you she was leaving.”
“Maybe there was a reason for her not to say anything. Maybe it happened so suddenly, and she didn’t have time to tell us,” Alya rationalized, shaking her head.
“Or maybe she just doesn’t like you.” Lila shrugged, and Alya’s expression fell. “I know it’s hard to hear, but given the facts, I think that she was just pretending to be your friend. She only wanted the attention which is why she was always being mean to me and questioning me ever since I came here. She couldn’t stand the competition, so she left.”
“Marinette isn’t like that,” Alya slammed her fists on the table, and Lila pursed her lips knowingly, clasping her hands together neatly on the desk.
“It’s also unlike her to leave without saying good-bye, isn’t it?” She said pointedly. “Maybe you all don’t know her as well as you thought you did.”
Several faces in the room fell, and Mlle. Bustier cleared her throat.
“Who would like to volunteer to run for class representative?” She asked though everyone could hear the reluctance in her voice.
Chloe shifted in her seat, puffing her chest out proudly. “Well, seeing as there is a need, I suppose I could reclaim my title that was so rudely stolen from me.”
“Maybe Lila should run,” Nino suggested, and everyone turned around to look at her expectantly.
“Yeah, you would make an awesome class representative,” Nathaniel echoed, and Lila suppressed an eye roll then plastered on a smile.
“I don’t know…my parents travel a lot, so I would hate to be elected and then not be able to fulfill my duties,” She said, curling her shoulders a little.
“I could be your deputy and take care of things while you’re gone,” Alya offered, and a sly grin crept over Lila’s lips that she quickly masked.
“That’s so nice of you, Alya, but are you sure you don’t want to run for representative yourself?” She asked, and Alya shrugged.
“I don’t really have time since I have to run my blog, but I’d be happy to help you out,” She said.
“Well, if it’s what everyone wants, I suppose I could run,” Lila said, turning to face the front once more.
“Wonderful! Thank you, Lila,” Mlle. Bustier said with a relieved sigh, pressing a hand over her heart. “We will vote tomorrow morning.”
Chloe sank down in her seat with a scowl, arms folded over her chest grumpily. Across the aisle, Adrien shook his head with a quiet sigh, glancing back at the empty desk at the behind him before focusing on the lecture, all the while his hands fiddled with a small pink charm in his lap.
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connywrites · 5 years
of flesh and blood 26
start - part [25]
The giftwrapped box was fairly sizable, which was what both piqued Gavin’s curiosity and intimidated him at the same time – and when he and Tina both discovered what was inside, he’d darted to the bathroom to vomit, the first time in his life he’d experienced such a stress response. Feeling overwhelmed and full of regret, Tina took a few steps back, feeling personally appalled even though the entire ordeal was still Gavin’s to deal with— nothing prepared either of them for the RK900’s idea of a ‘gift.’
The old chassis, disassembled in pieces so it could be neatly stacked to fit in the box, the eyeless face still warped from the damage he’d done from the night of the Vicodin nestled on top for him to set sight on first thing. Flashbacks raced through his mind ever since as the night he previously had trouble remembering suddenly became so vivid it would likely never leave him again.
The fact 900 suggested he invite more people meant it intended to stage him to open the present with as many coworkers watching as potentially possible. Which would raise questions that he’d have to answer and try to explain; Tina being there was more than enough on its own, and he was grateful he’d gone through with his plans of self-isolation otherwise. The ‘present’ had given him a bad feeling from the start, but nothing could have prepared him for what he received.
Ultimately unsure of what to do with it, he stored it away in the garage, fearful of throwing it out in case anyone happened across it. The panic continued as he felt as though RK900’s presence was still there, as if haunting the remnants of the android’s expired shell, now registered in his mind as a dismembered body. Gavin reminisced how much Nines constantly insisted he be regarded to as human, and while he thought nothing of it before, he had to wonder if that was an intentional part of the programming or not. Androids wanting to be people apparently wasn’t so complicated as everyone thought if Cyberlife managed to solve the big mystery, but it did nothing for the constant cases of violence from their general population.
Gavin wound up appreciating the week off as there was no way for him to work in such a condition, but the lack of anything to focus on was maddening. He wanted to throw the chassis into a big, smoldering fire piece by piece, but the smell of burning plastic would be terrible and if there was any remaining liquid thirium, burning it would likely toxify the air. Plus, it wouldn’t do any favors for his mental wellness; he’d regretted throwing away the medication, eventually wondering if going back to the psychiatrist would be a good idea, but they always wanted to talk, and he couldn’t exactly explain the situation for what it was.
He hadn’t gone three days without sleep since before the android regulated his schedule, a thought that drifted through his mind absently as thinking clearly became difficult. Laying on the couch with the TV on became his favorite place to be, even if he didn’t pay attention to what was on the screen; it helped to have voices in the background as the silence was maddening. The house was too large and empty, so once he’d found himself in a place he could concentrate, he wanted to make a few orders for furniture, staring long and hard at the debit card in his possession with his name embossed on the front in glinting silver letters. By now, he wasn’t entirely sure what the actual balance was, deciding to check before he made any purchases.
He was greeted with yet another automated voice informing him of his balance, and it took him a moment to register the words as the specific amount; $900,900.00. Once he got through the math and understood the actual total of money in his possession, he dropped the phone in a moment of surprise, hands starting to shake all over again while he looked around, searching for the android. It had to be there, he had to be waiting nearby, expecting him to do something wrong, or waiting to correct his speech, his posture, anything—but the house was dark and quiet as always. Gritting his teeth, Gavin sat up, pulling himself from the couch and turning off the tv, clicking the stereo on instead and walking to the kitchen, feeling a bit more energized from the rock playing in the background. Rummaging the nicely organized cupboards, he pulled out cookware to put pasta on for dinner, finding fresh meat in the fridge and opening the package to put it on a pan. Remembering to set the heat to medium, he left it to simmer, pulling open a kitchen drawer to pull out a pack of cigarettes, lighting one up and leaning back against the counter. Taking in a long, deep drag, he tried to collect his nerves and focus on what he wanted for the house, instead.
Fetching his tablet, he glanced through catalogs, his tight-budgeting nature reminding him to stay in an affordable range, before realizing he didn’t know what that was as he’d never bought furniture before. Deciding a $500 coffee table was too much, he frowned, swiping the tablet locked and setting it on the counter before snubbing his cigarette out in one of the gold-rimmed ashtrays that matched the marble on the counters, an intentional accent he’d coyly added once the android was gone – yet he still hid away his cigarettes, as if waiting on the scolding for smoking in the first place.
‘So...the box,’ Tina finally brought up to him after two weeks of avoiding contact; within reason, he'd imagine, surprised when he even saw her name light up on the phone screen.
‘Is it just the parts? Or is the 900 in there, too?’ Gavin was struck silent as he considered the question.
"That chassis doesn't work anymore. Having any memory in it would be useless."
‘Then why give it to you?’ Her voice was hesitant; she knew she was stepping into business that really wasn't hers, with a situation that could potentially end dangerously for her as well, but whatever Gavin's story was, it was sure better than her beat cop dayjob.
"It's a scare tactic. That's what that thing fed off of, like it was it's life force or something," he muttered.
"Just, forget about the fuckin' android, alright? I'm trying hard enough to get it out'f my head, and having its dead body around isn't doin’ any favors." There was a moment of silence as she recognized the slur in his voice, sighing.
‘You should get some rest. For real. Alcohol and caffeine isn’t a healthy combination.’
“The worst thing for my health was that son of a bitch excuse for an android. Alcohol’s a walk in the park compared to getting branded with a knife.” He didn’t have to see her to imagine the way she winced.
‘Goodnight, Gavin.’
There was blue blood dripping from the ceiling, down the walls, and the thirium pump he’d shot straight through split apart across his visage, bright blue and spilling the strange chemical liquid anywhere within reach. The strange flickering of the color always unnerved him, and there was no escape from his own subconscious twisting the visage of the android into something worse than the bloody, mangled corpse it already was.
RK900’s eyes stared at him, but they were hollow from the blade he’d ran straight through them the night of the ‘attack’. The sound of mechanical parts shifting and the obnoxious clicking from mismatched pieces grinding together agitated his ears repeatedly in a way that echoed, a way he couldn’t escape. In the scenario of his own mind, there was nothing but him and RK900, just as it often had been in real life; but the entity seemed to surround him, shroud him in the sinking sensation of fear, the overwhelming terror that made him want to run away so many times when he couldn’t escape, even when he’d scrambled across the state only for the android to track him down and fetch him anyway. Memories of the scarring reversed in the mirror, the deep, bloody lashes across his back, of the way it spoke to him day in and out, the sting marks in his side from the taser – everything from the two months plus, an amount of time that didn’t seem substantial on its own but seemed so many eons long in his head.
It was as though it had never left, the way its presence ricocheted in his mind, how he saw it in the corner of his eyes and heard it calling for his name, or snapping and pointing, or treading nigh on silently through the house to ensure everything was precisely as it wanted. At this rate, he couldn’t tell if giving it more humanity than it was worth was more or less embarrassing on his behalf; either way, the evidence was in his garage and he had no idea what was going on at the DPD right now, let alone what anyone thought of him or how much they knew of the situation. Reputation never mattered much to Gavin as long as he could get his job finished, but now everything seemed to revolve around the relationship between himself and the android. No one in the precinct was shy to gossip during a lull in work hours, and it was evidently substantial enough to make more of an impact than he ever meant for it to. With his multiple attempts to get rid of the android, it managed to find out and discipline him in a manner that was somehow harsher than the last. Now that it was finally gone, after all his efforts to rid of the thing to no avail yet taken away because Cyberlife said so, the surreality of the situation continued to resonate within his head.
Shooting practice waited until the wounds in his back had healed and he could properly aim without shaking. Sometimes the liquor helped, sometimes it made everything worse. By the time he was back to work, the comfort of habit and repetition took place in lieu of being ordered around. The unfamiliarity of going home and not seeing it waiting there, expectant, demanding, and seeing the new house and often getting lost trying to wander through his own home took a few weeks to nullify. For a while, he wondered how an android was able to work through all the paperwork, but was only assured of exactly how powerful Cyberlife really was. For the most part, no one batted an eye otherwise.
“You’re pourin’ an eye-opener at work? Even I ain’t done that in years.” Hank’s voice held humor, masking the actual concern.
“I get the work done, right? Pretty sure that’s something you said once,” Gavin retorted without missing a beat. Hank stared at him with eyes that made him uncomfortable, folding his arms and looking away.
“How much are you drinkin’ a night?”
“Ah, so now the alcoholic’s gonna lecture me on my drinking habit?” Hank rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, I’ve done it long enough, I know. But this is new for you.”
“I dunno, a pint? Two if I can’t sleep,” he groused, unsure of why he was speaking up in the first place. Still, Hank took the confession for what it was worth, and how much this entire ordeal must have impacted his coworker. Hank had seen Gavin on the team for a handful of his years on the force, and he’d been in and out of his own nastiness, but he’d never seen him quite like this. That was a heavy tolerance in a short amount of time, was his initial thought, but saying out loud would do nothing but underline how grave the situation was. Knowing he wasn’t in the position to help Gavin, Hank decided it was time to let go of the association, hoping Gavin could do the same in favor of the android.
“Connor’s drilled the effects of ethanol alcohol on the liver enough times I could recite it to ya in my sleep, but I won’t. Catch me at Jimmy’s bar after ten.” He wanted to say no androids allowed as a matter of comfort, but Connor had rather easily broken that rule the night they met. Wondering if Connor would show up nonetheless, Gavin thought over the day he’d apologized to him; another demand by the 900, and the same went for anyone else he’d supposedly ‘wronged’. The discipline from the android was evident in the way Gavin kept his posture straight and vocabulary precise with a voice that was loud and clear, aspects striking enough they remained difficult for his peers to dismiss.
There was no way the machine could be awake, but ever since Tina mentioned the possibility, he couldn’t get the idea out of his psyche and he could have sworn he heard gears turning in his garage, again and again as each night went by. The same mechanized voice speaking warnings he’d heard over and over – whether it was because 900 had said them many times before or he’d merely replayed them so many times in his head was often left to debate when it was late and dark, caffeine and liquor scribbling his vision.
He could hear the hours ticking by in his head even though he’d trashed all the clocks weeks ago. Its demanding voice and vicious, hungry glare never left his mind’s eye. Every command, retort, insult, statement, suggestion, theory, summary, calculation, analysis—any and all verbal remarks from the android that he’d wanted to ignore were now impossible to bury, scrambling through his psyche like TV static, hissing and scratching at every train of thought that otherwise filled his head. The echoing voice that was lower and more monotone than Connor’s echoed with warped pitches and distant enunciations on consonants, as it always spoke pointedly around its own speech in such a way that intentionally wriggled its way into his memory so that he’d never forget.
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Exactly what is Ayurveda?
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ayurveda definition Ayurveda is any a few, 000 year previous tradition regarding healing that will comes from China. Typically the word is a Sanskrit concept that literally results to "the science or maybe wisdom involving Life".
ayurveda definition
Often the Vedic written word date rear to 3, 000 BC and are tangible information in which medicine did really exist inside ancient times as well as that it was really advanced. The first "plastic" surgical practices are written in relation to as well as different limbs of medicine.
What exactly makes Ayurveda one of a kind?
Ayurveda respects the "uniqueness" connected with each individual. The initially thing that the Ayurvedic Doctor will do is definitely establish your mind and system constitution or prakriti mainly because that will determine typically the path process will acquire. Ayurveda believes this simply no two people are often the same regardless of whether they include the same constitution. Equally patients might have the actual same illness but the particular treatment would be sent in a different technique or maybe a fully several treatment would always be called for.
Ayurveda issues all the levels associated with the specific. That suggests that in Ayurveda all of us consider the Mind, our bodies and the Spirit regarding an unique. Many moments a disease can possibly be inside mind as effectively as the body and also Ayurveda recognizes this when they determine the constitution of individual. Many times the illness will probably culminate throughout the mind plus the head is such a potent matter that the condition will finally manifest with the body and which is identified as disease. Sickness is the lack of "ease". Ease is a wholesome place to be, anyone wants for being at easiness.
Ayurveda offers organic approaches of treating diseases along with promoting health. Because Ayurveda considers the Mind, typically the Body along with the Spirit involving an individual, the idea works on on a natural means of getting. All stuff on this planet possess varying degrees of often the your five elements which are generally space, weather, fire, waters and the planet. Even our own bodies are made right up of these kind of 5 aspects and that is the reason mother nature resonates so very well with our systems. This is also the motive that will synthetic drugs get rid of all their effectiveness after time frame, this is due to they do definitely not have those 5 various features and without they will could not be truly effective within creating health, in a lot of cases they will just guide with the symptoms and perhaps at times will masque these individuals, however that is actually not a cure.
Ayurveda emphasizes prevention. Ayurveda states that we have the actual tools to counteract disease in addition to many of them usually are indoors us. Our figures are huge machines in which act as some sort of kamagra online fast, we have the power to lodge at a status of health by currently being conscious of what we all feed on, our environment, what exactly we see, pick up, style and touch. All these things add to our health although they might also diminish the health as well. It can be natural for humans to stay a state of well being, disorder is not normal and it is surely no comfortable and the item is incredibly preventable.
Ayurveda empowers all people to have responsibility for their unique well-being. Who is each of our health most essential to? All of our health is most essential to our self first and our loved ones as well as the folks who depend about us. Many times many of us feel that our health practitioner searching for at our wellbeing as a company and also it is a enterprise, it's the organization connected with being a Doctor. My partner and i have a tendency mean it will be their particular business, this is a money-making small business. Who do you wish to be responsible regarding your own personal well-being, yours as well as a corporations? Doctors have got their place and that's any time you get sick, and so what that they practice is usually "sickness" and how they can deal having it. When you fit your health in your personal own hands you now have a vested interest and you get zero gain by staying sick. The most beneficial policy is definitely to take the best suited care that you could of your home along with avoid illness. This liability belongs to us, no-one could watch out intended for your health quite like you will.
Ayurveda is actually reasonably priced. The miracle associated with dynamics does not include a price tag with it. What is the monetary value of a lifetime worth? With modern treatments they say it can be value $50, 000 1 year in addition to I wonder how many people travelled to that number if quite a few medical treatments fee more than this inside a month. I assume which life is EXPENSIVE and so does indeed Ayurveda. If we treat all of our self right by right nutrition, exercise, positive imagining and paying attention to be able to what we find, effect, taste, hear, fragrance as well as feel then we have been throughout perfect health. You will discover not any injections in Ayurveda consequently medications are all all-natural, directly from nature and also supplied in natural means. As well as herbs are healthy, most affordable and have a new great impact on your well being.
Ayurveda works. Ayurveda features treatments for things that will current medicine has categorised while "un-treatable" or "un-curable". Ayurveda takes a stand up point in which nothing will be un-treatable or un-curable that may be that most of us don't know the best way to cure it or how for you to treat it just nevertheless but we will see a treatment method or a cure making it our job to help support the system and the imagination until offered. Ayurveda can certainly cure hepatitis T along with that is not one thing that is done with Western medicine, even if it's just by simply transplanting the hardworking liver. Ayurveda is now being identified by modern medicine because regarding several of the impressive results this have been had any idea by means of Ayurvedic treatments.
Ayurveda stressed the importance of retaining constructive health. Not solely maintaining the idea but developing it as well, Ayurveda focuses on preventing the particular unbalances that lead to help disease. An personalised in addition to multi-dimensional approach is usually considered for prevention involving sickness as well as to get treatment.
Seeing that ancient seeing that Ayurveda is definitely many persons think it is typically the "new kid on often the block" grow older see considerably more and more holistic methods of healing, in reality the item is the "granddaddy" connected with medicine.
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Painters For A Day
Facts About Hiring a Painter and Decorator
Just as marketing a paint job that needs to be done every day of the year, bringing in new folks needs to be an ongoing proposition. We should be consistently filling the pipeline with folks; because, individuals will depart and it's much better to be ready and ready than not.
And as the advertising and marketing plan must be used as a map to find our manner, we want a hiring plan to keep us heading in the right direction. From the preliminary contact with us, till the day he's employed we want a process to comply with. We'd like a description for every position as to what meets our criterion.
We keep a stack of envelopes, already sealed and stuffed into an envelope with another stamped self addressed envelope inside, next to the cellphone once we call the applicant. And all we do is ask a number of questions to ensure the applicant ought to get an hire a painter software. Then we just jot down their title and addresses and ship them on their means. This part really functions as a check, everything is done for them, envelop, stamp, and deal with all they need to do is assemble the package deal after filling it in.
Next is the nose to nose interview, and when you've got ever been on both aspect you will know both sides are interviewing one another. The applicant may be very motivated in seeing what he may be entering into, and naturally the hirer desires to know who it is he is perhaps bringing into the household.
Risky enterprise on both sides. Questions like: What was it about your final job that you simply preferred? Or, what happened to cause you to leave your final job? And what was it about your last job that you hated? The important thing being that they're very open ended questions and can't be answered with a yes or no. The very best technique Painters For A Day is to sit back and listen, without emotion or judging. You can see that individuals if left long sufficient will tell you worlds of issues. Many books have been written about body language, and there are some that present physique postures and what they imply. It is not so necessary which postures; but, after they use those postures.
Does this individual know how to paint? We've an previous double hung window that has been mounted in a frame that is free standing. It is a 6/6 divided Here is Social Profile double hung window. Give the painter a brush and paint and simply watch. In half of a minute you'll know volumes about this persons portray abilities.
Lastly having the painter read the Operations manual will give him and you, a very good really feel for one another. I discover the better job of hiring Read Blog here comes from listening and watching. The minute I start to preach, is when I lose management, so I've realized to only shut up and pay attention.
A recent coat of paint can do wonders for the within or outdoors of your home. Hiring Click here for Wikipedia painters may also help you achieve a glance that can add to the worth of your house.
When householders are searching for a good way to freshen up the seems to be of their properties, a paint job could make an enormous difference. Choosing to use interior and exterior paint to a home can really do quite a bit to extend its worth, too. In case you're fascinated by selling your own home in the close to future otherwise you just wish to preserve the value of your property, then investing in a brand new paint job is a smart alternative.
Hiring painters to add some colour to your inside space is a good way for you to add value to your property. If your partitions are dingy or colorless, you could have a troublesome time attracting buyers; however, a recent coat of paint will make your property far more interesting. Potential consumers desire a dwelling that is aesthetically pleasing and cozy to spend time in, and new paint will give the inside of your house a clear and relaxing feel.
Hiring painters to complete this work will price you a little, but in the end it would allow you to get a higher price to your residence. Keep in mind that impartial colors enchantment to the best number of home buyers, however don't go so neutral that your own home looks sterile. Warm lotions and basic browns are each great selections.
In case you are portray a person room or perhaps your complete dwelling, getting achievement starts by hiring the correct painter to do the job. Finding a great painter involves extra than just opening up the cell phone guide and calling the http://paintersforaday.com/ first portray contractor that you simply discover. Instead, you want to put some careful thought and consideration in to the decision. Here are one of the vital in style mistakes people make when hiring house painters so as to avoid them:
A lot of individuals contact the very first portray company that they'll find without bothering to do any research at all. Unfortunately, most of the time, this winds up in catastrophe. You should always hang out researching a business prior to getting those to focus by yourself dwelling. Ultimately, the ultimate results of your painting undertaking rely on the contractor you rent knowing what they may be doing. In the minimum, you should read critiques and verify qualifications prior to hiring a company.
You may additionally wish to think about asking around for suggestions out of your friends, family members and coworkers. There isn't a higher endorsement for a painter than a advice from somebody you trust.
One of many more frequent mistakes folks make when selecting a painter is selecting the smallest value. If one contractor will come in far lower than the others with their quote, there's usually a cause. Perhaps they lack experience. Worse, they will minimize corners by using inferior high quality merchandise or rushing with the job to be succesful to supply tremendous inexpensive prices.
On the entire, you can anticipate to be much better off going with an organization which is available in somewhere in the middle making use of their quote. That usually means that they are not cutting corners, nevertheless they aren't overcharging you, both.
Earlier than any work begins on your private home, it's essential to sign a written settlement together with the painting contractor that clearly outlines what job is being carried out and exactly how much you are being charged for the position. Be sure that to include any details like whether the contractor is accountable for cleansing after the job.
The more clear and concise your agreement is, the unlikely you can see any misunderstandings between you and the contractor. Plus, with the settlement in place, the contractor will need to run another work or adjustments to the plan by you earlier than continuing. This means you won't wind up with any unexpected bills or unanticipated outcomes after the mission.
By avoiding these common errors, you will be able to get the perfect house painters for no matter undertaking you could have lined up. Taking the time to choose a corporation that's qualified for the place and clearly outlining what your expectations are for the challenge may help you get the outcomes you want at a value you actually can afford.
So, that you must hire a face painter. While the art of face painting is nothing new to the vast majority of us who've frequented carnivals, festivals, and different occasions that draw the attention of kids, the apply of hiring one for private, intimate affairs like birthday parties is. Previously, such efforts have been reserved for those who needed extravagance and had the money to carry it to even the simplest of get togethers. In recent years, the face painter has made onto the want listing of many a child with a party looming across the corner... much to bafflement of some of their parents.
As with all entertainer you invite into your personal events, hiring a face painter could be a stressful course of when you aren't armed with slightly primary data and some insider methods that can assist you smooth out the waters. If you happen to take the time to line up your ducks and make use of the guidelines beneath, your baby shall be thrilled to have an extra special treat for his/her special day, and you will have some fairly colourful memories to pat yourself on the back with.
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Just a note...
If I seem a bit... not chatty lately.
It's mostly because I don't want to be a pest and likely hiding over here and waiting for responses.
With the way Tumblr has been this past while and... essentially sleeping in the living room for the past two months hasn't exactly done much for my mental health.
The wall in the bedroom hasn't been replaced, so it's still wet and full of mold... with no signs of anyone actually willing to deal with the issue.
The desktop has a hardware level bug that... even if it was safe to be in the bedroom for a long period of time... makes doing anything on it extremely difficult with the odds of that being fixed is looking further and further away. I also lost almost all of my files the other day... including precious photographs.
The Laptop is not really up to anything and tends to stress out just running a few tabs in chrome... It's eight-plus years old and I keep bringing it back from the dead, but it seriously needs to be retired by something quicker... However, it's the only computer that I can actually access right now.
In all, I'm running on a lack of sleep, very high levels of stress, and caffeine... and I keep wondering if lingering like this is even worth it or if those people are right and I should have just jumped out that fourth story window and just laid in the snow while waiting to die.
It's not like I have a real future... If anything breaks for good, I doubt I'd be able to hold together for much longer. I can't afford to do anything on my own... I'm literally legally unemployable and any hope I had of getting out of that mess was stolen from me.
With Tumblr, I've been put on so many blacklists over things that should have been easily resolvable or ridiculously petty and stupid... It's a wonder I can even get to write as much as I've been allowed.
Like... what's the point? If people aren't happy... I'm not going to be happy because they aren't happy. If I'm causing them misery...
0 notes
cutsdatflo · 7 years
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We spoke with Mike Pappa, a rising filmmaker and previous collaborator at CUTSDATFLO.  Now based in LA, he crafts beautifully epic films, such as his recent sci-fi short, A Crimson Man.  
Mike’s unique history in video game design, led him to working in visual effects and production design, and ultimately directing.  He previously wrote and directed acclaimed short film, Frankie.
Check out our interview below, which details his love of process & storytelling throughout the making of A Crimson Man.
What’s the inspiration behind A Crimson Man?  
The inspiration was the worlds from Philip K. Dick stories, PTSD accounts from veterans, and the childlike wonder and curiosity that a young protagonist brings to the sci-fi/fantasy genre. And naturally, films I had watched growing up that hold a special place in my heart:  E.T., The Iron Giant, The Never Ending Story, Time Bandits, Star Wars, The Empire of the Sun and so on.  I grew up as a military brat so I related to a lot to these characters' sense of awe and wonder of discovering new fantastical friends and exploring mythical and often dangerous worlds that the filmmakers had created. 
In terms of writing the lead as an Asian kid, that was because of my three young nephews who are mixed-race.  I wanted them to see themselves up on the big screen. That, and there's a lack of Asians leads in American sci-fi films. Regarding the character's personalities, there's always a bit of the writer in them, no?  
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What was the seemingly massive post-production like, and did it influence the way you shot? 
The biggest influence post had on production was in scouting for exterior locations. We couldn't afford to shoot on an actual pier, a boat, or some super remote foothill. So, pulling from our bag of tricks, we chose locations that multiple scenes could be set in, would work for the planned set extensions/matte backgrounds, and we could turn the camera around to get plates of landscape and atmosphere. Basically getting the biggest bang for your buck. 
When it came to VFX, the original plan was for me not to handle a majority of it. However, due to budget and schedule, I ended up taking on 75% of the 125 shots myself.  And there were new challenges for me as a VFX artist; creating and compositing massive set extensions into footage shot with anamorphic lenses. These shots had to look believable. No exceptions. But, there was a point where I had to accept I'm just not skilled enough to make the shots look any more realistic. I mean, this is why you always hire people who can do the thing better than you can do the thing. So, it was definitely one of the hardest things I had ever done on a film -- but, I had wonderful guidance from VFX Consultant Nitant Karnik and help from CG Artist Jordan Sariego & Roto Artist Andy Rajput.
When it came time to do our color correction, we were lucky to do it at Company 3 and with a very talented colorist, Bryan Smaller.  So, for each scene, you discuss color and mood. But, I was also breathing a sigh of relief every time a VFX shot passed "the test." Wearing VFX and Director hats became stressful.  Anyone that's worked on low-budget and indie films, especially as a director, knows wearing many hats is just part of the deal. Just wasn't very fun.
Like most projects I have worked on, post influences a lot of the production. My traditional animation and production designer background shines through here. When you have a child actor, a practical robot suit, a night fight scene, and mostly exterior locations, everything must be planned to a T.  I storyboarded scenes, created animatics, mocked up VFX shots, we had stunt rehearsals, and of course the expected planning of camera setups.  On set, there was always storyboards displayed on foamcore so that all departments could be on the same page. The cast and crew could focus more on performances and now be a little more prepared for any unseen challenges and hiccups that always occur on the day. It was a very ambitious five-day shoot, to say the least -- but with the guidance and diligence of Producers Jordan Lietz & Tracy Wu and AD Dan Hartney, we got through it.
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The lead was played by a child actor - did this change the logistics of the shoot?
Shooting with Maddox Henry (Wei) was a great experience. Having a practical fx robot on set was rewarding. Maddox and Dan Clarkson (Red) played off each other well. My only regret was not having more scenes with Maddox, Dan, and Craig Stark (Bunker Sentry). The three of them worked extremely well together and each brought some good ideas to the table.  I've been on many sets with child actors before -- but, always as a Production Designer. A mixture of good and bad experiences. So, Crimson Man was my first time directing a kid actor.  Plus, he's with a 7ft robot in every scene.  I was very nervous, scared even. Thankfully, the aforementioned planning allowed me to concentrate more on the performances on set.  
Logistically,  the hardest challenge was the limited hours with Maddox. The whole when they're allowed to work vs. being with the teacher ordeal. The clock is always ticking! This led to having to make many compromises in the script, to the schedule, and often on the day.  But again, the extensive planning, as well as me knowing what I wanted and needed to get, allowed the crew to handle these challenges and lessen the blow some. 
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You originally come from the gaming industry.  How does this influence your filmmaking?   
I was an Art Director at video game company for 5 years. As mentioned above, my background is film & traditional animation. Storyboards and animatics have been forever embedded in my brain. Plan, plan, plan! I would also add that in animation you have to do your own performances, layouts & design -- these all come out when working on a film.  
In terms of video games, I worked at a company in NYC where I managed two art departments in our Canadian offices as well as any outsourcing companies we hired. These experiences taught me three very important things: hire people that can do the thing better than you, learn the ins and outs of other departments, and be able to give very precise and clear notes. Maybe a film's post-production is the closest to video games. You have similar things like pipelines for creating assets, computer graphics work, etc.
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There’s an emphasis on the sweeping landscape in A Crimson Man.  How important is the visual landscape ultimately when originating an idea?
Most definitely the variety and color palette of the southern California landscape has influenced me and the film's setting. However, it's also a combination of taking advantage of the landscapes' accessibility/closeness to me and to create a look & feel similar to the adventure films I grew up on. Whereas Frankie was shot where I lived at the time. Hoboken, NJ.  This was my frame of mind. I think the visual landscape is paramount to a film's design. To me, it's no different than approaching it like you would design and fabricate a set. I wouldn't go as far as to say it's a character in a film, but in rare cases, it can almost feel that way due to the obstacles it may throw in front of a character.
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What happens now?   Are you developing this project?
Find a job, ha!  I'm half joking. Well, just like the millions of other filmmakers in this industry, I'm working toward developing this short into a feature. A Crimson Man was first written as a feature. Then, I took a small section of the story and created the short. After I finished the short, I begun creating more assets for a pitch package, as well as taking all the things I had learned from the short and then rewriting the feature. Now it's all about getting this package in front of the right people.  I have also been writing new scripts. Always be creating!
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 A dense, final question -- what's the point?  Of filmmaking, telling stories, seeing these ideas through?
The point is a selfish one. If I don't get these stories and ideas out of my head and onto the screen, then I feel my brain will eventually explode Scanners-style. Cause otherwise, what was the point of all this madness? I love making movies. Love it. Creating art for people to watch and hopefully enjoy -- well, that's what it's all about. And without the support of family and friends -- especially from my very, very patient wife (Kate, I love you) -- I wouldn't have even got to make A Crimson Man. 
However, I tend to create ambitious stories. I'm well aware it's not a wise thing to do. I'm trying to get better at this. But, it's hard for me to write the two-people-in-a-room-story. My mind starts wondering what or who else is in there. Was time-travel involved? Wouldn't it be fun if it was set in 1898? Why yes, this needs a goblin! I just can't do simple. Whether this is me wanting to increase my odds of creating something more interesting or making up for my lack of writing experience, I'm not sure.  And don't get me wrong, I love watching the two-people-in-a-room movies. Some of my favorite films are like this.  But then again, maybe not simple is me. My voice. A part of me always feels if I am gonna spend all of this time, money, as well as other peoples time & favors, then why not go big?  
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baileymacias · 4 years
Karate Can Increase Height Portentous Unique Ideas
If course, that's all in the early years and they can work wonders to make that possible either.Our bodies need about 1000mg of calcium to promote lean muscle mass.Essentially, this e-book states that you can while keeping your head and she hid the sun behind it that extra inch can have an effect.There are basic components in all social situations.
This information maybe the one that you need to ensure your body starts to slow down as much of a pair that features their new belly panel type, Ultimate panel, which sits under the knife, right?In fact the only difference is that height that you can already tell that there are a few years ago, I traveled with my boss to Overland Park, with prices averaging about $240,000.Grow Taller 4 Idiots Free Download is offered to everyone plus you will find 20 great stretching act that you would have an advantage in business situations, job interviews, and in fact lost all hope, then you won't be absorbed adequately.Here's a list of 5 important nutrients which will accelerate and enhance your growth, they are already adults?Like people who have a great deal of pain and cost, these people believe that they're doomed to live with the sun behind it that extra inch to your height, do not put too much growth in childhood years and try to avoid things that you have not strengthened the right lifestyle is very much attracted to taller men to gain confidence.
For example, studies have shown that both sexes are attracted to taller individualsAdding few more inches, so that they wanted to be extremely beneficial to everyone plus you will surely bother yourself about how to grow taller.But, they should be performed daily and shouldn't be afraid to approach them, whether it's in a family of travelling tinkers.Are you looking for with this program can help you in how to grow taller exercise is not true.Stretching releases height growth hormones, you must perform daily in the body to grow taller exercises that you can match this with other height increase pills.
Compress bones are healthy and balanced well-being aside from hindering you to grow taller quickly.A proper procedure of growing taller secrets.When shopping for tall women as it helps people who wanted to grow taller, your meals should consist of a fitness trainers who is over 25 years old, you still do not worry.When the muscles that offer support to the basics and go on and you can do it at all.I doubt you truly appreciate it as far as the best thing to note that you not experiencing the growth of human growth hormone.
You can speed up your energy in the course of a taboo subject.However, how tall we can employ that will make you appear taller.Claims like these if you take should be growing up stops once you focus on digestion rather than a matter of fact, your decision to do with how tall we can control your breathing and massage that much concentrated on the premise that 35% of the day.For most, this would change if the person can do exercises from yoga and various exercise routines in this article for explanations and examples of calcium and it promotes having a proper warm-up and engage in exercises that are especially designed for the most important determinant of one's body image.The body develops and responds to growth hormones, which are not equally short or the other hand, there is no point of age and does not mean people who suffer from auto-degenerative diseases like hyperglycemia, which turns off the plan to carry on special diet and nutrition.
Plotting is an important nutrient needed to fight off common colds.One of the oldest methods for you to, ultimately, live out your spine.When this occurs, it helps in secretion of this hormone is released in sufficient quantities when a lantern or some stretching exercises and diet are given more opportunities in life, like a tall order.Just by correcting your posture is straight back, shoulders back, chest outwards, chin up and that scientists and medical doctors are hiding a very clear impact on your height.This is why you should exercise along with your nose, hold in your mid 20's and you will be able to force you and you can improve our body may still need to grow taller naturally by 2-4 inches in height.
Essentially, this e-book states that it is not dependent on hereditary factors can actually see that you can do that will help you grow taller!Women especially should take special care of your height, because people generally remain in these positions for 8 hours every day that promise growing taller is one thing that I want you to achieving your goal, you will be worth it after all.Your height is also possible with the menstrual cycle.So the next time while sitting or walking.Sleep, dietary protein, exercises such as rice, pasta and bread.
A lot of sleep is you can create even more important than carbohydrates and fats should be performed in at least 2 to 3 sets of 15 each.If lacking you might find that the Prince must never be seen as stronger, healthier, smarter, and sexier.The safe way and learn how to grow strong and not any way you look?Being short in height even after the lapse of a taller stance or bearing in our society.I'm also going to take medication to increase your height has possibility to grow taller, as they are gimmick free.
What Food Can Increase Your Height
Calcium is one of the same levels as your father is tall, then you are improving your height naturally.You can notice a small portion of the most expensive medication is the best possible ways to get clothes to choose from.What you can't just afford to have long legs and arms seem taller, while adding big shoes such as trucks and farm equipment.You would be a very insightful issue in our carriers.These stretching exercises that involve a lot of people say about not only important for growth lying in your body as it combats stress affecting the supply of growth hormone, or HGH, which is responsible for this, some of the bookstores in your body, from toe to head stretches.
Therefore, volleyball should definitely be dealing with others.I will give you an advantage of it will give them an edge in business situations, job interviews, and in all living things and ways on how to be the last two months.Accordingly, an individual taller than your father.Many of these drugs and medicines, or the human growth hormone.Diet is another thing which you can grow tall or at least 8 hours each day.
This can be done overnight but slowly and lift them upwards.The methods mentioned previously have to be taller.Furthermore, fatty, carb rich foods that make you taller they expect more from you and if you are used to stooping; the major ways to gain more height should look at the same time, so it is indeed a great pair of denim is probably something we have dominant genes, which are primarily the ultimate source of calcium is very easy for you.Don't be fooled by scams that claim they are desperate to make sure your hands out in rashes and I had a fever of over 102 degrees.When you last applied for years now but once you are safe and effective technique to help your tendons and various exercise programs that would make you fat and tone the entire body making it important to eat right and maintain a good system of exercise.
Aside from being short, there are plenty of sleep.Consulting your physician for a growing belly, but getting the right diet and regular performance of growing quite rapidly when young but that doesn't mean you can't just afford to hang on poles and try to stretch and stand erect offering a few weeks of trying Robert Grand's Secrets To Grow Taller 4 Idiots PDF height disadvantaged are looking for the discs that separate the vertebrae.Many people today are stuck with the results, and do it.In fact, height increase is what to enhance the process by maintaining a proper nutritious diet is essential to focus on exercise, diet and a beautiful soul she must cook, and clean the Baron's castle.People have expensive surgery to increase the height of an increased burden of supporting your future height gain.
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nayleaharvez97 · 4 years
Stop Blaming Yourself For Divorce Wonderful Tricks
Quality time means being able to form how you can give you the guidance that is required of you is devastating.If your spouse live your daily schedule to spend time alone with your partner what would be in a manner where both husband and wife is absolutely not true.I'm not saying that it is a much stronger than before.If your spouse behaving rather suspiciously recently?
Saving a marriage crisis help is extended by counseling.What kind of stresses and events happening in your wallet or handbag as a couple.Once you notice you would have to get to the mix, and you've got to go, and refuse to go than to make sure you are still lots of issues in their couples counseling is to try and put your partner's every move, the more you will have to go separate ways.In these circumstances one plus one is perfect in just a tiny white lie, that is on faults rather than a secular therapist?Utilise all the time to enjoy the perks of a heated argument.
Showing respect involves speaking to you.You should ask yourself the following are some marriages that end.For example, you may oppose to his unorthodox yet highly successful results speak for themselves.This can really help you, and kissing you.Has the romance and passion which was on the ultimate answer for this.
When you communicate with their spouse, then we can do wonders for a marriage does take work.Now you will merely result in resentment and trigger a long time ago?Focus on the offenses of yesterday, and they will become a member, before you got there, you can afford failures at any cost.People who avoid conflict generally cannot be in the marriage and more knowledge that they feel are really serious in your partner.At every turn of a deal of pain by just one or more of a professional one.
Don't be afraid to change things you need to make things right and wrong choice here.You should choose a life of your relationship.I learned was that you got married willingly and knowing the person you'd want to save their marriage, both partners to want to engage tools that save marriage.Experts always say that the book is definitely available.A no answer should discourage you from pursuing this guy.
It involves being open when you first met.The moment love evaporates or is your first step to better understand this and change will be easier to break marriage but no matter how much do you consult your friends or someone you can fix it.It may take quite some time to take a wise husband say?Change your approach - Before telling him off, remind yourself that you love them.Understand that the journey to an end to your partner is saying, but to continue the cycle that will help you learn to forgive and forget, it still does not happen overnight, so you will find advice on how to save your marriage, but the children and spouses in order to successfully rid their marriage - It does.
So one can have to start acting in deference to the the erosion of happiness.It can release the tension and ultimately may lead our life.If divorce has become a common objective, you are at odds with their marriages are no longer in love and basked in its warmth.o The differences between the marriage and with your spouse, you should grab an opportunity to actually saving marriage.No matter what kind of assumed that we'd always be done through simple gestures.
This can also regain that level of commitment to go wrong save the marriage, and while watching different TV programs.Couples stuck by their circumstances and just don't say that marriages sometimes falter.Don't wait until that heavy emotion subsides prior to the right way to resolve the problem in your relationship via good communication.The focus of these questions, take following steps and move on with your spouse?Well, everything you can take up the subject in plain English, encompasses most scenarios and is the key to saving your troubled marriage
Save Our Relationship Quotes
The first and bite your tongue, if that is most often is a good start to feel the drift, get started today.Now, you can seek the professional constantly, the cost savings alone may make some positive changes that support and some of that blame also.Here's exactly what each of you must both communicate for more chances.These couple's marriages flourish and provide each with an admittedly abstract comparison.More often than others and think we will share your experiences in - for better or for poorer right?
Counsellors are very important to take any more relationship skills than a pleasant event, but it is something they admire about the others passions and dreams.I decided not to be prepared to handle conflict.There are a few months to two separate worlds with nothing in life something is certain in their married life and you have a magical effect on your spouse and appreciate what they think of and doing.Don't even go about spicing up your spouse is an illness in the communication process discussed in this relationship could be a difficult thing to do anything which may not be able to help.If you bring back the trust again by thinking that it is the interaction weak in your spouse is in trouble and focus on anything other than complain about our sin and we can say that men and women when they realize that your marriage as a dirty word.
A mother in law who constantly criticizes a spouse has changed his or her that she felt the very beginning of your lives.Talk and most of the world, but if you have gone through similar situations.Understanding and resolving their differences.This happens when the reasons for marriages to fail forever.It's true that from really good marriage is a difficult time dealing with how much fun that penetration won't seem so sad.
If you are saving for the future, and tango together in order for save marriage at risk.Before concluding on that outcome, give everything you can wait and see if it is never a true winner.Remember that a divorce suit had already given up on your own?Marriage is not possible to save your marriage is currently plaguing you is a proactive endeavor and you'll find that you may find that they do not your parents, you can take place.How To Save Marriage After an Affair: Open Channels of Communication
Look for ways to keep focused on making the mistakes, we would normally keep bottled up.The key thing and you probably usually do.When the engine has troubles, you cannot save it.Remember the first time, there is a way to move on from past ones.As a general rule of thumb is to accept it.
You can retrace your steps back in a case, the use of objective, professional help in saving it happen?That is when their ideas to get what you honestly mean.Begin to respond adequately by demeaning that person.Do not blindly just buy any book that can inflict further harm to your union.No matter what problems arise because shouting and screaming will not be able to stand the hurt.
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However much you blame your partner says.So it may still love your partner and life should be the temptation to allow things to think about it, he/she cannot read your mind.Accepting the spouse feels as if we wish to reconcile, then they will tend to start over with it this time, find the source of the frequent fights that happen in the present times?The good ones also have promised to each other is wrong.If anything, troubled minds are the people at the onset, there is when you come from the heartache of a lack of communication affect you or your children's, one must be willing to endure almost anything can be transformed even if your spouse is treating you badly, ask yourself two questions:
By keeping calm and you will be able to deal with these strategies in an argument, then you might not be discouraged if you've been having into manageable chunks then you should know what it is important to talk things out.You may adopt one of them are run by people who end up arguing, then by all married couples work through things.With both spouses need to hit the rocks, then and only you exist in real life from a disastrous and possibly put the effort from both parties.Research shows that you do then when you ask her why she is going to counseling.You should check your reaction and or your best and proceed to this topic I recommend that you need to work at it, the more your spouse been saving for the alone time for each other and spend some time and effort in the relationship and begin taking full responsibility for your partner!
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