#please call me crow
ghostmistdraws · 2 years
my friend called me Crow today (bc I collect shinies and lose my mind when I see one) and I am officially losing my shit.
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a-carrion-crow · 7 months
getting called by old online aliases
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transfagvash · 3 months
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guys have you heard of bloodborne
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th-ramblr · 8 months
I've Read Your Rules ;;
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{--Nothing fancy here. I'm just deciding to implement a small thing to help facilitate interactions as well as check to make sure people are doing their due diligence when following. My rules contain a lot of information that will tell people if we will/won't be compatible, including themes and triggers found on this blog, disclaimers, information about my muse, and about me as a person.
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randomarachniphobic · 2 months
I have a love/hate relationship with very small fandoms:
On one hand, it’s close knit and really fun
On the other, there is one post in this app from 2011 about this band, and there’s nobody I can share this obsession with.
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hayridetoo · 5 months
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made a render of my fictional crush a couple days ago and posted it on twitter. feel like tumblr might enjoy it as well.
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sonderingcrow · 2 months
(ooc: phantom thieves... but they're a chaotic, ttrpg group. and somehow akechi is stuck being their dungeon master...)
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mintys-musings · 1 year
dudeeeee i've also been obssessed with the idea of Rinne as a father for a bit let me ramble for a sec
So while Rinne is a little shit a lot of the time, it's mostly for play and he's actually a really dependable guy. Also as you said, one he's committed, he's really committed. I can just see him fantasizing about settling down and just living the rest of his life happily with his partner on the regular, but he's not necessarily on a timeline to do so. He thinks that when it come's, it comes, but if his partner were to one day express insecurity about their place in his life.... then might as well use that as an opportunity to reassure them, no?
He might talk big game about wanting to knock up his partner as dirty talk on occasion, he's an entirely different person if his intentions are to actually make a baby. He's a lot more gentle, talking about the future he wants and how badly he wants it with you. He is still Rinne of course and teases you, but the whole tone is much softer and much more affectionate than ever before. Even as he's balls deep into you, ready to fill you up and finish the deed, he's still telling you how much you mean to him.
Then of course, when you do end up pregnant, there's not a single soul that could get away from hearing about it. Everyone he knows is immediately informed- with glee- that Rinne Amagi is going to be a father. He doesn't treat you like a delicate little flower, but he's way more bendable to your whims. He'd be such a spouse-guy (gn wife-guy). Whatever his dear wants, he'd be out to fetch. Even in sex (which of course, he doesn't want to give up when your pregnant- you're more irresistible than ever!) he's perfectly willing to do whatever you want and go as long as you want. It's like he lives to serve you. Once again, he's not about to stop teasing you, but there's so much care behind every word that you can't even be mad at him.
And then, once the baby is born? Man... can you just imagine the sight of walking into the nursery and seeing him, messy hair and pajamas and all, sitting on a rocking chair with a tiny little baby on his chest? Talking to it so softly and lovingly while the baby coos and babbles back?
- @sucrows
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what if. what if i shdjfhfgudhfh
crow youre feeding me pls oh my god i wont him so badly. domestic rinne. domestic rinne my hole in tire whirled. crow. i have. so many feelings about rinne. too many people do not fucking understand him. you get me. you understand. i uogugghghhhh
i wanna write soft rinne content now ougghguhgh i spent like an hour this week ranting to my friend about how much i wanna write domestic and soft rinniki fic hhgsgbdghjjgg
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screechingkroh · 1 year
I seem to have a horrid habit of focusing on world building instead of the stories! That said, have some facts abt both stories and their worlds!!
A Seer of Secrets
All four celestial monkeys know of each other’s existence (obvs). But the Long-Armed Gibbon and the Red Buttock Baboon have ultimately decided that dealing w Macaque and Wukong is NOT worth it. Good choice LMAO
Demon courting is kind of weird. Female demons tend to be more aggressive with courting
Speaking of courting, kidnapping is part of it but it’s consensual. Well… nowadays it is. But you don’t realize it because they disguise it as an “I’m surprise visiting you… and now we’re going to my house. Pack a week's worth of clothes.”
Seers and Oracles usually have an item or symbol that connects them to divinity. I wonder what Seer’s item is.
Demon food is USUALLY spicy. For some reason, MK and Mei can withstand it but Wukong lowkey struggles? He doesn’t question it much. They're a weird duo.
There's this huge ass under-market for demons. I'm talking multiple districts kind of big. It's based on the five phases of Chinese philosophy. So you've got Fire, Water, Wood, Gold, and Earth. The District levels go in order as the inter-promoting direction... Or generating direction (I wanted to feel fancy). So it goes Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and then Water. But it's in this big circle that spirals upwards. It's pretty cool because the transition from the Water District to the Wood District is by a massive waterfall that has these big rock platforms that act like an elevator. So, it's kind of tapping into the whole "controls" thing of the uhhhh.... inter-regulating part.
Speaking of the districts, there is ONE place that is considered pure neutral territory. And that would be the Earth section. Simply because Earth is meant to represent " patience, thoughtfulness, practicality, hard work, and stability." This is also where demons can find items that can help with healing 'n their abilities! It's where most markets are set up due to the unspoken truce.
The Wood and Fire district tends to get... really heated. Especially in the Fire District. The space between Wood and Fire is highly populated. So a lot of fighting happens and it's considered far enough from the Earth District. This is where demons like to just... bust out the moves and get into nasty fights. So if you can survive running through the Fire District (where there are a lot of fights over territory) and to Earth, consider yourself lucky. And fucked, because the moment you step out of the Earth District, someone is on your ass.
Water isn't exactly where demons live. It's more of a uh... "If I can't be on the surface for a hot moment or so, I can chill here and not be bothered" kind of place. But it's usually for those real big hot-shot guys. So the Demon Bull Family, for example.
You Were Nothing Like Me
You guys don't understand. I have almost 5,000 words on the doc. That's more than ASOS, sadly.
Everyone's names are based on Constellations because I'm unoriginal. The only people who aren't are the brothers... And Queen Astra, who is Outertale Toriel.
The Void? Yes, it's sentient. It lets Gaster be an invisible guiding hand.
It also oddly likes chocolate.
Monsters know ASL. This is because of a bunch of ASL content being found-- why was it in the dumpster? Who knows! But it's benefited the monster community, and it's gotten the favor of the Deaf Community! Because they're more accepting than others.
I made three official holidays for Monsters and pulled the names out of my fucking ass at 3 AM. Gyftmas, of course, exist. It happens on the Third of every December. Monsters originally guessed based on the crystals in Waterfall. Which would dim during the summer and brighten up during the winter. The brightest day just so happens to be the third Wednesday of December without fail. Why do the crystals dim during the summer? Because monster magic, despite being beneath the ground for literal centuries, accommodated the heat by glowing brighter. Why does glowing brighter help? Because why not. It's like when fireflies come out during May and June. Because. Day of Silence is a pretty somber day. It is a-- uh-- a day dedicated to the Royal Family and their lost children. Most monsters take this day off and mourn the fallen prince and child. It's said that you can hear their souls mourning throughout the underground... Said sound gets louder when the fusion of Outertale happens. Yup. Sunset Feast is a really happy one. It's the day the barrier broke! Because woohoo, freedom. Their version of the 4th of July. So, fun fact about this holiday. Frisk broke the barrier the same fucking day it was created. And it, thus, replaced the old holiday Feast of Darkness. Anyways, Sunset Feast is where monsters gather near a large clearing that's by the entrance of Ebott and-- uh-- watch the sunset! Big feast, too. Really fun and loud! Lots of music 'n stuff.
Who named those holidays, you ask? Not Asgore. That's for fucking sure. Not with his shitty naming skills. It was actually Toriel, who named them. I refuse to believe both of them had shitty naming skills. Toriel was good at naming things because I said so.
Typhas, or known as water sausages, have three different forms. You have Snow Typhas, which are commonly closer to Snowdin, and are pretty sweet! They're actually used to making icing or Nice Cream. You also have Spice Typhas, which are closer to HotLands and are used as a spice! The spiciest part of Spice Typhas are the seeds, kind of like peppers!
Depending on where you're at in the underground, you get unique currency. Gold is the overarching one, but sometimes you gotta make some fun unique ones. The Ruins doesn't have currency minus gold. They like to bargain and trade. Snowdin uses Milky Quartz. Waterfall uses Water Opals. HotLand uses Rubies. The Core uses Quartz. The Castle uses Sapphires. And the Court and Royal Family use diamonds... but not a lot of people see them.
I can go on for actual days about YWNLM's world building. I think about this world too much. I-- I just... I love it. It makes me happy.
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shroombert · 3 months
Elodie Bauer was named after the brand Eddie Bauer, right? RIGHT?
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ceramic-warlords · 11 months
i've realised that its probably a REALLY BAD IDEA to have a stage name connected to my tumblr account yourfavouritecorvid -> craquelures-latibule -> ceramic-warlords
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sparrowmoth · 1 year
Yours, Mine, Hours • [AO3]
Teen | 11.5K | Wesper | Hurt/Comfort, Angst/Fluff, Consent Issues
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➼ Summary:
When Kaz sends Jesper out on a fake date with the irresponsible playboy son of a mercher, it's meant to be an easy night. Just a couple hours at the club, nursing drinks and prying business secrets while Kaz is searching the mercher's estate. For Wylan, of course, it was never going to be easy, sitting by at the bar and watching Jesper's back, all the while pretending not to know his own boyfriend. He was bound to feel jealous. He was ready for that. What actually happens, though… he doesn't know how to handle.
➼ Excerpt:
The night had started well enough, hand in hand with Jesper on the bustling streets of the Barrel. Wylan had borrowed some of Jesper’s flash to better fit the scene they were heading into. He wore a green velvet tailcoat that hung off his shoulders, a loose-fitting cream shirt, and tight yellow patterned pants that tucked away into his boots—
A couple rings adorned his fingers, which Jesper had sized down for him. He wore some chains around his neck, too, and had some kohl smudged under his eyes. The final touch to Wylan’s costume was a green low top hat with a purple ribbon, which Jesper had set atop his head while Wylan stood frowning at his own reflection—
“This is never going to work,” he mumbled, more to himself than to Jesper, though Jesper heard and caught his eye in the mirror. Wylan noticed and sighed. “Jes, I could stand in for a mount of paradisaea guilielmi at the Ketterdam Museum. How is this me blending in?”
Jesper chuckled and wrapped his arms around Wylan’s waist from behind, then bent to lightly rest his chin on his shoulder. “Oh, I love it when you make up words,” he teased, earning himself an eye roll.
“I’m serious,” said Wylan, gently pushing Jesper’s hands apart from where they’d locked around his waist. “This is important, and—and it could be dangerous, and—Jesper,” he whined as Jesper grabbed at his hips and pulled him back against him while kissing up his neck.
“I hear you,” Jesper murmured, nipping at Wylan’s earlobe.
Wylan squirmed half in pleasure and half in frustration, because he couldn’t give in—or, well, he wasn’t supposed to. Kaz had told him to keep Jesper focused, because he trusted Wylan to—to—Saints…
“Kaz is… going to kill us!” Wylan huffed out about an hour later, running clumsily along behind a laughing, bright-eyed Jesper, who had him tethered by the hand. They were weaving through a crowd along the edge of the canal as the bells began to ring, assuring Wylan they were late and good as buried together if Kaz figured out why—
Oh, but Jesper, of course, just grinned over his shoulder. “You worry too much! Look, we’re practically there.” He jerked his head toward a building which Wylan could only see the top of—a balcony draped in gold-painted vines that showed signs of the weather, a chandelier showing through the windows framed by curtains and, beyond that, silhouetted by the light, a mass of undulating bodies—
Somewhere inside there, Jesper’s mission would be waiting.
➼ Read more on AO3
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thekenobee · 2 years
I can see, your running a blog of great quality
I mean I can now finally fill the lack of Russell Crowe characters on my dash, so THANK YOU.
Also expect me to drop in in your asks/messages to talk about fandoms.
And, if you haven't try watching Mystery, Alaska. You can thank me later...
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#sorry not sorry for bothering you and promtoting my fave movie
OMG HI, YOU BEAUTIFUL OP WHO FUELS MY OBSESSION?! How do you do! (I'm doing terribly well because I have received an ask!)
Ok, so I was afraid that my re-awoken obsession with Russell CROW(N)E(D) king of my heart TM would go unnoticed but THANK GOD NO
I'm still recovering from "A Beautiful Mind". I feel as if I was pushed off the plane but *sobs* I'll be better. Someone mentioned Mystery, Alaska and I think I'll watch it in a few days to cheer myself up a bit ( oh boi doesn't he LOOK GOOOOOOD there).
Oh and by all means, please drop in! I love talking, in asks and in general(maximus decimus meridius) ! Fandoms are pretty much my life.
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✨🌟*counting stars sound* 🌟✨
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mockerycrow · 1 year
What does the council think about Biker! Simon? 👀
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hircine-hunter · 1 year
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social-mockingbird · 2 years
Good morning it is a beautiful Saturday and The Crows Are Having A Rave
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