#plum cosplays
enharmonicplum · 1 year
In celebration of the new season of the Life Series SMP I’m gonna post some cosplay tiktoks from the Double Life season please enjoy.
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zipora666 · 2 months
...opposite Wally for the first time💙✨❤️ plus try to play with colors a bit..🌈
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I’m dead- 😂
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probably my fav one so far lol
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bukkitbrown · 2 years
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Lets bring the fireworks!!!!!
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citrusbuds · 2 years
thats right. THIS cool guy 😎 (cosplay deets below)
a friend of mine invited me to cosplay with them so now im planning what to do for the con.
heres a little spread i made to get my ideas down !!
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will probably update as i go along the costume making process. the con is in about 4 months, so i have time to buy and alter clothes.
ALSO i (unfotunately) will have to buy a wig since by then, school spuldve had started and i'd have to dye my hair back to black :(
also also, i traced over a picture of myself so i could have an idea of what it'll look like on my body shape.
i am SO excited to start working on this entire thing !!
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pileofpawns · 29 days
send me silly situations to put Tir into
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ladylore97 · 5 months
Also!!! I got the wonderful opportunity to make a fancy cosplay of rejuvenated Spinel! I was invited to do a group cosplay with some way more experienced, professional cosplayers with the theme of “Steven Universe but as sugar plum fairies” as our only instruction. I was the only one in the group that didn’t actually know how to properly sew, but I’m still proud of myself for rising to the challenge with the limited knowledge I had! I got to be a VERY extra Spinel and I enjoyed every second of it 😌
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Bonus pic of me and Pink Diamond because she is my actual real-life sister and we unsarcastically like each other and are best friends ❤️
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(Look at her fantastic cosplay and makeup and wig!!!! She’s so good!!)
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dcafanzine · 2 months
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Hi everyone! We’re super excited to start introducing our contributors! Let’s let them introduce themselves!
Hi y’all! I’m Plum (@pure-plum) and I’m joining G&GG as a spot artist, and I will be in the Backstage Pass as both a page artist and spot artist! It feels pretty ambitious for my first step into the zine scene but I’m very excited to be working with so many talented artists and writers all sharing stories and ideas about the DCA. The DCA and the community around them pulled me out of some intense burnout, and they reminded me how much fun it can be to create and to enjoy being as silly or as serious about it as you want! How lucky to find so many wonderful stories and adaptations of Sun and Moon, and so many cool folks to share them with!
Howdy! I'm YourFriendlyDCA (@/yourfriendlydca everywhere!) I'm a page artist for both the main and bonus zines. I've done zines in the past, and I always have a blast on projects like these. Security breach pulled me into FNAF as an interest first. I couldn't tell you when my brain started fixating on the DCA, but once I realized, I was in too deep. I love sympathetic characters in horror games. So when I saw a robot character doomed to be in a franchise about killer bots while trying his best to be Mary Poppins and failing miserably, I was hooked. Yes please. And throw in his murder gremlin alter.
I'm everywhere people are posting art, and I do cosplay too! Hope to see you around!
Howdy hey, yall can call me Lemon! I'm a page artist and spot artist for the G&GG Backstage Pass. I've previously made a comic spread for Welcome Again an Omori Black Space fanzine, and I'm so excited to partake in my first ever Fnaf fanzine! I knew from the first Security Breach trailer that I'd be head over heels for these silly celestial jesters, and low-n-behold here we are still, nearly 3 years later <3
Fnaf Tumblr | Main Art Tumblr
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buradedaio · 2 months
my dream cosplay is shiori takatsuki i would wear plum lipstick and a black rose pinned to my breast and little java sparrow earrings
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enharmonicplum · 1 year
~Double Life season cosplay~ NGL I slept all of my Saturday so I forgot to post. But here’s another old cosplay tiktok.
I did use a clip from one of Cleo’s Double life episodes as the overlay.
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fairyqueenfleur · 9 months
What do you think Ben and Holly’s dynamic and personalities look like?
My opinion:
Ben is usually calm, laid-back and chill and often the only brain cell left in dangerous situations. He is a good observer (in the woodpecker episode when he taught the chicks to fly by mimicking the flying poses despite not knowing how to do it himself), pretty handy and good at fixing things (like all the elves do) and a bit ambitious and a good animal tamer (I’m not sure is it the right term to use, but the successfully ride Speedy the Snail (one of the hardest to be tamed.) and forgives quickly (the elf games). But he can be a teaser (in the elf joke episode, with no ill intent), lose his temper quickly and occasionally dismiss fairies' abilities (such as magic and flying, but he learned from it and never did it as often). And talking about the “Ben’s birthday party” episode, he just asked Holly about his birthday card and either she remembered his birthday (I know the writers used that for plot purposes (reminding Holly to make Ben’s birthday card to get the episode going) but I feel that’s a bit insensitive from Ben’s side, so I would make it his flaw. And he's a bit of a power illusionist (in Superheroes when he cosplayed into Elfman, but his friends just called him Elfboy which is very humourous though)
Holly is outgoing, girly and sometimes pretty bossy. She has a kind personality and is naturally curious about everything (especially elf culture, like she always asks Ben what he’s learning at school or go to his school to experience herself). If she loved someone (familiarly, platonically or possibly romantically), she would be attached to them very much (eg: Nanny Plum, King Thistle, Ben, etc). And in my opinion, she’s one of the smartest fairies in the series (she nearly guessed Barnaby’s fairy disguise (she asked him “Have we ever met you before?” - simple to us the audience but considering how dumb the fairies are, this deserve applause). She compliments other people a lot (especially Ben). However, she is often overconfident of her own abilities (eg: her magical skills and the possibility of it going wrong), sometimes looking down on elven customs (but like Ben she fixed that quickly and may be one of the few fairies in BAHLK treat elves with respect (the other are the fairy kids and Mrs Fig)). She can be cruel with her magic when she’s angry (the elf joke day episode), and has a really scary death glare (the wand factory to Strawberry and to the Wise Wand 3000 in the new wand episodes).
I think both of them are optimistic, love adventure and cared deeply and concern for each other when one of them is in trouble, and treat each other as equals despite of class and race divisions (also deserve another applause)
Regarding to romantic shipping (when they are teens/ adults), they would fit into the “Childhood friends to lovers”, “Interspecies romance” and “Forbidden love” tropes ( considering the class and race difference, segregation and we never see a hybrid or a proper elf and fairy romance in the series )
=> Dynamic: (In the series) Very platonic and sibling-like (Ben and Holly treat each other like siblings that they never had since Ben is an only child and Daisy and Poppy are fucking hell spawns)
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mannylikessims · 8 months
The True Story of the Villareal Family [1.4]
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Night had fallen on the Von Haunt Estate, and Lord Bernard had just come upon an extremely unsettling scene.
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“You!” gasped the ghost of Bernard. “What are you— Unhand my portrait, you rampallian! Get down from there this instant!”
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Max hastily let go of Bernard’s portrait and climbed down.
“Shut up, old man!” he yelled, but it was too late. Bernard knew exactly what Max was trying to do.
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“You were going to burn my portrait, weren’t you?” He blew up at the child. “That’s it! I’m calling your father! And yes—I know who you are! I checked the museum registration!”
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“You wouldn’t. You’re bluffing.” Max scrunched up his face with as much animosity as a child could muster.
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But Bernard wasn’t bluffing.
Jacques Villareal was contacted and immediately summoned. Bernard explained that he had caught Max trying to burn his portrait, and Jacques shook his head in disappointment.
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“I can’t believe you’ve done this,” said his father in a low, disgusted voice. “You’ve ruined everything.”
It was true. Jacques had to abandon his own plans of setting fire to this cherished tourist destination. He would now look suspicious if the Von Haunt Estate burnt down, now that Max was caught attempting the same thing.
Plum. This heist would’ve been his greatest moneymaker, if only his damn kid hadn’t ruined it. It was time to kiss his dreams of early retirement goodbye.
Meanwhile, Max was glaring at his father, studying his face,
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when he suddenly wrung his hands.
“I’m so sorry, Dad. It won’t happen again. I promise I’ll never get caught again.”
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Jacques sighed.
“Fine,” he said. “We’ve learned our lesson. Next time, this won’t happen.”
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“Of course, Dad,” said Max. His mouth twitched for a brief second.
“Hold on,” said a voice behind them. “There’s not going to be a next time for either of you.”
“What?” Jacques whirled around.
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“You’re banned from the estate,” said Bernard.
“But just my son, right?” said Jacques, panicking. This was his favorite establishment! “I can still come here to cosplay and play chess, right?”
“No. Both of you are banned. Permanently.” Bernard was adamant.
Jacques froze, then flared, pulling himself up to his full height.
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“Do you even know who I am and what I’m capable of?”
Bernard raised his eyebrows. “Are you trying to threaten an immortal 120-year-old ghost infamous for his foul temper?”
Jacques bared his teeth. “I’ll make you regret this, phantom.”
“You don’t scare me, fopdoodle.” Bernard smiled. “I’ll show you scary.”
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The ghost lunged forward, eyes wild, spittle flying out of his mouth.
“I will not allow you or your hell-born babe to defile these premises and potentially endanger others here ever again! You are hereby permanently banned from this cherished tourist destination!”
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Jacques recoiled and stayed quiet.
Max watched the ghost in awe. Bernard was a formidable foe, indeed. It was now Max: 1, Bernard: 1, but Max knew this was far from over.
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Meanwhile, Jacques couldn’t believe what had just happened. As he stood there, cowed by a ghost and banned from his favorite establishment because of his kid, he realized something.
His children were a liability.
As long as his kids existed, he would never achieve true happiness. A heinous thought crossed his heinous mind for the second time tonight.
Jacques knew exactly what he had to do.
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mircsy · 3 months
Heya! I started an Athena cosplay based off of your representation of her in epic, and I was wondering if you could give me more information on her outfit? I don't want to be a bother or cross any boundaries this has just become a hyper fixation and the goblins in my head won't leave me alone. Also...sorry to bother you so early if this interrupted your sleep or something important. That's all! You're awesome and I love your art! Eh uh, Bye!
Hello! Never think you bother me with these kind of questions🫶
About colours I can’t give you much info because I’ve never made a full illustration of her, just the one scale colour in the animatics. However, she would have blue and bronze themes.
About the layers of the outfit, she has two layers of skirts, a long and a short, and the long section is removable for when she goes to battle she can move and fight easier. On her feet and leg she wears sandals with some shin armour.
This might be not new, but on the back of her armour she has two giant gaps for her wings when her cape turns into them.
Uuuh… what else…? She has an owl mask (that can also be an owl diadem), the plum of a corinthian helmet can grow out of that. Tho that happens with divine power, so I don’t know how to replicate that in the mortal world.
Idk what extra is there that is hidden in the animatics. I hope I could help with your cosplay :D
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silencedrowns · 8 months
Comparing Coscraft wig colors to Classe Sara
Classe Sara is one of my favorite fibers, but it’s a bit difficult to figure out the colors without a swatch book and since you need a shopping service, it can be inconvenient to order the swatches first. I decided to compare my Coscraft ring to my Classe Sara book to find the closest colors. Spoiler: while they overlap a lot in the natural tone range, the fun color range is really different!
Why would you want this btw? Because Sara has the least tangly fiber on the cosplay wig market. Period. You cannot get wigs that tangle less than Sara and believe me I have tried.
This chart shows when a Coscraft color has a close match for Classe Sara. When the match is near exact (like I could probably get away with using wefts of one in a wig of the other), I’ve marked this. When there’s a color that’s halfway between two very similar colors, I’ve also marked this. For things where there’s no close match but there’s vaguely similar colors, I’ve listed the closest options after saying no match. When there’s nothing remotely close, I marked it as “absolutely no match”.
Incredibly long list under the cut!
White: SS08 (near exact match)
Misty White: SS01
Silver: SS02 (Coscraft is lighter)
Grey: SS02 (Coscraft is darker: SS02 is the exact midway point between the two Coscraft shades)
Natural Black: SBK02 (Coscraft is warmer)
Black: SBK01 (near exact match)
Darkest Purple: no match (closest is SPP07, which is much more muted and a bit lighter)
Deep Purple: no match at all. it’s more saturated by a lot
Purple: SPP09
Plum: no match (closest is SPP05 but plum is much redder)
Greyish Purple: no match at all. it is far more blue than any of the Sara purples
Glow Purple: no match. Closest is SPP08 but Glow Purple is a full shade lighter
Lavender: no match. Closest is SPP08, which is more desaturated
Lilac: absolutely no match
Blue Grey: SDB06
Darkest Blue: SDB01 (Coscraft is a smidge darker)
Navy: also SDB01 (near exact match)
Midnight Blue: SDB05 (also a near exact match)
Royal Blue: no match (SDB02 is closest but Coscraft is significantly more saturated)
Azure: SBL05 (Coscraft is bluer and more saturated)
Peacock: absolutely no match whatsoever
Cobalt: SBL03
Indigo Blue: absolutely no match
Sky blue: no match (closest is SMB01 but Coscraft is lighter and bluer)
Storm Blue: absolutely no match
Baby Blue: no match (closest is SBL01. Coscraft is less purple and a bit lighter)
Ice Blue: absolutely no match
Pale Olive: absolutely no match whatsoever. Pale Olive is virtually undupeable
Slate Green: absolutely no match whatsoever
Pale Teal: no match (closest is SGR01. Coscraft is bluer and less saturated)
Teal: no match (it’s halfway between SBL05 and SMB01)
Pale Mint: absolutely no match
Lime Green: no match (halfway between SGR03 and SGR04)
Forest Green: absolutely no match. nothing is as saturated
Emerald: SGR07 (near exact match)
Matcha Green: absolutely no match
Midnight Green: no match (closest are SGR05 and SGR06 but Coscraft is more saturated)
Dark Green: SGR06 (near exact match)
Titanium Blonde: SS01 (Coscraft is warmer)
Oyster: SS05 (Coscraft is warmer)
Platinum Blonde: SGD16
Champagne: SGD05
Ash Blonde: SGD13 (Coscraft is lighter)
Pale Ash Blonde: no match (closest is SGD05 but Coscraft is both cooler and lighter)
Wheat Blonde: SS06
Milkmaid Blonde: SGD01 (near exact match)
Pale Yellow Blonde: both SGD04 and SGD15 are close matches, but SGD15 is closer
Primrose Yellow: no match (halfway between SGD10 and SGD12
Gold: both SDG01 and SY01 are close matches. I can barely tell which is closer
Honey: halfway between SGD11 and SGD12 (SGD12 is yellower)
Mango: absolutely no match
Peach: no match (closest is SOR01, Coscraft is pinker)
Melon: SR08 (Coscraft is more saturated)
Ginger: SOR04
Dark Strawberry Blonde: no match (SOR04 is the same undertone but a full shade darker)
Copper: SR04
Peachy Copper: no match (closest is SRB04. Coscraft is less saturated)
Sandy Blonde: no CLOSE match, but feels incredibly similar to SGD05, SGD08, SGD09, and SGD13. They’re all in the same color family.
Caramel: halfway between SBR06 and SBR07
Toffee: SBR04 (Toffee is a smidge pinker)
Chestnut Brown: redder than SYB04 and more yellow than SRB01
Rich Dark Brown: no match (somewhere between SBR01 and SYB04)
Deadwood Brown: SGD13
Matt D Brown: SBR02
Very Dark Brown: SRB02
Brown Black: SBK02
Mauve: absolutely no match
Pink Blonde: absolutely no match
Sugar Pink: absolutely no match. far cooler than any Sara pink
Soft Pink: SPK01
Rose Pink: no match (SPK07 is similar but less intense)
Milkshake Pink: SPK03 (Coscraft is lighter)
Fandango Pink: no match (it’s less saturated and cooler than SPK06)
Fuchsia: SPK06 (Coscraft is more saturated. SPK06 is the midpoint between Fandango Pink and Fuchsia)
Flame Red: SR07
Coral: SPK09
Cherry: no match (it’s a bit lighter and cooler than SR09)
Red: SR05
Muted Red: no match (it’s the midpoint between SR04 and SR05 but those are wildly different colors)
Mahogany Red: SR01 (Coscraft is a smidge lighter and a tiny bit cooler)
Magenta: absolutely no match whatsoever.
Dark Auburn: SR03 (Coscraft is more saturated)
Overall, Classe Sara tends to be warmer than Coscraft, and Coscraft tends to be more saturated. Sara in particular and Classe as a whole is a good bet for you in general if you find most wigs to be overly saturated for your skin tone!
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NightLock info dump. 🫐🪻
WARNING ⚠️ Pedophilia is mentioned below cut, so please brace your selfs
I'ma do all the non pedo stuff first then all the pedo stuff afterwards.... So ya, sorry but I gave this bitch trauma and lots of it....
Alright let's just get into it
When she laughs she dose a mixture of snorting and loud ass squeaking, like she sounds like a dog toy filled with helium
She is trans,Lesbian, and Asexual! (Male to female trans wise)
She absolutely loves fruits! Bananas and plums are her favs <]
She can't fly, I mean she can kinda hover above the ground, but only for 2 minutes top
She owns a small house in the forest that surrounds the tower, her garden however is in the tower, and not by her house
She is severely sleep deprived (the reason why will be explained later on)
She loves loves LOVES to coaplay, her favs to cosplay are Pinstripe and Ragatha! (And yes Liz thinks she's hot as fuck in the Pinstripe cosplay, like her nose starts to bleeding kinda hot lafmo)
Her favorite video game series of all time is Crash Bandicoot,but she also really likes Hallow Knight, Doki Doki literature club, and Minecraft!
Her fav weapon is an ax, she's actually trained and throwing and swinging with axes, so yeah she knows what she's doing
Alright into the pedo stuff......
You can blame this song for giving me the inspo alright, please don't come at my throat for it
She was harassed at the age of 10 by a woman named Bella, this left NightLock scarred for life, she will often have nightmares about making it where she can't sleep explaining the sleep depravity
Now the thing is NightLock isn't scared, in fact she's murderous about it, wanting only to slit Bella's throat and watch her head roll into the grave
She is Asexual because of what happens to her, but that's pretty reasonable judging by what happened to her
I plan to make some art and POSSIBLY an animatic of her to this song!
Also this song pretty explains NighLock's feelings toward Bella, like a perfectly explains it, so I really recommend giving it a listen please
(Bella currently lives in the sugary spire btw, so yes she is alive, for now)
@random-obsseser @keylimepizzapie
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shelbeanie · 2 years
I let myself go wild while remaking my Collector cosplay! Thank you so much @DanaTerrace and your team, I had so much fun over analyzing all the little details in the show to try and incorporate into this!
I’m also going go to do a breakdown the 60 hours of work over 2 weeks that went into it because I had to speed up everything! My initial design. I ended up changing the design in one side to mimic the grain pattern on the other side, but all of the little details and the color shift are high key my favorites parts
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I was dead set on the fabric shifting between Navy/Plum and Silver/lilac. I’m fairly certain I willed these fabrics into existence because they were almost impossible to find. I had a back up plan of navy and silver velvet if it didn’t work out, which I will likely still make
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I wanted to add texture to the costume. Little details you wouldn’t notice at a distance but up close you could see all of the tiny hidden intricate details. My initial design was a quilted pattern but it priced very hard to digitize. I wanted to maximize the space I could cover while mimimizing the time spent so I created a second design. That one was further simplified down to save time. Each pattern piece has 15 panels, 25 min each
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The alternate side was originally supposed to have diamonds on it, but those proved difficult to digitize and difficult to line up, they just didn’t look as good as I had hoped. I redesigned it so that the lines imitates the grain of the dark purple/crossed the grain. Much better
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I also has to trim all of the strings to clean it up and trim the backing. Next time I do something like this I will use water soluble backing. This side had 15-20 panels (I lost count) at 25 min each with 3 bridging patches to help make the pattern look natural.
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The sleeves have 6 designs per sleeve and the zigzag design. I wanted the zig zags to be interlocking titan skulls, each one took 7 min (11 per sleeve). There are 3 different moons with a collector hidden in each. The suns are the sign of the huntsman. Each sun/moon took 30 min. I also added the titans from the title card boarder to my collar
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The hat dot/constellations are in the opening. I had to add a couple more by hand to fill in blank spaces. The hat is lined and the lining/boarder are attached via a satin stitch. I finished most edges with a satin stitch.
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I have hit my limit on pictures but I’m not finished, so I am going to have to do a follow up post with the rest of the details, check the reposts for it!
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