kajmasterclass · 11 months
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wolftattoo · 1 year
i just found a total drama webcomic where chris mccl;ain is arguing about steven universe drama
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spectatingwitchowl · 1 year
Lwhmv cg Dur, swyf Npsbup Npyfrm-nafsf.
Vpxlqrvcgu wo kbx lgma mxsajeaes— aq ofksoep mhgwrvcgu smjy xhlgfyem. W irpx hwtsl lsso r ghhgncfr ct qviifw oicms zjby mbaq, gifshizhz fais u zczjrna yfrwnr ct b xlhoh, yg cy wh irx vumqsx t rwwzmbif mt mhqwbc weukqsm pwhizh mbaq tuvwzjks tfgls. Nasm xvlx if rcj ht swvlrnzgba, hpgdllbhy rvy hbst fommabs iy hvfzl lohpsgx qwstfx zjma nas evrfbnq mt nawg qcuvy, yyhbxfwox yoyjw ssx hc mfid ul rvyf obe fhes lfsg, ksbevlbhy cjykmcov yemw yg jthvfkcv imrqulhg. Bex pbsr wm pcftv— nayq cjyg qovjy mbw mhbxfg irlf cf dophif pw nayeqsfosg. J yuoy zcolw ct uycl nzgba, tbr jk cl xggba ng bp xihx slmghfs, gflvcfe spxfmpey mi vcdygr co kbxg sq hbxm hbby xpwpmnawbh. Kbxs wtsh mccl ds pcdj hi zc hp kbbm zczfaczf rhw fats nafcvxb bn xmf nxb apenam. A ya, hh rcvsnl ufb kcmv o qrmlcgl gfhkzz sokhalu, ugussvx. B, udpsuwm oo fomwsqh ztqwox qaul G goldsdk u zlwyh xtaohv nh gq psjnhouzig xmc hi mvsji xhcfe, og ecclzhz zgpkukr hp nbtn lfwm fcbtkyk ixdsll as gfl mbw lsrm tsx pytlk, yg cm rfjmyl gw azilsf bex vfgqsl mc hiv ywaw.
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media-bias-fact-check · 4 months
Media Bias Fact Check Reviews Pro-Life Advocacy Group MCCL: A Quick Look at Bias and Factual Reporting
On Friday, Media Bias Fact Check (MBFC) reviewed the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL), a pro-life advocacy organization. The MCCL was found to have a right-leaning bias and mixed factual reporting. The MCCL, funded by donations, membership fees, and fundraising events, endorses and supports candidates through its PACs to influence abortion-related policies. MBFC’s analysis revealed…
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mariacallous · 10 months
McCloskey had no obvious political gain from advocating for a tougher US response to the war in Bosnia, but advocate he did.
This November 2 marked the 20th anniversary of the passing of Frank McCloskey, the Democratic congressman for Indiana who became one the most dedicated advocates for Bosnia during the 1992-95 war.
In the academic literature on US policy towards Bosnia in the early 1990s, the focus has long been on former President Bill Clinton and how several top officials of his administration shaped the response to the war in Bosnia. In Bosnian public discourse after 1995, US policy was looked at through the impact of a few top officials, foremost among them Richard Holbrooke, the chief architect of the Dayton Peace Accords that ended the war.
But the story of US public figures and their advocacy for Bosnia did not start in 1995 and was not limited to top administration officials. It is far more nuanced, and began in 1992 with a number of elected officials speaking up for Bosnia and trying to steer US policy towards one of intervention. McCloskey was one of them.
The congressman’s impressive advocacy was first described to the wider public by Samantha Power in her award-winning book “A Problem From Hell:” America and the Age of Genocide, published in 2002, seven years after the war in Bosnia ended.
Power vividly portrayed McCloskey as a truly committed elected official laser-focused on drawing attention to the plight of Bosnia in the corridors of power in Washington.
His persistence put him at odds with the Clinton administration, particularly after he called publicly in October 1993 for the resignation of Secretary of State Warren Christopher over his “utter failure” on Bosnia.
McCloskey sought to steer US policy both on Capitol Hill and beyond. In Washington, he pioneered the use of the term ‘genocide’ to describe the crimes committed against Bosniaks. In the House of Representatives, he supported legislation aimed at lifting a United Nations-imposed arms embargo on Bosnia. McCloskey wrote numerous letters to politicians and leaders urging them to step in to aid Bosnia.
The McCloskey Amendment
Of his many legislative initiatives on Bosnia, McCloskey’s legislative capstone was his amendment to H.R.4301 – the National Defense Authorisation Act for Fiscal Year 1995.
McCloskey’s amendment passed in the House on June 9, 1994 by 244 votes to 178. It placed the House of Representatives on record in calling for the embargo to be lifted and represented a powerful rebuke to the Clinton administration’s Bosnia policy.
The passing of the amendment was a major victory for the congressional Bosnia hawks in their efforts to shape US policy. Opposed by the Clinton administration, the passage of the McCloskey amendment showed the support for Bosnia on Capitol Hill and the willingness of US legislators to take a more assertive position to end the war.
Ultimately, his commitment to Bosnia and his neglect of domestic politics cost him his career. In the November 1994 elections, McCloskey was defeated by a Republican rival.
Samantha Power quoted McCloskey as saying that he would rather “actively try to stop the slaughter than run and continue to win, knowing that I didn’t face this.”
Many years after first reading Power’s book, I set out to research in greater detail McCloskey’s advocacy for Bosnia by exploring his congressional papers at Indiana University Bloomington, digitalised by the university’s excellent librarians.
The papers lay bare McCloskey’s continuous and remarkable efforts to assist Bosnia from 1992 until his electoral defeat in late 1994. They allow researchers to piece together the story of McCloskey’s advocacy and gain insight into the various forces at play both supporting and opposing McCloskey’s activism at the time.
McCloskey had no ancestral links to Bosnia or any Indiana constituents from Bosnia; he drew no political benefit from spending his time and energy advocating for a beleaguered nation thousands of miles away. Yet, his commitment to the Bosnian cause outweighed any other considerations.
Bosnia remains McCloskey’s lasting foreign policy legacy from a career on Capitol Hill that ran from 1983 to 1995. Bosnia changed him, but he did his utmost to change US policy towards Bosnia. Though inexplicably neglected in both the academic literature and public discourse, the role of McCloskey and other Bosnia hawks from the early 1990s remain both inspiring but also an integral part of both Bosnia’s recent history and the history of US foreign policy towards the Balkans.
Six years after his death, in 2009, the Sarajevo Cantonal Assembly named a bridge in the Otoka district of the Bosnian capital after the Indiana congressman. This was a long-overdue recognition of McCloskey’s tireless efforts in support of Bosnia, preserving the memory of the unsung hero of the legislative battle for Bosnia on Capitol Hill.
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mspi · 1 year
SHOCKING MOMENT: Education Secretary Cardona Repeatedly Evades Lisa McCl...
Happy most my family knew not to go for college loans. Grants & scholarships sure. But OMG tomorrow's never promised and What If. Shared this with my nurse's teen who wants to go to a 4-yr college but has no clue how it'll get paid. Uhh, most the letters from universities are ads to get you to apply.
The dodging of the questions irks me beyond belief. Just answer the friggin question. 🎯
Still wondering why my sis wanted me to become a lawyer. What? She's not happy with all the tech I made and brought to her? There were fun games too.
-- dnagirl
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maiosx · 1 year
Redemption | Official Trailer | Jason Statham | Agata Buzek | Vicky McCl...
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habbernack · 1 year
SHOCKING MOMENT: Education Secretary Cardona Repeatedly Evades Lisa McCl...
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kinialohaguy · 1 year
SHOCKING MOMENT: Education Secretary Cardona Repeatedly Evades Lisa McCl...
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ccgpc-blog · 1 year
SHOCKING MOMENT: Education Secretary Cardona Repeatedly Evades Lisa McCl...
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5secondsofrant · 5 years
A mess: the essay.
This post contains personal opinions and theories based on research I’ve done. Don’t take any of this as a confirmation of anything.
This post’s purpose is not to hate on anyone mentioned here but to share what I’ve found and think about it as a whole.
I’m always up for discussion, while it’s done with respect to me but also about the people we’re talking about.
This isn’t what you think by the name. I just don’t know how to name this. And also, I might add, this might not be an actual essay but it might be pretty fucking long and overall a mess, but bear with me.
Yesterday I got an ask in which the anon told me that Kaykay is now being followed by White Horse Agency, and I was like “I might do some research”, and I did it, leading me to find some things that I thought were interesting and I wanted to share them with you.
Well, as you might know, Crystal has a degree on PR and a Master’s degree on communication. Back in the day (aka 2014), she had her own company called WhiteLabel.Social and it was basically aimed to be like a “bridge” between influencers and brands and make publicity that didn’t look like it. Honestly, I don’t know what’s up with the company. The only info I gathered (since this wasn’t the main focus) was the Linkedin page, which has a link with a website that seems abandoned in my opinion (like, it doesn’t have contact info, it doesn’t show works they’ve done, faqs, or like anything you’d expect from a website that is still working), but linkedin says she’s still working on it, so it might be up, but it also says she’s working as a “Talent manager” for an enterprise called “Untitled Entertainment” since January.
Now, leaving that context aside, and going back to the reason on why I’m doing this is basically because it called my attention that every girl that has been seen with the boys in public or has been “official”, has been related to Crystal somehow. A few examples are Bryana (who is still literally friends with her) and Arzaylea (who was one of her examples in the WhiteLabel website and how they seemed friendly during the sgfg tour, or at least stood together to watch some shows). 
Now, this whole White Horse Agency didn’t surprise me at all, since she and Michael have been featured on it (find waldo) and also, this year, she was photographed for it (2nd photo) --small note here, but I thought it was interesting that her invitation to coachella was sponsored by sugar bear hair and then she was out giving support to james charles lol--, but in my attempt to use Google, I came across this website and this is the reason why I’m writing this whole thing.
The website it’s called influencers(.)co, and it literally tells you that the main idea of the site is to be like a “linkedin for influencers”. Now, before I show you, I want to clarify how it works: the FAQ explains that you sign up by giving the account access to your Instagram, and then you can create a profile showcasing your work and why brands should contact you.
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(Source: https://influence.co/go/faq)
Here’s Crystal’s:
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(source: https://influence.co/crystalleigh)
What you see here is what I was explaining. The page seems really well-put together. It also shows you the starting price point for a post made by her, but I wanted to share this because what called my attention (and honestly shocked me a little -too new in this fandom for this kind of stuff I guess-) is this:
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When you click in “blog”, it shows an article where she shows her home and stuff and then when you go to “other media” everything you find is related to the engagement articles that were made (that were a lot for Michael, to be honest--like why the fuck brides dot com is interested in michael--but I guess that has been discussed). Showing articles that revolve around your engagement like the job you do promoting on Instagram to sell clothes/hotels is just... weird to me, to say at least.
Moving on, I thought “Well, I guess Sierra has one too?”, and yep she has a page too (https://influence.co/sierradeaton), it isn’t as put together as Crystal’s, and I guess she hasn’t updated because she’s still under Essy.
Then I thought, what about Kaykay? Wanna guess? Here’s her profile.
Kaykay and Sierra both have in common as “people who have tagged them” Crystal and her friend Mariah. 
After showing you this, I’d like to go back to what I questioned earlier. It’s just so weird to me that Crystal seems to be friends with the boys’s girlfriends (or supposed girlfriends) when there’s a noticeable distance between she and Ashton, Luke and Calum.
You can actually find photos of Sierra and Crystal that look like ones you’d take with friends (like this one) and there’s this one too, also, don’t forget she defended Sierra on Twitter from all the hate she was getting (like, I log in here and there and still haven’t came across a hater) and also this and this honorable mention out of Sierra’s twitter.
Also, it’s suspicious to me that this photo:
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includes the two “actual” gfs being so friendly with Crystal and also the place: a TAO restaurant (why I mention the restaurant? Because Crystal did publicity for it and Michael actually attended an inauguration)
You’re probably at this point like “what’s the fucking point of this essay” and to be honest, at this point I have no fucking idea. But it’s just weird to me. I mean, I can see why they can be friendly since it seems they have Mitchy in common as friends, but still, not to look down on Sierra or Kaykay but I highly doubt they know about websites like influencers(.)co. 
With this post I’m not saying that any relationship is real or fake, but I just want to know if there’s some of you who doesn’t find this weird? Like, something doesn’t fit right here and I can’t pinpoint what it is. How is it that all the girls related to the boys (that we have known of) end up turning into some sort of influencer? or just linked with Crystal and the brands she works with when you see the polite distance between Crystal and the rest of the boys? I know these girls are individuals, but it still feels like Crystal helping them to become an influencer like she did at some point or somehow drags them into stuff related to publicity? Because one thing is being friends even if Crystal doesn’t get along with their partner (because as I said they’re individuals who can take decisions and might have met her first and the dynamics might be different) but other thing is being related to the same brands. I don’t know if I’m explaining properly my point but I hope you can understand.
I heard this once but I don’t know if I recall it correctly: once is an incident, two's a coincidence but three is a pattern. Maybe I’m too new here to figure out the pattern, but maybe some of you can see something else, so... Yeah, basically wanted to share my thoughts and that website that honestly astonished me. Thoughts?
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megustacat · 6 years
Plot twist
Dajan is the fifth datable option.
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arko006-blog · 4 years
Marico CFO Vivek Karve resigns - ET Retail
Marico CFO Vivek Karve resigns – ET Retail
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New Delhi : FMCG firm Marico on Thursday said its chief financial officer Vivek Karve has resigned from the company. It has appointed its executive vice president & head – finance, Pawan Agrawal as its next CFO, Marico said in a regulatory filing.
The board of the company in a meeting held on Thursday has accepted the resignation of Karve, who was associated with Marico from last 20…
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objetivoreggaeton · 5 years
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MC CL, MC Vinny, Junior Lord fanno festa nella Pousada No Pai
MC CL, MC Vinny, Junior Lord e DJ Loirin sanno bene che l'unione fa la forza e pubblicano Pousada No Pai.
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smartphonediaries · 4 years
via All news, US and international. https://ift.tt/3hGoEl2
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Hospital? Hospital. - Do you have to go continuation and JJ Maybank x reader fic.
I know, I know, there isn’t much writing here is there. I’ll answer for you - no. In response I will apologise because I really did intent for the second part to this to be longer but it is my personal policy not to drag out pieces of writing that have clearly come to a end, even if they do only end up being exactly 668 words long. Anyway, on a different note, I hope this doesn’t disappoint and if it does drop a hate comment in the bottom and watch me delete tumblr, cry and never write anything again. JOKES... unless...
Continuation of “Do you have to go?” 
Synopsis: Reader wants to surf the surge but her boyfriend JJ and there best friend John B don’t think it is such a good idea and spoilers it isn’t lol. 
Warnings: Mentions of slight drowning. I think this classes as an angst fic so if you don't like that kind of stuff then this is probably not your cup of tea.
Air, fuck, when has breathing ever felt so good. Sand sticks to your wet body as you lay on the beach, water dripping from the side of your mouth. You can vaguely remember violently, coughing it all up earlier but your mind is hazy, and everything seems rather distant to you.
There’s a hand on your back, stroking it softly – JJ. Luck must be on your side today because you would have been drifting somewhere at the bottom of the ocean right now if it weren’t for him; but, you’re not, you are here next to him as he traces shapes on your back. You come back to your senses gradually, focusing on his touch to draw you from your shocked state. You know he must have followed you when you left, he has never been someone who would be happy to be left behind. Regaining feeling in your legs, you know you are ready to sit up and to let him know that your okay - well maybe not okay, as such, but alive – but you don’t move. Just because you are ready doesn’t mean you want to; you are quite content laying there in somewhat of a peaceful silence if you discredit the waves crashing behind you and JJ’s occasional grunts.
Your throat and mouth feel like you have attempted to swallow a knife, and you scrunch your eyes shut so tight that you see shapes on the back of your eyelids – one more minute, just one more minute and then you’ll get up. One minute turns into ten seconds as you hear JJ gasp from behind you and you know he’s trying to keep his tears at bay and failing miserably. The sound of JJ – caring, wonderful JJ – losing control over his emotions is enough to get you up, the guilt is enough to get you up. Pushing past your muscle’s reservations, you push yourself up, much to JJ’s shock.
“Fuck, shit,” JJ pushes himself onto you, and you disregard the pain if only to ease the ache in your chest – you did this, you didn’t pay attention, to his or John B’s warnings and now you’ve fucked up.
“I’m sorry,” your voice sounds scratchy, and god does speaking hurt your throat. JJ laughs, and you can hear the venom in his voice before he pulls back to look at you and you see it in his eyes. He holds back, however, and you suppose that’s because you just nearly drowned. Of course, it’s because you nearly drowned, in any other situation JJ would be flying off the handle but instead, he shakes his head and embraces you again.
Your head spins, and your lungs ache as he squeezes you just a bit to tight, and although you know he didn’t mean to do it, a part of you wonders if that squeeze was his way at getting back at you for all the pain you just caused him. No, it wasn’t, but you wish that it was because you acted irrationally and you want to own up to the consequences of your actions, and he is holding back.
“We can talk about it when you don’t look half dead.”
It’s almost as if he reads your mind, and although you know you won’t like the upcoming conversation, you are glad that you are both not just going to avoid the issue forever. Whether that issue is your desperate need to prove that you are not some prissy kook who doesn’t know how to have a good time, or whether it is that you don’t know how to listen to others when they tell you an idea you have is batshit crazy.
“Wow, thanks. That’s just what I want to hear from my boyfriend.” You say sarcastically. “Half dead,” you scoff almost regretting speaking at all when your head starts to pound just that little bit harder. You wince before grimacing.
JJ catches the look and frowns, “Hospital?”
Tags: @tangledinsparkles @olivia-mccl
I mean like I could do a part 3, but idk, maybe? It would defo be longer then this itty bitty thing.
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