#playing on the portable playstation in a living room where there could also be a full ps3 set up is also delightful
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thesims4blogger · 6 years ago
The Sims 4 on Xbox & PlayStation 4: New Game Patch (July 16th, 2019)
There’s a Sims 4 update available for players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
Update: 07/16/2019 – v1.16
It seems like only yesterday when we added Mouse & Keyboard support to The Sims 4 but that hasn’t stopped us from making improvements based on your feedback while preparing for Island Living. The team has also been hard at work on new features and have addressed some long standing issues so let’s dig in, starting with the new stuff.
New Console Features
Mouse & Keyboard can now be used to bypass the “Press START” screen rather than requiring a controller to get to the Main Menu. That means you can start and finish your Simming session using the control scheme you prefer. Now, where’s the any key?
I’m on a boat… Oh I’m not?!?! Seems that going into First Person view didn’t agree with all Simmers and left some feeling a little ill. Worry not, head to Options > Game Camera and Disable First Person Head Bob for that more on rails feel while you are inside your Sims’ heads.
When entering cheats, Sims would continue their day as if they didn’t have a care in the world. Using a controller, adding cheats could take most of a Sim day if you were unlucky. Now, when entering cheats, the game will pause letting you add all the cheats you want without missing a second of Sim life.
Randomize Traits Button
We all get creative block sometimes, other times we just look for a challenge. Whatever your approach you can now hit the Randomize Traits button in CAS to get a set of traits you might not usually pick for your Sim. Will your Sim be a Jealous, Lazy Goofball or a Genius, Slob who Hates Children? Let the dice decide.
Lounge Chair
Everyone (even you) gets a FREE LOUNGE CHAIR! That’s right, we’ve added a delightfully Portable Lounge Chair, so you can now lounge by the pool they way you’ve always wanted and you don’t even need to wake at the crack of dawn to put your towel down.
Pride Content
Created in partnership with the It Gets Better Project you can show your pride with some fantastically colorful new clothing. From the rainbow leggings to the body suit and new t-shirts your Sim can show their Pride. In addition, we’ve also included a selection of decorative Pride flags for hanging on your Sims’ walls. Finally, we’ve updated our bathroom door sets in-game so that every bathroom door also includes a gender-neutral version for builders, and includes a full suite of color swatches for mixing and matching to your heart’s content. Happy Pride Month everyone, even if we did get here a little late!
Stilt Foundations
Or as we like to call them, High Heels for your House. Or House Heels. These things don’t need to be limited to just the tropics. Stilts are a great partner in crime to terrain manipulated and flat lots, in any biosphere. You can find them in Build Mode alongside all the other regular Foundation types. Now go get your stilt on.
Further Eaves Extension
Now you can pull your Eaves… further.
Freelancer Career
Freelancer is a brand-new type of career. Sims can choose to be a Freelance Artist, Programmer, or Writer, and will work through an agency that will connect them with a variety of gigs. Unlike other careers, there’s no defined work schedule to worry yourself over. Need some extra Simoleons? Smash through a few gigs in a single day and get paid! Need some time off? No problem – plenty of gigs will be waiting for you when you’re ready to get back to work. Your office is wherever you want it to be. Perhaps a quiet corner in the local library, or maybe you’d prefer a home office decked out in the new set of office furniture? You’re your own boss, so the choice is yours! Completion of gigs across the different agencies will lead to a variety of rewards, and ever-increasing pay.
New Objects
This free set of home office furniture and decor is ideal for your burgeoning Freelancer Sims!
Bookcase: Edgier LadderCase
Desk: Anglette Desk
Desk Chair: The Professional
End Table: A Cute Anglette
Decor: Not So Simple Pen Holder
Decor: Hand Reference Model
Decor: Robo, The Friendly Circuitry Kit
Decor: The Note Book
Laptop: FreeRoam Portable Computing Device
Wall Decor: Better As A Pair Of Paintings
Wall Decor: Supreme Freelancer Award
Doors of many Colors
Knock knock! Who’s there? Color! Color who? 350 new color swatches spread across all of the doors. Yeah, maybe the future as a stand up comedian isn’t in my future after all.
New Lot Traits
Clothing Optional: This new venue-only lot trait will inspire your Sims to — you guessed it — get nude.
Off-The-Grid: Now you can live out your nomadic fantasy on any lot. Applying this lot trait will remove your Sim’s use of power and running water, but on the upside it keeps your bills down. Keep a lookout for existing objects with the “Works Off-The-Grid” note in the Buy Catalog.
New Clothing
Freelancers tend to want comfy, but professional outfits. We’ve got them covered with the following new pieces of clothing.
A cable knit cardigan outfit
A sweater and skirt outfit
A layered sweater
A pair of flats
A collared sweater
A button up shirt
A crewneck sweater
A pair of drawstring pants
Immaculate White Shelf
According to SimGuruGraham, Simmers really REALLY wanted a plain white version of “The Immaculate” shelf available in Buy Mode. Who are we to argue with what SimGuruGraham tells us?
More Toddler Diaper Colors
We added some L’il Swimmies Splashy Diapers! You don’t necessarily have to use them for splashing in the water, but that’s where our brains were at when we made them. We made these not only in anticipation for Island Living, but we also thought you’d appreciate more swimming options for your toddlers to use in the Seasons Kiddie Pool.
Back Float
A new Back Float interaction is available for Sims swimming in the pool. Select the water. Try it out. Take a load off.
Fishing Additions
Brace yourself, we’re about to cast you into a deep dive…
We added several new interactions to allow players to fish in different ways and interact with other Sims around fishing activities.
Sims can perform a few new Fishing-based socials to gain useful info (via UI TNS/Notebook) and push NPCs to Fish.
Fishing is now joinable.
Improved fishing interaction tuning and autonomy to make the interaction more efficient and fun.
Upper skill levels now provide more meaningful rewards, with new Interactions added to Fishing skill levels
New high skill cast interaction “Angle for Big Catch” increases chance of getting rarer fish.
New high-skill VFX visuals on Rare fishing spots.
Ability to now “Mentor Sims in Fishing.”
Fishing UI has improved information, including Notebook info with Bait information.
Tuning for fish that can be caught is unique per world & more fishing spots added to some of our previously shipped worlds.
New bait preference system applied to most existing fish that modify catch chances.
Ceiling Fan Updates
Ceiling Fans will now cool a room if you have Seasons and the fan is on. Oh yeah, speaking of which, we also added the ability to turn them On and Off. And while we were at it, we figured we’d make them dry off damp Sims too.
Ceiling Objects Build Sort
We also added a new Ceiling Objects Build sort category to make things like Fans easier to find.
Swimming Things
There is now a chance for interesting things to happen to your Sims while swimming, like getting a cramp or losing their suit (eek!). Swimming also now gives your Sims a boost in Fitness skill gain.
Part-Time Jobs Update
And last but not least (you still with me?) all existing Part-Time Jobs are no longer just for Teens. That’s right, now elders could work as Fast Food Employees. Young Adults could be Babysitters if they want. Why not? The Part-Time world is your oyster. Oh oh oh — and one last thing on that note: You can now have two Part-Time Jobs at once and pick between shifts. Wowee.
The green pulsing of the snap cursor would previously appear every 20-30 seconds for some players even if you were using a Mouse & Keyboard. That pulse is under control now, unless you are using snap cursor in which case you should expect to see it.
Rooms can now be resized with the Mouse & Keyboard control scheme.
Talking of Mouse & Keyboard, if you use them you can live drag objects now.
Simmers using a Mouse & Keyboard can now make use of edge scrolling. We had the option before but it didn’t work as you might have thought.
The Virtual Cursor may be virtual but it doesn’t mean it was meant to disappear after you came out of build mode.
Sims will travel to the correct venue when invited out to an event by a NPC Sim.
Fixed an issue where the UI would occasionally indicate that a Sim was at work, when they were actually at home, which would block access to the Sim’s inventory.
Sims will no longer receive random phone calls from other Sims between the hours of 8pm and 10am, allowing them to enjoy a full – and speedy – night’s sleep.
Fixed an issue where multiple music tracks could end up looping and playing simultaneously.
Expecting parents will once again be able to “Take Family Leave” via their phone to take time off from work.
Fixed an issue where a Sim who had cheated with another Sim romantically, were then unable to successfully propose to that Sim and get married.
Fixed an issue where Sims in the eSport Gamer branch of the Tech Guru career were not earning money when programming video games.
The Pick Up Serving Together interaction will no longer cause one of the Sims involved to fail to route to the food.
Fixed an issue where interactions on the Digitalistic Sketchpad object would disappear if a Sim’s actions were canceled while they were picking up the Digitalistic Sketchpad.
Updated the Digitalistic Sketchpad object so that creating paintings on it will satisfy Aspiration goals and work tasks that involve painting.
Fixed an issue with the Lin-Z Smart Speaker, where the interaction to hire a Gardener would remain unselectable, even when the home had a garden that needed tending.
Sims will now look at the Lin-Z Smart Speaker when speaking to it.
The “Pre-Owned Painter’s Easel”, that’s unlocked via the Painter career, will now provide an Inspirational emotional aura, instead of a Focused emotional aura.
Fixed an issue where staircases were not rendering properly while held by a mouse cursor.
Adjusted icons of Lunar New Year recipes to better display what food you’re looking at within an inventory.
The children’s Yin & Yang Necklace will no longer clip into their neck when wearing a shirt that’s tucked in.
The “CleanRoom” wall pattern, which was previously missing a name for its 5th color variant, has now had that specific color variant named “Like Sand”.
A new content alert icon has been added to individual careers within the Select a Career panel, to help players find new careers that have been added to their game.
“Shift clicking” with the controller (X and Circle (PlayStation 4) or A and B (Xbox One)) at the same time on the Age Up menu will no longer cause menus to overlap.
Note: If a save file created prior to this update contains a Sim that’s already in this bad state, simply traveling to another lot with that Sim will permanently fix this issue.
As far as I’m aware, this is the only instance in the game where a color variant has been given a unique name. Huh… neat!
Scientists will once again wear an appropriate outfit when going to work even if StrangerVille is not installed.
The “Chemical Analyzer” object can now be purchased from Build Mode without having to use a cheat.
Made updates to the list of valid objects that can be selected as the outcome of the SimRay’s “Transform Object” interaction.
Fixed an issue where objects from multiple festivals were appearing on top of each other in the neighborhood simultaneously.
Apartment landlords will now leave the apartment immediately after addressing a tenant’s complaint.
Added the ability for Sims with the Vegetarian trait to hire a Vegetarian Caterer by clicking on Stoves or Refrigerators.
Vegetarian Sims will no longer enjoy eating Mud Carp.
Fixed an issue where hungry pets would not eat from food bowls autonomously.
The pet toy box will no longer have its position rotated in a random direction when a Sim returns home from an active career.
Fixed an issue where the “Litter-Matic Scoop-Free” litterbox wasn’t looking clean after cat poop had been removed.
Fixed an issue with the Pet Adoption Agency, where they would occasionally show up at a Sim’s home without any pets to adopt, and would simply stand at the home’s front door and not do anything.
The Hide/Show filter now does as you’d expect while using the Simstagram pet interaction.
Fishing in Brindleton Bay shouldn’t have your Sim facing the wrong direction. No more fishing the land and wondering why the fish aren’t biting.
Updated the Gardening career so that Sims will earn more than 10 Simoleons per completed work shift.
Fixed an issue where on days where no holiday was set to occur, a Sim’s work schedule would update to falsely indicate that the day was a Holiday just prior to going to work, causing the Sim to stay home for the day.
Fixed an issue where NPC Sims were not autonomously using the skating rinks that appear in certain neighborhoods.
Toddlers will no longer attempt to queue up behavior to “Run Inside” during bad weather conditions if they’re already inside.
Fixed an issue where Sims voices could not be heard when Singing Together around a Holiday Tree if City Living was not installed.
You’ll now be able to cancel the Compel to Drink interaction after choosing to feed on a Scarecrow.
The Acting career task to “Get Into Hair and Makeup” can be successfully completed once again.
Fixed an issue where celebrity Sims who had been set to use their normal walkstyle were switching back to using the celebrity walkstyle after traveling to certain types of venues.
Three star celebrity Sims will no longer use the celebrity walkstyle.
Your Sims can now pester… er… visit, any campers of their choosing in Granite Falls.
Fixed an error where Sims would get stuck in the Forest Hideaway lot in Granite Falls.
Simmers who have City Living installed can now put the Siopao and Ensaymada dishes on their restaurant’s menu.
Grand Master Vampires know all, or so they thought. Now they can continue to earn points. Does that make them a Grand Grand Master?
Vampire NPCs shouldn’t get appear at a venue and prevent you from saving.
Vampire NPCs shouldn’t have their Vampire Energy drained after a load which allows them to continue with their expected autonomous behavior.
Sim Form!
The following environment objects, which were created for StrangerVille, have been added to the Build Mode debug catalog to allow placement on lots. Players must enter the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat before they can be seen in the catalog.
Added proper images to the Officer and Covert Operator branches of the Military career.
Removed the “Question about Spores in Lab” interaction for Sims who have already acquired the Modified Hazmat Suit.
Removed the “Heart of the Pack” styled look from Create a Sim, as it was authored using clothing that’s only available to Sims that have joined the Military career.
Updated the pack information panel on the main menu to not display world objects under the Build Mode Items.
10 different cacti
3 different Joshua trees
3 different RVs
2 clusters of rocks
2 junked cars
A group of desert flowers
A military truck
A tire
A parking stop
Holiday Celebration Pack
The Crown Roast platter will now show a partially eaten state when half of its servings have been taken.
PlayStation 4
Some makes of keyboard are extremely fancy with lots of features, one of those features appears to have been the ability to prevent the mouse from being used. We’ve made improvements in this area.
As usual, we have new creations which were created and shared by members of the Sims Community. You can find them in My Library.
There we are, a lot of changes to take us further into 2019. Now I’m off to get my Sims some sun, sea and fun in The Sims 4 Island Living.
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alexthegamingboy · 5 years ago
Toonami Weekly Recap 10/19/2019
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba EP#02 - Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki: Tanjiro continues to make his way to Mt. Sagiri, carrying Nezuko in a clothed straw basket on his back during the day. That night, they encounter a demon feeding in a temple, who attacks Tanjiro. Tanjiro barely manages to fend him off, but Nezuko manages to decapitate it with a kick. Tanjiro manages to pin the demon's head to the tree using his axe and pushes its still-alive body off a cliff. An old man with a tengu mask approaches the siblings and orders Tanjiro to kill it, but he hesitates until daybreak, where the sunlight burns the demon to ash. The man, revealed to be Urokodaki, worries that Tanjiro's kindness and weak resolve will be his undoing should he become a demon hunter, but nevertheless brings him and Nezuko to Mt. Sagiri. Urokodaki leaves the sleeping Nezuko in his cabin and brings Tanjiro to the peak of the mountain, ordering him to return by daybreak, as a test to see if he is fit to become a demon hunter. However, the test may not be as easy as it seems as the mountain road is filled with booby traps, greatly slowing his progress, coupled with the fact that the air is extremely thin. Tanjiro manages to use his keen sense of smell to detect the scent of the traps and evade most of them, allowing him to return just in time. Urokodaki recalls a letter sent by Giyū requesting that he train the siblings, and acknowledges Tanjiro.
One-Punch Man 2 EP#02 (14) - The Human Monster: During the meeting, Garou insults both the heroes and the villains, saying that he is on the side of monsters and declares everyone as his enemy. He beats up everyone using his martial arts skill except Sitch as a message to spread the word of Garou. Meanwhile, Saitama is at his house playing video games on the PlayStation Portable that he stole from King, while Genos is doing chores when Genos hears a knock on the door. Genos opens the door to see Speed O Sound Sonic trying to find Saitama to fight him. While Genos and Sonic fight someplace else, Fubuki, going by Hellish Blizzard, is the B-Class Rank 1 hero who tries to persuade Saitama to join her faction. Fubuki fails to convince Saitama, and orders her underlings to attack him, but Saitama easily beats them in one punch. Fubuki uses her psychic abilities to seemingly defeat Saitama, but Saitama remains unfazed from her attacks. He then berates her for surrounding herself with underlings, as she thinks that if she's surrounded by underlings she would be stronger. However, he tells her she would eventually face a villain that would be stronger than her and her underlings. Saitama proclaims that factions are useless, and warns the esper to never insult heroes ever again. Fubuki ignores his lecture and tries to attack him again, but Saitama sees Sonic and Genos fighting behind her and an imminent explosion. When the explosion clears, it is shown that Saitama saved Fubuki from the blast while remaining unscathed himself. During the scuffle, it seems that there is no clear winner as Sonic is too fast while Genos is way too durable. Genos tries to create a huge explosion which would knock out Sonic, but Saitama knocks Genos down, reminding him that if he made the explosion, it would have destroyed Saitama's apartment. Saitama then challenges Sonic, and hilariously counters Sonic's shadow clone move with Killer Move: Serious Series Sideway Jumps (by side jumping really fast). Sonic is shocked, and in the moment Sonic passes through the after images, he crashes to the ground, badly bruised and defeated, while Fubuki watches the whole thing in awe of Saitama’s ease of defeating such an obviously powerful opponent. Later in Saitama’s apartment, Fubuki reveals that she is the younger sister of Tatsumaki, S Class Hero Rank 2 known as Tornado of Terror. Due to Tatsumaki being overwhelmingly strong compared to her, Fubuki gathers underlings to be stronger. Genos asks why she doesn’t strive to be Class A Rank 1, but Fubuki says she can't because Amai Mask is Class A Rank 1, and he is too strong. Elsewhere, Amai Mask brutally kills a monster named Suppon, emphasizing her point. Fubuki also says that she would never be Rank Number 1. Fubuki tries to convince Saitama one last time to join her faction, but Saitama refuses. Before Fubuki could insult him, King arrives to retrieve his video game. Fubuki is shocked to be in King’s presence, while Saitama tries to explain that he accidentally destroyed the PSP as well as erased King's saved data. The Hero Association gives Saitama the hero name Caped Baldy because of his appearance, while Genos is named Demon Cyborg due to his aggressive attacks. In the closing scene, Garou defeats Tank Top Vegetarian in an alleyway.
Dr. Stone Kingdom of Science Arc EP#09 - Let There Be the Light of Science: During their ramen patronage, the gang are approached by Gen Asagiri, a magician from Senku's time, who had been sent by Tsukasa to confirm Senku's death but claims he will give a false report instead. Using the successfully completed iron, Senku takes advantage of a sudden thunderstorm to turn it into powerful magnets. While Gen uses his street magic to ward off a violent villager named Magma, the gang use the magnets to build a power generator which they manage to convince Kinro and Ginro to operate, leading to the reinvention of the lightbulb.
Fire Force EP#12 - Eve of Hostilities in Asakusa: The fire fighters, including Company 8, commence reconstruction of Asakusa following the destruction by Benimaru, and relations improve between the two companies. However, the White Hoods dupe Benimaru into believing that Obi and Hinawa are creating Infernals and he attacks them. Obi and Benimaru fight each other to a standstill, and Konro risks his life to stop Benimaru and forces him to listen to reason. As Koro recovers from his injuries, he tells the 8th the story of his injuries. He suffers from tephrosis, permanent damage inflicted his body, after he exceeded the limit of his pyrokenesis when he saved Benimaru from a powerful Infernal.
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma (Training Camp Arc) EP#15 - The Man Called "Carnage”: As the students make their way home, Shinomiya decides to return to France to make his restaurant the best in Paris, while the other alumni explain how the training camp also serves as a recruitment ground to determine potential for future employment. Soma ends up missing his bus and has to hitch a ride back to school with Erina, who explains the next event, the Autumn Festival. Returning to the Polar Star Dormitory, Soma is surprised to see his father, Joichiro, who is revealed to be an alumnus and former member of the Elite Ten who went by the name Jouchirou Saiba. As Joichiro treats the returning residents to a meal, Fumio explains that Joichiro and Dojima were once fellow Polar Star residents who were responsible for many of the luxuries the dorm has. It is also revealed that Erina has fond memories of Joichiro as well. Later that night, Joichiro tells Soma about his campus memories, filling him with more determination. The next morning, Joichiro challenges Soma to a cooking battle.
Lupin the 3rd Part 5 EP#18 - Fujiko's Souvenir: One day, Lupin finds his hotel room's toilet clogged. The resulting sanitary restriction, their need for secrecy, and Goemon's strict preference for Japanese cuisine creates friction among Lupin's gang, which is not helped when Fujiko unexpected appears, apparently let in by a drunk Lupin the previous night. While they wait for the plumber, Fujiko begins to act secretively about the bathroom, and they suspect one of her usual schemes against them. The situation becomes more complicated when a passing Zenigata is attracted by the smell of Goemon's cooking and pays a brief visit. In the end, it transpires that Fujiko had dropped by for a special anniversary between herself and Lupin, complete with a gift which she hid in the toilet's water tank, inadvertently causing the blockage.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#91 - Mereoleona vs. Rhya the Disloyal: Yuno learns from a defeated mage that the Midnight Sun is planning to be reborn into their true forms. Asta encounters a clone of himself causing confusion, until Mereoleona sets them both on fire, exposing Rhya as capable of using Copy magic to recreate the spells of other mages. He attempts to use Yami's Darkness magic but Mereoleona sets his spell on fire then punches him in the face. Elsewhere, Mereoleona's brother, Fuegoleon, appears to almost awaken from his coma. Mereoleona's power proves to be a match for Rhya's multiple magic's, even with his third eye activated. Zora reveals that Mereoleona spends most of her time living in the wilderness and has grown impossibly powerful by absorbing nature's magic. Furious, Rhya summons a copy of Asta's Demon Slayer Sword, but it is easily destroyed by Mereoleona as it was merely a copy of the sword and contained no Anti Magic. Mereoleona reveals she can use a powerful ability, Mana Zone, to completely control all the magic within a defined space, and annihilates Rhya, shocking Asta who knows from experience how powerful members of the Third Eye are. Elsewhere, Yuno's skill leads Mimosa to suspect Yuno is also capable of using Mana Zone. They follow the sound of a powerful heartbeat and find a mage floating within a sphere of light.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind will premiere its English Dub on Toonami this Saturday at 2:30 AM.
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
Ashton speaks to Luke + GQ interview
I was going to do this in different posts but after seeing both videos, I think there’s some points that they share, so I’m just doing one.
This post contains personal opinions and theories. Don’t take any of this as a confirmation of anything.
This post’s purpose is not to hate on anyone mentioned here but to share what I think.
I’m always up for discussion, while it’s done with respect to me but also about the people we’re talking about.
I’ll do a breakdown here about the main points I’ll be talking about so you can skip to whatever you prefer if you don’t want to read this whole post because it’s going to be long:
1. Ashton speaks to Luke EPISODE 1
2. 10 things 5 Seconds of summer can’t live without
3. Luke and his girlfriend and his dog
1. Ashton speaks to Luke EPISODE 1
> Summary: Luke and Ashton sit in what it seems to be an hotel room, Ashton asks Luke some questions and directs him through it. The video is in black and white and, by the gestures at the end of it, seems like Ashton recorded it on his Macbook.
> Highlights of it:
“The mission here is to [...] also spread the word through Europe where the band it’s at now. It’s important that we came here in person so people know we’re not sixteen anymore.” 
Luke talks about missing his house, where he feels like he can start every morning letting his creativeness flow, since he can sit on the piano or play guitar, but before that he casually mentions missing his girl and dog.
How travelling affects their (or at least Luke’s) creativity and workflow.
Ashton asks “all the sacrifices, that you know, being away all the time, is it worth it?” and Luke responds, after thinking and playing a beat with his fingers “mmm, yeah, I think so” and Ashton says “that’s the big question” and Luke laughs and says “yeah, I don’t know”.
> Why I can see this is a genuine thing:
If any of them wanted to pretend like he has a talk show, I would totally see Ashton as the one to point at.
The description is “Ashton and Luke talk about sacrifice, happiness, and Homelife”. Let me say that I adore Ashton, but he’s extra and I can see him trying to convey the topics in these words. It’s appealing and it makes you feel like they touch in depth topics that they... didn’t get to touch so deeply. We just scraped the surface of their true feelings about these topics. 
The fact that the video is in black and white (and goes with the mood of the video description) is something Ashton would do.
I can totally see Ashton being like “why don’t we do something special with this album?” and coming up with this idea. The fact that it says Episode 1 makes me think that he’ll interview the rest of the band and/or make more than one episode about each one of them. 
Maybe they want to show a “mature image” and thought this was a way of doing it so we can see a clear difference between cocktail chats and this.
> Why I think it’s a little bit weird or fishy:
I don’t know much about this, and I think I would prefer not to search in depth (because I don’t want to figure out how controlled they are), but I’m pretty sure their management (or social media managers) have a lot to say on the content they post on social media. With this being posted in such a big outlet for the band as youtube is (because people that aren’t fans are going to see that too if they look up the channel to search the song they heard on the radio, for example), I feel like this is probably one of the places where they are most controlling at. I truly believe this had approval from someone to be posted.
The fact that it’s so casual is weird. And yeah, you might be like: “wouldn’t that make it more genuine?” and yes, it could, but for me it’s just weird to think that Ashton just turned on his laptop and was like “hey Luke, here, I’m posting a video, let me interview you”, while that can happen, I feel like the way this truly happened was: Ashton had the idea ---> asked management if he could do that ---> they agreed but probably directed some of the topics and/or they had to approve the final result. It’s casual he uses his mac and he tries to clean up a little bit the background at the beginning, but apart from that, I feel like they both knew this was happening at some point.
> What I appreciated it about it: 
It was interesting to know Luke’s process to songwrite and how invested he is in music even when he’s not on tour. 
The fact that they were honest about their feelings and commented the ‘sacrifice’ their work means. 
> What called my attention:
I felt like Ashton was trying to direct Luke’s questions by bringing his own feelings into the whole thing, or at least at the end that was the case (when they talk about sacrifice). I don’t know if Ashton was talking about his own experience or was trying to get more out of that “mmm, yeah, I think so” because he might not feel that way, or he might know Luke doesn’t feel that way.
The mention of Luke’s girlfriend. But I’ll talk about it after talking about the GQ interview.
The fact that they keep bringing up the fact that they want to establish they aren’t teenagers anymore. They keep on doing that and I don’t know if they notice it, and also, I’m pretty sure Europe knows they aren’t teenagers anymore, it’s not like they haven’t been there since the self-titled album. They did a pretty important tour there last year showing their new image. 
Calling their job a sacrifice. And showing doubt to it being worth it. I don’t know if they’re trying to hint anything (whether is how they’re feeling, if there’s something up behind the scenes we don’t know about, etc.). I feel like this group has struggled a lot while on the music industry. They might be in a better place now, but being on a better place doesn’t erase what made you be on a bad place.
The fact that you can’t like or dislike de video. Maybe this is a sign that they are really trying to put themselves out there and don’t want this to be affected by that or that they don’t care about if people like it or not.
Ashton actually asked “What do you miss about home?” and Luke says “LA?” and I felt like (this is my take though) Ashton’s aim was getting him to talk about Australia and his family so it could get more personal. You can see him shrugging when he’s like “yeah, LA” (and his voice was a little high pitched so I don’t know much about this whole paraverbal/body language whole thing but I feel that those are some signs). Also, he said “home” and when Luke talks about LA he only refers to it as “I miss my house because blah, blah”.
2. 10 Things 5 Seconds of Summer can’t live without.
> Summary: It’s basically the title says.
> Hightlights/interesting parts from it:
Ashton: Finally we have an explanation to the polka dots shirts, suits and the gel. That’s it. I’m glad I finally understand the why behind all that. I’m not a really big fan of the gel or suits, but I can totally understand and respect his reasons on why to use it.
Calum: It was funny how he tried to avoid talking about girls (especially after the CK cologne explanation), and when he talked about the shirt and he was like ‘they’re like 10 dollars at target go and get one!!!’ sort of message. And then he showed the polaroid with his mom, and shared some insight about his life(even if it was a sneak peak). I thought it was sweet.
Luke: The playstation portable with his old games made me chuckle and the fact that he was so interested and kind of smiling fondly at it while talking about the games he has for it (and Michael saying that ridge racer sucks). Maybe it’s the vibe I got but I felt like he was remembering good things. Like sometimes I stumble upon things that were dear to me a few years back and it’s impossible to not remember things or where you were while you were using it, or buying it, etc. I also think that this time around the topic was a better choice from GQ since the last time he didn’t get to speak that much since he doesn’t have a tattoo. His phone part, I’ll talk about it in the next topic.
Michael: My favorite nerd. I feel like there’s an inside joke with Nicol Bolas, and I think I know why he tries not to laugh about it when he talks about the card (it’s such an “old” michael kind of joke if I’m right). I feel like the name is the reason on why it’s his fave, to be honest. Also loved that they other boys were like ‘well here’s my perfume and my clothes’ and he was like ‘look at my fucking thumb stick that is the coolest thing in the world’ and ‘Calum, I’ve got the first halo here’. He looks so invested on it it’s actually really nice.
While I thought it was nice to know this random stuff about them, maybe this was me, but I felt like they are struggling or they were sharing their struggles. I can’t point at the parts now (because I’ve been writing for a while and I don’t feel like going back) but I felt like this interview and the one on their channel really had this bits of them being a little tired/hesitant about their music direction/career. Maybe it’s my perception and if you’re interested I can go back and watch the whole thing closely to explain why, but I just got that feeling. 
3. Luke and his girlfriend and his dog.
(You know I had to name this point that way because I can’t stop myself from making dumb jokes that are too niche so problably a 0,01% of you will laugh at it).
Okay, so let me sum up all the times he has mentioned Sierra in past interviews in less than a month:
“Hate mail” on Elvis Duran (Jun, 4th)
I have a picture of my dog, and my girlfriend on Ryan Seacrest (May 23rd)
My background is a picture of me and my dog, and my girl on GQ (Jun, 18th)
"I miss my girl, I miss my dog” (Jun, 18th) 
I already gave an opinion on them, and why I’m neutral about if I think they’re real or not (you can check my post here), but after this, I’d also like to add this few points:
> Why I can see they’re real and if they’re real:
I mean, she’s on his lockscreen.
Luke is really private, or at least he was. So I’m guessing he’s trying to show that he has a partner to not fall into his “old ways” and that’s the reason on why he’s open about talking about her and showing pictures of her (this is a guess or my take on this topic).
He has mentioned the “hate mail” she gets, and in my opinion (but this is my take on it), if my partner got hate, I wouldn’t put them out there any more than they need to be. If this is his way to make the “haters go away” or “haters gonna hate” kind of thing, I don’t think it’s the right direction. Let me put it this way: I have a crowd of people that doesn’t like eggs. I stand in front of them showing them eggs in an attempt to make them stop hating it. I’ll probably get my ass handed to myself, but also, they will probably hate eggs even more. If this is the way to “desensitize” (like when therapists/psychologists make someone who’s, let’s say, it’s scared of heights be exposed to them, he’s or/and management are not performing it properly because this is done in a really slow way so the individual can take it, and so it actually works and doesn’t end up backfiring) the people who hate her, this isn’t the way. One thing is to try to normalize them as a couple and the other thing is to keep bringing her up in an attempt to make people stop bashing her. To be honest, if she’s as scared and anxious as she tells us she is, please don’t expose her like this and actually help her out (this is not in a mean spirited way. I just talk about everything in that way because we’re not really sure about a lot of stuff but if someone’s struggling mentally, it’s actually worrying and I hope she’s getting help by a person that knows what’s up and can show/teach her techniques so she can be in a better place).
(Also, please don’t think I’m comparing her to an egg. I literally couldn’t think about anything else but you can replace the eggs for your favorite food or item. Also, please don’t think eggs are my favorite food. I feel like I don’t even know what’s my favorite food anymore. If you’re curious about this, ask me like in seven days because I’ve just realized this and might have an answer by that day).
(This was my attempt to make some jokes because I felt like this whole situation it’s too heavy for some people so) (but it’s true I don’t know what my  favorite food is).
Why I can see they’re PR:
I want to start this by addressing that I have seen more hate or mean tweets directed at the band members than Sierra. Go and watch the interview they uploaded. Top comments are about how goals they are!!1!! because he misses her. With this I’m not saying hate towards her doesn’t exist or that is right, but I feel like the boys are more targeted than her. 
Ashton seems to be saying something shady every time after Luke comments about her. I wouldn’t be really happy with a friend of mine calling my significant other a “burnt potato” (even as a joke because ??? that’s so out of place in my opinion), I would be really awkward if my friend called me out for letting my partner touch my phone like it was the worst thing in the world (it’s debatable and for another time), and the faces he makes, especially in the video uploaded on the band’s account (but again, I have no clue on body language so if anyone knows, let me know what you think!). Also it caught my eye that on the Ryan Seacrest Michael took the attention out of the matter (his gf on his lockscreen) and was like okay man, let me joke for you and everyone was distracted from the topic for a moment. Calum seemed to try to do that on Elvis Duran, when he mutters “yeah, I should try to stop doing that”. 
Okay, now, y’all tell me if I’m reaching too much because I don’t want to sprain myself but, I don’t know about you, but just having the photo of you and your partner (and dog) and your lockscreen is kind of weird to me? Like why wouldn’t you have it as your background too?
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It’s literally a picture that probably comes with the phone (I’m really bad at telling which Iphone is which but I know their backgrounds have space related stuff in the X one maybe? Not sure but I remember seeing the publicity lol).
And don’t tell me he doesn’t use the phone. I know they have like three phones but my dude has song lyrics and recordings in this one, so it’s probably the one he uses the most.
As I said, maybe it’s a reach, but, I usually have people I care about as my background (sometimes background and lockscreen it’s the same because lazy) because even if you have apps there, you get to see the photo and you smile a little. Maybe it’s just me, but I felt like pointing it out.
The amount of times he brings her up (and his dog). I don’t know if they’re real and he’s like “here’s my girlfriend!! uwu but also my dog please don’t hate me” or if Petunia is his self-defense mechanism at this point to try to show some emotion. Also, Petunia could be brought up to show familiarity if they aren’t real. The fandom knows Petunia is really important in Luke’s life, so if he has Petunia AND Sierra, it must be a REALLY big deal, right?
My last point, that will go with my final rant: go and read where they commented about her. Did you read? Yeah. Elvis Duran, Ryan Seacrest, their band account, GQ. Really important places and I feel like all of these media places have a big amount of credibility and they reach a diverse public (age and gender wise) so I feel like it’s worth pointing it out.
To be honest, whether they are real or fake (or a mix, that’s an option too), no one can’t convince me they’re not trying to sell Luke as the boyfriend of the band. And the good, perfect boyfriend. The Luke who was with Arzaylea is trying to be buried underneath this one and while I understand the reason why (image-wise), it’s still fucked that they have to sell the boys as “perfect human beings”. It’s on us and the industry, to be honest, and this is for a rant where I have a big cup of tea and it’s past midnight and I reflect on media and how it fucks up people but also can help and you’re sitting in the couch in front of me wondering when the fuck I’ll shut up because you wanna go to sleep but you don’t want to interrupt me.
So I’m leaving it there, thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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belleandrebelle-blog1 · 6 years ago
Play station 5 Gaming Review
The supercell unlocked games play terminal Sing Celebrity is truly excellent only because it's different from the remainder and it possesses lots of modes that you must initially acquire accustomed with. If you would such as to begin up a full power FM radio terminal, then it's important to acquire specialist guidance at the very first stage. When it's huge after that you're able to produce certain play terminals around the area that's in truth the really best strategy to set-up a game room to really encourage a great deal of play. Play station 5 Whether you're looking for info concerning exactly how to start up an FM radio station that operates on a marginal power FM basis, runs on a full power regularity or additionally streams on the web, it is essential to initial establish exactly what the selections offered to you are. Once you have situated a really good site you need to authorize up and pay a 1 time only membership charge after that you get access to a huge data-base of video games. Once again based on the nation you live in, the very low power FM service could permit you to broadcast anywhere near from 500mW to 100W, as well as might be license-free or additionally it might be certified. A vital publication for designers, that are a newbie to 3D programs. Typical tv networks might look even worse on a hd television considering that they stress every really tiny flaw. Streaming shouldn't be an issue because all the hardware processing is taking place inside the portable tool itself as well as does not seem to be dependent on the dock. Preferably, you'll should subscribe to a variety of devoted hd networks. The grade of the service supplied by your neighborhood supplier is essential for a great internet video gaming experience. So that the choice is currently tougher. An alternative is operating a full power certified radio terminal. 1 setting is the standard assault as well as the other one is the hefty attack which may be credited execute even heavier blows. The like in an offline variant of the video game, you have the ability to additionally utilize the Garage mode with the PlayStation Network. At this time you could transform your cars and truck settings as long as you think that it will assist your automobile run its ideal throughout the race. There's little to no loading time if you do not move from an absolutely different location or structure which is optimal. You obtain to recognize just how you're able to alter the appearance as well as play of the video game with mathematics based programming. YouTube are attempting to discover rid of MCNs to the point where we could not run. There typically aren't any kind of charges to play the majority of the on-line video games available for PlayStation 2 Online. Both video clip pc gaming titans offer an internet pc gaming solution to permit gamers in order to take on one another throughout the globe. In fact, video gaming consoles are exceptionally common today which each release of a new type of box, shops constantly run out of supply. It consoles are one of the best enjoyment devices offered and also lots of people get one for their very own home. If you think that offline video gaming is too limiting and if you desire to expand your competition somewhat additionally, you could make the many of the GT5 Beginning internet Mode. It's possible for you to acquire the video games from the gaming shop or could additionally get them online from various websites. Computer game can be a good deal of enjoyable. They are indicated to be enjoyable, most importantly, as well as no quantity of unique championships and esports teams worldwide are mosting likely to change that. Birthing that in mind you could be thinking of which games you'll be able to have fun with the PS4 electronic camera. As a growing variety of video games are released for the PS3, it still could have the ability to gain a return. Streaming video games is currently a considerable component of the market in late years. With the innovation of web, totally free PSP games download is simple to find, however it doesn't always mean good. The play station Sing Celebrity is truly great just because it's various from the rest as well as it has lots of modes that you ought to first get familiarized with. If you would certainly like to begin up a complete power FM radio terminal, after that it's critical to obtain professional assistance at the initial stage. When it's big then you're able to produce certain play terminals around the area that's in fact the really best strategy to set-up a playroom to really urge a whole lot of play. Whether you're looking for information concerning exactly how to begin up an FM radio terminal that runs on a very little power FM basis, runs on a complete power frequency or conversely streams on the internet, it is vital to first establish just what the options offered to you are. An alternative is operating a total power licensed radio station.
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Now that Cobra Kai is on Netflix, you have the chance to watch both seasons at least once. If you're like us, though, you already watched it on YouTube Premium when it first debuted in 2018--and have probably binged it a couple of times on its new streaming home for good measure.
Even if you have watched it more than once, you might not realize that both seasons of the series are jam-packed with references and Easter eggs that nod to not only the Karate Kid franchise, but the glorious 1980s they were set in. We've already cataloged a long list of Easter eggs in Season 1 that you should definitely check out.
There's still plenty to keep an eye out for in Season 2, though. We've compiled a sizable collection of references, from direct mentions of things that happened previously to music cues, pulled right out of the movies from the 1980s. Cobra Kai is a love letter to Karate Kid fans and these connections are only going to make you love it even more.
Take a look at the Easter eggs and references we've collected from Season 2 below, then get ready for Season 3 to arrive on Netflix.
1. Those trophies
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Episode 1
The first thing we see in Season 2 is several trophies in the Cobra Kai dojo. While you can't see their inscriptions on the show, GameSpot visited the set of the series during filming of this season. It may surprise you to know they were all inscribed with the name Johnny Lawrence, showing just how good a student he was.
2. Say hello to the bad guy
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Episode 1
Hey, look who's not dead! For the first time since Karate Kid III--and the final scene from Season 1--it's John Kreese, the former sensei at Cobra Kai and the man who taught Johnny karate.
3. A role reversal
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Episode 1
At the end of the first Karate Kid movie, Kreese has a teenaged Johnny in a chokehold just like this one. Now, the shoe is on the other foot.
4. That car looks familiar
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Episode 1
Here we see the car Miyagi gave Daniel for his birthday in the first film. Now, Daniel owns all of the cars--and Miyagi's former home.
5. Sand the floor
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Episode 1
This is one of Mr. Miyagi's training exercises that's been passed down to Daniel. He's teaching his students the only way he knows how--muscle memory. Later, in Episode 5, Daniel goes through the motions once again with his new student Demitri. It doesn't go as well.
6. Paint the fence
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Episode 1
Yet another Miyagi technique in action.
7. Wax on, wax off
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Episode 1
And who could possibly forget waxing the car as an extension of karate?
8. Mr. Miyagi's house
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Episode 1
No, this is not the house used in the first Karate Kid film. Unlike that movie, most of Cobra Kai isn't shot in California's San Fernando Valley. Instead, it's filmed in Atlanta, Georgia. In Season 2, the Cobra Kai team actually recreated the home, including the front and backyards, in the parking lot at the studio where the show was filmed.
When GameSpot visited the set of Cobra Kai, we realized the inside of the house was left largely empty, save for one room that was built to resemble the way it looked in the film. However, the front and backyard, along with the cars, were recreated as close to the original film as they could be.
9. Perfect balance
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Episode 1
Balance is everything in Miyagi-Do. According to Mr. Miyagi, without balance, everything falls apart. Daniel has adapted the lesson into his own teachings to pretty hilarious results as it ends with his students falling into the water.
10. Upgraded to a Switch
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Episode 1
In Season 1, Anthony, Daniel's son, couldn't be torn away from his PlayStation Portable. It made some sense, given this show is produced by Sony. However, it also made no sense since Sony stopped producing the PSP in 2014 and Season 1 came out in 2018. Now he's clearly upgraded to a gaming console people actually want.
11. After Karate Kid III
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Episode 1
According to Kreese, he spent some time in Panama in 1989. That timing is interesting, given that Karate Kid III was released that year. However, the movie is set in 1985. In that film, Kreese tries to revive Cobra Kai once again, though LaRusso ultimately beats his top student one more time. We learn in Season 2 that after that happened, he claims he ran "off book" missions around the world. While he claims he reenlisted in the military, he later admits to Johnny that's not the case.
12. "That drum saved my life"
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Episode 1
In Karate Kid II, Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel the "drum technique," which is a way of avoiding being hit. The movement is like that of a drum Miyagi has--the same one Robby is holding in this scene. Well, not exactly the same one. While this drum is made to look like the one Miyagi has in the film, it's not as thick.
13. The Medal of Honor
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Episode 1
Daniel still has Mr. Miyagi's Medal of Honor, which he was awarded for his service in World War II. While the movies didn't dive too heavily into what Miyagi did during the war to earn the medal, he was shown wearing it to a ceremony.
14. The rules of Miyagi-Do Karate
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Episode 1
Inside Miyagi's home, Daniel still has the rules of Miyagi-Do Karate displayed on banners. The first rule is that karate is for defense only. The second rule? First, learn rule number one.
15. Cobra Kai's Wrestle Buddies
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Episode 1
Don't expect much professional wrestling in the plot of Cobra Kai, but seeing two friends each wearing classic WWE T-shirts is a nice bonus.
16. Rock and roll never dies
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Episode 1
In this scene, Johnny is wearing a Metallica shirt. This shirt, in particular, is from the Damaged Justice tour, which ran between 1988 and 1989. We're guessing this isn't one of the original shirts from the tour, though, as it has been reproduced over the years. You can even buy it at Walmart.
17. Why did Daniel and Ali break up?
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Episode 1
While recounting his romantic history to his teenage daughter, Daniel mentions Ali, the love of his life from the first film. When she asks why they broke up, he said that it's a story for another time. This is that time. It was revealed in Karate Kid II that Ali dumped Daniel for a football player at UCLA.
18. The gang is back together
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Episode 2
Daniel is shocked to find out Kreese isn't dead after all. Why? Because in Season 1 of the series Johnny said he was. It's unclear whether he knew it all along or not. Naturally, the three relive some of their unfortunate history.
19. Cobra Kai never dies
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Episode 6
Episode 6 sees the returns of Rob Garrison (Tommy), Ron Thomas (Bobby), and Tony O'Dell (Jimmy), as we get to catch up with some other former Cobra Kai members. Johnny spends the majority of the episodes reuniting with his former fellow Cobra Kai members, going on one last adventure before one of them, Tommy, dies. They also reminisce about the old days, with the group being shocked Johnny brought Cobra Kai back.
20. Daniel's biggest sin
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Episode 6
In this episode, Daniel tells the story of Karate Kid III, in which he actually left Miyagi-Do and joined Cobra Kai. Yes, even Daniel went to the dark side once upon a time.
21. Daniel's mom is back
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Episode 8
Randee Heller, who plays Daniel's mom Lucille in the movies, reprises her role in the eighth episode of both Seasons 1 and 2.
22. The jacket
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Episode 8
If that jacket looks familiar, it's because Miguel borrowed it from Johnny. It's the one Johnny wore in the first Karate Kid movie. Honestly, there's probably some of Daniel's blood on there somewhere.
23. It never ends with these two
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Episode 10
Even all these years later, it still always comes to blows between Johnny and Daniel. This fight, naturally, harks back to the climax of the first film. Now, though, this isn't a tournament bout. Instead, it's just two adults that can't seem to keep their cool and are karate fighting each other in a tiny apartment in the valley.
24. It was a cruel summer
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Episode 10
As kids head back to school in this scene, the song "Cruel Summer" by Bananarama is heard. Released in 1984, it became a Top 10 single on the Billboard Hot 100 after it was featured in the first Karate Kid movie. It's also not the last time you'll hear it in this season, as a cover by Kari Kimmel is used at the end of this episode.
25. RIP Trapper Keeper
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Episode: 10
For those of you out there that didn't grow up in the '80s or early '90s, the Trapper Keeper Johnny mentions in this scene--which has his son perplexed--was the coolest binder kids could ask for. They were often emblazoned with illustrations, geometric designs, or pictures of your favorite fictional characters.
26. High school karate riot
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Episode: 10
Not really an Easter egg, but we can't not talk about the high school karate riot in the Season 2 finale. It's easily one of the best TV fight scenes in some time. What's more, it takes the rivalry between Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do to an entirely new level and has us assuming Robby's in jail after this. They should all be in jail, honestly.
27. Kreese's Cobra Kai never dies
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Episode: 10
As if things weren't bad enough, Kreese has risen once again to take control of Cobra Kai, in an attempt to ensure that his vicious and destructive form of karate lives on.
28. What a cliffhanger
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Episode: 10
Miguel might die, Johnny's lost Cobra Kai, and Daniel is giving up karate. That's a lot to leave hanging at the end of Season 2, but Cobra Kai had one more twist to drop on everyone--Ali is back in the mix. She's accepted Johnny's Facebook friend request and now we just need to hope she actually appears in Season 3.
from GameSpot - All Content https://ift.tt/3kOjkhH
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glitchonline · 5 years ago
Gaming: My Long Lost Best Friend.
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By Zoey Ribbons
Me and video games go a long way back. From my earliest memories with a Nintendo 64, my relationship with gaming is a long and complex one.  The vast majority of my life up until a few years ago was spent with a gamepad in hand, exploring new worlds to escape the reality I found myself in. A reality where I was alone, confused, anxious, and downright depressed. To the outside world, I was someone who could quite possibly be classified as addicted to gaming, a disorder which has just been classified by the World Health Organisation a few weeks ago. I’m not someone who believes this choice by the WHO to be the right one since in my opinion humans can be conditioned to become addicted to anything. I do, however, understand the appeal of losing yourself in a world that is not your own to numb the pain of day to day life.
I suppose to understand how my fascination with video games started you first need to understand a little of my backstory. I was born in 1993, right on the cusp of the revolutionary switch from 2D to 3D graphics. My parents separated when I was one year old, with my Mother holding onto the fact that my Father left her with a burning hatred which bled out onto me and my sister. My dad bought me a Nintendo 64 for my birthday when I was 5, with Diddy Kong Racing being a staple between us in those early years.
I went through 18 years of my life thinking it was normal for boys to want to be girls, before having the brutal realization that no, that was not the case. I came out as Transgender when I was 19, suffering from a lot of deep-rooted depression and anxiety before and after that time. At least my doctors told me it was just that. I was eventually diagnosed with Bipolar disorder when I was 25, which to me came as a relief due to years of living in limbo, not knowing what was wrong with me.  
As you can imagine, this was the perfect mixture of circumstances to create someone who was looking for the sweet fix of escapism. I was unhappy and anxious at home most of the time, so what better way to ignore that than to shut myself in my room with a PlayStation? I was an outcast in my all-male social group at school and lived an hour away from the school itself, so I was never a kid who went out to play until the break of night. I would get home from school and the first thing I would do was to boot up a game for the night. I’d have a break to eat, and possibly spend a bit of time with my family in the rare moments that tensions weren’t running too high. I didn’t need someone to tell me I played a lot of games, I had the save data utility of a PlayStation 3 to tell me.
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion =  700+ hours. Demon’s Souls =  600 Hours. Metal Gear Online = Another 600. Fallout 3: 300 Hours. And this is just a select few games from memory, for one console generation. Weekdays, weekends, holidays, all the time. If I was away from my main console for too long, I wouldn’t get irate, just unhappy. At least if I went on holiday I could bring a portable console with me, but forcing me to be away from even that… I would just be miserable.
I think my parents knew this. It was clear to them I was an unhappy child and teen. Even during the peak of “Video games will ruin your children” hysteria of the early to mid-2000’s, my parents would leave me be. No restrictions on time, age rating, or any specific content. They would try and coax me out of staying in my room, but nothing ever worked. Video games and I were just synonymous with each other at this point, and everyone around me knew that.
While it might sound like I’m painting my experience with games in a negative light, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I consider my relationship with video games in my youth to have played a formative role on the person I am today.
Firstly, video games taught me to be tenacious. After spending so much time playing games, more so competitive multiplayer during the seventh generation of consoles, It’s safe to say I got pretty good at them. Video games nurtured a drive in me for competition, and more so, not giving up. This all happened quite early on. My Dad will never let me forget when I was a kid, no older than 7, who cried in frustration over and over when I couldn’t beat the final boss of Diddy Kong Racing. Sure, I got angry with games, and still did even in my teens. But I never gave up, a trait which now applies to all aspects of what I do in life. It’s a trait I am extremely proud of.
The pride itself from being good at games was also something that I held on to. It may sound a bit sad, but for a kid going through a pretty depressive and emotionally abusive upbringing, being good at games made me happy. If I’m being honest with myself, video games were probably the primary reason I wasn’t having nervous breakdowns throughout my teens. I was a very lucky kid in that I was very bright at school without having to put in practically any effort. So I could spend most of my times playing games without the stress that I was messing up my life in any substantial way. Being hooked on virtual worlds was a pretty mellow vice in the grand scheme of things, a fact I learnt quite quickly upon going to university. Cannabis and alcohol became my new favourite forms of escapism during that time, starting the journey of my break away from video games.
I barely made it through university with a passing grade. Quite the fall from the straight-A student who never had to try. Unfortunately, it took me 4 more years from graduation to reach a point in my life where I considered “my shit to be sorted out”. Video games still stayed with me until then, but it was never quite the same. As I grew older and started asking myself why I felt the need to escape all the time, I started to slowly fix myself. Video games started taking a back seat in my life to the point where my experience with gaming from dusk till dawn became a distant memory. It actually feels like more like an impossibility for me now.
My relationship with video games is now something far more casual. While I still hold a deep love and admiration for them in my heart, I tend to break up playing into hour-long chunks or so before I start getting bored. I’ve missed out on this entire console generation, something which a teenage me would have thought was an unbelievable concept. I still follow the newest releases with great curiosity, but will happily wait for a game I’m interested in to go on sale before I pick it up.
Even though I play games far less than I used to, it’s not to say I am less interested in them. Quite the opposite in fact, as I now see games as being far more than simple tools for me to run away to. Games for me now are wonderful, curious things that I will always have a deep-rooted respect for. Whether it’s the visual beauty you see in something from Supergiant Games, the incredible storylines from a series such as The Witcher, or simply the game design of something quirky and fun like Enter the Gungeon.
Games as art forms now act as a springboard into my own creative mind. As an aspiring writer and animator, where better to go to find inspiration than a good video game? Watch Dogs 2 was a recent release for me that simply filled me with awe every time I played it, from its beautifully coloured rendition of San Francisco to the incredible design, writing and performances behind its great cast of characters.
Video games are simply incredible. The talent and passion that goes into creating titles that can stay with you for a lifetime is simply immense. We all have our own personal relationships with video games, and I would not change mine for the world. Video games were there for me when I needed them the most. They got me through some incredibly difficult times, often when I felt I had no one else to turn to.
Very few other mediums can claim to have such impacts on our lives as video games do. Games can be whatever you want them to be. Whether that be a tool to help switch your brain off after work, a way to help you see somewhere new and exciting, or just somewhere to relieve a bit of stress. I’ll always love video games, no matter how old I get. I can’t wait to see what amazing things come out next.
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kay660games-blog · 6 years ago
Just how To Buy (A) VIDEO GAME On A Small Price range
How To Begin A Gaming Weblog And Make Funds
We've when again teamed up with our buddies at Dire Wolf Digital Studios to bring this incredible game to your gaming table. The HyperX Cloud Stinger is the most effective sub-$50 Pc gaming headset you can gift. It has a lot of functions, but possibly most crucial is the high quality audio and a mic that has a really excellent audio pickup. It also has a steel slider, an effortless-to-adjust volume controls situated on the bottom of the suitable ear cup, a swivel-to-mute noise-cancellation microphone, and flexible 90-degree rotating ear cups.
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Technological advancements have led the gaming market towards cloud gaming, which entails ubiquitous and convenient real time streaming of the game. To experience this, there are a handful of mandatory requirements - Online access with a guaranteed throughput not less than 25 Mbps and latency not exceeding 20-30 ms to the cloud. The whole hosting, rendering, saving and restoration of the gaming character is processed on the remote infrastructure.
Persons who watch gaming content material have varied interests. This is specially true of females: November 2014 information from comScore Video Metrix reports that two in 5 18—34-year-old viewers of StyleHaul , a network of female-focused beauty and fashion channels, also watch channels on Machinima , one particular of the biggest gaming networks. A great— and fitting— example is iJustine. She is an influencer not only in the style and beauty space but in gaming as properly.
Everyone understands urgent situations, such as when you are expecting an urgent telephone get in touch with, but don't waste other people's time by playing a game or getting side conversations. Board gaming presents an opportunity to break away from technology and use the board game as a social medium for face to face communication. As a player, put away your mobile devices at the table. Keep in mind that even though everybody in the room is there to appreciate the game, they are also there to appreciate the organization and consideration of those around them. Distracting yourself on your phone sends the signal that you do not enjoy the company of the other individuals around you. When other players constantly sit and wait for you to take a turn, never be surprised when you don't get a reinvite.
When my brother Max 1st asked me about how to build a gaming weblog I did not even know exactly where to begin. I currently started a couple of gaming blogs in the previous: Blogs about Hearthstone, Planet of Warcraft, League of Legends and Counter-Strike. They never genuinely took off. With new upcoming games like Overwatch we wanted to perform on some thing we actually cared about: Receiving very good at video games. From that point on we took months of our valuable nights and weekends to develop a gaming blog that is now increasing each day. It is now not only paying us a decent amount of pocket dollars but the commence of a gaming weblog has also grown into a thing incredibly exciting and enjoyable: A project we can share as brothers.
Honestly, I cannot even start to guess what the future holds for gaming. I'd like to see VR turn into a lot more very affordable, and for the media to grow bored of working with videogames as a scapegoat for bar parenting or acts of extreme violence. But much more than that I'd like to see larger companies back down from their numerous anti­consumer policies.While we get treated to numerous amazing games, we're also treated quite poorly by the likes of EA and Ubisoft. Awful pre­order bonuses tha tare designedto enhance pre­order numbers with no actual advantage to the client, games getting released in buggy states or with poor performance, and questionable microtransactions. These are just some of the challenges that will need to be solved.
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For rather some time now, Dell has had its own common brand of gaming PCs, Alienware, which is effectively-identified for its high-finish platforms. This enables them to concentrate on releasing extra practical computer systems through the Inspiron brand, such as the 5675 model. Equipped with a couple of elements that permit you to play on a 1080p monitor without having also lots of compromises, it is a good quality machine, though not exceptional. But thanks to the intense versatility of Dell goods, updating the peripherals won't be a trouble more than time.
There's no "I" in team and the days of becoming restricted to solo gaming are extended gone. Online play lets you join forces and comprehensive missions co-operatively, or go head-to-head with real folks from around the planet instantaneously. A premier online gaming knowledge backed by dedicated servers offers quick, smooth connections, but usually comes with a smaller month-to-month or yearly fee. If you want to play with your close friends make confident you know which consoles they are working with, that way you are not left on the sideline.
Attempt to discover some thing you love and it makes blogging a terrific hobby that can even get you paid. Let's say you like to play all the latest and greatest of the Playstation four. You may possibly want to start out a assessment gaming blog. Do you like to study evaluations? Then attempt to imitate the writing style of your favourite reviewers. Attempt to study your topic and niche a little bit. Attempt to scout the competitors, and understand from them.
York, PA About Blog A bi-weekly show about gaming of all sorts. Board Games, Card Games, Miniatures Games, Part Playing Games and a great deal additional. The show will include things like geek topic discussions, board game stroll through and critiques, gaming neighborhood and business news and function playing game theory subjects. Topics could incorporate Privateer Press, Games Workshop, Wizards of the Coast, Fantasy Flight, Spartan Games, Z-Man Games, and so forth.
However you want to go about becoming a game developer, you're going to want to have an understanding of as much about the approach and the industry as probable, which indicates getting the correct sources for you. We've pulled together a collection of some of the finest resources out there. Ranging from forums, blogs and gaming news to Game Jams, gaming assets and totally free game engines to begin producing your games in, there is anything in there for every person.
Hi. My name is Baden Ronie and I live up in bonny Scotland exactly where I was born and raised. I've been gaming for a thing like twenty years now over a range of platforms. And then some years ago I decided that writing about games created sense. There wasn't any magical eureka moment that I can remember. There was no flash of light followed by realisation smacking in the face. Nope, I just loved to read, loved videogames and somehow decided that writing about them created perfect sense. My early function, in a word, sucked. My existing operate sucks, too, but my initial operate sucked far more.
The appeal of gaming has generally been its capacity to immerse a player in ways that standard reality can't. It can be a fun distraction from the boring components of our lives or anything additional meaningful, like a therapeutic tool for depression or even a genuine profession. What ever the case, the most successful games are the ones that causes our synapses to light up in methods they haven't before and can take us somewhere new.
The biggest query marks with any gaming device are often about the quantity and top quality of the games. Google Play's huge ecosystem of games meant SHIELD portable had a leg up on classic consoles. And though practically every single touch-primarily based game on Google Play was playable working with SHIELD portable's touchscreen, they weren't in a position to take full benefit of SHIELD portable's capabilities.
0 notes
sage-nebula · 8 years ago
random, but how does it feel to play on the switch?
I really, really, really like it!
I know there are a lot of people who have already posted reviews about this or that problem---glitches that were fixed with the first patch update, or the lag that sometimes occurs when playing on the TV became of frame rate drops (which I think might be a result of this game originally being developed for the Wii U, and then ported to the Switch, versus a problem with developing games for the Switch from scratch), but these are things that I consider very easy to live with, especially since . . . well, in all honesty, when you’ve dealt with the load times and lag of Tales of the Abyss for the Playstation 2, you can deal with load/lag for basically anything. Seriously, I’ve never experienced such horrid lag in all my life than I did when playing Abyss on the PS2. I have war flashbacks sometimes.
So those things are very minor, and they don’t bother me. The small size of the Joy-Con + Joy-Con grip doesn’t really bother me, either. Sure, it might be nice if they were a little bigger, but it’s still comfortable enough for me to hold, so I don’t mind it. (That said, I can imagine that it would be harder for someone with bigger hands, but for me personally it’s not an issue.)
More than anything, though, I feel like the Switch is the perfect system for me personally. Like, it has literally everything I could ever ask for or ever wanted in a console. And I know that probably sounds like Nintendo fangirling, but I can assure you that as much as I love Nintendo, I wouldn’t give praise where it isn’t due. I criticize them when I feel they’ve made bad decisions, and in all honesty I can’t even say that the Switch was necessarily an objectively good move yet, because I still feel that combining a home console with a portable system was a really big risk for them (since they’ve had the handheld market on lock for several decades now, but their console sales have been a lot shakier, and I don’t want them to fully leave the handheld market if they aren’t absolutely positive that combining the two can pay off for them). Particularly given that some people seem determined to find fault with everything Nintendo does regardless, I’m not sure that, objectively, the Switch was the best way to take things.
But on a personal level, if I look at it just in terms of my own enjoyment, I love it.
See, my thing is---I’ve always preferred portable systems. This might be a result of my upbringing, because growing up we always only ever had the one TV, which meant that I was very, very often kicked off my console games after only an hour of playing (if that) because my biological mother or other family member wanted to watch television. At my dad’s house I had my own TV in my room and so I could play my consoles as much as I wanted, but at my biological mother’s---with the exception of times when she was at work or sleeping---I always had to give the TV up. If the Switch had existed back then, that literally would not have been a problem. Since it’s both a portable system and a console, you can play it on the TV, but then just as easily switch (ha) to portable mode and keep playing. And the transition is literally seamless. There might be a second, if that, of time for the screen to switch between the TV and the handheld, but otherwise? Your game doesn’t skip a beat. This isn’t a case where you have to save, shut down, and then switch to portable mode; it’s not a case where you can only play in portable mode within range of the system and television. No, you can switch to portable immediately and take it with you anywhere. This is what I always dreamed of as a child, and now it’s a reality, and while I’m sad that I didn’t have it back then, I’m happy for the kids of today who can take advantage of it now.
Of course, I live alone now, so there’s no real issue of being booted off the TV (save for, perhaps, the rare instances that I stay at my parents’ house), but I still absolutely adore it because . . . okay, when I get really, really into a game, sometimes I experience withdrawal if I can’t play. For instance, when I played the first Ace Attorney game for the first time, I distinctly remember being at work (in the kid’s department of JC Penney, all those years ago) and having this anxious, fluttery feeling in my chest because I was so desperate to keep playing, but couldn’t, because I was at work and, even though that game was portable, I wasn’t allowed to keep playing it. Similarly, when I played Tales of Symphonia for the first time, I experienced the same thing at school---and since that was a console game, I really couldn’t keep playing it. I was so desperate to know what happened next in both cases, and yet I couldn’t keep playing it because I had things to do that took me away from my house / the game. It was maddening.
With the Switch, that’s really not an issue. Oh sure, sometimes I have to tend to responsibilities, but I can take the Switch---and therefore Breath of the Wild---with me. On March 4th I had to have my car serviced, and while I sat in the waiting room while they worked on my car, I played this game. The very same game that I had played on my television the night before, I played in portable form right there in the waiting area of the car dealership (since they also have mechanics that tend to cars). Mind blowing. And I do the same thing at work; when we’re slow, when there’s nothing immediate to tend to, I pull out my Switch and I play. I can do that now. The very reason why I prefer portable games (that I can play them anywhere, any time) can now be applied to this console. Combine that with the fact that it’s really comfortable to play in portable mode (the size of the Joy-Cons ceases to be an issue when in portable mode), the display is beautiful, sound is pretty great, and the performance is stellar, and it’s basically a dream come true for me.
So yeah, on a personal level, honestly I feel like the Switch is perfect. I really did like the Wii U as a console (although the only game I ever played on it to any great extent was Splatoon), but the Switch is better in every way for me. The Wii U was good, but the Switch fits my specific needs perfectly. I’m really glad that I decided to spend my Christmas money on it. I mean, I still feel a bit guilty for doing that, like I was being irresponsible for buying this instead of paying my bills, but like . . . I wanted to treat myself, and I did, and it paid off because this is something I’ve already gotten a lot of use out of, and I know I’m going to use it for a long time to come (especially since I’m pretty convinced that the next main series Pokémon games are going to be on the Switch, whether that’s the Sinnoh remakes or Gen VIII or both). Others may find reason to complain, and I have seen some people calling it a “beta” or “half-baked” console (which I strongly disagree with), but I personally really love it.
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entergamingxp · 5 years ago
How the new Doom patch dramatically improves previously flawed ports • Eurogamer.net
What should have been a beautiful piece of retro fan service didn’t quite work out. Last year, fresh ports of the original Doom trilogy arrived across a range of devices and while Panic Button’s Doom 3 port hit the target, Nerve’s conversions of the original Doom and its sequel left a lot to be desired. Incorrect lighting, broken music, stretched aspect ratios and other issues impacted what should have been a joyous celebration of a genuine gaming phenomenon. However, it’s all changed now: while not quite perfect, I can highly recommend these revised ports and in fact, this is one of the most significant game patches I’ve looked at during my time at Digital Foundry.
To begin, it’s worth pointing out that while the new update contains a wealth of new additions and fixes, not every feature is brand new – the game’s first patch already managed to correct a selection of the more egregious issues. The incorrect lighting levels in the original release were fixed months ago in the 1.03 update, the mandatory Bethesda.net login requirement was removed and the speed and quality of the audio was also improved. Patch 1.03 basically delivered the game we should have experienced at launch and to be fair, Bethesda could have left things along at the point. However, the decision was taken to further refine it – and this is where things get interesting.
A crucial addition is support for additional WAD content packs. In its current state, both Doom and Doom 2 receive the WADs created for Final Doom while the original Doom also receives John Romero’s Sigil with Doom 2 benefitting from Nerve’s own No Rest for the Living. This is a huge bonus feature as these additional WADs are all of very high quality, bringing a lot of extra content to the game for no additional cost. According to the patch notes, the team is also curating additional WADs which will become available in due course. While the PC original has no restrictions on what WADs you can run, it’s great to see extra content arriving for the console platforms.
Secondly, Nerve has substantially revamped performance on all console platforms. The original Doom engine targeted a half-rate refresh based on a CRT monitor-derived 70Hz, which translates into 35 frames per second locked. This is now running at a silky smooth 60 frames per second. This is a little tricky to explain but while the renderer runs at 60fps, the game logic is still running at 35fps, so there is some level of interpolation built in to the way the game presents – this is how every other source port handles this situation too.
The Digital Foundry breakdown of the recent Xbox Series X reveal at The Game Awards.
I own Nerve’s Doom port on PS4 and Switch, and later picked up the sequel for the Nintendo hybrid. I didn’t feel it was necessary to buy every version as the differences are minor, but nevertheless, I did notice some variations in performance that surprised me. Firstly, whether you’re on Switch or PS4, the base games perform as expected. Doom 1 and Doom 2 both turn in a stable 60 frames per second with only an occasional blip here or there – at least in the levels I played through. This is small beer, stuff you’re highly unlikely to notice or care about.
It’s not perfect, but it’s very, very close to it but what’s interesting is that the add-on WADs can introduce issues. I opted to utilise John Romero’s Sigil as a testing point as it’s a fairly demanding WAD and sure enough, performance does vary across platforms. On Switch, it’s mostly locked to 60fps but you’ll encounter a few minor dips here and there. In the grand scheme of things, this amounts to a slight interruption in fluidity so again, it’s not really a big deal and something you’ll likely never notice.
However, curiously, the base PlayStation 4 version doesn’t run Sigil as well as Switch – which is rather odd. Looking closer, it seems that the source port is sensitive to resolution to achieve 60fps, so the resolution is reduced on Switch. While PS4 runs at three times the original resolution at 960×600, the Switch is reduced to 640×400 instead. Thankfully, in a game like this, the reduction in resolution works in tandem with the old-school visual design so reducing pixel counts isn’t exactly bothersome but it does explain why performance is faster than the base PS4. As expected, PS4 Pro is essentially flawless.
Next up, there’s the addition of a proper 4:3 aspect ratio option. The original port release shipped with a wider 16:10 aspect ratio but this revised release allows you to switch to a proper 4:3 mode, presenting the game and HUD as it should be. It’s an improvement but I still have some quibbles with this as both 16:10 and 4:3 modes rely on uneven pixel scaling. Due to the lack of interpolation, pixel width varies across the image leading to slight distortion – and this is happening because your display’s native resolution doesn’t divide equally into the game’s core resolution. I’m not saying that a blur filter is the solution here, but a very subtle sub-pixel interpolation feature could make a huge difference in terms of cleaning up the presentation. It’s not too distracting overall but it’s still something I’d like to see corrected.
How thing used to be before the games were patched. Doom 3 was a great port, but the other titles in the trilogy were a big letdown.
Additionally, I would have enjoyed seeing a proper 16:9 widescreen mode like those available in various source ports on other systems. I understand that the intent was to maintain accuracy to the original presentation but a wider viewing area is a nice feature that would have been worth having. On top of the aspect ratio options you do get in the new patch, Nerve has also added two brightness adjustment options allowing you to change both overall game brightness and map brightness. You can dial in settings that suit your surrounding environment, basically. Playing Doom in a well-lit room on Switch can be difficult at default settings, so these new features very welcome.
Beyond visual tweaks and customisation options, other new features focus on usability. A level select feature is added to the game allowing you to enjoy pistol starts from any map in any WAD. Meanwhile, the weapon selection system is also modified. The d-pad now acts as a quick select for key weapons, which is useful, while toggling through weapons with the shoulder buttons now utilises icons at the top of the screen rather than forcing you to move in turn through every single weapon. Nerve has even returned to the game to change some of the elements which were previously censored. The health packs – which appeared as pills – are changed to a green cross. It’s still not the original red cross graphic but it’s closer and it looks pretty good. Additionally, the Wolfenstein-inspired bonus stages in Doom 2 have also been properly restored, which is really nice to see.
In fact, pixel scaling aside, I only have one or two outstanding issues. If you utilise your console’s sleep mode, the game can exhibit occasional harsh pauses until you close and reopen the game. This is specifically mentioned in the patch notes as improved over prior releases but it’s still surprising and disappointing that such a bug remains at all. It’s a real problem on a system like the Switch where you’re likely to move in and out of sleep mode regularly.
Additionally, I feel as if there is still some extra latency in the controls – especially on Switch. I didn’t have a chance to sit down and accurately measure it, but it does feel slightly more sluggish than I’d expect. I know there are multiple approaches to interpolation which can have an impact on input response so perhaps it’s related to this? Things could be left as is and I’d still be happy overall, but in an ideal world, I’d like to see a more effective solution.
Still, I don’t want to nitpick too much because the fact is that this is a transformative update that sees a disappointing port elevated into a very classy example of great retro fan service. While I prefer sticking with PC source ports and playing at a high frame-rate on my CRT, this is undoubtedly a great way to allow access to Doom on even more devices. It’s especially great for Switch owners because a portable Doom experience is always nice to have. It’s a big turnaround after some initial disappointment. Honestly, all of the original Doom trilogy ports for the current-gen machines are now no-brainer purchases, especially so for Switch owners. The games are priced well and there’s a wealth of content out of the box with more on the way – but ultimately, we’re getting new ways to play Doom and that’s never a bad thing.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/01/how-the-new-doom-patch-dramatically-improves-previously-flawed-ports-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-the-new-doom-patch-dramatically-improves-previously-flawed-ports-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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ntrending · 7 years ago
So you bought a smart TV. Now you need these apps.
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/so-you-bought-a-smart-tv-now-you-need-these-apps/
So you bought a smart TV. Now you need these apps.
These days, you can easily run an app on your television—just invest in a software-packed smart TV or a video-streaming device that plugs into your existing set. Whichever option you choose, you’ll find that the same program you have on your smartphone works differently on the bigger screen. For one, it spreads the visuals over a much larger display. And in a second difference, you have to control the TV with a remote control or gamepad rather than a touchscreen.
This means the apps that work best on your phone won’t necessarily play nice on your internet-enabled set. We looked at the programs that run on smart platforms Apple TV and Android TV, and picked out the ones that really shine on the larger display. These nine must-have apps will look great on your smart television.
1. Plex
Think of Plex as your own Netflix for your personal video collection. It lets you take the movies and shows you own—stored on your computer or in the cloud—and beam them to your smart TV. All it takes is a shared connection to the same wireless network.
Everything that the Plex apps excel at—including a slick and stable interface, the ability to pick up where you left off on any of your videos, easy library management, and the option to automatically download artwork and metadata from the web—make them work great on the big screen.
The best part is, you can use Plex for free on both Apple TV and Android TV. That said, the app also offers a premium version called Plex Pass ($5 a month, $40 a year, or $150 for lifetime access), which lets you stream these videos to your phone or tablet as well as your television. It also allows you to do that computer-to-TV streaming with online broadcasts of live TV, in addition to stored videos.
2. AccuWeather
Install AccuWeather on your television and enjoy a full display of the forecast. It will give you all the temperature information you need to know for the rest of the day and week—without the distraction of a weatherperson.
While a rain cloud symbol doesn’t necessarily need the larger real estate of your TV screen, some of the features of AccuWeather, including animated radar maps and detailed forecast charts, really do benefit from that extra room. In addition, the app provides video forecasts and weather reports that look much better on the larger display.
AccuWeather is free for Apple TV and Android TV, but if you buy into AccuWeather Premium ($4), you can access more historical data, longer-range forecasts, and extra radar data.
3. Kitchen Stories
If you keep a television near your food-prep area, then cooking guide Kitchen Stories is definitely worth a download. Unlike some similar recipe apps, which work best on smartphone or computer displays, this one scales up well to larger TV screens.
To illustrate its recipes, this app provides plenty of clear, high-resolution photos and video clips that look great on the bigger display. This lets you keep up with the steps as you get your hands dirty with ingredients. In addition to recipes, Kitchen Stories provides plenty of how-to videos that you can follow along with to brush up on your cookery skills.
The base app, which comes with an impressive selection of recipes, is free for Apple TV and Android TV. However, Kitchen Stories also sells a handful of curated recipe packs (ranging from $3 for the Coffee pack to $100 for the Michelin Star Dinner) as in-app purchases.
4. Airbnb
Although it’s not the first app you might think of using with a smart TV, Airbnb works pretty well on the big screen. This service helps you save money on vacation by renting someone else’s spare room or holiday home instead of shelling out more money for a hotel. Its display scales up nicely so you have plenty of room to scroll through the huge number of available locations.
When you use Airbnb on the bigger screen, you can more easily browse maps of available rentals and flick through photos of properties. This gives you a much better idea of the place where you’ll potentially spend your vacation. It also lets you run options by the people with whom you plan to split your rental.
Unlike the other smart-television apps we’ve discussed so far, Airbnb is only available for Apple TV, not Android TV. The app itself is free, though you do of course have to pay once you book a location.
5. News360
If you don’t want to watch cable TV news, but you do like viewing the latest updates in video form, then check out News360. It compiles recent clips from sources like Reuters, The Guardian, Bloomberg, and others. The app is also very good at personalizing the news to focus on what matters to you, assessing the topics and types of stories you like to provide you with better recommendations.
On the roomy screen of your smart TV, you have straightforward controls to display, browse through, and queue up news videos. You can search by category or jump straight to the top stories. News360 also includes text articles, and for your television, it summarizes them in big, bold text to work on the larger display.
For the time being, News360 is only available for Android TV, not Apple TV. On the brighter side, it’s completely free.
6. Daily Workouts
Sure, you can find plenty of workout and training apps for your phone. But you don’t want to crane your neck to see the screen while you’re bent over double or running through burpees. So download Daily Workouts for your smart TV instead.
Even without its television support, Daily Workouts is one of the best exercise apps available. Videos demonstrate nearly a hundred different exercises, and the app also combines those exercises into full-body workout routines that last between 5 and 30 minutes. Where it really shines, however, is in its ability to scale up to a larger display so its virtual coaches can demonstrate routines on the big screen. This lets you concentrate on getting in the right position to feel the burn.
This app has versions for both Apple and Android TV. For free, you get three full-body workout routines that last 10, 20, or 30 minutes, as well as 10 shorter 5- to 10-minute options. Upgrading to the Pro edition ($10) gives you access to three additional long routines and 39 short ones, plus the ability to build your own custom workouts.
7. Netflix
Video-streaming behemoth Netflix is the perfect example of how an app can work seamlessly across multiple platforms and devices. As you switch from TV to phone to web browser and back, it remembers your preferences and keeps your place in all of your favorite shows.
While watching on your phone makes Netflix portable, those videos don’t look great on a tiny screen. The smart-TV versions of the app let you enjoy your favorite films and shows on a much bigger display.
Netflix is available on both Apple TV and Android TV. The cheapest, most basic plan ($8 per month) doesn’t let you view 4K movies and shows in their full resolution. For that, you have to upgrade to the premium plan ($14 per month). If you have a television set that supports the higher resolution, it may be worth shelling out the extra dollars to get that sharper picture.
8. Alto’s Odyssey
When you think of television apps, gaming might not be the first thing that springs to mind—but plenty of quality titles suit the bigger format very well. One of the newest and best games you should throw onto your TV screen is Alto’s Odyssey, from the development team behind the stylistically-similar Alto’s Adventure. In this game, you slide down an endless landscape filled with rocks, animals, shipwrecks, chasms, hot air balloons, and variable weather conditions. The aim is to keep going for as long as possible without falling. As you pick up speed, you can take advantage of trick jump opportunities and other bonuses along the way. You also unlock new characters and superpowers to help you down the slope.
At the bigger scale, the richness and detail of the game’s visuals really stand out. This helps you avoid some of the obstacles on the slope—after all, you have more opportunities to see that sneakily-placed boulder.
Alto’s Odyssey is out now for Apple TV ($2), and it arrives on Android TV this month.
9. Asphalt 8: Airborne
If you’re searching for something more high-octane to play on your TV screen, we recommend the racing game Asphalt 8: Airborne. It’s a wonderfully heady mix of super-fast cars and gorgeous-looking tracks in a variety of landscapes. As you make your way through the game, you can upgrade your ride, unlock new tracks, spar with other players online, and speed through different types of challenges, including a neat Gate Drift mode.
Up on an actual TV, the superb visuals and authentic sounds work way better than they ever could on your smartphone. This makes the gameplay particularly compelling, though it just about manages to stay on the fun side of addictive. It’s almost enough to make you question whether you actually need a PlayStation 4 after all.
The game is free for Apple TV and Android TV. However, you can buy car upgrades and credits, which let you progress more quickly, as in-app purchases ($5 and up).
Written By David Nield
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Instead, VMware recommends that you enter into Time Equipment and exclude Combination VMs coming from being supported. http://labeauteunique.info/nomad-backpack-sac-a-dos-de-test-de-comparaison-de-consultant/ is actually # 1014046 old 19 November, 2009 illustrates the operation. Be sure both units are actually hooked up to the same local area network; without some really complicated network re-routing there's no way to play your activities coming from a remote control location, and even if you, could possibly your inputs will be actually delayed. Click Choices and pick either GUID Dividers Table (if you are actually utilizing an Intel-based Mac) or Apple Partition Map (for a PowerPC-based Mac). Followers from the older Sony game consoles are going to note that it also appears identical to the older PlayStation operators, but there are actually some differences. The rate still feels a little bit of high, the battery lifestyle is actually unsatisfying, and also the lack from a headphone port are going to upset some consumers - however it is actually the overall sense from belonging, or the lack of it, that has our team still damaging our visit the U Play. A refreshing breather off zombies and also aliens, Last longer than is actually an alright game to participate in if you really want a longer - and arguably scarier - breather from your average gun-toting dive scare-fest. Normally, regions with summer season time readjust time clocks forward one hour near the begin from spring season and also adjust them backwards in the autumn to standard time. Alongside the Marble Opportunity 2, Stone has also debuted the Stone 2, a follow-up to its primary Marble tool. Distant Play really tracks back almost a years to the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable (PSP) handhelds, as Sony provided performance that permit you flow PS3 video games to the mobile device over the internet. Enthusiasts from Dungeons as well as Dragons, GURPS and Rifts will possibly be a lot more inclined to play activities that seriously try to imitate a role-playing environment. You can pick just what time hosting server to check through clicking on the pop-up food selection (envisioned). The Calendar & Time Monitoring area consists of program that helps make organizing as well as handling your opportunity less complicated. Various other reviewers appear to become eking out around a time from lifestyle each opportunity so maybe that was simply bad luck the bride and groom of your time that my Classic crashed and also melted. They are actually made of steel, as well as while they demand an organization press, they think a little much better, a bit crisper, in comparison to those of the standard Pebble Opportunity. Popcorn Time is actually a superb tool for streaming and also participating in movies that possesses fantastic visual top quality (720p or 1080p), as well as fascinating functions like captions as well as a search choice. Owners of unlocked Galaxy Details 4 s are actually today able to obtain the upgrade by hooking up to a Wi-Fi system, opening up Settings, selecting 'Regarding Gadget' and also using on 'Update Now' under the Software Update possibility. And the device upgrades, as noted over, are actually just offered in a special design on the map. The amount of time Capsule doesn't go through drives formatted in the NTFS file system-only files formatted as FAT32 as well as Mac computer OS Extended. The video game offers 6 sets of challenges along with 25 amounts in each set, and while you need to earn a particular variety of superstars to open a collection you may play the degrees within an unlocked embed in any sort of purchase. He goes after the round as well as first time attacks a honestly preposterous long exchange the opposite edge of the pitch, over the scalps of each player and over the foot of an ally left wing segment. By the way with their brand-new mixed armed forces research study plan perform they have a top secret exam zone like Place 51 or even they lease some aspect of this off the Americans?" originated from Victor. For particulars, look at the above-cited Gizmodo post in addition to this valuable weblog entry; this is actually where the above-cited Documents food selection can be found in to participate in. So you adhere some music on. As well as a hr eventually, once you find once again having actually rested mesmerised as you uncover intensity and indulge in paths you presumed you recognized well, you'll understand that that ₤ 599 was effectively spent.
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bestuni-blog1 · 8 years ago
Contract definition: the Ars A/V Club says something regarding the eventual fate of TV In our mission to get a photo of the close term eventual fate of TV, we asked our.
2010 saw two noteworthy advancements in the TV showcase: 3D, and the Web. Television producers are as yet trusting that buyers will overhaul their plain old 2D and Web-less boards with models that will give them a chance to bring the Internet into their front rooms without expecting them to add another container to their stimulation focus. In this five-section arrangement on the Future of TV, Ars investigates the significant move that TV is at present experiencing.
In our journey to get a photo of the close term fate of TV, we solicited our discussion group from early adopters to give us a gander at the arrangement of their present home theater frameworks. The Ars A/V swarm is about more or less wired, whatever they're utilizing can give some understanding about the genuine cutting edge in TV—not the promoting driven condition of-the-buildup, but rather where things are at in this present reality, and where they may go in the blink of an eye.
Before we delve into the subtle elements of the answers, it's significant a couple of parts of the reactions overall. The primary thing that jumps out at me as I read through the gathering string is that TV has unquestionably been re-imagined. I addressed this redefinition in my bit of our current CES wrap-up, yet it merits returning to here.
The substance
For the greater part of its reality, the expression "TV" has for the most part connoted a blend of a screen and an administration, where the administration is fundamentally a wellspring of channels that show diverse shows at various circumstances. In any case, as of late—and this is particularly valid for early adopters—the term has come to mean a developing pool of cloud-facilitated content, available on-request. As it were, TV is moving from being a 24-hour display that you can look in on, to being an advanced library. The transient angle hasn't completely left, obviously, yet for the early adopter swarm it's less and less critical.
This move in what TV is and how it's expended is conveniently exemplified in the accompanying post by client Commodus:
You need to see basic? I'll give you basic!
Television: Samsung LNT-4069FX (40-inch, 120Hz)
Speakers: Logitech Z-2300 (no doubt, the truth is out, PC speakers)
Apple TV
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
... what's more, no link or satellite TV.
I can lease motion pictures on the web, watch them (and TV appears) on memberships, or play Blu-beam films... What's more, I don't need to drop many dollars a month on a digital TV bundle where I just ever need to watch a couple of TV arrangement every month. A touch of excess, beyond any doubt, however it additionally gives me a chance to get at all the real video administrations I think about."
Commodus' decision in home theater sound aside, his moderate setup is excellent of a couple of the fundamental patterns that the string turned up.
The principal incline isn't so much a pattern as it is a perception: the mix of Netflix spilling and Hulu has ended up being an extremely powerful and prominent other option to conventional link or over-the-air (OTA) programming. Netflix specifically is to a great degree well known, and a large number of our the string's members are utilizing Netflix gushing, regularly on the PS3, where Netflix streams in 1080p.
As a gushing just Netflix client myself, I can affirm that the capacity to begin a show down the stairs on an amusement support or AppleTV, at that point continue it upstairs on an iPad, portable workstation, or desktop, is incredibly capable. Truth be told, everybody I realize that has an iPad and a PS3 is doing this. On the off chance that contenders don't keep an eye out, Netflix is ready to wind up noticeably the Amazon Kindle of the new TV—your substance on any screen, whenever, with advance matching up tossed in.
Concerning Hulu, I for one don't utilize it, yet a lot of our discussion individuals do. This administration gives individuals access to the more present parts of the TV-as-cloud, while Netflix gives them access to whatever remains of the file. (Eventually, on the off chance that you need to know why nerds fear the Comcast/NBC merger, this Netflix + Hulu combo is it... however, that is a subject for an alternate day.)
The other piece of the substance picture is, obviously, Bittorrent. In spite of the fact that the word didn't come up much in the string, there was sufficient confirmation that the convention is as yet a well known substance circulation vehicle in the event that you comprehend what to search for. That early adopters utilize Bittorrent isn't news, yet the ascent in prevalence of Netflix spilling recommends that the administration may now be restricted to current-run TV and motion pictures, i.e., as a Hulu and DVD/Blu-beam elective. All things considered, why might anybody download films and TV indicates by means of Bittorrent and hazard getting a letter on the off chance that they can stream that same substance in HD from Netflix for $8 a month?
The equipment and programming
The most prevalent alternative for spilling video by a long shot is a HTPC. A significant number of our clients list a HTPC as a center piece of their home theater setup, and a not very many indicate the Mac little, abandoning me to infer that the rest are running Windows or Linux. This bodes well, in light of the fact that the value/execution proportion for the small scale is completely awful. I as of late grabbed a smaller than normal to run Plex on, however the buy felt greatly paltry, given that the $600 I spent on it could've gotten me a considerably more capable Windows box that I could really do some light gaming on. So for the home theater setup, Windows 7 is by all accounts where it's (at any rate on the off chance that you pass by what clients indicated in their builds).As for media extenders, the PS3 and AppleTV appear to be the most well known, particularly the previous. Various discussion members are utilizing the PS3 as a blend Blu-beam drive, media extender, and Netflix customer. For the media extender part, PS3MediaServer is by all accounts well known, particularly since in the event that you run it on a sufficiently robust PC you can transcode prevalent configurations for PS3 playback.
The PS3MediaServer issue conveys me to my next point: the desktop PC is quite of many individuals' home stimulation framework. Also, it bodes well: in case you're doing gaming or media creation on your desktop, you most likely have a lot of CPU power and capacity, so why not set some of that to chip away at your media library?
I don't by and by do any transcoding, however the quantity of individuals doing as such proposes that Intel is onto something with its QuickSync innovation. A QuickSync-empowered form of PS3MediaCenter will make a great deal of clients extremely upbeat.
Other non-comfort and non-Apple media extenders are additionally still being used; the ever-mainstream WD Live was said a couple of times, as were items from Popcorn Hour and Sage TV. These extenders are frequently matched with a NAS, which is by all accounts well known as a capacity pool for media. In fact, clients appear to lean toward a NAS in addition to media extender or HTPC combo to Windows Home Server in addition to Xbox 360 by a wide edge, given that no one said they're utilizing the last mentioned.
In my own particular amusement framework, I've by and by moved far from a NAS, since I have a lot of circle space scattered over my LAN. I simply deal with the diverse stockpiling pools with some bunch duplicate/synchronize programming, and that works preferable on my system over pooling the greater part of the capacity in one place and afterward attempting to stream it. In the event that I had my entire house set up with class 6 cabling, similar to one publication, I'd most likely lean toward the NAS, yet given that my LAN utilizes a blend of WiFi and Netgear Ethernet-over-persuade connectors, I stick to playing media records from neighborhood pools.
The one thing that the majority of the blurbs concurred on is that with regards to interfacing the excitement focus gadgets to the system, wired Ethernet is the best way to go. Everybody is utilizing Gigabit Ethernet to associate their rigging, and it bodes well. To start with, you get dead-straightforward, ensured transfer speed. No particular remote associations that can drop or falter. At that point there's the security issue—to get the majority of your home theater gadgets onto a remote system, you'll likely need to forego WPA2 PSK for something weaker. Better to wire the home theater gadgets and spare the WiFi for customers that can do WPA2. At long last, it's likewise the case that some top of the line and mid-run home theater gadgets are currently delivering with Ethernet ports for control and, now and again, content gushing. At last, the inclination for wired Ethernet comes down to the way that a few gadgets will require it, and on the off chance that you as of now have a switch staying there then you should plug whatever is left of your hardware into it.
For controlling the home theater setup, the Logitech Harmony despite everything one gets the most specifies. This has been run of the mill in any home theater overviews or surveying that we've accomplished for as far back as two years or somewhere in the vicinity, and now I feel abandoned as a spouse for not lifting one up, myself. (The heap of remote controls is a steady wellspring of disappointment for my significant other.)
Back to a solitary box?
One of the greatest impacts of the definitional move in "television" from a communicate model to an on-request advanced model, is that the home theater may really wind up appropriate back where it began: with only a TV and a sound framework. As more gadgets bolster more Internet and neighborhood spilling administrations, there will be less motivations to have distinctive boxes that do diverse things. Also, as more silicon and capacity advances into the TV itself, there will be less motivations to have anything other than a TV. Consider it.
On the off chance that the arranged TV of 2013 has as much CPU and GPU torque as, say, the iMac of 2010, and if the product condition is reasonably adaptable and extensible (by means of application stores or hacking), at that point why might you require a HTPC, AppleTV, media extender, or DVR? In reality, such a TV would have a great deal more gaming drive than the present era of consoles, so you may have the capacity to skirt those, as well. Furthermore, if 2TB or so of capacity is adequate for you, why might you require isolate NAS or fileserver.
Given where things are going, I can undoubtedly envision the aficionado home theater of 2013 comprising of a TV and perhaps a diversion reassure, and that is it. Sooner or later, discussing home theater may at the end of the day add up to discussing TVs, recipients, speakers, and very little else.
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webpostingpro-blog · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on http://webpostingpro.com/benq-zowie-rl-2755-gaming-monitor-review-strictly-for-consoles/
BenQ Zowie RL 2755 gaming monitor review: Strictly for consoles
T is commonplace to connect TVs to your Ps or Xbox for gaming. These are the big displays, constantly available around your property which you normally use for, properly, watching Television. However, then you could constantly join extra gadgets, like your gaming equipment (in particular consoles) that include wi-fi controllers.
In truth, gaming is going nicely with consoles whilst you need it on the big display screen. you can live ways away; join a Kinect and back off into a much broader area far away from your Tv and play with no trouble. It’s far the maximum a laughing manner to video games.
However, BenQ believes which you must ditch your Tv for a monitor, which has been particularly optimized for console gaming. It has this reveal referred to as RL2755 with the 27-inch show that it believes can beat any Tv whilst related to a gaming console like PS4 or Xbox One.
Also Study: Sony PS4 Seasoned gets Enhance Mode, PS4 gets external difficult power guide courtesy new replace
Buying a screen especially for your gaming console won’t seem to be a very good concept while It’s miles priced more than a Tv of its length. However there may be an exceptional line between informal and extreme gaming, and while TVs commonly fall into the former category, monitors devoted for gaming offer a stronger platform in which it can now not look lovely But feels love it should — rapid and competitive. That is exactly what BenQ guarantees with RL2755.
So does the reveal can provide on its promise? We find out.
Design The BenQ Zowie RL 2755 seems like any other gaming monitor BenQ has made earlier than. It’s miles a widescreen 27-inch show with sixteen:nine-factor ratio and comes with naked necessities a screen ought to have.
The show is set up on a hard and fast stand with most effective front, lower back lean adjustment. It is straightforward to setup — all you need to do is attach the stand to the display that ships in the single piece with the display. All the ports are positioned at the back and accessible from the bottom, which means that they are not clean to use. Connectivity alternatives on the reveal consist of two fashionable HDMI ports, a DVI and D-Sub VGA every.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Gaming
More and more people are addicted to playing on-line games. With masses of recent and exciting games to pick from, humans of every age are now looking into superb online games. Nowadays, there are online present playing cards you can purchase to shop for the games you want to play. These playing cards may even be used to shop for your favored songs, movies, and Tv shows. Specialists shared some of the professionals and cons of online gaming.
You can try it before shopping for – online gaming systems offer demos made for gamers to be able to strive to gamble that viable purchase, in addition, to determining how a whole lot they would need prior to investing. Moreover, You could additionally purchase video games proper then and there, without the want to hurry out to the store.
Access to one-of-a-kind content material – This one of the first-rate motives for selecting to play online games. You get to have to Get right of entry to the distinct content material for something it’s far that you are playing.
Communicate with other human beings – online gaming will allow human beings to have interaction whilst gambling, helping humans to hold excellent relationships by means of communicating with own family and buddies all over the global. Clearly, this could be very beneficial for game enthusiasts. Crew building abilities may be bolstered. also, greater tactical and strategic factors could be introduced to sport-play. In turn, this will assist growth your memory in addition to expanding lateral wondering.
It allows you to evaluate your gambling in opposition to exceptional players. There will Absolutely be a feel accurate aspect in knowing that you are a far higher player than somebody else. Being aware which you are not against artificial intelligence will set up extra competitiveness. And because you aren’t always going to be the quality, you may learn how to display properly showmanship.
Machine updates – In case you are about to download the sport you need or possibly play on the line, there might be a time while a System update suddenly pops up and put off your recreation time. You need to watch for it and then reboot.
Server issues or glitches
Glitches are viruses in the game causing it to run irregularly. That is genuinely a difficulty with all recreation sports; but, they’re extra commonplace to on-line video games. You could enjoy a series of server difficulties that are very irritating for gamers.
Piracy – There have been incidences of breaching copyright laws, scandal, and letting customers to pirate video games illegally. And Those situations have provided a big problem for the world of online gaming. In fact, the scandal prompted plenty of controversies so there are some games that had been close down.
Reasons Why You Should Consider A Video Baby Monitor
As a new parent, buying a baby reveal is one of the excellent choices you could make for the sake of your child. toddler video display units have a way of supplying you with peace of thoughts, comfort, and security, considering how inclined and helpless babies may be. The reality is there is no way you could watch over the toddler across the clock, you will need to attend to different chores and duties and this means leaving the baby unattended.
The most commonplace monitors are audio based so that dad and mom can attend to the babies as quickly as they begin crying or while they’re up.
However, modem baby video display units are now coming complete with video functions so you aren’t best capable of pay attention your baby but also see the child without being within the identical room with them. however what exactly makes a video baby display well worth thinking about in your newborn?
1. They make it possible a good way to see how the toddler is status or lying. The fact is that you do now not continually need to take care of and comfort a wide awake toddler. Sleep schooling takes a little time and you may want to let the kid examine a few things on their personal. If you have a video toddler monitor, you will be capable of seeing whether or not the child is status or lying and their actual position so you can evaluate the significance of your intervention. A peaceful however wide awake infant who’s nevertheless lying down might just need a minute longer to control self-soothing to fall asleep. However, an unsettled baby standing dangerously within the crib may also want your intervention.
2. It saves you from traumatic wake-ins that wake a child who would have in any other case slept longer.
After lengthy hours of slumbering, most mother and father get pressured to stroll into the baby’s room to test on them. However, this type of checks ordinarily ends up waking up the kid. With the assist of a video toddler reveal, you may avoid coming into the room and waking up the child. you could display their sleep and revel in a more cozy sleep yourself without interfering and it consequently does make an excellent device for schooling the toddler to sleep thru the night time.
Playing Video Games With Consoles Vs Playing With Handheld Devices
Video games always were one of the finest innovations in leisure. But there are now a variety of approaches we can enjoy it. From consoles to handheld devices there is just no way of preventing sports developers to complete fill the ones inner most dreams of a gamer all around the international and in extraordinary ages. But what precisely is the difference in how we need to play those games, will we want something affordable or something more appealing. Some of the individuals who play video games care much greater approximately the images and a few the gameplay. Allow us to start first where all of it started out:
The video games are first made from a Pc or the personal laptop,
So the games in which first to be had from floppy disks and can be copied from different computer systems. Then the consoles were invented that’s a set tool that allows the sport to be viewed by means of connecting to a t.V. And played the use of a controller. Video games now are available in cartridges as packages are saved in microchips.
hand-held online game players have been also made that got here from black and white then full color, online game companies also created their very own version of handheld online game games requires cartridges for larger video games. Whilst compact discs had been used, new consoles have been made to make use of this new garage technology that may store a better amount of statistics. Because of this higher portraits and sound, that made video games extra attractive and attractive with longer hours of recreation play.
Those are just Some of the few factors that affect the gamer both young and old:
Older players tend to spend extra money and time gambling in consoles while in reality, more youthful players prefer something more simple like gambling in hand-held gadgets just like the Playstation portable or the Nintendo 3DS, given that they have little hands and it is simple for them to operate.
Price range
Being low-cost is also a component, individuals who are wealthy care tons extra about the first-rate of the game, whilst people who are in a decent Price range would get whatever that they could play with to kill time or sincerely for amusement.
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atechcomputer-blog · 8 years ago
After Breath of the Wild, I just want to play Mass Effect: Andromeda and Persona 5 on Switch
Remember that point you were kicking returned on the sofa to play a game, but unexpectedly noticed that it turned into time to move to paintings? What a nightmare! Moments like this always increase a hard question, do you A) visit your location of employment or B) keep away from your horrible task inside the pursuit of notable video games fun time? It’s a conundrum for the a long time, and one which has in no way had a definitive answer. Rather than try to solve the trouble, Nintendo has launched a console that eradicates the question altogether – The Switch.
Where Sony and Microsoft have been in a technical palms race for years, Nintendo has spent the higher a part of a decade marching to the beat of its very own drum by means of pursuing specific thoughts that could open up new ways to play. The Switch, however, is a bit special. It would not quite ruin new floor but alternatively blends the living room room console and transportable gaming right into a unmarried device that can supply almost the same enjoy whether you are at home or out and approximately.
Out to launch
Nintendo has released a handful of games along the Switch together with 1-2 Switch that is a collection of multi-participant mini-games, and Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The latter is an open world journey game, designed to be played with traditional controls. We used these video games in the course of our review.
What is it?
The Switch is a transportable tool and conventional games console in a single. All the bits and pieces that handle overall performance, graphics, networking and so forth are constructed into the tablet, which has a 6.2-inch 720p touch display and stereo surround. An included docking station which connects to your TV via HDMI can upscale video games to complete excessive-definition (1080), with 5.1 surround sound. This layout lets you seamlessly float from console to portable mode and back again – when you dock the pill, your game appears at the huge display in a heartbeat, and vice versa.
Moving between console and mobile mode is seamless, largely because of the modular controllers, aka the 'Joy-Cons'. These slide into mounts on the aspect of the tablet, the idea being that you go away them attached whilst you're gaming on-the-cross, and take them off at domestic. Once the Switch is docked, you may pop them off, mount every Joy-Con into the blanketed grip which has a similar design to a PlayStation four or Xbox One controller, and use it as a traditional console. When it's time to move transportable again, pass the Joy-Cons from the grip to the pill, and you're desirable to head.
But you don't ought to attach the Joy-Cons to the mount or tablet if you do not need to. They'll nevertheless work independently of the pill in TV and portable mode. This additionally opens up the opportunity to play in Tabletop mode, which entails the usage of the tablet as a mini TV with the Joy-Cons indifferent. Tabletop mode is right for situations which include air travel.
This is a large step forward for portable gaming because it eliminates the difficultly of getting to learn a wholly new manage scheme between devices. It also method developers do not want to worry about reworking their controls, as this usually finally ends up causing complications amongst gamers. A gyroscopic sensor and touch display open up multiple extra control options which aren't available in docked mode, but the handiest key distinction for the most component is the scale of the screen you're playing on. You're now not gambling a transportable version of the console game; you're gambling the identical sport on a mobile device, due to the fact Nintendo has designed the Switch around the pill. It's a portable gadget at heart, so that you may not find yourself downgrading to sport at the go. Instead, you improve while it is time to play on the TV, yet the docked version is so intently aligned to tablet mode, you do not sense a big distinction between the 2.
At four hundred grams, it is light sufficient to hold in a bag or backpack, but probably won't fit in your pocket unless you are nonetheless rocking 3-sector shipment pants from the 90s. Games are stored on SD-like cards that's a outstanding space-saver, because the Switch doesn't need to house or strength a disc power. Nintendo claims that the tablet has -and-a-half to 6 hours of battery, depending at the application. Ours normally died across the -and-a-half of to three hour mark whilst playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild with automatic brightness and Wi-Fi turned on.
Mounting the Joy-Cons within the grip.
Playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild in tabletop mode. Joyful controls
At a glance, the Joy-Cons look like nothing greater than removable controllers, but it truly is just a fraction of their capability. Beneath the hood are primary movement sensors (that aren't quite as superior because the Wii) and superior vibration functions which 1-2 Switch illustrates properly. One mini-game calls for you to matter the range of "marbles" in a virtual field by using feeling character rumbles as they "roll round", while another uses the buttons and movement controls to simulate what it's like to milk a cow. Sure, it doesn't evaluate to lifestyles on the farm, however let's be sincere, maximum city parents don't have get right of entry to to a herd, do they?
1-2 Switch is a set of easy distractions, however each one is greater or much less a proof of idea that shows what the controllers are capable of even as reinforcing simply how versatile the console may be. Some video games, as an instance, will let you turn the Joy-Cons on their aspect to apply as mini controllers for spontaneous multi-participant gaming.
Joy-Cons without mount protectors. While we failed to experience any problems at some point of our review, there have been sufficient reviews of Joy-Con connectivity issues for Nintendo to cope with the difficulty. It indicates moving the console faraway from obstructions and devices that might intervene with the sign inclusive of laptops, routers and aquariums. Yep, turns out fish and the Switch don't get alongside. These solutions may go, but they appear impractical given that most of the people are possibly to keep their Switch round different home amusement gadgets that can reason interference.
The Joy-Cons are moderately comfy to apply whether or not they are attached to the tablet or established to the grip, unless you have specifically massive hands. In this case, you may locate that the buttons and triggers experience a bit small and filled collectively. Using the Joy-Cons without the grip isn't too awful both, but the protected covers that defend the connection factors when the Joy-Cons are eliminated from the tablet or grip can be hard to remove without pressing other buttons. This is in assessment to popping them off the pill and grip, which is straightforward.
Joy-Cons with mount protectors. However, the Joy-Cons aren't pretty as relaxed because the Switch Pro controller, which is an optionally available extra that fees around $100 and doesn't encompass the motion-sensing or modular capabilities of the Joy-Con. We advise it for gambling traditional games including Zelda: Breath of the Wild in TV mode.
Carrying the pill at the move is straightforward sufficient, however it may warmth up, in particular at some point of extended stints. During our test, the rear of the tablet became heat sufficient to cause some discomfort on our index hands, just like holding a warm cup of coffee.
The Switch Pro Controller (right) in comparison to Joy-Cons inside the grip (left). Parental safety
Since Nintendo became associated with developing circle of relatives-friendly consoles, the enterprise has continually blanketed a sturdy set of clean-to-use parental controls. These are designed to help restrict get right of entry to to age-suitable content material, on-line play, digital software purchases and screen time spent in games. Nintendo has released a free app (iOS/Android) along side the Switch, which lets you screen and manage the console remotely, so you don't want to preserve a watch in your toddler for the duration of each second of playtime – and it's sincerely clean to apply.
Parental controls at the unfastened app. Once the app is synced to the Switch over the equal community (e.G. Home Wi-Fi connection), it sends playtime information instantly for your phone, along with the number of hours logged, and notifications while your child has spent too much time at the console. These indicators are primarily based on limits that you define, e.G. Two hours of gaming on Fridays. When your toddler hits the limit, the app notifies you, whilst the Switch will prompt an alarm on the TV, giving your baby the danger to wrap matters up, keep their recreation and close down.
It may not turn off and smash their progress, but you may placed it to sleep from your telephone in case your child flatly refuses to get off. Even then, sleep mode may not have an effect on the game, because it suspends the software so all and sundry can pick out up from where they left off the following time they boot it up. However, Nintendo suggests that the sleep feature have to only be used as a last resort, as the app doesn't have any recommendation on a way to deal with the inevitable tantrum.
Parental controls at the console. The relaxation is yet to come
While Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a completely sturdy release identify and 1-2 Switch is a a laugh time-killer, the Switch doesn't have a great deal in the way of games, apps or media content material in the intervening time. Lots of content is listed as "coming quickly," in a public take a look at phase, or has been stated with the aid of Nintendo representatives in media releases, which includes on-line gaming (networked and local), media streaming from services along with Netflix and YouTube, net browsing and of direction, extra video games.
The E-shop is a touch sparse, the famous virtual console that provides access to conventional titles from the NES, SNES, Gameboy Advanced and different retro Nintendo devices at the Wii and Wii U, is likewise absent. Until Nintendo shore up the library of games and put into effect some shape of media aid, you're extra or much less buying a console to play the trendy Zelda. Otherwise, like maximum consoles, the Switch has entered the world with a handful of smart design choices, and a few small but sizeable gripes.
It does properly in some regions...
The domestic display screen and settings are easy, simple and immediately to the factor. You're not going to have tons hassle setting up an account, beginning video games and navigating the Switch. A virtual keep that sells download-only titles and classic Nintendo video games is available, and will boom in length as time goes on. The right Joy-Con has a domestic display screen button that still opens a quick access menu with vital settings including brightness, power options and charge indicator. The left one includes a devoted screenshot button that's fun to play with. You can suspend the console in preference to turning it off totally, that means you do not ought to worry about saving and quitting your games. Instead, all you want to do is strength down the console, then wake it up and maintain in which you left off. USB-C connectivity approach you may rate on the cross, even with a portable energy %.
The home display (pictured) and settings are very clean to navigate. ... And now not so nicely in others
We could not discover a rate indicator (e.G. An LED light) on the pill or dock, so that you haven't any manner of knowing when the Switch battery is full. It activates when a energy supply is detected. This is quite frustrating if you plug it in to fee after turning it off. The most effective choice is to plug it in, then energy it down. The kickstand designed to help the tablet in tabletop mode is flimsy and appears like it could snap off with little stress. The TV dock is also pretty flimsy despite the fact that not quite to the point wherein it feels breakable. You can forget approximately linking to the majority of wi-fi speakers and headphones, as the Switch does not consist of Bluetooth. Users are reporting pill display harm, normally brought about even as placing/removing the Switch from its dock. The USB-C port used for charging is on the bottom of the tablet, which makes sense when docking, however can cause problems when charging even as playing on-the-pass, particularly in tabletop mode. The reflective, smooth display can make out of doors use difficult. System commands are inexplicably hidden inside the 'News' section of the home display. Not precisely an intuitive location. We referred to a few performance problems (lag and frame price drops) when playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild in docked mode, however this will be a software program trouble.
Flimsy kickstand. Plus whilst you don't forget a deliver case to protect the Switch on-the-go, a display screen protector and a micro SD card, the cost jumps up with the aid of $two hundred or greater.
Held lower back by using hardware
Nintendo is not interested by the overall performance race, and the Switch isn't always certainly designed to compete with the likes of Sony and Microsoft. However, given that lots of the console is aligned with conventional layout and gameplay standards, Nintendo has inadvertently positioned itself in a position in which it will likely be in comparison to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. In an age in which excessive-definition games are looking higher than ever, 4K is steadily gaining a foothold amongst purchasers and regular updates/downloadable games demand significant tough drives, the Switch's obstacles are a touch extra hard to swallow.
While the Wii, for instance, changed into judged by a exclusive preferred due to its precise era, you can not quite ignore the Switch's decreased performance in defense of revolutionary tech truly as it's no longer that modern. Zelda: Breath of the Wild as an example has jagged edges, in addition to much less detail and on-screen motion as compared to similar video games on more effective devices. This problem does not in reality present itself at the tablet, however a excessive-definition or 4K TV can emphasise its shortcomings. Whether or not that is a dealbreaker relies upon on whether excessive-quit console portraits and performance depend to you. In any case, there are already factors of the Switch that appear pretty dated.
Plus, it comes with just 32GB of garage, if you want to possibly refill very quickly when you begin putting in updates and downloading video games. Fortunately it helps micro SD expansion up to two terabytes (well beyond the contemporary marketplace cap), however Nintendo virtually should have protected extra hard drive area.
Strength in versatility
Still, there may be no denying that the Switch has a whole lot of tricks up its sleeve. It's hard to mention whether or not builders will soar the whole thing the Switch has to provide, but Nintendo has prepare a device that gives video games companies a group of different methods to technique their games. As properly as traditional gameplay in titles together with Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the Switch can aid movement-sensing video games, contact-display titles just like apps for capsules and smartphones which forget about the TV altogether, and factors that make use of the tablet's gyroscopic sensor to locate bodily movement. It even claims to offer nearby multiplayer for a number of tablets, so that you can play together with your buddies anyplace you are, so long as a community connection is to be had (we were not able to test this feature at launch). The variety and connection type varies between games - Mario Kart eight: Deluxe shall we up to 8 drugs connect and compete over Wi-Fi, at the same time as Splatoon 2 helps up to 10 Switch's connected over a neighborhood community (LAN), with no want to hook up with the net.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an brilliant release title, but the Switch continues to be constructing up a strong video games library. Where the Wii U, and even the Wii to some extent, have been confined to quite slender gameplay paths, the Switch gives developers a wide set of gear to play with. This is its finest electricity, builders don't should integrate motion controls or twin-screen gameplay in the event that they don't want to, they've the liberty to work with one or greater paths, which should result in a numerous library of games.
Nintendo hasn't revolutionised the enterprise like it did with the Wii's movement controllers. Instead, the Switch is an example of existing ideas working together nicely. Jumping from TV to cell to tabletop and lower back again is seamless – that disconnect between console or desktop and mobile gaming does not exist on the Switch. It's also a console that builds on and integrates classes discovered from its precise predecessors, but it is also a console that, in many approaches, is going back to creating traditional gaming the focal point, an technique Nintendo hasn't taken since the Gamecube launched manner again in 2001.
But while the Wii and Wii U have been simply exclusive sufficient to inspire independent and 0.33-celebration organizations to expand games in particular for the ones consoles, the Switch feels pretty much like different consoles with out the identical kick under the hood. Nintendo has sufficient exceptional software to maintain the Switch alive, but whether or not 1/3-party builders will learn to work inside the obstacles, or abandon it altogether as they did with the Wii U, stays to be visible. So some distance, consumers best have a handful of games, guarantees and rumours to head on, and Nintendo is hoping its collective of early adopters will positioned lots of consider inside the console's early days. For the common Joe, it is a bit an awful lot to ask till a few extra games and media capabilities are added.
Nevertheless, the core precept now not only works, it really works truly, in reality properly, so the price all depends on whether you're after a traditional gadget that you can play just about anywhere. For the primary time ever, gamers have a lounge room console which can sincerely move locations.
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movietvtechgeeks · 8 years ago
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Nintendo Switch: Impressive when it works but lacking games
Nintendo certainly has had a banner year with Pokemon Go, so anticipation has been very high for their Nintendo Switch which hits on Friday. You can check out pricing on it here and be ready to get your own. You might want to read our review first though. The idea behind it is perfect. An all-in-one gaming machine that serves as both a handheld device and a TV game console. Nintendo pretty much imprinted us with the idea when Game Boy came out that your portable devices would always be separate from your Nintendo home console. Even the games were different. If you wanted to play the same game on your portable and home console, you had to buy the same game that was made for each one. There was no crossover, until now. The Nintendo Switch bridges this huge gap which is very exciting. Basically, it's a mini table that comes with a 6.2-inch screen that you could use to play games. The only problem there is that they don't have any games that would play on a touchscreen. They have added two small game controllers (called Joy-Cons) that slide into the sides of the tablet. That grooves on the side are very easy to slide into so no worry about having to jam them in with frustration. This simple act turns the Nintendo Switch into a fully-functional while still traditional gaming machine. Plus it has those great controllers serving as joysticks. A small plastic dock let you connect everything to your tv through HDMI. So all you do is stick your Nintendo Switch into the dock, and it's all on your television screen. You pop (er slide) the controllers off, and they are wireless play toys letting you relax on the couch and have some fun. That tablet comes with a little kickstand so you can treat it like a real tablet and prop it up on a table while you work the controllers in your hands. Sounds perfect. Sounds like heaven. Right? Well, then we run into a frustrating problem. The Switch doesn't always make for such an easy switch. The device plays fine in handheld most, but we kept having sync issues with the left half of the Joy-Con. It has a very annoying lag, so when you hit the button, it takes a moment to register on your tv screen. Sometimes it just drops the connection. We noticed that many times after taking it out on the road and coming back to the office to play would require a hard reset. Another annoying thing as who wants to have to reset your console like that. The idea behind the Nintendo Switch is to be able to play on the road, come home and 'switch' seamlessly over. Like a designer having a bad week on "Project Runway," these seams are showing. This was one of my big frustrations when Guitar Hero Live hit as those dongles did something similar. Nintendo has made an answer for this. You can purchase the optional "Pro Controller" for $70 and problem solved. I can only hope that Nintendo has addressed this issue and it will be fixed in the consoles that hit on Friday. Otherwise, there going to hear a lot of grumbling all weekend long. There are a couple of other things the Switch can’t do. You can’t charge the Joy-Cons while playing in TV mode. You’ll need to buy a separate Charging Grip ($30) for that. And since the USB-C power outlet is on the bottom of the tablet, you can’t play it in the “kickstand” configuration while it’s plugged in—the cord gets in the way. Switch includes one AC adapter, but this has to be used both by the dock and while on the go. So if you want to set the dock up in your entertainment center and run the plug behind the cabinet and never touch it again, you’ll probably want a second adapter ($30). If you're hoping to hook up the Nintendo Switch to another tv in your home, you have to put out $90 for another dock. Then you're able to just pop the Switch into either dock so you can play on another television. So you can see where this is heading. Like with so many gaming systems, you get that initial price to pay, then there are all those optional features you wind up getting. So that $300 turns into $500 rather quickly. When you're putting out $300 for a gaming system, you expect it to work perfectly out of the box, but even Sony has learned that hard lesson when buyers strike back online. Our fruther fleshed out review continues on dealing with the lack of games for the Switch. When you're deep in a video game, the last thing you want to do is leave home. If only you could take the game with you for your commute to work or your bus ride to school, or to liven up your lunch hour. Nintendo's new Switch console tries to address that by letting you play it anywhere. You simply yank the Switch out of its docking station. It functions as a tablet with a built-in display, so you don't have to worry about finding a TV. Games typically work without a persistent internet connection. Once you're back home, just slide it back into the docking station to play games on a big-screen TV. The Switch works like a traditional game console when you want that; it offers portability when you need that. Over the past week, I've played the new "Legend of Zelda" game at home, outside, in a laundromat and in a mechanic's waiting room. The game picks right up wherever I left off. The big question, as it so often is with Nintendo, is whether it will be able to deliver enough games. When the console starts selling Friday, for $300, the Switch will have a paltry nine titles, leaning heavily toward familiar franchises such as "Just Dance" and "Skylanders." By contrast, Sony's PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's Xbox One had about 20 games each at launch. A new hardware introduction is big for any company, and even more so for a company in such a state of transition. Nintendo's Wii U console bombed when it came out in 2012, and its long-held dominance of the portable game market has been usurped by smartphones and tablets. Its two big successes of 2016 - "Pokemon Go" and "Super Mario Run" - were made to be played on other companies' devices. "Pokemon Go" wasn't even developed in-house, but under license by a California company called Niantic. The Switch is a gutsy attempt by Nintendo to reclaim its territory in both the home and portable markets. The console comes with two controllers, known as Joy-Cons. Each has a control stick, four buttons, two triggers, motion sensors and haptic feedback. The right one also has an infrared sensor to detect nearby objects. On the go, you can turn the tablet into a hand-held game machine by attaching Joy-Cons to each side. Or just prop the tablet on a table with a built-in kickstand and use the Joy-Cons as wireless controllers, just as you would at home. You can also transform the Joy-Cons into a more traditional game controller by sliding them into a wireless grip accessory, which is included. To play a solo adventure like "Zelda," you'll need all the buttons on both Joy-Cons. But Nintendo also wants you to play socially, so each Joy-Con functions as a freestanding controller for party games like "Just Dance 2017" and "Super Bomberman R." The Joy-Cons are surprisingly comfortable given that they are small, about the size of a candy bar. I'd be more worried about losing them than getting hand cramps. They slide into slots on the tablet and the grip with a satisfying snap. The tablet, with the Joy-Cons attached, is about as wide as a standard iPad held horizontally, but just a little more than half as tall. The screen resolution is equivalent to 720p high definition. "Zelda" looks just about as good here as on your big-screen HDTV. The battery lasts about six hours, though a power-hungry game like "Zelda" could cut that down in half. The Switch has a puny 32 gigabytes of internal storage. You'll need to buy a memory card if you intend to download plenty of games. Games also come on postage-stamp-sized game cards you slide into a slot on top. It remains to be seen just how many games you'll want. There's a drab collection of multiplayer mini-games, packaged as "1-2-Switch." The package would have been great as a free starter kit; instead, it costs $60. "Snipperclips," for just $20, is a more inspired cooperative puzzle game. The marquee attraction, of course, is "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" ($60). It is spectacular, but also available on the Wii U, so owners of that console don't need to upgrade yet. Granted, I am a hardcore gamer, the type of guy who would buy a Switch just for "Zelda" and spend 100 hours happily wallowing in it. Casual gamers who get by with the occasional fix of "Candy Crush Saga" on cellphones will probably wish for a broader selection. Nintendo says more than 80 games are in development, with homegrown franchise titles like "Super Mario Odyssey," ''Mario Kart 8 Deluxe" and "Splatoon 2" coming this year. But Nintendo hasn't said whether the Switch will get some version of its Virtual Console, which delivered classic hits from the company's 30-plus-year history to the Wii U. The Switch hardware is very impressive, and the ability to easily take a game from the living room to the laundromat scratches an itch I didn't know I had. But in bridging two worlds, it sacrifices important pieces of both. It doesn't have all the functions you want from a tablet; even the Xbox and the PlayStation have web browsers and video apps such as Netflix on their non-portable systems. And the Switch doesn't (yet) deliver the range of games you want from a home console. The Wii U failed, in part, because Nintendo left too many of its most beloved heroes idling on the bench. Consoles gathered dust because there weren't enough compelling games to play. The long-awaited "Zelda" is a good start for the Switch, but Nintendo will need to deliver this kind of quality more consistently. Again, hopefully Nintendo has dealt with the lag issue on their Switch so you can enjoy it fully.
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