lynzine · 4 months
(Avatar) Plunnie of the Day: Time Travel AU where Spirit energy overcomes benders if they are sent back in time. So only the nonbenders, Sokka, Suki, Ty Lee, and Mai are sent back in time.
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stashandtell · 11 days
Breaking Through a Plunnie-Justification Block
I've been trying to problem solve a compelling baby plot bunny I can't get rid of and I just had a breakthrough that I need to tell someone about.
I've been trying to figure out a time travel story that has Hermione going back to be at Hogwarts with Charlie and Bill-- but where she can't/doesn't have a ton of responsibility for changing the future much. I've been struggling with the following things: 1) What happens that she's thrown back in time to be in the same year as Charlie or the year between Charlie and Bill? Since I don't want to write something where she has to destroy all the horcruxes and she's reasonably school-aged, this means she needs to be sent back mid-canon. With Tonks in the mix, I'm guessing it takes place during OOTP but I need to plot out some things before I commit to that. Might be better to do it between OOTP and HBP. 2) What kind of drama does she get into other than a possible love triangle or two? I mean, of course there's a good chance she's going to catch the interest of Charlie and Bill...but also young Tonks? I always want to read a pairing about Charlie/Tonks or Bill/Tonks but Hermione/Tonks is very compelling. One of my top three all-time faves, Amends, or Truth and Reconciliation by Vera Rozalsky on fanfiction.net has a truly genius and heartbreaking sub-plotline of Hermione's secret/unrequited crush on the deceased Tonks. (This fic is a Hermione/Draco/Neville, Nevmione, Dramione work and it's can be a bit challenging-- but has my absolute favorite Augusta Longbottom characterization.) The more I think about this fic, the more Hermione's crush on Tonks is my headcanon. Hermione may need to deal with things that come before her time-travel trip like the diary (hopefully), the Chamber of Secrets (potentially), and Sirius Blacks imprisonment (definitely.) But, can she do it alone? What if she doesn't have to? I had been trying to figure out if it was worth sending her back with someone, possibly Theo (maybe an Unspeakables accident?), but I have some big Theomione pieces in the works and didn't want to muddy up the love connections. I'm so hard-pressed to not create some kind of romantic tension between Hermione and Theo when I can. The Breakthrough? WELL. IT'S TONKS. HERMIONE AND TONKS GO BACK IN TIME and Tonks has to metamorphmagus-ize into someone else of appropriate age. Probably Hermione's sibling. OF COURSE young Tonks gets a crush on the adult version of Tonks disguised as a kid and OF COURSE Tonks has to play all of the other roles-- appearing as the parents who enroll them in school, the former school headmaster, etc. I AM SO EXCITED AT THIS BREAKTHROUGH! I love a Charmione and a Billmione and I adore reading and writing sentimental teenage stories. I find it challenging to enjoy these pairings when Hermione is in school and the age-gaps aren't thoroughly justified; it takes me out of the story most times. I've been wanting to read stories where Hermione is developmentally well-matched with Charlie or Bill or even outpaces them and living in the world of their younger selves seems perfect. I just want this to be teenage coming-of-age fluff and angst that isn't war-focused where Charlie, Bill, young Tonks, and Hermione get to enjoy being young during relative peacetime. This has completely side-tracked me today and I am SO CHUFFED that my weekend plans for writing are now locked in. If you know of any solid time-travel or other works that lead characters back to teenage Charlie and Bill years, can you leave a comment-rec? I've looked casually but probably don't have the right filters. I've read some, mostly in the Charlie/Tonks or Bill/Tonks tag on AO3 but recommendations are always more fruitful for the good stuff. I will update to the link(s) for this fic when it's posted.
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emthejedichic · 9 months
What if the Men of Letters were never wiped out? What if Henry brought his son in as a legacy and then John brought HIS sons... one of whom became a man of letters, and one who didn't. John was so disappointed, and Dean was disappointed in HIMSELF for letting his father down. So he becomes a hunter so he can do SOMETHING... but he doesn't talk to John (and maybe not even Sam) for a while, just goes off on his own. Sometimes he teams up with other hunters and one time he's on a case totally stumped and needs info, so he calls Sam... but John is the one who can get Dean the info he needs. And then...... I don't know. I'll probably never write this fic, but someone should because I'd love to read it.
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erakubi · 4 months
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while it’s still mermay month, i wanted to post these concept doodles of a fic idea i’ve been plotting since forever ago 🫣
merfolk!sesskag in a fantasy ocean world where mysterious creatures abound! hopefully you’ll get a rough idea of the premise from these ‘research profiles’ haha
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comatosebunny09 · 2 months
Sylus gets jealous because you spend more time fawning over and cooing at Mephisto than him.
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bolithesenate · 10 months
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wait!!! i never showed yall this masterpiece did i?
✨Larp'alor Jaster Mereel Master Jereel in all his historically accurate glory✨
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seitosokusha · 3 months
three outta five ain't bad
Aventurine wakes up on the Astral Express, six months after Penacony. He is very confused.
He wakes.
That in itself is not a surprise. How many times has he won this gamble? Betting on his life and waking up, still alive, still surviving? Far too many to count. No, it’s not a surprise to wake up.
He wakes up with no pain though. That is a surprise.
Instead, it feels… like he’s floating in water. The cool touch of waves lapping over him. Like a gentle touch, soothing and refreshing. But strangely he does not feel wet.
“Ah, you’re awake.”
He slowly sits up. His eyes dart around the room as he pretends to stretch and yawn, evaluating everything he can see and feel around him. He’s in a library of some sort. There are books on the shelves. The smell of paper is strong. The hum of servers sing, a quiet whirling that signifies how many of them are present in the room. The screens display an array of different information. Data is collected and gathered here, that much is obvious.
He notices that he’s on a bed next. It’s soft and thick that he doesn’t feel the floor beneath him. The teal green blanket has been kicked off to the side. The floor is also unique. It’s clear, made of glass or acrylic and beneath the surface is water swirling.
He categorizes all of that in a split second and turns to look at the other person who just addressed him.
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eastwindmlk · 2 months
Okay, hear me out. Little James Potter loves watching sports and he watches anything. So, when his mother puts on figure skating he sits down to watch with her.
He soon realizes that this is not just any competition. This is juniors. These boys are around his age and there is one that is head and shoulders above anyone else. (Both literally and figuratively). Sirius Black, a figure skating prodigy and the most beautiful person James has ever seen.
And so, he begs his parents to get skating lessons. Getting fully emerged in the sport and the world and, obviously, Sirius Black. Because if he trains hard enough he might get to meet him on the ice.
With his heart and mind set on it, he trains and trains until he is eligible to compete just as Sirius ages out of the juniors.
Well, then he'd just have to age up too. Maybe if he keeps skating and keeps winning he gets his attention.
And then one night he gets the chance.
To calm his nerves he drinks a glass or five of champagne and can't remember anything. Only that he arrives at training and guess who's there?
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sunmaylight · 4 months
Househusband Kafka? AU
((Edit: added a title to this piece))
I’ve started watching Kaiju No. 8 and have a plunny idea
Househusband Kafka who is legally married to Mina. Those two can be romantically married or platonically married and have picked up all the signed of a happily married couple without realizing it. Aka, “Because this is my First Life” k-drama (even though I haven’t gotten too far into it and they are both working young adults)
Canon happens as normal…to the extent that Mina knows that Kafka can turn into a Kaiju, but thinks that it is a slow transformation happening to him. She has the idea that it is reversible and pushes Kafka to be seen by the Kaiju experts and doctors to get the transformation reversed. Even though Kafka already knows that it might be impossible to reverse this at all.
More thought out stuff below
Kafka and Mina unexpectedly reunited one day in the middle of Mina’s career. It would have been a joyful reunion if it wasn’t for the fact that both smelt like Kaiju extract.
The two met as Kafka was cleaning up a Kaiju and Mina is tasked with looking out for the cleanup crew in case if the corpse had any hidden failsafe organs. There was one, the Kaiju had a function of releasing extract as a spray and had it loaded up before it was killed. It sprayed only on Kafka and Mina. Luckily there is a public shower area nearby, so the two were able to get cleaned up quickly. They used the time waiting for transportation to pick them up to catch up. Before leaving they exchanged numbers
Time goes on, the two meet when they can until it get to the point where people recognize Mina in public. As a figure for Kaiju extermination, there are mixed reactions people have for her. Especially a significant sponsor who thinks that Mina should be married already and offers one of his children as a candidate.
Mina complains about this to Kafka when they are hanging out at her house with food and drinks. Then a flash of inspiration strikes Kafka. He suggests that the two become legal partners. That way, if someone tries something like that to Mina again then she has an excuse to refuse them. Her coworker can know about the two’s arrangement as well for a good laugh. Plus if she ever finds someone she wants to actually date, then they can divorce. Also taxes.
Plan in motion early in the morning and with alcohol in their veins, the two draft a contract and legal certificate. That includes mundane things such as rent, groceries, cooking (Kafka cooks for 80% of the time and Mina cooks when she can if she wants to. The 20% is if they can’t stomach food that day), etc; to the more Kaiju related insurances polices, visitation rights, and what kind of ceremony do they want to do. When they wake up, they both have a killer migraine and a crude drawing of Bakko for some reason. (The drawing has a special place on the fridge)
For the two of them, it feels as though nothing much changes about their relationship besides living together now with Bakko the giant white tiger. The tiger gets spoilt by Kafka and Mina tried but fails to fix Bakko’s behavior whenever the tiger sees Kafka after work. That is, pouncing on Kafka and licking his face a lot.
Outsiders notices things differently however. They are domestic.
When Mina forgot to bring a lunch one day at work and was going to get something from the canteen, Kafka somehow arrives at her office with two matching lunchboxes. She brings him to the canteen and others just watch as the two eat lunch while talking about Kaiju, what does Mina want to eat for dinner, chores, walking Bakko, and grocery request to pick up on the way home?!
When Kafka is about to enjoy some pudding during work, Mina barges in wearing sunglasses and Kafka’s hoodie. She then grills him about hiding the pudding at home. He argues that she shouldn’t have an entire cup of pudding every day, She argues back he shouldn’t do that as well. The two compromise in a corner of the break room and are seen pouting while sharing Kafka’s cup of pudding. Kafka’s coworkers let the two be since they are used to Mina’s unannounced visits.
While working, it is uncommon to see Kafka call Mina while she is being transported to a certain location during a Kaiju attack. If one listens in, they can hear her debating with Kafka on the best place to shoot the Kaiju. It is always 50/50 on who wins the debate since more often than not it is cut off when Mina arrives at her destination.
However, Mina calling Kafka while he is on his way to a clean up location is more common. She gives him info what to look out for when taking care of the Kaiju corpse that she noticed in battle. He then asks if she noticed anything else unique about the Kaiju. If she wasn’t in the battle, the two gush about the fight and distinguishing characteristics about the Kaiju. The information that Kafka learns helps reduce the work related accidents compared to other clean up crew teams. He even scores employee of the month a few times.
In the dead of night if there are no Kaiju attacks, Kafka and Mina sometimes spend the nights holding each other or sleeping with Bakko when things are too much. If they remember the disaster of their hometown, if either of them had a horrible day where someone they know died during a Kaiju attack, or even nightmares.
There are times when the two get into an argument about Kafka not being in the Defense Force yet/applying for another job in the Defense Force that doesn’t require him being in the front lines frequently. They both don’t talk about Kafka not applying for the Defense Force as they both hold onto that dream.
((My knowledge isn’t that great. I’m only watching the anime so far and they are concluding the fungus Kaiju. So take these what ifs instead))
When Mina arrived home after Kafka gains the ability to turn into a Kaiju, she and Bakko are greeted with the sight of Kafka cooking while using a tail as well. Instincts kick in and Mina has Kafka pinned on the ground with her weapon. Kafka tries to calm her down but it just stresses her out and stresses him out more in turn. The stress builds until Kafka ends up with a tail, sharp mouth, and an arm transformed before Ichikawa calls to remind Kafka to be careful not to transform in public. Mina then looks at Kafka horrified for him and thinks of what to do when Kafka interrupts Mina. He tells her not to worry, this might be a good thing in achieving his dream.
In the end, Mina decides to keep quiet about Karla’s partial transformations and for the Defense Force to pay special attention to the recruits of this batch. She doesn’t realize that Kafka can transform into Kaiju No. 8
As Kafka works as a cadet the Defense Force staff treats him differently. Before, he is somewhat known to the staff members as Mina’s “household-husband” and is treated as a giant teddy bear sometimes, but now as a cadet, he witnesses how strict these people are. It is exciting for him, he wonders if this was how Mina was treated while rising the ranks.
Besides Leno Ichikawa, the others in their group have no idea that Kafka and Mina are technically married and are roommates. They find out that the two live together when the group runs into Mina and Bakko while training. Bakko pounces on Kafka and licks him then once he is up, Kafka asks Mina what does she want for dinner like he does whenever he drops by the base before. Oblivious to the reveal he accidentally dropped, Kafka runs ahead of the group with Leno. The two jog and discuss about last week’s Kaiju attack when Mina jumps in and argues about a certain characteristic of the Kaiju that she thinks fits one type instead of the other. All three end up oblivious to the group they left behind.
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enoughslices · 29 days
I recently learned about DOPS - the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia - and beyond it being fascinating full-stop, I cannot stop thinking about the MSR canon divergent fix-it fic plunny potential.
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Like!!! What could be more THEM? Let Mulder maintain a purpose. Let Scully and Mulder move to Charlottesville and continue with their work dynamic under the auspices of a large university. Let them also get married and go home! together! and spoon up like baby cats at the end of the day! WHO ELSE SEES THE VISION
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norcumii · 9 months
Fic title: Non-compliant Weapon (Rexobi, Murderbot AU)
(regarding this fic title meme prompt)
Ok, there’s two ways this could go. One, the slightly more predictable path of some flavor of reincarnation AU where the Jedi Organization (some kind of meddling well-intentioned doctors-without-borders type group) has gotten neck deep into several volatile disputes and need help, so they’ve gotten a generous donation of sec-units from, I dunno, Palpatine Industries (Insidious Industries is more fun, but a little too on the nose). Of course, these sec-units come with pre-programmed sabotage routines up to and including Order 66, and of course sec-unit Rex manages to wriggle around those.
The more interesting idea I had was a bit...messier.
The plunnie starts with the notion that for a full three hot seconds, some megacorp in the galaxy decided that clones were the next big thing and just mass-produced a whole bunch of them. There was enough outcry that the project was scrapped, the company went broke, and the clones were shoved in cryostorage to become someone else’s problem when all the lawsuits were done. Shortly thereafter, sec-units became a thing because that skirted some all the nasty ethical issues.
Decades if not centuries later (...I have no idea when the Murderbot books are supposed to be other than The Future), whatever megacorp bought up various assets discovers they have a bunch of illegal product sitting around frozen in a warehouse. It turns out that the cheapest method of disposal is actually to thaw them and toss them a small agro planet to colonize (the potential fallout if they just space the clones or keep them in a basement somewhere is just too high for profit margins, much to the relief of everyone else).
And that’s how Rex and his brothers end up thawed, with some nice genetic repair work, on a brand new planet all their own, and no idea wtf to do now since they aren’t expected to just fight something. Since Rex is one of the more restless clones, he ends up doing resource management, taking surplus out for trade and scrounging interesting stuff to bring back. And one day he walks into some space!army surplus store to discover in the back there’s an old sec-unit and its cubicle. Rex starts off feeling weird but wildly sympathetic to this deactivated fighting unit, only to become REALLY creeped out when he asks in passing about it – and learns its being kept around for eventual spare parts.
Rex is not okay with this. He dithers a bit, but ends up purchasing the whole unit and brings it home.
Cody gives him a bit of hell, but he gets where Rex was coming from, so he sort of resignedly welcomes their new sec-unit: [some clever punning/l337 speak version of Obi-Wan Kenobi].
So it turns out that this sec-unit is defective. It’s good at fighting, but it doesn’t like to fight. It talks. It talks a LOT. It’s astonishingly good at negotiating.
It also flirts with everyone except for Rex, which Rex is absolutely not put out about in the least. Really. He’s not irked. It’s a good thing. This damn thing comes out of the box flirting, that’s disconcerting so it’s kinda nice that Rex doesn’t have to put up with that – especially since it’s quickly decided that since the sec-unit does talk anything in circles, it’s most useful going with him to help him barter. And hopefully keep him out of trouble, though Cody is the only one to say that, the bastard.
Since this is a Murderbot AU, that means it turns out that there’s actually something Very Valuable on the clones’ new homeplanet, and at some point they’re actively defending themselves and/or having to diplomat with hostile bodies who are Not Impressed that a sec-unit is one of the main negotiators.
(It helps when things go pear-shaped, of course, since said main negotiator can dish out and take some extreme damage. So that's not too different from canon.)
Things finally settle down, Rex and Obi-Wan return to venturing out on the regular, until one day – probably after some spectacularly vicious flirtation with someone trying to kill them – Rex just blurts out, “I have never been able to figure it out. You will flirt with anyone and anything, the more hostile the better.”
“It’s a wonderful distraction tactic.”
“Oh, I’m aware. You specifically pick out pet names to enrage people.”
“It’s hardly my fault the Duchess didn’t like to be addressed as ‘my dear’!”
“It kind of is, but…” Rex hesitates, then shrugs, still not looking at Kenobi. “You have never once flirted with me.”
Silence. Rex sneaks a few glances, and Obi-Wan is refusing to look back at him. Finally, when it’s clear Rex will play the waiting game, Obi-Wan just shrugs right back. “I don’t know how to do it sincerely. Flirt for real with someone I like.”
Rex goes through several stages of oh with embarrassing speed. He twists around to stare. “What – but – even from the very beginning?”
Obi-Wan continues to not look at him. “I might have been...less unaware than my prior owner believed.”
Rex blanches, well recalling his own long time in stasis – a cold, mostly dreamless state of unconsciousness. The notion of being even somewhat lucid across those long decades is nightmare fuel even before considering the indifferent way the guy at the store had talked about spare parts in a box.
Then there are super-awkward cuddles, eventually leading to some kind of queer platonic aro and/or ace ship happily ever after. ^_^
Thank you, this was a fun challenge!
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belowheavenrpg · 10 months
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I had @qwarq code a bestiary window for me because none of the existing plugins satisfied my needs. There's also a cookbook for Nathalia's recipes that follows the same layout.
In addition to seeing the stats and the money/exp reward for enemies, there's also flavor text for each one. Recipes have flavor text too.
The bestiary and cookbook have unique artwork for each entry, which I hope isn't going to bite me in the ass later...
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sadnesshotline · 1 year
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shadowmaat · 8 months
What you sow
Jango Fett never wanted kids. They were way too much responsibility, and he was man enough to admit he'd be a terrible father. He had no patience, for starters, and his lifestyle was fraught enough that bringing a kid into it would be a disaster. Not to mention that he tended to lean in other directions, so finding a woman who could tolerate him long term (and that he could tolerate in return) was pretty much a no-go.
That said, making donations to a fertility clinic was an easy way to make money when times got tough. Well, "easy" once he'd finished jumping through all the flaming hoops to get okayed.
What happened was absolutely not his fault. In fact the company was forced to pay him a hefty sum by way of an apology. He and the sixteen women who had "his" babies. The company called it a software glitch. The software people vehemently denied it. Both of them wound up filing for bankruptcy. And the press would not leave him alone about his "Superdad" status. It was awful.
The mothers had formed a support group and "requested" that he attend some of their meetings. It would have been awkward enough except they also brought their kids with them. The kids who looked exactly like him. For a lifelong bachelor who was happy with that status, it was a living nightmare. And it was only the beginning.
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chthontoya · 13 hours
Another plunny about post-canon Uraichi. Inspired by Emperor's New Clothes by Jann.
Ichigo: Shun-jii proposed me to head the 8th division.
Urahara: Oh! Congratulations then. You seem too troubled, though~
Ichigo: Yeah, I need to choose an experienced officer as my second in command, because I barely know enough about Soul Society and Seireitei.
Urahara: Do you want me to be yours?
Ichigo: W-What?!
Urahara: Do you want me to be your second in command? Really, Kurosaki-san, are you daydreaming or something~
Ichigo: Ugh, shut up, Getaboshi! Anyways, haven't you been a taichō? Being second in command after that is kinda...
Urahara: Not that prideful.
Ichigo points at Urahara's haori. Urahara shrugs without a real response.
Ichigo: But you *have been* a taichō. Wouldn't it be humiliating to be under Mayuri's command for example?
Urahara: It would. ... Oh, Kurosaki-san, no surprise you were told to find someone more experienced. It's not the same as Japanese army. Every taichō owns a division under their command and everyone in it. Unless direct soutaichō's order, I wouldn't be obligated to obey to anyone but you.
Ichigo is positively red now.
Urahara: If anything, it would be disgraceful for Kurotsuchi to have a rival with lower rank than his.
Ichigo: Still...
Urahara: And if you want me so much to be loyal only to you-
Ichigo: Wha?!
Urahara: -meaning not allowing Hirako or Kurotsuchi to order me around, you can always to talk to soutaichō about it. Joking, of course.
Ichigo: It's an option.
Urahara: Excuse you?
Ichigo: It's Shun-jii who wants me as his successor so might as well give this much.
Urahara: Are you sure you want to start your captaincy with an abuse of power and a request for special treatment.
Ichigo: Don't care. So. Will you be my second in command then?
Urahara: Would be most honoured.
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plunnies-n-shit · 2 years
seek (and ye shall find)
There is a loophole, somewhere, that will let her have her godson. Mikoto is sure of it.
Minato is dead. Kushina is dead. But Mikoto does not wail and weep and rage. She cannot. Kushina wouldnt have, if the Uchiha Clan had died, if it was Itachi and Sasuke on the line.
She withdraws from active duty. She tenders her resignation from ANBU and T&I. She helps with the rebuilding, pushes her clan to open its largely-undamaged doors to those left homeless by the Kyubi.
And every day, she approaches Hiruzen with the same request.
And every day, she receives the same answer.
"He is jinchuriki now; his life is no longer what it would have once been. He can be entrusted to no one Clan of Konoha. Now, dismissed."
But Mikoto cannot be disuaded. There is a loophole, somewhere, that will let her have her godson. She bounces Sasuke on her hip, nearly castrates Fugaku when he returns from a mission with a bloody Itachi in his arms (itachi isnt hurt, but he is still far too young to know war. She and her husband do not speak to each other for a week), and with her every free hour she throws herself into the archives. First the public library, then her own clans.
Her visits to the Hokage dwindle down to only once a week as she pieces together her case. Good, she thinks, even in her frustration at finding nothing that would be undeniable. Let hiruzen underestimate her. It is a mistake no enemy of hers has survived.
But weeks turn to months turn to years.
The Uchiha records offer her nothing by way of leverage.
Fugaku finds her in the training room of their home, long after she has put the boys to bed. She is dressed down to her breastband and thin pants, her Ruby Claw resting across her hips.
She wails. She weeps. She rages. She lets fugaku beat her bloody, and gives back as good as she got. And when the room is all but trashed and they are laid out on the floor, shoulder to shoulder, he says,
"There is an answer out there, somewhere. Youll find it. Im sure of it."
She rolls over and kisses her husband, right there on that ruined floor, and it tastes like blood and sweat and tears.
It is the classic Uchiha Obsession. She knows it well.
But in the morning, when she is pleasantly sore, sated and calm for the first time in what feels like years, she fixes breakfast for her family, pinches Sasuke on his cheek as she tells him to get ready for his first day of temple school. Kisses her husband goodbye.
Goes to do what she should have done in the first place.
And deep in the fragmented records of a dead village, she finds the whirlpool she was looking for.
Clan matters are private things, divorced from the village and its Hokage, and Mikoto fights tooth and claw to keep it that way. She fixes meals for her family, teaches itachi the way kushina taught her to make an exploding tag. She argues her case before the Elders.
She kisses Fugaku, long and slow and sweet.
Its six years to the day. Mikoto tries not to feel the weight on her shoulders as she enters the Hokage office.
"I am Uzumaki Mikoto. And I am taking my godson now."
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