#plus I’m doing the vip??? I’ve never done a vip before but I was convinced to join the girl I’m with who is also doing it
victory-cookies · 3 months
yknow bad mood cancelled. I’m so fucking excited for set it off
0 notes
otptings · 3 years
Puzzle Piece
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♡Idol: Wong Yukhei
♡Requested: Yessss Hi, I ult Lucas and love your writing, could you write a story with praising kink? A little bit of fluff too, just very cute and sexy stuff! He’s treats y/n as a goddess! Thank you and keep going with your amazing stories!
♡Word Count: 3.1k+
♡Genre: Angst, Smut mixed with Fluff
♡Warning: gossip, insecurities, mentions of weight gain, semi public sex, marking, slight breeding kink, cream pie, fingering, overstimulation, multiple orgasms (2)
♡Synopsis: Stylists noonas aren't always correct, especially when it comes to Lucas' relationship.
♡A/n : this is the fourth way that I've written this one shot, sorry that it is so late I just couldn't figure out how I wanted to do it and kept messing around with various ideas. Those other ideas might make an appearance on my page later on. Thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoyed it and if you did please like, reblog, or donate to my Ko-Fi in my bio, thank you so much for reading
Dating an idol is always an adventure, and after two years you’d think that you’d be used to everything that comes along with it. Having your picture taken while out and about, dates being interrupted by random schedules, fans recognizing one or both of you despite your masks and precautions, even being stalked by crazy saesangs. But there are still some things that you don’t think you’ll ever get used to. Fans asking for a picture of you and Lucas together, the random fan edits that will get set to your dms about your relationship, or even some of the endless praise that fans give you.
Another thing you’ll never get used to is the random VIP tickets and backstage passes gifted to you courtesy of Lucas. Bypassing the normal concert security checkpoints and being led directly to your special front row seat where WayV’s security watches over you diligently. It always gives you an adrenaline rush being able to properly see Lucas in his element in person, not just over a monitor in a cozy backstage room to keep you safe. Along with Lucas being a gigantic flirt, constantly winking at you or making sure to look in your direction while singing specifically saucy lyrics. Backstage is a whole nother story.
Being allowed backstage at certain award shows always leaves you in awe. Seeing the workers rushing around and doing all of the little things that make the concert possible in the first place, seeing all of the idols along with the boys warming up and goofing around for their vlogs. It’s a sight that made you grateful that you were ever able to go to concerts. This was only made better because Lucas always made sure that you had a place backstage during award shows while he was preparing for his performances. Winking at you while he’s getting his makeup and hair done, flirting with you while putting on his mic pack and in-ears, pulling you into a quick kiss before he’s hoarded backstage, and you’re led either to your observation or the crowd. It’s one of the things you can never get used to, even now while walking towards your observation room, Taeyong waving at you while he walks past getting ready to watch the performance himself.
“I don’t know what Lucas sees in her.” Your steps faltered as you passed by the dressing room, hearing the voices of the stylist noonas. “She’s not even that pretty and is always draping herself all over Lucas.”
“It’s so embarrassing. She’s so annoying.” You unconsciously walked closer to the door, trying to hear more of the conversation, feeling slight embarrassment run through you.
“She’s only using him for his money and fame. Like what girlfriend always asks for free VIP tickets?”
“A golddigger.”
“Exactly. I just don't understand how sweet Lucas falls for it.” Peeking around the corner you saw the two stylists giggling from where they sat on the couch.
“I mean, I’m so much prettier than her. And I’m skinnier than her, Lucas should really be dating me.”
“Plus Lucas deserves someone good for him, good for his image. She’s only bringing it down.”
“Are you okay?” You jumped feeling someone grab your shoulder, accidentally hitting the door causing the two stylists to stand up abruptly. Turning around you saw that it was only WayV’s managers, surely coming to check on you since you’ve never made it to the room. When you glanced back the stylist noonas at least had the nerve to act embarrassed while cleaning up their supplies. Nodding your head you allowed him to lead you to the observation room, checking on you once more before leaving to go backstage.
You tried to watch the performance, focusing on Lucas as he rapped and danced but their words kept flowing through your head.
Were you always clinging on to him? Sure you held his hand a lot but that’s because he was actually the clingy one. What if he was only doing it because he thought that you wanted it? Always hugging you, and kissing you only because he felt obligated to do it? Were you just using him for money and fame? Sure having fans recognize the two of you and compliment your relationship was a fun side effect but that’s not the only reason you were in a relationship. All of the concert tickets were gifts, you never purposely asked for them. You also never declined them. You may not have been as skinny as female idols but that doesn’t mean that you're fat. Right? Lucas is the one always taking you out on dates or buying you dinner and constant snacks, what if you were gaining weight. What if you were getting fat?
Shaking your head you tried to forget all of the negative thoughts and focus on the concert, Lucas didn’t try so hard convincing your manager all those months ago to allow you to come to concerts just for you to not even pay attention. But they refused to leave, the negative thoughts swirling around your mind so aggressively that you hadn’t realized the performance was over until Lucas gently knocked on the door, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Babyyy.” Lucas’ face popped up in the opening, smiling happily at you despite the sweat dripping down his face. Weakly smiling at him you stood up reading to open your arms for him before the words of you being clingy echoed in your mind. “Did you like our performance?”
Nodding your head you gave him two thumbs up. If Lucas realized your awkwardness he didn’t let in on it, only opening the door fully and holding his hand out to you. “Are you hungry? I can find something for you to eat since we still have a couple more hours here.” Hastily shaking your head, you tried to make your smile bigger, hoping that it would distract Lucas from your strange behavior considering you never declined food.
“I’m fine Lucas, anyway don’t you need to get out of your performance clothes?” Lucas nodded his head before tossing his arm over your shoulder, leading you back towards the dressing room to put on the suit that he arrived in. Or so you thought.
Instead of taking you back to the dressing room the rest of WayV was occupying he led you into one of the single bathrooms, quickly pushing you inside and locking the door behind the both of you.
“Lucas? We don’t have time for a quickie. You need to change your clothes and meet up with the boys.” Lucas turned back around toward you, trying to resist the urge to place a kiss onto your pouty lips and get to the root of the problem.
“What’s wrong?” You opened your mouth to deny it but Lucas quickly cut you off, “Don’t tell me that it’s nothing because I know you better than that. You’re being really quiet, and not greeting me with a hug and kiss like you normally are.” Sighing you rubbed your hands up and down your arms, knowing that it was no use lying to Lucas.
“I feel like you could do better than me. Not someone who always takes your tickets and clings onto you. You'd be better off with another idol.” Staring at your feet you waited for the inevitable rejection that was to come, Lucas would realize all of the stylist noonas were correct and would leave you. Maybe he’d get with someone in Twice, they’re all gorgeous and skinny. Lucas’ hands cupped your cheeks, forcing you to look at him while fighting the urge to let out a laugh at your obscene statement.
“Do better? Why would I want to do better than the person who’s perfectly made for me?” The typical heat rising to your cheeks and urge to smile didn’t happen as usual, so focused on the negative words of the stylists. “What made you think like this? Actually, who made you think like this? The tickets to concerts are all gifts and I don’t even have to pay for them, I actually cling onto you more, and I like your affection anyway. It makes me feel special, and no one else is better for me than who. So once more, who could be better than my gorgeous baby in front of me?”
“The stylists.” You muttered, not wanting to ruin the sweet moment of Lucas always knowing the right things to say.
“Which stylists? They had no right to say any of that about you especially when it’s false.”
“Two of your stylists, the ones with the red and blonde hair.” Lucas nodded understandingly, a plan underway to make sure that they knew better than to speak about you like that.
“”Can I show you how much I love you?”
“Don’t you have to go back to the crowd soon?” Lucas only shrugged.
“I need to make sure you’re good first.” Timidly nodding your head a smile spread across Lucas’ face as he spun the two of you around and pressed you against the door. Lucas’ right hand cupped the back of your neck, keeping you in place while his lips pressed against your. His left hand slid underneath your dress, fingers toying with the lace that covered your thin panties, not wasting any time to get you aroused. You could feel the smirk on his lips when you nipped your bottom lip and sucked on it drawing out a loud moan from you. Lucas pulled away and you rolled your eyes, already knowing that teasing was going to follow.
“Can’t wait for everyone to hear all the pretty noises you make for me.”His lips reconnected with yours, this time easily parting allowing him access. Slipping his tongue into your mouth you moaned again at the taste of him, the sweet candy that he always eats before performances still coating his tongue. You’ve never been more grateful for the easy access that a dress gives you - besides when Lucas bent you over in one of the unoccupied dressing rooms during Resonance filming, a very awkward conversation ensued when Taeil accidentally walked past - when Lucas pulled your panties to the side and slid two fingers past your folds and leant down to your neck.
A fun fact that not many people don’t know is that Lucas is a great multi-tasker, and it shows in the way that his fingers skillfully worked over your clit as he sucked a bruise under your ear, much too high to be covered with the low neck of your dress. All you could do was run your fingers through his hair, biting back the whimper that wanted to come out of your throat. His fingers slipped past your folders, finally pushing in two fingers causing you to throw your head back against the door. Lucas could only lean back and admire you, the growing whimper that you were hiding finally bubbling past your lips, hickeys lining your neck showing off that you were only his.
“Do you really think I’d want anyone else? No one else is as sensitive as you, dripping all over my fingers.” Lucas’ voice paired with his fingers brushing over your g spot caused another loud moan to slip from your lips, if it wasn’t for the intense pleasure that Lucas was giving you, you might’ve had the nerve to be embarrassed over how wet you were. “You’re so perfect baby, just like this.”
“Please Xuxi.” You couldn’t help the desperation that bled into your voice, Lucas always knowing your body better than you did, knowing all of the little things that made you wet, and knowing the perfect way to use that knowledge to have you coming undone underneath of him. Even now as you looked at him, his stereotypical smirk on his face as he watched you beg him, a multiple of ‘please’ and ‘Xuxi’ leaving your mouth as his fingers continued to work on your g spot bringing your orgasm dangerously close.
“You can cum baby. But we’re still not done.” That’s all that you needed to hear before your orgasm hit you, a loud cry on your lips as his fingers continued to move, helping you ride out your orgasm until you were overstimulated and working towards another one.
“Xuxi.” Lucas couldn’t deny that he wanted to give you another orgasm on his fingers, especially as your thighs started to shake and your hands pulled his hair causing him to let out a groan, but as he felt his cock twitch he knew that he really just wanted to be inside of you. Plus, both of you did need to be out in the audience to hear the award results or else that would be just another scandal that he would have to deal with.
“What do you want, baby? Use your words, I’ll give you anything that you want.”
“Need you, please Xuxi, need you to fuck me.” Lucas cooed at you, loving just how needy you were.
“You know I can never say no to my baby girl.” You felt heat rush to your cheeks as his patronizing tone, but it soon left as he pulled his fingers from your cunt, placing them in his mouth and sucking your cum off of them. Letting out a loud exaggerated moan that caused you to weakly smack his arm.
“You’re annoying.” Lucas only smiled happily before pulling his pants, sighing from relief as his cock was finally free from the tight confine of his leather pants.
“You love it.” Gripping the back of your thighs Lucas lifted you up, causing you to squeal before wrapping your legs tightly around him. Leaning in and placing multiple pecks on your lip, a giggle leaving you as your arms slid around his neck.
“Maybe I do.” Lucas leaned back so that he could see you properly, your swollen lips parted slightly as you watched him, curious of his next move.
“You know that I love you. Right? It doesn’t matter what anyone else says about our relationship, you're perfect for me.” All of the attention from Lucas made you shy, a shocking feat after dating for two years, opting to place your head in the crook of his neck as you nodded. Lucas grabbed the base of his cock with one his free hands, lining it up with your entrance and bottoming out with one thrust. Your arms tightened around his neck and you couldn’t help the breathy moan that you let out at the feeling of his thick cock stretching your walls. Lucas was no better, squeezing your thighs tightly as he let out a low groan, the feeling of being properly inside of you with your warm walls tightening around him.
“Fuck, you’re always so tight.” Lucas slowly started to thrust inside you, a little awkward at first due to the angle but soon he had set a quick pace that had you pulling his hair harshly as his cock massaged your walls.
“You think anyone else could take me like this?” You let out a loud whine at his words, feeling the tile digging into your back from how hard he pressed you against it, his balls slapping against your ass with every brutal thrust. “No one else could take my cock as perfectly as you, fuck, no one else could even make me as hard as you.” Another loud moan as he changed the angle of his thrust, reaching deeper spots that were previously untouched by anyone else in your past, only proving his point of being made for him as his cock perfectly massaged over your a spot causing your eyes to roll back. “You’re made for my cock, and so pretty while taking it at all.” Lucas leaned back slightly, never stopping his brutal thrusts as one of his hands cupped your chin, sliding his thumb over your bottom lip, which you happily accepted and sucked on, swirling your tongue around causing Lucas to let out another loud groan.
“My pretty girl, I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world.” Lucas’ sweet words greatly contrasted his brutal pace that had you steadily clenching around his cock, rapidly bringing you to your second orgasm at a pace that you couldn’t even warn him before it was washing you, you release coating his thighs as you let out a muffled moan around his thumb.
“Gorgeous.” Lucas took his thumb from your mouth, increasing his pace as you cried out from the overstimulation. “So close baby.” Lucas barely got his words out before he was twitching inside of you, loud groan leaving his mouth as his warm cum spurted into your tired cunt, leaking out as he continued to fuck it deeper into you, riding out both of your orgasms.
His hands slid from your thighs up to your waist, wrapping his arms around you tightly while nuzzling your neck. Both of you enjoying the comfortable silence, a moment of calm before you will be forced back out to deal with the chaos that comes with an award show. Lucas gently set you down on your shaky legs, trying to hide his laugh as you gripped the wall for support.
“This is your fucking fault. Now I’m going to walk around with cum in my panties.” Lucas only shrugged while pulling wiping your cum off of his cock, tossing away the napkin before pulling his pants up that were surprisingly not noticeably soiled.
“Nuh uh. I had to make sure my gorgeous girlfriend knew that I wanted no one else but her. Now you know there’s no one else that I would risk getting pregnant except for you.” Scoffing you tried to hit Lucas, only for him to catch your hand and pull you closer to him, his typical love sick look fading into something more serious.
“You are the only one that I want, you’re my other half, my missing puzzle piece. I don’t care what anyone else says, you are the only person for me. Okay?” Nodding your head you muttered a quiet okay, Lucas placed a quick kiss on your neck before turning you around. “And look just how pretty you are all marked up.” All embarrassment that was hidden while y’all where having sex showcased itself in that moment, your ears and cheeks heating up as you looked at yourself. Hickeys lined your neck, weirdly resembling an L in a way that you had no hopes of trying to cover it with anything more than a gigantic hood over your head. There was no way you could walk out of the bathroom like this.
“Now all the stylists know you’re mine.”
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white-rose-week · 5 years
White Rose Week 2019: That Day on the Airship - Epilogue
Free Day
Self-Given Prompt: Callbacks to Prior Prompts
(Also available on FF and AO3)
Ruby's head popped off of her pillow.
She jumped out of the large, half-empty bed and began preparing for the day with an even wider smile than usual. As she put on her newest combat skirt, she looked at the now entirely empty bed fondly, giggling mirthfully at how tidy Weiss' side was compared to her own. After checking her pockets to ensure she had her scroll and everything else she needed for the day, she exited the room, closing the door behind herself.
Weiss was already downstairs eating breakfast and sending emails.
"I informed the board of directors weeks ago that I would be out today! I even sent them reminders yesterday. Can't they survive twenty four hours without me?!" Weiss mumbled with frustration as she sent off yet another memo to people she would be having stern conversations with tomorrow. Her hostile buyout of the Schnee Dust Company a few months after the defeat of Salem had proven quite simple after a scathing exposé came out detailing numerous labor and ethics violations that the company had committed in the past several years, along with thorough documentation of her father's knowledge and active approval of the violations. An exposé that Weiss most certainly not responsible for compiling and leaking, or at least, that's what she told media outlets that inquired about it. Regardless of who the (obviously noble, talented, and beautiful) person behind it was, it obliterated her father's reputation and sent the company into disarray. From there, leveraging the personal assets she had along with the notoriety from her involvement in the war against Salem, convincing the board of directors to accept her buyout was child's play.
Weiss smirked to herself. Even though running the company was a significant time commitment and she still had some problematic individuals to weed out, it was worth it. The only thing that she held as a higher priority in her life was—
"Good morning!" A singsong voice called out, and Ruby skipped into the kitchen, shattering any SDC-related thoughts from Weiss' mind.
"Good morning, Ruby." Weiss responded, her prior tension melting away as she closed her laptop and stood so she could give Ruby a gentle hug and kiss on the lips. "I'll prepare your coffee." She said, taking her seat again and reaching for the pitcher in the middle of the table.
"Only after I'm done refilling yours!" Ruby said defiantly as she quickly sat down and snatched the pitcher before Weiss could get to it. She gave Weiss a toothy grin as she topped off the white mug on the other side of the table. She was never content with letting Weiss dote on her unless she was able to able to return the favor.
"Very well." Weiss said playfully as she took the pitcher and proceeded to fill the empty red mug across from her, adding in cream and five sugars before nudging it with one finger toward Ruby.
"Thanks Weiss! It always tastes better when you pour it." Ruby said with a grin as she picked up her mug and held it outward. "Cheers! To our girlfriend-iversary!"
"Cheers. To us." Weiss clinked her mug against Ruby's and they both took their first sips, enjoying a quiet moment to stare at each other.
"So, you're sure Nora can run your shop for the day without accidentally setting off one of the hundreds of weapons on display?" She asked, only half joking as she broke the silence.
"Oh come on, she's not THAT much of a loose cannon anymore." Ruby waved Weiss off casually. "Plus, Ren is there with her. I'm sure they'll be fine."
"If you say so. I just don't want our day together to be interrupted by Ren calling you with the news that your shop has a giant hole in the wall."
"Relax, Weiss. We have too much planned today for you to waste time worrying about that type of thing anyways. And if you want to check the place for damage yourself, we can switch places tomorrow. You'll run the shop for the day, and I'll run the SDC and all your fancy-schmancy meetings!"
"As amusing as it is to imagine the department managers trying to keep up with your energy, I think we both remember the last time you tried to act like me, and I think they're a bit too stuffy to appreciate your brand of leadership."
"I think that means you need new department managers!"
"To be honest, I've been thinking the same thing. I'll probably be looking for at least a few new ones starting tomorrow. Would you be interested in running a leadership workshop for all the department managers once I've finished the hiring a few new ones?"
"I'd be happy to, but my fee is ten kisses per hour and must be paid out directly by the CEO."
"Your terms are steep, but acceptable. My people will call your people. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a very important appointment downtown." Weiss gave Ruby a playful wink as she stood and walked toward the kitchen. She placed her empty mug in the sink and gave her combat skirt's pocket a quick pat with her free hand, checking that she had her wallet and other essentials.
"I must be going as well." Ruby called out. "I've got a date with a pretty girl!" She chugged the last of her sweet drink before running over to Weiss. "Hi there, pretty girl!" She said cutely.
The couple giggled at each other as they exited their penthouse apartment and walked into a well-decorated hallway. A short elevator ride later, they were on the sidewalk of Vale's main street. The city had been rebuilt following the defeat of Salem at the hands of Team RWBY and their allies. While the general public was aware that Team RWBY had a hand in helping finally rid Remnant of Salem, they were far from the only huntresses who fought in the war, and they had kept the extent of their personal hardships to themselves. As a result, they held the comfortable status of hometown heroes and respected huntresses, but not the weight of superstar celebrities, meaning they were able to make their way down the sidewalk with their arms linked, enjoying the crisp morning air without being hassled.
As they walked, Weiss glanced over at Ruby, taking in her profile. Even from the side, her silver eyes sparkled with life and light. She got an even better view of them as Ruby turned to her. She could almost feel the power of the silver orbs staring into her blue ones. Or perhaps that was just the sensation of butterflies in her chest. She didn't really mind either way.
"I still can't believe you got us VIP invites to the grand opening of the new bakery in town!" Ruby said as she gave Weiss' arm an excited shake. "It's right next to my shop, so I've been watching the construction for the past few months. I some state-of-the-art ovens getting carried in, and they got a shipment of comfy-looking furniture just last week. I can't wait to see what it looks like now that it's finished!"
"I'm excited for you to see it as well. I have a feeling you'll really like it." Weiss said as they turned a corner.
"I'm sure I will, I've never been to a bakery that I didn't—" Ruby stopped walking and gasped loudly.
They had arrived.
A hundred feet away, their destination was nestled between their favorite combat skirt boutique, Dressed to Kill, and Ruby's weapon shop, which she'd affectionately named It's Also a Gun. The bakery's large glass windows had been covered with sheets of brown paper throughout the construction process, preventing Ruby from peeking inside, despite her best efforts. The paper was now gone, but she wasn't able to see most of the interior decoration due to the number of people that were already in the building.
Above the entrance was a sign that hadn't been there the day before. On each side was a large, ornate flower. Filigree trimming extended from the base of each bloom, resembling intertwined roots, forming the bottom of the sign's frame. The establishment's name was proudly displayed between the flowers in swooping cursive font.
White Rose Bakery & Cafe
"Wh-what? Is this…? Did you…? But, how…?" Ruby whispered breathlessly, her eyes still fixated on the sign.
"With great deal of time and planning, but I can already tell it was worth it." Weiss responded quietly.
"Didn't I make you promise to not buy me a bakery?" Ruby put her hands on her hips with a sassy, but not quite upset tone as she turned to her girlfriend.
Weiss grinned triumphantly. "You made me promise that I wouldn't buy you a bakery as a thank you gift. I made no promises about not buying a bakery because I know it would make the girl I love happy and because I think it would be a good investment anyway."
"I should have known you'd use a technicality like that." Ruby wrapped her arms around Weiss. "I love you."
"I love you too." Weiss said quietly she leaned in and gave Ruby a quick kiss.
"But you don't know the first thing about starting or running a bakery! And I know you couldn't have overseen this while running the SDC. Who helped you?"
Weiss tilted her head and grinned. "In a way, you did."
"I think I'd remember helping you with something like this!" Ruby said, gesturing grandly at the building.
"Well, you helped me pick the people who helped me. Although you didn't really know you were helping pick them." Weiss twirled some of her long hair around her index finger as she smiled blissfully at Ruby, taking in her girlfriend's reaction. "Do you remember that taste testing I took you to at the SDC headquarters about a year ago?"
"How could I forget?!" Ruby said enthusiastically. "We spent an entire Saturday tasting cookies, cakes... pastries and… coffee…" Her eyes widened a bit as she began to piece things together. "But you said I was helping decide who would get a catering contract with the SDC!"
"That much was true, and they've already catered several events for the company. I just left out the fact that the chefs that day were also competing for something else." Weiss' smile became mischievous. "The opportunity to design and run a new bakery in downtown Vale."
"Does that mean the chefs who baked the chocolate chip cookie that made me cry because it tasted so good…?"
"Are inside, probably putting a fresh batch in the display case."
"You're incredible." Ruby held Weiss tightly. "Just how long have you been planning this?" She asked with cheerful curiosity.
"Ever since that day on the airship. I knew we'd have to finish the whole 'save the world' thing before I could put my plan into motion, but that just meant I had a lot of time to think through the details." Weiss responded lovingly and slid her hands around Ruby's waist. "Shall we go inside?"
"We shall, but not yet!" Ruby said as she pulled out her scroll. "This is totally a 'home screen' moment!"
The two of them had continuously updated their home screens whenever they did something particularly fun or special together, with the most recent picture being from their visit to Blake and Yang's house in Menagerie. They snapped a quick photo and changed the settings on their scrolls before linking arms again and walking past the red and white balloons next to the front door.
When they entered, they were greeted by the scent of confectioner's sugar and the gentle sound of upbeat music. To their left, a small line led to a pair of cash registers that were attached to fully stocked display cases and a bar that extended the length of the wall. Lively girls wearing pink aprons were taking orders, grabbing pastries, and making coffee. Lacquered wood tables and cushioned chairs took up roughly two-thirds of the dining area. Couches and large coffee tables filled the remaining space, creating a communal lounge area.
As Ruby and Weiss approached the display cases, a woman approximately the same age as them walked out of a door behind the bar. The tall brunette had pale skin, purple eyes, and was wearing a chef's hat. When Weiss waved at her, the woman's expression lit up and she quickly poked her head back into the kitchen. A moment later, another woman with fair skin, light brown eyes, and wavy blonde hair appeared. The two held hands as they walked out from behind the counter.
"Weiss! Ruby! It's so good to see you!" The purple-eyed woman said warmly.
"Hi!" Ruby said, looking both excited and slightly embarrassed. "I'm really, really sorry, but I can't remember your names." She admitted.
The other chef smiled and waved her hand nonchalantly. "Don't worry, I don't think we even properly introduced ourselves at the tasting last year. I'm Madeleine, and this is my wife, Claire!"
"It's nice to meet you both again. This place is amazing." Ruby said, still in awe of her surroundings.
"The pleasure is all ours." Claire said, giving Madeleine's hand a squeeze. "We're so happy that we can finally share our cooking with the rest of Vale."
"Not to mention finally sharing the name of the place! Miss Snow-Angel-Investor over here really didn't want you finding out about her little scheme." Madeleine smirked and nodded in Weiss' direction. "We had to sign some intense nondisclosure agreements!"
Ruby rolled her eyes and nudged her girlfriend. "Sorry about that. Business Weiss can be kind of scary sometimes."
"Only when it's important business." Weiss blushed as she leaned slightly into Ruby before turning to the couple "And you both did a wonderful job with the preparations. I'm sure this place will be a complete success." She looked at them with sincere confidence.
"That means a lot to us." Claire said, her gaze drifting toward the brown eyes beside her. "We hope to be running it for a very long time."
"And we should probably get back to running it, but let me show you to your table first." Madeleine gestured for Ruby and Weiss to follow her as Claire returned to the front counter.
They made their way to the back wall, where a single unoccupied table was waiting with a small sign that said 'Reserved' in the same cursive font as the bakery's logo.
"Here you are." Madeleine said, plucking the sign from the table just as Claire reappeared with two large cookies held in parchment paper.
"And these are for you. If you want anything else, just let us know!" She handed the warm treats over before glancing lovingly at Madeleine. "Come on, sweetie."
"Right behind you, sugar." The other chef responded. The pair waved goodbye to Ruby and Weiss as they departed.
Ruby waved back at them until they weren't looking at her anymore. "This is all so perfect." Ruby mused as they took their seats. "The food, the atmosphere, the location, and the chefs are a couple too. What are the odds?"
"One hundred percent." Weiss responded with a simple shrug.
"Hmm?" Ruby raised an inquisitive eyebrow as she took a large bite of her cookie.
Weiss smiled adoringly as she used her thumb to wipe a stray crumb from the corner of Ruby's mouth. "You must have been too blinded by all the food at the tasting to notice that the chefs who served us were always in pairs. And were all women." She smiled lightheartedly. "I wanted this bakery to represent us in every way possible, so I did my research when selecting candidates for the tasting. All of the chefs that day were couples, so the odds of you selecting a couple to run the bakery was one hundred percent."
Ruby gulped down the mouthful of cookie. "You really did think of everything, didn't you?" She whispered happily.
"I certainly tried to. No amount of effort is too much if it's for you, Ruby." Weiss said lovingly. Under the table, she quietly slid her right hand into the pocket of her combat skirt.
Ruby blushed and took another large bite of her cookie. As she chewed, she became aware of the music playing in the bakery again.
~~~I won't need any dreams, it's all there if you're by my side~~~
A small shiver of tension went through her body. At some point, the bakery's cheerful playlist had arrived at a familiar tune and gotten all the way to its bridge without her realizing it. She and Weiss had managed to listen to the song a number of times over the past several years. In the weeks leading up to their final battle with Salem, they had made it a personal goal to listen to the piece in its entirety. A goal they accomplished.
However, that didn't mean their goal had been to make it through without crying. They knew they song would be an emotional one for them, but they sought to change it from a specter that haunted them into a memorial of sorts. But, every time they had listened to it, they did so intentionally. They had never encountered it by accident before, much less in public.
~~~Every moment's enough, and you take me to paradise~~~
Weiss noticed Ruby's expression and the song almost simultaneously. "Oh my gosh." She whispered frantically, her face going even paler than usual as she jumped out of her seat. "I swear I didn't tell them to play this. Stay here, I'll have them change it immediately." He combat skirt flared as she turned toward the bar.
~~~When I needed a hero, you knew it, and you were there~~~
Ruby's voice was steady as she grabbed Weiss' wrist, intercepting her before she could take her first step. "It's fine. I'm fine. I'd… like to listen to it with you."
~~~And I'm scared, but I'll open my heart up, I'm ready to dare~~~
Weiss look at Ruby with astonishment. "Are you sure?"
"I am."
~~~I know I've never felt like this before~~~
"Alright." Weiss pulled her arm gently, sliding her wrist through Ruby's fingers until their hands met. "I'm here for you."
~~~I never really knew what love was for~~~
"I know you are." Ruby whispered as Weiss took her seat again.
~~~I dreamed, but never did believe~~~
They then did something they had never done before.
"But baby, it's time to make up your mind."
Their singing was barely above a whisper, only loud enough the two of them to hear amongst the bustling chatter of the other customers.
"I think that tonight is when our stars align."
They saw tears in each other's eyes, but the tears were happy. Triumphant.
"Honey, it's now we leave the doubt behind."
They moved their free hands together, interlocking both pairs over the small table.
"Take my hand, cause you and I are gonna light the sky up till it's dawn, and baby, you and I are gonna shine."
Ruby and Weiss continued holding hands as the song faded, finally separating them so they could dry their eyes and finish their cookies.
"Thanks, Weiss." Ruby said before sighing cathartically. "This place is amazing, but I could really use some fresh air right now. Can we go for a walk?"
"Fresh air sounds wonderful." Weiss nodded in agreement as she stood and offered Ruby her hand once more.
The two waved to Claire and Madeleine as the left the bakery and took another moment to look at the sign outside of it before starting to walk around the city.
Their conversation didn't have any particular direction, nor did their feet. They simply enjoyed the sunny morning and each other's company.
"My feet are beginning to hurt." Weiss commented after they had been walking for nearly an hour. "Let's find a place to sit for a while."
"Yeah, my feet are starting to get tired as well." Ruby glanced around, approximating their location. "Oh! I know where we can go!" She scooped Weiss off her feet with a broad grin. "Ready?"
Weiss clutched Ruby's sleeves as she braced herself for what she knew was about to happen. "Ready."
A moment later, the world was a blur around her. A few moments after that, the world came back into focus, and she knew exactly where they were. She didn't even need to look down to know that she was being lowered onto a seat.
They were in a large, circular courtyard, sitting in one of the sturdy wooden benches that lined the perimeter of the otherwise open space. Gray slate covered the ground beneath them, as well as the walkways extending from opposite sides of the circle. One path went back to the city, and the other extended toward a collection of castle-like buildings, several of which were obviously newer than others. An insignia with two crossed axes emblazoned the center of the area.
"It's been a while since we've come here." Weiss said nostalgically.
They were in the front courtyard of Beacon Academy.
The courtyard was lively, but not overcrowded with students and visitors. A few people had briefly glanced in their direction due to the sudden burst of petals that heralded their arrival, but they were content to continue about their business.
"Yeah, it has. We were standing just over there when I fell into your luggage and then exploded." Ruby giggled quietly. "After that, I thought you'd never be my friend, much less my girlfriend." Ruby's words had a gentle, sincere happiness to them.
"If I'd had my way, you'd have taken that pamphlet on dust safety from me at the entrance ceremony later that day and never spoken to me again. Thank goodness things didn't go as I'd planned." Weiss scooted closer to Ruby and pressed the sides of their arms together.
"Most things haven't gone as planned for us over the years, have they?"
"I suppose they haven't. But somehow we wound up here, together."
"We have. And being with you is all that I need."
"I couldn't agree more."
They leaned into each other, sharing a quiet moment, which was interrupted by Ruby sighing wistfully.
"Weiss, I love you." Ruby sounded unusually serious. There was no hint of uncertainty in her declaration, which had been made many times before, but there was an unusual amount of weight behind her words.
"I love you too, Ruby." Weiss responded with a comforting tone, as she gently touched Ruby's arm. "So very much. In fact, I've been wanting to have a conversation with you about just how much I love you."
"You… you have?" Ruby looked at Weiss carefully. "What type of conversation?"
A slight blush reached Weiss' face. "Well, um… you see, it's about our… what did you call it… mutually consented trial period of courtship?"
Ruby looked stunned for a moment. "Wait! That's what I want to discuss too! You don't mean…" She paused with her mouth half open as she pointed a trembling finger at Weiss.
Weiss leaned back slightly. "H-huh? Wait, Ruby, you couldn't possibly…" The gears in her head spun, landing on the only logical explanation. "Hold on!" She scrambled around, her hand rummaging into her combat skirt's pocket.
Ruby began floundering about, realizing what was happening. "No! Wait! I… I want to say it!" Her hand flew into her own pocket and grasped around for the item she'd double checked was with her before leaving their apartment earlier that morning.
They became still as they found what they were looking for, hands still hidden from sight. They stared at each other, looking equally frantic and exhilarated.
"But Ruby, I want to be the one to—"
"No way, I've waited way too long to not ask you myself!"
"I've wanted to ask you for ages though! I—Fine! We'll ask at the same time!"
They mirrored each other's movements, swiftly pulling small boxes out of their pockets, opening them with outstretched arms, and speaking simultaneously.
"Weiss, will you—"
"Ruby, will you—"
As they embraced and kissed passionately, the open boxes fell from to the ground below, the rings inside them glittering brilliantly in the midday sun.
A/N: In the author's notes of my previous chapter, I said, "I don't anticipate having nearly as much trouble writing the final 'free day' chapter." So much for that!
First, I got delayed by several weeks due to hectic (but positive) circumstances. When I finally sat down to write the chapter, I almost immediately realized I didn't like the flow of events as I had initially envisioned them and spent a day writing and scrapping paragraphs. After taking a few days to step away, I hit a stride and wrote out most of the chapter, but then hit a brick wall in the final scene.
While my endgame was always a simultaneous proposal, I couldn't find the right words for the two of them to say in the moments leading up to the proposal itself. The scene alone took over a month of on and off thought. If it had been any scene other than the literal finale of the story, I'd have forced myself to publish something after a day or two, but I refused to let myself release the chapter until I was at least mostly satisfied with the ending. Even now, I don't know if I consider it perfect, but it feels as good as anything that I as a first-time fanfic writer could make without running the risk of the story never actually getting finished.
Aside from the final scene, I feel very good about how the rest of the chapter turned out. I really enjoyed bringing several things from previous chapters back, such as the bakery, combat skirts with pockets, coffee, and "Shine".
While I actively avoided creating any original characters in the earlier chapters, my setup for the bakery required chefs, and while I considered not having them actually appear, the idea of them being a couple to parallel Ruby and Weiss occurred to me and felt too fun to not use, so I spent several hours deciding what Claire and Madeleine's names and appearances would be. Claire's is based on a éclair, and Madeleine's inspiration is the French cookie of the same name. I felt that both pastries had a distinct enough appearance and color to satisfy the "color naming" rule of the RWBY universe. It might be a bit of a stretch, but I also wanted to keep the odds of the names I used appearing in the actual series to a minimum.
While this final chapter took significantly longer than I had ever hoped it would, I still really enjoyed the process of White Rose Week (months, for me, I suppose) and plan to do it again next year, but with either greater planning or without the goal of writing extended chapters and a continuous story. My direction will largely hinge upon the state of my personal schedule as the week approaches next year.
I cannot thank you enough for joining me in the adventure of my first fanfic. Every view count, favorite/kudo, follow/favorite, comment/review means a great deal to me. If you had any favorite parts, I'd love to know what they were. I hope my writing was able to bring you some joy, and I hope to see you all again next year.
Keep moving forward!
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myownpersonaldemons · 5 years
Selftober Prompt 27
SO THIS IS VERY MUCH EXPLICIT because Fellby is a sinful boy. So, uh, if you’re not like 18+ don’t read? Please?
Grillby adored you.
There was literally no other way to describe the way he felt about you. He’d worship the ground you walked on if it wasn’t for his not giving a fuck reputation. There was just something…delightful about you. Something that made his SOUL sing and made him want to crush those who thought they had a fucking chance with you.
When he first saw you, you were humming quietly under your breath as you were debating between two different items at the grocery store. He’d been…annoyed as fuck because you were blocking the way. Of course, to his detriment, now he realized it was a blessing, the two of you had the same routine of shopping for groceries at the same time. Each time you were in a variety of different outfit styles from work clothes to leggings and a sweater, and one time you were in a dress.
The day you were in a dress was when he first flirted with you.
You had frozen, face screwing up in confusion and then a beautiful blush decorated your cheeks as you squeaked out a thank you before hiding your face.
Of course, the fact that you had reacted so cutely made him want to continue flirting but something in your demeanour made him back off. You were…uncomfortable. He’d merely winked at you and sauntered away instead, and the next time he saw you, he gave you a smirk and said hello but left you alone to your own devices.
After that, you would occasionally greet him when you saw him and on the rarest of times, stop to chat with him.
Then surprise, surprise! You had appeared in his bar with a friend. Oh? He invited you up to his VIP section and your friend had been surprised that ‘you were telling the truth about knowing the owner’. That made him puff up because of course you were talking about him.
Yet? You went and didn’t give him the time of day…which just piqued his interest more, and then his jealousy when the next time you graced his bar you hit it up with Sans immediately. Grillby had been in a bad mood the rest of the night when you barely paid him any attention and laughed with Sans the entire night. Even as he muttered that if you wouldn’t sleep with him there was no way Sans was getting any either.
You had merely snorted in derision at that and turned back to Sans and…fucking tossed a few flirts right back at Sans! In front of him!
The only thing that stopped him from kicking Sans out for life after that was the fact that you went home alone, and then Sans had quietly informed Grillby why you weren’t giving him the time of day. An asshole cheater of an ex boyfriend.
Grillby had made a comment about not looking for a relationship, but he found himself…considering it. But, in the end he realized that his hands were too dirty for a relationship. Too much sin contained in his body, and as much as he paraded around pretending that he was hot shit, he fucking hated himself and everything he had become.
Then…you had actively avoided him, only for him to figure out that you were avoiding him because he was…a murderer.
It hit him hard.
Grillby got it, he really did. There was no one out there that could be more disgusted with himself than himself. If he went back in time and met the Grillby who fought in the war between humans and monsters? The Grillby who was a guard, a Knight, a General? A virtuous second-generation fire elemental who hated the fact that he had to carry a weapon to defend his people. Hated the fact that he had to kill to defend his people.
What would that Grillby say to him now? The Grillby who had killed people before because of a whim?
It sickened him greatly to be reminded of his past and for a while he had become secluded…and then he had drunk too much and went to you. To explain himself, not for forgiveness…but to get that weight of his chest. You told him to go to therapy. So he did.
Not for you, but for the man he used to be.
The beginning of your relationship was rocky, but once you two got sure footing? It was smooth sailing.
Now? He had the pleasure of calling you his wife. The once incredibly shy, reserved women who would blush at even the tamest of flirts. The women who still hid her face if her shyness overwhelmed her. You were his wife.
The pleasure of seeing the beautifully designed ring on your finger that the two of you had designed together (and you balked at the price because you were frugal as fuck, but he’d convinced you that it was okay and he wasn’t going to lose sleep (you were guilty until he promised to donate twice that amount to charity on your behalf which you had been incredibly surprised about.)) and a delicate lace choker with a purple amethyst that rested on the hollow of your throat. The monster equivalent to a ring.
Of course, he wore a wedding band, a simple black band with an amethyst embedded into it that glowed from his flames. Apparently, Grillby stared at the ring a lot when he was thinking about you, according to Sans. Grillby thought very, very briefly about not wearing it but then got his ‘fuck it’ attitude. Anyone who had a problem that he was thinking about his wife could fuck off.
Right off.
He’d happily break his promise to you about not getting into as many fights if someone tried to tell him that giving a fuck about you was a weakness. After all, he didn’t get where he was by letting people walk over him. Plus, you said as many fights, not any fights. He’d even punch them with his left fist so they felt his wedding ring. Fuck them.
Grillby rolled onto his side, propping his head up on his hand to stare at your sleeping form.
You were lying naked beside him in all your beauty, a thin sheet covering your lower half and your hair splayed over your arm and pillow. He reached over and gently brushed aside a chunk of hair from your face.
The choker was resting alongside your wedding ring on your bedside table as you didn’t like to sleep with them on as the choker made you feel like you were…well choking if you woke up in the middle of the night, and you were afraid of losing the ring. He loved helping you put it on every morning, getting to stroke your shoulders and press kisses against your delicate skin.
Grillby leaned forward and nuzzled your soft, soft shoulder.
Fuck, he was so fucking soft around you.
He was glad that you weren’t big on PDA in public or else he might be caught being…cutesy in public. Then what would happen to his reputation? Stars. What was it about you that made him want to be okay with destroying his reputation? Swear off all this bullshit and return to that knightly asshole he used to be? He had drunkenly said that to you one night, after an incredibly rough therapy session, and you had looked at him and said that he wouldn’t be him if he wasn’t the ‘pompous purple prick’.
You mumbled sleepily and gently whapped his face with a hand before rolling onto your back, your head rolling to face away from him. A quiet chuckle reverberated through his chest at the light attempt to get him to stop nuzzling your skin in your sleep. He did stop because he didn’t want to wake you, but his eyes drank in your exposed chest and down to where the blanket was resting along your hips.
Grillby remembered the first time he had gotten you to bed. It was after he had gotten off work and came to visit you at what you described was ‘balls am’. You were wearing cute mismatched pajamas and you sleepily were getting yourself water when he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your exposed shoulder. He couldn’t not, you were too fucking cute when you were tired.
His hand had slid across your stomach to rest on your opposite hip to pull you closer to him as he kissed up your neck. Of course, he had no intentions of taking that further, you had expressed your desire to wait for a while before the two of you had sex. Yet, you had finished your water, and then gently took his wrist and shifted his hand further down.
“Do you really want to go there?” he had whispered against your ear.
You nodded and breathlessly said, “yes...”
All of the progress you had made of shedding off your shyness when it was just you and him went out the door the moment he crossed the threshold of your bedroom. Your legs hooked around his waist, his head buried against your neck, and your arms clinging to his head and back as you made the cutest noises in response to his nibbling and hot mouth against your sensitive neck.
You’d been so embarrassed your face was bright red, and you kept attempting to curl up and hide. He’d never experienced a lover like you and so he was utterly lost when he started to pull up your shirt and you had grasped it and let out an embarrassed noise preventing him.
“I…did I misunderstand? Do you not want to have sex?” he asked, genuinely confused and removing his hands from you immediately, “Did I cross any lines?”
“Uh! No!” you squeaked out, “I just! I’m…I!” you stammered covering your face with one hand, “I want to! I just!....Nervous?”
He sat back, staring down at you, “…the fuck? Why?”
“Why?” you parroted back, peeking through your fingers, face still as red as your shirt. “B-because! I’ve…never…done…this?”
That surprised him, “never?”
You shook your head.
Another head shake.
“You’ve had other partners before?”
“Not sexually,” you mumbled, embarrassed and sat up.
He realized at that point that he probably should’ve discussed that aspect much earlier than when you were sitting in his lap, legs still around his hips, your lips slightly swollen from kissing, and your neck littered with small love bites. A wholly fuckable look, if he was honest. Still, Grillby had restraint, and his hands were still lifted away from you.
He had stared at you long enough that you quickly started to ramble. “I mean unless you count like fumbling in the dark, heh…plenty of that but not like with the lights on or…you know the man being made of fire. I get it if you’re weirded out because you’ve been with plenty of people who probably all have had more experience than me. I mean, I’m in my twenties and y’know had full on sex? OR whatever you want to call it-“
It snapped Grillby out of his thoughts and he lowered his hands back to your waist, you jumped slightly at the touch. “Well, then I guess I just use a different tactic.”
“Uh…w-what?” you said, looking down at his hands on your waist.
“Is this okay?” he asked, sliding his hand down before slipping them back up beneath your shirt. Your face darkened and you nodded. He stopped, “gotta say ‘yes’ or some shit like that.”
He’d quickly figured out that you had an intense praise kink, and he kept that first time so languid and slow. Explore every inch of you, getting permission before doing anything so you weren’t surprised. It eased you into what was happening, and slowly…so slowly, you uncurled like a beautiful flower. The shyness was still there, but it was buried by the feelings and emotions that were swirling through you. Honestly? It was probably his best fuck, and one that he thought of on the rare occasions when you weren’t there to help sate his desires.
You were still shy in bed, and you rarely initiated sex because of that very reason…but when you did? He made sure to break out the praise.
He kissed your shoulder before relaxing back against the pillows.
You grumbled tiredly and pushed onto your elbows to peer at the clock, “…what’re you doin?” you mumbled looking over at him.
“Appreciating my wife,” he drawled, voice crackling in the way he knew you liked. You blinked sleepily at him before you rolled towards him and onto his chest. He ran a hand down your back and you pressed a kiss against his fiery chest. “My ravishing, sexy wife.”
Your face flushed at that, and you tucked your face against his chest and mumbled out, “who’re you talking about. ‘Ravishing.’”
He snorted, “You, my love.”
You curled slightly against him, and he trailed his fingers up your spine slowly. You peeked up at him, “m’all dishevelled from earlier, how is this ‘ravishing’.”
Grillby trailed his hand up to your hair and gripped it loosely to tug your head up a bit further. “Maybe I like how you look after I’ve fucked you.”
“Grillby!” you squeaked, face reddening.
He laughed, making you bounce slightly on his chest, “How are you still shy? I fucking talk like that so often you’d think you’d become immune by now.”
“I! Am not shy!” you blurted out as his fingers uncurled from your hair and returned to stroking your back. “I’m! Uh!” you gave up and buried your face against his chest.
“You’re one of the shyest fucking beings I know,” he retorted, before flipping over to press you into the mattress. Your face reddened, and you made a noise of surprise. “You wanna know what my favourite thing is?”
You wriggled slightly underneath him. Your gaze took in his features, no longer tired before you nodded slowly, your arms looping around his neck.
“It’s when I go down on you,” his hand slid down your chest, “you flush the prettiest shade of red…but the look on your face? The sinful delight in your eyes?” his hand slipped between your legs and you arched against him, face reddening. “The most beautiful fucking thing in the world and I’m the only one who gets to see it. My beautiful, shy, wife.”
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oliverwxod · 6 years
Bodyguard (part 3) Bucky Barnes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: mention of death, swearing, smut
Summary: Tony Stark is a very rich man and with that came a lot of enemies. After a tragic event Tony decides himself and the people most important to him, especially his daughter, are in danger. He hires personal body guards. Bucky Barnes is assigned to Y/n Stark, the most troublesome, reckless Stark that there is.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8
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James had been working for Tony for nearing two months now. Y/n more or less had a routine that he followed. 
 Wake up, breakfast, escort her to lunch with important people, an hour of free time, then escorting y/n on her trip to bars that later in the night turned to clubs. Then taking her home and making sure she was in bed safely. James was getting fairly fed up of it, but it was his job after all and he was the best in the business.
 Plus the pay was amazing that he couldn’t really complain. 
 Y/n hadn’t tried to pry into his personal life anymore, instead ignoring him completely. Sometimes when she drank too much she would still mumble drunken words to him but that was the only real interaction between them. 
 They were in a new bar this time. It was the opening night and Y/n was the special guest. Tony had told her it wasn’t a good idea but she never listened to him always insisting she knew what was best for herself. Tony couldn’t help but feel as if his daughter was still trying to get over her brothers death and the fact she now had to go everywhere with a bodyguard, or if he had done something without knowing that had pissed her off. Tony could never tell. Y/n had always been closed off and hard to read. 
 James was under strict instruction to keep a very close eye on everything at this opening. Tony had only let y/n attend if there were more security there so he hired an extra four people for the club.
 Everything was going fine. It looked like people were enjoying themselves. But James saw how Y/n wasn’t really feeling it. Clearly not in the mood. She had taken to sitting at the bar next to James, silent and nursing a bright coloured cocktail. 
 James tried to ignore her so he could hold himself back from asking if she was alright, but he couldn’t. 
 "You okay?“ He asked. Y/n looked at him surprised. He didn’t sound as professional as usual and hadn’t referred to her as m'aam.
 "yeah.” She replied sighing quietly. “Guess I’m just not that into it tonight." 
 "Want me to take you home?” He asked and he could see her smile brighten just a little. She nodded thankfully.
 James stood up Helping her down from the bar stool. Once they made it out of the VIP section James scanned the area looking for the nearest and quickest exit. He remained calm as everyone was packed tightly into the club, surely they were over capacity with that amount of people here, he thought? He was going to have to push through the crowd.
 He gestured to Y/n to follow him closely as he politely pushed past dancing bodies. He felt Someone grab the back of his suit jacket tightly, turning around ready to push them off, but he froze when he saw it was Y/n her head down facing the floor as she clung to his jacket so she didn’t lose him. 
 He carried on walking until they made it out into the fresh air of the night. The sky dark and gloomy around then. 
 "Thank you" Y/n spoke quietly. James turned around to see her looking small, arms crossed around her stomach. 
He had never seen her look so vulnerable.
 "It’s my job" he reminded her. Although inside James internally smiled. She hadn’t ever shown him an ounce of appreciation. And now she had spoken the words of thanks he suddenly felt like his job had a little more purpose. 
“I know. But still thank you”. she nodded
James nodded back before opening the car door for her. 
 Y/n was too sober. She hated it. She needed the feeling of the numbness that came with the drink, she was feeling too vulnerable and it wasn’t sitting well. James walked her to her floor, checking every room like every night.
 He made sure everything was as they left it, no where untouched or passing by his eyes.
 He was about to bid her a goodnight and retreat to his own living floor but her voice stopped him. 
 "Do- do you want to stay for a drink" she asked. James heart stopped in surprise. Why would she ask him that? He thought. He declined politely with a tight smile.
 "No thank you. I must get to bed m'aam".
“I’ve told you to call me Y/n” she huffed. Slightly embarrassed that he declined. She had always hated rejection, no matter how small. 
 "My deepest apologies Y/n" he spoke.
 "Are you sure? I’ve got some really good whiskey, it’s just one drink" she spoke, her tone convincing. 
 James thought about it. One drink wouldn’t hurt right? All he was going to do was go to his room and have a glass of whiskey anyway.
 It’s about time he actually made some effort to abide the awkwardness that always surrounded the two of them.
————————————————————— ————— 
 James may have made the mistake of saying yes to one more drink after he finished off his first. Part of him didn’t want to leave yet, too scared to have to go to sleep and face the possibility of having a nightmare. 
 "I’ve never wanted to ask" Y/n spoke “but what’s with the glove?” She said gesturing to his hand that was covered with a woollen glove.
James would normally never show anyone but she would probably find out one day any way. He took the glove off discarding it to the side of the small kitchen bar.
 "Metal arm" he spoke. 
 "Oh. I’m sorry" she said not knowing how sensitive he was to the subject but it didn’t seem to bother him. “How? If you don’t mind me asking”.
“Afghanistan” he said softly. 
 "I’m sorry" she spoke. Sadness in her eyes. 
 "I’m used to it. It makes people more scared of me" he chuckled trying to lighten the mood, flexing the metal arm and causing it to make a whirling noise. They quickly moved on to other topics. 
 "Okay so…“ Y/n spoke laughing slightly. She had a couple too many just like James. "Be honest here, but what did you think of me when you first met me?” She asked looking at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
 "I don’t think I should answer that" he spoke.
 "Oh come on, drop the professional speaking and just be honest, you work for my dad not for me. I’m curious" she spoke, getting closer to him until he laughed. 
 "Fine.“ He chuckled, the sound foreign to Y/n’s ears. "You’ve asked me to be honest so I’ll tell you, I thought you were a brat.” He spoke watching her carefully through hooded eyes. He lifted his glass up taking another swig of whiskey.
 "You did?“ She giggled. "Everyone always thinks that” she laughed but it didn’t sound humorous. There’s was a certain emotion in her eyes and if James hadn’t seen it in other people before he wouldn’t have been an to identify it.
 "Yeah I did" he spoke meeting her eyes and holding contact. “But… Then I watched you and as annoying as it was having to stand in club and watch you drink and behave recklessly; I began to understand”.
   She broke eye contact. His stare was too intense as if he was looking straight through her.
 "Understand what?“ She asked quietly, her voice cracking as she tried so hard to keep her cool. 
 "Understand that it’s your way of coping” he said. “That you want to mean something but you’re not quite sure how to” She sat down at the bar stool next to him, quiet. 
 "Tell me I’m wrong" he spoke leaning closer to him to get a look at her face. He scanned her expression wondering if he had pushed it too far.
 He knew sober James would never had said any of this to her. God, sober James wouldn’t be sitting this close to her, with his face right next to hers. She looked up meeting his eyes for the tenth time that night.
 "You’re wrong" she spoke, but who was she kidding, they both knew she was lying. “You don’t know me”.
“And you don’t know me” he spoke her stare pulling him in closer as she narrowed her eyes at him. “But I can see that you’re just trying not to be left alone, and that’s okay”.
   She was touched by his words. No one had ever even taken the time to try and understand why she acted the way she did. Everyone always thought she was just a brat and no one ever really cared for her. She even got the same vibe from her own father. Always knowing he didn’t really want her.
 She had caused trouble from day 1. She had always felt unwanted. Y/n wasn’t even thinking anymore. The effects of the whiskey clouding her mind and the understanding look in James eyes causing her to crumble. 
She just needed to be held together right now and he was there in front of her with such a caring look on his face. She leaned forwards more, her lips brushing his softly, afraid he would reject her. He didn’t pull away so she pressed her lips fully to his in the heat of the moment. 
 She pulled away breathing heavily from the intensity. James eyes searched hers quickly before his hand found a place behind her neck pulling her in for a deeper and longer kiss. His tongue forcing its way into hers as she let him take control. She didn’t care about consequences in that moment but she never cared for consequences anyway. Allowing him to stand up, pulling her with him. 
 He pushed her up against the nearest wall, his hands now resting either side of her head as he kept his lips on hers, kissing her with rough passion and a need that had settled into his lower abdomen.
 Fuck this. James thought. She was there compliant in his hands and he had drunk a lot of whiskey. He wasn’t even thinking about what this would mean tomorrow. He didn’t care to be gentle. Lifting her dress over her head as she helped him. Throwing it to the floor without a care. He didn’t bother undressing, unbuckling his belt and pushing his trousers and boxers half way down his thighs.
 He lifted her so her legs wrapped around his back, pulling her underwear down quickly, before pushing into her. She gasped loudly head thrown back as she cried out his name. 
 "Fuck" James grunted. As his hand rested on her thighs pulling her tighter to him as he thrust forward quickly. His pace rough and relentless as her back rested against the wall, hitting it with constant rhythmic thuds.
 "Don’t stop" she cried. “Please” Her hand were cupping his face now, her forehead resting against his as her eyes were closed in ecstasy. Their bodies were flush against each other’s and she could feel the friction from his shirt rub against her naked front.
 She could feel his rock solid chest beneath his shirt and her fingers began to work the buttons open, pushing it down his shoulders, wanton and hungry to feel closer to him. She opened her eyes now meeting his with a silent beg for more. He moaned loudly, the sound creating a tingling in her lower belly as he carried on his relentless pace. 
She rested her head back against he wall, one hand gripping his flesh shoulder her other tracing the metal of his arm in amazement and wonder.
 "Oh fuck" she cried as he slammed particularly hard into her, clenching around him tightly as she was on the edge. He buried his face into her neck, leaving hot open mouthed kisses down to her collar bones, before sucking sharply at a sweet tender spot. 
She cried out a final time before coming undone. James following mere seconds later. They stayed pressed against each other for a while, just staring at each other. Before he dropped his grip on one of her legs letting it rest on the ground before letting her other leg go so she was standing up. 
 She leaned forward not caring about boundaries anymore, kissing him softly and taking his hand. She lead him to her bedroom, wordlessly stripping him of all of his clothes so they were now both naked in front of each other.
 She pushed him down onto the bed before crawling on top of him, her lips pressing to his again. His hands finding their place on her lower back, pushing her down against his body. He was hard again in no time.
 After another two round of relentless fucking. They lay side by, her hand tracing the scars on his skin where metal met flesh. She placed a small sweet kiss to the area they joined. James had one arm slung over her back, pulling her into his side as he traced up and down her skin. 
 "You were right" she whispered into the darkness. James hand paused the movements before continuing.
 "Wanting to feel wanted” she spoke. James was silent, his arm tightening around her in encouragement. “I think my dad feels stuck with me. I think he’s always felt that way” she carried on. 
“What makes you say that?” He asked. 
 "When I was about 5 my mother didn’t want me. When her and dad divorced she only wanted my brother. She fought so hard for custody of him and Dad fought back for him too, he wanted to win so bad that he basically forgot about me. He was just sort of stuck with me, he didn’t have a choice" she said. 
James heart went out to her not realizing just how right he had been earlier without even knowing this information. 
 "Eventually he won, but he spent the whole of our childhood scared my mother would want to fight for Jackson again, so dad spent as much time with him as possible, he used to take the time off work to watch him at school soccer games, he used to take him out to the places he wanted to go on weekends. But not once did he come and see me play softball. Not once did he ask me what I wanted to do at the weekends.“ She said, her voice quiet and teary. 
 James didn’t know what to say, so just pressed a small kiss to the top of her shoulder. 
 "And I was so jealous of him. I hated him for so much of my life and we only started to be on good terms last year and now I regret it all. Because I’ve only had a short time with him.” She cried. 
 "Hey, it’s okay" he shushed her. Holding her together in his arms as if she would break. “You have to remember that you were on good terms with him. Life is full of challenges and you both overcame that one and I’m sure he is very proud of you” James spoke.
 He wasn’t ever good with words or reassuring people, but he was trying his best to momentarily fix the girl in front of him. 
 "Jackson was so loved by everyone, he was kind and he cared about everyone. It shouldn’t have been him that got shot and I can tell my dad wished it was me instead.“ She spoke, almost hesitant as if she didn’t want to admit it out loud that she felt like that. 
 "I can tell you now that your father would never wish that. He wouldn’t have people constantly watching you if he didn’t care” James spoke in a hushed tone.
 "Thank you" she whispered, burying her face into the crook of his shoulder using it as a pillow as she fell asleep. 
 James watched the rise and fall of her chest cursing himself silently. She looked peaceful in her sleep, even more beautiful and serene. Looking at her he thought that if he didn’t know how broken she was no one would ever guess. He soon nodded off, his mind blank and succumbing to tiredness.
 When Y/n woke in the morning, with a fairly dizzy head and a small weight lifted off her shoulders from finally admitting Out loud how she felt; James was gone. The sheets were crumpled, strewn half way across the bed, pillows on the floor and her clothes a messy heap near the door way. Y/n’s heart dropped and she knew she didn’t want to face the day, with this sinking feeling in her stomach.
As always thanks for the support and lovely messages, makes my day reading them!!xxx let me know what you think here xx Tags: 
@sectumsempra-beaches @im-patton @lovely-geek @fuckthatfeeling @roxytheimmortal @swtmckngbrd @albinotigerpython @hiken-no-stark
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jestbee · 6 years
Not a lot is the short answer. But, in case you wanted long detailed post about it all, my entire meet & greet experience is below the cut
So we got there super early and we were sat at this bar/restaurant that’s attached to the venue and we looked up at a window across the way and I thought, fleetingly in the back of my mind, “That looks like the back of Phil’s head”. But I didn’t say anything to my friends because I thought I’d come across as a bit of a weirdo. Who recognises the back of someones head? Inside a building? In silhouette? 
Anyway. Turns out it was Phil’s head, and then Dan came to the window wearing his grid jumper and waved and we all waved back (I’m sure I looked like a stunned idiot) and then he got his phone out and held it up while he continued to wave at us.
Consequently, I’m half convinced he has a photo/video of us on his camera roll somewhere. A very odd thought. 
So that was the first moment. The one that was to kick off the weirdness of seeing them in real life and- let’s be real- the low key panic attack I was just going to have for the next two hours until it was all over. 
And I remember Dan smiling really wide and I was just like, ‘oh my god, he’s real’ which is a stupid thought to have, but it wouldn’t be the last time I thought it. 
When the time came we went to the foyer of the venue and they had all the merch but you couldn’t buy it yet but they were setting it up in the vip area upstairs so we could buy it there. 
There were so many cool people, other fans just having fun and it was really nice to be in an atmosphere where you knew we were all there for the same reason. Gathered because of two tall ex-emos that somehow make our days a little brighter.
There was also a line of old people buying tickets to other things at the box office looking around like this was the oddest thing they’d ever seen. They were right. It probably was.
We were counting down, watching the merch trolleys being wheeled back and forth to the lift and it was getting more and more real. Then it was 4 o’clock. People started doing that British-person-shuffle thing where you all try to get as close to the place you are supposed to be as possible. As if that will get you in quicker. It rarely works but we all try. 
They took the barrier down. It was starting. 
The venue staff looked at our tickets and then gave us a wrist band and we went to an upstairs area (that was actually like a bar you usually go to before shows) and the m&g backdrop was there and a merch stand and a playlist playing out of a Beats Pill speaker just plugged in in the corner. I mean.... what? 
World wide tour, neon lights and a fancy set and this is the production value Nottingham could provide. Well done hometown, well done.
We sat on some tables near the front of the room and there was a stoic security guard in a grey suit standing at a door next to the screen like something out of a movie. Everyone made so much noise every time the door vaguely moved and we were all on edge. 
The room was buzzing. People were hyped.
So at this point I got SUPER nervous and my face and neck starting getting hot, even my ears felt like they were about to spontaneously combust on the side of my head. Thank god for @ineverhadmyinternetphase and @charlottekath who were also nervous but totally encouraging, because I never would have coped without them 
The organisers put a line of green tape on the floor and they were giving out Haribo... I think. I’m a vegetarian so I didn’t get any. I couldn’t concentrate anyway.
Also the line for merch was REALLY long at this point but we thought we’d go after our m&g. Good decision. There was no queue after cus everyone was queueing for m&g so we walked straight up. 
Plushies had almost gone though but we were lucky and snagged 2 of the remaining 3. 
They had more later, downstairs, this was just the vip stand.
So it then came time to line up behind the green tape and we all got in a queue and we were 5 PEOPLE FROM THE FRONT and at this point I began to panic a little and I was half convinced I was going to leave... Seriously, I just had the thought that I could turn around and go because why was I putting myself through something I knew was going to give me anxiety, you know? Why did I need to do this?
Good friends, my pals. Good friends. They pointed out that I’d regret it if I left which yeah, I would have. I stayed.
On shaking legs goddammit it, I stayed.
So then it was explained that the boys were on their way and that there was a lot of people there but that we had time and we would definitely all get to meet them so no pushing etc. The crowd kept cheering and being loud when she was talking which was annoying but everyone was just so excited! 
So, you had to have your 1 thing to sign, you could get a selfie/photo whatever and then you’d have your wristband cut off and get a little vip merch tote thing. Have it all ready in your hand before you go round. Trust me, it makes it so much easier! 
I wasn’t taking much more in by this point because the heat in my face and neck was uncontrollable and at this point I was hitting myself in the knuckles with a sharpie because I think I was very near a panic attack. 
Then it was TIME. 
They came out through the side door. The cheer started at the back and followed down the line like a wave at a sporting match and then.... they came round into full view. 
I was just... stunned. Into silence. 
Literally lost the ability to speak. 
Most people comment on how tall they are. I can deal with tall. I’m used to tall. I’m not used to two nerds I watch on my computer screen suddenly appearing in real life. 
I was mostly struck by how Dan was wearing merch actually. He really followed through on that. Plus it was the one I wanted to buy so I was glad to see it in person. 
Dan asked us all how were were doing and everyone cheered appropriately. 
Then Phil said (quietly and mostly to Dan) “Thank you for coming” 
Then Dan said louder to the crowd “Yes, Thank you all for coming!” 
And that was cute as hell, because Dan clearly does all the shouting and Phil giving him that little prompt was just... wonderful. The way they work together so easily is just lovely. 
So then they went back behind the screen thing and the moment came. 
Everyone moved forward, I was panicking and hitting my knuckles with the pen and counting down the number of people left to go before I would have to do it. 
Then it was our turn. We’d already talked about how I was going last out of the three of us because I am a wimp. So those two went up together and I watched them in the reflection of the glass and they were all laughing and I was like, SO SO HAPPY for them. Honestly, my friends are the best and getting to experience this whole thing with them was the best. 
After what seemed like a hilarious conversation I won’t spoil here because you can probably read about on their blogs, it was my turn.
But first: 
“Is that a letter?” she said.
They collect the letters and things before you go round to see the guys and then put them in these neat large brown envelopes with “Dan and Phil” written on and the venue and date. 
“Yes,” I said, “But it’s not from me. It’s from my friend. In California.” 
Sometimes when I am nervous I ramble. But, @adorkablephil that one was for you. I wanted to make sure I mentioned it. 
“As I’ll ever be.” 
Then I had to go around the screen. 
Before I got there, in fact for the entire 7 months since I bought my ticket I have been saying the same thing. I was looking forward to my Phil hug and I didn’t think I’d be able to handle meeting Dan in person. I don’t know why. He was intimidating to me for some reason. 
But, let me tell you. I was not prepared for the absolute force that is Phil Lester. 
I rounded the corner and Phil immediately smiled and held his arms out and I just kind of shuffled over and gave him a hug and he was like “hiiii” 
Then I got a half-hug from Dan in that way that he does and I was so happy about it. They are both like, SO lovely. And gentle.
Phil was just... I don’t know. Dan looked like Dan does on my laptop screen. Just, in real life which was bizarre yeah, but Phil... Phil looks different. I don’t think if its the hair or just that I’m not yet used to 2018 Phil but he looked his age. Which... if you’ve been paying attention to this blog at all you will know is totally my jam. 
I’m a Phil girl. I’ve become a Phil girl. I think it’s just time I admitted it. 
I didn’t intend on saying much. I didn’t have anything planned and there was no huge statement I wanted to make. I never would have been able to manage it, my anxiety levels were pretty high at this point and I just wanted to enjoy the moment without any added pressure to say anything like, meaningful.
And I was still pretty much stunned into silence anyway so I think I went “Hi.” all quiet and squeaky. Then the conversation went like this:
P: Do you want us to sign your calendar? 
Me: Oh, Yes please. 
I passed them the calendar. Backwards. Of course. I’m an idiot. 
D: Do you want us to sign May? 
Bless this boy for checking. God amongst men. Cus I didn’t have it in me to correct it unprompted. 
Me: Oh. Actually, June please. 
They flipped it over, both with black sharpie in hand, poised and ready. 
I almost let it go. I had a plan that I almost let slide because, hello awkward, but I didn’t. I summoned the courage to finally like, actually speak.
Me: I, um, I brought a silver sharpie. Cus... it’s black. 
I meant the page. June is the black background photo and I didn’t think the black sharpie would show up. 
At this point I kind of thrust the sharpie at them and Phil smiled again. I died. 
P: You’re so prepared
D: We’re never prepared for anything in life just generally
I laughed. 
At this point I realised my error in only bringing only one pen because then they couldn’t do the crossed-arms thing to sign. But it was okay. Phil still held the calendar but Dan signed first and then passed the pen over to Phil. Seamless. Wonderful. 
At this point I’m digging my phone out of my front pocket and my hands are shaking. 
Phil puts the pen lid back on and passes it all back to me and I like, fumble with all my stuff and flicking open the camera app at the same time. 
D: Would you like a photo?
Me: Yes please could you... *passes him my phone*.
I never give anyone my phone. Ever. But here is Dan Howell with his huge hands on my phone just handling it like a pro and it was great. 
So I sort of awkwardly shift to the middle of them and Phil leans in SO close behind me and Dan takes the picture and I think I don’t look too bad. A little stunned, of course, but that was to be expected. 
Me: Thank you so much.
D: Thank you for coming, I hope you enjoy the show. 
Me: You too
What? You too? Ugh I’m the worst. 
P: Bye!
Me: Bye!
Then I get round the other side and the guy with the totes looks at me like really hesitantly, like he’s approaching a scared animal and says “Can I cut your wristband off?” 
I held out my wrist. Silent and shook and shaking. He cuts the wristband off, He gives me a tote bag, I clutch it and the calendar to my chest and wander back over to my friends and finally, mercifully, collapse. 
The camera app is still open on my phone. My ears are still hot and my knuckle has a bruise forming I’ll definitely regret tomorrow but this has been one of the best things ever. 
I had to drink two beers with lunch just to get over it. 
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I Got the Boy (part 1)
A/N: so this fic is loosely based off the Jana Kramer song. I emphasize the loosely part, but yeah. The bold is song lyrics, and the Italics are flashbacks. Hold on tight. It's gonna be a bumpy ride 😂
Another huge thanks @embracehappy for reading through this mess!
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I saw your picture in a paper, Honeymoon in Jamaica, she’s a lucky girl
You look so grown up in your black tux, from a ball cap in a pickup, seems like another world
You and me and our big dreams, falling in love
We were two kids in the backseat, all fearless and young
“Heads up everyone,” comes the booming voice of Dylan Lovelace as he made his way up the steps into the large conference room at the office where you work.
You glance up from your file that you were working and Olivia quickly ends her call, stuffs her phone away on her desk and turns to face Dylan. “We have a VIP coming into today to tour the facility and record a quick demo. We will stay professional and make Shadow Recording proud, yes?” he started, and you roll your eyes, turning back to the chart in front of you. You were not interested in working with an VIPs, much preferring to help small indie artists. Anyone with a good head on their shoulders. You tuned out Dylan’s voice, focusing on your work. Soon, Dylan left the room, but returned soon thereafter.
“Everyone, Shawn Mendes will be joining us today and the next few weeks. Make sure to make him feel welcome.”
As soon as the name leaves his mouth, your heart stops. Your head jerks up so fast that you’re sure you suffer whiplash. You see the one person you had been running from for 3 years standing in your office. He claps Dylan on the shoulder, thanking him before glancing around the room, offering a warm smile.
You and Olivia exchange glances, her eyes wide, before Shawn catches your eye. He holds your eye for a minute and offer a small nod and slight smile, completely melting you into a puddle of goo, before he turns back to Dylan. Feeling a burning in your cheeks, you quickly look back down to the file in front of you, pretending to read it as Dylan continues on. You only rejoin the discussion happening around you when you hear your name. “I’m sorry, what?” you ask, glancing up at Dylan.
He raises an eyebrow at you. “I said, will you please show Mr. Mendes to the studio and help him with anything he needs. I want you to do this. You are the best we have in indie mixing. Give him anything he needs.”
“But… what about Sanjay? He’s the pop guy. Shawn’s style isn’t exactly indie…”
“Shawn is trying something new. That’s why he’s here. Is there a problem, Y/N?” You shake your head and glance over at the pop star, who is watching you closely. You could very easily have gotten out of this project. You were technically Dylan’s boss’ boss. But that would mean everyone would find out.
“Not at all...” You decide 3 weeks is worth being able to continue doing what you loved.
“Good.” He throws his glance between Shawn and you before turning to walk into his office. “Back to work, everyone.”
I got the first kiss and she’ll get the last
She’s got the future, I got the past
I got the class ring, she got the diamond and wedding band
I got the boy, she got the man
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Geoff shouts, as he makes his way across the parking lot of the bar, toward the car of the woman he was going home with. He was smashed, no simple feat for a man of that stature, but he had single handedly downed almost an entire bottle of Jack Daniels.
You chuckle as you watch him try to fit into the car. “Don’t worry Geoff, I won’t!” He finally gets into the car, seat belts in and shut the door. He waves to us, and both you and Shawn wave back as they drive off.
Shawn chuckles and turns to you. “How much did he drink exactly?” he asks, as he opens the door of the Jeep for you to climb in.
“Oh I’d say he drank at least three fourths of the bottle.” You giggle and he shakes his head, laughing. He shuts the door and runs around the Jeep before climbing in the driver’s side and starting it.
“Let me guess, you finished it off for him?” he asks, glancing over at you, eyebrows arched.
You turned to him and raised an eyebrow. This causes him to chuckle, and you give in, laughing along with him. “Well of course. He was drunk, and acting like an idiot. I couldn’t let him be a drunk idiot by himself, could I?”
He pulls the Jeep out of the parking lot and starts down the highway, still laughing. “Oh the trouble you two get into.”
You roll your eyes playfully and glance out the window as the night zips past. “Oh please Shawn, you’re the worst of us all.”
“No arguments there.” He chuckles, and grabs your hand. You glance at him to find him looking at you. He shoots you a wink before intertwining your fingers. You feel your cheeks turn red and glance back out the window, a giant smile on your face.
You drive in comfortable silence for a good 10 minutes before coming to a stop. You were at the Toronto Music Gardens. You and Shawn had been here many times before, loving the concept and the beautiful scenery, but it looks very different at night.
Without saying a word, Shawn put the car in park, reaches in the backseat to grab a blanket and then jumps out. He jogs around the Jeep, opens the door for you and you jump out, stumbling slightly into his chest. He just chuckles, steadying you. You walk hand in hand across the park until you find the perfect patch of grass on a slight hill. You spread out the blanket, and lay down gently. He follows your lead and now you both are laying down on your backs, staring up at the stars. You spend the next few hours talking, and enjoying the peacefulness of the evening.
“Y/N/N?” he mumbles, and you stir lightly, having been just about asleep in his arms.
“Yeah Shawn?”
“I have something for you.” he whispers, and you finally open your eyes. You glance down to his right hand and watch as he pulls his ring off his finger. “Now, I know this will be too big for you, but I want you to have it anyways.” He starts, as you stare down at the ring in his hand. Your heart is beating a million miles a minute.
“Y/N, I love you more than anyone or anything on this planet. I know, my life is just starting to get absolutely crazy, and I don’t want anything out of this except for you to know exactly how much I love you. Would I mind still being with you in 30 years? Hell no. Nothing would make me happier.. but I also know I live a life that makes this extremely hard. We both have so much more to do in our lives, and I want us to do them together. But I do want to marry you one day Y/N Y/L/N. So, as a promise to you that one day I will do just that, will you keep this safe for me?”
With tears in your eyes, you turn around in his grip and take his face in your hands. “Shawn Mendes, you are such a piece of work, but you are my piece of work. I love you so much, and I would love nothing more than to keep this safe for you,” you say, taking the ring from his hand and holding it tightly in yours. You glance down at it, a permanent smile on your face, before glancing up at him. He was watching you, a content smile on his face. You take one more glance at the ring before leaning in and crashing your lips onto his.
Yeah there’s an old you that I knew,
Fake IDs to get into those spring break bars
Back woods on a four wheel, hanging on tight, I can still feel my racing heart
And now you’re cleaned up with a haircut, nice tie and shoes
If things were different and I had a choice, which would I choose?
“We don’t have to do this, if you don’t want to.” You were looking up at Shawn, eyes wide. He glanced over at you, then back at the ATV’s parked in front of him. Your dad and brothers were hurrying about, picking up this or that, or tightening this piece or that piece, stalling.
“I want to. I just… I’ve never done anything like this.” Shawn glanced over at you, a nervous smile on his face. You were sure that the only reason he agreed to come today was to impress your dad and brothers.
“Here. Hold this,” you say, handing him your helmet. “I have an idea.” You take off running toward your mom and dad. After explaining the situation, you convince them to let you and Shawn ride the RAZR. You jog back over to Shawn.
“We’re going to ride in the RAZR. It’s a little easier to ride than the wheelers, and you can even drive if you’d like.” Shawn’s face lit up. “Plus, there's more room for those giant legs of yours.”  He laughed out loud at that comment, and finally loosened up, ready to enjoy the new experience.
Later that night, after all the riding and commotion of the day, everyone sat around a campfire, roasting marshmallows and telling jokes and stories. Shawn strummed softly on his guitar, humming melodies to himself. You glance over at him, a smile on his face, even through his singing. You softly started singing along with him. He looked up at you, a huge smile on his face. He stops singing and lets you finish the song. You laugh at him, but kept singing until the song ended.
“That’s my girl,” he grins and wrapped you tightly in a hug. That was the first of many stolen moments between you and Shawn, even though you should have never let yourself believe in a happily ever after.
I got the first kiss and she’ll get the last
She’s got the future and I got the past
I got the class ring, she got the diamond and wedding band
I got the boy and she got the man.
The room erupted in hollars and cheers, clapping and smiles filling everyone’s faces. You smiled at Shawn through the window. Teddy was sitting next to you and hugged you quickly before hopping up and joining the festivities. That was it. You were done recording Shawn’s first album. It had been a whirlwind production. But when Teddy Gieger approached you to help produce some of the tracks, you just couldn’t say no. You and Shawn had been friends for a couple years at this point, and you were sure he had something to do with it, but honestly, you just couldn’t be happier for the opportunity.
“Y/N,” you heard behind you. You smiled, turning to look at the giant in front of you. He was the literal embodiment of happiness, and you couldn’t help but wrap him in a big hug. He rested his head on the top of yours and sighed contentedly.
When you pulled away, you were about to say something, but Shawn cut you off by pulling you back in and placing a soft kiss on your lips. Your eyes widened, surprised, but eventually melted into the kiss, eyes fluttering shut.
I got the first kiss and she’ll get the last
We each got something, the other will never have
I got the long hair, hot head
She got the cool and steady hand
I got the boy and she got the man
I got the boy and she got the man
“Y/N,” Geoff shouted for the millionth time, as he continued to pound on the locked door. “Y/N, we’re worried about you! Please open the door. Are you okay? Are you alive in there?”
It had been such a long time since the urge to hurt yourself was this strong, and you finally let it consume you. Now, you were filled with disgust and guilt, blood dripping down your arm. You wrapped your arm tightly in a bandage, and sat on your bed, head feeling woozy.  
After Geoff yelled through the door again, you reluctantly pushed yourself off the bed and walked over to the mirror in the bathroom. You quickly redid your messy bun, wincing with pain as you raised your arm. You splashed a bit of water on your face. Once you looked like you hadn’t been crying for hours, you turned and made your way to the door.
Geoff grabbed you as soon as you opened the door and you gasp in pain. He looked at you worried. You pushed up your sleeve to reveal the blood soaked bandage on your arm. Geoff gasped a bit, “Oh, Y/N, why? Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” He gave you an extremely worried look and then directed you to the living room.
“Where’s Shawn?” you asked quietly.
“He just went to grab some food…” You could tell he was lying to you.
“He’s with her, huh? That girl from the bar we were at?” Geoff just looked at you, a sad look in his eyes.
A few well placed butterfly closures and a large bandage later, you had convinced Geoff that you were fine and didn’t need to go to the hospital.  You laid back on your bed, eyes swimming with tears. It was then, glancing at your mauled arm, drunk on pain and heartache and whiskey, that you knew you needed out.
That night, after Geoff was asleep, you grabbed your duffel bag, hopped in your beat up car and left.
That was the last you saw of Toronto. You still don’t know exactly why you had left, or why you hadn’t called. You thought about it a hundred times. But eventually, you stopped thinking about him, thinking about calling him. You were heartbroken, but you knew it was for the best. You were never going to have your happily ever after with Shawn anyways. After you left, he really blew up. He released a few more albums that all hit #1, and you had to force yourself not to listen to his music.  
But, music is what you know best, so you applied at a few colleges in the US and got accepted. You decided on NYU and you were off to New York City. It took you a little while to get into the hang of the city, but you ended up loving it. You made sure to stay as far in the background as you could. The last thing you needed was someone picking up on the fact that you had co-produced Shawn Mendes’ first album. You graduated at the top of your class and approached the owners of Shadow Recording. They were happy to add another partner on, and you made it very clear that you wanted to be a silent partner. They thought this was strange at first, but you love producing. You aren’t a business person. You have a say in who you take on as clients, but, for the most part, you try not to get too involved. Which is why you had no idea that Shawn is the newest client.  
With a heavy sigh, you push your chair away from your desk and show the superstar quietly to the biggest recording booth. You ask if he needs any coffee and walk over to the coffee machine for a much needed caffeine jolt. You close your eyes and sigh internally when you hear footsteps approaching you. You don’t even have to turn around to know it’s Shawn. He had been eying you ever since he walked in this morning.
“Hey,” he says softly as you turn around to face him.
“Hey,” you reply, raising an eyebrow at him.
“How have you been?” he asks, reaching for an empty coffee mug and filling it to the brim.
You shake your head, stopping him right away. “No Shawn, we aren’t doing this.”
He opens his mouth to speak, but you hold your hand up, telling him to stop once more. “No Shawn, okay? We can’t do this. I am helping you with this recording and nothing else. Everything we had in the past?” you ask him, reaching up and slipping off the necklace you had worn underneath your clothes for the last 3 years, handing it to him. “It’s gone. It’s history. I am your producer, nothing more.”
With that, you turn and walk back to the seat in front of the mixing board, leaving him standing alone. You set your coffee down and begin flipping on a few switches. The room in front of you springs into view, various switches turning on various cords and instruments in the room. You glance to the other side of the room to find him still staring down at the ring in this hand, before he glances over his shoulder at you. You quickly avert your gaze across the room and catch Olivia’s eye as she sticks her head into the room. The confused look on her face is actually quite comical.
You settle back into the seat, knowing you were making the right decision. Shawn Mendes was not the boy that you had fallen in love with a little over 5 years ago. That boy is gone, and he is now a man. A man you no longer know. Hailee, she gets the man, but you got the boy.
Forever Tag List: @embracehappy @atlas-of-a-human-soul
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la-appel-du-vide · 6 years
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Day Five:
Today was my first time ever at Universal Studios! I was really excited going into the day because A - Harry Potter EVERYTHING. And B - It’s super fun to ride new rides. You have no idea what to expect and that’s exciting.
And the day definitely lived up to expectations.
Kind of a rocky start having to get up super early to make the drive up in LA traffic. But once we got there things got better. Dad had accidentally shipped our tickets that he ordered to the wrong address. He was trying to talk to somebody about how to print new ones with his confirmation code, and they ended up talking him into upgrading to VIP tickets. (He’s easily swayed, spontaneous, and he REALLY hates waiting in lines hahah.) It was expensive, but well worth it for us! Made our day totally awesome.
Once we got our passes, we were let into the VIP lounge, where we had access to a continental breakfast and snacks throughout the day. We ate, and then headed out to one of the most fun days ever. Our passes gave us immediate entry to all the rides in the park. Since Universal doesn’t have fast passes like Disney, I was expecting to spend a lot of time waiting in lines. But no! Dad’s awesome. We could walk on to any ride, even Harry Potter which always had a two hour wait.
We definitely started there. Walking through Hogsmeade Village was surreal. They did an incredible job paying attention to detail while building it. It felt like stepping into the movie set. As a kid who grew up with Harry Potter books for best friends, I was just in awe. And then we saw Hogwarts. Equally amazing!
The main Harry Potter ride takes place inside Hogwarts. We were eager to get on. We walked through our VIP access line past all the people waiting in line and it was pretty sweet. The whole line walks you through Hogwarts - the moving portraits, Dumbledore’s office, the Great Hall with floating candles… wow. So cool. And THE RIDE. 😮 Absolutely incredible on another level. That first ride had us all shook. You fly on an adventure with Harry Potter to the Forbidden Forest, play quidditch, escape a dragon, face spiders, fight dementors… all of it felt totally real and so cool. One of the most impressive rides I’ve ever been on. We all got off of it with the same reaction. Wow.
Then we rode the other Harry Potter ride, which was just your basic roller coaster. And basic it was…. so short. Wouldn’t have been worth it if we had had to wait for an hour haha.
Then we headed down to the lower level to hit three other big rides before our studio tour. We started with The Mummy, which was a really fast roller coaster in the dark. Intense, and fun. Next was Jurassic Park. This thing is like a super-sized Splash Mountain, with an 84-foot drop. We ended up sitting in the front, and I had to sit on the side too. After the first little drop, I was already soaked. And that only got worse after the big drop. All the hard work I had put into my hair that day was ruined. 😂 Aubrey and I were definitely the most soaked. Everyone else walked away pretty dry. But Dad sure got a kick out of laughing at us. “You got a little wet. 😂😂😂” Freaking Dad. 😂 And finally we rode Transformers. I’ve never seen the movies so I didn’t have a lot of context, but the ride was freaking awesome. It was my favorite in the park, other than Harry Potter. Universal just does such a good job of making you believe that you are actually in the movie. I felt like I was really riding a transformer. There were moments that my heart totally dropped out of anxiety that we were really going to smash into the ground. Ahhhh it was so fun! Mom didn’t ride it with us at first, because it said you may not want to ride if you have a fear of tight spaces, but we convinced her it wouldn’t bother her and she rode it immediately after with me and Aubs. And she loved it too. Killer ride.
We had a tour scheduled for 12:15, so we made our way back up to the upper level. We had a little extra time, so we rode the Simpsons ride. It was a virtual roller coaster, and it was cool, but not my favorite and I’m not really a fan of the Simpsons anyway. That one was hard for mom’s claustrophobia for sure.
We headed back to the VIP lounge to meet our tour guide, Robert. We grabbed some more snacks while we were there, and then headed out with him and our group. It toured out that the first part of the tour was just him walking us through the park and taking us on rides and shows. We weren’t sure we wanted to be stuck with them and would probably rather just do our own thing, but the ride he chose first was Despicable Me, so we figured we might as well ride it. It was another virtual roller coaster type of ride, and it was cute. We got to turn into minions for a few minutes. (;
Afterwards, we went with Robert over to the Animal Actors show. It was so cute. They showed off all the animals they train for movies including dogs, cats, raccoons, guinea pigs, chickens, pigs, and birds. They did lots of cool tricks and it was really funny. When the show was over, we even got to meet some of the actors. (;
At this point, we decided to leave our tour group and meet up again with them later. We walked through The Walking Dead attraction, which was kind of like a lame haunted house haha. They got us a couple of times, but mostly it wasn’t that impressive. Then we went to a show called Water World. Our VIP passes got us into priority seating which was awesome for such a busy show. This was a stunt show that involved jet skis, boats, an airplane, fire, explosions, high dives, and a lot of water. The actors were super entertaining and the show was fantastic.
When the show was over, it was time for lunch. Our VIP Experience came with a buffet lunch in the Paris part of the park. It was so good. So many choices. Everything we ate was fabulous. Chicken fingers, steak, fries, salad, pasta, cake pops, crepes, cookies, chocolate-dipped strawberries… I want to go back to that buffet rn. While we ate, we were greeted by characters like Marilyn Monroe, Lucille Ball, and Dracula.
Then it was time for our Studio Tour with Robert. Anyone in the park can take a studio tour, but since we were VIP, we got to do their tour plus a few extras like: walk on a hot set (meaning a set currently being used and filmed on) for Superstore, drive past the set of The Voice, tour the Universal prop house, walk on the Metro street set which has been used in tons of movies, TV shows, and commercials like every Spider-Man, Gone Girl, American Ninja Warrior, and more and walk around the plane crash set from War of the Worlds. It was such a cool tour, and we learned a lot about filming and movie-making. We also got to do the regular tour stuff, like see the set of Jaws and Psycho, a couple 3D experiences for The Fast and the Furious and King Kong, seeing the set of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and more. Probably one of the coolest parts of the day. Didn’t see anyone famous, unfortunately, since Robert said they saw Chris Pratt on one of their tours last week!
After the tour, we were on our own again. Started by getting a Butterbeer from Hogsmeade, which I didn’t like much, but that was expected. The frozen one is definitely better than the drink one though. Then we went into Ollivander’s to watch a wand choose it’s wizard. It was just like the scene from the movie where Harry gets his wand. Super fun. I wanted to buy a wand, but it was just crazy expensive and probably not worth it haha. I did end up buying a Ravenclaw keychain (#RavenclawProud) and a Hogwarts notebook. Then we had to ride Harry Potter again, since we were there of course. (;
Next up was a Special Effects show. That was a fun one too, where they showed us how they create a lot of different special effects. We had fun hosts and enjoyed watching the show.
Our day was quickly coming to an end. We went to watch the Hogwarts night light show, which was similar to Disney World’s with projectors lighting up the castle, just not fireworks. Still pretty to watch, just short. But magical nonetheless.
After that was over, my parents and Whitnie were done for the day and wanted to go home. Aubrey and I wanted to ride some more rides, so we told them we would be quick and meet them at the exit. We started with Harry Potter one last time, but while we were in it, the ride stopped, leaving us hanging almost upside down for a few minutes, hahaha. When it started going again, it was still malfunctioning, so we were looking at a blank wall instead of the video we usually see. Because of that, they let us go on it again. So we ended up riding it four times! Perfect. Then we ran down to do the Mummy again, and finally ended with Transformers.
Such a perfect, fun day. If you’ve never been to Universal, put it on your must-do list next time you’re in the Anaheim/LA area. ⭐️
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diyunho · 7 years
The Joker x Reader -“Obsession”
The Joker has an obsession: you. He doesn’t really need another one added to the pile but…anyway, here it is. Brace yourself  you lucky girl - you’re in for a treat. 
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Related to this: http://diyunho.tumblr.com/post/162770482096/the-joker-x-reader-yuki
– He keeps on dropping things on purpose so you can pick them up, this way he can stare at your butt.
You know, for being the Joker, your boyfriend is pretty clumsy: he keeps on dropping stuff all the time. Like, right now, he just dropped his pen and you are fast to bend over and get it for him.
Intense purring immediately follows.
– J took you shopping and you were so excited when you smelled “Gucci Guilty” for men. You thought it’s a divine scent and he got 10 bottles without you knowing, replacing his current cologne with the Gucci one. He has those stashed all over the place while he still keeps in sight his usual fragrance: Clive Christian - “No.1” .
You have a feeling he smells like “Gucci Guilty”.
“Are you wearing Gucci Guilty?” you sniff the air around him with a huge smile on your face.
“Nope,” The Joker keeps on piling up money in boxes, trying to ignore you.
“Are you sure?” the insistent question pops up because you got a vibe you’re onto something here.
“I think I know since I’m the one that put it on, hm? Stop pestering me!!!” he barks your way and you just turn around, biting on your lip, stricken with fascination: your boyfriend does smell like GG, no point in denying it. Where is the damn bottle? (Well… bottles, but you have no clue there are 10 of them).
– You love knives; they are your favorite weapons. Mister J believes it’s classy as hell: in a world of guns, his girl is sooo stylish using sharp blades. You don’t know yet, but he ordered 50 personalized gold plated knives with your initials on them. He plans to give them to you for your 2 year anniversary.
* J totally loves it when you use him as target practice: such a turn on when the blades shriek by him, he gets very impatient.
“Don’t move, baby, I wouldn’t wanna cut something you might need to use later, hm?” you always wink at him, teasing even more just because you can.
Your boyfriend loves guns. So you will surprise him for you 2 year anniversary with a special gift: you will order 20 personalized guns for him from the place that all Gotham’s underworld knows about. Upfront they sell jewelry but the basement it’s a different story.
“I want to order 20 customized guns: half green, half purple background, gold plated,” you start your order.
“Sure, may I ask who they’re for? We can personalize even more,” the guy offers, pointing towards the multitude of catalogues lying around.
“Daddy,” you reply, absent minded since some fancy grenades caught your eye.
“How old?”
“Ummm…Probably… around 39,” you debate, deep in thought.
“Oohhh, OK,” the seller finally understands.”Got’cha!”
You smack your lips and it clicks for the person.
“Hold on, is the order for Mister J ?”
“Of course it’s for him, who else?!” you frown, irritated by the question.
“Oh my God, so sorry, I didn’t recognized you with this purple hair!”
“Whatever!” you grumble, grouchy he needed so many hints to figure it out.
“Would you also like to add his logo on all the guns?”
You roll your eyes, exasperated:
“Well, duh, HE IS The Joker, isn’t he???!!!!”
“Such a Goddam temper,” he thinks, aiming not to annoy you since you are famous for your short fuse.
* You totally love it when J uses you as target practice: such a torn on when the bullets shriek by your ears, you get very impatient.
“Don’t move, Pumpkin, I wouldn’t want to shoot something you might need later, yes?” and he always takes his shirt off, teasing even more just because he can.
– He likes to watch you sleep. Sometimes The Joker spends hours just staring at you. One night he cut off a small strand of your hair and hid it in the nob of his favorite cane since it’s hollow, this way he always has a piece of you with him. He detests being so infatuated but he can’t help it.
You like to watch your boyfriend sleep; you spend hours just staring at him. One night you cut off a strand of his hair and hid it in the pendant he gave you last year and never part with, this way you always have a piece of him with you. You hate it that you are so infatuated but can’t help it.
And you love his hands. When he’s asleep, you just like to look at his fingers, pressing your palm against his, caressing the soft skin. Sometimes he wakes up.
“What are you doing, Princess?” he opens just one eye, not knowing what’s going on.
“Nothing,” you are fast to reply, kissing his knuckles and keeping one of his hands prisoner for the rest of the night.
– Once every 3 months or so, your boyfriend is in a good mood so you try to take advantage of the rare occurrence. This time, for example, you convinced J to let you put makeup on him because you want to have an idea on how he looked like before the “Ace Chemicals” incident. A little bit of foundation to cover the scars and tattoos, bringing the skin and lips to a natural tone plus a dark blonde wig with a similar haircut to cover the toxic green locks.
“Wow, you were so gorgeous before too!” you gasp, admiring your work and how flawless The Joker seems. In your opinion, of course; Batsy wouldn’t share the same belief.“So this is how you looked like before?!”
“More or less,” he smirks, loving to see you so worked up about the whole thing. “Can’t argue with that statement though, I am a very good looking guy.”
You take a picture of him like that and set it up as your new screensaver, gulping when he gets up all shirtless, taking the wig off, being done with the experiment. A miracle doesn’t last for long - just like his patience.
“I’m gonna go and wash this stuff off,” he stretches and heads towards the bathroom when you block his way.
“Noooot so fast, handsome. I was kind of thinking to have a one night stand with this stranger I’ve just met,” you lock your arms around his neck, determined to have fun with him like that.
“Well, this stranger’s services are very expensive. I come with a high price. Still interested?” The Joker grumbles in your ear because he doesn’t want to say no to some crazy stuff for sure.
You just snicker and push him on the couch, starting to undress.
* Later you both go to one of your clubs to enjoy a night out. While you change your dress in the VIP room upstairs, one of the waitresses brings J his drink, thinking she can finally get you in trouble with your man. She despises you but you wouldn’t know since you never pay attention to those girls.
“E-hem, Mister J?…” she clears her throat, getting ready to talk crap.
“What?” he snarls, watching over the club from behind the smoky windows.
“Sir, I’m sorry to bring the bad news, but I think your girlfriend is cheating on you,” she blurs out and he lifts his chin up to finally look at her.
“Is she?”
“Yes, Mister J, I saw it with my own eyes. Y/N keeps on glaring at the screen saver she has on her phone; definitely not your picture sir. I caught her kissing the image and she turned off the cell right away, pretending nothing happened.”
He sighs, tapping his cane on the floor.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, sir, I swear!” a smile appears on her face, happy you are probably a goner now.
“That woman! How dares she?!” J huffs and pushes her away, then strolls upstairs while she silently follows.
He barges in the VIP room, slamming the silver door behind him.
“Almost done, baby,” you cheerfully announce, putting on another coat of mascara.
“Who is that asshole on your phone?” he raises his voice and the waitress bites on her nails, enticed at your misfortune.
“Umm…My boyfriend?” you giggle and turn to face him, wondering if you’re playing roles again.
“Boyfriend?! How dare you sleeping with somebody else behind my back, huh?” and he tosses the cane to the floor with all his strength, making the woman jump on the other side of the door.
Oh, she’s gonna get it ! she victoriously chuckles to herself, silently clapping.
You are going to get it, but not in the way she thinks.
“I couldn’t help it,” you play along, not having a clue about what’s going on but if he wants to go this way, heeeeyy, works for you.
“You are so paying for this, nobody cheats on me!!!!” J yells, starting to rip your dress off while you do the same with his shirt.
She’s going to pay for it ! I hope he kills her, the woman gets all excited, waiting for the bad turn she is responsible for.
You are going to pay for it, but not in the way she thinks.
She hears a loud thud, your scream and The Joker grunting, then …moans?!
What the hell is going on?!  she wonders, baffled, still listening at the door for a few more moments before leaving.
Needless to say nobody saw her again after that night. Who knows what happened? People disappear all the time, right?
– You can fix things and J goes insane for it. He breaks shit on purpose. “Doll, we have a water leak under the kitchen sink !” he shouts and places his elbows on the table, waiting for you.
“Again?!” you reply from the balcony, but go and get the tool box so you can take a look. You get under the sink and begin to work on the problem.
Intense purring immediately follows.
You don’t know how, but something always breaks around the penthouse. It’s a mystery since everything is the best quality money can buy. Like, why do you have another water leak under the sink?! You just had one two days ago. And The Joker is purring so loud. Why is he all excited about?!  
– You love huskies so J got you a puppy. Best present ever! Since you love Japanese names, you named the fur ball Yuki. The first trick you taught your doggie makes you melt when you watch it in action:
“Yuki, go bite Daddy!” The puppy jumps from your lap and charges at your boyfriend, grabbs his shoelace and pulls on it while growling up a storm:
“Grrrrrrr!!! Grrrrr!!! Grrrrrr!!!!”
J would love to break its neck, but how can you kill something that kind of growls like you?!
“Cut it out, mutt !” he threatens but bends over to pet the puppy. He hears you whistling with admiration.
“Wow, nice ass baby!”
* The puppy likes to sleep on your tummy. You are watching a movie with J and it’s boring so you need something more interesting to see.
“Yuki, go bite Daddy!”  The doggie’s ears go straight up and he rushes to get the enemy, pulling on the t-shirt he didn’t take off yet.
“Grrrrrr!!!! Grrrrr!!!! Grrrrrr!!!!!!!!!”
“So annoying!” The Joker complains, but caresses the fluffy pest and as a response he gets licked all over his face. And barked at too, in between.
You are absolutely and utterly thrilled.
“Now I have two sets of blue eyes I adore,” you grin with admiration, and your boyfriend doesn’t like that.
“I’m the only one you adore. Period,” and he starts growling.
Yuki’s tail wiggles with eagerness while jumping up and down by The Joker.
“Grrrr!!! Grrrrrr!!! Grrrrr!!”
J growls some more; Yuki is stunned and continues to growl also.
“Are you two having a contest?” you start laughing, reaching over to separate the two feisty males. The puppy cuddles in your arms, barking at his other owner.
When The Joker’s arm reaches towards you, Yuki hops on it, keeping it in place, not having any of it.
“Stop it, mutt ! I need my girl!”
His fingers are softly getting chewed on and more growling follows.
“Seriously?! I want to have sex with my woman, get lost!” and Yuki gets lift up and locked outside the master bedroom, but not before it gets more petting and squeezing. His intention was to break the puppy’s neck, but how can you kill something that kind of growls like you?!
– J hopes you are not going to notice how much he’s obsessed with you. It will get to your head and he already spoils you too much.
You hope that your boyfriend won’t notice how obsessed you are with him. It will get to his head and you already indulge his every whim. Even if he is soooo clumsy. Like, right now, J just dropped his gun and you are quick to bend over and get it for him.
Intense purring immediately follows.
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peakyxshelby · 7 years
Brummie girl Camden Town
Alfie Solomons x reader
Request: Could I request #3 with Alfie Solomons??
Author’s note: I’m sorry this was so rambly :( I hope you still enjoy and please give me feedback.
Not many people left Small Heath to go pursue education, you only knew of a handful of people that had and only one of which was another women. She pretty much inspired you. You always excelled in class and when it reached the time of finishing school you decided you would apply to university. You applied for the University of London and a month later you were packed up and moving down to London to study Accountancy and English Literature. The whole of Small Heath was buzzing that one of their own was going off to bigger and better things. Luckily for you, your childhood friend John and his brothers were in London quite often so he assured you and your mum that you would be well looked after. You moved into a small apartment on the edge of Camden town.
The next three years flew by and sure enough, the Peaky Blinders were never too far away if you needed them, and as your last term of your last year was finishing up you and your friends had taken it upon yourself to show London how to have a good time. It was the last night of your week bender before you went back to Birmingham. The drinks were well and truly flowing as you rode out your high from the snow your friend had given you. You entered the club and the atmosphere hit you like a ton of bricks. The music, the drinks, the men. Everything about it was lavish. You had been here a couple times before but had been advised by John to stay away. Tonight you didn’t care, it was time to let your hair down and have real proper fun after three years of hard work. You and your friends hit the dance floor almost straight away. After a while of boogying around and attracting some male attention while you did so, you decided it was time for a drink stop. You headed to the bar and threw yourself down on a stool still panting as you gave the barman your order. As you finished small talk with the man behind the bar a man emerged from the back door beside where the barman was standing. He was tall and extremely muscular, with a thick beard. You locked eyes with this stranger before looking away nervously tucking your hair behind your ears. As the barman started loading up your drinks on a tray for you the man was beside you.
“What table is this for?” You looked up at the man and then pointed over to your group of friends laughing amongst themselves. “And which one's yours?” You picked up the whiskey from the tray, as he took it and ordered another man to deliver the tray to your table. You cocked your head looking at the man, confused at to why he had stopped you. “You awrite there love? I’m Alfie.”
“(Y/N),” you say straightening up and holding out your hand to shake his, he takes it in both of his and kisses the back of your hand making you smirk.
“Now you, you look lovely.”
“Thank you,” You blushed. “Now what were you doing behind those doors?” He looked into your eyes, intrigued by your bluntness and curiosity.
“Well aren’t you nosy,” he grunted, you thought maybe you had pissed him off. “I own this club Miss (Y/N). I can go wherever the fuck I want.” You look at Alfie in awe and then looked around at your surroundings.
“Well, you did a pretty damn good job,” you tell him nodding in approval at the club.
“You having a good time?” he asked you, as you tilted your glass to peer over it, the look you gave Alfie let on that you were having more than a good time. “I’d like to show you a better one.” You spent all night laughing and speaking with Alfie. Everyone seemed afraid of him or treated him like a king, kind of how they used to treat the Shelby’s back home. At the end of the night, you went back to his and had one last night of wild cockney passion and then it was back on the train to Birmingham.
“(Y/N)!” John shouted over waiting as he stood on the platform waiting for you to get off the train. “How does it feel to be back?” He asked as you approached him, taking the bags from your hands.
“Weird, a good weird, though.” you both hopped in the car and he started to drive you home, he started slowing down outside the betting shop.
“Woah, you blinders have fairly upgraded since I left town,” You say staring into the newly refurbished building with offices and all sorts on the inside. “What am I doing here anyway?”
“Tommy had the business he wants to talk to you,” You groaned immediately.
“I’ve been back five minutes and he wants to talk business,” you moaned dragging yourself out of the car.
“I know but he insisted,” John said sympathetically. “Plus there’s someone I want you to meet.” You entered into the shop and saw a young man standing with Tommy and Finn around a table.
“Well look at that, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) back where she belongs.” Finn laughs as he walks over to give you a hug. You hadn’t seen Finn in about a year since he had last been in London and he had taken a massive growth spurt now towering above you.
“What have they been feeding you? When did you get so ridiculously tall?” You both laugh but are shortly interrupted by Tommy clearing his throat.
“Nice to have you back (Y/N),” you smiled at him, Tommy has always been a man of very few emotions. “And this is our newest blinder, Michael.”
“Nice to meet you,” he says holding out a hand for you to shake.
“He’s Polly’s son,” John chipped in.
“No fucking way, You’re a Gray?” He nodded his head looking a little bit nervous. “Well, you’ll fit in just fine won’t you.” This made him smile, looking a little less nervous now.
“John!” You heard a female voice shout as a women came down the corridor. John wrapped her arm around her shoulder.
“(Y/N), this is my wife Esme.” You clasped your hands over your mouth as you gasped, walking over to her and looking her up and down with the biggest smile.
“It’s so lovely to meet you,” You say feeling very emotional, you were happy that John had found another woman. She smiled shyly in return as you turned to John slapping the side of his arm. “And you? You didn’t tell me you were getting married!”
“Well it wasn’t exactly pre-planned,” John said glaring at Tommy who just laughed.
“(Y/N) a word?” Tommy said walking away down the corridor.
You stepped into his office admiring the empire Tommy had built.
“So, we want to hire you.”
“No Tommy we already spoke about this, I’m not cut out to be any type of blinder.”
“(Y/N), whilst you were away we have had a lot more legal sides to business, we are doing very well.” You nodded in acknowledgment as you can tell. “We need someone to really handle the books, read the small prints and handle documents. The pay is good really good in fact and you don’t have to get involved in any legitimate business if you don’t want to.” Tommy slid forward a contract and a pen, as you skimmed through it, you saw how much he was paying and decided there was not a chance you could turn it down.
“Fine, I’m in.”
Three months later the boys were taking a trip down to London to meet with a Mr. Solomons as well as some other business. You had convinced Tommy to let you go with them to visit your old friends. But the condition was you had to sit in on the meeting with Mr. Solomons. As you entered “The bakery” as the boys called it and walked along, all eyes were on you. They must not get many women in here that often.
“Ok, I need you to act as professional as you always do,” Tommy ordered you. You straightened up as a man held the door open for you and Tommy. You both took a seat as Mr. Solomons was looking about in a drawer yet to look up at your faces.
“Now, Now Shelby I told you to come alone.” You recognised that voice, you weren’t sure where from yet.
“(Y/N), is here with me to go over all the legal stuff, the papers.”
“(Y/N),” The man said looking up from whatever he was doing. Alfie. You blushed immediately and looked down at the pen you were playing with in your hands. You had snuck out on the man three months ago and hadn’t seen him since. You could feel your cheeks going red and Aldie hadn’t taken his eyes off you since he said your name, his jaw practically hitting the floor. Tommy looked at you to Alfie puzzled at what was going on.
“Am I missing something?” He asked as Alfie began to clear his throat, you interrupted him.
“I went to his club a couple of times when we lived down here, I recognise him from always being up in the VIP section.” Technically that wasn’t a lie but you knew how unimpressed Tommy would be anyway. Alfie nodded his head still not taking his eyes off you.
Tommy continued on talking about business and you wrote down what you had to and explained to alfie what you had to, and when the meeting was done you and Tommy got up to leave.
“I was just wondering Thomas if I could have a quick word with (Y/N), I have some applicants for my own assistant you see and well it looks like she knows what to look for.” Tommy turned round and nodded his head.
“Yeah that’s fine, I’ll be off to Ada’s so whenever you're done just come by, we will be leaving sharp tomorrow morning.” Tommy reminded you before heading out the door.
“Well hello,” Alfie said as the door shut behind Tommy.
“Fancy seeing you here,” You joke to him, but he wasn’t taking you on.
“You ran out on me,” he hissed in an almost scary way. “No one runs out on me.”
“I didn't run,” you try to explain, “I had a train back to Birmingham and you’re a heavy sleeper.” He laughs in agreement and then you both sit there in silence for a moment.
“So where are the applications you want me to look at?” You asked him.
“There is none.” he said whilst standing up and leaning on the desk.
“Well then, I guess my assistance is not needed.” You started towards the door.
“Sit down,” Alfie grunted bluntly as your hand was on the door nob. You pulled the door open a crack and he repeats himself. “Sit down.”
“Make me,” you whisper not turning around to look at him. All of a sudden a strong hand slammed the door closed and turned you around pushing you up against it.
“Oh sweety I will,” He started kissing your neck as you ran your hand through his hair. “I haven’t gone a day without thinking about you, you know.” he rested his forehead on yours breathing heavy whilst staring into your eyes. You grab his face and pull him into a heated kiss. He pulled back quickly panting. “No running away again?”
“Agreed.” You laughed.
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jay-bizzleimagines · 7 years
Same Mistakes // Chapter Sixteen
I silently mixed the mashed potatoes, that I was making with dinner, while Tessa, Kylie, and Ryan sat in the living room. Dani had to go into work for the night leaving me with Harper and Jayce, who were both currently sleeping.  I didn't make dinner often, because I never had the time, but since I had moved to New York I had picked up a habit of cooking when I needed to think. I had gotten good at cooking, which was why I challenged myself with seasoned chicken and grilled asparagus tonight.  I threw some salt on the mashed potatoes as I heard multiple steps coming into the kitchen. We hadn't talked about what Ryan did just yet and I wasn't really all that eager to. Tessa pulled out the chair from the table and sat down, "We gonna talk about what idiot here did?" Everything was basically done, I was just waiting for the asparagus to finish but I continued to look busy by stirring the potatoes. Kylie leaned against the counter next to me, "Everything looks so good, I'm starving." Behind us Tessa laughed, "Kylie you get five star dinners every night of your life, shut up and let's talk about this." Ryan sat at the table with her, "It's a temporary thing so it doesn't matter. We'll get Justin off your back and then we'll break up cause it wasn't working out, so let's just chill." I wanted to roll my eyes so I did while letting out an exasperated sigh. This earned another comment from Ryan, "You can't stand me that much?" This time I turned to him and narrowed my eyes, "That's not the point. The point it there's no reason for this entire thing. I could have put up with his comments for a little while longer while you guys were here. You're leaving soon anyway." Next to me Kylie raised her eyebrows as the timer on the oven when off indicating the asparagus was done. I began making everyone's plates as Kylie spoke, "Are we?" I didn't mean for it to sound like I was pushing them away, but it had came off that way. Surely, they couldn't stay here for much longer, they had lives in Calabasas that didn't involve me. I handed Kylie her plate and shrugged, "I don't know, don't you kind of have to?" "They might, but I have a business here. Did no one tell you I'm opening a popup store here for Kylie Cosmetics?" They hadn't, but that didn't matter, "Plus, I have modeling with Hailey and other things." "Justin, Hailey, and I will at least be here for another few weeks." I moved my hair from my face as I gave everyone their food and sat down myself. I sighed and looked between Tessa and Ryan, "Where is this gonna go?" Tessa turned her attention to Ryan, "Justin has another club promotion up here tomorrow, go with me." Kylie and Tessa began to eat their food, while Ryan slowly bit at his asparagus. This whole situation was ridiculous and purposeless. I didn't need to prove anything to Justin about how I parented or how I was doing. He didn't even know if Jayce was his, for God's sake, but yet here I was about to agree to this.  "Only if Kylie can get me an outfit and I want Dani to go." I smirked at Ryan, putting a spoonful of mashed potatoes in my mouth.  He laughed and nodded, "Fine. Cool, Ky?" "Cool." ------- Kylie came thru with not only outfits for Dani and I but also convinced Ariel, her makeup artist, and Jonathan, her hairstylist, to stay a couple extra hours to do us. Jonathan was blow drying my now blonde again hair as Ariel finished Dani and Kylie's makeup in the other room. "You think they'll miss the pink?" Jonathan asked me about ten times if I for sure wanted to go back to blonde before dying it, but I was set.  "Doesn't matter if they will." I smiled and he finished my hair before I was rushed to Ariel so I could get my makeup done. I was the last to get done, leaving the rest of the girls waiting for me.  Once I was done, Kylie rushed us into the limo and explained the night to us, "Ken, Hailey, Justin, Ryan, and Za are already at the club. We're meeting them in our VIP area." Pulling up to the back entrance of the club was hectic and made me wonder what the main entrance looked like. Walking inside we quickly made our way to the VIP area. There was already a significant amount of empty glasses on the table and I immediately made my way to Ryan's side ready to play this relationship up. Although there was a large couch in our area everyone was standing. My eyes when straight to Hailey who was clearly drunk off her ass. Her body moved against Justin's to the beat of the music, one of his arms wrapped around her waist and the other held a glass of alcohol. He was not paying attention to her, he was fully focused on Za in front of him.  Ryan pulled me to him by my waist, looking over my shoulder at Justin as he did so, "He already talked, but he's gotta dj later. Take this." He shoved a glass in my hand and I downed it in a matter of seconds, I was going to need to be drunk for tonight.  "Damn, Nadia. I didn't mean take it." I shook my head and took his hand from around my waist, "Let's go talk to Za." As I turned I noticed that Justin's eyes had been fixed on Ryan and I, for how long I didn't know. I dragged Ryan towards them, our hands hanging by my butt. Za noticed our presence and turned to us.  "Ay, Nadia! What up, where you been?" I was expecting this reaction from him, but still smiled at him, "Here." "It's been crazy seen you been gone. Shit, ma, you missed a lot."  I laughed and next to me Ryan wrapped his arm around my waist, "I've been caught up for the most part. You missed a lot too." "Shit, trust me. I know, I already heard all 'bout it. Buy listen, man, I'mma go see if Tyga's here yet. I'll talk to yall later." Za gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left, leaving us with Justin and Hailey. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Tessa and Dani sitting on the couch next to where we stood. "Hailey, you look good tonight." She opened her eyes to answer me, but did not stop moving her body, "Thanks." She didn't return the sentiment, but I didn't expect her to. Next to her Justin looked at me, but not in a way that meant he was listening, he was thinking. Looking back at him I smirked, "You should dance with your girl, Justin, she looks bored." I didn't give him a chance to respond before I took Ryan to the dance floor. Part of me did this because I knew Justin would be watching, but another part of me did this because I needed it. I needed to have a good time.  ------- The cliched and overused: Wattpad seen it first and they got a picture. That's not an attempt to bully you into reading this on Wattpad, sometime I just forget to post the chapters here and I don't get on here as often. Love you guys though 💜
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Unleash the blog Within -UPWLondon review
I signed up for Tony Robbins, Unleash the power programme based on the recommendation of four people I respect and admire.  I’m not going to talk too much about the content of the course in depth because that’s for you to discover, but here is my experience;
Day 1 – I did a little bit of research and decided that I would go down to registration the night before instead of the morning of. Good decision. I was told that people were queuing for hours to get registered and seated. After all, there are apparently 10,000 people so you can imagine this would be a lengthy process. I spoke to one of the UPW workers and she was very bubbly and happy, she would refer to Tony personally “Tony”. “ Tony loves that” “Well Tony usually says…” I didn’t know if she knew Tony Robbins personally or if she was brainwashed. I drew suspicious and no longer trusted her.
I arrived just before 12 pm, and much to the horror of some, this was actually another good move. I was there just before Tony came on and took a random seat, wasn’t the best but could hear very clearly and see the screens.  There are so many people in the room, and you are in small chairs in banks, so you are constantly moving to accommodate people wanting to go in and out and toilet breaks etc.
My First impression of Tony Robbins was that he was this giant man with a large jaw. He looked warm and full of energy and certainly younger than his actual age.  Seems like a person you would gravitate to with a natural charisma.
The lights went down, the club lights and music came on and 10,000 people had a rave. I loved it. Fist pumps ahoy. Everyone was going nuts. Here was our leader, this giant on the stage with two sticks beating a drum. It was primitive and raw and we were all ready to unleash….
The seminar began with lessons and exercises. “Say yes” Tony would shout. “YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS” we would scream with gusto and vigour and fists in the air. I felt like I was at the world cup live and England had scored. On the screen, we would read enabling messages like “LET Tony HEAR YOU”. “SAY I” and we would continuously have to call and respond and dance throughout the day and evening. It was tiring but allowed the energy to stay high. The overhead projections and speaker delivery reminded me of a cross between a Baptist Minister and Tappy Tibbons from Requiem for a Dream. I was waiting for the instruction to chant “Be Excited, Be Be Excited”.
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The day played out well, some of the exercises were in pairs and groups of three so you got to meet new people which were nice. When it came to giving and receiving massages, it was a little silly and strange. You had to massage the person on your right, and then turn to massage the person on your left and of course I got the fat sweaty guy.
I paired up with a lady called Yasmin, who told me that she was scared, and that she really wanted to overcome here fears of feeling like a bad parent and not making decisions and that tonight would be the night.
In preparation for the legendary fire walk, we summoned into our peak state and in our thousands flocked barefoot along the ExCel centre chanting “ YES, YES, YES”. Again, it felt weird, and I started thinking about my perception of cults and if this is the kind of thing they do of an evening. Anyway, I got involved and convinced a security guard that the lady in front of me on a crutch is, in fact, my aunt and that I needed to be with her. She was being escorted to the front of the queue because of her bad leg. The guard lets me through and as I bumped up my place by 7,000 places I realised this was a strategic way of maximising my time, as per the teachings. I lost Yasmin in the crowd though which was a shame because I wanted to see her face as she completed the walk. :( 
There was quite a queue outside leading up to the grass, which did move surprisingly fast. We were still busy chanting “ YES” and singing Seven nation army so time went by quickly. As my turn got closer and closer I started to become more aware of the coals, but still, I wasn’t scared. , I lead with my left foot, chest up, chin up and walked like a boss.
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“Stop and celebrate,” a steward said as she attacked me with a hose pipe.
Celebrate? Celebrate? You’ve just doused my ankles in freezing cold water and now my jeans are soaked on a very cold night! FFS I thought. I then reminded myself I was on a retreat journey and to be nice. Also, It was really my own fault because I didn’t roll up my jeans.
After leaving the venue in barefoot, along the excel centre, down the steps, onto the gravel and then the wet grass. One develops ‘Asbestos foot’, thus making your foot fire & pain-proof. So no, the fire walk doesn’t burn.
After the walk, I could see people really cheering and screaming for joy, for victory…. I didn’t feel anything. Not accomplished, not courageous nor fearless. It dawned on me why….because I was never scared of the fire walk in the first place. It was never a fear I had to acknowledge or ever face up to. Being thrown into a nest of Tarantulas or zip walking off a building, yes you got me there. HELL NO! I’m trying to use the experience as a metaphor to conquer any fears I may have. I understood the lesson and respect it, maybe I’ll sign up for a skydive.  
Day 2 – Woke up in my Airbnb bedroom in Poplar feeling like I had been hit by a train. I was so so tired. A combination of the training, dancing and generally long day. I arrived at the venue just as Joseph was starting. Grabbed an end seat in the gold section and was pretty content. I liked Josephs’ style and delivery. He was fun, modern and articulate. They played video clips of Tony over the projector, and this was actually quite enjoyable. A calm environment where you could just listen and absorb…..Some good lessons and some food for thought.
“NOW STAND UP” Joseph would say, and you would immediately have to get up and start dancing around again.  This was to change your state. Ensuring your physiology was at its peak state ready to absorb.
After the day I felt more decisive in my decision making. Do it or don’t. When you commit, you commit and quit the BS.
I noticed people taking breaks when they wanted really, food breaks, catching up on calls/emails or when it had got too much. This was refreshing and gave me a sense of freedom knowing I could come and go without feeling guilty.
Day 3 – Transformation Day. Woke up at 7 am after a long sleep and felt really refreshed and ready for the day. The weather was good and I felt ready to transform. I got to venue pretty early and sat in the VIP section, my actual ticket selection. For two days I had sat in the gold section. The first day I didn’t even realise I was sitting in the gold section, doh. I just assumed it was packed. The views in VIP were better, but ultimately it’s all the same.
Joseph started the day and Tony came on a bit later. We were ready to go….
I noticed that there were quite a references made to God, and as an atheist, I began to feel a little uncomfortable and think I should find the exit.  Decided I was as being a dick and I put this aside and carried on. The day was interesting, in the morning I cried with joy during the gratitude reflection. In the evening I cried with pain during the Dickens exercise. I felt lighter, teary relieved, exhausted….I left that evening around 7 pm. I know the seminar was until 11 pm but I felt that I had got what I needed for the day and I also felt I needed some me time to actually consider and reflect on what I had just been through and not take in any more information. There was also an upsell coming and I didn’t want to hear about another course to be perfectly honest. I wanted to master and understand me and what I had just been through. I met a guy on the train who had the exact same feeling and said he was done for today and wanted to just process it all.
A really really good day.
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Day 4 – Another tired start. I think it’s been physically and emotionally tiring but I went in. Today I sat on the floor at the back and just chilled. The lessons were on Vitality and Health which were very informative and engaging. Even though we were on the last leg of the programme Energy in the room was still pretty strong and people remained committed. The talks are about exercise, diet, foods, meditation and medicines and I was quite tempted to do the 10-day challenge to see if I would feel more energised.
I noticed a lot of upselling on this day, a lot of kiosks filled with TR DVDs and papers to fill in. Lots of TR products, sign up here, sign up today, special price. It is all very QVC and Americanised, the layout, the font. Remember those adverts from your teens? Buy CD Hits vols 1 – 59 for only £99.99 plus +4.99 postage, plus a free gift, only today!!!. But it works….. For three days Bullet Coffee had been available on tap when you wanted it. The owner of Bullet does his talk and then boooooom…everyone is in the queue for the coffee, like, didn’t you walk past this, however, many times in the last three days?
There are other programmes you can buy/enrol onto, Business Mastery, Date with Destiny, Something else prolific which I’ve forgotten the name of. Business mastery is £5000. At that price, I’ll have three thanks! I overheard a lady telling the volunteer she would need to sell her jewellery to be able to afford the programme. I wanted to shake her and say,  “No, don’t do it!” Then I remembered that a) it’s not my business and b) I do believe that fortune favours the brave. I hope she is successful.
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Unleash the Power Within makes you accountable. You do really have to address yourself and in those moments, address your bullshitting, procrastination, poor choices and general excuses. Why are you here if you don’t really want to try, don’t really want to change. Why have you paid all that money not to get involved? If the last 20,30,40 etc etc years of your life has served you so well, what are you doing in this room today?. There is something for everyone, something that we can all learn and take from Unleash the Power.
Take it for what it is, don’t be the miserable loner that won’t partake and don’t get too gassed that you are getting carried away and losing your sense of reality.
You have to commit, let down your guard and embrace it; Open your heart if you want to be healed.
For me, I feel that the cheesiness aside, it has been a valuable experience and a good time for me to self-reflect. I feel more equipped to face my fears, focus on goals and have better and healthier attitude. I can do achieve I want; I just need to ask myself how.
Here are some of my practical tips for your first UPW;
Eat – Lots of nutritious high protein and carb meals and snacks. The ExCel venue is good for food choices, and if money is no object then purchase away, they have everything from healthy to junk. The day is long and you need to keep your energy up. I would avoid sweets and chocolates because after you spike into a crash there is nowhere to sleep or snuggle and you are going to feel like shit. Stay alert and clean for the 4 days. Trust me.
Know – that Tony is there 2/4 days. Joseph takes over the other 2 days. This is totally fine.
Also Know they will upsell A LOT. It’s ok. Just be aware and make your own choices.
Sit – AWAY from the people with translation headphones. During quite moments this can be distracting.
Arrive  - When you want to. If you were at a concert and wanted to be so close to the front that you could see the guitar strings then be my guest and start to queue at 4 am.  UPW works on the same format. However, if like I, you can’t be arsed with queues and are not fussed on seating. Arrive just before the speaker comes on.
Pack – small and compact. There is no storage in the space, and you won’t really get a chance to do much else than UPW. There is a cloakroom £1 per item which is at the ExCel entrance.
Dress – Light but warm. Thin layers are the key, don’t bring overly big coats and jackets. The seating is so cramped, you will only find it annoying, uncomfortable and difficult to stow. I wear UNIQLO heat tech, which is super thin and yet warm. Also, bring a hoodie as the air con can become quite chilly, and it’s directly above your head.
Carry – A Flask so when they refuse entry with a hot drink, you are not that guy.  ;-)
Bring – A Notepad, 2ltr bottle of water, portable phone charger (no sockets), recording devices.
Stay – close by or be prepared to travel. Remember the long queuing times at the venue and at the station can make a long day even longer. This is before you’ve even made your way home!
Speak – to new people. There is such a mix of people here you won’t believe.
Dance –as much as you can. Keep the energy up and prevent yourself from getting tired.
Ask - a security steward for a look at their programme. They have a specific breakdown of the weekend with start and finish times. This will give you a more accurate idea of what is going on and when. This will save you time and allow you to make better decision on breaks.
Enjoy –Really do make the most of it. It’s an experience, it’s a journey.
Carly Woodbridge
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/kendall-kylie-jenner-nyc-foursome-plus-kim-kardashian-easy-cameo/
Kendall Kylie Jenner NYC foursome plus Kim Kardashian easy cameo
With their boyfriends in tow, celebrity sister duo Kylie and Kendall Jenner enjoyed a full day of shopping together.
On Tuesday, Kylie and Kendall were seen shopping around New York City alongside their boyfriends Tyga and A$AP Rocky, respectively. All four of the young stars were spotted laughing and smiling, as they hit up some of New York’s most popular retail hot spots.
While Kylie and Tyga have been an item for several years now, things have just started heating up between Kendall and her rumored beau, rapper A$AP Rocky. Although the supermodel has not yet confirmed the speculated romance, this latest shopping date further fueled the relationship rumors that have been plaguing her and Rocky for the past couple of weeks.
According to an eyewitness, Kendall even helped A$AP Rocky pick out some bling while in the jewelry retailer, Rafaello $ Co. The source told the media, “[Kendall and A$AP Rocky] were helping each other pick stuff out…Kendall also got fitted for a pair of gloves they’re working on for her.”
2017 is certainly looking to be a good year for the Jenner sisters!
Those Kardashians are a resilient bounce back from tragedy bunch, and Kim Kardashian is willing to relive her Paris robbery for some Ocean’s Eight money and exposure.
Kim Kardashian finally came out of hiding after her terrifying jewelry robbery in Paris — ironically to film a scene involving a jewelry heist in the upcoming star-studded movie “Ocean’s Eight.”
The film’s been shooting at the Metropolitan Museum of Art for days, with a spate of star cameos to re-create the Met Gala for a dramatic heist scene. Kardashian was seen headed to the set with Kendall Jenner on Monday. Sources say the Met Gala scene involves the theft of a high-end necklace in a museum bathroom.
Sources confirmed Kim is in the film, although it’s not clear if she’s a victim or a famous face in the crowd. The movie’s main cast includes Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Rihanna, Anne Hathaway, Sarah Paulson and Mindy Kaling.
Kardashian has described how she feared she would be shot during last October’s robbery in Paris, during which thieves tied her up and threw her into a bathtub, then took over $10 million in jewelry. The ordeal left her so traumatized, she disappeared from social media for three months and canceled a series of personal appearances. She even gave up wearing jewelry.
But, on Monday, in one of her first public appearances since the robbery, Kim was back in a gown to film the scene in which the all-female cast pulls off an audacious jewelry raid.
An insider mused, “We were surprised Kim showed up for filming. She had seemed totally traumatized by her Paris robbery. But then she’ll still appear in a movie that glamorizes a jewelry heist.” Kim’s rep confirmed she has a cameo in the movie but declined to comment further.
We hear further cameos were being made in the movie’s Met Gala scene on Tuesday by Zayn Malik, Hailey Baldwin, Matt Harvey, Maria Sharapova, Olivia Munn, Tyga, the Winklevoss twins, and designers Tommy and Dee Hilfiger, Dennis Basso and Jason Wu. High-end jeweler Cartier is on-set dressing VIPs. The film also includes a cameo by Anna Wintour.
With Super Bowl LI less than a month away, more and more details about the highly anticipated half time show are being leaked to the press.
Early this week, news publication People reported some surprising details about what pop star Lady Gaga, who is the star performer at this year’s Super Bowl, is planning to do during her half time set. Insiders told the media outlet that Lady Gaga is planning a notably dangerous entrance into the stadium. According to one source, Gaga is planning to sing at the top of the NRG Stadium’s dome in Houston during her performance. While her team is reportedly “worried” about the technical and safety aspects of her unprecedented performance plans, Gaga is reportedly “all for” pushing the limits and wants to make sure her half time show is nothing like fans and viewers have seen before.
  A source close to Gaga further elaborated on the star’s ambitious half time plans to People, explaining, “They’re writing up multiple plans about how to safely get [Gaga] on the roof, including potentially [cutting] a hole in the ceiling of the dome.” The source went on to reveal that event organizers are even looking at the possibility of “airlifting” the Joanne songstress onto the top of the stadium, which currently has a see-through retractable “fabric roof” that can be completely opened in just over 5 minutes.
With only a few weeks of rehearsal left, Gaga is reportedly hoping to pull off the whole charade live. However, numerous members of the organizing team are hoping to convince her to pre-tape her grand entrance so that they can just show it as a pre-taped commercial that would air during the lead-up to the big Super Bowl LI game.
On the legal side of things, Gaga’s lawyers are reportedly going crazy “trying to figure out insurance” that will cover all of the songstress’s performance antics. The 30-year-old’s legal representatives are reportedly still trying to “figure out” what is “doable” from a safety and insurable standpoint.
Unfortunately, neither Gaga nor the NFL has commented on these latest reports leaked by Page Six. However, it is only a few short weeks before we finally get to see what Gaga actually has up her sleeve.
In the meantime, Gaga posted a short video clip of her and her team at rehearsals on her Instagram page. Alongside the post, the “Perfect Illusion” songstress gushed, “Super Bowl Rehearsal is so fun. We built a tent in my backyard with a dance floor to practice. We love you monsters, can’t wait to perform for [you]!”
Lady Gaga, Instagram post: You can see Lady Gaga, as well as the rest of the football festivities, when Super Bowl LI airs on February 5th!
“Chrisley Knows Best” star Savannah Chrisley survived a terrifying car accident on Monday.
“I got in a car accident early Monday morning because my floor mat had gotten stuck behind my pedals so I looked down for a brief second to try and get it out of the way and then I realized that I was headed straight towards the guardrails,” she wrote. “I tried to over correct but it didn’t help. As soon as I hit the guardrail my airbags came out and because of the airbags and seatbelt the injuries weren’t near as bad as they could have been,” she explained on Instagram.
Chrisley, 19, said that a number of cars passed by before anyone stopped to help her.
“What I do remember is going in and out of consciousness screaming for help and cars just continued to pass,” she continued. “It felt like I had been laying there for at least twenty minutes begging for help. And then a man stopped and ran over to me and got the police my way…so thank you to the amazing man that stopped and helped me as everyone else was passing. I have no idea who you are but thank you…I could never repay you for your act of kindness.”
“The next month or so I will be recovering from a broken vertebrae which has caused numbness in my hands and fingers and pain all throughout my neck, back, and shoulders,” she added. “While recovering physically I’m going to take time to recover spiritually and mentally as well. I want to be the best version of myself possible and that will happen. We all make mistakes…all that matters is how we learn and grow from them. I truly believe that God has used this situation to open my eyes to what is truly important in life and to put my focus back on Him in order to live the right life and be unbelievably happy.”
The Atlanta-based starlet also had a message for her critics.
“To all of you hurtful people that are saying that I deserved it and got what was coming for me,” she wrote, “you need Jesus and I’ll help by praying for you.”
Matthew McConaughey has packed on and lost a whopping 47 pounds for his latest role.
“I haven’t ever done that,” he told E! News about gaining weight for his role in “Gold,” filmed in 2015. “I said, ‘McConaughey, you have six months to say yes to whatever you want to eat and whatever you want to drink. Whenever.’ That was fun. The only thing that gets tiring is the thought of quitting. It was fortunate that I was like, ‘Oh, this is also my job, so let’s go — all green lights.’”
The 47-year-old had only previously dropped weight for films, most notably for “Dallas Buyers Club,” which earned him an Academy Award in 2015.
“My favorite food is cheeseburgers, so I was eating cheeseburgers all the time,” McConaughey said. “I was making cheeseburgers. I was trying out all these fast food restaurants that I’ve never had, or I’ve only had one time. Not that much sweets. Cheeseburgers and beer will do the trick.”
For months, McConaughey worked at adding on the pounds. He stopped exercising and became lazy, refusing to even take stairs to the second floor.
“That would be too much exercise,” he told the site.
But when it was all finished, then came the “daunting” task of dropping the weight.
“I had to be patient,” he said. “I looked at myself like, ‘This is not going to happen overnight. This isn’t going to happen in a couple or a few months.’”
Although he’s somewhat back in shape, McConaughey quipped, “I still have a couple things back here that feel like they’re renting to own.”
“Shark Tank” cast member Kevin O’Leary is running for the leadership of Canada’s opposition Conservative Party.
O’Leary is a businessman and television commentator who has drawn comparisons to Donald Trump. He said Wednesday the party needs a candidate who can beat Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and bring jobs back to Canada.
O’Leary declined to hold a news conference for the announcement, preferring social media and interviews with select media.
He’s competing against 13 lower-profile candidates. Former Conservative ministers such as Peter MacKay and Jason Kenney have declined to run for the leadership.
Trudeau remains popular in polls, though O’Leary says Trudeau is “destroying” Canada with debt.
Jerry Seinfeld and Netflix have announced a deal that will bring the star’s interview show “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” to the streaming service later this year.
Netflix says new episodes of “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” will premiere in late 2017 and previous episodes will also be made available. The show has streamed on Crackle since its debut in 2012.
Seinfeld will also film two new stand-up specials for Netflix to be released later this year. In addition, Netflix says Seinfeld will “help develop scripted and non-scripted comedy programming” on the platform.
Terms of the deal haven’t been announced.
“Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” features Seinfeld chatting with guests in classic cars and coffee shops.
Octavia Spencer, who won an Oscar and several other awards for best supporting actress in “The Help,” was named Woman of the Year on Wednesday by Harvard University’s Hasty Pudding Theatricals.
“The Pudding is proud to honor an actress whose depth of talent has captivated audiences with her comedic wit and her graceful portrayals of the underrepresented,” the student group said in a statement.
Spencer is scheduled to be honored with a parade through the streets of Cambridge on Jan. 26, followed by a roast and the presentation of her pudding pot.
“We are humbled by her talent and are so honored that our little pudding pot will be sitting alongside Ms. Spencer’s Oscar and Golden Globe on her mantle,” Hasty Pudding co-producer Adam Chiavacci said.
In addition to her Academy Award, Spencer won a Golden Globe and a BAFTA Award for her portrayal of Minny Jackson in 2011’s “The Help.”
She is currently appearing alongside Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monae and Kevin Costner in “Hidden Figures,” a film about the behind-the-scenes contributions of several African-American women in the early years of the NASA program.
She also played Johanna in the “Allegiant” movie franchise.
The award has been handed out annually since 1951 to people who have made lasting and impressive contributions to the world of entertainment. Previous Hasty Pudding winners include Meryl Streep, Katharine Hepburn and Helen Mirren. Kerry Washington was last year’s recipient.
“Deadpool” actor Ryan Reynolds was named the 2017 Hasty Pudding Man of the Year last week.
Hasty Pudding says it is the nation’s oldest collegiate theatrical organization, tracing its roots to the late 1700s.
John Legend, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban and Metallica are set to perform at the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles next month.
Underwood and Urban are both up for Grammys this year. Underwood’s “Church Bells” and Urban’s “Blue Ain’t Your Color” are nominated for best country solo performance. Urban’s “Ripcord” is also up for best country album. Metallica singer James Hetfield and drummer Lars Ulrich are nominated for best rock song for “Hardwired.”
Additional acts will be named ahead of the Feb. 12 show. It will be broadcast on CBS and hosted by “Late Late Show” host James Corden.
“Orange Is The New Black” star Taryn Manning and Netflix are shooting down a report that the actress quit the show.
In Touch magazine reported Wednesday that Manning was leaving the show because she needed to get away from her character and was planning to move from New York, where the show is filmed, to Los Angeles.
Manning responded to the report on Instagram on Wednesday, writing “quit never maybe fired but No.”
A Netflix spokesperson tells Movie TV Tech Geeks that the story is not true and Manning remains on the show.
In Touch has removed the story from its website.
Manning plays inmate “Pennsatucky” on the prison dramedy.
“Will & Grace” is making a comeback.
NBC said Wednesday that 10 new episodes are set to air during the 2017-18 season. The series will feature original stars Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Sean Hayes and Megan Mullally.
Series creators Max Mutchnick and David Kohan are aboard as executive producers, and series director James Burrows also will be back, NBC said.
In a statement, NBC Entertainment Chairman Robert Greenblatt called the series groundbreaking for its witty approach to social issues including gay rights.
Discussions about reviving “Will & Grace” began immediately after the stars appeared in an election-themed reunion video last September, said Jennifer Salke, president of NBC Entertainment.
“Will & Grace” aired from 1998 to 2006 and won Emmy Awards as best comedy series and for its stars.
“Star Trek: Discovery” may or may not land on CBS All Access in May, as previously announced.
If not, it would be the second delay for this latest TV edition of the “Star Trek” franchise, which originally was promised for delivery this month.
On Wednesday, CBS Television Studios and CBS All Access weren’t conceding to a further delay. But they seemed to claim wiggle room by stating, “We will be flexible on a launch date if it’s best for the show.”
Production starts next week, they said.
They also said James Frain has been added to the cast. Frain (“Gotham” and “Orphan Black”) will play Sarek, father of Spock.
After the premiere airs on the CBS broadcast network, further episodes will be available only to subscribers to CBS All Access.
Currently in-production movie Ocean’s Eight is looking to be one of the most star-studded flicks yet. The spin-off film, which is set to debut in theatres in mid-2018, features numerous well-known actors and entertainers. From award-winning actress Sandra Bullock to feisty songstress Rihanna to Lord of the Rings heroine Cate Blanchett, the cast is packed with numerous big name stars.
Early this week, this impressive ensemble continued to grow, as reality stars Kendall and Kylie Jenner, as well as their older sister Kim Kardashian, shot cameos for Ocean’s Eight.
On Monday, the trio of sisters was spotted all dolled up, while filming their brief appearances for the upcoming movie in New York City. Based on what witnesses observed of the movie set, Kim, Kendall and Kylie’s cameo in the movie will centre on some sort of Met Gala-esque event. During filming, Kim wore a glamorous Givenchy ensemble, Kendall sported a long white Elie Sabe gown and Kylie stood out in a Vetements x Canada Goose puffer jacket.
At this point, Ocean’s Eight is scheduled to hit theatres on June 8th, 2018.
Over the weekend, supermodel Bella Hadid decided to jump on the young Hollywood bandwagon and get some permanent ink.
On Sunday, the 20-year-old visited celebrity tattoo artist Jon Boy at his New York City tattoo parlor. Here, she opted to get two angel wings tattooed on the sides of her ankles.
Shortly after inking the Victoria’s Secret model, Jon took to his Instagram to show off the latest additions to his celebrity tattoo portfolio. In a two-shot series, Jon posted pictures of the petite, dainty black wings on the outside of each of Bella’s ankles.
Jonboytattoo, Instagram post:
Jon also posted a shot of him posing with the young beauty, who was sporting a black ensemble with translucent cat eye sunglasses.
While Jon Boy was quick to share pictures of Bella’s newest tats on social media, the model herself has yet to address her latest ink. However, her silence hasn’t stopped fans from speculating what motivated her to get the two small wings tattooed on her ankles.
One of the most popular theories surrounding Bella’s tattoos is that the young model got them in order to commemorate her debut on the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show catwalk (back in December 2016). The brunette beauty made no attempt to hide her excitement about landing the gig, so it isn’t all that far-fetched to assume that she got her new tats as a reminder of her huge accomplishment.
On the other hand, countless fans have been speculating that the wings symbolize the end of her recent relationship. As you may know, Bella broke up with her boyfriend The Weeknd in late 2015. Just a few days ago, the Starboy artist was seen kissing and cuddling up to former Disney star Selena Gomez. According to insiders, Bella felt “betrayed” by Selena and was shocked to see her ex already move on from their relatively long-term relationship. Inevitably, there are rumors that Bella’s wing tats symbolize the newfound freedom she has to move on to bigger and better things.
Regardless of the motive, it looks like Bella is ready for a fresh start in 2017.
Ever since his ex Angelina Jolie announced that she was filing for divorce, we have not seen many smiles from award-winning actor Brad Pitt. Fortunately, over the weekend, he finally had the chance to let loose while participating in a celebrity charity event.
On Saturday, the Benjamin Button star attended the 4th annual ROCK4EB! Event, which was held at a private home in Malibu. At the event, Brad helped welcome musical guests Sting and Chris Cornell on stage. The two musical guests sang acoustic renditions of The Police’s hit “Every Breath You Take,” as well as Soundgarden’s hit “Black Hole Son.”
According to a fellow guest at the charity event, Brad seemed to be in good spirits throughout the night. The source told E! News, “[Brad] was in a great mood. He hung out with his peeps.” One social media user posted a video of Brad introducing Chris and Sting to the stage on their Instagram page.
Vaitiarehirshon, Instagram post: Brad, Sting and Chris weren’t the only big stars at the event. This year, ROCK4EB! was hosted by comedic actor Zach Galifianakis. The event is put on every year in support of the Epidermolysis Bullosa Medical Research Foundation. Brad has a special connection to the cause, as he sits on the Foundation’s Board of Directors.
Moreover, despite going through his own personal difficulties, Brad is evidently still committed to furthering the charitable work he (and his ex-wife) has become known for.
Late this past weekend, further details were released regarding the scary Paris robbery Kim Kardashian was involved in back in October.
While it was already revealed that the robbers who had broke into the reality star’s hotel room tied her up and managed to run off with several million dollars worth of jewelry, the newly released details outline what Kim told the police just hours after being robbed.
The French newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche just put out an article, which includes the full police report from the night of the theft. Around 4:30 AM (promptly after the robbery), Kim told law enforcement, “I heard a noise at the door, like footsteps, and I shouted, asking, ‘Who’s there?’ No one answered. I called my bodyguard at 2:56 AM. Through the door, I saw two people arrive, plus the night man who was tied up…it’s the one with the ski goggles who stayed with me. He demanded with a strong French accent, my ring. It was on the bedside table. It’s worth 4 million dollars. I told him that I didn’t know… he took out a gun and I showed him the ring.”
Kim went on to elaborate to the Paris police, “They grabbed me and took me into the hallway. I was wearing a bathrobe, naked underneath. Then we went in the room again and they pushed me on the bed. And, it was this time, they tied me up with plastic cables, taped my hands – then they put tape over my mouth and my legs. I think they robbed me of 5 million dollars. Then they left on the run.”
Trying to give the investigators as much as insight as she could about the terrifying incident, the famous mother of 2 told the police, “I felt [the robbers] were a bit inexperienced because of the way they tied me up.”
Fortunately, a total of 10 people have now been charged in connection to the robbery and Kim seems to be doing a lot better in her post-trauma recovery.
Coinciding with the release of his latest project, Netflix’s take on A Series of Unfortunate Events, actor Neil Patrick Harris talked candidly about what his family thinks about the new show.
Over a decade ago, Jim Carey brought the role of Count Olaf to life in the 2004 movie A Series of Unfortunate Events. However, the film was not well received by fans of the book series, as well as critics. Subsequently, it took over 10 years for a studio to revive the story – which Netflix has now done.
In the first season of the Netflix series, which includes 8 episodes, Neil Patrick Harris is featured as the sinister Count Olaf – a beloved, yet intimidating role, as Series fans have long expressed their high expectations of what the character should be like on screen.
At the AOL press event, Neil told E! News that he had already won at least 2 pint-size fans over with his portrayal of the Count. Neil confessed, “[My two 6-year-old twins Harper and Gideon] loved it. They thought it was silly.” The How I Met Your Mother actor went on to elaborate, “It’s dark. They were a little freaked out at times, but just when it gets too dark, it gets silly again. So for kids who are six and up, they were a little spooked and then got a big laugh right afterwards.”
In the series, Neil sports a wardrobe of elaborate, Count-esque costumes. At the AOL event, he explained his twins’ thoughts on his crazy outfits, saying, “[My twins] laughed, they thought it was just strange. I think it’s important to not just show up as a different person, but to let them know that I’m going to be doing this and it’s going to involve a lot of physical changes and then show them pictures of the stages of the changes, so by the time they see and interact with me as someone else, it’s not too bizarre, they’ve seen the process.”
You can now watch A Series of Unfortunate Events, the TV series, on Netflix.
Just after finalizing him divorce from actress Amber Heard, Johnny Depp entered yet another legal battle.
This week, the Pirates of the Caribbean star filed a $25 million lawsuit against The Management Group, which previously managed several of his business and career ventures. According to Johnny, the organization had mismanaged his finances and committed several acts deserving of financial penalty, including outright fraudulent behavior.
In the 52-page court filing, Johnny’s legal team explained, ”As a result of years of gross mismanagement and sometimes outright fraud, Mr. Depp lost tens of millions of dollars and has been forced to dispose of significant assets to pay for TMG’s self-dealing and gross misconduct.”
If what Johnny accuses TMG of doing is accurate, the actor has certainly had his fair share of financial difficulties over the past while. In his divorce settlement with Amber, he ended up paying her $7 million. In addition, his ex got to keep their dogs, Pistol and Boo, their horse Arrow, as well as a Ford Mustang they shared.
Hopefully, Johnny’s filing against TMG doesn’t end up being as messy and drawn out as his divorce case was – although, it likely will.
While he may only be 2 years old, celebrity mini-me Otis Alexander Sudeikis already has something he will be able to brag about for the rest of his life.
On Thursday night’s edition of Bravo!’s Watch What Happens Live, Otis’ father, comedic actor Jason Sudeikis, revealed that his son was given a present from the one-and-only Beyoncé.
Before Otis had even turned 2, Jason was already ranting about his son’s Beyoncé obsession while doing a guest appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers. On the show, Jason revealed that his son had become enamored with the talented diva after watching her incredibly impressive Super Bowl halftime performance.
Evidently, Queen Bey caught wind of Otis’ affinity for her and she decided to send him a gift for his 2nd birthday (back in April of 2016).
On Watch What Happens Live, Jason told host Andy Cohen that Beyoncé had sent Otis his very own, personalized signed photo of her. Jason went on to admit that the present “was pretty adorable” and well received by his pint size Beyoncé super fan.
Fortunately, Beyoncé’s surprise gift complemented Otis’ 2nd birthday’s theme perfectly. While on the late night talk show, Jason admitted, “[Otis’] 2nd birthday was a Beyoncé-themed party. It was great.”
If Otis plays his cards right he may just have the opportunity to meet the Lemonade star for his upcoming 3rd birthday (April 20th, 2017)!
The big news out of young Hollywood this week was the evident romance blooming between Starboy artist The Weeknd and “Hands to Myself” songstress Selena Gomez.
Earlier in the week, on Tuesday, Selena and Abel (The Weeknd’s legal name) were photographed cuddling up to each other after enjoying a romantic dinner date together. While their relationship is still in the beginning stages, sources close to Abel claim that he has had a crush on the former Disney star for quite some time. One insider told E! News, “Abel always had a thing for Selena. He thinks she is extremely talented and sexy. They started talking before the holidays but she has been on his radar before.” The insider went on to add, “[Selena and Abel] are on the same level with expectations and think the other is really fun. They are taking things slowly and getting to know each other.”
Despite the fact that the new Hollywood couple is supposedly “taking things [slow]”, there are rumors circulating that Abel’s recent ex, model Bella Hadid, is not too happy with him already moving on to Selena. A source close to Bella told E! News, “[Bella] is actually not over The Weeknd. She still loves him. They are on fine terms, but she is bitter about the romance with Selena. She was not happy when all of that gossip went everywhere between The Weeknd and Selena.”
The same source went on to add, “It really hurt [Bella] seeing Selena be all up on her man. She still feels like [her and Abel] have a connection.”
While Bella has yet to speak out on her ex’s new romance, she did make her feelings pretty clear through social media. Almost immediately after the photos of Selena and The Weeknd made rounds on the Internet, Bella opted to unfollow Selena on Instagram. However, the supermodel is still following her former beau on her various social media platforms.
“Bella has reached out to Abel a few times and told him Selena is using him,” says a Hadid pal. “He thinks she’s just jealous and isn’t listening to her.”
Fortunately for Kim Kardashian, the investigators handling her terrifying Paris robbery case are moving very quickly. Just a couple of days ago, French law enforcement confirmed that they had 17 people in custody, all of which were being questioned based on their speculated involvement in the theft.
Fast forward to Thursday, officials revealed that they have now officially charged four suspects.  Through in-depth questioning, the Paris Prosecutor’s office was able to charge Yunice A., 63, Marceau B., 64, Florus H., 45 and Gary M., 27. While the first three appear to have no connection to the reality star, Gary is actually Kim’s Paris limo driver’s brother.
In terms of charges, Yunice, Marceau and Florus are being accused of several different felonies, some of which include committing a robbery with a gun, abduction, and associating with criminals. Meanwhile, law enforcement only found enough evidence to charge Gary with involvement in a robbery conspiracy. The latter charge falls in line with what Paris police thought from the start: that the robbery was an inside job.
Kim’s younger sister Khloe Kardashian talked candidly about the whole ordeal with E! News’ Catt Sadler, while promoting her new reality show, Revenge Body with Khloe Kardashian. She ranted, “It’s just disgusting that someone would rob anybody, whether you’re the poorest of the poor or the richest of the rich. No one deserves to be treated like that, so I think anybody should be accountable for those actions that they do.” Khloe went on to reveal that the latest development in the investigation has already brought “comfort” to Kim, as it was a “traumatic experience” for both her and their whole family.
In honor of Zayn Malik’s 24th birthday (on January 12th, 2017), singer Taylor Swift shared an exclusive sneak peek of his upcoming music video on social media.
Last weekend, paparazzi snapped photos of Zayn shooting the music video for his latest hit “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever” outside of a London hotel. These pictures prompted ample speculation, as fans anxiously waited to find out if Zayn’s collaborator on the song, Taylor Swift, would also be in the video (as she was not spotted in London during the shoot).
Fortunately, Taylor put an end to the speculation – as she shared a glimpse of both her and Zayn in the video, while also giving Zayn a birthday shout out.
On Thursday, Taylor posted an Instagram picture that showed her and Zayn’s recognizable silhouettes back-to-back while in a blue-lit room. Alongside the picture, Taylor captioned, “HAPPY Z DAY.”
Taylor Swift, Instagram post:
As mentioned, Taylor and Zayn’s duet is called “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever” and is one of the featured tracks on the upcoming Fifty Shades Darker movie soundtrack. A few days ago, the official Fifty Shades Darker track list was released and it included quite a few prominent artists, including Nick Jonas, John Legend, Halsey, Nicki Minaj, Tove Lo and Sia.
Unfortunately, you will not be able to listen to the soundtrack until the movie is released into theatres, which is February 10th. However, it is very likely that we will be seeing Taylor and Zayn’s music video well before then.
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