#please drop the link!
indianmovielinks · 3 months
Dochestha from Jai Lava Kusa
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cicadaart · 4 months
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Been drawing nonstop all week but I did it!!
[Edit: but wait, there’s more!]
Bonus without text:
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flowercrowngods · 3 months
hi. go say something nice to your favourite writer(s). let them know they’re loved and seen and appreciated, and that their place in this world is not dependent on whether or not they’ve written anything recently. write that comment on that fic you’ve re-read for the fifth time just now. invade that ask box and give them some flowers in thanks. imagine a world in which they don’t write anymore, and be aware of the power that lies in kindness and genuine, random appreciation.
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lightasthesun · 11 days
imagine a “five times codywan was mistaken for a married couple + one time they actually did something about it” fic scenario
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mrs-mckagann · 2 months
Sorry but i don’t have the full video of this REALLY important gifset i’ve found on instagrams gif section and I couldn’t save the gifs so this happened… I thought maybe some of you would want to see too 💙
(Very low quality video but anything with them is high quality for us I guess…)
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edenemy-art · 1 year
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how this pasty-ass white boy doesn’t get absolutely roasted in the goddamn DESERT is beyond me
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Edit: probs should have clarified before but this is botw Link!! i haven’t played totk yet i’m waiting until i finish botw :)
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pocketramblr · 3 months
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I would do anything to save her.
This was supposed to just be drawing the Taoden siblings hugging a bunch but ah guess that Falin as the tower/princess/dragon post got into my head too much
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sassypantsjaxon · 8 months
Okay, so we learned from one of the light novels that Mic and Aizawa did a haunted house for their school festival back when they were students
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Okay, now look at this iconic post
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Please tell me somebody else sees my vision
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chubphoe-linkclick · 4 months
Rewatching Link Click (for science) and I noticed that the two guys CXS is playing basket ball with do NOT look highschool aged at all, and neither of them are in uniform like CXS or LG are. Then I also realised that the park appears completely deserted, so it doesn't seem to be break time during school hours like I thought, even though the court does look like it might be next to a school building? (I also thought that it was a bit of laziness on LAN's part too at this point on my first watch icl)
Anyway TL;DR, I'm like 90% sure Cheng Xiaoshi was bunking class to play basketball instead (because of course he was), which makes Lu Guang's arrival all the more intriging.
Was this the start of Lu Guang's delinquent arc?
I can totally imagine him having ditched something important as part of some teenaged-angst he's going through, making his meeting with the wholesome Cheng Xiaoshi at this point in time all the more meaningful.
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gh0stmew · 10 months
SHUT THE FUCK UP I can’t believe time traveling Lu Guang is real 😭
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raaorqtpbpdy · 11 months
You know, there’s a lot of psychologist Jazz content around, and I enjoy it, but I’ve actually never read a fic where she’s a brain surgeon, the career she canonically wants. They may be out there but I’ve never seen one, and I read a lot of fic.
I’m not necessarily complaining. This is just an observation. It does make sense that she could start out wanting to be a brain surgeon and discover that she would actually prefer to become a psychologist and not have to get into the ooey-gooey of physically poking around in people’s brains, and it suits her and all that.
However, I do think there’s some missed angst potential here in the dissection/vivisection fandom as to why Jazz might decide to change her mind about wanting to cut people’s heads open.
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thsc-confessions · 10 months
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"i fondly think about how puff admitted on stream that he realized he accidentally gaycoded reginald and rhm... i cant find teh clip but i swear it happened" submitted by anon
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iidsch · 10 months
Also very self-indulgent but here's the song from the trailer because it is an absolute banger
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breannasfluff · 4 months
The Goddess of Time
Somewhere, a shadow detaches from a wall and wraps long fingers around the gleam of blue porcelain. Artifacts may be protected, but not every enemy can be anticipated. Prize clutched in hand, the shadow vanishes, leaving an empty pedestal.
Somewhere, a goddess turns her gaze to the trembling wefts of Time. Under Her eye, a single thread breaks free, slipping from sight. Then, further along in the tapestry, a thread snaps, broken ends fraying in the not-light of her realm. This should not happen.
Yet there is another thread broken. Then another. They ping like taut wires, writhing as they snap. Something—or someone—is tearing holes in Time.
She may not be able to interfere directly, but there are those who can. All they need is a nudge in the right direction…
Mind made up, the goddess reaches into the tapestry and plucks—
Link is holding a bunch of carrots in his elbow and tapping on the Purah Pad to withdraw payment. The merchant’s smile is unwavering, tracking the motion. Saving Hyrule twice earns him goodwill, but rarely a discount.
The pad chirps and the screen stutters. The last thing he needs is to hand back the carrots and slink off to Purah to get this fixed. Well, a smart rap is how Zelda solves most tech issues.
With this in mind, he smiles at the merchant and taps the pad on the counter sharply.
The world stutters—
Link is frozen, the pad still outstretched. There’s no counter. No merchant. There is, however, a bunch of carrots in his arm. And eight other people in the meadow, standing in a circle. All seem to be in similar states of surprise and confusion.
Tapping at the pad, he withdraws a demon carver, just in case. Then he flares his nostrils and sucks in a deep breath.
Read the rest here!
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deepdean-detectives · 1 month
pov you are Daisy Wells watching me royally eff up my maths work
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I'm back from my hiatus!
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nalydraws · 2 months
A break from the regularly scheduled ISAT postings to post about some upcoming stickers I'm making...
I also wanna do some pokemon type stickers along the same vein as the kirby ones but we'll see 💀
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