#please I need to win the 3rd Badge
thecouncilofidiots · 6 months
We got the 2nd Boop Badge, and my hyperfocus/hyperfixation and completionist heart is so very happy! -Sin
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febuwhump · 9 months
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leap year edition
Q: what is febuwhump?
A: febuwhump is a prompt challenge during february, in which creators try to fill one prompt a day, as guided by the official prompt list, in whatever creative way they wish
Q: what is whump?
A: it’s when you put a character in emotional or physical hurt. can be to any extent
Q: do i HAVE to create whump?
A: i’m not gonna come to your home and make you create whump, no. ‘whump’ is in the title of the event and it’s a whump-centric challenge but if that’s not inspiring to you or going to help you be creative then forget it and do what works best for you. challenge yourself how you want to and let febuwhump be the guide, not the law
Q: how do i win febuwhump?
A: officially, you can become a completionist by producing or posting 29 unique whump-themed works over the 29 days of february. you do not have to aim to win febuwhump if you don’t want to, and if you are not aiming to win, you do not have to follow all the rules, because at that point who cares
Q: can the 29 unique works be chapters to one fic?
A: yes
Q: can the 29 unique works be in any order?
A: no, please follow the day order as given to the best of your ability
Q: can the 29 unique works actually be less than 29 unique works because i blend a bunch of prompts together for one day or something else along these lines that directly contradicts the explained definition of febuwhump?
A: no
Q: can i complete febuwhump in tandem with other events?
A: yeah like what do i care, of course you can
Q: how do i inform you that i have won?
A: there will be a google forms link made available during the month of february. you have until march 3rd to fill it in
Q: how do i prove that i’ve won?
A: you don’t have to. this is an honour system and if you fill out the form, i will believe you. however, there will be a completionist badge you can use to post with your masterlist to show everyone else that you’ve won
Q: what are the exact requirements for the hall of fame?
A: the exact requirements are as follows:
you must have completed 29 sections/chapters/works/projects etc. inspired by 29 unique prompts and posted/produced them over the 29 days of february
you may combine prompts so long as there are still 29 unique prompts for 29 sections/works
this means that you can combine a core prompt and an alt prompt
or two core prompts, so long as an alt prompt replaces one of them
you must inform the blog by the 3rd of march that you completed febuwhump or your name will not feature in the hall of fame.
Q: am i allowed to–
A: you can do literally whatever you want, in any medium you want
Q: even–
A: yes even that
Q: what about–
A: that too
Q: really? anything at all?
A: if you want to win, follow the rules as explained. if you don’t actually care, do whatever you want. i will not stop you. i am not your mother
Q: can you give me extra ideas for prompts?
A: no! i’ve provided 39 prompts already, so i’m not really in the position to be creating extra lists for specific tropes right now. if you need help with specific prompts (such as not understanding what one means or could possibly involve/be in reference to) then i’ll do my best to help - but i’m only one person and i don’t really have the time or effort to be giving extra ideas right now
Q: how do i add my fics to the archiveofourown.org collection?
A: the ao3 collection will be open from february 1st to compile all ao3 works. you do not have to have completed all 29 days of febuwhump to submit - any and all febuwhump works are welcome there, but the cut off date is march 5th - the collection will be closed from then.
you can add fics as you’re posting or after they’ve been posted by using the ‘collection’ bar on the creation page. all you have to do is type in the name of the collection: febuwhump_2024. do not wait for the drop down menu, it will not show the name. press post and it will be included in the collection.
febuwhump 2021 collection can be accessed here
febuwhump 2022 collection can be accessed here
febuwhump 2023 collection can be accessed here
febuwhump 2024 collection can be accessed here
Q: i have literally any other question
A: check the rules and previous posts and asks and if your specific question isn’t answered, feel free to send an ask. if it has been answered before, and especially recently, i will not answer. please go looking, thanks
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The Scots Greys and the turning of the tide at Battle of Waterloo
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They never consider the situation, never think of manoeuvring before an enemy and never keep back or provide a reserve. They’re charging at everything!
- Duke of Wellington reflecting on the charge of the British cavalry after the Battle of Maguilla in 1812
The Duke of Wellington was never pleased with his cavalry. In Spain he  condemned them for “charging at everything”, getting cut up in the  process or finding themselves on a distant part of the battlefield,  horses blown, at the very moment they were needed elsewhere. So at Waterloo the Iron Duke intended to keep the mounted arm on a tight rein.
It was, after all, the first time he would actually face Napoleon in  the field, and the situation was not auspicious. He had been taken by  surprise. He famously learnt of the sudden appearance of the French on  the border with the Southern Netherlands (now Belgium) at the Duchess of  Richmond’s ball in Brussels on 15 June. “Napoleon has humbugged me, by  God!” The following day his Prussian allies were worsted at Ligny. Hs  own troops, rushed forward to nearby Quatre Bras, were badly mauled. He  was on the back foot.
But his capacity to anticipate setbacks paid dividends. Some weeks  earlier he had chosen a piece of ground on which to make a stand if the  French were to come. The ridge of Mont St Jean, a mile south of the  village of Waterloo athwart the main road from Charleroi to Brussels.  The ridge ran north-east to south-west for about three miles, two-thirds  of which Wellington was able to occupy with infantry and artillery. To  support these he would post two brigades of light cavalry on the left  (east) flank and three on the right. Two brigades of heavy cavalry,  including the Scots Greys or, as they were then more properly known, the  2nd Royal (North British) Dragoons, would be in the centre. And to each  of the cavalry brigadiers, as well as to the Earl of Uxbridge (later  Marquess of Anglesey), the commander of the Allied cavalry and his  second in command, Wellington gave strict instructions not to leave  their positions without his express order.
The Duke was essentially a general who preferred to choose his  ground, make the enemy attack him and then use the superior musketry of  his infantry to defeat them. He intended Waterloo to be just such a  battle. In addition, for the first time he had the benefit of a strong  force of heavy cavalry inclusing the Scots Greys – bigger men, bigger  swords, bigger horses – to counter the French heavy cavalry or break up  an assault that threatened to overwhelm his infantry. And, indeed, the  charge of these two brigades, best known perhaps for Lady (Elizabeth)  Butler’s 1881 painting Scotland Forever! depicting the Scots Greys  galloping wildly at the French, would be one of the critical actions of  the battle, even, some argue, its turning point.
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The Scots Greys had been formed in 1681 from a number of independent  troops of dragoons (originally men who dismounted to fight with the  musket, rather than fight from the saddle with sword and pistol), and  known as The Royal Regiment of Scots Dragoons. The “grey” of their later  title may at this time have referred to their uniform, for it was not  for a dozen years that this changed to red, and there is no record that  the Scots Greys used grey horses exclusively.
However, when inspected by King William III (William of Orange) in  1693 it was noted that the Scots Greys regiment were all mounted on  greys. Soon afterwards they were being referred to as the “Grey  Dragoons” or the “Scots Regiment of Grey Dragoons”. In 1707, after the  Act of Union, they were restyled “North British”, as the parliamentary  union envisaged Scotland to be. Not until 1877 would their nickname be  made official. They became the 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys),  inverted after the First World War to The Royal Scots Greys (2nd  Dragoons). They kept this title for 50 years until amalgamating with the  3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales’s Dragoon Guards) to form the Royal  Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys).
When Napoleon escaped from Elba at the end of February 1815 to begin his  “Hundred Days”, the ill-starred attempt to retake the French crown and  continue his imperial ambitions, the Greys were one of a number of  regiments rushed to Belgium that had yet to fight “Napoleonic” troops.  Indeed, by the time of Waterloo few Scots Greys had seen battle - and  they were keen to make up for it.
Their moment came in the early afternoon of 18 June, when it looked as  if Wellington’s line at Waterloo would break. The Comte d’Erlon’s corps  of three infantry divisions, some 14,000 men, with 6,000 cavalry,  assaulted the Allied left wing and centre, which was held by  Dutch-Belgian brigades and Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Picton’s 5th  Division, the latter experienced Peninsular troops.
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As d’Erlon’s men ascended the slope towards the sunken road that ran  the length of the ridge left of La Haye Sainte, driving back the British  skirmishers and reaching the thick hedge that fringed the road,  Picton’s men stood up, formed into a four-deep line to guard against  cavalry attack, advanced and began volleying.
However, the French deployed unusually quickly into line and returned  fire. Picton himself was killed after ordering a counter-attack in  language profane even by his own legendary standards, and soon his  troops were giving way under the pressure of numbers. At two o’clock  Napoleon appeared to be winning the Battle of Waterloo.
But Lieutenant-General the Earl of Uxbridge was a cavalry commander  of genius. Earlier estranged from Wellington on account of eloping with  the Duke’s youngest brother’s wife, he had been disbarred from service  in the Peninsula after brilliantly covering Sir John Moore’s gruelling  retreat to Corunna. But his cavalry coup d’oeil had not deserted him,  nor his moral courage. Despite the Duke’s orders that none of the  cavalry was to quit the ground it had been posted on without his express  will, Uxbridge ordered his two brigades – the Household Brigade (1st  and 2nd Life Guards, Royal Horse Guards and 1st (King’s) Dragoon Guards)  and the Union Brigade, so-called for its English, Scots and Irish  regiments (1st Royal Dragoons, 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons, and the  Scots Greys) – to charge in support of the hard-pressed infantry.
With a combined strength of nearly 2,500 sabres and led by Uxbridge,  the heavies advanced. The Household Brigade was first into the charge,  sweeping back the cuirassiers guarding d’Erlon’s left flank. To the  Household’s left the Union Brigade surged through the lines of  red-coated infantry in the sunken road, where some Gordon Highlanders  grasped their stirrups to get at the French, and at the foot of the  slope routed the two advanced infantry brigades of General Joachim  Quiot’s division, the Royals, capturing the eagle of the 105th Ligne  while Sergeant Ewart of the Greys, 6ft 4in tall and a master swordsman  and rider, captured the eagle of the 45th Ligne.
Only two eagles were  captured that day.
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As with the Household, however, the officers of the Union Brigade  were finding it difficult to rein in their troops, and the heavies lost  all cohesion. With many casualties and still trying to reorder, the  Greys now found themselves before the main French lines, their horses  blown, though some galloped on to attack the guns of the Grande  Batterie. This was too much for Napoleon, who had hitherto left the  conduct of the battle to Marshal Michel Ney. He promptly ordered a  counter-attack by two cuirassier brigades and Baron Jacquinot’s two  Polish lancer regiments (a charge also painted by Lady Butler).
As  Major-General Sir William Ponsonby tried to rally his brigade he was  captured by Jacquinot’s men, whereupon several Greys galloped to their  brigadier’s rescue but the lancers at once killed him and three of his  would-be rescuers, who could do nothing to overcome the lance’s reach.  The rest of the heavies might also have been speared or sabred had it  not been for a counter-charge by Major-General Sir John Vandeleur’s  light dragoon brigade and two of Dutch-Belgians from the left flank, who  had also disobeyed Wellington’s orders to stay put.
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The charge saved the remnants of the Household and Union brigades but  their casualties had been heavy, including the Greys’  lieutenant-colonel, James Hamilton, who was killed. The official  recorded losses for both brigades that day were 1,205 troopers and 1,303  horses, an extremely high proportion.
However, 14,000 French troops of D’Erlon’s corps had been committed  to the attack on the Allied centre at a cost of some 3,000 casualties  and irrecoverable time. It was four o’clock before they were ready to  advance again, by when, with the Allied line holding along the ridge and  Prussian troops beginning to arrive on the field from the east, it was  be-coming clear that Napoleon had lost the battle, although there would  be another two hours of increasingly desperate, bloody but futile French  attacks before Wellington judged it the moment to signal the whole line  to advance.
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The Scots Greys would later incorporate the image of the captured  eagle in their cap badge, and Sergeant Ewart would be commissioned as an  ensign (second lieutenant) in the 5th Veteran Battalion of Infantry.  The following year he was invited to a Waterloo dinner in Edinburgh,  where Sir Walter Scott asked him to speak. But Ensign Ewart begged that  he might be excused, saying, “I would rather fight the Battle of  Waterloo over again than face so large an assemblage.”
The Battle of Waterloo, the culmination of more than twenty years of fighting in Europe and across the globe, was one of the greatest military defeats in history. Within a matter of hours it would not only result in thousands of deaths, but also in the destruction ofa well-experienced  army.
The role  that  the  Scots  Greys  played  in  the  Battle  of  Waterloo  was, perhaps something of a surprise. Although they had had  a long and relatively distinguished history, having fought in many battles from the time of William III in Holland, the group tasked with  fighting at Waterloo, the majority having little or no battle experience, proved themselves to be more than adequate on their day. Through sheer courage and determination they entered a bloody battle against all the odds.
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Historians continue to debate whether the Scots Greys was the actual turning point of the Battle of Waterloo with as much vigour as they debate the late intervention of Blucher’s Prussians. Be that as it may it remains undeniable that the number of losses, in proportion to their numbers, was very high, yet the  impression they made on the battlefield at Waterloo was, and still is,  deep and forever remembered.
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moonelluffer · 5 years
"I Choose You!" Leon X Reader One-Shot
Galar Region
          You are laying in bed at your hotel room in Motosoke at the Budew Inn. You had just beaten the Gym Leader Kabu and his fire type pokemon with your trusty sidekick Scornbunny, who had been given to you by your friend Hop's brother Leon. Scornbunny and you had this connection the first time you two had layed eyes on each other. It was almost like you two were meant to be. This is why picking the small fire rabbit was so easy for you.
Year 2020
          As you started to get up from the bed, you looked out the window to see that it was raining outside. Looking over at Scornbunny laying on the floor in a corner you began to chuckle to yourself. Luckily, the carpet is soft and not to rough for the creatures' fur, giving him some cushioning to lay on while he slept.
          Getting up from the bed, you want to go take a shower, brush you teeth and get ready for the day. After showering and finishing up your hygiene in the bathroom you grabbed your [F/C] simple dress and put it on, along with her [F/C] high top socks and equally as [F/C] combat boots. Looking in the mirror you didn't know what you wanted to do with your [H/L] [H/C] hair that day, so you decided to brush the knots out and let it hang down for the day.
          After waking Scorbunny up you were all set and ready to go out the door. As you left the apartment you ran right into Hop, Leon's younger brother who was equally as excited as you were about continuing on to the next gym.
          "Hey [Y/N]! You all set and ready for the next Gym Leader? I heard Allistar is pretty tough and doesn't take it easy on anyone!" Hop said in a very excited tone. He seemed to be really pumped about taking on the Ghost Type Gym Leader.
          "Yeah, I would say I'm pretty excited as well. Winning this will turn into my next stepping stone for beating your brother in the finals." you had stated more calmly but still as excited as Hop.
          "I wouldn't get too sure of yourselves about that!" ??? Said
          You snapped your head around to see the one and only Champion Leon standing behind you in his usual outfit and crown design hat. As he steps closer to you and Hop his 6 foot tall frame towers over you're [Y/H] height. You begin to feel flustered by the sight of him and lose your words. Leon notices you expression and looks at you while giving you a smirk.
          "What's wrong? Meowth got your tongue." he says sarcastically while tilting his head slightly.
          "I-I ... I-uhhh.." you muster out in a weak tone. You begin to get frustrated not knowing why all of a sudden you can't come up with a decent response to his witty remark. As you are standing there lost in your own thoughts Leon can see the annoyance on your face.
          "Hey hun, I'm just messing with you. It's ok." he states in a tone that sounds apologetic while walking up to you and placing his hand on your shoulder.
          "Riiiiggghhht..... Yea... I knew that!" You respond back in an unsure what to say tone. "Well anyway as I was sayi-"
          "How about we all grab some breakfast or coffee before you guys decide to continue on with your journey, shall we?" Leon states cheerfully cutting you off in the process. "I know a really good place where you can get some really good coffee. It's called the "Battle Café", it's most definitely worth a try." Leon continues on.
          "I would, but I'd much rather train up my team for the next gym badge, so I can beat [Y/N] next time I see her again." Hop says confidently to you and his brother Leon. Hop then proceeds to run off without saying another word. You are then left standing there in the hallway of the hotel with the one and only Champion Leon.
          "I guess ... that just makes the two of us! If, you are still up for having the best coffee in town." Leon says confidently. While staring back at you waiting for your response.
          "Yea. Sure we can get some coffee together. What's the name of the place again?" You respond questionably.
          "It's the "Battle Cafè". Come on! Follow me and I'll show you where it is, and this time I won't get lost." Leon answers while gesturing his hand for you to follow as you both make your way to the hotel elevators so you guys can head back to the main floor. As you both were heading out and too the cafè, you couldn't help but fixate your [E/C] eyes on Leon. It was almost like something about him put you in this trance-like state. You watched as he turned to look back at you. His golden amber eyes locking onto your shimmering gentle [E/C] eyes. It was like there was something about you just couldn't re-
          "HELLO! Galar Region to [Y/N]!" Leon said loudly.
          Your thoughts were immediately cut off and your face became red. Feeling stunned and taken a back at the sudden interruption of thoughts you're [S/C] was starting to become visibly even redder. You stood there dumbfounded and the only thing you could muster was:
          "S-s-sorry  ... I must have been dozing off into space." You stammered out the best you could while putting your arm on your other arm and tilting your head down so that your [H/L] [H/C] covered your extremely red face.
         "I was gonna shake you if I couldn't get you to stop staring at me like that. Hahaha!" He stated happily. As if your face couldn't get even more red, it did. You began to shrink down even more and shake alittle from all the emotion you were feeling. Leon noticed you were not ok and rested his hand on your shoulder gently.
          "Hey, are you ok? You've been out of it lately. If you do want we can go back to your hote-
          "No! I'm fine! Everything is fine. I guess my mind has been else where lately, but I would still love to be around you." you shout loudly while cutting Leon off abruptly.
          "Very well my lady. Let us go inside and grab something." Leon replies back with a causal but charming tone. He gracefully grabs your small hand and brings you inside the Cafè. He asks the waiter at the front for a table for two and as you both make your way over to your assigned seat, you could not help but blush more at how well put together and gentleman like he was.
          As you both sat down from across each other the waitress walked over to take both you and orders of drinks.
          "Hello, what can I get for the two of you today." The chipper waitress asked.
          "Two orders of your finest coffee please." Leon stated. The waitress then walked off to get your cups of coffee and both you and Leon were left there to too look at one another until a conversation sparked.
          "So are trying to bring me on this date to smooth talk me into how I plan to kick your butt when I battle you." You remarked jokingly at Leon.
          "Haha! Very funny, but no actually. I wanted to just talk casual with you. Get to know you more as a person, not just as a trainer." Leon replied back.
           "Really? You wanna know stuff about me? What would you even wanna know about me, because my life isnt all that exciting as yours." You replied.
           "I beg to differ, if I may. I'm positive you are more interesting than you found yourself to be, and my life is more stressful than exciting and sometimes, I just wish to get away from it all." Leon responded
           Listening to his response did raise your attention quite alot. "But, if it stresses you out. Why do you do what you do then? I'm sorry if this question seems silly, but I am confused." You questioned.
           "There is no such thing as a silly question, so you are fine. To further elaborate, what I mean is I set out on my journey to be the greatest pokemon trainer of the Galar Region, not to sign my life away and become some brand to the world. I wanted to do it to inspire others. To show them that if somone like me, a person who came from nothing, was able to it! Anyone can do it too!" Leon explained proudly.
           You couldn't help but fall even deeper for him after him saying this. It was comforting to hear him talk like a person instead of this facade he walks around portraying to the whole entire region of Galar. "So -."
          "Well, I might as well stop talking about this. I don't need to be throwing all my Champion life problems onto you. I got myself into this mess after all." Leon stated with great sadness to his voice while cutting you off.
          You looked at him and could see the pained expression on his face. He was definitely bothered by it all and despite him trying to hide it. It was showing more and more as you kept talking.
          You felt compelled to reach your hand over and grab his hand gently but firmly.  He raised his head a bit and his amber eyes looked back into your [E/C] eyes. As your eyes were locked onto each other, you knew in that moment you really loved this man and wanted to be with him.
          "Hey, I just want to say. It's ok, and if you need someone to listen to what really goes on in your head, I am here. You don't need to pretend anymore." You stated softly to him. You could see tears start well up in his eyes for sec and then they dissapeared.
          "T-thank you." Leon stammered softly.
          The coffee than arrived and you both drank it together and made some causal talk with one another. Leon learned that you also liked to walk around the Wild Area quite alot and you learned that he often enjoys making pasta and curry for people. As your conversation continued on you knew you were knee deep in love with him and there was no escaping that.
          After you guys finished your 3rd round of coffee. You realized how late it was getting. It was literally a quarter past 7. You guys have been talking for quite some time. After Leon payed for the check you both than proceeded to walk out and make your two separate ways, but before you were able to go Leon grabbed your arm as you were turning to leave. You stopped and looked back at him and saw he had that same expression he had on earlier when you saw him cry alittle.
          "Are you okay Leon?" You asked calmly. He looked at you for a bit and slowly moved towards you. You guys were about a few inches apart and this made you realize how much he towered over you. You knew he was tall, but never realised how tall. This caused you to blush slightly having him this close to you and looming above your small stature.
          You stare up at him, lost in eyes unaware of your actions anymore you find yourself going up on your toes and planting a kiss on face. Since you are so short you end up missing so your top lip came into contact with his bottom lip. Leon stiffens slightly and you feel as though you made a mistake doing this until Leon pulls back alittle and returns the favor with a proper kiss, not missing this time.
          Your eyes widen slightly surprised at his reaction, but you start to relax. You carefully but slowly  wrap your arms around his neck and let your body arch back slightly to allow you to brush up against his chest until there is no gap between you two. You melt into the kiss and allow him to slip his tongue into your mouth for alittle bit. After a few minutes you both proceed to let go of each other so you both could breath.
          Leon looks down at you and smiles his charming smile at you, the same smile that caused you to fall head over heels for him in the first place. "Good luck trying to beat in the final match now." He teasingly remarks while his arms are still wrapped around your waist holding you close to him.
          "Oh hush! You're not THAT charming!" Yoy playfully respond. Leon raises an eyebrow at you as if indicating he doesn't believe what you said, but you just playfully push him and laugh. "I'll see you tomorrow. I gotta head home." You say while turning to leave.
          "We should do this again sometime. You are a comforting person and I haven't felt that feeling in such a long time." Leone states while turning away and making his way back home. You watch ad he leaves and you couldn't help but blush and smile to yourself.
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daydreaming-nerd · 6 years
Power Couple (Loki x reader)
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Plot: When you learn that Loki is alive and locked inside a cell courtesy of The Avengers you become the bad bitch you need to get him out.
info: This will be switching pov’s between you and third person. I’ll be sure to mark it just be aware.
It’s been three months since the love of my life fell off the Bifrost. I remember our plot to take over Asgard, it was all running smoothly until Thor showed up.
I remember squatting next to Odin holding onto both of his sons on the edge of the broken rainbow bridge. I was reaching my hand out for Loki to hopefully take. I remember the look in his eyes as he let go and floated off into infinite space. My heart broke and I screamed in pain, sadness, and loss for him. If it wasn’t for Thor engulfing me in his arms on the ground trying to keep me calm I would’ve jumped in after him. I died that day. 
As days rolled by I began to realize Loki wasn’t coming back. A new side of me came forth, a dark side. A side that wanted to avenge my love. I worked harder on my powers of telekinesis and grew power hungry. I remember sparing with Thor every now and then, sometimes he would win sometimes I would win. Regardless I was growing more powerful and that was becoming quite handy. 
I had a dream last night that Loki was alive and was imprisoned by his brother and a group called The Avengers, I knew then it was him trying to contact me and there wasn’t a soul that could keep me from him. 
3rd person pov:
Thor had gone out looking for the tesseract and the rest of the Avengers sat together in deep in conversation on what to do next.
“Well Loki won’t talk so until we either find the tesseract there’s not much we can do,” stated Natasha. 
“Furry said he found it funny that Loki seemed like the only person who actually wanted to be on this bird and I agree. We need to be ready for anything he has plotting,” Steve said.
A sudden boom hit the top of the Helicarrier.
“We have an unidentified person on top of the carrier! I repeat we have an unidentified person on top of the carrier!” shouted agent Hill.
Your pov: 
I landed on top of the helicarrier the wind blowing my emerald green cape and my leather catsuit clinging to my body except for where the plunging neckline exposed my chest. I used a spell Loki once taught me to float through the ceiling and into the carrier. I landed and looked up to see what appeared to be these famous Avengers I’ve heard so much about. The female fired her pistol at me but I used my powers and flicked her bullet away with the wave of my hand, and then flung both my arms out to either side of me sending them all flying towards the nearest wall as hard as I could knocking the wind out of them all and then walking past them like the mewling quims they are.
3rd person pov:  
Steve finally stood up and looked at Tony still on the ground.
“Put the suit on,” he said running to suit up himself. 
Tony got up and ran to the storage room full of his things. As soon as his suit was on he called Thor right away. He knew the Avengers couldn’t beat a goddess from another world without him.
“Hey Thor we got a problem,” he said flying towards where the threat was.
“Is it my brother?” Thor said into Tony’s earpiece.
“No Sid's fine but I think Nancy just showed up,” 
“Sid and Nancy? I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean,” 
“Remember when you said Loki had a little girlfriend? Yeah well, the bitch just showed up!”
“Oh gods. Whatever you do, do not let them reach one another. They feed off each other's power and the second they get together I won[’t be able to defeat them. I am on my way back now, make sure they don’t reach each other,” Thor said now worried.
“You guys hear the man?” Tony said into the earpiece for everyone to hear. Multiple Roger thats followed.
Your pov:
It was almost too easy for me. Anytime someone or something came close to me I could simply use my powers to push them away. I waltzed through the whole ship throwing agents and Avengers left and right straight to a room with a glass cell in the middle of it and my Loki inside.
He looked up at me with the devilish grin.
“Darling,” He said. “You came for me.” He said standing up and walking towards me.
“You know I always will,” I said placing my hand on the glass. He did the same. Our hands would’ve finally been touching had the glass not been there. With a little bit of magic, he practically floated through the thick barrier. 
I put my hands on either side of his face and his hands landed on my waist pulling me into a kiss that slowly turned into a makeout session until Thor ruined it.
“Brother!” He shouted charging at us. As I opened the glass wall with my magic Loki cloned and transported us away from the cage. Thor went through us and fell right into the glass case.
Loki and I just looked at him from the control panel holding hands.
“Are you ever not going to fall for that?” said Loki getting a giggle out of me.
Thor banged on the glass with his hammer in anger causing the whole capsule to shit down. Loki and I looked at each other, the devil behind our eyes.
“The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?” he said walking towards what appeared to be the controls to this massive cage.
All the sudden a well dressed man appeared holding a large gun, his badge read Coulson indicating he was another agent. Apparently an agent with access to the weapons vault.  
“Move away please,” he deadpanned pointing the intimidating weapon at us. Surely my powers could not hold back whatever this weapon fired.
Loki stepped away from the panel and tucked me behind his back protectively. 
“You like this?” he said slowly walking towards us.”We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don’t know what it does. Do you wanna find out?” he said firing up the gun. Loki’s clone showed up behind him stabbing him in the back. I could hear Thor’s scream of defeat behind me.
The man sunk to the floor and leaned up against the wall. Loki strided over to the panel once again and hit the button sending his brother falling thousands of feet inside a stronger than steel capsule. Loki began walking back over to me until he was interrupted.
“You’re going to lose,” the man said. Loki stopped dead in his tracks.
“Am I?” 
“It’s in your nature,” the man said on the brink of death.
Loki and I began walking toward him.
“Your heroes are scattered. Your floating fortress damaged courtesy of my lovely queen who now stands by my side,”he said gesturing to me.”where is my disadvantage?” 
“You lack conviction,” the man deadpanned once more. I could sense his finger on the trigger,.
“I don’t think I’m-” I cut Loki off before the man shot by teleporting us to an abandoned warehouse.
It took him a second to realize what I had just done.
“Why did you do that?”
“He was about to shoot darling and we can’t take over Midgard injured.” I said giving his a peck on the lips. He smiled and put his hands on my waist once more.
“Where would I be without you?” he said.
“In a cage,” I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He chuckled at my remark.
“Oh my darling how I’ve missed you.” He said placing his forehead on mine.”Now, where were we?” 
“Why don’t I show you,” I said kissing him passionately resuming our make out session from earlier.
Taking over a whole planet could wait till tomorrow, right now we needed to make up for being apart for three months.
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Netjuu no Susume 10 (FINAL) | Code:Realise 3 - 8 | Houseki no Kuni 10
With Netjuu no Susume’s end having passed in this post, Code:Realise is here to take its place for the last 2 weeks. A tag will be rolled out for it soon.
Netjuu no Susume 10 (FINAL)
I was hoping to leave this for later – series end trauma, y’know? – but I wanted to give this series a proper sendoff, and to do that I’ll have to cover it on the Animanga Spellbook. Also, I have to catch up on Code:Realise because the time with this series was so short…but the 12 Days of Anime comes first, people.
LOL, this kitchen of Sakurai’s is so modern.
Why was there a flippin’ Cubone in this anime???
I learnt this year that you need fans in computers because processing creates excess heat and that heat, if allowed to accumulate, won’t allow the computer to function properly.
Sakurai uses Windows…7? 8? Can’t tell from a side shot.
Chibi Morimori-chan is just too cute. Like a dango or something, out of Clannad. *the Dango Song plays in the background*
That orange and yellow background looks like something out of ReLIFE, eh?
Poor Kanbe is such a 3rd wheel…
I so thought that was Sakura-chan! You’re so mean, Koiwai! Dangit!
Koiwai has a red tie while Sakurai has blue. Interesting.
Huh. The friendship bracelet’s (reflection) in the middle of the shot. You can’t quite miss it, can you?
Code:Realise 3
Finally getting on with this show because of Netjuu no Susume.
Uh, in a show with Lupin, you think they’d know who the phantom thief is…
(I’ve forgotten what the white-haired guy’s called. Help!) Uh, but you think Cardia would’ve gone with more of an espionage outfit? Even PriPri makes more sense than this in regards to practical skirts. Update: White-haired boy’s name is Saint Germain(e? sp???). That’s right…
Adele and Brutus? A and B? Oh, come on. In Cinderella Phenomenon, they do much the same thing with the kingdoms Angielle and Brugantia.
Well, if we’re talking Twilight and vampires…uh…
Between this and Netjuu no Susume, the eyecatches are pretty good this season.
Why do I get the feeling Delacroix is actually Van’s younger bro?
Code:Realise 4
Oh? Sisi doesn’t actually have a peg leg, it’s just that I didn’t look very closely. Oops.
Isn’t her touch meant to melt stuff? Update: she’s wearing gloves, which is a different matter entirely.
Germain and Sugar Cube…I ship it!
I ship Cardia and Pillow, too, it seems.
See? I knew they had to do something about Cardia and spy outfits.
“It will be much easier to move in that outfit.” - Van’s so frickin’ practical, of course he’d say that…
Seriously, I get what the aesthetic is, but Fran, Van and Drac all look as if they’re related if you remember them by hair colour alone.
Sherlock Holmes, Herlock Shmolmes…this is the Lupinverse, indeed.
Code:Realise 5
*looks at hexagonal badge on Leonhardt’s back* Leonhardt is a flippin’ bee, I swear.
Notably, it seems Cardia isn’t on the wanted list, but she’s already on Finis’s anyway.
Wait, Bee Man’s first name is Rempart??? Wut???
I thought his name was Frankenstein, not just Stein like the dude from Soul Eater…
The orinthopter looks really good in CGI. Steampunk and CGI go very well together, am I right?
That bright blue. There was a certain kid’s game which, for some reason that’s beyond me, taught me that there’s a bright blue explosive liquid known as nitroglycerine.
Well now. That’s a completely different twist on Frankenstein, eh?
You can see the scorch marks the orinthopter left behind, LOL. These guys, unlike some other guys (thinks about Chronos Ruler) really don’t miss a beat.
Code:Realise 6
I think I saw a sign that said “Impey Barbicane’s Plant” or something like that.
Where did Impey learn the kneeling bow was the “top style of Asian apology” or whatever anyway?
Isn’t Nemo a Jules Verne dude who goes leagues under the sea? Or is my knowledge wrong?
Nautilus (the name of the submarine that goes league under the sea)! See, what did I tell you?
How’d Cardia learn how to prep the thing, anyway?
Hey, Nemo reminds me of Grelle (Black Butler) now. Not sure if that’s a good comparison or not.
This Helsing cannon is hilarous, man!
Wait, there’s only one Helsing and so many opponent ships…I wonder if they’ll win, even having deloyed the cannon…
Helsing’s not just taken down one ship, it’s multiple ships!
The Cardia x Pillow ship pays off, LOL.
Even though that wasn’t the best single episode in recent history, that was a tonne of fun.
Code:Realise 7
All the episode titles up until now were katakana-ified English. This one’s got kanji in it.
The blue shades this episode are beautiful! Wowee!
It was kinda difficult to figure out that was a dream…hmph.
Where’d this horse (the one Lupin has) spawn from?
Code:Realise 8
What is it with Finis and evil laughter anyway?
Senka (The Flames of War)…that title doesn’t seem to suit this show…(Meta note: It was in Katsugeki Touken Ranbu, which is a lot more suitable for it.) 
“Say your prayers!”
Can we please stop with the derpy “holding hands up as you run” girly running? It’s weird.
The world was a smaller place in Victorian England. It’s hardly a big thing until you think about it in context.
The shaky camera. I haven’t liked that effect, even before Saiyuki Reload Blast.
The queen in a princess carry. Guess I never thought of that one, it sounds a bit cliched…?
This ending reminds me of Black Butler season 1’s ending…
Houseki no Kuni 10
Bort is such a tsundere…
Jellyfish vote! It’s much better than a strawpoll, right?
Oh wowee. I never thought anything would handle the fears of the past as competently as SGRS, and this show is doing just that!
Oh! A forget-me-not! Ooh…
Dia takes shoujo sparkles to a new extreme because they are constantly on them.
Oh, Bort and Dia are both forms of carbon. Interesting.
Is it just me, or is this thing (Lunarian) extremely hairy???
It’s like this thing decided to go Attack on Titan on me. I don’t like it for that, but I like how it’s used the camera for such things...
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febuwhump · 2 years
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Q: what is febuwhump?
A: febuwhump is a prompt challenge during february, in which creators try to fill one prompt a day, as guided by the official prompt list, in whatever creative way they wish
Q: what is whump?
A: it’s when you put a character in emotional or physical hurt. can be to any extent
Q: do i HAVE to create whump?
A: i’m not gonna come to your home and make you create whump, no. ‘whump’ is in the title of the event and it’s a whump-centric challenge but if that’s not inspiring to you or going to help you be creative then forget it and do what works best for you. challenge yourself how you want to and let febuwhump be the guide, not the law
Q: how do i win febuwhump?
A: officially, you can become a completionist by producing or posting 28 unique whump-themed works over the 28 days of february. you do not have to aim to win febuwhump if you don’t want to, and if you are not aiming to win, you do not have to follow all the rules, because at that point who cares
Q: can the 28 unique works be chapters to one fic?
A: yes
Q: can the 28 unique works be in any order?
A: no, please follow the day order as given to the best of your ability
Q: can the 28 unique works actually be less than 28 unique works because i blend a bunch of prompts together for one day or something else along these lines that directly contradicts the explained definition of febuwhump?
A: no
Q: how do i inform you that i have won?
A: there will be a google forms link made available during the month of february. you have until march 3rd to fill it in
Q: how do i prove that i’ve won?
A: you don’t have to. this is an honour system and if you fill out the form, i will believe you. however, there will be a completionist badge you can use to post with your masterlist to show everyone else that you’ve won
Q: what are the exact requirements for the hall of fame?
A: the exact requirements are as follows:
you must have completed 28 sections/chapters/works/projects etc. inspired by 28 unique prompts and posted/produced them over the 28 days of february
you may combine prompts so long as there are still 28 unique prompts for 28 sections/works
this means that you can combine a core prompt and an alt prompt
or two core prompts, so long as an alt prompt replaces one of them
you must inform the blog by the 3rd of march that you completed febuwhump or your name will not feature in the hall of fame.
Q: am i allowed to–
A: you can do literally whatever you want, in any medium you want
Q: even–
A: yes even that
Q: what about–
A: that too
Q: really? anything at all?
A: if you want to win, follow the rules as explained. if you don’t actually care, do whatever you want. i will not stop you. i am not your mother
Q: can you give me extra ideas for prompts?
A: for the most part, no! i’ve provided 38 prompts already, so i’m not really in the position to be creating extra lists for specific tropes right now. if you need help with specific prompts (such as not understanding what one means or could possibly involve/be in reference to) then i’ll do my best to help - but i’m only one person and i don’t really have the time or effort to be giving extra ideas right now
Q: how do i add my fics to the archiveofourown.org collection?
A: the ao3 collection will be open from february 1st to compile all ao3 works. you do not have to have completed all 28 days of febuwhump to submit - any and all febuwhump works are welcome there, but the cut off date is march 5th - the collection will be closed from then.
you can add fics as you’re posting or after they’ve been posted by using the ‘collection’ bar on the creation page. all you have to do is type in the name of the collection: febuwhump_2023. do not wait for the drop down menu, it will not show the name. press post and it will be included in the collection.
febuwhump 2021 collection can be accessed here
febuwhump 2023 collection can be accessed here
Q: i have literally any other question
A: check the rules and previous posts and asks and if your specific question isn’t answered, feel free to send an ask. if it has been answered before, and especially recently, i will not answer. please go looking, thanks
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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PixeliumZ [Modded]
This server runs Pixelmon Reforged 7.0.1 until my host updates their version so that I may update the server.
we are currently looking for players who don't mind a small community. It will be pretty much void of players until we get a community started.
Players will have access to /breed every 45 Minuets
Shiny Starters!
Ranks Based on Badges(Not buyable with real money)
Voting (coming soon)
Not Pay to Win
The only purchases that will be with real money:
Changing size of pokemon.
Changing to or from shiny form.
No Racism
No spamming chat. (Ex. One word at a time is spam, Trying to get a players attention by saying their name more than 3 times is spam.)
If you find a bug please report it.
Anyone found duping/ scamming/ or being toxic will be banned. No if, ands, or buts.
If you X-ray, you will be TEMP banned for 1 day (1 day will be added for every additional ban you get)
Tournaments will be held everyday at 10 pm EST
Winner gets all 3 rewards. 2nd place gets to pick 2. 3rd gets to pick 1
On Saturdays we hold ranked Tournaments:
Winner = Champion
2-4th place= Elite 4
Champion Kit: 1 of every evolution stone, 2 Master balls 64 Ultra Balls 32 Quick balls 32 Timer balls. (per 2 weeks)
Elite 4: Diamond tools un-enchanted. 5 shulker boxes (per week)
Champion can only participate in the ranked tournaments, as well as ditto tournaments.
Monday: Size change: gender change: shiny change
Tuesday: Nature change: Shiny change: 5000 Pokedollars
Wednesday: 5 vote keys: size change: Pokeball change
Thursday: DITTO!: 2 Vote keys: 5000 Pokedollars
Friday: MasterBall: Nature Change: 10000 Pokedollars
Saturday: +10 levels to any pokemon: Nature Change: 10000 Pokedollars
Sunday: DITTO!: 3 Vote keys: 5000 Pokedollars
Server is open to all players currently but it going to be changing for a while. You do have access to go off on your own and build.
Currently Looking for staff:
Admin: 1
Helpers: 2 (proffered different timezone but it does not matter)
any Builders.
Admin will have access to everything but shutting down the server or restarting it. If you're found cheating in anyway I will ban you, No warnings, no acceptations. You're there to help me, the owner, and help helpers keep players within the rules.
Moderator will be here to sort out player issues. You're in between admin and helper. Think about it as a Jr admin. You have access to creative and you can help the builders when they need NPCs or statues. If you're found cheating in anyway I will ban you, No warnings, no acceptations.
Helper You will have access to mute players and vanish. Your role can also double as Builder if you like to build. You are mainly here for the players. If a player needs something fixed, You should send the admin or my self a message to sort it out. With in time you may become moderator but that's with time played and player recommendation.
Builders have No perms but creative. You only get it when moderators or higher are online, and you request it. If you're found cheating in anyway we will ban you, No warnings, no acceptations.
0 notes
renatorizzuti · 6 years
Spotlight on Cleo Berry: Actor/Singer
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Interview by Renato Rizzuti
Cleo Berry is known as “the funny guy.” During the course of this interview, Cleo is shown be much more than that! A well trained and passionate actor that has a great attitude towards acting and towards life! Cleo’s well thought out and thorough answers reveal a dynamic actor and a lover of life! 
Renato: You were born in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, on February 10, 1984. This makes you an Aquarius from an astrological point of view. I was born on February 12 which also makes me an Aquarius. What qualities do people born under that sign possess that makes the person perfect for an acting profession? Is this personally true in your case? 
Cleo: First, Happy Belated birthday my Aquarian brother. As you know, Aquarians are known to be deep thinkers, very intellectual and generally just want to help the world be a better place. These are qualities that I bring into my everyday acting career. I have to think deeply about the character. What are their quirks? What makes them tick? What’s their motivation for life? What do they want most of all in the project? I fully believe that being an intelligent person is an asset as an actor. There’s tons of reading scripts and studying. It’s almost like full time college. We’re constantly preparing a group project that we have to perform in front of the class for a grade or in my case a job booking. But I absolutely love it. No complaining here. And I think we as actors are merely putting a mirror up to society and showing them parts of our humanity. Sometimes it’s a drama and sometimes it’s a comedy but we’re always trying to be as true to life and the character as possible. 
Renato: Was there a person or thing that inspired you to be an actor during the 18 years you spent in Little Rock? 
Cleo: I’ve always attended an Arts school. From first grade through college, I’ve been immersed in performing arts. So, I caught the acting bug in sixth grade when my elementary school took out our music class to a dinner theatre matinee show to see my music teacher perform Nancy in “Oliver!” It was there that I saw actors my age singing, dancing and acting. I instantly knew that I wanted to do that too. A few days later, while in music class, I asked my teacher how I could do it too. She helped my mom and I get me into a training camp over that summer. I’ve been on this path, since then. 
Renato: You moved to New York at age 18. What motivated you to make the move? How did you feel about the move? 
Cleo: Yes, I left LR for NYC at eighteen because I needed more training. The best trained there. So, I applied and auditioned and was accepted into the musical theatre training program at AMDA (NYC). I was excited about the move. The fact that 9/11 had just happened the previous year didn’t scare me at all. 
Renato: You graduated from The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (NYC). What is the most important thing you learned about acting there and was there a particular instructor who inspired you?                                   
Cleo: Most important things that I learned is how to break down a script and a song. I hated all the monotonous work of creating a character while in school but it definitely helped me with establishing my own short cut to getting to the heart of a character, scene. Darren R. Cohen is the acting instructor who I learned the most from. From my first semester there, Darren helped mold me. He absolutely let me be me and guided me through my schooling. He even created a cabaret show for me and three other students after we graduated. His belief in me is something that I still wear like a badge of honor.
Renato: You missed your graduation from the Academy to go to a feature film callback. What factors did you take into consideration when you made that decision?                                                                                                                   
Cleo: I was paying to attend a performing arts conservatory with the hopes of getting acting work once completed. I had the opportunity to land a lead in a film. It was something that I couldn’t pass up. I did not book the job but I proved to myself how bad I truly wanted my dream to happen.
 Renato: You made a name for yourself as “the funny guy” in numerous commercials and promos. What qualities do you possess that make you ideal as “the funny guy?” How do you personally feel about being “the funny guy?” What higher life purpose do “funny guys” serve or in other words what do “funny guys” do for the rest of humanity? 
Cleo: I’m a rotund guy with a big smile. I’m also quite funny, when prompted. Those are the qualities I possess to work in commercials. I love commercials. Great work, if you can get it. Being funny pays but I don’t think I’m serving any purpose other than selling a product. I certainly hope that if someone out there is having a bad day, and they see a hilarious commercial it brightens their day. Flips it around. But that’s pressure I don’t put on myself.
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Renato: You also excel in dramatic roles and have worked with award winning actors such as Hugh Laurie, Glynn Turman and Ving Rhames. From an acting point of view how are dramatic roles different from comedic roles? I what ways are they similar? Given a choice, would you choose comedy or drama? 
Cleo: For me, dramatic roles are easier. I love being in that raw, real space of a role. With comedy, no matter what you do, it’s gotta be funny. With both drama and comedy you’ve gotta be open and readily available for what the scene and story demands. Sometimes, comedy gets to be a bit stressing to me. Coincidentally, it’s also the easiest for me to perform. If given a choice, I would pick drama 7 out of 10 times.
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Renato: Name one of your favourite comedic roles.
 Cleo: Captain Chandler on “Young & Hungry!” I thought that character was absolutely hilarious. And I got to do a bit of physical comedy. Which is something that I love.  To view, click on link: https://www.imdb.com/videoplayer/vi2092219161
Renato: Name one of your favourite dramatic roles and explain why.
 Cleo: Daryl Fisher on Monday Mornings! I got to act opposite Ving Rhames. He’s been a favorite actor of mine for a very long time. Also, the character I played went through hell and back. Love playing those kinds of characters.To view, click on link: https://www.imdb.com/videoplayer/vi2092219161
Renato: You were in two Super Bowl commercials. As far as commercial acting is concerned that is quite an achievement! How did you feel being in a Super Bowl commercial? How do you feel about doing commercials in general? 
Cleo: Yes, I was in a Super Bowl commercial for Tide. It turned out great and was the big spot everyone was talking about. This year, I did a Super Bowl spot for Pampers. Got to act and sing with John Legend and Adam Levine. Super cool.  The Super Bowl is the top of the commercial realm. Something I always wanted to achieve. Very thankful to finally be able to cross it off my vision board.
Tide, to view click on link: https://www.imdb.com/videoplayer/vi2225322265
Pampers, to view click on link: https://youtu.be/S9A9Uw9e2p8
Renato: Your bio refers to your “stunning tenor singing voice.” Can you tell us which musical performance has been a highlight of your career?
Cleo: Playing Horton on a National Tour of “Seussical The Musical” was awesome! I loved traveling around the country to all the cities and towns and putting up a show. No performance video as it was over 10 years ago but it was a great show and cast.
Singing video, to view click on link: https://youtu.be/4f5UGb_7Yls
 Renato: You studied Taekwondo and played football. Can you tell us how the discipline learned through sports can be carried over to acting?
Cleo: It’s all about practice and performing at your best. It’s goal driven as well. Block or tackle in football. Break the wood board in Taekwondo and Booking in the Acting world.
Renato: Acting involves mental and physical work. How do you keep prepared for both?            
Cleo: I work with a terrific acting coach when I need to tune up or need help with the development phase of a character. Physically, yes, I do have to get some exercise on my weekly calendar. It’s tough but I make it happen.
Renato: Are there any upcoming projects you would like to tell us about?
Cleo: Yes, I have a project that comes out February 13 on YouTube Premium called “Weird City.” I play an awesome character named Dirg. That’s about all I can say. It’s written and executive produced by Jordan Peele (Get Out) and Charlie Sanders (Key and Peele). Love the way that they write. Definitely give it a watch. I’m guest starring in the third episode of season one.
Trailer, to view click on link: https://youtu.be/raJJbbiKtlY
My episode, preview only, (the first two episodes of the series are free but  you have to pay to watch the 3rd and remaining episodes of the series), to view click on link: https://youtu.be/y-MnuR0n1R8
Renato: Any social media links or other links that you would like to include?
Cleo: Please follow me on my verified Twitter account: @CleoBerry I’m not on any other social media sites.
Renato: Your personal quotation is, “I’m like the Energizer Bunny…you tell me I can’t do something and I keep going and going… until I do it!” Was there a situation in your life that you put that into play?
Cleo: When I was venturing out on my own at eighteen and embarking on school and a professional career, I would always tell myself this. I knew I’d come up against a multitude of brick walls, No’s and who are you’d! So, I’d remind myself to keep going. 
Renato: In general, what is your philosophy of acting?
Cleo: To get to the heart and truth of the character without judgment. Sounds easy but we all have our prejudices and quirks. Sometimes it’s tough to put yourself on hold and put a character on. Buts it’s something that must be done to effectively live as that role.
Renato: In general, what is your philosophy of life?
Cleo: To live, love and explore.
Renato: You won a special recognition at The Boston International Film Festival. What was that for? 
Cleo: The film I was in won Special Recognition. The indie film was called “Mow Crew.” It was my first lead in a movie and we shot on location in Martha’s Vineyard for a month. At the time, it was the first film to shoot on the island since “Jaws.” The locals were amazing and I can’t wait to get back there.
Renato: Thank you very much for your time and all the best to you!
0 notes
jesseneufeld · 5 years
How The WEGO Health Awards Work
Originally coined the “WEGO Health Activist Awards,” the WEGO Health Awards were created to embody the mission of WEGO Health: To empower Patient Leaders. We connect with countless patient advocates, influencers, and healthcare collaborators who are helping others and transforming healthcare – often without any formal recognition.
Since its inception in 2011, the WEGO Health Awards have proven to be one of the best ways to connect the healthcare industry with top patient influencers. The WEGO Health Awards offer a way to introduce new Patient Leaders to the online community and to allow network members the opportunity to recognize and say “thank you” to the leaders they look up to.
Considering the WEGO Health Patient Leader Network is centered around these healthcare transformers, we knew it was up to us to celebrate their accomplishments. From this need to celebrate the Leaders who make a difference, the WEGO Health Awards were born.
The WEGO Health Awards can be broken into the following phases:
June 3rd – June 30th
The nomination period is currently open! We want to make sure all the Patient Leaders out there get recognized, so nominations will remain open until June 30th. 
Please note there are no endorsements during the initial nominations period (June 3rd-June 30th). Instead, feel free to retweet your nomination and share your achievement with your readers/followers. This will encourage your audience to visit the WEGO Health Awards page and potentially nominate you for multiple categories or leave a testimony on your public Awards profile. By spreading the word about the WEGO Health Awards program, we can build a better community for our members. The stronger the online health community, the stronger the patient’s voice!
Please note each nomination is manually reviewed and approved by our team to ensure the integrity of the program. Please allow 1-3 business days for the nomination to process. We will then contact the nominee to alert them of their nomination and invite them to create a WEGO Health Awards profile for our nominee directory. Not providing an email address for the nominee will delay the notification process.
Who should be nominated? Who can win a WEGO Health Award?
Anyone who is an active and leading member of an online community, and making a difference in healthcare, is eligible to be nominated. He or she should provide the community with valuable information and support to make a difference for other patients and caregivers. Nominees for an individual social channel award must have a presence on that particular social channel, of course. Think about the advocates and influencers you see leading Facebook groups, blogging about their health journey, speaking up and giving insights to healthcare companies, presenting on national stages, and running Twitter chats. Patient Leaders have started non-profits, published podcast episodes, and authored books–there is no shortage of Patient Leaders’ contributions to the world, so let’s recognize as many of them as we can for their talents, contributions, and commitment.
How did you come up with the categories? Can I only use those to nominate someone?
The WEGO Health Awards were created based on Patient Leader feedback and the same is true of the categories we use. They might change a bit each year, but they’re created with you and your community in mind. We’ll only be selecting winners for the categories listed in our nomination form, but we’re always open to suggestions.
How do I nominate someone?
Go to our WEGO Health Awards nominations page to get started. Tell us who you want to recognize, where you follow them online, and the WEGO Health Award you think they should win. Once you’re finished nominating your favorite Patient Leader, feel free to share that nomination with your community or send a tweet with the hashtag #WEGOHealthAwards. And be sure to nominate early and often; we want to recognize as many Patient Leaders as possible.
Can I nominate myself?
Of course. We hope you’ll reach out to your community and ask them to nominate their favorite members of the online health world – and that includes you! However, you’re more than welcome to nominate yourself as part of the process. Be sure to take a moment and recognize any of the great leaders that help you on a daily basis as well.
How will I know if I am nominated?
Each nominee will be notified via email and social media (as applicable) and will be given the chance to complete a unique Nominee Profile with additional information about themselves and their advocacy. Visitors will be able to see all of our nominees – and endorse them during the endorsements phase – in the WEGO Health Nominee Directory.
July 1st – July 28th
Endorsements are a way to give nominees a visual show of support. During this period, each nominee will receive an Endorsement badge to post on their blogs.
The three nominees in each WEGO Health Award category with the highest number of endorsements automatically become finalists. So make sure your readers/followers know to endorse you – tweet it, post it, email it, blog it- just get it out there (and make sure to tag us, nothing makes us happier than some social media love).
What is an endorsement?
An endorsement is a way to give nominees a visual show of support. The endorsement button is on each nominee’s profile and you can also see the number of endorsements that each nominee has received. The three nominees with the highest number of endorsements will automatically become part of the five finalists for that award category.
What happens when I endorse a nominee? Is it the same as voting?
Endorsements were created to give network members a chance to participate in the WEGO Health Awards. Think of it as a way to give a shout-out or virtual hug to your favorite Patient Leaders. In response to feedback from the community, the endorsement process helps select top Patient Leaders to move on to the finalist round. The three most endorsed nominees in each WEGO Health Award category will automatically become a finalist. There are five finalists within each category and the final award winner is selected by our panel of distinguished judges. So, if you are nominated for an award, make sure you ask your friends, family, and community members to take a moment to endorse your efforts.
Can I endorse more than one person?
While you can only endorse each person’s Nominee Profile once, you can endorse as many people as you like. If you want to spread the love and endorse others, feel free to do so.
Do likes/tweets count as endorsements?
While showing your support through Facebook likes or tweets is appreciated by the nominees, we will not be counting that form of social media support towards endorsements.
Can I still become a finalist if I do not get a high number of endorsements?
Yes. While the three nominees with the highest endorsement numbers in each category will automatically become finalists, the rest of the finalists will be determined by our judging panelists through numerous additional factors aside from endorsements. This occurs within the first round of our judging process.
August 5th- September 6th
We host multiple rounds of judging, after all, we receive thousands of nominations! The finalists are selected in one of two ways.
First, the top three endorsed nominees within a WEGO Health Award category automatically move on as finalists. The subsequent two finalists in each category are selected by our judging panelists. The judging panel is comprised of past award winners, foundations, organizations, award sponsors, and industry experts. Finalists will be selected based on their relevance to that particular award and the information provided in a nominee’s profile.
Once the top five finalists in each WEGO Health Award category have been selected, we’ll announce the finalists on our blog and then move into the second round of judging.
Top industry experts convene to review the five finalists in each category based on their use of social media, their fit for the award for which they’ve been nominated, and how effectively they engage their online community. Judges score individually, and then WEGO Health tallies these scores to identify the winners. No one knows the winners until we make the announcement at our annual WEGO Health Awards Online Ceremony.
Note: A nominee’s community size (number of fans, followers, readers, members, etc.) will not be considered. The nominee is judged based on their content and fit for the award category.
I want to be a judge for the WEGO Health Awards. How can I do that?
If you’re interested in participating, please email us at [email protected] with the subject line ‘Be a Judge’ for additional details.
Can judges be nominees or WEGO Health Award winners?
We do allow those who were nominated to participate in the judging process. However, if a judge is nominated for a certain award, they are not allowed to judge that category. We also give the judge the option to either remove themselves from the running or give up their judge’s spot.
How do you pick your judges?
We have many Patient Leaders, patients, caregivers, industry leaders, previous winners, finalists and Patient Leader Network members who connect with us throughout the year. Many of them express interest in being involved with the WEGO Health Awards. The WEGO Health team compiles a list of those enthusiasts throughout the year and connects with each before our WEGO Health Awards season. We then chat about the details, time commitment, and what is expected of the judges. Once they confirm they would like to officially participate, they are in. WEGO Health also hires a Judging Ambassador to help us confirm and work with these judges.
How do you score the nominees? What criteria do judges use when selecting semi-finalists, finalists, and winners?
Judges score nominees on the following criteria: • Fit for the Award | How well does this person fit the category they are nominated for? (i.e. if they are nominated for Rookie of the Year, have they only recently started their advocacy journey?) • Use of Social Media | How well does this Patient Leader use social media for their activism? Are they active, engaged, and responsive on their networks? Are they a power user of social media and active on multiple profiles? • Focus on sharing of information and overall engagement | How well does this Patient Leader balance sharing of their own content with the sharing of others’ content and information?
September – October
Our celebration will span two ceremonies allowing as many Patient Leaders as possible to take part!
We will host a virtual ceremony September 18th – 20th, 2019, during which we will announce the winners within each category. This ceremony will be held on the WEGO Health’s social channels. Announcements will be made on Facebook, with activities and chats occurring on both Twitter and Instagram.
Winners will be awarded an AMAZING WEGO Health prize pack valued at over $7,000.
Then in October, winners will be invited to an in-person celebration at the HLTH Conference October 27th – 30th, 2019, at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.
This year we’re ecstatic to announce the WEGO Health Awards partnership with HLTH – the largest and most important conference for health innovation. Not only will our 2019 WEGO Health Award winners be honored during a presentation and reception at HLTH, but they will play an active role in contributing insights during the conference.
Prize Pack valued at $7,000
Airfare and accommodations to the HLTH Conference in Las Vegas, NV
WEGO Health Awards presentation & reception at the HLTH Conference
Personalized WEGO Health Awards plaque
Opportunity to share your patient expertise on patient panels, roundtables and Table Talks with other industry leaders at the HLTH Conference
Participate as social media ambassadors in the lead up to the conference and then live during the event
Position as compensated 2020 WEGO Health Patient Leader Advisory Board member
More questions? Please feel free to refer to the WEGO Health Awards FAQ Page.
The post How The WEGO Health Awards Work appeared first on WEGO Health.
How The WEGO Health Awards Work published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
0 notes
edsenger · 5 years
How The WEGO Health Awards Work
Originally coined the “WEGO Health Activist Awards,” the WEGO Health Awards were created to embody the mission of WEGO Health: To empower Patient Leaders. We connect with countless patient advocates, influencers, and healthcare collaborators who are helping others and transforming healthcare – often without any formal recognition.
Since its inception in 2011, the WEGO Health Awards have proven to be one of the best ways to connect the healthcare industry with top patient influencers. The WEGO Health Awards offer a way to introduce new Patient Leaders to the online community and to allow network members the opportunity to recognize and say “thank you” to the leaders they look up to.
Considering the WEGO Health Patient Leader Network is centered around these healthcare transformers, we knew it was up to us to celebrate their accomplishments. From this need to celebrate the Leaders who make a difference, the WEGO Health Awards were born.
The WEGO Health Awards can be broken into the following phases:
June 3rd – June 30th
The nomination period is currently open! We want to make sure all the Patient Leaders out there get recognized, so nominations will remain open until June 30th. 
Please note there are no endorsements during the initial nominations period (June 3rd-June 30th). Instead, feel free to retweet your nomination and share your achievement with your readers/followers. This will encourage your audience to visit the WEGO Health Awards page and potentially nominate you for multiple categories or leave a testimony on your public Awards profile. By spreading the word about the WEGO Health Awards program, we can build a better community for our members. The stronger the online health community, the stronger the patient’s voice!
Please note each nomination is manually reviewed and approved by our team to ensure the integrity of the program. Please allow 1-3 business days for the nomination to process. We will then contact the nominee to alert them of their nomination and invite them to create a WEGO Health Awards profile for our nominee directory. Not providing an email address for the nominee will delay the notification process.
Who should be nominated? Who can win a WEGO Health Award?
Anyone who is an active and leading member of an online community, and making a difference in healthcare, is eligible to be nominated. He or she should provide the community with valuable information and support to make a difference for other patients and caregivers. Nominees for an individual social channel award must have a presence on that particular social channel, of course. Think about the advocates and influencers you see leading Facebook groups, blogging about their health journey, speaking up and giving insights to healthcare companies, presenting on national stages, and running Twitter chats. Patient Leaders have started non-profits, published podcast episodes, and authored books–there is no shortage of Patient Leaders’ contributions to the world, so let’s recognize as many of them as we can for their talents, contributions, and commitment.
How did you come up with the categories? Can I only use those to nominate someone?
The WEGO Health Awards were created based on Patient Leader feedback and the same is true of the categories we use. They might change a bit each year, but they’re created with you and your community in mind. We’ll only be selecting winners for the categories listed in our nomination form, but we’re always open to suggestions.
How do I nominate someone?
Go to our WEGO Health Awards nominations page to get started. Tell us who you want to recognize, where you follow them online, and the WEGO Health Award you think they should win. Once you’re finished nominating your favorite Patient Leader, feel free to share that nomination with your community or send a tweet with the hashtag #WEGOHealthAwards. And be sure to nominate early and often; we want to recognize as many Patient Leaders as possible.
Can I nominate myself?
Of course. We hope you’ll reach out to your community and ask them to nominate their favorite members of the online health world – and that includes you! However, you’re more than welcome to nominate yourself as part of the process. Be sure to take a moment and recognize any of the great leaders that help you on a daily basis as well.
How will I know if I am nominated?
Each nominee will be notified via email and social media (as applicable) and will be given the chance to complete a unique Nominee Profile with additional information about themselves and their advocacy. Visitors will be able to see all of our nominees – and endorse them during the endorsements phase – in the WEGO Health Nominee Directory.
July 1st – July 28th
Endorsements are a way to give nominees a visual show of support. During this period, each nominee will receive an Endorsement badge to post on their blogs.
The three nominees in each WEGO Health Award category with the highest number of endorsements automatically become finalists. So make sure your readers/followers know to endorse you – tweet it, post it, email it, blog it- just get it out there (and make sure to tag us, nothing makes us happier than some social media love).
What is an endorsement?
An endorsement is a way to give nominees a visual show of support. The endorsement button is on each nominee’s profile and you can also see the number of endorsements that each nominee has received. The three nominees with the highest number of endorsements will automatically become part of the five finalists for that award category.
What happens when I endorse a nominee? Is it the same as voting?
Endorsements were created to give network members a chance to participate in the WEGO Health Awards. Think of it as a way to give a shout-out or virtual hug to your favorite Patient Leaders. In response to feedback from the community, the endorsement process helps select top Patient Leaders to move on to the finalist round. The three most endorsed nominees in each WEGO Health Award category will automatically become a finalist. There are five finalists within each category and the final award winner is selected by our panel of distinguished judges. So, if you are nominated for an award, make sure you ask your friends, family, and community members to take a moment to endorse your efforts.
Can I endorse more than one person?
While you can only endorse each person’s Nominee Profile once, you can endorse as many people as you like. If you want to spread the love and endorse others, feel free to do so.
Do likes/tweets count as endorsements?
While showing your support through Facebook likes or tweets is appreciated by the nominees, we will not be counting that form of social media support towards endorsements.
Can I still become a finalist if I do not get a high number of endorsements?
Yes. While the three nominees with the highest endorsement numbers in each category will automatically become finalists, the rest of the finalists will be determined by our judging panelists through numerous additional factors aside from endorsements. This occurs within the first round of our judging process.
August 5th- September 6th
We host multiple rounds of judging, after all, we receive thousands of nominations! The finalists are selected in one of two ways.
First, the top three endorsed nominees within a WEGO Health Award category automatically move on as finalists. The subsequent two finalists in each category are selected by our judging panelists. The judging panel is comprised of past award winners, foundations, organizations, award sponsors, and industry experts. Finalists will be selected based on their relevance to that particular award and the information provided in a nominee’s profile.
Once the top five finalists in each WEGO Health Award category have been selected, we’ll announce the finalists on our blog and then move into the second round of judging.
Top industry experts convene to review the five finalists in each category based on their use of social media, their fit for the award for which they’ve been nominated, and how effectively they engage their online community. Judges score individually, and then WEGO Health tallies these scores to identify the winners. No one knows the winners until we make the announcement at our annual WEGO Health Awards Online Ceremony.
Note: A nominee’s community size (number of fans, followers, readers, members, etc.) will not be considered. The nominee is judged based on their content and fit for the award category.
I want to be a judge for the WEGO Health Awards. How can I do that?
If you’re interested in participating, please email us at [email protected] with the subject line ‘Be a Judge’ for additional details.
Can judges be nominees or WEGO Health Award winners?
We do allow those who were nominated to participate in the judging process. However, if a judge is nominated for a certain award, they are not allowed to judge that category. We also give the judge the option to either remove themselves from the running or give up their judge’s spot.
How do you pick your judges?
We have many Patient Leaders, patients, caregivers, industry leaders, previous winners, finalists and Patient Leader Network members who connect with us throughout the year. Many of them express interest in being involved with the WEGO Health Awards. The WEGO Health team compiles a list of those enthusiasts throughout the year and connects with each before our WEGO Health Awards season. We then chat about the details, time commitment, and what is expected of the judges. Once they confirm they would like to officially participate, they are in. WEGO Health also hires a Judging Ambassador to help us confirm and work with these judges.
How do you score the nominees? What criteria do judges use when selecting semi-finalists, finalists, and winners?
Judges score nominees on the following criteria: • Fit for the Award | How well does this person fit the category they are nominated for? (i.e. if they are nominated for Rookie of the Year, have they only recently started their advocacy journey?) • Use of Social Media | How well does this Patient Leader use social media for their activism? Are they active, engaged, and responsive on their networks? Are they a power user of social media and active on multiple profiles? • Focus on sharing of information and overall engagement | How well does this Patient Leader balance sharing of their own content with the sharing of others’ content and information?
September – October
Our celebration will span two ceremonies allowing as many Patient Leaders as possible to take part!
We will host a virtual ceremony September 18th – 20th, 2019, during which we will announce the winners within each category. This ceremony will be held on the WEGO Health’s social channels. Announcements will be made on Facebook, with activities and chats occurring on both Twitter and Instagram.
Winners will be awarded an AMAZING WEGO Health prize pack valued at over $7,000.
Then in October, winners will be invited to an in-person celebration at the HLTH Conference October 27th – 30th, 2019, at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.
This year we’re ecstatic to announce the WEGO Health Awards partnership with HLTH – the largest and most important conference for health innovation. Not only will our 2019 WEGO Health Award winners be honored during a presentation and reception at HLTH, but they will play an active role in contributing insights during the conference.
Prize Pack valued at $7,000
Airfare and accommodations to the HLTH Conference in Las Vegas, NV
WEGO Health Awards presentation & reception at the HLTH Conference
Personalized WEGO Health Awards plaque
Opportunity to share your patient expertise on patient panels, roundtables and Table Talks with other industry leaders at the HLTH Conference
Participate as social media ambassadors in the lead up to the conference and then live during the event
Position as compensated 2020 WEGO Health Patient Leader Advisory Board member
More questions? Please feel free to refer to the WEGO Health Awards FAQ Page.
The post How The WEGO Health Awards Work appeared first on WEGO Health.
How The WEGO Health Awards Work published first on https://brightendentalhouston.weebly.com/
0 notes
lauramalchowblog · 5 years
How The WEGO Health Awards Work
Originally coined the “WEGO Health Activist Awards,” the WEGO Health Awards were created to embody the mission of WEGO Health: To empower Patient Leaders. We connect with countless patient advocates, influencers, and healthcare collaborators who are helping others and transforming healthcare – often without any formal recognition.
Since its inception in 2011, the WEGO Health Awards have proven to be one of the best ways to connect the healthcare industry with top patient influencers. The WEGO Health Awards offer a way to introduce new Patient Leaders to the online community and to allow network members the opportunity to recognize and say “thank you” to the leaders they look up to.
Considering the WEGO Health Patient Leader Network is centered around these healthcare transformers, we knew it was up to us to celebrate their accomplishments. From this need to celebrate the Leaders who make a difference, the WEGO Health Awards were born.
The WEGO Health Awards can be broken into the following phases:
June 3rd – June 30th
The nomination period is currently open! We want to make sure all the Patient Leaders out there get recognized, so nominations will remain open until June 30th. 
Please note there are no endorsements during the initial nominations period (June 3rd-June 30th). Instead, feel free to retweet your nomination and share your achievement with your readers/followers. This will encourage your audience to visit the WEGO Health Awards page and potentially nominate you for multiple categories or leave a testimony on your public Awards profile. By spreading the word about the WEGO Health Awards program, we can build a better community for our members. The stronger the online health community, the stronger the patient’s voice!
Please note each nomination is manually reviewed and approved by our team to ensure the integrity of the program. Please allow 1-3 business days for the nomination to process. We will then contact the nominee to alert them of their nomination and invite them to create a WEGO Health Awards profile for our nominee directory. Not providing an email address for the nominee will delay the notification process.
Who should be nominated? Who can win a WEGO Health Award?
Anyone who is an active and leading member of an online community, and making a difference in healthcare, is eligible to be nominated. He or she should provide the community with valuable information and support to make a difference for other patients and caregivers. Nominees for an individual social channel award must have a presence on that particular social channel, of course. Think about the advocates and influencers you see leading Facebook groups, blogging about their health journey, speaking up and giving insights to healthcare companies, presenting on national stages, and running Twitter chats. Patient Leaders have started non-profits, published podcast episodes, and authored books–there is no shortage of Patient Leaders’ contributions to the world, so let’s recognize as many of them as we can for their talents, contributions, and commitment.
How did you come up with the categories? Can I only use those to nominate someone?
The WEGO Health Awards were created based on Patient Leader feedback and the same is true of the categories we use. They might change a bit each year, but they’re created with you and your community in mind. We’ll only be selecting winners for the categories listed in our nomination form, but we’re always open to suggestions.
How do I nominate someone?
Go to our WEGO Health Awards nominations page to get started. Tell us who you want to recognize, where you follow them online, and the WEGO Health Award you think they should win. Once you’re finished nominating your favorite Patient Leader, feel free to share that nomination with your community or send a tweet with the hashtag #WEGOHealthAwards. And be sure to nominate early and often; we want to recognize as many Patient Leaders as possible.
Can I nominate myself?
Of course. We hope you’ll reach out to your community and ask them to nominate their favorite members of the online health world – and that includes you! However, you’re more than welcome to nominate yourself as part of the process. Be sure to take a moment and recognize any of the great leaders that help you on a daily basis as well.
How will I know if I am nominated?
Each nominee will be notified via email and social media (as applicable) and will be given the chance to complete a unique Nominee Profile with additional information about themselves and their advocacy. Visitors will be able to see all of our nominees – and endorse them during the endorsements phase – in the WEGO Health Nominee Directory.
July 1st – July 28th
Endorsements are a way to give nominees a visual show of support. During this period, each nominee will receive an Endorsement badge to post on their blogs.
The three nominees in each WEGO Health Award category with the highest number of endorsements automatically become finalists. So make sure your readers/followers know to endorse you – tweet it, post it, email it, blog it- just get it out there (and make sure to tag us, nothing makes us happier than some social media love).
What is an endorsement?
An endorsement is a way to give nominees a visual show of support. The endorsement button is on each nominee’s profile and you can also see the number of endorsements that each nominee has received. The three nominees with the highest number of endorsements will automatically become part of the five finalists for that award category.
What happens when I endorse a nominee? Is it the same as voting?
Endorsements were created to give network members a chance to participate in the WEGO Health Awards. Think of it as a way to give a shout-out or virtual hug to your favorite Patient Leaders. In response to feedback from the community, the endorsement process helps select top Patient Leaders to move on to the finalist round. The three most endorsed nominees in each WEGO Health Award category will automatically become a finalist. There are five finalists within each category and the final award winner is selected by our panel of distinguished judges. So, if you are nominated for an award, make sure you ask your friends, family, and community members to take a moment to endorse your efforts.
Can I endorse more than one person?
While you can only endorse each person’s Nominee Profile once, you can endorse as many people as you like. If you want to spread the love and endorse others, feel free to do so.
Do likes/tweets count as endorsements?
While showing your support through Facebook likes or tweets is appreciated by the nominees, we will not be counting that form of social media support towards endorsements.
Can I still become a finalist if I do not get a high number of endorsements?
Yes. While the three nominees with the highest endorsement numbers in each category will automatically become finalists, the rest of the finalists will be determined by our judging panelists through numerous additional factors aside from endorsements. This occurs within the first round of our judging process.
August 5th- September 6th
We host multiple rounds of judging, after all, we receive thousands of nominations! The finalists are selected in one of two ways.
First, the top three endorsed nominees within a WEGO Health Award category automatically move on as finalists. The subsequent two finalists in each category are selected by our judging panelists. The judging panel is comprised of past award winners, foundations, organizations, award sponsors, and industry experts. Finalists will be selected based on their relevance to that particular award and the information provided in a nominee’s profile.
Once the top five finalists in each WEGO Health Award category have been selected, we’ll announce the finalists on our blog and then move into the second round of judging.
Top industry experts convene to review the five finalists in each category based on their use of social media, their fit for the award for which they’ve been nominated, and how effectively they engage their online community. Judges score individually, and then WEGO Health tallies these scores to identify the winners. No one knows the winners until we make the announcement at our annual WEGO Health Awards Online Ceremony.
Note: A nominee’s community size (number of fans, followers, readers, members, etc.) will not be considered. The nominee is judged based on their content and fit for the award category.
I want to be a judge for the WEGO Health Awards. How can I do that?
If you’re interested in participating, please email us at [email protected] with the subject line ‘Be a Judge’ for additional details.
Can judges be nominees or WEGO Health Award winners?
We do allow those who were nominated to participate in the judging process. However, if a judge is nominated for a certain award, they are not allowed to judge that category. We also give the judge the option to either remove themselves from the running or give up their judge’s spot.
How do you pick your judges?
We have many Patient Leaders, patients, caregivers, industry leaders, previous winners, finalists and Patient Leader Network members who connect with us throughout the year. Many of them express interest in being involved with the WEGO Health Awards. The WEGO Health team compiles a list of those enthusiasts throughout the year and connects with each before our WEGO Health Awards season. We then chat about the details, time commitment, and what is expected of the judges. Once they confirm they would like to officially participate, they are in. WEGO Health also hires a Judging Ambassador to help us confirm and work with these judges.
How do you score the nominees? What criteria do judges use when selecting semi-finalists, finalists, and winners?
Judges score nominees on the following criteria: • Fit for the Award | How well does this person fit the category they are nominated for? (i.e. if they are nominated for Rookie of the Year, have they only recently started their advocacy journey?) • Use of Social Media | How well does this Patient Leader use social media for their activism? Are they active, engaged, and responsive on their networks? Are they a power user of social media and active on multiple profiles? • Focus on sharing of information and overall engagement | How well does this Patient Leader balance sharing of their own content with the sharing of others’ content and information?
September – October
Our celebration will span two ceremonies allowing as many Patient Leaders as possible to take part!
We will host a virtual ceremony September 18th – 20th, 2019, during which we will announce the winners within each category. This ceremony will be held on the WEGO Health’s social channels. Announcements will be made on Facebook, with activities and chats occurring on both Twitter and Instagram.
Winners will be awarded an AMAZING WEGO Health prize pack valued at over $7,000.
Then in October, winners will be invited to an in-person celebration at the HLTH Conference October 27th – 30th, 2019, at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.
This year we’re ecstatic to announce the WEGO Health Awards partnership with HLTH – the largest and most important conference for health innovation. Not only will our 2019 WEGO Health Award winners be honored during a presentation and reception at HLTH, but they will play an active role in contributing insights during the conference.
Prize Pack valued at $7,000
Airfare and accommodations to the HLTH Conference in Las Vegas, NV
WEGO Health Awards presentation & reception at the HLTH Conference
Personalized WEGO Health Awards plaque
Opportunity to share your patient expertise on patient panels, roundtables and Table Talks with other industry leaders at the HLTH Conference
Participate as social media ambassadors in the lead up to the conference and then live during the event
Position as compensated 2020 WEGO Health Patient Leader Advisory Board member
More questions? Please feel free to refer to the WEGO Health Awards FAQ Page.
The post How The WEGO Health Awards Work appeared first on WEGO Health.
How The WEGO Health Awards Work published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
0 notes
jesseneufeld · 5 years
How The WEGO Health Awards Work
Originally coined the “WEGO Health Activist Awards,” the WEGO Health Awards were created to embody the mission of WEGO Health: To empower Patient Leaders. We connect with countless patient advocates, influencers, and healthcare collaborators who are helping others and transforming healthcare – often without any formal recognition.
Since its inception in 2011, the WEGO Health Awards have proven to be one of the best ways to connect the healthcare industry with top patient influencers. The WEGO Health Awards offer a way to introduce new Patient Leaders to the online community and to allow network members the opportunity to recognize and say “thank you” to the leaders they look up to.
Considering the WEGO Health Patient Leader Network is centered around these healthcare transformers, we knew it was up to us to celebrate their accomplishments. From this need to celebrate the Leaders who make a difference, the WEGO Health Awards were born.
The WEGO Health Awards can be broken into the following phases:
June 3rd – June 30th
The nomination period is currently open! We want to make sure all the Patient Leaders out there get recognized, so nominations will remain open until June 30th. 
Please note there are no endorsements during the initial nominations period (June 3rd-June 30th). Instead, feel free to retweet your nomination and share your achievement with your readers/followers. This will encourage your audience to visit the WEGO Health Awards page and potentially nominate you for multiple categories or leave a testimony on your public Awards profile. By spreading the word about the WEGO Health Awards program, we can build a better community for our members. The stronger the online health community, the stronger the patient’s voice!
Please note each nomination is manually reviewed and approved by our team to ensure the integrity of the program. Please allow 1-3 business days for the nomination to process. We will then contact the nominee to alert them of their nomination and invite them to create a WEGO Health Awards profile for our nominee directory. Not providing an email address for the nominee will delay the notification process.
Who should be nominated? Who can win a WEGO Health Award?
Anyone who is an active and leading member of an online community, and making a difference in healthcare, is eligible to be nominated. He or she should provide the community with valuable information and support to make a difference for other patients and caregivers. Nominees for an individual social channel award must have a presence on that particular social channel, of course. Think about the advocates and influencers you see leading Facebook groups, blogging about their health journey, speaking up and giving insights to healthcare companies, presenting on national stages, and running Twitter chats. Patient Leaders have started non-profits, published podcast episodes, and authored books–there is no shortage of Patient Leaders’ contributions to the world, so let’s recognize as many of them as we can for their talents, contributions, and commitment.
How did you come up with the categories? Can I only use those to nominate someone?
The WEGO Health Awards were created based on Patient Leader feedback and the same is true of the categories we use. They might change a bit each year, but they’re created with you and your community in mind. We’ll only be selecting winners for the categories listed in our nomination form, but we’re always open to suggestions.
How do I nominate someone?
Go to our WEGO Health Awards nominations page to get started. Tell us who you want to recognize, where you follow them online, and the WEGO Health Award you think they should win. Once you’re finished nominating your favorite Patient Leader, feel free to share that nomination with your community or send a tweet with the hashtag #WEGOHealthAwards. And be sure to nominate early and often; we want to recognize as many Patient Leaders as possible.
Can I nominate myself?
Of course. We hope you’ll reach out to your community and ask them to nominate their favorite members of the online health world – and that includes you! However, you’re more than welcome to nominate yourself as part of the process. Be sure to take a moment and recognize any of the great leaders that help you on a daily basis as well.
How will I know if I am nominated?
Each nominee will be notified via email and social media (as applicable) and will be given the chance to complete a unique Nominee Profile with additional information about themselves and their advocacy. Visitors will be able to see all of our nominees – and endorse them during the endorsements phase – in the WEGO Health Nominee Directory.
July 1st – July 28th
Endorsements are a way to give nominees a visual show of support. During this period, each nominee will receive an Endorsement badge to post on their blogs.
The three nominees in each WEGO Health Award category with the highest number of endorsements automatically become finalists. So make sure your readers/followers know to endorse you – tweet it, post it, email it, blog it- just get it out there (and make sure to tag us, nothing makes us happier than some social media love).
What is an endorsement?
An endorsement is a way to give nominees a visual show of support. The endorsement button is on each nominee’s profile and you can also see the number of endorsements that each nominee has received. The three nominees with the highest number of endorsements will automatically become part of the five finalists for that award category.
What happens when I endorse a nominee? Is it the same as voting?
Endorsements were created to give network members a chance to participate in the WEGO Health Awards. Think of it as a way to give a shout-out or virtual hug to your favorite Patient Leaders. In response to feedback from the community, the endorsement process helps select top Patient Leaders to move on to the finalist round. The three most endorsed nominees in each WEGO Health Award category will automatically become a finalist. There are five finalists within each category and the final award winner is selected by our panel of distinguished judges. So, if you are nominated for an award, make sure you ask your friends, family, and community members to take a moment to endorse your efforts.
Can I endorse more than one person?
While you can only endorse each person’s Nominee Profile once, you can endorse as many people as you like. If you want to spread the love and endorse others, feel free to do so.
Do likes/tweets count as endorsements?
While showing your support through Facebook likes or tweets is appreciated by the nominees, we will not be counting that form of social media support towards endorsements.
Can I still become a finalist if I do not get a high number of endorsements?
Yes. While the three nominees with the highest endorsement numbers in each category will automatically become finalists, the rest of the finalists will be determined by our judging panelists through numerous additional factors aside from endorsements. This occurs within the first round of our judging process.
August 5th- September 6th
We host multiple rounds of judging, after all, we receive thousands of nominations! The finalists are selected in one of two ways.
First, the top three endorsed nominees within a WEGO Health Award category automatically move on as finalists. The subsequent two finalists in each category are selected by our judging panelists. The judging panel is comprised of past award winners, foundations, organizations, award sponsors, and industry experts. Finalists will be selected based on their relevance to that particular award and the information provided in a nominee’s profile.
Once the top five finalists in each WEGO Health Award category have been selected, we’ll announce the finalists on our blog and then move into the second round of judging.
Top industry experts convene to review the five finalists in each category based on their use of social media, their fit for the award for which they’ve been nominated, and how effectively they engage their online community. Judges score individually, and then WEGO Health tallies these scores to identify the winners. No one knows the winners until we make the announcement at our annual WEGO Health Awards Online Ceremony.
Note: A nominee’s community size (number of fans, followers, readers, members, etc.) will not be considered. The nominee is judged based on their content and fit for the award category.
I want to be a judge for the WEGO Health Awards. How can I do that?
If you’re interested in participating, please email us at [email protected] with the subject line ‘Be a Judge’ for additional details.
Can judges be nominees or WEGO Health Award winners?
We do allow those who were nominated to participate in the judging process. However, if a judge is nominated for a certain award, they are not allowed to judge that category. We also give the judge the option to either remove themselves from the running or give up their judge’s spot.
How do you pick your judges?
We have many Patient Leaders, patients, caregivers, industry leaders, previous winners, finalists and Patient Leader Network members who connect with us throughout the year. Many of them express interest in being involved with the WEGO Health Awards. The WEGO Health team compiles a list of those enthusiasts throughout the year and connects with each before our WEGO Health Awards season. We then chat about the details, time commitment, and what is expected of the judges. Once they confirm they would like to officially participate, they are in. WEGO Health also hires a Judging Ambassador to help us confirm and work with these judges.
How do you score the nominees? What criteria do judges use when selecting semi-finalists, finalists, and winners?
Judges score nominees on the following criteria: • Fit for the Award | How well does this person fit the category they are nominated for? (i.e. if they are nominated for Rookie of the Year, have they only recently started their advocacy journey?) • Use of Social Media | How well does this Patient Leader use social media for their activism? Are they active, engaged, and responsive on their networks? Are they a power user of social media and active on multiple profiles? • Focus on sharing of information and overall engagement | How well does this Patient Leader balance sharing of their own content with the sharing of others’ content and information?
September – October
Our celebration will span two ceremonies allowing as many Patient Leaders as possible to take part!
We will host a virtual ceremony September 18th – 20th, 2019, during which we will announce the winners within each category. This ceremony will be held on the WEGO Health’s social channels. Announcements will be made on Facebook, with activities and chats occurring on both Twitter and Instagram.
Winners will be awarded an AMAZING WEGO Health prize pack valued at over $7,000.
Then in October, winners will be invited to an in-person celebration at the HLTH Conference October 27th – 30th, 2019, at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.
This year we’re ecstatic to announce the WEGO Health Awards partnership with HLTH – the largest and most important conference for health innovation. Not only will our 2019 WEGO Health Award winners be honored during a presentation and reception at HLTH, but they will play an active role in contributing insights during the conference.
Prize Pack valued at $7,000
Airfare and accommodations to the HLTH Conference in Las Vegas, NV
WEGO Health Awards presentation & reception at the HLTH Conference
Personalized WEGO Health Awards plaque
Opportunity to share your patient expertise on patient panels, roundtables and Table Talks with other industry leaders at the HLTH Conference
Participate as social media ambassadors in the lead up to the conference and then live during the event
Position as compensated 2020 WEGO Health Patient Leader Advisory Board member
More questions? Please feel free to refer to the WEGO Health Awards FAQ Page.
The post How The WEGO Health Awards Work appeared first on WEGO Health.
How The WEGO Health Awards Work published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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