#please nadia too she is so innocent…
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Oh how naive I was…
#recently saw a comment from someone saying they hoped there was more romance in Lucas’s salvation end and I. 👀#did not have the heart to tell them to mentally prepare themselves 💀#ahaha I mean. yeah sure in a way. 🙃#we get a lovely bonding CG of us stabbing him in the neck and later kissing him after he’s died so like uh yay? 💀#the more I see people commenting about their hopes and dreams for the salvation ends the more I feel the need to rant again lmaooo 😂#AND!#vague maybe spoilers for the fandisk in the following tags so beware :O#I’ve heard some vague ominous foreboding statement about the fandisk and… y’all I can’t#I’m gonna break my controller if he still still gets a shitty depressing end even in the FD 😭😂#like OKAY GAME. I KNOW HE’S DEAD. BUT CAN WE HAVE A SLIGHTLY HAPPIER/HOPEFUL AU???#please nadia too she is so innocent…#please give the Proust siblings a break dear lord 💀#virche evermore#shuuen no virche#Virche evermore spoilers#shuuen no virche spoilers#there’s not enough fanart/fanfics/shitposts for me to be able to cope with more despair even in the fandisk please I’m begging… 😂#never before have I used the 💀 emoji so much when talking about a character before#my post
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assess and discuss
part three of thesis statement
(part II) (part I)
Pairing: professor!Jim x f!reader
Word count: 2,860
Warnings: 18+ please for the love of god, age gap (reader is 24, Jim is 43), fluffy, kissing, mentions of submission
a/n: Happy Valentine's Day! Here's my gift to you. Sorry updates have been slow. I'm really trying! There's not really any smut in this one. It's all plot and fluff baby! I hope you enjoy.
It’s been a week since your’ve seen him and a week since you’ve spoken to him. You’ve been counting the days on your calendar as they went by.
You skipped out on class yesterday, deciding you couldn’t face him just yet. But, there was no way of avoiding him today. That was one of the benefits of taking both of his seminars this term. Usually seeing him twice a week made getting up in the morning worth it. Now, it felt like a death sentence.
He’s texted you since you last saw him. He asked how you were and if you’d thought about what he said to you. Then it was radio silence. In all honesty, you had thought about it and you wanted to take him up on it. Setting boundaries was important, you thought and that could only happen if you sat down and laid it all out. You felt you had to tell him in person. So here you were, on campus on a Friday morning, coffee in hand and ready to mention having that conversation. Having that conversation in the classroom was a bit uncooth, so you thought it better to ease into it. You didn’t want anyone suspecting anything. Not admin, not your classmates, not even Nadia but you knew that wasn’t an option. She was the first person to know what was going on. You told each other everything.
You walked into an empty classroom and took your usual seat. After a few minutes you were finally all set up and were browsing on your laptop. Nadia arrived a couple minutes into you scrolling on Etsy.
“Hey! I thought you fell off the face of the earth I haven’t heard from you.”
“Hey, Nadia. Sorry, I’ve just been kinda preoccupied.” In reality you had been isolating. The time you spent with Jim left you with a large weight on your conscience. Not only did you have your heavy course load to keep in mind, you had this force looming over you. Him. You had no idea what to make of it.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” She was always genuine when she said things like this. She missed you and hated when you pulled away but she knew it was better to give you space.
“God, yes, I need to talk about it.”
In a hushed voice you began. “We saw each other and we...”
“You and Jim?” Yiou nodded at her words. The excitement on her face was easy to place. She was thrilled for you.
“No fuckin’ way.”
“Yes fuckin’ way.”
“Is that why he cancelled class?”
“YOU’RE KIDDING.” Nadia’s eyebrows rose and she leaned forward as the door behind her opened up. Jim walked in wearing a white oxford shirt tucked into tailored pants. He looked rather put together, and you couldn’t help but swallow nernously. Your attraction to him was undeniable.
Nadia turned to see who walked in and faced you again, covering her mouth, and noting that she was a bit too loud.
“Oops,” she said.
“Nadia…,” I replied, less of a warning and more of a suggestion to keep it cool.
“Good morning, ladies.” Jim nonchallantly addressed you and Nadia as he settled in.
“Hi, Jim,” Nadia chirped, “Was everything alright last week?” She asked it innocently enough, but you knew she was trying to rustle your feathers.
“Oh, yeah, just a family emergency.”
“Oh no, is everything alright?” Nadia elbowed your arm and smirked. You hit her arm and he turned around to face the two of you.
“Yes, everything’s alright now. Just had to help my sister with her kids.”
“Right, well I’m glad to hear it’s everything is alright.” Nadia smiled at him politely.
He smiled back and then turned his attention to you. He said, “And, how are you?”
“I’m good, thank you.” Your skin felt hot. He looked nervous.
“Listen, I was reading over the piece you sent me and I have some suggestions. I think with a bit of work we, you, could submit for publication.” You had forgotten that you had even sent him your work. He reminded you to before you left his home and now you were glad that he did.
He nodded. “See me after, we’ll go though it quickly.”
“Well, alright.” You sank into your seat and looked at Nadia. She gave you a knowing look as more stidents started to file in.
What followed was an hour and fourty-five minutes of avoidance. You participated as usual but there was no usual back and fort between the two of you. The bare minimum was what you wanted to give and it was what you achieved.
Class ended and a couple peers stayed after to discuss their notes with Jim. You and Nadia milled about talking about going out later that night. You got distracted and watched as Jim talked to his students about their work. His passion for teaching was so apparent, it made you feel almost proud watching him. You smiled to yourself and turned your attention to Nadia again, agreeing to a time to meet for pres at a local bar before going dancing.
She left and the student who was talking to Jim left right behind her. Jim walked over to the door and looked through the window. There was no one in the hall. You were stood away from the door and as you began to speak about the essay you sent when you felt his hands grab your face and pull you towards him. He laned a small kiss before you pushed him away slightly.
“Cameras,” you whisper shouted.
“Old building. There are none in this room.”
You stared at him, sedated by his kiss. When his words registered it was your turn to pull him in, wrapping an arm around his neck and kissing him hard. He walked you backward until your back hit the wall. Jim’s hardening cock pressed against you. He pulled away and clearned this throat, realising he needed to calm down.
“You, um, wanted to talk to me about my work?” The eye contact you held was sharp, intimate.
“Yeah. Yeah, I did,” he stepped back and walked towards his things, grabbing a manila folder and handing it to you. My annotations and comments are all in there. All five essays. They’re good. Really damn good.”
“Thank you. I’m excited to look over them.”
“I look forward to reading the next drafts.”
You stared at each other for a moment before you both developed smiles. You were almost to the point of giggiling. This was fun. It had never occured to you that what you two were doing could be fun. Genuine fun. A small laugh escaped your lips and you looked towards the ground.
“Jim, we need to talk about this.” You looked back up at him, hopeful that he would be receptive.
“Come over tonight. We’ll be able to talk all about it.” Jim chuckled and got close to you lifted your chin so your eyes met his.
“I’m seeing Nadia tonight. We’re going out.”
“See me before you go out then. We’ll have a good time.”
“Doing what?” You tried to bait him by getting close to his face, your lips almost meeting his.
“Just talking.”
“Right. Just talking.” You rolled your eyes and he moved his hand to caress your neck.
“I’m serious. We’re just talking,” his thumb smoothed over your cheek as he continued, “I’m not going any further until we decide on what exactly this is and how we’re going to go about it. Is that okay?”
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you replied, “Yes.”
Then, rather nonchalantly, he replied, “Good girl.” He pecked you on the lips and pulled away from you, turning to grab his things.
“I have office hours now, so I’ve got to run, but I’ll see you later.” He gave you a smile and walked towards the door. He paused right as his hand reached the handle and turned back to you, rushing over and kissing you again.
“Bye,” he whispered against your lips.
You kissed him again and let out a laugh, “I’ll text you.”
He kissed you once more and replied, “Good.” He turned again and, this time, allowed himself to exit the room.
Later that night, you knocked on his door wearing a black halter top and short skirt. Around your waist was a thin silver chain belt that laid perfectly over the dark red skirt. You and Nadia had decided to go to a local club for “Latin Night”, which meant Ireland’s finest (you and Nadia included) would be drunkenly attempting to keep up with Bad Bunny’s cadance. After a couple drinks your words weren’t as coordinated as your hips. Nadia left the club with an old flame, but made sure you safely got into a car you called. Now, here you were, sobering up in front of Jim’s door. Hoping he opened it soon because you didn’t feel like waiting on the club’s bathroom line.
The door opened and he was still wearing the clothes you saw him in earlier. “Are you drunk?” He cocked his head to the side.
“I’m halfway to sober. Can I use the bathroom?” You held in a giggle, you didn’t know why you wanted to laugh. Perhaps part of it was the fact you imagined kissing him, but the idea of him tasting the liquor on you made you stop.
He moved out of the way and you practivally ran by him and towards the bathroom.
“Do you have mouthwash?”, you shouted as you jogged to the bathroom and closed the door.
“Yes, I do. In the cabinet. Why do you need mouthwash?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
After a couple minutes of making yourself presentable again, you exited the bathroom and made your way towards Jim.
“So, how was your night out w-“ You cut him off with a hard kiss, lacing your fingers into his hair.
He pulled away after kissing you back, “Is that why you wanted the mouthwash?” You nodded and hummed “mhm” before trying to kiss him again. He pulled back. “You’re drunk.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Well, you’re not sober.” He walked into the kitchen and poured you a glass of water. “Drink.” He placed it down on the counter in front of you. You looked between him and the glass. He pushed the glass towards you. “I said, drink.”
You smirked and grabbed the glass, chugging half of it. “Happy?”
He leaned with both his hands bracing on the counter. “We’re not having the conversation we need to have until the morning. I need you one hundred percent sober.”
“Finish your water.”
“Jim, I’m okay, seriously.”
He walked around the bar in the kitchen and grabbed the glass on his way towards you. He held the glass against your lips.
“Drink.”, he whispered. You placed your hand on top of his and tilted the glass. You drank every last drop.
“Good girl. Now come, you can’t be comfortable in that dress and those shoes.” He went to the dresser in his bedroom and dug around for some pajama pants and a t-shirt for you to wear. You followed him and leaned against the door frame.
“Do you like taking care of me?” You tilted your head, challenging him.
A blush started to grow on his cheeks. He placed the clothes on the bed near you and stood back. You put your bag down on the floor, kicked off your shoes, and started the take off your shirt. “You don’t want to do that in the bathroom?” He couldn’t bring himself to look away.
“It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” You finished taking of your shirt and you reached over to grab the t-shirt he picked out for you. It was a Fleetwood Mac tee. You pulled it over your head and removed your skirt before grabbing the black lounge pants he gave you. He watched your every move, studying how steady your movements were and how you lost your balance slightly while putting the pants on.
“You’re staying over, if that wasn’t clear already.”
“How chivelrous.”
“I’m serious. Do you need anything else before getting into bed?”
“I want to wash my face.” You started walking towards the bathroom. “Do you have any face wash?”
“In the shower, love.”
“God, of course you fucking do.”
As much as he wished he could have that conversation with you, he loved seeing this side of you. He found you curt and pointed in the best way possible. Upon your arrival back to the bedroom you found him fixing up the bed, more specifically your side of the bed. He had set a bottle of water and pain killers on the bedside table. For when you wake up, he said.
You hadn’t expected him to take this much care of you. You think he found pleasure in it, and yet he ignored your question about it when you asked. You got into bed without a word and he followed on the other side.
“Thanks for setting up my emergency morning kit.”
“You’re welcome,” he chuckled, “I don’t want you to suffer in the morning.”
“Well, you know, I don’t get hangovers. I think it’s impossible for me.”
“Oh, that cannot be true.” He turned on his side to face you.
You stayed on your back, looking up at the ceiling, “No, it’s true, I never do. I guess I never drink enough to get hungover. And I have people forcing me to drink water constantly. Not just you, Nadia too.”
He hummed in understanding. Silence covered you both, only your staggered breath could be heard as you gave into rigid stillness. The reality of what was happening was starting to set in. You were fucking your professor and now he was taking care of you after a night out. “What the fuck am I doing?”, you thought. The moral implications of what was happening seemed more real now that you felt him reach for your hand. He squeezed it to try and get your attention. It was only now you realize that he had been saying your name repeatedly, trying to get your attention. It startled you and you pulled your hand away.
“What?”, you sounded scared when you asked.
“Tell me what’s running through your head.” He sat up now, trying to add a bit of urgency to his soft command.
Your mouth opened and no words came out. You shut it.
“I need to hear what’s going through your head.” He took a chance and reached out to caress your cheek. You leaned into his hand.
“I just,” you started, “I feel weird. Like I’m dirty and doing something wrong. I’ve never been with someone older than me and I’ve never been cared for or told what to do. It’s all new to me. Too new. But, the issue is that I love it. I want it more than anything.”
“Come here,” he gestured to his lap, “and don’t worry, no funny business. Just come here.”
You stratled him and met him face to face. He held your face in his hands. “Look at me,” you tried your hardest not to, “Hey, hey, look at me. I need your eyes on me.” You squeezed your eyes shut before opening them and being drawn in by his.
“I will never force you to do anything you don’t want to do, and if you feel uncomforable with me in the bed tonight just say the word and I’ll sleep on the couch. I… I understand your apprehension. But give us- this a chance.”
You took in his words before nodding slowly, “Okay.”
“Yeah, I want this. Really, really bad.” You started to move your hips and his hands left your face, and firmly stopped your hips.
“Not now, this isn’t what this is about.”
You looked down at your arms, now crossed over your body, feeling slightly repremanded. If he didn’t want sex from you all the time, then what did he want?
He pressed his forehead to yours and whispered only for you to hear even though not another soul ever would, “I want you to submit to me willingly. Not because you feel that you have to.”
You felt your eyes water and a single tear fell. You pulled back and quickly wiped it away.
“Sorry. I don’t know why I’m crying.”
“Don’t apologize. I get it. It’s a lot.”
“It feels like more than hooking up with my professor now.”
“Good. It should.”
You pressed a soft kiss against his lips, “Can we cuddle?”
“Of course, love.”
You got off of his lap and he reached to turn off the only lamp on in his room, the one on his bedside. He laid down and opened his arms for you. You fit perfectly against him. You laid a hand on his chest and got comfortable in the crook of his neck. He held as if you would run away.
“Thank you, Jim.”
“For?”, he stroked your arm before wrapping his hand around it.
“For caring.”
#cillian murphy smut#jim delinquent season#annie writes#jim the delinquent season#cillian x reader#jim delinquent season x f!reader#jim delinquent season x reader#jim the delinquent season x reader#cillian murphy x reader#the delinquent season#cillian murphy fic
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Could you do something about an MC that is just so painfully oblivious that it’s kinda comical. And even if nadia smooched them this one is still like “she clearly thinks of me as a really close friend.”
DARA IS THAT YOU, MY BOY???? Because they are like that, but I'm not gonna spoil my entire Nadia x OC story yet.
Also, that's painfully relatable 😭 I think I'd be like that too because yk this is Nadia.
Nadia x MC who is painfully oblivious
Mentally sighing to herself whenever MC misses a sign.
Seriously, MC? Should she get on her knees and propose to them, so that maybe they realize that the Countess loves them?
Nadia can't stop thinking about what she might be doing wrong and how she could make her attraction more obvious.
When Nadia is into someone, she doesn't hesitate to flirt with them or be a little physical. Because she is flirting with them, though sometimes she questions if she's putting in enough effort.
Don't worry, Nadia, you're doing enough. It's just MC who is oblivious beyond imagination.
When MC fails to catch on, she gradually increases her efforts. She'd use her body language and lingering stares that last a few moments more than they should. Take their hand into hers and press a kiss onto each of their fingers. That's surely something that friends wouldn't do, right?
WRONG. MC still thinks she's just being nice to them.
So, what's the problem? That she's Nadia. She's a Countess and a Princess, so it's like, why would she? Even MC in the game is like, "Is our relationship strictly professional? Can I really kiss the Countess?" So yeah, it's because she's Nadia. MC certainly deserves her, but it's so unbelievable when a wonderful woman like her shows interest.
Actually, she's doing more than just showing interest. The Countess could buy out all the florists in Vesuvia for them and they still wouldn't realize what's up.
It's very frustrating.
She even asks Asra for help. He sits down with MC and tells them, hey, the Countess seems to be head over heels for you. Aaaand it also fails.
On the other hand, Nadia finds it kinda cute. Sweet, innocent MC. But, please, stop torturing her and just kiss her already.
If, despite all her efforts, MC still doesn't notice how much she's longing for them, Nadia will confess her feelings, though that would make her feel embarrassed.
Once it all clicks to MC (probably when Nadia grows too frustrated and explicitly tells them that she loves them) and they begin their relationship, Nadia may or may not tease them about it.
#nadia satrinava#countess nadia#the arcana nadia#nadia the arcana#arcana nadia#the arcana#nadia arcana#arcana#nadia x mc#nadia x apprentice
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Book recommendations with 'Powerful Male Lead X sweet soft Female lead' dynamic
You know how some readers are into those Cold ML X Soft FML dark romance stories? Well, count me in! I have some recommendations for you. Please let me know if you have any recommendations as well.
Let's get into characters.
Male lead: I'm all about those tales where the guy's got this intense, possessive streak, loaded with cash and power. He's got this whole vibe, this aura that screams power. Everyone's shaking in their boots around him. But here's the twist: he's icy to everyone except for this one girl.
Female lead: She's the complete opposite—soft, sweet, not into playing the tough card. And you know what? I'm not into it when she tries those cringey, embarrassing stunts to outsmart him. No thanks. I'm more into the submissive kink, where she's polite but definitely not stupid. Smart, knows when to use her brain.
It's like this delicate balance between power and innocence, dominance and submission. Alright, for all my fellow readers of the "Cold Powerful Male Lead X Sweet Female Lead" trope:
When She Unravels by Gabrielle Sands (My favourite female lead. Mafia romances can feel repetitive/overdone. This felt fresh and different to me. The plot was interesting and I enjoyed Vale. She’s exactly how I like my fmc in a Mafia romance. Sure, she was a caged princess but she had a backbone and stood up for herself.)
The Mafia And His Angel series by Lylah James (Mafia X Runway fml ends up working as maiden in his house)
Hooked by Emily McIntire (Club owner X Enemy's daughter. Female lead was surely sweet)
Stolen Heir by Sophie Lark
Stolen Beauty by T.O. Smith
Broken Whispers (Perfectly Imperfect, #2) by Neva Altaj (This Russian mob is addicting and devilishly good. Age gap. Single Dad. “Touch her and I’ll kill you.” Damaged, unloveable hero and a mute heroine.)
Hidden Truths (Perfectly Imperfect #3) by Neva Altaj
Stolen Touches (Perfectly Imperfect, #5) by Neva Altaj
Burned Dreams (Perfectly Imperfect, #7) by Neva Altaj
Silent Lies (Perfectly Imperfect, #8) by Neva Altaj
Darkest Sins (Perfectly Imperfect, #9) by Neva Altaj (Female lead is the most understanding character. She stumbles upon a stranger with a gunshot wound and saves his life, thinking she'll never see him again. He stalks her for months, then cuts his forearm open just so he can have a reason to go talk to her again.)
Tempted by the Devil (Kings of Mafia #1) by Michelle Heard
Craving Danger (Kings Of Mafia #2) by Michelle Heard
Hunted by a Shadow (Kings of Mafia #3) by Michelle Heard
Beauty and the Assassin by Nadia Lee
An Improper Deal (Elliot and Annabelle #1) by Nadia Lee
The Darkest Temptation (Made, #3) by Danielle Lori
The Maddest Obsession (Made, #2) by Danielle Lori
Twist Me: The Complete Trilogy by Anna Zaires
Once You're Mine duet by Morgan Bridges
The Sordid Duet (Sordid, #1-2) by Nikki Sloane
The Annihilator (Dark Verse, #5) by RuNyx (It's somehow little bit like Hunting Adeline. I'll admit this was different, but the similarities.. Shadow man, Roses, Stalking, Human trafficking, Heterochromia. It just feels TOO similar.. Granted, this was way lessss dark compared to Hunting Adeline.)
The Finisher (Dark Verse, #4) by RuNyx
The Predator (Dark Verse, #1) by RuNyx
Beautifully Cruel #1 by JT Geissinger
Lorenzo by Sadie Kincaid
His Pretty Little Burden by Nicci Harris
Deadly Vows by Haley Stuart
Captured by a Sinner (Sinners, #5) by Michelle Heard
Stolen by a Sinner (Sinners, #3) by Michelle Heard
That's all that's on my mind right now. I'll add more later if anything else pops up. And, if you've got any recommendations for books with that "Cold Powerful Male Lead X Sweet Female Lead" vibe, hit me up!
#bibliophile#book club#booklr#book review#fem reader#female reader#books#tumblr girls#dark#dark romance#dark romanticism#dark romantica#dark roleplay#mafia#sweet female#book reccomendation#michelle heard#runyx#anna zaries#dalliel lori#neva altaj#perfectly imperfect#silent vow#hooked#obsessive love#obsession#stolen touches#cold lead#book search#reading
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WIP Wednesday!
This contains spoilers for the ending of the Aeon path of Wrath of the Righteous.
Nadia looked towards her companions. Stunned disbelief and more than a little fear decorated their faces. She took a step forward, staggering and wincing. She could feel her being dissolving, eaten away by her own actions.
She had killed an innocent, the Areelu she had just murdered was guilty only of planning her crime. Worse, she had undone her own existence as an aeon, ending Areelu before she had infused Nadia with mythic power. The universe could survive such a hiccup of a paradox, of course, but Nadia could not.
Daeran rushed forward to catch her. She reached out and took his hand, squeezing it tight. So soft and warm. The miniscule bite marks along his neck had not healed from their last night together. She smiled. She should have done something more special for him… But she had another matter first.
“Arueshalae, come here.” The former succubus looked shocked, fear dancing on her face plain as day. She stepped forward, close enough for Nadia to grab her wrist tight. “I… I have enough power left to leave you all with a memory of me. I hope. But Arueshalae… You’re an anomaly. A wonderful miracle. And if the Worldwound is undone…”
The succubus bit back her fear. “My redemption will be undone as well. I know. I’ll be a monster again… But that’s alright. I can’t stand in the way of fixing the Worldwound. All… All I ask is that I don’t remember you. I… The demon would grow to resent and hate you, and I’d rather forget.”
Nadia chuckled and dug her nails into Arueshalae’s wrist until they drew thin trickles of blood. She flinched, but didn’t pull away. “A lovely thought, but… You might be fine with this, but I’m not. Time is a river…” She spoke slowly, the words as much a prayer as an explanation. The magic of order wove into Arueshalae. “When its flow is diverted, it takes the path of least resistance. The smallest possible change to accommodate the alteration. Please, Pharasma, let this work… Let your fate be the same in this new reality. Let my choice here not doom you. Let you remain as you are, free from the Abyss.” She didn’t know if her prayer was heard, if what she asked was even possible, but she took the leap of faith, pouring as much protection from fate into Arueshalae as she could.
She fell to her knees, Daeran catching her. She looked up at his face. He tried so hard to put on his usual facade, but she could see the despair in the cracks. He let out a strangled, fake chuckle. “What about me, now? You expect me just to let you go? Live a life without you?”
She winced, not from the pain of trying to hold herself together. “I… I’m sorry, Daeran. I want so badly to just live with you. But your life will be better like this. Your mo-“
“Stop. Don’t say that. Don’t… Don’t pretend like you’re giving me a choice.” Bitterness crept into his voice as his eyes met hers.
She begged the universe, pleading for just a few moments more with him. A single second stretched into an eternity as she gazed at his face, still cut too short. She brought a hand up to cup his cheek. “I’m sorry… I… I don’t want this. But it needs to be done. The Worldwound must be corrected.”
“Fix it in the present, then! Or do some aeon bullshit to keep yourself alive through this!”
“Daeran, you know I’m right.”
“I don’t care! I…” His voice cracked, tears beginning to stain the nonchalant facade. “You taught me to breathe again. You saved me. I can’t just let you go.”
Her time was running out. The consequences of the paradox could not be forestalled for mere sentimentality. “Please, Daeran.” She pulled him closer. “Let me see you smile again. Please.”
“You don’t get to see my smile! You’re dooming me to a life without you! Nadia. Please.” As though that would change anything. This damnable, stubborn aeon. “You promised yourself to me. Countess Arendae… Why, if it was all leading to this?”
Her face fell, and she glanced away. “Because that is what I want. I didn’t know, I didn’t even consider that this was possible. But this is what needs to be done. I… I’m so sorry. I want to be selfish. I thought about it… But I can’t let the Worldwound continue.”
He bit his tongue. Why should they care about a thousand lives already dead? It could all burn. A thousand realities should burn for them to be happy. He held such sentiments back. Nothing would change her mind, she was so frustratingly, wonderfully stubborn. All he could do was hold and cradle her, and give her a melancholy smile for her final few moments of existence before everything changed.
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Our Team in the garten is so huge... there is no way in hell the Professor still believes he can win this, right? ^^'
W-When the fucking hell did you join us? And would you please stop showing up out of nowhere?!
Another reason why it never felt right to me in the first game, when I hated Shizuna, was because I always knew Rean wouldn't want that. And he would not do it himself either. That just the way he is... and I love him for it ♥
My main team is Rean, Shizuna, Van and Agnes and... what the hell was I thinking? ^^'
You do not by any chance spend some tine with Shirley every now and ten? Because... that just gave me serious CS3 and CS4 Final Dungeon flashbacks XD
There is really no doubt in hell that these two get along very well XD
And appearantly she ships everyone's favorite "we are not dating" - Grahlsritter-ship XD
I had a monster Team but that boss was so damn cruel...
Whenever things seem to get moving I am either stopped by the garten or the connect events. It's so annyoing.
I think... Lapis got drunk... from the coffein in an energy drink? O.o
Uh... he really is a bit too much into the "master and servent" thingy ^^'
Nadia reads people like an open book and Kevin is no exception.
That idiot left without telling Ries anything! No wonder. No way in hell would she have let him go and if there was no way to change his mind she would have gone with him. Finally that code is cracked.
At least he admits it, that idiot! Damn you, Onion!
This one, tho boring in the beginning, was kind of worth it. (Why on earth is stuff like this always hidden in optional events? Yes, thanks to the Garden you can see them all if you want, but that is beyond the point!)
I totally get that you can travel through the whole country by car, train or plane and all... but it feels those characters are running around like idiots with no sleep at all. Ashen was at the movie Theater in Edith with Cao just last night and barely 12 hours later she is already in Tharbad. Marielle too seems to be basically everywhere at once. I mean... do these characters ever sleep?
Okay. Who the hell are you and what do you know? Because it seems odd that you might very well just recreated Risettes past by accident for a freaking movie?!
*lol* So the Princess wants Vegas films to make a movie out of 3 and 9, but to make the "sexy" parts work, she wants to ramp up the age, switch the gender and give the female overseer tentacles so that (to quote Nadia) "these and that" can be done to a female Swin and poor Marielle is far too innocent for that kind of "hentai" - picture in her head XD
Marielle we just left you at the hotel, WTF?!
See? That is what I mean. Even if you would consider that we could have made a detour (which we didn't and the story did not require either...) she didn't say a word about leaving when we did and could have hardly reached that place at almost the same time if she left later.
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Final Fantasy XIV shortfic and shenanigans under the line.
Standing outside her front gate, Nadia West considered the sight before her, feeling a headache coming on. It was not an unfamiliar experience, she had to admit. On far, far too many occasions, she’d discover that her friends (A term she used very loosely at this moment) had done some sort of redecorating, often in a bizarre manner designed to draw a reaction from her.
This time however, the ‘surprise’ couldn’t even wait until she entered the house. The moment she’d teleported to the personal aetheryte point, she’d been greeted by new fences around her property. Fences made of chocolate, with icing running along the top, and ice cream cones serving as fence posts. And beyond that… Her house was made of Gingerbread, with more icing and candy canes to complete the look. She could even see what looked like giant strawberries on the roof.
“Alice,” she sighed at last. “It has to be her. This is entirely in line with her sense of humor.” Sighing again, she went through the front gates, passed around the fountain, and approached the front door, before pausing. To her surprise, the front door was unlocked, and slightly open, and after a moment she realized she could hear voices inside. Familiar voices.
Silently, she moved closer, peeking through the gap, before her eyes widened at the two unfamiliar yet familiar Viera women in rather tight fitting underclothes, both looking over themselves. “Well, you’re still taller,” the purple-haired Viera noted idly as she turned, admiring her reflection in the mirror. “Although the difference isn’t quite as extreme as it used to be.”
“Elezen and Viera are usually similar in size, unlike Miqo’te,” her friend said with a gentle laugh, brushing a strand of green hair back, only to be reminded of how her ears had moved. “And you were always tiny even by those standards.” Satisfied her hair was at least mostly under control, she turned her attention to adjusting clothes for how her proportions had shifted. “Which at least means my clothes will require only minor tailoring. Unlike you.”
Considering the way her blouse and shorts barely managed to contain her, the woman winced. “Yeah, that’s going to be expensive, even if I do most of the work myself.” Running a hand down her waist and over her hips, she raised an eyebrow. “Still, I think the Neo-Ishgard styling will suit me very well now…”
“What in the seven hells?!” Nadia finally managed, catching both womens attention. Opening the door the rest of the way, she stepped into the room and looked between the pair in disbelief. “What did you two do?!”
To her annoyance, the smaller Viera gave her a playful smile that proved it was definitely Alice. “Oh hi Nadia,” she said in a pseudo-innocent tone of voice. “Your house is gingerbread!”
Closing her eyes for a moment, the Hyur made herself take a deep breath. “Yes, I noticed that, thank you, and yes, we’ll get to that in a moment. But I was referring to the fact that both of you are now different species than you were yesterday.”
Alice shrugged, clearly enjoying the fact that Nadia’s eyes couldn’t help but follow the motion. “It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve done this,” she pointed out.
“Ah yes, your Au Ra ‘phase’,” Rivienne laughed.
“Just… why and how? Please?” Nadia begged, feeling the limits of her patience quickly approach.
Taking pity on their friend, Riv guided Nadia to a nearby chair. “The ‘how’ of it is with Fantasia potions, obviously. Nothing else can manage this so flawlessly. It turned out you had several in storage here. As for the why?” At that, the woman couldn’t help but shrug. “After everything we’ve been through lately, it seemed like a bit of harmless fun.”
Nadia stared at her for a moment, processing the fact that the two of them had drunk rare, body-reshaping potions solely for fun. “I think I’m most worried about the fact they were potions in my storeroom,” she said at last. “I don’t remember the last time I organized that. I’m not sure I ever did… There’s crap we salvaged from Tam-tara and Aurum Vale in there! And you just drank it?!”
Folding her arms under her breasts, Alice met the dumbfounded look with a slightly unimpressed one. “Besides the fact both of us have quite a bit of alchemical expertise, the storeroom is actually very well organized. It has to be, with how often I’ve redecorated around here. Did you seriously never notice?”
“The last time I paid serious attention to the storeroom, you’d left a coffin you salvaged off the Void Ark in there!” Nadia shot back. “There was a Namazu hiding in it!”
“...Okay, that’s a fair point,” Alice admitted, blushing, while Rivienne giggled.
Leaning back in her chair, Nadia took a moment to collect her thoughts. “So you turned yourselves into bunnies. Could be worse I suppose. Could be Lopporits."
"We couldn't handle that much fluff," Alice said.
"Also, even Alice would protest being that short," Riv added.
Snickering at the pout on Alice's face, Nadia looked the pair over. “So, what’s it like?”
“Mostly it’s familiar,” Riv admitted, “although my ears feel odd.”
“It’s because they moved so far,” Alice noted. “Mine don’t feel that different, just longer and I’m oddly aware of it. For me, the issue is my sense of balance is off.” Nadia looked at her friends chest with a deadpan expression. “My tail is gone now!”
The green haired Viera giggled again. “That would count as well, I admit. You were always rather endowed for a Miqo’te, but it’s much more… obvious now.”
“Meany,” Alice said, sticking her tongue out at her friend. “Soooo… Want to join us on the bunny side Nadia? There’s more potions. Come, embrace the fluff…”
“I say this with full awareness of my reputation and track record as the Limsan of the group, but no, I’m not going to drink that.” Smirking, Nadia gestured at her legs. “I’ve put far too much work into perfecting and maintaining this to resort to alchemical assistance now.” Both of the Viera laughed at that, conceding the point. “Still, while I have you here Alice, GINGERBREAD?!” she growled, glaring up at her.
Unfortunately, Alice met the glare with complete unconcern, as was usually the case when she renovated her friends house without telling her. “It looks quite good, doesn’t it?”
Riv raised a hand. “I came up with the color scheme!” she announced.
“Of course you did…”
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Scorto nods slowly, he’d thought that too. That if Bishop tries to escape he’d be put under more watch. He’s quiet before saying softly. "When they caught me when I escaped from my cell, they’d beat me til I was unconscious and I’d wake up in my cell later.“ At least hopefully Bishop wouldn’t have that happen to him. Then Nadia said if Bishop got away and wasn’t found, he could possibly be safe but wouldn’t be safe in Neverwinter or the places around it. Scorto swallows, remembering the fear of coming back to the surface, knowing Rabbit and the rest of the group was still there. Would Bishop feel like that? Afraid, never feeling safe? "I don’t want him to be scared.” Scorto whispered quietly. He looks at Nadia and swallows several times, grabbing a handful of his shirt trying to comfort himself. “Coming to the surface…..I know."He swallows looking down."I know Rabbit is still here on the surface…..I don’t want Bishop to live afraid, not feeling safe….I feel safe at the tavern….but Rabbit still showed up there…I don’t want Bishop if he got away to feel afraid like I do.” He does, he’s safe at the tavern but he still gets nervous around surface elves. He’s still afraid. He looks at Nadia and nods when she speaks again. "I like Tyr, he sounds nice….but….I'm…" He stopped looking away. He’s still not sure about lord Nasher really…Nadia is right, Nasher did do good helping her. But he’s not entirely sure…maybe it’s growing up like he did. But he’s not so sure Nasher is really good. Finally after a few minutes trying to think how to explain what he’s thinking. Scorto moves, hugging Nadia. "I’m not sure about Nasher…but the only leaders I know are my Mother Matron and Malice. I’m glad he helped you I know how cruel people can be to drow..but to other races too….but….“ He moved back looking at Nadia, frowning slightly, biting his bottom lip. "Did he help so you’d do something for him?….not just so you’d get a fair trial, I’m really glad you did…but did he do it so you’d be indebted to him? So he could use you?…call it in later? …I…I’m sorry if it’s bad to ask..just things are very different in the underdark and I’m still not sure about everything on the surface….in the underdark if you did what Bishop did, you’d be killed by the Mother Matron.” Scorto stopped shivering and looked down again. His voice is soft, small. “But to ever talk about a mother matron like that …to ever question her motives would result in punishment if not losing your tongue…. My Mother Matron would have killed anyone who disrespected her…she’d have killed Bishop already for sure…but Mother Matron didn’t like the other races…so I’m not sure Bishop would have survived long if she’d known him, honestly.” Maybe if she knew a bit more…she’d understand his worries and doubt about Nasher being good.
Nadia took a long, slow breath.
"I understand the comparisons you're making here, Scorto. But I need you to understand also that what you went through, and what Bishop might go through, are still very different. Bishop isn't going to be attacked or beaten unless he puts other people in danger, and gives the Watch no other choice but to subdue him."
Which, knowing Bishop... was a distinct possibility. She wouldn't put it past him to try to hide behind innocents. In a way, he was already doing that - using Scorto as a shield against Casavir and Duncan.
"And if he escapes, odds are he won't be pursued to the edges of the world - he just won't be welcome in the city-state of Neverwinter without risking recapture and trial. He'd have all the rest of Faerun and beyond to do as he pleases." Until he pissed off some other authority figure, at any rate.
But then Scorto questioned Lord Nasher's motives-- and Nadia shook her head, firmly and immediately.
"Absolutely not. He has never held that choice over my head, has never asked or expected any sort of repayment-- Gods' sakes, he made me a knight, and the captain of a keep, and a member of the Neverwinter Nine! This is a man who rode into battle himself, to buy us time while we prepared to fight the King of Shadows!"
Again, it seemed they were at an impasse, where his experience and hers were so vastly different that she wasn't sure how to cross the gap.
She sighed, and sat back once more. "Nasher is-- he's human, and he's fallible. He may not be an elf with centuries of experience and wisdom to draw on... But he's a good man. He cares for his people - including people like you and me. And he does his best to look after them. To look after us."
Scorto nods slowly, he’d thought that too. That if Bishop tries to escape he’d be put under more watch. He’s quiet before saying softly. "When they caught me when I escaped from my cell, they’d beat me til I was unconscious and I’d wake up in my cell later.“ At least hopefully Bishop wouldn’t have that happen to him. Then Nadia said if Bishop got away and wasn’t found, he could possibly be safe but wouldn’t be safe in Neverwinter or the places around it. Scorto swallows, remembering the fear of coming back to the surface, knowing Rabbit and the rest of the group was still there. Would Bishop feel like that? Afraid, never feeling safe? "I don’t want him to be scared.” Scorto whispered quietly. He looks at Nadia and swallows several times, grabbing a handful of his shirt trying to comfort himself. “Coming to the surface…..I know."He swallows looking down."I know Rabbit is still here on the surface…..I don’t want Bishop to live afraid, not feeling safe….I feel safe at the tavern….but Rabbit still showed up there…I don’t want Bishop if he got away to feel afraid like I do.” He does, he’s safe at the tavern but he still gets nervous around surface elves. He’s still afraid. He looks at Nadia and nods when she speaks again. "I like Tyr, he sounds nice….but….I'm…" He stopped looking away. He’s still not sure about lord Nasher really…Nadia is right, Nasher did do good helping her. But he’s not entirely sure…maybe it’s growing up like he did. But he’s not so sure Nasher is really good. Finally after a few minutes trying to think how to explain what he’s thinking. Scorto moves, hugging Nadia. "I’m not sure about Nasher…but the only leaders I know are my Mother Matron and Malice. I’m glad he helped you I know how cruel people can be to drow..but to other races too….but….“ He moved back looking at Nadia, frowning slightly, biting his bottom lip. "Did he help so you’d do something for him?….not just so you’d get a fair trial, I’m really glad you did…but did he do it so you’d be indebted to him? So he could use you?…call it in later? …I…I’m sorry if it’s bad to ask..just things are very different in the underdark and I’m still not sure about everything on the surface….in the underdark if you did what Bishop did, you’d be killed by the Mother Matron.” Scorto stopped shivering and looked down again. His voice is soft, small. “But to ever talk about a mother matron like that …to ever question her motives would result in punishment if not losing your tongue…. My Mother Matron would have killed anyone who disrespected her…she’d have killed Bishop already for sure…but Mother Matron didn’t like the other races…so I’m not sure Bishop would have survived long if she’d known him, honestly.” Maybe if she knew a bit more…she’d understand his worries and doubt about Nasher being good.
Nadia took a long, slow breath.
"I understand the comparisons you're making here, Scorto. But I need you to understand also that what you went through, and what Bishop might go through, are still very different. Bishop isn't going to be attacked or beaten unless he puts other people in danger, and gives the Watch no other choice but to subdue him." Which, knowing Bishop... was a distinct possibility. She wouldn't put it past him to try to hide behind innocents - in a way, he was already doing that. Using Scorto as a shield against Casavir and Duncan.
"And if he escapes, odds are he won't be pursued to the edges of the world - he just won't be welcome in the city-state of Neverwinter without risking recapture and trial. He'd have all the rest of Faerun and beyond to do as he pleases." Until he pissed off some other authority figure, at any rate.
But then Scorto questioned Lord Nasher's motives-- and Nadia shook her head, firmly and immediately.
"Absolutely not. He has never held that choice over my head, has never asked or expected any sort of repayment-- Gods' sakes, he made me a knight, and the Captain of a keep, and a member of the Neverwinter Nine! This is a man who rode into battle himself, to buy us time while we prepared to fight the King of Shadows!"
Again, it seemed they were at an impasse, where his experience and hers were so vastly different that she wasn't sure how to cross the gap.
She sighed, and sat back once more. "Nasher is-- he's human, and he's fallible. He may not be an elf with centuries of experience and wisdom to draw on... But he's a good man. He cares for his people - including people like you and me. And he does his best to look after them. To look after us."
#whaaaaaat nooooooo it hasn't been almost two years#I don't know what you're talking about#(tbh I've had this more-or-less written for...... a while.#but remembering to come back and fix the formatting in Tumblr's post editor......#And now it's been so long that the editor changed and my old work-arounds don't work anymore#so we're making do with the options available to us.)#Visiting Hours#Nadia RP#fenny58
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Arcana headcanons: main 6 and how they use the internet
I thought I wouldn’t write any more headcanons, but... lmao. What can I say? It’s funnier than I expected. I’m not the most versed person on social media myself, but I’m writting this anyway. Modern AU:
Watches anime on pirate webs. Everytime it takes 5 to 10 minutes to start the episode because he doesn’t have Adblock installed. If you tell him to install it, he laughs and assures you he will. Next time, he hasn’t.
Aesthetic Instagram. Varies from the most beautiful art to the most absurd psychedelic nonsense.
Posts a controversial bomb on delicate site (twitter), and magically disappears when the discourse starts as if nothing had happened.
Has several art accounts where he posts from drawings to artesanal crafts. Sells commissions but obviously doesn’t pay taxes.
Offers tarot readings to strangers. Uses thousands of emoticons to sound as unthreatening as possible.
Exhaustive + extremely technical tutorials. Used by university cathedratics in their classes on daily basis without credit.
Periodically recieves several offers from companies to become an influencer. Politely rejects them all every time.
Not very interested in social media, uses the internet mainly for research. However, she is surprisingly generous with likes and reblogs for her friends.
Builds her own computer by buying each individual component and ensambling it all together. The result is a monster with the power of a NUCLEAR REACTOR, even though she doesn’t even need so much potency. Somehow, she manages to make it aesthetically pleasing and elegant.
Always... always... always grammatically correct, no matter the setting.
He is like a grandpa. Doesn’t understand shit. Has Windows XP as operating system. Calls the IT guy to delete the rejected documents from the recycle bin.
Mispronounces all social media names. No matter how many times you correct him, next time he will mispronounce it again. The weirdest thing is he never pronounces it the same way twice. You suspect that sometimes he does it on purpose to pull your leg.
Accidentally downloads multiple virus while trying to watch the most anodyne film. When weird shit starts to happen, he freaks out as if the government hackers were after him.
Resends the corniest chains. He sees nothing bad with Comic Sans font, or with pure red text over pure blue back. Your eyes will bleed.
Uses facebook to flirt with single moms and dads in his area.
Ghosts everyone on whatsapp. He checks new messages once every 6 days at most.
Has a secret Tumblr nobody but Asra knows about. Follows mainly bird tematic blogs. Likes mainly funny videos of chickens and cute animals. 500 Likes. 0 Reblogs. 0 Posts.
Incognito mode for absolutely EVERYTHING, no matter how innocent. If he accidentally enters the Google page without incognito mode, he deletes the historial.
Sticks a piece of tape on the computer camera, just in case.
Listens to music in the shittiest quality and doesn’t give a fuck.
Cat. Picture. Hell. 70% of her phone memory are just pictures of random cats. Nine hundred and eighty seven photos of Pepi, and counting.
Posts advice for garden care... and it’s really, really good. Really thoughtful, with tons of examples and pictures. If someone asks something, she always knows the answer.
Has a youtube channel with videos of her exploring abandoned buildings, recorded by herself or Julian. Base of followers slowly but steadily going up.
Frequently makes funny videos of dumb stuff. All of them with shitty quality and too moved. A few of them have gone viral.
Meme avalanch in the group chat at 7 in the fucking morning. There is no meme she doesn't know. The bombardment of memes and puns by whatsapp is constant and endless. Run.
The most OBSSESSED with social media. Has an account on every single one of them and literally never shuts up. He gets really frustrated when he realizes that gaining followers is not as easy as he thought. Posts the most stupid opinions, then gets angry when he loses followers. ‘People don't know what’s good’.
Potential victim of cryptocurrency frauds.
The most exibitionist bitch on the net. Of course, he has an Onlyfans. But if you ask nicely, he just posts the nudes publicly anyway.
Thirsty thirsty THIRSTY for notes. Checks every two minutes.
He is a famous patron in the furry artist community. He spends just. So. Much. Money. Some furries even debate if he is a real person, or just a myth, or maybe even several people. He is kind of a legend, actually.
#the arcana#The Arcana Game#julian devorak#asra alnazar#nadia satrinava#muriel of the kokhuri#portia devorak#count lucio#lucio morgasson#the arcana headcanons#headcanons#arcana#Muriel
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𝐅𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 ⁀ awaken and find out what happens after like word count. 0.6k. warnings. none.
“3, 2, 1, ACTION!”
The cameras flash, signaling that the recording has started. Y/N, Asta, and Sebastian stand on the side of stge, out of cameras view. Next to them are Yujin, Liz, and Wonyoung. In front of the cameras are Hades, Nadia, Jungwn and Riki. They all look fantastic, and by the way Nadia rolls on the balls of her feet in her flats, they can tell she’s excited.
“Oh my, do you guys hear that?” Nadia asks her three co-hosts, feigning confusion. The other three, look around innocently, before looking at Nadia.
“No, what are you talking about, Nadia?” Riki bites, and as soon as he does, a sweet melody plays through the studio. Hades and Jungwon sway to the beat of it, before it stops.
“That’s the sound of music! Welcome to Sound of Music, with your MC’s, Nadia, Riki, Jungwon, and myself, Hades!” Hades says smiling.
“It’s our first day as MCs. Are you all nervous too?” Jungwon recites his script perfectly. Y/N can’t help but chuckle softly at how corny it is, because it’s almost somewhat cute. Wonyoung seems to think the same, because a soft giggle comes from her. Y/N glances at her, and when the tall girl looks back they look forward, heat rushing to their face. They ignore the way Asta elbows them, watching the four mcs.
“Now, we welcome our guests, three members of two groups here to promote their new comebacks! Are you all ready to AWAKEN and find out what happens AFTER LIKE?” Nadia questions, and Y/N’s mouth curls inward in order not to burst out laughing. “Please welcome our guests, Asta, Sebastian, and Y/N of ETERNIA, as well as Yujin, Wonyoung, and Liz of IVE!” That’s their queue. With the inhale of a deep breath, they follow their older members onto the stage.
“So, Liz, could you tell us a bit about what After Like is about? This is your third single album, correct?” Riki asks.
“Right, and you guys sampled ‘I will survive’ Right?” Hades adds. ‘They’re really good at MC-ing.’ Y/N thinks as Liz answers the question. In fact, they don't realize they’ve spaced out until Asta nips them on their elbow. He has good timing too, because Jungwon looks at them, ready to ask them a question.
“Now Y/N, in your words, what does this new album AWAKEN mean to you?” Jungwon asks them, staring at them intently. They falter for a second, his hard gaze burning a hole into their head. They remain professional though, smiling dazzlingly.
“Well Jungwon, in my personal opinion, AWAKEN is about waking up and realizing and accepting who you truly are, and being that person in whatever way feels right to you. To stay true to yourself, no matter right or wrong is what it means to AWAKEN. To choose yourself in the face of adversity is what AWAKEN means to me. I hope it can mean the same to our fans.” Jungwon mods, turning to Wonyoung as Nadia asks her another question about AFTER LIKE. As they mentally pat themself on the back for that answer, they don't seem to notice or realize that seconds before, Wonyoung was ogling them.

A/N. GUESS WHOS BACK, BACK AGAIN?? its crazy so many mfs ik are coming back and updsting today like damn am i the blueprint or what😁 jk but anyways i hope you all enjoyed this!! i had alot of fun writing this so yeah(btw its not proofread and im seriously sleep deprived i woke up at four am so please understand thanks you love)
SYNOPSIS. Wonyoung & Jungwon are more alike then people think. Besides the basics, like being the same age and both being idols, they both enough the same types of music, stan the same groups, and they both have a crush on ETERNIA’s maknae. Only two problems. The world is convinced they’re secretly dating and they both know that the other likes Y/N L/N
prev. | m.list. | next.
TAGLIST. @jihyoscrown @lunaflvms @enloveclub @kange3939 @arizejkt19 @theandrogynisticcat @maiverie @enhypenslay @wonieleles
PERM TAGLIST. @coffeewon @soobin-chois @jangwonie @hiqhkey @bigtoewinwin @enhacolor @abdiitcryy @hseungi @chiyuv @seungstarss @strwberrydinosaur @sarcasmhadachild @butterflyy-ningg @simeonswhore
#ctrlemis#fault lines! ➰#kflixnet#enhypen#//↷ fault line asks#enhypen smau#enhypen angst#enhypen fluff#enhypen drabbles#enhypen imagines#enhypen idol au#enhypen social au#ive#ive crack#ive drabbles#ive fluff#ive angst#ive imagines#ive jang wonyoung#ive x reader#ive smau#ive scenarios#enhypen x reader#yang jungwon x reader#jang wonyoung x reader#jungwon x wonyoung???#jungwon x reader x wonyoung#jungwon x reader#wonyoung angst#wonyoung x reader
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Hidden Sisters, Chapter 6
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex.
It all happened far too fast for either Nadia or Ari’s liking. Nick had grown angry, watching his youngest sibling being held by the shifter, and he was quick to pull her away, much to Ari’s pleading that he not.
“Nick, no. Let me stay!” Nadia begged as she was pulled from her mate’s grip, “I want to stay with Ari.”
“He can’t protect you from them,” Nick reminded his sister. He pulled her into his arms and held her by the shoulders, “Ari doesn’t know the danger you’re in, Nadia. He cannot protect you as I can.”
Ari growled at the nymph, his pride taking a strike.
“I can protect my mate, nymph.”
Nick’s nostrils flared, and steam began to rise off of him. Both Nadia and Jennifer stood between the fire nymph king and the shifter, “please…do not fight.”
Ari’s heart broke as he watched his mate and her pleading look.
“I don’t want to let you go, sweet nymph,” he whispered softly. She bit back her tears and nodded, leaning up to place an innocent kiss to Ari’s lips. He melted into it until Nick pulled her back, “I will find you, sweet nymph. I won’t-“
“You will do no such thing!” Nick proclaimed, wrapping his arms around both his sister and his mate. Before Ari could disagree any further a pocket of flames swirled around the trio, becoming larger and larger until it swallowed them and disappeared in the wind.
Which is what led Ari to his current decision to trek up to the mountain to get his mate. It was obvious to him that Nadia didn’t want to go back, and he’d be damned if he let his little water nymph mate rot away in a mountainside.
To say that it was tough to get in would be an understatement. It was like the whole place was on a lockdown. And Ari had to be careful getting in.
He’d waited hours until it was the middle of the night when the guards were changing over. He had calculated just the right moment and followed them in during the change.
Earlier, he’d managed to knock a guard out that was doing a perimeter walk. He’d changed into his clothes and rubbed coal dust all over himself in an attempt to cover up his own scent. And it seemed like it was working for him.
And while he didn’t know where he was going, he managed to find himself in cavern after abandoned cavern. It wasn’t until he’d heard someone talking that he came to a stop.
“Do you really think that your choice today was the right one, my love?”
“I don’t need to hear my mate scolding me as well, Jennifer,” the other voice replied softly, “I don’t want to hear it…”
“I’m not scolding you, Nick…” she said quickly, “but Nadia found her mate in Ari…”
“She doesn’t know that,” Nick muttered, “she’s too young to know what love and mateship is.”
“I know you’re worried because of what happened with Nala, bu-“
Ari felt a growl rising from his throat and pushed it back. He took a few steps back until his own back came in contact with a door. It opened slightly a second later, before he was being pulled into the room and two arms were thrown around his neck.
Ari was quick to put his fingers over Nadia’s mouth, his nervousness taking over, “we have to be quiet, little mate!”
“I knew that you would come for me! I just knew it! Take me away from here,” she begged him softly, “I-I can’t stay here anymore…not that I know you’re out there!”
“That’s just what I came here to do! I came for you, sweet nymph,” he said quickly, his lips brushing over hers. She shivered but leaned in, their lips connecting in a passionate kiss. When Ari pulled away her eyes were closed and she looked like she was afraid to open them, “I’m not a dream, mate…I came to take you away from here…now open your eyes so that we may run away together.”
“I’d follow you anywhere!” she proclaimed proudly, opening her eyes. Her smile grew as she looked at the selkie, “I love you, Ari.”
“I love you too, Nadia,” he replied, “and I will protect you, despite what your brother thinks. I won’t let anything happen to you!”
Ari held out his hand to her, and she took it, the two running through the cavernous halls of the mountainside to their escape.
The way the moonlight lit up her eyes was almost an addiction in itself to Ari. His heart raced as he looked at his mate in her true form.
“You are like a goddess,” he whispered softly, his hand trailing along her bare skin, “I could die a happy man looking at you right now.”
“Please don’t,” she whispered back, just as delicately. A shiver ran down Ari’s spine as her hand stretched over his neck and grazed his mating gland, “I like you a lot alive…and I’d hate to find my mate just for him to die on me.”
“I’ll never leave you,” he promised. Another shiver ran down Ari’s spine as her hand trailed down his chest, “mate…”
“I want to feel you, Ari.”
A happy rumble began in his stomach and pushed past his lips. She giggled which only spurned on the excited selkie. Her hand drifted lower and he gasped as she gripped him at his base and slowly started to pump him.
With a sensual growl he rolled them over so that he was hovering above her. Her ministrations never ceased.
“Take me, Ari,” she begged softly, her strokes becoming more firm. Ari’s hips jerked and his tip bumped against her naked sex. She gasped, her hand falling away from his member. She braced it on his hip, “A-Ari.”
“We can’t go back from this, sweet nymph,” he purred. His hand stretched out and he ran it over her curves, “if I take you, I’m taking all of you…”
She bared her neck, showing that she was okay with his insinuation, “I want to be yours, Ari.”
His hips rocked against her, and she felt his hardened member along the crease of her hip. Her eyes trailed down, and she gasped, yet again.
“I’ll be gentle,” he promised, kissing her lips. His own hand reached down, and he touched her gently. His eyes flickered shut momentarily, as he caught the scent of her arousal. His fingers became coated in her sweet nectar, and he used it to coat his cock, “are you ready, mate?”
She nodded, watching Ari line himself up with her. Her eyes flickered to his face, and she watched the concentration in his eyes as he slowly pushed past her entrance. Her eyes widened, the burn of the stretch felt like she was being torn in two, but she stayed silent, not wanting Ari to cease his own movements.
When he was finally seated in her, he stopped, his eyes catching hers. He leaned forward and kissed her cheeks, wiping away the tears that she hadn’t even noticed had fallen, “I’m sorry, mate.”
“S-so big, Ari…”
“I-I can stop-“
“NO!” she said quickly, gripping onto his shoulders, “don’t stop…please.”
Ari nodded and slowly began pulling out. Her back arched, her heart aching at the thought of the loss of him, “d-don’t stop!”
He watched her eyes as he slid back into her. Her mouth parted ever so slightly, and her eyes rolled back into her head as she began to get accustomed to his size. Ari felt the slow pulsing coming from her core and growled, burying his face into her neck, “I-I don’t know how long I’m going to last like this.”
“Wh-what?” she asked nervously, “am I doing something wrong?”
“God no,” he admitted, his hips bucking in no particular rhythm into her, “You just-oh god…fuck, you feel so good, mate. I-I’m close already…”
“Mark me, Ari…”
“Little mate, I-“
But his own words were cut off when she leaned in and laved over his swollen mating gland, before biting down on it. It was hard enough to break the skin.
Ari’s vision faded to black as he felt himself cum.
Chapter 7
Tag List: @lohnes16, @dontbescaredtosingalong, @teambarnes72
#fated#fated au#hidden sisters#the hidden sisters#a/b/o fic#a/b/o au#a/b/o#alpha ari levinson#selkie#soft ari#ari levinson smut#ari levinson#red sea diving resort#water nymph
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🍒🍋Got the idea from @faustian-familiar, check out their version here.🍋🍒
The Arcana Main 6 hinting that they want some lemon time x GN Reader
(Mentions of NSFW)
�� Portia 🧡
“Ohhh, Y/N~”
She’ll look at you seductively while striking a dramatic pose on the couch, back arched and one leg outstretched.
“Yes, Portia?” “I need something from you.” She bites her lip in anticipation.
The woman can hardly contain her giddiness and excitement.
“Oh, with what? Do you want me to get you somethi- AUGH!”
Portia will pull you onto the couch with her, pressing her chest against yours.
“All I need right now is you~”
Blushing and lip bites intensify.
💛 Lucio 💛
He’ll do more touching than usual.
More inappropriate touching than usual.
“Lucio!” “Oopsie. My hand slipped.”
Don’t even bother trying to lecture him, he’ll just enjoy it and bite his lip the whole time.
He’ll let out a groan, “You’re so hot when you raise your voice at me, Y/N.”
There is something wrong with this man.
Before you can tell him to cut it out, his lips are hungrily on yours.
Everything about his actions were telling you that he’s absolutely desperate for you.
When he pulls away for air, all he can manage to pant out is, “Y/N....please.”
💜 Nadia 💜
It starts off with her making you try on several different outfits.
You didn’t think much of it until the outfits started to expose more and more skin.
Nadia will hold up what looks like a few pieces of fabric, “Now then, how about this one? The colours will match you perfectly.”
You stare at the article of clothing in disbelief, “It looks like it’ll just fall off once I put it on.”
“Yes. That is the point.” She’s not even making an effort to mask her hungry gaze, “Or are you perhaps too embarrassed?”
She’ll lift a finger, signalling you to go over to her and sit on her lap.
When you do, she squeezes your hips firmly.
She’ll then glide her hands up your sides to grab the back of your head, and bring your ear closer to her lips for her whisper, “You are always so obedient for me.”
💚 Muriel 💚
Muriel will stare at you most of the day.
You can’t tell if he’s admiring you or judging you, but little do you know, he is completely fantasizing about you.
He keeps thinking what he’ll do once he tells you he wants some...intimate time with you.
How much should he tease you? What position should you both try this time? Should he try leaving a hickey for once?
“Muriel? What’s got you so deep in thought?”
Gazing at the wall, he subconsciously answered, “You.”
Muriel still seemed lost in thought.
Then out of nowhere, he picks you up and carries you to the bed, placing several loving kisses all over your face.
With a grin, he says, “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
💖 Asra 💖
“Y/NNNN, wanna cuddle?” “Sure!”
Now you’re trapped, he’s got you right where he wants you.
It’ll start off nice and innocent. A few kisses here, some light touches there. Just slowly hinting at it and waiting for you to notice and respond.
But even Asra gets impatient.
He’s been waiting absolute years for you to recognize his love for you.
You’re surprised when he begins to blush and avert his gaze.
“Asra? Are you alright?”
He seems embarrassed that you noticed his shift in behaviour, even though it was fairly obvious.
“!!!!...Better than alright. It’s just...I love you.”
He’ll lean in closer, cupping your cheek with a desperate look in his eyes, “I love you so much.”
❤️ Julian ❤️
The definition of ‘Haha JKJK...unless?’
It may seem like he’s just messing around with you, but you never fail to notice any messages that he’s actually trying to get across.
“Ohoho! Imagine if you pinned me against this wall and really put me in my place right now!” “Riiiiight.”
You often ignore his antics just to watch him squirm for a few hours.
“You doing okay, Julian? You seem pretty shifty right now.” You’ll ask, feigning innocence.
He’ll awkwardly clear his throat, gaze shifting everywhere around the room, “Er..um, P-perfectly fine, my dear! What reason would I have for not being okay?”
“Hmm.” You make your way over to where he is, placing a hand on either side of him, “I think I’ve been teasing you long enough.”
#the arcana#the arcana x reader#muriel x reader#asra x reader#julian devorak x reader#the arcana julian x reader#the arcana portia x reader#the arcana nadia x reader#portia devorak x reader#nadia x reader#lucio x reader#julian x mc#nadia x mc#asra x mc#portia x mc#lucio x mc#muriel x mc#muriel#asra#lucio#the arcana smut#the arcana portia#the arcana julian#the arcana asra#the arcana nadia#the arcana muriel#the arcana lucio#the arcana main 6#the arcana headcanons#muriel x apprentice
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Could you do some yan!Nadia with a royal darling? gn please :))
Thanks for requesting ^-^
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
♡ It was a simple meeting, really. A duty much more than a fun event. Nadia put on her best garments to the ball, set her prettiest smile on her lips, and walked from participant to participant all throughout the night, making small talk. Really, it was one of those nights she’d rather spend in her tinker tower, but as fate might have anticipated for the two, someone who wasn’t really happy to attend the event either got seated next to her at the banquet.
♡ It’s just polite to greet and exchange pleasantries, but both Nadia’s and her seat-neighbor’s eyes keep jumping back to each other, only ever meeting for a brief second before they look away. It’s always easier to estimate situations behind a glass or a fan, but Nadia isn’t one to let a good opportunity pass, leaning over as the host gives a long, monotone speech of how happy he is everyone is gathered. Neither can hide a chuckle as she notes how bland the host’s sense of fashion is, gossip being something every noble can get with. Next they know, the two of them have a full-blown conversation as they have their dinner, Nadia finding out where the sweet person next to her is from and their standing easily through concealed questions and deduction.
♡ They continue to share drinks and even a dance later that night before retreating to the balcony for some comfortable peace. Nadia will absolutely be waiting for them in the morning, pulling away their chair at the breakfast table before continuing where they left off the night before. Is it weird for both of them to feel like it’s a fairytale meeting? Royals usually don’t get to experience the feeling of attraction and fondness for their partners before marriage, and Nadia knows it all too well. But with how much it hurt to part after the event, she is pretty sure it must be love, no matter how naive this thought might be.
♡ She’s quick to send out letters, using the fastest transportation available, and the exchange of written words is even more thrilling than Nadia would have expected. It starts out so innocently before longing shows between the sentences. Soon enough, both of them have had enough of the distance between them, settling her darling will come to Vesuvia first since it’s easier for them than to explain the invitation of a countess to their relatively small country in comparison.
♡ Nadia knows exactly that with her resources and personality, she can leave more than just a good impression on her darling royal. However, at the same time, she lays awake at night, fearing the pain of separation from them already. Their visit is constantly infused with the thought of them staying long-term. May it be studies or sightseeing, there are ways to justify a few weeks more, or even months. A cold here that would be dangerous to travel with, temporary duties taken on. Generosity is key, and in Nadia’s presence, they don’t have to feel the responsibility of their country on their shoulders - even if they aren’t coronated yet - while still having the royal luxury they are used to.
♡ Everything is going so perfectly until the day Nadia feels her grip on them loosen. It’s just a sigh and a stare into the distance at first, then a letter from home. Then slacking off at their temporary duties, the unwillingness to continue their studies, and a depression hanging over their head. Nadia knows what they are feeling, and she reckons the best thing she could do would be to let them go. That would be the healthy way, the right way even! But what if she can’t? What if the thought of them leaving fills her with painful loneliness? What if it gives her headaches again to know she won’t be able to hold them and enjoy the finer things in life with someone who knows how to appreciate them?
♡ When the time finally comes where her darling reveals they want to go back home, Nadia has long made a decision. There needed to be preparations to be made, and the few people involved seem to be on edge. But they’d never betray Nadia, not after knowing how she could be. It hurts to accuse her darling of stealing important documents, which are quickly found in their belongings, barely hidden between their clothes. They swear up and down that they didn’t take it, and she has to believe them, but Nadia simply plays disappointed, knowing fully well she ordered these documents to be hidden there. Even if the risk of war is on hand, Nadia knows that their country cannot afford to fight against Vesuvia. There’s is a snug, pretty cell awaiting her darling in the dungeons, keeping them from the public eye after the mock trial Nadia had for them. It’s also her who pleads for imprisonment rather than beheading, all so she can keep them with her and make herself look better.
♡ The dungeons might not be a place befitting a noble, but Nadia hasn’t spared any costs to construct them a beautiful room down there, almost making it seem as if they weren’t below ground at all, with fresh plants and a fountain. It’s not their home, but she provides them with many mementos and specialties from their lands, always happy to send for a trader who will purchase her new things she can gift to her darling to earn their favor again after all she did. Even if she plays like she believes them and is working on finding the person trying to frame them, it becomes clear over time that nothing ever will happen to change their predicament. But even if it isn’t the life they chose, it’s the one Nadia loves. Now, she has them all to herself and at her mercy, unable to leave her, so the two may suffer the burdens of royalty together for all the years to come.
#Nadia#Nadia Satrinava#Nadia The Arcana#yandere!nadia#yandere nadia#The Arcana#The Arcana game#yandere the arcana#the arcana yandere#yandere!the arcana#yandere arcana#yandere!arcana#yandere#yandere imagines#yandere headcanons#yandere scenarios#yandere fanfiction#yandere writing#yandere stories#yandere oneshots#yandere oneshot#yandere drabble#yandere x reader#yandere x darling#Yandere TW
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ash? for the character thing?
favorite thing about them
he's so gentle and loving. he has so many reasons to be jaded and selfish and bitter but he's not. he values innocence, he is so kind especially to kids, he wants to protect his loved ones and to fight for them rather than himself. he's my favorite archetype of character: the gentle badass. real "i do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. i love only that which they defend" energy.
least favorite thing about them
yoshida (and therefore a chunk of the fandom)'s insistence that actually he had to die to achieve peace because actually Fuck people with ptsd i guess
favorite line
it just... really encapsulates everything about him in a nutshell. all he ever wanted to be was griff's kid brother, just a normal person with a normal life. and so instead of being envious that eiji didn't suffer the same way he did, he just yearns and treasures that about eiji so much. love is stored in the ash lynx.
ash & griff (crying screaming shouting wailing), ash & max, ash & nadia, ash & eiji's family
asheiji 😭🥰🥺💕✨😊🥰💖👌💕🥺😭🥰
shorter/ash (but i already talked about that in my shorter post), ash/max (brb throwing up after even typing this), ash/literally any of his abusers, ash/blanca (throwing up again)
random headcanon
he uses dino's dirty money to pay for nadia wong's bottom surgery (yes nadia wong is a trans woman and i will not accept concrit on this thanks). at first she's like no ash i can't possibly accept this, but he gives her a very soft look and tilts his head a little and says "if you can't accept it for yourself, do it for me. there's nothing that'd make that old geezer madder than knowing i'm blowing his funds on making the people who loved me despite his best efforts happy. and i love the idea of making him spin in whatever shit grave he ended up in. if any. please, nadia? i don't want his money, and i want to give back to you for everything. it'd make me really happy if you'd accept it?" and she's just like. oh ash... because how can she say no to that?
unpopular opinion
he doesn't try to get eiji to leave him/try to leave eiji bc of ~abandonment issues~ lmfao he does it bc eiji got kidnapped and traumatized in a horrific way once already and he doesn't wanna see it happen again??? also i am literally begging yall to learn how to characterize him correctly bc i swear to god everyone either leans too hard into ~dark academia~ tropes/aesthetics (i.e. makes him just straight up ooc) or makes his literal only trait "having ptsd" and both of those takes fucking suck actually.
especially the "his only personality trait is having trauma" one, bc it invariably leads to demonization of ppl w trauma bc it DOES make a relationship read as v unhealthy if one person in it has literally no personality outside of being traumatized and sad all the time. but thats not ACCURATE or even realistic as a depiction of ppl w ptsd and it makes me want to tear my hair out!!! *stern parent voice* im gonna have to take ash lynx away if yall dont learn to behave
song i associate with them
"no rest" by dry the river !!!!
favorite picture of them
this one has been my icon on discord for like 2 or 3 years at this point. i love him
#was also tempted to put the one where he looks so dang tired like Let Him Sleep jkdsbfjksd#ash lynx#anon#answers
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Okay I need to know about bodyswap and antique shops… pretty please
Antique shops is about Garrus learning to aim a human missile named Nadia Shepard, with or without her knowledge.
It started out innocently enough. In fact, if pressed, Garrus would have said that Shepard was directing his attacks, and not the other way around. That was how it was meant to be. She was the commander, and he followed her lead.
At first.
Honestly, a lot of it was just normal battlefield synergy. They were all practiced soldiers here; they knew their roles. Garrus wasn’t even sure when he started anticipating Shepard’s movements, but that was to be expected. They’d spent a lot of time in the field together. They were used to each other.
He… was a little more aware when he started manipulating her movements.
If that was even the right term. Again, it was teamwork. He overloaded a shield, she charged in and pummeled the poor bastard to death. That was strategy. The overload caught her attention—the sparks, the sound, the fact that mercs liked to declare when they were vulnerable for some reason… Shepard wasn’t going to look an unshielded gift target in the mouth, unless it was to punch their teeth out. Which she did. A lot.
And he enjoyed watching it.
So… Garrus cleared her a path. Focused on stripping the shields of the guys in her line of sight. Again, nothing fishy here. Normal tactics.
If Shepard was getting too hot in one area, he gave her an opening across the room. More often than not, she took it. Then she could find cover, cool down, shoot someone in the face… whatever. It wasn’t until he was perched over a particular marble floor with hexagonal tiles that looked a little bit like a turian chessboard that the idea popped into his head, and only then, it was after Shepard zipped across it twice managing to hit only the black tiles.
It seemed like a harmless enough challenge to see if he could get her to do it again.
He wasn’t going to jeopardize her safety or anything. He wasn’t crazy. Not nearly as crazy as Shepard who regularly blew up her own shields just to biotically punch a guy harder. But… Garrus liked challenges. A little concussive round to nudge a merc into position, an overload to catch her attention, a headshot on the guy standing on the white tile… it worked. He kept her on the black tiles for the entire battle.
Grinned a little to himself when it was over, but just shook his head when Shepard glanced his way.
After that, well, he started setting goals for himself. Small ones. Some were easy, like seeing if he could get Shepard to break every mirror in a room—probably would have done it even without his nudging— and some were harder, like when he tried to get her to burn a pattern into the floor in the shape of a star. Seven points and a bit lopsided in the end. He still surreptitiously took a holo of his work, but he wasn’t going to be showing it off any time soon. He could do better.
“Sometimes I feel like a pinball out there,” Shepard said one day, rolling her bad shoulder, and Garrus didn’t have to recognize the sport to feel a little guilty. Just a little. Not enough to stop, but enough to consider whether he was going to make her dizzy. And to consider new challenges that didn’t run the risk of a biotic with vertigo.
#man I stalled out on this one because I couldn't think of enough challenges#honestly a solid brainstorm session would have this one ready#shepard#garrus#bodyswap coming up in the next ask ;)
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Wordcount- 1.7k
Hamilton!Tom Holland x Angelica!Reader
Tom Holland x Princess!Reader
I would recommend listening to the song here!
Full Series Masterlist
Your time in Hasnaa was joyous. You wished you could have stayed there forever, but you most unfortunately had to return to your husband, and your disastrous marriage in London. With him, the days were drab and dull. It felt as if every day dragged on longer than the last, but drag on they did, and before you knew it, five years had passed.
You were sitting at the end of the table what felt like miles away from your husband, when a servant entered with a letter in her hand.
“It’s from Prince Phillip, your grace.” The servant girl curtsied before exiting.
“Thank you,” you said as you opened the letter.
It read:
My Dear Aunt,
Cold is my heart as I reckon with the affects my father’s whims have had on our family name. I’m not sure if word has yet reached you there in London, but I must most regretfully inform you that our dear Duke of Saataun has had a most unfortunate affair with the young Countess Nadia Renoylds. Apparently, it took place when we were visiting grandfather at the Fadar da Hasnaa, a considerable time indeed. He also had the privity and connivance of the count, whom he paid off to not tell mother. Apparently, the entire affair was an elaborate scheme on the Renoylds’ part. Their most intricate plan was for the countess to seduce father into an affair, and then blackmail him. If father did not find himself in a prosperous enough position to put wealth into their pockets, they would tell mother of the affair. Of course, this all took place many years ago, and father did pay the count off. None of this would have come to light if those vultures Anthony Monroe, Christopher Jefferson, and Aaron Blackwell hadn’t accused father of embezzlement. To prove his innocence, father published an essay entitled “The Reynolds Pamphlet”in which he admits the truth of his affair, and how he did not in fact embezzle money, but rather used it to pay off his mistress’s husband. In truth it isn’t much better, but he committed no crimes. He might have mortally wounded his prospects, but his papers are orderly, that is a fact none can deny. I have attached a copy of The Reynolds Pamphlet with this letter so that you may read it yourself. Tis no surprise that my mother is outraged. She has father sleeping in his office, and last night as I was passing her cracked bedroom door, I saw her setting fire to all the hundreds of letters he’s written to her. I know it is much to ask of you, seeing as you are the ruler of a large realm, but if you could journey here to see her, I’m sure it would be much consolation. With our dear Peggy sick in Paris, you are the only of her sisters with the ability to make the journey. Please consider.
Votre neveu le plus adorant et le plus vrai,
Prince Phillip of Saataun
Your heart sank as you read your nephew’s words. You quickly took the “Reynolds Pamphlet” from under his letter and read it.
It Read:
I owe perhaps to my friends an apology for condescending to give a public explanation. A just pride with reluctance stoops to a formal vindication against so despicable a contrivance and is inclined rather to oppose to it the uniform evidence of an upright character.
The charge against me is a connection with one Anthony Reynolds. For purposes of improper speculation, my real crime is an amorous connection with his wife, for a considerable time with his knowing consent, if not originally brought on by a combination between the husband and wife with the design to extort money from me. I had frequent meetings with her, most of them in my own house, the Duchess with our children being absent on a visit to the King.
This confession is not made without a blush. I cannot be the apologist of any vice because the ardour of passion may have made it mine. I can never cease to condemn myself for the pang, which it may inflict in a bosom eminently intitled to all my gratitude, fidelity and love. But that bosom will approve, that even at so great an expence, I should effectually wipe away a more serious stain from a name, which it cherishes with no less elevation than tenderness. The public too will I trust excuse the confession. The necessity of it to my defence against a more heinous charge could alone have extorted from me so painful an indecorum.
The essay went on for several more paragraphs, but you could not bear to read any more. Your heart felt as if it was cracking as you thought of your dear Eliza. Oh, all the pain she must have been in. How could Thomas, your Thomas have done such a thing? How could he have hurt your sister in such a way? The anger must have been clear in your eyes, as your husband suddenly spoke.
“What is it?” his monotone voice asked. He barely even looked up from his newspaper.
“My dear sister, Eliza, and our brother, Thomas seem to have been involved in a scandal. I must return home immediately.”
“Oh, well you do that. I shall remain here.”
Oh, of course, he was. You held back an eye roll as you stood and went to your quarters to begin packing.
You booked passage on a ship that was heading for Saataun the next day and quickly made your way home. Your carriage was awaiting your arrival when you stepped off the docks, and you immediately directed him to Eliza’s palace. When you knocked on the door, to your surprise, it was answered by your nephew, Phillip, now fourteen years old. You hugged him tightly.
“Where is your mother, Phillip?” you asked as you released the boy.
“At the store, I believe. But father’s just upstairs, in his office.”
You thanked the young boy before rushing up the stairs and into Thomas’s office.
His eyes widened at the sight of you. “(Y/N)?”
“I came as soon as I heard,” you said flatly.
“Oh, (Y/N), thank God,” he rose and walked towards you, taking your hands and trying to kiss it “someone who understands what I’m struggling here to do-” he paused as you snatched your hand away from him.
“Congratulations, Thomas.”
He looked at you confused.
“You have invented a new kind of stupid! A damage you could never undo kind of stupid, an open all the cages in the zoo kind of stupid! Truly, you didn’t think this through, did you?”
You gestured with your hands as you spoke. “Let's review, shall we? You two a rumor a few-what was it, three- people knew and refuted it by sharing an affair of which no one has accused you!” You got close to his face, saying, “Thomas, I begged you to take a break and you refused to.”
Now you were pacing and speaking loudly. “You’re so scared of what your enemies will do to you when in reality you’re the only enemy you ever seem to lose to! Do you know why Jefferson can do as he pleases? He doesn’t dignify schoolyard taunts with a response! So yes, congratulations, Thomas.”
“You’ve redefined your legacy. No, really! Congratulations,” you said, walking out.
“It was an act of political sacrifice!” he exclaimed.
You stopped in your tracks, looking back at him bewildered. “Sacrifice? Thomas Holland, you know nothing of sacrifice.”
“What does that mean?”
“Thomas, I languished in a loveless marriage in London, I lived only to read your letters. I look at you and think “God, what have we done with our lives, and what did it get us?” It doesn’t wipe all the years or all my tears away, but I’ve returned to Larione, and this time I’m here to stay. Do you know what I’m here to do, Thomas?”
“(Y/N)...” he said, coming close to you and cupping your face.
As much as it pained you to do so, you grabbed his hand, tearing it from your face, and saying, “I’m not here for you.”
Thomas sighed, tears burning in his eyes.
You felt the anger begin to rise again as you spoke, “I know my sister like I know my own mind! You will meet a more gentle, kind, trusting soul. I love my sister more than anything in this life! If it comes to choosing between her happiness and mine, I will choose hers every time! Yelizaveta is the best person in our lives, so never again make the mistake of forgetting that you have been blessed with the best wife! For the rest of your life, every sacrifice you make is for my sister, you be sure to give her the best life!”
You raised your hand and slapped him as hard as humanly possible and turned to leave. You paused in the doorframe, turning back to him. “Putting what we had aside, I’m going to find my sister and I am going to stand by her side. I already know “you could never be satisfied.” God, I hope you’re satisfied.” And with that, you were gone.
Your night was spent whispering comforting words to your younger sister, remarking to her “Oh, my dear Eliza, I fear you have married an Icarus. He has flown too close to the sun.”
You did in fact stay in Larione, just as you had told Thomas you would, choosing to relocate to the Fadar da Zuri. It was frowned upon by the public that you, the Empress of Jimbaari, were staying in a palace outside of your country without a husband or some other guardian, but you didn’t care. Your sister and her happiness were all that mattered to you. You prayed for your sister’s happiness. You also prayed that she’d forgive Thomas. Not, in fact, because of your love for Thomas, but rather as you didn’t want anything weighing on your sister’s gentle soul.
As for your ever most complicated relationship with Thomas, you barely interacted with him, not speaking to him when at their home and not writing to him. Though sometimes, you would catch him staring at you with such deep longing that it made your heart ache. And it pained you so deeply, because you knew you couldn’t have been more in love with him- even after his betrayal. So, pray you did. Prayed for your sister’s inner peace, and your own, prayed for the well being of the children, and prayed begging the lord why in all his goodness, he would cause you the utmost pain by bringing that foolish soldier Thomas Holland into their lives.
#tom holland x princess!reader#tom holland x reader#tom holland#hamilton fanfic#hamilton#tom holland angst
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