#pls ignore my ramblings at this point lol
alchemypanda · 1 year
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Lucket - Burning daylight by Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper
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cranity · 1 year
hi hi! i love your art so much & specifically how you use shapes, especially when you’re drawing heads and faces. i was wondering if you have any tips about how to incorporate shapes this way! pls feel free to ignore if course!
Thank you! I was mulling over this trying to figure out an answer that makes sense. I usually go for what "feels right" which is not a great answer lol so come deconstruct my choices with me in real time--
When i'm drawing figures i'm never aiming particularly for realism when it comes to movement. I go for flashy, poster perfect-esque compositions, so if having Vash's coat-tails flit around him unnaturally don't make sense but it looks cool, then i'll go for it! I think i'm always looking for a solid silhouette so whatever pose the character is striking, you can tell what's going on. Finding the right balance between making a silhouette with too much vs not enough is not something I know how to explain, but something I believe is important! :']
I also tend to extend a characters "energy" outward:
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you can see in all these corners and edges everything points outward and even curves a slight bit away. I think this is one of the reasons people tend to call my art sharp/spikey! I don't tend to shade/render my work a terrible amount, preferring a flat graphic look most of the time or just playing with blacks (which is a whole shape language in itself) but when I do, all the shadows and highlights shapes tend to take on a spikey/lightning bolt shape even tho it wouldn't look like that in real life!
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It's just really pleasing to me and I like how it looks! The spikier something is for me, the better! If you couldn't guess at this point, starts/lightning bolts are my favorite shapes haha Another thing I tend to do is avoid is curved lines. They're definitely still there! But my flow is more jerky straight lines so that if I drew a circle in my style it'd look like a messed up pentagon with soft points, that basic rule in my art brings forth funky shapes that otherwise wouldn't be there if I was trying to stick to realistic shapes This probably didn't answer a lot ToT but I hope my rambles brought something to light, whatever that may be!
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bunkernine · 5 months
hi pls ignore this if i have mistaken you for someone else and am making a fool out of myself but are you the person who wrote isosceles?? because that fic altered my brain on an abnormal and chemical level way back when and i just remembered it the other day and binged it all again and i feel like i remember there being a few other fics in that universe (one from travis’s pov iirc) and i wanted to know where they are. of course if you are not the person who wrote isosceles i am a fool and feel free to ignore this ❤️
I did, yeah.
I wrote it when i was 14 so at a certain point i didn't want to be associated with it because it didn't reflect me as much anymore. It was my big baby at the time!!! But i divorced from that a few years ago. As for the other universe fics, if i remember correctly: connor, drew, a vers where jason admits to liking him back (some point isos implied that jason DID like leo back but was too confused to do anything).... But i deleted those first because they just weren't as fun, and my own friend group was falling apart so it felt too close.
But yes, you have found me LOLOL. Isos is orphaned, but unfortunately the other fics are deleted fr. Sorry :( but thanks for enjoying it!!! 💖
(ramblings under the cut)
The reason why i didnt delete isos too was because so many people were saying what you are now. If i could, id rewrite it (both with style and plot differences) and do a whole new remastered version. Im not sure why i decided to write his senior year when i was a freshman/sophomore LOL so I always figured I would've came back to it when I was older.... Clearly I did not.
I WAS miserable in high school, at least socially. So Leo was a little TOO personal and it made me mad when i basically did what he did towards the end. I spent some time just doing some random apolleo fics. Capolleo series, so my name should've been capolleon by then? LOLOLOL i had been majorly influenced by some now-deleted fic which is why apollo is even there 💀 but now im apollos age in the fic and im like 'hmm. Yeah maybe not...'
Then there was a fic that was coming out towards the end of isos that i felt was copying me 😭😭😭 ← 14/15 yr old feelings. Who cares! But i would update and then they would update and i was so paranoid 😭😭😭 honestly, the vibe in general for valgrace in 2018 is much different than right now, and it was much more open and varied in topics. This is not to discredit the current valgrace leaders or whatever the fuck, but the vibe is just ... Pretty different.
But yeah. Im sort of using this ask as an excuse to talk about it, but isos was SO big and what i was known for within the small vg circle (outside of the text fic at the same time 💀) so i was constantly reminded of it. And dont get me wrong, i ADORED that fic when i was writing it. I was upset whenever my life was too messy for me to drop the chapter of the month. Double updates felt so ... Um. Mature and awesome, like i was a professional 💀 i wrote leo as bisexual but he had a pretty strong inclination to men because i was figuring I'm out that I wasn't bisexual but a lesbian, but I couldn't really articulate that, especially as I was dating a guy through that fic. That was some cute little endpoint i was gonna have but its reality frightened me so it was dropped... The complexities of piperleojason were insane to think about when i was like, crying at lunch in my bf's car 😭 When it was posting, i left some really crazy A/N's showing how volatile i was at the time, that i eventually deleted. But i was so proud of it and it was a comfort to write. I think the drafts were a lot more raw but people loved it anyway.
Anyway. It's been a while since I've been able to talk about this fic. People have left the most loving comments in the world and it connected with a lot of readers. Its also my only fic that had fanart and playlists and such made for it! I was so proud of that! I dont think people understand how incredible that is and it truly is the dream for fic writers!!! I have other fics that inspired ppl, but isos was the one ppl constantly flocked to or appreciated :)
I used to cry writing some parts of it and now it just feels like an old diary entry. I haven't read it in a while and thought about remaking it (probs... As college kids though) but haven't bothered. Technical-wise, theres so many things that are dropped or forgotten or are just clumsy but thats really just a maturity thing.
Anyway THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!!!!!!! Ppl dont ask me about my fics like they used to which was the whole reason why i made this account :(((( among other things, lack of interactions in fandom have decreased so much :((((
Love love love uuuuuuuuu
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siscon-stsg · 5 months
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pls ignore the ramble it's 7 am and my insomnia mania kicked in hard but i just
one time i was rambling to my brother about HOW MUCH i FUCKING love satoru gojo and he was like "lol you sound like such a fangirl mischaracterizing him on purpose. you can't "change him". he's not able to feel love like that. he's like a god: he's overprotective because he sees everyone to be under him, like little pets, not because he cares"
he'd die and destroy the world a thousand times for his loved ones because he just! loves! so! MUCH!!
the fact the only person he could relate to/love was suguru because they were "the strongest" is not because satoru CAN'T love others because he's strong, but because suguru is the only one who understood the responsibility and the perils of being LIKE HIM!!!
but satoru craves to be understood so fucking bad!!! THAT'S why he wants a world of strong sorcerers and allies! not only because that'd mean no one gets left behind, not only because no one would have to suffer the burden of sorcery alone because you can always rely on your peers (a.k.a. he doesn't want anyone to go through what he went through), but because STRENGTH is the only thing he thinks he has that makes him worthy of love and acceptance!!
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daz4i · 8 months
henlo i saw you would like asks and i'm bad at thinking of things to say so pls take this as an opportunity to scream/ramble about whatever you would like :)
or i saw you post something about bad characterizations - what bad characterization pisses you off the most? like what character getting mischaracterized just makes you wanna punch a wall lol (or you can ignore this haha)
hope you're doing well :)
ah thank you!!!! :3
this is probably the answer most would expect, but it pains me to see nikolai get mischaracterized 💔 i can't even be truly mad at ppl for getting him wrong bc like his whole point is to be confusing. still i have yet to find a fic where he's a main character that i actually managed to sit through, the vibes are always so Off esp in modern aus and such. they take away his insanity. his flavor 😔💔 or make him edgy in a way he isn't. which is just a different flavor. not my special little guy :(
chuuya suffers from it too but in another way, and that's how ppl force him into templates of preexisting tropes, like a tsundere, or a 100% hotheaded hair triggered guy, and that's just. not it. bsd characters are interesting bc despite them fitting into certain tropes, the whole point is they have way more going on BEYOND that, and chuuya is a great example for a character that just has a lot of things going on at once so it's always... glaring, when someone chooses to stick to just one facet of him. it's like a rainbow with only one color
(worst when ppl babify him tho. that's like a rainbow of a whole ass unrelated color. where did you even get that from. he wasn't that innocent and childish as a teen we know that there are 2 lns that show what he actually was like. please i am on my knees here)
also when ppl make kunikida rude and insensitive just for the sake of it. or a major stickler to the rules who loves the police. um. no? unfortunately this one's so common i am almost used to it by now 😭💔
ahem. apologies for the rant but thank you for giving me the opportunity to let it out 🫡🖤
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wonusite · 7 months
I dont know if anyone here had read the book Wuthering Hills by Emily Brontë (if you havent you really should) but when i think about a svt version of this i always think of these and i really wanted to share whatever this is
heathcliff!scoups/wonu: im sorry, i love seungcheol dearly but he just fits okay? Wonu is also there bc i really like him and wanted to add him and thats the only fitting role for him except edgar who was already filled with people (im just rambling at this point)And for the both of them i already said that they are probably the most intense SPOILER:obsessedloversakayanderes
Edgar!Jun/Seungkwan: both fit (actually all of them fits bc Edgar is my fave character but i dont want to say all just to say it lol) and i cant choose which one fits better (also dont come at me and say "but Edgar should be smaller than Heathcliff, Jun is not smaller than Scoups" Yes i know but lets ignore it and just think about the personalities of them pls)
Joseph!Joshua: wont even explain this, iykyk bc hes the only one fitting to this role
Linton Heathcliff!Jeonghan: bc linton is described as the pretty little boy of the book and there is some other reasons as well but dont wanna give spoilers (i hate that little bitch's guts but i love hannie so much please dont @ me)
Hareton Earnshaw!Mingyu/vernon/chan: no reason at all just fits the vibe
And i really dont wanna add him but Hindly Earnshaw!Dokyeom bc idk it just fits the vibes as well i guess
Lockwood probably would be a mix of hoshi and mingyu but since he is not a permanent character of the story i dont wanna add him here
Im trying to think more of male characters that made an impact on the story unlike Kenneth or Mr. Earnshaw (who did make an impact but didnt stay for long) but i cant think of any
Also Ellen would definitly be seungkwan and Zillah would be hoshi if they were male characters
haven’t read it so i don’t have anything to add lmao
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redraven393 · 1 year
catching up to Philza Minecraft Qsmp Streams Vod
30th June ya'll I've been sleeping my days off these past few days after the exam cause my body just crashed down
I have missed so much shits on the QSMP stuff holly hell the fuq happened
Welcome home PHILL
oh hey the Flower Fall shirt looks cool
dadza had been rambling about space
QSmp time
so many Flower creatures
dadza isn't sure about the slogan
LOL Forever
ma boi I miss yu
the"sir" stuff is Tallulah's admin right?
Tallulah will get the whole solar system at this point
Chayanne shrine
Holly that is so many Chayanne
the Crows love his son
Tallulah BACK!
Chayanne and Chayanne
ah so they cloned themselves
oh god what happened
YEAH Ramon Saved the day such a good little hero
Chayanne why?-yeah that's fuq up
did they fight a crocodile before???
don't use shaders kids
use you dragon magic kids- HE'S HERE
dangerous mission
omg Tallulah noo
yeah scold her Chayanne
magical trip
oh shit he's invis
nooo Ramon it's not drugs
Kids get up
oh, Mike had a barber?
wait why would Fit go to a barber?
ugh sea mission is scary
Ramon we don't kill whales they are endangered
"There is no shame in leaving" thankyou Fit
yes Ramon Pls you all in one life
Chef Chayanne lets gooooo
oh yeah good idea Tallulah safety first
Oh shit Chayanne didn't have one
Shave it off??
Noodle Soup!!! i want noodle soup today
oh god wat happened in the debate??
don't jinx us phill
ahh so Phil is in team Foolish-Phil noooo
I like that the kids always go for the trampoline first
nervous abluoeto-RAMOOOONNNNN
what is there a TNT canon-wait Ramon-wait Chayanne-kidsss-oh shit-oh okay thank goodness-OMG KIDSS- CHAYANNE-OMG TALLULAH
good lord, I'm aging-omg Phill
oh no the solar system is here
bunch of manly men with boats
clean coal
boat timeee
oh shit the WHALE-DRIVEEE-Oh shit-omg these kids are killing me-oh shit CHAYANNE-oh noo TALLULAH
yeah two whales is enough
okay get cooking Chayanne
did ramon just trows away a tusk???
waiting on Tallulah
its revenge for Baghera???
oh nooooo the whale
the Whale was gunning for it
either her or the whales
ohhhh Seafood menuuu
the trick to defeat the monument
ohh the seaside stuff had been decorated
off to the monument we go
ok here we go-ramon with the bomb-you two old men shut up-milk squid?
omg Fit is an Alpha and Phil is a Beta-someone pls shot me
Ramon works fast-creepy ghost fish-yey Phill killed em
things have been pretty smooth so far
Mission donee
emotional support for the bald man lets go
wat? a giant squid?
lol Phil has trauma taking care of more than 2 eggs
Fit and Ramon is a dangerous dad and son duo
WAT!!!! oh shit-
really love the kid-ah of course burning village
another VIDCON TRIP in French
ohh a NEW video Game made by Cellbit pog
oh no scarey barber
Dollified Richa
oh no the bike-Phil is taking revenge on Mike
Holly hell they fast ZOMING
wat?-OMG OH SHIT-that's the train? so cool
Hi mike hi Pac-OH GOD THEIR HAIR
YAEH PEER PRESURE-phil really cant say no to Tallulah huh??
aww sweety
omg law suit evaded pog-omg the safety protocol is being ignored left and right
oh no Chat broken
OH NO TALLULAH-subway surfer omg-the album omg-she is so her dad's child
Train conductor Chayanne LETS GO
RAMON PUT YUR ARMOUR ON-and stop griefing the Brazilian
"boys will be boys"
egg cats-sewer egg-hi Richa-OMG ITS RADIATION??
ohh it's done???
aww cute richa moment
hi cellbit-egg for the cake lets gooo
PHIL'S turn-Fuq HIM UP FAM-Dangerous
oh no Richa lock them in
love that Chayanne and Tallulah is the model good kid eggs like they are literally the cousin that every parent compares you to
Riddle time!-omg-Comedian Chayanne-HAH GOT EMM
A MONTH!?-until the election?-wet stone lol
well maybe you will have feathers like that one dragon
lol everyone ready with a camera-omg good lord-fallen off Phil lets go
dot mess the white he says-oh no that could be true
oh no yu okay?-noise canceling pog-aww Tallulah
hello there-omg the Yaoi land is getting to them all
the voice is the problem or the catfish is
no meta-gaming Phill
Worse than the torture he says lol
Furry Cellbit lets go
Richa Party lets go
turtle eggs?? oh it's from dapper,
omg he's is keeping it
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICHAA- yu did perfect Phil
Mike no not at the eggs bday party
THE GIFTTSSS-so many foods from Chayanne-HOLLY SHIT RAMON
omg the mix they do with the flutes is so cool
What was that a radio?-a pancake?
Hi BADBOYHALO-loblond besties-omg Cellbit lol
HI DAPPER-the twins are fighting that's okay I guess
cool beach they really did good
omg wat?-is that guy riding a dead decaying bird?-hu
wait-wat oh fuqin shit they're back-the Kids oh no -oh thank god thanks Bad
omg those fukers are back
yeah you jinx it Phill
oh god they can't hurt him
oh no he's going
OMG it's GOING TO THE NEST-omg it's going there
oh no the thing is trying to go inside
on the roof -where is it-fucker son of ditch hole bitch
bastard ditch suker- are the Kids safe in their room???
the thing still didn't catch any damage-oh fuq off he's trying to hurt the kids using the ghost
OH WAIT-OH FUQ-its in the window-oh okay but fuq
Leo?? oh god they are targeting her-omg Leo's Room was broken-just get lost already
oh good lord Tallulah Sweetie I'm so sorry you have to see this
ok, I think it's gone now-you okay Chayanne?- THANK YOU FOREVER
Tallulah Darling I'm so sorry-okay it's gone thank god-are we safe?
ok so Leo and Pomme are targets
aww Tallulah darling I'm glad ur safe-okay back to safety
fuq that was fuking horrible-yeah that is annoying- yu jinx it
a wat?-omg defup-lol-the VOICE-multiple gegg nice-ah yes put him in the cage-oh he is not there?-lol is a zoo now
Phil that is not a lullaby
the hotel is fuqed-Forever we need you
oh god its getting stronger
okay get ur rest old man
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whataphantasia · 1 year
ok it's nighttime where i am which makes it PERFECT to go on about my
✨post-crystallized ninjago brain ramble and non-critical retrospective✨
because. ninjago do be making my brain go !! and i need to yell abt it to myself to my blog void b4 i go onto dragons rising and stuff. i talked abt this on discord but only 2 ppl following me are in that server so wtv (hi btw X3)
i want to preface this by saying i dont interact with the ninjago fandom at all, and i know near nothing about behind-the-scenes things or stuff said by production. this is all my thoughts babeyy (which means im going to sound absolutely clueless and talk abt things that hav probably already been resolved. wtv) none of this is supposed to be critical thinking LOL pls dont attack me. i sound complainey but i dont hate the show, this is how i show love for media <3
really the most pressing thing to me was. being really frustrated about garmadon’s whole arc at the end of tournament of elements. yknow when misako finds out about the letter. i feel like they didn’t really go into depth about RESOLVING that whole thing, like showing the repercussions and thoughts of all parties involved after the fact? how does this affect their family? i suppose misako and lloyd talked about it during day of the departed, kind of? but. my needy ass just goes “IT WASN’T ENOUGH.” really, i don’t really like character death or sacrifice as the resolution to a conflict or arc unless it’s done really well, and. is this supposed to feel unsatisfying?! because it is to me!!
yes. i know it’s a kids show. its super likely something's going over my head right now, but. it really made me think again because misako and garmadon didn’t really even talk after harumi revived his oni side, and especially after all the interactions lloyd and garmadon had during crystallized. seriously, someone rec me fics that explore misako and garmadon talking post tournament of elements please JDKWNFJSND. and really i didn’t hate the resolution of tournament of elements... this is my single major nitpick about it LOL
continuing with that thought, like. lloyd has lost his dad multiple times... this isn’t fair to him!!! give bro a break!!! (silly) (i know its fiction LOL) honestly why doesn’t he have WORSE trust issues after considering his mom and harumi and all the other people who’ve abandoned slash betrayed him?! and yeah misako really is the least terrible offender here, and i’m not blaming her— but ya can’t ignore that it DID affect him. this is why i was really excited for the prospect of a corruption arc for him during crystallized, however brief. he deserves it! let him destroy a few buildings, maybe kill a guy! let him fulfill his rise of the serpentine dreams, but for real this time! again REC ME FICS RAGHH
...though yes. i know he’s developed really far to the point he’d never hurt people like that, and tbh you could say he was never really evil in the first place but. you gotta understand that the corruption arc is one of my FAVORITE tropes. i’ll do anything for em... it’s my fatal flaw...
heck like. this is why i was really excited for the ice emperor because i KNEW that was zane the moment i saw him LMAO. he’s my favorite character how can i not tell. but in the end he just lost his memories and was being manipulated by some other bad guy... same thing goes for possession, lloyd wasn’t the bad guy, it was morro possessing him... its not the same </3 let them be lead astray even WITH their past memories and relationships and feelings... i need the angst... (you can tell im insane because im saying this about a lego show)
anyways point is. i like corruption arcs. and i WILL write fic about the ice emperor gaining more agency no matter how out of character and detached from the original message it is. (even sillier connotation)
okay thats the end of me nitpicking for now, i think. i mean i have a lot of qualms... esp about wu characterization in the new animation studio half, but. thats one thing i know that has been talked abt AT LENGTH. and idk if this is an unpopular opinion but i liked all da seasons for different reasons, they all appeal to my different happy little facets of media i enjoy :) im still fresh off of watching the show again for the first time in forever so this opinion will probably change, who knows.
really im just happy to have gone thru the whole main series! including wu's teas! not including dragons rising tho. ill get around to that after this. and maybe look into more production and behind the scenes stuff, and the games and supplementary content too. i love consuming content 🥰
anyway... uhm. can you tell zane is my favorite. because i said it explicitly some sentences ago. god he is so. ykwhat heres a screenshot bc i dont want to write this all out again
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thanks for listening bye :3
ninjago... my favorite piece of inherently kind of problematic but overall very fun and well meaning media (esp in the later seasons compared to the earlier ones)... kisses it
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
Heyy~ So like, I heard you have read csm? May I ask what you think about some of its characters? Mainly Denji, Aki, Power and Makima and some other if you like . Love📍
hi!! yesss, i've finished the manga so far and have watched the first 3 episodes of the anime (the opening is fire btw and i really enjoy the general feel the animation gives. my bf is also big fan)
i wrote it all under the cut cos it got pretty long!! excuse my rambling hah
ok ok ok, so...... denji is my absolute favourite as of now and right after him is power and i promise that it's not just cos of the sharp teeth (though it certainly brings a lot to the table sdkfdkfj)
i love the chaos this duo brings so much, pls don't even get me started on that. they're loud, unhinged, impatient, temperamental, hyperemotional; just two morons that are the perfect mix of the type of characters i usually fall for immediately
and power is just so fucking cool and i love denji cos he isn't your typical shonen hero. manz has issues, so does power. i also rly like their sub va's. extremely fitting; especially power's laugh. ngl at some points denji's voice reminded me so much of kirishima's lmao.
i can't wait for that to get animated fr. their dynamic is perfection to me (especially during those chapters where power needed denji close so badly) and besides their badass personalities, they're also both extremely pretty. and i love power's mannerisms and how she moves around, like just her walk and hand gestures alone are super nice to look at. also denji's entire look is so nice, he's so fuckin cute!!
as for aki, he's chill and mature, which i like!! i rly liked him in the manga, haven't seen that much of him in the anime yet but the household scenes were super fun to watch where he's fussy and pushing denji around lol. and listen.... as soon as i saw the cig scene (ya know, where he puts it out by spitting on it) animated, i was like "yeah...... girlies, i get the appeal."
as for makima, well uh.... mixed feelings about her and you probably understand why....... i'm not gonna spoil anything, but i'm already attached to denji and power and yeah...... makima, she's uh.... makima :) hahahahhha
special mentions:
himeno, cos she's a baddie and i love her (ignoring the vom scene oh my lord i was gagging all over the place and crying cos of that don't even get me started, that moment was not it)
beam and violence fiend cos they both just seemed like rly gnarly dudes
kobeni cos of the way my toes curled in rage when she fuckin tripped TWICE and dropped the fuckin burger sjdhfjdkshfjksdfh like girl, i love you but PULL URSELF TOGETHER JFDHFJH!!! also omfg when power crashed her car, i can't---- poor girl just can't catch a break for the life of her lmaooooo
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sunnyyflowerrs · 8 months
whoever you are to me
oh god so for those of u who didn’t know i recently came back to tumblr after not being here for like 3 years and i found some drafts from my miraculous ladybug days that i wanted to post because they’re kinda cute … if you’re here for me rambling about anime then pls ignore them lol but i thought i should share them as me from 3 years ago would have wanted so here is a fic idea i never executed that happened right after gang of secrets (2021)
i can’t stop thinking about this fic idea so im going to brain dump it here. 
- marinette and adrien are basically as they are right now (meaning right after gang of secrets) 
- as we know with that art scene from kagami, adrien isnt really sure who he is. he thinks his true self is cat noir, but we know its actually somewhere in between shy adrien and his boisterous superhero persona.
- marinette at this point is just trying to get over adrien, after her relationship with luka. alya tries to encourage her to pursue chat noir, but marinette says that she can’t because they are superheroes
- cue ms. bustier being Master Matchmaker (tm) and assigns a partner project to get to know one another better, where you get assigned to someone and you have to do a report on who they are and what they are like 
- of course, our two idiots in love are paired with each other, and they have to do good because they have been behind in assignments since shadowmoth started showing up and being as terrible as possible .
- marinette is super assured in who she is. she’s marinette, she loves design, pink, macaroons, and her parents, so her report is finished fairly quickly
- but when they sit down to do adrien’s report, he can barely name his favorite color, much less what he likes to do or what he wants to do when he is older. he ends up oversharing a bit, and marinette begins to see adriens life as he sees it: lost and lonely
- this completely shatters adrien’s pedestal in marinettes eyes - she realizes how wrong her paradigm of his life had been
- resolving to be the ultimate friend (because she totally doesnt have feelings for him, no way) , marinette works super hard on “Project Adrien” so they meet every week and just talk about who he is, what does he want to do in life and stuff like that, so that they can get a great grade on the project, of course. 
- and just like that she starts to actually fall in love with the boy who laughed in the rain that day, not the model boy she had created in her own head 
- in turn, adrien grows closer to marinette and sees the spitfire confident takes no bullshit marinette that she had always been to shy to be around him. yeah buddy she may not be just a friend..... 
- cue mounds of adrienette fluff as they both slowly fall in love with each other and realize that there is more to the other than what they see... 
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hexitca · 1 year
My relationship with social media
So I've done mini breaks from all social media/limited my social media use to like 10 mins and I've been both successful and not successful (depending on how bad my mood was and what distractions I needed to stop thinking about the thing that was upsetting me lol
More rambling under read more~
but I want to get back into learning to draw and make art! I want to interact more with people! But it seems like social media is becoming so much harder to do any of that.
Twitter is dying (and I just read something about it mining your data for AI shit so I REALLY DON'T wanna even be on there to lurk anymore)
Tumblr is....honestly I have no clue. It seems to be doing shit that is trying to be the new Twitter but also just making stupid choices for the sake of??? being stupid bc I KNOW no one asked for half the shit they keep changing on tumblr. I understand that it needs to make money etc etc but can you pls be smart and not break the site??
I don't fuck with FB, Insta, etc I just don't.
I have a Pillowfort but idk maybe I'll move over there. I think bc I still use Tumblr I'm not fully on there yet but if Tumblr continues to be an ass in the next 5 years I might.
Idk as I navigate my life in the next year or so, I just don't see any desire to be on Social Media of any kind. I doubt I'll leave fully but man...idk something has got to change for me to even think of continuing on with any social media. Maybe bc I'm getting older now. I still love fandoms and the art I see and I want to do MORE than lurk but idk. I just hate hearing update after update of them stealing our info and all these restrictions like fuck you I'll just leave?! but then I get sad that I lose any connections I've made with the people I've interacted with. I might not talk a lot bc im a shy bitch but dammit I care about these people on a certain level. I don't want to lose that.
Idk, I've just been thinking about this all summer and how to navigate my relationship with it. Since losing my job i've used it more as a crutch but as I (hopefully) pass this test and start my path to teaching, I still want to enjoy it from time to time. I just get really bitter when I think back to when I was on other social media sites as a teen and think back to the type of freedom on there vs now. THAT'S NOT TO IGNORE ALL THE FUCKED UP SHIT THAT SHOWED UP but idk there had to be a better way than screwing over all the artists that might have drawn nsfw or even suggestive art. But also there is twitter and it's whole algorithm that fucks with artists as well. I never got into extreme shit but ive heard others have and regulations were barely there. But damn...how it is now kinda sucks also.
I kinda miss places like deviantart (im talking early 2000s idk what happened at a certain point lol) or Mibba (a writing forum blog site) or Quizilla. I miss that atmosphere of "social media". Maybe I'm being a little emotional and nostalgia is getting to me but i do know im really sick of everything that is now web 2.0.
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blnk338 · 1 year
(sorry for the rambling, pls ignore this if you'd like lmao)
OK BUT i found out that my (hallway) crush may like Berserk?? AND I MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING TO TALK TI HIM ABOUT??
this situation is even entertaining my math teacher to the point that she's helping me out lol
im too awkward w people i don't know, so idk wtf im supposed to do😭😭😭
we also don't have classes together cuz he's in a different course, so contact is restricted to some glances during breaks
anyway, hope your day has been going well!! :))
DUDE FUCK YEAH-- the math teacher part is so sweet
you'll be fine and honestly go for it!!! u got this!!! <333 day's been going beautifully :)
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daz4i · 1 year
T U B R & Z :) for the Ask Question :)
hi hi hi sorry for the late reply, and thank you for the ask!!! ^o^
answered t here!
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
bsd: gonna shock everyone i know..... nikolai :) his vibes are just impeccable. i love his whole view of life and what he does in hopes to achieve his impossible goal. i love that he's crazy cuuhraaaayyzeeee asylum but also is he. keeping us on our toes. and most importantly he is FUN every time he's around you can't help but have a good time even tho he's like, gruesomely murdering someone (i mean for me it's also part of the fun but eh)
fire emblem: ferdinand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is just. ough. he is so dear to me. he fills my heart with joy and warmth i can't explain it. he has such a good and lovely arc and despite suffering and losing so much he remains positive through it all and tries his best to help others. and he's also just! very fun! like with nikolai every time he's on screen is just enjoyable, usually p funny, or very touching :')
persona: akechi. he makes me insane. esp in royal he's a very well written and interesting character imo, his motivations are illogical in a logical way (as in. they're illogical but you can perfectly understand why), he is so so tragic. and once again like the last 2, he is just so so fun, esp in third sem where he lets loose and becomes more violent and vulgar and sassy :)
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
tbh i wasn't sold on fyolai at first (which is probably shocking to those who haven't followed me when i first got into bsd lol) but creantzy's art convinced me of it ngl :P also the anthology art bc i mean. yeah
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
dazai and atsushi........ hits me very deep in my soul........... it's so dear to me it means so much to me............ i can't even put it in words bc it simply makes me overflow with too much emotion at once
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go!
ig when it comes to fandoms. one big pet peeve i have is the amount of negativity ppl have around the source material?
criticism is valid and understandable and no media is free of it, but some people really spend almost all their time in a certain fandom doing nothing but hating it and its creator (biggest example is the bnha fandom is 2017ish. i swear most posts i saw abt it were hate posts from people who were still following the manga religiously)
not to mention the version of this that's like ignoring canon completely and making up new personalities for the characters in an attempt to make them non-problematic and such. pls just make ocs
like at some point i can't help but wonder why they're still reading it?? please move on to different things? if not for your own well being then for other fans bc i don't wanna see your negativity when i'm trying to be excited over smth i like 😭
(also true abt ppl who hate a character/ship and spend more time talking abt how much they hate it than talking abt the ones they do like, or worse, leaving mean comments on posts/fics made by ppl who do like it. yes that includes "problematic" ships or characters. complaining here and there is chill ofc but you gotta move on at some pointtttttt just block the tags or ppl who post a lot of it come on)
but fr it's mostly for you. esp if you're someone who doesn't have a lot of free time, why are you spending so much of it on something you're not even enjoying? i just don't get it 😔 you shouldn't take sunk cost fallacy into account when it comes to your joy i think
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ppersonna · 4 years
yall...... i know in fic we gotta suspend our disbelief a litte regarding all the sex/au’s/etc etc but there are just some things that arent actually a thing!!!! and that thing happening should be a medical attention issue!!!!
like if we’re going to encourage our readers with little notes when we write about unprotected sex (like wrap it before you tap it!, etc) maybe we should also be a little more forthcoming with other things 😳
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vngelicc · 2 years
𓆩♡𓆪 “why don’t you say so?” — jock!jk
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·˚ ༘ 💌 TAGS — jk’s obsession with tits, cunnilingus, fingering, titty play lol, dumbification(?), dirty talk (brief), reader’s creamy pus—
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“Jungkook,” you softly huff, “are you sure this is how many you usually do?” You’re out of breath, struggling to maintain the same pace you started out with when you did a set of jumping jacks. You must have done like twenty by now.
Jungkook is standing before you, arms crossed over his chest and eyes locked on something. You can’t tell but you’re not going to ask, not when your lungs are screaming from the vigorous exercise. You kinda wish you didn’t ask Jungkook about his warm-up routine during practice.
“………” his eyes are narrowed, entirely concentrated on something else so he ignores your question.
You pout and give up on asking him any more questions as you tiredly pick up the pace on another set of jumping jacks. You’re vaguely aware of your tits bouncing underneath the white camisole top you decided to wear today. The shirt rides up your tummy with every jump and you keep having to tug the stupid thing down.
A small bead of sweat trails down your neck, sliding between the valley of your tits. Just as you’re about to whine about being even more tired he speaks, “Okay, you’re good.” He says as he steps over, “Careful, you might end up falling.” He comes up behind you, hands immediately settling on your tits as he gently squeezes them through your camisole top.
“How?” You ask, blinking up at him in confusion as you tilt your head back, “Why are you holding my boobs?”
“Because, that way I can catch you in case you trip on your own feet. I mean I’m just trying to help.” Jungkook says like it’s not a big deal as he squeezes your tits again.
You see a point, smiling at him as you nod, “Oh okay.” He’s so nice and sweet worrying about you tripping on the grass! “Are we done already or is there more?” You ask as he guides you over to some mats lying around near the back entrance.
He hums softly and pats your ass, “No, I usually do about like ten sit-ups.”
“No you don’t–”
“It’s something new I’ve been doing.” He quickly adds in.
You blink, staring back at him and then shrugging, “I guess,” you get down on the floor, “can this be the last? I’m really sweaty and tired.” You pout.
Jungkook nods, “You know how I usually do my sit-ups faster? I take my shirt off.” When he sees you give him a questioning look he chuckles softly under his breath as he gently massages your knees, sliding them up to the top of your thighs, “What? You doubting me sweetheart? You can even ask Jimin, he does it too.”
He watches a coy yet sweet smile form on your lips as you pushed your thighs together, “I’m not doubting you, just really burnt out.” You reply as you hold yourself up with your arms, “How many sit-ups can you do? Ahh, you must look so cool when you do them without your shirt on! Just like your push-ups.” You chirp, wiggling out of your camisole.
You ramble off, and Jungkook’s not paying attention as he noncommittally hums to whatever you’re saying. His eyes are trained on the way your tits are squished together, moving side to side whenever you sway. “I bet you’d look so cool as Tuxedo Mask.” You dreamily say.
“Tuxedo Mask?” Jungkook snorts and looks up at you as he gently pushes you on your back, “There you go with your silly little ideas baby,” he reaches up to smack your cheek gently, “you’re so cute.”
You giggle softly and adjust your position on the ground, “You should dress up like him for Halloween.”
“Mmm yeah?” He says as he sits back on his knees and watches you do the first sit-up, “And who are you dressing up as?”
“Sailor Moon!” You say with that bright smile of yours. “It’ll be so cool.” You wiggle around, “I already bought her cosplay,” you off-handedly comment, “but the skirt is too short and tight on me.” Oh this certainly catches his attention.
“Yeah? What else baby?” He raises a brow.
“Mm.. the top kinda fits a little loose but I’m planning on pinning it in certain areas to fix it. It came with the pretty shoes too. You know her red ones, they go up to my thighs. I really like the bow too, the brooch on it is so cute in person,” you ramble off.
Jungkook only really pictures you in the outfit, he’s imagining how you’d look. Would the skirt be so short your ass is hanging out? Pretty cheeks peeking out from underneath, those little thongs you like to wear being sucked between those fat cheeks of yours? He dreads to think about the top.. you pinning it to make it fit?? He’s a dead man for sure.
“You’d look so pretty in it.” Jungkook says, aware that you’ve already forgotten the sit-ups were completed. “Maybe you should model it for me, I mean just in case it doesn’t fit or something.”
“But it fits perfectly?” You tilt your head.
“Yeah, well sometimes it’s always good to ask someone else for their opinion. Never can be too sure. I just wanna make sure you look stunning in it baby.” Jungkook smiles holds his hand out to you.
You take his hand and he pulls you up, forcing you to kneel with him as you’re face to face with him. “Oh,” you become elated at his words, “I’m so lucky to have someone like you. ^^”
“See? Where would you be without me y/n? Prolly out there in a Sailor Moon outfit that doesn’t look good on you.” He says as he shakes his head with a grin.
You suppress a giggle and nod, “I’m done for today, I can’t feel my arms.” You say as you pout at him, getting ready to roll over and get up when he stops you. “Jungkook…?”
“Hold on baby,” Jungkook says, “you’re a little sweaty…. here,” he says as he tugs at your bra, “wouldn’t want you walking out like that.”
“Oh, thank you.” You smile and let him wipe your damp skin with your discarded camisole. It’s a little gross but you’re most likely heading home after this and hopefully into a nice hot shower.
Jungkook hums, “Oh my, looks like there’s more sweat in here.” He says and completely tugs your bra down, tits spilling out as he licks his lips, “Can’t let you go home like this, gotta get you all dried up so your pretty little top isn’t wet with your sweat.” He knows this is bullshit but honestly he doesn’t care.
You’re startled when he leans down, hot breath fanning over your tits as your nipples harden. “I thought you were going to wipe the sweat off?”
“I can’t see very well, just checking up close.” He replies and suddenly his lips wrap around one of your perky nipples.
A small burst of pleasure runs down to your pussy, you shift a little and bite your lip. He sucks hard, his tongue circles around it and then flicking over the nipple. His free hand comes up to grope your other tit and squeeze the soft mound of flesh.
“Jungkook–” you moan, jumping a little when he tugs on your nipple with his teeth, “ouch..” you wince.
Jungkook pulls back, a string of saliva connecting him to your nipple as he moves to the neglected tit. He gives it the same treatment as he groans into your soft skin, lips moving in a motion that felt like he was making out with your nipple. You push more of your chest into his mouth, panting softly as your thighs rubbed together.
“Mmph– such pretty tits,” he says, muffled by your tit. He pushes both of them together and licks over your nipple, “all for me, right baby?” His eyes flicker up to stare into yours.
You nod, “Jungkook..” you softly mutter.
“What is it baby?” Jungkook doesn’t miss the way your thighs rub together, you’re trying to be subtle but you only make it more obvious. How cute. “C’mon, tell me what you need.”
You bite your lip and shift your thighs apart, “I need you… here…” you whisper, “ ‘s so wet.”
His eyes darken at the last set of words you say, he gives your tit a small bite mark, “Show me your pretty pussy baby, c’mon take the shorts off.” He pats your cheek.
“I-I need you to do it,” you whine softly, “my arms hurt.” You say as you part your thighs just a little.
Jungkook chuckles under his breath as he pushes you back on the mat. He grips your little spanks and yanks them down your thighs, they briefly get caught on the top of your ass but he manages to shove them down and off of you. There’s a damp spot on your little thong, he licks his lips and grabs the waistband, tugging them down slowly.
You raise your hips, a dollop of creamy white slick creates a small string connecting from your panties to your soft pussy lips. Jungkook groans quietly under his breath, “Look at you baby, so fuckin’ wet for me.” He leaves your thong hooked around your ankles. “Such a dirty girl, getting wet from me drying you off.”
“I-I didn’t,” you blush, “ ‘s cause you.. were touching me there.” You say softly and cover your tits with a small hand, clearly failing cause they were much bigger than that.
Jungkook snorts, “Sure baby, make excuses for that naughty pussy of yours.” He shakes his head, “Look at you, you’re fucking soaked.” He laughs.
You flush in embarrassment, whining as you cover your face with your hands. Your arms push your tits together, they sit so pretty for Jungkook and he can’t help the low groan that leaves him. “I’ll give you exactly what you want.”
Jungkook lifts your thighs, pressing the back of them down on your chest. Your pussy’s left in the air for him, so ripe for the taking. He leans down, nosing at your soft folds. He can see a weak spurt of slick run down your pussy. It makes it look much more appetizing.
He covers your soft pussy with his mouth, tongue dipping past your folds to lick a stripe all the way up to your clit. He gives your clit two slow slicks, tasting your tangy slick on his tongue. He moans quietly against you, he tightens his grip on you and pushes your hips back a little further to get in more properly.
“Could eat this pussy all day baby,” he growls as he flicks his tongue over your clit, swiping it back and forth over your swollen bud, “all wet just for me baby?”
“Y-Yes..!” You whimper out, thighs shaking from the direct stimulation to your clit.
Jungkook attaches his mouth to your clit, sucking harshly as he shakes his head side to side a little. You squeal softly, thighs tensing as you throw your head back. “Jungkook..!” You reach down you grip his hair tightly.
“Mm..! P-Please,” you cry out.
He trails a finger down, swirling around the mess you’ve made. He pushes it in, curling his finger just right. You grind down on his finger, groaning softly as you whisper for more. Jungkook doesn’t tease, he slides another finger and pushes them in deep. Your pussy squelches lewdly and slick dribbles down his fingers, completely soaking him.
He pays special attention to your clit, flicking it with the tip of his tongue. He applies the right amount of pressure on you, pairing it perfectly with his fingers. You’re moaning uncontrollably, babbling softly as you tighten your grip on his hair, “Oh.. mm..”
Jungkook moves his fingers faster, almost jack hammering them into you. You shiver almost uncontrollably now, toes curling in your shoes as you roll your hips upwards to the best of your ability. “Mm..! I’m so c-close,” you gasp.
He pulls back, panting softly as he takes in greedy gulps of air, “Yeah..?” He asks breathlessly, “You gonna be a good girl and cum for me?”
“Yes!” You cry out, “Right there, right there!” You mewl.
Jungkook’s basically pounding his fingers deep into your pussy. You feel your soppy pussy gush around his fingers. Your orgasm rises and rises until it hits with full force and you lie there silently shaking from the pleasure. Jungkook’s dark eyes settle on yours as he watches you contort in pleasure.
When it suddenly becomes painful you reach down to push at his head weakly. “C-Can’t, too much.” You whimper.
“We’re not done here baby,” he says as he pulls back, slipping his fingers out of your messy cunt. He watches as your pussy oozes creamy slick right after, hold gaping around nothing. “Gonna have you bouncing on my cock in the car, make you ride it like the nasty little slut you are. You’d like that wouldn’t you? Fucking this nasty little pussy on me and stretching your little hole around my cock?”
You bite your lip, shaking your head but your pussy has other plans. It leaks more to your humiliation as he laughs darkly, “Sure you don’t..”
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taglist: @jungkooksseuphoria , @kooliv
also, i started a twitter but that’s for member x member smuts i have in mind lmfao. i also have a curious cat! send ur anonymous asks there if you’d like LMAO.
i made them their own insta profiles lmfao.
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