#school started last week and feeling a bit overwhelmed about this semester ngl
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leggeteconme · 1 month
A quick summary of the delightful time that has been my past year:
(Here to complain right now, not to be aesthetic or pretty, so feel free to save yourself some trouble and scroll right on through if this isn’t what you’re here for)
• Super excited to move into my first apartment with my boyfriend and start grad school
• Overwhelm over getting the apartment set up and starting grad school
• Mental breakdown
• Week in psych ward
• Semester off from grad school
• Several months of getting diagnoses and figuring out a combination of meds that help
• Start feeling much better
• Excited to keep going with grad school and building a life with the man I love
• Boyfriend leaves me
• Severe mental health spiral
• Despair
• Attempt to, um… not be here anymore…
• Thankfully coming out of that attempt with the “nvm I want to live and I’m so ready to get better and move on” result
• Got help and started feeling wayyyyy better, like… immediately
• So psyched to start the semester and crush it this year
• Started having seizures. Bad seizures. Go-completely-rigid-all-of-a-sudden,-fall,-be-unconscious-for-5-10-minutes kinda seizures
• Not allowed to drive or be very active until doctors know what’s going on and what to do about it
• Classes and GA start back up
• Currently working on scheduling a visit to an out-of-state clinic in order to be seen and treated quickly
Ngl I’m getting a bit fed up with life smacking me with another totally unexpected crisis right when things are starting to look up from the last one. 🙃
Still here though, and still trying to have as good of a time as I can — greatly assisted by: new books and fancy bleeding candles from mom, gorgeous flowers sent by my aunt and her family, and a giant bowl of mac ‘n’ cheese.
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Take care loves <3
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