#plus I say with love that they are two idiots who’d do this too
sim0nril3y · 1 year
Driving Worries
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Civilian!Reader Scenario: Simon gets a first hand experience at your driving and is less than impressed Note: Set in 2014 Warnings: No mask Simon (It's my personal headcanon in his regular life he probably wouldn't wear it), teasing, canon-typical swearing, very bad driving, very British driving.
Simon had begrudgingly agreed to joining you at a drink out over your friend’s house for the evening. In your own words it was one of your nicer friends, which made him a little worried about the rest of your friends. Regardless, if it would make you happy then Simon would join. Plus, you’d offered to drive so at least he could sit back and relax on the journey, or at least that was what he had thought…
The beginning of the journey was harrowing. There were multiple times that Simon had to remind you the speed limit, wave his hand apologetically to other vehicles you had pulled out on. All this whilst you happily sat beside him, either chatting away or humming along to the music. His sunshine girl. Fuck, she was gonna kill them both.
The way that Simon gripped at the handle above him as you drove a little too close to a parked car. His eyes flickered over as you continued to hum along happily to the radio seemingly unaware that you’d almost written-off your car along with the poor idiot who’d parked on the curb. “Turn this down a bit…” His fingers diligently rolled the sound down on your stereo as you frowned in his direction. “Eyes on the road.” He commanded, now that the radio was low, he could hear the gears churning, it made him visibly wince, allowing for it to continue thinking that maybe you might right the error before needing to be told, but it didn’t happen. “Think you’re in the wrong gear, love…” “Oh yeah…” You laughed with ease, changing the gear with a heavy sound.
As they approached a busy roundabout Simon wondered if he should just stare straight ahead and pray for the best, but the moment he glanced to his right and saw you about to pull out into two cars he had to stop it. Yanking up the hand break furiously you looked at him suddenly. “Who the fuck let you pass your test? Are you having a laugh? You could have killed us both.”
“What are you talking about?” Taking your foot off the clutch without taking it out of gear lead it to stall and you huffed. “Bloody hell. Look what you’ve made me do now…” “Good. Fuckin’ hell. Swap with me. Now.” He commanded in a rough voice. Unplugging his seat belt Simon rounded the car, angrily glaring at anyone backed-up behind them who dared to think about honking. You climbed over the centre console and took the passenger seat. “Kid, you fuckin’ terrify me…” Simon took a moment to roll back the seat from where it was uncomfortably close to the steering wheel.
You had the gall to laugh, pinching your brows together and saying. “I have no idea what I did wrong.” His hands gripped at the steering wheel and looked over to you for a second. “That is the most worrying thing…” A second later pulling out safely onto the roundabout and continuing the journey. “I always thought it would be going to war that would kill me, but I think it might actually be your driving that does it.”
Leaning over she pushed his shoulder gently. “Don’t say that.” She commanded softly, clearly the idea of him not being around was something she certainly wasn’t comfortable joking about. “Sorry.” He huffed, reaching over and squeezing her knee. “You scared me.” You scoffed and shook your head. “I’m serious. You fuckin’ really scared me. I can cope with being in danger, but not… not you.” He said, squeezing your knee again, feeling terror bubbling at the base of his spine.
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The night with your friend and her partner hadn’t been as bad as Simon had been expecting, it was a nice evening so you’d had a little BBQ whilst sat in their back garden. They both seemed nice enough and Simon was just happy to get a little insight into your life outside of him.
A few paces in front of him you approached your call, pulling your keys from your purse and said. “I’ll drive-” In a second Simon snatched then from your hands and wrapped his arm around your waist to yank you firmly back against his warm body. “Absolutely fuckin’ not.” You laughed as he walked you forward pressed you against the car. “I value my life, but more important I value your life.” He pressed a kiss to the side of your face. “Get in.” He smacked your rear as he moved to the other side of the car.
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Masterlist | Ask | 09-09-2023
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findafight · 3 years
*lies face down talking to my worn down carpet* hey guys what about a painted lady x blue spirit vigilante zutara au except it’s a love square between two people like miraculous ladybug. That’d be neat. (Painted lady crushed on blue spirit but zuko is a Katara stan through and through. cue tangled mutual pining.)
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disasterfandoms · 3 years
Meet My Dad || A Brock Reynolds x Carter!Reader Imagine
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A/N: SO we were brainstomring in one of my discord groups about what would it be like if Full Metal had a daughter, and now it’s a thing where if i write this for @theysayitscrazy then @bravo-four-seal-team has to behave for a week. Also, this contains the ship Trent/Metal.
Join the Taglist!
TW: a tiny bit of smut (no nudity or graphic depictions), protective parent, murder threats
Taglist: @milfdeacon​ @bravo-four-seal-team​ @rebelwrites​ @chibsytelford​ @velvetcardiganbucky​ @jayhalsteadfan-2417​ @mrsmarvelous1995​ @madhare0512​ @galaxysanduniversesinmymind​ @iris-oaklee-carter-911oc​ @kobababy​ @i-love-scott-mccall​ @pinkrockstar19​ @supervalcsi​ @itsonautopilot​ @abby-splace​ @innerpaperexpertcloud​ @softi92​ @thelovelyleo23​ @jasonbabymama​ @peaches-1999​​
“Dad!” You yelled, walking into his house uninvited as usual. Did you really need an invite to the place you called home for the longest time, though? He wasn’t there, that was evident by his cat, Whiskers, still needing to be fed for the morning. You filled his bowl with kibble, petting the old boy who used to keep you company on dark and stormy nights. 
You walk further into his kitchen, seeing the note on the counter that said that he’d be back later. You write a note back, telling him that you’ll be at your boyfriends, and to call you later. You pet the cat once more, before leaving the home, suddenly nervous at the thought of your dad knowing about you and Brock, and your plan for them to meet.
Full Metal came home a couple hours later, petting Whiskers and putting the groceries away. You and him had a weekly gumbo night, where you all eat and either watch a movie or play some games, getting your time with each other you two needed in in one night. 
He’s been a single dad for over twenty years, your mom having left him and you when you were just three years old. He bared no hard feelings, his life and job was complicated and she never truly wanted to be a mom. So, he took time to figure out how to parent you while being home all the time, and figured who’d watch you when he was away. You two made it work, and now you’re closer than ever.
He found the note, noticing your handwriting right away, and visibly paled as he read its contents. A boyfriend? Who? and when? He could have sworn you would have told him before now about any boy you were seeing. He needed to take a breath, calm down. You were a grown adult, with an apartment of your own and a stable job, it wasn’t the end of the world that his baby had a boyfriend.
He took a second, making sure his hands stopped shaking before he picked up the phone, dialing the oh-so-familiar number. 
You were straddling Brock’s lap, your tongues colliding as you moved in sync. His lips had then attached to your neck, causing you to moan. Your hands were tangled into his hair, causing him to groan when you pulled it accidentally. His hands travelled down your back, resting just before the opening of your jeans. One hand slid up your shirt, his hands feeling rough against your soft skin, you giggling as he flipped you over, so he was on top. 
He opened your legs, putting his knee right next to your covered core, letting you grind against it as he continued his trail of kisses down your chest. He almost took his shirt off when you heard your phone ring, interrupting the fun that was about to come. You quickly grabbed it, groaning as it was your dad. Brock nodded in understanding, moving to lay beside you on the bed as you answered, “Hi Dad!”
“Y/N, you left a note. Boyfriend? Who the fuck are you dating? Why haven’t you told me about this guy beforehand?” Metal shot off at an impressive pace, not impressed that she told him this through a note, for fucks sake.
“I’m great! How are you, are we on for gumbo tonight? I brought him up because I thought about bringing him.” You said sarcastically, moving to snuggle up to Brock, who happily wrapped his arms around you, his leg intertwining with yours.
Metal was pacing in his living room now, rolling his eyes at the sarcasm he heard at the beginning of your response. “You want to bring him? To our tradition?” He asked, shocked you’d even consider it.
“Well, yeah, Dad, it’s just one gumbo night for you to meet him and get to know him outside of work. Besides, you bring Trent sometimes!” You retorted, huffing at the hypocrisy. You could hear Brock chuckling beside you, causing you to stick your tongue out at him.
“That’s different, it’s Trent!” He shot back, stopping his pacing as he was worried he was going to step on Whiskers. He then continued, “Trent’s being invited if you bring him. Wait,” he spoke, his mind registering what all you said thirty seconds ago, “Outside of work? HE WORKS AT DEVGRU?!?!?” He yelled, feeling his face getting hot with anger. One of those idiots is dating his kid?
You put the phone away from your ear, he’s always deafening when he’s angry. Brock kissed your shoulder, one of his hands moving up to grab your breast, massaging it gently, causing you to roll your eyes. “Yes, he works at DEVGRU. He’s on Bravo, with Trent. Invite him! You know I love T,” you say easily, your breath hitching as Brock continues to tease you.
Metal doesn’t even know what to reply to that. He’s full on having a meltdown. His kid, his sweet, caring, loving child is dating someone in Bravo. Oh, Oh god, They’re dating that cocky ass kid. “I gotta go, see you two tonight.” He said quickly, before hanging up without you getting a word in. He rubbed his face with his free hand, before calling Trent to come over.
“He hung up,” you said simply, putting the phone back down on the nightstand, before focusing on the man beside you. You adored him, not just physically, but the kind soul he has, and the willingness to do whatever was necessary to keep you safe and happy. You knew your Dad was a bit... much, but you hoped once he saw you two together, he would calm a bit. “Now, where were we..” you trailed off, giggling as he turned over onto you, starting where you both had left off.
Trent was a little worried when Full Metal called him, panicking at the apparent fact that Clay was dating his kid. Trent had been around you since you were a little kid, becoming very close to Metal as they started working together at DEVGRU. 
He was incredibly amused at the fact that Metal was having a meltdown while simultaneously starting the gumbo for the night. He wouldn’t interrupt the man, he’s just here to listen and watch his friend chop and cook everything the gumbo needed ingredient wise, while yelling at how Clay was too arrogant foe his own good. 
“Of course Y/N would go out with him. Why go for one of us, anyways?” he asked rhetorically, chopping up the andouille sausage, probably imagining it was Clay’s.. well... you know.
“Because they were raised by you? And surrounded by a Naval influence their entire life?” Trent shot back, chuckling as Metal glared at him. Man, if looks could kill...
“Scott, take a breath. You raised Y/N well, they must see something in Clay to not only go out with them, but to want to introduce him to you,” Trent tried to reassure the man, who this time took a deeply breath and nodded.
“I just don’t want them to get hurt,” he spoke quietly, shaking his head at the thought. You were his child, his only one at that, he hated seeing you cry, especially over some dumb ass kid.
Trent nodded, standing up to go over to him, rubbing his back. He didn’t say a word, he didn’t need to. He’s helped Scott raise you since you were a kid, he felt similarly about keeping you safe.
They were silent for a while, before Trent felt like he needed to reassure Scott one more time. “Tonight will be fine, you’ll meet the boyfriend, be polite tonight and then tomorrow you can threaten all you want,” he offered up, and it worked, as he saw Scott smile for the first time today.
“Come tonight?” Metal asked, he didn’t want to have to deal with this alone. Plus, he could just have it on his head that this is just the team hanging out and you just so happened to be there.
Trent nodded, smiling at the offer. He knew Scott needed someone here with them to keep him calm, and he was secretly hoping he’d ask him to stay anyways, the guy makes a mean gumbo.
It was three hours later, and Brock was suddenly incredibly nervous. He knew Metal was going to kill him, especially because it was his only kid that we’re talking about. He was in love with them, though, so he guessed he’d make it work.
“It’s going to be fine, Dad’s just a big teddy bear,” you reassure him, watching him chuckle nervously. You smiled, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. Your boyfriend may be a man of few words, but it was no secret he was worried about your dad’s reaction.
The silence was comfortable as he drove you both towards your childhood home. He was quiet, taking in the site of the place where Metal raised you, squeezing your hand when he heard you take a shaky breath.
“Hey,” he said quietly, catching your attention as you were getting lost in your worries. “I love you, Y/N/N.”
You smile brightly, saying “I love you too,” before he pulls you in for a kiss, all and full of adoration. He breaks away for a few moments, kissing your nose in the process, causing you to giggle.
You lead him up the steps to the front door, noting that Trent’s bike was in it’s usual spot. You smiled a little, happy your dad’s boyfriend was here to enjoy the chaos. You whispered to Brock, “I told you my dad and Trent were together, right?”
Brock’s eyes widened, shaking his head. Oh, this was going to be fun, he thought, before taking a deep breath. You smile at him, before opening the door, going into your family home, which was warm and the smell of the spices in the gumbo. You picked up Whiskers, who was hanging out in the cat tree by the entryway, and said to Brock, “This is Mr. Whiskers, he used to keep me safe when it was storming and Dad was on a mission.”
Brock saw the way your eyes lit up with you saw the cat, and his heart melted a little bit. He pet the furry creature, personally he wasn’t a fan of cats but he couldn’t help but pet him. 
You put him down, taking his hand as you guide him further into the home, yelling, “T, Dad! We’re here!” You give his hand a squeeze, bringing  him to the living room. 
Trent came out from the living room, smiling as he saw you with... Brock. “Hey kid,” he hugged you tightly, before finally breaking, laughing hysterically at the fact that it was Brock you were with.
Oh, this was going to be fun. 
Metal left the kitchen, hearing his boyfriend of five years laughing hysterically. He walks in, seeing Trent doubled over in laughter, looking at you, smiling. “Hey baby,” He spoke softly, opening his arms for a hug, looking at who she brought with her, completely expect Clay, and not... Brock?
“Brock? Dog boy? Seriously?” He asked, causing Brock to laugh a little bit.
You backed away from your Dad, going to your boyfriend, who immediately wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You shot back, “Well, yeah? Who else would I have gone for, Sonny?”
Oh, yeah, that broke Metal. 
He just stared at you two, trying to form words, but his brain was short-circuiting. Trent was in tears, laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe. “Didn’t.... see that...coming,” he finally got out, grabbing onto Metal’s shoulder yo hold him up.
“I thought you were dating Clay,” your dad said slowly, shaking his head at the fact you brought the weird one home... typical.
You look at him confused, “No... Brock and I have been together for almost a year,” you tell him gently, smiling as your feel Brock kiss your forehead. You leaned into him for comfort, worried about what your dad will say.
“I... alright,” he sighed, smiling as Trent kissed him on the cheek. Trent was proud of him being calm, and not threatening your boyfriend. In reality, he was planning Brock’s death a very violent way, and where to hide the body.
The night went smoothly, a little too smoothly, if you were honest. Everyone ate and had a good time, the night ending with each Carter cuddled up to their significant other, watching a horror movie.
Brock had went to start the truck after the movie was over, letting you to hug your dads. “Thank you,” you whispered, smiling at Metal.
“what for?” he chuckled, letting go so you could hug Trent.
“For being nice to him, and not threatening to kill him,” you chcuckled as you hugged Trent, who went back to having his arms wrapped around Metal when you let go. Metal nodded, as you said goodbye, not knowing his plans for in the morning. 
“You did good, babe,” Trent mumbled, kissing his cheek before making sure the food was away, getting ready to go to bed.
All was quiet on the base the next morning, the hustle and bustle of the military operation at it’s usual pace. All of Bravo trickled in one by one, no one understanding the scene in front of them as they entered the cage room.
In front of Brock’s locker, there was a hatchet, a bag of lye, and a shovel; along with a note which was written in, what looked like, blood.
You hurt my kid, these tools will be used in removing you from the situation. The hatchet will be used to cut you up into bite-sized pieces for Cerberus to enjoy. What is left of you will be dissolved by the lye, and you will be buried where no one can find the evidence. 
They’re my child, I will do whatever it takes to make sure they are happy and safe.
I’m watching you.”
Bravo watched Brock visibly pale as he read the note, causing Trent to smile, shaking his head at his boyfriend’s antics. He should have known last night was too calm, that Metal was being polite because Y/N didn’t want their father to be overprotective. 
Oh well, at least Brock understood now the consequences if he fucked up.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
A Thousand Little Moments (That Help Me Heal)
Requested by @alphamoonlunala9391 "Can you do more parts of What Could Have Been Was Good, But What We Have Now Is Better please and maybe make the character a god hybrid reader"
and sort of @noctis-yeye
This is the Part three of You Didn't Need Us Then, We Don't Need You Now and What Could Have Been Was Good, But What We Have Now Is Better
Quackity x reader; Past mentioned Sapnap x karl x quackity x reader
trigger warnings: some swearing, existentialism? kind of? (Charlie being like, 'everything turns to dust so whats the point')
premise: it's like i said in the part two, its just gonna be a bunch of little scenes that happen in the two year gap, plus the wedding that would then happen at the end of part two for the last scene (no I don't really know how proper weddings go, all the ones i've been too were ~weird~ soooo...)
{to the asker who actually went in my inbox to request, I can't make reader a hybrid because its too late in the series to really change it}
{snowchester las nevadas conflict- we don't know her}
"(y/n) from Las Nevadas?"
You glanced up from your work to find Charlie at your office door, "Yeah Charlie?"
"This place 'ill be around a while right? No- no explosions like L'manburg?" He slid into the room and dropped into one of the chairs in front of your desk.
You frowned, "How do you know about L'manburg?"
"I told you- I move slow, but I've seen a lot. L'manburg was nice- but then it was gone."
You sighed, "I know... I was there- all three times. L'manburg was my home before Las Nevadas."
"If you and Quackity from Las Nevadas want me to stay here- which it sounds like you do, I want to know: Las Nevadas will be around for a while, right? I don't want it to go to dust like everything else does."
"As much as we can help it Charlie," You glanced down at your desk, "I'm not gonna let another home get destroyed."
You sighed, running a hand through your hair as you made it to the top of the needle.
Purpled was still sitting near the edge of the deck where he'd stayed after you'd finished the tour. It seemed the only difference now, was that behind him the sky was dark, and speckled with stars.
"You got room for company kid?" You asked quietly.
He nodded, and you quickly moved to sit next to him, "So what do you think of the place?"
"'s alright." He mumbled.
"Charlie wasn't enough to scare you off?" You chuckled.
He shook his head, "Nah... Where did you find that guy?"
"Sneakin around one of the restaurants." You laughed.
"He's insane."
"Yeah no, probably." You sighed.
Purpled got quiet again, turning to look back out over the city, "Why'd you offer me a spot here? You said it wasn't a job, so why actually offer it to me?"
You frowned, thinking for a moment, "I guess- ever since L'manburg- I don't want to see anyone else suffering on this server, especially not any more of you kids. You deserve to have a place, and people looking out for you Purpled."
"You keep saying that- but why here? How come you two are the only ones that say that?" He snapped.
Shifting to lean against the railing, you sighed again, "Did you hear about Kinoko Kingdom, when it was founded?"
"Yeah. Karl, Sapnap and George did that, didn't they?"
You nodded, "You know we were supposed to marry Sap and Karl once, Quackity and I."
"Really?" He scoffed.
"Really. Cause we'd been dating, and they'd been dating, and then Karl started hitting on Quackity, and in retaliation Sapnap was hitting on me- anyway, it felt perfect and shit right?"
"Well then one day, right before doomsday, Karl up and disappears, and of course we're worried, but there's a war on. So once its all over, Q was devastated, cause everything he built in El Rapids was gone. He'd always wanted to just make a place for us. He disappeared too.
"Sapnap and I split up to look for them, and planned to meet up here. But- they never turned up. One day we come to find out, they went and started there own place-" You stopped, clearing your throat, and shaking your head, "They abandoned us. I don't want anyone else getting abandoned. This server tried to abandon you Purp, but I'm not gonna let them."
When you looked back over at him, there was a small smile on his face, "...Thank you..."
"(y/n)! Guess who showed up today!"
You chuckled as you looked up to find Quackity leading Fundy toward where you sat at one of the tables under the needle with Charlie, "Fundy! It's so good to see you!"
"Hey (y/n)!" He smiled.
"Hello Fundy From L'manburg!" Charlie greeted excitedly.
Fundy's smile seemed to droop, "How did you know that...?"
"He knows a lot more than most people think," You said apologetically, "Anyway, how have you been?"
"Pretty alright, pretty alright." He nodded, sitting down at one of the open seats as Quackity plopped down next to you.
"That's good. It's good to see you're doing better!"
He nodded, "How have things been going over here?"
"Pretty good," Quackity grinned, "It'll be great to have another official partner on property. So far the only big one we've got living here is Purpled."
"You got Purpled to come here? Wow." Fundy chuckled.
You smiled, "Yeah, I think he's starting construction on a new UFO soon. You got any big plans for being here?"
"I'm not sure yet- but I'll figure it out," He smiled, "I've got a feeling that this place will be better than L'manburg ever could have been."
~~ "Babe, I made breakfast!"
You yawned, slowly sitting up at Quackity's call, "What kind of breakfast?"
"And Purpled From Las Nevadas taught me to make the orange juice!" Charlie exclaimed from the kitchen.
You chuckled, getting up and tugging down the sleeves of one of Quackity's long since stolen hoodies.
Out in the kitchen, Charlie was setting a pitcher of orange juice on the table as Purpled set out plates, and Fundy dug around in a cabinet looking for syrup.
You moved over to where Quackity was flipping the last of the pancakes, wrapping your arms around his waist, "Good morning."
"Good morning babe." He chuckled.
You pressed a kiss to his shoulder, ignoring the overly exaggerated gaging noise Purpled made, "Keep it to yourself!"
"Keep what to myself Purpled from UFO?" Charlie asked.
"Not you idiot!" You could hear the eye roll in his voice.
Fundy laughed, sitting up and banging his head on the cabinet.
You smiled into Quackity's back, listening to the half chaos behind you happily.
~~ "Hey Ranboo!" You greeted cheerfully as he entered the office, "What brings you here?"
"Hi (y/n), I just wanted to ask you something."
"Mhhm." You nodded as he sat down.
"Well it's Tubbo and Tommy, I'm trying to help them with all the L'manburg Schlatt, Wilbur, stuff-" He broke off with a sigh, "I just don't know what I'm doing. They need help but- I don't even know how to deal with my own issues."
You frowned, "Is it nightmares? About the festival?- or Tommy's exile?"
"Yeah... how did you guess that?"
"I know a thing or two about nightmares," You sighed, "they don't really go away like that. You aren't doing anything wrong by not knowing what to do."
Ranboo stared down at his hands, "I just feel like I should be helping them more."
"You know what helped everyone around here? Creating a home- having a place or people, that helped Fundy and Purpled, and kind of Charlie? I still don't know his deal- Anyway! just be there for them, hell, bring them here, we'll all be here for you guys."
He looked up suddenly, "Why would you guys be- why would you offer us that? We're not in your allegiance."
"I know. But I don't think any of you kids deserve what this server gives you. Bring them here or not, you all have a place here if you want it." You assured him.
"Of course."
~~ "AYYYY Big Q!"
Tommy's yell cut through the semi loud sounds of the crowded apartment.
"Tommy! You came!" Quackity exclaimed, "Hey Tubbo! Hey Ranboo! And is that Michael?"
The piglin squealed, running past him into the apartment, toward Purpled's dog.
He laughed, "Well, come in guys, Fundy's getting the movie thing ready, and Purp and Charlie are getting snacks and things."
Ranboo followed Tommy and Tubbo into the room as Charlie came from the kitchen, carrying the bowel of chips Purpled had told him to bring out, "Hey! It's Tubbo Underscore Beloved From Snowchester! And Ranboo Beloved Underscore From {redacted}! And Tomathy Careful Danger Kraken Innit from L'manburg!"
Purpled, who'd stopped in the kitchen doorway, "Did he just make a bleeped out fucking noise with his mouth?"
"Yeah- yeah no he did." Fundy confirmed.
"Your middle name is Kraken?" You asked, shuffling out with a stack of blankets.
Tommy nodded, "Yup."
You laughed, "That's- kind of ridiculous, why would Philza saddle you with that?"
"Well 'es not my dad is 'e?" Tommy scoffed.
"Wait seriously?" Quackity asked.
Tubbo laughed, "You really thought...?"
You shook your head, "Whatever... Fundy what's the status on that movie?"
"I'm almost done." He reported.
"Right, everyone get comfortable then." You said, dropping the pile of blankets you had been carrying.
Quackity plopped down onto the couch, pulling you to sit with him as Tubbo and Ranboo began to make a nest of blankets between the arm chair where Purpled sat and the couch.
Charlie passed around snacks and Fundy finished setting up the projector as the move began.
~~ You sighed, turning and pressing your face into Quackity's shoulder, "Thank you."
It had been a week since Karl and Sapnap had left Las Nevadas, and your fiancé had insisted that you take time off of managing things.
"For what baby?" He asked softly.
"Everything. I love you."
"I love you too." He murmured.
You smiled softly, looking up at him, "How long until that wedding?"
~~ "You ready?" Charlie asked.
You turned to him, looking up from the paper on which you'd written your vows, "Yeah... I think so."
He grinned, "Let's go then!"
You nodded as he looped his arm through yours and you started toward the doorway.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of Las Nevadas!" He announced, "Here we go!"
You chuckled as you started down the isle with him, grinning at Quackity, who stood, looking already close to tears.
Purpled, Fundy, Sam, Tubbo, Tommy and Michael stood in various places around the alter, Foolish glancing down at the book he held open.
As you reached the alter, he started, "Dear people, we are gathered here today to witness the sort of? holy matrimony of (y/n) (y/l/n) and Alex Quackity. If anyone here has any objections to this union speak now, or hold your peace."
There was a silence, Michaels tiny snort being the only sound before Foolish continued, "This journey, which you have started together, will continue on now, as you walk, side by side, step by step, together, now joined in such a way that you can't really get rid of each other without a divorce."
Laughs and chuckles filled the wedding hall as Quackity shook his head, "Nope, you're stuck with me babe."
You laughed, "Good."
"Now, would you recite your vows?"
You pulled the paper from your pocket, "I'm going first. So, ever since we started seeing each other, we thought it would be you and me forever. Even after everything we went through, and even after Sapnap and Karl, its still you and me. I would say that its just you and me, but," You looked around at everyone,
"It's not just you and me, it's you and me and these guys. When we started this place, I knew that it would be difficult, especially with all the hurt that the SMP caused us. But, even as I was helping everyone here heal, you were helping me. Because you helped me find this family, and you- you gave me a thousand little moments that made me feel again.
A thousand moments that helped me heal."
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
Widget Anon here again!! because I did also want to send in a request ghsndshbfds,, could I ask for headcanons for Athena, Gumshoe, Maya, and Sebastian with a very emotional s/o? (totally not projecting, shhhhh) like, they just see a dog and they're like "yes, my day has been made!!!!" but at the same time if something even remotely sad happens it's just straight tears (real story, was watching spirited away and when chihiro cried in the garden I started crying too hngfhdsa)
You know what Widget Anon, I very much thank you for this because now I can project as well, I COMPLETELY get what you mean and these need to exist so thank you for giving me the opportunity to make these Headcanons exist.
Also sidenote, Gumshoe is actually one of my comfort characters at this point 😭👍 I love writing for this man so much he’s actually just so cool, he is the OG Himbo in this series and he deserves everything good in this world, istg.
🎇Athena Cykes🎇
🎇First of all, Athena Cykes can read people’s emotions plus she’s really empathetic so putting her with an S/O who is also very prone to heightened emotions would make it more likely that she would also absorb those emotions so she’s going to be very compassionate and caring towards S/O.
🎇So whether S/O is feeling absolutely overjoyed over something that they saw that day or bawling their eyes out over a film or something that inconvenienced their day, Athena is going to be right there alongside them, picking up on those emotions and responding appropriately.
🎇Athena would absolutely strive to make S/O happy, especially knowing that due to their emotional sensitivity, when they are happy they are truly at the peak of positivity. So she’d make them lunch and take them out on dates and seeing just how truly overjoyed S/O is in those moments is absolutely worth it to her. If S/O did start to cry due to this kindness, Athena would be there for them straight away. She truly cares so much about S/O.
🎇If S/O wanted to return this kindness to Athena, she too would be absolutely amazed and would be sure to make the appreciation that she feels crystal clear to S/O (although with Widget’s habit of verbally stating how Athena is feeling, she won’t have to do too much in order to make S/O know how appreciated they are).
🎇On the flip side, being prone to more heightened emotions means that when something bad happens, no matter how inconsequential it may appear to other people, it can just really get you down. So if S/O had a particularly bad day and came to Athena on the verge of tears, she’d be so worried about them and would be quick to sweep them up into a tight hug.
🎇You can bet anything that she’ll do all that she can to cheer a highly emotional S/O up, she’d make them dinner, give them a hug while under a ton of blankets on the couch and put a nice film on for them that wouldn’t make them more emotional.
🎇If someone in particular did something to intentionally upset S/O, you can bet that Athena would absolutely tear into them, and if they refused to apologise she would send them flying (hopefully not hitting any bystanders while doing so). “You want to make S/O cry?! Take this you heartless fiend! Hyahh!”
🍜Dick Gumshoe🍜
🍜This man. THIS👏 MAN👏 (Mod Miles approves of Gumshoe very much and sees him as a comfort character 😩👌) He just gets along with everybody and is a massive himbo. I love him so much.
🍜He’s also very sensitive! But he’s also ridiculously loyal to those he cares about so he’d absolutely do his darned hardest to be supportive of S/O if they were very more sensitive to their own emotions.
🍜He’d absolutely make lunches for S/O every day with whatever ingredients he can afford on his salary (it's mostly gonna be weenies and rice) which is already going to be so flattering to S/O, however, if he saved up for a couple of months in order to splurge out on some other ingredients then he can probably expect to have S/O be so overwhelmingly happy when they meet up after work that evening. He can expect a massive hug and an even bigger bunch of “thank you”s!
🍜Another thing! Gumshoe is training Missile the dog so at some point he’d introduce S/O to Missile and it would absolutely make their day. They’d be so overjoyed to see this little Shiba Inu and would be sure to give him a ton of scratches. Fully expect to find S/O buying Samurai dogs especially for him.
🍜Of course though, S/O could be made particularly upset by something, maybe they happened to read something that upset them or watched a film or TV show that turned out to be really sad so they’d naturally go to Gumshoe in a pile of tears, unable to fully put into words what has exactly caused them to just start crying. They can expect to be pulled into a big Gumshoe hug. He looks like the type who’d be really good at giving hugs, he’d even take off his lucky detective coat and drape it over their shoulders if he thought it might cheer them up a little bit. “It’s okay pal! Don’t cry, we can talk about it later if you want to.”
🍜If somebody did something that hurt S/O’s feelings, he’d be pretty angry. He’d ask them to apologise (“pal”) and if they refused to then he’d get pretty frustrated with them and give them a firm talking to, he doesn’t care who it was that made S/O cry, he’s going to teach them a lesson! (If the person who upset S/O happened to be Miles Edgeworth then he can probably say goodbye to that month’s salary 😭😳)
🔮Maya Fey🔮
🔮Maya is pretty childish! Although she’s also someone who is fiercely loyal and who looks out for the people that she cares about. So she is the perfect person who will indulge S/O in positive situations and comfort them when something has upset them.
🔮Maya will do her darned hardest to make S/O happy every time she sees them so S/O will soon come to associate Maya with free serotonin. She’ll take them out for food (Ramen? Burgers? Ramen burgers? All of the above? Who cares!) and will be sure to indulge in their interests, although if S/O is also a massive Steel Samurai fan then fully expect Steel Samurai marathon dates at every opportunity.
🔮S/O might come to her one day and just tell her just how much she makes their day better and start sniffling because she’s just so lovely all of the time. Maya will be sure to pull S/O into a tight hug and tell them that she doesn’t plan on stopping because making them happy is her favourite thing to do. She might lightly tease them for being emotional but she loves every moment of it.
🔮It would be an absolute shock to Maya if S/O came to her while really distressed and upset about something. She’d be quick to drop whatever she was doing and just pull S/O in for a hug before taking them off somewhere private to talk about things. Whether someone had upset them or something that in retrospect might be a silly inconvenience had happened, she’ll reassure them the best that she can.
🔮Anyone that upsets her S/O will soon find themselves facing the wrath of the angry 5ft spirit medium and they will regret every minute of it. She knows when and where to pull her punches in terms of dissing people and she won’t spare anything for anyone who hurts S/O’s feelings 😤
🔮She’ll tell S/O that if they ever want to talk to someone who has passed on, she’ll channel their spirit any time (and for free 👀) if they just want to say their last goodbyes, S/O would definitely appreciate this if they had a family member that they never got to say goodbye to.
🔮Overall, Maya is just a supportive girlfriend who will do all she can to make S/O happy and will be there for them whenever they need her. Maya is best wife 😤👌
🎵Sebastian Debeste🎵
🎵Let’s not lie, Sebastian is probably just as emotional and sensitive as S/O. Their relationship is going to be built on the two of them building each other up and supporting each other at their high and low points. (Mod Miles approves of this relationship)
🎵He’ll do his darned best to impress S/O, he’d probably show off in front of them but would still be very surprised when S/O finds what he does to be really interesting. He’d appreciate that they don’t treat him like an idiot as well.
🎵Sebastian and S/O might go on a walk one day after work and if they see a dog while they are walking, the two of them are gonna be clinging to each other while trying not to freak out about how cute it is. They’d definitely talk about it all the way home and he’d just be in awe at how kind and gentle they are.
🎵If S/O and Sebastian watched a sad film, S/O might find themselves getting upset, so Sebastian would be quick in pulling them into a secure embrace and reassuring them (although if S/O looks closely, they’ll see tears brimming in his eyes too). He might start another activity with them as a distraction if it’ll help and then once both of them are feeling less upset, they’d probably talk about their feelings for a while.
🎵If somebody willingly upset S/O, Sebastian would probably get so frustrated himself! Seeing S/O being upset would be enough to trigger Sebastian’s own sensitive emotions, he’d run up to S/O bawling his eyes out just as much as they are while wrapping them up into a hug. If they happened to be sitting on a couch, he’d have them sitting on his lap while he cries into their shoulder and tells them that it’ll be okay.
🎵The next day, Sebastian would probably go to Miles Edgeworth to get his advice and support to go after whoever made S/O upset. He might not have the courage to do it on his own but if the person that he looks up to was there too, he’d feel a lot more courageous. “Hey! You-you leave S/O alone, I won’t let you hurt them. Apologise right now!”
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floralseokjin · 4 years
;middle of the night (m)
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After a silly argument, Jungkook wants to apologise… at 2 o’clock in the morning…
pairing; jeon jungkook x reader  genre/warnings; established relationship, domesticated goodness, fluff, they have a dog now, or as Jungkook likes to call him ‘the cock block’, smut  words; 2,150
more﹆chapter index
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“You awake?” Jungkook whispered into the darkness, murmuring your name for good measure. 
You kept your eyes shut tight, back to him, pretending you were actually in fact, asleep. Damn love, all these years together had made you so in tune you both could sense when the other was awake. You hadn’t been able to drop off properly ever since you’d hit the hay at 10pm. Tired but unable to switch off. Jungkook hadn’t been beside you the first three times you’d woken, this time however, he was, and just like him, you had known he was awake too. 
You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of being correct though, so you clenched your jaw and stayed silent. You were still mad at him after earlier this evening, and if he thought he could just give you a lousy sleep ridden sorry, he had another thing coming. 
But then you heard him let out a tiny sigh, deflated if anything, the mattress dipping with his weight as he turned around. Back to back. You hated that. Even after so long you both loved to tangle up in one another right before bed. No wonder you couldn’t get to sleep properly. You were having withdrawals. Plus, you hated going to bed on an argument. You hated arguing with Jungkook altogether. 
“What do you want?” You whispered, lifting your head up a little. 
He rolled over slowly, the mattress dipping again as he thought of what to say. By now you’d settled your face back into the pillow, waiting patiently. “Can’t sleep,” he mumbled. Ever so gently he outstretched his arm, hand caressing your side as he slid closer. He was really being cautious here. Unsure of your mood. It was actually pretty comical. 
He leant in, voice a whisper. “I’m sorry.” He sounded sincere you’d give him that, but the wood in his underwear made you kind of dubious. 
“Do you mean that? Or are you just sorry because your dick is hard?” 
“No,” he insisted softly. “No, I’m sorry because I’m sorry. I don’t know why my dick’s hard.” 
He was being honest, years of being together also meant you knew when he was telling the truth. You stayed silent though, waiting for him to continue. One little sorry wasn’t enough. 
“I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.” 
“Hm?” You pressed. 
He tried again. “It wasn’t your fault.” 
“What wasn’t my fault?” 
He sighed quietly, resigning himself to the inevitable. “The steak being fatty. It was childish of me.” 
There it was. You grinned to yourself, thankful he couldn’t see your face. He probably felt like an idiot for getting so mad over something so trivial. Although you knew why. He was stressed over work; opening his own tattoo parlour had been amazing but he still wasn’t used to needing to be switched on practically all day, every day. Being your own boss had its perks of course, but there also came the downsides. Working six days a week, getting home late. He was exhausted. And stressed. 
It was the steak with too much fat that had set him off tonight, and when you had laughed at his overreaction, it was you who’d been on the receiving end of his frustration. You’d ignored one another for the rest of the night and you’d gone up to bed way before he had. Now, with the moonlight slipping through the shades, Jungkook’s body beside you, the touch of his hand against your waist, you softened. You would easily forgive him over something so silly. 
“That’s okay,” you reassured, shuffling onto your back to get a look at him. You reached for his face, cupping his cheek. You could just make him out, eyes still adjusting to the darkness. He was shirtless, hair in his eyes. You pushed some behind his ear, wanting to see his face. “We’re allowed to be a bit childish sometimes,” you smiled. “Sorry for teasing you.” 
You weren’t exactly innocent in all of this. You admit you liked to get a rise out of him sometimes just because he was so easy to goad. You should’ve known better lately. Even if he pretended like everything was alright, it probably meant it wasn’t. He hated being a burden, and he already felt guilty for using your shared savings on the parlour – it didn’t matter how you’d agreed to it as a couple with careful consideration, it still weighed on him heavily. 
Jungkook’s mouth curved up into a small smile, you could make out that much, settling his head on your pillow as he cosied up to you. “I hate going to sleep without cuddling you.” He whined, face in the crook of your neck. 
“Same,” you agreed. Like you said: Withdrawals. You felt him kiss your skin and then began to pay attention to something else. “You really don’t know why your dick is hard?” His erection was still there, pressing into your thigh as he cuddled up to you. 
“No,” he chuckled thickly. “It’s confused.” 
You slipped onto your side, facing your boyfriend as you reached for his mouth. You kissed slowly, lazily, just enjoying the closeness more than anything, before a few pecks turned to something more. Of course it did. If his dick was hard you weren’t going turn it down. You pulled back just as Jungkook was about to slip in some tongue. “What time is it?” 
“Gone two,” he replied immediately, before reminding you of something, his mouth back on yours. “It’s Sunday tomorrow.” 
“Mm,” you hummed, tongue meeting his, arms wrapping around his shoulders to pull him over you. 
Excitement real, he was breathing slightly heavy when he broke apart to ask you the obvious. “Do you...?” You nodded wildly, yanking him to you, hands travelling all over the expanse of his back. It had been a while since you’d last had sex, maybe close to two weeks, which for you both may as well have been a year. Not that you were annoyed. Like you said, Jungkook was exhausted because of work, mind too preoccupied. Sex was a great stress reliever though, so it was about time you tried it out… 
However, not soon after, lamp on, Jungkook’s mouth on your neck, one of his hands up your t-shirt, cupping a boob, you suddenly remembered something, instantly panicking and pushing him away. “Giuseppe’s not in here, right?” You demanded, eyes wide.
“Huh?” He sounded, confused by the sudden change, needing a moment to make sense of the question. “Uh, no. No, he’s not.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“I’m sure,” he chuckled, reaching for a kiss. “He didn’t follow me upstairs.” 
Giuseppe was your pet dog. A long haired golden retriever that was already the height of your house despite not even being a year old. Jungkook loved him, treated him more like a brother than a pet, and of course he had named him. You’d just rolled with it. But there was one rule. The dog did not stay inside your bedroom when s-e-x was happening, and seeing as he had his own bed at the foot of yours, this was obviously a reoccurring thing. 
“Okay?” Jungkook pressed, kissing your nose as he waited to continue. 
“Okay,” you nodded, grinning up at him. 
“Okay!” He sung cutely, jumping up to tear his boxers off. 
Five minutes later there was some very eager fingering going on, Jungkook knelt between your legs as he stroked you to complete and utter pliancy, the sinful squelch filling the room. You were trying to return the favour, your fist wrapped around his cock, but your movements were sparse, too distracted by the pleasure coursing through your veins. “Jungkook,” you moaned against his lips, trying desperately to stay attached. 
He groaned, straightening the fingers inside of you, going a little faster, loving how wet you were. “God, you sound so good.” 
You moaned louder as his thumb circled your clit, hips jutting up. “Ohh—AHHH!” Your pleasure soon turned to surprise as you roared out, something heavy and large leaping onto your bed, attempting to bound all over you. “Oh, my god! Oh, my—Jungkook!” You exclaimed, sitting up immediately, his fingers slipping out of you. “You said he wasn’t in here!” 
“I didn’t think he was!” He insisted, a hand cupping his junk as your dog practically jumped up and down in excitement. “Honest. I thought he was downstairs.”
You grumbled, moment well and truly over, but you weren’t giving up. You were having sex tonight. It may be nearly three in the morning, but you were getting laid. “Seppe, out,” you ordered, pointing to the door. “Out!” He didn’t listen. It was Jungkook that called the shots, he told you it was some type of “bond” they had. You called bullshit. “Jungkook, get him out.” 
He instantly looked put out. “Babe, I’m ass naked.” 
“I don’t care. If you want to have sex he needs to be out of here.” 
“Fine,” he sighed, standing up, not bothering to cup his dick now – free and easy. Giuseppe instantly followed. “I swear if you didn’t make such a big deal about it he wouldn’t get so excited. He can sense these things.” 
“Exactly!” You cried. “He can sense when we’re just about to do it.” 
Reaching down to stroke him, Jungkook complained. “Giuseppe, you’re such a cock block.” The dog looked unbothered. Amazing. “Come on, boy. Let’s go.” And off he trotted, listening straight away to your “ass naked” boyfriend. He swung the door closed after him, looking your way with a satisfied grin. “There.” 
You pulled a face. “Now I feel guilty.” 
“Don’t change your mind,” he whined. “He can come back in once we’re done. He’s used to it.” Like you said, it had been a regular occurrence these past nine months. Jungkook made his way over to you, caging you under his body immediately. “Now where were we...” 
This time there was no messing about with foreplay, your legs wrapped around his waist as he fucked you. Jungkook had already admitted he wouldn’t last long, unable to curb his excitement, so it was more needy and fast than skilled and indulgent. Not that you were complaining. This was the best type of sex in your opinion. Just sheer want for one another, nothing else. When he came inside you with a groan, you glowed. Felt alive. 
“I really am sorry,” he murmured a few minutes later, still a little out of breath as he laid over you, stealing slow kisses. 
You grinned, teasing him slightly. “It’s okay. I forgive you.” He chuckled and you ran your fingers through his hair, admiring him fondly. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” He sang.
You wrinkled your nose, pushing your head back into the pillow. “Don’t.” You hated when he made it a competition.
Amused, he laughed, rolling onto his back beside you, folding his hands behind his head to look up at the ceiling. You turned onto your side, propping yourself up with your elbow so you could see him properly. He looked really worn out. Not particularly tired from lack of sleep tonight, but just exhausted in general. His eyes weren’t twinkling. You hated seeing him like this. “You sure you’re okay?” You asked, needing to make sure. At least he had some time off tomorrow. 
“Mm,” he nodded, looking your way. He gave you a small smile. “You know what I’m like. I need to learn to talk more about my feelings more.” 
You agreed with that. You knew him too well to prod when he wasn’t ready. This was the most you’d gotten out of him for weeks. “Well, you know where I am when you’ve learnt,” you chuckled. 
He laughed back. “On it. It’s probably better than bottling it all up and exploding over shitty steak.” 
“Definitely better,” you agreed. “But let’s not buy that kind again. My man deserves meat not fat.” That just made him laugh harder. You loved that sound. Kissing him on the cheek, you knelt up. “Okay, I need to pee.” And you both needed to actually sleep tonight.
“Can you have one for me while you’re there?” Jungkook joked. 
“Sure thing,” you nodded, up and already walking towards the door. 
You opened it and before you knew what was happening, Giuseppe had bolted in, jumping up on the bed. You heard Jungkook yell and yanked your head to see him balled up, hands protecting his crotch. 
“FUCK!” He cursed, twisting around in agony. “My balls! Damn dog trampled my balls.” 
You definitely shouldn’t laugh. Not at all. However the visual of Jungkook writhing around ass naked on the bed with the dog bouncing around and barking in excitement, totally oblivious to the pain he’d just caused, was enough to break you. So much for that bond they had… 
“Giuseppe, bad boy,” you scolded playfully. “Daddy needs those.” 
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Written 2020.  Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2020
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What Would An Angel Say, The Devil Wants to Know Part Four (Lena Luthor x Reader)
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three)
Summary: Why can’t you learn to control your emotions?
Words: 1576
Warnings: Language, angst, talks of violence.
Taglist:  @natasharomanoffswife @natasha-danvers @aaron-despair @username23345 @xjiasx @nowthisisliving27 @higherfurther-romanova @summergeezburr @marvels-writings @onlyafewfindtheway @captain-josslett @hayleyokami​ @aznblossom​
A/N: So I did a thing. And here we are.
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Planning a demise wasn't terribly time consuming when someone like Lockwood was helping. Dastardly and vile, his ideas were straight to the point as you discussed your options. While you couldn't outright end the human's life with your own hands, he was quick to point out the most effective options that even a great angel like Lena couldn't stop. Cars were too uncertain and, while the elevator had been a good touch, something like that was too preventable.
"You need quick. Abrupt. No possible room for survival," Ben advised, sunglasses obscuring his face despite having no need for them as he eyed the blonde strolling briskly past you, none the wiser of your existences.
"True, but we have to be smart," you added, glancing around in search of Lena's tell: her "heavenly" glimmer.
"Yes, yes, I know. Your little angel is cunning but I think you give her too much credit," Ben replied, his eyes undoubtedly rolling as he sneered at the humans walking along.
Snorting, you jabbed your dagger into his side, ignoring his hiss of pain or the way he swatted at your hand. "No, I'm just not arrogant enough to underestimate her."
Your eyes strayed back to Kara as she slipped back into her office building and then - only then - did you seem the shine of the angel that often haunted your thoughts. The cretins of the earth couldn't see her but you could, her dark locks fluttering in the wind as she gazed back at you pleadingly.
Pieces of you hated her. Truly. Deeply. You would bear marks for the rest of eternity because of her.
But in the same token, you couldn't deny that your memories with her often left your stomach twisted in knots as you reminisced over the smile that made your heart ache. It hurt, remembering how things had once been. Before you were forced to fight with her; fight for your life.
You could see Lena's expression shift the moment it dawned on her who was standing beside you. The way her eyes narrowed and her lips pursed, defiantly glaring at the smug demon beside you.
"Uh oh. I think your little angel recognizes me," Ben cackled, fingers curled into a taunting wave.
Snarling your lip, you growled, "She's not my angel, you ass. Now shut up before I cut your fucking tongue out."
Ben clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "Testy, testy, (Y/N). Such a killjoy."
Cutting your eyes at him, your grip tightened on your dagger. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up."
You glanced back over to the building, but Lena was nowhere to be seen.
Querl studied his ward curiously, occasionally reading whatever Nia was writing though his stare always returned to the woman he was sent to protect. She was so entrancing and for once in his existence, Querl wished to be human again. If only for a day.
So enthralled by Nia, he didn't notice Lena's presence until her voice startled him off the desk he'd been perched on.
"Gods, Lena, you scared me!" he yelped, clutching his chest as he stared at the openly bothered woman.
"Maybe if you had been paying attention to your surroundings and not gawking, you would've noticed me," Lena scolded, though her words held no real bite to them.
"You seem troubled." Querl's brows furrowed together worriedly. "Are you okay?"
Shaking her head, Lena snagged her bottom lip between her teeth before sighing. "No. Complications have arisen and I'm unsure of what's going to happen."
"What complications?"
Peering over at Kara's messy desk, her nostrils flared slightly. "It appears (Y/N) has been given a helper. Lockwood."
Inhaling sharply, Querl's eyes flitted between Nia and Kara. "What should we do?"
"Be watchful. And careful. (Y/N) might have once been a friend but with Lockwood here, we must be vigilant or they'll both be dead before we can stop it."
It was difficult, accepting your new role in her life. Mortal enemies instead of teasing rivals you'd once been. Friends no longer, especially if you were willing to work with him.
A monster in every sense of the word.
"If she's working with him, you need to be careful. This seems way more personal than just an assignment," Querl advised sagely. "I want to believe it isn't but I can't imagine Ben will let this finish without trying to end you. Or having her try to kill you, to prove herself."
Your punishment had been no secret, most of the guardians far too aware of what your friendship with Lena had left you with, the bad blood thick and the scars deep.
"(Y/N) wouldn't..."
"Maybe the old (Y/N) wouldn't but now? Everything is different, Lena. You must accept that. Putting too much faith in her could cost us everything."
Swallowing dryly, the angel nodded. He was right...
She just wished he wasn't.
"We could always send a helicopter crashing into the building," Ben mused, scratching his chin thoughtfully. "If that didn't kill the human, surely the building collapsing would."
"That would kill too many others," you argued, resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of your nose. "We're supposed to be discreet. Dropping a building on a bunch of them definitely wouldn't be discreet."
Lockwood shrugged, completely unbothered by his suggestion. "The human must die. At least we'd know for sure she was dead. Plus Querl's little charge is up there. Two sad, pathetic birds. One mighty stone."
"Not a chance, Woody, pick a new idea."
Ben sneered. He hated that nickname and you knew it, only using it to get under his skin. "Fine."
Smirking at his obvious annoyance, you peered up at the sky absently, noting the darkening clouds. You couldn't remember life as a human (if you'd ever been one to begin with) but you almost wished you could if only to feel the rain on your skin. It seemed like such a peaceful experience, the water trickling over flesh, soaking into clothes instead of rolling off dark wings.
"I'm going to see if I can come up with a better plan," you jeered, heading for the building before he could reply.
Stretching your wings, you kicked off the ground and slowly maneuvered to the floor your mark resided on, eyeing the oblivious blonde through the window. You were well aware you'd be attracting unwanted attention but you couldn't stand being around Ben any longer. If you didn't get a few minutes of space, you were likely to ram your dagger into his throat and send him back to the underworld without his body.
The shift of the air was apparent and you smirked knowingly at Lena's reflection in the glass.
"Stop smirking at me," Lena demanded, arms crossed in frustration.
Snorting, you twisted to face her, brow arching in amusement. "Or what?"
"You're working with Lockwood now?" she questioned, ignoring the challenge hidden in your words. "You hate that spawn of Hell."
You shrugged nonchalantly, peering at the throngs of people below. "He's my ticket to survival."
"He's a slimy coward who wants you dead!"
"Clearly so do you!" you shouted, eyes narrowing into a venomous glare dripping with disdain. "At least he's trying to keep me alive a little longer."
"You're an idiot if you really believe that."
Rolling your eyes, you inched closer to the infuriated woman. "No, I was an idiot thinking you ever cared about me, Lena. At least Lockwood doesn't lie to my face and pretend to be my friend."
"I am your friend!" Lena screamed, the green of her irises dissolving as energy flowed through her. "I don't want you to die!"
As if sensing the tension, the sky went alight with lightning as rain began to flow, startling the humans and hurriedly soaking them to the bone. If only it could wash away the anguish and pain twisting your insides; silence the beasts banging around in your head.
"Bullshit! You pretend to be some pure, precious guardian but you're really just as manipulative and cruel as every other angel. You think that energy of yours makes you above everyone but you're no better than me! And I should've seen that instead of falling in love with some white-winged bitch!" You shoved her, hard, barely containing the want to strangle the guardian who'd ruined you.
Fury washed over you in waves, rendering you heedless of the unwitting admittance that had passed your parted lips, only the sounds of your enraged breathes ringing in your ears. A flurry of emotions crossed Lena's features but you didn't care, simply wanting to either bolt away from the angel or toss her into the sun.
Whichever was easier.
"Y-you're in love with me?" she whispered, the power draining away and leaving behind imploring emeralds that were glassy with something.
The blood drained from your face as you poured through your last words. You had never meant to say that. Because you weren't in love with her. Couldn't be. There was no love in your heart, especially for her.
Lena's fingers twitched, the urge to reach out overwhelming as she silently begged you to stay. To help her understand.
Shaking your head violently, you jerked backward. "No! No, no, no. I don't - I can't - fuck!"
Red lips dipped open but you didn't stay long enough to hear what she had to stay.
Fire erupted...
And then you were gone.
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parkersroses · 4 years
delicate. | harry styles.
summary: two lonely people find solace in each other for the night and something delicate blossoms from it. 
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
wc: 6.1k 
warning(s): fluff and smut (a first attempt at it) 
a/n: aaah i’m excited and nervous to post this. i guess it’s considered a Christmas fic because it’s set around that time. i do hope you guys enjoy this! i also wanna wish you all happy holidays! side note, i recently made a ko-fi account, so if you’re able to and like my writing, feel free to donate to it! anyways, enjoy! reblogs/feedbacks are very much appreciated! all my love and stay safe <3 (disclaimer: the gif rightfully belongs to @hampsteadharry​ )
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He pushed through the door of the bar, jazz music filling up his ears as he wandered to get a seat. He sighed as he sat on a bar stool, waiting for someone to attend to him and possibly give him the strongest drink here if he felt like it. 
Harry felt tired. He’s been tired and exhausted for a while now. Tired from work. Tired from the glitz and glam. Tired of people getting close to him because of his name and status. Just mentally and physically exhausted. But that’s not to dismiss the fact that he still loves his job. He loves and enjoys making music and seeing his fans - who he declared as the best fans in the world - singing back his songs to him. 
Though, there comes a time where he doesn’t enjoy it as much as he thought he should lately. Being a well-known singer, songwriter and actor seemed pretty cool but no one knows how tiring and raining it could be. Always having to prove yourself and explaining yourself because of ridiculous rumours that articles make up. Always ending up hurt when you found out your friends were using you because of how well-known you were.
So, he announced that he’d be taking a break from all that. Of course, there was an uproar from his fans but in the end, they understood and sent him lovely messages about having to keep his mental health his main priority. 
So now, here he was, sitting at a bar, trying to drink away his emotions. Perhaps, he would find a girl that he could go home with to fill in the empty space of his bed for the night. His break was quite eye-opening to say the least. Harry realised how alone he felt. He thought it was just all in his head because how could he be lonely even when he still had few of his friends around? But he didn’t know that being alone and still feeling alone were different. 
And the irony of it nearly being Christmas, there wasn’t much magic or cheer going around for him at the moment. He’ll have to get his shit together before going back to visit his family for the holidays.
“What can I get ya?” a voice snapped Harry out of his thoughts. A woman stood before him behind the bar, he realised it was one of the bartenders there. She wore a long sleeved black shirt, the sleeves rolled up until her elbows. Her long hair was tied up into a ponytail, strands of hair framing around her face. He thought she was pretty. Beautiful, he would say.
Bartender lady snapped her fingers at his face, knocking him out of his thoughts once again. “Seemed to be far away there. Are you sure you’re good here? In a bar?” She said and she smirked at Harry. He felt the blood rushed to his cheeks, having been caught staring at the pretty bartender lady.
“S-Sorry. A whiskey for now will do,” he said softly. Pretty bartender lady smiled at him and nodded. “Alright, then,” she said, heading off to get his drink. 
Harry’s eyes followed her figure, almost like he was entranced by her. He was not sure why he did. Seconds later, she put his drink on a coaster in front of him. “Thanks,” he quietly said as he picked up his drink. 
“Don’t mention it. You seemed like you need it,” she said almost knowingly. He chuckled at her words. Well, she got that right. “Yeah, just trying to clear my head a bit,” he shrugged at her. 
Pretty bartender lady nodded. “Rough day?” She inquired. Harry raised an eyebrow at her question. He probably thought that she was trying to make a conversation other than cleaning shot glasses. He hesitated a little, thinking she might just be another fan and might spill whatever that comes out of his mouth to the nearest journalist. But then, he remembered that he’s already one drink down to probably getting drunk and his mind won’t really care even if he woke up hungover the next day.
So, he shrugged at her question. “Guess you could say that,” he said as he set down the empty shot glass. “I don’t know. I guess I just have a lot of things in my mind. And drinking does numb my emotions a bit. If that made sense,” he chose to say as he looked at her. 
She only giggled at his words. “That sounds quite deep. Should write a song about it,” she joked and for a second, Harry thought she knew about him. Because for once, he’d like to talk to someone who’s unaware of his celebrity status. Someone who’d talked to him with a sense of normalcy. Instead of talking to the famous Harry Styles. 
“Maybe I should. And I’ll credit you in it,” he joked. She laughed, throwing her head back as she did. “Oh gosh, I always wanted to be a famous songwriter,” she said dramatically. They both laughed at this. It was weird to Harry, this scene felt so normal, it felt as if he knew her for a while now. 
She nodded at his empty glass. “Want another?” She asked. Harry thought about it before asking. “Actually, what’s your favourite drink?” Pretty bartender lady was surprised to say the least, but smiled at Harry. “Why?” He only smiled back. “‘Cause I want another drink. And I want to treat you one too. I’ll even pay for yours, love,” 
She blushed at this, not expecting him to be so forward yet sweet. “Cheeky, aren’t you?” She said smiling at him, and she noticed a hint of blush on his cheeks. “My mum always taught me to be a gentleman,” he shrugged,
She chuckled at this. “Fine then. I’ll be right back,” she said, going to get whatever her favourite drink was for Harry. Harry smiled as she walked away. He couldn’t help but feel some sort of liking towards her, but not knowing why. Maybe because she was just a pretty bartender lady. 
She returned later with two glasses of her ‘favourite drink’ and set them in front of him. Harry was skeptical to see the strange colour of liquid, raising an eyebrow at her. She only smiled and raised her glass up. 
“Bottoms up,” she said as she drank from her glass. 
Harry sniffed the drink a bit before thinking he was being silly and drank it. As the sweet taste hit his taste buds, he chuckled as he shook his head. “Apple juice? Really?” He questioned. 
She laughed as she took another sip on her drink. “Well, you asked for my favourite drink and I gave it to you,” she said with a smirk in her face. “So, you don’t drink?” he asked curiously. She shrugged at him. “A bit sometimes. Just don’t prefer it unless I wanna get really drunk,” she let out a small laugh. Harry chuckled at her words, finding himself agreeing with her. 
Harry noticed how pretty of a smile she had. He didn’t know why a tiny detail like that stuck out to him. He found himself quite intrigued with the pretty bartender lady, which he realised he had been calling her that in his head without knowing her name. He stared into her eyes and found himself hypnotized by them. Suddenly, it seemed like they were the only two people in the room. Okay, stop. She’ll think you’re weird.
It was as if his mind took control over him and he found himself asking her, “When do you get off?” He asked, his eyes widening after realising the words that came out of his mouth.
What the fuck!?, he thought.
She was surprised, her mouth agape as she processed what he had just asked. But she seemed to compose herself quickly. “And why do you wanna know?” She asked nervously. 
Harry paused before choosing his next words carefully. “Because you seem really cool to talk too. And I’d like to talk to you more,” he said. He was nibbling on his bottom lip, a habit he had whenever he got nervous. He shrugged before he continued, “It’s nice to have a friend, you know?” 
Pretty bartender lady - and Harry swore he’ll get her name soon - nodded at him and smiled. Like she knew what he meant. “I’ll be off at 10,” she said. It was only 30 minutes until then. Harry was initially surprised at this, not thinking whether she would agree to - whatever he wanted to with her later. 
He nodded in response. “I’ll, uh, wait for you here, then,” he spoke nervously. She chuckled and took their glasses away so she could clean and attend to the other customers before her boss yelled at her. 
As she walked away, Harry called out to her. “Wait!” She turned around, eyes wide when he called her. “Um, what’s your name?” He asked. She smiled as her heart melted at the innocent question. 
“It’s Y/N,” she replied.
Harry nodded, a small timid smile appearing on his face. “I’m Harry,” he said. 
She smiled and nodded at his short introduction. Now, the pretty guy with forest green eyes had a name she could call him. “I’ll see you later, Harry,” she said as she returned to the back of the bar.
Harry sighed, seeming to be smitten already by her. “Yeah. See you later,” he said softly to himself.
Now, Y/N was no idiot. She knew who Harry Styles was. 
She wasn’t like the biggest fan, but she appreciated his music and thought he was a lovely guy in general, according to the fan experiences she read. She didn’t know much about him, other than he was a former member of a very successful boyband and his music was just incredible. Plus, she thought he was pretty handsome.
And when she saw him walking through the doors of the bar, she had to take a double take to make sure her eyes weren’t deceiving her. 
She usually took her job quite seriously, she was polite to all customers and made sure they were always satisfied with their drinks or snacks. It was usually because she wanted to get the tips she needed to pay her rent. So, when Harry sat down by the bar, she couldn’t help herself but go to him. 
But now, she was supposed to meet him after her shift. Which was strange to her because all she did was being nice to him and making up a conversation. Did he realise that she was pretending to not know him? Was this some sort of mind trick that was playing on her? Though, he mentioned how it was nice to have a friend. Maybe there was something behind that phrase that meant something deeper to him. 
It was already 10 PM. Y/N said goodbye to her coworkers as she grabbed her scarf and coat from her locker. Her heart was beating fast because she realised she was about to go on a little rendezvous with Harry Styles, well, that was what she thought. 
She wasn’t expecting anything. She honestly thought he might have just left, realising how silly it was to wait for a bartender friend he just made. 
But she walked towards the front of the bar and he was still sitting in his seat like he said he would, waiting for her. And she felt like her heart might burst.
Harry didn’t think he’d find himself sitting at a 24-hour diner, eating some waffles with a pretty friend he just met at nearly 11 PM. He was starting to blame that one whiskey drink he asked for earlier as to be honest, he didn’t know what was happening. 
When he met Y/N in front of the bar after the shift, he was nervous, shifting on his feet in habit. When Y/N asked him what he had in mind, he froze because he realised he didn’t think this through. All he wanted was to talk to pretty bartender lady Y/N. The rest was all hazy to him. Luckily, Y/N just laughed at this and guided him to her favourite diner. 
They both ordered waffles with honey and blueberry toppings, courtesy of Y/N as she said they were the best waffles she ever had. Y/N got herself a chocolate smoothie while Harry just ordered a nice hot tea. It was a nice little meal. 
“So, Harry, what brings you here to LA?” Y/N asked him as she munched on her waffles. 
Harry sipped on his tea before clearing his throat. “Uh, I live here, mostly for work. But I’m on a break now,” he said, not giving out too much information. “Hmm. But you haven’t lived here long, I assume. Could tell by your accent,” she said knowingly.
He smiled at this. “Yeah? You like my accent, darlin’?” he teased her and pride filled himself as he saw her cheeks flaring up in the colour red. “Quite the flirt, are ya? But yes, your accent is cute,” she said as she ate. “Good to know,” he smiled and winked at her. 
Y/N rolled her eyes at him as she blushed. He seemed to be quite the flirt, teasing her and calling her pet names. If it were any other guy, she would’ve just left. She admitted that she might not have the best ways in maintaining a relationship. It was always whether she was too picky or bossy and her insecurities always got the best of her. She was used to feeling of being used for sex and her body even when she wanted to believe they wanted something more out of it. She closed herself off from love for a while now. While everyone said that her time will come, she just ignored them. Her main priority was herself and that was for sure.
But there was something about Harry that was pulling her in. He wasn’t far from what the papers write about him but at the same time, he was. He seemed somewhat closed off as she was. She didn’t want to pry, she’d never do that. It was like he was in this fish tank surrounded by spectators watching his every move. Maybe the life he has had somewhat prevented him from forming a real, honest attachment. Or maybe she was just making this all up. 
She sipped on her smoothie, her eyes focused on his. She realised how green his eyes were looking up close. “So, I have a question. And I want you to answer this as truthfully as possible,” she said, propping her head on the palms of her hands. Harry raised an eyebrow at her, chuckling a bit before nodding. “Alright, love. Lay it on me,” he said, leaning back on the booth. 
Y/N blushed at the pet name given and cleared her throat. “Why did you want to see me?”
It was silent between them. Harry should’ve known this question would come up. Truthfully, he didn’t know how to answer it, he was never one to make friends with a random person and go on a little rendezvous late at night. He shrugged at this, “Like I told you, it’s nice to have a friend,”
“That couldn’t be all,” Y/N smiled. “You don’t seem like the kind of person to befriend a bartender and go out with her for a late supper the same night,” Harry blushed at this and scratched the back of his ear with his finger. “I don’t know. Maybe I just wanted to be spontaneous a bit,”
Y/N hummed at this, sipping on her drink. Harry’s eyes were trained on her and she somehow found that a bit intimidating. “I got off work just to clear my mind a bit,” he continued. “Sometimes, I’d go out with my friends, I’d meet some girls and spend the night with them, just to feel something. Just to not be alone,” This was the most Harry had opened up to someone in a while. 
“But you still feel alone,” Y/N spoke. Harry frowned at this, not quite sure what she meant. “You could be with someone, and still would feel alone. I get that,” she explained. 
Harry’s mouth was agape. “Y-Yeah, I guess,” he mumbled out. “Can I ask you something?”
“Go ahead,”
“You really don’t know me, do you?” he asked, cocking his head to the side. She let out a small laugh. “I knew who you were the moment you stepped foot into that bar,” she said. Harry’s eyes widened. All this time, he was glad he thought Y/N didn’t know him but she treated him like any other normal person. But she knew all along. 
“That was.. Surprising,” he chuckled as he ran his hands through his curly locks. “But, you didn’t seem to look like y’know me. Treated me like a normal person,” She stifled a laugh. “Well, would you rather I’d treat you like royalty? Curtsey in front of you?” She joked. 
Harry laughed at this. “No, no. It was nice. It’s good t’just pretend your life is normal for once,” he nodded at her. “I’m sure you have some friends that treat you like you are just Harry,” she smiled. 
Harry only shrugged at this, “A few of them do. When you’re in the industry long enough, you’d know how to tell apart the few people that are honest and real with you and the many who just use you sometimes.” Y/N frowned at this but nodded. While she couldn’t connect to being in the same industry as him, she knew perfectly how it feels like to be used by people you allowed yourself to get close to. 
He brought his cup of tea to his lips, realising how cold it was getting. “You want some?” He offered his drink to her. Y/N nodded, taking the cup from him. “You like tea?” She asked.
“I do, but I prefer coffee,” he smiled at this random conversation. “Please tell me you don’t take your coffee black,” Y/N narrowed her eyes at him, as if she was daring him to admit it. Harry smirked and shrugged at her. “Sorry, love. It’s the best way to have coffee,”
“No, it’s not! It’s so bitter!” Y/N exclaimed and laughed at this. “I don’t think this would work out,” she pouted. Harry swore his heart beated a little faster, seeing her lips pout. He wondered how they’d feel against his. “What wouldn’t work out, love?” He smiled at her. 
Y/N blushed at this, looking down at her lap before she looked at him again. “Whatever you want this to be,”
They spent their time getting to know each other and by the time it was midnight, Harry ended up paying for their meals, ignoring her protests as he did. Y/N was tempted to wipe off that smug smile off his face. The December air howled as the night went on as the decorative holiday lights lit up the street they walked on. The two walked side by side, their hands brushing against each other’s. If Harry had the guts, he would intertwine their hands together. But he didn’t. Not yet, at least. 
“Random question, but do you prefer sunrises and sunsets?” she asked out of the blue. Harry thought for a moment before answering, “M’not sure, actually. Never really paid attention to them all that much.” Y/N nodded at his answer.
“Sometimes I like to wake up early just to see the sunrise,” Y/N spoke. Harry looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah? You like sunrises?” he asked gently, the cold air making his breath visible to see. “I do. I like sunsets too. But no one ever stops to appreciate the sunrises,” she sighed.
“Maybe it’s because they can’t be bothered to wake up so early,” Harry joked, making her laugh. “Yeah. Well, I do that. My apartment has a nice view of it. It’s nice. The city is just beginning to wake up. The golden glow casted upon it,” 
Harry nodded at her. “Is this your way of inviting me over?” He teased. Y/N paused, her cheeks flaming up. It wasn’t her intention, but she might as well have done so. Harry was a nice company to keep and she liked him. She really did like him. “Maybe,” she mumbled. 
Harry smiled at her sudden shyness. It was something he liked about her. He really liked her. And he wanted her to take him back to her home, as pathetic as that made him seem. 
“Well, lead the way, darlin’,”
Y/N struggled to put her keys into the keyhole of her apartment. Nervous was an understatement for her. She had a really sweet and attractive man waiting behind her and she was about to invite him in. She was almost sweating at the thought and she didn’t know why.
She opened the door, letting the warm air of her small apartment flow through them. Harry found it quite cozy. There were plants placed in different corners of the room, he noticed a record player by the television. There was also an easel standing by it. It was small, unlike his luxurious houses, but homey.
“You paint?” He asked. Y/N blushed at this, she forgot to put away your paint and clean up. In her defense, she didn’t think you would have company tonight. “Yeah, s’just a hobby. And somewhat a side hustle,” she said, taking off her coat and putting in on the couch. Harry did the same, subtly wiping his sweaty palms against his dark jeans. 
“Uh, d-do you want something to drink?” she asked nervously. Idiot, you just had drinks. “Or, if y’want, I have some chocolate chip cookies. If you like chocolate chip cookies. I mean, y’don’t have to but-,” Y/N was cut off upon hearing Harry chuckling at her, his expression amused as he listened to her nervous rambling. 
“Don’t worry, darlin’. I’m good,” he said, smiling at her. She blushed again at the use of the pet name.
It was silence, the only thing that could be heard was their breathing as they looked at each other. Harry slowly walked over, Y/N’s breath hitched as he did so. She was nervous and she was scared, she hadn’t done this in a long time. His arm settled on her waist and it was the first time he touched her. His eyes, green as ever and filled with lust and passion, were focused on hers. She could feel his breath hitting her face due to the proximity between them. 
Y/N gently placed her hands on his chest, feeling it rising up and down as he breathed. His forehead was already pressing against hers, their noses slightly brushing against each other. “Can I kiss you?” Harry finally asked ever so softly. And Y/N couldn’t help but nod her head. “Please,”
His lips crashed into hers, gently at first, but she kissed him harder, making it more passionate. She could hear him moan into the kiss as their tongues battled for dominance. His hands travelled lower to her backside, she moaned aloud as he squeezed them. When they pulled away, they would instantly pull into another kiss again, wanting to be close. Harry lowered his hands further behind her thighs, signaling her to jump so he could hold her tightly against him. 
“Y/N, I won’t be able to stop,” he said, gasping for air. Y/N only kissed him again, replying as her lips were against his. “Then, don’t,”
Y/N wasn’t sure how they made it to her room, laying nearly naked on her bed. She just realised how many tattoos he had on his body. She traced over the art scattered over his skin delicately. “Harry,” she whimpered as she felt his hardened length grinding against her core. She could feel her arousal seeping through her underwear. She gasped as he pressed kisses down her neck onto her collarbones, her eyes rolling back when he sucked a sweet spot there. His fingers entangled themselves between hers, squeezing them tightly. 
“Harry, please,” 
“I got you, baby. Gonna take my time with you,” he said gently as he kissed her forehead.
Y/N could feel her heart beamed at the sweet gesture. She had one-night stands before, but none of them felt as intimate as with Harry. The way he kissed her, held her, it almost felt right. And she wondered if he felt it too. 
When they’re fully naked and Harry lined himself against her, he looked at her, as if he was asking if she was still sure of this; if she wanted this; if she wanted him. Her eyes were shining as the moonlight shone through her curtains, her hair sprawled against her pillow. She was beautiful and ethereal. He almost couldn’t believe it. 
A nod from her was all it took for him to push himself in, the two moaning in relief as pleasure shot through their bodies. He slowly thrusted, taking his time with her. The feeling of euphoria running through their bodies as they held each other close. Her legs were wrapped around his hips, wanting to keep his warm body close to her. “Harry, faster,” Y/N pleaded.
It was almost like a switch went off his head before Harry spreaded her legs further, thrusting harder and further into her. Moans and groans filled the room and the scent of sex and sweat filled the air. Harry had his head buried into the crook of her neck, breathing hard as he felt the pleasure burning at the bottom of his spine. He was close and he knew she was too from the way she was clenching around him. 
“You close, baby?” He breathed out as he looked at her. The bed was creaking with every movement they made. Y/N moaned in ecstasy as she nodded her head, trying to keep her eyes on him. She didn’t want to miss a thing with him.
Harry took her by surprise by pulling out, lifting her up so she sat on his lap. He guided himself into herself, groaning as she welcomed him in her. Y/N moaned loudly as she felt him hit deeper, feeling herself clenching around him. She quickly began to move against him, smiling as she saw Harry shut his eyes in pleasure, murmuring her name. “C-Close, Harry, fuck,” she groaned as she moved faster.
Harry sat up and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer as if it was possible. He thrusted his hips upwards against hers, adding to the euphoric pleasure that was coursing through them. “I know, baby. Fuck, y’feel so good around me,” he moaned out, looking at her with hooded eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck, their heavy breaths hitting each other’s faces. 
It was only a glance into his forest green eyes that triggered her high. She moaned out loud, her body shaking against him, and just the sight of her high triggered Harry’s. He groaned against her neck and cursed a string of profanities under his breath as he kept thrusting his hips into her, prolonging his orgasm. When they calmed down from their highs, they took deep breaths before pressing their lips together. Harry could hear a whimper from the beautiful woman above him. He was delirious with the bliss feeling. 
They laid on their sides, admiring each other’s glowing yet sweaty state. Harry closed his eyes and sighed as Y/N brushed her fingers through his hair. “Y’alright?” he murmured to her. She nodded and gave him a shy smile. He thought it was cute of her acting all shy after having done such an intimate and dirty activity with him. He kissed the tip of her nose, smiling as she scrunched it up. “You’re beautiful,” he admitted. 
Y/N let out a deep breath. There was no denying the attraction she felt for him. The setting was so intimate, far from what she thought it was going to be. She felt herself opening up to him, something she prevented herself from doing for a long time. She was scared of this, but she liked it at the same time. 
“Hold me?” she asked and Harry pulled her against his body without a second to waste. Their breathing was the only sound they paid attention to. Y/N nuzzled her face against the crook of his neck, her finger tracing the tattoos on his chest. 
“Are you gonna stay?” she asked softly. She was not expecting anything, but she hoped he did stay. 
Harry smiled and pulled her closer. “Only if y’want me to,” he said. Y/N returned the smile, tracing out his lips with her finger, feeling how soft they were. 
“I’d like that,”
When Harry woke up, he felt an empty cold space beside him. Confused at first, he sat up slowly, wondering where the pretty woman he liked was. He turned his head and there she was, sitting by her window looking out into the early morning. She was sipping on something from her mug and she was wearing his dark blue T-shirt from the night before. She looked absolutely breathtaking. 
“You’re up early,” he said, catching her by surprise at the sound of his voice. She smiled at him and made her way to sit on his lap, putting her mug on the bedside table. “You missed the sunrise.” She ran her fingers through his messy bed hair. He sighed, realising how much he liked her doing that simple yet intimate gesture. “Yeah? Was it pretty?” 
“Very,” she sighed as Harry laid his head on his shoulder. He held her tightly in his arms, similar to how he did when they slept. “Well, you’re prettier,” he said, planting kisses up her neck. She realised how deep and raspy his voice sounded in the morning, it sent shivers down her spine. “Well, you’re a charmer,” she murmured. 
Harry looked up at her, taking in her morning glow that she was emitting. “Your eyes are really pretty,” Y/N said softly as she admired his forest green eyes. “Yeah? Y’think so?” he said, playfully fluttering his eyes at her. She laughed at this, throwing her head back. Harry thought it was the sweetest sound. She traced the outline of his lips with her index finger, feeling how soft they were under her touch. Harry kept his mouth agape as she did so. 
“Can I kiss you?” Y/N whispered. He smiled at her, remembering his exact words from the night before, before nodding. “Please,”
The fluttering in his stomach intensified as their lips met. The thing that clouded Harry’s mind was how soft her lips were and how sweet they tasted. Their kiss almost made him feel dizzy for how much passion there was. When they pulled away, he looked at Y/N with hooded eyes, his breathing was heavy from the blissful sensation he felt. He gently wrapped his arms around her frame and it just felt right.
He pulled her into another kiss, a moan elicited from Y/N that sent blood rushing to his lower region. His hands travelled up his shirt she was wearing and he let out a groan, realising she had nothing underneath it. He felt drunk by her touch, her scent; everything. It was a delicate feeling he felt and he didn’t want to let go of it. He could get used to this, the feeling of her. For once in a long while, he didn’t feel alone anymore. 
It was no doubt that Y/N felt the same. 
It all just felt right. 
The snow was covering the backyard, the trees and bushes were covered in white. Y/N watched as the snow fell while sipping on her hot chocolate. The house was decorated for the special wintery day. The tree was lit up and decorated with many ornaments as well as pictures on it, the presents laying closely below it. 
Voices snapped her out of her thoughts, she smiled as she heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. She turned around to see her husband holding up a sleepy little girl in his large muscular arms, the little girl they were blessed with as their daughter. Harry was talking animatedly to Ruby, trying to wake her up in the Christmas spirit. 
He gasped and pointed his finger at you. “Look, Rue! It’s mummy! An early bird, isn’t she?” He said to Ruby as he bounced her gently in his arms. You rolled your eyes at his silliness. “Mama,” the little girl reached out to her mother as she rubbed her sleepy eyes. Y/N set her mug on the counter and grabbed lifted little Ruby in her arms. “Morning, Rue baby,” Y/N cooed softly at her, closing her mouth with the back of her hand when she yawned. 
“Think she’s a bit tired,” Harry chuckled at them. “Y’think? Who’s the idiot that woke her up early?” Y/N asked sarcastically at her husband. He only lifted his arms up in defense, a smug smile painted on his face. Ruby quietly giggled at her parents. He sipped on a mug of hot chocolate and she narrowed her eyes at her as he leaned back on the counter. 
“Are you really drinking my hot chocolate?” Harry paused for a bit before swallowing the warm drink. “I’ll make ya another one, love,” he rubbed the back of his neck. Y/N rolled her eyes at him before chuckling. “You better, Styles.” She felt Ruby shifting in her arms and gently bounced her. “Y’alright, bubs?” She pouted at her daughter. 
“Snow,” she said, pointing out the window where the snow was falling. “Yeah, bubs! It’s snowing!” Y/N exclaimed excitedly to her, making Ruby giggle. “Dada, snow!” she exclaimed to her father. 
Harry laughed at his daughter’s adorableness. “That’s right, Rue!” He agreed, stroking through her curly hair that she inherited from him. He placed a hand gently on Y/N’s clothed stomach. “And how’s bub number 2 doing?” He asked softly. Y/N smiled, her heart beaming at the gentleness of her husband. “They’re doing great in there,” she said, placing her hand over his above her two-month growing belly. 
Harry beamed at this, pressing a gentle kiss on her lips, eliciting a small whimper from her. 
“I love you,” he whispered against her lips. Even after all these years, she found his green eyes just as beautiful and hypnotizing.
“I love you, too,” she said and smiled at him as they broke away. 
Perhaps, Harry would consider himself lucky that his sad lonely self walked into the bar she previously worked at five years ago. Maybe if he hadn’t opened up to Y/N or went back to her apartment, he wouldn’t be able to have this little family he was blessed with. There was something so delicate and real he felt that night that he wanted to keep. So naturally, they both let their walls down and took a chance on each other. And perhaps because it was nearing Christmas that night, he would think of it as some Christmas miracle. 
“Wanna open the presents, Rue?” Y/N asked Ruby as bounced her in her arms. Ruby giggled, not even understanding what her mother said, and nodded. “Yeah? Wanna open presents with mummy and daddy?” Y/N said excitedly as she carried her into the living room. Harry chuckled at the precious sight of them as he followed them.
As they sat down in the living room, he took a moment to just admire his wife and his daughter. Y/N, though wearing one of his Christmas sweaters and sleep shorts, looked just as beautiful and ethereal as she did the night they met. She held little Ruby in her arms, who was busy tearing up the small present in front of her. His wife cheered at their daughter as she took out a little stuffed teddy bear, giggling as she waved it around with her small hands.
Y/N looked up at him and gave him a loving smile as she intertwined her fingers with him. Despite them being in such cold weather, her hands felt warm against his. He admired how they fit perfectly in his. Ruby babbled incoherently to her parents about her gift, in which they nodded like they understood what she said. Harry’s heart warmed up just thinking of how they’ll have another addition to their loving little family soon. 
His heart was full of love and happiness. He no longer felt alone. He had everything he wanted in that moment, his growing little family.
Everything was just right. 
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mrsbrekkers · 3 years
could you do a jesper x reader where the reader is more on the emotionless side and is always lowkey angry at the world and jesper is always happy/flirty?? I love that type of trope sm!!!
first request yEEEEE. i got this during work and practically jumped up and down 1; because i love jesper. 2; i actually didn’t think people who request. 3; because it gave me something to do when i got home lol
i hope this is up to what you were looking for! i didn’t quite have an idea for backstory in terms of your request, so i left that up to interpretation. plus, i haven’t written jesper before +++ this is the first one-shot i’ve written IN AGES
pairings; jesper x reader / kaz x inej + nina x matthias ( mentioned )
reader is non-gender specific because jesper is a bi-con and i want this to be seen as either female, male, non-binary pals, whatever one identifies with!
warnings; like one or two swearwords? guns, the usual soc stuff? and not edited in terms of grammar, etc.
word count; 2026 ( p proud mom here )
one shot under cut!
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The world was cruel.
Anyone who’d lived long enough in the barrel knew that, and still, somehow, Jesper Fahey managed to be as happy as he was. Whether it be after he’d lost all of his money gambling, or during a job gone wrong? Jesper Fahey never seemed all too affected by the barrel and the shit it’d throw at The Crows. Maybe it was because he was good at hiding his affliction. Maybe he’d become used to it, and simply decided to have a better onlook when it came to such affliction. Whatever it was?
The same couldn’t be said for Y/N.
Becoming used to the affliction wasn’t in the cards for them, but hiding it was. Keeping a stoic face, always observant. There was rarely a smile on their face. Inej had coined the stoic look as ‘The Brekker Stare’. Kaz had started it, but slowly Y/N grew to use it as well. It was easy to be emotionless. It made one more equipped to face danger and problems that arose. Or, that’s what Y/N’s excuse was when they were teased about using ‘The Brekker Stare’.
Missions were always the hardest to keep that stoic look on. Especially when paired with Jesper. It wasn’t that Y/N hated the boy, quite the opposite actually. They admired his ability to stay so joyful in a place such as the barrel. Sometimes they wished it was as easy as Jesper made it seem. Maybe that’s why they’d rather be paired with Nina, but that spot was reserved for Matthias - courtesy of Kaz Brekker and his secret want for them to work out their relationship. Inej was a good choice for a partner, but she worked either alone, or with Kaz. Rarely with anyone outside of those choices. Wylan made a good partner too, but Kaz and his reasons.
That left Jesper and Y/N.
The mission seemed simple enough - sneak into The Emerald Palace to gather information on what Rollin’s next move was. Eavesdropping seemed easy enough for The Crows. Inej was doing what she did best: moved quietly. Wylan posed as a new waiter, his hair tailored by Nina to appear brunette. Nina and Matthais acted as a drunk couple at the gambling table a few away from Jesper and Y/N.
“This is going to go horribly wrong,” Y/N spoke as they’d gone over the plan numerous times in their head. One, how would the Dime Lions not notice who they were? Nina was a good enough tailor, but she wasn’t a phenomenal one. Certainly not Genya Safin phenomenal. She was a heartrender after all. Two, they may not even receive the information they’d need. Three, if they were caught, that information would be useless.
“Oh come on Y/N, don’t be so down about the world. It hasn’t killed us yet,” Jesper responded. To which, Y/N simply gave a glare. Surely it hadn’t killed them, but it’d killed enough people for them to be mad at it.
“It won’t go horribly wrong as long as the two of you don’t bicker like children,” Kaz said with a wave of his cane between the two.
Gambling, a wonderful way to gather information. Whatever Kaz’s reasons for this mission was, Y/N wasn’t going to question it. They’d rather do their job, get their cut, and then return to the Slat. It was easier that way, but Jesper decided it wasn’t easier that way tonight.
“I’m raising, what do you think darling?” Jesper asked, his eyes glancing up at Y/N, who sat on his leg. 
“Raising with a hand like that?” Y/N asked out loud, raising an eyebrow. “You’re asking to be stung, dear.” They were bluffing, but doing a beautiful job so. Jesper had a royal flush - which in terms of luck tonight, was the best he’d had.
“Oh come on darling, it’s a wonderful hand. Money grabber at that!” Jesper said, his lips pouting out. Y/N would never understand how men could fall for such an act, but it seemed they didn’t have brains.
The men around them smirked, amused. They seemed to think they’d won, and with everyone raising and placing their hands down, Jesper chuckled. It was easy to play drunk men, and with Wylan continuously supplying them with alcohol, even easier to gain information.
“Boss is going to kill me,” one of the men murmured, making Y/N’s eyes shoot over in their direction. Their attention seemed taken then, eyes narrowing. Glancing down at Jesper, they nodded in the direction of the man.
“And why would that be?” One of the drunk men across the table asked. It seemed the men would do the work for Jesper and Y/N.
Easier for us, Y/N thought. Indeed it was. Words spilled from the men’s mouths, and before they’d known it, they learned of a job Rollins planned to have lined up. It was going well, until one of the men decided to become handsy with Y/N.
“A pretty one you’ve got here,” he spoke, causing Y/N to scowl. Pretty is not what you’ll be thinking when I break your nose. “Mind if I have a go at them?” The man added his hands finding their place on Y/N’s waist. Before Jesper could step in, Y/N’s leg lifted, the man doubling over at the pain that seared through his groin. 
“Touch me again, I dare you.” The commotion had caused men a part of the Dime Lions to step forward from around the room. Realizing they’d been compromised, Y/N glanced over at Wylan, nodding and then grabbing Jesper’s arm. “Close your eyes,” They said before a flash bomb went off, the room ringing as the two exited the back door, Kaz waiting mere feet away from it.
“Remember what I mentioned about not bickering like children?!” Kaz asked, rolling his eyes. Maybe if you didn’t pair us together, Brekker, we wouldn’t bicker. But Y/N knew better than to say that outloud to their boss. It was asking to be punished in some out of the box, Kaz Brekker way.
“The men got all handsy with Y/N! I must say that was rather attractive back there! Showing them who’s a badass!” Jesper yelled across the commotion as they began to run down the alleys of the barrel, leaving Kaz behind with Inej who’d jumped down as silent as the night. How she did that, Jesper and Y/N would contemplate together.
“This is not the time Jesper!” Y/N yelled, rolling their eyes.
“Oh come on, no flirting with me?!” 
“Jesper, we’re being chased by Dime Lions wanting to murder us, no I’m not going to flirt with you right now!” Then Y/N slipped down one of the alleyways, pulling Jesper’s arm. Coming to the edge of the canal Kaz had prepped with a boat in case this happened, Y/N jumped down into the boat with Jesper.
“Go,” Y/N said to Rotty who had been waiting. Then down the canal they were going. Out of breath and going down the canal, the trio rest in silence for a few moments.
“For a mission gone wrong, I’d say that was pretty successful,” Jesper said, showing the money he’d managed to grab from the table before the two of them had to run.
“Money? That’s what you call successful? It’ll be gone by tomorrow night at the Crow Club, we both know that,” Y/N said, huffing as they became situated on the boat. It was small, but it made do for the three on the boat. Their face held the usual stoic look, but just the smallest bit of anger broke through.
“The Brekker Stare is happening again, but is that . . . is that anger I see?” Jesper teased his face falling into the same look Y/N currently held.
“Jesper, this isn’t funny. We almost just died. Kaz is going to kill us. Are none of the consequences we’re going to experience angering you?” Y/N asked, their stoic face falling into semi panic. They were so going to experience the wrath of Kaz Brekker when they were safe and back at the Slat. Or the Crow Club. Whichever one they were found at first.
“All the information we just gathered? Is worth nothing because Rollins knows we were there. What was the one thing we were all supposed to manage?” Y/N wasn’t sure who they were mad at more. The man at the Emerald Palace was one of the people they were mad at, but also Jesper for always somehow, even after almost dying, being so flirty and happy. They’d never understand it.
“Getting out silently,” Jesper huffed. He knew Y/N was right, but he couldn’t help himself. Having a crush on your mission partner never made things easy. “But come on, you got to see me looking this dashing tonight,” he reminded, winking.
“I’m really beginning to think you don’t care for your life,” Y/N said with a small shake of their head, just the smallest laugh leaving their lips. Guns and all, Jesper still seemed oblivious to the fact that they’d just been shot at and found out by Pekka Rollins.
“Was that a laugh?” Jesper said with wide eyes, smirking.
Dammit. “No, no it wasn’t,” Y/N said, composing them-self.
“Oh yes it was, and it was angelic. You should laugh more. Do less of The Brekker Stare and more of The Y/N Angelic Laugh,” Jesper deemed, smiling like an idiot.
Then they couldn’t hold it in, and Y/N let the laugh completely consume them. “The Y/N Angelic Laugh? You’ve already coined it?”
“Indeed I did, and I will be taking full credit for this one. Inej took The Brekker Stare from me. This one is coined by me, Jesper Fahey, from this day, until the last.” Jesper had spent years trying to make Y/N laugh, and he’d almost deemed it impossible - but he always had his ways, and they finally had worked.
“I think I’ll be asking Inej to recoin it, thank you,” Y/N spoke as they exited the boat, thanking Rotty. They tossed their green outfit off, their usual black attire hidden underneath. Unaware of Jesper behind them, checking them out per usual.
“I think not. Inej wouldn’t believe I even made you laugh. Do you want her to know you can show emotion that isn’t being angry or pessimistic?” Jesper asked, standing from the boat. He loved teasing Y/N. It was among his favorite pastimes.
Y/N simply rolled their eyes, kicking Jesper in the shin. “I’ll have you know that the girls have seen me laugh.”
“Why don’t I believe that for a second?” Jesper asked. Because it isn’t entirely true. But why would Y/N give Jesper that satisfaction? They weren’t sure. Maybe it was because for once, they were experiencing feelings they hadn’t in a while.
“Because, the girls wouldn’t tell you if I had laughed.”
“No, no. Nina tells us everything. She tells us when Matthias checks her out, how Kaz does his little glance at Inej every time we’re about to leave for a mission, about how I stare at you for too long. I think she’d tell me about you laughing,” Jesper declared, making Y/N stop in their tracks.
He was good. They’d give him that. “You stare at me for too long?” Y/N turned their boot skidding along the wet concrete of Ketterdam.
“Oh yes, Nina declares it’s because I find you attractive, which I do, but you already knew that,” Jesper said, shrugging.
“Hmm,” Y/N simply said, their lips quirking for a moment in thought. “Fine, they haven’t heard me laugh,” and that was the only thing Y/N said before turning back to walk towards the Crow Club, leaving Jesper there with a dorkish grin.
As Jesper began to follow, he chuckled. “I made Y/N L/N laugh,” and with a skip and pull of his coat in victory, he declared he’d hear that sound again.
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As a big sucker for tsukki, I shall fulfill that quest
Gimme some spicy fluffy tsukki pwease🥺
Thank you🐭
Ask and you shall receive. 🙈 They’ll be aged up, first years, and going to the same university. Thank you 😊 And yes I know dorms don’t usually have bathrooms of their own, but still. This is written for gender neutral reader with female parts (if that makes sense?), but I can rewrite for a male parts you need. 😊
Tsukishima Kei Headcannons + Drabble
I hope I delivered!
Haikyū!! Masterlist
Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Warnings: Degradation, mentions of mirror sex, humiliation, dom! Tsukki, sub! reader, Tsukki in grey sweats, that’s it I think...
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You and Tsukishima hadn’t really planned on going to the same university together, just coincidence, really
Luckily, neither of officers that patrolled your dorms cared that you two practically lived with one another.
Mainly thanks to you, who had been nothing but kind to them since day one.
But nonetheless, everyone knew the two of you practically lived together.
No one cared though.
The tall, skinny asshole, and the sweet person who’d made friends with the janitors the first day on campus.
It was like you two were living the fanfic romance everyone wanted
Anyways, with practically living together, came with... Ups-and-downs moments.
Tsukishima Kei will not cuddle or even talk to you, until both of your work was completely finished
You refuse to cuddle with him or even talk to him, when he’s being a cold asshole
Neither of you like doing the dishes
Or doing laundry
Living with Tsukki comes with a lot of compromises.
But, you two fell in love for a reason
Whether that reason be because Tsukishima is well acquainted with your body, or because you are one of the few people who can get the Tsukishima Kei to open up.
The past week had been long for you both, but mid-terms were finally over.
Tsukki wasn’t one for parties, so you both ended up laying in his bed in his dorm to relax.
Neither of you had any plans for the break that followed your midterms, both of you just wanting to relax.
Well, more Tsukishima wanting to relax and you wanting to get away from the university
Which led to your current situation
“Tsukki, c’mon baby,” the pout on your face makes Tsukishima’s frown worsen. “I mean, it’ll be fun to go back home for a bit. We could even drop in and visit some of your old teammates.”
“Why would I ever want to see those idiots?” With a roll of his honey-brown eyes, he flips the page of his book, turning his gaze away from you once again. “Plus, can’t we have fun, without having to see our families?”
At this point, you were giving up and ready to drive yourself down to Miyagi, with or without your boyfriend. You sit up from his bed and swing your legs over the side, “Fine then, I’ll—”
“Is it really that important to you,” you stop at the sound of Kei shutting his book, allowing him to wrap long arms around you and pull you into his chest. Pressing his lips to the bare skin of your collarbone, he brings you in between his currently spread legs. His large hands fall to your thighs, spreading them open for him as he finishes his question, “ — that we go and visit our home town?”
You swallow slowly as large thumbs begin rubbing circles on your inner thighs, slowly moving high on your thighs. Unluckily for you, you found pants extremely uncomfortable to wear in bed, and thus, you usually shed them before crawling in bed to cuddle. With you back pressed firmly against his front, your ass was pressed against the bulge growing in his grey sweatpants. As his teeth brush against the sensitive skin of your neck, you squirm.
“I asked you a question, pipsqueak.” You could hear the smirk in his voice as he bring one hand from your thigh to grip your chin. He then forces your head up so your staring at the reflection of you and your boyfriend on his bed.
The mirror that Tsukishima had set up for this exact person. To force you to see what your boyfriend could reduce you to, after you’d been particularly bratty towards him, one day, mouthing off left and right. “I expect an answer, when I ask you a question.”
“Yes, Kei... But...?” You don’t know what you were attempting to say, but you knew you wanted him do actually do something.
He chuckles, a dark tone surrounding his voice, “Aww, what? Is my pitiful baby needy for their boyfriend to touch them? Is my pretty little slut needy for my cock?”
You’re squirming in his lap, hands reaching for him, letting out a whine, though as his grip on your jaw tightens, you manage a breathy ‘yes.’ Only Tsukishima could get you so breathless and needy so quickly. And it didn’t help that it had been a while since either of you had been able to take advantage of your free time, like this.
“How pathetic. I’ve hardly even touched you... But I suppose since you’ve been good for me so far,” Kei cooes into your ear, “I’ll treat my pretty little slut. I hope you’re ready to take me. Gonna take me like a good baby?”
You nod eagerly, making your boyfriend smirk at you through the mirror. Slipping long fingers into your underwear, he doesn’t hesitate to sink his middle and ring finger into you. He easily angles his nimble to hit that spot inside you that makes your toes curls, his palm bumping against your clit with ever thrust of his two fingers. Meanwhile, his other hand occupies your mouth, letting the pads of his index and ring fingers rest on your tongue, silencing your moans.
Your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head as he works his fingers in and out of you, soon enough adding a third finger to the fray, stretching you in attempt to prepare you for his cock.
Saliva begins to pool in your mouth, coating Kei’s fingers and dripping down your your chin, Kei’s fingers making it impossible for you to swallow. “Such a messy thing, aren’t you? Drooling everywhere... Not to mention that you’re fucking dripping everywhere.” You let out a weak moan at his words, fingers coming to grip his wrist as that familiar knot begins to form in your stomach. “Aww, you clenched around my fingers. Does my nasty baby like being humiliated?”
You aren’t able to respond to him with his fingers in your mouth, but even if his fingers weren’t filling your mouth, you weren’t in any position to speak, mind filled with chasing the high. The high that was stolen from you when Tsukishima suddenly removes his fingers from you. Ignoring your whining, he brings his fingers to his lips to obscenely lick your juices from his fingers.
“All fours. Now.”
It’s an hour later when Tsukki decided that you’re fucked out enough for his taste, lifting you into his arms and walking you into the bathroom. Despite his harsh touch and words with you, in bed, now, his touch was now extremely gentle.
He sets you up on the counter, stepping away from you to start the bathtub, returning to you with a cool wet rag. First, he’s gently wiping down your face with the rag, then tracing it down to gently clean your legs, inner thighs, and folds with the rag. After that, he tosses it away and turns off the running faucet, gently lowering you into the bathtub, then slipping in behind you.
Kei tucks his face into your neck, softly kissing over some of the dark marks in his wake. “If you really want to travel, then we can. Just so long as you keep smiling for me, alright, pipsqueak.”
Relaxing into his embrace, you smile and turn your head to kiss his cheek, moving your hand to lace your fingers with his. “I love you, Kei.”
“I love you too, Y/N.” You squeeze his hand, watching as he picks his head up to look at you, an uncharacteristic, soft smile taking over his lips.
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Beach Bods {Charlie Weasley x Plus Size Reader}
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Plot: On a day trip to the beach with the Weasleys, Charlie is the one who helps you get over your body insecurities.
Character: Charlie Weasley x Plus Size Reader
Part of my Plus Size Reader x Character Series!
Summers with the Weasleys was always fun. Each day, you found something new to do whether that be weeding the garden and fighting the Gnomes with the twins or going a walk up the hills with Bill or going shopping with Ginny or even just making dinner with Molly. Each day a new adventure was to be had. 
Today’s adventure was going to the beach with the lot of them. It had been Fred and George who’d offered the idea up to you all. Truth be told, they were working on some new products for the shop that they needed testing so decided to invite the family along.
You were getting ready, you loved the beach honestly, you loved the warmth and the feeling of sand on your skin but you were nervous. It was an unusually hot day in England so you couldn’t have just kept your clothes on, at some point you’d need to take a dip in the sea in your swimming costume. You were nervous about people seeing your body. Being plus size, having a stomach and thick thighs with stretch marks littering your body, you were always a little nervous to reveal more of yourself to the world. Sure, you were a lot more confident than what you used to be but it still took a lot of courage to wear more revealing clothing in public. Although you didn’t think any of the Weasleys would be rude or say anything rude about your body - Ginny would hex them in a second if any of them did anyway - you were still a little nervous.
You’d brought one costume, a high waisted bikini that you’d not had the courage to wear yet. You pulled in on and took a deep breath before opening your eyes to look at yourself in the mirror. Straightening your posture quickly, you smoothed the fabric on your stomach. You smiled. The bikini flattered your body, highlighting your best bits and smoothing over some of the parts you wanted smoothed. You could see your stomach, your rolls, your stretchmarks, your wobbly bits but you’d grown used to seeing them all the time and over the years, you’d grown to quite like them.
“(y/n)!” Ginny called, “You ready?”
“Two minutes!” You yelled back as you quickly shimmied your denim shorts on and pulled a thin vest top on over your bikini top. You grabbed your bag that had your beach towel, some water and a book in it before heading downstairs.
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The sun beat down on you as you lay on your towel on the warm sand. A cool breeze ruffled your hair and tickled your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. From a few feet away, Mrs Weasley was making a fuss over making sure everyone had suncream on and was applying it with the tip of her wand making sure everyone got an even coat.
Fred and George laughed, “That’s why we brought you here today! We made some suncream shots that you drink and it protects for up to twenty four hours!” George grinned.
Ron glanced at them, “You sure it works?”
“Seventy five percent sure, yep,” Fred said with a smile.
“I’ll pass.” A chorus of ‘no thanks’ rang out as Fred and George shrugged and took the suncream shot, pulling a face as they swallowed. Fred was trying 
“(y/n)?” George asked, waving a vial of the cream coloured liquid in front of you, “What do you say?”
“No way in hell.”
“Suit yourself,” they said in unison.
You laughed and returned your attention to the book but it was only a few seconds later when someone sat down beside you, “I bet that’s totally going to go wrong,” it was Charlie Weasley.
You snorted a laugh, “Course it’ll go wrong, don’t need a wager for that one. They’ll end up with bloody sunstroke.”
Charlie laughed from beside you before you settled into a calm silence. Over the years of knowing the Weasleys’, you’d gotten to be close with all of them - well, aside from Percy he wasn’t around much these days - and you’d especially grown close to Charlie. The second eldest Weasley son was, arguably, the most attractive man you’d ever met. He’d tied his dark red hair into a bun at the nape of his neck and by Merlin, that man was gorgeous with freckles and scars littering his body, broad shoulders and thick muscled arms and a toned chest...
“You not roasting?” Charlie asked, breaking you out of your thoughts of him.
“Uh,” you looked over to the sea where Harry and Ginny were splashing each other, “I’m absolutely boiling.”
“Take your kit off and let’s go for a paddle in the sea.” Charlie stood and pulled his t-shirt off exposing his torso. He was like a Greek God. He stretched out his hand and pulled you up.
You faltered as you brushed sand off of yourself, “I... I think I’ll stay in them just now.”
Charlie frowned, “But you’re roasting.”
You nodded, cheeks going warm as you tried to not show your lack of confidence, “I just... I’m wearing a new bikini and...”
“Well let’s show it off to everyone then!” Charlie grinned, “There’s no need to be nervous or self conscious; especially not around us.”
“I know, I know... It’s just... I never show much skin in public and... it’s silly but I just worry, y’know?”
Charlie nodded, “I get it. Sometimes I get worried about letting people see my torso. You can see it, you see all the scars on me; I worry that people might look at me funny but you know... no one even bats an eyelid. You never have, you look at me with these awe-filled eyes as you ask about each scar.” Your cheeks were burning now and you tried to look everywhere but at Charlie, “I’ve never told you this, and I probably should’ve told you before now, but you’re beautiful. Do you not recognise that every time I look at you, my eyes are filled with awe also?”
Slowly, your eyes rose to meet his. He gave you a reassuring smile, “You have nothing to fear when you’re with me. I have always thought you’re beautiful and I always will.”
You couldn’t help but smile at him, “Okay,” you said quietly as you kicked off your shoes and shimmied out of your shorts and tugged your vest top off, “How do I look?” He looked at you with a smile and it was then you recognised the awe in his eyes.
“Incredible.” He grinned, “It suits you perfectly... Now let’s go cool down.”
You began to walk together to the sea when you nudged him, “Thank you.”
He stared ahead but you saw his smile, “You’re welcome, love. You ever need reminding of how beautiful you are, come to me.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” 
George rushed past you and a second later, Fred did too, “Bloody hell!” You gasped seeing the pair of them running to shelter. They were bright lobster red from head to toe.
“Can see that potion needs a bit of work boys!” Charlie called after his brothers laughing as Mrs Weasley was shouting at the pair for being idiots and trying to lather more cream on them.
“I’ll race you!” You yelled already running towards the sea.
“That’s not fair!” Charlie yelled from behind you as he began to chase you.
“Life’s not fair, Weasley!” You were just about to make it into the sea but a second later, two strong arms were wrapping around your waist pulling you into the air, “Charlie!” You squealed, legs kicking. Merlin, he was strong. He ran with you in his arms into the sea and got thigh deep before stopping, “Don’t you dare!” You knew what he was going to do, “Don’t you-”
SPLASH! The water was cold, freezing every inch of you as soon as you were submerged. You resurfaced quickly, leaping upwards to try and get more sunlight again. Charlie was grinning widely but he was too cocky and never expected you to tackle him and knock him into the water either.
He jumped out, shaking himself off, “Bloody hell... This means war, (y/n).”
“Bring it on, Weasley.”
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Dolls’ Eyes — A Jaws AU
Pairings: established Peggy/Steve, developing Brunnhilde/Carol Rating: T Chapters: 14/14
Summary: Tony Stark snapped his fingers and the vanished half of the universe returned, but Thanos escaped the battlefield, fleeing into space. Now that he’s virtually powerless, most of the Avengers consider chasing him all over the universe a waste of resources, but Peggy Carter—newly deposited in the 21st century—is determined to finish the job. Brunnhilde and Carol Danvers have the same idea.
When scattered rumours of fresh killings escalate to the death of one of their own, the three women team up to defeat Thanos once and for all.
read the prologue
read ch. 1 one / 2 two / 3 three / 4 four / 5 five 6 six / 7 seven / 8 eight / 9 nine / 10 ten 11 eleven / 12 twelve / 13 thirteen / 14 fourteen
After everything, Carol wasn’t surprised that Brunnhilde put up a fight over being told to just rest. Carol reminded her that she was lucky to be alive, to which Brunnhilde responded that it wasn’t anything like luck, and went on to list the incredible, lifesaving properties of her fine armour, explain the enhanced durability provided by her Asgardian biology, and enumerate all of the injuries she’d previously sustained that were apparently worse than being electrocuted half to death, and then nearly drowning while incapacitated. Carol didn’t believe half of it, but it was kinda hot when Brunnhilde bragged.
So, in spite of Carol’s efforts, Brunnhilde kept getting up the second her back was turned in order to haul bodies off of Thanos’s ship. As they started to fix everything Carol had broken (including a patch job of that hole in the roof), a scan of the local environment informed them that almost all of the life on this planet was aquatic. They left the stack of corpses on land. Whatever water critters were around, they didn’t need toxic eyeball goo leeching into their habitat.
Carol caught Brunnhilde shaking out a twitching arm and made her sit to do electronic repairs rather than manual labour. (Carol had that handled anyway, plus, she knew where all the bodies were because she was the one who’d left them there.) Brunnhilde protested that she was the captain. Carol came way too close to saying not of this ship, but stopped herself. Instead, she suggested Brunnhilde do like any other captain would and let her underlings take on the grunt work. That got a smile, if not verbal agreement.
Thankfully, Peggy was a fast learner; Carol explained the basics of what she’d done to wreck something and Peggy quickly understood how to walk back the damage. They worked their way through the ship, staying at neighbouring stations so Carol would be there if Peggy had questions, and Peggy would be there if (when) Carol had messed something up so badly that it needed four hands to fix.
“Maria would’ve been great with this,” she said without thinking, holding up a fistful of wires while Peggy tinkered beneath.
It was easier to talk about her than it had ever been before. Like with the repairs, she could tell that Peggy understood without Carol having to do much more than gush over how good Maria had been at fixing stuff, how thorough she’d been with the plane she’d kept in the hangar on her property, how reliable, how trustworthy, how patient…
“Yes,” Peggy told her with a smile. “She sounds like she was wonderful.”
“She was.”
But when the two of them had finished their circuit of the ship and Carol went to tell Brunnhilde they were good to go, she wasn’t there. Carol panicked, worried that Brunnhilde had overheard all her praise of Maria and somehow missed the tone of a person who was in the late stages of grief, who had accepted the worst and was keen to keep living, maybe even loving.
When she couldn’t find her on the ship, she jogged down the ramp, intending to look for her outside. The second she turned to face the water, she spotted Brunnhilde coming towards her from the escape vessel. Carol ran out to meet her.
“What’s all this?” she asked in a tone of amusement, because Brunnhilde had her arms full.
“Food, Peggy’s jacket, a couple beers that didn’t get smashed when Thanos rammed us, uh…” She tried to examine the rest of the pile she was carrying, but it teetered and slipped; laughing, Carol scooped a few things out of her arms before they could end up in the shallow water.
“I thought you might’ve taken off on us,” she said lightly.
“I didn’t think you thought I’d be capable of that after getting zapped.”
“I was just…”
Brunnhilde walked close, pressing her arm into Carol’s.
“I know. I would’ve been the same way if it’d been you.”
“I don’t even know if I can get electrocuted,” Carol said.
“I’m not gonna recommend trying it for fun,” Brunnhilde told her. “Anyway, I used all my discs on Thanos and I dropped the remote in the water somewhere… You’d have to go to Thor with your request, ask him to bring the lightning down.”
“Straight to Thor?!” Carol laughed. “That seems a little extreme.”
“Or you could just stand around outside in New Asgard during a storm and wait for it to happen naturally.”
“And why would I need to be in New Asgard specifically?” Carol asked in a teasing voice. “I could get struck by lightning anywhere.”
She watched Brunnhilde flounder but couldn’t get an answer out of her, not on the way to the ship, not while she was distracted with Peggy asking her a slew of health questions, and not while they were trying to figure out how to get this humongous spaceship off the ground with a crew of only three people.
As they made their rocky assent, Carol was too busy to wonder whether Brunnhilde had heard her talking about Maria before she’d left the ship to scavenge from the escape craft. They had just broken through the atmosphere, blue sky giving way to black, when Brunnhilde spoke.
“Love’s like war.”
It was so sudden that Carol snorted a laugh.
“Ok, poet,” she said. She was tempted to devote some time to getting Thanos’s ship to play her music, if only to put on ‘Love Is a Battlefield’ for Brunnhilde. To let her know what had been said on the subject already.
She smirked to herself when Brunnhilde continued, clearly not giving a shit about her interruption or joking criticism.
“It is.”
“What do you mean?” Carol asked more seriously.
Brunnhilde shifted in her seat, engaging different protocols for outer space travel. Carol noticed the tremor had gone from her arm.
“You do better in both because of experience,” Brunnhilde said, looking straight out the viewport. “Anybody who can’t appreciate the benefit of falling for someone who’s been in love before is a fucking idiot.”
“And you’re not a fucking idiot.”
“I hope that isn’t a question.”
Carol smiled and shook her head. They flew in silence for a while.
“When we get back,” she said eventually, peering shyly over at her captain, “I owe someone important to me a visit, but then I’m coming to see you. Just a heads-up.”
“Vaguely threatening.”
“No,” Brunnhilde told her, grabbing her forearm to get her full attention, “I liked it.”
Heat raced up Carol’s neck until she was blushing as bright red as her suit, or the dumb acid burn on her arm.
Just then, Peggy’s agitated voice came from the other end of the wide flight deck.
“Someone’s coming right at us!”
Before Carol had the chance to say what the hell? or who? or again?, an incoming message threw a distantly familiar face up in front of them, hovering in the form of a hologram.
“Hey,” Carol greeted. “Small universe.”
Peggy had never thought to imagine what Gamora might be like. She’d had an account of Peter Quill’s affection for her from Rocket, but had recognized that a portrayal of the woman that crew had known—the woman Peter had loved enough to forfeit his life in the quest for reunion—couldn’t be fully accurate. At best, the Gamora they described would be one layer removed from the real person. The Gamora they had known and the one whose hologram had just appeared before Peggy, Carol, and Brunnhilde were a handful of years and a thousand experiences apart.
It seemed absurd to Peggy that this woman may wish to harm them, but she really ought to have considered it.
“Was it your distress signal I picked up?” Gamora asked flatly, eyes locked on Carol in the pilot’s seat.
“Umm… yep.”
“And you still require assistance?”
Carol glanced at Brunnhilde, then over to Peggy, who nodded. They certainly had worked wonders, she felt, in getting this massive spaceship off the planet, but who knew how many things could go wrong between here and Earth? Peggy doubted either of her shipmates had told her the half of it. They were simply short-staffed, too few fingers available to plug any metaphorical leaks they might spring on the journey.
“Yes please,” Carol told her.
With a nod, 2014 Gamora went from unknown quantity to ally. Peggy sighed in relief.
The three of them were transported directly from Thanos’s ship to Gamora’s. The process was quite indescribable, Peggy thought. Tingly, quick, with a bit of a lurch as she rematerialized on an entirely different flight deck from the one she’d just left. Had the transfer been instantaneous? Had she, perhaps, ceased to exist for a moment or two? She was full of questions but unsure to whom she should direct them.
Gamora, while welcoming in deed, was somewhat inscrutable when they met her face-to-face. Standoffish. Unsure of herself, Peggy realized. Immediately, she warmed to the woman. She had been in her place herself once, sort of, if not precisely in her intimidating boots. It hadn’t been so long ago that she’d been ferried through time to find the world completely changed. What Gamora needed was a reason to trust them the way they were trusting her.
“I take it you killed my father?” Gamora asked plainly once they were aboard.
Oh dear. It seemed they weren’t off to a very auspicious start.
Brunnhilde stepped in front of Carol, who’d just been opening her mouth to speak, presumably to claim responsibility.
“I was the captain,” she stated. “Thanos was killed on my orders.”
“Uh, no, not explicitly,” Carol argued.
“Anyway,” Peggy piped up, “I’m the one who shot him in the head.”
“And he was only vulnerable to that because I electrocuted him to within an inch of his despicable life and his helmet fell off,” Brunnhilde countered.
“On a planet I flew us to,” Carol reminded them.
“We’ll be sharing the blame,” Peggy informed Gamora on behalf of her crewmates.
Gamora cocked her head consideringly.
“And if it’s approval?” To their universal silence, she explained, “I know what he was capable of in my time, and I saw enough of Earth to get a general idea of what he was set to accomplish if he wasn’t stopped.”
“Were you out here hunting him too?” Peggy took a step towards her.
Directing her gaze away from them, Gamora blinked rapidly, looking momentarily confused and upset. In the next second, she’d hidden any outward hint of those feelings.
“I should’ve been,” she said, “but I’ve never been able to stand up to him like I should have. After I left your planet… for a while, I wasn’t looking for him. But I began to see signs. And then Peter Quill came.”
“Peter!” Carol said. “You saw him? Did you talk to him? Rocket never said—”
“No. I just watched. I followed him for a while. I knew he was looking for me. He was so… loud.” Gamora made a face. “Leaving word for me everywhere, telling traders and transports that he was my boyfriend. He was an idiot, but an entertaining idiot… I barely noticed that I’d stopped keeping track of Thanos until he just showed up…
“I was a coward,” Gamora went on. “I saw my father intercept Peter’s ship and I knew what would probably happen, but I couldn’t put myself between the two of them. Was I supposed to stand up for this guy when I’d never been able to stand up for myself? I was raised to be cruel, to think of myself, that attachments formed to accomplish anything but the acquisition of power make you weak. I know Thanos killed Peter. It’s my fault he’s dead.”
Peggy stood in front of her, refraining from placing a reassuring hand on Gamora’s shoulder when she gave her cagey eyes.
“It’s not,” Peggy told her firmly.
“I only heard your distress signal because I heard Peter’s first,” Gamora said. “I went onboard after my father had left; it was days before I could force myself to do it, maybe longer. I used his communications system to speak to his crewmates on Earth.”
“You must’ve just missed us leaving,” Brunnhilde said.
“That’s what he told me. He said three more morons had left the planet, on their way to hunt down Thanos.”
“And you’ve helped us,” Peggy said, tone insistent. “If you do feel any responsibility for what happened to Peter, then surely you should also believe that you’ve redeemed yourself by saving our backsides.”
Gamora’s eyes squinted as though she were in pain.
“I owed him more than this and I hate it,” she said, jaw clenched. “He was no one to me. He knew someone I’m never going to become.”
“Shhh. I know,” Peggy said soothingly.
“I don’t see how that’s possible. Have you ever had someone tell you they love you when it feels like it’s impossible that they even know you? That whoever they loved had to be a different person from who you are?”
Peggy’s shoulders fell. She could feel the bittersweet smile on her face.
“Actually, yes.”
Gamora appeared surprised to have been brought up short in such a manner.
“Do you have any advice?” Peggy urged softly.
For a minute, Gamora was quiet, staring hard at the wall. Peggy could feel that the others had backed away, giving them time and space when Gamora’s stream of information had been diverted by the confusing grief she was obviously experiencing.
“Whatever lengths he goes to because he thinks you’re better than you are…” Gamora finally said, turning her head to look Peggy in the eye. “Try to be worth it.”
“Got it.”
Peggy folded her hands together, pressing her right palm to her wedding ring.
They were about to get underway, their new crew of four on a significantly smaller, though sleeker, ship. (Brunnhilde didn’t mourn for the one they’d left in the shallows; it had served them well, first the Asgardians and now the team responsible for the death of Thanos.) However, staring out the viewport from the seat in which she’d been installed as the effective second-in-command, Brunnhilde didn’t feel right. The sight of Thanos’s ship just hanging there in space unnerved her. It would be better if no trace of the Titan remained.
“Let’s blast it,” she suggested to the deck at large.
“Thanos’s spaceship?” Peggy checked.
“Well,” Carol said, “we aren’t near anything. There’s nothing for the debris to hit…”
Brunnhilde smiled slightly and looked to the captain.
“Gamora? Do you have any weapons on this ship that could do the job?”
“There is one thing I’ve been saving for a special occasion,” Gamora said, gaze fixed on Thanos’s ship. “First, we’re going to need to get clear.”
She piloted them away—away from the planet, away from the ship. Part of Brunnhilde wanted to request the honour of launching the torpedo Gamora was setting the coordinates for, locking it onto her late father’s final vessel, but she was already satisfied with the role she’d played. Let Gamora take this final, symbolic step. It was like Thor’s hideous couch; Brunnhilde had helped him lug the thing into the open air, but permitted him to drop the match (once she’d soaked the cushions in lighter fluid, just in case it wasn’t sufficiently saturated in spilled beer). She would content herself with watching it go up in flames.
And it did. It was an impressive explosion, scattering wreckage in a wide perimeter Gamora had kept them outside of. They were briefly silent as jagged hunks of metal twisted in the void.
“That’s one way to get the stink of dead bodies out,” Carol noted, and Brunnhilde turned to her, shoulders shaking with laughter Carol quickly joined in on.
They flew for some time, and it was good just to relax, to stretch in her seat and tilt her head from side to side so that her neck cracked horrendously and Peggy said things like “good lord!” while Carol laughed her ass off. Brunnhilde remained alert though. She couldn’t help it. In the old days, with the Valkyrie, there’d been a certain relief when the battle in which they’d been engaged was done, but they’d only known true rest once they’d returned to Asgard. Home. The last time she’d been on a ship bound for Earth, the atmosphere had been one of intense grief, muffled weeping in the corridors. They’d known Earth as Midgard and had little admiration for its country of Norway, chilly with fog and swathed in the bleak colours that reflected their inner emptiness. Nothing they loved was there—not their people, not their gleaming towers and soaring statues. How could it ever possibly feel like coming home?
Brunnhilde had honestly believed she’d lost her ability to experience that feeling, that, without her sisters-in-arms, the sensation was lost to her. Yet, despite the tension she still carried from the fight, she felt it easing. She felt herself longing for home, her little house at the water’s edge. For the chance to return to her people as their king and announce a great evil defeated. Maybe this tension was only anticipation after all.
In contrast to the fruits of her own contemplation and revelation, Gamora’s private thoughts had left her expression mournful and roving. Brunnhilde exited the deck to relieve herself and find something to eat in Gamora’s stores, and when she returned, she addressed her.
“You’re not taking us all the way to Earth, are you?”
Gamora flicked her gaze sideways to assess her. Brunnhilde knew there was no judgement to be found in her face, so she stared back calmly.
“I’m taking you to Quill’s ship. Thanos, in his infinite arrogance, didn’t damage it. Maybe he thought he might like to return to it some time and claim it as part of his fleet. It’s a tribute to how much I continue to feel my father’s influence that I planned to do the same. Not build a fleet, but go back. There’s something about that ship… I find it comforting.”
Brunnhilde frowned thoughtfully.
“Are you sure you don’t want to take it and leave this one for us?”
“No. What I felt when I was onboard, examining it and… and removing Quill’s body for space burial… that was just a feeling of, I don’t know, another life. There’s a group on Earth for whom that ship means something. And it’s the only thing they have of him. I couldn’t keep it.”
“One of those people is your sister,” Brunnhilde said carefully.
“I tried to talk to her, but she doesn’t like me very much. I don’t blame her,” she added as Gamora gave her a wary look. “She was upset.”
“Nebula is at her most dangerous when upset, and she’s always upset, so she’s always dangerous.”
“She was upset about Peter’s death. But I think also because, without him, no one was out here looking for you.”
Gamora stiffened.
“If she really wants to find me, she can come look for me herself. I’ll be ready.”
“She doesn’t want to fight you,” Brunnhilde said. “She misses you. I think. It’s really none of my business.”
“Why would you wish to get involved in our family affairs?” Gamora’s voice was more curious than accusing. “Besides murdering our father, of course.”
Brunnhilde sighed before answering.
“I’ve lost many people I cared about. I don’t have a family anymore.” She glanced over to see Carol and Peggy bent over a screen together, Carol’s sudden snort infecting Peggy until they were both laughing. “I mean,” Brunnhilde corrected herself, “I didn’t.”
When they arrived at the Benatar and Gamora transported Carol and Peggy off her ship, Brunnhilde motioned for Gamora to hold off a moment on removing her.
“If we don’t meet again,” she said, sticking out her arm for Gamora to grasp.
Gamora gripped her tightly and nodded.
“I think we might though. I thought about it and realized it’s easier for me to find Nebula than for her to find me.”
“I may have left you her coordinates.” Brunnhilde released Gamora’s arm. “Enjoy Missouri.”
She joined Peggy and Carol on the Benatar, pausing to bend over Carol’s seat to surprise her with a deep kiss before she took up her own position. She brushed stray strands of hair back out of Carol’s dancing eyes.
“I’m going to have to redo your braid,” Brunnhilde told her.
“Oh, we’ll have time. We’ve got quite a road trip ahead of us. Luckily… Peter left us his tunes.” Beaming, she started up a song with a bright beat.
Brunnhilde smiled and went to her seat, fastening herself in as Carol readied the vessel for launch.
“You know,” Peggy said thoughtfully, slinging her jacket over the back of her chosen seat, “before all of this, I was actually quite afraid of outer space.”
Carol laughed.
“I can’t imagine why.”
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awkwardgtace · 3 years
One Year So Far
What's this? More Vitus and his kids and Dabria?? This time it's more about those two than the kids, just where they stand after a year taking care of two random kids one of them decided to adopt.
One Year So Far
Vitus smiled as he checked on his kids one more time. They have been adjusting well lately. Ash called him dad after a few months living with them. They seemed nervous, but Rhys just made it seem like he’d been waiting for it. Rhys even called Dabria mom after that, Ash followed him pretty quickly. It was funny seeing the little raven turn such a bright red. He didn’t miss the smirk on Rhys’s face each time he said it. Neither of them seemed to think about their lives before Vitus found them.
It took almost a year for Rhys, but the two young weres finally started sleeping in the room he gave them. He sat back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. He heard small flaps and looked to the side, Dabria was on the edge of his couch. She had started avoiding landing on him lately, he wished she’d trust him more. He held a hand out to her, he knew it wouldn’t go as he wanted. She just stared at it before giving him a glare.
“Dabria,” he whispered. “Can I hold you?”
“Why would you want to do that?” she asked. There was something else in her tone, though he couldn’t place it.
“Please, trust me a bit.”
She gave him a look he had never seen on her before. She climbed on his hand slowly, taking a seat in the center of his palm. He brought her close slowly, he’d give her time to leave before reaching him. He smiled down at her, she’d probably think he’s crazy. He didn’t really care. Carefully he brought a finger to her face, moving her long black hair out of her sparkling red eyes. He held his finger there, enjoying the trust.
“You know,” he started, she jumped a bit, “I really like you. I might even love you.”
“Wh-” she stopped herself. He’d never seen her turn so red before. It was cute, he brought his hand holding her closer. Taking in everything about her. She looked away, pulling away from his finger too. “You’re insane. You know I tried to get Rhys to come with me all those times I made you leave. I didn’t trust you.”
“I know.” He chuckled when she let out a squawk. The most bird-like sound he’d ever heard from her. “Sorry, but I sort of assumed that’s what you were doing. Plus Rhys told me a few weeks after Ash joined us. He said you offered to make sure he’d be safe if he’s afraid I’d come after him.”
“...why didn’t you send me away then?” Her voice was quiet, almost pained. He was careful as he put a fingertip under her chin, directing her gaze back to him.
“Why send away someone who cares about them so much?” His heart dropped when he saw tears starting to slide down her face. He never thought he’d hurt her that much just by being honest. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you Dabria. I-”
“You’re a damned idiot, you know that? I could have been working with someone planning to get Rhys to someone who’d hurt him. You don’t know anything about me! All you giants just see a cute little were and decide that you could handle anything we may do. I showed up here to screw you over, you were a famous up and coming author writing about weres. I wanted to catch you…”
“Catch me hurting them?” He was a bit louder than he meant to be when he said that. She flinched, as if she thought he’d hurt her. Even knowing that truth nothing changed, if he was hurting them he deserved to be caught. He took his finger from her chin, carefully petting one of her wings. “Did I change your mind?”
“I thought for sure you were going to get rid of Rhys once foxes lost their popularity. I was even more sure when you started talking about Ash. Then…you just tried to help them and didn’t even mind that Rhys was anxious and wouldn’t let you work. Why aren’t you like the other giants I usually target!? Why couldn’t you leave it as an easy thing where I found out you’re awful and expose you?!”
He wasn’t sure what to say at this point. He wouldn’t suddenly be awful, he’d seen weres get treated wrong a lot growing up. He couldn’t take it when he saw how young Rhys was or when he found Ash wrapped in wire. It isn’t like he was raised differently than his sister, but he didn’t think like her. Weres weren’t animals or playthings, they were people. If Dabria had thought he was doing something wrong, he’d prefer to be told, but she would have been right to expose him. He almost missed the way she tensed when he paused on petting her wing. He pulled his hand away from her.
“Dabria,” he whispered as he brought his fingers back to her wings. He gingerly pressed his fingers against them, leaving them there hopefully as a sign that’s as far as he’d go. “I think I’d be glad to be exposed by someone like you. Even with everything you’re saying, the care and concern you have comes through like a beacon. Regardless of how you got here, you’ve helped me, Rhys, and Ash a lot. That’s the part that matters. The part I know I love.”
“I’ve literally avoided you getting to know me, you’re just a crazy giant with a thing for weres. You’ll pick another soon enough and I won’t be waiting around for that,” she cried. The tears were falling fast and she let out a small choked sob. “Not again…”
Vitus felt his heart break when those words snuck out. He pulled her close, hugging her over his heart. He started to rub her back, making sure not to touch her wings at all anymore. Everything that was the same between them is where his focus was. Her face soaked with tears, body shaking as she sobbed, the small hands already gripping his shirt. Her wings and everything else that made her a were weren’t why he cared about her. They just added to who she was and he’d at least let this end with her knowing that.
“I can only guess that means another giant has hurt you,” he started. “My words may not mean a lot, but being a were has nothing to do with why I say I love you. I know a lot about you, things I’ve seen while you stayed here. You’re cautious, but won’t hesitate to put yourself in harm's way for others. You came right to me when you thought Rhys was in trouble, I could have hurt you. You went out of your way to tell me about the storm, which protected Ash in multiple ways. You’re staying here because you’ve at the very least grown attached to them. You blush every time they call you mom. You trust me enough that you’ve even considered leaving for good.”
“How did you know that?” she screamed while pushing back from his chest. He followed what she wanted looking down at her hoping to see something other than anger. An overwhelmingly pained expression wasn’t what he expected. “Have you spied on me or something?!”
She pushed against his chest more, forcing him to flatten his hand. She rushed out of his hold, glaring at him from the arm of the couch. He made no move to go after her, just looking at her with a bit of sadness. If he knew she’d be this pained hearing how he felt, he’d have stayed silent. He was probably foolish in hoping she might be feeling the same way. He slid over on the couch, giving her even more space than she’d given herself.
“You aren’t quite so hard to read as you think,” he sighed. “You’ve been clearly trying to pull away from them. You’ve been avoiding me more. At first I thought it was just you were nervous about me still, I couldn’t blame you. Then you let me hold you, you tried to convince me how you’re somehow bad. All of it sounds like you intend to leave…”
He almost laughed when he saw her face go red enough to match her eyes. He would have expected to have some trouble seeing any reaction at this distance. Instead it was like her face was magnified ten times. He wanted to hold her, promise her that he doesn’t expect anything. Going near her felt like he’d lose her forever though. He just had to hope, to wait for her. He considered leaving to give her more space, but she was flying before he could move.
“I-” he said.
“Shut up and listen. I maybe feel the same, but how can I trust you won’t replace me or them? How can I trust you mean what you say?” she asked. She was in front of his face by the time her questions were done. He brought his hands up to her, but didn’t touch her.
“I can’t make your concerns go away, but I won’t replace anyone. Rhys and Ash are my kids, it won’t change even if they decide to hate giants and never speak to me again. I know after a year with you in my life, I couldn’t imagine anyone else there. If you want to give me a chance, I’ll be happy to take it and prove I care about you. If you don’t you can still stay here, you’re family to them and important to me.”
“Th-then…” She let herself land in his hands, he smiled pulling her a little closer. “I-I’ll stay and… and we can try it. I’ll leave if you do anything wrong! You won’t get second chances from me!”
“I’m fine with that, I’ll only need the one.”
He leaned forward, opting to just hug her to his face. He didn’t want to go overboard now. She was bright red, but he could only smile. She wasn’t angry or scared, her embarrassed face was cute. She looked in his eyes for a minute before turning away again. He couldn’t help the growing grin on his face. Suddenly she turned her head and planted a kiss on his nose, sending a blush over his own cheeks. He definitely wouldn’t waste this chance.
“Ash, Ash it worked!” Rhys scream whispered. He was peeking around the corner near the room his parents were in. His sibling’s tail wrapped around him. “I think she did something, Dad’s face is red.”
“We should go back to bed…” they said. Rhys sighed pretending to fall over. Ash kept him up with their tail.
“No wait, I have a better idea.”
He smirked before sliding out of Ash’s tail. He grabbed the end of their tail and started to run forward. He waited until they were away from the wall. He started rubbing his eyes and getting his sad face on. He’d make sure they started to be closer. He wouldn’t lose his mom and dad because they were too dense. He could just barely hear some of his mom’s voice, they were far enough.
“Dad!” he whined. He put everything he could into sounding scared and sad. “Dad! I had a nightmare! Dad! Dad please! Where’s mom?!”
“Rhys,” his dad said. He let go of his mom and was on his way to them in a second. His steps still had that lightness he’d focused on since his first day here. “What happened bud? Ash, did you have a nightmare too?”
“No…” they said. They were awful liars, but Rhys can handle this.
“A bad giant came and took all of us away from you! Can we all sleep together tonight?” He made sure to add some tears. His dad put a hand down in front of them. Rhys climbed on in a second pulling Ash along. They couldn’t lie, but never hated sleeping in dad’s hands.
“Of course, we can sleep in my bed. How does that sound?”
“C-can mom come? What if a bad giant gets her?” He made his lip start quivering. His mom came and landed next to him on the hand. He looked at her desperately. Ash helped by moving their tail to wrap around her.
“I’ll go with you, we’ll all stay together tonight,” she said. She gave him a hug and patted Ash’s tail.
His dad smiled, bringing his hand up to his chest and cupping it around all three of them. His mom didn’t leave, he knew he was right. His dad brought all of them upstairs and carefully laid on his bed. He put all three of them over his heart, but left his hand off. His mom flared her wings a bit, pulling Rhys and Ash closer. His dad put his hand down on top of them and curled his fingers in close. It was nice having his family this close, he never thought he’d have this.
“I know you didn’t have a nightmare, but just this once I’ll humor you,” his mom whispered. He blushed and buried his head in her chest. At least his dad wasn’t as observant as she was.
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chironshorseass · 4 years
I u want, could u mayhaps write about annabeth seeing percy after a long time apart and realizing his voice grew deeper? I saw a post about it once and I think u would nail it perfectly<3
TIME PASSES SO QUICKLY AHH but here it is! I also got another request of pre-relationship percabeth and let’s just say that y’all read my mind. Also sorry that I can’t seem to write anything under 1k words 😩
read on ao3
“So I heard Percy’s coming today,” Silena said casually, holding a basket against her hip.
Annabeth yanked one of the strawberries so hard that its leaves came along with it.
“He is?”  
She didn’t try to shroud her excitement like she would’ve done, not too long ago.
“Yeah. Charlie told me.”
She felt a twinge of jealousy that Percy hadn’t even mentioned it to her, but she quickly clamped it down. It wasn’t his fault. Not entirely, anyway. They’d IM’d at the beginning of their semester as freshmen, but then it had gotten to the point of him mentioning Rachel all the time, and then the year had gotten busier, and…
Well, they’d lost contact.
Realizing she’d zoned out, she blinked away the fog from her eyes.
“But honestly I wasn’t supposed to tell,” Silena was saying. “He said something about it being a surprise or whatever. I just wanted to see your reaction.”
Annabeth must’ve been doing something strange with her face, because Silena gave her a smug look, raising her eyebrows. She was used to her doing that, so she didn’t mind.
Well, maybe a bit.
But the daughter of Aphrodite already knew everything there was to know about her feelings for Percy. Probably before even Annabeth first realized that she was in love with her best friend. So again, it was pointless to hide from her.
“So.” Silena bumped her gently on the shoulder. “What are you gonna wear?”
Annabeth lifted her sun hat and stared at her for a couple of seconds. The latter looked as perfect as ever, despite the grueling sun. With her pink crop top, mini shorts, perfect makeup, and her dark hair pulled back into a low bun, Annabeth had little doubt that she could help her choose a different outfit other than her torn camp wardrobe. But, still, this was Percy.  
Her best friend.
“Mmm...no, it’s fine. We’ve got to finish the south side of the strawberry fields, so, we can’t lose time, ya know?”
Silena gaped at her, then scoffed.
“What am I going to do with you, Chase?” she muttered, crouching to the ground again and shoving her hands into the foliage. “But whatever—it’s your call. Like, you’re so pretty that you actually look good in that sorry excuse of an outfit.”
Her eyes roved over Annabeth’s shirt and jeans. She felt herself blush at the attention.
“Hey, is that blood?”
“Uh...Maybe—but it’s old! Don’t worry.”
“A lost cause, I tell you.”
It had been too long since she’d caught a glimpse of that tell-tale curve of the shoulders and those raven curls.
Percy was early. Most of the summer campers always came the next week or so from this one, but she wasn’t complaining about his untimely arrival. Not when he looked that cute in his school uniform and with that ridiculously messy hair.
She regarded him from afar as he chatted with Beckendorf by the Big House porch, a bag slumped over his shoulder. Something about him—in the way he laughed or how he suddenly looked taller—made her stomach drop like a volleyball, made every blade of grass seem brighter.
Running up to him, she yelled, “Hey, stranger! Why so early?”
He turned to the sound of her voice, flashing her that crooked grin of his. Gods, she’d missed him.
“Hey yourself!”
When she finally reached the two boys, she skidded to a halt in front of Percy and gave him an exaggerated once-over.
“Why’d you still have your uniform on, Seaweed Brain?”
“Do I?” he gazed down at his white shirt and gray pants. His eyes flicked to her again, smiling sheepishly. “Oh. Kinda forgot I had it on, I guess.”
“Man, I’ve already told you,” Beckendorf said. “Leave the fancy shit home.”
“I forgot, okay? You know I hate this stupid uniform.”
In her honest opinion, the uniform seemed to be quite the opposite of stupid. Really, it should've been a crime to look that good in white and rolled up sleeves.
“Yeah, whatever.” Beckendorf glanced back and forth from Percy to Annabeth. He smirked and patted Percy on the back. “Anyway,  I’ll leave you to it.”
She watched him stroll to the Big House and step inside. He’d probably been here—with Percy—in the first place because of a favor from Chiron.
They stood there, letting the silence build up.
His eyes were warm, green like the shallow sea. Annabeth had always thought that she’d get used to that color, that luminescence. But she never did. Every time she peered up at them, it felt like the first time all over again. She could drown in those eyes and beam up at the fading sky and not beg for breath.
But now, it was worse. It was worse because she could tell that he’d grown. Actually grown. She didn’t quite know how to feel about the fact that his voice had abruptly dropped at least an octave lower than from last summer and that from now on, she’d have to lift her chin to meet his eyes.
“You’ve changed,” she blurted out.
She probably winced a little. Hopefully, she’d sounded casual.
“In what way, exactly?” His mouth twitched into a grin, cheeks dimpling, and her nervousness faded to a quiet buzzing. “That I’m finally taller than you?”
She pushed him away lightly to cover up the flush that was surely painting her cheeks a light pink. This was stupid. He was just being stupid. It was just Percy, for gods’ sake.
“Yeah, taller than me by like, an inch.”
“Admit it, you’re jealous.”
“I hate you.”
That was a lie, and Percy knew it.
“No, you don’t.”
“How am I supposed to keep things out of your reach, now?”
“See, that’s the point. Now I get to pick on you. Shortie.”
Annabeth stuck her tongue out. “You’re such a child.”
He laughed again, giving her whiplash from how different the sound rang in her ears. His laughter had always been a comfort to her, something that made her chest warm and gave her the motivation to try and let it out of him, again and again.
And it still was.
But this new laugh, however, had a richness to it that she felt down to her toes. He threw his head back, eyes crinkling like they always did. And yet, she found new angles to it. Saw a strange glow. He stood under the spotlight of a brand new theater, making everything he did seem like something new and foreign.
It dawned on her that she was staring like an idiot, even after Percy’s smile had faded to a lingering tug of the mouth.
“I’ve missed you,” he said, plain and honest. In many ways, he hadn’t changed. Not really.
“Me too.” Their eyes stayed interlocked for a couple more seconds. She cleared her throat. “Have you, uh...told Chiron you’re here?”
“He already knows.”
“Psh. So am I the only one that didn’t know about you coming here?”
She didn’t mean to sound so accusatory, but there was no backing out, now.
He ducked his head. It was barely recognizable, but she could always tell when he was blushing.
“I...well, you know, wanted to, um—surprise you.”
Another awkward pause.
Percy scratched the back of her head. “Do you, uh...wanna walk with me? To my cabin?”
“You know,” he said. “My mom made you cookies.”
“Are they any good?” she teased.
He turned to give her an incredulous look. “This is my mom we’re talking about. Of course they’re good.”
“Okay...well, what are you waiting for? Hand them over, Seaweed Brain.”
“In a sec. I’m too lazy to open my bag right now, in the middle of camp.”
As they walked, Annabeth noticed how heads turned when the campers got a good look at the two of them together. Most of them just stared at Percy. They passed by some of her siblings carrying spears; she saw Malcolm wink and felt herself blush again.
“Anyway, you wouldn’t have guessed what I got on my finals,” Percy was saying.
She glared pointedly at Malcolm, then whirled her head to look at Percy again. “What’d you get?”
“Oh my gods, Percy. Just tell.”
He smiled and gave her a sideways glance. “You’re no fun.”
But even if he said it casually, the comment dug deeper than she would’ve liked. Did he think Rachel was fun? She decided not to dwell on that.
Annabeth was the one talking to him. Not Rachel.
He glanced at her once, but seemingly decided to fix his gaze forward. His eyes sparkled in a way that she knew meant he was trying to hold back a grin. He’d failed in the attempt, though.
“Okay, I’ll just say it: A ‘B’ plus.”
Her jaw dropped. “Percy!”
“Yeah,” he laughed.
“Oh my gods!”  
Clarisse, standing by the Ares cabin, mimed Annabeth, mouthing her words and making kissy faces. She mostly ignored it, too distracted on what Percy had just said.
Her heart swelled at the thought of all the work he must’ve put himself through.
She grasped his arm. “I’m so proud of you, Perce.”
“Yeah, me too. Paul helped, though. And mom.”
“Give yourself some of the credit.”
He sighed happily. “I guess I can say that I didn’t cheat. Well, maybe a little.”
She tried to shove him, but he danced away.
“Ohh, don’t tell me that you’ve never cheated on anything.”
“Okay.” She rolled her eyes. “Like maybe once or twice.”
“But whatever. You got a ‘B’ and that’s what matters.”
“Yeah. It is.”
They smiled at each other for a second, then, he shouldered his bag and stopped by cabin three. The abalone shell seemed to glow brighter when he stood next to it.
Before she could stop herself, she said, “We should celebrate.”
He lifted one of those thick eyebrows of his and leaned back against the door frame. “What do you mean?”
“You know…” she kicked some of the stray pebbles from the ground, suddenly flustered. “Your grades. It deserves a celebration, don’t you think?”
His face lit up once more. “Oh! Yeah, like a picnic or something? We could eat the cookies Mom made—unless you want them for yourself, which is fine—”
“No!” She bit her lip. “I mean—sharing is cool. I’d like that.”
Annabeth decided it best not to visibly cringe at herself. Who’d even say “sharing” and “cool” at the same time?
Luckily, Percy nodded along with her. “Okay. Cool. Wait—that reminds me…” He unzipped his bag, hands already roaming around inside it. “Ah, here it is.”
He took a take-out like box with red flowers painted around the sides. They looked handmade. She accepted the gift with a smile.
“Who made these?” she asked, examining the paintings closer. “They’re pretty.”
When she saw his smug look, she didn't have to think twice about who had decorated it.
“I did,” he said. Her expression must’ve still been akin to impressed shock, because he chuckled. “What? You think I can’t be artistic?”
She shrugged. It was a simple fact, really. “Since when did you learn?”
“Uh, Rachel taught me.”
He nodded tightly.
Right. While she’d lived on the other side of the country, alone and with a family who still wasn’t that comfortable around her, he’d been off with his new mortal girlfriend. And how much time must it have taken for Rachel to teach him how to do those precise brushstrokes? To combine those colors properly? Days or more, she knew.
They’d been busy.
She pretended not to care, anyway, opening the box to check on the cookies. “They, um...They look good!” She met his eyes so that he could see just how sincere her words were—because they really did look divine. Divine and blue. “Give Sally my thanks. And you must’ve worked really hard on this. So, thanks also.”
Annabeth noticed how he relaxed at the change of subject. Idiot.
“I will. And nah, it was nothing. I just really wanted to, um, to contribute with the gift. I guess. And mom loves you, so…”
“Loves me more than you?”
He snorted. “Probably.”
The edges of her mouth quirked up. “So...when are you up for that celebratory picnic thing?”
“Uh...from what I remember, I think my schedule’s got like, free time at around five. That sound good?”
Her mind buzzed through her list of daily activities, relieved to find something else to think about other than the awkwardness that now lingered in the air.
“Yeah, I think I’m free at five, as well. Tomorrow, right?”
“Sounds good to me.”
It wasn’t the same. That, she could tell.
She bit the inside of her cheek, watching him fight with Clarisse. So they’d go on a picnic together. Big deal.
She’d just barely stepped outside cabin three when Silena had dragged her away, begging for every detail.
Annabeth wasn’t going to lie: she was excited. More so than she’d let on. And yet, she wasn’t sure if he liked her that way.
Not with other girls fanning over him, now. Girls like Rachel.
How could she have let him go so easily? How was this the first time in months since she’d last seen him?
She’d spent the day pretending it was fine. Her heart ached whenever he was near, but it also hurt when he was gone. She couldn't have it both ways.
So yes, everything was fine.
Maybe if she said those words enough, then she'd start to believe it and stop with this feeble act of hers. This pretending that none of the shit they’d been festering against the other mattered. And in the process, also pretend that these new feelings she had for him—that didn’t feel so new—never existed in the first place.
Then again...what was she thinking?
This was her best friend. Her best friend whom she’d tried to kiss about a year ago and who hadn’t even breathed a word about it since. Who talked to her like he was stepping around eggshells. Who was clearly not interested in her in that way if what she suspected about Rachel was true and who had suddenly become one of the most attractive guys in Camp Half-Blood.
She hated this. This sensation of her heart beating faster, her breath coming short. Her brain fading any thought away, leaving it lustrous with the image of Percy. Percy this and Percy that. His stupid smile and his stupid laugh and—
Ice-cold water struck her skin, stopping her thought process short like a shock wave.
“Sorry,” Silena said, not actually sounding sorry. Stray water dripped from her hand. “You were spaced out for a while.”
Their canoe boat rocked back and forth along with the gusts of wind.
“Okay,” Annabeth said, glaring at her friend. She wanted to wipe that cheeky grin off her face. “Now you’re just asking for it.”
With a sharp, practiced tug, she flipped them over. Silena’s screech died when they hit the water.
She resurfaced, spluttering, splashing Annabeth again and again.
“You little shit! I am going to kill you!”
“What?” Annabeth laughed, choking on water. “I thought your makeup’s waterproof!”
Silena threw more water at her.
“Your point?”
And okay, maybe they looked like fools fighting in the middle of the lake, laughing and joking around. But it was fine; no one was there to witness it except perhaps the naiads and the cicadas that roared in the woods along with the rogue monster.
Well...there was one person.
But the girls didn’t have the mind to notice him.
Percy sat on the back of the pier and smiled, shaking his head.
Maybe someday, they could move on from this strange faze. From skipping around each other, then acting like friends all over again.
The sound of the conch horn in the distance brought a reluctant stop to the chirping of the crickets. Dinner time.
He stood up and made his way back, wishing that just maybe, he could be brave enough to tell her how he felt. To unashamedly look at her and no one else as though she were the fading sun, inviting for the naked eye to gape at directly as it caressed the sea and the tree tops while coloring the sky a deep purple. To kiss her in front of all those stupid people and hug her and make her laugh and smile, all golden and beautiful.
Rid himself of the worries, once and for all.
But it couldn’t be.
Maybe, just maybe…
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corn-esque · 3 years
box of pencils
dream x george | ao3 -  6,028 words dear sarah | awfultune
"but i spend too much of my time, wishing that he was online."
dream and george were schoolmates from elementary to high school, they seemingly and unknowingly drift apart after a few unlabeled dates and an adorable storybook about a blob and a mushroom. the blond is left alone — reflecting on their experiences with the sweet boy he has fallen for ever since they were in elementary school.
"hush, i'm gay and i found you to be very nice and very pretty. remember that one time you gave me your pencil because i forgot mine? i was whipped after that. i remember the type of pencil too, it was strawberry scented with cows and bees printed along the covering."
"you're easy to draw in, so, if i find myself liking you, should i just give you a box of pencils, then?"
"you don't have to, a kiss will suffice, pretty boy."
or, a cliché chat fic, with more to it than meets the eye. (the 'more' being two boys in love, mentions of drista and tommy wreaking havoc, and phil, techno, and wilbur being semi-responsible adults.)
fic under the cut! 
——— the phone was old, and the screen was riddled with cracks and dust. he didn't know why he held onto the device, there wasn't much use for it anyway. surprisingly, it was still alive, he charges it from time to time. the boy held onto his old phone from highschool, it was useless, really. turning on the device, he goes to his messages, and his messages from years ago. the device was working slowly, years of not using the tiny metal rectangle rendered it mildly useless - in this world, and in this time, phones were nothing but dead weight.
calloused fingertips scrolled up quickly, he was used to doing this, for whenever he missed the other boy, he went and re-read their messages from way back then. he leans back into the wall, his hair tousled as he curled his body into himself, everything hurts, and he doesn't move much. the corner of the room was piled with cans of non perishable goods, and the sky was bleak and devoid of stars. if he tried to listen closely, maybe he could hear cries and deep breathing nearby, but he was too tired to try and pay attention.
the room was dark, and silent (his best friend was slumped on a corner nearby, he needs the sleep. the room reeked of metal and smoke. he could still hear the loud bang that escaped the metal weapon his best friend had. the days were stagnant and hectic at the same time.), only illuminated by his old phone. there was no signal, and the screen was cracked, nevertheless, the device still worked — albeit slow.
— august 21, 2019 - wednesday - 6:29pm
+********** —hello? is this the right number?
+********** —is this george from literature?
+********** —oh, yes! i thought you gave me a random number, or something.
[ dream changes +**********'s nickname to george. ]
+********** —do i look like someone who'd do that?
george —somehow, yeah, athletic boys are stereotypically portrayed as douchebags. —plus, you always hang around sapnap, right? that dude's intimidating, he's a hair away from burning the school down.
[ george changes +**********'s nickname to dream. ]
dream —ouch - you've hurt my feelings :((
george —hm, alright. —anyways, when do you want to meet? to like, talk about the piece?
dream —is it a date?
george —you're such an idiot.
dream —you didn't say no, though.
george —get the hell away from me, you fuckboy. :/ —tomorrow, after classes.
dream —alright. —you better not ditch me, pretty boy.
george —i literally set the meeting- —i'll meet you at the school gates.
dream —sure, see you tomorrow, georgie!
— august 22, 2019 - thursday - 3:47pm
george —i'll just drop some papers off in mr. sam's room, then i'll go down. —it'll only take like, ten minutes or so.
dream —the warden? that man hates my guts, prolly because of that one time i accidentally tripped tommy. —sure, take your time. —do you want anything from the vending machine? my treat.
george —what do you mean? mr. sam could never hate anyone, sure, he's stern and cold, but he cares - a lot. —don't mourn about mr. sam acting cold towards you, miss puffy literally calls you her duckling. —strawberry milk please, thanks. :]
dream —of course the sweet heart would say that. (miss puff is an exception, she has known dris and i since we were small.) —alrighty, i'll be waiting with a strawb milk. :)
— august 23, 2019 - friday - 12:08am
dream —hey, hanging out with you was fun! :) —i know this is all like, for a project and all, but -- thanks for keeping me company.
george —thanks to you, too! —i didn't know you had a liking for literature, or writing in general. —you're skilled.
dream —yeah, i do it whenever i can, but i don't have much time because of practice and all that. —your drafts for the illustration is nice :) i adored them, and it inspired me to write more.
george —i honestly want to get to know you more, you seem interesting.
dream —it is an honor to have mr. pretty boy call me interesting. —would you like to play 20 questions? —then we can like, exceed the 20 questions and ask more.
george —sure! :] —and since you suggested it, you should be the one starting as well.
dream —darn it, alright. —favourite colour?
george —blue, i'm colourblind. so, blue is the only colour i can see accurately.
dream —bummer, my favourite colour is green, can you see green?
george —you're being greedy, two questions on a row? gosh, dream. —but no, i can't see green. in my vision, it's more piss yellow.
dream —i'll buy you the finest enchroma glasses money can buy, because, capitalism. plus the fact that i am a simp and i find you very pretty.
george —shut up, you can't charm me. —(although, techno did slip up and mention that you had a crush on me when we were in elementary, what's that about?) —we're broke high school students, dream. —save your money for the future.
dream —i'll purchase it without your knowledge, then. —(hush, i'm gay and i found you to be very nice and very pretty. remember that one time you gave me your pencil because i forgot mine? i was whipped after that. i remember the type of pencil too, it was strawberry scented with cows and bees printed along the covering.)
george —i can't stop you, can i? —(you're easy to draw in, so, if i find myself liking you, should i just give you a box of pencils, then?) —alright, my turn with the question - do you have any pets?
dream —i have! i have a cat named patches, and a little sister - she's very much a feral animal. —(you don't have to, a kiss will suffice, pretty boy.)
george —is she the girl tommy hangs out with? he calls her drista, i believe. she stays with us sometimes, she seems like a nice girl - a force of nature, but a nice girl nonetheless. —they wreak havoc together, it drives mr. sam insane.
dream —yeah, that's her. she's two years our junior, but she's gonna take exams to try and accelerate. i've also taken to calling her dris, she doesn't really like her birth name. you know, rough relationships with parents and all that. —how 'bout you? do you have a pet?
george —as of now, no. my cat was put down three months ago. he was old. —i still miss him, but wil and toms help by accompanying me to the local shelter. we do volunteer work. —what is it like to have a sibling?
dream —it's like you're in a survival horror game. in my case, i'm always alert, dris can wield a fork very well - she can put techno to shame with her skills. —we like watching survival movies, death games, and stuff like that. drista is very chaotic, she has an in depth plan about how she'll survive in an apocalypse. —she won't hesitate to bash someone in the head. like, seriously, her arm strength is both admirable and terrifying. —do you like anyone at the moment?
george —...ngl your sister is high key cool. —no, not really. —a boy hasn't caught my eye yet. —i'll let you know with a box of pencils.
dream —ooo, you're straightn't? —*furiously waits for the box of pencils.*
george —... that's a phenomenal term, but yes, i indeed am straightn't (insert trademark here, i'm too lazy to scour through my keyboard for the symbol.). —no use asking you, everyone knows you're bi. which, you're so courageous for coming out, i hope i can get to that point where i can tell other people that.
dream —hey! i believe you can, and no one's forcing you, take your time. —our paces are different, and it's alright! you're still valid either way.
george —thank you, you're nice. :] —can we hang out more?
dream —like, outside of group work? —of course. :)
george —pog. —it's late, and we still have classes tomorrow (technically, later.). —goodnight, dream.
dream —goodnight, george! see you later!
— august 24, 2019 - saturday - 2:55pm
dream —are you free? —we can hang out, if you want.
george —sure! where?
dream —i know a place, it has strong cottagecore vibes. —it might inspire you to draw sceneries, i don't know.
george —alright, pick me up.
dream —sure sure, let me just stop at a sev - elev. i'm going to buy food and drinks.
— august 24, 2019 - saturday - 3:11pm
dream —i'm here.
george —alright, wait a sec.
— august 24, 2019 - saturday - 10:22pm
george —dream, dude, you were right. —i now have like, a concept for the storybook thing.
dream —alright, alright. spill.
george —what if we make like, simplistic characters based off of us. and the 'story' is about their day out at the park filled with plant life?
dream —george, yEs- —that's so adorable! —although, i don't know if the concept itself is adorable, or the fact that you want to make a simplistic storybook about our date - but - not - really.
george —you're such an idiot, dream. —anyways, what will your character be? i suggest for it to not be human.
dream —oh, i want to be a blob. like, just white, with a dopey smiley face. —wait, what will yours be?
george —i'll be,,, a white and red mushroom, with clout goggles. and i'll call mushroom dude 'gogy', because wil will not shut up about it if i named it anything else.
dream —aw! that's adorable. :) —adorable like you-
george —... —*sprays you with anti gàë sprāê*
george —yo, that's pretty straightn't of you.
dream —...george you're also not straight.
george —ah, crap. you're right about that one, chief. —well, i am honoured. you're not so bad yourself, mister dream.
dream —... —wait a minute, i'm blue screening emotionally and mentally. give me five minutes, i'll just forcefully swallow the gae panik.
george —aw! the wittle bwaby's fwusttered. —(i did that ironically and i won't do it again because, frankly, that aesthetic isn't for me.) —either way, i can sense you punching the air right now.
dream —*beats the crap out of the air.* —you don't want to be my uwu soft boy? :(
george —well, how much are you paying me?
dream —i have a corn chip, will it be enough? —or, i can give you my sister?
george —i already have a feral tommy and a feral wilbur, as well as a cryptid techno. so, no. i won't accept dris. i'm already a glorified babysitter. (/j, i'll gladly take drista in, we talked the other day, and she's actually a sweetheart.) —add a slice of sandwich cheese with the corn chip, and maybe i'll consider.
dream —wait... —sandwich cheese? (also, don't listen to drista slandering me please and thank you.)
george —yeAH, their necks go shreenk. —and then they transcend into another dimension.
dream —...now i kinda want to throw cheese at patches...
george —do it. —it has to be done. —you have to cheese patches for the universe to maintain its balance. —maybe if you don't do it, it'll cause the universe to get this plague and the world will go to shit, i don't know.
dream —jeebus, george, yeah i'll cheese her lololololol —wait a sec.
george —i'm so sorry to patches, i will avenge you someday.
dream —yOU LITERALLY ASKED ME- —[dream sent a video, 25 seconds long. he opens the fridge door, his fingers meticulously wrapping themselves around the fridge's handle. he grabs a slice of cheese and peels it from the plastic.
drista is heard walking up to the older blond, "dream, what in the hell are you doing?" the younger girl inquired, clearly tired of dream's antics. the aforementioned boy doesn't respond, but merely wheezes as he walks up to the cat. patches was peacefully loafing on the couch, and with the force of dream's gamer - athletic hybrid fingers, he threw the cheese at patches.
the feline recoiled, and her eyes were filled with confusion and fatigue upon realizing the betrayal inflicted upon her, and the video was abruptly cut off my drista and dream wheezing together in harmony.]
george —that was beautiful, i felt 69 different emotions while watching that.
dream —69? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) —take me out to dinner first, georgie.
george —WERTFGYHU75TFYGUIGTEULRIFH —YOU LITTLE SHIT —*furiously sprays you with anti honri spray* —*bonks you with the anti honri stick*
dream —I WAS KIDDING —unless-
george —jeebus, shut the eff up man, i'm going to bed.
dream —this early? :( —(i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable, i crossed some boundaries there. not everyone's comfortable with jokes like that, i'm sorry, george.)
george —no, no! it's fine :] —and, hypersomnia is an attention seeking fellow.
dream —ooo alright, understandable. —tell me when i make you uncomfortable or if i cross any boundaries, the last thing i want to do is make you uncomfortable.
george —sure! —goodnight, dream. :]
dream —goodnight, georgie. :)
— august 25, 2019 - sunday - 2:09am
george —dream? i'm sorry if i'm bothering you, or if i accidentally woke you up.
dream —no, i wasn't doing anything. —contrary to what they call me, i'm a huge insomniac. —hey, i'm an insomniac and you're a hypersomniac - we're made for each other ;DD
george —...nvm, goodnight again.
dream —gEORGE- —seriously, though. what's wrong?
george —not much, i just woke up from a nightmare. —i have them from time to time, sometimes though, they're just too much.
dream —do you want to talk about it? —i have lots of time on my hands, and i can listen if you want.
george —just, my parents, i guess? —i live alone, and my aunt from overseas pays for everything here. so, like, my tuition, water bills, etc etc. —i miss my parents.
dream —i'm so sorry about that, is there anything i can do to help?
george —keep me company? we can just,,, talk over text. —to be frank, i am too overwhelmed to talk over call.
dream —that's alright with me, georgie! :) —i'll provide some distraction. —did you know that sapnap and techno teaches tommy and drista the chaotic shit they know?
george —chaotic, how? in what way? —dris and toms do lots of things, you might need to specify.
dream —the self defense chaotic type ‘o shit. —dris can swing a baseball bat excellently, hell, she balances being in track and field by also being in the baseball team. —and tommy, he learns a lot about running and shit from dris.
george —you seem to be very proud of them, it’s adorable.
dream —i am, they are my little siblings. :) —she likes you, she approves of you, yanno?
george —drista approves of me? (she may or may not have given me advice on how i can win you over, but that’s a secret.) —that’s a relief :] i hear about her scaring sketchy girls and boys away from you. —fundy is high - key afraid of her.
dream —hahaha yeah, she might be younger but she’s very overprotective. —(you don’t need to win me over, you already have.)
he couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his lips, his arm hurts, and skin around the wounded skin was turning into an ugly purple. he doesn't pay attention to it, he only scrolls further down the messages. he remembers that day, george had a nightmare, and dream went on a tangent about his interests to get the brit's mind off of the nightmares. they got to know each other more after that.
dream remembers the day out their storybook was based off of - it was their first hang out as friends. they went to explore this beautiful hidden gem past the trees and outside of their town. they ate, and talked, and got to know each other more (there was a tiny part in the storybook wherein blob, dream's stand in, was sad because he was stained with mud, gogy gave him an acorn to cheer him up.). they opened up to each other, and dream found his small elementary crush bloom into something more. heck, they were planning on working on another story together, it was such a shame that it didn't happen.
the blond haired boy was pushed into the mud by the brit, and he dragged the latter down with him. they had fun in the lake and went home drenched in water.
dream's arm ached, it was bleeding lazily. he held the old phone in his right hand, and kept the old box of pencils on his left. the sticky note was old and grainy, and the writing was almost faded.
'i think you're not stinky, be my boyfriend?'
— october 28, 2019 - monday - 4:12pm
george —i'm almost finished with the illust. —do you want to look over it?
dream —sure!
george —i sent it to you on drive.
dream —alright, be right back. i'll read and make some edits with the writing, because i'm sure that the illust. is good.
george —are you going to school tomorrow? there's this weird virus going around. —some people are rioting because of the government's negligence. —you know wil's mum, right? kristin? she's a head nurse in the local hospital, in the past two weeks - there was an influx of patients rushed into the hospital —some merely had the flu, some had nosebleeds and a lack of consciousness, and some were having seizures left and right. the other hospitals were flooded, too.
dream —i think i'm still going, surely, if it gets worse - they'd establish a lockdown, right? —there are theories going around; that the government isn't doing anything because it has fallen apart from the inside. people were apparently paid to keep their mouths shut. —that's just speculation, though. lord knows the president loves his dog too much, and maybe that caused the negligence - he had to spend time with his dog or some shit. /hj —by the way, tell miss kristin to keep safe. :)
george —i will. :] —ooo the dog is a german shepherd, right? —and, about the lockdown. our borders are closed, my aunt was supposed to visit me here, and she couldn't. she was worried when she heard the info from kristin. —man, i just want to finish high school. —by the way, i've been meaning to ask - uh, i like you for some years now, and i'm glad to know that the pining is mutual... —the world is going to shit, want to go on a date?
dream —... —is this a joke?
george —no, i'm sorry if i just made things awkward lololol-
dream —nononono —it's just that —i've liked you for so long, i didn't think you'd like me back.
george —...so, date?
dream —sure :) —can it be after this week, though? exams are kicking my ass.
george —we literally spend time together even after school but aight.
dream —nO, i want this to be special. like, the study and the project 'dates' are their own thing, i want this to be extra special. —george?
george —apologies, i was getting myself some food. —have you seen the news?
dream —wait, let me turn the tv on. —what the fuck.
george —the coyotes are eating each other. —they look,,, weird.
dream —that's interesting, huh. —the world really is going to shit. —do you want to hang out later? like, 6-ish, and have a sleepover?
george —sure, let me just bake smth :]
it was the final day of their exams, george was with wilbur, tommy, and drista in the left side of the building where they took their chemistry exams, whereas dream was with sapnap on the right side of the building after taking their pre-calculus exams. "george, you live alone, right?" wilbur inquired, adjusting his maroon beanie as they walked, his phone was on silent and he was oblivious to the fact that phil was trying to call him repeatedly. "if there's a quarantine, want to stay with us?"
"that would be poggers!" tommy exclaimed, curly blond hair bouncing as he enthusiastically turned to look at george. “gogy is gonna sleep over with us.” the young blond was smacked at the back of the head by drista, grumbling about how loud he was.
"would phil be alright with that?" george hummed, to which the curly haired brunette snorted at.
"you know that phil would gladly help a child in need." the curly haired boy responded. "given the chance, he'd adopt every single orphan in the world, much to techno's comical dismay."
"where is tech and phil, by the way?" drista asked, looking at her friends with a befuddled gaze.
"tech is at his fencing classes, and phil is at work - he'll be home early, though." the young blond responded. "did you get your little storybook thing checked?"
"yeah, i made two copies — one for the library, and one just for dream. we'll meet up a little later, " the brown haired brit explained fondly, he was about to speak, but was interrupted by his phone ringing. george pulled the device out, to see that phil was calling him. "hello?"
"are you with wil and the others right now?" the watson patriarch asked urgently. "wil isn't answering his phone, and tommy left his at home."
"uh, yeah, i'm with wil, toms, and dris right now." george responded, looking at his friends and putting phil on loud speaker. there was chaos in the background, students were running through the halls and the group moved aside to make room.
"i'll need you guys to go home right now, get here. take the route at the back, so there's not much people." phil instructed in a hurry. "whatever happens, don't get bitten. if you do - you're good as dead."
and the phone call ends.
dream stared at the phone in a daze, and the room's door opens. the blond looks up, muddy green eyes meeting ones identical to his own. drista had a poker face on, she wore thick clothing and they covered every inch of her skin — preventing her from getting bit. she held a long, baseball bat, covered in sharp, rusty nails stained with dried blood; the weapon was certainly an upgrade from her usual rusty fork.
whenever it was drista's turn to watch over them while they slept, she meticulously sharpens each metal nail with sandpaper, and to be frank, any other time - dream would have found the sharpness of drista's sort - of - biohazard weapon to be terrifying and intimidating, but now, he was filled with nothing but acceptance, because what's the use of worrying about being infected by the nails when he himself was infected by parasites? he'd rather die than allow those little fuckers to control his body and force him to feed on to other people. it was also one of the rare times she had her mask off. the mask was identical to dream's — made of metal, with a smile precisely etched onto the surface.
"brother." she coldly addresses, her mask was perched on her shoulder face up, the leather straps resting on the left side of her clothes back to back. despite drista's cold demeanor, dream smiles at his sister.
"dris." the blond responded weakly. ignoring the weapon trailing behind her sister's form, he knew what was coming, he has accepted it.
dream was with sapnap, exhausted after finishing their pre-calculus exams. "man, that sucked, i think i'll fail." the ravenette complained.
"if your grade goes down to a C, you know you'll be kicked off the team." the blond hummed, in a daze. "what are you doing after this?" dream asked, ignoring the students rushing out of the campus — they just might be excited to go home.
"i think i'll go out with karl and q, there's this new ice cream place that opened three weeks ago, and we didn't have the time to go and check it out." sapnap explained, dream's phone rang, and the latter checked it to see that it was his sister calling him.
"hello, dris?" the blond answered.
"dream. get out of there. go to phil's, we'll meet you guys there — take the back route." drista got straight to the point, which confused dream. "we can't go to you guys right now, we're on the other side of the building."
"wait, what's happening?" dream was about to ask, but was interrupted by a yell, the blond and the ravenette turned their heads to see a girl getting mauled by a horde of students. her screams were deafening as the zombified students mercilessly ate her flesh and stopping at the bone. "oh, shit-" the blond muttered, grabbing sapnap by the arm and running to the back route where there wasn't much students. the ravenette got the message and ran with dream.
"dream, i need you to pull yourself together, okay? remember the movies we watch and remember the plans we made together in case something like this happens? put it into action. come here alive, don't die, idiot." drista spoke from the loud speaker, and the phone call was dropped. adrenaline powered the two teens, grabbing three baseball bats (one for each of them, and an extra, which will soon belong to drista.) and bashing the infected students they come across on the head. sapnap was unbelievably skilled with the bat (he also taught drista how to use a bat when she was younger, and it only caused nothing but chaos.), and dream skillfully dodged the zombified students, crushing their heads whenever it was needed (dream and sapnap stopped by one of the vending machines, and smashed the glass door, shoving food and drinks in their backpacks. the dirty blond haired boy grabbed lots of strawberry milk for george. he hoped george was alright.). eventually, they reach phil's cottage — a little far from the neighborhood.
"phil! we're here!" sapnap yelled, slamming his fists against the door to let them know that they have arrived, to which they were allowed inside by techno after they were checked for bites. it takes 20 minutes for a person to turn entirely.
"for what it's worth, no, for all it's worth — i love you." dream started, looking at his little sister. "i tried my best to raise you, even with our fractured home life. i may not be the greatest brother there is, but i'm so proud of who you've become." the blond coughed, the bite mark on his arm was oozing puss. drista visibly swallows, hastily wiping tears from her eyes, but her face was still devoid of emotions. "don't cry, i'd hug you, but i don't want you to come close to me. it's too dangerous."
"for all it's worth, i love you too." drista responded, showing a sliver of emotion, but closing up again. emotions can be used against her, and she needs to survive this new world in order to spite whoever was watching over their world. drista will survive on her own terms, and likewise, she will also die on her own terms. she is in control of her fate, or, at least, that's what she wants to think.
as they were running, chased by a horde of zombified students. drista dodged the chairs and obstacles in the way with skill and precision (she was a junior in the track and field team with dream), stopping every once in a while to wait for her friends. they stopped, the horde catching up quickly, they'd surely die at this rate — they were fatigued from all the running. george exhaled, facing wilbur with a determined expression.
he had a bite mark on his hand from when he bashed one of the zombies in the head with a thick thesaurus (phil's words echoed through his head, if he was bitten - he was as good as dead. would he turn into one of those zombified people if he stayed alive? george doesn't know, he was filled with nothing but confusion, even so - he has made a choice.). george will surely turn into one of the zombified students and potentially will endanger the group. he wasn't trying to be a hero, but george just had a heart bigger than his body that he doesn't want to possibly put his childhood friends in danger, heck, he doesn't want to put dream in danger. and so, he decides to make a sacrifice.
"wil, take my bag. give it to dream." the brown haired brit said sternly, watching as the horde moves much too quickly for their liking. "i'll buy you some time, go." george smiled as wilbur accepted the bag. without any warning, the shorter brit ran towards the horde, knocking one of the lockers sideways, blocking the horde from reaching the trio. it wouldn't stay for long, but with the added distraction such as a meal, they have time to get away.
"wait, george!" wilbur yelled out. george succumbed to his fate, yelling out and crying as he got mauled and eaten. the brit was sobbing as the students tore into his body, and the curly haired boy was about to run towards him but was held back by tommy. george was tech and wil's childhood best friend, he practically grew up at phil's after his parents perished. tommy, was stricken by grief, but he continues to hold wilbur back.
"go!" george mustered out, "i'm buying you some time, go."
wilbur was frozen, so was tommy. george laid there helplessly as he was torn apart by the infected students. they were snapped out of their reverie by drista pulling them to the back exit. the young blond took the backpack from wilbur as they ran to the direction of the cottage. "let's not make george's sacrifice be wasted, we have to live." drista spoke firmly, ignoring george’s bloodshot, lifeless eyes. (she tried desperately to ignore those eyes, those same eyes who gazed at her brother as if he hung every celestial body there was.)
george didn't have time to turn into one of the infected students roaming the earth, for he was merely eaten alive.
"can i text someone before i go?" dream asked his little sister, gently waving the old phone around. he only had 10 percent worth of battery left. "i want to tell him something, i have to tell him something." the boy spoke, his speech was slurred and almost incoherent but the girl still understood what he was trying to say. drista nods in response. the blond could feel himself slowly slipping. it has been seventeen minutes.
"where's george?" dream asked, looking around.
everything passed in a blur as he was told what happened to george, his potential soulmate, and his lover that the world mercilessly ripped away from him. they were supposed to go on a date after the exams, but the world despised them so much that it just had to separate them by fucking the world up. kristin also perished, the hospitals were the first ones that were infiltrated by the zombified patients (phil cried silently in the kitchen, he did everything silently nowadays.). wilbur wordlessly hands the backpack to dream.
drista was silent in the corner, hammering nails through the end of the baseball bat sapnap handed her. her cheeks had the remnants of tear streaks, and she was tired. drista desperately put on a brave front, and she was used to it, but she has witnessed so much death and misfortune today that she especially felt the fatigue resting within the crevices of her bones. she remembered the way george’s lifeless eyes gazed up at their figures, she remembered the way he desperately shoved his backpack in their arms as he ran up to the horde.
he opens the bright blue bag, to see some of the brit's notebooks, a copy of the storybook — with sweet notes scattered across the pages. and, a box of strawberry scented pencils - it was the one with cows and bees printed along the sides. dream drinks the strawberry milk, although the contents within the boxes were sweet, they tasted bitter on his tongue.
dream thought back to what got him into this predicament; he, sapnap, and techno were out, they went to raid the seven - elevens and other stores, gathering supplies and non perishable goods. it has been two years after the beginning of the apocalypse, there was no electricity, and their cottage was mostly solar powered (courtesy of philza minecraft, the best of men.). unknowingly, they were ambushed by a horde. the ravenette protected techno from getting bit, and the blond defended sapnap. somehow, they got bitten. sapnap and dream, at that point, didn't care, because at least techno got off without being infected.
when they got home, they isolated themselves. techno got off without any bites. sapnap shot himself, not before reassuring the dirty blond haired boy that it was meant to be and that he was on his way to be with his boyfriends again, and dream went to his sister, asking the young girl to be the one to kill him, and to which, she nods solemnly. he has been stuck in a state of depression after george has perished, and he wants nothing more than to just rest. tommy, wilbur, techno, and phil looked at sapnap, drista, and dream with looks of understanding before they entered the room.
("techno, please promise me that you'll keep my sister safe." dream pleaded, "i trust you, i know we have this comical rivalry, but, please."
"it'll be more of her protecting us," techno quipped, but the blond looked at him with a desperate glint lingering within his eyes. "dream, you know we'll never let her go." the pinkette mumbled. silently thanking the green eyed blond for protecting him.)
the blond looked up at his sister with a pained smile, and the young girl got the message, gripping her weapon with both hands - her left underneath her right, she shifted her weight from toe to toe, moving back slightly and swiveling her torso slightly before raising her bat and bashing her older brother in the head. drista doesn't flinch as blood was sprayed on her face. dream slips off. drista yells as she strikes, releasing all of her frustrations into the motions. the young girl bashed into her brother's head from right to left, swiftly pulling the bat and the nails away, before finally hitting his head with the tip of her bat. she was frustrated, angry at the world because of how everything has turned out, drista was supposed to live a normal life with her brother, and she was supposed to help him with his love related predicament. she was supposed to be the normal little sister who will embarrass her brother in front of the boy he likes, but no — drista is not a normal little sister. normal little sisters don't kill their soon to be zombified older brothers.
drista crumples to the floor, releasing a heartbroken wail from her lungs as the weight of everything she has done to survive dawned on her - and upon hearing the yell; tommy, wilbur, phil, and techno entered the room, concerned. they consoled the young girl as she dropped the bat in front of her older brother, and for the first time in two years, drista openly cries on her best friend - tommy's - shoulder. drista curls in on herself as she wails, carding blood stained fingers through her hair as she hyperventilated. techno was murmuring breathing excercises, with wilbur breathing exaggeratedly so the young girl could imitate him from within the haze of her mind. blood stained sentimental objects surrounded the blond; the storybook, the phone, and the unopened box of strawberry scented pencils.
— [unsent, there's no service. ; november 21, 2021 - (redacted, corrupted. your device is malfunctioning, reboot?) - (redacted, corrupted. your device is malfunctioning, reboot?)]
dream —hi, george. —i miss you, and, i love you. —i haven't responded to the question you had on the pencils, i don't even know if it matters, but to me it does. —yes, a million times, yes. —my heart belongs to you, and, i can't wait to join you. —see you soon! :)
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Vulnerable Pt.2
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Henry Bowers x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1780 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Henry doing his best to make a mends after he treated the reader so badly
Part 1
You hadn't seen Henry since that night in the Trans Am.
He had made it very clear how he felt about you and that was fine. If he didn't want to spend time with you, you weren't going to waste your time worrying about what he had going on. That was just about all you cared to think about, and then you moved on.
You weren't desperate, or in love, you just wanted to get closer to a man that you didn't know very well to begin with, but that wasn't what he had in mind. You weren't going to waste your energy, or emotions, on someone who didn't even care enough to be honest with you.
Besides, if he thought you were such a lard ass, there was no loss for him.
That being said, it shocked him when he got to school and saw you across the hall, only to turn away from him entirely. There was no real upset on your face or even much thought at all when your eyes met his, or when you turned away.
However, even though you seemed to not care at all, Henry certainly did.
The way you'd reacted wasn't alright by him. After the way he'd treated you the other night, you should have had something to say to him. You should have made a scene or yelled at him, you should have done something.
It didn't matter how you reacted, but you should have done something. He had been so nasty to you, shutting you down in the middle of a pretty solid make-out but now it was like you didn't even care.
What kind of chick wouldn't have something to say after that? Not any that he'd ever known.
Still, Henry wasn't some girl who was going to stress over why you weren't doting on his every word. He didn't care, or so he told himself over and over again. It didn't make any sense, mostly because Henry had never felt that way, but he didn't want to think about it.
He didn't want to even give the idea any weight, and he certainly didn't want to give the guys any cue that something was wrong with him. The last thing he needed was those idiots making a scene over this whole thing.
They would just call him a bitch over it.
However, after a half hour or so of Henry trying to make sense of it all, his left leg shaking aggressively against his desk. He couldn't focus for shit, and every time he managed to try, his thoughts somehow drifted back to your face that night.
You looked so shocked when you realized what he'd meant the first time he told you to get out. There was only a split second where you actually looked upset, surprised that he would actually treat you like that, but you quickly replaced it with anger.
It was the same thing he often did.
Though, coming from you, it made much more sense. You didn't know anyone in this town, but you'd somehow ended up in the backseat of Belch's car with him. It was a hell of a welcome to this place, and he sort of felt bad.
You didn't deserve the way he'd yelled at you.
Henry understood that he wasn't the greatest guy, and he knew that you would always be too good for him. Admitting that to other people was the part he had trouble with, and he was never going to do that sort of thing.
...At least, not now.
What he did know was that if he didn't get some kind of explanation from you, he was going to go crazy. He didn't understand what he felt for you, or what he cared at all, but he did. Nothing he tried to do could change that.
Henry didn't want to talk to you.
He didn't want to address what had happened in the back of Belch's car, or what he'd said about you, but he felt like he didn't have a choice. In the same way that you'd forced Henry to feel things that he'd never felt before, you also had this effect on him.
It felt like he wasn't good enough for you, but maybe he didn't need to push you away because of that. Maybe there was some way for him to get better to deserve you.
In any case, Henry knew that explaining himself to you was not going to be easy.
After the way he'd acted, he knew that you were going to really make him swallow his pride over it, and that was going to be hard. Right now though, Henry didn't care about any of that. All he cared about was getting you to look at him again with something in your eyes.
He wanted you to look at him like you had before it all went south, when the two of you were just hanging out, talking like real people.
That was what he was missing.
You didn't really care about the way Henry had acted, mostly because you didn't have many expectations in the first place. 
The way your brother talked about him was enough for you to give up all hope of a relationship.
All you really wanted from Henry was a good time but even that was too much, which was fine by you. He wasn't the only person in this town so if he really had a problem, you weren't going to push the issue.
However, just because you'd come to terms with that didn't make you any more ready when Henry approached you after school. For once, he wasn't surrounded by his 'gang' but that didn't bring you any comfort either.
Just because they weren't around right now didn't mean that couldn't change at any second.
"Why didn't you talk to me this morning?" he started, an almost accusatory tone in his voice. It was a unique approach, especially because he was the one who'd yelled at you in the first place. You didn't push him away or make him walk home all alone.
This wasn't your fault.
Though, you didn't bother to explain that to Henry, who you doubted would understand what he'd done wrong. In fact, you weren't even sure why he was bothering to talk to you at all, he had made his opinions very clear.
As far as you were concerned, there was no need to even have this conversation.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I needed to" you scoffed finally, when you glanced over your shoulder to find the blonde still standing there, his arms across his chest. He was really entitled, considered the fact that you didn't owe him anything.
You clearly weren't in the mood, but Henry couldn't let this be the way this whole thing ended. He owed you an apology but it was obviously going to be a lot harder than he'd originally thought to get there.
"No, you didn't need to. I just kinda thought you would" he stammered, floundering just a little bit in the kind of way you didn't expect. It was a vulnerability that you hadn't been expecting, but while it softened you a little, you weren't willing to forget how cruel he'd been.
No one deserved to be treated the way Henry so often treated everyone else.
He could be so cruel, and so nasty, and had been that night. Still, you just felt like even knowing that, he seemed to be telling the truth. The look on his face was more than enough to sell it.
You hadn't known Henry for very long but you could tell that he wasn't used to having to swallow his pride like this and really, you were enjoying it a little more than you should have been. 
It just made you feel good. 
Maybe that was cruel, or petty but you didn’t care. You had never taken Henry for the groveling type, and it was amusing to watch him scramble his way to an apology. 
“You made yourself pretty clear before” you allowed, shoving the entirety of your locker contents into your bag. You didn’t have very much there in the first place, but it was enough to pull your focus from Henry again. 
Anything was a welcome distraction at this point. 
There was a moment of silence behind you as Henry tried to keep up with you walking out of the building, while still trying to come up with what he wanted to say. All the thinking he’d done previously were doing very little to help him now that he was facing you. 
“I know, I’m sorry about that” was all he came up with. It was ridiculous, of course, but all things considered, you had to give it to him. Henry didn’t have much experience in the area of apologizing. 
It wasn’t something he was all that good at but at least he was trying, from where you were sitting, that was half the battle. So, as much as you were enjoying tormenting him, you felt like it wasn’t going to get any better than this. 
“What are you playing at? What do you want?” you asked finally, stopping your stride to face him, paying no mind to the rest of the students about the courtyard. Everyone was heading home after a long school day, but they didn’t even spare the pair of you a glance.
Whatever business it was that Henry Bowers had with the new girl, they didn’t want to be part of it. 
Clearly, Henry wanted you to say or do something. That was the only reason why he would still be here, looking at you with that expecting look on his face. Still, he didn’t know what to say. 
There weren’t really words for what he was feeling. 
He wanted you, and wanted to make it all better but he also didn’t know how to handle the way you made him feel. All he knew was that he didn’t want to see you from across the hallway and not be able to talk to you. He didn’t want to never be able to kiss you again. 
Even if he couldn’t just be straight up and say that. 
“I want another shot, let me take you out” he suggested finally, confronting everything he was thinking head on. It was sudden, and didn’t make very much sense but he figured if he had to, he should just rip the bandage right off. 
...And, even though you knew you would regret it, you agreed. If that made you a glutton for punishment, so be it.  
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