#pls pls pls go to a planetarium next
fawnchives · 2 months
the triplets did a zoo vlog & went to to an aquarium in their may recap ( i think it was may ? ) vid, something tells me that they’re gonna hit either a farm, planetarium, or circus next ❕
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
stone with a physics guy...? dont ask me how the fuck they met, ur good at making these meetings up BUT a reader who's such a nerd with science and physics and ASTRONOMY. pls.
Stone with an astrophysicist??? Not only does Stone have a boyfriend who can tell him facts about stars that the astronomy text books (I have realized my error in writing that he reads only astrology books when really he cares about the nonspecific practice of the positions of celestial bodies to predict human behavior and the science behind everything space) doesn't tell him, but also you get someone who knows enough of what you're talking about to follow your train of thought.
Sorry, that was a long sentence, whoops. Also, sorry in advanced that this isn't going to be written like a story, I do not have the energy tonight for it. (This will be like Sarabi x Rich!Reader's asks are usually written.) But you'll still get details of how they met, don't worry!
This falls under Stone's therapist told him to go out more (yeah, I'm using that scenario again, he is a reclusive man) so he does something that enjoys, which is looking at stars. It's the middle of the day though, so he goes to a planetarium.
You're there as well, needing to relax on your day off after doing intense research on space. You two are sitting next to each because there's a field trip going on, classes of elementary kids taking up the majority of the seats and rows. It's a little bit of a tight squeeze, since Stone is a big man, but he very politely is trying his best squeeze himself to the other side of his chair to give you more space.
He's only polite when it comes to planetariums, because he respects anyone who loves space like him.
As the lights dim and the show starts, Stone is in awe, as always. You're looking, of course, but you notice how intently he's staring up at the stars, analyzing them.
It's been so long since you've seen someone look at the stars with such wonder. Sure, you're surrounded by other astrophysicists, but they're more interested in the how and why of stars and space. Stone is awed simply at the beauty of stars and it's refreshing.
Especially since the elementary kids are screaming in an exaggerated manner and some are even running around, out of their seats. It's so bad that no one can hear the presenter, and you think that's a shame that Stone can't hear them.
So you use your knowledge of astronomy, leaning over slightly and telling him about various facts about the stars. He adds in the facts that he also knows, you being so pleased that you both engage in a very riveting conversation that's a mix of astronomy and astrology.
You two end up talking to each other the entire time, not even realizing the show is over until the lights turn back on and the chaperones of the elementary school field trip have sighed in relief since now they aren't stuck in an enclosed dome-room with screaming kids.
Even after you both are out of the room, you two continue to talk to each other, seeing all of the exhibits in the planetarium together. You spend hours together, almost like a little date.
At the end of it all, you both schedule a meet-up, setting a date and time. You two part, both happy that you finally found someone who understands your obsession with the stars and space.
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lifewithoutmeds · 8 months
February 3, 2024
It's only been about two and a half weeks since my last entry, which i think is pretty good. i don't like it when i go months without writing, and it's usually concerning if i'm writing daily; i'm usually "going through something" and having a terrible time, so two and a half weeks seems okay, although i think i would prefer at least once a week.
recap: january 14: i did manage to go the new abbey church. again we held hands, again we shared, again i cried, moved by both the sermon and the sharing, and afterward, spoke to the lady next to me who invited me to lunch with some other ladies, but i had to decline as i had made lunch plans with my mom that i'd already postponed a few times. i made my amazon return at whole foods of my broken heater, then had lunch with my mom.
january 15: mlk day, and hence a holiday. i met up with grace k and maddie and we went to the tujunga pond. we didn't catch anything but it was still pretty fun. maddy piled rocks on top of each other, rolled around in the dirt, and got two bites, but the water was super green and gross and i didn't see any fish or signs of fish (besides the two bites.) i think we had in n out afterward and it was really nice hanging out and maddy is in a very cute stage.
january 17: in office day.
january 18: facetime appointment with dr. sobhani who confirmed that i should be taking 300 ml of lamictal, which was comforting because i wasn't sure if it was lamictal or lexapro that i should have been taking. after work i went to paperback brewing in glendale and met up with grace y and caroline and we caught up.
friday was my RDO and i went to lana's and we all went to an airbnb at lake arrowhead. unfortunately there was no promised snow as it had been too warm, but it did rain, and the airbnb was disappointing but i did play with the kids a lot and they did get to do some tubing 30 minutes away on some manmade snow so i think they had fun. however i learned that three days and two nights with a six and three year old is just way too much for me and i don't think i'll propose another multi-day outing until they're a bit older and more independent. still i'm glad i went with them because i had wanted to get closer to the kids. i feel like a fairly absent aunt.
january 22: grace y and i visited caroline at the kaiser on sunset. over the weekend we learned that she had had a very random seizure, blacked out, and was in the hospital. i teared up a tiny bit seeing her in the hospital bed, with a hospital gown, but we tried to cheer her up while listening to what had happened. grace and james brought burritos from sonoratown, and we ate them and they were good. caroline joked that everytime we hung out, something bad would happen to her. after our thai dinner, she unexpectedly had to go to the hospital for an early and difficult multi-day birth, and then after drinks she had a seizure. i knew she was joking but i felt a bit bad.
january 24: in office and afterward went to ktown to help my dad as he has to move again. he had previously asked if he could move in temporarily, and then if he could store stuff in my living room, but he eventually decided to get a storage unit but i stopped by to pick up some stuff that my mom might want, and he also treated me to noshi although we didn't talk much and it was a bit strained.
january 25: coworked with danielle all day, then went to a mexican place afterward and drank very strong margaritas.
january 27: had a VBA's volunteer interview in the morning, then cleaned the condo, and went to celebrate steph's birthday. we picked up rynn, her friend with one leg, and all tried to make it to a planetarium show at griffith, but due to the traffic, lack of parking, and rynn's mobility issues, i had to just drop them off, park at the greek theater, then drive back up to pick them up. afterward we met LD at the little tokyo plaza, had izakaya, steph and i drank way too much sake, i decided to pay the $300 bill, we went to X Lanes to play arcade games, then ended the night back at my place with steph, rynn and i shooting each other with nerf guns until 2.am.
january 28: i awoke feeling very tired and mildly embarrassed at last night's shenanigans and resolved not to drink so much (again.) i lounged around all morning, didn't go to church, but did meet up amy for lunch at bea bea's in burbank. i think i came home and then continued to lounge for the rest of the day.
january 29: pretty uneventful day, worked from home, did some chores, but also felt this weird sense of heaviness as well as impending doom. i don't know why and i couldn't trace it to any particular thought, but i felt nervous and anxious.
january 30: after working from home, had facetime with kelda and for some reason cried the whole time. i think it was cathartic but i know i cried a bit about jadai, and how i felt betrayed by her, and of all the things she loved about me, she must not have, or she just changed, and decided to love all the things about someone else. we discussed how i was watching a lot of youtube videos of people sort of "getting what was due to them," like youtube influencers who would scam their fans, and then get caught, or "entitled karens" who'd get arrested. she figured that it was because i wanted to see the worst of humanity, but this time i concluded that in a sense, i wanted to see justice prevail, i wanted to see humanity right its wrongs, i wanted people to get what was due. and i think a part of that was that i felt wronged, and i felt that what jadai had done and was doing was wrong, and not that i wanted her to get hurt or suffer per se, but i wanted her to sort of be able to see how she was hurting people, how reckless she was, and for something to make her stop.
january 31: in office day and joyce treated us to sonoratown, and i had two tacos and one very spicy bean and cheese burrito.
february 1: i was feeling a bit anxious about having no plans for the weekend. i had felt exhausted by last week's activities and had initially felt relieved that i didn't have so much to do, but the thought of a completely bereft weekend, with no plans, no one to see, and no one to do anything with filled me with panic. tracy was going to see ash's family, lana had a litany of sports with sawyer, and i didn't want to go to long beach/harbor city to hang out with the long beach gaysians. i also felt weirdly distant from lorena and also knowing that she worked weekends, didn't want to reach out to her. randomly amir hit me up and we ended up meeting cesar, first to go to a scary dive bar in arcadia, and then to barney's beanery in pasadena where we ended up having a decent time and heading out around 11pm.
february 2: friday, my RDO. for some reason yesterday or the day before i had decided to go to this one-woman show at the lyric hyperion, partly because it looked well-reviewed, partly because it was at the lyric hyperion in silverlake and not in hollywood or west hollywood, and mostly because i had no other plans. tracy and steph wouldn't/couldn't make it, so even though i had just lounged around allll day, i almost didn't go, but finally did, wearing the same thing that i'd worn all day which was some black joggers and my grey rainier sweatshirt.
oh my gosh, that was the best experience of my life. somehow i got a middle front row seat, just within a few feet of Sophie Santos, and her show was all kinds of wonderful. she was funny, she was vulnerable, i laughed and cried and related so much as she discussed getting off of antidepressants without tapering, being broken up with who she thought was the love of her life, fighting feelings of abandonment and lack of self-worth, but also singing, doing impressions, and at some point, playing the guitar. the BEST part was that she interacted a lot with just me, possibly because i was in the front, or possibly because i was alone, who knows, but there was a part where she talks about her ex wanting space, and then the projections around her showed space, and she suddenly came right up to me, put a battery in my left cupholder which also held my phone, handed me a spaceman disco ball, and told me to shine it on her. i immediately shined it on her face and she quipped, "not right Now!" and everyone laughed. she went on with her show then nodded at me and said "now" and then i held it for her while she finished her song. later on, she smoked an imaginary cigarette and then when her ex's mom came to the imaginary door/house, she ran to me and told me to hold her cigarette. i think i took it like a joint and she quipped again, "have you ever held a cigarette?" and everyone laughed again. during a part where she talked about kind of coming into her own, she unbuttoned her long sleeve blouse/shirt, then threw it to me, and i caught it and just held it the entire time, not knowing what to do, not knowing if i could take it as a souvenir or what. in another bit called "rebound," where she sings about rebounding with whoever, she danced very sultrily up to me, almost like a lap dance, and as she got closer asked, "is this ok?" to which i must've nodded, eyes wide open, in a daze, and she looked straight at me, coyly smiling, just so fucking attractively, and basically gave me a very PG lapdance, before swinging by, sitting next to me, then going back to the stage. i was in love. or infatuation. or whatever. but. i was awestruck. gobsmacked. i had never been so physically and mentally attracted to anyone in my life. i was just stunned as i clung to her shirt.
after the show i waited a bit, and most people streamed out, but a few approached this lady who seemed to be a collaborator/producer type, and i was going to congratulate her on the success of the show, and possibly give her back the shirt so she could return it to sophie, but then sophie herself came out of the curtain and started getting her electronic stuff and i was able to approach her directly and return her shirt and say something like, that was the best show i'd ever seen, and she shot out her hand, shook mine, and said " i'm sophie," and i said "i figured." then i looked around and asked if i could do anything to help, she declined, and i asked if she was going to hang around afterward a bit, and she said she would, so i left.
after i bought a beer, i asked the cashier if i could take one of her flyers, and he said sure, then i walked out, still in a daze. some ladies stood around and said stuff like, "you did great! i'd be so afraid to be in the front, that's why i sit in the back!" and things like that and we chatted a bit before they returned to talking to each other. i eventually asked if they would mind if i could just stand with them, since i felt a bit silly standing by myself, and they said i could, and then some of the production people came out, like the lady who did tech, and her boyfriend, and i said hi and then finally sophie herself came out and i just stared silently for a few minutes before she kinda turned to me and introduced herself again and i said, " i was the lady in the front," (since she had already introduced herself to me and it seemed as if she had forgotten,) but she said, "i know. we had a moment." and i almost died. I ALMOST DIED.
after just a bit, they were like, okay, we're heading out to "blue" or something, and then they all left and i tossed out my remaining beer and went to my car, then to ruby fruit because the night was so anticlimactic, then home.
when i awoke, i felt this kind of ... craze come over me. all i could think of was sophie, and how sultrily she danced, and how attractive she was, and i could feel that old feeling of being obsessed. i followed her on instagram, messaged her about how much i enjoyed the show and compared it to "fleabag," and went through her page and liked about a year's worth of posts. she eventually messaged me back her thanks and for being a "good sport" and i did all i could not to message her back within half a second, and managed to wait about four minutes before i messaged her again. she responded, but with just a pretty short and generic response, which i "liked," or "loved" possibly, then felt all sorts of craziness. just the old sense of heightened feelings, of emotion, of growing obsession. i even teared up a little, scared at the magnitude of my feelings. i bought her book on amazon, i looked up her next shows, i contemplated driving to san franciso to see her sunday show, and i just felt so out of control, i felt myself spiraling, i saw myself following her, trying to get close to her, going to all of her shows, getting her autograph in my book and/or on the flyer.
i saw her dancing sultrily in front of someone else, i felt the stabs of jealousy that she could do to someone else what i felt was so special with me, i imagined her doing this every night with some other girl, i imagined her being gone, touring for weeks at a time, and always assuming she'd cheat on me. i felt my own ordinariness, i felt so small and weak and stupid, that she was so smart and charismatic and charming and yet sexy and funny, just everything, just perfection, and i felt myself idolizing her. i felt myself wanting to just be there, even just marginally, to just watch her from afar, to touch the hem of her shirt, to water her plants and feed her cats while she was out of town, to fill a seat at the table if someone canceled last minute but they'd lose their reservation if they couldn't fill it.
and then i felt again how plain i was, how unextraordinary. i was a cubicle worker living in glendale. i slept 12 hours a day and would just eat nutritionless pasta. i stared at my phone way too much. i had insurance and stuff, but was just so lame.
and then i realized how i was falling into old patterns. suddenly she was the DJ and i was cleaning her apartment, watering her plants, organizing her shelves, just to be proximal to her. she was lorena, and i was obsessively watching her ig, seeing new posts, noticing whenever she removed something or adding something, knowing that if she worked at a restaurant or a bar, i'd figure out her schedule and go every shift just to get a glimpse of her. i felt the spiral. i felt my weakness and her power over me even when she didn't ask for it, even though she was completely unaware of it, even if she wanted nothing to do with it.
i felt nervous, i felt anxious, i kept tearing up, and i just didn't know what to do with myself, just so restless. i'm trying to tell myself: she's a performer. she connects with the crowd. that's her strength, and that's her job. there was nothing special about you. she does this every night with a new person. she didn't follow me back on instagram or invite me out to whatever bar the rest of her group was going. she has 5,000 followers and probably gains another 100 every time she does a performance. she's a star. she wins awards and presents at awards and does workshops. she's made it, and she's only going to go to higher heights and she has already forgotten me even though she's made such an indelible impact on me.
i feel myself going crazy. i'm embarrassed. it feels like regression. i feel stupid and fat and lazy and unimpressive. i thought i was funny but she's exponentially funnier than i am. i feel my lack. i feel like crying constantly. and it makes me feel unhealed. i texted danielle and she reminded me that this has everything to do with me and nothing to do with her and i know this, i know this fully, and i'm tailspinning and i need to get a grip but i feel out of control.
i know this has happened before. adriana, regina, sarah, (ooh that's a lot of names ending in "a",) nida (omg), patricia from portugal, and then shy, DJ, and lorena.
with adriana, nida, patricia, DJ, and lorena, i was convinced, conVINCED that i would never stop pining over them, loving them, etc., but eventually for all of them, i did. some of these obsessions lasted years, decades even, and some faded within 1-2 years, besides wholly and fully believing i never could.
i really need to get a grip. i don't want to tell anyone about my feelings because i know they'll just roll their eyes and go "here we go again." when i told lana about my experience, she said, "and did you buy her dinner and drinks too? that's what you do. i've never seen someone fall in love as fast as you do."and i don't want to expend a ton of energy on this idolization, on another dream, on another chase that i'll never fully realize, when i should be having real relationships with real people, who are at my own level, in my own stupid league.
i'm not feeling so good. all sorts of crazy. a familiar crazy. but i want to work this out faster than the others. i can't keep falling into these patterns of yearning after someone who will never have me. i cannot. i must not.
week ahead: sunday: church hopefully. tuesday: some movie hopefully in my quest to watch more movies. wednesday: in office friday: dr. appointment saturday: nothing set, but hopefully drop off some e-waste looks like a slow week. hopefully i can get in at least a few walks, an episode or two of The Read, finish my book, journal, etc.
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 3 years
it’s like heaven’s song to me
proposal headcanons ig 
also the reader is gender neutral, but the twst boy is the one proposing btw (if ur gonna be weird abt the gender shit, pls get the fuck out of my account)
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Vil proposes twice to you. The first proposal to you is the real one, the one that he’s been planning forever for, the one where he truly spills his heart about how he wants to spend his entire life with you, the one where the man you see in front of you is Vil Schoenheit himself. Not the haughty model, not the talented actor, not the perfectionist influencer, but the dear person that you fell for and eagerly pledge your own never ending loyalty to.
His real proposal comes to you after a night out at the theater with you. He lets you choose the film, naturally, and he can’t help but laugh a little when you choose one with him in the starring lead as if it were the most absolute thing in the world. The entire time the movie runs, his gaze isn’t on the screen, but rather, it’s on you. He observes you, every curve and dip of your face, your parted lips as you take in the wonder of him playing his brilliant persona on the reflected screen, the years of his future he can envision with you at his side.
The second proposal is a proposal for the public, one that his work hounds him into doing. He makes sure that you’re comfortable with such a grand public gesture, and you can’t help but be tickled a little at the thought of declaring your love for the entire world. Vil is admittedly not as fond of the idea, but an idealistic part of his heart does flutter a little at the thought of proposing to you once again and hearing you accept him once more.
Of course, you’ll have to go through two weddings with him in the same manner: a quiet one for your real wedding and a much more grander one for PR reasons. Each one will be just as romantic as the other, and when you gaze at Vil, dressed finely before you as your groom, smiling from ear-to-ear with nothing but the purest form of love welling up in his violet eyes, it’s clear that nothing but marital bliss awaits you within the heaven you found in his arms.
“I promise to make you happy, my darling. I’ll have it so that not a single frown appears on your face or a shadow of doubt flicker across your eyes. Let’s do our best together, my dearest love.”
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For someone who talks big, proposals are still a daunting task for Ace. He has no doubt that you’re the one he wants to marry, you’re the one he wants to dedicate himself to, you’re the one he wants to grow old and wrinkly with. But despite that certainty, he still spends a great amount of time painstakingly reviewing everything he wants to do. From picking out a gorgeous ring to practicing what he’s going to say to Deuce and to his reflection in the mirror (to the point that Deuce throws a pillow at him whenever Ace asks him to practice together), he wants each moment to be as magical for you as it was for him.
Ace proposes at the most romantic place he can think of: the planetarium. He thinks there’s something fitting about how he can picture the entire universe whenever you hold his hand, and he thinks there’s something wonderful about how he can see millions of stars and constellations reflected in your shining eyes whenever his gaze meets yours. With a pounding heart and an excited mind, he readies himself to pop the big question.
Once the lights dim and all you can feel is his breathing next to you, the faux stars and planets begin to float and rise up like bubbles within the planetarium. Ace has already prepared it so that it’s just the two of you, and when your vision is filled with nothing but the twinkling galaxies and planetary systems of eternity above your head, Ace gets down on one knee and asks you the question that’s been stuck in his throat ever since the day he fell in love with you.
Your wedding will be made out of the same material of your sweetest dreams. Ace works so hard to make sure that you enjoy every second of it. And every moment of it is indeed like a fairy tale come to life, from the beginning all the way until the two of you are stumbling out of the wedding venue with makeup, clothes, and hair slightly undone, ready to head to both your honeymoon and another chapter, surely the first of many, in your lives together.
“I’ve liked you a real long time, you know that right? I hope you feel the same. So... Let’s cut the weird flowery talk, and get straight to the point. Marry me!”
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Rook loves the thrill of everything beautiful, and what better way to celebrate beauty than through the declaration of truest love? Using his beloved bow and arrow, the huntsman leaves a letter imploring you to meet him within the deepest heart of the forest, where the two of you can spend your time together unbothered and undisturbed from the rest of the world, as the two of you take the next and most precarious step in your relationship. His penmanship has evolved, but the love he holds for you remains the same, weaving verses of breathtaking poetry to try and convey his heart the best he can.
Rook proposes in a clearing in the woods, where the birds and flowers and Mother Nature herself can come and celebrate in your joyous union. Rook can’t think of a more beautiful and romantic place to ask you for your hand, other than taking you back to your roots and admiring how much love the world has to offer. He wants to take that love and reflect it back onto you, vowing to give you a marital life that makes your heart well up with affection and joy.
Contrary to expectation, Rook holds himself back from whipping out a lengthy speech. He keeps it curt and genuine, only letting the most sincere words of love slip past his lips. You can see yourself reflected in his earnest eyes, as he holds out a ring from one knee, and in that moment, you know that there’s no one else in the world who could see the world as Rook does, love the world as Rook does, and embrace you all the same, with only gratitude and a zeal for even more of that same essence of life that keeps him going day after day.
The wedding is affectionate and hearty, with him extolling everything beautiful he sees. When he takes your hand at the altar and whispers his vows, the ultimate declaration of love that he holds for you, transitioning from a mere lover to your soulmate, you’re sure that the happy ending so many people have dreamed of exists right before your very eyes. And when Rook leans in to capture a kiss from your chaste lips, you seal your fate within his trusting hands and let yourself fall not from grace, but into the depths of an indescribable love that only someone as creative and mysterious as Rook could grant you.
“Mon ange... Let us fly away, like a pair of lovebirds, high into the sky together. Let me steal you away, now and forevermore, as a wedded pair until the day we part from this world for good.”
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Love feels so close yet so far from Cater, and it seems surreal to him that the day he would propose would even come. He’s held his fears and his worries about finding love, but when you’ve waited for him, for months and for years, for him to finally open his heart up and accept the fact that he’s deserving of the same happiness that he’s enviously watched others pursue, Cater comes to terms with the fact that he wants to spend his life with nobody else but you.
Cater wants to be himself when he proposes to you, rather than any of the playful masks he’s so expertly crafted over the years. So he resolves to be vulnerable and to bear himself before you, and when he prepares to propose, he decides on taking you out to the place where he first confessed to you and first tasted what love was truly like: a sweetness spreading on the tip of his tongue, the subtle heat flashing beneath his cheeks, a tingling in the crevices of his chest that left him feeling so meek yet confident all at the same time.
He proposes to you shyly, meeting your eyes with watering eyes and telling you that he wants nothing more than to make you as happy as he’s made him. It’s a simple proposal, completely unlike the excessive shows of adoration you’re accustomed to from Cater, but it’s a gesture that conveys to you how serious and how dedicated he is about taking this next step, and he’s resolved to do nothing except devote himself into trusting you and trusting the love he’s steadily built up over a long, long time.
Your wedding to Cater is the sort of heartwarming union that Cater’s longed for for as far as he can remember, and when he offers his arm for you to take, he can’t help but thank whatever divine being watches over him for giving him a chance to fall in love both with you, but with life again. Even after the wedding is over and the two of you prepare to greet a new chapter of your lives, Cater promises to never lose this feeling of hope that you’ve given him by entrusting him with your hand in marriage, and he never ever wants to lose the feeling of your warm smile and your sweet kisses embedded deeply into his soul.
“I’ve loved you for a long time, longer than I ever realized. I’ve only ever wanted you, and you’re the only one I could see myself loving until the day I die. I love you, truly, from the bottom of my heart. Will you marry me?”
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
Brutally Honest pt.2
Obey Me! Fanfic
"It's hard to forgive others, especially yourself"
Warning: Spoilers from Lesson 1-39, mention of death, violence, attempted Murder, blood, swearing, and so much angst.
"You sounded Familiar, Have we met?"
Luke: Solomon, come on we’re supped to be checking on MC!
Simeon: now, now patience Luke, we still have a couple of things to buy.
Luke: Simeon, you could have drop me off at House of Lamentation, while you and Solomon when shopping for potion class.
Simeon: I can’t leave you alone at House of Lamentation.
Luke: I won’t be alone, MC is there.
Solomon: I recall you have nightmare about that house.
Luke: bad dreams, they were “bad dreams”
Solomon: same thing…. Ah, Simeon we need venom of a komodo, the shop is around the corner.
Simeon: got, I’ll be back in second. *He walked off to the store*
Solomon: Oo… are those green Salamander tails... *he starts walking off to the vendor*
Luke: Solomon, where are you going…
Solomon: Give me a second, Luke.
Luke: and the demons call me a dog, Solomon should be the one a leash-
(New Voice): Pfft… Oh, I’m so sorry.
Luke: ah yeah that’s okay, I shouldn’t be in the middle of the street.
(New Voice): Middle of the street? Kid you’re barely a foot away of the sidewalk….
(New Voice): say, you’re an Angle, right?
Luke: that’s right.
(New Voice): what are you doing in Hell?
Solomon: You mean Devildom, Luke here is an exchange student from Celestial Realm.
Solomon approach Luke and a Mysterious Demon with cautions look on his eyes.
Solomon: Hi, I’m Solomon and one of the exchange students from the human world.
(New Voice): Really! So, you’re the “witty” sorcerer Solomon.
The demon offered his hand for a shake, Solomon is hesitant but eventually took his hand and shake it, in a spilt second Solomon notice a familiar mark on the demon wrist, but shrugged it off his eyes is tricking him.
Luke: wait, you’re a RAD student, right? How come I never seen you before?
(New Voice): I just got here.
Simeon: Luke, Solomon, I got the Venom… a hello, I’m Simeon.
(New Voice): Simeon the “angle of wrath” a pleasure meeting you.
Simeon: Excuse me? What did say?
(New Voice): Simeon the angle?
Simeon: ah my mistake.
(New Voice): No problem, I would love to continue are talk but really have to go, I’m supposed to be at RAD for a meeting.
Luke: if you want a fastest way to RAD, turn left at the third corner of this path and then follow the dark blue sidewalk, that are short cut.
(New Voice): Really! Jez you’re a life saver pup, thanks for the help, I hope we meet each other again.
As the demon followed Luke’s advice and ran down the path, once they didn’t see the demon anymore, Solomon and Simeon turn to each other and then look down at Luke who had a confuse look on his face.
Simeon: Did- did that demon called Luke a “pup”
Luke: ahh... He must be one of Mammon’s friend.
Solomon: and I definingly hear him say “Angle of wrath” to you Simeon.
Luke: umm….
Simeon: What is it, Luke?
Luke: I have this feeling that we need to check on MC now!
Solomon: I thought exactly, let’s go.
After 20 mins, the Purgatory Hall boys got to House of Lamentation and they stop dead in their tracks seeing that the doors of the house are wide open.
Solomon: Oh No!
Luke: Ahhh…. I know it! I know something was wrong!
Simeon: Come on!
The boys run towards the house, as they got inside, they spilt up to check if anyone was still inside and if MC is okay, about 10 mins Solomon found that Asmodeus, Satan and Twins rooms are open, while Simeon found that Mammon’s and Leviathan’s rooms are at a mess like someone was digging through their things, after a few mins Solomon and Simeon met at first floor.
Solomon: Asmo, Satan and the twins’ rooms are open but all of their things are seemed to be in tack.
Simeon: I can’t say the same thing to Mammon’s and Levi’s rooms.
Solomon: Should we check Lucifer’s room if they lock themselves in his roo-
Solomon and Simeon ran as fast as they can, once they got to planetarium, they saw Luke in tears holding MC hand trying to wake them up next to the fountain.
Luke: pls. wake up!
Simeon: Luke, what happened?
Luke: Their head was almost at the water…. A-and I got them out b-but… Simeon, their cold!
Simeon: *rush over beside Luke and MC, he took of his gloves to check their temperature* No *he took a deep breath and try to keep his composure for Luke sack* Okay Luke, look at me go get some blankets.
Luke: O-okay *got up ran out of the room*
Solomon: How bad is it?
Simeon: Get ahold on any of the brothers!
Solomon: Alright.
Simeon: MC… can you hear me? Pls stay with us.
Solomon: *holding his phone next to his ear* Come Asmo, pick up!
Luke runs back to the room with blankets that he could carry with his tiny little arms.
Luke: Simeon, I got the Blankets.
Simeon: Good
As Luke pass the blankets to Simeon, he froze in place and screamed in fear as he pointed at MC chest.
Simeon: *looked down at MC* MC! No,no,no….
Solomon: Asmo it’s MC, they’re not waking up… Luke stays calm, and Simeon make sure that their body is warm… Come quick! *He ended the call*
Solomon: *walks toward Luke and held him* Luke, everything is going to be alright…. Okay, look at me, their going to be fine, Simeon and I will do whatever it takes to help them…. Okay!
Luke: *sobbing and wiping his tearing eyes* ahh…. Okay
Solomon: Come on, let go find the first aid kit.
The only thing that Luke can do, is nodded and grab Solomon hand as they walk out the room, not before Solomon turn his head to give Simeon a reinsurance look, as they left Simeon Look down at MC and shock to notice a bruise forming on their forehead.
Simeon: *whisper tune* MC…... what’s happening to you?
Simeon gesture his hand over MC bleeding chest, he cast a spell to stop the bleeding.
At the Kitchen (few mins later)
Solomon: found anything, down there? *As he checks the top cabinets*
Luke: no….
Solomon: Don’t worry we’ll find it…... Ha found it!
Luke: Really! Let’s get back to Simeon and-
All of a sudden, they hear the front doors of the house burst open, and hear a couple of pants and yelling, most noted able is Mammon calling out for MC, the two in the kitchen rush over to meet the brothers, once they got there Solomon and Luke were shock to see a familiar figure with brothers.
Beelzebub: Where should I put him down?
Beelzebub: okay.
Belphegor: wait!
Beelzebub: huh?
Belphegor: I want to see it happen.
Mammon: Just throw him at the common room!
Beelzebub: Okay. *Quiet literally throw the demon to the common room*
(New Voice): Huhh…. *His forehead started bleed a little bit due to cut from Mammon’s punch and made worst by trauma his body had to endure by the hands of the brothers*
Belphegor: *in a spiteful tune* that’s what you fucking deserve.
Solomon: Why is he here?
Asmodeus: Long story Solomon, now where’s MC-
Simeon: FUCK!!!
All of them stiff at Simeon scream and cursing.
Lucifer: where is he?
Solomon: Simeon is healing MC at the planetarium-
Mammon: HEALING! *Without a second to waste he took the kit out of Solomon’s hands and run toward to the planetarium*
Lucifer: You two, keep are GUEST company until we get back, understand!
Solomon: understood.
Rest of the brothers followed Lucifer’s lead.
at the planetarium
Mammon: YER, Makin’ it worst!
Simeon: Mammon! I can’t concentrate with you hovering over me!
Mammon: Simeon! Look at them, there’s blood on their chest and now their head!
Simeon: *graining his teeth and trying to hold his temper* I can see that MAMMON!
Lucifer and the other just arrive but hear the two arguing with each other.
Lucifer: MAMMON!
Mammon: *He turn his head to look at Lucifer* What took you guys so long?
Lucifer: Let him, finish the spell.
Mammon: Fine.
After a few moments Simeon finish his spell.
Lucifer: *sigh then look at Simeon* How are they?
Simeon: *let out his own sigh* I stop the bleeding at their chest…... *heisted to continue* then all of a sudden out of nowhere a bruise appeared on the side of their forehead.
Satan: *walks over to Simeon and kneel on the other side of MC * Let me see what cause the injurie in their chest.
Simeon: Sure.
Satan grab and lifted MC shirt to see where the blood is coming from, his eyes widen then back away from the two.
Satan: That can’t be!
Asmodeus: What… what is it?
Satan: It-it’s my claw marks!
All of the brothers: What!!!!
Leviathan: W-wait a minute.... T-the cut on their head is same place that Mammon punch’s the demon we just met!
Satan: *took a closer look* It is!
Mammon: Whadda ya mean? T-that all this time, we’re been the ones who did this to MC because-
Lucifer: Their connected to the Demon.
A moment of silent.
Lucifer: *grab Mammon’s shoulder* Keep calm, we didn’t know what type of connection that demon has with MC…… * pushed for a moment and let out a sigh* But we are going to find out!
Mammon: *look at Lucifer and nodded*
Lucifer: *nodded in return* Satan and Asmo, you two stay here, with Simeon, help him in any way you can.
Both nodded
Lucifer: and the rest of you, * turn to face the rest of his brothers* we’re going to have a chat with are Guest!
End of Part 2
Notes: I'm not good with putting warning on post like this. and my grammar is bad so apologies.
but I'm loving how the story is coming together, I am planning something for the "endings" so stay tune for more.
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meowymcmeowerson · 3 years
just saw a bunch of cursed stuff in the fandom lately so hc/au timeeeeee because i’m mentally ill also im sorry pls don’t read it’s just brain vomit
tw death, gore, cursed content
it’s the sunset scene right after luca betrayed his favorite person. the harpoon did not miss. it shot straight through alberto’s chest. alberto was dead. ercole killed him.
luca was so overwhelmed with shock he fainted. he woke up a couple days later in giulia’s bed with giulia beside him.
luca: w-what happened to alberto???
giulia: …
luca: *gets up*
giulia: luca, that sea monster—it’s disposed of already.
luca: w-what?!
giulia: it’s alright—it’s gone now. and the race…don’t worry abt it! there’s always next year.
luca: …w-why are you talking like that? like alberto isn’t our friend?
giulia: it’s a sea monster, luca. and it’s dead already so stop worrying abt it. all the cats in portorosso ate its corpse to the bone. machiavelli really liked it.
luca: …..
giulia: anyway, it’s a good thing you’re awake now. we’ve got enough time to pack for genova. you’re going with me to school right?
luca: …..
giulia: luca? remember, a couple days ago? you said you wanted to go to school instead of…what was it again? ride a vespa around the world? sleep under the fish or something? well, that wasn’t your idea to begin with so isn’t that great? you get to go to school now without anything else holding you back!
giulia: this is so exciting! it’s literally everything you could ever want! oooh, and there’s a library nearby too! you’re gonna love all the books they have in there! they might even have a planetarium! luca?
giulia: ??? well, come on down, we saved breakfast for you. i’ll go first. *exits room*
and that’s when luca’s once wide, shimmering, bright, brown eyes turned into flat, pitch black stones. he’s now dead inside. he’s completely lost the ability to dream and hope and laugh and love and he’s only 12 years old :(((((
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sharkbait77 · 3 years
SWEET WONDERFUL ANGEL! Congratulations on 200, you talented darling 💗 you deserve every little bit of love on this planet! Sending big hugs!
There’s no rush with this, so take your time and enjoy mama time 💗 HC request for what he’d do for their first anniversary, pretty please? With Whiskey? When you can! 🥰 I’m feeling fluffy as fuck today and have a craving for my cowboy 😌
Congratulations again angel! Forever in awe of you! 💗 foli xo
FOLI MY SWEET!!! ♥️♥️♥️ Thank you so much for being the kindest angel to me since the beginning, you have been such a huge part of the reason I am even comfortable to do things like this! Pls baby omg I am in awe of you!! Making me cry over here wow 🥺 I love you so much & I hope you enjoy this!
Warnings: Food, alcohol, language, nonexplicit seggsy times, fluffffff
Jack usually leaves the cooking to you; he's not too keen with the stove, always leaving the flame on too high or too low, over or under cooking just enough for the dish to be inedible. He prefers the grill, steaks and chicken and kebabs are his forte. You don't mind taking over the kitchen; you've grown up with a distinct palate and have fun creating new dishes here and there. Jack is happy to just be standing next to you, sipping on his whiskey while patting your ass every so often and being your taste tester.
But your one year anniversary is coming up and he wants to do something special. And what's more special than a homecooked meal made by yours truly? One other than from the grill. He just prays to each and every god that he doesn't fuck this one up.
You both took the day and the day after off work, wanting to spend all hours of the day and night celebrating and not have to worry about getting up early the next day. Jack wakes up and plants your face with kisses, his mustache tickling the skin of your cheek until you rise.
"Mornin' baby. Happy anniversary," he smiles, moving his ministrations to your neck.
"Happy anniversary, my love."
You can't help the huge smile on your face, running your fingers through his soft, brown hair that he has yet to gel down. You start off with a shower together, his body pressing yours into the cold tiles as he shows you how much he loves you using his hips. He tells you to get ready in comfortable clothes and drives you to the East Kentucky Science Center and Planetarium. He remembers you had told him you loved anything to do with space, so he wanted to surprise you and learn more about it himself all at once.
You bounce in your seat and Jack couldn't be more happy to see you so excited. If he were to accomplish one goal for today, it would be to see that gorgeous smile on your face, prettier than any star they were about to see. For lunch, you stop by one of your favorite food trucks. "Nothing else compares to food made in a restaurant on wheels", you would say. You hold his trim waist in your arms as you wait for your order, your chin resting on his chest as you gaze up at him.
"What's up, darlin'? I know I'm handsome, but didn't your momma tell you it's not polite to stare?" He chuckles and winks.
"Nothing, Jack. I love you, is all."
He smirks and cranes his neck to press your lips together, whispering his love right back to you.
Later on, after a shared banana split, he takes you back home and tells you he's cooking dinner tonight. He sees the slight fear flash through your eyes and he barks out a laugh.
"I've got this, sugar. You be my taste tester tonight."
The roles have reversed now: Jack stands at the stove wearing your '50s style apron while you stand off to the side, leaning against the counter while you sip on a glass of wine. Every so often, Jack walks away to take sips from his whiskey glass and while he does, you try to step in front of the stove to make sure everything is going smoothly.
"Ah ah!" He chides. "You scoot your pretty self back over there; I told you, I got this."
You giggle and return to your post. You have to admit though, it smells great. Once he's sure everything is done correctly, he portions the pasta onto plates, laying the lemon garlic shrimp right on top. He kept it simple for tonight, not wanting to disappoint if he went overboard and missed the mark.
The look on your face says it all when you take a bite. Surprise, delight, love. He smiles and mentions he took a cooking class to help him get better acquainted with the stove. After dinner, he pulls out the chocolate covered strawberries he had specially made for you. He's barely able to feed you one, though, before you're moving dessert to the bedroom.
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Guess what just dropped in Obey Me.
I'll give you a hint: it starts with a ‘L’ and ends with a ‘39’...
Then again, you probably already know this, but just in case you don't...
In other news, I finally decided to go and complete Lesson 31, so yay me. Now I'm just gonna stay on Lesson 32 for a bit.
-Lesson 31 32 Anon
Proud of you for graduating past 31!!!👏💖
I played 39 and im sobbing?!? I already went through this bs why do I havta do it again!!!!? Also do you think lesson 40 will be the last lesson for a while?
Spoilers for 39 ahead cause I'm emotional and need to rant
So MC ends up at a party at diavolo's, he thanks them for saving Lucifer and the devildom (pretty sure that was all just simeon's doing but whatever) and says he's holding a party in their honour (really should be in Simeon's honour but whatever)
MC has a flashback about what happened after they woke up during the whole ring and speaking to Michael (and hopefully not God) thing. The rest of the brothers all rush in yelling, asking if MC is okay cause beel saw a light from the celestial realm coming from their room, Lucifer yells at them to shut up and they realise he's regained his memories
Mammon who's the first one who came in, arrived while yelling and asking if MC was alright, if they had died and if they had vanished....sure hope lesson 16 didn't leave any lasting scars there...
Back in the present time the brothers are crowding around MC and Lucifer. Belphie & Satan note how they'll miss Lucifer with amnesia and how they'll have to get back to pranking him. Asmo calls them out about actually caring about Lucifer.
Diavolo asks MC for a dance, and has one of those dialogues that make me think he'll be a romanceable character in the future. He tells MC how they're helping him bring the three worlds together and how they're his guiding light and how he wants them by his side forever, except before he finishes that last sentence the song ends and Luke cuts in. When MC tries to leave he grabs on to their hand, and you can either say 'ow that hurts' or ask him if he wants a second dance. If you choose the second he blushes and you dance again but he doesn't finish his sentence from earlier
The next morning Lucifer is nagging everyone even more than normal (possibly to make up for lost time) but at the same time he seems even closer with the brothers (asking about Levi's game and Asmo's crush)
On the way to rad MC meets up with the angels and Solomon. Solomon says that they'll have to be leaving soon to their own worlds (why!!!?) Luke and MC both get visibly bummed. They tease Luke and tell him he can live in the devildom if he wishes (he denies it) and Solomon asks MC if they want to leave MC can either say they don't wanna leave the brothers or 'the human world fuckinh sucks what the fuck have you been up there recently it's the worst' (since we got those 'hang in there' pandemic voice messages from the brothers can we assume that this game happens in the present? Y'all really wanna throw MC back out there?)
At rad MC tells this to asmo, beel and mammon (I imagine they do this while facedown on a desk cause that's the only appropriate response rn)
They're all upset and MC says they don't ever want to leave. The brothers tell them to go tell this to Diavolo after RAD.
MC goes and tells this to diavolo (in the presence of Lucifer & barbatos). Lucifer & diavolo aren't surprised and were both expecting this. They tell MC that they are happy that they made such lasting connections and that hey want them to stay as well (yesyesyes-) but (MOTHERFU-) MC is a human and belongs with the humans and that they don't have to leave immediately but that they have a life in the human world anhddjdidndjx do y'all not remember when they were moping around in the human world and how they literally jumped at the chance to come back down to the devildom with no preparation at all???? Y'all remember how asmo noted that they had got thinner after they came back????? Can you pls just ask them if they have anything worth going back to!?
Anyway MC's back home moping around in the library with Belphie and Levi. They tell MC that Lucifer & Diavolo are just playing hard to get and want MC to stay as well but think their positions mean they can't ask for it.
Belphie says that if MC can learn teleportation magic they could constantly drop down to the devildom
MC invites Solomon out to a fancy date and asks him to teach them teleportation magic. He tells them that though their raw magic power surpasses his, they don't have the skill yet and that he'll teach them but teleportation magic usually takes years to learn.
He tells them that usually when making pacts with demons they are done in the human world and a ritual must be conducted. At the end of the ritual a demon may give the human what is most dear to them and the human can use it as a token to summon the demon at any given time (while this is great and all I need my family feels and it'll probably not be practical to summon all 7 of them at a time....maybe MC can summon Lucifer and show him how bad life can be when you're (probably) someone in their mid twenties with no attachments or consistent job and he'll feel sorry for them and whisk them back home?)
Asmo had given Solomon is favourite picture of himself. Except back in their times cameras didn't exist so really it's a large portrait of himself. Solomon says it's a real problem (and I'm cackling, imagine bringing someone home and you have a -knowing asmo- giant probably vaguely sexual picture of some guy on your wall!!!?)
Back home MC meets Satan first (he's being crushed under a collapsed mountain of books after Lucifer told him to clean his room) MC helps him not die and clean his room. He gives them the body switch book (remember that!!!!) He says its power's all gone so it's basically worthless but he still treasures it because of what it did for him (I'm not crying!) He tells MC that even though they'll be able to summon him, he'll still miss them and that he won't be able to be with them when he wants to and it's all really sad and meaningful and I'm okay I swear. You get a choice to either kiss or hug him. Even if you choose to hug him he tells MC he wants to always be with them
Lucifer has asked asmo to throw out all the clothes he doesn't use (the reason lucfier is an undateable option to me is cause he reminds me too much of my own family) and now Asmo's struggling with 10 packed boxes of clothes. MC helps and asmo tells them that Solomon told him about everything. He tells them that he can't give the things dearest to him 'cause those things are himself and MC. MC suggests taking a picture together.
After taking pictures in his room they tell him that now they'll miss each other less and he gets teary eyed and tells them that as long as they're not with him he'll still miss them and he asks them to summon him whenever they want even if that means everyday, he asks them never to forget him (lucifer why the fuck are you putting your family and yourself through so much pain just let the human stay!) you get to stroke his hair and he says he'll miss not getting physical affection from MC whenever he wants to.
(There should probably be ways to get the option to kiss asmo and belphie but I couldn't get them in my first play through and I didn't want to immediately do all that again to check out other options)
MC finds Belphie hiding in the music room from Lucifer who has asked him to clean up the attic (imagine asking someone to clean up the place you locked them up in???? I mean ik Belphie likes the attic now but that's still all kinds of messed up)
MC and belphie head to the planetarium and watch the stars belphie says that MC has a look on their face that means they want to ask him something. You can either immediately dive into the whole summoning thing or tell him you want to be by his side forever. He tells MC about their stars, which he spoke about in s1, he tells them each of his brothers has a star and even though he lives with them when he comes and looks at their stars altogether he feels closer with them/like they're all together. So he gives MC his star. MC gets to say all these things about how they don't wanna leave him and wish they could stay together forever, they hold hands and there's this gorgeous visual & line of dialogue
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And well that's it. If mc has to leave and if all the brothers' interactions are like this my heart will be well and truely broken
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sakurology · 4 years
CONGRATS AGAIN ON 700 AHHHHH!!! can i pls request for a selfship date with sugadaisy and dinotsukki 🥺🥺👉👈? i think the senior-junior dynamic friendship with suga and tsukki is super cute and we can bond over astrology and tarot !!
My Dino Nuggie 🥺💘 we would be honored to go on a date with you! What better place to see stars and geek out about the magic of the cosmos than at an observatory! So... our date will be:
Sugaisy and Dinotsukki x The Planetarium
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Seriously, there is nowhere better set for us to go
Suga found out that the local planetarium had a Saturday evening star show
When he asked if I wanted to go I obviously said yes but I also added “only if Dino can come too”
He’s not going to say no to me- he never does 🥺💕
So we all agreed to meet up Saturday and go early so we could get good seats in the little star dome
Tsukki actually wanted to come, which, he normally wouldn’t because he’s not super into our astrology banter whenever we’re together but also-
“Planetariums are just Space Museums” - Suga’s convincing logic
Tsukki can’t argue with that
I will literally be basing ALL of this on the Griffith Observatory aka my fav planetarium, so feel free to google it for a better mental image
Situated on a hill, the outside of the planetarium has a cute little telescope and overlook area where you can see the sky above, and the city lights below- it’s perfect
Since sunset is approaching, the sky is that really pretty pink/orange/purple summer color- with a hint of faint blue that fades as the minutes pass
But there’s a super long line to get into the planetarium so we can’t look at it or else we might freaking lose out on some good seats!
Everything inside is marble, it’s all intricately carved and beautiful- the ceiling has a huge Dome that’s painted into a cosmos map, laying out various constellations
The coolest part though, is the pendulum in the center that rotates with the earth, knocking over little pegs in a deep pit as the hours pass through the day
We all just stare for what seems like minutes, just watching as there’s a physical representation of earth doing its thing- it’s kinda cool lol
But the intercom voice interrupts us to say that the star show will be starting soon, so WE BOOK IT!
Inside the little star theater, we find pretty good seats near the middle, it’s nice bc it’s set up with open seats so that you can sit on the floor and look up as the screen of the dome surrounds you- giving you a 360 sky view 🌌🌠🪐
Me being me- yes I bought snacks in but don’t tell anyone
So we got comfy with our boyfies and a 2lb bag of Sour Patch Kids. Name a more ideal situation I dare you.
The star show is BEAUTIFUL! It’s a myriad of stars and lights and colors, but also a buttload of info on the cosmos and constellations and why it’s all so important
They go over each constellation in the zodiac and how they were all used to mark harvest cycles and the seasons- as well as a little bit of astro banter
Tsukki hates the astro banter
“The stars have no influence on your personality...” faceass 🙄
Me: Then Pls explain why Suga is... like this because there’s no other reason besides him being a Gemini
The silence says it all.
“It’s not real,” he huffs, pushing up his glasses (ok salty libra king- we know it is it’s ok to be wrong)
But anyway yes the star show is beautiful.
By the time it’s over though, the sun is fully set and the stars are in the sky around the overlook- PERFECT for our own stargazing moment.
So we took turns looking into the telescope and also just hanging out on the hill
We laid out on the lawn to try and point out a few of the constellations we learned about during the show
There was more astro banter courtesy of you and I 😂💕
But the best part? Just chilling out in each other’s company, soft music playing from Tsukki’s phone, just taking in the sight that is mama moon 🌕 nothing was more gorgeous.
EEE bby! I had so much fun I love space ugh next time we should go to one of those alien museums ooo or maybe even???? Ghost???? Hunting??? Lol either way it’s gonna be fun because we’re a good (chaotic)time 💘😂 - Daisy 🌼
🌸Daisy’s Sweet 700🌸
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Hi Ridia pls give some Mikosaru love. MikoSaru go on dates but always end up ruined (eg thrown out of zoo cus miko scares the animals, miko destroys cutlery cus of his enormous strength or they have infinite bad luck where everywhere they just end up attacked by random strain, can add on ) So saru believes he's cursed and not allowed to be happy but Miko proves him wrong by trying to at least make one date successful. (with help from parents KusaTotsuMunaAwa). Pls let them end happy. ((:
If anyone's going to have infinite bad luck on a date it's definitely Fushimi (actually Mikoto probably wouldn't be much better either). Like say they've gotten together and are even willing to be seen together in public and all that. Mikoto's not much of a date person but Totsuka's probably all 'King, you have to take Fushimi on dates' and he tosses out all these ideas for where they could go. On Fushimi's end he too isn't much for dates but the alphabet squad and even Munakata are there to encourage him (let's face it, left alone Fushimi and Mikoto's 'dates' would probably consist of Mikoto sleeping on a couch at the bar while Fushimi sits next to him playing on his PDA, romantic these two aren't). Fushimi doesn't even know where you'd take someone like the Red King on a date and he's caught off guard when Mikoto shows up one day when Fushimi's off shift and tosses a couple tickets to the zoo at him like 'here, let's go.'
Unfortunately all their 'normal' dates don't end up going very well. When they get to the zoo all the other happy couples and families around them immediately part like the Red Sea because everyone's intimidated by the sight of this scary red haired gang leader guy walking around (Mikoto isn't even paying attention to their stares and just smokes calmly while Fushimi is looking at everyone around him with dead fish eyes, like why this). They pass by the petting zoo and end up causing a commotion as all the small dogs in the zoo surround Mikoto and roll over to worship him, meanwhile Fushimi has been swarmed by rabbits and baby goats that want to love him and also eat his hair. By the time Fushimi fights them off he's lost sight of Suoh, only to discover him later half asleep inside the lion exhibit with the rest of the pride and not even Mikoto can explain exactly how he ended up there.
Fushimi decides they aren't going anywhere stupid like the zoo again, Akiyama suggests that why doesn't he take Suoh-san to a more low-key kind of date location like the planetarium. That actually goes fairly well at first, other than Mikoto nearly falling asleep during a tour presentation about constellations, but then suddenly the planetarium is randomly attacked by a Strain. Ten minutes later the Strain has been subdued but Fushimi's been turned into a very angry flying squirrel so that's pretty much the end of that date. Later they try a fancy restaurant recommended by Kusanagi, it ends with Fushimi scandalizing the waiter by asking for everything plain and Mikoto setting a tablecloth on fire when the diners sitting behind them complain a little too loudly about Fushimi's lack of etiquette in requesting special dishes. Hidaka suggests an amusement park but Fushimi gets sick on all the rides and a Strain shows up again who gives Fushimi the hiccups for three days straight.
By now Fushimi's kinda given up on the date thing, like when the squad tries to encourage him to choose a new date spot Fushimi just sighs and mutters that it's pointless to try isn't it. Munakata tells Fushimi that one should never give up so easily and Fushimi clicks his tongue and says it's obvious isn't it, this is the kind of thing that happens when he's happy and he shouldn't have even bothered in the first place. Meanwhile over at Homra Mikoto's actually kinda troubled as well, like he doesn't mind all the shit that's gone down on their dates but he knows Fushimi's the type of person to beat himself up about it and Mikoto's not good at comforting so maybe they're not very compatible after all. Kusanagi and Totsuka exchange a troubled glance and sigh as Mikoto lies down on the couch and just stares off into space.
Some hours later the bar is oddly empty when Fushimi shows up. Mikoto's still on the couch, he opens one eye and wonders if Fushimi's here to give up. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says accepting reality isn't giving up, the fact that their dates were disasters should be a sign. Mikoto sighs and grabs Fushimi by the waist, dragging him down onto the couch while Fushimi gives this indignant squawk. Mikoto says that he didn't care about the dates anyway and Fushimi didn't really either, right – it's this that's important, the two of them. Fushimi pauses and then mutters that he didn't really care about them either and Mikoto grins, keeping his arm around Fushimi as he tells Fushimi to relax with him for a while. Fushimi tries to protest at first that he has to get back to work but he's noticed that no one's been calling him on his PDA at all so he supposes a short nap won't hurt, resting his head on Mikoto's chest as he relaxes against him. (When they wake up there's a meal and drinks for both of them set on the table courtesy of Kusanagi and no one enters the bar the whole time, Kusanagi figuring he could afford to shut the bar for a couple hours to give the two of them some time to enjoy their date, while Munakata and Awashima hold down the fort at Scepter 4 in order to be certain no one interrupts Fushimi and Mikoto this time around.)
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messedupsockindex · 6 years
had a lil TGG rewatch with @thelevelsman (pls feel free to add i’m sure i forgot some important stuff) and here’s a list of things, some of which always slap you in the face, some of them new observations
first of all the thing abt the five pips representing the five seasons is just!!!!!!!!!!!!! so!!!!!!!! spot on!!!!!!!!!! fucking screaming every time.
ESPECIALLY THE 4th!! IT’S FAKE IT’S THE ONLY EXPLANATION!!! etc. it’s just so obvious it’s unreal!!! and the bomber didn’t call, broke the pattern, just like s4 broke the pattern too in many ways (no cliffhanger, all the OOC-ness etc) and also a child on the phone at the end just like in TFP.
AND then a thing i’d never thought of: sherlock writing about the missile plans on his website, like he did with all the ‘pip’ cases, did he think that was the final pip? = people thinking s4 was the end of it all? (or something) but we’ll see about that
THE LEVELS of moriarty coming back bc he’s so changeable or whatever, like on the surface level he’s obsessed with sherlock and can’t allow john to get anywhere near him, on SUBTEXT LEVEL it’s sherlock’s inner thoughts like nope sentiment is not allowed, and how the entire thing was preceded with all that ripping clothes off and that bj camera angle and all that... like wowie the levels man
could be a coincidence but as soon as we cut to the planetarium the voiceover is going on about jupiter being the FIFTH planet and largest in the solar system, and it’s fun to reach so hey how about the fifth season being the ‘largest’ in this entire show sdjkjklfggf
idk man the amount of fives and solar system references in this episode...
IS MYCROFT’S DENTAL APPOINTMENT SIGNIFICANT?!?! why is it mentioned like 3 or 4 times and mycroft even makes the faces to indicate there’s something up with his teeth? are there metas about this? is it a red herring? it’s bothering me lmao.
next up asib (without the Big Wine™ this time ::D)
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novantinuum · 6 years
A Link Beyond Memory (ch 2/4)
Fandom: Trollhunters, 3Below
Rating: T (for minor language in future chapters)
Words: 600~
Pairings: Jim/Claire, but not focus
Summary: Shortly after the events of the Eternal Night, memories of a day that never happened somehow resurface in Jim’s mind in his sleep- and upon recalling the friendship he and Aja formed, he decides to pursue that connection again. Slice of life, and kinda a slow burn friendship reunion. A hybrid of prose and chat fic (to be seen in later chapters.)
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Note: Unfortunately, fic circulation online is getting harder and harder as the months pass. Please, if you read to the end and enjoy, consider helping me out by reblogging this post, or even commenting/giving kudos over on AO3. Thanks! :D
Chapter 2: Transit
Transit- The instant when a celestial object crosses the meridian, thus reaching the highest point in the sky.
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T: hhhh miss ya already. tbh i dont know what im supposed to do this summer now ahah
T: i was all looking forward to hangin with you and claire and everyone else in trollmarket and now…
T: i mean i still have aaarrrgghh. and darci and eli too i guess but
T: really starting to wish i came along.
T: i know you said to watch over the town while youre gone and i know thats a good point but honestly i just wanna be with you
T: jim?
T: yoooo ? did u die
T: god i hope not after all the end of the world chaos thatd be really anticlimactic
J: Sorry no I lost signal for a bit!! Miss you too gahhh.
T: pls know if you so much as say the word ill crawl on the first airplane i can find and launch myself directly at your face
T: jim liSTEN jim im not even kidding
T: screw arcadia
T: if you need me im there
J: Omg I’ll defo keep that in mind
T: ..jk dont screw arcadia tho i love this place. also its already screwed enough at this point so
T: hey but you think merlin could make me another warhammer for my growing arsenal?
J: Yeah I think he could be easily convinced.
J: He’s kinda sucking up to me now hahah
J: He already made Claire a sorta necklace amulet to store her armor so a magic hammer should be no problem
T: awesomesauceee
J: Any particular reason lol?
T: i dunno i just think itd look wicked cool to double wield, like general orzan from gun robot three. also lets be real after all the crap he put us through we deserve S W A G
J: I’ll ask tomorrow. Hey quick Q for you though
J: Well okay not exactly quick  
J: It’s actually a long story but-
T: ye?
J: Do you happen to have Aja’s number or anything?
J: We took her and her bro down to the Janus Order, lightning in a bottle, remember her?
T: ye i know- lively! and uhhh don’t think i do? havent really talked to them since why
J: I get the strangest sense we’re supposed to know them more than we do. Had a really weird dream but it felt more like a lost memory. Think it’s an amulet thing, like that alternate timeline it made me live through once?
T: huh funky
J: Also supposedly according to the dream/memory both Aja and Krel are… not from Earth?
T: dude no offense but are you sure it wasnt just a normal dream
J: Seriously.?
J: Merlin turned me into a fucking TROLL and aliens are where you decide to draw the line
T: okay yknow thats fair
T: i take that back  
T: okay so,, aja and krel are MAYBE aliens. got that. go onnn
J: What I saw honestly felt so real, I swear. It was two weeks ago, at the science fair. We were fighting a troll in the planetarium with them, and the troll kept combining magic with some alien tech, which kept reversing everyone back to the beginning of the day, like a time loop or something. But I could remember everything bc of the amulet. Aja remembered bc of some energy shield she had. We lived through the same day almost a dozen times.
T: whoa…
J: And get this- in some of those loops we even went to their house and got to look around inside their spaceship! But none of us are supposed to recall any of it bc technically the entire day never happened? It’s how we defeated the troll, that bit’s a little fuzzy. A lot of technobabble sorry.
T: goddd out of all the days to forget huh
J: Right??
J: I guess… if she remembered all of this before I’m kinda curious if she still remembers now too. If it really happened. We were friends in that memory. It’d be nice to maybe get to know her again, y’know?
T: okay you’re prob gonna hate me for suggesting this but i THINK steve has her number
T: bc i was talking to darci and she said that mary told her that aja and steve are like, a thing now
T: a Thing thing
T: i believe her exact words were ‘staja’ ?
J: Oh my god how’d that happen is he even capable of proper flirting
T: well if shes an alien like you think then maybe she doesn’t know what human flirting looks like
J: Haha maybe indeed. I’ll go talk to him thanks
J: G’night Tobes love ya
T: night buddy <3
(my notes from ao3:)
Admission, I had far too much fun with the text format. I've never attempted anything like it, but I especially wanted to create unique "character voices" that extended into the way they each type- which was a cool challenge.
I imagined Toby as the sort of person who types out his thoughts far too quickly to care about punctuation, and IMO if Trollhunters was set just a year later (I generally just imagine it all set in 2016) he'd be keymashing. Jim is more of a full sentence type of guy who never turned off auto capitalization.
ALSO, a note on the contact photos- (Jim's which I directly took from a screenshot from Claire's phone, and Toby's which I edited from some 2D concept art)- That's the photo Jim uses for Toby's contact, and I imagine there's probably some inside joke where Jim took a really derpy photo of him at one point and they laughed so hard about it that he immortalized it as his contact. Jim's personal contact photo is... well, as this all takes place post s3 of course, a rather sad reminder of his loss of humanity. He can't bother himself to change it currently.
Future chapters will likely be a mix of text AND prose, instead of one or the other. Hope you enjoyed!
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hermannsthumb · 6 years
i’m catsitting this weekend so i won’t be posting a bunch of drabbles like last week so pls enjoy the wildly unedited installment that falls directly after part two of my absurdly self-indulgent newt/hermann regional AU (which can be found on ao3 and tumblr)
Newt’s running late and it’s entirely his fault, but in his own defense, it’s just because he spent a lot of time getting ready for his date with Hermann. He wants to look nice, damn it. Hermann always looks nice and put-together and collected, whereas every single time he’s seen Newt, Newt’s been covered in literal fish shit and God know what else. So he takes his time, does his hair up with gel, realizes it looks terrible and then has to rinse it out, and then he gets distracted by his phone, and then--basically, he misses the bus that would’ve gotten him to the harbor in time to be there before Hermann finishes up at the center and has to take a later one and ends up half-sprinting over at 5:30.
Hermann isn’t impressed. While Newt hunches over, hands on his knees, and catches his breath, Hermann just watches him. “You’re late,” he says, when Newt finally straightens up and can breathe at a normal pace. He glances over Newt’s corduroys and t-shirt. “But. You’re clean, at least.”
“Stop flattering me,” Newt says. Hermann’s in his usual professor getup, with a sweater vest Newt’s never seen before. How many does the guy have, for real? “You’re clean, too,” he jokes, and flashes what he hopes is a flirty smile. Hermann narrows his eyes. Oh, boy, off to a good start. “I’m sorry I’m late. Buses and all. I would’ve texted, but--” But they never actually exchanged phone numbers. Maybe Hermann will get the hint, take the bait. Newt’s half reaching for his phone already.
He doesn’t. “Where are we going for dinner?” Hermann says. “You were--somewhat vague, when you asked me.”
“Oh,” Newt says sheepishly. He’d been so busy getting ready he hadn’t actually planned where they were going. “Do you, uh, have any suggestions?”
Hermann looks at him incredulously.
They end up at the harbor Noodles and Company with Hermann scowling at him over a bowl of pad thai, and Newt stirring his bowl of macaroni and cheese around nervously. “In my defense--” Newt blurts out. Hermann folds his arms across his chest. “I was nervous about making a good first impression.”
Hermann arches an eyebrow. “You realize that you already successfully made a first impression the first time you derailed one of my talks?” he says. “A poor one, I should add. A very poor one.”
“But we’re here now, aren’t we?” Newt says hopefully.
“Hm.” Hermann pokes around at his pad thai.
“Next time,” Newt says, “next time I’ll actually make, like, reservations somewhere, and somewhere nice--”
“Next time?” Hermann says.
Newt mentally kicks himself. God, damn, he’s terrible at this, he hasn’t been on a date in years. And Hermann’s so cute, with his little round glasses and cowlick, and it’s making Newt all flustered. He really wants this to go well so he can take Hermann somewhere that isn’t, actually, more or less in a shopping mall. Also, so he doesn’t get depressed every time he sees his Science Center membership card in his wallet. “Can we please just restart this whole thing?” he groans, dropping his fork to the table with a clatter and dragging his hand through his hair.
Hermann clears his throat. Newt looks up. “Good evening, Newton,” he says. “That shirt looks nice on you. I’m excited for our date.”
Newt grasps at the lifeline. “I’m excited too,” he says quickly. “I like your--sweater.” Then, because it’s the truth, he confesses, “I’ve wanted to ask you out for ages but didn’t know how.”
“Is that so?” Hermann says. He looks genuinely surprised. “I admit your methods were unconventional.”
“But they worked?” Newt says hopefully.
The corner of Hermann’s mouth twitches into a smile. “We’re here now, aren't we?” he echoes.
Dinner is surprisingly pleasant, once the rocky beginning smooths out, and they spend most of the time talking about themselves. Hermann, it turns out, is Oxford-educated and teaching astrophysics at Hopkins via an exchange program of indefinite length. He’s been here since last August. He got bored of England, apparently (though Newt can't tell for the life of him why he picked Maryland out of the entire country). Hermann’s surprised to find out that Newt was on the tenure track at MIT before he gave it up five years back to, also, move to Maryland, and then use his PhD in marine biology at the Aquarium. (“My uncle took me here once when I was a kid,” Newt explains, “and I loved it.”)
It’s cool out when they finish at the restaurant, so they go for a slow walk around the harbor as dusk settles. Newt’s hands are shoved in his pockets, but Hermann’s free hand is dangling a few inches away. He could easily take it. He really wants to take it. He doesn’t. “So you’re still pretty new around here, then,” Newt says.
“I suppose,” Hermann says. “I haven’t ventured much outside of the city. Or much inside the city either, truthfully.”
“I could show you around some more.” Play it cool, Newt thinks. Play it casual. “You know, if you want. There’s a bunch of weird shops, and bars, and movie theaters and shit in the area. Uh. If you like movies?” Hermann looks likes the type who goes to operas or sees depressing plays or shit.
Hermann rolls his eyes. “I like movies, Newton, I’m a human being.”
Just two more things they have in common, then. “Awesome,” Newt says.
Newt fully expects to take the bus back to his apartment, but Hermann surprises him by offering him a ride once they end their walk at the harbor entrance. “You sure?” he says. “I mean, I’m not super close--”
“It’s no trouble,” Hermann assures him. “As you demonstrated, the buses can be quite unreliable.”
Newt recites his address and fidgets in Hermann’s passenger seat the entire drive home. Did Hermann have a good time? Newt did. Enough for a second date, definitely. Hermann likes movies. Maybe he wants to see one with Newt this weekend or something. Is that too soon? That’s probably too soon. He might weird Hermann out. Play it cool. Next week. “Isn’t this you?” Hermann says. He’s staring expectantly at Newt--they’re outside Newt’s apartment. God, how long have they been sitting there?
“Yes.” He scrambles to unbuckle himself. “Yeah, sorry.” He slams the car door behind himself when he gets out, and panics when he realizes he forgot to say goodnight to Hermann. Hermann’s already rolling down the car window when Newt turns around. He looks mildly amused, at least. “I had a lot of fun!” Newt says quickly, leaning in. “Uh. Thanks for the ride. Sorry about, you know. Everything.”
“You can always make it up to me,” Hermann says smoothly, “next time. Goodnight, Newton.”
“I can!” Newt beams at him and takes a step back. “Goodnight!”
“Don’t you get tired of talking about black holes every single day?” he says the follow Wednesday, trailing Hermann out of the planetarium. “I mean, you give the same lecture every single day.” Newt follows a routine and everything too, but at least he cycles between what creatures he’s feeding on any given day. Hermann’s whole spiel is practically word-for-word each time. Even down to the little pauses between topics.
“You seem to have no trouble finding new faults in it every single day,” Hermann says, doing his best to outwalk Newt. He’s a fast bastard, damn him, but it’s nice knowing that their dynamic hasn’t changed too much. “Feel free to stop attending if I’m boring you.”
“Oh, Hermann, I’ll never get tired of your pretty face.”
“Mm.” Hermann manages to make a hum sound sarcastic. “How long is your lunch break, exactly? I wouldn’t want to keep you from what I can only assume is very important work.”
“Long enough. Anyway, important question,” Newt does a half-jog until he’s standing in front of Hermann, and Hermann finally slows down, thank God, “dinner and movie this week? I’ll pay. And, here’s the real bonus, I might even be on time.”
“Tempting,” Hermann says, but smiles. “What movie?”
“I’d say the new Jurassic World, but Jeff Goldblum’s only in it for, like, a minute, so who gives a shit. But the Charles is doing a revival showing for Creature From the Black Lagoon,” Newt waggles his eyebrows, “in 3-D. Sounds pretty cool, huh?” Hermann makes a noncommittal noise. Newt claps his hands together. “Sweet! Friday at seven! I do actually have to get back to work, though, or I might get fired or something, the warning wasn’t super clear, I was distracted, so--”
Newt’s promise to be on time holds up, and he meets Hermann in the lobby of the theater a bit before seven, even, which is a great record for him. He waves at Hermann excitedly through the door, but when he gets to him, he’s not sure what to do. High-five? No, that’s weird, people don’t do that on dates. Handshake? Is it way too early for a kiss? He decides to go in for a hug, but he takes too long and Hermann turns at the last second to look at the concession stand and it turns into an awkward shoulder-pat. Just once, Newt would like to not look like a dumbass.
“There’s a cool place across the street we can go for dinner,” Newt says as they wait in line to buy tickets, “if you don’t mind eating late, anyway.”
They get good seats, but the 3D turns out to be a mistake almost immediately. “Shit,” Newt says, as he tries unsuccessfully to tuck his 3D glasses--the old, retro blue and red kind--behind his real glasses, and then just as unsuccessfully in front of them. “I kinda--forgot why I don’t see 3D movies.”
Hermann, somehow, has managed to balance the 3D pair perfectly with his little nerdy round librarian ones and is watching Newt struggle with a smug look on his face. “Would you like some help?” he says. “You’re making it out to be much more difficult than it should be.”
Newt scowls at him. “I got this, dude,” he says, but then the house lights dim and Newt doesn’t, actually, got this, and eventually just gives up and resigns himself to watching the movie with the weird red and blue lines going over the black and white. The plus side is that he can actually see the screen. And it’s not like he hasn’t seen it a million times before.
Besides: he has much more important things to think about, namely, how Hermann is shyly inching a hand across Newt’s armrest to tangle their fingers together, and how he doesn’t move it for the rest of the film.
He holds Newt’s hand on the way out of the theater, too, and when they cross the street to get to the cool little diner Newt’s recommended. He does, finally, drop it when Newt holds the door open for him, but Newt doesn’t lose his goofy smile, not even when they’re seated at a booth and given menus. “It’s certainly eclectic,” Hermann remarks as he takes the diner all in. His eyes linger over the massive pulp art posters on the wall, the neon lighting, the weird, gaudy sci-fi themed decor. “Very...colorful.”
“Wait,” Newt says, and quickly flips open his menu and shoves it at Hermann, “this is the real reason I wanted to take you here.”
Hermann glances over the page. “Are the hamburgers--”
“All named after planets!” Newt says, nearly bouncing in his seat. Hermann fixes him with an odd, soft look, that just serves to make Newt nervous. “I thought you’d like it.”
“I do,” he says, closing the menu delicately. “Thank you, Newton.”
“Since, you know, you’ve got a boner for black holes and space and everything--”
“Thank you, Newton,” Hermann says, a bit louder.
Hermann drives him home again, and Newt deliberately lingers in the car this time when they get to his apartment. He really wants invite Hermann inside. Is two dates too early for that? Newt hasn’t been on more than one date with someone in his entire life in his very limited dating experience, and--during his undergrad days--a good deal of those ended in one-night stands. He’s probably not the best authority on it. On the other hand, he’s known Hermann for almost a month, so it’s not like that’s totally rushing things. Newt’s gonna ask him.
“May I kiss you?” Hermann says suddenly, and Newt’s suggestive invite dies on his tongue. It’s--bizarrely polite, and professional, like he’s asking if Newt would like coffee or something, but it startles Newt anyway. He nods, and Hermann leans over and kisses him once, chastely. “Thank you,” he says primly, while Newt’s goofy smile returns. Newt’s not sure if Hermann means the date or the kiss or both, but frankly, he doesn’t care.
He doesn’t end up inviting Hermann inside, but he spends the rest of the night deliriously happy anyway.
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Dynamo, can you describe your linemates and what they're like? And do it in a presentation pls.
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“A presentation.” He sighed. “Alright, fine. I’ll add pictures n’ shit for ya.”
“I’ll start off with Magic Man first.”
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“Magic Man is, from what I’ve been told, a circus robot that was made to perform tricks or somethin’ like that. If you would expect for someone like that to show off, even at inappropriate times, you’d be correct. He likes showing off his tricks to everyone, not just me, thankfully. And apparently he’s now practicing fortune telling, which is such a weird thing for Magic Man to do, but hey, what do I know? I will admit, he’s pretty good at what he does when it comes to cards and all that stuff, though I haven’t seen him try out fortune telling yet. My only complaint is…well, being a show off. But I can take show offs like him. At least he doesn’t brag, unlike somebody I know.”
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“Ground Man is an interesting character. I’ve seen King make him for exploring ruins for treasure, from what I can remember. I’ve also seen him collect treasure and collect treasure for himself as well, though I haven’t seen his collection yet. I can’t remember who, but someone told me that he is the most powerful Robot Master. Even with that information, he’s not very sociable like myself. I guess he’s more of a "peaceful”, deep thinking guy then someone that likes showing off what he finds.“
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"Pirate Man is…uh…”
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“I mean don’t get me wrong, I get brutal as well, but not as brutal as him. This guy…was just made to be pissy. I mean, his purpose is to attack cargo vessels. You know, KILL people.”
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“Now before you idiots say anything, no, I don’t aim at killing people. I was not made to kill people in the first place. I don’t have the heart to just go out and try to kill every single living being on the planet. I only get angry enough to punch or shock a human if they enter my power plant, but I don’t make it so that their faces break or have their eyes literally pop out of their sockets. That’s just disgusting. And really, really creepy.”
“…Great, now I have the imagery of those two things stuck in my head.”
“Moving on…”
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“He is pretty reckless with what he does. He doesn’t like playing by the rules, like me, but even worse. He will be happy to just straight up kill you for gold or whatever treasure he wants. I don’t think he has seen Ground Man’s treasure collection yet, but if he does, I’d bet that he will fight him to the death over those things.”
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“Cold Man, is a refrigerator. A refrigerator. A walking, talking, refrigerator. How do I know? He told me of course! Or rather, he told us his “previous purpose”. Besides appearance and all that, he isn’t just some normal fridge. Apparently, he was created by the man Dr.Light himself to store dinosaur DNA below zero. And then King came along and modified him to be a guard robot for whatever reason. So I guess I had met a Dr.Light bot without even thinking or realizing it. Still, that is just the most ridiculous purpose for a robot to even have. I’m sorry, but there is no more information about this guy other than being a fucking fridge.”
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“Now this guy Tengu Man and his space boy are special because they were with different linemates before King came along. He decided to join us because he wanted a second go at beating Mega Man or something like that. He likes to literally look down at us and call us something like “weak” or “pathetic”, which is ironic because he’s been defeated before, and is not gonna give up on that second try. His space boy told me that he is stupidly proud of his weird ass nose, is good at reading atmosphere stuff, and likes to go fly fishing that I don’t know how that can be possible but whatever. I guess it’s because he resembles a bird with that nose and the ability to fly or something. I wonder if someone ever called him “Bird Man”. I know I will the next time I see him, heheh.”
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Astro Man is the space boy I was talking about. I sometimes call him space boy because he is a robot based on space. Ok but seriously I call him space boy because he used to work in a place called a “planetarium”, which I would assume is a museum on planets. But then the old guy that Plug is always pissed about Dr.Wily came along and modified him for combat. Like with Cold Man, I don’t see the point because he’s a shy dork who I hear is the world champion at hide-and-seek. Sounds pointless to me, but I guess it makes sense because of how shy and cowardly he is. But the one thing that really bugs me are those two balls that circle around his body like two moons I guess. I can never figure out their purpose, or if they are just there for decoration. Who knows. But eh, I don’t see him anymore so I could care way more less.”
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“And now, the final one that I am dreading to tell.”
“Burner Man.”
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“Boy is this motherfucker so goddamn ANNOYING. He constantly gets in my face and starts telling about how fire engulfing forests work like there’s no tomorrow! He’s just so...AGGRAVATING. Oh, and I forgot to mention that he picks on me and me ONLY! I don’t know WHY he can’t just pick on someone else like, oh I don’t know, SPACE BOY, but he seems really interested in PISSING me OFF! And I have been told by an anon recently that he burns down forests because he was scared of a make believe BOMB exploding in him, which I still think is BULLSHIT because he was made to burn down the whole fucking world anyway! I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS INSANE FUCK IS TRYING TO DO TO ME!!!”
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Dynamo starts taking deep breaths to calm himself down and catch his breath from yelling so much.
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“And that’s all my linemates from our time serving King.”
“Ya happy now?”
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marsgod · 2 years
Hello, congrats on 100!! Can I request a matchup for twisted wonderland? they/them pronouns and i'm still questioning my sexuality :< (sorry!!) I have long black hair and dark brown eyes, almost black. As for my personality, I'm really shy and awkward when interacting with other people so I prefer to stay away with them BUT when I'm with my close friends, I'm really talkative, bubbly and always laughing at small things. I'm really observant and sometimes I'm moody, I also tend to overthink things a lot so I'm kinda paranoid.. sometimes. People are hesitate to approach me bc they said I'm too intimidating. My hobbies are staying up all night when writing my ideas about a new story, learning about outer space, watching videos about haunted abandoned places, watching horror stuffs, observing people.
What I find attractive in someone is loyalty cus it's very rare nowadays to find someone being loyal to their partner, one who can cook, one who smells good (i'm reallyyyy weak for someone who smells very good 🥹) and lastly, my ideal date is quite simple, a coffee date by the seaside, i'm really fascinated in ocean and i really love to stare at it OR a planetarium date OR exploring abandoned places (PLS im really fascinated when im watching ytubers exploring the abandoned places)
that's it and thank you!! 🎇
You don’t have to apologize for no knowing! It was mostly for genshin so I could at least ensure you got something you like!
【A Time of Celebrations】 - Matchup for Twisted Wonderland!
I’d match you with… Trey Clover!
The man you just described is Trey, and congrats! you’re exactly his type!
He enjoys how easily you laugh, because that means he gets to hear it often and he usually laughs when others are laughing so it’s a huge giggle fest
coffee date? He can make coffee and latte art, even if you might not like lattes, it’s still pretty fun
Trey isn’t too phased by intimidating people in general, he’s childhood friends with Riddle afterall, and usually if someone see’s you with Trey, they’re more encouraged to talk to you
He won’t stay up with you, Riddle was always strict about that, rules or not, but he’d love to read them the next day and feed more ideas and try to guess what happens next
He really likes planetariums, although he doesn’t know much about plants aside from roses
Although… He’s unnerved to hell by abandoned places, watching people explore them is fine but if you ever actually want to go he’ll be the getaway driver within the safety of the broom or car or whatever yall decide to take
That’s if it’s an enclosed building or something (like a hospital) where you both can’t run away, if it’s open area then he’s more willing to explore but he’s carrying a huge backpack with a first aid kit and other things
If you ever meet his siblings, which is pretty guaranteed, his sisters will beg for you to let them do your hair, it’s up to you but Trey will come to your rescue and shoo them away if you don’t want to
“Hey, leave her alone! She said she didn’t want her hair messed with, go help mom or something!”
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allegedlytessa-blog · 7 years
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TESSA PEARSON, previously known as VICTORIA WINDSOR is a TWENTY ONE year old PRINCESS from ENGLAND that is being protected, along with ROYAL TWO FC, by SOPHIE COOKSON FC. SHE is often confused with SOPHIE TURNER and known to be AUSTERE and DUTIFUL.
hello there! i’m vivian and i’m so glad the rp is up and running!! i’ll be playing the older and cloudy to say the least bit of the england twins, and i’ll be babbling about victoria / tessa under the cut. i swear i’m not as difficult as my baby so pls give this post a like if you’re ok with be bumping your ims for some plotting!
victoria is the first born living child of england’s king henry and his wife alice, only twenty minutes before her twin, charlotte. those eventful twenty minutes, along with the death of her mother due to birth complications, have marked victoria’s life. little vic was set then to become the next queen of england, and that has never not been reminded her, which took a great tool on her upbringing.
the girl’s father, lost in his grief, didn’t really engage much with the girls (especially less with charlotte), thus the moments of joy and care in her childhood were mostly provided by others such as tutors and employees. victoria, though, did get plenty of her dad’s presence in her life, and that wasn’t all for good: there was a lot of unveiled pressure in her ever since she learned how to walk and speak, and she was always expected to be proper and conscious of her duties and position.
so while her sister went out to school, meet friends and do her heart’s desires, victoria was mostly stuck in the palace receiving a Very Traditional Princessy Education with etiquette, languages, politics and whatever you name it lessons; her life was much consisted of theories and politics that would supposedly be helpful for her future.
with a stiff environment, she too grew rather stiff. most of the things she says or acts are plotted beforehand, and she doesn’t know how to change that tbh. on the outside, she seems like the most certain and stoic little queen, but in the inside she’s a very anxious girl, with little to no experience in real life, making her a little naive / innocent. you know the kind of rich girl who spends not because she’s spoiled rotten, but because she doesn’t know how to do better?? that’s probably victoria tbh. she gives too much and asks for very little in return when it comes to personal relationships, perhaps because she was always very much her dad’s perfect puppet.
talking about her dad: victoria is very dependent on the king. even if he wasn’t a perfect father (far from it), he was her inspirational figure, and she is very blind and obedient when it comes to him -- even now she refuses to talk about his decision on war, even if sometimes she finds herself disagreeing deeply or angry (not that she will ever talk it out loud)
both victoria and charlotte have been in town since the beginning, for about a year now. even though it’s been a good while, victoria -- now called tessa -- is far from being used to her life, but she tries to make the best out of it anyways. she is slowly breaking out of her shell and involving herself: she is studying at the local university (regularly, which is a first) and has a job at the museum/planetarium; supposedly, she’s doing all that she hasn’t been able to do before, and enjoying hobbies she wasn’t allowed to have, but old habits die hard and she’s very hesitant on everything she does, always with her father’s voice in her head saying how this is right and doesn’t fit what is expected of her / proper for a future queen.
tidbits i’ve thought of so far:
she has a bit of a sweet tooth, and loves glace / fruit cakes
a bad drinker. horrible. gets super whiney and overly cute, gives hugs and tosses money around. likely recites shakespeare.
she has a really hard time not acting so according to the rules in every part of her life, so it’s likely she may be a little too formal, even with people her age.
tbh it’s likely she fluctuates between a grandfather (nagging, judging) and a toddler (excited/surprised at little things) personality wise, most of the times too out of touch with everything, especially in this “new world”
she’s trying to improve herself and have “a normal life” these days tho, and has taken to better her education: she always liked stars, and things that are certain, plus she’s good at math, so she’s going for a physics major and a history minor, because she still gotta have “something useful” in life. to make her a “normal” struggling student, she’s also taken a job to fill her hours so it’s not unusual to see her at the museum
despite her attempts to fit in as tessa, she still finds it very difficult to deal with how over self conscious and paranoid she is, so she doesn’t like being out all that much bc she keeps thinking how that may give her away or smth
charlotte/thea is her life. they may be very different but vic brings the older sister to a very strong level -- especially when considering they’re not even half an hour apart. their time in town has rekindled their relationship and victoria has turned a lot of her dependency to her sister
her father is probably not very approving of the above. victoria still exchanges often correspondence with him, and he visits a couple times a year to make sure things are going well
i’m looking for someone with whom victoria has written ever since her youth. they were pen pals due to an assignment at school, and may have or not stopped the correspondence and have met at town
besides a pen pal, i’ll be needing all sorts of relationships tbh. give me neighbors, fellow students, patrons at the museum, people from her past, romantic relationships, hateful relationships, family relations, anything. this baby just needs love tbh
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