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Can you believe it’s been over a year since Plenism was first released? Because I sure as hell can’t! This story has been such a joy to work on, and I want to thank all of you who’ve left comments and otherwise supported this little passion project of mine. I seriously doubt I’d have been able to keep the motivation to work on this for so long otherwise!
So, in celebration of the fic’s anniversary, we are BACK! Starting next week, there’ll be a new Plenism chapter every Sunday. Thank you all for your patience during the hiatus, and I hope you enjoy what’s to come <3
#rbs r appreciated <3#THANK YOU GUYS SM FOR THE LOVE ON THIS FIC SO FAR#ILY GUYS SM <33#hilda#hilda the series#netflix hilda#hilda netflix#art#my art#digital art#fanart#doodle#drawing#Plenism#Plenism posting#Lauren hilda#Hilda lauren#Johanna Hilda#Hilda johanna#hilda anders#anders Hilda#Hilda oc#oc#my oc#fanfic#my fanfic#writing#my writing
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Oh my GOD-

Lauren is made by @/blaithnne
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Lauren in the first chapters of Plenism is like:
#hilda netflix#hilda the series#hilda the show#johanna#johanna hilda#hilda fanfiction#hilda season 3
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Aristotle famously argued that “nature abhors a vacuum”: nature cannot contain any purely empty space because the surrounding matter would expand to fill it.
We can also say the same of the mind: it is always full. Mental emptiness cannot be experienced, in other words, because thinking is always the thought of something.
Combining these two sides, we find that what the mind is full of is nature: as our interpretation of the world changes, so too does the world as it appears to us. Being rushes in to fill up all the gaps.
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stealing your mother's idiom for plenism because god damn. Folke Cottage sure was too far out to receive deliveries, the directions too complex for a postman to follow, they'd learned. Johanna thought it simple, really - you passed the Tågstad turnoff and took a left by the bluemoon ruins. You felt the journey shift, as the winding road faded from smooth paven tarmac to a crumbling dust ridden dirt path, and beams of violet sunset poked through the tree branches. The wind would howl fiercer as it whistled through the mountains, funneling into the valley, where the old cabin awaited, nestled near that second curve in the road right by the end of the world.
Reason n°5296 why you should all Fear Sadie’s Power: I’m currently in the middle of nowhere. I just managed to get one bar of Wi-Fi to post this, but before my phone had been saying there was No connection since I woke up. At all.
I sent Sadie a message on discord. They got the message
#accidental warmup time i guess#the judas one is also kinda fire ngl i just dont know if the hildaverse has christians LMAO#is jesus real in trolberg#where amma lost her boots? where amma lay to rest? nah thats trolberg not the wilderness hmm#i'll get there#love me a good diom#idiom#even#YEAH#folke cottage is what im calling hildas old cabin btw i just think it sounds nice
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Perception management filters

short intro to several ideologies for pattern recognition
the list isn’t exactly cover everything, however it gives an illustration to picture possible archetypes of perceptions
abolitionism absenteeism absolutism abstractionism absurdism academicism academism achromatism acrotism actinism activism adoptianism adoptionism adventurism aeroembolism aestheticism ageism agism agnosticism agrarianism alarmism albinism alcoholism aldosteronism algorism alienism allelism allelomorphism allomorphism alpinism altruism amateurism amoralism anabaptism anabolism anachronism analphabetism anarchism anecdotalism aneurism anglicism animalism animism anisotropism antagonism anthropocentrism anthropomorphism anthropopathism antialcoholism antiauthoritarianism antiblackism anticapitalism anticlericalism anticolonialism anticommercialism anticommunism antielitism antievolutionism antifascism antifeminism antiferromagnetism antihumanism antiliberalism antimaterialism antimilitarism antinepotism antinomianism antiquarianism antiracism antiradicalism antirationalism antirealism antireductionism antiritualism antiromanticism antiterrorism aphorism apocalypticism apocalyptism archaism asceticism assimilationism associationism asterism astigmatism asynchronism atavism atheism athleticism atomism atonalism atropism atticism autecism authoritarianism autism autoecism autoeroticism autoerotism automatism automorphism baalism baptism barbarianism barbarism behaviorism biblicism bibliophilism bicameralism biculturalism bidialectalism bilateralism bilingualism bimetallism biologism bioregionalism bipartisanism bipedalism biracialism blackguardism bogyism bohemianism bolshevism boosterism bossism botulism bourbonism boyarism bromism brutism bruxism bureaucratism cabalism caciquism cambism cannibalism capitalism careerism casteism catabolism catastrophism catechism cavalierism centralism centrism ceremonialism charism charlatanism chauvinism chemism chemotropism chimaerism chimerism chrism chromaticism cicisbeism cinchonism civicism civism classicism classism clericalism clonism cockneyism collaborationism collectivism colloquialism colonialism colorism commensalism commercialism communalism communism communitarianism conceptualism concretism confessionalism conformism congregationalism connubialism conservatism constitutionalism constructivism consumerism controversialism conventionalism corporatism corporativism cosmism cosmopolitanism cosmopolitism countercriticism counterculturalism counterterrorism creationism credentialism cretinism criticism cronyism cryptorchidism cryptorchism cubism cultism cynicism czarism dadaism dandyism defeatism deism demonism denominationalism despotism determinism deviationism diabolism diamagnetism diastereoisomerism diastrophism dichroism dichromatism dicrotism didacticism diffusionism dilettantism dimerism dimorphism dioecism ditheism divisionism doctrinairism dodoism dogmatism druidism dualism dwarfism dynamism dysphemism ecclesiasticism echoism eclecticism ecoterrorism ecotourism ecumenicalism ecumenicism ecumenism egalitarianism egocentrism egoism egotism electromagnetism elitism embolism emotionalism empiricism enantiomorphism encyclopedism endemism endomorphism endoparasitism entrepreneurialism environmentalism eonism epicenism epicureanism epicurism epigonism epigrammatism epiphenomenalism epiphytism epizoism equalitarianism eremitism erethism ergotism eroticism erotism erraticism erythrism escapism esotericism essentialism establishmentarianism estheticism etatism ethnocentrism eudaemonism eudaimonism euhemerism eunuchism euphemism euphuism evangelism evolutionism exceptionalism exclusivism exhibitionism existentialism exorcism exoticism exotism expansionism expatriatism experimentalism expertism expressionism externalism extremism factionalism factualism faddism fairyism familism fanaticism faradism
fariseism fascism fatalism fauvism favism favoritism federalism feminism ferrimagnetism ferromagnetism fetichism fetishism feudalism feuilletonism fideism finalism flagellantism fogyism foreignism formalism fraternalism freneticism funambulism functionalism fundamentalism futilitarianism futurism gallicism galvanism gangsterism genteelism geomagnetism geotropism giantism gigantism globalism gnosticism gourmandism governmentalism gradualism grangerism greenbackism gutturalism gynandromorphism gypsyism heathenism hedonism heliotropism helotism hemimorphism henotheism hermaphroditism hermeticism hermetism hermitism heroinism heroism heteroecism heteromorphism heterothallism highbrowism hipsterism hirsutism hispanism historicism hoboism holism holometabolism homeomorphism homoeroticism homomorphism homothallism hoodlumism hoodooism hooliganism hucksterism humanism humanitarianism hybridism hydrotropism hylozoism hypercatabolism hypercriticism hyperinsulinism hypermetabolism hyperparasitism hyperparathyroidism hyperpituitarism hyperrealism hyperthyroidism hyperurbanism hypnotism hypocorism hypoparathyroidism hypopituitarism hypothyroidism idealism idiotism idolism illiberalism illuminism illusionism imagism immanentism immaterialism immobilism immoralism imperialism impressionism incendiarism incrementalism indeterminism indifferentism individualism industrialism infantilism inflationism initialism institutionalism instrumentalism insularism intellectualism internationalism interventionism introspectionism intuitionism invalidism iodism iotacism irrationalism irredentism ism isochronism isolationism isomerism isomorphism jesuitism jingoism jism journalism jujuism kaiserism laconism laicism landlordism lathyrism latitudinarianism leftism legalism legitimism lesbianism liberalism libertarianism libertinism literalism lobbyism localism locoism loyalism luminism lyricism lyrism magnetism majoritarianism malapropism

mammonism mandarinism mannerism manorialism masochism materialism maternalism mechanism medievalism melanism meliorism mentalism mercantilism mesmerism messianism metabolism metamerism metamorphism metasomatism methodism microorganism microprism microseism militarism millenarianism millennialism minimalism misoneism modernism momism monachism monadism monarchism monasticism monetarism mongolism monism monochromatism monoecism monometallism monomorphism monorchidism monotheism moralism moronism morphinism mosaicism mullahism multiculturalism multilateralism multilingualism multiracialism mutism mutualism mysticism nabobism nanism narcism narcissism nationalism nativism naturalism naturism necessitarianism necrophilism negativism neoclassicism neocolonialism neoconservatism neoliberalism neologism neoplasticism neorealism nephrism nepotism neuroticism neutralism nihilism nomadism nominalism nomism nonconformism nondenominationalism nonobjectivism nonrepresentationalism nudism obeahism obelism obiism objectivism obscurantism obstructionism occultism officialism ogreism ogrism onanism operationalism operationism opiumism opportunism optimism oralism organicism organism orientalism ostracism overoptimism pacificism pacifism paeanism paedomorphism paganism paleomagnetism paludism pantheism parajournalism parallelism paralogism paramagnetism parasitism parecism parkinsonism parochialism particularism passivism pastoralism paternalism patriotism pauperism pedestrianism peonism perfectionism personalism pessimism phallicism phallism pharisaism phenomenalism philhellenism philistinism photochromism photojournalism photoperiodism phototropism physicalism pianism pictorialism pietism plagiarism plebeianism pleinairism plenism pleochroism pleomorphism plumbism pluralism pococurantism poeticism pointillism polycentrism polyglotism polyglottism polymerism polymorphism polytheism populism porism positivism postmillenarianism postmillennialism postmodernism pragmaticism pragmatism predestinarianism premillenarianism premillennialism presentism priapism priggism primitivism prism privatism probabilism professionalism prognathism progressivism prosaism proselytism prostatism protectionism provincialism pseudoclassicism pseudomorphism psychologism ptyalism puerilism pugilism purism puritanism pygmyism quackism quietism quislingism quixotism rabbinism racemism racialism racism radicalism rationalism reactionaryism realism rebaptism recidivism reconstructionism reductionism reformism refugeeism regionalism relativism representationalism republicanism restrictionism revanchism revisionism revivalism rheumatism rightism rigorism ritualism robotism romanticism rowdyism royalism ruffianism ruralism sacerdotalism sacramentalism sadism sadomasochism salvationism sansculottism sapphism sardonicism satanism saturnism savagism scapegoatism scepticism schematism schism scholasticism scientism sciolism secessionism sectarianism sectionalism secularism seism seismism semicolonialism sensationalism sensualism sentimentalism separatism serialism servomechanism sexism shamanism simplism sinapism skepticism slumism snobbism socialism solarism solecism solidarism solipsism somnambulism sophism sovietism specialism speciesism spiritism spiritualism spoonerism standpattism statism stereoisomerism stoicism structuralism subjectivism supernaturalism superorganism superparasitism superpatriotism superrealism superromanticism supranationalism suprematism surrealism survivalism sybaritism sycophantism syllogism symbolism symmetallism synchronism syncretism syndactylism syndicalism synergism systematism tachism talmudism tarantism tautomerism tectonism teetotalism televangelism tenebrism teratism territorialism terrorism theatricalism theism theocentrism thermoperiodism thermotropism thigmotropism thromboembolism titanism toadyism tokenism totalism totalitarianism totemism tourism traditionalism transcendentalism transnationalism transsexualism transvestism traumatism triadism tribalism trichromatism triliteralism tritheism triumphalism troilism tropism truism tsarism tzarism ultraconservatism ultraism ultraleftism ultraliberalism ultramontanism ultranationalism ultrarealism uniformitarianism unionism unitarianism universalism uranism urbanism ureotelism uricotelism utilitarianism utopianism utopism vagabondism valetudinarianism vampirism vandalism vanguardism veganism vegetarianism ventriloquism verbalism verism vernacularism vigilantism virilism vitalism vocalism vocationalism volcanism voltaism voluntarism voluntaryism volunteerism voodooism vorticism voyeurism vulcanism vulgarism warlordism welfarism wholism witticism workaholism xenofeminism xerophytism yahooism zionism

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so @thedreadpiratematt tagged me so i might as well lmao
The rules were like answer 30 questions and tag 20 people. Like fuck im gonna tag 20 people lol
1. Nicknames? my snapchat party calls me Lucie Sheen and I freaking adore it 2. Gender? Female 3. Star sign?
Virgo 4. Height?
I have no idea. 5′4?? I’m small 5. Time?
4:45pm 6. Birthday?
August 30 (its comin up!) 7. Favorite bands?
British India, Gang of Youths, Mystery Jets, Arcade Fire, Jungle Giants, The Shins, Two Door Cinema Club (I just..... I like Alt/indie Rock ok?) 8. Favorite solo artists?
Montaigne, Florence..... idk i don’t actually listen to that many solo artists 9. Song stuck in my head?
I was singing Fall At Your Feet by Crowded House in the shower a moment ago 10. Last movie watched?
Probably Baby Driver 11. Last show watched?
Defenders. I was surprised how good it was, since I found Iron Fist extremely tiresome and the ending of Luke Cage stupid 12. When did you create your blog? Ooh...... I looked it up and apparently it was like 4 years ago? Probably closer to 5 tbh 13. What do I post?
DnD, memes, cute animals 14. Last thing I Googled?
How tall 164cm is in feet lmao 15. Do you have other blogs?
Yah I have an aesthetic blog @plenism and an art side blog @pumpkanart and a dnd resource blog @dnd-junk 16. Do you get asks?
I do!!! Mostly people telling me im cool atm lmao 17. Why did you choose your url? It used to be pumpkaboom (like the pokemon pumpkaboo) and I changed it for some reason and i kinda wanna change it back tbh 18. Following?
287 19. Followers?
743 20. Favorite colours?
None at the moment, i’ve been going through stages 21. Average hours of sleep?
Just over 7.5. I find it hard to be a functioning human being otherwise 22. Lucky number?
69 lol 23. Instruments?
I can’t even play the spoons my dude. I love the cello tho 24. What am I wearing? Dusky red chinos and a grey shirt with a reflective power button symbol on it 25. How many blankets I sleep with?
Max 2 in winter, min nothing in summer 26. Dream job?
Fuck dude, I dunno. Creative who lives in a cabin in the woods and raises goats. Or the thing I do currently, but with less dead people and more creative freedom 27. Dream trip?
A beach rich with sea life 28. Favorite food?
Listen, I could eat bun thit nuong every day for the rest of my life and be perfectly happy 29. Nationality?
Australian doesn’t really count as a nationality so... Irish/polish/croatian. A mishmosh. Very white. 30. Favorite song now? Caroline by the Belligerents. How can you be so Caroline? Monday tuesday wednesday friday Caroline
I’m gonna tag the snap crew @sortaclevername @shrrn-a-fwoosh & @unorthodoxed-litterbox
I’d tag the other gals but....i don’t remember their names (woopsidoodle)
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You’re 12 years old the first time your father leaves. You’re 26 years old when he comes back. You’re 6 years old and your parents adore you, you’re 10 years old and they hate each other more. You’re 13 years old and your mother moves you out to the wilderness, packed into the back of her rusty little trabant-six-oh-something. You’re 13 years old and you have a new room, but you miss your old one. You’re 14 years old and you still haven’t gotten your period, your mother says it’s nothing, but you think she's lying. You’re 15 years old when your father comes back, and he loves your sister more than you. You’re 15 years old and you just want him to love you. You’re 15 years old and he tucks you into bed, kisses your forehead, and leaves before you wake up. You’re 16 years old and you know he doesn’t want you, you know he never did. You’re 12 years old and your parents won’t stop fighting, you’re 13 years old and you miss the noise. You’re 12 years old and you want to run away. You’re 12 years old and your father does. You’re 11 years old and you have a crush on the boy next to you at the station, and he hands you a cigarette and makes you feel special. You’re 13 years old when your mother finds out and convinces you to quit. You’re 16 years old when your father asks you to buy him a pack of cigarettes, and he doesn’t come back to smoke them himself. You;re 16 years old and you can’t bring yourself to let them go to waste. You’re 26 years old and you only smoke once a week, but you know you’ll never break the habit now. You’re 12 years old when your father runs away, you decide to do the same. You’re 12 years old when your mother tells you she’s pregnant. You’re 13 years old when your little sister is born, and you can’t believe there was ever a world without her in it. You’re 16 years old and you give her your favourite scarf, you’re 26 years old and she still won’t give it back. You’re 23 years old and you’re back in the city, you have a new room but you miss your old one. You’re 14 years old and you take the train back and forth from Trolberg every weekend on a supply run, you feel important, needed, special. You’re 16 years old when you have your first kiss, 17 years old when you have your first break up. You’re 19 years old when you find out you’ll never have children, you’re 26 years old when you have your first. You’re 23 years old when you meet the love of your life, still 23 the first time she kisses you. You’re 25 years old when you decide you’re going to marry her. You’re 23 years old when you meet the best man at your wedding. You’re 25 years old when you buy your own house, and you don’t miss your old room, you’re not alone in this bed. You’re 23 years old and your girlfriend lives in a van, you’re 26 years old and now she lives with you. You’re 25 years and your little sister’s afraid you’re leaving her, you’re 26 years old and you’ve converted your attic to a bedroom for when she sleeps over. You’re 25 years old when you open a cafe. You’re 25 years old and your mother is your first customer. You’re 26 years old and your son calls you mum. You’re 26 years old and sometimes he calls you dad. You’re 12 years old and you think your life is over, you’re 26 years old and it’s only just begun. You’re 12 years old and your father doesn’t want you. You’re 26 years old and he changes his mind, but you don’t need him anymore. You never really did.
#a poem about lauren#of course#because sometimes people ask me why she hates anders so much#poem#poetry#my poem#my poetry#writing#my writing#hilda#lauren hilda#hilda lauren#hilda the series#hilda netflix#netflix hilda#anders hilda#hilda anders#johanna hilda#hilda johanna#hilda (hilda)#hilda oc#oc#my oc#plenism#plenism posting#plenism spoilers#<- i was gonna wait until some more plenism chapters were out b4 posting this but i decided 2 go for it bc it'll be a while lol#this hiatus will probably be longer as im stepping away from the project for a little bit#i will be back though!#the previous hiatous i worked on plenism all the while
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Not God but a swastika So black no sky could squeak through.
Or, Chapter 15 of Lauren's backstory is here.
#hilda#netflix hilda#hilda the series#hilda netflix#doodle#drawing#fanart#digital art#art#my art#lauren hilda#hilda lauren#astrid hilda#hilda astrid#aunt astrid#great aunt astrid#oc#my oc#hilda oc#fanfic#fanfiction#writing#my fanfic#my fanfiction#my writing#plenism#plenism posting#hilda season 3#hilda season 3 spoilers#hilda spoilers
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Re reading my Plenism notes and remembering that I am in fact a literary genius
#no i have not forgotten plenism im just. slow LMAO#combination of a lot of stuff making it take a while#but we pushin thru lmao#anyways my notes are a mess. chapter 12's are a goldmine#but i cant post them because spoilers LMAO#hilda#hilda the series#netflix hilda#hilda netflix#johanna hilda#hilda johanna#plenism#plenism posting#fanfic#my fanfic#my writing#writing#hilda fanfic#notes#shitpost
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I have always been scared of you, With your Luftwaffe, your gobbledygoo.
Or, Chapter 13 of Lauren's backstory is here.
#hilda#hilda the series#netflix hilda#hilda netflix#art#my art#digital art#fanart#doodle#drawing#Plenism#Plenism posting#Hilda lauren#Lauren hilda#fanfiction#my fanfiction#writing#my writing#Hilda fanfiction#Hilda fanfic#illustration
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WAOW new Plenism!!! Like with last weeks chapter I will uh do the illustration and the proper official post when I have a minute lol, I just don't have it in me right now. Anyways tune in for another chapter of Lauren doing totally fine!!!!
#hilda#hilda the series#netflix hilda#hilda netflix#plenism#plenism posting#lauren hilda#hilda lauren#anders hilda#hilda anders#johanna hilda#hilda johanna#fanfiction#fanfic#writing#my fanfiction#my fanfic#my writing#textpost
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And your neat mustache And your Aryan eye, bright blue. Panzer-man, panzer-man, O You——
Or, Chapter 14 of Lauren's backstory is here.
#this weeks illustration was um very rushed because I forgot about the new chapter until quite late SJDNSJND#my bad gang#hilda#netflix hilda#hilda netflix#hilda the series#doodle#fanart#digital art#art#my art#drawing#plenism#plenism posting#lauren hilda#hilda lauren#johanna hilda#hilda johanna#hilda oc#oc#my oc#fanfic#my fanfic#fanfiction#my fanfiction#writing#my writing#hilda fanfic#hilda fanfiction#illustration
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With my gipsy ancestress and my weird luck And my Taroc pack and my Taroc pack I may be a bit of a Jew.
Or, Chapter 12 of Lauren’s backstory is finally here.
#hilda#hilda the series#netflix hilda#hilda netflix#doodle#drawing#fanart#digital art#art#my art#lauren hilda#hilda lauren#plenism#plenism posting#fanfic#my fanfic#fanfiction#my fanfiction#writing#my writing#hilda fanfic#oc
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I began to talk like a Jew. I think I may well be a Jew.
Or, Chapter 10 of Lauren's backstory is here
#lol the poem excerpts are sometimes very odd out of context#hilda#hilda the series#netflix hilda#hilda netflix#doodle#drawing#fanart#art#my art#digital art#hilda spoilers#hilda season 3 spoilers#anders hilda#hilda anders#hilda's dad#hilda's father#lauren hilda#hilda lauren#plenism#plenism spoilers#fanfiction#fanfic#my fanfiction#my fanfic
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An engine, an engine Chuffing me off like a Jew. A Jew to Dachau, Auschwitz, Belsen.
Or, Chapter 9 of Lauren’s backstory is here.
#pls leave a comment if you enjoyed! interactivity has gone down a bit and it’s slightly killing the mojo lol#BUT NO PREASSURRE#hilda#hilda the series#netflix hilda#hilda netflix#art#my art#digital art#fanart#doodle#drawing#plenism#plenism spoilers#Hilda spoilers#Hilda season 3 spoilers#Andres hilda#hilda anders#Hilda’s father#anders is younger here hence why he looks a bit different lol#also rlly pushing the plenism style around here. cause it’s more fun to be simplistic idc
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