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floralseokjin · 1 year ago
I never want the first love last love couple to fight BUT if they did it would 100% be the Seven MV jk would be following her around begging for forgiveness and bragging about fucking her right every day 😩😍😂
I can totally see it 🤣 and omg this ask totally reminded me of an evil idea I once had! …that decalcomania couple were actually first love last love couple in the future 😭😭
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floralseokjin · 4 years ago
;middle of the night (m)
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After a silly argument, Jungkook wants to apologise… at 2 o’clock in the morning…
pairing; jeon jungkook x reader  genre/warnings; established relationship, domesticated goodness, fluff, they have a dog now, or as Jungkook likes to call him ‘the cock block’, smut  words; 2,150
more﹆chapter index
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“You awake?” Jungkook whispered into the darkness, murmuring your name for good measure. 
You kept your eyes shut tight, back to him, pretending you were actually in fact, asleep. Damn love, all these years together had made you so in tune you both could sense when the other was awake. You hadn’t been able to drop off properly ever since you’d hit the hay at 10pm. Tired but unable to switch off. Jungkook hadn’t been beside you the first three times you’d woken, this time however, he was, and just like him, you had known he was awake too. 
You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of being correct though, so you clenched your jaw and stayed silent. You were still mad at him after earlier this evening, and if he thought he could just give you a lousy sleep ridden sorry, he had another thing coming. 
But then you heard him let out a tiny sigh, deflated if anything, the mattress dipping with his weight as he turned around. Back to back. You hated that. Even after so long you both loved to tangle up in one another right before bed. No wonder you couldn’t get to sleep properly. You were having withdrawals. Plus, you hated going to bed on an argument. You hated arguing with Jungkook altogether. 
“What do you want?” You whispered, lifting your head up a little. 
He rolled over slowly, the mattress dipping again as he thought of what to say. By now you’d settled your face back into the pillow, waiting patiently. “Can’t sleep,” he mumbled. Ever so gently he outstretched his arm, hand caressing your side as he slid closer. He was really being cautious here. Unsure of your mood. It was actually pretty comical. 
He leant in, voice a whisper. “I’m sorry.” He sounded sincere you’d give him that, but the wood in his underwear made you kind of dubious. 
“Do you mean that? Or are you just sorry because your dick is hard?” 
“No,” he insisted softly. “No, I’m sorry because I’m sorry. I don’t know why my dick’s hard.” 
He was being honest, years of being together also meant you knew when he was telling the truth. You stayed silent though, waiting for him to continue. One little sorry wasn’t enough. 
“I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.” 
“Hm?” You pressed. 
He tried again. “It wasn’t your fault.” 
“What wasn’t my fault?” 
He sighed quietly, resigning himself to the inevitable. “The steak being fatty. It was childish of me.” 
There it was. You grinned to yourself, thankful he couldn’t see your face. He probably felt like an idiot for getting so mad over something so trivial. Although you knew why. He was stressed over work; opening his own tattoo parlour had been amazing but he still wasn’t used to needing to be switched on practically all day, every day. Being your own boss had its perks of course, but there also came the downsides. Working six days a week, getting home late. He was exhausted. And stressed. 
It was the steak with too much fat that had set him off tonight, and when you had laughed at his overreaction, it was you who’d been on the receiving end of his frustration. You’d ignored one another for the rest of the night and you’d gone up to bed way before he had. Now, with the moonlight slipping through the shades, Jungkook’s body beside you, the touch of his hand against your waist, you softened. You would easily forgive him over something so silly. 
“That’s okay,” you reassured, shuffling onto your back to get a look at him. You reached for his face, cupping his cheek. You could just make him out, eyes still adjusting to the darkness. He was shirtless, hair in his eyes. You pushed some behind his ear, wanting to see his face. “We’re allowed to be a bit childish sometimes,” you smiled. “Sorry for teasing you.” 
You weren’t exactly innocent in all of this. You admit you liked to get a rise out of him sometimes just because he was so easy to goad. You should’ve known better lately. Even if he pretended like everything was alright, it probably meant it wasn’t. He hated being a burden, and he already felt guilty for using your shared savings on the parlour – it didn’t matter how you’d agreed to it as a couple with careful consideration, it still weighed on him heavily. 
Jungkook’s mouth curved up into a small smile, you could make out that much, settling his head on your pillow as he cosied up to you. “I hate going to sleep without cuddling you.” He whined, face in the crook of your neck. 
“Same,” you agreed. Like you said: Withdrawals. You felt him kiss your skin and then began to pay attention to something else. “You really don’t know why your dick is hard?” His erection was still there, pressing into your thigh as he cuddled up to you. 
“No,” he chuckled thickly. “It’s confused.” 
You slipped onto your side, facing your boyfriend as you reached for his mouth. You kissed slowly, lazily, just enjoying the closeness more than anything, before a few pecks turned to something more. Of course it did. If his dick was hard you weren’t going turn it down. You pulled back just as Jungkook was about to slip in some tongue. “What time is it?” 
“Gone two,” he replied immediately, before reminding you of something, his mouth back on yours. “It’s Sunday tomorrow.” 
“Mm,” you hummed, tongue meeting his, arms wrapping around his shoulders to pull him over you. 
Excitement real, he was breathing slightly heavy when he broke apart to ask you the obvious. “Do you...?” You nodded wildly, yanking him to you, hands travelling all over the expanse of his back. It had been a while since you’d last had sex, maybe close to two weeks, which for you both may as well have been a year. Not that you were annoyed. Like you said, Jungkook was exhausted because of work, mind too preoccupied. Sex was a great stress reliever though, so it was about time you tried it out… 
However, not soon after, lamp on, Jungkook’s mouth on your neck, one of his hands up your t-shirt, cupping a boob, you suddenly remembered something, instantly panicking and pushing him away. “Giuseppe’s not in here, right?” You demanded, eyes wide.
“Huh?” He sounded, confused by the sudden change, needing a moment to make sense of the question. “Uh, no. No, he’s not.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“I’m sure,” he chuckled, reaching for a kiss. “He didn’t follow me upstairs.” 
Giuseppe was your pet dog. A long haired golden retriever that was already the height of your house despite not even being a year old. Jungkook loved him, treated him more like a brother than a pet, and of course he had named him. You’d just rolled with it. But there was one rule. The dog did not stay inside your bedroom when s-e-x was happening, and seeing as he had his own bed at the foot of yours, this was obviously a reoccurring thing. 
“Okay?” Jungkook pressed, kissing your nose as he waited to continue. 
“Okay,” you nodded, grinning up at him. 
“Okay!” He sung cutely, jumping up to tear his boxers off. 
Five minutes later there was some very eager fingering going on, Jungkook knelt between your legs as he stroked you to complete and utter pliancy, the sinful squelch filling the room. You were trying to return the favour, your fist wrapped around his cock, but your movements were sparse, too distracted by the pleasure coursing through your veins. “Jungkook,” you moaned against his lips, trying desperately to stay attached. 
He groaned, straightening the fingers inside of you, going a little faster, loving how wet you were. “God, you sound so good.” 
You moaned louder as his thumb circled your clit, hips jutting up. “Ohh—AHHH!” Your pleasure soon turned to surprise as you roared out, something heavy and large leaping onto your bed, attempting to bound all over you. “Oh, my god! Oh, my—Jungkook!” You exclaimed, sitting up immediately, his fingers slipping out of you. “You said he wasn’t in here!” 
“I didn’t think he was!” He insisted, a hand cupping his junk as your dog practically jumped up and down in excitement. “Honest. I thought he was downstairs.”
You grumbled, moment well and truly over, but you weren’t giving up. You were having sex tonight. It may be nearly three in the morning, but you were getting laid. “Seppe, out,” you ordered, pointing to the door. “Out!” He didn’t listen. It was Jungkook that called the shots, he told you it was some type of “bond” they had. You called bullshit. “Jungkook, get him out.” 
He instantly looked put out. “Babe, I’m ass naked.” 
“I don’t care. If you want to have sex he needs to be out of here.” 
“Fine,” he sighed, standing up, not bothering to cup his dick now – free and easy. Giuseppe instantly followed. “I swear if you didn’t make such a big deal about it he wouldn’t get so excited. He can sense these things.” 
“Exactly!” You cried. “He can sense when we’re just about to do it.” 
Reaching down to stroke him, Jungkook complained. “Giuseppe, you’re such a cock block.” The dog looked unbothered. Amazing. “Come on, boy. Let’s go.” And off he trotted, listening straight away to your “ass naked” boyfriend. He swung the door closed after him, looking your way with a satisfied grin. “There.” 
You pulled a face. “Now I feel guilty.” 
“Don’t change your mind,” he whined. “He can come back in once we’re done. He’s used to it.” Like you said, it had been a regular occurrence these past nine months. Jungkook made his way over to you, caging you under his body immediately. “Now where were we...” 
This time there was no messing about with foreplay, your legs wrapped around his waist as he fucked you. Jungkook had already admitted he wouldn’t last long, unable to curb his excitement, so it was more needy and fast than skilled and indulgent. Not that you were complaining. This was the best type of sex in your opinion. Just sheer want for one another, nothing else. When he came inside you with a groan, you glowed. Felt alive. 
“I really am sorry,” he murmured a few minutes later, still a little out of breath as he laid over you, stealing slow kisses. 
You grinned, teasing him slightly. “It’s okay. I forgive you.” He chuckled and you ran your fingers through his hair, admiring him fondly. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” He sang.
You wrinkled your nose, pushing your head back into the pillow. “Don’t.” You hated when he made it a competition.
Amused, he laughed, rolling onto his back beside you, folding his hands behind his head to look up at the ceiling. You turned onto your side, propping yourself up with your elbow so you could see him properly. He looked really worn out. Not particularly tired from lack of sleep tonight, but just exhausted in general. His eyes weren’t twinkling. You hated seeing him like this. “You sure you’re okay?” You asked, needing to make sure. At least he had some time off tomorrow. 
“Mm,” he nodded, looking your way. He gave you a small smile. “You know what I’m like. I need to learn to talk more about my feelings more.” 
You agreed with that. You knew him too well to prod when he wasn’t ready. This was the most you’d gotten out of him for weeks. “Well, you know where I am when you’ve learnt,” you chuckled. 
He laughed back. “On it. It’s probably better than bottling it all up and exploding over shitty steak.” 
“Definitely better,” you agreed. “But let’s not buy that kind again. My man deserves meat not fat.” That just made him laugh harder. You loved that sound. Kissing him on the cheek, you knelt up. “Okay, I need to pee.” And you both needed to actually sleep tonight.
“Can you have one for me while you’re there?” Jungkook joked. 
“Sure thing,” you nodded, up and already walking towards the door. 
You opened it and before you knew what was happening, Giuseppe had bolted in, jumping up on the bed. You heard Jungkook yell and yanked your head to see him balled up, hands protecting his crotch. 
“FUCK!” He cursed, twisting around in agony. “My balls! Damn dog trampled my balls.” 
You definitely shouldn’t laugh. Not at all. However the visual of Jungkook writhing around ass naked on the bed with the dog bouncing around and barking in excitement, totally oblivious to the pain he’d just caused, was enough to break you. So much for that bond they had… 
“Giuseppe, bad boy,” you scolded playfully. “Daddy needs those.” 
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Written 2020.  Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2020
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floralseokjin · 2 years ago
Hi Jordan!
I just read fl ll for the 3,247,563 time, because I love them so much! 🥰 The way you’ve written them is so realistic. Are they going to have babies in the future? Because this JK and this OC as parents….swoon. 😍
Your stories are so incredible. I love all of them so much!
Hello! Thank you so much for rereading flll and sending love 🥹 Those two were so fun to write about! As for babies, I still haven’t decided if I want them to have any! They would be great parents don’t get me wrong, but I also like the thought of them not having any kids and just deciding to have lots of animals LMAO
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floralseokjin · 4 years ago
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(1) how you first met
pairing; jeon jungkook x reader genre/warnings; college romance, eventual smut, no warnings this chapter other than jungkook being cutee with a double e words; 2,750
more﹆chapter index
author’s note; we’re going back in time 🥰
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Parties really weren’t your thing. They hadn’t been your thing throughout high school and they definitely weren’t your thing in college. You’d spent the first two months of first year trying to change your own mind before you’d given the middle finger to peer pressure. You were older and wiser now (by only a year, but still), happy enough getting drunk by yourself than surrounded by a hundred other drunken fools. 
But there was one person in your life you couldn’t say no to. Liv, your best friend. So, that’s how you found yourself in a random frat house on a Saturday night, perched on the edge of a couch like you were about to bolt any second now. It was pushing eleven and your eyes felt heavy. You weren’t boring by any means, don’t get you wrong, but when actually bored you got tired. You were very bored right now. But what did you expect? 
You hadn’t seen Liv for near half an hour. Ever since Seb (the guy she’d been talking to) had stolen her away. Not that it had come as a shock. That’s why you’d been dragged here anyway. Tonight was the night, that’s what she’d been drumming into you all week, but you hoped tonight would end soon. Very soon. You just wanted to go home. 
“You look how I feel.” 
At the sound of a male’s voice, you looked up, eyes landing on a guy stood in front of you. He gave you a small smile when he saw he had your attention, his cheeks bunching up, dark hair falling in his eyes. He was cute. You froze for a second. But mostly because you hadn’t been expecting anyone to start talking to you. See, in those first two months of college, you’d managed to successfully achieve 99.9% invisibility. Obviously twelve months later such a skill had been forgotten. (And you thought you’d been doing such a great job, too...) 
You smiled back, forcing yourself to at least sound somewhat friendly. Not that you weren’t friendly. You’d just been caught off guard. “At least you can hide it.” 
He chuckled and you watched with wide eyes as he moved to take the vacant seat next to you. Everyone else was mostly bunched together in groups around the large room, being loud, having fun, drinking. You on the other hand had been holding the same red cup since you’d gotten here. 
“So... what’s your story?” He asked, slightly awkwardly. “Who dragged you here?” 
“My best friend.” You sighed. You thought about explaining further but decided against it. You didn’t want to bore the poor guy. “What about you?” You asked instead. 
He instantly looked a little sheepish, chewing on his bottom lip. “I actually live here.” 
Now that you weren’t expecting. “Ohh, that’s unfortunate,” you laughed. He didn’t look like a guy who’d live here to be honest. Maybe it was the all black outfit (baggy t-shirt, cargo pants, combat boots), his quiet, kind of shy disposition and the fact that he didn’t seem like a massive frat boy. He’d definitely succeeded in throwing you off, and now you were intrigued. You leaned in a little closer, your knees brushing. “See in an hour’s time I plan on ditching this place and never coming back. I guess you’re kinda... stuck here.”
At your ending giggle, the guy’s face lit up before he whined, “Take me with you?” 
“If you say please.” 
You laughed together before it eventually petered out, and you watched as he opened his mouth, hesitating for a split second. “Don’t get me wrong, if this wasn’t my house, I would be enjoying it more – maybe.” His afterthought was funny, it was cute how unsure he sounded. “It’s just less fun when you have to literally bolt your door closed so no one ends up fucking on your bed.” 
“Eww,” you wrinkled your nose, voice getting louder with your revulsion. “That happened before?”
The guy nodded. “Uh huh. Had to get a new mattress.” 
“Oh, my god.” You didn’t blame him, you would have too... 
He grinned, your eyes meeting for longer than necessary. Longer because your insides started feeling weird. He tilted his head, his grin turning soft. “I’m Jungkook.” There was a lilt to his voice, practically melodic and you wondered how you could hear something so gentle over the booming music. 
“Y/N,” you smiled. “Are you a freshman? I haven’t seen you around before.” Not that it meant anything. You weren’t exactly the most social of humans. 
“Second year,” he corrected with a polite shake of his head. 
“Oh, me too.” Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. 
He laughed at your reaction. “Maybe you don’t recognise me. I kinda had a glow up this summer. And by that I mean, I now style my hair differently.” 
That made you snort rather unattractively. This guy – Jungkook – was pretty funny. 
“I recognise you,” he added, sounding a bit rushed, as if he was eager to get his words out. “You’re in one of Jaehyun’s classes, right? Or at least you were last year.” 
Your eyebrows knitted together as you thought, names and faces flitting through your brain. “Jung?” Jungkook nodded. “Yeah, he was in my public speaking class. He’s your friend?” You would never forget that class. Why you’d chosen it was beyond you. 
“Yeah. He lives here too actually.” 
That figured. Jaehyun would definitely live in a place like this. He fit the profile perfectly. Not that he was a bad guy... just not your type of guy. It was surprising to find out they were friends, but what the hell did you know? You barely knew Jaehyun and you knew Jungkook even less. Stop being judgey, you reminded yourself. 
Commotion hit before you could reply. One second it was just you and Jungkook, and the next you had a drunken stranger practically in your lap. Thank god your drink was empty otherwise you’d have split it all over yourself in surprise as you gasped. 
“Hey, watch it,” Jungkook told the guy, pushing him away by the shoulder. He sounded irritated, tone the total opposite of two minutes ago. 
The drunkard looked your way, eyes unfocused. “Sorry.” And just as quickly as it had happened, he was gone, stumbling away. 
“You okay?” Jungkook asked you, a frown on his face as he followed the guy over your shoulder. “I think he tripped over by boot. Sorry.” 
You nodded, unsure how to reply. His concern had you a little speechless. “Thanks.” 
Eyes back on you, he smiled. Then they gazed down at your cup. He saw it was empty. “Um, would you... Do you want another drink?” 
“No way, you saw them? Ugh, I’m so jealous,” you whined at Jungkook. 
You’d been in the kitchen for the last forty minutes, deep in conversation with him. Jungkook was an art major, it totally fit him and finding out you majored in fashion, he begged you to rate his outfit out of ten. (You gave him an 8. He needed some colour…) You got into interests and hobbies, soon finding out you had the same favourite band. Your excitement was amusing to him. You couldn’t help it. What were the chances? 
The kitchen was busier than the other sections of the house – of course. It was where the alcohol lived after all, but you didn’t mind. You were actually having fun. For once. Who were you? 
“I’m sure they’ll come back soon,” Jungkook reassured you, stood in front of you as you sat on a free bar stool he’d spotted fifteen minutes ago. “When they do, maybe we could go together?” Maybe he thought he was being too forward, or maybe he saw the surprise on your face – maybe it was both, but he quickly tried to explain himself. “Beats going alone, right?” 
He was just being polite. Of course. He definitely didn’t mean anything by it, so you told yourself to calm down, relaxing yourself as you tried your best to sound casual. “I’d never go alone.” 
Jungkook shrugged. “It’s not too bad, but I guess it could be dangerous for you, being alone and all. N-not that I’m saying you can’t handle yourself or th-that because you’re –”
“It’s fine, Jungkook.” You cut in with a laugh. “I understand what you mean.” He still looked a little worried so you smiled. “I guess we’ll have to go together then. I’ll hold you to it.” 
Jungkook’s mouth slacked before he got a grip of himself, moving in closer as someone brushed past him. “Fine by me.” 
You looked up at him, still not quite eye level and swallowed, realising your mouth had grown dry. Jungkook was hot. Maybe it was the lightening of the kitchen? It made his skin glow and his eyes sparkle. As if he noticed you staring, he shot you a smirk that oozed confidence. Huh? It threw you for a loop, your gaze instantly falling to his mouth, yours parting in the process which inevitably gained his attention too. The party soon became background noise, a low buzzing, but frustratingly, somewhere in the distance you could hear your name being called. 
You blinked, noticing Jungkook step back, as if he heard your name too. Behind him Liv’s face appeared, a scowl on her face. “Y/N, we have to leave, now.” 
Jungkook slipped to the side, letting your best friend take his spot. “Huh, why?” You asked. You knew you’d said you wanted this night to end soon, but now you’d changed your mind. You’d been having a moment with a handsome stranger and she’d ruined it. 
“Because Seb is an asshole, that’s why. Does he think I’m–”
“One minute, Liv,” you stopped her in her tracks, knowing once she got started there’d be no stopping her. Of course you wanted to know what the hell had happened, but you also really wanted to say goodbye to Jungkook properly. Sliding off the stool, you turned his way apologetically. “I’m sorry. I’ll see you around?”
Jungkook nodded, waving you off with his hand and a warm smile, as if to ease your conscience. “No problem, see you around.” 
You gave him one last smile and let Liv tug you away by the hand, feeling oddly disappointed. This was the first ever party you hadn’t wanted to leave. 
“Who was that?” Liv asked, sounding mildly curious despite the look of thunder on her face. 
“Just some guy I met tonight. Never mind about that though. What the hell happened with Seb?” You were all ears. (And maybe you needed a distraction from what had just happened back there with Jungkook.) 
She groaned, not even waiting until you were outside before she launched her attack. “He’s the absolute worst. Why did I ever think I liked him?!” 
Four days later, you bumped into Jungkook once again while in Starbucks. What were the chances? You’d never seen him around at all and now randomly you’d noticed him twice in less than a week. He had the same combat boots on from Saturday night, but today he wore a baggy grey sweatshirt, the sleeves rolled up mid forearm. He looked great. You couldn’t help but get excited, grabbing your hot chocolate and making your way over to his table without a moment’s thought. 
Call you lame, but you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him all week. After Liv had gotten over Seb, (don’t worry, it only took a night. He wasn’t worth her time), she’d woken up the morning after with a thousand questions. Who was the guy you’d been talking to? What was his name? Did you know him already? Did you like him? 
You liked what you knew of him, yes, but what you knew was very little. Besides, who knew if you’d speak again? You hadn’t crossed paths until that night, so who was to say they’d cross a second time? But low and behold, crossing they were. In the Starbucks next to campus. 
Fate, no? 
“Is this seat taken?” You asked, standing over him. 
He jumped at the sound of your voice, the pen he had in his hand falling to the floor. He looked up, eyes wide. “Y/N.” 
You smiled, pleased he’d remembered your name at least. Oh, what horror if he’d totally forgotten who you were... His face lit up then, the familiar smile making your heart all a flutter. “Hi. I mean, no, it’s not taken. Sit.” He gestured a hand out, pointing to the chair. “If you want.” 
You’d taken him by surprise, you could tell by the way he stumbled over his words. You pulled out the chair, watching as he crouched down to grab blindly for his pen. 
“Twice in a week, what are the chances,” you mused, sitting down before taking a sip of your drink. It was too hot, but you didn’t mind, not when you needed something to do.
“Slim to none, I’d say.” He chuckled, settling back into his seat. 
You laughed along, looking down at the sketchbook he had spread out on the table. “What are you up to?” You could spot a few simple line drawings but tried not to stare. Art was private for some people, you didn’t want to be nosey. 
“Uh, nothing too interesting. Just some sketches. Pretty boring actually.” He glanced at you before quickly averting eye contact. “You?”  
You watched him drum the pen against the paper. A nervous habit, maybe? You found it made you smile. Was he nervous? “I’m just killing time before class starts. Did you enjoy the rest of your party?”
It felt like you were leading the conversation this time around, which was fine, you were just totally out of your comfort zone. Maybe you shouldn’t have barged straight over to him... You should have thought it through. 
But then he laughed and you weren’t so paranoid. “My friends’ party,” he corrected. “And no. I was up all night, it was terrible and someone threw up in the kitchen sink.” 
You pulled a face, grossed out. “I hope you didn’t have to clean it up.” 
“Nah,” he chuckled. He remembered something. “Was your friend okay? What did that Seb guy do to make him such an asshole?” 
You snorted, not quite believing he’d remembered the name. “He just made it very clear he only wanted to hook up. Liv’s fine though. She gets over things quickly.” 
“That’s good then.” Jungkook nodded, and then he glanced at his watch, his face falling. “Uh, listen. I’m really sorry but I need to leave for class.” 
“Oh.” Had you kept him? 
“I’d love to stay and talk, I really would. I’m so sad,” he more or less whined, and the sound of his voice did something to you, heart racing.  
“No worries. It’s fine, I’ll see you around?” You reassured but couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. Why was your time with him always getting cut short?
“Definitely.” He agreed, already starting to pack up his things. He stood, pausing as he shoved his sketchbook into his backpack. “Actually, what if we swapped numbers?” This time your heart skipped a couple of beats. “We could meet up here again and then I won’t feel bad for leaving you right now.” 
The smile he gave you had you frozen. You had to force yourself to speak. “O-kay.” He grinned and grabbed his phone from his jeans pocket, holding it out to you expectantly. You took it, adding your number quickly, aware he was getting later by the second. “There.” You passed it back to him. “Text me later so I can have yours.” 
His eyebrows raised in surprise. “Later... right.” With a nod of confirmation his end, you realised what you’d said could have come across as way too forward. You hadn’t meant it like that, but well, was it a bad thing? You wanted him to text you, no?
Smiling warmly, you waved him goodbye. “Have fun at class, Jungkook.” 
“See you, Y/N.” He grinned, not taking his eyes off you as he took a couple of steps forward, until he quite literally had to break eye contact to head towards the exit. 
You smiled to yourself, pulling your phone out of your purse, the need to squeal to Liv uncontrollable. 
Later that evening, your phone buzzed. (Not as if you’d been watching it all night... nope. Not you… Don’t be dumb.) 
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Written 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
347 notes · View notes
floralseokjin · 3 years ago
While waiting for the next chapter of 9mtfil, I reread flll. I’d forgotten how good this story is too. I love this couple so much. You really are a master of storytelling. Thank you for these amazing works. 💜💜💜
Awh thank you so much! I miss flll couple, they were always so fun! Maybe one day I can revisit them 💖
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floralseokjin · 5 years ago
;cyber sex (m)
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⟨gif credit⟩
You want to partake in some “cyber” sex...
pairing; jeon jungkook x reader  genre/warnings;  smut, fluff, skype sex, or as oc puts it, cybersex, sex toy usage (here 😘) words; 3,038
more﹆chapter index
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“Are your parents in bed?” 
On the screen, Jungkook looked a little on edge, jittery almost. Like he was doing something illegal. 
“My dad is. Mom’s downstairs catching up on soap operas.” 
He still looked a little unsure. “How was your day?” 
You shifted on your bed, crossing your legs, your laptop jumped slightly, pixelated Jungkook bouncing around for a second. Internet at your parents’ house had always been shitty but he still made a bunch of cute pixels. 
“I’d love to small talk, Jungkook, I really would, but I woke up wanting sex and have been horny ever since.” 
You were expecting him to log on all eager and possibly already halfway to naked, but he’d appeared in sweats, back against the headboard of your shared bed, legs stretched out where laptop you was placed on his thighs. 
You watched him hesitate and grew annoyed. “What happened to being up for this?” 
This afternoon he’d been eager, possibly even cocky when you’d texted him over lunch. Your mom gossiping in your ear about her co-worker’s so called affair while you passively listened and arranged sex plans with your boyfriend...
There had been a time you were too embarrassed to even think about masturbating in your family home, but like Jungkook kept saying, you were a grown ass woman now, not still in high school or even in college. Those days had long past you by. You were a hot blooded female with needs. Needs for your super hot, super sweet boyfriend. There was really no need to be ashamed. You were going to participate in some cyber sex, no matter how much Jungkook laughed at your awkward phrasing. 
[You: 01:34pm]  Are you busy tonight? 
[JK: 01:36pm]  if eating cheetos in bed by 8 is busy then yes 
[You: 01:37pm]  Don’t you dare bitch 
[JK: 01:37pm]  why do you want to know if im busy? 
[You: 01:38pm]  cybersex 2300 hours 
[JK: 01:38pm]  Cybersex 😭😭 no one calls it that weirdo  but see you there my morning wood misses yoir ass 
Here right now, Jungkook made a noise, arguing with you. “I am up for this. It’s just your parents...” 
You rolled your eyes. He was a grown ass man and he was afraid of your parents. More so your dad. He’d taken a while to warm up to Jungkook—you blame the tattoos. But that was years ago when you’d first started dating. Your dad liked Jungkook now. Honest. 
“My dad’s asleep. I can hear him snoring,” you commented, giggling. 
Jungkook groaned. Way to ruin the mood, he was probably thinking. “That doesn’t help.” 
“Come ooonnn,” you whined, leaning into the screen. You knew your robe was dipping in the middle, already tied deliberately lose. He had a great view of your cleavage, however muted because of the shitty lamp lighting. “I miss youuuu.” 
Jungkook scoffed quietly. “And you’re making it worse. I wanna touch you for real.” He was speaking low, pouting really, but you caught his hand that slid across the front of his sweatpants. Was that some inconspicuous rubbing you’d spotted? Naughty. 
You leant back again and tried not to grin in triumph. Jungkook 0, your tits 1 once again. 
He carried on his rant. “I want you in this bed. In this house. I can’t wait 4 more days!” 
Diddums. He was a child, you swore. “Should’ve come with me then.” 
He was rubbing his crotch again, you didn’t think he realised he was doing it. “You know that’s only reserved for a Christmas every two years.” 
Yeah, like you said, he was terrified of your father. It was probably why he hadn’t proposed yet, too scared to ask for your dad’s blessing. Not that you would say that to his face. And not like you wanted to get married anytime soon, it was just only natural to think of those things. You had been together for years after all. 
You didn’t reply, instead shifting on the bed once more to spread your legs a little. You hiked one up, robe falling open to reveal the triangle of skin between your legs. You meant business.
“What’re you doing?” He practically stuttered, sitting up straighter against the headboard.
“I’m not wearing any underwear.” 
“I can see that.” 
You began to rub the pad of your index finger across your clit. Sensitivity shocking your body and you fought with yourself not to snap your legs closed. You softened the impact, slowly circling before slipping down your folds and collecting the moisture to drag back up to your clit. Agonisingly slow now because you wanted to tease the hell out of your boyfriend. Despite the near darkness, he had eyes like a hawk. “You’re wet already.” Maybe he could see it glistening through the camera. Or maybe he was just starting his descent…
“Like I said, I’ve been horny since this morning.” You ever so slightly dipped the tip of your finger inside yourself. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d played with yourself like this in front of him. It was fun. Especially because he was hanging onto each movement like his life depended on it. 
“Jungkook,” you nudged. 
“Mm?” It was just one sound, too far gone now. 
You murmured the next part, voice low and heavy, laced with a desperateness you’d felt all day. “Get your dick out.”
He didn’t argue. You let yourself grin in victory, ogling him as pushed a hand into his sweatpants and pulled out that thick, hot cock you’d been fantasising about since 7am. 
He ran his fist along it, definitely not lazily. Tugging at the head, his thumb rubbed the drops of precum across his slit. You clenched and pulsed down below. Unfair move. Your image of him was grainy and unlit but he looked just as hot as he always did. Maybe it was time to unveil your secret weapon... 
“Goodnight, love.” 
You jumped immediately at the sound of your mom’s voice, hand jerking away from between your legs. You’d been so distracted you hadn’t even heard her coming up the stairs. 
Your took a quick breath and tried to sound normal, praying you could keep your voice level. “Goodnight mom!” You succeeded, but only just you were sure of it. 
You heard the click of the bathroom door and turned your attention back to Jungkook, eyes wide. His were too. “Jesus christ,” he muttered, sounding annoyed. “This was a dumb idea.” He was sat forward, dick back in his pants, tops of his cheeks rosy, either from the jerking off or the near close call. Probably both. 
You tried to refrain from giggling but failed. “She wasn’t going to just barge in here.” 
Both waiting a few seconds, it wasn’t long before your mom exited the bathroom and shut the door to her bedroom. You untied your robe, relaxing into the bed instantly. You weren’t losing this moment. 
Jungkook groaned slightly, eyes apprehensively raking over your practically naked body. “This is so wrong.” 
“Relax, we’re alone,” you insisted. “Just remember to be quiet.” You’d use your earphones but you’d forgotten them, remembering as soon as you’d boarded the plane. 
“I’m alone.” He corrected, now sounding sorry for himself. Jeez, it was as if you weren’t spread out like a human buffet. “I miss you. Can’t you come home right now?”
Jungkook did not do well at being alone at all. It was cute. You smiled at him softly, running your hand down your stomach and between your legs. “But I wanna cum right nowww.” 
“Fine.” His stare hardened, watching the way you rubbed at the bundle of nerves. “You cum and then come home. Then I fuck you. Properly. None of this Skype shit.” 
You laughed, genuinely amused. He was such a baby. You watched him lift his t-shirt over his head. Taking initiative, you liked that. His hair fell in his eyes and he shook it away. He’d finally had a haircut a few weeks ago, but it grows fast, which was possibly a good thing because you really, really missed that long hair of his. 
Your eyes fell down to his chest and across his shoulders. He had a few tattoos that decorated his torso, amongst other places, but they mainly covered his arms. Speaking of which you clenched and pulsed again, just imagining those arms wrapped around you, squeezing you tight, hands pinning you to the bed... Shit. You really wanted to fuck him for real. 
You splayed around against the bedsheets, arching your back a little and Jungkook raised an eyebrow. “Take your robe off. Keep your bra on.” He sounded demanding, it wasn’t intentional, lost to the urge right now as usual, but you loved it when he ordered you about, even more so when he didn’t realise he was doing it. 
You quickly got to it, snapping at your bra straps as you lied back down, propped up by your elbows. “Is this actually sexy?” You’d done this a handful of times but that was back in college. Now older, it seemed more daunting. 
“Of course it is, babe,” Jungkook reassured. On cue he got his cock out again. He was still hard. 
You watched him rake his hand along himself a few times and then grinned. “I have something.” 
He raised an eyebrow again, curious but also clueless, and watched you pull something out from under the sheets. A glittery, rubbery thing that made his eyes light up. 
“You brought a dildo to your parents’ house?” He asked after a split second of silence. You nodded, biting down on your lip, holding the specimen up to the screen. He caught the look on your face and chuckled. “You planned this?” He sounded impressed. 
“Thought it would be fun.” You tried to sound casual but maybe you were a little nervous? Embarrassed? There was no need to be. You’d had a sexual fantasy and had acted on it... Jungkook was just as into it. Hm, maybe it was the being naked over cam that was making you feel so jittery? 
Jungkook eyed Miss Jessica Rabbit and laughed again. “Only you would arrange a visit to your parents’ place just so we could participate in some ‘cybersex’.” 
Joking aside, he was eager to begin. You could tell by the look in his eyes and by the way he’d straightened his back, leaning in closer for a better look. You didn’t feel nervy anymore. You were back in the zone. 
“Cybersex sounds cool, I don’t know why you find it so funny.” 
Jungkook rolled his eyes affectionately. “You’re adorable, that’s why I find it so funny.” 
“Lameee.” You sang. But now you were running the head of the vibrator along your slit, spreading your legs in the process.
Jungkook watched you carefully, still stroking his dick with leisure. “I’m surprised you didn’t get caught at security with that thing.” He was making casual conversation but his voice sounded strained. He kept having to swallow. “Hiding a giant vibrator in your clothing.” 
“Can you imagine?” You’d die of embarrassment right there on the spot. 
“I‘d come bail you out, don’t worry.” 
You giggled at his silliness. Who was going to tell him you couldn’t get arrested for carrying a vibrator in your luggage? 
However, soon the mood for small talk was over, only distracting at this point. Or maybe what was distracting was now the vibrator beginning to stretch out your insides. It was a little uncomfortable at first, maybe you were just too well aware your parents were a few feet away, or maybe you were just out of practice when it came to fucking yourself. 
Jungkook helped though, whispering encouragements and giving you useful tips, which only made you wetter; so yes, a huge help. It wasn’t long before you got a rhythm going, not long before your breathing quickened and you were trying really hard not to moan out loud. 
Jungkook matched your movements, now jerking himself off with vigour. You watched one another, fully at ease and lost in your own little world. 
“This is so unfairrr,” he grunted soon enough, burning a hole between your legs. His newly sworn enemy, Miss Jessica Rabbit. “I want my dick inside you, not some phoney.” 
You moaned quietly, agreeing of course. Nothing felt as good as Jungkook inside you. Nothing ever had. You clicked a button on the toy and the first level of vibrations started. 
You lifted your head a little, trying to gauge the sound. “Is that too loud?” 
He shook his head. “I think you’re good. Fuck.” He cursed because you were now grinding up against the ears of the bunny, vibrations against your clit sending you all gooey and warm. “Go faster.” 
You listened, the length of the vibrator now slipping in fully as your insides finally loosened up, no longer tense. You rolled to your side a little and like that you found your g-spot. Pleasure began to burst behind your eyes and you almost forgot Jungkook was there because now you’d remembered how to use this damn thing and there was no going back. 
You clicked another button, powering up the shaft as the pearls inside the rubber began to rotate. You bit down on your lip, desperate not to make a sound and you cursed yourself. Why did you think this was a good idea? Pleasure screamed at you but you must keep quiet. 
“Babe... Baby,” Jungkook was trying to get your attention. “Baby, get on your back again. I wanna see.” 
You slowly listened, knowing you had been restricting his view and try to fuck yourself on your back. You planted your feet on the bed, kicking the laptop to the centre in the process and hoped now that he had a good view. 
Whatever he saw, he liked, moaning maybe a little bit too loudly. You’d turn the volume down if you could move, but you can’t, too paralysed with pleasure. “This is so fucking hot.” He was legit growling, it sent a fire through your veins. 
He watched you buck your hips into the vibrator over and over again, struggling a little to keep thrusting the shaft inside of you, but you think he found that hot. You were close. You knew it. Lips spread apart, your clit was swollen and greedy for pleasure, sensitive to the titillating vibrations and your walls squeezed and began to spasm around the thick rubber, the rotating sensation you felt making you tremble all over. Your wrist hurt but it was a good kind of pain, burning, making you work hard for your release. 
“Wish you were here to fuck me better, baby,” you purred, because despite how amazing this felt Jungkook could make you feel a pleasure ten times greater. “Does your hand feel good?“
You couldn’t see him, flat on your back, eyes shut, face directed at the ceiling, but you could hear the sound of skin on skin. His palm raking up and down the rock hard flesh of his cock. 
“Don’t rub it in,” he chided, voice low. Ha. Because that was exactly what he was doing. Luckily you were too out of breath to drop a shit pun. 
Your lower half suddenly spasmed and you stifled a cry. You couldn’t hold on any longer. “Shit,” you gasped. “I forgot how strong this thing was.” 
“Yeah? I’ll cum if you cum.” 
That’s all you needed to hear. It wasn’t even five seconds later before you were coming. Like an explosion, thigh and vagina muscles clenching, toes curling into the sheets and your chest heaving, sweat beading at your hairline. Miraculously you managed to stay silent. Albeit your breathing. You ceased movement immediately, removing the pressure against your clit before turning the vibrations off. The shaft was still rotating inside you, nerves twitching in your thigh before you ended those too and slid the vibrator out with a silent pop. You threw it to your side. Your whole body tingled but you urged yourself to come to, to open your eyes and lean up on your elbows. Jungkook still needed to cum and you wanted to watch. Just like he watched you. 
“Good, baby?” He asked. His eyes were black, breathing shallow. His fist still tugged at his dick, desperate now. 
“Mm hm,” you nodded, feeling a little chilly now the thrill had worn off. 
Jungkook grunted a command. “Spread your legs a little. I’m close.” You listened without question, giving him what he wanted. 
You watched the veins protrude from his forearms, some painted black with the ink of his tattoos. The hand not wrapped around his cock cupped his balls ever so slightly, tugging on them a little before he tensed and groaned. The first spurt of cum shot out and landed on his stomach, then another, it slipped into the lines of his abs. The third load slowed and he tugged his fingers tight across the tip, over and over again, draining each drop. It thickened in the air and slid down his length, getting on his fingers too. You observed all this greedily. What a sight to behold. 
A couple of tissues later for him and your robe tied back around your body, you were both grinning and giggling like a pair of idiots together, still on a high. 
“We need to incorporate that into the real deal more,” Jungkook said, referring to the vibrator now stood on your bedside table. “Let me be in charge.” 
“It’s got to make its way back home first,” you joked. 
You had climbed into bed by now, welcoming the warmth and annoyingly your eyes started to feel heavy. 
“You tired?” Jungkook noticed straight away. 
“I can stay up a little longer,” you insisted, wanting to chat with him before you fell asleep. A text or a phone call just wasn’t the same, and even though it’s only been a few days, you missed him like crazy. “What did you eat for dinner?” You asked, making small talk. 
He raised both eyebrows, eyes wide. “Do you really want me to answer that?” 
No, probably not. You knew the answer already. 
It was always a ramen diet for Jungkook when you were away...  
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Written 2020. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2020
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floralseokjin · 3 years ago
I just finished first love, last love! will there be anymore updates ?
I want there to be, but I don’t know when I’ll get the inspiration to at the moment unfortunately
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floralseokjin · 3 years ago
Could you tell us what your characters' Halloween costumes will be this year? and PLEASE include miss Arin because why not? 😭 i keep thinking about crystallised couple with Harry Potter costumes tho and little Weasley too😻🥺
Little Wesley dressed in a little cloak 🥺 I love that! and thank you for this ask, I had such fun thinking of what my couples would wear <3 I hope you enjoy what I came up with!
Crystallised couple - Edward Scissorhands and Kim Boggs 
Now that the world is slowly getting back to normal and they are both vaccinated along with all their friends, that means HALLOWEEN PARTY AT THEIR PLACE! I feel like halloween costumes are slowly becoming a tradition for them, so this year they painstakingly write up a list of potential ideas like two months in advance. They end up deciding on Edward Scissorhands and Kim Boggs. (Not to be confused with Edward p*nishands, Seokjin insists on telling everybody at the party lmao and they’re just like ??? we don’t watch strange parody p*rn that’s just u 🤣) Oc really wanted to include Wesley in their idea but Seokjin won because she can’t say no to him when he does “that” pout, and besides, he bought this for their loaf baby and she thinks it’s the cutest thing EVER. (And yes… I know what everyone is thinking… Seokjin’s uh, penis hand did come out that night once everyone had left…)
MLS couple - The Addams family 
Okay, I KNOW I’m reusing this from my beloved crystallised babies but LISTEN little Arin dressed as Wednesday 😍😍 She would be adorable! (and would totally own the character! I think they have a little actress in the making!!) Seokjin as Gomez?! 🥵🥵 and Oc would look stunning as Morticia!! I just think it suits them really well. I imagine Arin would ask for a halloween party at her house so all their friends and family could attend.
PBN couple - Pumpkin bump!!
Seeing as Oc will be very pregnant I think she’d go for something pretty simple so I can see Yoongi carefully (and taking it very seriously) painting her bump orange and drawing a pumpkin 🤧 Yoongi would probably take halloween less seriously for him so I imagine he’d just wear something like this 😂 They’d still look adorable together though 😭
STF couple - Clark Kent and Lois Lane
The superman costume was too risky considering his body 🥵but he still looks sexy as hell in a suit and tie, and glasses!!! PLUS THE FOREHEAD IS ON SHOW and Oc has a hard time keeping her hands off her man at the halloween party they attended together (and wouldn’t we all!!!) 😳
FLLL couple - Scooby doo
In the ultimate betrayal Jungkook wanted to have matching costumes with Seppe so he decided on Shaggy and Scooby. But Oc really wanted him to be Fred because she picked Daphne. He doesn’t give in (because quote unquote ‘FRED SUCKS’) and convinces her that Shaggy and Daphne make a much hotter couple <3 
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floralseokjin · 3 years ago
Hi! I just wanted to write to you and let you know that your stories are so insanely good. I’ve read through your entire master list more than once. My favorite couple are the first love last love couple. Do you plan on continuing their story? I just love them so so much! Your writing is so good I get invested in every character. Thank you so much for your amazing stories! Have a great day! 💜💜💜
Thank you for reading all my work (that’s a lot of fics 😮‍💨 props to you!) So happy to hear your fave couple is flll couple! They feel a little underrated from time to time but they are so funny and in love 🥺 I actually started another rewind drabble a few days back so maybe I will go back to that now after seeing this ask… Thank you again for your kind words 💖
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floralseokjin · 3 years ago
The First Love, Last Love series??? WOW I loved it, it's so simple but I loved it so so much. I liked the comfort, domestic and romantic vibe of it all and this Jk is The dream really. I now finished your masterlist, and I must say you never disappoint, you're incredible. You really are talented sooo thank you for all your stories!!
Thank you 😭 I love flll! jk, he’s such a sexy sweetie pie 🥰 It makes me incredibly happy that you enjoy my stories, it really means a lot to me!!
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floralseokjin · 5 years ago
;slightly jealous (m)
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⟨gif credit⟩
You’re slightly jealous but mostly annoyed...
pairing; jeon jungkook x reader  genre/warnings; domestic, fluffy, smut, some minor ass stuff, and i mean minor, jungkook’s hair 🥵, just jungkook in general 🥺 words; 2,560
more﹆chapter index
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“I’m firing her.”
Jungkook laughed loudly at your dramatic statement. Looking up at you shirtless from where he was slumped on the bed—long given up on taking the rest of his clothes off. “No you’re not.” 
“I am.” You insisted, kicking off your heels. One hit the closet door and you sat with your back to Jungkook, perched on the edge of the mattress. 
He sat up, sighing softly as he undid the zip of your dress, helping you out without you even having to ask. “For flirting with your boyfriend?” 
Okay. Now that he’d said it out loud it did sound a little over the top. Not that you’d admit that though. “Babe, I’m pretty sure that’s not a valid reason.” 
“Inappropriate behaviour.” You were stubborn.
You heard him snicker before you were encased in warmth, his arms wrapping around your shoulders. “I love you. You’re silly.” You hummed. Not in agreement. It was just because he was nosing the crook of your neck. Felt good. “And drunk.” 
“Fine.” He had you there. You were acting irrational because of the amount of vodka you’d consumed. But that was only because someone new at work had quite blatantly been flirting with him while you’d gone out for drinks. The store you were manager at did get togethers once every few months and you brought along your boyfriends/girlfriends/friends. It wasn’t everyone’s scene, but those who came enjoyed. You’d invited Sungha to be nice. You hadn’t realised she’d grow an uncontrollable lady boner for Jungkook. 
“Maybe I can’t fire her but I can give her all the weekend shifts. That’ll teach her.”
You boyfriend laughed again, it rumbled in your ear. His hair, that could probably do with a trim by now—unless he was planning on growing it even longer, which didn’t surprise you—tickled your jaw line. “I must say, this is kinda flattering. Never knew you were so passionate about me.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Well, would you like it if you had to watch someone flirting with me all night?” And shamelessly at that. At one point you’d gone to the restroom and had come back to find her in your seat. There she’d stayed. It was as if you hadn’t introduced him as your boyfriend not two hours previous. 
“She wasn’t flirting with me all night.” He felt you stiffen in his grip and thought better. “But no, I wouldn’t.” You kept quiet, lost in your own head. “Hey.” He nudged. “Come on, face me.” 
You listened. Ended up straddling him in the middle of your bed. Arms loose around his neck. He squeezed you against him. “You’re not too bothered by this, are you? You know I’m not interested in her in any way, right?” 
His voice was gentle. You felt warmth spread over you. “I know. “ Of course you knew that. “I’m just annoyed more than anything. It’s the principle of it all.” God, you were off again. “I’m her manager and she’s only been there five minutes.” Jungkook listened sincerely, nodding in agreement once you were done. You stole a kiss before grumbling. “She was so obviously into you.” 
He chuckled softly, rubbing your noses together. “I did look good tonight. That’s what happens when you have a really hot boyfriend, I guess.” 
You snorted. “Be quiet.” As if Jungkook could ever be full of himself. You knew he didn’t think like that at all, but he always did such a good job at cheering you up. 
It was his turn to kiss you now. He was naughty though. Slipped some tongue in. Distracted you for a moment. “You are hot though.” You agreed quietly.
“You’re hotter.” He squeezed your ass to emphasise. You would think after all these years together your attraction for one another would simmer down. Not in a bad way. It had just been six years and you could still get tingly from one single kiss. The power of Jeon Jungkook. 
You shifted in his lap, letting his mouth make sloppy work of your neck. “She’s working next weekend.”
He groaned. Not for why you thought. “You being all stern like this is turning me on.” 
“Yeah?” You smirked as he lifted his head. “Tomorrow you can finally build that shoe rack for the closet.” 
“That? Not as sexy.” You went to whack his chest but he gripped your wrist, attaching your lips again. He whined in your mouth. “You made me hard.” 
“What do you want me to do about it?” Genuine question. 
“Mm. Have a few ideas...” He noticed your raised eyebrow. “For real? You’re not too drunk? Too tired?” 
“I’m merry,” you corrected, much to his amusement. “And sucking dick doesn’t take much effort.” You pushed at his shoulders and he willingly fell back. 
“I can’t get all the pleasure,” he insisted as you began to hastily undo his fly. “Let me
go down on you.” 
“After.” You dismissed. 
“Let’s save time. Sixty nine. Wait.” He looked perplexed. “I didn’t mean for that to rhyme.” 
You laughed but nodded your head. “Okay.” 
His eyes lit up. “Okay!” He wriggled to the correct direction of the bed, jeans and underwear off in a flash. Naked before your eyes. 
You were a little slower. Standing up to shimmy out of your dress before bouncing back on the mattress. Kissing again without taking a breath. His dick in your hand as you began to jerk him off, and your ass in his. He squeezed and pulled before giving it a light slap. “Great ass.”
He complimented you like he hadn’t had access to it for years, making you giggle before you felt him tearing at the lace of your underwear. Impatient. Horny. You clambered out of them, your grip on his cock loosening, but he couldn’t take anymore teasing anyway.  
“Jump on,” he commanded. Voice uneven. You hadn’t even had a chance to take your bra off yet, but oh well. Needs must.
You didn’t know who started first, but rather frustratingly you did know who finished first. Probably had to do with the fact Jungkook really knew how to work it in this position. Nothing made him happier than a face full of your pussy. His words. And with his dick in your mouth, maybe you were a lot more sensitive than usual. Sensory overload. It was a whole other level of intimate, and you just fell victim to it. 
“Knew you’d cum first,” he gleed, mouth all wet and sticky. 
Yours popped off his cock to land an insult before going back for more. “Dick.” 
He chuckled. “Yeah that’s what you’re sucking right now.” Lightly spanking your ass, he blew cold air along your core. You jumped. A surge of hot, needy want shooting straight through you. 
“No, wait!” He panicked, when you slid him from your mouth again. Misreading your movement. “Was just messing around. Oh.” He exhaled, realising what you were doing now as you got out of his grip and moved down to his lap. “Shit. Okay. Thought you were tired?” 
You gripped the base of his dick, angling it to your entrance before pushing down. “Want it,” you said, moaning at the feeling of him stretching you out. 
He moaned back and you felt him try to sit up a little before he gave up, moaning again when you began moving. He gripped one hand to your hip, unable to stop gliding his hips with each thrust downwards. You leant forward, hands on top of his thighs for leverage, and you just knew he had a great view of your ass. You moved quickly and determinedly. Making rhythm with the squelchy, wet noises coming from between you. 
His other hand ran up your spine until he couldn’t reach anymore. “Jesus. What’s gotten into you?” He chuckled in disbelief, breathing laboured. “Slow down. You’re gonna make me cum.” 
You moaned. That’s exactly what you wanted. You raised up a little, his hand now at your ass, cupping the roundness, before his thumb slipped between the cheeks. You jumped at the sensation. All hot suddenly. “Mm. This fine tonight?” He asked with a low murmur. 
You nodded, realising he couldn’t see you so you tried your best to make some valid noise. “Uh huh.” 
You moaned when he applied pressure to the sensitive rim, circling it with a skill he’d had much practice with. He really couldn’t resist anything to do with your ass. In any way, shape or form. “You make me feel so good, baby.” He got out between shallow breathing. “Spoil me. I love you.” Voice sweet with a confession he’d uttered a million times before. 
“L-love you too,” you stuttered out, noticeably slowing down now because you were too overcome with pleasure. He moved, thumb leaving you for his hand to hold your middle. Clutching at your stomach. Any skin he can reach really. 
“Not fair. I wanna touch you more.” There was a pout in his voice, and before you could even think about replying, he was up. Bare chest against your back. Strong arms around your middle, clinging you to him. “Wh-at are you doing?” You gasped, his dick now lodged inside you deep. You were both slick with sweat, and it just felt so damn good. 
He used one hand to unclasp your bra, pulling it down from the centre. It fell against your middle, and he kissed your neck in a frenzy. “I’m taking control now.” He managed to whisper, squeezing one of your breasts, and then you were on your back. 
You didn’t know how it happened so fast. You didn’t recall him leaving your body, or when he pushed back in. Dazed. But he had, and it felt amazing. His thrusts fast paced and powerful. 
“Oh. Jungkook–!” You cried, wrapping your arms around his neck because that’s all you could do. Cling desperately to him. Your legs followed, tight around his middle. 
“Feels good?” His teeth were bared, voice tight as he kept fucking you relentlessly. He grabbed your thighs, hiking your legs up further. The mattress groaned, your body ramming into it harder every passing second. 
You were loud and free with your noises now, not caring a damn, because this was what it was all about. This kind of pleasure. And you knew no one else would be able to satisfy you like this. This was the power of years together. Jungkook and you were so in tune that you were one person when connected like this. 
He grunted after a few minutes, pace turning uneven. “I’m not gonna last any longer. ‘Specially with you moaning like that.” As he said that, another moan dragged from your throat. “Fuckk.” His face fell into the crook of your neck. He was panting, brow soaked with sweat, and you knew you needed to put him out of his misery. Your pleasure meant the most to him and he wouldn’t give up until he was certain you were fulfilled. Even if he was close to passing out. 
“I already came really good thanks to you,” you whispered against where you thought his ear was. “It’s okay. Cum in me, baby. You know you want to.” 
He choked on his whimper, coming undone almost instantly because of your words. Hips jerking as he spilled inside of you, until there was nothing left and he couldn’t take anymore. He slid from you naturally, growing flaccid. 
“You’re evil,” he whined after he’d come to, turning his head to look at you. You could just make out his face behind all that tousled hair. 
“Don’t talk nonsense. Since when has asking you to bust a nut inside me been evil?” 
He yawned, chuckling as he rolled off you, slipping an arm under the pillow to prop his head up. “It’s evil. So is jumping my dick when I wasn’t prepared. It’s a wonder I didn’t cum the second you pushed down on me” 
You shrugged. “Wouldn’t’ve minded. Wouldn’t be the first time...” 
“Cheeky,” he chided, and you scooched closer to him, a grin on your face. He kissed you and pulled back, running some hair behind your ear. “You okay now? Green eyed monster gone?” 
You grumbled. “I wasn’t jealous.” He looked at you with one of those looks. One that told you he thought you were talking shit. “Okay. Maybe slightly.” Like you said, more annoyed than anything. Sungha was still working next weekend. No amount of good banging would distract you from that conclusion. 
Jungkook smiled at you softly, hand now on your cheek. “As if I would ever want another woman as much as I want you.” 
“Cheesy.” But you couldn’t help your own smile. 
“That’s me.” He yawned again, arms in the air as he stretched. You watched him for a moment before he realised. He knew what was coming before you even began saying it. You still did though. 
“You need to cut your hair.” 
“Shut up.” 
He really would not have it. It wasn’t like you hated his long hair. Actually, you loved it. Wish he’d grown it sooner. But he still needed regular trims. You were sick of waking up in the morning thinking you were sharing the bed with Bigfoot. 
He went to kiss you but you blocked him with your hands, giggling as he tried to barge his way through. “Hey!” He complained. “Let me kiss you woman!” 
He grabbed a hold of your waist, tickling you, and just like that you began shrieking, wriggling about, trying to get away from him. “No, wait! Stoppp,” you yelled, trying to push him away. “Jungkook, stop. Seriously!!” He was rubbing his face against your cheek, stubble on his top lip tickling you even more. “Stop! I’m getting your cum everywhere.” 
The amount of times you had to wash your sheets because of “accidents” was getting frustrating. He understood that too. And as much as he loved doing laundry (yeah, you didn’t understand it either...), he didn’t love it that much. He stopped instantly, landing a kiss on your cheek. 
“And who’s fault is that? If you weren’t such a cumslut...” 
“EWWW.” You roared, pushing him away again. “Shut up, that will never be sexy!” 
You two had this thing together. It was weird, but then again you both weren’t exactly normal. He would find something utterly cringeworthy said in porn, or you did—maybe you both did—and you would laugh about it together for days, sometimes even weeks. You’d come out with it at random times, with the sole purpose of making the other laugh. Although you did admit, tonight your reaction was... over the top, to say the least. You were drunk after all. No. Merry! 
“Shhhh,” he laughed, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. “You’re yelling the whole place down. We have neighbours, y’know...” 
You settled down, giggling softly together before you began to grow sleepy against his body warmth. Of course he had to disturb you. “Got enough energy to get to the bathroom? I need a piss.” 
You whined. “Gross.” 
“How is that gross? It’s a natural body function.” You stayed quiet until he had to nudge you. “C’mon. We need to get ready for bed.” 
“Fine.” You huffed but didn’t move. 
“I’ll carry you.” He sang softly. 
And he did. 
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Written 2019. Reworked/Edited 2020 Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2020
3K notes · View notes
floralseokjin · 3 years ago
Hello! Do you have plans to write more about the first love last love couple? Been dying for a sequel to the rewind honestly i love them sm 🥺
Yes, I do! I often daydream about all the drabbles I have planned for the rewind so hopefully next year I can get them written 🥲
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floralseokjin · 3 years ago
first love last love is so sweet like they have such a healthy relationship and it warms my heart your writing is so good 🥺
aw thank you for reading! that couple is very dear to my heart 🥺
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floralseokjin · 6 years ago
;sleepy (m)
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Jungkook’s never too sleepy for sex...
pairing; jeon jungkook x reader genre/warnings; domesticated goodness in the form of smut and fluff, morning sex, sleepy jungkook, established relationship words; 2,254
more﹆chapter index
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“Morning,” Jungkook’s sleep laden voice vibrated in your ear, his arms slinking around your waist as he pressed his body into the back of yours. “How long have you been awake?” 
You pushed back against him. He sounded groggy and hoarse, barely awake. Made you want to stay in bed some more. In the warmth of your boyfriend’s arms. But there was something beginning to distract you... 
“Are we just going to ignore the boner against my ass?” 
There was a beat of silence and then he chuckled brokenly, wiggling his pelvis, his dick conveniently snug between the cheeks of your butt. 
“We might have to,” he croaked. “My eyes are practically glued shut.” 
He was so sleepy he probably hadn’t even noticed the morning wood he’d been sporting until you’d pointed it out. But now that you had he couldn’t help but keep messing around, nudging you with his hips. There was something about the comfort of your boyfriend’s boner against your ass. You probably couldn’t voice it out loud to anyone else, but it was a special kind of intimacy that you shared. If didn’t even have to be sexual. You just liked how complete and warm it made you feel. 
“What time did you get home last night?” You asked, wide awake, despite your eyes being closed. You were just enjoying the feeling of this lovely lazy Sunday morning. 
Jungkook nuzzled into the crook of your neck. His breath hot, tickling you almost as he replied. “No clue... 2...3am?” 
“It’s the weekend,” he protested against your whining, “and you left me to hang out with the girls so of course I had to meet up with the guys. Not gonna stay inside on my own, am I?” 
You could hear the pout in his voice. “You big baby.” He grunted, pressing a kiss behind your ear. “Are you hungover?” 
You’d arrived home around 8pm after your day of retail therapy and cocktails with your friends and had hit the hay quite early, maybe 11pm, the house too quiet and boring without your boyfriend. You’d vaguely remembered stirring momentarily in the middle of the night, feeling Jungkook’s weight on his side of the bed, signalling he’d arrived back home, but other than that you hadn’t heard a peep. The beauty of being such a deep sleeper. 
Jungkook shook his head. “Didn’t drink much.” 
“You smell like you did.” You wrinkled your nose as you spoke, the smell enough to rouse memories from your college days. 
“I’ll shower in a min’,” he mumbled into your skin, the timbre of his voice in your ear setting you alight a little. 
As much as you liked to romanticise his morning surprises, you were only human, and your boyfriend still managed to affect you in ways unimaginable, even after all these years together. You snapped your eyes open, determination and mischief deep in your bones. 
“Please don’t do that,” he groaned pretty much immediately when you started backing up on him, because apparently when you started playing too, he couldn’t handle it. “I have no energy to fuck you right now.” 
“I do,” you quipped, wiggling into him and feeling his dick just about twitch. 
A pause and then– “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you repeated. You felt his arms loosen their grip as you twisted around. “Can’t say no to that,” he grinned. You didn’t even need to ask him to get on his back, he was already moving, fluffing up his pillow for the ultimate comfort. 
You settled yourself on his lap, legs either side and took a moment to stare down at him. It had been a little less than 24 hours since you’d last saw his face, sue you. He looked just as tired as he sounded, hair bouncy and in his eyes which were barely open. Face swollen, lips a little chapped. A long sleeved sweatshirt on and just his boxers. He looked so cosy you almost just wanted to cuddle him, but the lump pressing against your underwear reminded you ever so impatiently why you were straddling him. 
You bent, mouth against his neck, trying to ignore the light stench of alcohol on his skin. His hands reached for the back of your head, trying to pull you back, eager for your lips on his. “Kiss me, woman,” he demanded as you fought it. 
You squealed, hands bracing yourself against his chest. “Nooo.” You could handle the smell of stale alcohol, just not the taste.  
“I brushed my teeth when I got home.” He was adamant, whining against your cheek. “Honest.” 
You pulled back slowly, expression judging. “You’re such a weirdo.” 
“What? I needed to get rid of the taste. Yoongi made me drink something disgusting.” 
You laughed at his upturned nose. “Just admit you hate the taste of alcohol, Jungkook.” 
He went to argue with you, for some reason, always having to fight you on that one, but you cut him off. With your mouth. He was telling the truth. He had brushed his teeth. You mean, his breath was a little musky but so was yours after sleep, and love does that to a person, you didn’t really care. 
His hands fell down your back and then to your ass, slowly rocking you against his crotch. Things got hot soon after that but as you pulled away to catch your breath you couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Your hair is so floofy!” You exclaimed, unable to stop yourself from combing your fingers through the bouncy strands. “What the hell did the hair salon do to you?” 
“It’s a mess right now. Looked better yesterday. You wouldn’t know...” He was grumbling, but his eyes were slightly more awake now, a little bit glassy, jaw relaxed as his breathing continued to shallow. He wanted you bad. 
“Shut up. You sent me a snap.” You dismissed, unable to stop brushing through it. “I love it.” A quick kiss to his mouth ended up lingering. “I love you. You’re so cute.” 
He pushed his head further back into the pillow, hips rising into yours as he grunted. “My dick’s so hard right now, I don’t want to be cute.” 
“Too bad,” you shrugged, but you couldn’t ignore the infuriating burn between your legs any longer. Sitting up you popped his dick out of his boxers, gripping him firmly around the base. He inhaled sharply but stayed silent, gaze locked between your bodies as you pulled your underwear to the side to rub him against your heat. 
You were wet but could probably do with a touch of warming up before you let him dive right on in. However, you didn’t have the patience for that right now, not when you were desperate to feel him inside you. 
Hastily, you went to shimmy your underwear down your hips but a hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you. “Shit, noo, keep them on.” Jungkook almost begged, and you complied because well, whatever he asked, he got. If he found it hot, then so did you.  
Aligning him with your entrance you began to push down, popping over the bulbous head of his cock, biting down on your lip with a groan at the sudden fill. You let go of the delicate fabric, his dick now able to hold it back for you and attempted to sink lower, supporting yourself with a palm flat against his pelvis, knees digging into the mattress. 
Jungkook’s hands slipped under your tank top, holding your hips as he watched you slowly take him inch by glorious inch. “This looks so fucking hot,” he croaked. You couldn’t tell if he was still tired or just coming undone quicker than usual. 
You huffed, nearly there. Nearly filled whole. “Y’know maybe if your dick wasn’t so thick I’d be able to take it better.” 
Laughing loudly, he folded his arms behind his head cockily. “Keep inflating my ego, babe. Makes me happyy–umfph.”
He choked on the last syllable, eyes bulging as you swallowed the last inch and rocked forward. You smirked. “What was that?” 
He groaned as you began to move forward and back, warming yourself up, getting used to the stretch, fists bunched in his sweatshirt. “Shit.” He was chuckling breathlessly, dick so snug inside your walls that pure pleasure was etched all across his face. 
He raised on his elbows, hands flat to the bed as he watched you begin to bounce lightly and that’s when he began tugging at his shirt. “Want me to take it off?” Maybe he was getting too hot, maybe he wanted to see better... Whatever the reason you nodded eagerly, desperate to feel his skin under your fingertips. 
You bounced a little harder as he stretched awkwardly, garment over his head and you could hear his muffled groaning underneath the fabric. When he finally got free and threw it to the floor, his hair was even more fluffy, bouncing about as you rode him, his cheeks tinged red. Definitely awake now. 
He was breathing heavy as he grabbed your hips, holding you steady to back you both a little further up the bed, his head propped up against the headboard. You flattened your hands to his stomach, needing the leverage as you continued to fuck down on him, feeling his muscles contract along the way. 
“That’s it, ride my dick,” he moaned, grasping a hold of your middle tightly, helping you bounce. You took him easily now. Could hear how wet you were as he slid in and out. “God. I missed you.”
You rolled your eyes, which was actually a lot harder than it seemed when you were riding dick. “You literally fucked me Thursday night.” 
“That’s a whole 3 days ago.” He had an answer for everything, but before you could think to tell him that he started thrusting his hips up into you. Jiggling you about in an extremely unflattering way, the straps of your tank top falling down your arms. 
“W-what are you doing?” You managed to squeal out, body collapsing into his as you grasped onto his shoulders as he kept going. 
“Trying to make your boobs fall out.” 
How old was he? His plan wasn’t working anyway because now your chest was hidden from view. “You’re lame.” He just kissed the comment from your lips. 
“And you’re weak.” 
“Hey.” You warned, but he was right. You were out of breath and your thighs ached. Riding dick had never really been your forte unless he was helping you, and right on cue–
“Keep still. I’ll help.” 
He held your hips down as he began to thrust and the pleasure was so amazing and instant you couldn’t help but moan loudly. “You were supposed to be sleepy.” Your voice was weak, shaky. 
“I was.” He grinned. “I just got woken up because there’s an insanely pretty girl sat on my dick.” 
Lame ass. You would tell him again but you were now at a loss of words. He was fucking into you pretty hard. Harder than he’d done in a long, long time. Determination and concentration set in his expression as he grunted every now and then. You were sensitive, each stroke of his dick setting you on fire, and if you could feel an impending orgasm, so could he. He squeezed out his question. “You gonna cum?” 
“Maybe,” you gasped. You didn’t want to jinx it. “Keep going.” 
He grunted in exertion, voice so low it ripped straight through you. Just like his dick. “Faster?” You nodded crazily, unable to do much else, a moan tearing at your throat. He obliged. “That’s it. Squeezing my dick so hard because you’re gonna cum all over it.” 
You whined, at this point burying your face into his neck, folded into him, because everything just felt so good. “Fffuck, Jungkook.” 
You were holding your breath, dangling over the edge as you concentrated on each thrust he gave you, and then there were tears in your eyes as you urged the final push. Successful, because Jungkook could quite literally fuck like no tomorrow, red hot pleasure exploding through your body with a cry. 
He came too along the way. You were a little bit dazed but could hear the sigh of bliss leaving him through the blood rushing in your ears. His body relaxed instantly, grip on your body loosening as his thrusts turned shallow, fucking you lazily through the waves of pleasure before you both had enough, slowly coming to a standstill but still slightly breathless. 
“Good morning to me,” he beamed up at the ceiling. 
You slid off him, settling on his thighs and groaned, your eyes feeling heavy now as sleep tried to pull you back. Oh, how the tables had turned. Your underwear snapped back into place over your heat, blocking any spillages for now, but it wouldn’t be long before his cum started seeping out and potentially threatening to soil anything in its path. 
You grabbed both his hands, attempting to tug him forward. “Come onnn.” You tugged harder. “Get up! Shower time!” 
It was a big fat fail. Jungkook was one big lump of muscle, freakishly strong. He ended up humouring you and sitting up himself with a chuckle, pretending like you were victorious.
“So strong, baby. Have you been working out?” He folded his dick back into his boxers with a goofy smile your way, and you kissed it off, unable to help yourself, despite the displeasure of his sarcasm. 
He just looked so cute.
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Written 2019. Reworked/Edited 2020 Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2019
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floralseokjin · 4 years ago
As a JK bias I’m curious about and excited for Feeling Thing and First Love Last Love drabbles 🥰👀
Thank you so much for being excited!! I can’t wait to revisit flll couple 🤧
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floralseokjin · 3 years ago
Hey, LOVE your writing! I was wondering if you were ever going to continue writing on the “first love, last love” drabbles with jungkook. I just absolutely love those and was wondering about it☺️ thanks!!
Hi, yes I do plan on continuing them I’m just uncertain when that will be at the moment! Thank you for reading and enjoying, it means a lot!! 💕
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