#pll merch
oliviasalvatore-rb · 4 months
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PLL Summer School LGBT Pride Pool Party Polaroid Design on Redbubble
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vermanaward · 1 year
pll 76
werlyt for tataru's endeavour. not surprised but not looking forward to the uptick in g**** thirst either
new dungeon is obviously connected to sharlayan somehow but other than that
twitch chat was full of LOL HYDATOS and im just. pls hydatos didn't have any snow
tickles me more than it should that the background music changed to endcaller when they announced (!!) the trial will be golbez. zodiark (savage), pls. even if that does mean more rotating arena mechs
zurvan unreal, i can feel my soul trying to exit out my body. the worst triad fight AND a reminder that they did all three triad unreals but no triad ult. smadge
savage delay again, not big surprise. gives me some time to craft shit and practice my offjob when they don't buff rdm while buffing smn again
variant dungeon being in othard rather than an arr setting is both surprising and not
prayer circle for like actual rewards this time so it isn't dead content in five minutes flat
my only want for sb duty support is they leave bardam's boss 2 intact. it's a good encounter yall just hate being forced to do mechanics
they're removing reworking (secure), god fucking bless. see you in hell you shitty shitty map
i'm going to be sad when that fish earring in the blu promo shot can't be used on fsh. not that lizards can really wear earrings anyway, but
ocean fishing fuck yes. blues still intimidate me but im happy its getting new stuff
ziggy stardust on island aw yea
outdoor furnishings on islands is pretty pog too. unsurprised at no gardens, onion empire remains in shambles
comedy tomes is. a decision. i guess
the chat log stuff is cool ig but i hope you can turn it off entirely
gear set increase unironically extremely nice (if long overdue). now do the same for glam plates
fairy glam for sch hype. the idea of sch running around with carby is so funny. now let me glam lily with feo ul and an lad
all of the merch is expensive, as expected. but im so tempted by the serpent keyring 🥺
i want the mom tshirt art as a wallpaper/print....
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eirehime · 2 years
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First post in a while, so new intro:
Hello! I'm Kagura, and I'm an otome VN game scenario writer who enjoys writing romance and fantasy stories, digital illustration, cosplaying, reading shoujo manga, collecting pink keyboards + cute shoujo merch, and living the vapor mahou shoujo life.
I thought I'd set up camp here again since the bird app is kinda crazy atm, though the past month I'd already been working on curating my socials a bit more to help me while I write and work on creative things.
So in the spirit of trying to be more active here, I hope to share more art + writing tidbits, otome game + VN things, and enjoy the atmosphere, starting with a recent pic of my dearest Kanon.
Sidenote: I haven't used my Tumblr since the PLL days so I apologize ahead for the cringe-tasical levels of theories I used to make on this and my main. I'm still cringe, but the PLL era was a time.
Hope to make some new friends and find new creativity here!
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onesingleglance · 2 years
hello hello it's tuesday no problem!! love the pll style influence!! let's see for me: sweatshirts or cardigan? I am trying to rebuild my collection rn and it's lowkey harder than I was expecting bc I am Picky about them. they gotta fit and feel right! my street style is that of a gay dad so it's gotta support that vibe but I also want it to be cute for every day u know? I am lowkey debating a bootleg merch folklore cardigan tho bc they're cute! paper back or hardcover? paperback just feels like, less formal to me idk how to explain but prefer paperback. bookmark or dog eared pages? I think esp w library books there's just something so wonderful about seeing the traces other ppl left in the book, where they left off, where they kept going back to. writing in the margins or is that a crime to u?? I love writing in the margins! totally get the stickey note tho does absolutely have more space. but again like when u get a secondhand or library book and u can see their thoughts <3!!!!!!!! bluetooth or wired headphones? have never bluetoothed, I just love that when I wear wired earbuds it's Crystal Clear to Everyone that I Cannot Hear What Ur Saying especially when I'm downtown or something. soup or salad?? sorry salad but it's gotta be soup! pacific foods in the usa makes a bangin creamy tomato that tastes just like the one my mom used to make or this local chain makes a bangin tomato basil!! also love a good leek and potato or beef stew or chili or chicken noodle or minestrone or black bean soup!
any fun plans this week bestie?? -ur bpack santa 🎄
Hi santa bestie!!!
i love your preferences haha. No fun plans unfortunately!! I have a final paper and then a discussion post that I have record which is totally annoying and I'm not looking forward to it!! But hopefully if I can finish those two up, I can enjoy my weekend! What about you? Any fun plans?
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themarinaalexis · 6 years
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I thought it would be cool to show you guys the PLL merch that I’ve collected over the years! (Me, obsessed? Yes.)
1. A photocopy of the Pilot script, signed by everyone in the cast. What’s cool about this is that it’s the original script, not the one actually used for the episode, so you get to see all of the things that ended up being changed in revisions (Alison goes missing at 13 instead of 15, Emily’s father is a dentist, etc.). You can buy your own on Etsy here.
2. A bracelet just like the one worn by Alison and the Liars! This was made by the woman who created the ones used in the show, so it’s about as authentic as you can get! I bought it off of Etsy, but unfortunately she was only selling them for a limited amount of time and they are no longer available.
(And yes, that’s my actual first name! I’ve gone by Marina on the internet for years though, so feel free to call me by either name!)
3. Two pieces of clothes that were actually worn on the show, both purchased from eBay. The first is a skirt that Mona wore in 1x01, “Keep Your Enemies Close.” This thing is tiny, guys. I’m a very small person and I think this would have fit me when I was about nine. The other is the shirt Aria wore in “The Jenna Thing” flashback in 1x02. It’s also super tiny, it looks like the costume designer actually cut it short. I’ve only worn each of these once since they’re both so tiny (and more to collect than to wear!), but it’s super cool to have them. You can even see Aria’s name written on the label of the shirt by the costume department!
4. Just some of the DVDs, nothing super exciting there. I don’t go out of my way to collect them, but I’m still keeping an eye out for seasons 3, 5, and 7 whenever I’m in a store that sells them!
I LOVE seeing and reading about other people’s collections, so let me know if you have any PLL merch of your own!
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vixetches · 7 years
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Thinking about Christmas already?
I offer a small selection of festive greetings cards each year:
- Buffy the Vampire Sleigh-er Christmas Card
-Merry Christmas from the Scooby Gang Christmas Card
-Buffy the Christmas Slayer Christmas Card
-Pretty Little Christmas Card
If any of these appeal to you, please let me know and feel free to follow me here on Tumblr (or on my Redbubble page) because... 
>> I’ll be creating even more festive greeting cards this year! <<
- Vix
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serien-merchandise · 6 years
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I‘m still here, Bitches! 💋
Pretty Little Liars Hoodie!
Hier findest du den Hoodie und noch weitere Produkte:
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mitsume · 7 years
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@apollonouta ITS TOO LATE!!!@ U CANT STOP ME
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gra-sonas · 4 years
I'm the original merch anon. "closer to an eager instagram influencer than a serious actor" YES That's exactly the vibe I get! I'm so glad I'm not the only one in the RNM fandom. As for the merch proceeds - "part of the proceeds" is exactly the problem. He is still getting money, and that's on top of the money he gets for RNM. As for Tyler, he has NEVER been that way. His blog was a different thing. I'm not against brands. I'm against social influencers making money off of minorities
Oh, wow, how DARE Vlamis make money. 🙄
Just for the record, Tyler’s been making money outside of acting via brand/product endorsements for years.
The cute video of him wearing glasses preparing breakfast while Dylan’s watching? Paid partnership with Lay’s.
Sipping Nyquil cold meds? Paid partnership with Vick’s.
Trip to NYC? Paid partnership with Jet Blue.
The ROVE website had a shop, products were linked via rewardstyleCOM links (a common way for blogs and influencers to get paid for every sale made through these links)
Scroll back on Tyler’s IG feed or check his official Facebook, there are plenty more endorsement/partnership posts. Again, ZERO shade, I have no issues with Tyler (or anyone else for that matter) endorsing products and making money that way, but claiming that that’s how “real” actors do it, while Vlamis is just an “eager IG influencer” is a bit rich.
Are Tyler’s paid partnerships all a bit more “high end” and what some people might call “classy” than what Vlamis does? Sure. But then Tyler’s playing in a different league because he’s a decade ahead of Vlamis and he gets to work with established brands, while Vlamis is only beginning to establish his own.
Hate on Vlamis for how he’s doing things all you want, but slamming him for daring to make money outside of RNM, while claiming Tyler’s never done such a thing, is just dishonest. 🤷‍♀️
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Tyler probably didn’t establish the name “Blackburners”, I assume that’s something his fans came up with themselves. But has he sold merch with his name or face on it? Yes, he did actually (for a good cause)!
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Did he release merch based on his PLL character’s relationship? Yes, he did that, too. I don’t know whether it was for charity tho, the represent site is no longer live and there’s no mention of a charity benefiting from proceeds in any of the posts about the campaign.
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Again, there’s NOTHING wrong with any of this, insofar I don’t quite get your anger, nonnie, nor do I understand your demand for me to “leave him out of it”? People have brought Tyler into this discussion, all I’ve done is pointing out similarities and establishing some facts.
In conclusion: I’m not shitting on Tyler or Vlamis at all, what either of them is/has been doing is 100% fine imo. I just don’t agree with the notion that what Tyler’s (been) doing is saintly, has all been done for free and is the only way to go, while Vlamis is just trash and greedy for $$.
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captainsassmanes · 4 years
So I’m another person who also finds Vlamis’ hectic energy and merch to be cringe. Partially because of second hand embarrassment and partially because I really don’t find him as attractive as a lot of other people in the fandom do. Now Tyler Blackburn. I have been thirsting over him since his days as Caleb Rivers and I would buy a dirty gym sock if his face was on it.
I can’t get myself to watch PLL. I’ve heard it’s just terrible and I don’t have the time! I tried watching Hello, Again and practically died. It was less about the sex scenes and more about the live signing, tbh.
HOWEVER, Roswell opened my eyes to his absolute perfection. His instagram is a work of fucking art. He seems so chill and he’s so beautiful.
And Chandler is like, carved from stone. Blows my mind!!
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oliviasalvatore-rb · 4 months
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Tabogen FanArt Design on Redbubble
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pennypeabody · 4 years
I don’t know who needs to hear this but Riverdale is not kid friendly. The show is marketed towards teens, and the merch is often juvenile and aimed toward kids who are even younger than the average viewer.
But a show that portrays themes of murder, sexual assault, drug use, self harm, unsolicited sex tapes, fetish videos, conversion therapy, organ harvesting, revenge porn, multiple suicides...in harmful ways
Is not a child friendly program.
The closest comparison I can think of is Pretty Little Liars. That started when I was 14 and just like Riverdale the first season is relatively harmless in comparison to the dark and twisted storylines that came about years into the story. These shows are very mature in theme and they’re not told in a responsible way. Nobody looks to PLL for responsible transgender representation. Nobody looks to Riverdale for responsible mental health stories. And that’s because these shows use serious topics for the sake of drama.
A murder plot is one thing. That’s up to a parent whether death is something your kid is ready to watch. But Riverdale went beyond the murder mystery of season 1 and has done some irresponsible storytelling; while never changing its classification, or time slot.
The age range of this show is so vastly different that the young 12-14 year olds consider a 20 year old to be too old to watch, when realistically the 20+ age range is the perfect age for someone to watch this show. I’m not saying teens shouldn’t be watching. I’m saying the show should acknowledge that this program is not made for young kids, including a lot of teenagers.
Riverdale isn’t pretending to be good at those topics. The whole show is purely aimed at dramatising these serious topics. But it still makes me feel uncomfortable sometimes when I know how many young and impressionable minds are watching teenagers have dead brothers sitting at the dinner table, or self medicating with no consequences. It’s not the kind of show I would have been allowed to watch before I was mid aged teen. That is for sure. I just think the show needs to invest in some warnings when serious topics are being highlighted in an episode.
13 Reasons Why was slaughtered in the media because it didn’t warn people enough about suicide and sexual assault. Yet Riverdale will have several people jump to their deaths without any warning. Sure it’s not as graphic as other shows, but at least 13RW was marketed as a show about that topic. Riverdale has never disclosed that it would be showing people kill themselves. And they don’t pre warn the audience that triggering topics might distress some viewers?
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metallicamoogies · 2 years
legit why wont they make more la squadra merch? i get that there more money making stuff for the main jojos/jobros and not a group of guys who die in the episode they get introduced in. BUT PLLS we are starving. like even just prize machine figures pls. theres only one ghiaccio figure and its hard to find. risotto has a few thank god. prosciutto, tweo i think. but like i want a whole colelction of them all GOD. like people will buy them. it makes me a bit hopeful cuz they made little la squadra mini figures for gachapons in like 2020..and risottos SAS went on resale early this year...so mayube maybe godsmile will confirm a ghiaccio nendo. or sas will finally make the rest of la squadra
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wellthatwasaletdown · 3 years
"u don't see pll bringing gay flags in Niall's show or Biebers. they do it bc they think he's gay or bi"
Harry has "supported" lgbt related things since 1D. I don't really remember Niall posting rainbows on his ig and twitter.. Not a fan of JB so have no clue if he's been involved in those movements/communities either. I remember Harry making special TPWK merch shirts for Pride month and also supporting things like Ending gun violence and International women's day etc. (when I say support I mean he has either tweeted things in support of those causes or worn a shirt or had a sticker on his guitar. I use that term lightly). He also kind of endorsed King Princess when her song 1950 came out and had the band Muna, which consists of three queer identifying individuals, on his first tour.
I think people just assumed from those things that he was down with the cause aka progressive and generally open and accepting of all people, so they brought their flags. Pretty sure people don't bring blm flags to Niall or Justin's concerts either... why could that be? Probably because they haven't presented theirselves as individuals who are somewhat invested in these movements. And a reminder that we have to look at everything in the context of the times. This was all before Harry did those interviews exposing just how little he actually knows/cares about the lgbt community and their struggles. Same thing in regards to the blm movement. People brought flags because Harry had made his concerts seem like a safe space.
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vegbethany · 7 years
Have you heard about the movie Feed? I haven't seen it myself yet but it's with the actress Troian Bellisaro. She is mostly known for playing Spencer in PLL. Anyways she is now having a merch and selling shirts based on her new movie Feed. The money goes to charity, it goes to NEDA. To help families to deal with anorexia. Isn't that just AWESOME? I loved her before but I love her even more now. If she would just turn vegan, then WOW, what a woman! 😄🌱💚❤️❤️❤️❤️
That’s amazing!!! I’ve heard of the movie but I haven’t seen it. I love when organizations can do such amazing things like this♥♥ Hahaha that would be awesome if she went vegan (let’s keep spreading the vegan message then!)
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