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allthesmutl0vers · 5 months ago
The Weight of Blood: Tom/Theo/Draco/Regulus/F!Reader (Part Nine)
Pairing: Tom Riddle x Theo Nott x Draco Malfoy x Regulus Black x F!Reader
TW: None for this chapter but some Regulus/Reader fluff. Ugh, he's so sweet it makes me sick. 🥹🫶
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Chapter Nine
“Care to share where we’re going?” I look up at Reggie as we walk through the castle. “You just told me to dress comfortably.”
Reggie wraps an arm around my waist, holding me close to his side. “Well, I thought we could grab a butterbeer before I take you to your surprise,” he chuckles. 
“A surprise? Oo, do tell,” I smirk up at him as we exit the castle. 
Reggie laughs and shakes his head, moving his hand from my waist to drape his arm over my shoulders. “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it, little lamb?” I look up at him with a half-smile and half-pout, and he rolls his eyes. “I promise it will be worth it.” 
“Does it involve all of you?” My voice comes out flirtily as we enter Hogsmeade. I stop and stand in front of Reggie, looking up at him and biting my bottom lip. “Because I think I can imagine what you have in mind if it is,” I step closer and trail a finger down his chest. 
“Careful, little lamb,” Reggie holds my wrist with one hand and pulls me closer with his other hand on the small of my back, pulling me flush with his chest. “Or else we’re going to skip the butterbeer and the surprise, and I’ll take you straight to my dorm,” his voice is low and commanding as he leans closer. 
My heart flutters in my chest, and I can feel the puddle of desire in my stomach slowly grow into a small pool. “Yes, Reggie,” I look up at him from under my lashes. I watch as he takes a deep breath, calming himself. He loves it when I turn on the submission side when we’re in public, maybe even as much as Tom. 
We have lunch at The Three Broomsticks, along with a butterbeer or two, and head over to Honeydukes. “Behave, I’ll be right back,” he says over my shoulder as I look at acid pops. I turn around to respond when I see him walk outside and talk to another Slytherin, Pansy, if I remember right? I shrug and grab some acid pops before moving over to the fizzing whizzbees. 
“Hey, y/n,” I turn to see Cedric and Cho, who walk up to me holding hands. Cedric with a shit-eating grin on his face while Cho looks a little more shy. 
I smile and wave. “Hey, guys!” I greet them as they walk up to me. “So good to see you two together.” 
Cedric chuckles and nods. “Yeah, took long enough,” he smiles and wraps a hand around Cho’s waist. “Kept me waiting, that’s for sure.” 
Cho seems to force a smile and shifts on her feet, looking between Cedric and me. “Wasn’t sure you were interested,” she looks up at Cedric. “Heard someone else caught your eye.” 
My eyebrows slightly knit together in confusion, and I look at Cedric, who looks like he’s had this talk with her a million times by the tick of his jaw and the way he tenses up. I clear my throat and look at Cho. “Well, as long as I’ve known him, the last three years he only had eyes for you,” I try to be helpful. 
“You would know, wouldn’t you?” Cho looks at me with a slight glare. 
“I’m sorry?” I can’t help but chuckle. “I mean, he’s my best mate. He talked about you all of the time.” 
Cho huffs a laugh. “Good thing he has me now. So you can bugger off.” 
My eyes widen, and I look at Cedric. “Wow.” 
Cedric rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “I’m sorry—”
“Don’t apologize to her. I know you liked her before,” Cedric opens his mouth to respond, and Cho puts up a hand, cutting him off. “Don’t even try to lie to me. Lavender told me all about it. I came up to her to be nice, and now she’s basically eye-fucking you.” 
“Excuse me?!” My voice raises as I start to get pissed. “Don’t talk to him like that, first off. Secondly, I’m in a relationship.” 
Cho laughs sarcastically. “Oh, I know all about it. Everyone does. You cheated on Cormac, lied, and got him kicked out, and now you’re rolling around with four boys.” 
“I never cheated on McClaggen, Cho. And I didn’t lie, and he got kicked out because he beat me . Not that it’s any of your fucking business.” 
“Lies, lies, and more lies,” she scoffs and turns to Cedric. “You honestly believe her?” 
“I do,” Cedric pulls away from Cho. “Nobody would lie about that, Cho. Are you serious? Where is all of this coming from? You never had a problem with her before.” 
Cho crosses her arms over her chest. “That’s because she was never such a big slut before,” she turns to me. “What? One dick wasn’t enough, so you needed three more?” Her tone is mocking and, quite frankly, pissing me the fuck off. 
“What’s going on here?” Regulus says behind her, moving between her and Cedric to stand at my side. “Is there a problem?” He looks between the three of us, resting his hand on the small of my back. 
“Yeah, she wants to fuck my boyfriend. Guess you all aren’t enough for her.” 
“Cho! Enough!” Cedric yells, grabbing the attention of everyone around us. 
I prepare myself for Reggie to go off, to hex or jinx her, but instead, he just laughs. “No offense, Cho, was it?” Reggie cocks his head. “But I highly doubt that, considering one of us is with her at all times, and we trust her. Seems like maybe you could do with learning how to trust a little, however.” 
Cho’s eyes narrow on Reggie for a moment before she turns to Cedric. “Are you really going to stand there and let him talk to me like that?” 
Cedric goes to speak when Reggie steps forward, pulling me with him. “Considering how you talked to my girl, I’ll speak to you however I see fit,” he turns to Cedric. “You have a problem with that, Diggory?” 
Cedric smirks and shakes his head. “Not at all, Black,” he waves his hand to Cho, whose mouth hangs open like a fish. “Y/n is my best mate. I won’t stand for the way she is speaking about her either,” Cedric smirks. 
“Excellent,” Reggie smiles and turns to Cho. His smile falls, and his eyes narrow down at her. “I don’t put my hands on women, but I suggest you move it along, Chang. Unless you prefer my girl here to walk you out like a dog.”
“I wouldn’t mind,” I smirk at Cho, tilting my head curiously. “It’s your choice.”
Cho’s face turns red with embarrassment and anger. She huffs and flips her hair over her shoulder as she turns and walks away. I purse my lips, trying not to laugh, which is a lost cause the second I look at Cedric and Reggie.
“I don’t think we’ve officially met, Cedric,” Cedric offers his hand to Reggie. 
Reggie shakes his hand with a smile. “Regulus. It’s nice to finally meet you. My girl speaks highly of you.” 
Cedric smiles and nods. “I’d hope so. We’ve known each other for six years,” he chuckles. “Sorry about Cho, I didn’t know she was fucking psychotic,” he shrugs. “I’m not into drama. There’s enough of that shit going around every day, and I don’t need it in a relationship.”
Reggie waves a hand. “Don’t worry about it. You stuck up for her,” Reggie holds me close, and I rest a hand on his chest. “That’s all that matters to me,” he looks down at me with a smile and kisses my forehead. “As long as she’s safe and happy, I’m happy.” 
“I feel the same way,” Cedric smiles at me. “She’s my best friend, and after all that shit that when down with McClaggen,” Cedric looks at me. “I’m happy you found people who treat you right.” 
“Yeah,” I smile and look up at Reggie lovingly. “I sure did.” 
Reggie winks and looks back at Cedric. “Well, I hate to cut this short, but I promised her a surprise, and I don’t intend to break it. It was nice to meet you, Cedric,” Reggie shakes his hand again. “I’ll let the others know you’re cool. I’ll be sure to put your name on the list for our next house party.” 
Cedric shakes his hand with a nod and a kind smile. “Nice to meet you, too. And sounds like fun, we throw parties too. I’ll send an invite for you guys with y/n.” 
We say goodbye to Cedric and make our way back to the castle. I hold Reggie’s arm with my hands as we walk. “I take it the surprise is at the castle?” I chuckle. 
“No fooling you, little lamb,” Reggie laughs and smiles. We get closer to the grounds, and Reggie stops us and moves to stand in front of me with a bandana. “Here, put this on,” he moves it up to cover my eyes and tie it around my head. 
“What’s going on, Reggie?” I giggle with excitement as he takes my hand and guides me. 
“You’ll see,” I hear him chuckle. We walk for a few more minutes until we come to a stop, and I feel him behind me, his hands sliding up and down my arms. “You ready?” He asks in my ear, his warm breath falling down my shoulder and neck, sending a pleasant shiver up my spine. 
“Yes,” my voice comes out as a breathy whisper as he kisses the sweet spot behind my ear he knows I love. He chuckles softly in my ear as his fingers until the blindfold moves away from my eyes, and I can see. “Oh, Reggie,” I gasp softly as I cover my mouth with my hand. “How did you?” 
Reggie moves to stand at my side, facing me as he takes my hand and pulls it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to my knuckles. “You told me before how much you love it. I’ll never forget anything you tell me, especially when it’s about you. Me and Tom had it built last night.”
I admire the small outdoor ice skating rink, and my eyes water with happiness. I turn to Reggie and jump into his arms, draping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his. “I love it,” I whisper against his lips when I pull back. 
Reggie holds me up under my ass with one arm, and his free hand brushes my hair out of my face. “I’m happy you like it, babygirl. What do you say we try it out, hm?” He smiles and sets me back on my feet with a kiss on the tip of my nose. 
Reggie puts on my skates for me and his before we step onto the ice. I feel my heart get lighter as I push myself forward and glide across the smooth surface, spinning around to see Reggie skating toward me with ease. “You know how to skate?” I ask with surprise. 
Reggie nods as he stops right in front of me, placing his hands on my waist and pulling me to his chest. “Not until I found out how much you love it,” he smiles, admiring my face lovingly as he brushes my hair over my shoulder. Reggie looks into my eyes and smiles. “I learned how to for you.” 
My heart flutters in my chest. I’ve never had someone learn how to do something just because I love it. “Reggie, that’s so sweet,” I drape my arms around his neck and pull him down to my level to press a kiss on his lips. 
“I’d do anything for you, little lamb,” he breaks the kiss and cups the sides of my face over my hair. “I would happily light your match and watch the entire planet burn at our feet if that’s what you wanted.” 
“You’d burn the world down for me?” I meet his eyes, seeing the blaze behind them.
Reggie shakes his head softly. “No. I would burn down the Earth . You are my world. My stars, my moon, my sun,” he places my hand on his chest, and I feel his heart beating in his chest. “You are every beat of my heart.”
“Oh, Reggie,” my voice comes out light and airy. “You’re mine, too,” I pull him in for another kiss. This time, the kiss is slow and passionate. It’s full of the little words we haven’t said, words that don’t need to be said right at this moment because we can feel them in our kiss. I’ll say them eventually, maybe tomorrow, maybe a week or a month from now. But right now, I don’t have to because I can feel that he knows, just as I hope he knows I do. 
We skate together, gliding across the ice, and Reggie is really good. I have no idea where he learned the spin moves he does with me, but I really don’t care. All I care about at this moment is Reggie spinning me in his arms on the ice, stealing kisses, and telling me how beautiful I am. 
I’m happy. 
“Are you sure he’s even coming?” Draco huffs and leans against the trunk of a tree in the forest. Not a patient bone in his body, that one. 
I roll my eyes and shake my head. They need to watch their tone, watch what they say in front of Krum. They could very likely blow this whole fucking thing up if one of them mentions her in front of him, despite my multiple warnings. 
I turn to Draco, narrowing my eyes warningly. “Be patient. He’ll be here,” I look at him and Theodore. “And I don’t need to remind either of you to watch what you say, correct?” 
Theodore rolls his eyes lazily as he pulls his cigarette to his lips. “Merlin, not this again.”
I take a step toward Theodore, ready to hex his ass for his smart mouth. “Simmer down, he’s just fucking with you,” Draco’s hand stops me on my chest. 
I shove his hand off of me and turn to him. “This is not time to fuck around . I won’t lose what we have because he can’t keep his fucking mouth shut,” I turn around and shake my head. “Knew I should’ve had Regulus come instead,” I mutter to myself. 
“Am I interrupting?” I hear a man’s thick, Bulgarian accent speak of to my side. 
I pull my wand as a precaution as I turn to him, keeping my wand low at my side. “Depends. Are you Krum?” I narrow my eyes warily. 
He holds up his empty hands and laughs. “I am a friend. Now, if you wouldn’t mind putting away your wand,” he nods to the wand in my hand. 
I clench my jaw and put my wand back in the pocket of my robe, ready to draw quickly if needed. “You’re late.” 
Krum lowers his hands back to his sides. “Had some pressing matters to handle first.”
Draco clears his throat as he and Theodore move to stand at my sides. “Such as?” 
I don’t miss the slight glare Krum gives Draco before he wipes it off of his face. “Such as ensuring this wasn’t a trap. Sensitive topic, I’m sure you understand.”
“We understand,” I answer before one of them can say something stupid. “Are you alone?” 
“I am never alone. But my friend has assured me he will remain unseen unless his assistance is required,” Krum turns to look at me. “Shall we discuss plans?” 
I straighten my back, keeping my facial expressions in check and blank. “Our leader has agreed to host you over the holidays for a more formal meeting. How many wizards should we expect to host?” 
“I’ll be attending with a few friends from Durmstrang, along with a few individuals from outside of the school. There will be five of us, myself included. More will join at a later date once security is confirmed.” 
I nod once. “Very well, I will let our leader know,” the phrase ‘our leader’ leaves a sour taste on my tongue as I speak it. But I refuse to allow any emotions to show. 
An owl I don’t recognize swoops down and lands on Krum’s shoulder with a note in its beak. My jaw clenches as he opens it and reads it. “It would appear that one of yours has been seen skating with a mudblood,” Krum smirks and tsks. “Surely you have no knowledge of this fraternization , correct?”
Shit. Shit. SHIT . Fucking Regulus.
I quickly school my expression as I come up with a lie. “I do, as a matter of fact.” 
Krum’s eyebrow raises in curiosity. “Is that so? And what purpose would that serve?” 
“To gain her trust. Lure her into a false sense of security,” I answer with a slight shrug. “Surely you realize there are more mudbloods and blood traitors here,” Krum nods once. “I have decided to lure certain individuals into thinking we are friends while also gaining recruits to assist in the endeavor.” 
The corner of Krum’s mouth curls into a smirk, and it takes every ounce of my self-control not to kill him where he stands. “Very ingenious indeed. I must admit I had reservations about your ability to lead and gather the recruits required. However, you seem more than capable,” I clench my jaw tight as the fucking prick continues. “Is Ms. LeStrange aware of your plans and the measures you've taken?” 
“She trusts me to do what needs to be done here,” I answer flatly, despite the raging fire coursing through my body. “Just as I am trusting you to do what needs to be done at Durmstrang.” 
“Hm. Interesting tactic,” Krum smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “One that we most definitely should bring up at our next meeting. I’m sure you will have some most impressive results to share at that time.” 
“I assure you, I will,” I fight the urge to respond through gritted teeth. 
Krum nods. “Well, if there is nothing further, I will be heading back,” he nods to the castle beyond the forest behind me, Draco and Theodore. “Can't say I wish to stay longer. This school reeks of mudbloods and blood traitors. They leave a certain,” he rubs two fingers together and scrunches his nose as if he’s trying to find the right words. “Odor. Good night,” he smirks and disapperates right before our eyes. 
“He knows,” Theodore speaks in a low tone at my side. 
“He has no idea what he knows,” I answer through gritted teeth. “But it seems our plans to wait to tell her may have changed.” 
“Meaning?” Draco’s voice comes out frustrated. 
“Meaning we need to get her out of here. Tonight.”
Part Ten
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wolftattoo · 2 years ago
i just found a total drama webcomic where chris mccl;ain is arguing about steven universe drama
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fearmyongering · 2 years ago
Lwhmv cg Dur, swyf Npsbup Npyfrm-nafsf.
Vpxlqrvcgu wo kbx lgma mxsajeaes— aq ofksoep mhgwrvcgu smjy xhlgfyem. W irpx hwtsl lsso r ghhgncfr ct qviifw oicms zjby mbaq, gifshizhz fais u zczjrna yfrwnr ct b xlhoh, yg cy wh irx vumqsx t rwwzmbif mt mhqwbc weukqsm pwhizh mbaq tuvwzjks tfgls. Nasm xvlx if rcj ht swvlrnzgba, hpgdllbhy rvy hbst fommabs iy hvfzl lohpsgx qwstfx zjma nas evrfbnq mt nawg qcuvy, yyhbxfwox yoyjw ssx hc mfid ul rvyf obe fhes lfsg, ksbevlbhy cjykmcov yemw yg jthvfkcv imrqulhg. Bex pbsr wm pcftv— nayq cjyg qovjy mbw mhbxfg irlf cf dophif pw nayeqsfosg. J yuoy zcolw ct uycl nzgba, tbr jk cl xggba ng bp xihx slmghfs, gflvcfe spxfmpey mi vcdygr co kbxg sq hbxm hbby xpwpmnawbh. Kbxs wtsh mccl ds pcdj hi zc hp kbbm zczfaczf rhw fats nafcvxb bn xmf nxb apenam. A ya, hh rcvsnl ufb kcmv o qrmlcgl gfhkzz sokhalu, ugussvx. B, udpsuwm oo fomwsqh ztqwox qaul G goldsdk u zlwyh xtaohv nh gq psjnhouzig xmc hi mvsji xhcfe, og ecclzhz zgpkukr hp nbtn lfwm fcbtkyk ixdsll as gfl mbw lsrm tsx pytlk, yg cm rfjmyl gw azilsf bex vfgqsl mc hiv ywaw.
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starseedfxofficial · 2 months ago
Unlocking the McClellan Oscillator on the Daily Timeframe: Your Secret Weapon for Strategic Forex Trading Have you ever felt like you’re missing a secret ingredient in your Forex trading recipe? The McClellan Oscillator on the daily timeframe might just be that elusive spice. This lesser-known tool can transform your trading approach, offering insights that many traders overlook. Buckle up as we dive deep into how this powerful indicator works, its advantages, and why it deserves a prime spot in your trading toolkit. Why the McClellan Oscillator Deserves More Hype The McClellan Oscillator, originally designed for stock market breadth analysis, measures momentum by comparing advancing and declining assets. While it’s a staple in equity markets, its application in Forex is an untapped goldmine. When applied to currency pairs on the daily timeframe, it reveals: - Trend Reversals: Spot potential turning points before they’re obvious on other indicators. - Divergences: Identify when momentum isn’t aligning with price action. - Momentum Strength: Gauge the strength of trends to decide whether to hold or fold. Think of it as a traffic light for your trades—flashing green for entry, yellow for caution, and red for exits. How to Use the McClellan Oscillator on the Daily Timeframe 1. Setting It Up To leverage the McClellan Oscillator, ensure your charting platform supports custom indicators. If not, platforms like TradingView or MetaTrader have plugins or scripts available. - Step 1: Add the McClellan Oscillator to your chart. - Step 2: Configure it to use Forex pairs instead of stocks. Pair-specific settings might require tweaking to match your trading style. 2. Reading the Signals The oscillator oscillates (pun intended!) around a zero line, creating buy and sell signals: - Above Zero: Momentum is bullish. Look for buying opportunities. - Below Zero: Momentum is bearish. Shorting might be your best bet. - Divergence: When the oscillator moves in the opposite direction of price, brace yourself—a trend shift may be coming. 3. Combining with Other Indicators For best results, pair the McClellan Oscillator with: - Moving Averages: Confirm trends and reduce noise. - RSI: Validate overbought or oversold conditions. - Fibonacci Retracements: Identify precise entry and exit points. The Daily Timeframe Advantage Why the daily timeframe, you ask? Here’s the deal: - Less Noise: Fewer false signals compared to lower timeframes. - Broader Trends: Capture big-picture moves rather than getting whiplashed by intraday fluctuations. - Efficient Analysis: Spend less time staring at charts while maximizing insights. In essence, the daily timeframe offers the clarity of a mountain view—wide-reaching and strategic. Common Pitfalls (And How to Dodge Them) - Ignoring Divergences: Many traders dismiss divergences as “minor” signals. Don’t make this rookie mistake—divergences are often the first whispers of a major shift. - Overloading Indicators: Simplicity wins. Combining too many tools with the McClellan Oscillator can lead to analysis paralysis. - Neglecting Fundamentals: While technical analysis is powerful, remember that major news events can override any indicator. Use the oscillator alongside economic calendars. Real-Life Case Study: Turning Insights into Profits Let’s talk about a trader named Lisa (because who doesn’t love relatable characters?). Lisa struggled with inconsistent results, feeling like every move she made was a coin toss. Enter the McClellan Oscillator. - Scenario: Lisa analyzed EUR/USD using the oscillator on the daily timeframe. - Observation: Divergence appeared as the price hit a key resistance level. - Action: She shorted the pair, set a stop-loss above resistance, and targeted a recent support zone. - Result: The trade yielded a 3:1 reward-to-risk ratio, boosting her confidence and her account. The takeaway? When used correctly, the McClellan Oscillator can turn chaos into clarity. Quick Recap: Why You Should Start Using the McClellan Oscillator Today - Spot Reversals: Stay ahead of the herd. - Gauge Momentum: Know when to ride trends or step aside. - Reduce Noise: Focus on actionable insights rather than overwhelming data. Elite traders aren’t just those who work harder—they work smarter. And integrating the McClellan Oscillator into your strategy is a genius-level move. Want to Take Your Trading to the Next Level? At StarseedFX, we’re dedicated to helping traders uncover the market’s best-kept secrets. Whether you’re looking for cutting-edge tools or exclusive insights, we’ve got you covered. Explore Our Services: - Latest Economic Indicators and Forex News - Advanced Forex Education - Community Membership for Expert Analysis - Free Trading Plan - Smart Trading Tool Essential Takeaways for Your Forex Journey - Dive into lesser-known tools like the McClellan Oscillator for an edge. - Embrace the daily timeframe for clearer trends and better decision-making. - Avoid common pitfalls by balancing technical and fundamental analysis. As the saying goes, “Trade smarter, not harder.” With the McClellan Oscillator on your side, you’ll be well on your way to smarter, more strategic trading. —————– Image Credits: Cover image at the top is AI-generated Read the full article
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media-bias-fact-check · 10 months ago
Media Bias Fact Check Reviews Pro-Life Advocacy Group MCCL: A Quick Look at Bias and Factual Reporting
On Friday, Media Bias Fact Check (MBFC) reviewed the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL), a pro-life advocacy organization. The MCCL was found to have a right-leaning bias and mixed factual reporting. The MCCL, funded by donations, membership fees, and fundraising events, endorses and supports candidates through its PACs to influence abortion-related policies. MBFC’s analysis revealed…
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
McCloskey had no obvious political gain from advocating for a tougher US response to the war in Bosnia, but advocate he did.
This November 2 marked the 20th anniversary of the passing of Frank McCloskey, the Democratic congressman for Indiana who became one the most dedicated advocates for Bosnia during the 1992-95 war.
In the academic literature on US policy towards Bosnia in the early 1990s, the focus has long been on former President Bill Clinton and how several top officials of his administration shaped the response to the war in Bosnia. In Bosnian public discourse after 1995, US policy was looked at through the impact of a few top officials, foremost among them Richard Holbrooke, the chief architect of the Dayton Peace Accords that ended the war.
But the story of US public figures and their advocacy for Bosnia did not start in 1995 and was not limited to top administration officials. It is far more nuanced, and began in 1992 with a number of elected officials speaking up for Bosnia and trying to steer US policy towards one of intervention. McCloskey was one of them.
The congressman’s impressive advocacy was first described to the wider public by Samantha Power in her award-winning book “A Problem From Hell:” America and the Age of Genocide, published in 2002, seven years after the war in Bosnia ended.
Power vividly portrayed McCloskey as a truly committed elected official laser-focused on drawing attention to the plight of Bosnia in the corridors of power in Washington.
His persistence put him at odds with the Clinton administration, particularly after he called publicly in October 1993 for the resignation of Secretary of State Warren Christopher over his “utter failure” on Bosnia.
McCloskey sought to steer US policy both on Capitol Hill and beyond. In Washington, he pioneered the use of the term ‘genocide’ to describe the crimes committed against Bosniaks. In the House of Representatives, he supported legislation aimed at lifting a United Nations-imposed arms embargo on Bosnia. McCloskey wrote numerous letters to politicians and leaders urging them to step in to aid Bosnia.
The McCloskey Amendment
Of his many legislative initiatives on Bosnia, McCloskey’s legislative capstone was his amendment to H.R.4301 – the National Defense Authorisation Act for Fiscal Year 1995.
McCloskey’s amendment passed in the House on June 9, 1994 by 244 votes to 178. It placed the House of Representatives on record in calling for the embargo to be lifted and represented a powerful rebuke to the Clinton administration’s Bosnia policy.
The passing of the amendment was a major victory for the congressional Bosnia hawks in their efforts to shape US policy. Opposed by the Clinton administration, the passage of the McCloskey amendment showed the support for Bosnia on Capitol Hill and the willingness of US legislators to take a more assertive position to end the war.
Ultimately, his commitment to Bosnia and his neglect of domestic politics cost him his career. In the November 1994 elections, McCloskey was defeated by a Republican rival.
Samantha Power quoted McCloskey as saying that he would rather “actively try to stop the slaughter than run and continue to win, knowing that I didn’t face this.”
Many years after first reading Power’s book, I set out to research in greater detail McCloskey’s advocacy for Bosnia by exploring his congressional papers at Indiana University Bloomington, digitalised by the university’s excellent librarians.
The papers lay bare McCloskey’s continuous and remarkable efforts to assist Bosnia from 1992 until his electoral defeat in late 1994. They allow researchers to piece together the story of McCloskey’s advocacy and gain insight into the various forces at play both supporting and opposing McCloskey’s activism at the time.
McCloskey had no ancestral links to Bosnia or any Indiana constituents from Bosnia; he drew no political benefit from spending his time and energy advocating for a beleaguered nation thousands of miles away. Yet, his commitment to the Bosnian cause outweighed any other considerations.
Bosnia remains McCloskey’s lasting foreign policy legacy from a career on Capitol Hill that ran from 1983 to 1995. Bosnia changed him, but he did his utmost to change US policy towards Bosnia. Though inexplicably neglected in both the academic literature and public discourse, the role of McCloskey and other Bosnia hawks from the early 1990s remain both inspiring but also an integral part of both Bosnia’s recent history and the history of US foreign policy towards the Balkans.
Six years after his death, in 2009, the Sarajevo Cantonal Assembly named a bridge in the Otoka district of the Bosnian capital after the Indiana congressman. This was a long-overdue recognition of McCloskey’s tireless efforts in support of Bosnia, preserving the memory of the unsung hero of the legislative battle for Bosnia on Capitol Hill.
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mspi · 1 year ago
SHOCKING MOMENT: Education Secretary Cardona Repeatedly Evades Lisa McCl...
Happy most my family knew not to go for college loans. Grants & scholarships sure. But OMG tomorrow's never promised and What If. Shared this with my nurse's teen who wants to go to a 4-yr college but has no clue how it'll get paid. Uhh, most the letters from universities are ads to get you to apply.
The dodging of the questions irks me beyond belief. Just answer the friggin question. 🎯
Still wondering why my sis wanted me to become a lawyer. What? She's not happy with all the tech I made and brought to her? There were fun games too.
-- dnagirl
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maiosx · 2 years ago
Redemption | Official Trailer | Jason Statham | Agata Buzek | Vicky McCl...
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habbernack · 2 years ago
SHOCKING MOMENT: Education Secretary Cardona Repeatedly Evades Lisa McCl...
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kaelatargaryen · 1 year ago
Girrrrrrrrrl!!!!! It’s a THING. They’re even beginning to refuse proper capitalization in NAMES. I’ve been fighting with cash app since September because I have an Irish last name, so I have capital letters IN my last name and they refused to change it after printing it incorrectly on my card stating that it’s still my name even without the capitalization so what’s the big deal and I went through the roof.
I swear to god it makes my blood boil the way language and grammar is so disregarded these days. It’s 100% what I believe leads to miscommunication and misunderstandings that lead to barriers between people. Capitalization, grammar and punctuation are important parts of context clues and are necessary for written communication!!! It is literally what makes written language understandable and decipherable!!
The McL in my name is what makes it known that my name starts with a “Muh” sound, not a “Mick” or “Mack” sound WHICH IS GENERALLY REPRESENTED BY A McCl or MacL/MaCl SPELLING IF IT WERE!!!! Which is also because of the English translation from Gaelic, which you disrespect when you decide how you want to spell it based on how it looks and not what it means
But noooooo, everything has to be little, and I get wanting to be cute but we do still need proper grammar!!! I’m too fired up about it lmao
Unpopular opinion: if you don't use capital letters in your fanfic I blatantly refuse to read it, I don't care how many notes or how popular it is.
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kinialohaguy · 2 years ago
SHOCKING MOMENT: Education Secretary Cardona Repeatedly Evades Lisa McCl...
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5secondsofrant · 6 years ago
A mess: the essay.
This post contains personal opinions and theories based on research I’ve done. Don’t take any of this as a confirmation of anything.
This post’s purpose is not to hate on anyone mentioned here but to share what I’ve found and think about it as a whole.
I’m always up for discussion, while it’s done with respect to me but also about the people we’re talking about.
This isn’t what you think by the name. I just don’t know how to name this. And also, I might add, this might not be an actual essay but it might be pretty fucking long and overall a mess, but bear with me.
Yesterday I got an ask in which the anon told me that Kaykay is now being followed by White Horse Agency, and I was like “I might do some research”, and I did it, leading me to find some things that I thought were interesting and I wanted to share them with you.
Well, as you might know, Crystal has a degree on PR and a Master’s degree on communication. Back in the day (aka 2014), she had her own company called WhiteLabel.Social and it was basically aimed to be like a “bridge” between influencers and brands and make publicity that didn’t look like it. Honestly, I don’t know what’s up with the company. The only info I gathered (since this wasn’t the main focus) was the Linkedin page, which has a link with a website that seems abandoned in my opinion (like, it doesn’t have contact info, it doesn’t show works they’ve done, faqs, or like anything you’d expect from a website that is still working), but linkedin says she’s still working on it, so it might be up, but it also says she’s working as a “Talent manager” for an enterprise called “Untitled Entertainment” since January.
Now, leaving that context aside, and going back to the reason on why I’m doing this is basically because it called my attention that every girl that has been seen with the boys in public or has been “official”, has been related to Crystal somehow. A few examples are Bryana (who is still literally friends with her) and Arzaylea (who was one of her examples in the WhiteLabel website and how they seemed friendly during the sgfg tour, or at least stood together to watch some shows). 
Now, this whole White Horse Agency didn’t surprise me at all, since she and Michael have been featured on it (find waldo) and also, this year, she was photographed for it (2nd photo) --small note here, but I thought it was interesting that her invitation to coachella was sponsored by sugar bear hair and then she was out giving support to james charles lol--, but in my attempt to use Google, I came across this website and this is the reason why I’m writing this whole thing.
The website it’s called influencers(.)co, and it literally tells you that the main idea of the site is to be like a “linkedin for influencers”. Now, before I show you, I want to clarify how it works: the FAQ explains that you sign up by giving the account access to your Instagram, and then you can create a profile showcasing your work and why brands should contact you.
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(Source: https://influence.co/go/faq)
Here’s Crystal’s:
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(source: https://influence.co/crystalleigh)
What you see here is what I was explaining. The page seems really well-put together. It also shows you the starting price point for a post made by her, but I wanted to share this because what called my attention (and honestly shocked me a little -too new in this fandom for this kind of stuff I guess-) is this:
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When you click in “blog”, it shows an article where she shows her home and stuff and then when you go to “other media” everything you find is related to the engagement articles that were made (that were a lot for Michael, to be honest--like why the fuck brides dot com is interested in michael--but I guess that has been discussed). Showing articles that revolve around your engagement like the job you do promoting on Instagram to sell clothes/hotels is just... weird to me, to say at least.
Moving on, I thought “Well, I guess Sierra has one too?”, and yep she has a page too (https://influence.co/sierradeaton), it isn’t as put together as Crystal’s, and I guess she hasn’t updated because she’s still under Essy.
Then I thought, what about Kaykay? Wanna guess? Here’s her profile.
Kaykay and Sierra both have in common as “people who have tagged them” Crystal and her friend Mariah. 
After showing you this, I’d like to go back to what I questioned earlier. It’s just so weird to me that Crystal seems to be friends with the boys’s girlfriends (or supposed girlfriends) when there’s a noticeable distance between she and Ashton, Luke and Calum.
You can actually find photos of Sierra and Crystal that look like ones you’d take with friends (like this one) and there’s this one too, also, don’t forget she defended Sierra on Twitter from all the hate she was getting (like, I log in here and there and still haven’t came across a hater) and also this and this honorable mention out of Sierra’s twitter.
Also, it’s suspicious to me that this photo:
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includes the two “actual” gfs being so friendly with Crystal and also the place: a TAO restaurant (why I mention the restaurant? Because Crystal did publicity for it and Michael actually attended an inauguration)
You’re probably at this point like “what’s the fucking point of this essay” and to be honest, at this point I have no fucking idea. But it’s just weird to me. I mean, I can see why they can be friendly since it seems they have Mitchy in common as friends, but still, not to look down on Sierra or Kaykay but I highly doubt they know about websites like influencers(.)co. 
With this post I’m not saying that any relationship is real or fake, but I just want to know if there’s some of you who doesn’t find this weird? Like, something doesn’t fit right here and I can’t pinpoint what it is. How is it that all the girls related to the boys (that we have known of) end up turning into some sort of influencer? or just linked with Crystal and the brands she works with when you see the polite distance between Crystal and the rest of the boys? I know these girls are individuals, but it still feels like Crystal helping them to become an influencer like she did at some point or somehow drags them into stuff related to publicity? Because one thing is being friends even if Crystal doesn’t get along with their partner (because as I said they’re individuals who can take decisions and might have met her first and the dynamics might be different) but other thing is being related to the same brands. I don’t know if I’m explaining properly my point but I hope you can understand.
I heard this once but I don’t know if I recall it correctly: once is an incident, two's a coincidence but three is a pattern. Maybe I’m too new here to figure out the pattern, but maybe some of you can see something else, so... Yeah, basically wanted to share my thoughts and that website that honestly astonished me. Thoughts?
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megustacat · 7 years ago
Plot twist
Dajan is the fifth datable option.
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arko006-blog · 5 years ago
Marico CFO Vivek Karve resigns - ET Retail
Marico CFO Vivek Karve resigns – ET Retail
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New Delhi : FMCG firm Marico on Thursday said its chief financial officer Vivek Karve has resigned from the company. It has appointed its executive vice president & head – finance, Pawan Agrawal as its next CFO, Marico said in a regulatory filing.
The board of the company in a meeting held on Thursday has accepted the resignation of Karve, who was associated with Marico from last 20…
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objetivoreggaeton · 5 years ago
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MC CL, MC Vinny, Junior Lord fanno festa nella Pousada No Pai
MC CL, MC Vinny, Junior Lord e DJ Loirin sanno bene che l'unione fa la forza e pubblicano Pousada No Pai.
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smartphonediaries · 5 years ago
via All news, US and international. https://ift.tt/3hGoEl2
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