#please write more brotherly stories about them
leavememorieshere · 1 year
Ngl I wanted to see a spin off of Bunk’d but with Xander and Griffin.
And them doing everything brothers do.
With ofc the ups and downs that come along with it and who knows, we could’ve learned more of Griffin’s biological family.
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love-and-greta · 1 year
Dusting another one off the shelf. I think I wrote this one about a year ago…I can’t believe I’m just now getting the courage to post my work! I don’t normally write smut, but this was my attempt. So enjoy!
Summary: the “Birdie” origin story. Y/n and Josh are at the bar with his brothers.
Warnings: smut! (18+ please!), unprotected sex (don’t forget to wrap it up folks!), some angst, and a sprinkle of fluff :)
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“Alright, first round is on me, then you’re all on your fucking own for the rest of the night,” Jake teased as he passed out shots of tequila to the four of you sitting at the round bar table. You reached over to grab two limes off of the tray in Jake’s hands.
“Such a gentleman,” you smirked, handing one of the slices to Josh.
“If I keep buying you drinks all night, then I have to keep buying these mother fuckers drinks too,” Jake retorted, pointing his finger at his two brothers, Josh and Sam. “And honestly, I don’t feel like wasting my money on them.”
“Wow, really feeling that brotherly love tonight Jake,” Sam gasped, dramatically grasping his chest with one hand.
Josh chuckled, “Don’t worry brother, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of my own lady.”
Josh then held up his shot glass, and turned towards you, a smile spreading across his face. “And speaking of, here’s to finally showing y/n here what Frankenmuth is all about!”
The band had some time off before heading back out on tour, and the three Kiszka brothers had decided to visit home for a few days to spend some quality time with their parents. Josh had insisted that you come with him so he could share is hometown with you. You loved traveling with Josh and couldn’t pass up learning more about his childhood, so you immediately took him up on the offer. Selfishly, you also wanted to spend as much time with Josh as possible before he left for the first leg of the tour.
You reached one hand over to Josh, squeezing his thigh, “I’ll cheers to that!” You replied holding up your glass with your other hand, smiling back at him.
“Bajabule baby,” Josh leaned in giving you a quick kiss to your lips.
The two of you then clinked glasses and threw back the tequila, quickly bringing the limes to your mouths to soften the blow of the liquor, your eyes never leaving each other’s.
“Honestly, I think sometimes they forget we are even here,” you heard Jake muttering to Sam.
“Oh to be young and in love,” Sam sighed.
“Okay just shut up and take your shot.” Jake shook his head, trying to hide the smirk pulling at the corners of his lips.
“You know we’re your favorites, aside from Jita of course,” Josh teased, finally directing his attention towards his twin brother.
“Yeah yeah yeah…why don’t you two lovebirds go get the next round and Sammy and I will go find an open pool table?” Jake replied getting up from the table, motioning to Sam to follow him.
As the two brothers walked away, Josh pulled you up from your seat and wrapped his arms around your waist. You slid your hands up his chest and around his neck, pulling him in closer to you.
“Lovebirds, huh?” Josh said quietly, placing a kiss on the crook of your neck. “I think I like the sound of that.” He lifted his head to look into your eyes once more, and smiled.
“My Birdie.”
You instantly felt butterflies in your stomach hearing this new nickname and you felt a blush creep across your cheeks.
“Your Birdie,” you whispered, leaning in, brushing your lips against his. You felt Josh smile before pulling you into a deep kiss. You tangled your fingers into the curls on the back of his head, causing him to moan quietly into your lips. Quickly getting lost in the moment, you deepened the kiss even more, allowing Josh’s tongue to slip past your lips. Josh knew exactly how to make you feel like the only one in the room, the only one in his universe.
“Hey!” You were rapidly pulled out of the moment by Jake’s voice booming from across the bar.
“Did the lovebirds already forget they were on drink duty??” Jake questioned teasingly.
Josh threw his head back, laughing loudly and flashed Jake his middle finger.
“We better get those drinks before Jake disowns us,” you giggled.
“Alright, let’s go,” Josh relented, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the bar.
As the night progressed, the drinks kept flowing steadily and the four of you were having a blast playing pool and singing along to the jukebox. The guys had a near constant stream of old acquaintances and fans stopping by your table to congratulate them on the success of their band. Despite the continual interruptions, Josh never left your side, always having some part of his body touching yours. You had never felt more proud of them than you did at this moment. Seeing how much their music had impacted the lives of so many people left you feeling emotional and you couldn’t wipe the smile from your face even if you tried.
Eventually, the many drinks in your system got to you and you excused yourself to the restroom.
“Do you want me to come with you, Birdie?” Josh asked sweetly, emphasizing your new nickname.
“No, I’ll leave you to your fans, Joshy,” you winked at him and headed towards the bathroom.
As you were sitting in the stall, thinking about how much you fun you were having tonight, you heard two females enter the bathroom.
“Did you see Josh’s new fling? Wonder how long that one is going to last,” one of the girls snickered.
“I give it a few more months. Josh doesn’t know how to keep his pants zipped when he’s on tour. At least that’s how it was when I was fucking him,” the other girl replied.
Your heart instantly dropped and you felt sick to your stomach. Surely your relationship with Josh was different, right? You guys loved each other and Josh repeatedly reminded you how much he was going to miss you while he was away.
“If you don’t think it’s that serious, maybe you should make a move,” the first voice suggested.
“No I’ll let her have her fun. He’ll come crawling back once he’s done with her. He always does.”
The two girls finished what they were doing and walked back out of the bathroom. You felt your eyes starting to well up with tears. In your drunken state, you believed every word you heard. What is wrong with you? What makes you think you’re anything special to him when he’s just going to be leaving you behind to have his fun on tour?, you thought to yourself, tears now streaming down your face. You exited the stall and walked over to the sink to clean yourself up. You decided you were just going to head back to the hotel room Josh had booked for the two of you. You couldn’t go back to the guys after what you had just overheard.
You quickly left the bathroom, keeping your head down as you made your way to the front door. You were so preoccupied with your thoughts that you didn’t notice Jake standing in your direct path.
“Hey y/n, where are you going?”
“Oh uh, h-hi Jake,” you stuttered, averting your eyes. “I’m not feeling too hot so I think I’m just going to head back to the hotel.”
“Is everything okay? Do you want me to go get Josh?” Jake asked worriedly.
“No, no it’s okay. Can you just let him know I’m leaving?” You replied, already starting to walk away. You rushed towards the door, not even bothering to listen to Jake’s response.
You burst through the front door, feeling the cold air hit your face. You felt stupid for reacting the way that you were, but the alcohol wasn’t helping you calm down any. You just needed to be alone to try to sort through everything you were feeling. The possibility that things between Josh and you weren’t as serious as you thought they were, was shattering your heart into a million pieces. He was everything to you and you truly thought he had felt the same way.
The door suddenly opened, revealing Josh, a panic stricken look on his face.
“Babe, what’s wrong? Are you alright? Jake said you weren’t feeling good. Why didn’t you come tell me?” Josh threw question after question at you, not even waiting for a response before wrapping his arms around you tightly.
Feeling his warm embrace brought tears back to your eyes and you tried to hide the sob that escaped your lips.
“Josh, I just need to go back to the hotel. Don’t worry about me, okay?” You began pulling away but Josh quickly grabbed onto your arm holding you in place.
“Birdie, tell me what’s wrong,” Josh pleaded.
“I really don’t want to do this right now…” you said quietly, turning your face away from him.
“You really don’t want to do this right now,” Josh repeated softly to himself. “Did I do something wrong? I thought we were having a great time…” Josh was quiet for a few minutes and seemed to be thinking to himself.
“Did something happen in the bathroom babe? Did someone hurt you?” Josh asked suddenly, panic slowly taking over his facial expressions again.
“No, I’m not hurt Josh,” you quickly reassured him.
“God damnit Birdie, tell me what’s wrong. You’re killing me here,” Josh pleaded again.
You couldn’t stand the worried look on his face any longer.
“Josh…I-I I just don’t know if I can do this anymore…”, you finally answered, your voice barely above a whisper.
“You what??” Josh replied angrily. “What are you talking about y/n?”
“I don’t want to hold you back from having fun when you leave. I don’t think I could physically handle it if you wanted to see other people while you’re away,” you quickly blurted out. You were too afraid to look into Josh’s eyes and opted to look down at your scuffed up boots. Tears began falling heavily from your eyes, making a small wet patch on the pavement.
“What the hell happened in that bathroom? Where are you even fucking getting these ideas from?” Josh yelled. “I’ve never said or have done anything to make you believe there is anyone else but you y/n!”
You and Josh had never gotten into a heated argument before, and the fact that you two were intoxicated didn’t make it any better. Josh had never raised his voice at you and you could tell that he felt terrible for doing so. He slowly placed one hand on your waist and lifted your chin with the other to look him in his eyes.
“Please baby…”, he said quietly.
“I overheard some girls talking about you in the bathroom. They said I was just another fling and that one of them was just waiting for you to ‘crawl’ back to them after you’ve had your fun with me…”, you spoke quietly, your lips quivering.
“And you honestly believe that Birdie?” Josh questioned.
“Yes, no…I don’t know.” You looked back down at your feet, starting to feel embarrassed by your own thoughts.
“First of all, I really wish you would have come and talked to me before running off and drunkenly deciding to end our relationship. I know exactly who you are talking about and will explain everything to you if you’re willing to listen,” Josh said calmly.
“I’m listening…” you replied, slowly looking back up at him.
“Thank you babe,” Josh smiled tentatively. “Way way before I met you, I used to casually see this girl whenever I was back home. I let her know it wasn’t anything serious but eventually she wanted more and I broke it off with her because I didn’t have any serious feelings for her. She apparently was pissed about that and tried to make me look bad by telling everyone I was cheating on her while away on tour, even though we were never officially together. Luckily, everyone who is important to me knew the truth behind that situation. It’s sad that she is still trying to spread those rumors though. I think her seeing me with you, extremely happy, made her jealous again.” Josh took a pause to look into your eyes. “I am so sorry you had to hear those words come out of her mouth, especially when there isn’t any truth to them. You mean the world to me Birdie, and I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have. I can whole heartedly promise you that.”
You stood there quietly, soaking in everything Josh had just told you. You felt stupid for questioning Josh’s loyalty and felt your face growing warm with embarrassment.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come to you first Josh,” you finally replied. “It’s not an excuse, but I’m definitely drunk and I let my emotions get the better of me…and I think I’m just really going to miss you babe.” Your tears started to run freely again thinking about not seeing Josh every day.
Josh quickly reached up to wipe the tears from your face.
“I promise you I’m not going anywhere. And I’m never going to be too busy to answer your calls or texts. Unless I’m on stage in front of hundreds of people,” Josh teased, bringing a smile to your face. “Well, maybe I can bring you up on stage with me. That would be fun, eh?” He continued to jest.
Seeing Josh smile instantly lightened your mood. You wrapped your arms around his neck and touched your forehead to his.
“I love you Josh,” you said quietly. “I’m sorry I ruined our night.”
“I love you too Birdie,” Josh responded, kissing your forehead gently. “And you didn’t ruin the night. It doesn’t have to end here if you don’t want it to. Will you come back inside with me?”
“Yes, as long as we head straight to the bar. I need another drink after all of that,” you teased.
Josh chuckled and laced his fingers in yours, leading you back inside.
“Come on baby, the night is all ours.”
You and Josh sat down at the bar and were immediately joined by Jake.
“Glad to see you’re feeling better sweets,” Jake slurred, placing his arm around your shoulders.
“Just how much have you had to drink while I’ve been gone?” You giggled.
“Enough.” Jake winked at you and looked over at Josh. “A round of Casamigos brother?” Jake requested.
“Already on their way Jakey,” Josh replied, saluting his brother.
The bartender placed the shots in front of the three of you, along with a plate of limes and a salt shaker.
Josh picked up your hand, brought it to his lips and licked a stripe across the top. He then poured some salt over the top and flashed you a toothy grin.
“Oh here we fucking go again,” Jake groaned, throwing his hands up in the air.
“Oh get over yourself Jake,” you laughed, lifting your shot glass into the air, and licked the salt off your hand.
“Bajabule boys.”
The three of you downed the tequila quickly, slamming the glasses back down onto the countertop.
“Alright, to the pool tables! I still need to kick your ass Joshy,” Jake exclaimed, reaching over and rustling his hair.
“Hey now brother, that took a lot of effort to make my hair look this good tonight,” Josh said swatting Jake’s hand away. You laughed watching the twins torment each other for a little while.
Eventually Josh got up. “We’ll be over there soon Jake. I wanna dance with Birdie for a little bit first.” He pulled you up from your seat and led you over to the small dance floor in the corner of the bar.
“Now that I finally have you alone…,” Josh said softly. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you flush against his body. You immediately ran your hands up his chest and around his neck and began to sway side to side.
“Now that you have me alone…,” you whispered back into his ear. Josh bent his head down and kissed the top of your shoulder, one hand sliding down towards your backside. You laced your fingers through his hair and brought your lips to his, kissing him slowly, trying to convey how much you loved him through this simple act. Josh returned the kiss with fervor and you opened your mouth to let his tongue slide in. You both sighed quietly and pulled each other as close as you could, still swaying gently to the music. In that moment, you knew you needed Josh right then and there.
“Bathroom, now,” you said quickly, pulling away just enough to look into Josh’s eyes.
“Alright, well I’m definitely coming with you this time,” Josh smirked.
“Definitely,” you replied, already dragging him through the bar to the restrooms.
Seeing that the coast was clear, you pulled Josh through the bathroom door, immediately locking it behind you.
Josh spun you around and pushed you up against the wall, crashing his lips into yours. You threaded your fingers back into his hair and gently pulled at his curls, making him moan into your mouth.
“Fuck baby, I love when you do that,” Josh muttered against your lips. He then began trailing his kisses across your jaw and down your neck, stopping at your collarbone to suck on your skin there.
“Oh god Josh I need you so badly,” you whined, holding his head against your chest.
Josh quickly straightened up and began helping you unbutton your pants. He slipped his hand in past your waistband and began rubbing you over your silk underwear, slowly circling over your clit. You bucked against his hand and moaned loudly into his lips. Josh responded by pushing your underwear to the side and slipped one finger slowly into you, keeping this thumb pushed up against your now sensitive bud. He began pumping into you and you could already feel an orgasm building up inside of you.
“I love the foreplay babe, but I need you inside of me now,” you said breathlessly.
Josh chuckled, “Your wish is my command love.” He withdrew his hand and immediately pulled his pants and boxers down, letting his already hard cock spring free. You finished taking your pants off and reached forward to stroke Josh a few times. His eyes rolled back slightly at the touch and he pulled you in for another kiss, quickly entangling your tongue with his. Josh then picked you up and wrapped your legs around his waist, pushing you back up against the wall. He positioned himself at your entrance and pulled his head back to look into your eyes.
“Ready baby?” You bit your bottom lip, nodding vigorously. Josh slowly pushed into you and you both moaned at the close contact.
“Fuck babe, you feel so good,” Josh uttered, his face against your chest. He began pumping in and out, gaining speed as he went. The angle that he had you in had you crying out in ecstasy with every thrust. It wasn’t long before you felt your walls beginning to flutter.
“Oh god Josh, I think I’m going to cum,” you cried out.
“Let go baby, I’ve got you. I’m right behind you,” Josh urged, reaching between the two of you and placing his thumb back onto your clit. It was only a few seconds later that Josh had you tumbling over the edge in pure bliss. He held you tightly against him and rocked back into you a few more times before reaching his own climax.
Josh slowly lowered the two of you down to the floor, never letting go of you. You brought your lips back to his and kissed him slowly, while you both worked on catching your breath.
Josh pulled back to look into your eyes, and grabbed both sides of your face with his hands.
“Do you know how much I fucking love you Birdie?”, he asked softly.
“I do,” you replied, “because I love you that much too.”
You smiled at each other and then took in your surroundings.
“Well I guess we can cross ‘a dirty ass Frankenmuth dive bar bathroom’ off our list,” Josh chuckled, kissing your nose. You giggled and untangled yourself from Josh to stand up.
“We better get back out there before Jake realizes we ditched him to have sex in the bathroom.”
“Yeah, we’re already as good as dead babe.”
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dragons-and-magic · 5 months
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(Please check out the close ups for less blurry images. Tumblr butchered the quality. Sorry.😭)
Anyways, the main cast of Dragons Of Sodor is here! These are their designs right now, but are subject to change. Also, here's some lore about each of them! I'll put it below the cut! (@hkpika07😁👋)
Edit: I've been tired all day and I just realized this has a ton of typos.🤣 Also, some info I meant to put down is not there. *Sighs* Oh well. I tried. Lol.
Note: The stories mentioned here actually have a LOT more going on than what is mentioned. This is just a more watered down version so it doesn't get too long of a post. Have fun reading!
Thomas: Out main man! The big hero! So what is Thomas's role in this story? Well, here's the thing. Notice how Thomas's eye are gold, like gold dust? That's because he's Lady's next champion. Aka, the chosen one. Lol, all jokes aside, Thomas has an incredible destiny of being the one to protect all of Sodor someday! And lead the clan! This comes with a number of challenges he must face as he grows and learns what it takes to be a hero. Another important part of Thomas's story or his relationship with his adopted Father Edward, and how they navigate the rapidly changing world, that is becoming less and less safe for all dragons.
Percy: Thomas's bestie and resident messenger from clan Gold Scale! Percy is a very curious dragon and enjoys writing his observations in journals. He also very empathetic and cares about everyone. No matter where they are from. Unfortunately, he's also a bit gullible. And this combined leads to some nasty trickery from the Gold Scales rivals (The Iron Hides), somewhere down the line. (Fun fact! He's also a bit deaf. Hence why he sometimes mixes up long complicated words. Him and Thomas will sometimes use sign language to communicate.)
James: Thomas and James have a complicated relationship. At first, they were on okay terms. But something very important happened. Gordon is James mentor. And since Gordon is the Clan's Patriarch, this lead James to thinking he may have a chance at becoming the next one. But when it was revealed Thomas was meant to become leader next, James became bitter and wasn't as friendly as before. However, this changed after he was caught up in a forest fire, (This Au's version of James crash) and Thomas saved him, despite being on bad terms with him. After that, he had a more brotherly relationship. Competitive, but still care about each other's well-being. (Fun fact! James is a rare hybrid between a Dragon and Wyvern. So he's got scales and fluff!)
Edward: Edward is the one of the clan's elders and a talented wizard. His dragon species, a Moon Moth Dragon, are known for being very close to Lady Arcana, and magic in general. He has quite a large library of spell books and general historical records. And plenty of old artifacts as well. Thomas was adopted by him at a very young age, and the two are inseparable. Edward made sure to teach him plenty of skills he would need as Lady's next champion. Especially since he was the last one. Edward also adopted Bill and Ben, two twin dragons that are Thomas's adopted brothers.
Gordon: Out of all the dragons, there is no denying that the most regale, fastest, and proudest dragon, is Gordon, Clan Gold Scales Patriarch. Gordon has a mysterious past that he seldom talks about. Edward and Henry know everything about it. But all everyone else knows is that he is pretty much the last of his kind, as all others were killed off by humans years ago. This trauma, he clearly doesn't talk about, has definitely effected his relationships. As he has a hard time opening up or showing any softness. It's not that doesn't care about them. It that he doesn't know how to show it. But that does change. Eventually. He also played an important role in James's life. James was found as a youngster by Gordon and Edward a long time ago. The patriarch saw potential in this rare dragon and wyvern hybrid. And took him under his wing. James looked up to him and wanted to be just like him.
Henry: Sodor's local tree hugger! Henry loves the forest and is pretty much their guardian in this story. He even lives beneath a large tree's roots in a cozy burrow. (The Wishing Tree to be exact!) He also has some sort of really rare plant magic? Nobody even knows why he even has it. Especially since Titan Class dragons don't have any sort of magical abilities. But regardless, he has it. And it's a good thing too, since he has a few health issues that his powers can help him with. For example, he uses his plant magic to form his prosthetic back leg whenever he needs it! Oh, and he can also talk to any nearby trees and connect into their communication system. Meaning he can pretty much find out what's happening in every part of the forest whenever he wants... It's pretty crazy. You may also notice he has a beak rather than fangs. That because he eat mostly plants. In short, Henry is the clan's lovable but slightly weird woods man that lives in a tree and has over a ten thousand squirrel friends.
Emily: In this story, Emily is an apprentice under Victor! I thought it would fit with her personality and how she's usually the one looking out for the groups health. And also rescuing them a lot. Her and Kevin both train under Victor as the clan's apprentice medicine dragons. Emily is the closest thing Thomas and Percy have to a sister. They love her to bits, and she's always looking out for them. She's also close with Henry. The two share a close bond, almost akin to a grandfather and granddaughter relationship. Henry will sometimes help he needs the herbs she and the other medicine dragons need for cures and stuff.(Fun fact! Since she's Scottish in this AU, I was inspired by the legend of Nessie and the Loch Ness. Hence the reason she's a sea dragon. I was also inspired by Leafy Dragons!)
Toby and Henrietta: Toby and Henrietta have been mates for many years. They are the clan's only wyvern couple and are also part of the clan's elders group. Toby and Henrietta love each other dearly, and have raised quite a few children of their own over the years. For now though, they are simply just enjoying each other's company on Sodor as the local retired couple. (I feel like I should put down more for them. Because they do have roles to play. But, I can't seem to get it all out of my head at the moment. Hopefully I'll solidify their roles better later! Also, Toby is based off of owls, and Henrietta is based off of robins and cardinals! They are heavily associated with birds, so it just fit.)
Bill and Ben: These two young dragon twins are a handful! Luckily, Edward (Their adoptive father,) is very skilled in the art of handling chaos and disorder, and can usually sort things out quickly. These two are the adopted siblings of Thomas, and they always seem to be getting into and/or making trouble. Even more so than Thomas!
And, that's it for now! Hope you all like this! I worked super hard on it! Bye!
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
To Be Loved
Summary; Steve loves Nancy, yn loves Steve. Then Billy comes along and feelings are shaken up.
Warnings; Angst, Jealousy, unrequited feelings or are they? Swearing. Fluff. Buckle up, this is a long fic.
This is my first story after my break, please be patient with me while I begin my writing journey once more 💕
I don't give permission for anyone to copy my work.
If you enjoyed this story then please consider leaving a wee like, comment or reblog. ❤️
Billy is alive so not s4 compliant.
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When she was very young yn dreamed of a Prince Charming to whisk her away from Hawkins and to live a happy ever after.
Of course, as the years passed she grew disillusioned with the idea and thought them to be childish hopes, even if somewhere deep down she was still waiting for her charming man- she would never admit to it.
Then over a year ago, Steve Harrington came into her life unexpectedly, he was no longer King Steve, he was kinder and sweeter and he became her friend.
They met through Dustin Henderson, she was his babysitter even though he grumbled about being too old to need a babysitter he was a great kid.
The fact that Dustin and Steve became friends and had a brotherly bond warmed her heart.
Seeing him be so sweet with Dustin was one of the reasons she began to fall for Steve.
Not that it mattered because he was head over heels in love with Nancy Wheeler, Nancy who was perfect and could do no wrong, was badass and smart as a whip.
Then came his crush on Robin and then hookups with different girls than his feelings for Nancy came roaring back to the surface and they had started dating again.
That's when she realised that Steve would never notice her the way she wanted him to.
Over the last month, she had begun dating Billy Hargrove. The events over the summer had shown him in a different light, he was still arrogant at times, but he had finally started acting like a decent big brother to Max and apologised for his previous behaviour.
She believed in second chances and decided to give Billy one. If he ruined that chance then there wouldn't be another.
Max knew and she wasn't thrilled about it.
"Billy will break your heart, you know that right? Just because he's stopped being a shithead, for now, doesn't mean it will last forever"
"I know that Max. I'll be careful okay?" this appeased the redhead only slightly.
"Have you told Steve and Robin about Billy? can't wait to be there for that conversation"
Max had her there because no she hadn't told Robin or Steve, especially not Steve. After all, he hated Billy (with very good reason) and vice versa.
"No but I will alright?" Max huffs then eyes her scrutinizingly.
"This has nothing to do with Steve and Nancy, right? The fact that you spent a whole weekend crying in your room when you found out they got back together?"
How did she know... Dustin told her! That little shit!
"It's nothing to do with Steve" she murmurs and looks away from Max. Was her crush that obvious that everyone knew of it?
Her shift with Robin was peaceful that night but guilt weighed on her that she hadn't told Robin about Billy.
It turns out that the decision was taken out of her hands that night when Billy picked her up after work for their date.
Robin gaped between the two of them as Billy's arm slipped around her waist.
"Omg Billy is your new boyfriend. I was so sure it was Eddie Munson or someone like that...
"Steve is gonna freak when he finds out, I'm kinda hurt you never told me but woah! Steve is gonna be mad" she said in such a rush that yn told her to take a breath.
Billy rolls his eyes and stamps out a cigarette he was smoking.
"Steve her keeper or something? She doesn't need permission on who to date. Like Steve can talk when he's dating Little Miss priss, Nancy Wheeler" she frowns at Billy who shrugs.
"You coming or not babe?" she nods quickly talking to Robin.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you okay? I was nervous about how you would react. I promise I'll tell Steve" Robin nods but still looks anxious.
"I have a bad feeling about this" Robin grimaces and that warning hangs in the air as she gets in the car with Billy.
Back to the future was playing at the local cinema but Billy was persuading her to see a Evil Dead.
"Come on babe. I've not seen it yet, kinda had more shit to deal with in the summer" she softens a bit, wishing he would open up about what he went through due to the Mindflayer, was he still having nightmares?
She touches his shoulder and doesn't see Nancy behind them. Nancy's eyes widen and she tries to school her features into a blank expression as Steve joins her with their tickets.
"You okay?" Nancy nods but can't help but sneak another glance at Billy with yn. When did that happen? Steve never mentioned it and she is sure he would considering the fact he hated Billy.
Now one of his best friends was dating the guy... awkward.
It turns out that Steve doesn't know about them dating because the minute he sees Billy and yn together, Billy with his arms around the girl's waist, Steve marches over to them both.
"What the fuck? You're dating him" as soon as she hears Steves's enraged voice she feels her stomach drop. Shit!
Billy doesn't look fussed one bit.
"Nice to see you too Steve" Steve glares at Billy and looks at her wounded.
"Out of all the guys you could date. You choose him!" Steve's eyes flash at Billy, she is concentrated on Steve and doesn't see the smirk on Billy's face.
"I resent that Harrington. I have plenty to offer a woman, plenty to keep her pleased" she doesn't miss the innuendo in his tone.
"Not helping Billy" she snaps and Nancy tugs Steve's shoulder.
"Let's go, Steve" Steve swallows and looks to her sadly.
"Why didn't you tell me" Billy snorts at this and shrugs.
"Gee man maybe because you act like this?" he motions sarcastically to Steve glaring at him.
"Would you shut the fuck up, Hargrove? I bet you're loving this huh?" Billy smirks.
"She's not yours Steve. She can do what she pleases" The tension grows thicker and she steps in.
"Enough okay. Steve, I'm sorry I didn't tell you okay? I know you hate Billy, and I know he's been an asshole but he's been through shit we can't even imagine" she pauses.
"He needs someone to listen and be there for him". Steve grits his teeth and takes her arm guiding her away from Billy and Nancy.
"He wants to get you into bed yn" she sighs.
"Why can't you trust me, Steve? I know what I'm doing" Steve scowls.
"He's going to hurt you. You don't even see it. You're so naive" she takes a step back and Steve runs his hand through his hair.
"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that but..." she cuts him off.
"I'm naive. What about you Steve?" he looks confused and she shakes her head.
"You get back with Nancy again! She will hurt you again because she can never decide between you and Jonathan and she will break your heart" his eyes flash annoyed.
"Don't put this on me or bring Nancy into this! We're fine. Nance and I are fine, this is about you and him" he jerks a thumb at Billy, you're blind to his faults"
"Like you aren't with Nancy! She's so perfect to you and the ideal that you never gave anyone else a chance" she blurts out and he scowls.
"I gave other girls a chance but it's Nancy who I belong with".
"Because no one else could compare right?" tears blur her vision and she wipes them away hastily. It's always been the truth but it still makes her heart hurt.
"What's this all about? I'm happy with Nancy so what's the problem?" she stays quiet and buries her feelings away. Like always.
Steve turns the conversation back to Billy.
"You're making a mistake with him yn and you're too stubborn to admit it! Don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart alright!" she glares at him.
"Ditto" she huffs and storms away, Billy chuckles.
"King Steve, you really have a way with women huh?" she tugs on Billy's shirt just wanting to go.
Steve flips him off and goes with Nancy in the opposite direction.
It had been over a week since her blowout argument with Steve and the silence between the two of them hurt her heart.
She wants to apologise but doesn't know how.
Because it turns out Steve was right, she was naive and she did get hurt by Billy.
Billy who assumed their relationship was casual and they could date other people but not before he spent the days before that rubbing their relationship in Steve's face.
Kissing her whenever Steve was looking, showing up to pick her up from school when Steve was picking up Nancy and Robin.
Flirting with the other senior girls in her class when she wasn't looking...
Shit, she was such a fool.
Steve was on shift with her at Family Video and she tried not to notice the shouting before he came in, the fact him and Nancy were fighting.
Something that was hard to ignore when she saw the devastated look on his face. All she wanted to do was give him a big hug and tell him everything would be okay.
He catches her looking over and slams the VHS tapes into the shelves.
"You can say I told you so" he grumbles and she bites her lip, she doesn't want to fight again.
"I'm not going to say that, you would have to say the same to me anyway," she tells him and shrugs weakly.
Steves eyes flash.
"Did that asshole hurt you?" she shakes her head.
"No, I was stupid to trust him. You were right about that" he moves closer to her and pulls her into a hug.
"I'm sorry. I was a jerk" she relaxes, feeling better than she had been in days.
"I'm sorry too" he rests his head on top of hers.
"God, am I a loser in love or what?" he jokes and she kisses his cheek.
"You and Nancy will work it out" she assures him and he looks unsure.
"You were right. About her and Jonathan. There's always going to be feelings there and I just... It's frustrating you know?" she feels her heart ache for him.
"Steve, you deserve better than constantly feeling like you're not good enough"
"It gets to me. Why am I not enough, it fucking sucks" he closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Steve" she takes his hand and he squeezes it. "You're such a good guy, you're sweet and caring and handsome. You deserve to be loved fully, not by half"
He smiles.
"Yeah, know someone who loves me that much?" he teases and she feels flustered and looks away from him.
The truth is threatening to burst out. Steve softens seeing her agonized face.
"Hey. You okay?" she nods and he keeps looking at her with a concerned expression.
"You can tell me" he murmurs and she feels tears spill down her cheek, he wipes the tears away.
"Woah, hey, hey it's okay. Don't cry. What's wrong?" she wipes her eyes hastily.
"I can't... Please drop it, Steve" he keeps staring at her with that sweet expression and it makes her want to spill how she feels so badly but she can't.
"Is this about what I said? About you knowing someone who is in love with me? It's just a silly joke, I know there is no one" he asks confused.
"Yes there is" she whispers and his eyes widen.
"Wait who?" she cringes and wishes a customer, Robin, anyone would come in right now.
"Yn?" he inquires curiously.
"I do" she admits and he stills. Robin does come in at that point and looks between the two of them.
"Oh shit, did you make her upset you dingus" Steve looks to Robin and back at her still stunned.
"You love me?" he whispers and Robin's eyes widen. Embarrassed she rushes out of the store and into her car.
Why the hell did she tell him? What an idiot!
She didn't know what to say to Steve. How could she take back what she said? It was out in the open now and she was cursing herself for saying anything.
He loved Nancy, not her. This would lead to nothing but a broken heart for her.
When she heads into Family Video she notices Nancy is there with Steve, she's trying to talk to him but he refuses to speak to her.
"We broke up for a reason Nance. Just leave me alone alright?"
They broke up? Guilt churns in her stomach that she admitted she loved him. Was that part of the reason?
Not wanting to disturb them she heads into the back and is stunned to see the back door open and Billy sprawled on the floor nursing a beer.
"Uh, does Steve know your here?" Billy snorts.
"When would he notice? he's spent half an hour arguing with Wheeler." she eyes the beer and his tired eyes and feels a tug on her heart.
"I can drive you home if you like?" he swallows and nods.
"Thanks, don't know why I ended up here. Just kinda stumbled in a daze. Woke up from a nap that was full of fucking nightmares and just wanted to forget shit" she rubs his arm soothingly.
"You need a friend, someone to speak to about this who will help you, a therapist" he glares at her then loses the harsh look.
"Would you go with me?" he asks quietly and she nods squeezing his hand.
He gets up and is unsteady on his feet. His eyes are wet and she hugs him.
"What the hell is he doing here?" she hears Steve's voice call out and turns to find him staring at her and Billy.
"He's drunk Steve, I'm going to take him home".
"You lay a finger on her" Steve warns Billy who flips him off.
"Fuck off" she steps between the two of them sensing danger.
"Steve, I'll be fine. Billy, come on" she takes his hand and Steve's eyes darken a little or maybe she was imagining that?
Billy follows her out and sprawls in the backseat.
"Thank you for doing this," he says after a moment and she nods. She couldn't leave him like that.
"It's okay" he groans as he sits up and rubs his head.
"Steve wasn't happy" he comments and she nods, yup. She knows that.
"I couldn't leave you like that, Steve will understand. He's just protective" Billy grins and his blue eye shine mischievously.
"Aw honey. He's out of his mind with jealousy" she gapes then laughs.
"He is not jealous, he'll be back with Nancy sooner or later no doubt" Billy rolls his eyes.
"Like that will last. They aren't meant to be together babe. Anyone can see that"
There's no way she was entertaining that idea. Steve wasn't jealous, there was no way.
"You didn't see his face when we were together babe. Granted he hates me as much as I hate him but this was different. He loves you, even if he doesn't realise it yet"
Her heart is racing but she refuses to let herself hope and concentrates on getting Billy home and in bed which takes a lot longer than planned as Max gives him an earful when they head in.
After calling Robin to explain on the landline, and Robin offering to cover her shift (which she's very grateful for) she helps Billy get into bed where he falls into a deep sleep.
By the end of it, she's exhausted but makes sure Max is okay.
When that is finally done it's past eleven and she heads home.
There's a light tapping at her window and she wakes in a daze. Someone is outside and she nearly screams out loud until she realises that its Steve.
Sleepily she gets up and opens the window bracing against the chilly air.
"Steve. What are you doing here?" he sits on her bed.
"I got worried when you didn't show up for your shift and wanted to check on you"
"That's sweet. It could have waited until morning though. You could have frozen out there. How did you even get on my roof?"
"Stealthy like a ninja" he teases and it makes her giggle. He bites his lip.
"I wanted to talk about what you said. You told me you loved me" shit. This was the crux of the situation.
Tonight she would be brave and tell him what he wanted to know. Brace for his inevitable rejection.
"I meant it. I know you don't feel the same though, I'm not Nancy" he stands up and reaches out to stroke her cheek.
"We broke up, she still loves Jonathan. I was tired of feeling second best. We are over for good" she gently strokes his hand with her fingers.
"I'm sorry about you and Nancy" he nods.
"About what you said"... oh boy, she was dreading this.
''Look, Steve even if you did feel the same I would just worry I was some sort of second choice or a rebound" he softens.
"You could never ever be a second choice or a rebound sweetheart" she peers up at him.
"You know Billy had some silly idea last night that you were out of your mind with jealousy about me and him"
He moves closer to her and it makes her heart race.
"Doesn't sound silly to me" Wait... what? Steve gazes at her, expression full of tenderness.
"God, you're beautiful and I am an idiot who should have noticed what has been in front of him this whole time" okay she was dreaming right now wasn't she? She pinches herself lightly to be sure.
Okay, not dreaming. Fuck. This was really happening.
"Tell me," he asks her softly and she feels tingles run up and down her body as he takes her hand and presses a delicate kiss on her palm.
"Steve" she can barely breathe as he presses another kiss there.
Their eyes lock and she grins.
"I love you" his lips meet hers and it feels incredible, everything she has ever dreamed about. He presses feather light kisses t her hair.
"I love you, sweetheart. Im sorry I took so long to realise but I plan to make it up to you, show you how much I love you every single day" she beams.
"Every day huh?" he nods and pulls her closer to him, so her body is flush against his.
"Starting right now"
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littlespacereader · 7 months
@dino-boyo-agere gave me such a wonderful Supernatural request that I literally had to break it up into two parts because I realized I was writing such a long story!😂 I promise your request is going to be the part 2 of this story because I feel the questions you asked in your request are better answered in the second part.
I decided to write something a little different for me. It’s not my standard comfort agere fic but I’m really proud of the interesting story that plays out here. There some LGBTQ+ acceptance, there’s some fun dialogue and there’s even a cliffhanger! You don’t need to read the other fics to understand this one, but if you’d like to here’s the first one in my mini series, and here’s the second one.
Please everyone enjoy the part one of this adorable Supernatural Age Regression fic! But please be warned with the trigger warnings below!
The Little Hunt Begins
(Part 1)
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Little!Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
TW - the reason why there is no SFW tag is because of usual supernatural violence, language & kidnapping at the end. (Don’t worry this is resolved in part 2) Please be warned if this isn’t your speed!
Tags - hiding regression, diapers, thumb sucking, CG Castiel, LGBTQ+ confessions, brotherly acceptance!, cliffhanger ending, sorry not sorry, told by Dean’s POV,
Nickname - Sammy, ‘ammy
Click here for Part 2
The past few months have been the most peaceful months Dean’s had in years. With Castiel as his Caregiver, he’s been regressing regularly in the bunker with Castiel watching over him.
His peace would’ve continued if it hadn’t been for Sam finding a new hunt for the two of them. He doesn’t blame his brother, they have been inching to get out of the bunker for a while now.
But the thing is, it’s been a while since they had a hunt with Dean’s new regression schedule. The whole idea made him nervous, very nervous.
Dean paced back and forth in his room while Castiel sat on his bed.
“Why can’t you just let me ask Sam to join?” Cas asked.
“Because it will look suspicious! He’s already been questioning why the two of us are always together. I just…” Dean sat on the bed beside Cas, “I just don’t want him to know.”
Cas sighed, wrapping his arm around Dean, “You know, Sam might understand if you just take the time to explain it to him. With everything you’ve been through he might understand your need for regression.”
“No, NO! He can’t know Cas. He can’t.” Dean shook his head. “He wouldn’t understand.”
“I don’t think you’re giving Sam enough credit. I think if you took the time to properly explain it he would understand.” Cas countered but Dean wasn’t listening.
He turned his body towards Cas, hiding his face in his shoulder. His arms wrapped Castiel’s neck. “He can’t know…I don’t want him to.”
Castiel sighed but nodded his head. His arms wrapped around Dean, holding his Little close. “Then he won’t know.”
“I’m just…scared. I don’t want to regress around him.” It was hard for Dean to admit it. After all, how many hunts has be done before Castiel found out about his regression? But now, without Castiel joining him, he felt vulnerable.
“You know that just in case you do all you have to do is call on me and I’ll be right there.” Cas started to explain, “But, I do have a plan that’s going to help you through this hunt.”
That got Dean to lift his head off Cas’ shoulder and look at him intrigued.
With a long goodbye to Cas, Dean joined Sam in the garage and the two took off to their hunt, miles away.
The car ride was quiet for the most part. Dean blasted his music while Sam played on his phone. But then the silence was broken.
“What’s been going on with you and Cas?”
Dean almost swerved the car.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re always hanging out together. Like more than usual. Are you guys…um…”
“What Sammy? Spit it out.” Dean sighed.
“Are you guys a couple?” Sam asked.
Now that short circuited Dean’s brain all together. Here’s him worried about Sam finding out about his regression that the thought of this looking as if they were dating didn’t even cross his mind.
But now that he was thinking about it, he did like Cas. He’s a great Caregiver and he’s always been so kind to Dean even outside his regression. What if they were something more than just Caregiver and Regressor?
These are thoughts for another day when he isn’t so stressed about this stupid hunt!
A small blush started to creep onto Dean’s cheeks at the thoughts circling his brain.
“What? No. No we aren’t a couple.” Dean tried to say as cool as usual.
“Really? Because you seen all flustered at the thought of it.” Sam chuckled.
“No we aren’t dating Sammy. I would’ve told you if we were.”
There was silence in the car again until another question popped up.
“But you like Castiel?”
Dean’s heart dropped. Of course he liked Castiel. He meant everything to his little side. But he always meant everything to him outside of his regression. But this question wasn’t meant for that answer…but Dean still answered it.
“I mean…I don’t know, maybe. Would that be so wrong?” Dean asked with s pounding heart.
Sam shook his head, “No dude that wouldn’t be wrong at all. I mean if you like Cas that much maybe you should ask him.”
Relief filled Dean’s soul. Even though it wasn’t relief to his stresses about his regression, it was relief that his brother, despite everything, still loved and accepted Dean for who he was.
“Maybe I will, maybe I will.” Dean smirked. “What about you? Anyone on your radar?”
Now it was Sam’s turn to turn pink, “What? No. No, there’s no one on my radar.”
“I don’t know, I hear you always on the phone with someone. Maybe they’re a special someone?”
“Yeah you wish.” Sam chuckled.
“More like you wish.” Dean chuckled back. “Come oooooooooonnnnnnnnn, who are they?”
Sam smiled as his face got more pink. But he looked a little nervous at the admission, “He’s…um…he’s unexpectedly really kind.”
“He?” Dean laughed, “Would you look at us Sammy?” He laughed. Sam laughed too. Would you look at them. Both perfectly accepted for who they were.
“Just make sure whoever this he is knows that if he hurts you I’ll kill him.”
Sam chuckled, “Yeah? Okay Dean.” He rolled his eyes playfully.
“I’m not kidding I will! This guy better watch out.” Dean added trying his best to be intimidating.
Castiel’s plan was simply yet perfect for Dean. Dean’s biggest fear is regressing in his sleep and waking up to a wet bed. The solution? He secretly wears his usual diapers to bed.
But how will he get around Sam seeing?
Well every night he’ll take a shower and hide the diaper his pajamas. After he’s showered he’ll change into a diaper and just hop into bed, go straight under the covers and avoiding Sam’s detection all together.
Then in the morning he’ll wake up early, get changed while Sam sleeps and throw the wet diaper away.
It’s a fool proof plan Cas came up with!
They traveled all day and settled into their hotel for the night. Sam sat at the hotel’s table and researched away the case.
“Apparently there’s been a lot of mysteries happening to couples in the area dating back to the 1600s. Most called it witchcraft.” Sam explained.
Dean sighed, “So we’re dealing with witches?”
“Sounds like it.” Sam sighed back closing his computer before getting up to flop into his hotel bed.
Dean took it as his que to get ready for bed. With shaking hands he grabbed his pajamas with the diaper hidden inside and stood up.
“You need the bathroom before I shower?”
“Ummmm, no. No, you’re all good. Thanks.” Sam replied before turned his attention back to his phone.
Dean nodded before slipping inside. With the door shut behind him, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
After a shower and a quick change, Dean was shaking from nerves…again. With his diaper on under his clothes he feared the couple of steps from bathroom to bed would scream to Sam that he was wearing a diaper.
But it didn’t. Dean carefully made his way back to his bed and under the covers before Sam has even realized he left the bathroom.
When he did realize, Sam got up to use the bathroom himself. When he returned he turned off the light and wish his brother a good night before heading off to bed himself.
The plan worked!! Dean turned to his side and closed his eyes. Castiel’s plan had worked! Sam never said or suspected a thing!
“Thank you Cas.” Dean called out silently to the Angel.
A warm and calm presence wrapped around Dean, causing him to know the Angel got his message. His eyes slipped close as he felt safe enough to fall asleep.
The plan was fool proof. As the next day arrived Sam never got suspicious of Dean and his diaper.
They went out and talked to the police as they began their investigation of the murders. Then spent the rest of the day in the local library looking into the historical records.
“There,” Sam pointed out, “There’s a florist down the road from here that used to be the home of a famous witch’s house before she was evicted and well…” he trailed off.
“My guess is if they’re here, that’s where they would be hiding out.”
Dean yawned before patting Sam back, “Good work Sammy!”
He looked up at the clock in the library. It was too late to go today, this would have to be a mission for tomorrow. “Come on, let’s call it a day. We’ll go tomorrow.”
Sam nodded, rubbing his tired eyes, “Yeah that’s a good idea.”
After eating some take out, both Winchester were exhausted after a long day of working and researching. Both laid on their respective beds absolutely tired.
Dean didn’t feel like a shower tonight, too exhausted to pull himself into the shower and back into bed. But he did need to get changed discreetly. So he grabbed his pajamas, hidden diaper and tooth brush and went into the bathroom.
Dean changed for the night and was beginning to brush his teeth. He wasn’t in there long, maybe about 10 minutes when there was a frantic knock at the bathroom door.
“Dean…a-are you going to be long?” Sam asked with a worried tone to his voice.
“No, why what’s the-.” Dean opened the bathroom door, tooth brush still in mouth when he was ripped out of the bathroom by Sam. He promptly slammed the door in Dean’s face.
Dean stood there, a bit taken back. A thousand thoughts ran through his head as to what happened to his brother, but one image stayed in his mind. Sam was holding himself, as if he was about to have an accident.
Dean was sure he saw it, a move he himself had done on occasion when he was so deep into his little headspace he almost forgot to go potty. Could Sam be…What?! No. No! Well…maybe?
With a thousand thoughts running through his head, Dean took a seat on his bed and continued to brush his teeth. Eventually Sam walked out of the bathroom, face red as an apple and avoiding Dean’s eyes.
Dean went to the bathroom himself, spit out his tooth paste and slipped back into his bed. Sam seemed as though he wanted to go right back to bed and avoid everything all together, but Dean on the other hand want to ask him questions.
“You okay Sammy?”
“Yeah! Yeah, I just…I just really needed to go pot-…really needed to go pee. That’s all.” Sam explained, face red as ever. “You were in there forever!”
“I was not!”
“You were too!”
“I was maybe in there for 5 minutes!” Dean complained.
“No! You were in there for wayyyyy longer. I was dying out here.”
Dean wanted to ask and say so much more, but he could see the topic easy really starting to get to Sam who was gripping his blanket to the point of almost ripping it.
“Alright, alright maybe I was in there for too long. I’m sorry. I just…I just wanted to ask because I’m was worried maybe you were feeling sick or something.” Dean asked, starting to sound sincere.
Sam’s grip on the blanket ceased when he heard Dean’s honest answer. “I’m fine Dean. Like I said…just had to go pee.”
“Okay, I was just worried. Good night Sammy. Sleep well.”
“You too Dean.” Sam added before turning over and going to sleep.
Dean turns over as well and tried to go to sleep but his mind races with a thousand possibilities, one of them being Sam as another Little just like him.
Dean slept past his alarm and woke up a lot later than he wanted. He remembered hearing Sam on the phone with someone then the sound of the hotel room door closing.
His eyes fluttered open as he moved his thumb from his mouth to rub his tired eyes. WAIT. Dean sat up and moved his thumb far away from his mouth, wiping his face on his sleeve of any remaining drool.
He looked around frantically but thankfully his brother was out. He didn’t see Sam meaning Sam maybe didn’t see him sucking his thumb.
Dean sighed. He just wanted this case to be over so he could just go back to cuddling with Castiel and watch Scooby Doo.
But maybe they could wrap this case up today or tomorrow, then the idea of being with his Caregiver wasn’t such a far off idea.
Dean pulled himself out of bed and quickly got changed before Sam came back to the hotel room. In his hands were two plastic bags from the supermarket.
“Where have you been?” Dean asked.
“Good morning to you to sleeping beauty.” Sam joked quickly stashing one of the bags by his stuff before setting the other on the table. “I just had to grab something at the store for myself but I was kind enough to get us breakfast too.”
Sam threw Dean a box onto the bed he was sitting on. Dean leaned forward and grabbed the box, looking back up at Sam like he was crazy.
“What hell is this?”
“What do you mean?”
Dean help up the box of granola bars, “This is breakfast?”
“What? I always eat those for breakfast?”
“That’s because you’re 80. I can’t eat this! I need a real breakfast!” Dean could hear the twinge of his littler self in his voice.
“Come on dude, really?” Sam sighed.
Dean crossed his arms, “Really. I don’t want to eat this…this healthy stuff.” He felt the urge to stomp his foot but quickly stopped himself.
He uncrossed his arms and cleared his throat and tried to push his little headspace down, “Come on, let’s go get some real food. My treat.”
“I’ll umm….I’ll meet you there, I just need to go to the bathroom real fast and get changed…into my suit! For the case of course.” Sam tried to right away convince. But Dean could sense there was something more.
But he didn’t question it. He just took the que right away, “Don’t take too long, I’m starving. Meet you at the car.” He smile to try and reassure his brother before grabbing his keys and exiting the hotel room.
They never talked about it. Not at the breakfast diner nor at the drive to the florist. It didn’t stop Dean from having a million thoughts about what was happening.
It wasn’t his business, he knew it wasn’t. He asked Sam if he was okay, and he said he was. That was as far as he wanted to get into. But it was hard to stop himself from the thousand of possibilities running through his mind, mostly his brother being a Regressor like him.
But they had a case to get back to! So with stomachs full of pancakes they were in search of the witch florist! There was just one issue…the address they had was wrong.
So they drove, and drove, and drove around the town in search of this damn florist! Finally after a hour of driving around this stupid town they found the florist hidden away off the main road.
When the two walked through the door, the smell of the flowers practically smacked them in the face. Immediately both were taken back by the intensity.
“Boys! Welcome!” A woman at the counter welcomed them. “What brings you in today? Looking to get something for your girlfriends?” She should only know.
Sam walked around the flower shop while Dean walked to the counter, “I’m agent Graham and he’s agent Mobius. We’re investigating the murders of Julia and Andrews. The police told us they visited here before they were found well…”
“I heard. Oh it was terrible what happened to that lovely couple. They were so young and vibrant. It’s a shame really.”
“What were they in for?”
“Well, they seemed to be having some relationship issues. Apparently he never bought her any flowers. So she dragged him in here to get her some.”
“What flowers did they get?”
“Oh they got these ones over here.” The older woman led the way through the florist shop. Dean nodded his head to Sam to check the back while he walked with the older woman to another part of the story. He nodded back and went to it.
Dean followed the older woman as she made her way through the store. The store was loaded with different flowers, all different colors, sizes and scents. It was starting to get to him a bit. He felt dizzy.
“How long have you guys been here?” He asked.
“Oh, for many many years child.”
Child? That’s a strange nickname. But she’s old…old people have strange nicknames he guesses.
“Here we are. They ordered these.” She pulled a white flower out from a bundle and handed it to him. “They’re in season right now, take a whiff.”
Dean looked at the flower then looked at her. He needed to buy Sam some time anyway, plus what was one extra flower when he was smelling all of them since he entered the damn place. He brought the flower close and took a whiff.
Suddenly it was as if smell had punched him in the gut. He gasped and dropped the flower as he felt himself quickly being thrown into his little headspace without any control.
“What the hell was that?!” He backed up.
“Such big language for such a young boy like yourself. You hunters really should be more careful considering your headspaces.”
Dean could feel himself not only regressing but getting really tired really fast. He needed to get Sam and they needed to get out of here NOW.
He started to backtrack but he wasn’t as coordinated as he was before. He swayed from one wall to the other, trying to get to where Sam was.
“Oh I’m sure your brother is being taken good care of.” He heard the older woman call out from behind.
He was moving more slowly, his eyes drooping and his regression taking hold. Tears fell from his eyes. “S-S- ‘ammy!” He wanted his brother! He would protect him. He would save him from this lady! He’s always so smart and he always has a good plan!
But before Dean could reach him fell to the ground, his head swirling. He look to the side and there was his brother, sound asleep on the floor just a little away from him.
“ ‘ammy.” Dean muttered, reaching his arm out to his brother before his eyes rolled back. He fell into a deep sleep as he longed for his stuffies, his toys, his sippy cup and most of all his Angel.
(AN- Oh no! Our boys are in peril! Don’t worry I’m currently writing part 2 while you’re reading this. Let me know how you enjoyed this change of fic writing. It’s a little darker than what I normally write but I kind of like the change a bit! I’ve got a darker moon knight fic in mind too. Let me know if you’d read something like that too. But back to this fic…what’s going on with Sam👀 Who’s he on the phone with all the time?👀 What’s up with that? All shall be revealed in part 2 with is from Sam’s POV. Stay tuned!)
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"Brotherly Love" announcement.
Hi, I'm here to talk about my short series, Brotherly Love. As we know, it has been finished, but I am going to write short stories about reader, following the events of the last chapter. So please take your liking of a prompt and who you want in the story, and I will try my best to write it. You can choose more than one prompt, and I would like it if you sent a request rather than a comment if you do decide to participate.
Main-characters: Y/N(obviously), Jason Todd, Damian Al-Ghul/Wayne.
Side/minor-charecters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Kon Kent, Jon Kent, Talia Al-Ghul, Roy Harper, Clark Kent, Alfred Pennyworth.
Minor OC characters: Reign, Penelope, Haven, Arkin.
Series Masterlist
If a prompt is crossed out, it has already been used.
1. "You interrupt my reading once more, and this book will become a lethal weapon."
2. "We have a problem." "And it's another Tuesday, what's your point?"
3. "There's will always be a home for you here."
4. "Oh, I'm sorry is the sound of me winning too loud for you?"
5. "It's nothing, just a scratch."
6. "I'm a monster." "No, you're not."
7. "I'm listening to you, I'm just not paying attention."
8. "Insanity runs in my family, it practically gallops."
9. "Somebody's cranky." "Somebody needs to shut up."
10. "Hey, I just wanted to check if your okay, you've been listening to SexyBack on repeat for an hour."
11. "Sleep at my place tonight."
12. "One more chapter."
13. "Can you pass me the s-" "No." "...At what point do you become mature?"
14. "Do I look good?" "No." "Very funny."
None of these prompts are mine. If you know the original creators of some of them, please mention them in the comments.
Taglist: @sanjanapm
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wreckingtickles · 7 months
Hellloooo! I'm so glad I found your blog! If you have time, please consider writing drabble/shortfic/"develop scenario into a treatment, breaking down the various story beats" just like you did recently... where shoto todoroki is tickling natsuo? hehehe... I'm definitely okay with non consensual/intense tickles Thank you so much in advance & please no foot tickles hehe... I hope you have a wonderful day & I genuinely love your content! <3
Sure, here's a quick one.
It started as just another day of big bro Natsu putting the fear of god into Todoroki, which he calls "brotherly bonding". He voices his delight that Todoroki doesn't even try to fight back when Natsuo tickles him, he just tries to escape, fails, and takes it.
Todoroki is actually surprised that he's allowed to fight back. Natsuo jokes that it's actually his big brother prerogative to wreck him whenever he feels like it.
Little does he know that Todoroki is an extremely vindictive, methodical ler once he gets permission; the only ones who know are probably Deku, Kiri, and possibly Kami.
Todoroki gives it a couple of days. Maybe even weeks. He doesn't want Natsuo to suspect anything, and he doesn't want anyone in the house who can stop him.
The two of them play some dumb sport Natsuo loves. Then, when he plops down on a bench to have a drink, Todoroki makes his move.
He creates an ice column that encases Natsuo's legs and arms, so now he's not going anywhere. Then, he drags a chair behind Natsuo, who can't get his ass off the bench and can't see Todoroki.
Natsuo realizes what's going on and begins bargaining, but Todoroki has entered his "scary literal unflinching" mindset and there's just no way to stop him.
Todoroki starts at Natsuo's sides, since they're one of the most ticklish spots on Todoroki, and he's not playing around, his hands are already under Natsuo's shirt, squeezing and kneading his flanks.
Natsuo isn't fooling anyone, it's immediately obvious he's ticklish, but he's not laughing hard enough for Todoroki, so he begins scribbling at Natsuo's stomach, and his brother goes from giggling to laughing in 5 seconds flat (horny author's note: as flat as Natsuo's stomach).
Todoroki is just relentless: he isn't just turning the tables on his brother, he's taking revenge for every single time Natsuo has subjected him to big bro tickles all at the same time.
Mid-laughter, Natsuo complains that it's unfair that he can't fight back, so Todoroki... coats his fingers in ice, which doesn't hurt Natsuo due to his Quirk, but they glide even more easily so Natsuo's laughter rises an octave, especially when Todoroki dives in his bellybutton as well.
Natsuo apologizes, it tickles a lot and also it's kind of humiliating, which is Todoroki's cue to change spots and go after his ribs and pits next, which aren't any less sensitive.
Natsuo has never seen that side of his brother, on the one hand it's kind of sweet that he is learning to accept and give physical contact, on the other he is absolutely terrifying and ruthless!! Like he doesn't quite understand what the social norms around it are, so he has no qualms about tickling his brother to tears.
And when he finds that spot at either sid eof Natsuo's chest and digs in there, that is exactly what happens. Except tears won't stop Todoroki, his brother is strong, he can take so much more (eager lee Kirishima has definitely skewed his perception there).
When Todoroki finally frees Natsuo, his brother just crumples to the ground in a pool of sweat despite the ice. He's worked him over good.
A month or so later, Todoroki notices that Natsuo hasn't really tickled him since and confronts him about it. Natsuo is too embarrassed to say that he's afraid of Todoroki's payback, but Todo guesses as much and tells him he can still do it, and he apologizes if he went overboard. Natsuo tells him not to restrain him again, Todo promises, and Natsuo pounces, keen on reestablishing his role as the big brother!
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hockeylovee12 · 2 years
Chapter Two
Aftermath-Luke Hughes
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Summary: Luke Hughes knows he has some explaining to do to his family about his recent trip and normally that would be all that’s on his mind but unfortunately for him there’s something or I should say someone else occupying his mind.
Warnings: family fights, mentions of drinking, swearing, implied sexual activity
A/N this is the second chapter for this story I wrote this in one day because inspiration struck lol. I don’t typically go through and edit my stories just because if I did I’d never post them so I’m sorta an impulsive writer. I really hope you enjoyed and while this chapter does go hand in hand with a whole story I still write one shots if any one has any requests and there are more parts to this story. Ik it didn’t really talk about Izzie that much but I wanted to give an insight into Lukes life a little more and I also enjoyed writing some of the brotherly bonding stuff. feel free to ask me any requests or start a conversation with me! And I hope you enjoy this chapter!!
June 9th 2022 7:00 PM
It was a long six hour flight home to Michigan and when Luke Hughes arrived at the Detroit airport he knew his family would be waiting there wanting answers.
Unfortunately the boys who are his best friends were not the smartest and word got out the trip the boys had planned to go to California was actually a trip to go to Mexico. Once the news was out it wasn’t long before every boys families had started calling and texting to no reply.
The five boys knew they would have to face the music eventually and safe to say none of them were thrilled by the idea of having consequences for their actions.
Shortly after landing at the airport and grabbing their bags the boys found all their families who were not extremely pleased by their return.
Luke’s parents were no exception.
The family of 5 made their way to the parking lot silently.
Luke placed his bags in the trunk of his dads car and sat in the backseat with his brothers on both sides of him.
It was a silent 30 minute drive back to the families home and when the car was finally in park his father turned around and disappointingly shook his head at his youngest child.
Normally Luke would be feeling very remorseful and anxious about the disappointment he has caused his family but his mind was still racing trying to relieve the past 24 hours with Izzie, the beach, the kisses, the ocean.
“Luke let’s go” A voice breaks Luke’s thought
Luke looks over and sees his brother Jack standing outside the car waiting for him to exit
Luke exits the car and Jack harshly closes the door.
The family enters there house and Luke places his bags on the floor by the door leaving him holding only his phone.
The silence from the car ride continues inside the house as no one says a word and everyone just makes there way towards the living room and takes a seat.
“What the hell?” Is the first thing said by Luke’s older brother Jack
“Ok look I get it it probably wasn’t the best idea to go to Mexico and I’m sorry I lied but like nothing happened and we had a great time” Luke defends himself
“Nothing happened you and your friends left the country without telling an adult! What if something had happened what if one of you had gotten in an accident or went missing we would be looking in California for goodness sake!” Ellen Hughes exclaims at her youngest son
“I mean we’re adults” Luke says in a monotone voice
“You know what your mother means you didn’t tell a parent” Jim Hughes intervenes
“Look I said I’m sorry I don’t know what else you want me to say” Luke says
“We want you to understand that what you did was wrong and that it should’ve never happened in the first place” Ellen says calmly
“Alright sorry it won’t happen again” Luke says with a slight eye roll which earns him a smack upside the head from Quinn who’s sitting next to him
“You’re grounded for a week and when we go up to the lake you’re not allowed to go wandering off on your own without another person with you” Jim Hughes sentences
Luke scoffs at this. He thinks it’s fucking ridiculous he’s 18 years old, he just finished his freshman year at college and he’s being treated like he’s a fucking child. It wasn’t the grounding that was pissing him off so much as it was the thought of having a babysitter. Lukes been able to go off on his own at the lake since he was 14 years old no worries whatsoever which isn’t completely true his parents and brothers always worried a little bit seeing as he is the baby of the family but Luke always stayed relatively close and always kept his phone on him.
“No that’s bullshit!” Luke shouts standing up
“Did you really think you could just go to Mexico without telling anyone and not have any consequences?” Quinn who has stayed silent this entire time finally speaks
“I’m 18 years old I’m not some child you can order around anymore and I certainly don’t need a fucking babysitter”
“Clearly you do if you’re off running around in Mexico why the hell did you even go to Mexico if you wanted the beach there are plenty of ones here! In America!” Jack shouts standing up as well
“Luke! Sit down.” His dad says
Luke rolls his eyes again feeling nothing but anger building up at the way this conversation has gone. Luke shakes his head in disbelief and scoffs before grabbing his phone that was sitting on the couch and walking towards the front door.
He leaves the house slamming the front door and leaving the people inside both shocked and angry by his actions.
Luke starts walking away from his house and onto the dark pavement lit up only by street lights.
After about 15 minutes of walking Luke reaches his neighborhood park. He sits down on a bench and tilts his head back looking up at the night sky.
There were few stars up in the sky but Luke still enjoyed the view although he preferred the view from last night.
Luke starts to think back to the bar and dancing with Izzie. His hands around her waist hers on his neck. Her lips touching his. Within seconds his own lips turned from a resting frown that had been present since the car ride into a smile.
Luke pulled out his phone and goes to Instagram. He tries every combination of Izzie he could think of unaware of the spelling of her name but with the thousands of results and no way to narrow it down Luke quickly gives up.
The frown which had since disappeared was now back and became even more distraught as he noticed two figures walking towards him.
Once the figures came closer to Luke he noticed who it was.
“Dude let’s go” Jack says walking closer to Luke
Luke just looks at Quinn who’s displaying no emotional reaction. Luke starts to wonder if it’s because he’s tired or because he’s pissed or possibly both.
Luke thoughts get interrupt when he feels a hand on his bicep
He looks over and sees Jack gripping his arm and urging him to stand up
Luke shakes his head and stands up then the trio of brothers start the 15 or so walk back towards their house.
Once the park was in an unseeable position the silence that Luke has gotten oh so familiar with today is broken.
“Did you have fun on your trip?” Jack asks with a sympathetic such smile
“Ya I had a great time we went to Rocky Point and it was fun it was really fun” Luke says matching the slight smile appearing on his brothers face
“What did you guys do?” Jack continues the conversation
“Um I mean we did a lot of things we spent a lot of time at the beach, we went to a couple of bars and clubs at night, there was one day where we went jet skiing that was super fun” Luke explains not sure if mentioning the bars and clubs was a smart decision but chooses not to overthink it.
“Did you fall off the jetski?” Quinn asks with a laugh remembering a more recent time when Luke had been on the back of a jetski with Jack driving and despite being told multiple times to hold on when Jack hit the gas Luke went flying off into the lake and at first the whole family was worried out of their mind but when Luke rose his soaked face and hair out of the water and stuck up a middle finger towards Jack they all laughed.
“No I didn’t fall off mainly because Jack wasn’t driving” Luke responds giving a little nudge to Quinn who smiled towards both his little brothers after an exchange of smiles and laughs between the trio Quinn’s demeanor quickly changed to a more serious look
“you know Luke I’m really happy you had a good time but you know it just it would’ve been nice to know where you were going mom and dad were freaking out a bit when your friends mom called and said you guys didn’t go to California they were really worried something could’ve happened to you and when you wouldn’t respond to anyone they really love you kid and we do to and we don’t know what any of us would’ve done if something did happen to you” Quinn explains to his youngest brother
For the first time today Luke starts to feel a little bit remorseful about what he’s done and realizes his family although they can be annoying sometimes they really love him and he regrets worrying them so much.
“I’m sorry I worried you guys and you’re right I should’ve told someone or at the very least text or call you guys back I’m really sorry” Luke says
“Just don’t do again or otherwise I’ll have to kill you which would really suck because that would mean we wasted our 4th pick and I think it’s gonna be really fun when you and I get to win on the ice against Quinn” Jack laughs
“Don’t jinx it or tomorrow’s headlines gonna be that I got traded before I even sign a contract” Luke responds
“Hopefully that won’t happen” Jack adds crossing his fingers
“Oh god the two of you on the same team and living together I don’t know who I’m gonna feel worse for one of you or the state of New Jersey” Quinn jokes
Jack reaches over and gives Quinn a playful shove causing all three brothers to smile again the next few minutes the brothers spent laying and teasing one another until they arrived back at the families home.
Jack was the first to step in followed by Luke who had no way of escaping again since Quinn was blocking the exit with his own body.
Once all three boys were inside the door closed shut and Quinn turned around and locked the door making it official that everyone was now home for the night.
“Where are mom and dad?” Luke asks
“They’re in their room” Quinn answers and Luke sighs and starts walking in the direction of the master bedroom.
Knock knock
“Come in” Luke’s mom answers
Luke walks in and sees his mom putting her jewelry away and his dad sitting in a chair in the corner with a book cracked open
“Hey I just wanted to tell you guys I’m sorry I’m sure I worried you guys alot and it was really a shitty thing for me to do and not answering your calls or text was stupid and I shouldn’t have lied about where I was going I know you guys were already nervous about me going to California and it was a really selfish thing for me to do and I’m really sorry” Luke apologizes this time meaning it
Both of his parents smile and his dad puts down the book and gives his youngest son a hug his mom walks over and does the same.
Luke spends the next few minutes talking to his parents and telling them some of the fun parts of his trip well making sure to only include the family friendly parts which do not include his beverage or entertainment choices however does include a mention of riding the jet ski which his parents took as an opportunity to tease him about when he fell off.
After a few more laughs Luke chose to apologize once more for the worried he had caused them and they reassured him that he was forgiven with a pat on the back from his father and a kiss on the cheek from his mother the family says their good nights and then the 18 year old left their room to go to his own.
As he walks towards the stairs he sees his bags still sitting there and rather than bringing them up right now he decides later is better and by that he means sometime tomorrow starting to feel a little tired himself.
Luke walks to his room and shuts the door then feels in his pocket for his phone and goes on Instagram.
He notices a few of his recommendations to follows are random girls named Izzie with alternating spellings.
He shakes his head with a laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Jack asks appearing in the open doorway
“Eh nothing” Luke shakes off still smiling
Jack starts walking closer to Luke and soon Quinn appears in the room.
Jack takes a look at Luke’s screen which he was doing nothing in response to hide as he didn’t really care about the contents being public at least not to his brothers
“Why do you follow so many girls named Izzie?” Jack asks with a confused look
“I don’t follow them I was just looking for the Instagram of some girl I met but it’s kinda impossible considering all I know is her first name and I don’t even know how she spells it” Luke explains with a shrug
“Did you just meet her this week?” Quinn asks stepping into the room and the conversation
“Ya I met her last night” Luke says
“Funny how when you were telling us about your trip you left this part out” Jack jokes then takes a seat on Lukes bed
“So tell us what happened” Jack encourages
“What?” Luke asks as he watches Quinn take a seat next to Jack
“Come on you never tell us anything!” Jack claims
“I’m not gonna tell you guys what happened it’s private” Luke says
“Fine but we’re not leaving till you tell us about Izzie at least tell us where you met her or what she looks like” Jack says lying back on Lukes bed and getting comfortable
“You are so annoying” Luke shakes his head then walks over to his desk chair and takes a seat
“I met her at a bar it was like a beachside type thing it was like I don’t know 10 or something but I was drinking a beer and then I decided to take a shot of vodka and obviously vodka tastes disgusting so I made a face and she was standing next to me and starts talking about how it’s a mentality and that way the shots don’t taste so bad and we took a couple of shots together and then we danced together and we made out a few times in the bar and then we ended up leaving and we walked down to the beach and uh we had a good night” Luke recalls starting to blush a little near the end
“I’m going to assume had a good night means you walked her home and then went back to your room alone” Quinn says starting to get up
“If that’s what helps you sleep at night then that’s exactly what happened” Luke answers
“It does” Quinn says with a laugh then says goodnight and proceeds to head to his own room.
“I’m out too but I’m proud and relieved to know you at least have a little bit of game” Jack jokes giving Luke a playful punch to the shoulder which Luke returns and adds a mocking laugh
“Goodnight” Jack says as he walks out the door
“Goodnight” Luke responds
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leavememorieshere · 7 months
No joke but like I’m writing a whole ass Griffin and Xander Fanfic. It’s about them being brothers and how Griffin feels living with the McCormicks.
Like my obsession with them is slowly coming back and hard 😭.
Not to mention it’s probably better than my first fanfic about them 💀.
I’m honestly surprised tho, I’m also trying to make this fanfic about them into 2 parts instead of just a long one shot but like, chances are I’ll probably mess the writing up if I make a 2 part fanfic because after I finish one part, I’ll forget about writing for the next part and by the time I remember,
My writing would have changed because the feeling that I felt while writing that first part is no longer there.
(Feeling is something important to me while I write something/fanfics, like I put myself in what I think the character I’m writing about feels, it works because it’s either happy or gut-wrenching, plus listening to music, it also helps if you listen to songs that put you into a happy, sad, or romantic mood etc, depending on what your character needs to feel, it helps writing your stories or at least for me).
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oumaheroes · 9 months
hi do you have any writings about the bothers bullying (brotherly bonding) england? like any type of pranks from a fake snake tied to his shoe to an ice cube down the back of his shirt. I really have a craving for them to just really push him around bc he's the youngest (not counting northern Ireland ofc) please and many thanks if you have any
I don't I'm afraid! (Kinda)
I don't think they're generally a fun kind of pranking family, or aim to do anything planned like that. They're more the type to verbally take the piss out of each other and are very opportunistic when it comes to pranks- if a possible attack point presents itself, they will use and abuse it. Things can quickly escalate, something is taken seriously, and before you know it they're scrapping on the floor only to be sharing a beer down the pub the next hour. Very quick and non-lasting swings and round-abouts
So they do, but they won't go out of their way to plan to be pranky or anything really so light hearted. They mostly bicker or fuck about
I have written them as being shits to each other many times but they're usually part of stories, rather than whole stories in their own right.
Here are some examples:
From Odd Socks:
Alasdair pressed a hand to his chest mock wounded, ‘My love, you sound surprised.’ ‘Arthur attempted to convince me that you’d planned to wear jogging bottoms.’ ‘Oh that’ll be Patrick’s idea, they had a dare on.’ ‘Ah. It almost worked.’ ‘I’m offended. But also not surprised.’ ... A muted crash and a cackle came from somewhere in the crowds and they both looked over to find Arthur, half staggered into a chair and scowling, and Patrick bent double with laughter nearby. Their mother turned and made her way over to them and Alasdair hissed in sympathy.
From I.C.E:
‘My nose is already half fixed, I’m surprised they’ve not noticed.’ ‘I could break it for you again, if you’d like.’ ‘Ha ha.’ Alisdair sighed and rubbed awkwardly at his eyes with his free hand, ‘I wish they’d turn these bloody lights down.’ ‘Concussion?’ ‘No, I just want to sit in the dark for fun.’ Alisdair closed his eyes and grimaced. He was obviously tired, face drawn and weary easy to spot even amongst the fresh bruising. Arthur wasn’t surprised. No matter how many times they had died or been hurt, no matter how long they had lived or how much they had endured, a primal, human fear of dying gripped them as much as it did any mortal man. A desperate, wild panic for life that overrode all logic, ignored all past experience to burn right through to that still human core of them. It was exhausting, and trialling death as blithely as they did not dull its sting or make it any easier to bear. He absentmindedly picked a few pieces of dirt and stray glass out of his brother’s hair and began to update the group chat they shared with Rhys, Sean and Patrick. ‘You the closest?’ Arthur pursed his lips, ‘Not your first choice I know, but I stayed in Meriden; Rhys went back to Cardiff.’ ‘With that attitude you’re certainly not.’ Alisdair thumped him gently in the stomach, ‘What time is it?’ ‘Three in the morning.’ Alisdair let out a soft whistle, ‘I got to Newcastle?’ ‘Just passed Middlesbrough. You’re in Newcastle now though; better A&E and I assume they thought you were critical.’ ‘I thought you sounded like less of a twat. Thank God they didn’t take me to Middlesbrough; a right shithole that is.’ ‘Stop it.’ ‘How are you getting on in here?’ A doctor opened the curtain and approached the bed. She introduced herself with a quick smile to Arthur and then leant forward so that Alisdair could see her properly, hands going to his neck brace, ‘Right, we can take this off; nothing concerning on the CT scan.’ ‘That’s a surprise.’ Arthur quipped. ‘Please ignore my brother, he gets antsy when he’s tired.’
The entirety of Afterparty, but particularly:
‘What’s the hold up?’ Scotland called from further down the little garden, the yellow light from the street lamps behind him obscuring the details of his face, ‘Come on I want to get in; he’s heavy.’ ‘I’m not fucking heavy,’ England hopped wildly on his one good leg as Scotland moved abruptly sidewards, the other ankle now noticeably swollen, ‘You’re just weak; I’m barely putting my weight on you.’ ‘Do you want me to throw you over to next door’s garden? Cos I bloody well will.’ ‘Oi, stop it a sec,’ Ireland called to them, putting his hand on Wales’ shoulder and giving it a light squeeze, ‘What are you doing, get us in.’ ‘You can piss off, you’re the reason my ankle’s fucked up.’ England wasn’t finished. ‘It wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t insist on walking on it for two hours,’ Ireland shot back. ‘What else was I going to do? Drag myself across Cardiff?’ ‘I thought it was a pretty clear hint that I wanted to leave you behind.’ ‘Oh, so it was intentional, then?’ ‘You’ll be fine.’ ‘Of course I will but that’s not the point, is it?’ ‘If I had known you were going wilt like a tight-laced Victorian noblewoman, I wouldn’t have tried to move you aside.’ ‘You pushed me down a bank!’ Ireland gave a casual shrug but his grin grew wicked, ‘You were in the way.’
The entirety of Road Trip. Too much to quote haha
Whenever they all appear together in It's All About the Delivery:
‘What the bloody hell are you two doing here.’ In the doorway to the room was Lord Kirkland looking somewhat harried. His accent was different than it had been when the PM had spoken to him last at the manor, vowels distinctly sharper and more pronounced than before- glass cut and Eton grown rather than the roughened and gentle burr of yesterday. The PM made a note to ask Mr Williams about the change later. ‘Took you long enough,’ Alisdair said, cheerfully. Kirkland narrowed his eyes in suspicion and Alisdair’s expression grew sly, ‘We noticed that you’d left your guest alone so we thought we’d step in to lend a hand. Terrible manners that, turning up so late.’ ‘Why are you here. We’re supposed to be meeting at Downing Street (2).’ ‘We are, we are.’ ‘Were we supposed to be?’ Rhys looked confused. He turned to Alisdair, ‘You said we had to meet England here.’ ‘Did I?’ Alisdair feigned a look of exaggerated surprise, ‘Lord knows what happened there. Where on earth were you anyway.’ Kirkland’s jaw was clenched tight, ‘A sudden and unexpected diversion that I now have a feeling wasn’t the result of miscommunication at all.’ Alisdair tutted, ‘Ach, a shame.’
and, of course:
‘I told you about Mr Marchand’s problem, didn’t I?’ The PM opened his mouth to interject but promptly shut it again, recognising that there was no point, ‘Besides, if you’d have known what I was planning, you’d’ve told him.’ ‘”Him?” I do have a name.’ ‘Aye, I’m told it’s “Dirt”.’
She shooed him off and the PM crossed the room, noticing how both Alisdair and Rhys immediately paused their conversation at his approach. ‘Good afternoon,’ he greeted them and Mr Williams, ‘Where’s your brother?’ ‘You mean Dirt? Or is he mud pile today. I’m fond of ecological wasteland myself.’ ‘Alisdair.’
Lastly, there are also a couple of quips in Reset that are too small and numerous to many any particular one
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survivalshipping · 1 year
(BELATED) Ninjago Fic Rec Week Masterpost
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Hey people! I’ve been working on this all week but unfortunately was too busy to really post any of it while the week was happening, so I’m posting all seven days late. I combed my entire bookmarks for this :3
o.k. overture by newnins
For the Lloyd prompt! I just Really Like this Lloyd fic, man. If you read the stuff i write you know how much I love deep introspection into Lloyd struggling with normalcy and his identity/purpose. Also any Skylor + Lloyd friendship is a WIN for me and is sorely underutilized
Chain Reaction by TeuthidaRegina
For the Canon and Lloyd prompt! One of multiple fics on here written by my bestie! I love beast Lloyd so so much and this fic is So Good. Let my man be more creature. I love dragoni Lloyd
Lloyd Gets a Ransom Note by BumblebeeEnby
For the Lloyd prompt! A fic where Lloyd gets to have a meal with Garmadon and Vinny. I’m absolutely obsessed with this fic for several reasons (see: my URL) and it feels so in-character and organic. Would love to be a fly on the wall for this one, honestly.
Who Said You’re On Your Own? by Subpar_Samurai
For the AU prompt! This is for an AU that I remember seeing posts of by the author/artist prior to the fic being published and being immediately intrigued by it. It’s a story where Ronin is the one who takes Lloyd under his wing and raises him. I really like Ronin. I haven’t seen updates on this AU in a while but I still love it dearly
Prodigal Prince by TeuthidaRegina
For the AU and Movieverse prompt! Another fic written by my bestie. An AU where movie!Lloyd is raised by Garmadon instead...but is still the Green Ninja! The dynamics in this fic are so good. It has everything. Papa Garmadon, Very Much Oni Lloyd, and so, so much drama. Please read this I beg of you
Survivors by Finn_M_Corvex
For the Jay prompt! This was a fic I found relatively recently and it’s...super good? It deals with the survivor’s guilt that both Jay and Lloyd feel due to certain experiences. Jay is written really well in this. It’s also incredibly heartwrenching.
The Catboy-ification of Lloyd Garmadon by jays-supersonic-dynamo
For the Movieverse prompt! THEEEEEE movie fic. THE TLNM FIC EVER. Everything about this fic is absolutely perfect and it’s such fun writing for every movie iteration of the characters involved. I don’t care that Lloyd hates the term, I love dragoni Lloyd in this fic. Catboy is Real
a day in the life of a fatherless child by holographicknife
For the Angst prompt! This fic upsets me in a good way. Lloyd deals with his trauma by himself, including a certain somebody showing up. It’s incredibly heartwrenching. Totally recommend.
An Impromptu Little Brother by Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_21
For the Kai prompt! One of the absolute holy grails of Kai + Lloyd fics, showcasing the development of their brotherly relationship following young Lloyd joining the ninja and living with them. Super good, and Kai’s written great here. 
Off the Deep End by Kiss_The_Cook
For the Angst and Kai prompt! I don’t have a ton to say about this, but the way Kai is written in this is impeccable. Read it.
Dancing in the Rain by K1ngtok1
For the Fluff prompt! Super cute fic starring Lil Lloyd and Kai. Incredibly sweet. This fic just feels like a warm hug. 
Let’s Dye this World by PeachPopFizz
For the Fluff prompt! Lloyd dyes his hair. Chaos ensues. Don’t have much to say, but this fic is so much fun and I love it
hate to say i love you by lloydenthusiast
For the Fluff prompt! Lloyd struggles to tell his found family how much he loves them. Incredibly bittersweet and overall a great read.
Devil’s Horns by TeuthidaRegina
For the Multichapter prompt! Fic #3 on this list written by my best friend. Even though not everything by them is on here you should read everything by them. S10 divergence fic featuring a whole lotta oni Lloyd and also a whole lotta oni in general. What more could you want? This fic is perfection and I honestly forgot that that wasn’t what happened canonically because I like this way better
Perfect Gardens by northpen
For the Multichapter prompt! Post S10, Lloyd becomes a child again. SUPER long, SUPER angsty, and overall just super super interesting. northpen is a phenomenal author in this fandom. The interactions between Garmadon and Lloyd are so complex, too. I can’t wait for the next chapter of this fic. 
Line of Position (author has since orphaned this fic)
For the Nya prompt! Takes place during Hunted. Nya’s thinking about her family while she’s stargazing. Going to be real this fic made me so damn sad. I feel like there aren’t enough Hunter Nya works out there
Meet Again by northpen
For the Multichapter prompt! I don’t remember if I found this, or somebody recommended it to me, but when I started reading I think I read all but one chapter instead of sleeping. And then I proceeded to wake up the next day and finish it. SUPER good future fic involving reincarnation of sorts, Cole and Zane excluded since they’re still alive. This fic genuinely had me at the edge of my seat as it developed. I don’t want to spoil much but it’s worth the read.
Piggyback by Echo_K
For the Dynamic Duos prompt! Two different scenes of Lloyd and Kai! Very cute, falls into hurt/comfort territory, but overall is a sweet story. Shows off the development of Kai and Lloyd’s bond well.
You Give Me the Strength I Need (To Cry) by fruitcasket
For the Dynamic Duos prompt! To say that this fic is incredible is an absolute understatement. It focuses on Kai and Lloyd, taking inspiration from The Splinter in the Blind Man’s Eye, and every part of it is amazing. Both perspectives are used. It’s also a multichapter! Seriously, I can’t recommend this enough.
thaw by lloydenthusiast
For the Dynamic Duos and the Zane prompt! A post-S11 fic involving dealing with the repercussions of the Ice Emperor. Really goes in-depth on both how it affected Zane and Lloyd. I don’t see a TON of fics about the two of them so this is always nice to see.
You’ve Got Your Transmission and Your Live Wire by Spinchip
For the Zane prompt! In which Zane experiments with their gender after a technical difficulty. I love seeing peoples’ takes on the identity of the characters in this series and this is honestly one of my favorite in that category. The author is also like, the CEO of Zane to me in general so that adds to how well this is written.
brick by brick by lloydenthusiast
For the Gen and the Team prompt! A post-s10 fic dealing with Lloyd’s trauma and how he’s handling (or not handling) it. I love love LOVE the dynamics shown in this and how a connection is shown between everybody and every separate pair. It also feels incredibly organic and realistic, especially in terms of the dialogue.
The Candy Aisle by VioletPixels
For the Gen and the Team prompt! Takes place pre-Child’s Play when Lloyd is still a kid being raised by the ninja. Super cute, super heartfelt, and I love how the thought processes of Lloyd are shown. He’s truly a kid in this.
I’m Here by SenseiGrace
For the Gen prompt! After S3E5, when Lloyd is able to escape Pythor + the Overlord’s clutches and Sensei G comes to his aid. Something about fics involving Sensei Garmadon hit different. I especially liked how this fic was from Garmadon’s perspective. Makes me miss him so much.
a compass to lead you home by aura_w
For the Gen prompt! I don’t want to spoil this fic, but it’s Garmadon-focused (post-reincarnation) and deals with him rediscovering himself and dealing with his identity. Probably one of my favorite Garmadon-centric fics out there. Give it a read!
All I’m Asking For by lloydskywalkers
For the Gen and the Team prompt! I know this has probably been on like, everybody’s rec lists, but it’s worth it. Everything lloydskywalkers wrote is totally worth checking out on their ff.net page. It’s a long (26 chapter) fic which I recommend sitting down and reading fully. There’s a LOT I could say about this fic, but I don’t want to spoil people. Every character from the ninja to Wu and Garmadon are written so goddamn well in this. I think I cried reading the last few chapters. Please read this
Once again, very sorry that I’m like, three days late to posting for the Fic Rec week. I have been very busy 😭 but I really wanted to get my recommendations posted and out there for you guys to see!
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Well, you know what - I am absolutely exhausted now. That's the thing about double Casualty nights. I went off them quite a while ago because it gives me a lot to talk about afterward, making typing up my thoughts take longer, and because while I like to think I have a good enough attention span it can only last so long. Also I was more triggered by the eps than I thought I'd be (my fault though, I misjudged how I'd feel).
Yet! I am glad. We went two entire eps without Faith turning up at all. My second-least fave, Iain, was there but primarily playing the only role I like him in: Jacob's friend who tries to look out for him. And thus, even he was likeable tonight.
And of course, Jacob is finally, finally getting focus again!! It's been long enough.
But before I get into all of that, thoughts on ep 1:
Rash's storyline was... well, it's very intense. A lot more so than I would have expected. His whole breakdown about everything being broken was incredibly sad to see. Poor, poor Rash.
I didn't think this would lead to him leaving but I'm not sure now, I could easily see this being an exit story. I hope not - though, on the other hand I want him to be happy, enough that if he has to leave for that I'd go along with it.
Neet Mohan was brilliant. He's one of Casualty's best when he gets the chance to be. I'm pleased it seems the show is finally acknowledging that, even if it means Rash getting a sad storyline for now. Also, I tend to like an ep that partially revolves around a character being in therapy. I hope we get one for Jacob eventually.
I'm... intrigued by Patrick. I really don't know what to make of him, though I don't think I'm meant to. He's definitely an unknown quantity of sorts so far. I thought he'd remind me a lot of Henrik and he does, albeit mostly in different ways than Max did. Patrick makes me think of early Henrik. The grumpy, not exactly nice new man in charge who just wants everyone to focus on their work, with just the tiniest hint of a gentler side beyond all the rudeness. The scene where he talked about Rash being like him, however, was not very Henrik of him. I don't think early Henrik would ever have opened up even that much.
I continue to like Tariq as a character so far. I enjoy his dynamic with Rash a lot, still. Their borderline-brotherly dynamic is very interesting. And I have to say, he was cast really well - he feels like such a believable cousin for Rash!
Ngozi continues to be great, as well. I adore her.
I thought the way this ep depicted how busy the department was was incredibly well done. I don't have much more to say there, but I wanted to point it out.
And as for the second ep:
I'd almost forgotten just how good Charles Venn is when he gets to do dramatic acting! Not that I don't enjoy the comedy/lighthearted stuff too, but there's been hardly any of that recently either - it's just felt like nothing but "Iain, I am now going to prop up your storyline because you're not interesting enough to carry it alone, I hope you don't mind". But he got to be brilliant again tonight.
And Jacob gets the focus he deserves. It's about time Blake came up again! I wonder what's going on with Blake, he did sound very upset. And I wonder what Elle is doing. I hope she doesn't get forgotten.
Jacob's line about how him and Blake haven't really talked for a while was very intriguing. I'm glad him being basically never acknowledged for like, forever is seemingly being incorporated into the storyline rather than glossed over.
Nicole is an excellent character so far. I love her.
Rida was fantastic tonight. Incredible acting from Sarah Seggari! Some very upsetting moments, undeniably, but the writing and performance were pitch-perfect. Wow. She's amazing.
Siobhan is wonderful. I've definitely come around to her.
Anyway, that's most of what I can think of to say about tonight but I'm sure I've left a lot out that I can't remember at the moment. Basically, however, the TL;DR version of all this is: I love Jacob.
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alrightbuckaroo · 7 months
Please choose any one of your wips you'd like to talk about. It could be one you've got the most written for, least written for, most proud of, whichever one you want. I'm interested in all of them and I love your writing! Thank you!!
Oh thanks so much for your interest and for such kind words! <3
How about the Nanny AU because it's been such a fun one to dive in to.
Essentially, @carlos-tk tasked me to think of a story that was inspired by my top artist last year, Raleigh Ritchie (@herefortarlos, Desi, I'm tagging you because you're literally the only person I know who knows who he is and it makes me so happy each time I think about the fact I'm no longer alone hahah).
I was listening to Time in a Tree and thought, huh, what if Carlos was the nanny for a neurosurgeon and looked after the neurosurgeon's children day after day. One day, Ryan, the youngest, is walking through Central Park with a cat in his backpack and the cat breaks free.
Cat climbs up a tree, Carlos decides to go after it but then gets stuck. Insert, NYFD and a beautiful man Carlos will learn is called TK Strand. Here's a snippet:
“God, you’re going to be the death of me,” Carlos mutters under his breath, watching the water in the fountain create currents and waves. New York’s sun is reflecting off the surface, causing the water to shine and gleam like a brand new penny. “Thaddeus Ryan Hughes, get out of the fountain, right now.” “His name is Thaddeus?” Luisa asks, her red stained lips pulled into a smirk. Her eyes cut over to him after she asks the question, veiled by a the shadow of her hand placed above her brow, acting as a visor. “Only when I’m mad at him,” Carlos replies, already beginning to shrug off his windbreaker. He toes off his tennis shoes, the socks are quick to follow. As he’s rolling up his jeans into cuffs. “Ryan, you’ve got one more chance before I fix this myself.” “How?” Ryan squawks from the other end of the fountain, his dirty blond hair looking more chestnut than golden due to the water that’s drenched it. “You don’t know how to swim.” Carlos’ eyes cut to his sister as she chuckles, his face reflecting that of brotherly frustration. Luisa rolls her eyes before saying, “Look, I already apologized for telling him you can’t swim, what more do you want from me?” “I want you to not encourage it,” Carlos replies as he swings one leg over the lip of the fountain. He turns towards the teenage girl who’s posed with her phone in hand, stood in a fashion that implies she’s recording. “And I want you, Lydia,” Carlos continues, waiting until Lydia makes it clear she’s heard him. “To stop filming me for Tic Tac.” “It’s TikTok,” Lydia corrects, her overly glossed pink lips pursing in disgust.
ask me about my wips! | previous ones
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moonlightcrusader · 1 year
Okay, so I have finally composed myself and I will say…man…the Mario movie was fun!
My overall review is its very funny, full of heart and the animation is gorgeous. There’s a lot of unexpected scenes that I found heartwarming and added to the characters/ plot.❤️
However…that being said…the pacing and script is my main concern. I know they have to fit a large chunk of lore for a good runtime, but there isn’t much development.
“But Moon, mario wasn’t all about story” I know, but a movie provides a chance to add story at a cinematic level.
Expanding the world and if not that the characters. If anything, I do not mind the simple plot. Mario needs to save Luigi and work alongside Princess Peach to defeat Bowser. Perfect.
However. I would have really liked more expanded characters. But I will elaborate below because that’s not my only critique.
Beyond here will be spoilers, read at your own risk!! My blog will start reposting/ talking about spoilers from here and now since it’s officially out!
-I wish the bros got more screen time. Their chemistry and brotherly love was amazing, and I was itching to see more of them together.🥺
-that fight at the end with Bowser tho WAS EPIC! But Luigi was super underutilized omg… I really thought he was gonna have another role in the movie. I think they missed out on the side characters having more of a role or even a conversation…
-Speaking of which, idk, I found Lumalee kind of annoying. I know it’s probably going to set up a future movie…but I thought at least we would get some insight as to why the Luma was captured, why it hates living so much, idk….lol. But I did love the voice of Lumalee, super cute :)
-characterization. Apart from Mario and a LITTLE of luigi, and DK, the rest felt bland… I feel like bowser could have been more fleshed out (but don’t get me wrong, I loved how he had a crush on peach, his song and planned on marrying her. AHHH I LOVED IT) toad could have been more fleshed out. What are his goals at least? Not every character has to have an internal conflict, but he just felt…there. And what a shame because hes charming!
-okay guys, but peachs characterization. I’m sorry, this deserves its own post, so I will hyperlink it here when I finishing writing that, but omg yeah I am not quite attached to her portrayal yet😅 what a shame too because I love her so much…
-wish we spent some more time getting to know Mario’s family😭
-not a fleshed out ending. Hoped that peach would have reacted being on earth, maybe a montage of Brooklyn adjusting to having this pipe that leads to another world. What was the cities response overall when it came to cleanup? I know they have HAD to had some questions why a huge gorilla with a tie was there…and talking! Lol…
now… drumroll please…
-Mario. Omg they freakin ACED Mario. His character flaws, his goals, aspirations, internal conflict, personality, everything I headcanoned/ hoped for. He’s a goofball who loves adventure, plumbing and loves his family. His determination, stubbornness, (RIZZ HE GOT THAT RIZZ!!!) and charm. Ugh. That affirms it. He’s my fav. I wanted to hug him through the screen many times SO BAD!!!🥺❤️
-luigi and Mario’s brotherly love/chemistry. Omg. The flashback of them as babies and when Mario was cupping Luigi’s face and almost crying out of relief. Like omg omg I’m so happy to that attention to detail😭🥺❤️ they love each other so much it’s just… *chefs kiss* I’m hoping for future movies we get more brotherly scenes, I’m still waiting for that piggyback ride🫶❤️
-baby peach. I just…I wasn’t expecting it. She was so cute and the fact that the toads just adopted her and raised her as their own tells goes sweet they are. 🥹 I’m so glad we got some of a backstory for her! But Omg…she was someone’s child then! :o I love lore…
-bowsers singing and the song peaches is a legit masterpiece. If my man don’t make a song like this and doesn’t sing it with that much enthusiasm I don’t want him!!😤😤😂💞but yep Jack black was awesome hehe he had me dying of laughter and he was super intimidating as Bowser!! He understood the assignment 💅🏼
-which reminds me. I love the plot of Bowser wanting to marry Peach and getting jealous of Mario. I wish we got Mario’s reaction of peach wearing the wedding dress tho I don’t think it really hit him that Bowser was trying to marry Peach…
- speaking of which…Mareach! We got a few cute scenes!! Nothing major, but I see that they are making it a slow burn romance 😏😂 okay, I can wait! While I wish we got more scenes, I loved how DK called out Mario’s attempts at flirting, Peach calling him adorable when he had his cat suit🥺🥺 and her giggles when Mario promises to buy her a pet turtle if she comes to Brooklyn. That was so freakin cute!!!❤️❤️🥹 you can tell Mario likes her, and peach has a fondness for him :)))
-the animation and the storyboarding. Everything art related. The score. I wanted to fly when I heard bowsers theme. I wanted to cry seeing the beautifully crafted action scenes and I can’t wait to see the storyboards 😭❤️ illumination went all the way!!! Also the character design!!! I love all of their designs!!!
-the pop songs were a nice touch and the humor was great. :3
-also like I headcanoned THEIR MAMA IS SO ADORABLE I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! No wonder they came out as sweet incredible boys 🥺🧡
-the soundtrack man. They were cooking up in the studio I’m telling you!!! I heard it’s on Spotify now so I’m gonna be listening to it lol
-luigi is so precious but I wish HE HAD MORE SCREENTIME
-DK and Mario’s relationship give me rowdy sibling vibes and I’m here for it
-I love how they can travel from Brooklyn to mushroom kingdom through the pipe, at first I thought it was a star VS the forces of evil thing and the worlds merged until I realized the ending… XD
-I loved all the voices!! I think everyone did an amazing job, I heard a few inconsistencies throughout the movie but meh, everyone seemed excited for their roles!!!🧡🫶
If I can think of anything else I will add, but yeah, I think I had higher expectations for the movie😅 I think if it had a bit more time to flesh out characters, it would have been SUPER great. I loved all the references inside the movie, you can tell it was crafted with passion and love❤️ it was a very fun experience and of course the BRAINROT increased💞
Of course, this is my personal opinions and such, if you have a different one, that's fine! This is just what I would liked to see/ what I thought would have been better in the movie. That’s all!! :3
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elendsessor · 3 months
not here to start shipping discourse nor am i down for involving myself in it but i really want to point out the misinterpretation of certain knowledge/god ships at least on the standpoint that it’s “healthy” and not problematic, and how that negatively affects the themes of 5/5v.
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of incest and manipulation because yes that’s actually present in the game
what koshishu is becoming painted as in the fandom scene is really concerning and perfectly highlights the problems within the community okay. ignore the massive position of power koshimizu is in and how he sees v in a brotherly light
the protag is susano-o’s knowledge, therefore susano-o
guess who susano-o’s brother is
and guess who tsukuyomi is
the difference between aoshu and koshishu comes down to not just the framing but how aoshu is interpretive. there’s no real answer as to what it does and doesn’t count as, but it’s also genuinely healthy, especially since the entire relationship is based on proper communication.
not only is v and koshimizu’s relationship more one-sided/begrudging and clearly fucking uncomfortable (battle animation comparisons please look at them), their means of communication is symbolically strained, plus they’re literally fucking siblings. that’s like. the actual one thing that does get heavily implied about them more than the uncomfortable situation.
if you want to draw or write controversial content, then fine. freedom of expression and all that jazz. but don’t ignore what they are.
generally the big issue with how the god/knowledge pairings are framed particularly in fanon but in some ways canon is that they’re seen as inherently romantic because of the soulmate thing. not all of them are. good chunk of them are a power dynamic where one’s taking advantage of the other for their own gain (ex lahmu + sahori being. yeah. and abdiel wanting god’s approval through religious supremacy thus using dazai as a means to an end). the ones that aren’t or grow to be more than that are there, yes, but that’s the exception rather than the rule. yakumo and nuwa come to genuinely love one another. aogami caring for the protagonist grows beyond obligation. while not present at all in canon of creation, vengeance shows yuzuru and koshimizu as both wanting to protect those who can’t protect themselves and a sort of eventual familial dynamic.
the story of 5 and vengeance is that of different relationships—the healthy, the unhealthy, and the strained. despite how the term relationship is often used, a relationship varies. it can be familial, platonic, romantic, or some other option. having bonded souls is something not only mainly seen as romantic but also is a trope primarily used for romance. this is entirely fine, yet again this isn’t the only meaning behind it.
again don’t think canon helped as well. yakumo and nuwa are definitely heavily pushed as romantic and they’re the one nahobino pairing you see the most of. moments in the game (mostly subquests) involving gods wanting to force v into becoming their knowledge doesn’t have a lot of consequences outside of giving you a reason to fight them. for the most part, though, the game doesn’t paint everything as romantic just bc soulmates.
it’s also really important to acknowledge the bad sides of the more unstable pairings. romanticizing everything does enforce the idea that unhealthy relationships are okay which does lead to real people getting hurt because they’ll think being in a toxic scenario is fine. if you’re writing about them, please appropriately tag them.
the pairings are insanely interesting, yes. i would love to see more about them. i’ve come across fics that do, in fact, properly handle the subject of unhealthy dynamics or one-sided love for someone in an unhealthy age/power gap. it’s a good talking point and makes for excellent character studies. don’t ignore what the more controversial ones actually heavily imply, though, and what it stands for thematically.
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Summary: Virgil’s entire job is to protect Thomas, and he takes that job very seriously.  The core sides might argue too seriously.  The core sides don’t know that there are actual dangerous sides he needs to protect Thomas from.  But there’s another side he needs to protect too.  He used to be able to count on help from Janus, who did the job without even knowing it back when he still lived with them.  But now Virgil and Remus are alone, and they have to look out for each other, which means the last thing that Virgil should do is leave his brother by himself.
Too bad it’s not exactly his choice.
Author’s Note: Hey, read the trigger warnings for this one.  Not everything comes up in every chapter, but when it does, I’m not messing around.  Please be very careful with this one if the warnings are something that’s going to bother you, and if you don’t read it, I won’t be mad.
That being said, welcome to my massive love letter to brotherly dukexiety.  These two are such amazing brothers and if I have to write my own monster of a fic to make everyone else see it, that's exactly what I'll do.  It's finished already, so welcome back to your regularly scheduled Sunday morning updates.  Hope you enjoy!
And as a last note, absolutely all the credit to @shadowling-guistical, who was there for me to scream to and who cheered me on and got just as excited about this story as I did the whole time it was being written.  Mishii, I am not exaggerating in the slightest when I say this story would not exist without you.
Virgil was not at all excited at the prospect of meeting with the core sides again.  That video was supposed to be a one time thing!  Okay, well, Thomas had said something about him being potentially used in future videos, but that was going to be something that happened once in a while, whenever they needed a villain to defeat or wanted to talk about the dangers of anxiety.  Why on Earth would they need to talk to him again so soon?
Remus hadn’t seemed to get it either, but he at least had been willing to get Virgil’s mind off of it by suggesting all sorts of ways he could annoy the core sides when he went to talk to them.  Most of his ideas involved dropping blood, saliva, or other bodily fluids on them, to which Virgil had laughed and pointed out the way that he definitely wouldn’t be able to conjure that much of anything.  He wasn’t Creativity, after all.
“Eh, you could at least spit on Janus,” Remus said, waving his hand dismissively.  “You’ll be right next to him.”
Virgil laughed again.  “Yeah, spitting on Thomas’ Self Preservation.  That’ll get me invited back.”
“I thought you didn’t want to go back,” Remus pointed out with a grin and raised eyebrows.
“Well, if I’m not invited back, how will I ever work up to being able to spit on Janus without consequences?”
It was Remus’ turn to laugh now, and he flopped down on his bed while continuing to grin.  “You make an excellent point.”
For how lighthearted the conversation seemed, they were both ignoring the undercurrent of fear tucked under the entire thing.  Because for how much Virgil and Remus didn’t love the prospect of him talking to the core sides again, there were still three sides that very much did.
It had been long known by the two of them how badly Malice wanted a way to get to Thomas.  Why he thought Thomas would listen to him was anyone’s guess, but he’d managed to get Positivity and Cruelty on board with the plan decades ago.  They had thankfully gotten pretty much nowhere, due in no small part to the fact that the side they’d need to convince to let them talk to Thomas was a core side who almost never came to their side of the mindscape in the first place.
Of course when he did come down here, he usually talked to Virgil, which didn’t make Virgil super popular.  But him having a direct line to Janus more often would be exactly the kind of thing that Malice would want.  Far easier to pressure Virgil into pressuring Janus into pressuring Thomas for something, as convoluted and complicated as that sounded.  So whether it was what Virgil wanted or not, Remus wasn’t too far off.  The safest thing for Thomas in this situation was to be as antagonistic as possible— which wouldn’t win him any points with Malice.  Whatever.  He was used to hiding bruises whenever Janus came down here.  It wasn’t that hard.
Virgil stayed in Remus’ room for most of the morning, as it was better for brainstorming and coming up with a game plan, especially when Remus was in there with him.  Of course, the game plan often ended up involving a lot of sex jokes and spitting on other sides, but Virgil could edit those parts out.
It was just after what would have been lunchtime if they were eating today that Virgil felt the tugging that meant he was being summoned by Thomas.  He glanced over at Remus with a tense smile that probably came out more like a grimace.
“Ah, time?”
Virgil nodded.
“Spit on Janus for me!”
“No,” Virgil said, as he sunk out in order to appear in the real world.
If he was going to be antagonistic with this thing, might as well get a head start.  Virgil appeared leaning on top of Janus’ hat, picking at his fingernails.  “I’m told you want to talk to me for some reason?”
“Get off of me,” Janus snapped, shoving Virgil towards the other side of the stair platform they were standing on.
“Oh, shoot, were you standing there?  Sorry, I didn’t see anything important.”
Janus gave him an unamused look, and Virgil turned from him to face Thomas before he could reply.  “Is there something you wanted?  I did have things to do today, you know.”
Most of those things probably involved hiding and running for his life, but that could come after he ended this conversation on a bad note so Thomas would never want to talk to him again.
Thomas sighed.  “Well, there was a bit of a surprising reaction to the video you were in,” he said.
Oh, god.  “What?  Are people lining up with torches and pitchforks?  Hate to break it to them, but they can’t actually affect me, I’m imaginary, they’re not—”
“Actually, everyone loved you kiddo!” Patton said brightly.
Virgil blinked and turned to face him.  “I’m sorry?”
“Yes, unfortunately, the fanbase seems to have adored you,” Roman said, crossing his arms and looking very unhappy with the situation.  “You are the second favorite character.”
“Second favorite?” Virgil asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course!  After me!” Roman proclaimed, adding a flourish with his hands.
“Oh, of course,” Virgil grumbled, leaning against the banister to his left.  “So why exactly does that matter?”
“Well, we have adjusted our plan slightly to align with what the viewers seem to be enjoying,” Logan said.  Virgil glanced down at him.  “And you will of course be included in more videos.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Virgil asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re gonna be a main character!” Patton called.
“I don’t want to be a main character,” Virgil said, crossing his arms over his chest.  That would be way too much pressure, were they insane?
“Oh!” Janus said brightly, clapping his hands together.  “Well, that decides that then!  Alright, Anxiety, if you wouldn’t mind heading back to—”
“Janus,” Thomas said in a low warning tone.  Janus groaned and looked up at the ceiling in clear disapproval, but stopped talking.
“You didn’t have a problem doing the last video,” Thomas said, turning back to Virgil.
“That was one.  Do you honestly think I’m okay with showing up in multiple videos?  Probably almost all of them if you’re saying I’d be a main character!”
“Anxiety, I can understand the idea of filming can be a little unnerving,” Patton said.  “And so can the idea of moving over here—”
“Wait.”  All of Virgil’s arguments came to a screeching halt before most of them had finished forming.  “Moving over here?”
“It would make it far easier to film if you could be around most of the time already,” Logan said.  “We can hardly expect Janus to make a trip to the other side of the mindscape every time we need to make a video.”
Virgil took a moment to process the irony in that statement, blinking at Logan.
Well, that changed things.  If he helped with the videos, he moved over here?  For a second, Virgil considered what that might mean.  He’d get away from Malice, Positivity, and Cruelty.  From what he understood, the core sides didn’t do things the same way they did.  Maybe he wouldn’t have to watch his back every second.  Maybe he could actually sleep easily for once.  But the problem there was, Virgil didn’t only have to watch his own back.  And if he left Remus alone…
It would be a huge disservice to the creative side to say that Remus couldn’t defend himself.  He was far from helpless.  He’d saved Virgil’s own ass more times than he could count.  But there were two of them and three of the others.  On a good day they could hold their own, but if it was just Remus against the three of them, he’d be pretty exposed.
Virgil was a protector.  That was his job, to protect Thomas.  Remus was a part of that.  And he needed Virgil far more than Thomas did most of the time.
Besides, there was a pecking order to the mindscape, as had been explained to Virgil very clearly the time that Malice and Cruelty had thrown Remus at him, unconscious and bleeding from where his mustache was supposed to be.  They wanted to get to Thomas.  But in order to do that they first had to get to Janus.  And since Janus wasn’t an easy side to get to, their best chance was to fuck with Virgil, the person Janus talked to if he ever came down there.  And if you wanted to fuck with Virgil you fucked with the people he was supposed to protect.  If Virgil left Remus alone and exposed, it would be giving them an even more direct line to Janus, and in turn, to Thomas.
Virgil paused as another option struck him.
He looked directly at Thomas.  “On one condition.”
Thomas blinked in surprise.  “You changed your mind?”
“On one condition,” Virgil repeated.
“I get to bring someone with me.”
“Absolutely not,” Janus said instantly, glaring at Virgil.
“Janus,” Thomas said, crossing his arms.
“That’s my job!” Janus snapped.  “He doesn’t get to decide when you meet sides!  That’s my territory!”
“No one said he had to meet Thomas,” Virgil said, smirking as he slipped effortlessly back into the asshole persona.  “But if I have to deal with all of you idiots, I want some actually enjoyable company.”
“Hey, be nice,” Thomas said, raising an eyebrow at Virgil.
“Sorry, buddy, nice isn’t in my job description.  You should talk to Patton about that one.”
“Kiddo,” Patton said, sounding a little disappointed.
Virgil ignored him and looked back over at Janus.  “That’s my deal.  You want me to be part of this stupid video series long-term, you want me to come over here and be on-call for whenever you want to film, I get to bring one side with me.”
Janus narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.  “No.”
“Janus,” Thomas said in exasperation.  “Come on.”
“I am not allowing a hostile side up here,” Janus said, still looking directly at Virgil.  “I decide when you’re ready to meet new sides.  I know all of the other sides down there, and trust me when I say that you’re not ready to meet any of them.  Letting one of them come over here is dancing too close to that line, and I will not allow it.”
Patton started to say something else, probably an attempt to change Janus’ mind, but Virgil recognized the expression on his face.  He wasn’t going to be swayed.
And Virgil wasn’t going to leave Remus by himself.
“Fine,” he said, straightening a little as he shoved his hands in his pockets.  “Then I suppose we’re done here.”
“Wait a second, Anxiety—” Logan started.
“I suppose we are,” Janus said, not moving his glare.
Virgil sank back out to Remus’ room without another word, despite the protests he heard follow him down.
Remus wasn’t there when Virgil got there, which was definitely a bad sign.  Virgil headed for all of their usual hiding spots first, as they’d decided years ago.  If they went to the others first, they would unquestionably get hurt, and if they already were being hurt, it was okay, they could last a little longer in order to not give away hiding spots.
This time, however, Virgil didn’t have to make it through all of the hiding spots, because he was passing the third when he walked in behind Cruelty holding a knife up to Remus’ face.
Remus must have seen him, but Cruelty was the only one in the room and they were both well practiced with not acknowledging the other’s presence.  Virgil summoned his scythe, made with Remus’ help a long time ago, and crept up behind Cruelty, silent on his feet.
“And another thing—” Cruelty started in a low voice.  Unfortunately, his other thing would be lost to time and space, because that’s when Virgil slammed the handle of his scythe into the back of his head, and he crumpled.
“You okay?” he asked, looking at Remus.
“Yeah,” Remus said, waving a dismissive hand, even though after doing so he moved to clutch at his other shoulder.  “Just a stab wound.”
“Ah.” Virgil shoved down the anxiety that always came when Remus was hurt, whether it was hours of grueling torture or just a simple stab wound.  “You want help?”
“I can patch myself up just fine, thanks, I don’t need help.”
“Oh, yeah?  Because it looks like you got cornered by just Cruelty,” Virgil said, smirking at him.
“Ah ha ha ha,” Remus said.  “But come with me, I want to hear what the heck the core sides wanted to talk to you about.”
Virgil followed Remus to the bathroom, looking him over as he did so to make sure he wasn’t hiding worse injuries.  He had a tendency to do that if he thought it would make Virgil nervous.
“You checking me out?” Remus asked as they both stopped in the bathroom.
“Yeah, you’re still smoking hot,” Virgil said, rolling his eyes.  “Don’t worry, your new scar will not take away from how attractive you are.”
“Virgil, please, everyone knows scars make someone more attractive.  Movies say so and therefore it must be true.”
“Uh huh, yeah.”
Virgil set Remus’ shirt and sash to the side to be washed later as Remus inspected the knife wound in his shoulder.  He was right, it didn’t look bad at all, and he cleaned and wrapped it in under a minute, then snapped a new shirt on over it.  “So, what did the core sides want?” he asked.
“Oh, apparently the fanbase loved me, and they wanted me to move over there to be in more videos,” Virgil said, waving his hand dismissively.
“Hang on, what?” Remus exclaimed, leaping up from his spot sitting on the toilet.  “What did you say?”
Virgil stared.  “I said no,” he said in bafflement.  “Duh.”
“You did what?  Are you nuts?  And I don’t even mean the fun kind, Virgil!”
“Oh, please.”  Virgil crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall.  “What am I supposed to do, leave you over here by yourself?”
“Um, yes.”
Virgil stood up straighter and dropped his arms.  “What— Remus, I’m not going to do that.”
“You get offered a chance to leave this hell hole behind and you turn it down for my sake?  Jesus, Virgil, I love you too, but come on.”
Virgil stared at Remus for another minute.  Was he serious?  It sounded an awful lot like he was serious.  “You… Remus, you’re joking, right?  This is a really poorly timed joke?”
But Remus was seeming to realize that Virgil was serious the same time Virgil was realizing that Remus was.  “Virgil.”  Remus reached out and put his hands on his shoulders.  “I just got stabbed in the shoulder, and we’re reacting like it’s a normal Tuesday around here because it is.  Listen to me.  You are going to get out of here.”
“Not without you,” Virgil said instantly.
“Yes without me,” Remus replied just as quickly.  “Have you thought this through at all, idiot?  Remember when Janus first went up there?”
Virgil scowled.  “What about it?”
“Everyone hated him at first.  Don’t you remember?  Remember why he went up there in the first place?”
“Yeah, of course.  Laura Singer.”
Thomas had met Laura when they were both in eighth grade, when he had found her crying behind the school because she was worried her parents were going to find out she was a lesbian.  Janus had shown up on a whim to make a suggestion, and that was how Thomas got his first girlfriend and came out for the first time simultaneously.  And through that, overtime, Thomas had gained a lifelong friend in Laura, and a core side in Janus.
“But what’s your point?” Virgil continued, crossing his arms.
“No one liked Janus at first,” Remus said, crossing his own back.  “He won them over overtime.  Who’s to say that can’t happen again?”
“It’s not going to happen fast enough,” Virgil insisted.  “I can’t leave you down here by yourself, you idiot.”
“What, you think I can’t handle myself?”
“I know you can.  But I also know three against one isn’t a fair fight.  I’m not going to leave you here, Remus.”
Remus narrowed his eyes.  “Yes you are.”  He sank out before Virgil could protest.
“What— Remus!” Virgil cried, sinking out to follow him wherever he went.
He ended up in the core side’s commons in front of all four core sides themselves, and most of them were already looking either very surprised or very displeased to see both of them.
“Hello, all,” Remus said with his too-wide smile.  “There’s been a change of plans.  Anxiety will in fact be coming up here to assist with more videos!”
“Remus!” Virgil hissed, trying to kick him while being subtle about it.  It’s not like he was going to outwardly disagree with him in front of the core sides, and Remus knew that.
“Oh, really?  That’s great, kiddo,” Patton said with a smile, standing from his spot next to Janus.
“I’m not your kiddo,” Virgil snapped.  “Don’t call me that.”
“Well, we’ll have to see, won’t we, maybe you’ll warm up to the idea while you’re up here,” Remus said, giving Virgil a large blindingly bright grin that made Virgil reach behind him and pinch him on the back of the neck.
“But he’s so thrilled for the opportunity,” Remus continued.  “He just needed a moment for it to sink in, you know, it was a bit overwhelming is all.”
Patton’s smile turned a bit confused.
A second later, Janus stood up, already scowling.  “You seemed very against the idea earlier,” he said lowly.
“Yeah, what the heck is with the change of plans Hot Topic?” Roman asked, crossing his arms from his spot against Janus’ other side.
“I just told you,” Remus said, tilting his head just enough for his neck to crack.  “He needed some time to process.  But he’s more than willing to move up here to join you all.  Aren’t you, Anxy?” Remus asked, turning his smile back onto Virgil again.
Virgil gave Remus a large smile back that poorly hid the fury of a thousand suns, and turned to face the others again.  “Yep.  Just thrilled at the prospect,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Oh,” Patton said, still sounding confused.  “Well, that’s wonderful ki— Anxiety,” he amended.  “Do you know how long you’ll need to move up here?”
“He can do it right now!” Remus called brightly.  “He already has all of your begrudging permission, right?”  Remus snapped his fingers and there was a loud crunching sound followed by Virgil’s room appearing down the hallway right next to Janus’ room.
Virgil grabbed one of Remus’ hands and yanked it behind his back so he could bend the fingers back, even though it was clear at this point that Remus wasn’t going to change his mind.
“Well, that looks perfect!” Remus said brightly.  “We’ll just make sure everything looks good, and then I will be out of your armpit hair!”
Remus sunk them both out again, and reappeared them both in Virgil’s bedroom.
Virgil immediately whirled on him and shook him by the shoulders.  “Why did you do that?” he snapped.  “You asshole, I told you no!”
“And I told you I’m not letting you turn down the one chance you have to get away from the others,” Remus said firmly.  “You’re staying here, Virgil.”
“Remus, it’s not just about that,” Virgil said.  “Don’t you get it, you just gave them an easier way to hurt you and pressure me into doing something to get them to stop.  You know what they’re capable of.  They could seriously hurt you.  They could kill you.”
Sides couldn’t die permanently, but they were way more vulnerable while reforming from death.  Getting hurt during that time was the kind of thing that caused permanent damage.  Virgil and Remus had always been there to watch each other’s backs when it happened before.  If they managed to kill Remus, while Virgil wasn’t there to help…
“It doesn’t matter,” Remus said, pulling Virgil from his thoughts before he could really start spiraling.  “Just don’t do what they say.”
“What— oh yeah, I’ll just do that,” Virgil said, stubbornly ignoring the tears welling up in his eyes.  “I’ll just knowingly let my only family get badly hurt while I live in the lap of luxury.  That won’t make me a huge fucking asshole.”
“You’re right, it won’t.  Because that’s exactly what I’m telling you to do.”
“Remus.  I can’t just leave you there.”
“Okay, fine.  Don’t.  Get them to like you, just like Janus did, and ask them to let me come over here once they do.”
“I said that isn’t going to happen fast enough!” Virgil snapped.  “How am I supposed to get them to like me?  I’m not exactly a likable side, Remus!”
“Virgil,” Remus said, raising an eyebrow.  “I get that this might be a difficult concept for you to understand.”  He leaned into Virgil’s face as if Virgil was missing something obvious.  “Play. Nice.”
Virgil scowled.
“Don’t be confrontational.  Maybe agree with another side every now and then and don’t constantly bring up the negatives to everything they say.  Try not glaring at Janus every time a word comes out of his mouth.”
Virgil opened his mouth to protest, only for Remus to shove his hand over it, which Virgil leaned back from instantly.  He didn’t want to know where that thing had been.  “Virgil, Janus is the main side you have to win over.  You do get that, don’t you?”
Virgil took a step back and let out a groan.  “Yes,” he mumbled, glaring down at the floor.  “I just… Remus, I don’t want to have to deal with him to get you out!”
“I get that.  I’m with you, okay?  But that’s just how it is.  Get Janus to like you, and he’ll be much more likely to let me come over here.  And that’s the only way to ensure that I’m not kicked out almost immediately.”
“I know,” Virgil grumbled.  “I…” he sighed.  He was being unfair, wasn’t he?  Remus was the one who would have to deal with the others alone, if he could do that, Virgil could manage to not scream at Janus every time he saw him.  “Okay.”
“I’ll…” Virgil glared away.  “Play nice with Janus.”  He looked back at Remus.  “But I can’t just suddenly start being the friendliest side in the world to him, that’s just going to make him suspicious.”
“Okay, then try slowly working up to sucking his dick.”
Virgil winced.  “But Remus—”
“I can handle it.  I’m a patient side.”
Virgil snorted.  “Oh yeah, when I think patience, I think of you.”
“I know I won’t be able to get out immediately,” Remus said.  “It’s okay.”
Virgil looked back up.  Remus was biting his lip while frowning and not even pulling off a finger to chew on.
Virgil looked down and laughed bitterly.  “When did you get so serious?”
“Excuse me, is that a challenge?  I’ll strip naked right now.”
“Ew, no!” Virgil called, leaning forward enough to shove Remus’ back.  “You’re disgusting!”
“Thank you, I try.  And don’t ever call me serious ever again.”
Virgil looked over at him, smiling even as he shook his head in exasperation.
“I just trust you,” Remus said.
Virgil stopped smiling.  “Oh.”  He looked at Remus for another moment, then walked forward and pulled him into a hug.  “I’m not gonna let you down,” he mumbled into Remus’ sash.
“Yeah,” Remus said, hugging him back.  “I know.”
Remus pulled back after a minute and smiled weakly at Virgil.  “Okay.  I’m gonna go and add more traps to stop anyone trying to get into my room.”
“Let me help you,” Virgil said instantly.
“No,” Remus said, pushing Virgil back a little more.  “I’ve got this.  I’m gonna be on my own for a little while, I can—”
“Remus,” Virgil cut him off.  “Let me help you with this.”
Remus swallowed, and nodded.  “Okay.”
They both sunk out together and headed for Remus’ room, and Virgil tried to ignore the fear that was cropping up at all of this.  Remus would be fine.  He was Remus, he could handle himself.  Three against one still wasn’t fair, but that just meant he would have to move as quickly as he could.  He’d start tomorrow.  He could make everyone breakfast of some kind.  Pretty much everyone likes pancakes, right?
Chapter Two
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