#please send more prompts if you want!
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perfectpaperbluebirds · 10 months ago
Manner minded as got to be Father Luc, I bet he’s always so polite to Flora even when he’s really sick, always had a hanky with him and hates it when she has to do basic things for him.
Luc may seem very mannerly in the fics I've written about him because they're usually when he's "on" doing priest things or else with Flora, because especially in the early months, she brings out the best in him ❤️
But most days, he's just a normal dude lol. He'd sooner sneeze into the collar of his shirt than carry around a tissue or handkerchief. He would only use the word hankie if he was joking around. He definitely tends toward comfortable and casual rather than neat and precise in most things. Also, don't forget, he was an angsty punk rock lover in the 90's and 2000's. Had he not been religiously inclined from an early age, he probably would have landed somewhere on the angry hipster spectrum and exist exclusively in joggers or ripped jeans lol.
However, he IS always polite to Flora because he's crazy about her and wants the best for her. It's true that he goes out of his way to be especially kind to her when he's not feeling well, because he'd never want to go take out his bad mood on her. But after they're comfortable and established, he loves being babied a little and letting her take care of him (within reason). Definitely the "cuddle me until I'm better" type rather than "Stay away, I don't want to trouble you."
Thank you for your interest in my characters though ☺️ if you want to request something else from this list now that you have some more character detail, please feel free!
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snkyou · 3 months ago
Drabble Prompt: Post-canon Levi, struggling with chronic pain and mourning his dead loved ones, being visited by his still alive loved ones
Anon, you knew how to talk pretty to me <3
hihi requests are still open btw
I feel like I gotta put a disclaimer or something lmao. So, the length of my drabble requests is usually something between 100-400 words. This request is just an incredibly unexpected exception. it just happened to fit into this idea I already had been thinking of, which was how the remaining 104th would ask Levi to be part of important events in their lives because well, they like the dude lmao, so expect that sort of one-shot soon. Additionally, since I kept reminding myself that this was supposed to be a drabble, I might have glossed over the chronic pain and mourning bits so I'm sorry about that ;;
that being said, 2.4k words of Levi and Gabi be upon ye <3
Now on Ao3!
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The angry hissing of the kettle makes him flinch. It brings a loud ringing to his right ear. Instinctively, he places his right hand over it, and gives his ear a couple of gentle taps; it's more of a grounding gesture, a distraction from the buzzing. He usually keeps watch over the kettle, so that he can lower the heat just right before it gets a chance to scream at him. 
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He realises then that he must have spaced out while waiting. It’s alright, he thinks. It’s been like that a lot, recently. He’s been like that. Lost in thought-- lost in time, if he allowed himself to be precise. The last days, weeks even, as the temperatures started to drop, blended into each other. There’s a little calendar on his bedside table, it had been a birthday gift from Armin – or had that been Mikasa’s? He isn’t sure, he had received an absurd number of presents from the kids last year, it had been hard to keep track of who gave him what and now the fact escaped him. Turning the pages of the little calendar, with its delicate botanical illustrations on each day, quickly became part of his morning routine, and so he was sure that time was passing at all. The stillness of the routine, he guesses, made him like this.
His vision blurs momentarily while he scoops the tea leaves into the teapot. He squints, trying to will his good eye to focus, but all he gets in return is a throb in his right eye. After putting the tea canister away, he presses the inner sides of his wrists to both eyes, placing just enough pressure to relieve the discomfort. When he opens his eyes again, he is pleased to find he can read the small print on the canister an arm’s length away. 
There’s a loud slam coming from the front of the house, followed by footsteps coming further into the house.
He quickly recognizes the heavy stomping as Gabi’s gait. She’s always been so loud.
Gabi crosses the arch into the small kitchen and dining area. 
“Don’t slam my doors,” he says as a greeting, slowly turning his head to his left side, trying to catch a glimpse of her in his periphery.
“Aye, aye,” the kid waves her hand, shoots him a teasing grin, “someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
Levi hums in response but doesn’t say anything else. He busies himself with placing everything they need for their morning tea and coffee on a metal tray on the counter, which Gabi takes from him as soon as it’s ready and sets it on the table.
He grabs his cane from where he had hooked it on one of the kitchen drawers. He has been leaning against the counter, his right leg supporting most of his weight all this time. He braces himself for the sharp pain that will surely surge from his bad knee, through his left hip and up his spine. Cold mornings like this one and being still in one place for long will do that to him. It’s not so bad. It could be worse.
It takes 4 steps to get from the stove to his chair, which Gabi has already pulled out for him. It sits at an angle that allows him to easily slide down on it and rest his right elbow on top of the table, leaning back and against his good side.
“I have something that will cheer you up,” she holds a couple of envelopes in her hand and waves them at him, “You’ve got mail!”
He nods at her in acknowledgement but does not take his attention away from preparing his first batch of tea of the day. There’s a ritual to it, it almost feels like, and he doesn’t want to mess it up. Not when the ringing in his ear is still there, the building pressure in the upper back part of his eyeballs, and the cold air seeping into his bones through his thick jumper. Oh, how he needs a good cup of tea right now.
While Levi waits for it to steep, he grabs the papers that she had shoved in his face, squints his eyes at the first envelope and finds that he is unable to make out much of the handwriting. He brings it closer to his face, squints harder, steals a quick glance across the table and hopes Gabi isn’t paying him any mind, too preoccupied with choosing from the bag of pastries she brought with her. It is with an impassive expression that he hands the stack of envelopes back. 
“Read it for me.” A beat and then he adds, a little reluctant: “Please.”
He knows Gabi prefers coffee in the mornings, and black tea in the evenings, so he makes sure to have a fresh brew of the former whenever he knows she’s coming over; so, with shaky hands, Levi gets to prepare her cup of coffee. While he enjoys the aroma of it, he remains faithful to tea; at first, he thought he didn’t like it because he had butchered his first attempts at brewing it. But even after Onyankopon had taught him how to do it properly and he had enjoyed his cup, it didn’t bring the same comfort as tea. It just never hit the spot.
She shoots him a mischievous grin, “Oh, you sure? What if I read something personal, hm?” 
Levi just shakes his head, scoffing at the idea of Gabi finding his junk mail fascinating.
“Is this how I find out you have a secret lover you’re exchanging raunchy love letters with?” Gabi teases, wiggling her eyebrows at him.
He lets out a tired sigh and rolls his eyes, “just wanna be done with it, ” he stirs the milk into Gabi’s coffee, which now has turned into a cup of milk with coffee. “We have a lot to prepare for tonight.”
She clicks her tongue at him, but still rips the first envelope open, “Mr. Levi, your reading won’t improve if you keep doing that,” she jokingly scolds him.
Although Levi mentally recognises handing her and Falco stuff he couldn’t be bothered reading before, that’s not the case this time. He’ll let her think that for now, though, because he doesn’t want to mention the pressure building in the back of his bad eye, it’s not important and she, a kid, doesn’t need to know his newly found ailment of the week. He can see just fine around him right now. He can see Gabi’s big eyes and playful smile at the other side of the table, and that’s good enough; smaller details, he doesn’t feel he can do them, not without making himself go dizzy with a migraine.
Levi slides the cup of coffee to her and is pleased with himself when she approves of the colour of her drink.
“It’s from Armin,” she announces as she scans the letter. 
From this angle, the soft morning light illuminating her face and thanks to his faulty vision, Gabi’s image stirs his memory. His heart faintly constricts as he is reminded of the many times Hange read their research reports to him during breakfast in the mess hall before presenting them to Erwin. Levi always wondered how they could read so fast, sometimes he even doubted they were actually reading at all, their words barely being able to catch up with her eyes; he never asked about it, maybe reading came easy to them as numbers did to him.
A high-pitched squeal from Gabi startles him, bringing him back to the here and now.
“Oh… ohh, Mr. Levi,” she starts, her smile widening by the second “This is good news!”
Gabi makes a show of clearing her throat and then starts reading “Dear Captain, I hope this letter finds you well and in good health.” 
Levi can’t help but let a sardonic huff at the irony of the greetings but doesn’t let himself be bothered by it. He has written only a handful of personal letters throughout his life, and by now he knows it’s just something you’re supposed to say because jumping straight to the point isn’t acceptable, or so that’s what he had been told. 
Gabi continues reading Armin’s words to him. For the most part, it’s a standard letter coming from him: he asks Levi how he’s dealing with the changing of the seasons, how Gabi and Falco are faring, if business at the tea shop has been good, if there’s anything Levi needs that he can’t get in town so that Armin or the others can get it for him. He tells him a little about the country he’s writing from, he even includes a photograph. Then, after the expected pleasantries, Gabi can barely hold her excitement and starts reading faster, trying so hard not to trip over her words.
“If I’m being sincere, we would prefer to ask you in person,” Gabi stops for a second to look up at him from the paper, gauging for a reaction and finding nothing, she continues. 
Armin apologises for not being able to visit him before the holidays, Annie included, and so it is implied that he won’t be attending tonight’s reunion. 
Sometime during the last five years, the Alliance brats had decided to make showing up at Levi’s doorstep together once a year a sort of custom; the first time it happened was during an early winter, a blizzard had stopped them from leaving Levi’s until the next morning. It had been a really nice evening despite the awful weather, Levi remembers, after everyone pitched in one way or another, they all shared a simple but hearty meal together. It was Connie who jokingly said they should do it every year. The following year, Onyankopon, Gabi and Falco joined them. 
This year would be their fourth, and the first someone wouldn’t make it. That fact sits heavily in Levi’s chest, stealing the spotlight from his throbbing eye.
“...Annie and I have decided to get married. The both of us would like you to officiate our ceremony!” unable to contain her excitement, she tears her eyes away from the paper and looks at Levi. “Huh?! This is good news! What’s with the constipated face?!”
That doesn’t sound right. It figures that Annie and Armin would be the first to marry; in a way, he is happy for them, they clearly care for each other. No, that part is easy to understand. Their union is logical to anyone who knows the couple. What Levi can’t figure out is why they are asking him such a thing.
He clears his throat, assumes it’s been 3 minutes and his tea is ready to be poured and so he distracts himself with that.
When he doesn’t answer Gabi, she picks up where she left off. 
He isn’t… well, he isn’t that close to either of them. He’s sure Annie must have other relatives that could step in his stead. Maybe a brother, a cousin. Even Jean or Reiner would be better options than Levi. He isn’t good with words or people like they are, he couldn’t possibly give them a speech about something foreign to him as it is that kind of love, that’s what people expect, right? His title of Captain is obsolete in this new world, so it can’t be that either. Hell, he has never been to a fucking wedding. 
Just… why him?
As expected, Armin doesn’t really go into the details of their choice but does let Levi know they do not expect a fast answer and that they do not want him to feel pressured to accept it, despite how much it would mean to them if he did. Armin asks if there’s anything in particular that he would like for his birthday, as it is a month away, and closes the letter by saying he looks forward to seeing him and everyone then.
When the letter is closed and put back into its envelope, silence falls around them. For a moment the only sound that can be heard is the clinking of tableware as Levi places the teacup back on its saucer.
It bothers him, that he knows he will be letting Armin down by refusing something that any other well-adapted person would consider an honour. But the thought of embarrassing him and himself, because he gave an awkward, most likely insensitive, speech, mortifies him. No, he can’t put them and their guests through that. He will find a way to make it up to the couple, maybe he can… he doesn’t know yet, but he will come up with something.
As he finishes his first cup, Levi realises that at some point while he was lost in thought, the ringing in his ear has subsided and now it’s back to that muffled, cotton-in-ear sensation he’s used to and he doesn’t feel his eyeball pulsating anymore. Glancing at Gabi, he notices she is trying really hard not to say something, her brow furrowed as she takes a sip of her own drink, followed by a big bite of her pastry. Flakes stick to the corner of her mouth and for once it doesn’t disgust him. Instead, it makes his lips twitch as if going into a smile.
“I can help you... if you want,” she says eventually, sounding uncharacteristically careful and small of her.
Levi quirks an eyebrow “Help? with what?” 
She shrugs, “How to… tell them you don’t want to,” she avoids looking at him for the first time, finding the flakes on her plate more interesting. She shrugs again and tilts her head to the side, a thin line of a smile appearing on her face. “...or prepare for the ceremony.”
Not unlike many times before, Gabi’s words render him speechless, if only for a moment. He spares his tea a glance and he thinks: it’s bold of her to be so upfront about offering her help to him, and had it been any other morning, one where he couldn’t think past the constant ache in his body, he would’ve chewed her head off for simply trying to help him because he himself doesn’t know how to accept that kindness.
This kid is trying her best and he can’t help but feel somewhat proud of that.
“You have shit on your face. Here,” he points to where the flakes would sit on his own face and picks his refilled teacup back up.
Gabi quickly wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, getting most of the flakes off. Levi gives her a thumbs-up with his free hand.
“I’ll think about it,” he finally concedes and tries to ignore the little happy dance she does in her seat.
This time, when the amber liquid touches his lips, it’s remarkably sweeter than before.
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sasslett · 2 years ago
FFXIV Naughty Fic Prompts
a collection of my favorite smutty tropes and ideas that I desperately want to see people write
Only One Bed Trope (tm)
Someone accidentally walks in on your OC pleasuring themselves
Your OC accidentally walks in on someone pleasuring themselves
Your Echo-bearing OC has a vision of someone in a private moment
Sparring leads to steamy times
Bandaging wounds/cleaning up after battle
Your OC being watched (alone or with others) during a private moment by Midgardsormr/Feo Ul/Ardbert/Fray (Esteem)/Emet Selch/Crystal Exarch/that fucking shoebill/Hydaelyn, or anyone else who regularly spies on them
A linkpearl call at a very bad time
Discovering/dealing with racial physical differences during intimacy (ears horns tails height differences etc etc etc)
Vacation to the Gold Saucer/Costa Del Sol/one of the many hot springs in the game (Kugane, Camp Bronze Lake, Lakeland)
Combat abilities used sensually/sexually
Post-battle emotional high/"Holy shit we're alive" moment
Pre-huge battle "We might not make it out of this alive" moment
Fun with fantasias
Everyone is attracted to the WoL/everyone wants a piece of the WoL
"I know we shouldn't but I can't help it" sorts of dynamics
Fellow Scion/acquaintance walks in on WoL/OC with their partner - gossip ensues
That damn Ishgardian ball we never got but deserved (ok I guess this isn't really steamy but it can be)
Other character with special sensing abilities (Y'shtola's aether sight, Krile's super sensitive Echo, Hythlodaeus' soul sight etc) knows what the WoL/OC has been up to/knows OC and their partner are a couple before they're out (or uses their ability in the heat of the moment if shipping with them)
Something fueled by armor/glams (and we know there's a lot of sexy outfits in game)
WoL/OC being given comfort after one of their few defeats (Zenos, Ranjit, Final Days etc)
That inn room scene in Endwalker (if you know you know)
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ailithnight · 2 years ago
Just had a wild idea in the shower for a dp\dc crossover.
Wes Weston is convinced that Batman is actually Lex Luthor, using the cowl to hide his baldness.
And he swears that Bruce Wayne is Superman, with makeup. After all, they are both himbos.
(the fact that Bruce and Clark have canonically swapped with each other without anybody noticing shows that they're similar enough)
Danny thinks Wes is completely ridiculous, but is also quietly concerned because he was right about him being Phantom, what if Wayne really is Superman?!
Sam's not convinced. Not only do Lex and Batman have completely different body types, but there's no way that the man who got drunk at a gala and got his lips stuck to an ice sculpture of himself can possibly have the mental ability to calculate how much force to use when grabbing a falling Lois without her exploding.
Tucker compares pictures. The butts don't match.
Its an interesting idea, Anon.
I, however, am not a DPxDC prompt blog.
While I do occasionally post prompts, those are just my own thoughts that latch into my head but I don't intend to write myself.
In the future, consider sending your prompt ideas as an ask or submission to the resident DPxDC prompt blog, @stealingyourbones
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zukkaoru · 1 year ago
Hi Grace! I don't know anything about bsd, so I'm gonna stick with atla (if that's okay). Zukka with the fluff dialogue prompt: “I want to spend the day with you doing nothing.” please. 
it's been so long since i've written them so uhhh i hope this isn't terrible 🫣
(prompt requests are still open)
The morning sun filters through the windows, painting Zuko’s bedroom golden. For the first time in months, they’re allowed to stay tangled up with each other in bed past sunrise. Sokka traces his fingers up and down Zuko’s arms as Zuko’s lips ghost against his boyfriend’s jawline. For a brief moment, they are allowed to be nothing more than two boys in love.
“Sunshine,” Sokka whispers, and Zuko lifts his head just enough to let his eyes roam over Sokka’s face. Summer has brought out his freckles, and they dot his face like constellations in the night sky. He cups Zuko’s cheek with one hand, then says, “I wish we could stay like this forever.”
Zuko hums in agreement. It would be nice, he thinks, if they had no obligations. If Zuko were not the Fire Lord and Sokka were not travelling constantly—if they lived in a world where they could hold onto each other outside the confines of this bedroom, if the world were not set up to oppose them.
“Me too,” Zuko agrees, then leans in to steal another kiss. “I’d take even just one day. I want to spend the day with you doing nothing.”
“One day,” Sokka muses. “One day of no responsibilities. Just you and me.” He sighs. “Maybe someday. For one whole day, we’ll lock ourselves in this room and do absolutely nothing.”
It’s a nice fantasy, unattainable as it may be. There are always things that require Zuko’s attention, and there are always people unintentionally pulling him and Sokka apart. But maybe one day, when Zuko has established himself as Fire Lord, when the world isn’t still reeling from one hundred years of war, they’ll be able to find a day of peace.
For now, though, Zuko will cherish the few extra minutes they’ve found this morning. It won’t be long before he’s called elsewhere, but until then, he’ll continue to kiss Sokka slowly, like they’ve got all the time in the world, and he’ll be content to have Sokka in his arms as the sunlight pours over them.
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applesandbannas747 · 2 years ago
I know fanfic is widely accepted these days and most creators aren't going to sue you for writing it, but I am begging people to remember that by sharing your fic and OCs unsolicited with creators, you're putting them in a really uncomfortable position. For one thing, they have their own ideas for their story and it can be really awkward to respond to fans trying to insert their ideas into it. You're trapping them into interacting with your fanwork in a way that can be hard to disengage from, especially without hurting feelings. And it can also lead to trouble regarding intellectual property and plagiarism.
Say you're an author and a fan sends you a fic, which you read, and find that it's predicted some key elements to the next book of the series. Now that fan has proof that they sent you these ideas before the book came out, and when you publish your new book, they notice how similar it is to their fic. They might try taking legal action against you or they might just brag online that your idea was so great that they took it, or inversely call you a thief and an asshole for stealing their ideas. So maybe instead of even risking it, you're now trying to redo that next novel away from those elements. Are these scenarios likely to happen? No, probably not. But a lot of authors are advised by their teams to avoid fanworks for this reason anyway.
Interacting with the creators of the canon you love is awesome! But please remember they aren't fellow fans and you need to interact with them appropriately for everyone's sake
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tommys-wings · 6 months ago
I. I forgor to colour the flower on my previous fanart 💀💀💀💀
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year ago
Quick question, how old is Seb in the boy king au when they get married, I'm asking because I was rereading the fic & directors cut from September and you said he’s so obsessed with calling Seb little. Is Seb shorter than Nando or is Nando trying to feel a bit taller when actually he is a itty-bitty war criminal kitty? If Seb is shorter but still has time to grow how badly will Nando take it
Hello! This one is much easier to answer than your other one(You're really making me think deeply, thank you 🥺), so I think I can answer this pretty quickly(hopefully)
So you've probably noticed that I don't mention actual years too much which is just bcs the timeline is so vast and I've not decided on a lot 😭. But they basically have the same age gap as modern day, so I'd say they were born in 1681 and 1687 respectively(which matches up well enough with the real world history.) Irl, the war that I'm canon divergencing away from takes place 1701-1714, so stuff regarding when their coronation and marriage happens is somewhere in there. So I'd say Nando becomes king in like, 1705 and then they marry somewhere between then and 1710(when seb ideally becomes emperor??)
So to answer your actual question. Seb is def taller than Nando by the time they get married. But in that ficlet, Fernando is obsessed with calling Seb small because he wants to make himself feel bigger!! It's less about actual height and more about power dynamics. He's belittling him by literally calling him little! And it's also about Nando being older than him. Seb became a king as a boy(hence boy king), whereas Fernando became a king as an adult so he calls him little because he still sees him as that little boy king who is too young to have that amnt of power.
They first met pretty young, not knowing what their future would be like, and didn't really see each other for a while. And so until they meet again, when the marriage plans start happening, their perceptions are: Nando thinks of Seb as some little boy king, and Seb has a childish crush. So it's very odd for Nando to suddenly now meet this kid, all grown up, and he's now taller and even more powerful. So I think Nando still associates Seb with that image in his mind, thus calling him little all the time.
Conclusion: Fernando IS shorter, and he wears heels and calls Seb little all the time as a way to cope
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ladylynse · 1 year ago
Hello! I love your works, they're all so cool! I especially love your rc9gn ones because it's my current hyperfixation. Do you think you can make some (even your 3-sentences ones would make me really happy!)? I have a bunch of prompts!
Prompt 1: Viceroy trying to create a robot, but something went wrong (Bash/McFist/a robo-ape probably messed it up) and it caused an electric short-age to the whole town
Prompt 2: There's a thunderstorm at the end of class and everyone was advised to wait out the storm before they could get home, shenanigans ensues
Prompt 3: (contains human!Nomicon) the Nomicon thinks about all the good and bad things his current student has done
I have more, but I don't want to spam you with all of them, so here's all I'll give! It's fine if you can't do any of it, I'm just thankful for the work you've alr done!
Thanks so much, Anon! I'm sorry I'm getting to this so late, but I am delighted you like what I've written. I really appreciate you letting me know!
These prompts are best for ficlet prompts (specific scenarios always are), and unfortunately my ask box isn't open for that at the moment, but I'll turn them into three sentence prompts: blackout, stormbound, and human!Nomicon AU, reflections. I'm specifying what I'm boiling the prompts down to because I don't take specific scenarios for three sentence fic prompts anymore, so I ask for a word or two (along with the AU if it's an AU) for those, and this is how I'm going to list them in my three sentence fic list. (I'm still going to do your scenarios because I'm assuming you're new and don't know what I've been doing more recently, but this will give you an example of how a prompt can be boiled down.) You are welcome to still share any ideas you have, though! (It's always fun to see what people come up with.) I just won't necessarily turn them into ficlets.
Prompt 1 - Blackout
“Viceroy,” McFist growled in the sudden silence that seemed all the louder for the absence of any hum of machinery, “what did you do?”
Viceroy pinched the bridge of his nose—of course he’d get the blame for this when McFist, in all his enthusiasm, had been the one to activate the prototype before it was ready—but somehow summoned the patience to say, “It seems premature activation caused a power outage that, if the view out the window is any indication, is affecting the entire town; if you had waited—”
“The Ninja was right here,” snapped McFist, his words nearly—but not quite—covering up the sound of a pair of feet hitting the floor behind Viceroy and their owner no doubt dropped from above, “and if he’s going to show his face under my own roof, I’m going to send every WND we have after him!”
Prompt 2 - Stormbound
Randy didn’t think it would be too long before the rain let up enough for them to safely leave, but Howard—and clearly Heidi—had other ideas, since Howard had his phone out and was willingly watching Heidi’s Me-Cast, where she was saying, “Hey, N-villers, Heidi here with the DL on the downpour; the storm has us all stuck in school, so I propose a contest: first person to—hey!”
“First person to discover the real secrets of Norrisville,” continued Debbie, her face only partly in frame and the entire camera bouncing as she scrambled to keep the phone out of Heidi’s reach, “will win the prize. So how about it—who wants to unmask the Ninja with me?”
Prompt 3 - Reflections, Human!Nomicon AU
He would be lying if he called Randy his best student or his most skilled one, but Randy may well be the one who most embodied what it meant to be the Norrisville Ninja; he had a heart that wouldn’t fail him, and when he dealt with the likes of the Sorcerer and now the Sorceress, that was the most valuable of all.
Of course, he also had more luck than the last ten Ninjas combined, and at times like these, it was hard to accept (despite ample supporting evidence) that that luck was entirely natural and not the result of a magical artefact altering the luck of others and bending fortune to his own favour, no matter how well that would explain the current predicament.
“Yo, Nomi,” called Randy, since Randy had insisted on calling him that once he’d realized he wasn’t speaking with the one he called First Ninja, “now that you’re, like, a person and not a book, this is a perfect time to teach me how to do the Ninja Dragon Fist, so how ‘bout it?”
see more fics | more RC9GN fics
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hellofanidea · 1 year ago
ok one last bc i just came across it in a bbc merlin post on my dash
"I have the power to change everything, yet can affect nothing, it's all inevitable-- it is also all my fault."
Natalie slumped down onto the bed when she was finished, her head going into her hands. Defeat rolled off of her in waves, and it made Nix's heart seize to see her brought down so hard. Tentatively, he placed a hand on her shoulder.
"You haven't had any more say in this than anyone else, and you work twice as hard as everyone to keep it all together," he tried to assure her. "Nobody's blaming you for any of it, even if it all goes up in flames."
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allylikethecat · 1 year ago
Watch out world, Ally is trying to write smut again
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fragrantpines · 2 years ago
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“A story? Oh my, I haven't done one of those in a while. Shall we take a peek at the options we have on hand?”
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Opening prompt requests for a limited time only! (closed!)
What to do: Send me a character from the tale of food + which prompt you would like to use from this list (Tea Prompts List)
E.g: “Hello, I would like Drunken Chicken with the prompt Green Tea.”
Additional info: None so far, go wild and request to your heart's content 💕
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“Hm~ What a lovely tea time this was. I enjoyed it thoroughly, did you? Oh, don't answer me now, tell me when we meet again!”
“Whether it be over another cup of tea, under a galaxy of stars or through a garden of roses... the stories will always be here, waiting for you to remember them. So don't keep "them" waiting too long, young master. Until we meet again~”
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lemonlightt · 1 year ago
Random question! What is your favorite type of feline?
this is a HARD QUESTION ANON. sorry to disappoint if our favourites do not match . i would like to hear other peoples answers too so >:) any moots come here >:)
i have had many different phases of favourite types of feline but it either has to be sabertoothed cats. if you are looking for a species that hasn't entirely died out then it'd have to be pallas cats right now.
sabertoothed cats because they're so fun to study. i love their anatomy. theyre so CUTE. i just love forgotten felines. secret thing about me that my husband might not even know probably but i used to be obsessed with extinct ancient animals for a period of being a kid !!!
but obviously pallas cats. they're so EXPRESSIVE? they look like they're in a constant state of anger? they frighten me to my core/aff. i lvoe them. have you ever looked at them? they look like a snow leopards lil sister.
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look at this one. look how teeny. they're so worried. not a thought but fear behind those eyes. they don't know where they are.
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this fucker looks like you just gave them the most unimaginable read ever . i've never seen a cat JAWDROPPED. it's fucking amazing. these cats are a blessing .
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this one looks like my husband. they're so ugly. i need to hug one. they look like they want to go home and sleep.
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this one is so hangry. me when i dont get my yummies. my yummies. my yumyums. !!!!!!!!!
do you understand anon. anon . do you understand? i could keep going for ages. they are a blessing . i love them. thank you for this delightful ask. you, among these cats, are a blessing. thanks for the excuse to scream about pallas cats. sorry for ranting at you
to anyone who wants to add their fav felines (extinct or (MOSTLY) alive) GO CRAZY!! SHOW PICS!!!!!!!!
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years ago
I know taking my time with asks and prioritizing other things isn't something I need to apologize for, but I still want to say if you've sent me an ask and I haven't answered it I promise I am not ignoring it. I will answer and I do really appreciate it.
I genuinely haven't had an empty ask box since around Dec 2020-Jan 2021 (somewhere around there, I don't know exactly) but I love to answer those asks and share ideas! so please know it is not you or your ask, and that I am doing things as I can.
I just know I've got a few that've been sitting for a while and wanted to say I'm not ignoring you, I promise! I just have Life and there are many of you, so please be patient :)
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remyfire · 2 years ago
Might be cleaning out some of my ask box tonight, and only because some of these prompts were good enough to accidentally inform future longfic instead—
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Please do!!!
Generationally rich-rich Steve, so rich that his money makes money, who loves spoiling his friends and lovers, trying to sugar-daddy the busker he accidentally spilled coffee on, who turned out to be really cute under his weird orange bucket hat (that he has his hair tucked up under for some reason?) and giant sunglasses that take up half his face.
It’s difficult because the guy fights him to pay for anything, and doesn’t really seem to covet much. All Steve knows is that he’s a musician working in an album, and after the second guitar the guy has joked about trying to “buy his affection” and Steve had rapidly backpedaled off of that avenue.
See, what Steve doesn’t know is that Eddie is the lead singer of Corroded Coffin, one of the hottest metal bands at the moment. They’re on a break after a huge tour, for some downtime and to write their new album.
He likes to just put on random disguises and play in the streets when he’s feeling stuck, which is how he met Steve, when Steve spilled coffee all over him.
Of course, Steve was wearing a random sweater and sweat pants. Eddie honestly thought he was a college student or something. The poor guy offered to buy him a whole new outfit in apology, and seemed more distressed every time Eddie assured him it was fine, so he eventually settled for Steve buying him a coffee.
Steve was really cute, so Eddie decided to take off his disguise and just get to know him with all cards on the table (Eddie is just so “metal is life” that it literally doesn’t occur to him that someone might not know who he is)
That start dating. Eddie is pretty used to guys wanting to date him for his fame and/or money, but this guy really doesn’t seem to want that. Not only is he more than happy to go on low-key dates, but he seems determined to prove he’s not after Eddie’s money by refusing expensive gifts and also just… buying things for Eddie instead? Eddie’s not used to it and it’s really flattering, but he’s getting a little worried because this guy is trying to spend a lot of money on him.
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