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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
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Did calum just confirm kaykay and ashton or what?
PS: at calum5sos are you alright, bud?? No need to go off like this lol
I’m making a post when I get home but I wanted to know your thoughts on this.
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lukesos · 10 years ago
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5SOS → Michael Clifford
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
I thought it was kinda weird how Luke laughed when Calum said he had a girlfriend.
Okay so I went back to watch it and decided to see everyone’s reaction and honestly, if anyone knows about body language please let me know. I’ll just work with my perceptions and opinions so take it as that (as always). Basically here’s the clip (x) (around 0:42 -0:57) (sorry for not being able to insert it here since tumblr only allows one video by post)
There’s nothing really weird until you start to look at them individually.
Here’s Calum saying “actually he’s got a girlfriend so”:
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He looks unimpressed in my opinion. Kinda tired maybe. Maybe ironic.
Here’s Luke:
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He scratches his neck when Calum says the word girlfriend and then he tries to laugh it off. In my opinion, he looked nervous and then if you look at this gif, he actually laughs and keeps the smile but it’s like the one a naughty kid would have, like when you laugh in an inappropriate situation.
Here’s Michael:
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He looks at Calum like “what are you going to say” and after he hears what he says, he jokes right after about Luke being bing.
And here’s Ashton. It’s not a gif because when I watched it I noticed he said something:
I feel like his body language is really expressive. He’s laughing at the google joke and as soon as Calum mentions the word girlfriend he stops smiling, and if I’m not wrong, he says “baby back up” (which is really interesting in my opinion!) and then looks to the side like he’s done with everything.
Honestly after watching this (again) I felt like he [Ashton] got pissed after the boys joked with the cashmere candle and then this happened, which may explain why he’s so irritated during the whole thing.
After this I feel like there’s something definitely happening. Now I can’t help but consider the idea that Luke is being asked/pushed to mention her for reasons I can’t figure out (and probably won’t figure out). I feel like calum was like “got you bro” and said it himself so Luke wouldn’t have to.
I’d like to think he mentions her organically but after seeing this I have even more doubts about it.
It’s just weird, that’s all I can say. Keep in mind these are opinions and I’m not a body language expert so don’t take it as facts.
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
Praising the girlfriends ≠ real fans
Honestly, I’ve been wanting to do this post for a while and given the recent events going within the fandom, I’d like to say some things.
I’m tired of this mentality that implies that if you don’t like or praise the boys’s girlfriends (and it doesn’t stop there, I’d also add to that list friends or coworkers, even [Andy, for example]), you’re not a real fan, or a good fan.
I’m here for the band. 
While I understand that some people like shipping or gushing over couples and I don’t condemn them for that, I think that there’s some toxic stuff I’ve seen going around and I’d like to address it:
If you don’t like their girlfriend, you aren’t supporting their happiness: the only thing I have to say for this, are you? You don’t know what’s up behind the scenes. Maybe they’re both having the worst time of their lives and you’re here hyping it up. We don’t know what people is going through so affirmations like this make me kind of go “???”. But also, while you remain respectful if you have a different opinion, I don’t see why or how it would affect them.
Turning your SM account to one dedicated to the girl: I have no problem if you actually like the girl and she has something for you to be a fan for (probably her job) but if you’re making fan accounts (or sometimes is fanart) of rumored girlfriends, hookups or stuff like that... that’s creepy. Also, please do so if you truly are a fan. I read this “fan” account dedicated to certain girlfriend admitting that if the girlfriend wasn’t dating one of the boys, she wouldn’t have a fan account dedicated to that girlfriend. That’s just sad. I don’t even have to explain why.
Giving more attention to the girls than the actual band: I’ve seen this happen so many times, especially when it comes to milestones for the band. A single is out, but the majority of the fandom is freaking out about x or y drama happening with a couple. It also has happened with coworkers. Take Andy for example. 
This kind of links with the point I made before, but praising the girlfriend over the band member, especially when it erases his effort for an achievement: the biggest example is the whole fandom treating Sierra like an angel and pretending Luke didn’t have to pick himself up after what happened. Of course, she might have helped, just like Ashton, Calum, Michael and his family probably did. But just don’t pretend the girlfriends came in and fixed all their problems, especially when it’s related to mental health stuff. It’s dismissive for them and it sends the wrong message for young people.
And this might be speculation, but I’m pretty sure their management sees the way the majority of the fandom reacts and that’s why we get so much drama related to the couples. Because it stirs things. And maybe this is why their image has been so linked to their love-life. So many bands go through their careers without their love life being so relevant on their media presence.
Attacking other fans because their opinion differs or they just don’t like the girl/couple (while the ones that don’t like the girl or couple remain respectful, it should be okay for them to think in that way; and even if they were mean, we should educate, not act in the same way they do).
I might be forgetting stuff or might have not seen some stuff, so feel free to add or tell me.
I invite you to stop pretending that everyone that’s near the guys now belongs to the band and we owe them stuff.
You don’t need to praise. You don’t need to do fan accounts. You don’t need to turn your Twitter into one dedicated to the girl. You don’t need to do fanart. You also don’t need to hate. You don’t need to send fucked up comments. You don’t need to bring up their names every time something band related happens (like a single, album or music video release, for example).
Just be respectful.
In my eyes, is way more respectful to let the couples be and not expect them to post photos or videos (or whatever), or push them to do stuff (example: marriage because you guys are so cute and have been together for so long!!). We should treat them like people, not a circus.
Honestly, just be real and respectful. If you like the couple, cool. If you like her because she does something that resonates with you, go ahead. But don’t push people to feel the same as you. Don’t push yourself to hype up someone you feel nothing about. 
At the end of the day, praising the girlfriends doesn’t equal being a real fan. Support your band and help them reach their goals makes you a real fan.
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
5sos + interscope records
So I just saw they signed up with them and went to look up the artists they work with and there are some really interesting ones (Lana del Rey, Billie Eilish, the 1975). It made me wonder if this means that the sound might go back to lean towards rock again or be more alternative.
I thought about this especially after seeing the songs they registered and seeing that andy biersack (who plays in a metal band) helped them with a song
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(photo not mine so thanks to whoever that posted)
I feel like they might go for a more mature sounds good feels good? but then again I think about the country influences they’ve had lately so I’m here just waiting to see what’s going on. 
Thoughts? Comments?
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
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New single coming soon? 👀 New era beginning?
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
If we look back at everything that led to Sierra being involved with 5sos, I still think there’s something fishy about the way she seemed to be close to Ashton before even starting to be around Luke. When they became a couple Ashton distanced himself a lot from her, even though she claimed to be best friends? I still think she used Ashton as a stepping stone to Luke and he never let that go cause he always seems to make a weird face or comment whenever Luke mentions her.
I get where you’re coming from. I think that it wouldn’t be weird for us to look back and see she got along really well with Ashton (because it seemed like she got along with Calum too and I think once I saw a picture of Michael at her birthday or something) if he didn’t seem to react towards her in the way he has when she has been brought up in interviews.
I feel like the most obvious one was this one I discussed here, but he’s always doing faces and also he has called her a baked potato so, I don’t know about you but in my opinion it feels like he’s annoyed at her. 
I don’t know if he’s actually mad at her and feels betrayed or maybe he feels like she’s making something wrong with Luke, or if he’s annoyed at the fact that Luke brings it up in interviews because maybe he wants to be more serious and about music in them rather than sharing their personal lives. Maybe it’s a mix of the two. Maybe it’s none of them. I wouldn’t be able to tell, but I totally see your point. Thanks for sharing. 
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
Just saw the heat world video and I thought it was kinda awkward just giving them tweets to read instead of questions, but there were some funny ones. Thought I have to say that Ashton’s attitude really threw me off the jokes the other boys were saying because, yes, he’s sassy but in this he was... mean. Hopefully it was a situational thing. The other boys were pretty mature and respectful towards the whole thing overall. And calum teasing Luke about his gf was really sassy (and funny) in my opinion.
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
Easier (opinion)
So, let me state that I liked the song, but it wasn’t what I was expecting.
It really shows that Charlie puth collaborated because the song is really flat in sound. I was waiting for the beat to drop and pick up at some point but it didn’t happen. Really, this is a Charlie puth sound with Luke’s voice. If you listen to attention or we don’t talk anymore it’s the same thing: it goes the same way all the time and there aren’t big changes in the sound. I kind of missed that because 5sos does it a lot (I mean, you can listen to any song but babylon’s build up is flawless).
I’m also surprised they still sound pop-ish. I thought that they were going for rock, especially after this:
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But again, Charlie’s presence in the song is really noticeable and I feel like it took over.
And I don’t know if I didn’t listen to it right but I think Luke is the only one singing?? Correct me if I’m wrong.
Leaving that aside, I liked the aesthetic of the video, and you can understand why they’re drowning, in chains and their portraits are burning. I also really loved the fact that we got to hear luke singing in a really high note because we always had like small moments to hear it but this is a full song sang in a really high note, so it was cool and I’m proud of him. His voice is really unique and I’m glad he keeps on evolving it. And also I liked the lyrics.
I think they chose this song to be the single so they can show they keep on trying new styles but also because I feel like it really will go up in the charts since it’s really catchy. I feel like this song tries to be want you back little sister but she can’t be her, you know? lol.
Can’t wait to see the rest of this new era and if what they’re building up to with those symbols since they’re putting so much emphasis on them.
Thoughts? Opinions on it?
PS: if you feel bad because you don’t love it like everyone else, don’t feel that way. We have a whole new album upcoming so maybe you don’t like this one but you’ll like the other songs. Don’t feel guilty or anything. It’s fine to have a different opinion, and if you want to rant or talk, my inbox and messages are open.
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
I don’t mind if the guys want to help promote/support friends who are musicians etc. My issue is if I feel like I’m being forced to support them as well. With Kay doing the posters last year it was so unnecessary, they had nothing to do with the album. With Sierra, if she had done more with the singles she released/ interview she had I wouldn’t be bothered by her doing the charity show. But neither of these girls do any self promotion they’re depending upon 5sos fans to care about them.
I feel like no one really minds “network” while the you do it with the right people. For example, when John Krasinski chose his wife to be in the main role of his debut film as a director no one said anything because it wasn’t weird: she has an established career. She has done many great roles and landed them by herself. You don’t see people going like “emily blunt was just there because she’s john’s wife” you know? No one really questioned it because they both work actively for their careers. And if, let’s put in the scenario where Emily Blunt isn’t that very known and he is, but she’s actively looking for roles and working on smaller films, if he gave her a chance because he thinks she’ll do well and she proves to be worthy of the role, no one would say a thing. Everyone needs a chance at the end of the day.
I totally understand where you’re coming from and I empathize with you because sometimes I feel the same way. Not only because the fandom tends to fuss about anyone near 5SOS and there’s this sort of rejection/shaming if you don’t do that, but also because the boys tend to be extra (though I’d take Calum out of this because the times I have seen him supporting his sister, for example, he’s like really chill and natural about it. He doesn’t push it). 
I agree with you in the fact that those girls haven’t been doing much for people that want to work in outlets where you need people engaged. Hopefully that will change. 
But yes. Sometimes it feels like the boys push them too much. Maybe they have the best intentions and as most of the fandom is like “yasss kween!!” they don’t see why it’s wrong or how it could bother some part of the fandom. I’m sorry you feel this way. If it helps, you can message me anytime and honestly, sometimes I just take a step back from everything related to them or just focus on them, or go and watch old interviews or just listen to the music. I know that dodging the drama in this fandom is like a mission impossible movie, but we can all try to be tom cruise (like, the character. Tom Cruise actually creeps me out a little bit lmao).
Have a good day and thank you for sending an ask!
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
imo Sierra performing is frustrating bc even if the other performers are tied w 5sos at least theyre making a name for themselves on their own. With Sierra it came out of nowhere, esp after her comment that she’s writing for other artists atm. I know this is for charity and all, &that’s great but I feel like it kinda is her taking advantage. It would be fine if she worked to promote her music/career but in the past year she hasn’t. You can’t be a silent musician to make something of your craft.
Yes! I totally agree with you! That’s why in the ask related to this in the response I said “I feel like you’re kind of pissed and I can understand why”. I actually was going to add that I felt frustrated when I read that they are performing at a charity event, because I thought she had taken the spot from another musician, but since it’s their event, I feel like it hurts less to give her a spot.
When I see this things happening, I try to put myself in the different points of view. And I was thinking about the boys’s and I can totally see why they would let her (or ask her) to perform (and put her in the poster, too). At the end of the day they’re humans, like you and me, so thinking about this, I know they might (probably) be biased. 
I feel like some of us are bothered because we all have gone through this situation. We all help our friends/partners. We all want to see them succeed. So when you’re in a position where you can help out, you will do it. When it comes to people that we appreciate, we’re really biased. and I feel like with them [the boys] is extra because they developed their most crucial years on a industry that is based on this. I feel like they think they have developed good skills at spotting when they’re being fooled but they truly haven’t. I also think they might think about them back in the day when they were beginning and say “well, so many people helped us out, it’s only right for us to do so” (which is fine!) but they seem to have poor judgement on who to help.
To ground this, I feel like it irks because we all have been in that group project where you have that friend that’s struggling and you’re like “hey, here, I help you with your part, don’t worry”, but we all know that after doing it two, three, four times, we start to notice they’re not changing. They’re not doing their part again. We start to get tired. We see that friend and we’re like ‘maybe this time…’ but they don’t do it. They don’t change. And at some point you just tell them the stuff on their face or your relationship with the person falls apart. 
As you say, if she were doing something, that would be different. She’s just… there. 
I feel like maybe this is happening for various reasons:
1. I feel like Sierra is really lost in her career path. Which happens, and is normal. Maybe she doesn’t like music at all and just did it because she wanted to please her couple and enjoyed it because it was with him. Maybe she should consider a band if she doesn’t like going solo. And if she’s not really interested in music, I think it’s alright to step back and say “hey, I was young and I followed my boyfriend, but I’ve realized I don’t like it anymore”.
I feel like she’s really lost in the sense of “what now”. Sure, she has a degree. But I feel like after being on the public eye and seemingly enjoy it, she’s trying to keep up with this facade of a singer. Maybe she should even consider being an influencer if she just likes being the public eye but not being involved in any type of entertainment area. And I say this because by what I’ve gathered, she really likes attention, she just pretends she doesn’t. I read that she was chosen like the nicest one or something along those lines, so it means she’s really social and not the shy person she’s trying to sell us. I know I’m walking in thin ice here, but for shy people, they can fake being social for a while, but to be considered the nicest, you have to be really involved with people (and to a lot of them). In my eyes, shy people tend to choose who they will talk to because they feel interested in some way. She’s not shy, she just tries to please everyone (and this might be rough, but maybe this is one of the reasons she and Luke get along).
2. I feel like behind the scenes, Sierra is like “guys i’m really working on new music but every time I do something, it backfires! I try to pull music out, it’s considered plagiarism. But I truly love this, I just need time to heal, etc” and the boys believe this. I feel like they’re nicer to her because they might see themselves reflected on her. The boys went through rough times but the industry didn’t let them catch a breath until it ended up in a two year hiatus. I feel like they’re trying to be supportive and kind of protect her from what they have lived in the industry. 
And then, you have the most media-looking side of this and it’s the fact that it will probably bring more attention now that’s she’s going to be there. Fans posting about Luke and Sierra and gushing about them sharing their passion for music (and they’re angels because it’s charity). People buying the ticket to see if something happens. Something will probably happen and the daily mail will come up with their cheesy, stupid headline about Luke and Sierra showing their love to help charity. I think it brings buzz. It’s beneficial for all of them if you see it that way. 
This is how it goes. And for the non impressionable part of the fandom, is really shitty and might be even daunting to follow the band. 5SOS on their own is the shit. They’re great musicians. Funny guys. They seem grounded. They seem passionate about what they do. They are inspirational.
But with all the people and drama always surrounding them, sometimes it’s hard to stay. And sometimes it’s hard not only because it bothers you (even if it’s just a little bit), but also saddens you to see that their success is always eclipsed by other people, and it’s not even their fault or these people’s fault but their managers and the fandom.
Everything I’ve stated here are just opinions and perceptions, and I feel like I rambled about other stuff, but hopefully it made sense. In short: totally agree with you, anon.
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
Ashton speaks to Luke + GQ interview
I was going to do this in different posts but after seeing both videos, I think there’s some points that they share, so I’m just doing one.
This post contains personal opinions and theories. Don’t take any of this as a confirmation of anything.
This post’s purpose is not to hate on anyone mentioned here but to share what I think.
I’m always up for discussion, while it’s done with respect to me but also about the people we’re talking about.
I’ll do a breakdown here about the main points I’ll be talking about so you can skip to whatever you prefer if you don’t want to read this whole post because it’s going to be long:
1. Ashton speaks to Luke EPISODE 1
2. 10 things 5 Seconds of summer can’t live without
3. Luke and his girlfriend and his dog
1. Ashton speaks to Luke EPISODE 1
> Summary: Luke and Ashton sit in what it seems to be an hotel room, Ashton asks Luke some questions and directs him through it. The video is in black and white and, by the gestures at the end of it, seems like Ashton recorded it on his Macbook.
> Highlights of it:
“The mission here is to [...] also spread the word through Europe where the band it’s at now. It’s important that we came here in person so people know we’re not sixteen anymore.” 
Luke talks about missing his house, where he feels like he can start every morning letting his creativeness flow, since he can sit on the piano or play guitar, but before that he casually mentions missing his girl and dog.
How travelling affects their (or at least Luke’s) creativity and workflow.
Ashton asks “all the sacrifices, that you know, being away all the time, is it worth it?” and Luke responds, after thinking and playing a beat with his fingers “mmm, yeah, I think so” and Ashton says “that’s the big question” and Luke laughs and says “yeah, I don’t know”.
> Why I can see this is a genuine thing:
If any of them wanted to pretend like he has a talk show, I would totally see Ashton as the one to point at.
The description is “Ashton and Luke talk about sacrifice, happiness, and Homelife”. Let me say that I adore Ashton, but he’s extra and I can see him trying to convey the topics in these words. It’s appealing and it makes you feel like they touch in depth topics that they... didn’t get to touch so deeply. We just scraped the surface of their true feelings about these topics. 
The fact that the video is in black and white (and goes with the mood of the video description) is something Ashton would do.
I can totally see Ashton being like “why don’t we do something special with this album?” and coming up with this idea. The fact that it says Episode 1 makes me think that he’ll interview the rest of the band and/or make more than one episode about each one of them. 
Maybe they want to show a “mature image” and thought this was a way of doing it so we can see a clear difference between cocktail chats and this.
> Why I think it’s a little bit weird or fishy:
I don’t know much about this, and I think I would prefer not to search in depth (because I don’t want to figure out how controlled they are), but I’m pretty sure their management (or social media managers) have a lot to say on the content they post on social media. With this being posted in such a big outlet for the band as youtube is (because people that aren’t fans are going to see that too if they look up the channel to search the song they heard on the radio, for example), I feel like this is probably one of the places where they are most controlling at. I truly believe this had approval from someone to be posted.
The fact that it’s so casual is weird. And yeah, you might be like: “wouldn’t that make it more genuine?” and yes, it could, but for me it’s just weird to think that Ashton just turned on his laptop and was like “hey Luke, here, I’m posting a video, let me interview you”, while that can happen, I feel like the way this truly happened was: Ashton had the idea ---> asked management if he could do that ---> they agreed but probably directed some of the topics and/or they had to approve the final result. It’s casual he uses his mac and he tries to clean up a little bit the background at the beginning, but apart from that, I feel like they both knew this was happening at some point.
> What I appreciated it about it: 
It was interesting to know Luke’s process to songwrite and how invested he is in music even when he’s not on tour. 
The fact that they were honest about their feelings and commented the ‘sacrifice’ their work means. 
> What called my attention:
I felt like Ashton was trying to direct Luke’s questions by bringing his own feelings into the whole thing, or at least at the end that was the case (when they talk about sacrifice). I don’t know if Ashton was talking about his own experience or was trying to get more out of that “mmm, yeah, I think so” because he might not feel that way, or he might know Luke doesn’t feel that way.
The mention of Luke’s girlfriend. But I’ll talk about it after talking about the GQ interview.
The fact that they keep bringing up the fact that they want to establish they aren’t teenagers anymore. They keep on doing that and I don’t know if they notice it, and also, I’m pretty sure Europe knows they aren’t teenagers anymore, it’s not like they haven’t been there since the self-titled album. They did a pretty important tour there last year showing their new image. 
Calling their job a sacrifice. And showing doubt to it being worth it. I don’t know if they’re trying to hint anything (whether is how they’re feeling, if there’s something up behind the scenes we don’t know about, etc.). I feel like this group has struggled a lot while on the music industry. They might be in a better place now, but being on a better place doesn’t erase what made you be on a bad place.
The fact that you can’t like or dislike de video. Maybe this is a sign that they are really trying to put themselves out there and don’t want this to be affected by that or that they don’t care about if people like it or not.
Ashton actually asked “What do you miss about home?” and Luke says “LA?” and I felt like (this is my take though) Ashton’s aim was getting him to talk about Australia and his family so it could get more personal. You can see him shrugging when he’s like “yeah, LA” (and his voice was a little high pitched so I don’t know much about this whole paraverbal/body language whole thing but I feel that those are some signs). Also, he said “home” and when Luke talks about LA he only refers to it as “I miss my house because blah, blah”.
2. 10 Things 5 Seconds of Summer can’t live without.
> Summary: It’s basically the title says.
> Hightlights/interesting parts from it:
Ashton: Finally we have an explanation to the polka dots shirts, suits and the gel. That’s it. I’m glad I finally understand the why behind all that. I’m not a really big fan of the gel or suits, but I can totally understand and respect his reasons on why to use it.
Calum: It was funny how he tried to avoid talking about girls (especially after the CK cologne explanation), and when he talked about the shirt and he was like ‘they’re like 10 dollars at target go and get one!!!’ sort of message. And then he showed the polaroid with his mom, and shared some insight about his life(even if it was a sneak peak). I thought it was sweet.
Luke: The playstation portable with his old games made me chuckle and the fact that he was so interested and kind of smiling fondly at it while talking about the games he has for it (and Michael saying that ridge racer sucks). Maybe it’s the vibe I got but I felt like he was remembering good things. Like sometimes I stumble upon things that were dear to me a few years back and it’s impossible to not remember things or where you were while you were using it, or buying it, etc. I also think that this time around the topic was a better choice from GQ since the last time he didn’t get to speak that much since he doesn’t have a tattoo. His phone part, I’ll talk about it in the next topic.
Michael: My favorite nerd. I feel like there’s an inside joke with Nicol Bolas, and I think I know why he tries not to laugh about it when he talks about the card (it’s such an “old” michael kind of joke if I’m right). I feel like the name is the reason on why it’s his fave, to be honest. Also loved that they other boys were like ‘well here’s my perfume and my clothes’ and he was like ‘look at my fucking thumb stick that is the coolest thing in the world’ and ‘Calum, I’ve got the first halo here’. He looks so invested on it it’s actually really nice.
While I thought it was nice to know this random stuff about them, maybe this was me, but I felt like they are struggling or they were sharing their struggles. I can’t point at the parts now (because I’ve been writing for a while and I don’t feel like going back) but I felt like this interview and the one on their channel really had this bits of them being a little tired/hesitant about their music direction/career. Maybe it’s my perception and if you’re interested I can go back and watch the whole thing closely to explain why, but I just got that feeling. 
3. Luke and his girlfriend and his dog.
(You know I had to name this point that way because I can’t stop myself from making dumb jokes that are too niche so problably a 0,01% of you will laugh at it).
Okay, so let me sum up all the times he has mentioned Sierra in past interviews in less than a month:
“Hate mail” on Elvis Duran (Jun, 4th)
I have a picture of my dog, and my girlfriend on Ryan Seacrest (May 23rd)
My background is a picture of me and my dog, and my girl on GQ (Jun, 18th)
"I miss my girl, I miss my dog” (Jun, 18th) 
I already gave an opinion on them, and why I’m neutral about if I think they’re real or not (you can check my post here), but after this, I’d also like to add this few points:
> Why I can see they’re real and if they’re real:
I mean, she’s on his lockscreen.
Luke is really private, or at least he was. So I’m guessing he’s trying to show that he has a partner to not fall into his “old ways” and that’s the reason on why he’s open about talking about her and showing pictures of her (this is a guess or my take on this topic).
He has mentioned the “hate mail” she gets, and in my opinion (but this is my take on it), if my partner got hate, I wouldn’t put them out there any more than they need to be. If this is his way to make the “haters go away” or “haters gonna hate” kind of thing, I don’t think it’s the right direction. Let me put it this way: I have a crowd of people that doesn’t like eggs. I stand in front of them showing them eggs in an attempt to make them stop hating it. I’ll probably get my ass handed to myself, but also, they will probably hate eggs even more. If this is the way to “desensitize” (like when therapists/psychologists make someone who’s, let’s say, it’s scared of heights be exposed to them, he’s or/and management are not performing it properly because this is done in a really slow way so the individual can take it, and so it actually works and doesn’t end up backfiring) the people who hate her, this isn’t the way. One thing is to try to normalize them as a couple and the other thing is to keep bringing her up in an attempt to make people stop bashing her. To be honest, if she’s as scared and anxious as she tells us she is, please don’t expose her like this and actually help her out (this is not in a mean spirited way. I just talk about everything in that way because we’re not really sure about a lot of stuff but if someone’s struggling mentally, it’s actually worrying and I hope she’s getting help by a person that knows what’s up and can show/teach her techniques so she can be in a better place).
(Also, please don’t think I’m comparing her to an egg. I literally couldn’t think about anything else but you can replace the eggs for your favorite food or item. Also, please don’t think eggs are my favorite food. I feel like I don’t even know what’s my favorite food anymore. If you’re curious about this, ask me like in seven days because I’ve just realized this and might have an answer by that day).
(This was my attempt to make some jokes because I felt like this whole situation it’s too heavy for some people so) (but it’s true I don’t know what my  favorite food is).
Why I can see they’re PR:
I want to start this by addressing that I have seen more hate or mean tweets directed at the band members than Sierra. Go and watch the interview they uploaded. Top comments are about how goals they are!!1!! because he misses her. With this I’m not saying hate towards her doesn’t exist or that is right, but I feel like the boys are more targeted than her. 
Ashton seems to be saying something shady every time after Luke comments about her. I wouldn’t be really happy with a friend of mine calling my significant other a “burnt potato” (even as a joke because ??? that’s so out of place in my opinion), I would be really awkward if my friend called me out for letting my partner touch my phone like it was the worst thing in the world (it’s debatable and for another time), and the faces he makes, especially in the video uploaded on the band’s account (but again, I have no clue on body language so if anyone knows, let me know what you think!). Also it caught my eye that on the Ryan Seacrest Michael took the attention out of the matter (his gf on his lockscreen) and was like okay man, let me joke for you and everyone was distracted from the topic for a moment. Calum seemed to try to do that on Elvis Duran, when he mutters “yeah, I should try to stop doing that”. 
Okay, now, y’all tell me if I’m reaching too much because I don’t want to sprain myself but, I don’t know about you, but just having the photo of you and your partner (and dog) and your lockscreen is kind of weird to me? Like why wouldn’t you have it as your background too?
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It’s literally a picture that probably comes with the phone (I’m really bad at telling which Iphone is which but I know their backgrounds have space related stuff in the X one maybe? Not sure but I remember seeing the publicity lol).
And don’t tell me he doesn’t use the phone. I know they have like three phones but my dude has song lyrics and recordings in this one, so it’s probably the one he uses the most.
As I said, maybe it’s a reach, but, I usually have people I care about as my background (sometimes background and lockscreen it’s the same because lazy) because even if you have apps there, you get to see the photo and you smile a little. Maybe it’s just me, but I felt like pointing it out.
The amount of times he brings her up (and his dog). I don’t know if they’re real and he’s like “here’s my girlfriend!! uwu but also my dog please don’t hate me” or if Petunia is his self-defense mechanism at this point to try to show some emotion. Also, Petunia could be brought up to show familiarity if they aren’t real. The fandom knows Petunia is really important in Luke’s life, so if he has Petunia AND Sierra, it must be a REALLY big deal, right?
My last point, that will go with my final rant: go and read where they commented about her. Did you read? Yeah. Elvis Duran, Ryan Seacrest, their band account, GQ. Really important places and I feel like all of these media places have a big amount of credibility and they reach a diverse public (age and gender wise) so I feel like it’s worth pointing it out.
To be honest, whether they are real or fake (or a mix, that’s an option too), no one can’t convince me they’re not trying to sell Luke as the boyfriend of the band. And the good, perfect boyfriend. The Luke who was with Arzaylea is trying to be buried underneath this one and while I understand the reason why (image-wise), it’s still fucked that they have to sell the boys as “perfect human beings”. It’s on us and the industry, to be honest, and this is for a rant where I have a big cup of tea and it’s past midnight and I reflect on media and how it fucks up people but also can help and you’re sitting in the couch in front of me wondering when the fuck I’ll shut up because you wanna go to sleep but you don’t want to interrupt me.
So I’m leaving it there, thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
Do you think something is up? Everything has been so drama free lately I'm worried 🙃 It just feels weird... Like something will happen. Maybe I'm paranoid after the Mystal engagement, because everything was as chill as now before it happened 🤷‍♀️
To be honest, I have been commenting about this with my friend and we have joked saying “don’t jinx it”. I think I kind of started feeling this way after not seeing any explicit ‘lierra’ drama before the who do you love music video realise, because if you look back, lierra is always used when the boys are realising things related to music (myt live, wdyl as single). So it kind of threw me off when it didn’t happen. They have been too quiet. It’s weird. And also, I think the whole kaykay/ashton thing being on the spotlight and then dying down was odd too.I just want to think that right now everyone is quiet because they’re just working on the album and we don’t have tours, music releases, music videos or anything of some sorts on the way (to the point we know). I think that while is natural to be ‘cautious’ because this fandom has gone through a lot, you shouldn’t worry a lot about it. If there’s something planned or something has to happen, it will happen anyway. What matters is the way you take it. 💖
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
Not a rant, but I just wanted to say how amazing was the performance of wdyl tonight. The boys were on the well deserved spotlight, effortlessly showing their talent. I’m glad they managed to work around this (as in the tcs situation, because the song is actually enjoyable) and make the song sound a little bit more like them with the electric guitar and Luke’s addition at the end. I’m pleasantly surprised and really happy for them, since I felt the attention was more on them than the tcm
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
I’ve been really enjoying the guys not being in LA, when they’re back in America all the shit happens. That’s why I actually mute the guys socials until they’re on tour, then I unmute for the music 🎵 . I actually find it’s makes supporting them more enjoyable. I still know roughly what’s happening through tumblr etc but I’m not getting it directly. Also credit to you for the effort you put into this blog. You post some really interesting opinions and clearly put thought into the points you make
I agree. When they’re in LA, shit happens lol. I think what you do could be a good idea to follow for those who get affected by their sm but still want to support the band.
And thank you, I really appreciate your words 😌 (though I don’t really put that much effort into the blog in my opinion lol)
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
Me, waiting for the wdyl music video to drop but also mystal/lierra or even ashton/Kay Kay drama before it
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PS: also expecting half of the fandom joking around with Michael’s fire incident and the other half telling them how wrong that is.
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