#please hurl me into the sun
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nubreed73 · 11 months ago
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"Since I was powerless, I let both Taealha and Tagon treat me like a dead person for 20 long years."
Saya, emerging from the Fortress of Fire in Tanya's dream, like a hungry ghost in Arthdal Chronicles S01E06
Hi! So! I just finished Arthdal Chronicles and I have lost my entire mind over Saya! It's really bad! Here I come bearing gifs.
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nubreed73 · 1 year ago
I feel so normal about this fucking show and both of these fucking twins JFC SAYA JFC
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ARTHDAL CHRONICLES 아스달 연대기 (2019) s01e09 | dir. kim wonsuk
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evcryopeneye · 10 months ago
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riality-check · 2 years ago
The eagerly awaited part 2 of the DILF!Steve concert saga is here!! Part 1, in case you missed it.
"You're not going."
"Come on! I haven't thrown up in an hour!"
"The drive to the venue is an hour and a half."
"And if you throw up in my car-"
"Oh my God-"
"I'll kill you."
Steve doesn't need to see Dustin's eye roll in order to feel the full force of it through the phone.
"I'll just kill you. You'll have a headstone within the week that says Here Lies Dustin Henderson: Rightfully Murdered for Puking in Steve Harrington's Car," he continues as he packs Capri-Suns into the cooler for the car ride.
He doesn't remember ever being that thirsty as a kid, but if Anna wants strawberry kiwi, Anna gets strawberry kiwi. It helps that it's Steve's favorite flavor, too.
"I'd need a big ass headstone to fit all of that," Dustin snaps.
"Your big-ass ego would demand no less, shithead," Steve shoots back.
"Swear jar, Daddy!" Anna calls from her room, across the house because while she doesn't listen to Steve when he's right in front of her, she can hear him break the swear jar rule from halfway across the world.
He zips up the cooler, fishes a quarter out of his pocket, and throws it into the half-full soup can next to the stove.
(A quarter doesn't mean much, but Anna doesn't know that. The day Steve teaches that kid about inflation is the day his pockets become permanently empty.)
"Did she just swear jar you?" Dustin asks from over the phone.
"You baited me into it."
"I did no such thing."
Steve rolls his eyes. "You're not coming, though, are you?"
Dustin sighs, and, for all his teasing, Steve does genuinely feel bad. "I still feel like if I breathe wrong, I'll hurl, so, no. I don't think I'll manage the car ride, nevermind the actual show."
"Sorry dude."
"Don't be. Some dickhead will live stream the whole thing on Instagram, anyway. I'll live vicariously through them."
Steve snorts and picks up the cooler. He got Anna dressed beforehand, so it's just a matter of getting her to stop playing with whatever toy she dug up - Play-Doh has been the fixation of the week - in her room so they can go.
"Besides," Dustin continues, and Steve hates where this is going. "Anna loved the show, and you've got a reason-"
"Nope," Steve says, knocking on Anna's door. "Don't finish that sentence."
"All I'm saying-"
"I know what you're gong to say, which means you know my answer. I don't date."
Anna opens her door. From the little Steve can see inside, there are at least three containers of Play-Doh open and strewn across the floor. He thinks her Barbies are involved in it somehow.
"Time to go," Steve says, and he thinks, Please don't let there be Play-Doh in the Barbie hair.
"Five more minutes," Anna tries.
"Nope. Clean up and roll out."
"Hi, Anna," Dustin says through the phone.
"Uncle Dusty!" Anna shrieks, and she starts jumping up and down. "Are you comin', too?"
Dustin sighs, and Steve can't tell if it's at the nickname or if he's still cursing the universe. "No, but you and your dad have a great time, okay?"
"Can you, can you tell Daddy I should get five more minutes?"
Steve raises his eyebrows at her. Anna, to her credit, ignores him wonderfully.
"If you clean up," Dustin says, because he's actually Steve's favorite person right now, "you get to do more headbanging at the concert."
Anna gasps like Steve didn't already tell her that earlier today, and she gets to work on putting her toys away. Steve helps, of course, and he finds that there is, in fact, Play-Doh in two of her Barbies' hair.
Fun. They're going to turn into Buzzcut Barbies when Anna goes to sleep because he can already tell that they are the furthest thing from salvageable.
But that doesn't matter right now. What matters is getting Anna in the car, deploying the first two of many strawberry kiwi Capri Suns from the cooler, and making the drive to the venue, which Steve does with minimal road rage and accompanied by the Disney radio station.
Success by all metrics, really.
Dinner might as well be now, so Steve shells out a truly disgusting amount of money for overpriced chicken nuggets and fries at the venue. Anna will only eat half her portion but say she's hungry later, but that's what the snacks and water Steve smuggled in via his jacket are for.
They get to their seats, dinner finished up, just as the lights go down for the first opener. Steve looks to his left, half-expecting Eddie and his friends to be there before remembering that they won't be.
He tries not to feel too disappointed. He fails miserably.
The seat next to him, however, isn't empty. There's a note taped to the back of it, one addressed to Steve and Miss Anna, so Steve feels alright taking and opening it.
At the top, there's a messily scrawled phone number. Underneath, it says:
Here's my number. Probably a bad idea to call with all the noise. Texting works, though you should do that after the show. I'll be a little busy until then.
Steve puts the note in his pocket, puts Anna's ear defenders on, puts his own earplugs in, and looks at the stage, where-
Hang on.
He squints at the stage, where four guys have started playing a song that, frankly, sounds too much like literally all the music Steve listened to yesterday for him to care about all that much. The drummer is pretty small, with wild, curly hair. The bassist looks familiar. The lead singer, who is very talented but not to Steve's personal taste, also looks familiar. And the guitarist-
No way. No way in hell.
It's a total coincidence. Lots of guys have long, curly hair and heavy jewelry and big eyes and are wearing formal wear, for some reason, and catch Steve's eye, and-
"Thank you for such a great welcome!" the guitarist says, and his smile totally isn't doing anything to Steve, thanks very much.
Anna stops moving, where she's standing next to Steve, and climbs up into his lap to get a better look at the stage. She looks out, then back at Steve, then out, then back at Steve, making a face as confused as Steve feels.
Some days, he thinks he ended up with a clone, not a kid.
"I'll get off the mic in a second. I only do the talking because Jeff," the guitarist points at the lead singer, who ducks his head, "is really shy."
Jeff. That name is definitely relevant, but Steve is a permanent resident of denial.
"We fought about what song we were going to include next in our set list, so much so that we didn't decide until yesterday and had to consult a tiebreaker."
Okay, maybe Steve is a less permanent resident of denial than he thought.
"So, thank you to Miss Anna, who did great at headbanging for her first time-"
Anna whips around so fast, her forehead nearly collides with Steve's jaw.
"And to Steve, who's a big fan of American Psycho."
At the song name, the crowd loses their minds, and if Anna wasn't sitting right in front of him, Steve would join them.
Because what the fuck is happening right now?
His question isn't answered. In fact, about five more questions pop up in its stead when, during the bridge of the song, Jeff puts on a clear rain jacket and picks up a prop axe.
Please, God, don't let this traumatize my kid, Steve thinks.
Anna, thankfully, doesn't get scared. When Jeff brings the axe down, again and again, Steve's weirdo daughter fucking smiles. And giggles. It's kind of cute, actually.
When the song ends, she turns back to Steve.
"That's Eddie onstage," Steve says, and saying it, somehow, makes it real.
"I thought so!" Anna says, and she turns back to watch the show. Steve puts an arm around her waist so she doesn't fall off his lap when she bangs her head to the music.
The rest of the songs, in Steve's opinion, are better than the opening song. They're more melodic, which Steve can definitely get behind, and each of them has a gimmick onstage, all based off of various horror movies. It's ridiculous, but also really, really cool.
And Eddie, onstage, because it is the same guy who flirted with him and was so sweet to Anna yesterday, is really, really hot.
Steve has never had a thing for guitarists before. He's never had a thing for musicians before. Hell, until a year ago, he didn't realize he had a thing for men.
Eddie is. Uh. Yeah. Really doing it for him.
Steve doesn't know whether it's his enthusiasm, or the way he moves, or seeing his hair tied up, or the fucking dress pants and suspenders, or just his hands, but he does know he has to get himself in check because this is an all ages show and he's here with his daughter.
He already knows he can't add these songs to his grading playlist, not when they're accompanied by visuals of Eddie playing his guitar.
Sweet Jesus.
"Alright, that's our set!" Eddie says. "Thanks, y'all, for sticking around for us, and let's give it up for the next act!"
The crowd, including Anna and Steve, cheer as they exit and the lights go up.
Steve fishes his phone out of his pocket, fully intending to add Eddie's number to his contacts, and is greeted by not one, not two, but sixteen missed calls from Dustin Henderson.
Naturally, Steve calls him back. "Who died?"
"What the fuck?" Dustin yells, and Steve just puts the phone on speaker to save the rest of his hearing. "Did Eddie fucking Munson just personally thank you from the stage?"
"Swear jar, Uncle Dusty!" Anna says.
"Sorry," Dustin says. "But Steve. Answers. Now."
"How do you even-"
"Instagram live. Is Eddie the guy you were telling me about yesterday?"
Steve takes his phone off speaker. Prior experience tells him that this conversation has a less than zero chance of staying PG, nevermind PG-13.
"Yeah," Steve says. "He is."
"The one who flirted with you, and you forgot to ask for his number."
"Well, I have it now."
"What?" Dustin shrieks, and Steve is incredibly thankful that he didn't take his earplugs out.
"He left me his number on the seat."
"Text him."
"I was going to, until I saw that you called me sixteen times."
"Jesus Christ, Eddie Munson was flirting with you."
Steve rolls his eyes and hands a pack of gummy bears to Anna when she taps his arm. "He could have just been nice. I don't even know if he's into guys."
"Have you looked at him?"
"Wow, Dustybuns, I didn't know you were homophobic."
"I think it's the complete opposite of homophobic to try to get you laid."
"Hanging up!" Steve shouts because a part of him will never see Dustin as any older than thirteen, and no thirteen year old should ever say that.
Steve hangs up the call. "Can I have a gummy bear?"
"No," Anna says, mouth full, in her seat, legs swinging.
"I bought them."
She shrugs. "You gave them to me. Mine now."
Steve stares. She stares right back.
He sighs and opens a new pack of gummy bears.
With his mouth full of sweet Haribo corpses, Steve takes out the note and adds Eddie to his contacts. Before he can overthink it, he sends him a message:
I guess I don't have to ask you what you do for a living. Just so we're even on that front, I'm a teacher, and Anna's full time job is preschool.
He tucks his phone back into his pocket and focuses on making this a good experience for Anna, who somehow wormed her way into a conversation with the intimidating-looking couple sitting next to her.
Because it's totally not like a literal rockstar is going to text him back. Right?
Part 3!!
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calypso-rt · 5 days ago
fake dating!
with the insufferable Rafe Cameron
| one | | two | three |
-> Rafe x F!Reader
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You stab your fork into a pancake, fully prepared to enjoy a drama-free brunch. The sun is out at this beachfront café, the ocean breeze is perfect, and, miraculously, the Kooks and Pogues are coexisting without bloodshed. A rare, fleeting peace.
Something you desperately needed the day after you returned from your little detour with Rafe Cameron.
But then...
“So, you and Rafe, huh?”
You nearly choke on your orange juice. Coughing, you look up to see Sarah smirking over her mimosa, chin propped in her hand like she’s just casually dropped the most normal sentence in the world.
“What?” you say, voice slightly hoarse.
Across the table, JJ leans back with an exaggerated grin. “Yeah, come on. You guys were real cozy at my wedding.”
“Oh my god, no, we were not—”
“And then,” Kiara cuts in, “you mysteriously disappeared together for a whole extra day. Just poof. Off the grid.”
You blink. “We got stranded. The car broke down—”
“Convenient.” Pope raises an eyebrow.
Topper, who has been stirring his coffee in smug silence, finally speaks up. “You should’ve seen them at the lodge. I’m honestly surprised they didn’t come back married.”
You whirl to glare at Rafe, fully expecting him to deny it. To argue. To groan about how ridiculous this all is.
But no. Of course not. Because Rafe Cameron is sitting back in his chair, arm draped lazily over the back, looking entirely too pleased with himself.
“You’re enjoying this,” you accuse.
He flashes a slow, lazy smirk. “What’s not to enjoy, sweetheart?”
JJ cackles. “Oh my god, you even call her sweetheart? This is better than I imagined.”
“I hate him,” you insist, looking around for support. “I literally hate him.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sarah waves a hand. “Tell that to the heart-shaped honeymoon suite.”
You gape at her. “You told them?”
JJ throws his hands up. “Are you kidding? You’re telling me you got fatefully forced into a honeymoon suite with Rafe Cameron and didn’t do some freaky shit?”
“Yes! That’s exactly what I’m telling you!”
Pope squints. “Sounds fake.”
You groan, dropping your head into your hands. “I hate all of you.”
“Aw, don’t be shy, baby.” Rafe nudges your leg under the table, voice soaked in amusement. “Embrace it.”
You kick him.
You stomp across the parking lot of the café after brunch, barely restraining the urge to hurl a rock at Rafe’s truck. Instead, you settle for banging on the driver's window, sharp and impatient.
Rafe, getting ready to drive off, turns his head lazily. He doesn’t roll down the window.
He just smirks.
You throw your hands up. “Oh my god.”
Finally, he cranks the window down, elbow propped on the frame. “Something wrong, sweetheart?”
You seethe. “Get out of the car.”
His smirk deepens. “Or, crazy idea, you could get in.”
You hesitate. Then, grumbling, you march around his truck, yank open the passenger door and slide in, slamming it shut behind you.
Rafe whistles. “Wow. Not even a hello?”
You turn, eyes narrowed. “Why didn’t you shut the rumor down?”
He leans back, exuding peak levels of amused arrogance. “Didn’t feel like it.”
“Didn’t feel like it?” you repeat, incredulous. “Do you have any idea what they’re saying? Sarah basically called me your wife!”
He tilts his head, considering. “Could be worse.”
You gape at him. “Are you serious?”
But then Rafe shifts, that infuriating smugness fading just slightly, replaced by something almost thoughtful. His fingers drum idly on the steering wheel.
“You know,” he muses, “it’s not the worst idea.”
You blink. “What?”
Rafe shrugs. “Think about it. You got anyone you’re trying to shake off?”
You open your mouth to argue, then pause.
Because, actually… you do.
A certain ex-boyfriend who still finds excuses to text you. Who shows up at parties and acts like you’re playing some kind of game instead of just moving on. Who, despite your many, many hints, refuses to take them.
Rafe sees the realization dawn on your face and grins. “Bingo.”
You cross your arms. “And you? What do you get out of it?”
His smirk fades, just a bit. He looks out the windshield, suddenly finding something very interesting about the dashboard.
You narrow your eyes. “Rafe.”
He exhales through his nose, reluctant. “My dad’s been on my ass.”
You frown. “About what?”
He gestures vaguely. “Settling down. Not being a complete disappointment. The usual.”
Your brow furrows. Rafe rarely talks about his dad, at least not seriously. But you’ve been around Ward Cameron enough to know that whatever pressure Rafe is under is probably suffocating.
Rafe glances back at you. “He thinks I need a ‘stabilizing influence.’” His lips curl in amusement. “And you, sweetheart, are so stable.”
You stare at him, dumbfounded. “Are you asking me to fake date you?”
He shrugs again, but there’s something calculated in his expression. “I mean… it’d be convincing, wouldn’t it?”
You hesitate.
It would.
You pretend to consider. “So, let me get this straight. I get a built-in deterrent for my ex.”
“And you get to pretend you’re not a total trainwreck in front of your dad.”
“…And what happens when this inevitably backfires?”
Rafe smirks. “Baby, it’s already backfired.”
You groan, sinking into the seat. “I hate this.”
His smirk deepens. “You love this.”
You throw your head back with a dramatic sigh. “Fine.”
Rafe grins. “Knew you’d come around.”
You point a finger at him. “Ground rules.”
Rafe catches your wrist midair, grip loose but firm. He leans in just slightly, voice a low murmur.
“Oh, baby,” he drawls, “I love rules.”
Your stomach flips.
You yank your hand back. “Dig me my grave."
Rafe just laughs, starting the engine.
If you had to rank your personal hells, standing in the Figure Eight Country Club in a floor-length gown, pretending to be Rafe Cameron’s doting girlfriend, would easily make the top three.
Maybe even top two.
The room is filled with the elite of the Outer Banks, all clinking glasses and exchanging smiles that don’t quite reach their eyes. It smells like expensive perfume and generational wealth.
And, worst of all, Ward Cameron is watching.
You feel the weight of his gaze from across the ballroom, where he stands among a group of men in tailored suits. His expression is unreadable, but his eyes flick to you and Rafe more often than not.
Rafe, of course, is completely unbothered.
He stands beside you, looking irritatingly at ease in his tux, sipping whiskey like he actually enjoys it. He leans in slightly, voice pitched just low enough for you to hear over the hum of conversation.
“Smile, sweetheart.”
You grit your teeth. “I am smiling.”
“You look like you want to kill me.”
You widen your grin. “What about now?”
Rafe chuckles, low and amused. “Terrifying.”
A waiter passes with a tray of champagne, and you grab a flute, downing half in one go. Rafe watches, smirking. “Nervous?”
“No,” you lie.
You are. Not because of the crowd, or the act, or even Ward’s scrutiny, but because Rafe is good at this. Too good.
He places a hand on your back, guiding you forward, and the warmth of it seeps through the thin fabric of your dress. It’s just for show, just to sell it, but your skin tingles anyway.
And then, your nightmare worsens.
Rose Cameron approaches, wearing an elegant dress and a saccharine smile. “Well, this is a surprise,” she says.
You brace yourself.
“I had no idea you two were together,” she continues, voice dripping with something almost pleasant but mostly sharp.
Rafe, ever the actor, squeezes your waist and pulls you closer. “Yeah, well,” he says easily, “not everything needs to be a spectacle, Rose.”
You resist the urge to snort. As if Rafe Cameron has ever avoided a spectacle in his life.
Rose’s eyes flick between you two. “And how long has this been going on?”
You open your mouth, but Rafe beats you to it.
“A few months,” he says smoothly. “Started off as just—” He glances at you, smiling like you’re his favorite thing in the world. “...something easy, you know? And then…”
His hand tightens slightly on your waist.
“…I realized I didn’t want to let her go.”
Your breath catches.
Rose hums, watching. Assessing. “How sweet.”
You remind yourself to breathe. To act.
So, you force a blush, ducking your head. Your hand finds Rafe’s lapel, fingers curling like it’s second nature.
Rafe responds immediately. His hand slides from your waist to your hip, like muscle memory. Like you belong there.
It’s just a show. Just a role.
But for the first time, you’re not sure who’s playing who.
And judging by the glint in Rafe’s eyes, you think maybe he feels it too.
If the country club was suffocating, this is the opposite.
The moment you and Rafe slide into the booth, after peeling out of the country club gala early like fugitives, you exhale, tension slipping off your shoulders.
Your gown is bunched awkwardly around you, heels kicked off under the table. Rafe is still in his suit, tie undone, the top buttons of his dress shirt loosened. He leans back, legs stretched out, one hand draped lazily over the back of your seat.
It feels too natural and easy.
But you tell yourself it’s just relief. Just comfort after an exhausting night of pretending.
A basket of fries sits between you, along with a milkshake you made Rafe order just so you could steal half of it. He watches, bemused, as you dip a fry into the chocolate shake.
“You’re actually disgusting,” he says.
“You’re actually uncultured.” You take a bite, savoring it obnoxiously. “Salty and sweet? It’s perfect.”
Rafe eyes you, then the fry, then the shake. “No way it’s good.”
“Try it.” You hold up a fry, daring him.
He rolls his eyes but leans in, biting it from your fingers before you can react. The move is so smooth, so casual, that your brain short-circuits for a second.
He chews. Pauses. Then shrugs. “Not bad.”
You scoff. “Not bad? That was a life-changing experience, Rafe.”
He smirks. “Yeah? I can think of better ones.”
You swat his arm, laughing, but the moment lingers, just a second too long.
And then, it shifts.
Because Rafe doesn’t move his hand from the back of your seat. Because his knee stays pressed against yours. Because the air between you, once full of teasing and playful insults, is suddenly thick with something else.
Something heavier. Something real.
You swallow, looking away, out the window. “You really sold it tonight.”
Rafe hums. “You weren’t too bad yourself, sweetheart.”
You roll your eyes, but your stomach flutters.
“My dad definitely bought it,” he continues, watching you carefully. “Think we convinced him?”
You nod, still avoiding his gaze. “Think so.”
A beat.
“You know, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.”
Your head snaps toward him. “What?”
He holds your gaze, something unreadable flickering in his eyes. “You. Me. Keeping it up for a little while longer.”
Your pulse stutters.
“Just until it’s not useful anymore,” he adds, casual but too casual. “Just for—”
“For show,” you finish, trying to ignore the way your throat feels tight.
Rafe nods, but something in his expression looks almost hesitant.
You exhale slowly, pretending like this is still just a scheme. Just an act.
But when Rafe steals another fry from your hand, when his fingers brush yours just a second too long, you think maybe you’re both lying.
Not to everyone else.
But to yourselves.
The bar is packed, buzzing with energy. Music pulses through the speakers, neon lights flickering in time with the beat. The scent of cheap beer and salt lingers in the air, mingling with the warmth of too many bodies pressed into the space.
The Pogues and Kooks, for once, aren’t at each other’s throats. Drinks are flowing, laughter crackling between old rivalries. JJ and Pope are locked in a heated darts match, Sarah is cackling at something Kiara said, and Rafe...
Rafe is watching you.
You don’t notice. Not at first.
Because you’re too busy trying to get away from the guy standing too close.
Your ex.
The one who never quite got it.
It started out as small talk, just a polite exchange. But then he edged closer. His voice dipped lower. And now his fingers are ghosting over your wrist like he has any right.
“Come on, don’t be like that,” he murmurs, smirking. “You used to love talking to me.”
You force a tight smile, shifting back slightly, pressing your spine against the edge of the bar. “Yeah, well, things change.”
He doesn’t take the hint. If anything, he leans in more.
“You can’t tell me you don’t miss it. Us.” His breath is warm against your skin. “I know you, babe.”
A shiver crawls down your spine, but not the good kind.
You open your mouth, ready to shut this down completely, but then you feel it.
The shift.
The heat at your side.
And then a hand. Warm. Firm. Settling on your hip, fingers curling just slightly into the fabric of your dress.
You don’t have to look to know it’s him. You feel him. The sheer presence of him, the weight of his body just slightly behind yours.
He’s not looking at you, though.
He’s looking at him.
Your ex stiffens. “Rafe.”
Rafe’s grip tightens just enough that you notice. “Didn’t know you were back in town.”
Your ex forces a smirk, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Didn’t know I needed permission.”
Rafe tilts his head, considering. “You don’t.” He shifts slightly, angling himself more in front of you, voice dipping lower. “But she doesn’t need this.”
Your heart pounds.
Your ex’s jaw clenches. “We were just talking.”
Rafe’s lips curl, but it’s not a smile. It’s something sharper. Something dangerous.
“She’s not interested,” he says, voice casual but lined with steel.
Your ex hesitates. His gaze flicks to you, like he’s expecting you to contradict Rafe. To push him off, say something.
But you don’t.
You just stare, pulse thrumming, feeling the warmth of Rafe’s body against yours, the way his hand stays there.
After a long, tense moment, your ex scoffs. Raises his hands in mock surrender. “Whatever.” He takes a step back, eyes lingering for just a second too long before he turns and disappears into the crowd.
The moment he’s gone, Rafe’s grip doesn’t loosen. If anything, it lingers.
His fingers press lightly into your waist before finally dragging away.
“You good?” His voice is quieter now. Just for you.
You should be annoyed. Should shove him away, roll your eyes, tell him you didn’t need him to save you.
But you don’t.
Instead, you tilt your head, watching him. “Didn’t know you cared so much, boyfriend.”
Rafe exhales a soft huff of laughter. But he doesn’t deny it. Doesn’t correct you.
His hand, stupidly warm, trails just slightly along your arm before he lets it drop.
“Just doing my job,” he murmurs.
Your stomach flips.
Because suddenly, you’re not sure if he’s still talking about the fake relationship.
Or if you’re both pretending a little less than before.
You stumble into the parking lot outside the bar, way past midnight. The air is thick with humidity, the faint scent of salt and asphalt lingering. Most of the group has already left, leaving only a few lingering voices in the distance.
You jiggle your car keys in your hand, squinting at them like they’re the problem instead of the slight haze behind your eyes.
“Alright,” you mumble to yourself, “just… keys in the ignition, foot on the pedal, easy—”
A hand closes around your wrist before you can even attempt it.
You sigh, tilting your head back to look at him. “What now?”
His jaw tenses. He’s already opened the passenger side door, standing there expectantly, waiting for you to not be an idiot.
“You’re not driving.”
You huff. “I’m fine.”
Rafe cocks a brow. “Oh yeah? Walk in a straight line.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes, except the motion makes your head spin, and when you step forward, you almost stumble.
Strong hands catch you before you can.
His hands.
“Yeah,” Rafe mutters, his voice low, close, “that’s what I thought.”
You glare at him, or, well, try to. It’s not very effective when he’s this close, when his grip is steady, firm but careful.
“You’re bossy,” you mumble as he guides you toward his truck.
Rafe snorts. “And you’re a pain in the ass. Now get in.”
You don’t have the energy to argue. Not when the exhaustion from the night is pressing in, making your limbs feel heavier, your eyelids droopier. You let him help you up into the passenger seat, barely reacting when he reaches over to buckle your seatbelt for you.
You do, however, raise a brow. “Didn’t know you were the nurturing type.”
Rafe pulls back, shutting the door before rounding the front of the truck. When he gets in, he exhales, shaking his head. “I’m not.”
But the way he adjusts the A/C so it’s not blasting in your face, the way he checks to make sure you’re comfortable before pulling out of the lot...
It says otherwise.
A Little While Later…
You barely register the truck slowing to a stop.
You blink up at Rafe, his face dimly lit by the soft glow of the streetlight outside your place.
“We’re here,” he says, voice quieter than usual.
You blink again. “Oh.”
You make a move to unbuckle yourself but fumble, and before you can get frustrated, Rafe is leaning over, clicking it open for you.
“C’mon, lightweight,” he mutters, getting out first so he can meet you on your side.
You let him help you out. Let him slide an arm around your waist when you teeter a little too much on your feet. Let him steady you as he walks you to your door.
Your head lolls against his shoulder. “You’re warm,” you murmur sleepily.
Rafe huffs out a laugh. “And you’re drunk.”
You don’t argue.
He waits while you dig out your keys, unlocking your door with clumsy fingers. When you finally manage it, you hesitate in the doorway, turning to look at him.
He’s already watching you.
There’s something unreadable in his expression, something different from the usual smirk, the usual teasing gleam in his eyes.
Something softer.
You swallow. “Thanks.”
Rafe shoves his hands into his pockets, glancing away like he doesn’t want you to see whatever’s behind his eyes. “Yeah,” he says, nodding. “Get some sleep.”
You nod back.
But for some reason, as you step inside and close the door behind you, you kind of wish he hadn’t left.
You don’t know how you ended up here on this quiet stretch of beach, just the two of you, away from the crowd, the warmth of the fire replaced by the cool atmosphere of an incoming storm. Maybe you wandered off. Maybe he followed.
Maybe neither of you really mind.
Rafe tilts his head back, letting a few drops of rain land against his skin. “Perfect,” he mutters. “Gotta love the weather around here.”
You huff out a quiet laugh, tucking your arms around yourself. “You scared of a little rain, country club?” You mimic Barry's drawl.
His eyes flick to you, amused. “No. Just wondering how much longer before you start whining about it.”
You scoff. “I don’t—”
But before you can argue, a drop slides down your cheek, then another, and suddenly, the drizzle thickens into a heavy downpour.
You squeal as the rain soaks into your hair, your dress, cool against your skin. “Ugh, Rafe!”
He laughs, actually laughs, and when you slap at his chest, he catches your wrist easily. Holds it there.
And that’s when you realize how close you are.
The air shifts.
The teasing flickers into something quieter, something heavier. His grip on your wrist isn’t tight, but it lingers. His thumb brushes over the inside of it, slow, deliberate.
You should step back. Say something. Laugh it off.
But you don’t.
Instead, your breath catches as his gaze dips, lingering, considering. He doesn’t hide it. The way his eyes trace the curve of your lips, the way he exhales just a little sharper, like he’s deciding something.
Like he’s this close to doing something about it.
Your pulse thrums. You’re not sure if it’s the rain or the fact that his hand is sliding, just barely, against your waist now, the heat of it burning through the damp fabric of your dress.
He leans in.
Just a little.
And suddenly, you don’t feel the cold anymore.
“Yo! There you guys are!”
JJ’s voice shatters the moment like a snapped thread.
You and Rafe jerk apart, almost too fast. You swear you hear him mutter a curse under his breath, running a hand through his soaked hair.
JJ jogs up, completely oblivious. “We’re heading back to the Chateau, wondered if you two drowned or something.” He pauses, eyes flicking between you, brows furrowing. “Wait… what were you—”
“We were just coming to find you guys,” you cut in quickly, voice a little higher than normal. “Right, Rafe?”
Rafe exhales, glancing at you, something unreadable flickering across his expression.
Then he smirks, all slow and knowing, but there’s something else there, something charged.
“Yeah,” he murmurs. “Let’s go.”
And as you turn back toward the bonfire, heart hammering, you have no idea what just almost happened.
Or maybe you do.
And that’s the problem.
You stood on the back patio of the Country Club, watching the sunset. The lights are dim, and most of the guests have trickled out. It’s quiet now, except for the occasional clatter of staff cleaning up inside.
You hear heavy footsteps and turn to see Rafe, in his polo and backwards hat after a game of golf. He looks perplexed.
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
The words cut through the silence, firm, leaving no room for denial.
You grip the railing, turning your gaze away again. “I haven’t.”
Rafe exhales sharply. “Bullshit.”
He’s closer now, you can feel it, the heat of him even in the cool night air. You close your eyes, gripping the wooden beam a little tighter.
“Look, it’s late. Let’s not—”
“What?” His voice dips lower, edged with something you can’t quite place. “Not talk about it? Keep pretending?”
Your stomach twists. “Rafe—”
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
You don’t.
Because you can’t.
He scoffs, dragging a hand through his hair, stepping back like he needs space but doesn’t actually want it. “This whole thing, it was fake, right?” His tone is sharp, but there’s something raw underneath. “A stupid game. Just a way to keep people off our backs.”
You swallow hard, finally turning to face him. “That’s what we agreed on.”
His jaw tightens. “Right.” He lets out a humorless laugh, shaking his head. “So that’s all it is to you?”
You falter. “I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to.”
There’s a beat of silence, thick and heavy.
Then, softer, quieter, like he hates admitting it:
“I meant it.”
Your breath catches.
“I meant all of it.” He steps closer again, the frustration in his eyes giving way to something else entirely. “The dates. The kisses. The way I look at you and…” He trails off, shaking his head. “You know it wasn’t fake, not for me.”
It’s too much.
Your heart is pounding, your throat is tight, and it’s too much.
“Rafe, don’t—”
“Why not?” His voice is almost desperate now, rough around the edges. “Why do you keep running from this? From me?”
You want to tell him.
You almost do.
But then—
The door swings open behind you.
“Hey, there you guys are!” Sarah’s voice is bright and unknowing, completely oblivious to the storm raging between you and Rafe. “We’re heading to the drive-in movie... coming?”
Your gaze stays locked with his.
Something flickers across his face, something that looks a hell of a lot like defeat.
Then, just like that, the moment shatters.
Rafe steps back. His jaw clenches. “Yeah,” he mutters. “We’re coming.”
He doesn’t look at you again.
And you don’t know why it suddenly feels like you’ve lost something before you even had it.
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
Not after the argument. Not after a week of nothing: no texts, no stolen glances, no tension-filled bickering that somehow always felt like flirting.
You had told yourself you were fine with it.
But when Sarah had casually mentioned that Rafe had been coming here lately, this wildflower field, tucked away from the world, you didn’t even hesitate before heading straight there.
And now, here he is.
Sitting on the hood of his truck, elbows resting on his knees, staring out at the horizon like he’s been here for hours.
For a second, you just watch him.
The way the golden light catches the sharp angles of his face, the way the breeze ruffles his hair. The way his shoulders tense slightly, like he knows you’re here, even before he turns.
When he finally does, the surprise flickers across his face before it’s quickly replaced with something unreadable.
You cross your arms, stepping forward. “So this is where you’ve been hiding.”
Rafe exhales, shaking his head with a half-smirk. “Didn’t realize I was hiding.”
You raise a brow. “Right. You just went radio silent for a week, ditched every hangout, and started brooding in a flower field for no reason.”
His lips twitch. “It’s not brooding.”
You gesture at the scene. “It’s very broody, Rafe.”
The teasing comes easy; it always does. But underneath, the tension lingers, soft and unspoken.
His expression shifts, gaze drifting over you, taking you in like he’s searching for something. Then he looks away, shaking his head like he’s trying to pull himself back.
“You shouldn’t be here.”
Something in your chest twists.
“Why not?”
He exhales, dragging a hand down his face. “Because this was supposed to be easy.”
You blink. “What was?”
“This,” he gestures vaguely between you. “Us. The whole stupid fake dating thing. I thought—” He cuts himself off, jaw tightening. “I thought if I let you go first, it’d be easier.”
Your breath catches.
“You let me go?”
Rafe lets out a quiet, humorless chuckle. “Yeah. That’s what it felt like, at least.” His voice is lower now, rough around the edges. “You walked away. And I let you.”
There’s something devastating about the way he says it.
Like it was the hardest thing he’s ever done.
Your heart is pounding now, but you take a breath, stepping closer. “So why are you out here?”
His eyes flick to yours, hesitant but open in a way that makes your stomach flip.
“This place,” he murmurs, glancing around at the swaying wildflowers, the open sky, “reminded me of that town. Of you.” His voice is quieter now, like he’s saying something he never planned to. “And I think… I think I wanted to hold onto that for a little longer.”
The confession settles between you, thick and weighty, pressing against your ribs.
You swallow hard. “Rafe—”
“I meant it,” he says suddenly, cutting you off, voice edged with something fierce. “Back at the club. Everything I said... I meant it.” His jaw tenses. “I don’t want to pretend. Not anymore.”
You stare at him, heart hammering.
“I don’t either.”
It’s barely a whisper, but he hears it.
His breath hitches, his whole body going still. “You don’t?”
You shake your head, stepping even closer, so close that you can see the way his hands tighten at his sides, like he’s holding himself back. “I was scared,” you admit, voice barely steady. “Scared of what it meant. Scared of ruining—”
“Baby...,” he interrupts, voice low and cracking slightly from the rush of emotions, “you already ruined me.”
That does it.
Because before you can think, before you can talk yourself out of it, you’re closing the space between you, moving between his legs on where he's sat on the hood of his truck, and pressing your lips to his.
Rafe makes a quiet, almost desperate sound, and then...
He’s kissing you back.
Really kissing you.
His hands cup your face, fingers threading into your hair, pulling you closer like he’s afraid you might slip away. The warmth of his body, the way his lips move against yours, it’s all-consuming. It’s everything.
When you finally pull back, breathless, he rests his forehead against yours, eyes still closed like he’s savoring the moment.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he murmurs.
You smile, fingers brushing against his jaw. “I think I do.”
Rafe lets out a quiet laugh, shaking his head before kissing you again, slower this time, softer, like he has all the time in the world.
Neither of you are in a rush to let go.
Epilogue: The Reveal
It starts innocently enough on this quiet night around the beach bonfire, months later.
A few drinks, a few stories, the kind of night that feels infinite. Sarah’s lying in the sand, legs thrown over John B’s, Cleo is braiding Kie's hair, and JJ...JJ is staring at you and Rafe with narrowed eyes.
“You know,” he says slowly, pointing a beer bottle between you two, “I’ve been thinking.”
“That’s dangerous,” Pope mutters.
JJ ignores him.
“How exactly did this happen?” He gestures at where you and Rafe are curled up together, your back resting against his chest, his arms lazily draped around your waist.
Rafe shrugs. “Dunno. Just kinda did.”
“Liar,” Sarah chimes in, smirking. “I distinctly remember a time when you two hated each other.”
“We didn’t hate each other,” you say quickly.
JJ scoffs. “Uh, yeah, you did. You could barely even share a car for the road trip.”
John B leans forward, eyes narrowing. “Wait a second.” He turns to Sarah. “Didn’t they show up at the lodge all weird and tense?”
Sarah’s eyes widen. “Oh my God, yes.” She turns to you and Rafe. “That first night, when you guys had to share the honeymoon suite—”
Kie gasps. “No. No. And it was so random...”
A slow, almost wicked grin spreads across JJ’s face. “Wait, wait, wait. Don’t tell me…” His gaze flicks between you and Rafe, piecing it together. “Were you two fake dating?”
“Not technically,” Rafe says smoothly.
Absolute chaos.
“I wouldn’t call it a scam,” you protest.
Pope gapes. “So all those times you two were all over each other—”
“Fake,” Kie finishes, eyes wide. “Holy shit.”
Sarah looks downright betrayed. “Wait, so at the gala—”
John B gapes. “The bar?”
You hesitate. “Uh… mostly fake?”
JJ throws his hands up. “WHAT ABOUT THE RAIN?!”
Everyone turns to you.
You and Rafe exchange a glance.
“Okay, that might have been real,” you admit.
JJ groans, flopping dramatically onto the sand. “I feel so lied to.”
Pope shakes his head, staring at the fire like it’s personally betrayed him.
Kie just mutters, “This is some fanfic-level shit.”
Rafe, completely unbothered, just smirks and pulls you closer. “Worked out, didn’t it?”
And as you lean into him, laughter ringing around you, the ocean breeze tangling through your hair, you realize...
It really, really did.
Taglist: @drewstarkeyslover, @honeybee270, @melsbels-zip, @rafeycameronsgf, @vanessa-rafesgirl, @amel1ee, @magicalflowerstranger, @lilithblackkk, @starkeyxcameron, @simp4f1, @wtfdudesblog, @f3rnlee, @dinnodallas, @jjasmiineee, @drewrry, @lmaolmaos, @mattyskies, @yourmomdotcom42069, @chillgal135, @scorpiosaintt, @pluviophilis, @bee-43, @polli05927, @mariacbzs, @ggraycelynn, @hunzzzzz, @ilovebaileymydog
(tagged everyone asking abt a pt 2, 3, and 4) <3
ty for your sweet comments and support it means everything!
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demensrage · 4 months ago
g for get some fun ⚊ • . with itachi and shisui uchiha
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summary: training can be fun, but it's more fun when your favorite people decide to give you their full attention. under their care, training will always be fun.
cw: threesome, double penetration, oral (f/m. receiving), fingering, breeding kink, dirty talk, tits sucking.
wordcount: 6.6k
note: english is not my firts lenguage so please forgive me for the grammatical errors I may commit.
© demensrage 2024. do not plagiarize, copy, repost, feed to ai, or translate my works to any other platforms.
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Your body trembled with pure rage, so intense that even your muscles hurts. You watched the sun rise on the horizon as you kept ranting, hurling shurikens over and over at the tree in front of you, as if those small weapons could tear away the burning anger from that public humiliation. The scene with your instructor was still seared into your mind.
"No matter how hard you try, you’ll never be anyone." Those words stabbed into your brain like a sharp kunai. How dare he say that to you? He was just a fool consumed by envy. Sure, you hadn’t awakened the Sharingan yet, but your life had been relatively peaceful. You hadn’t faced the darkness needed to activate those eyes that defined your clan.
After throwing the last shuriken, you let out a deep sigh and raised your hands to the sky, stretching. Waking up early to train hadn’t been the best idea, but you felt that need, that urgency to prove your instructor wrong. It didn’t matter that he thought you were destined for mediocrity. You knew your future would be different.
You were more angry than exhausted, and just as you walked to pick up the shurikens embedded in the tree, you realized there was nothing in front of you anymore. You frowned, puzzled, and quickly glanced around. No one was there. You clenched your teeth, biting the inside of your cheek, and cursed quietly.
Suddenly, you felt a soft tap on your head, a playful pat. You spun around quickly, ready to defend yourself, but the shurikens reappeared stuck in the tree as if they had never disappeared. And there, standing right in front of you, was Itachi, looking at you with an innocent expression, but his activated Sharingan told a different story. That intense crimson, with its perfect black tomoe, stirred a mix of admiration and envy in you. The power you so longed to have was right in front of you, and in him, it seemed so natural, as if it required no effort.
"You keep falling for the same trick," said a familiar voice behind you, full of amusement.
When you turned to face him, it wasn’t Itachi who moved, but Shisui, who in a swift and carefree motion, stole a kiss from you. It was fleeting, almost ethereal, but it left a burning spark on your lips.
Your heart skipped a beat as he looked at you with a playful smile, while Itachi stood still in front of you, calm, as if it had all been just another prank between friends.
You couldn’t understand what had changed that suddenly both Shisui and Itachi had started behaving in this strangely affectionate way. Shisui, usually playful but reserved, was now stealing kisses as if it were a regular thing, and worst of all, Itachi, who had always been colder and more calculating, didn’t seem upset or surprised, but... almost complicit.
When did it start being like this? You felt confused. It was as if overnight the dynamic between the three of you had changed without warning, and you were left stuck in the middle, not understanding the new rules of the game. You had trained with them for years, shared missions, laughter, and moments of tension, but they had never dared to cross that line.
You decided not to overthink it, letting it be, because for some reason, it felt... right. As if everything had finally fallen into place, as if this, what was happening between the three of you, was meant to be. It was a strange feeling, but comforting, as if you had been resisting something inevitable for a long time, and now, by letting it flow, everything felt in harmony.
"Did we miss something?" Itachi asked as he picked up your shurikens from the tree for you. His tone was calm, but his words snapped you back to reality. "You seem distracted." His gaze softened, and then he added, with a comforting calmness, "You know, you shouldn't pay attention to what your instructor says."
You watched him approach slowly, and before you could respond, Itachi smiled at you with a tenderness he rarely showed. With a simple but familiar gesture, he gently ruffled your hair. The usual coldness on his face had completely vanished in that moment.
Your breath caught for a moment when his lips brushed against yours with a softness you hadn't expected. It was a kiss so gentle yet deep in its intent, as if he'd been watching how you'd sought the same from Shisui and was now offering it to you on his behalf.
Your thoughts, still a bit disorganized by the sudden change in his behavior, quieted completely. Itachi's kiss had something different. Where Shisui was playful, Itachi was measured and sure.
The question surged back into your mind, like an echo reverberating in your thoughts. You had lost count of how many times those small, intimate gestures had become so commonplace. It had all started in the privacy of one of their rooms, stolen moments that now seemed not to matter at all. The brush of their hands, the glances that lingered a little longer than usual, the silences filled with meaning… Everything had evolved into something much more open, and intimacy had ceased to be a secret.
It was as if they were claiming you as part of them, as if you somehow belonged to their world. You were theirs, only theirs. Right? You always had been, hadn’t you? On reflection, there had never been another friend in their lives besides you. They never talked about other girls with that kind of closeness, and you never saw them interact with other women in a romantic way. Really, they were always where you were.
The realization clicked in your mind immediately, like a gear perfectly fitting into place. You weren’t theirs; they were yours. That idea, once vague, now shone with clarity. They were your friends, your confidants, but also something more. They belonged to you just as much as you did to them.
Itachi was only older than you by less than three months, but that had never been an obstacle. You had known each other since infancy, sharing laughter and tears in a corner of the world that had always belonged to the both of you. Then came Shisui, who joined the friendship you and Itachi shared. He fit in instantly, as if he were the missing piece of a puzzle that had always been incomplete.
Now that you thought about it, they had always orbited around you. You hadn’t noticed it at first, but every gesture and every word took on new meaning. The way they protected you, how they comforted you in difficult moments, or how they allowed you to sleep on them when fatigue overtook you. It was a subtle but profound bond, built on years of trust and loyalty.
You could remember those moments when they carried you in their arms when you asked for help, those instances of vulnerability where you allowed their closeness to envelop you like a warm coat. You tried to recall a time when they weren’t by your side, and it was like searching for a shadow in the dark: it simply didn’t exist. Not even the one time they had denied you something felt real.
They were always there, always ready to offer their support. You were the center of their world, and they were yours. With each revelation, the feeling of belonging grew stronger. It wasn’t just friendship; it was a bond that transcended simple companionship. You were important to them, and the idea that they also belonged to you began to settle deep within your soul.
With every look you shared with Itachi and every laugh exchanged with Shisui, you realized you had never been alone. And now, as you accepted that the love and intimacy they offered you weren’t just gifts but a promise, you felt yourself opening up to a future that had always been there, waiting to be claimed.
"You’re distracted again," said Itachi, frowning as if he could see through the façade you were trying to maintain. "If it’s because of what the instructor said…"
"It’s not that," you replied immediately, letting out a radiant smile that lit up your face. The sunlight seemed to reflect off your cheeks as you tried to downplay his words. "It’s just that I woke up really early."
You couldn’t simply admit that, more than ever, you liked the idea of being part of what they had agreed upon in private. It was a secret that pulsed between the three of you, a connection that felt more intense with each little gesture, each shared smile. Now that you thought about it, the idea of what was happening, though it still lacked a defined name, filled you with a warmth you couldn’t ignore.
Shisui, who had been a step behind, moved a little closer, his smile full of complicity. "Maybe we should train together," he suggested, with that playful air that was so characteristic of him. "That way we can make sure you don’t get lost in thought for too long."
The idea of spending time alone with them, training and joking around, filled you with a barely contained excitement. It was a perfect moment, an opportunity to explore that bond that was forming, that connection that felt more natural with each passing day. You knew you liked what was happening, and now that you were starting to accept it, the possibility of it all becoming something more filled you with anticipation.
You nodded immediately, feeling the excitement grow inside you. "That sounds perfect," you said, carefully taking the shurikens from Itachi’s hand, your fingers brushing his for a brief moment that sent a pleasant shiver through you.
Shisui watched you, a mischievous smile on his lips. “Are you ready to be defeated?” he asked, his playful tone contrasting with the seriousness of the training.
“Defeated? I think you’re mistaken,” you replied, feeling the adrenaline start to flow. “I’m not going to let that happen.” With every word, your determination grew stronger.
“Come on,” Itachi said, his voice firm but filled with a strange warmth. “Show me what you’ve learned.”
With a confident smile, you got into position, feeling the solid ground beneath your feet. You knew your strength lay in hand-to-hand combat, and you were determined to use that to your advantage. However, part of you was aware that, with Itachi and Shisui as your opponents, the odds were against you. Both were prodigies, and while training with them made you better, you knew you’d need more than strength to take them on.
With a swift movement, you launched yourself toward them, knowing the key would be staying unpredictable and taking advantage of any opening you could find.
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You let yourself fall heavily onto the grass, exhaustion taking over every muscle in your body. Drops of sweat trickled down your forehead, some lost in the grass while others continued their path down to your jaw. Your chest rose and fell rapidly, desperately seeking oxygen to calm your body’s frantic rhythm after the intense training.
“Just five minutes, okay?” you gasped, covering your face with the back of your left hand while the other rested on your stomach. The contact with the cool air helped you recover, but you knew those five minutes would likely turn into more if you didn’t get up soon.
From your position on the ground, you heard the calm footsteps of Itachi and Shisui approaching. Itachi crouched down beside you with his usual calmness, while Shisui plopped down heavily next to you, letting out a dramatic sigh.
“Five minutes, you say,” Shisui commented, clearly less exhausted than you but pretending to be amusingly exasperated. “I’m surprised you’re not asking for ten yet.”
Itachi looked at you with a small smile on his lips before gently lowering himself onto the grass as well, although remaining more composed. “You’ve improved a lot,” he remarked in his calm tone, as if the combat hadn’t affected him as much.
“I have the best trainers,” you replied with a tired smile, still covering part of your face with your arm. Even though you were exhausted, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of inner satisfaction from Itachi’s words and Shisui’s complicity. After all, training with them was a privilege, and every day made you improve just a little more.
Shisui chuckled softly, gazing up at the sky. “Of course, we’re a marvel,” he joked, though there was a hidden sincerity in his tone.
“It’s not just because of us,” Itachi retorted, looking at you warmly. “You have talent, and you know it.”
Those words made your heart skip a beat. You had heard compliments before, but when they came from them, the impact was different, deeper. You knew both of them were honest with you; they would never tell you something just to make you feel better.
You moved your hand away from your face, feeling the slight coolness of the air as you absentmindedly played with the hem of your leggings, which fit your body like a second skin. “Thank you,” you murmured softly, not taking your gaze off the clouds beginning to cover the sky, trying to maintain calm amid the intimacy of the moment.
The light weight of Shisui’s head settled on your stomach, and a shiver ran across your skin when he left a brief kiss on your thigh, his warm breath marking every touch. You didn’t say anything; you just began to tangle your fingers in his hair, playing with the softness of his strands. The movement of your hands felt almost instinctive, as if they had always been meant to touch him that way.
Itachi, for his part, was equally serene in his actions. His fingers brushed your cheek gently, using his knuckles before taking your chin between his fingers, leaning closer to you. His deep gaze captivated you, as if he were asking permission for what would come next. There was something in his eyes, a mix of tenderness and restrained desire that always managed to disarm you.
You nodded softly, barely a movement, but enough for him to notice. One of your hands left Shisui's hair, gliding down his neck, while your lips met Itachi's in a kiss that shifted from soft to intense in a matter of seconds. His tongue brushed against your lower lip, seeking entry, and without hesitation, you allowed him in, opening your mouth to feel the kiss deepen, becoming more demanding.
Shisui began to leave a line of soft, teasing kisses on your thigh, his mouth slowly advancing while the warmth of his lips spread across your skin. You felt his skilled hands lift the fabric of your top with the same calmness with which he placed each kiss, until his lips found your abdomen. A shiver ran through your body as his warm breath touched your exposed skin.
Each kiss that traveled up toward your neck heightened the anticipation in your body, until finally, his lips reached your collarbone, lingering there with a longer kiss. Itachi pulled away with his characteristic control, leaving space for Shisui to continue, but not without looking at you one last time with that intensity that always disarmed you.
Shisui's lips finally reached yours, capturing you in a kiss that was as heated as Itachi's, but different in its own way—more playful, more wild. The differences between the two had always fascinated you, the way they could complement each other, and now more than ever, you realized how surrendered you were to the delicate balance they shared.
Everything began to take a different path, one that blurred the lines between friendship and something deeper. Itachi's hands found their way under your top, his fingers soft and determined squeezing your breasts through your sports bra, creating a sensation of warmth and desire that made you hold your breath.
“You can say no if you don’t want to,” Shisui murmured against your lips, his voice low and tempting. He gently tugged on your lower lip between his teeth, sending a pleasurable shiver through your body, before licking it with a sweetness that left you yearning for more.
“You don’t have to agree if you’re not comfortable yet,” Itachi added, his tone firm but understanding, as if he were genuinely considering your feelings at that moment. His gaze remained fixed on yours, searching for any sign of doubt or discomfort, making sure you didn’t feel pressured.
“Yes, I want to,” you said, feeling the decision flow clearly in your voice. You exchanged glances with them, a mix of excitement and anticipation filling the air between you.
“Let’s go somewhere else,” Itachi said, helping you to your feet with a firm yet gentle gesture. His hand felt warm around your wrist as he guided you. Shisui followed, his presence close to you reassuring, a reminder that you weren’t alone in this.
Itachi led the way, while Shisui stayed by your side, ensuring you felt comfortable.
Finally, they arrived at a small clearing, secluded and tranquil, surrounded by trees that offered a sense of privacy. The place was illuminated by the soft light of the sunset, creating a magical atmosphere.
“Is this okay here?” Itachi asked, looking around to make sure it was the right spot.
You turned to look at him, feeling a knot of nervousness forming in your stomach. God, they were fucking beautiful; the sunset light illuminated their faces in an almost ethereal way. “Yeah, um…” you began, unsure of how to articulate your thoughts.
Itachi, ever perceptive, noticed you had more to say. With a slight smile, he tilted his head, encouraging you to continue. “No one comes here, just the three of us, and now you,” he said, his voice calm and confident, like an anchor in the midst of your confusion.
You felt a little more relaxed at his assurance. You knew there was a shared trust between the three of you, an understanding that went beyond words. Gathering your courage, you decided to speak.
“Just… I don’t know exactly how… how to proceed,” you admitted, feeling the heat in your cheeks. “I don’t want you to feel pressured, or for this to change what we have.”
Shisui stepped forward, his expression gentle. “No one is pressured. We want you to feel good and safe with us. We’re here for you, no matter how you want this to progress.”
Shisui’s words were like a balm, soothing your anxieties and allowing you to open up to the possibility of what was to come.
You gathered the courage to approach Shisui, your trembling lips pressing against his as you nervously took Itachi’s hand, not wanting to leave him behind. The contact was electrifying, and although your nerves were on edge, you felt it was time to let go.
Itachi’s hands moved firmly, finding your breasts and squeezing them over the fabric of your top, his fingers sinking into you with a mix of desire and possession. Heat built up quickly, elevating the tension in the air.
Shisui broke the kiss, but only to tilt your face toward Itachi, forcing you to look into his dark, deep eyes. “Kiss him,” he murmured as he began to leave kisses and nibbles on your neck, his hot, wet lips trailing sensations that made you shiver. It was as if each touch ignited a spark of desire within you.
You let yourself go, feeling how Itachi responded to your body, his hands gripping you with an intensity that made you gasp. The pace became more frantic, the air thick with a mix of sweat and desire, and you found yourself caught in the whirlwind of their caresses.
The next thing that happened was instantaneous: your shorts and panties disappeared, leaving you completely exposed. Itachi gently pushed you to the ground, and as he removed your top and bra, you felt a chill run through your body. Your hands instinctively closed around your breasts, and you squeezed your legs together, a blush flooding your cheeks as the reality of the situation hit you.
It was the first time you were completely at their mercy, vulnerable and exposed. But as their gazes met yours, a spark of trust ignited within you. They weren’t just men; they were your friends, your protectors. With a trembling breath, you decided it was time to let them take control.
Carefully, you began to uncover your breasts, feeling the cool air caress your skin. Both of their eyes shone with a mix of desire and possession, and although their expressions were dark, you felt them consuming you with their gaze. They shared a brief knowing glance before leaning in, and in a simultaneous movement, each took one of your breasts in their mouth.
A gasp escaped your lips as you felt the warmth and wetness of their mouths on you. Your hands found their necks, pressing their heads closer, binding their lips to your body with a need you hadn’t anticipated. Each suck, each caress, sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, making you lose touch with reality, leaving only the fire that burned in your chest.
Your breasts were a delicacy between their lips, each suction resonating in your mind like an echo of pure pleasure. Shisui focused on one while Itachi alternated between biting and licking the other, creating a rhythm that made your body respond with a ravenous desire.
Itachi’s hands slid down to your waist, exploring your skin as his lips moved with devotion, each kiss leaving a mark of his hunger. “You look so beautiful like this,” Shisui murmured, the vibration of his voice sending a wave of pleasure straight to your stomach.
As both of them dedicated themselves to you, desire took over, filling you with a need you could barely control. You arched your back, seeking more contact, more of them.
The way Itachi cheekily nibbled on your nipple and then licked it to soothe the burning sensation was pure lust. You let yourself go, feeling the pleasure intensify with every movement.
Meanwhile, hands began to make their way between your legs, and the feeling of two fingers parting your folds made you gasp. Shisui’s smile was mischievous, his mouth still busy with your breast, and you felt the tension building. “Fuck, you’re so wet,” he murmured against your nipple, his words sending a wave of heat that made you shiver.
Itachi, wasting no time, joined his hand with Shisui’s, their fingers working in perfect sync as he moved up to kiss you with a possession that made you feel like you had no escape. His lips took over yours, filling you with a mix of desire and urgency, while his other hand twisted and caressed your nipples between his fingers.
Shisui gave your clit a pinch, eliciting a cry of pleasure to escape your lips. Before you could process it, he dipped a finger inside you, making you moan as your hips arched to receive him. “You like that, huh?” he whispered with a mischievous grin, as he began pumping in a slow, teasing rhythm.
Itachi, not missing the opportunity, began to stimulate your bundle of nerves, his fingers moving expertly as his dark eyes focused on you. “Look at you, so soaked for us,” he murmured, his voice filled with desire. The heat inside you increased as you lost yourself in the pleasure.
“See how that makes you feel?” Shisui continued, adding a second finger, increasing the intensity. “You can’t deny how much you like it, can you? Let it all flow out.”
The words made it even more intense. With each thrust, your body responded with a mix of moans and sighs, the pleasure building up more and more.
Itachi leaned closer, his lips barely touching your ear. “You want more, sweetie? Tell me,” he said in a seductive tone. “We won’t stop you, I want you to moan our name.”
“Yes!” you exclaimed as Shisui added another finger, curling it inside you and pressing that sweet spot that made you lose your mind. The pleasure intensified, and your legs spread wider, wanting to be filled even more.
Itachi’s hands gave one last tug to your nipples, a gesture that left you even more turned on. When he pulled down his pants, you couldn’t help but stare brazenly, your eyes fixed on his crotch, ready to discover what he was hiding.
“Sit on my face, sweetie,” Shisui said, his voice thick with desire. The command was a tantalizing whisper, and you couldn’t resist. Without a second thought, you moved, placing yourself on top of him as your body vibrated with anticipation.
With one movement, you dropped down, feeling his mouth find you just as you settled in. Shisui's fingers continued to pump inside you, and the combination of his mouth and hands brought you to the edge of ecstasy.
Itachi watched you, his gaze filled with desire, and that only made the situation even more intense. "That's it, that's how I like it," Shisui said, keeping up his pace as your hips moved, enjoying the pleasure they gave you.
Itachi brought a hand to his cock, fucking his fist as he watched you ride Shisui's mouth, who had his hands wrapped around your thighs, keeping you pinned down on him.
You bit your lip as you felt his tongue tease your entrance, an overwhelming heat running through your body. Your gaze connected to the sight before you; fuck, your mouth was watering just watching it. "Open that pretty mouth for me," Itachi said, his voice thick with desire.
You couldn't resist the temptation. With a brazen gesture, you opened your mouth, ready to please him. The mix of sensations, of pleasure and desire, enveloped you as you let yourself get carried away by the moment.
You took him like a good girl, wrapping your lips around his length, slowly, feeling every inch as you kept eye contact with Itachi. He watched you with overwhelming intensity, his jaw tense as you let your tongue run along his length.
Shisui's muffled moans against your center only increased the pressure in your body, your legs shaking as he devoured you mercilessly, his tongue moving skillfully. Itachi let out a low growl, his hand tangling in your hair, gently guiding you as you sank deeper into the rhythm they both set for you.
You rolled your hips harder as you felt Shisui's hands squeeze your ass, forcing you even closer to his mouth, even though you already felt like you were as close as you could be. His tongue worked relentlessly, finding every spot that made you shiver, while his fingers dug harder into your skin, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.
The wet sound of his tongue moving in you and your own moans, muffled by Itachi's pressure in your mouth, created an intoxicating mix that made you lose yourself in pleasure.
You sucked harder, following the rhythm Itachi set as he looked at you with desire in his eyes. His moans were soft but deep, and every sound that came out of his mouth motivated you to keep going, to give him more. Your tongue brushed his skin with precision, tasting every part of him as you took him deep, letting yourself be guided by the heat and urgency of the moment.
"You're doing so well," Itachi whispered, his fingers tangling in your hair, guiding you gently. His caresses on your head were a contrast to the intensity of the moment, filled with a strange kind of tenderness as he watched you with his dark, piercing eyes.
Shisui, beneath you, increased the pressure of his tongue, causing a moan to choke from your throat, vibrating against Itachi. “Fuck, keep it up,” Shisui growled, his voice muffled by your skin, as his hands gripped your hips tighter, controlling your every movement on him.
You were so close that you couldn’t help but sob in pleasure, the sounds escaping your lips in the midst of your work. Every caress, every brush of Shisui’s tongue, and every thrust from Itachi brought you to the edge, and the heat in your abdomen grew, threatening to spill over at any moment.
“That’s it, let yourself go,” Itachi murmured, watching intently as you lost yourself in the pleasure they both offered you. His soft voice was like a balm, and even though you felt exposed, there was something incredibly liberating about letting yourself go in the moment. The combination of his words and Shisui's actions had you wanting more, more and more, as the pleasure built up inside you.
You felt it coming, that boiling point where the pressure became almost unbearable. Your hip movements became erratic, the need to release all that tension intensifying. Still, you tried to continue your work, holding yourself on the edge as you rode the rising wave of orgasm.
Moans escaped your lips, each sound becoming an echo of the pleasure flooding your senses. Shisui, sensing your struggle, increased the pressure of his tongue, while Itachi looked at you with a fire in his eyes that made you feel even more alive.
"That's it, let yourself go," Itachi repeated, encouraging you. You let yourself fall into the abyss, the wave of pleasure crashing against you, taking you with it. Euphoria enveloped you completely, and in that instant, everything else disappeared.
Itachi pulled away from your mouth, gently caressing your cheek with his fingers, his gaze filled with complicity and desire as your head rested on his thigh. The warmth of his skin was comforting, like a refuge after the storm of pleasure.
Shisui, for his part, caressed your ass before pulling away from you, leaving you with an empty feeling that contrasted with the recent satisfaction. His absence was palpable, but the way they both looked at you, with a glint in their eyes that promised more, filled you with anticipation.
“Are you okay?” Itachi asked, his voice low and soft, as he watched you carefully, as if to make sure you were comfortable after the intense experience. “Yes,” you whispered, your lips swollen and wet, voice shaky from the mix of exhaustion and desire.
Itachi smiled, a glint of satisfaction in his gaze. “You’re amazing,” he murmured, stroking your hair before looking up at Shisui. “Ready for another?” Shisui asked, his tone playful and teasing. “Because I see you ready for more.”
With a slight nod, you braced yourself for what was to come, the air thick with anticipation and desire. You felt the electricity between them, the way they both shared this moment, and you couldn’t help but feel anxious for what was to follow.
“Stay like that, baby,” Itachi said, moving closer until he was behind you. His hands found your wetness, two fingers sliding gently, feeling every response from your body as Shisui settled in beside you.
You felt Itachi's presence behind you, his lips and teeth leaving soft bites on the skin of your neck, the combination of pain and pleasure lighting up every nerve. Itachi held you against his chest, his hands firmly on your thighs, controlling your movements with ease.
As Shisui aligned himself with your entrance, the atmosphere was charged with palpable tension, and with a deep inhale, your body braced itself for what was to come.
Shisui's thrust was firm and deep, slowly filling you as your walls tightened around him, instinctively squeezing him. A gasp escaped your lips as you felt him push his way inside you, stretching you in a delicious way. Your hands gripped his shoulders as your legs wrapped around his waist tighter, trying to adjust to the sensation invading your body.
Itachi, behind you, continued to place soft bites and kisses on your neck, his hands running up and down your sides, fueling the fire already burning within you.
Each thrust from Shisui made your body tremble with a mix of pleasure and need. His movements were slow, but each one was deep, filling you completely and stretching the time between desire and satisfaction. Your breathing became erratic as your head rested on Itachi's shoulder, who continued to spread soft caresses over your skin, his lips tracing a path of heat on your neck.
Shisui's lips found your breast, his tongue teasing your nipple as his hips continued to thrust in a deliberate rhythm. The feel of his mouth combined with the deep movements of his hips made you moan, your body trapped between them, every inch of your skin being claimed by them.
You felt each movement with overwhelming intensity, completely filled by both of them as they moved inside you with such precise synchronicity that it left you breathless. The slow, calculated thrusts seemed to have a purpose, allowing your body to adjust to the intrusion as the pressure inside you grew with each second.
Shisui held you firm against his chest, his hands sliding up your thighs with a contrasting softness to the strength of Itachi, who behind you controlled the pace with measured movements. Each time they thrust, a moan escaped your lips, as you felt them rub against each other inside you.
“More, please.” you gasped, rolling your hips in search of more. The plea that escaped your lips echoed in the air, a sound of desire that motivated them both even more. Shisui smiled against your skin, understanding your need, and began to increase the speed of his thrusts.
Itachi, sensing your impatience, adjusted his pace, causing the two of you to move in perfect harmony. The heat inside you intensified, each deep stroke causing sparks of pleasure to course through your entire body.
“That’s good, baby,” Shisui murmured, punctuating each thrust with a possessive touch as his mouth moved between your breasts, licking and nibbling at your skin.
Itachi, ever attentive, brought a hand down to stroke your clit, adding a new dimension to the wave of pleasure washing over you. “You like it like this?” he asked, his voice soft and commanding. “Yes, yes, yes,” you whimpered in pleasure.
Your response was almost a cry of need, and that only fueled the desire that burned between the three of you. Shisui held you tightly, his movements now more intense, hitting that sweet spot that made your body arch towards him.
“That’s it, baby, let go,” he murmured as his hips slammed into you, producing a wet sound that filled the air. Itachi, noticing your growing pleasure, increased the pace of his caresses on your clit, his fingers moving with precision and firmness.
“You’re so beautiful like this,” Itachi said, watching as you writhed and moaned between them. The combination of their bodies, the pressure and the friction made you feel like you were about to burst, pleasure building in your belly as they both continued to take you higher.
Heat built up inside you, each thrust intensifying that feeling of fullness that was driving you crazy. Your legs wrapped around Shisui’s waist, clinging to him as Itachi continued to stimulate your clit with forceful, precise movements.
“You’re perfect,” Shisui murmured, his raspy voice filled with desire as his hips moved harder. Your body responded to his every move, feeling your walls tighten around both of them, causing a strangled moan to escape your lips.
“Give me more,” you begged, feeling the pleasure begin to consume every corner of your being. Both men looked at each other, a spark of complicity passing between them as they intensified their pace, bringing you to the edge.
“I’m so close…” you breathed out, each word laden with need. With every hip thrust and every caress of Itachi’s fingers, you knew you wouldn’t last much longer. You let yourself go, and in that instant, you decided that the only thing that mattered was this approaching ecstasy.
The waves of pleasure swept over you mercilessly, your body shaking violently as your climax washed over you, drowning your moans in an almost primal scream. The contractions inside you intensified, squeezing both men with each wave, bringing you to a place where time and space seemed to fade away.
Shisui held you firmly, making sure you didn’t collapse as Itachi continued to thrust deep, taking every moment of your ecstasy. The mix of sensations was overwhelming; The heat, the pressure, and the kisses they both bestowed upon you, all came together in a whirlwind of pleasure that left you breathless.
They both filled you, you felt your walls being stained by warm jets of semen. When Shisui and Itachi pulled out of you, you felt their seeds dripping from your pussy.
The warmth of his lips on your skin made you feel even more connected to them, as if each kiss was a silent promise of care and devotion. His hands moved slowly up your hips, drawing soft circles that sent shivers of pleasure through your still sensitive body.
“Are you okay?” Shisui asked, his voice low and full of tenderness as he looked at you with those dark eyes that seemed to understand you better than anyone else.
You nodded, feeling the mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. “Yes, more than okay.”
Itachi leaned in to kiss you again, his mouth so soft and tempting. His warm breath on your lips made you want more of them, more of that connection that had grown between the three of you. In that instant, everything that had happened before faded away, leaving you with only the desire to be here, with them, forever.
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venusswhite · 3 months ago
A Thousand Years | Arcane Vi x Fem Leitora (Part. 2)
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After losing everything, [Name] tries to rebuild her life. But what happens when a ghost with pink hair returns? notes: English is not my first language, and I initially wrote this fanfic in Portuguese. With the help of online resources, I rewrote it in English
Part. 1 Part.3
“Think I’ll miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky.” - Lana Del Rey
They were all dead…
After we robbed a house in Piltover, the enforcers came after us. Vander said he’d handle it, leaving the bar under Vi’s and my care.
“I can’t stay here. I need to help him!” Vi paced back and forth, gripping her hair tightly.
“No, Vi. It’s too dangerous,” I said, stepping closer. “Vander will handle it. He always does.”
“This time it’s different, [Name],” she snapped, anger in her voice. “I feel like something’s wrong.”
“So you’re going after him? You’re just a kid, Vi!” I raised my voice.
“What do you want me to do?” she shouted back. “Without him, we’re nothing! I can’t just sit here doing nothing.”
“We can’t do anything. We shouldn’t have done anything!” I shouted, my frustration boiling over. “I knew that mission was a bad idea.”
“You think I don’t realize that was a mistake?” she yelled, her eyes burning into mine. “Don’t you think I feel guilty for all this mess?”
“Please, stop fighting!” Powder cried, clutching Mylo and Claggor, who were staring at us with worry and fear.
Vi growled, grabbed a bottle, and hurled it to the ground, the sound echoing loudly. Powder flinched and ran into my arms, sobbing.
“It’s okay! Everything will be fine,” I whispered, holding her tightly.
“That’s not what I meant,” I said more calmly, trying to defuse the situation. “This isn’t your fault. It’s no one’s fault. We need to stick together now… as a family.”
Tears streamed down my face. Vi looked at us, her eyes glistening with tears, and came closer.
“I’m sorry, but I have to do this,” she whispered.
“Vi, please don’t go,” I begged, crying while still holding Powder, who looked at her sister with tears in her eyes. “You don’t have to do this!”
“[Name], I have to help him,” she said, hugging us with tears streaming down her face.
“Then at least let us help.”
“No. You stay here. Please, I can’t lose anyone else,” she said, pulling away and pressing her forehead against mine.
I closed my eyes, feeling her breath against my face.
“Then come back to us, Vi. Promise you’ll come back.”
I opened my eyes, staring into hers.
“I promise,” she replied, and then I felt her lips against mine in a lingering, gentle kiss. It was simple, just two lips touching, but at that moment, I could swear fireworks were exploding inside me. She pulled away, smiling, and kissed Powder’s forehead.
“You four stay together. I’ll bring Vander back home. I swear it,” she promised, leaving, but not before looking back and smiling.
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After some time, Mylo and Claggor went after her, insisting that Vander was their father too. I watched them leave, not knowing it would be the last time I’d see them alive.
I was torn, afraid, unsure whether I should go help or stay and care for Powder.
I wasn’t good at fighting and didn’t have any weapons.
So I decided to stay, thinking the three of them would do better on their own.
“[Name], I’m sleepy. Will you wake me up when they come back?” she asked, still in my arms.
“Of course! Don’t worry…”
She pulled away from my arms, walking toward the door at the back of the bar.
I turned to see her standing there, holding the door open and looking at me.
“I love you. Thank you for always taking care of me.”
Tears welled up in my eyes at her confession.
“I love you too, Powpow, and I’ll always be here to take care of you,” I said, smiling despite the heaviness in my heart.
“Don’t worry. Everything will be fine!” she said with her childish voice and closed the door.
The bar was empty, but I wouldn’t close it. I wanted to show Vander that I was ready to take care of the bar while he rested.
I cleaned the counter and organized the liquor bottles. Opening the drawer where we kept all the money, I noticed a photo among the bills.
It was the six of us, years ago. It seemed like it was taken shortly after he adopted us.
I smiled, seeing how happy we looked. I hoped with all my heart that this wouldn’t end tonight.
My stomach churned at the thought. I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm for all of them.
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After hours, my body seemed to know something had happened. Why were they taking so long to come back? What if the enforcers caught them? Should I go after them? What if something worse had—
“They’re dead,” someone said above me, cutting off my thoughts.
I looked up and saw Sevika.
“What?” A shiver ran down my spine at the possibility of it being true.
“A bomb exploded where they were and killed almost everyone. Except the blue-haired girl.”
“Powder?” I ran through the back door, searching for the girl.
I turned over the blankets, opened the cabinets where she used to hide to play tricks on us. But I couldn’t find her.
“Powder?” I yelled, opening the chest she used as a hiding spot during our games.
I began crying, realizing she wasn’t anywhere. Vi had asked me for one thing, to take care of her sister, and I couldn’t even do that.
“I’m sorry, [Name],” Sevika said behind me.
“Where is Powder?” I asked angrily. I didn’t even know who I was mad at: myself? Powder? No… not Powder. She was just a child. She probably went looking for her sister, worried. I was the irresponsible one. I should have taken care of her, especially during this delicate moment.
I had been so irresponsible.
“Come with me, and I’ll show you.”
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I followed Sevika until we reached an old building. We climbed the stairs until we arrived at a room where Powder was sobbing in Silco’s arms.
“Powder…” I whispered, my chest tightening.
“[Name]!” she ran to me, sobbing.
“What happened?” I asked, trying to hold back my own sobs.
“I just wanted to help… I promise! I didn’t know the explosion would hurt them!” Powder cried even harder, and my body froze.
“It’s okay! It’s okay, Powpow! I believe you!” I hugged the girl tightly, trying to stay calm.
After a moment, Silco approached us.
“I have a proposal for you two,” he said.
“We’re not interested,” I cut him off.
“You know you can’t take care of her on your own,” he replied.
The worst part was that he was right. What was I going to do now?
The harsh reality of the situation hit me hard. We had no one else. Everyone was gone. I didn’t know what to do.
Defeated, I asked, “What’s your proposal?”
“I knew you’d make the right choice. Well… my proposal is your loyalty, both of you, and in return, I’ll give you everything you need: food, clothes, protection, a home.”
“Loyalty?” I asked, confused. I didn’t think we’d be useful for anything.
“Yes. Loyalty! You’ll be useful for my business in the future.”
“We won’t be your puppets,” I said, holding Powder tighter.
“Relax, [Name]. You two will be my eyes. You’ll be my representatives. Don’t worry, you won’t do anything you don’t want to…”
I had no choice. Sighing, I replied, “Alright… I accept your proposal.”
“Good. Sevika will show you your room. I want to talk to Powder.”
“What are you going to say to her?” I asked angrily, holding her tighter.
“Nothing bad,” he whispered, approaching us. “She’s traumatized, [Name]. You’re just a child, and now she needs someone to take care of her… to take care of both of you.” When he got closer, his arms surrounded us.
“[Name], it’s okay! I trust him!” Powder looked at me with her red, tear-filled eyes.
“You can talk to her, but I’ll stay outside the room. When you’re done, she’ll go to the room with me.”
“Alright! You take care of yours, [Name]. That’s a good thing!”
I pulled away from the girl, pressing our foreheads together, and whispered:
“If anything happens, call me, alright?”
Sevika led me outside the room, closing the door. I felt tense, wondering what he was saying to Powder.
(POV Silco)
“Come here.” I called her, extending a chair for her to sit on. Slowly, she approached and sat down. “You care about [Name], don’t you?”
“Of course, I do,” she replied without hesitation.
“Then I need to ask you something. Something that will protect [Name].”
“What? I’ll do anything,” she said with determination.
“You can’t tell her that your sister is alive.”
“She’s not my sister anymore,” she replied angrily.
“Of course, she isn’t, but you can’t tell her that Violet is alive. Do you know why?”
“Why?” she asked, her eyes welling up with tears while her face remained angry.
“Because Violet abandoned you. And if [Name] finds out, she’ll be very sad, and we don’t want to see [Name] sad, do we?”
“No, of course not! I want to protect [Name]!” she exclaimed.
“I want to protect her too, which is why this will be our secret.”
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7 Years Later
(POV [Name])
The last few years have been hard. Losing everyone changed us. Powder no longer existed. She was Jinx now and insisted on being called that.
But it wasn’t all bad. Silco took good care of us; he gave us everything we needed.
I found Ekko after some time, but he refused to join us. Even so, I took care of him however I could.
I found out that Benzo had also died that day, leaving the little guy completely alone.
Since he wouldn’t join us, I arranged a place for him to stay and always brought him what he needed. Years later, he built his own refuge, which I kept hidden from Silco… and Jinx.
He still didn’t accept me being on Silco’s side, even after I explained my reasons. Even so, sometimes we would talk, forgetting for a moment about our differences.
Jinx didn’t want to see him. She hated talking about the past and would have breakdowns if anyone crossed the line. I still wondered if I had done enough to care for her. If Vi would be disappointed in me…
Over the years, Sevika also helped me improve my physical abilities. I hate to admit it, but she became a maternal figure to me—someone to look up to. Someone I aspired to be like.
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Walking through Zaun’s streets, I saw the state of the place I grew up in. I didn’t take pride in what Silco had done, but I reminded myself that I stayed by his side for Jinx. No matter how much she had changed, she was still that little girl who cried in Vander’s arms while he helped me during that massacre caused by Piltover. She was still Powder… deep down.
I was heading toward the old Last Drop when I caught sight of pink hair in the crowd. My heart raced, and the feelings from years ago rushed back. My hands started sweating, and my legs trembled.
The crowd blocked my view of the pink-haired figure. I pushed through the people, searching frantically for that familiar color.
I checked every possible entrance and corner, but I couldn’t find her.
I must have been imagining things. Again.
It wouldn’t be the first time my mind tricked me into seeing Vi walking the streets.
Sighing, I returned to the bar’s entrance, walked in, and sat at a stool by the counter. I ordered a drink. After finishing it, I asked for another and another, until the people around me blurred.
“One more,” I slurred.
“No more, [Name],” I heard a voice beside me.
“Leave me alone,” I whispered, resting my head on the counter.
“What happened to make you like this?” the voice spoke again. I looked up, squinting to recognize the person beside me. After a moment, I realized it was Sevika.
“I miss her, Sevika. I miss her so much,” I said, running my finger along the rim of my glass.
“You need to move on, [Name]. It’s been so long,” she said, running her hand through my hair.
“I know, but everything reminds me of her,” I said, feeling something wet on my face. “Today, I saw a girl with pink hair. I was so sure it was her, but of course, it wasn’t,” I said, realizing the wetness came from my tears.
“So that’s why,” she sighed. “Let’s go home.”
“I’m not asking.”
She picked me up, slinging me over her shoulder.
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fiber-optic-alligator · 5 months ago
for the Halloween prompts, how about...
Anon, I provide you with mer Rodimus being a total idiot :D
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The late-day sun sparkles against the water, sending a scattering of light shimmering everywhere one might look. The boat charges through the waves with steady determination, rocking ever-so-slightly as it sails away from the little island sitting on the horizon. The vessel’s name, the Alcor, is painted on its side, but it’s faded from the constant exposure to the watery elements of the Atlantic, its gold coloring scuffed and chipping away in some places. The fancy dragon’s head painted on the bow’s side is no better: the coloring was obviously once a vibrant gold, but is now a dull version of its former self. The fishing boat is old, it isn’t difficult to realize. But according to her captain, old does not mean useless, and she still runs like a champ.
  The Captain is an eccentric woman. You’ve known her since childhood, and it’s honestly a miracle that the two of you have been able to keep in touch ever since. You first met her when you were playing in the sand of one of the many beaches bordering the coastside town the two of you grew up in. Both of you shared a love for the sea, and would spend summer days among the waves and the sand, picking up rocks to search for little crabs and pretending to be sea dragons battling over territory within the water. The Captain is boisterous and proud, making friends everywhere she goes. You grew up to be her exact opposite: introverted and quiet and not at all the type of person she is today. Sometimes you wonder just how exactly you have managed to keep up with her for all of these years.
  “How’re you holding up over there?” she yells to you from the cockpit. “Haven’t thrown up yet, have you?”
  You look over your shoulder to shoot her a grin. Through the open window of the boat’s little room, you can see her hair waving in the soft breeze. Her skin is tanned from many days at sea, and the way she sways with the Alcor’s motions shows she is a true sailor. You admire how comfortable she is on the ocean. The Captain has always been called to the sea, destined to master the ways of boats and ships. Your skills lie in a different direction, however, and it’s apparent that you are not on the same level of experience as she is when it comes to this sort of thing.
  “Not yet,” you shout back to her. “The water’s pretty calm today. I thought I would’ve hurled my lunch by now.”
  The Captain laughs. “Don’t get used to it! The ocean has a mind of its own. I guess it’s feeling pretty decent today, but that’s sure to change. You’ll get your moment of seasickness soon enough!”
  “That’s…not really something I’m anticipating.”
  The Captain laughs again. “Ah, you landlubbers crack me up!”
  There is a rocky outcropping rapidly coming into view with short spires popping up from the waves. The Alcor slows to a more leisurely pace as it approaches. You look down at the water and see your own warped reflection staring back at you. The ocean is so blue here. It’s so deep, so rich, so beautiful. You could stand here and look at it all day long.
  The boat putters to a stop a good distance from the rocks, and the Captain drops the anchor. You feel the vibration of her heavy footsteps in the soles of your boots, and you can’t help but smile fondly when she claps a hand on your shoulder. “Whatchya lookin’ at?” she asks.
  “The ocean,” you reply. “It’s so pretty here.”
  “That it is.” She sighs. “It’s a fickle thing, the ocean. Sometimes it’s as nasty as a bull shark, and other times it’s as calm as a sea turtle. But one thing that never changes is its beauty.” She pats your shoulder again. “Well, you’re here to see the whales, aren’t you? They should be up at any moment now. Get that camera ready!”
  “R-Right.” You fumble with the camera around your neck, raising it to your eye in order to calibrate it into focus. The Captain watches you with a grin. “You sure do love that thing, don’t you?”
  “Well, it’s my job,” you say. “The theme for this month is the ocean. I thought some whales might be a good option.”
  “They are. Whales are beautiful. I think it’s a great choice.” Her eyes light up. “Hey, I have some equipment down below that we can use for this! We can boot up the old hydrophone from back in my tour days. You wanna try it out?”
  You look surprised. “We can use one of those?”
  “Of course! Commercial whale watching companies use them all the time! Wait right here, I’ll be right back!” She descends the rickety stairs leading into the Alcor’s interior, leaving you alone. You huff goodnaturedly, smiling. That’s the Captain for you. When she has an idea, she goes with it, no matter what.
  You listen to the water lapping gently against the boat’s sides, methodically, rhythmically. It is a peaceful evening, one where the sun hangs lazily in the sky and the clouds drift by like oddly-shaped marshmallows in the expanse of dark blue. You inhale deeply, tasting the scent of salt that the ocean provides. It stings your lungs and wakes you up. It’s a good feeling. Comforting. 
  The sun continues to dip down, until it’s gone for good and the ocean is cast in darkness. The Alcor’s lights automatically turn on, offering limited light that pierces through the vale. It’s a bit uneasy to be so isolated like this, with nothing but the ocean surrounding you. But the Captain is knowledgeable, and her boat is reliable. Civilization isn’t far away, and it won’t be difficult to return. You don’t feel in danger here.
  You ready your camera, excited. There’s a pod of whales out here who only tend to breach during twilight. You plan on capturing their beauty and submitting it to the nature magazine you work for. It’s a steady job, one that pays well and grants you the opportunity to take in the sights you love to observe. You may not be like the Captain, but you certainly appreciate the ocean in your own way.
  A splash draws your attention away from your camera and to the water. Looking over, you see some ripples not too far away that look like they were made by a jumping fish. Curious, you peer closer…and that’s when the boat rocks.
  It’s not a violent movement, but it’s enough to make you sway and nearly lose your balance. Instinctively you reach out and grab the railing. It felt like something brushed against the Alcor’s underbelly. You go to the other side and peer down, just in time to see a flash of red before it’s gone.
  “What the fuck?” you murmur. What was that? A fish? You don’t think you’ve ever seen a fish that color in these waters before. You pick up your camera, ready for a snapshot at any moment. Suddenly the twilight whales are far from your mind.
  The boat rocks again. This time, you do fall over, landing on your bottom with an “Oof.” You wince, rubbing your lower back when you stand up. What the hell is going on? Could the whales be here now? It’s not unknown for them to be curious about boats. Perhaps one is brushing up to the Alcor in order to find out what exactly it is.
  You decide to look over the boat, hoping you’ll catch sight of one. Instead, you find yourself meeting the gaze of a giant eye.
  A scream is ripped from you. You stumble backwards, pressing yourself against the cockpit’s side. Boots pound against the boat’s stairs not long after as the Captain bursts from the interior, eyes wide. “What happened!?” she exclaims. “Y/N! Are you okay!?”
  You point a shaking hand. “There…There was…a-a-”
  “What? There was a what?”
  “An…An eye.”
  You’re expecting a much different reaction from her than what she displays. Maybe bewilderment. Maybe disbelief. Perhaps even amusement and a brushing off of what you saw as a poor joke. But when you look at the Captain and you see the fear in her eyes, you know for a fact that what you just witnessed in the water was not a mere figment of your imagination.
  “Fuck,” she says. “Shit. That thing isn’t supposed to be back until next month.”
  “Huh?” You have no idea what she is talking about. “What do you mean?”
  She rushes for the cockpit and grabs the wheel. The boat fires up, engine roaring as she raises the anchor and begins driving. “It’s some sort of deep-sea creature that periodically comes to the surface to hunt! It messes with our fishing and enjoys toying with our boats, so we’ve developed a schedule for when it appears! But it’s way too early!”
  “What the-are you serious?! I’ve never heard about this!”
  “That’s because you’ve been gone for so long!” she yells. “It only started showing up a year ago! Just stay away from the water! Don’t go near it!”
  “How am I supposed to do that?” you exclaim. “We’re surrounded by water!”
  Something hits the boat hard. You reel forwards, arms splaying out in a desperate search for balance. The Alcor skips across a wave; you hit the railing and shriek when everything tilts and you find yourself falling over the edge.
  “Y/N!” The Captain howls your name. Then all sound dies as you submerge beneath the water and a rushing of bubbles engulfs your senses completely.
  Your first instinct is to cry out, but you catch yourself and slap your hands over your mouth to prevent any loss of oxygen. Opening your eyes, you can hardly see as you float beneath the waves. The water is murky and dark. You look up and you catch sight of the Alcor wheeling around to search for you. Lungs already burning, you start to go up, hoping you’ll make it in time before you lose air.
  There’s something swimming beneath you. You feel the water ripple over your feet. You look down, and there it is. The eye you saw earlier. Only now there are two of them, connected to a face. A massive face staring at you, lingering just to the point where only the creature’s upper half is visible. It’s some sort of sea monster with accents of bright red, orange, and yellow. It reminds you of a lion fish, with the multiple spikey finials branching from the sides of its face, back, and arms. It looks at you, and makes a soft warbling sound, teeth bared. You can’t tell if it’s trying to smile or show aggression.
  Well, you certainly aren’t going to stick around to find out. You start to swim again, heading for the waiting Alcor. Your chest aches, and you’re beginning to feel lightheaded. The sea monster keens; you don’t look back to see if it’s following. When you breach the surface and throw your head back to gulp down lungfuls of air, you hear the Captain yell your name.
  “Y/N!” She’s leaning against the railing, panicked. “Are you okay!?”
  “THERE’S A FUCKING SEA MONSTER DOWN THERE!” you gasp breathlessly.
  “I know! Come on, get back on the boat!” She urgently gestures for you to swim.
  You start to. You’re so close to making it. You see the boat’s little ladder in sight and you know you’ll be okay, you’ll get on the Alcor and get the hell out of here, never to see what you saw beneath the waves ever again.
  Unfortunately, it has other plans for you. Before you know it, you feel yourself being lifted, water pooling beneath you and falling down the cupped hands of the beast as it rises up, bringing you close. You scrabble at the webbing between its fingers as you watch the Alcor grow distant with the height you are gaining. The Captain watches on in absolute horror. She looks like she doesn’t know what to do. You don’t blame her. There’s not much anyone can do when you’re being scooped up by a giant sea monster.
  The creature peers down at you with a curious, almost excited gaze. Cooing softly, it brushes its thumb over your head, ruffling your already-soaked hair. You cringe away from its touch, covering your head as terror overtakes you. “No! Let me go!” you demand. “Please!”
  It tilts its head, finned ears drooping as it watches you cower. It leans in and purrs, bumping its nose against your middle. You don’t budge, too scared to do much of anything.
  Warm air whooshes over you as it huffs. You peek your eyes open just in time to watch it part its lips, showing off a mouthful of shark teeth and a waiting tongue that immediately licks you, spreading saliva all over your body. You sputter and squirm.
  Dear lord. It’s going to eat you.
  You don’t have time to react. It’s just too quick with it. Before you know it, you’re being shoved into its mouth, dexterous tongue curling around you and dragging you back towards its waiting throat. You scream, thrashing with all of your strength, reaching out a shaking, saliva-covered hand towards the last sliver of the outside world you might ever see. The sea monster slams its jaws shut, sealing you inside its maw. It gives you no moment of reprieve; already, you feel your legs catching in the powerful ring of muscle waiting behind you. A gulp resounds through your skull and makes your ears ring.
  With one last cry for help, you are sucked in, disappearing behind layers of skin and scales, swallowed down into its depths.
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suikamelon6 · 8 months ago
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Loustat reunion fanart "Conversation" and the list of all post E15 Loustat reunion fics. AO3 link
(categorised into one shots, multichapters and comic)
I would love to go back to the old house by concretebrunette
the comfort of your arms by verlec
it takes an ocean not to break by slightlysmilingface
Sleep like the Dead by iwtv
Nearer My Heart, To Thee by JustCallMeWinschester
And the Knowing is Sweet, Too by shavir_light
My Own Companion by seeyouintime
braving the sun by vulcanscully
With Open Arms by magicbubblepipe
Wind Whirls Back by Are
Like Coming Home by TardisRose
the landscape after cruelty by kurstiel
j’veux pas mourir toute seule by WeeBeastie
mystified by how this city screams your name by akosmia
It always ends in a hazy shower scene by casperintheattic
Enduring in B Minor by foreignemotion
It will always just be me by TheGoldenDice
You and I both know by thelamphouse
Threads by lesfleursrouges
Seventy-Seven years by lesfleursrouges
Say that you’ll hold me forever by femininomena
you are the moon that breaks the night for which i have to howl by peacefrog
After the Storm by CarmillaMurray
Haunted by CarmillaMurray
The moon welcomed him with open arms the Storm by Ikharys
your love’s a banquet for me to feed on by CallMeVampy
Bring Me Home/I Never Thought I'd See the Day by tm1205
A Conversation of Consequence by writerformanymuses
Furnace by spockswife
Lilac Wine is Sweet and Heady by carftnarok
All I Have to Do is Dream by Anonymous
These Ghosts Among Us by LokiNeedsHugs1031
hire a gardener for my grave by elke (weidli)
one deep breath out from the sky by samyaa
You and I Will Always be Connected by Humansunshine
hyperspectral by chinxe
Shall Gentle His Condition by sheafrotherdon
The Eye of the Storm by cottagecorelore
Allegro, for Piano by sheafrotherdon
we'll be diamond when the golden days are done by rickybobby
the steady murmur (always in my head) by flashindie @pynkhues
Beginning Where I End by transarchangel
Pearl Diver by ohalicent
ancient wounds by lestattvl
We own the night by @moderndaylestat
only wanna move when you move by itmeanslife
Strange, Euphoric Melancholy by miraculan
in the whisper of a hurricane by certainlyjim
The whirling wind hurls debris, little weapons, settling like splinters under our skin by @nalyra-dreaming
A Capacity to Endure by jazzcat2024
just because you're clean, don't mean you don't miss it by TardisRos
Fledgling by @thepettymusingsofmeat
After Odette by DPeartree
All the World is Green by @rdepicas
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Please reblog or/and reply if you wrote one or found one I haven't mentioned and I'll add it in ^_^
Thank you for adding so many to the list, @squirrellypoo
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dearest-painter · 1 year ago
I feel like Lucifer would definitely tackle Morningstar!Reader when they are able to summon him. Like full on hurl ass and tackle them as they skid across the forest floor😂 Man would fr cry happy tears that his kid is back and would definitely smother them with kisses. You can’t tell me Lucifer doesn’t smother his kids kisses. (Oh and if you could may you please make this into a one shot? If not that’s alright love your work!)
For sure! Also, platonic yandere as usual but if it’s not Yandere at all tell me! I say this because I think this a platonic yandere AU but Tell me to fix it if not!
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship, no yandere behavior but I think still a yandere AU, tell me if I need to add more
Summary: Your dad found you…and he clearly shows how much he loves you, not caring if others see. Typical of him but you don’t mind.
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“Okay…Y’all step back. I don’t want you two to be hurt” you softly said to Tanjiro and Nezuko. The two nodded their head and walked underneath the tree. Tanjiro put Nezuko down so she could sit in the shades, out of the sun’s reach. You sighed as you finally finished the last part of the summoning. “Okay…I’m not sure if this will wo-“ before you could finish your sentence, you were tackled.
“ACK-!” You fell on the ground. You felt arms tightly hug you then someone kissing your head. You blushed in embarrassment. “DAD!” You groaned as your dad hugged you tighter. “SHUT IT! LET ME HAVE IT!” Your dad said as he went back to kissing your head. Tanjiro and Nezuko chuckled at this interaction. You were embarrassed yet it’s good to see your dad in such a long time
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paegei · 1 year ago
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do seventeen members prefer praise or degradation
please do not make this man say anything remotely mean to you. he just couldn't bring himself to potentially hurt his love. no matter how much reassurance you give him, he would tear up at the thought of calling you a slut. always, and i mean ALWAYS mumbling under his breath "so so perfect for me baby, fuck."
i know there's a lot of love for hard!dom josh but... he, like dk, could not say one mean word about you. he wants you to know how good you feel and how much he loves you, why should he say anything else ? so so soft for you too. he teases you quite a lot, edging is his favourite torture method, but throughout the whole ordeal he won't stop saying "that's it baby, doing so good. just one more for me, mkay ?"
while i do whole-heartedly agree that there should be more dom kwan fics, he would NEVER be a mean!dom in my eyes. he is just so in love with you and how good you make him feel. probably gains more pleasure from letting you know how good you feel, than you do from him saying it. "my good girl, yeah ? taking me so well."
woozi is nothing if not whipped for you. he doesn't like expressing his love through words, rather choosing his actions, but that changes in the bedroom. he cannot shut up about how perfect you take him, about how good you sound, just nonstop rambling about how beautiful you are. "fuck so good.. so so good. making me lose my mind, shit."
the next couple of members are more in the middle. jun def has his days were he calls you every name under the sun, but more often than not he just turns to mush when he's fucking you. the night would start out with you being called many names, but the pleasure fogs up his head and he just can't stop whining "so good. so fucking good for me. just can't get enough of you".
very similar to jun. he would be harsh towards you but once you clench around him just right, he's putty. for sure is very vocal to let you know how good you make him feel. the kinda guy to praise and degrade you at the same time. "my gorgeous, gorgeous slut" vibes. but at the same time he's a "f-fuck so good, squeezing me so tight, shit." man.
vernon is an enigma to me. i cannot for the life of me get a read on this man. gives off hard!dom vibes, the kind to enjoy spanking and humilation, but at the same time he does NOT like doing the work. makes you ride him 9/10 times simply so he doesn't have to do much. still makes fun of you about how "its not enough for you doll ? aw too bad".
while i do believe minghao is more into the intimate aspects of sex, he for sure has a mean streak. sprinkles in a little bit of praise into his degradation, calls you "my little slut" or his "pretty whore". he definitely condescendingly laughs at you when you beg for his cock. "my pretty baby is desperate already ? just always wanting my cock, yeah ?"
he, like minghao, definitely has praise during sex, but there is an overwhelming about of degradation in there. he loves calling you "my stupid little baby". OBJECTIFICATION. "good for nothing but a toy for me to fuck, huh sweetheart ?"
DEGRADE THIS MAN !!! degradation is ESSENTIAL in the bedroom for him. whether he's fucking you with everything he's got, taunting you with "yeah ? gone dumb already ? no thoughts except my cock fucking you so good?", or whether he's whining out a "yes ! fuck, desperate for you ! i'm your slut please !"
this man is the devil reincarnated. he is teasing, mocking, and condescendingly laughing at you, all while hurling names at you. "pathetic cockslut can't think of anything but my dick, hm ?". definitely the dude to call you his "filthy girl" while he's the one cumming on your tits.
whore and slut are his primary names to call you while fucking the life out of you. laughs at you for being desperate even though he gets hard just by looking at you. ties your hands up and says "hands to yourself, slut. think you can do that for me ? or are you to cock hungry ?"
mean. so so mean. dumbification, objectification, slut shaming are his THINGS. goes crazy for them. calls you anything from his "fucktoy" to his "dumb baby". "stupid little whore. good for nothing but your pussy, yeah ? fuck. so desperate for my cock, y'just keep sucking me back in."
not proof-read ! lmk if there's any mistakes (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
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nubreed73 · 11 months ago
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Arthdal Chronicles in 4K is lasjdlaksdjlasd devastating.
Punched in the face by Saya's beauty every time. Oooooft.
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nubreed73 · 1 year ago
This is so perfect and it makes me want to DIE ;;
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ARTHDAL CHRONICLES 아스달 연대기 (2019) au | dir. kim won suk
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sunraies · 2 years ago
hey hun, could you writes a fluff with rafe where you’ve had an argument with a friend and he comforts you x
Of course! I hope this is ok. I think I ran with the argument more than the comfort, but I hope Rafe gives enough. If you need more Rafe and less plot, please let me know x
Tear-stained Cheeks
Rafe Cameron x Kook!Reader
Warnings - Fluff and angst. Reader has the nickname, Bug.
After an argument with Sarah, that is so big it could be friendship breaking. You find comfort and shoulder to cry on, in Rafe.
It started over a pair of shoes Sarah had borrowed. It wasn't even about the shoes, but it spiralled as quickly as it started, and soon, you were hurling the most spiteful things at each other.
Using your years of friendship and deepest insecurities to hit each other were you knew it would hurt.
Ever since she started dating John B, your friendship slowly started to fray. It wasn't like you had experienced in with her past relationships, she throw herself completely into them, and you were always there to pick up the pieces.
This time, you weren't prepared to be a broken piece.
That's how you ended up pushing your bike down the long drive of Tanneyhill. Shoes in the basket and tears threatening to spill. You breathed in through your nose, desperately trying not to break before you were away from a place you used to see as a second home.
You focused on the warmth of the sun on your face, the sound of the bike wheels spinning, anything to stop yourself spiralling.
"Hey!" You closed your eyes at the sound of his voice as his truck pulled up beside you. "Where you going, Bug?"
Of course, Rafe came home at that exact moment. The teasing tone of his voice, you couldn't deal with. Bug was something he'd always called you. It was meant to be an insult when you were children, and it just stuck.
You didn't respond and kept walking, causing him to frown. Normally you’d have some sassy remark or a come back to make him smile.
Rafe was just as much a part of your life as Sarah was. The annoying but unfairly gorgeous best friend's older brother. Your relationship was built on teasing, hating, and loving each other. As you grow, so did new feelings, and a few stolen kisses had been shared through the years, but nothing ever came of them.
"Bug?" His voice sounded more concerned.
You sniffed and straight your back, hoping your voice wouldn't break when you finally spoke to him.
"I'm going home." You had no such luck as your voice cracked.
"With your parents away? Weren't you staying here?"
"Well, plans change. Maybe I could throw a massive party. Who knows?" The only party you actually planned was a pity party for one, with your bed.
Rafe actually laughed. "You having a house party? Never thought I'd see that day." He tilted his head, looking you up and down. "Was it Sarah's idea?"
Of course, he would think Sarah was the one who would make you have a party in your parents' artefact filled house. They were both archaeologists. The funny part was that before the argument, she had been suggesting it. A pogue and kook party in your parents' manor style home.
Her name pierced your heart, and all you could do was shake your head as the tears that had been threatening to finally fall.
"Hey, whoa whoa whoa." Rafe quickly stumbled out of the truck, leaving the engine running and door wide open.
He gently took your face in his hands as your nose wrinkled, a tiny sob heaved from your chest. You dropped your bike on the grass as you held onto his wrists. Everything suddenly came crushing down. The weight of every hurtful word feeling like a brick on your chest.
His thumbs brushed the tears away as they kept falling. "Breathe for me, baby." He got you to copy his steady breaths as his blue, concerned, filled eyes searched your face.
Rafe checked quickly for any physical injury before pulling you into his chest. You could hear his heart beating just as rapidly as yours as his arms circled your shoulders and hands cradled your head. Calming shushes uttered from his lips as your sobs turned to slient hiccups.
"Can you tell me what happened?" He needed to know who the fuck made you cry and who to kill.
"Sarah," you sighed into his chest, your tears having soaked his shirt.
"Sarah's a bitch" He said without missing a beat.
"Then I'm a bitch too. We both said some pretty fucked up things" You still clung to the back of his shirt as you muttered.
"You can be," He admitted, but his tone was completely teasing. "The difference is, I like you"
You laughed, unable to help it as you let go, pulling back after he placed a kiss on your head. You wiped your eyes roughly and rubbed your nose with the back of your hand as you sniffed. "I'm sorry about the shirt"
He pulled it out to look at the watermark you left behind and shrugged before looking back at you, "Even with tear-stained cheeks and snort, your beautiful"
"Shut up." you hit his shoulder but still smiled at him as he held your hand in place.
Sarah appeared in the doorway. "Can we talk?" She asked. You turned to look at her as Rafe threw a protective arm over your shoulders.
Your smile immediately dropped, and Rafe shot Sarah a look so deadly that if looks could kill, she'd be laying stone cold right there.
"Not right now, Sarah." Rafe called over to her. "I'm taking Bug to get ice cream"
"How does ice cream sound, baby?" He glanced down at you as you nodded.
"Ice cream sounds perfect"
Rafe drove you to the ice cream parlour, his hand in your lap as Sarah was left watching you take comfort from her brother while your bike lay abandoned on the grass. The shoes long forgotten.
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eqt-95 · 9 months ago
💖 rough kiss / hot and heavy / making out
oh anon, i am definitely the wrong person for this one, but here goes nothing:
- - - - - -
Lena has a secret. 
No, it isn't that she’s doubling as a superhero in her free time. That’s Kara.
And no, it isn't that she has an unquenchable crush on her best friend. They'd solved that eons ago.
And definitely no, it isn’t that her toy collection is extensive and well-stocked. Everyone at game night already knows about that.
The secret went like this: 
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” Lena replied with the innocence of a Luthor.
“So it just so happens that the bartender who has been making eyes at you all night is now being sized-up by my sister?”
“Correlation without causation. I thought you were a scientist,” Lena shrugged and tried her best to conceal a knowing smile.
“Uh-huh,” Alex replied with an arched eyebrow that said much more. “And that fact he grabbed your ass on the way to the bathroom?”
“Doesn’t ring a bell.”
“Well I for one am not about to do a bunch of paperwork over an NDA because Kara can’t keep it together over this ass-hat groping you, so if you will excuse me-”
- - - -
And this: 
“Hey babe?”
“What’s this?”
Lena looked up from her work and squinted at the letter gripped in Kara’s hand. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. Just some administrative stuff,” Lena hummed and returned to her work.
“Doesn’t look like ‘nothing’. It looks like you were served.”
The scowl that followed was one that could be seen from space which meant it was impossible to ignore from across their apartment. Lena rolled her eyes. 
“It’s just Morgan Edge playing bully again, darling.”
“Yea but,” Kara continued, eyes skimming the multi-page document that now had a few extra crinkles in it. “He’s suing for patent rights? Who does he think he is-”
“It’s nothing, really. I’ll handle it tomorrow.”
“You shouldn’t have to handle it in the first place.”
“It’s fine. Let’s just-”
But Kara was already gone through the terrace door and halfway across the city.
- - - -
And most of all, this:
“Ms. Luthor, The Sun has accused you of covering up nearly a dozen fatalities since-”
“Lena Luthor, it has been alleged that Obsidian North’s stolen technology was found in L-Corp’s latest-”
“Ms. Luthor, how do you explain the recent deaths associated with-”
“How do you sleep at night when your maniac brother is still on the loose-”
“No comment,” Lena repeated for the eighteenth time. She pushed ahead, trying to find a path between L-Corp’s front door and the waiting car that would take her home. Unfortunately, the best path was also the longest. Worse, when she looked ahead, her car was nowhere to be found. What she did find was wall-to-wall traffic and no chance of freedom.
More questions were hurled, a flash sent blotches across her vision. Another came an inch away and sent her staggering. It felt like a garbage compactor except worse because garbage compactors weren’t sentient creatures known for shouting lies while doing its job.
She clambered through the crowd and found a gap. She glanced around for her security guard who was lost amidst a second offshoot of angry journalists and misinformed citizens. Now wasn’t the time for manners as three journalists and an oversized camera pivoted toward her, so instead of waiting, she booked it down the sidewalk.
They followed with vigor and ignorance and a stubbornness that would have made Lillian proud, shouting rather uncreative conspiracy theories and growing closer by the second. Lena turned a corner then, in a move she might have patted herself on the back for, slipped into an alley. She breathed a sigh of relief until-
“Ms. Luthor-”
“Lena Luthor-”
“-you can’t hide from the truth.” 
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Lena heaved, staggering backwards in the kind of stereotypical way she mocked television shows for.
The cameraman was fastest, breaking into her personal space and jamming the lens into her face.
“Ms. Luthor-”
“-is it true Supergirl won’t speak to you?”
“-how does it feel having National City’s Darling reject you?”
What happened next might have been comical if Lena weren’t breathless, irritated, and fuming that her anniversary dinner was being interrupted by a wave of wannabe reporters hanging onto the coattails of the marketing dollars that funded their tabloids. 
Be that as it was, she was not in her usual smirky-mood when the burst of air sent all of them turning on heel to find an equally irritated and equally fuming Supergirl towering over them with the kind of anger usually reserved for the extra-bad baddies.
“S-supergirl,” they all seemed to whimper in unison. 
The camera was fumbled then dropped. The lens splintered with a deserved crack. A few short seconds later, it was the only evidence anyone with a press badge had been there.
“Where’d you take them?” Lena asked when Kara whooshed down moments later. She pushed off the brick wall and closed the distance, raising her hands to fix Kara’s ruffled cape.
“I considered the middle of the Pacific-” Kara shrugged.
“Oh is that right?” Lena smirked, letting her hands climb to brush an errant strand of hair into place.
“But then I remembered the whole ‘hope, help, and compassion’ thing,” she continued, her own hands finding a home on Lena’s waist. “So I dropped them off just outside the city limits instead.”
And there it was: the secret. Somewhere between Kara, all beet-faced and rage hovering over the cowering reporters and then dragging said group of gaggling reporters to the edges of town, Lena felt it - that tiny pang of warmth and safety and appreciation that always came with her overprotective Kryptonian. It also usually sent a tiny pang of something else through her.
“Well that was very big of you,” Lena replied, the gap between lips narrowing. “But just so you know,” she continued, her breath ghosting across Kara’s lips, “I had it handled-”
Kara skipped her lines and closed the gap, pressing lips, hands, and body against Lena until her back found the brick wall again and nothing but the taste, touch, and smell of Kara consumed her. Lips dragged to Lena’s jawline then neck then exposed shoulder. Hands grabbed against the restrictions of fabric. Lena cursed (again) the constraints of a supersuit.
“I really need to design you a new suit,” Lena huffed.
“Probably for the best.” Kara replied, fingers venturing dangerously close to public indecency. “Alex says we need to leave before someone sees us anyway.”
“Tell Alex to stop committing voyeurism. There are websites for that.”
“Oh, she did not like that,” Kara snickered, lips pressing a final kiss to the crook of Lena’s neck. 
“Turn that thing off and take me home, Supergirl.”
“What about our reservations?”
“I have other dinner plans tonight.”
- - - - -
ask game
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jeankluv · 7 months ago
Birdie - Satoru Gojo | Chapter 17
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words: 4k
summary: While everyone adored him, you stood apart in your feelings. It wouldn't be accurate to say you hated him, as " hate " was a strong word, rather, you harbored a profound dislike towards him. The problem was he knew that and his irritating presence seemed to persistently cling to you whenever he crossed your paths.
Now, you found yourself paired with him for your semester project, and the thought made you wish to hurl yourself out of the third-floor window. Three months of working alongside him loomed ahead. Adding to the discomfort, you were currently under the scrutiny of hundreds of eyes, each gaze feeling like a murder attempt. It seemed everyone coveted the opportunity to collaborate with Gojo Satoru, except for you.
ac: _3aem
tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball, Gojo needs a hug
warning for this chapter: mentions of s€xual harassment
notes: posting this before chapter 265, bc I’m scared 😭 also during this month I will be posting a sneak peek of an upcoming Gojo fic I will be posting, if you want to be tagged to see the sneak peek please let me know , comment something like “I want to see the sneek peak” and I will tag you 💗
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jujutsu kaisen | ao3
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Satoru Gojo POV
Satoru tied the buttons of the vest he was wearing. He had put on a navy blue three-piece suit, or rather he had been forced by the Utahime to do so. It seems that way he would go with you that night. Satoru looked at his reflection, he looked good, but no matter how much he dried his hands, they were still sweaty. Satoru was extremely nervous. There were a bunch of things that were in his head but they all danced around the charity gala that night.
He was nervous about the gala, about meeting his parents after the last time, meeting his grandparents, meeting the other families present, but what he was most nervous about was seeing you. Satoru didn't feel ashamed to take you to the gala if he could, Satoru would come in shouting from the rooftops to ask everyone to look at you and admire you. But Satoru knew that one wrong step could ruin everything and that could hurt you in a way he didn't want.
Putting his hand on his chest, he took a deep breath and grabbed his car keys to leave his apartment. There were still 20 minutes until the agreed time to see you, but Satoru preferred to wait for himself than make you wait so he drove, with his gaze fixed on the road.
The sun was still shining but the sky had already begun to take on that orange tone that indicated that night was about to arrive. It was evident that summer was just around the corner, the days had become longer and the temperatures had begun to rise. Satoru was looking forward to it, he had too many plans for the both of you in mind, he wanted to take you to the beach again, take you to festivals, to see the fireworks, etc., Satoru wanted to spend the first of many summers to come with you.
He parked the car, right in front of your house and stayed inside the car as he waited for the time to come. His leg moved up and down and his heart pumped heavily into his chest. He knew you were going to look beautiful and that he, was going to lose his head and fell to his knees.
With barely 5 minutes left, Satoru got out of his car and put on his suit so that it wouldn't look wrinkled after sitting in the car. He felt how the people passing by looked at him and began to whisper about him. Most of the time it was something he didn't care about, but now he just wanted a pair of eyes on his.
Satoru heard the door open and his heart began to race, he looked like a teenager in one of those American movies waiting for his partner to take her to the prom. With his hand on his chest, he watched you walk out onto the street and Satoru swore his heart could stop at that moment.
You were wearing a blue dress with gold details, with a v-neckline, which fit at your waist, highlighting your figure and then fell softly to the floor. Satoru approached you and took in the subtle makeup that highlighted your features. You were beautiful, no, the word beautiful was not enough to describe what Satoru's eyes saw. You were a queen, a goddess.
“Stop looking at me with those eyes.” You whispered hiding the heat of your face.
Satoru covered his mouth and then chuckled. “I’m sorry birdie.” His cheeks were red and hurting from the smile that was drawn on his face. “You look… oh god, I could die right here and now.”
You softly laughed and Satoru felt how he was falling in love with you all over again. “Please don’t, I don’t want to use this beautiful dress to be sitting in a hospital room.”
Satoru laughed and kissed your cheeks. “I think we have some stalkers.” He moved his eyebrows looking behind you.
You turned around and looked where Satoru was looking. “I told you to stay inside!” You cried looking at Kyoko and her parents.
“Sorry, sorry but you two look so cute.” Kyoko said with a smile.
You huffed and took Satoru's hand. “Let's go.”
“Have fun and be careful.” You heard Kyoko's mother and father scream. You said goodbye with a smile and got into Satoru's car.
Satoru waved goodbye to them too and entered the car, looking at you with a smile. “Ready?” You nodded, but Satoru noticed your nervous expression, so he intertwined his hands and raised it to his mouth. "Everything will be fine." He said planting a kiss on your hand.
“Thank you.” You whispered with a smile.
Satoru just nodded and resignedly let go of your hand, to hold the steering wheel and drive off to reach the venue where the charity gala would be held. Even though Satoru had tried to reassure you, he was also extremely nervous, either way he wanted to avoid meeting his parents in that place or someone who could potentially ruin your evening, so he would make sure to have all his instincts on alert to that nothing happened and you could enjoy.
His blue eyes focused on the road ahead, the sun was already setting, painting the sky with orange and pink colors. There wasn’t much traffic on your way there, probably because most people left for the weekend to spend their time on the beach.
As you both got closer to where the gala was going to take place, Satoru could feel his hands sweating even more. It was then when he felt your hand on his arm, squishing it gently trying to calm him down.
Satoru released one of his hands from the steering wheel and intertwined your hands, gently caressing it with his thumb, giving you security and strength for the evening that awaited both of you.
When he finally parked the car the parking lot that screamed money, he turned to look at you and held both of your hands with his.
“If you want to leave.” Satoru began. “Doesn’t matter when, just tell me and we leave.” He looked you in the eyes. “And don’t try to pretend to be someone you are not, be yourself. Because your true self is awesome and I hope everyone sees it.”
You looked at him with a warm expression. “You are the amazing one.” You kissed his lips.
Satoru smiled and he got out of the car to turn and open your door, you wrapped his arm tightly and you both began to walk towards the entrance.
Your POV
Your heart was beating frenetically, you didn’t understand why you were that nervous, if it was because you could be meeting Satoru’s family that night, for the people who were attending or because you were scared that you could fucked up everything and make Satoru somehow embarrassed.
Although Satoru’s words were calming and his touch was warm and recomforting, which brought you a big security.
You both entered the elevator with your arm still around Satoru's. You looked at the dress Utahime had given you and smiled, it was beautiful, you felt beautiful that night.
The elevator opened it’s door on the floor that the gala was taking place and your stomach turned, feeling the anxiety taking over you. But once again Satoru’s comforting touch made you relax. You put the best of the smiles on your face and walked proudly beside Satoru.
As you started to enter the big places, you saw how the gazes of curious eyes turned to look at you and started gossiping about you.
“They are probably wondering who is the beautiful girl besides the heir of the Gojo clan, so relax.” Satoru whispered to your ear.
You nodded and tried not to pay too much attention to all the eyes that were in you, but it was difficult as their whispers seemed to become louder with each passing moment. Trying to distract yourself from them you took a look at the place, it was pure luxury, white and gold colors adorned the place and everyone looked fancy.
You didn’t want to feel small looking at those people and that place, but it was hard not to. And it was harder not to think about the difference between you and Satoru. It seemed as if with every minute that passed, it grew even wider and you held on with your nails to keep from falling.
“You okay?” Satoru stood before you, with a concerned look on his face.
“Yes, yes.” You nodded. “It’s just new, all this.”
Satoru leaned towards your face and placed a kiss on your cheek, causing your face to probably take on a reddish hue. “I know it might not be the best moment but I want you to meet someone.” He held your hand and you felt as your heart stopped.
Your legs started to shake as you moved across the place. Satoru greeted those present as he made his way through the people. And your heart only accelerated more with every step you took towards the unknown person or people that he wanted to introduce you to.
His hand tangled with yours gave you security and you knew Satoru would not put you in a thought situation. All your friends were just right about him, he was down on your knees for you. It had been difficult to see him but now every time you looked at him you could see in his eyes the admiration and affection he had for you. And that only made your heart race as fast as it could. Your old self from three months ago would hate to admit it out loud, but you were completely in love with him.
“Grandma, grandpa.” Your mind came back to reality and you found yourself in front of an old couple, Satoru’s grandparents.
“Oh Satoru!” The lady hugged Satoru, who was still holding your hand tightly. “You came and look at you, you look beautiful.”
“Grandma please.” You noticed Satoru’s red cheeks and couldn’t help but smile watching his shy face.
“It’s good to see you son.” His grandfather spoke.
“It’s good to be here.” He smiled. “And I would like to introduce you to someone.” His smile became bigger, he proudly said your name and you felt your heart melting.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Gojo and Mrs. Gojo.” You greeted them with a small bow.
Your heart started to rise when they both stayed in silence looking at you. “Oh darling, you are so beautiful.” His grandmother hugged you. “Satoru has told me about you.” You smiled and looked at Satoru.
“You two are dating?” His grandfather questioned him.
“Yes.” Satoru firmly said.
“Which family are you from?” You felt your heart sinking, you were not ashamed of your mother's surname but you knew why he was asking that question.
“Grandpa…” Satoru began.
But you cut him off and told him your family name. “It’s my mother’s family name.”
He looked at you with a sharp gaze, that could make anyone feel small but you wouldn’t let that happen. “No father?”
Satoru gripped his fits. “Grandpa enough please.”
“No sir, he abandoned my mom as soon as he found out she was pregnant.” You said, coldly. You felt Satoru’s eyes on you and you could tell he was probably worried about you.
“Your mother is really brave.” His grandmother spoke. “Satoru told me about you and you seem like a very nice girl.” You bit your lip, your mother had barely raised you, it was only six years that you were together before chance took her away from you.
“Yeah.” You smiled. “She is amazing.”
You didn’t know his grandparents and you and Satoru hadn't been dating that long, so his family might get the wrong idea about you and think you were after their fortune. And you didn't want that, because it wasn't true and you trusted Satoru, but you didn't want false ideas put into his head.
“Your parents are looking for you Satoru.” His grandfather spoke once again.
You felt Satoru tense up next to you and in an attempt to calm him down, you ran your hand along his back, trying to make his nervousness disappear. Satoru just nodded and Satoru's grandparents excused themselves to go greet a couple a little further away. Satoru's grandmother gave you a warm smile that made you feel good and calm. When they both left, you both expelled the air you had in your lungs and laughed when you saw that you had made the same gesture.
“Sorry that they asked you about your parents.”
You shook your head. “It’s okay, I knew they could ask me.” He smiled. “Your grandfather told you that your parents are looking for you.”
He sighed. “Yeah but I really don’t feel like seeing them, besides I know they are going to be really harsh with you.”
“I can handle them.”
“Oh look how beautiful you look!” A female voice said behind the both of you.
“Utahime!” You smiled.
“You look amazing, everything looks amazing.” She said looking at you.
“You know, if I didn’t know you had a girlfriend I would be jealous thinking you might be flirting with my girlfriend.” Satoru whispered.
“Gojo shut up.” Utahime responded. “But really you look so beautiful.”
“It’s all thanks to you.” You smiled holding her hands.
“Only because the model it’s beautiful.”
You saw Satoru rolling his eyes. “Anyways, Utahime can you stay with birdie?”
“You are already leaving your girlfriend alone?”
“I’m leaving her with you, since the both of you seem to get along so well.”
“We do.” Utahime took your arm.
“Satoru, let me go…” But Satoru shook his head.
“I will see you in a bit.” And kissed your cheek.
You sighed seeing how he disappeared between the people. You wanted to go with him and supporting him if he was facing his parents.
“If he is going to see his parents it’s better like this.” Utahime turned you around and both of you started walking across the room. “They are… they are really complicate and won’t leave you alone.”
“I just want to be there for Satoru.” You looked down.
“And I’m sure Satoru knows that but believe me, I have known the Gojo family since I was literally a kid and his parents are something else.” She shook her head. “Probably as soon as they find out that you are not from any wealthy family, will try to cut your relationship with Satoru.”
You looked at her with concern. “Satoru is an adult, they can’t…”
“These families are not like the rest, most people here only care about their money, their status and their name. They don’t care whether their children are happy or not.”
“That’s why you are hiding it?” You asked her.
“In part, I’m afraid but I also know that my parents are not like most of these families.” She smiled. “I know I would have their support but still I’m afraid and I’m just sending hints to them.” She looked at you.
“I’m glad to hear that Utahime.” You smiled back at her.
“Now let’s go and grab some drinks shall we?” She giggled and started walking towards the bar.
Satoru Gojo POV
Satoru walked through the people that gathered around the room, laughing and chatting happily while drinking expensive wine, as if nothing else mattered. His blue eyes scanned the room searching for those familiar figures, which caused his stomach to close.
When he saw them talking animatedly with a couple, he clenched his fists and took a deep breath, before starting to walk towards them and putting on his best mask.
“Mother, father.” Satoru greeted both of them.
And like the perfect two face they were, they acted as two loving parents. “Oh our lovely son!” His mother said.
“Son this are Mr. And Mrs. Tanaka.” His father introduced them. “They are the owners of a major technology company.”
“It’s a pleasure.” Satoru said with a smile.
“Our son is currently studying a major in technology.” His mother said and Satoru got the urge to punch the air.
“I’m actually studying physics, astrophysics if we are more correct.” Satoru smiled.
“Oh how interesting.” Mr. Tanaka said.
“You are the same age as our daughter.” Mrs. Tanaka smiled.
“Oh really?” His mother said with surprise. “Sana was such a good girl, you two should meet and maybe…”
“Sorry.” Satoru knew where this conversation was going and he was not liking it. “I have a girlfriend and I’m not interested in meeting anyone.”
“Son, don't be stupid, you will probably break up with that girl.” His father said.
“Father, I’m not planning on breaking up with her, I love her. So I would like for both of you to respect that.” He looked at his parents, feeling how heart was starting to race with each sentence being said. “Now if you would excuse me.”
Satoru farewelled from them and started to walk quickly as if the steps he was taking weren’t enough to escape from them. He wanted to see you, to kiss you, to hug you and to take you away from that place.
Satoru walked through the great hall, greeting those who greeted him. He knew most of them and knew that their kindness was nothing more than interest, interest in getting closer to his clan and the company. So Satoru just gave them a smile and continued on his way, searching for you in the crowd.
But Satoru’s heart dropped when he saw the scene a few meters from him.
You were behind Utahime looking down and hiding your face, while Utahime was loudly shouting at the person she had in front of her. Satoru didn’t know what was happening but his pulse, his heart, everything was telling him that something happened and you were not okay.
With big steps he approached the surroundings and finally saw the person Utahime was screaming at, Naoya Zenin. Satoru knew he was not good news, he was the worst of news actually. He took a deep breath and walked to where you and Utahime were.
“Hey.” He ignored Naoya. “What happened?” He touched your face, which was still hidden from his gaze.
“Naoya happened.” Utahime muttered. “That asswhole.” She turned to look at you and whispered your name in a sweet way. “You okay?”
“Utahime tell me what happened.” Satoru begged.
Utahime hesitated, unsure if she should or not tell him what happened. “Well he…”
“No, Utahime… please.” You whispered.
You sounded defeated almost like you were about to pass out. Satoru swallowed, he wanted to know why you were like that but he also didn’t want to push you further.
He took a quick look at Naoya and then took your hand. “We're going to leave.”
“I'm leaving too, I don’t feel like being here anymore.” Utahime said and lovingly rubbed your back.
When you got to the car, unlike other times you didn't get into the passenger seat, but instead you went straight to the back, to sit with Utahime or rather to rest your head on his lap.
Satoru's discomfort did not stop increasing, it killed him to see you like this, it killed him that he could not do anything to help you to alleviate whatever he wanted you to be suffering at that moment.
It wasn't until you were in the car that Satoru saw your face. It was swollen and your eyes were red from crying. The mere thought that Naoya had made you cry made his blood boil. He knew you well enough to know that you were not easy to cry and that you hardly bowed your head, so Naoya had to really hurt you for you to be like this.
Satoru tried to focus on the road but his mind couldn’t stop thinking, couldn’t stop racing. When he parked the car in Utahime's building he watched as you both said your goodbyes.
“If you need, call me or Shoko.” You only hummed in response. “Bye Satoru.”
“Bye…” He only said.
And the car stayed quiet, Satoru tried to remain calm and to approach you as calmly as possible. He didn’t know why you were in the state you were but wanted to help you.
“Birdie…” He whispered, looking at you through the interior mirror.
“It was nothing.” You whispered.
Satoru narrowed his eyes and sighed. "Nothing? Birdie, look at the state you’re in, that’s not nothing.”
“Satoru, just… drive me home.” You simply said.
Satoru shook his head and got out of the car and went into the back, sitting next to you. “My love, look at me.”
In that instant, when the words left his mouth, Satoru was not aware of the nickname. For him it had been natural, something that had come from his heart and that he was not afraid to say. But when your red eyes, from crying so much, looked at him, he realized the new nickname he had used.
“You just…” You whispered.
Satoru chuckled and closed his eyes. “Yes birdie, I just did that.” But Satoru couldn't be distracted, he couldn't ignore that you looked completely defeated. “But birdie, please talk to me.”
Satoru felt how your breathing trembled and how you closed your eyes tightly. Without waiting a second, Satoru wrapped you in his arms and his heart broke a little when you began to sob against his vest. His grip tightened, wanting your pain to go away. But he also wanted to go back to that place and beat up Naoya, he didn't know why but he knew that he deserved it.
“He was my boss…” You whispered after a few minutes.
You separated yourself from his body and looked into Satoru's eyes, he could feel the vulnerability in your gaze, something he had rarely seen in you. He carefully caressed your cheek, trying to give you warmth and security.
“I used to work at his bar, after working at the store.” You continued. “It was bad…” You whispered.
Satoru watched and swallowed, thinking about the possibilities you had to face with that bastard. “Birdie…”
“I used to have panic attacks before going there.” A broken chuckle escaped your lips. “But I kept on going, because the salary was not bad and I needed the money.”
You felt silent, with your breath still unstable and your face buried on Satoru’s chest. You probably could feel his heart beating fastly on his chest, he wanted to calm himself not to distress you but he couldn’t, not when you were telling him that.
“Back at the club where we went, I met him.” You paused. “I was with Shoko and then Yuki came, so nothing happened.”
Then something on Satoru clicked. “It was him.” It wasn’t a question, it was an affirmation and you just hummed. “Birdie…” Satoru's voice shook, your nickname coming out in a thin voice from his throat. “Did he… did he ever put his hand on you?”
You stayed silent, just squeezed his shirt and breathed deeply. “He tried…” Satoru at that moment saw red and his only thought was to get out of that car and return to the gala to beat up the Zenin's posh kid. “But nothing happened, a client came in and… well he stopped, but his disgusting behavior and sexual harassment never stopped.”
“I'm so sorry…” Satoru whispered against your hair. You shook your head.
“It's not your fault, you are an angel, 'Toru.” Satoru kissed your hair and caressed your back.
“You want to tell me what happened tonight at the party?” Satoru pulled away from you and you finally looked at him, your eye makeup was smudged and your nose was slightly red as were your eyes.
“Can we go home first?” You asked, looking into his blue eyes.
“Sure…” He whispered, leaving a kiss on the corner of your lips.
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