#pls. this whole dialogue is a comedy.
caelanglang · 4 months
Who are your fav skk fanfic writers and why? Do you have their works that you love the most that you don't mind sharing here? 💘
this... this is such a hard question, *brings out a whole safe of records* /j (no srsly it's gonna be a long read--)
Here are a list of authors i really like :3 Their ao3 links/handles are:
the_most_happy: love how emotional their work can be! they have smut and fluff works, and most of all—which i think the the most delicious one, is the way they write angst <3 I actually made a bunch of fanart for their fics/aus when I was just getting into the fandom :3 They're writing is like going into a spicy sexy emotinal adventure... idk how else to describe it xD my fav fic of theirs... augh so hard to choose... In Loving Memory caught me so off guard (cuz i forgot to read the tags and immediately dived into it the moment i saw their post about it hhhh)
forest_racoon: The fluff and softness and magic in their writing is so good! I love the energy and comedy and seriousness and everything in their writing! it's always so fun to pick up any of their works~ Don't be tricked tho,, the angst they deliver have the same gravity ToT it's just so... augh... I first found them through Plate :( and have reread it several times (please check out their other works too it's all so amazing!!)
devilrin: love how she writes. period. the emotions and the poetic energy of it?? the angst?? so. good. the skk energy in their writing is more mellow(?) it feels more realistic—it's like watching people instead of characters ;w; (very cool how she world builds an entire life outside of her fic for her characters actually, got to witness the behind the scenes first hand myself its pretty insane to me) The fic that ruined me tho is Down to a Sunless Sea (which is so angsty im so--)
themadtree: The energy in their writing is just so amazing. it's very hard to stop mid-way! The dialogue feels very fun and engaging and you really get very attached to the characters because of how energetic and full of life they are. Whimsical is the best word I can think of to describe the reading experience of their work :3 They made a bunch of fun aus; their brain is just so amazing (pirate au and avatar au like broooooo) My favorite is Mors Vincit Omnia (yummy pirate au!)
StarshipDancer: one of the first ao3 writers whose name i decided to remember by heart (which means a lot considering how bad i am with names) because they are my most searched user in ao3 xD The fluff is just so addicting. The sillies and shenanegans are so on point for me, idk it just scratch this itch so perfectly in my brain. I draw a of inspiration from my skk sketches from their works actually :3!! READ EVERYTHING THEY HAVE PLS ITS ALL SO GOOD (you should check the fluff week collection augh) Without Words is one of my most reread ones... I think... I reread a lot of their works tho...
setosdarkness: let's be honest. i think everyone whose dived into ao3 skk just knows her alreayd xD she's such a kween for that, making sure we are so well fed with so much fun skk writing. Her works are so fun to read! Very comedic and has such similar energy to the gag moments and bickering and shenanigans of the anime skk for me idk why. I love how fun and unique each fic scenarios are :3 (no srsly you'll never run out of food made with so much love by athina-san)
xLillyle: I am working with Lilly for a Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood skk au!! (its Royai skk BUT it's also beast!skk) it's been so exciting to work with her :3!! You can check some of the teasers here. She made an iwaoi!skk fic recently so if that's you're type hehe *starts bawling*
there are lots of other amazing authors there but these are the ones that came to mind and i am most familiar with for now :3 Here are some other fics ~~
When I Awake: Ghost(?) Writer Dazai and Musician Chuuya. yummy angst. silly skk
castle out of couches: My favorite domestic fluff skk. it's my must read. Halfbloom is such a master of the fluff in comedic tone and capturing that skk domestic softness idk how they do it. it's just so good.
In One of the Stars I shall be Living: A sweetheart wrote a fic about my little prince skk au TT it's so well written and I am so in love with all the references and angst ueueue
Five Steps: My favorite skk knight x prince au TT
The Best Worst Thing: Another sweetheart wrote a fic based on my silly sketches ;w; it's so cute waaaaaa
okay. i am. so sorry for the long answer. I just love a lot of stuffs from these incredible writers. feel free to drop by again :3 these are the ones that comes to my mind first so i may have missed out on a bunch oop
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Crowley's flaws: I think Gaiman accidentally wrote himself into a hole that he either doesn't see or doesn't know how to escape, and he fell into the hole when he decided to turn what was a political allegory into a psychologized relationship issue. Pratchett's understanding of evil is rooted in post-WWII thinking about totalitarianism, in which unthinkable acts are perpetrated by bureaucracies staffed by "normal" people, and resistance comes from individuals who become aware of what this routinization really conceals. This is consistent across the Discworld novels, not just GO. What GO does is take this point and filter it through C. S. Lewis' THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS (the hell-as-bureaucracy model, which NG and TP then extend to Heaven). In the novel, there's a direct line from Crowley's "hung out with the wrong people" to the moment at the airfield when he tries to reject Aziraphale's claim that they're both responsible for the mess the humans are in because they were "only doing our jobs." That's a textbook example of what we now call the Nuremberg defense ("just following orders/just doing my job"). The fandom loves romanticizing this aspect of Crowley's character--he has trauma! he's a proto-Marxist with demonic class consciousness!--but when Crowley busts out this kind of reasoning, he gives way to /evil/, just as Aziraphale does when he tries to justify the ways of Heaven to himself. Any fan who wants to be uncomfortable ought to read Hannah Arendt's EICHMANN IN JERUSALEM and then go back and look at Crowley's dialogue again, because boy howdy. But when it comes to their relationship, the transgression is not /personal/.
In the series, the political allegory has vanished, and the direct line runs from Crowley's "it's not my fault" to manipulating Aziraphale into killing the Antichrist. So far, so good, sort of? Gaiman had to remind the fandom that we aren't supposed to buy Crowley's excuses, all of which are bad. He's called out on the "why me" bit three times in the first episode alone. But by the end, there is no sign that Aziraphale understands that he has been manipulated, and no sign that Crowley understands that he did something wrong! The moral epiphany Crowley had in the novel vanishes, so we are left with a nasty /personal/ transgression that neither character understands as such. Aziraphale, by contrast, keeps owning up to his mistakes (at the bar, to Adam during the timestop, on the park bench). Part of this has to do with comedy and its lack of object permanence, so to speak. However, instead of facing up to the conflict it's created for itself, the series drops the whole thing like a Hellfire-hot potato, and so appears to conclude that there's nothing wrong when one character repeatedly takes advantage of another one's gullibility, sometimes in destructive ways. The question is to what extent the new writer has any opinions about this, or even notices.
i have no words........ 👀 a very interesting and thought-provoking take. i dig it. i never thought to look at the tonal comparison of the book vs. the show but this is... eye-opening. yes. YES. (and this doesn't mean that the characters nor the story are unlikeable. it means they have depth but that depth sinks into murky, terrifying, bottomless oceans just as much as clear, shiny, crystal-like reefs). YES.
also anon if you are comfortable pls message me direct i just wanna give u a lil virtual kiss a lil smooch✨
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 5x04
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Shut up Clark no one was hoping she'd stay in Europe longer, you just can't deal with her greatness
"Actually, I just ran into Mrs. Kent at the Talon and right out of nowhere, she asked if I'd like to move back into the farm😇". "Yeah right." "...😇" "...Really?"
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Lois: 1 - Clark: 0
See that's why we need Lois, it immediately turns into a comedy and Clark gets more personality.
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BRO. HOLD ON. Was the AC actor on b99 as young Scully?? PLS that would be so funny.
the prettiest girl I've ever seeeen🎶 from the cover of a magazineeee🎶
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she's still insulting the guy who saved her I LOVE HER SO MUCH THAT'S THE LOVE OF MY LIFE OKAY
and the Lana/Lois scraps I liveeee (but also, why didn't we get more, where is the humanity?)
"He can swim faster than I can." HEHEHEHEEHEE😈
Professor Milton Fine? I don't think so
He really just compared Lex to Hitler, BRO💀💀
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Same Clark, same
"I got a buck." "Yeah? You should use it to get some fashion sense."
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It's actually beautiful, you can see her come up with her next burn in real time
"You know, this, uh, whole orange and green thing you got going? Looks like Flipper threw up."
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Gooodd I'm in love with her
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"You were turning blue." "It's a good color on me."
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no because they actually have great chemistry
stop why am I shipping Lois and AC they're so cute together😭
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Lois if he falls into the water, shouldn't you jump in after him??💀
I really feel like they made the change in Lex too abrupt which is kind of a bummer because they had a great setup for it after Lionel tried to kill him at the end of season 3.
"You really don't listen, do you?" "No, I try not to, I find it distracting."
some of his pickup lines are really cringy though💀
not me getting invested when I know this isn't going anywhere😭
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perfect timing Clark
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Clark: 🧍😠
"Lois is all over this guy. And all we know him is that he can swim faster than I can."
I can't
Chloe: listing perfectly normal things about AC like him being on a swim team
Clark: Does he have a criminal record?😠
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"I don't know what it is about this guy but I get a bad feeling."
Mmmhhhmmmm okay yeah...
Even Lana is so done with his shit I'm crying
"Do you really believe that or is that just a pickup line for the girls?" "Clark!!!!"
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you can't make this up😭
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Okay Lois he would totally attack AC because he's jealous (and he kinda did💀) but he wouldn't straight up invent lies about him, come on.
OOOOh is this actually the first time we hear the nickname boy scout? (I don't have the best memory so I'm not sure😅)
not AC calling Lex "bro"💀💀
"One day of college and he's already an activist."
Again, I think they could've set up this plot a bit better wrt Lex's reasons for selling that weapon despite the damage that it causes.
I'm sorry but this is kind of funny
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"Are you okay?" "WET AND READY BRO."
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"Well, you didn't tell him about my pitchfork, did you?" "I defended you."
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*brief pause from the comedy of it all to feel PAIN*
the way AC says "bro" takes me outttt
"Maybe we should start up a junior lifeguard association or something."
STOOP THAT'S WHAT BART SAID TOO (not the lifeguard part but you know what I mean)
This just in, JLA stands for Junior Lifeguard Association💀
STAY SUPER BRAH (I'll stop making fun of AC now I prommy)
noooooo Lois😭😭😭
welp, I shipped it while it lasted
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(I'm still tagging this post as clois though because we all know who the OTP is😌😌)
"I was just trying to look out for you." If you say so👀
not to be repetitive but...
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"I've known a lot of guys who want to own the world. I haven't met very many who actually want to save it. How am I ever gonna meet someone like that again?"
That, exactly that is the reason she loves Clark (or will eventually, whatever) I'M GOING INSANEEEE THEY WROTE HER SO WELL😭
"Lois, I promise, some day... you'll meet someone even more special."
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this episode was everything I needed and more
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eemcintyre · 10 months
Re-watching and re-evaluating "M:I - Dead Reckoning (Part One)"
A long, long time ago, somewhere in the Internet ether, I had promised to review this movie. well here it is if anyone still cares
Still think the introductory scene in the submarine was a bit long, but it didn't feel as long as it did the first time when I was foaming at the mouth to see Tom and only Tom for the first time in a new movie in the theater
Definitely a lot of exposition in the first Cary Elwes/Kittridge/etc. scene, but the information was necessary for the most part. Just very funky and unnatural how they divided the dialogue amongst everyone and they were finishing each other's sentences, like people Do Not talk like that
Also did anyone else think it was weird how long it was until the intro credits montage too? Idk maybe that's my personal artistic choice talking. Either way it was a super neat montage and I loved it, regardless of when it occurred; I was just afraid the first time I saw it that we weren't going to get one 👀👀👀
The whole end-of-days AI thing is definitely way too relevant and 1) stresses me out v badly, but also 2) Tom Cruise gives me hope that maybe we will eventually defeat it, even if it's not by he himself punching it to death 🤞🏻💖
Best comprehensive soundtrack of the franchise; the only one that has actually stuck out in my mind and I can remember at all and has stirred up genuine emotion in me
The Rome car chase safely occupies the spot as the best one I've ever seen, and you can tell the difference with how they used real sets and props vs. just wall-to-wall greenscreen 😖 I also love how the hijinks with like, the handcuffs and the seat-switching feel like smth out of an older spy comedy movie?? Vintage vibes ✨🤌🏻
If Tom Cruise could just casually stand with me protectively like that for a while and shield me from the w o r l d I think it might fix me 🥺🥲
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The way Grace drives is a glimpse into what it feels like for me every time I get on the road
I love the yellow Fiat and I want it gimme gimme
Pom Klementieff's character is definitely too over the top for me. absolutely feral. someone tranquilize her pls. give her a nap. but hey, I'm glad she's having fun 🩷
Rebecca Ferguson was so underused and felt weirdly distant and separated even when she was present in this movie- def my biggest disappointment >:(
Didn't think I was going to like Hayley Atwell at all before seeing the movie bc I tend not to like the way female action movie characters are written and I am a simp for Ilsa if you couldn't tell, but I ended up really enjoying her
Gabriel showed a lot of promise as a cool villain in the beginning when he was all mysterious, but ultimately there wasn't anything memorable about him for me. Only one who's earned that reward to date in M:I is Philip Seymour Hoffman, but maybe if/when we learn more about his backstory/motivation; hope is still alive for now
They've got Grace dressed like a fkin pirate there in Venice. And Pom is giving absolute "Black Parade" realness
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Like kill her off if Rebecca wants to engage in other projects but give the character a proper send-off if you must. But fr, I agree with everyone's critique that she was such a welcome departure and sign of progress from the completely-interchangeable-female-action-character-who's-only-there-to-provide-new-and-different-eye-candy-every-time, and then right after she's really established and gelled with everyone they kill her off and switch her out in the team with another brunette female IN THE VERY NEXT SCENE BEFORE HER BODY IS EVEN COLD IN THE GRAVE
Yes. I understand that it's an action movie and, within the high-stakes confines of the plot, time for mourning is limited. Yes I understand that the other characters have witnessed many other deaths before. But the fact is that her character was special and different, to the characters and to us, and the filmmakers could have done it better. Ok, main gripe of the movie over 😔
Not sure if it's a plot hole or I just don't understand technology, but couldn't the Entity have messed with the computer in Benji's car when he puts it in self-drive while trying to help Ethan board the train...? 🤨🤨
Yep the Train Scene was just as brilliant and utterly harrowing as I remembered; most stressful viewing experience of me life 🥲😭
And, as much of a stretch as it was, I am a sucker indeed still for the part where Pom saves their lives 🥺 and now I kinda hope she lives and sticks around and has a badass, dare I say heroic moment or two in the future
Overall, despite my number of gripes, it still goes down as my favorite movie in the franchise overall 💖 the perfect proportions of comedy and drama, so many iconic and likable characters, and plenty of the unparalleled action sequences we've come to expect but even better than any we've seen before, and I am chomping at the bit for Part Two to eventually, someday, please please please come out thank you and see you at the movies 👋🏻✨
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 lone star 4x02
spoilers ahead
aw I missed Grace so much 😍
loving Marjan getting a moment, I hope we'll see more of her this season, maybe she'll get an actual storyline 🤞
also, lmao this is so funny, why is this woman so difficult 😂 istg ls is a drama only sometimes, mostly it's a fucking comedy 😂
unpopular opinion but: I actually enjoyed Owen in s3, and I'm still enjoying him haha, tbh he was only really insufferable in s2, now I kinda like him, and his scenes are hilarious, and I'm kinda interested in his storyline this season 😂 (more interesting than tarlos that's for sure, and that's still so weird to even think lmao)
Grace and Tommy have the best friendship in this show 💯 lmao I love them
"just my wife" lmao okay that was funny - it's still not the best plot ngl, it's just so... low stakes, so low basically nonexistent - I already said that in a post before, but like, so what if they can't get married in a few weeks? 😂 like, this is just such a dumb reason jfc, we know they're gonna stay together, this is just drama for the sake of drama - I'm still gonna try to enjoy it tho, maybe they'll make it fun 💁🏻‍♀️😂
I was about to say this convo is annoying, but them recalling TK's accidents and the "how many comas have you been in" 😂 😂 lmao this is so funny
oh wow... she didn't sign the papers, who could've seen it coming..... just about everyone but okay 🙄 it's just such a boring storyline I'm sorry but like, it might've been a funny convo, but the overall plotline is just so boring, and making Iris just annoying tbh
OH MY GOD WHO CARES ABOUT THE VENUE 🙄🙄🙄 like, seriously, I can't express how boring I find this, they can literally find another place or wait a little longer
why is tarlos' storyline the most boring this season, please can this be over and can they get something more interesting?
Tommy being awkward with the pastor oh my god I love her so much, but someone shut her up pls 😂😂😂
okay, that leather jacket and hair kinda ruffled by the helmet - it's working for me, why is Rob Lowe so hot, I wasn't prepared to be (this) attracted to Owen this season 😭
thank god that was just Tommy's dream, because the dialogue was really making me cringe lol
I'm loving Tommy and Owen's friendship too 😂
I'm sorry, I guess I'm happy they're getting an annulment, and we're adding some drama now, but like.... I really don't fucking care, what is happening, tarlos were my fave part of this show and now I just wait for their scenes to be over, what have you done writers 🙄
okay, that tarlos scene was adorable and I love them - im still already over that whole marriage and Iris thing tho
oh, now Iris disappeared? okay, now it's getting interesting
that was a good episode, it flew by so fast tbh haha
loved Tommy and I'm lowkey here for the pastor storyline, but it seems to be going well, and we're only on episode 2, so I wonder what's gonna get fucked up
pls tell me Grace and Judd will get some story of their own because so far they're kinda to the side
same with Mateo, Marjan and Paul and Nancy - like, please give them something, they each had like an episode about them (aside from Nancy I think) and we're in s4, give them some longer storylines pls
(also, can we get begins episodes for them? that'd be so cool pls)
I kinda like Owen's story, it's interesting, and it's taking surprisingly little screen time for Owen 😂 (also, Rob Lowe has always been hot, but this season it's like, really standing out, almost as much as the beginning of s3 with the beard 🥵 wtf)
and finally, tarlos.... I was kinda over their whole story, but Iris disappearing makes it interesting tbh, so far it's been boring - hope it'll get even better!
so, tbh I liked this one more than 4x01 and I hope that now it'll get better and better haha
(tho was there literally like only one emergency this episode?)
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braceletofteeth · 3 years
Jongwoo: What are you doing here?
Moonjo: Why? You thought I wouldn't find out?
Jongwoo: Look, I'm in great pain right now. I don't need this.
Moonjo: [sits by Jongwoo's side quietly for about ten seconds]
Moonjo: I'm a dentist. Why are you here?
Jongwoo: Well, it's very simple.
Jongwoo: I don't trust you.
Moonjo: Ah.
Moonjo: Thank you.
Moonjo: Now we're both hurt.
Jongwoo: [sighs profusely] No. No, we're not. There is no we now. I'm the one in pain. You're just being dramatic.
Jongwoo: And why are you bitter? I didn't ask you to follow me here.
Jongwoo, having a sudden realization: You are not going to kill my dentist!
Moonjo: [goes very still]
Jongwoo: He's doing me a favor. He's helping me. I won't let you!
Moonjo: Hm. I see.
Moonjo: Out of here he can be all kinds of disgusting and disgraceful, perhaps even in here, but since he's "your dentist", whom you're paying to take care of you, he must not be harmed.
Jongwoo, sarcastically: So you understand.
Moonjo: Yes, absolutely. May I stay to make sure you're in good hands?
Jongwoo: Do whatever. Just don't embarrass me.
[Narrator's voice: To Jongwoo's dismay, Moonjo took "do whatever" very seriously.]
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l33hyunjaes · 3 years
"ANYONE WHO HURTS MY HYUNJAE WILL SEE MY FISTS" ADJKDJSJ i'm laughing so hard at your tags AHAHA. and yes it's so booring not having a crush but... guess that's why we're here 🤡 the bermuda line appearance was just me being self indulgent but i see it worked on u hehe
alsooo do you have enough data to pick a fave(s) from my works that you've read? i wanna know what kind of elements you enjoy in writing (and pls... don't say hyunjae... LOOL)
FLSKDJFKLDS yes I ... expressed pretty much everything that came across my mind in those tags HAHAHA
Oh yeah I definitely live vicariously through fics when my own life is boring lololol and yes the Bermuda line appearance definitely worked on me hheeheh
Ohhhhhh a fave? HM wait let me see ... ok it's definitely more than one lol but!
If the lipstick matches (maybe don't wear it): Y/N thinking that Juyeon would be really that stupid to not recognise them is just too funny! Of course, I loved the setup of the situation in the first place, and all those lab moments were so precious <3 (Also loved the teasing of Hyunjae - and yes, I say this from the version of me that didn't even know who Hyunjae was when I read the fic for the very first time!)
The regular dilemma: sometimes I just think about the part where Juyeon 'inspects' the uh ... latte art ... 😂 The humour in this one is top-tier, personally! Also Juyeon's persistence in actually coming despite Y/N giving him the wrong number is just too cute~ Omg just realized that this also features the rest of Bermuda line slkjdfklsdjflksj hahahahahaha
Bad at being bad: yeah I know it's a Hyunjae fic but in my defence! I didn't really know who he was until way after I read this fic HAHAHA (and look where we are now 🤡). Also the opening lines take on a whole new meaning nowadays HAHA! I really liked the 'duality' of Hyunjae in this fic, and also how every single time Y/N heard about his 'bad boy' persona, they had actually in fact been there when the incident happened (and he was definitely NOT a bad boy lol).
Offend: I love the teasing in this hehehe from both Sunwoo and Hyunjae! I know this was more like a drabble but I think it has a great amount of potential! (I also looooovveeeeee enemies-to-lovers tropes lskjdflksdjfls)
Take a hint: I loved the rollercoaster of emotions that this took me on as a (semi-frustrated) reader - like the miscommunication trope! The best friends to lovers trope!
(sldkfjskldjfl I already tried to stop myself from naming all the fics of yours that I've read and describing what I liked most Hyunjae in each of them HAHA)
Hm I think common thing that I like about your fics is definitely - comedy! Seems like the ones I really like all have quite memorable comedic relief moments! Perhaps because they make the fics seem a bit more realistic? Like not everything goes well / perfectly, and there are always awkward moments in life hehe - I guess these moments also make the characters a bit more relatable too. I also know you said that you've realized you use a lot of dialogue in your fics hahaha but! I personally really like them, and I think a lot of your iconic fic lines are from dialogues! (Also I love college!aus a lot HAHAHAHA)
Hm also in general, I really like it when you describe their confessions / kisses - they seem very romantic, and you take your time to describe them, which I really like (gives me lots of butterflies!). The way you describe them like they hold the whole world in their hands or something ... you know, it's just so poetic! ❤️
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4 (animated) movies/series you will probably enjoy if you liked the Artemis Fowl-series
The way the adaptation from earlier this year turned out had me so irked I unconsciously started looking for similar things to enjoy instead. So here are a few of them. Most of these are pretty well known, but oh well.
1. Cowboy Bebop
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In a post-apocalyptic world where the Moon blew up and Earth is largely inhabitable, an ex-criminal with a knack for forming nemeses, an ex-police investigator, a cryogenics survivor, an eccentric hacker, and a dog endowed with human intelligence form an inter-galactic bounty-hunting team in order to escape their shitty pasts. (That was a mouthful.) Through a series of well-written action adventures, each of them is forced to come to terms with their old lifestyle and choices. This makes for complex, fleshed out characters and a surprising exploration of adult, environmental, and societal issues. Is enjoyable even if you generally don’t watch anime. Worth checking out for the amazing jazz soundtrack, spaceship design, and Western genre influences alone.
2. Die Hard (1988)
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Eoin Colfer once described the plot of the first book as ‘Die Hard with fairies’. A pre-Christmas air of this action classic made me realise just to which extent this is the case. Like the book, it takes place on a Christmas Eve, it involves a heist (of its own Holly, not to mention, who btw packs a punch), ultimately to be solved by one (1) Irish-American police detective. It features a foul and remorseless villain, but a complex one at that (woohoo Alan Rickman). Its action sequences also seem to have influenced some events in the book (looking at you, c4 explosion and final fight). So yeah, great watch if you want to imagine what the action scenes could have looked like.
3. Zootopia
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An at first glance surprising, but worthy mention. Apart from it being a kid-friendly exploration of implicit prejudices in society and the nature vs. nurture debate, it captures a first-of-her-kind police officer and a conman while they reluctantly pair up to solve a case that is about to cause permanent societal division. To top this off, it features a Russo-Italian polar bear maffia, an overly demanding police chief, a kleptomaniac weasel, and a seemingly innocent, power-hungry and manipulative villain (honestly I might be reading too much into this but idk if someone involved in production got inspired👀). Whenever this movie is mentioned, I cannot help but wonder how Disney got its elements so right without needing to try, while managing to get the actual thing so, so wrong? Sigh. Moving on.
4. Road to El Dorado
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Last, but definitely not least (after Bebop probably my favourite on this list). An unhinged bard and a scheming rogue, with a respective appetite for adventure and gold, manage to find their way to a secret civilization and, through a combination of wit and dumb luck, almost con it out of a big chunk of its gold. ALMOST. Broken promises and the arrival of the real Bad guys, which threatens the exposure of the civilization, lead to a last-minute change of plans. What makes it even better is that the whole movie (courtesy of Dreamworks) seems to be a jab at 90s animated features from a company we all well know. It pokes fun at portrayals of white/male saviours and indigenous people/women in children’s animation of its time (including itself). Every so often, an Elton John track plays in the background (ngl “It’s Tough To Be A God” will always be a jam). The comedy is very character- and dialogue-based, and Kenneth Branagh redeems himself by lending his voice to Miguel. Overall, great fun.
Did I miss something? Pls comment, because it seems like it will take a while before the series gets an adaptation that will actually capture its worth (no pun intended)
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
hell why the fuck not, have this post about macbeth I wrote during my intense two weeks of fixation this summer, I just found it in my drafts lol. tl;dr: macbeth is actually a dark dark comedy and I am right about this 
- I love macbeth as a character so much because -- you know that excellent post that keeps going around, about how switching main characters between the tragedies would avert the whole plot and stop it from becoming a tragedy? (I think the initial example in that post is hamlet and othello) well, I honestly don’t think there’s any plot macbeth would fix, because he’s so gloriously, amazingly self-perpetuating in his disasterness. like give him free reins and hamlet still probably ends in exactly the same amount of carnage, just by different roads. *mwah* it’s perfect     
- I don’t think I’ve ever seen/heard the part with hecate and the weird sisters before, and let me just say that it cracks. me. up. that she’s like ‘that one? you’re wasting time and baboon’s blood on that one? ladies  l a d i e s  he barely even needed the push, if you’d just waited a few years he would’ve jumped off that slippery slope all on his own and you could’ve been doing something USEFUL in the meantime’  
- another thing that cracks me up: the fact that literally no one buys the macbeths’ story at any point. they’re all being real polite about it because they’re in their house and macbeth probably has a hand on his sword and an increasingly wild look in his eyes the whole time, but  n o n e  of them are buyin any of this lol
- after macbeth has spoken to the witches for the second time and he decides that actually, you know what my problem has been this entire time? thinking things through TOO much before I do them. from now on I am living from impulse to murdery impulse baBEY get in losers you’re going slaughtering (slash bird hunting ;____;). *chef kiss emoji* like what a takeaway from his current predicament, what a treasure of a character, what an absolute self-driving trainwreck of a man, I realize I am a couple of centuries late but I LOVE him 
- I have found such a deep well of hatred within myself for macduff this time around. you know what? his wife is right about him just leaving them for the slaughter like the world’s biggest asshole and then being all manpain-y about it, I can’t believe mama macduff probably died by caesarean section for this sorry waste of a man  
- I have always liked the reading that the macbeths used to have a child who died -- it adds a level to the whole thing that really gets to me. it even gives more meaning to the death of young siward; macbeth spends the whole play murdering (or trying to murder, sick moves fleance) other people’s sons. it also perfectly brings out the immense feeling of senselessness that winds through the whole play -- they’re sullying their hands for all this power and it has no future, it never had a future, they have no children anymore. (also I don’t think their ambitions become any less immoral for being a symptom of unprocessed grief, or that it lessens the theme of how self-perpetuating evil can be once you let it get rolling, it’s just a more complex and human starting point) 
- the perfect agony of lady macbeth starting the play with her grand dreams of ‘sovereign sway and masterdom’ and ending it on her last lines wanting nothing more in this world than for her husband to take her hand and come back to bed with her so they can sleep... good ol’ billy boy knew what he was about huh
- like I said I kind of despise macduff (macbeth is objectively much worse as a person but he gets his comeuppance and also I love him) but I do feel bad for the sheer emotional whiplash of that scene where malcolm is first jerking him around to Test him and then he gets the news about his family. he must’ve just looked at malcolm for a moment like ‘...pls say sike again your highness???🥺’    - listen I don’t want to victim blame here, but at the beginning king duncan did ask that dude ‘so what’s up with this macbeth fella’ and that dude was like ‘I’d say his main trait is that he is capable of committing bloody carnage without hesitation’ and duncan was just like ‘:) aw that sounds lovely I think I’ll go to his sleepover tonight’     
- I Do Not Understand why people would play banquo without humour when one of his first lines is literally a joke along the lines of ‘wow bro did we smoke something, are you seeing this too’, why would you make him all Stately and Dignified when the text suggests much more of a jovial likability. (in general this play has a lot of darkly funny lines; a bunch of macbeth’s dialogue has a grim deadpan comedy to it and finding someone who understands that when they play him is a treasure.)  
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xjoonchildx · 4 years
Oh God just so you know, Ana, I have lost my mind over greedy. Like... The characterization of your two leads has been so consistently realistic and dynamic and interesting. And the progression of the story arc has been so naturally paced- nothing ever feels rushed and every scene feels so purposeful and important. Greedy literally THE story that everyone can enjoy. It's got action, comedy (you are funny af), witty dialogue, angst, ROMANCE. Like... You really out here doin it ALL. I LOVE that doc is constantly torn between her feelings for Yoongi as a man and Yoongi as a gangster and how she's beginning to reconsile the two parts that make him whole. And the bit about yoongi where he's described holding a cross in one hand and a gun in the other, bruised and battered after beating a giant man and blushing while asking doc to stay the night like... Broke me. He's so tender with her and it makes me swoon so hard I think i sprained my neck haha ok but "yoga" fucking ended me I actually dropped my phone on my face, but it was worth it. I'm STILL LAUGHING 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 YOGA OMFG 🤣🤣🤣 Their whole story has been a RIDE and I've loved every second of it. My favorite part tho is that text from yoongi and he's all it's cold out bundle up and that sneaky lil bastard sneaking that his newly cut key for her?!?!? I AM SWOOOOOONED like... My irises are actually heart shaped rn. Also Ko with the "helping you... Outta your clothes?" 😏😏😏 Thank you for sharing this story with us!!! I feel so blessed to have found you. And so blessed to be able to enjoy your writing. Pls accept all my love 💕💕💕
okay so
straight up
this is the kind of message that melts my heart
maybe your eyes were heart shaped while you were reading this chapter but i PROMISE YOU my eyes were heart shaped while reading this ask.
like...marry me?
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carvour · 4 years
SAF and Solve It Squad pls! (I know it's more a play than a musical I'm sorry)
oooo!! (as a side note; i haven’t watched solve it squad in a while, so i might rb this ask when i do and give you my consensus there, because the last thing i want to do is make people upset with my very stale takes from my very crappy memory from 3 years ago, so the SISR part of this ask is coming soon, no worries)
SPIES ARE FOREVER; favourite character: depending on my mood, it’s either tatiana or curt. curt is a major comfort character for me, but tatiana is honestly just so intriguing and interesting that i love her for the same amount, but for different reasons. right now, i’m in a tatiana mood. honestly, rewriting that one shot sounds really appealing and i might go do that after answering this ask. least favourite character: the n*zis, but then again, i don’t consider n*zis human beings, so perhaps the informant, because he doesn’t sit right with me on how he was written in certain parts. favourite OBC cast member: since all of them were OBC, either mary kate wiles (because her singing is literally a gift from heaven) or curt mega. favourite current cast member (if applicable): honestly, i’ll take this as “if COVID didn’t happen and the SAF 54 below concert was still a thing” question, because if so i would’ve made a blood sacrifice to see britney coleman sing live. oh my god, oh my GOD. favourite song: the title number! or eyes on the prize II. i don’t know, man, i have weird taste when it comes to my favorite song in this song, because on exception of a few i loved ALL of them. torture tango is way up there, probably third, along with spy again.  least favourite song: eyes on the prize I seems. off. to me. i can’t explain it. also, while the n*zi songs are clever satire they’re musically kind of in the low middle of my ranking list. and the spy again reprise is alright, i guess, but also very low. favourite act (if applicable): act one! it’s got some of my favorite scenes and jokes of the musical, plus the story really just punches there. mostly, it’s where i can, yknow, NOT feel sad and be ignorant about how this musical ends. favourite ship: curtwen. because i’m a dumb butch, forgive me. tatibarb is inch resting and i have been looking respectfully on occasion. least favourite ship: anything, like, comphet? or meg*big, because that EXISTS and i pray to god everyday that it didn’t. guys it’s so bad, just- we’ve been cursed with a sin. me and my homies hate meg*big. if there is something i would change about the musical: *cracks knuckles* alright, here’s my opinions. get ready. the show is already so solid on it’s own. really, a lot of the issues i have with it are things i’ve personally just found irksome or off, and not a lot of the core aspects of the musical. for now here’s a bullet list; 1. barb wasn’t written very well. i get that her dialogue was supposed to be funny and such, but some jokes just didn’t hit right and more of her was played off for laughs, which made me a little disappointed. fanon barb is written well (for the most part, some people are just idiots), and if they ever DO have a sequel (or when they release the rights) my only request is for her to be written better. give some justice to the funky lil bi scientist. 2. they would have NOT gotten away with the n*zi satire if they had written the musical today. while it is very good satire, i remember them talking on the livestream about how if they released it today they wouldn’t have gotten away with it. perhaps it might be changed when they release the rights? i’m not sure, but that’s my take on the whole thing. other than that, it is actually good satire. 3. one step ahead could’ve been staged differently/less for comedy. i don’t know, i can’t take it seriously (even though i still love it) during the context of the song. not BETTER, just.. yknow, differently. this is more of a “not something i would fix” but “something i would like to see if it could happen” bullet point. 4. short answer to a hefty question; what do i think about one more shot? i like the song, i interpret it as a “last chance before we all die, let’s go out with a bang” drinking binge. irrational? yeah, but they all though they were going to die, so in their minds what did they have to lose? idk, i’m on the fence but the song slaps. 5. the ending dragged a little too long, maybe? idk, i’m trying to find small things without going into the bigger core aspects because those are still really, really good. 
ratings: 9.5/10 (i’m afraid to give it a 10/10, although i love this musical to bits and that would be my knee jerk reaction if someone random asked me on the street, i actually thought about it and landed with this.)
thank you for asking, robin! this was really fun
send me a musical and i’ll give it a nice vibe check !
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nightibowl · 4 years
Trevor Noah
Born a crime - 25th of may
Memoirs are easily confused with autobiographies. While all memoirs are autobiographical, not all autobiographies are memoirs. Memoirs are reflections upon one's life, including the life lessons that can be gleaned from a section of one's life. They are story-like and anecdotal, while autobiographies are the retelling of one's own history. Here are several characteristics that you will want to consider when analyzing or writing memoirs.
Noah is a comedian so he writes as if he was constructing a joke
Meaning and rhythm
Noah constructs paragraphs by prolonging the effect by saying sth in different words
Parallel constructions
Short lines after short sentences 
Parallel pairs 
Keeping in energy of the joke 
A voice - present in a memoir 
Voice - In memoirs, we as readers are looking over the story teller's shoulder. They retell events directly to us, that is to say that that memoirs are usually told in direct narration. We hear thoughts that only the protagonist and the reader are allowed to hear.
Hindsight wisdom - In memoirs, authors usually look back on the events of their life once they are wiser. This hindsight wisdom is part of the narrative voice.
Difference between you doing stuff and you looking back on how you were doing stuff
Dialogue - Since a memoir is told as a story, characters are given their own voice. There is direct speech. Dialogue makes the story come to life and allow the reader to experience it first-hand.               Again, we have the impression that we are looking over the shoulder and witnessing the author's life as it unfold before her.
Noah is good at copying people and giving their impressions - it is seen in the way he constructs the characters 
Anecdotal - Memoirs are usually the retelling of several larger anecdotes.        The author tells us how significant moments help shaped her, Since these events were so influential, we want to know more about them.
String of personal essay memoir 
A personal essay 
Creative nonfiction has elements of fiction such as characterization, plot, and scene development, theme, symbolism, and literary devices.
Noah’s memoir discusses themes : injustices, human connections, identity, and personal growth by effectively using fictional elements.  
So: Personal essays are nonfiction stories which are a type of creative nonfiction. Personal essays are personal because they reach the audience on a human level. The narrator of the story is not invisible.11 Instead the narrator feels like a personal friend expressing an intimate story from one’s life. In Writing and Selling Short Stories and Personal Essays, the author writes,
“Personal essays are characterized by their sense of intimacy and conversational tone. A personal essay is the author expressing his intimate thoughts and feelings…When you write from a place of vulnerability, readers see themselves in your situation and understand that their own experiences are universal.”
Personal essays also possess a strong narrative arc
The narrative arc is the progression of the plot in a story. The beginning of the arc explains the characters and setting of the narrative. The conflict is the main problem in the story. Plot development includes exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Exposition is the introduction of characters and settings. The rising action are the events that build up the tension and introduces the conflict or problem of the story. The climax is the major event that changes the character. The falling action are the events that wrap up the story. The resolution explains a lesson or how the story ends. Fictional stories typically follow this arc in this form. Creative nonfiction, especially personal narratives have great plot development.
Defining Memoirs
They are collections of personal essays and stories centered on major themes. Memoirs are easily confused with autobiographies. Memoirs are biographical in nature because they tell the accounts of one’s life. Whereas an autobiography tells the chronological account of a person’s lifetime, a memoir narrows on fewer events that center on specific themes. Autobiographies sometimes read like encyclopedia entries
Characteristics of the book
1. Each chapter reads as a separate personal essay. Chapters begin with captivating introductions, explain a turning point or surprise, and possess a clear conclusion. The memoir as a whole is not completely chronological because the chapters have their own beginnings, middles, and ends. His introductions use strategies such as vividly describing a person or beginning with a captivating sentence.
Stories are unchronological  
2. New sections of the book begin with explanatory material ranging from historical documents to
broader social and political commentaries about South Africa. Consider the function of these
aspects of the book and then decide how this structure either supports or detracts from the
work as a whole.
3. Overarching history of Trevor’s mother. Noah’s memoirs begin with a story about his mother. These stories weave themselves throughout the book, concluding with a final story about her. Evaluate why he anchors the book with their relationship and the impact of this decision.
4. Humour. 
Trevor Noah is no stranger to the stage and his performance style is reflected in his writing. Noah is a standup comedian and hosts the Emmy Award winning show The Daily Show on Comedy Central. The writing in his memoir expresses his style of storytelling and personality. On stage, he has a special talent for impersonating characters of various backgrounds and languages in his stories. He speaks multiple languages. He often tells a story within a story that helps to build up to the punchline of his jokes. This style is reflected in his memoir. Throughout the memoir, he often writes vignettes in the middle of the story that later make the climax of the story more poignant for the reader.
In literature, a vignette (pronounced vin-yet) is a short scene that captures a single moment or a defining detail about a character, idea, or other element of the story. Vignettes are mostly descriptive; in fact, they often include little or no plot detail.
Read the following three documents:
     Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, 1949
    Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Amendment Act, 1968
    Immorality and Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Amendment Act, 1985
Linguistic profiling is the practice of identifying the social characteristics of an individual based on auditory cues, in particular dialect and accent. The theory was first developed by Professor John Baugh to explain discriminatory practices in the housing market based on the auditory redlining of prospective clientele by housing administrators. Linguistic profiling extends to issues of legal proceedings, employment opportunities, and education. The theory is frequently described as the auditory equivalent of racial profiling. The bulk of the research and evidence in support of the theory pertain to racial and ethnic distinctions, though its applicability holds within racial or ethnic groups, perceived gender and sexual orientation, and in distinguishing location of geographic origin.
Baugh's theory is distinct from linguistic profiling as defined by Hans van Halteren from the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands. Van Halteren's theory deals with the categorization of linguistic features for the purposes of author identification and verification from a text, not necessarily specifically addressing the socially defined categories within which they are included.[1]
Language can be used in order to converge od diverge 
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roxannepolice · 5 years
But yah rey as a character is just so frustrating you know? Cause like, yeah sure she could be complex with a powerful arc where shes forced to come to terms with the fact she wasted years of her life on self-imposed delusions in a cathartic way, or she could be a flat piece of marketing cardboard which Disney is banking on vagina+superpowers=profit without having to go through that persnicty character flaw overcoming or the like. Because like you said, hearing shes a nobody (which ngl, her assuming she was a somebody wasn’t really ever supported in tfa, just that her family was coming back and she desperately wanted them to) is apparently the worst thing but it changes absolutely nothing, not her approach, not her demeanor , if vaguely sad is the absolute worse a character is gonna experience in a goddamn space opera then yeah, full offense ill take the l on Mary sue discourse but her character will definitely be a boring ass wash. We all make fun of whiny new hope Luke but him being a kinda nuisance to both the audience and those around him is what made is transformation into full blown Jedi knight so powerful. With Rey so far what weve got is badass perfect cinnamon roll finally get her due as such, which is clearly working for some people, but I fail to see how that isn’t spectacularly tone deaf to make a protag in this genre such. Operas about drama, not patting you on the back. Rey (assuming she remains as is) would’ve been fine as a protag s the only piece of Star Wars media we ever got was a new hope. But rn she a chosen one architype (and I know that bunch of ppl are gonna go but the series ‘but shes not the chosen one, Anakin still is, the new series isn’t trying to make her one!’ but lets not beat around the burning bush, if u got a character that walks on water and the reason why is because god said so, ur dealing with a chosen one trope and if a character is star wars is made ultrapowerful in lore breaking ways because force said so? Yeah were dealing with a chosen one.) when we had both the deconstruction and the reconstruction done. Shes a straight hero when the success of the ot rest on hitting the formula near perfect the first time. What exactly is Rey, the individual character, bringing to the table? What makes her story supposedly so important the a perfectly good ending had to be made invalid to tell it? A bunch of ppl will say heroines’ journey! But if that’s the case I gotta say, wheres all the feminine shit? Im serious, if the heroines journey is reintegrating the feminine and realizing ‘oh shit mom had a point’ there where is both the feminine skills/coping mechanism and the mom? I mean I saw some ppl arguing for leia in a ‘reys Persephone!’ meta (she isn’t, you can make a much better case for ben himself as Persephone to be quite frank, yall are focusing so much on the trees ((girl gets abducted by guy)) that u forgot the forest existed, the actually story ((girl winds up queen on the underworld, well gee whiz which character just took control of that after leaving the world of living and a grieving divine mother behind, it’s a mystery apparently) behind, it’s a mystery apparently) ((but seriously though even if we hope for dark rey does anyone assume its gonna be taking control of a dark/dead coded org at least partially at this point, do you, do you really??). but given the fact she had what, one line of screen dialogue that’s breaking ur arm with that stretch. As far as skills go I guess you could make an argument for scavenging, but if that’s the case dlf did a shit job of conveying that as female-coded. Everything about rey in tfa seems deliberately androgynous, and yeah, she had her hair let down/mascara moment, but that’s tied to her ‘failure’ on the supremacy thus something nw.SPEAKIGN OF FAILURES ON THE SUPERAMCY AND LACK THERE OF. I find it kind funny that bunch of reylo bnfs (you know who they are) are all ‘hur dur fanboys/antis are dumb and don’t get story structure.’ And then going, ‘why are yall asking how/assuming rey fucked up in throne room/climax of her story in the second portion/darkest point of her character arc? Why do you hate women/ur own ovaries so much?’ because it like walking into a prefurnished house and being told by the relator ‘HERES THE LIVING ROOM’ and having no damn couch. It’s a living room, I expect a couch here. And in a movie where it’s the low point of a character arc and they drag puppet yoda out to tell me the movie is about failure, I expect a damn failure in whats clearly the climax of the characters arc for this movie. As it stands now there are three possibilities imo. 1st, rey had no failure, she is the pure badass maid o light ppl want and every inch the boring cardboard she is accused of by fanbros, remains static, and is relegated to an also ran to benlo taking the most compelling character trophy this trilogy in 10 yrs2nd possibility and the one im hoping for, failure speech wasn’t just thematic explanation but also foreshadowing, rey fucks up big and dramatic in a way that makes her manage to stand out as unique with both her contemporaries and her predecessors(last part, if its ever to much lemme know pls im sorry i just gotta get it out) 3rd and most likely possibility, rey isn’t the main character, benlo is and that’s why his failure both moral in the throne room and logistic on criat take center stage for the last third or so of the movie. Rey is merely a pov character to tell the dramatic villain protag story they wanted and have their very marketable unproblematic Disney heroine cake too.
Ok, so this discourse kinda died down by now, but thanks to that it’s possible to maybe have a calmer look at it I’m totally not trying to justify my late response.
Anyway, the good result is that quite recently my brother, who’s not overly taken with Rey - or the sequels in general, for that matter - said something which really stuck with me as a possible crux of the problem: 
She’s neither comical nor tragical. Just bland. 
This neither comical nor tragical really struck me. And the more I though about it, the more it was appearing to me that this qualm really applies to the sequels as a whole. The thing is that DLF are essentially telling a straightforward story that they’re trying to make captivatingly convoluted. And not just make, but keep this appearance over four years. And this is... a narrative teeth crasher. Like, when you’re honest about the endgame (in the context of the most structural meanings of comedy and tragedy), you can maintain a decorum, though you can also play with it, of course, whereas when you don’t want to be honest about the endgame, you end up mixing the styles somewhat messily. You can’t break or discuss with the rules without acknowledging them, so to speak. Because the originals were honest about the happy/hopeful endgame (the first episode is title A New Hope ffs), they could allow themselves deeply tragic moments like Larses’ deaths, Han getting frozen, destruction of Alderaan, etc. Because the prequels were open about being a tragedy, they could allow themselves lighthearted comic relief for the sake of lighthearted comic relief. 
The sequels... badly want us to consider the possibility of FO winning and Ben dying unredeemed while simultaneously insisting we root for those things not happening, while appearing conscious we’re definitely not buying the former and the latter only somewhat. And it’s tiresome. Dishonest. And indeed, bland. If the story is a tragedy it will be a bloodcurdlingly real one, if it’s a comedy it will be a borderline grotesque one. 
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But yeah, returning to Rey, I guess as the main character she’s a lens which focuses the above problems. A very bitter tragedy of what her parents did t her prevents her from being comfortably comical whereas whoohooos I like thats and prancing like a husky on red bull over idols and visions because it’s for children so it must be hopeful prevents her from being intriguingly tragical. So I guess the intentioned effect was tragicomism but, from pov of an engaged casual fan that is my bro, it’s neither. 
As far as Rey’s heroine’s journey lacking some of the usual elements, I blame it on Disney being... a bit too ambitious, maybe. I think they tried to make a heroine’s journey that isn’t ostentaciously seeped in traditional feminine/masculine traits, maintains the structure without what could be called accidentals. On the one hand, I would point out that hero’s journey has pretty much desexualised itself over time, we are rather accustomed to “shero’s” journeys, but on the other... maybe Disney set out on a too novel a territory and may crack their teeth on it, alongside trying to out-Vader Vader at redemption. To elucidate, “toxic femininity” in which a heroine is supposed to find herself in the beginning of her journey, in Rey’s case is uprooted from any of our usual concepts of feminine-masculine social roles (it’s space, duh). My interpretation is that Rey’s version of toxic femininity kind of exists in contrast with Kylo Ben’s version of toxic masculinity - and since the apparent focus of the story is the attitude towards the past/parent figures, toxic femininity would mean her clutching onto the past. Which is why I predict that some act of IX will find Rey inebriated with apparent success in masculine world, meaning she’ll be the one rejecting the old gods this time - and I would point out that panel in Poe comic where she shows herself more sceptical towards idolisation of past don’t mind me, I’m just expressingmy trash dreams for a proper sith lady Rey.
Then again, Rian Johnson said she already found perfect balance between Luke’s clinginess and Kylo’s rejection of the past, so... idk, maybe I’m giving DLF too much credit again.
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As for the Persephone thing, I guess the rub is that this reylo reading focuses less on the traditional reading of the myth (where Demeter is the actual main character and Kore is a Princess Peach MacGuffin) and more of an interpretation of it as one of the eldest (at least in Europe) versions of story depicting a transition of a girl into a woman, making Persephone more of a protagonist. 
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Like, y’know, this Persephone (D. G. Rosetti, source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proserpine_(Rossetti_painting))
I’m no expert, but myths can lose their original meanings because of power relations (anyone still remember about Dionysus, the god associated with excessive drinking, going through a very Christ-like death and resurrection?) and I think it’s possible that this is the case with the story of Persephone becoming a pre-scientific explanation of seasons changing over the year. So teah, that’s how I always understood the Persephone theme regarding Rey.
But yes, I must agree that I’m confused about Disney’s handling of the mother figure, which... Look, SW became a legend of a modern myth because of how epically Lucas handled the hero dealing with his very explicit father. So yes, I don’t understand what exactly is their game with Rey Nobody from Nowhere in this regard. It’s one thing that they had a cool idea with giving her no lineage, another that parent figures are an essential element of archetypal journeys and from symbolic viewpoint the case of a female character the biological relationship is even more crucial than in male’s. And I swear to all the ewoks and porgs in the galaxy, I do hope Disney’s idea of Rey healing the mother/daughter divide isn’t through her healing the divide between Leia and Ben. Again, this isn’t the idealistic sphere. Just... no. 
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Anyway, I still maintain hope (this whole meta blog is built on hope) that Rey will indeed turn out to have a proper personal mistake which will make her stand out in the saga. I do have to admit, though, that I find your last theory very likely. I mean, even when I read all the reylo metas going oh, Rey is going to have such an exciting arc in IX, she has so much to deal with though of course it’s not going to compromise her morally, it will be sooo exciting, I just... f*ck’s sake, what you’re describing isn’t a dramatic character only a dramatised role model. It’s great if that’s your thing, but don’t claim it is space opera-worthy, in operas people drown themselves because of cursed sailors, kill over a break up, decapitate over a bad dream and get dragged to hell over a dinner, not persuade their fallen lovers to change their ways, let alone patienly wait for them the understand the error of their ways (and if they do it’s doomed to end in someone dying).
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wikiangela · 2 years
I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch that 90s show (I can't stomach Jackie ending up with Kelso, sns 🤢 she could be with literally anyone else pls anyone but Kelso or Fez, even some brand new character jfc) but I decided to give it a try
so, I decided I'm gonna at least watch the pilot and my thoughts are under the cut
warning: I did not like it in the slightest, and it's not nice lol
okay, I missed Red and Kitty, I could watch it purely for them if the rest is decent enough lol
the chemistry between the old cast so far is just as it was back then - and Red is the best as always, his lines >>>
ooof, first two scenes with Leia and Gwen - so cringe and so disney-level dialogue and acting sns - it literally feels like they're reading lines 😂
oh my god all the kids are awful - I know they're just kids and probably just starting out but like oh my god
is it supposed be this cringe and unfunny? I was prepared to only dislike Kelso and Jackie together, not most of the characters 😂
the "bro" thing is so annoying I almost turned it off - this is supposed to be comedy? who wrote this shit? 😂
aww the circle! an adult circle 😂😂 tbh I only care about old characters so far 😂 (also, what's up with Laura Prepon's acting? why is something feeling off?)
"feels forced" that was funny 😂 I love Kitty 😂 - also, this whole show feels forced tbh
is Ozzie supposed to be like Fez? because Fez was funny, this guy's not - and he's SO annoying jfc
you know, I think that's my problem with most reboots - instead of creating brand new characters, they just put those carbon copies of original characters and trying to recreate the dynamic
Gwen's acting is so over the top, oh my god
literally me watching the kids trying to be funny:
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that whole thing in the store...... I feel like I could watch this in Disney Channel, except with something other than alcohol lmao
halfway through the episode and I'm bored and wishing for it to end 😂 I said I'd watch the first episode though, maybe I'll still change my mind 😂
"I knew you were gonna be like this! I'm not getting in that car tomorrow! you can't make me!" - - - that made me laugh, not because it was funny, but because how fucking awkward and disney it was 😂😂😂😂
Red is hilarious as always
honestly, I'd watch just Red and Kitty, I don't need all those annoying ass kids that are supposed to be the og cast's replacements instead of their own characters lol
"don't feed them, that's how it started the first time" 😂 pls he's still so funny
Kelso and Jackie as toxic as ever...... this is not funny anymore, it was in like s1 of t7s and that's it
why did Kelso and Jackie just... stop by for no reason? 😂
jfc all those "nO wAy" just feel so fake and exaggerated - go to Disney or nick, kids, seriously 🤦🏻‍♀️ I cannot watch this
the "this season on" is not convincing me either
well, I think I said all I could say, bad acting, awful dialogue straight from a disney channel show, all the kids feel like unsuccessful copies of old characters, Red is the only consistently funny character, Kitty mostly too, and they're the only ones I'd even consider watching it for
but, suffice to say, I will not be continuing
I'm not even disappointed, because I did not have high hopes 😂
if it gets better and is worth continuing, which I doubt, maybe I'll check it out someday but for now it's a no from me lol
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tellywoodtrash · 5 years
Hey TT, did you catch up on Kahaan Hum Kahaan Tum after all? Thoughts? :)
I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Things I liked:
The leads are veryyyyyy likable. The characters seem grounded and mostly real. I especially like Rohit, who is thankfully not Another Tellywood Asshole. More decent men like these please!
(I’m especially glad I found him in time, since I’m sure Kabir from EBSS is gonna go down some questionable paths and lose his Decent Tellywood Man crown by the end of this week.)
Performance-wise, pretty solid. I wasn’t sure about Dipika going in, but she’s very enjoyable so far. Might be the slight character similarities to Anika, but some of her mannerisms and dialogue delivery remind me of Surbhi C. Also, she kinda looks like the lovechild of Madhuri Dixit and Ileana D’cruz! Very charming. Grover is also really good; of course he shines the most in the comedy scenes, but is compelling in the emotional scenes as well. It’s been a long time since I’ve watched a show of his; I believe I’ve only really seen him in Saarthi (his first show!) but I’ve always liked him. Nice to see he’s still got it.
The chemistry between the two leads is really nice; whether they’re bantering playfully or clashing on issues. I look forward to seeing it grow into a genuine fondness and romance.
Rohit’s family is very interesting and enjoyable. There’s a lotta dynamics going on in there - the tension Rohit has with his father (doesn’t seem to be from a malicious place like it is for Tej/Omkara or PK/Kabir; they seem to respect each other and give each other space, but something - perhaps that patient Rohit lost? - has caused their bond to fracture), the lovely mother (Shalini Kapoor Sagar is honestly such a delight, and I get the warm fuzzies whenever I see her in a maternal role), the second brother seems to be having some tension with his wife (is he really straying or is she overbearingly paranoid?), the fun younger brother and Bua and husband, etc. Unlike other shows, I don’t get bored/annoyed watching the Sippy family; I genuinely enjoy watching them speak in Sindhi and talk about minimizing kharcha. Finally a Tellywood family that reflects my own thrifty values!
Vimmi. Honestly, the damn star of the show for me! I love her reactions to both Rohit and Sonakshi so much!
Just in general, the humour of the show. I find it hard to watch a show that doesn’t have lighter moments (may explain why I’m STILL struggling through Naamkaran on an intermittent basis... Ugh.) So far, I have genuinely LOLd in most episodes!
The insight into Tellywood as an industry. Nothing new that we didn’t already know, but it’s nice to get a behind the scenes look. I think they’re being pretty true to life so far (the Sumit misbehaving with Sona and subsequently getting slapped definitely seems influenced by the Anas Rashid - Deepika Singh incident.) I hope they go into this stuff more and give us some juicy gossip on the industry.
Things that I’m meh about:
Sonakshi is kinda weak as a character on the whole, in that they went for literally ALL the cliche Tellywood Heroine tropes. #1 level ki sanskaari bhi hai, beyhadh saaf dil bhi hai, saare fans ke saath super obliging bhi hai, chulbuli bhi hai, but has tragic past also, has family issues, but is fully living for them also. Little too much. I’d rather she be a normal woman who isn’t whitewashed to such an extent. It’s 2019; can we move past these Tulsi Parvati Khushi type of female characters? Women are allowed to be atheists, or drink something other than nimbu paani at cocktail parties, or say no to fans constantly clamouring at them for selfies, without them being ~bad human beings~.
Sonakshi’s family (other than her brother, I guess) is annoying. The overbearing mother and the oblivious sister are such filler material. Samajh gaye already, you are selfish fuckers riding her coattails. I literally do not care about you people; please stop wasting screen-time and give me the Sippys instead.
Also lmao, the three kids are called Sonakshi, Parineeti, and Pulkit. Saare ke saare flop actoron ke naam issi ek family mein.
The breaking the fourth wall thing Sonakshi does. It’s very distracting and awkward. It only works because of Dipika’s charm and sincerity. As a story-telling device, veryyyyyy out of place. 
Also some other things, like when they did the thing where they duplicated the mom and the Bua while they were negotiating the rate for Sona’s inauguration appearance.... Bizarre. Hope they don’t repeat it.
Aesthetics are a little ehhhhh for me. Seems more like a Sony show? Something about the lighting in the scenes, except those outdoors/in the hospital.
Most of the extras in the show are bad. Distractingly bad. Also, you know I’m gonna call out that one terribly stereotypical South Indian nurse. Ugh. Do better, pls.
Overall, I’m enjoying the show! Still not sure if I’ll watch it everyday or binge all 5 eps of the week on the weekend, but I will be watching!
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rosyredlipstick · 6 years
merlin fic rec list - starter pack
@trueloveorsomething told me she’s never really read a merlin fic and my heart, that is still stuck in the blissful ignorance of november 2012, couldn’t accept that. I promptly told her I would make her a starter pack of some of my favorites and completely forgot about it until she reminded me like, an hour ago. So sorry bout that. Rina puts up with so much of my shit and deserves a nice fic rec list considering I call drunk call her at 4am and she still answers.
For Your Information by reni_days (ao3 no longer available)
Merlin sighs. "After your...announcement," he explains, "your father decided he needed a bit more information. Which is apparently where I come in. I'm sort of like his gay tutor, it's hard to explain."
Okay so this was one of my all-time favorite merlin fics because I HAVE NEVER READ A BETTER UTHER!! WHO IS TRYING TO LOVE & UNDERSTAND HIS SON!!! But recently the fic was taken off ao3 and I was desolate for numerous days UNTIL I REALIZED that the author had still left up the original livejournal post from 2012. Wow. flashbacks. Anyways, this is def in my top five I adore it.
A New Low by Rosie_Rues // @rosierues
Written for this prompt at kinkme_merlin, which asked for diabetic!Merlin stuck in a lift with Arthur. It grew from there.
God. GOD. secretly caring Arthur Pendragon is LITERALLY MY SHIT. The dialogue & character interactions are SO FUNNY and I swear I laugh on every read through (which is often tbh). FLUFF!
A Modern Manservant by Mamalazzer
A modern magical comedy very loosely based on Ugly Betty. Publishing king Uther Pendragon has had enough of his playboy son seducing every female assistant he has ever had so he hires Merlin, a man he is sure Arthur will never sleep with. Merlin would be more insulted by this fact if he wasn’t so busy trying to juggle his duties, save Arthur's skin from ruthless fashionistas and keep his magic a secret at the same time. Expect appearances by oil-lathered knights, the occasional mad druid, a perverted Will and a mental caretaker who lives in the basement and keeps harping on about coins and destiny.
I honestly think about this fic constantly. I’ve been meaning to reread it for like, a month and my time has finally come. An Ao3 legend. Wow. I’m in awe of this fic. I love it so much. Please Read, I’m Begging.
Dying to Return by StormDancer // @hurricanedancer
When they try to hang him, he floats.
They put him on the pyre at dawn.
He doesn’t burn.
Canon-divergence is one of my fav tags and this fic does it SO WELL! Also BAMF!Merlin bc OF COURSE and again, this fic just shows their relationship and Arthur’s inner struggles/thoughts  so well as he deals with this ~~~mysterious~~~ mage. Wow. You’ll be screaming the whole time.
The Weight of Words by Waldorph // @waldorph
Arthur knows how to use words just as well as Merlin, and he knows about the magic.
One of the best character studies I’ve ever read. Also done by a fic legend, and it SHOWS. I never know how much i craved the tag “Smart!Arthur” bUT I DID! Also Morgana is my favorite. She needs more love.
How to Untrain Your Dragon by Teumessian
Merlin has many secrets but Arthur sees more than anyone knows. This is the story of a prince and a dragon. A canon changeling!verse AU, deviating around season 2.
In case you haven’t been able to tell, I’m a bITCH for magic revealed fic. And I seriously loooove when Arthur already knows. Wow. Plus this is a great twist with the changeling AU. Check it out!!!
Emrys Ascending by tricksterity
In the depths of the Crystal of Neahtid, Merlin sees the resurrection of Lord Voldemort, an event that will tip the balance of the world so far out that only he has the power to intervene and set it right, or stop it from ever happening. For that, he'll have to pose as a student and attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
The only problem is, he's been chosen instead of Cedric Diggory as a Triwizard Champion, and there's a recently reborn Arthur Pendragon in Gryffindor House.
*lays out cards on table* you want some character development? Some of that good BAMF Merlin shit? Some of that reincarnation? Magic revealed? 100k+? A HOGWARTS AU? Have I got the SHIT FOR YOU! Pls scream about this fic w me.
Keep the Magic Secret by orphan_account
For the prompt: Someone tells Arthur about the legends of Emrys, an all-powerful warlock whose destiny is to protect Arthur and his kingdom and help bring about an age of peace. He is told that Emrys is someone close to him, and has hidden his identity and trials over the years to protect himself and make sure he can continue on at Arthur's side. When Arthur asks who it is, the person turns to Arthur and shrewdly asks: "Arthur, who do you want it to be?" ... Arthur's mind automatically goes to Merlin.
ASDGL;DKLD WOW. I ADORE how the author wrote Arthur’s mindset, and the plot is so well done and fleshed out I’m totally obsessed. Wow. Such an intense slow burn I’m sure a small village went up in flames. Wow. Also, I love Gwen with my whole heart and this fic treats her RIGHT w/out ignoring her whole canon storyline. Great work!!!
All’s Well That Ends Well by StormDancer // @hurricanedancer
Merlin spent the week and a half that Arthur was gone splitting his time between crafting careful explanations that never ended up explaining the important things, the things that would make Arthur listen, and making half-baked plans to escape to Ealdor. He found a number of fire-proofing spells that would have no effect if they decided to cut his head off, and figured out how to adapt an invulnerability spell he had been trying to find a way to cast on Arthur without him noticing so that it would protect him from being decapitated, but it would have no effect on anything but metal. Despite all his frantic searching, he did not find a teleportation spell, because that would have been too simple and if there was one thing Merlin had learned in his years at Camelot, it was that nothing was ever simple.
A classic magic revealed fic that handles emotion - both Merlin & Arthur’s - extremely well. I’m a big fan of this author, so check out their other works if you’re interested!
Strike of Lightning by helloearthlings
Uther's commandment was very simple: If there should come a day when Arthur met his soulmate, he would drive a sword through their chest and kill them on sight.
EVERY fandom has their own soulmarks fic AND THIS IS MERLIN’S WOW! I love it. I adore it. I’d frame it and put it above my bed if it wasn’t 4k words.
1609, 5280, 63360 by Sham
When they were young, Arthur had gone running. Morgana discovered that early into her tenure at the Pendragons; shortly after the car crash, when she was swathed in a bed with silk sheets with the memory of Uther standing awkwardly in her doorway, old face creased with the vestiges of grief and uncomfortable concern for the fragile girl in his house.
I haven’t read this one yet - it’s next on my to-read list! - but it seriously looks SO GOOD and once again I LOVE MORGANA and plus there seems to be a somewhat sympathic Uther in this which, once again, I would die for.
Fathom Me Out by supercalvin // @supercalvin
After ten years, Arthur thinks he has Merlin all figured out. But as he watches Merlin, he finds out that he has more questions than answers. The longer he thinks about it, the more uneasy he feels. So he pushes it aside. Except, he can no longer ignore the questions he has about Merlin.
Not your everyday reveal!fic.
Great character study & development and I loooove how the author writes their relationship. Also, it’s not required, but the prequel to this fic is also very very good and I highly rec it! Check it out here - Laundry’s Hard Work.
It’s Nice to Finally Tweet You by Pendragons Dragonlord // @pseudoauthor
Merlin's eyes scan the headline.
Arthur Pendragon reveals mark in attempt to find the one.
"I pity the guy who's unfortunate enough to get him as a soul mate.”
In which Arthur is a famous celebrity, Merlin is a beloved teacher, and they break Twitter once. Well, twice. Okay so it's a whole bunch of times actually but it's not their fault. Really it's not.
Read that description and try not to explode over your excitement for this fic. Really, I dare you. It’s such a good balance of fluff, plot, and soulmarks. Also, Merlin is a schoolteacher and if that doesn’t sell you on it I have nothing else to offer.
Until You Do (I’ll Bring You Tea and Honey) by TheAvalonian
Modern AU: Everyone keeps assuming that Merlin and Arthur are together, so as a joke, they start pretending it's true. And then, suddenly, it is.
A story of giant teddy bears, meddling sisters, nonexistent homoerotic subtext (or is it?), and accidentally falling in love.
So much fluff you’ll get a toothache. The best Friends to Lovers fic I’ve ever read ever in my life. Wow. WOW. This tops the cake not only with a cherry but like, a hundred dollar bill (iDK WHAT'S BETTER THAN A CHERRY JUST DO W IT) READ THE FLUFF.
License to Thrill by lady_ragenll // @theladyragnell
Merlin's employees bet him the recipe for the most addictive cocoa in the world that he can't find out what the hot blond who comes into his chocolate shop does for a living within the month. He ends up getting far more than he bargained for.
This was such a joy to read like, all the dialogue? Is SO GOOD. Also, I love Merlin so much in this fic wow. Omg. I’m in love with this fic and we’re getting married this weekend.
Not In This Land Alone by torakowalski
Modern AU. When Merlin Emrys gets a summer job at Buckingham Palace, he doesn't expect to even meet King Arthur, let alone become involved in protecting him from a plot to overthrow the monarchy.
I’m finishing off this list with a Merlin fandom CLASSIC. Admittedly, it took me a while to get around to reading this but by the time I was a few paragraphs in I was instantly wondered WHY bc it’s SO GOOD AND I WAS MISSING OUT SO MUCH. So much drama I was thriving. The plot? Perfection. Wow.
Okay I think that’s a decent start for a starter pack - Rina & everyone else who reads this, I hope y’all enjoy! Remember to kudus & review for any fics you enjoyed!!! Also I found like, seven new merlin fics I somehow haven’t read yet soooooooooo another list may be on the way soon omg.
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